2011 Analysis of the Safety Impact of Quiet Zones at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings Interest in Quiet Zones Remains High Currently there are ◦ 165 Pre-Rule quiet zones ◦ 293 New quiet zones ◦ 76 Notices of Intent 18 quiet zones have been identified by FRA as no longer being qualified since 2008 (QZRI too large) Question – Have quiet zones negatively impacted safety? Contents Data Collection Eliminated Data Collision Data Selected Study Methodology Data Analysis Results Conclusion Next Steps This presentation will cover the results of research performed to determine whether or not quiet zone implementation has had a negative impact on crossing safety. Qualifying Conditions Supplemental Safety Measures (SSMs) must be put into place at all public crossings. The QZRI is less than or equal to the NSRT without additional safety measures. Alternative Safety Measures (ASMs) are taken to reduce the QZRI so that is it less than or equal to the RIWH or the NSRT. May include SSMs. SSMs are installed at certain crossings to ensure that the QZRI is less than or equal to the NSRT or the RIWH. Data Collection CCM Data Base GCIS and RAIRS •contains all of the relevant information about a quiet zone. •includes a train horn rule number assigned to a quiet zone •identifies how the quiet zone was established (BasSection ) and the QZ Type (Pre-Rule or New) in a searchable and downloadable database The Grade Crossing Inventory System (GCIS) contains information on all crossings and was used to identify the characteristics of the individual crossings within the quiet zone. Railroad Accident Incident Reporting System (RAIRS) contains information on how many incidents have occurred at particular crossings and the details of those incidents. Data Collection Quiet Zones (observed) 5% New (188) 52% New Partial (5) Pre Rule (148) Pre Rule Partial (18) 41% 2% 75 Quiet Zones were eliminated • (73) Data Elements with less than 1 year of comparative data • (2) No Valid NOE date 359 Quiet Zones in the study pool Data Used Group Established Between Months of Data Total Quiet Zones Pre NOE Incidents Post NOE Incidents 1 Jun-05 Jan-06 60 178 124 121 2 Feb-06 Jan-07 48 36 9 11 3 Feb-07 Jan-08 36 45 22 27 4 Feb-08 Jan-09 24 50 8 10 5 Feb-09 Jan-10 12 50 5 2 6 Feb-10 Present Not Included Not Included • 12 months increments to eliminate seasonal variations • May have been collisions outside the 12 month periods Data Analysis: Grouping Data Group Established Between 1 2 3 4 5 6 Group 1A Jun-05 Feb-06 Feb-07 Feb-08 Feb-09 Feb-10 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Present Established Between Jun-05 Jan-06 Consecutive months of data Number of QZs in group 60 48 36 24 12 178 36 45 50 50 Not Included Consecutive months of data 60 Number of QZs in group 158 Only 20 QZs are New! Study Methodology: Hypothesis Hypothesis • Our hypothesis is that there will be no statistical difference between the number of incidents that occurred before the quiet zone was established and the number of incidents that occurred after the quiet zone was established (due to the installation of SSMs/ASMs compensating for the lack of a train horn). If P-value = 1 − P(|T| ≤ |t|) > α = 0.05 then do not reject H0; otherwise reject H0 In English… A t-test tells us whether or not there is a statistical significance between incidents that occurred before and after the quiet zone was established. If the test results in a number greater than .05 then we cannot reject our hypothesis. NOTE: Failure to reject the hypothesis DOES NOT mean acceptance Data Analysis: Other Comparisons BasSection The Rule section in 49 CFR 222 by which the QZ established. Motorist Vehicle Type The type of vehicle the motorist was driving Pre Rule vs. New QZs Comparisons of Pre-rule quiet zones to New quiet zones Motorist Actions What, if anything, the motorist did to cause the incident Data Analysis: Raw Data Group Observations (# of QZs) Pre-QZ Incidents # Incidents per Pre-QZ Post-QZ Incidents # Incidents per Post-QZ 1 178 130 0.7303371 124 0.69662921 1A 158 121 0.7658228 115 0.7278481 2 36 9 0.25 11 0.30555556 3 45 22 0.4888889 27 0.6 4 50 8 0.16 10 0.2 5 50 7 0.14 4 0.08 TOTAL 517 176 176 Red indicates a larger number of incidents per quiet zone Data Analysis: How Established BasSection RP – not auto 222.41(c) qualified PR – part – auto – QZRI<2*NSRT 222.41(b)(1)(iii) PR – part – auto – 222.41(b)(1)(ii) QZRI<NSRT PR – auto – 222.41(a)(1)(iv) QZRI<RIWH PR – QZRI<2*NSRT 222.41(a)(1)(iii) PR – 222.41(a)(1)(ii) QZRI<NSRT PR – SSMs at222.41(a)(1)(i) all crossings New – ASMs222.39(b)(4)(i)(B) – QZRI<NSRT New – ASMs 222.39(b)(4)(i)(A) – QZRI<RIWH New – SSMs – QZRI<RIWH 222.39(a)(3) New – SSMs – 222.39(a)(2)(ii) QZRI<NSRT New – SSMs – QZRI<NSRT 222.39(a)(2)(i) New – SSMs at all222.39(a)(1) crossings 0 10 20 30 Post NOE 40 Pre NOE 50 60 70 Data Analysis: Motorist Actions Post Quiet Zone Pre Quiet Zone Stopped then proceeded 8% Blank entry 8% Other 9% Stopped on Crossing 27% Other 14% Did Not Stop At Crossing 33% Drove Around 15% Did Not Stop At Crossing 27% Blank entry 13% Stopped then proceeded 7% Stopped on Crossing 18% Drove Around 21% The Results… Group Established Between P(T<=t) two-tail P-value Is P-value > α = .05? 1 Jun-05 Jan-06 0.735133829 0.264866 Yes, DO NOT REJECT 1A Jun-05 Jan-06 0.682911782 0.317088 Yes, DO NOT REJECT 2 Feb-06 Jan-07 0.643923821 0.356076 Yes, DO NOT REJECT 3 Feb-07 Jan-08 0.441065902 0.558934 Yes, DO NOT REJECT 4 Feb-08 Jan-09 0.674229012 0.325771 Yes, DO NOT REJECT 5 Feb-09 Jan-10 0.410872385 0.589128 Yes, DO NOT REJECT Conclusion QUIET ZONE Individual tests demonstrate that among each of the groups there was no statistical significance that would indicate that the observed locations were less safe because of the establishment of the Quiet Zone and therefore the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. Next Steps Do this analysis on a yearly basis Look at different aspects of the data ◦ At which crossings are the collisions occurring? ◦ SSMs/ASMs Are there other methods of analysis that could be used? Thank you to Marquese Lewis who performed the study. Questions?? Ron Ries (202) 493-6285
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