THE TRAILBLAzER TIMES - Project Hope Foundation
THE TRAILBLAzER TIMES - Project Hope Foundation
HOPE ACADEMY s e m i t r e z a l b l i a r T e h T Volume 10, Issue 5 January 2009 P r esch ool Ne ws K-3 Ms. Sue Ms. Cindy The 3K Bears have had another great month at Hope! We learned letters J & K, numbers 10 & 11, and the shape of a circle. We have also been making lots of Christmas crafts and decorations for our trees at home. Our Read-it-Again story this month was The Mitten about a boy that loses a white mitten in the snow, and it becomes a warm sanctuary for many different animals. At the end of the lessons I brought in a large white mit- The warm mitten becomes a sanctuary. ten made out of a sheet. The children got to pretend to be different animals all stuffing into the mitten, just like the story. We also shared photos and stories of our grandparents and learned that grandmas go by many different names, like Baba in our story, to Norney, Nana, Grammy, GrAnn, Grandma, and many more. Thank you to our 3K parents and volunteers who keep our class running smoothly. We wish all of our extended Hope Family a happy and safe holiday vacation and look forward to starting another great month of learning and playing in January. K-3/K3/K-4 Ms. Brenda Ms. Elizabeth Welcome back to school, we hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and break from school. We missed everyone very much. In January we will learn all about Wintertime and food around the world. Our letters for the month are U, C, O, and Q. We will also be learning about the numbers 7, 8, 9, and 10. We will spend three weeks on wintertime and one week on food around the world. In art, we will make snowman mosaics, glittery snowflakes, and snowflakes snow drawing, just to name a few. In science we will do a water experiment and make frost. In social studies we will do a winter round Inside this issue: Preschool News 1&2 Academy 1 & 2 3 Academy 2 & 3 4 Academy 4 & 5 5&6 Box Tops 7 Luminary fundraiser 7 Golf 8 Upcoming Events • Hope Stampede has been canceled. • Jan. 12 registration for next year begins. • Jan. 15 Chick-fil-a biscuit sale. • Jan. 16—19 No school • Jan. 27 Chick-fil-a Night • Feb. 13 Grandparents’ Brunch PAGE 2 THE TRAILBLAZER TIMES P re s c h o ol Ne ws ( co nt i nu e d) robin, wintertime glyph, and sort by season. On January 22nd we will go to the Peace Center to see Aesop’s Fables. K -4 Ms. Karen Ms. Lani In the month of December we have finished The Gingerbread Man by painting the fox, and working with manipulatives and worksheets. We put together and decorated a gingerbread house and made gingerbread cookies to eat. We also finished talking about our five senses. We learned about the sense of touch by guessing what was in some gloves. We learned about the sense of taste by tasting something sour, sweet, and salty. Our letters for the month have been C, O, Q, and G. We read Corduroy and made a corduroy bear for the letter C. We made: an octopus for the letter O, a queen’s crown for the letter Q, and a giraffe for the letter G. We have enjoyed learning about Christmas, making a poinsettia, a tree, Rudolph, and a wreath. We talked “In January our book will be The Napping House.” about different kinds of Christmas trees and learned about reindeer. Thanks to all our parents who sent things for our Christmas party. In January our book will be The Napping House. We will also talk about winter, weather, and seasons. We will finish learning to make our upper case ABC’s. We are learning to make S, A, I, T, and J. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and will have a good new year. K-4 the “men” that Cady’s mom brought. We have also looked at holiday traditions here as well as in other countries. It is fun to talk about traditions that are different from ours and often seem strange to us. It was great going to Barnes and Noble and having a parent go with each child. We hope each student got something new to read. Books are so important! In January, we will talk about the new year, winter, and weather. Our book will be The Napping House. Everyone in this K4 class wishes you and your loved ones a happy, safe holiday season. We hope that 2009 brings lots of happiness and good health. Ms. Kay Ms. Bernadette The children are all excited. The holidays will soon be here. Can you believe it? We have been busy practicing for our program and are looking forward to performing for our families and friends. During December, we have continued our Gingerbread Man reading and projects. The children really enjoyed decorating and eating The children decorated and ate gingerbread men. “ O ve r t h e p a s t 1 2 y e a r s , P r o j e c t H O P E F o u n d a t i o n h a s b e e n helping families meet the daily challenges of autism.” VOLUME 10, ISSUE 5 PAGE 3 Academy news A -1 Ms. Christine Ms. Kim Our class had a wonderful December filled with lots of fun, seasonal activities and culminating with an awesome Christmas program. Ms. Kim and I are so proud of our class’s performance. The children worked hard to prepare for the program, and we feel it really showed in their performance! Language Arts/Phonics: We will start off the month of January with a short review of our letter sounds and continue learning to identify short and long vowel sounds, as well as isolating ending consonant sounds. We will increase the frequency of our journal writing. Also, we will divide into guided reading groups and begin having reading books assigned as part of homework. Math: Last month, we began working with a number line to aid in completing addition and subtraction problems. The children are doing a fabulous job with this skill! In Touch Math, we have progressed from having both numbers with dots on them to only one number utilizing the dot system. Also this month, we will begin a new circle time activity: each student will begin keeping their own circle time folder. The folders will contain a calendar that they must fill in, a tally mark page to count the num- ber of school days in the month, and a weather graph page. Each morning we will fill out each page and analyze our data. Social Social Studies: We will begin learning map skills this month by creating our own maps of the classroom and the playground. We will also map out our route from the class to the playground. Science: In a combined art & science project we will make crystal snowflakes using borax soap. We will also conduct a melting experiment and discuss the different states of matter. Art: This month we will learn about the art of Henri Matisse and Helen Frankenthaler. The children will also have the opportunity to create their own versions of these famous artists’ work. This will give the children the opportunity to explore new art techniques. We hope everyone had a fun and restful break. A -2 Ms. Constance Ms. Julie Welcome back! Before our much needed winter break, I asked the Academy 2 students how they planned to spend their holiday time. I was very impressed that my students wanted most to spend time with their family. Please enjoy! Samuel: I am going to the North Pole to make toys for a girl. The toys will be nice. Thomas: I want to go to Gattitown with my family. I want to play bumper cars with Jay, Jospeh, Mom and Dad. We will go to get a toy. Owen: During winter break I want to play with my new Star Wars toy with Mom and Dad. Maya: I would play a game with my family. The game I would play is Chutes and Ladders. Mackenzie: I like to eat with my family. I really like to eat corn. Ethan: I want to go to the clubhouse to ride my bike and go bowling with my family. Grace: Over winter break, I would like to snuggle up by the fire, drink hot cocoa, and read books. I would like to watch a Christmas movie.. Also, I would like to go look at the Christmas lights. Isabelle: I would like to go to Disney World and see Mickey. I would like to go to New York. PAGE 4 THE TRAILBLAZER TIMES Academy 2 & 3 news “I asked the Academy 2 students how they planned to spend their holiday time.” Nick: I would go on vacation to the train shop with my Mommy & Daddy. Justin: I am going to work on my sports with my Dad. Then I am going to watch sports. Then I am going to play video games. Carter: I would like to play. I would like to color. Chas: Over Christmas break, I want to play with my toys and get presents. William: I would play a board game with Mom and play school. Amber: I want to go to Hollywild for Christmas. I want to play games at my house, I want to drink hot chocolate. Lyndsey: I want to read my books in my room with my brother. He will read with me. A quick reminder about our constellation box experiment. Please send in a shoe box including the lid as soon as possible. If anyone has extra boxes, those are welcome too! Also, Ms. Julie and I would like to give a special thanks for all of the holiday yummies and goodies! A -3 (continued) Ms. Marydell Ms. Marianne Happy New Year Everyone! I would like to thank all those who donated a blanket to our “Project Blankets for Love”. The recipients of the blankets were more than appreciative. Our blankets will be well used during the cold winter months to come. You are truly a loving, giving classroom family. Our 4th grade math group has begun to learn long division. They are very excited about this new skill. Using the individual matrix has really been successful and great for establishing responsibility with the 4th graders. The 3rd graders are really flying high. They are using skills such as simple division and multiplication, measurement, and solving word problems. In Social Studies the 3rd graders are learning about the First South Carolinians and a growing colony. We’ve studied how the natural environment affected the way people lived and how some groups had trouble living together. The children were really interested in artifacts and how we can study early South Carolinians by the things they left here. Our 4th graders are now ready to study the New England, Southern, and Middle colonies. Learning about our country’s beginning is so exciting. In reading we are finishing up our novel Sarah, Plain and Tall. We are not only enjoying the novel, but we are also practicing answering questions in complete sentences and writing friendly letters. In music we are studying the music of the Beatles. Jake Benedict is an expert on the Beatles. He can name almost any Beatle song in only a couple to notes. Thanks, Ms. Lisa, for such are great music class. In Art we’ve been doing some Holiday pictures. The children look forward to Art every week. Mrs. Michelle does a fabulous job. “The road ahead for people with autism depends on the attitudes o f t h e r e s t o f u s . W e n e e d t o h a ve a w i l l i n g n e s s t o c r e a t e opportunities for educational support and acceptance.” VOLUME 10, ISSUE 5 PAGE 5 Academy 4 & 5 news Academy 4 and 5 Mr. Phil, Mrs. Claire, and Mrs. Bettye Language Arts— Arts—A4 by Kensley Lollis In Academy 4 language arts, we are learning about prepositions. We are diagramming sentences and labeling sentences. We are still doing DOL. On Wed., Dec. 3rd, we went to Barnes and Noble and we selected our R&R book. Academy 4 and 5 definitions: DOL = Daily Oral Language R & R = Relax and Read In addition to composing descriptive and narrative paragraph, we began a new novel titled Maniac MaGee, which tells the story of a homeless boy who becomes a hero. We are excited about becoming “grammar code talkers” as we learn the art of diagramming grammatical elements of subject, verb, direct object, and prepositional phrases. expand our reading comprehension we studied pieces of dramatic literature in the screen play genre as well as passages of non-fiction. Expanding our expertise with essay composition is another skill that we continue to build. Science 5th Grade We have just completed an awesome unit on agents of erosion and deposition. With the study of this section we examined shoreline erosion and the creation of sea stacks, sea arches, sea caves, headlands, and wave-cut terraces. We also examined the scientific principles behind multicolored beaches. Ask any one of us how pink beaches can occur! “...we are examining shoreline erosion…” 6th Grade Grade Language Arts— Arts—A5 In Academy 5 we have continued our grammar progression with an examination of direct objects, indirect objects, predicate nominatives, predicate adjectives, and compound complements. To By Kimberly Sizemore The 6th Grade science class has just finished the sect i o n “ F o r e c a s ti ng t h e Weather”. We have learned about all the instruments used to measure air pressure, temperature, and wind speed. We made a ba- rometer that hasn’t worked yet; we are going to attempt a new design. Now we are on “What is Climate”. We are eager to learn the difference between weather and climate. We are on our last chapter and about to start a new book in January, 2009! 7th & 8th Grades By Vasilee Dimopoulos In Academy 5 science, we have been learning about the earth. We’ve learned about minerals, ores, volcanoes, earthquakes, the rock cycle, and a lot more. Mr. David has been giving us BP Technology challenges, where we are given a technical challenge, and a preset amount of time and resources. The first challenge was building a bridge. The bridge had to be able to hold a book without collapsing. Randy and Alex built the strongest bridge, so they won. Then we did another challenge, in which we had to build a free standing basketball hoop. The tallest hoop would be the winner. Randy, Natalie, and Jamie won that challenge. It was a lot of fun for all of us. PAGE 6 THE TRAILBLAZER TIMES Ac ad e my 4 & 5 N ew s Physical Education We are involved with a variety of activities this month that have helped us continue to increase our fitness levels. In addition to the whole class activity of kickball, we are learning basketball skills in small groups as we practice rebounding, dribbling, set shots and free throws. Mr. Phil helps us with our cardio with lap running and relay sprint races. Our strength training continues with pushups and medicine ball tosses. We are enjoying “pumping up” our fitness levels and having fun while we do it. tled they would rampage. They were like a steamroller. There was only one way to stop them. The cowboys would sing to them. That would calm the cattle down. Another thing is that barbed wire was invented in the cowboy times. It was invented by Joseph Glidden. I love social studies so much! The teachers that I can thank for teaching me so much information are Mrs. Bettye and Mrs. Claire. 7th Grade We began our study of Europe with a look at a number of fascinating topics which include: the Renaissance, Napoleon, Protestant Reformation, the Age of Exploration, and the French revolution. As a literRenaisssance ary connection to this unit, we will be examining the classic The Scarlet Pimpernel. 6th Grade By Lauren Avila 8th Grade In sixth grade social studies we have finished our unit on Social Studies ancient Greece and are moving on to ancient Rome. In 5th Grade ancient Greece, we had just By Christian Baliker finished making mobiles. We had to have geography, hisIn social studies or S.S. we tory, government, mythology, are doing a variety of things. economics, culture, and picWe are learning about The tures. We are now learning Transcontinental Railroad, inabout Rome and are going to ventors, cowboys, Indians, learn about the beginning of and the Homestead Act. I the republic, the birth of think my favorite so far is the C h r i s ti a ni t y , cowboys. It’s “It’s cool to know that the cowboys herded and the decool to know cattle and followed the railroad tracks to cline of the that the cowChicago.” Roman emboys herded pire. All of us cattle and folenjoy social studies. lowed the railroad tracks to Chicago. If the cattle got star- We continue our examination of South Carolina history with a close scrutiny of the reconstruction period. Major topics include the postwar tasks of maintaining order, rebuilding the economy, and sustaining American’s support for the occupation effort. Specific topics of research include “1866 Civil Rights Act,” “forty acres and a mule,” carpetbaggers, Sea Islands, sharecropping, and the 14th and 15th amendments. “forty acres and a mule…” “T o day, 1 in e very 150 A mer ican childre n is diagno se d with aut is m. A ut ism IS treatab le! Wit h early inter ve nt io n and inte nsive therapy, children with autism can lead full and active lives.” VOLUME 10, ISSUE 5 PAGE 7 Box tops contest Our next contest deadline for Box Tops is February 20. 20 It will be the same as the one before with a Webkinz drawing and a class popsicle party winner. We are really trying to encourage online shopping at the Marketplace at the Box Tops website. Go to www.boxtops4education. com to register or to shop through the Marketplace. Every online store donates a percentage of your sale back to our school, but you MUST go through the Box Tops website. So, in order to enencourage online shopping at the Marketplace, we are offeroffering one entry for each child in your family in the Webkinz drawing just for trying online shopping through the MarMarket ketplace. A verification form and a new collection sheet was sent home with your child. If you lost yours or need more, just contact Elaine Avila at and I will be happy to send you one. Thank you all for doing a great job with Box Tops. Little things really do add up to big money for our school!! As always, please contact me with any questions/ concerns. Elaine Avila 963-1848 “Contest deadline is February 20th.” L u m i na ry f u n d r a i s e r Our Luminary Fundraiser is now complete. We had 10 neighborhoods participating this year! Thank you so much, Academy 4 and 5, for bagging sand and assembling the kits. Thanks to Joe and Nikki Vaughn for donating the sand. Thank you also to all the volunteers who gave their time and worked so hard. LOVE letters benefit Mark your calendars! St. Peter’s Episcopal Church will be putting on a benefit performance for Hope Academy. The play will be taking place at Centre Stage in downtown Greenville. There will be three performances: Friday, April 3, 2009 at 8:00 pm, Saturday, April 4, 2009 in which they will be serving a BBQ dinner at 6:00 pm with the performance at 8:00 pm, and Sunday, April 5, 2009 at 3:00 pm. There will be a donation of $30.00 per person and the BBQ dinner is $7.50 per person. All proceeds will be donated to Hope Acad- Upcoming Events Hope Stampede has been can canceled. Jan 12—School registration for next year begins. Jan 15—Chick ChickChick-filfil-A biscuit sale Jan 16 & 19—No No School Jan 27 ChickChick-filfil-A Night at (Woodruff Road 12:008:00pm) Feb 13th Grandparents ‘ Brunch emy. More information on purchasing tickets will be available soon. Contact Christine Peebles for any questions at 458-8441. 5 12 19 26 11 18 25 Mon 4 Sun 6 27 20 13 Tue 7 28 21 14 Wed 8 1 29 22 15 Thu Fri 30 23 16 9 2 Sat 31 24 17 10 3 J a n u a ry 2 0 0 9 HOPE ACADEMY PMB 358 2131 Wooruff Rd. suite 2100 Greenville, SC 29607-5994 We want to thank you for Phone:(864) 676-0028 Fax: (864) 987-0764 Email: Loving to learn... learning to live. the wonderful holiday gifts and the many symbols of the generous spirit we have come to know and love about our Hope We’re on the web! or Academy families. Lisa, Susan, and Sandy Have a Happy New Year Get ready for golf! Happy 2009! We are gearing up for our best golf tournament ever, and would love for you to be a part of it! This year's tournament will be held on May 6th (the first Wednesday of the month). We will soon be accepting registrations for teams, and would love to hear from you now if you are interested in playing or sponsoring the Hope Invitational Golf Tour- nament. Let us know how you'd like to be involved. This is our largest fundraiser of the year, and we need everyone to pitch in to make it a huge success. Please email me at and indicate your area of interest, or let me know if you have any questions. We will be notifying all our previous sponsors as soon as a venue has been set. Thanks for marking the date, and we look forward to another great year of golf and fundraising for Hope Academy.