November December 2012 Newsletter - crd
November December 2012 Newsletter - crd
WELL ON THE WAY Issue 135 November/December 2012 Nobody sees a flower really; it is so small. We haven’t me, and to see takes me – like to have a friend takes me.- Georgia O’Keeffe The annual Poppy Campaign commemorates the lives and sacrifices of our soldiers, so that they will never be forgo*en. Join the Royal Canadian Legion in Remembrance, and honour our war veterans on this November 11. SOUTH CARIBOO COMMUNITY PLANNING COUNCIL B ox 6 0 7 10 0 M ile Hous e B C V0 K 2 E0 P h o n e ( 2 5 0 ) 3 9 5 - 5 64 2 F a x ( 2 5 0 ) 3 9 5 -5 63 5 Issue 135 Well on the Way newsletter is an initiative by the South Cariboo Community Planning Council (SCCPC). Our Vision is for South Cariboo residents to live and work together in a healthy, safe, and inclusive community. SCCPC GOALS Strengthening relationships to promote and actively encourage collaborative community partnerships Increasing community capacity by working collaboratively towards sustainable communitybased solutions and strategies Maintaining current and accessible knowledge of community information, resources and connections Collecting and communicating information on community strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) from a rural perspective to set priorities that address service gaps and to make specific, practical recommendations Creating awareness of best practices in service provision Advocating for services that have been identified as a priority for people living in the South Cariboo to increase the health, safety and sense of belonging Supporting community proposals and initiatives consistent with our community priorities and Council principles The SCCPC wishes to express appreciation for submissions from the community organizations and individuals who make this publication possible. Feel free to copy newsletter contents, but please credit the South Cariboo Community Planning Council. A digital version is available at, Community Links page, and Cariboo Regional District Area G Director Al Richmond's site at Suggestions or additions to Well on the Way can be emailed to Demian Pettman at Deadline for the Jan/Feb 2013 Issue of Well on the Way is Friday, December 28, 2012. Well on the Way November/December 2012 RCMP/AMBULANCE 911 L OCAL C RISIS R ESPONSE 250250-395395-7600 C HILDREN ’ S H ELPLINE 250 - 310 - 1234 -to report abuse and/or neglect of a child (24/7) K IDS H ELP P HONE 1 - 800 - 668 - 6868 - confidential phone counseling service for children and youth and/or their parents (24/7) Y OUTH IN BC 1 - 866 - 661 - 2433 ww w. yo u th in b c. co m I NTERIOR C RISIS L INE N ETWORK 1 - 888 - 353 - 2273 1 - 888 - 353 - CARE SEX SENSE LINE 1 - 800 - 739 - 7367 YOUTH AGAINST VIOLENCE 1 - 800 - 680 - 4264 BC A LCOHOL & D RUG I NFORMATION & R EFERRAL S ERVICES 1 - 800 - 663 - 1441 D - T ALKS LINE 1 - 866 - 658 - 1221 -info and support for youth and adults on detox issues (9am-8pm) Poison Control Information Line 1 - 800 - 567 - 8911 (24/7) H EALTH L INK BC 811 -confidential health information and advice by registered health professionals (nurses available 24/7, pharmacists 5pm-9am, and dietitians 9am-5pm) VictimLINK & Safe House 1 - 800 - 563 - 0808 -assistance to victims of crime (24/7) -local Safe House for women and their children Crimestoppers 11-800800-222222-8477 2 Issue 135 November/December 2012 This newsletter is produced for the sole purpose of informing the community of general information, events and services available in 100 Mile House and surrounding area. It is intended as a community service and should not be interpreted as an endorsement or exclusion of any particular organization or event. All users are asked to use their own care and judgment with regard to use of this tool. E.&O.E. C ONTENT S A D D IC T I ON S F A M IL I ES 4 …… ……… …… ……… …. …… ……… ……. .A A , A L -A NO N 14……………………………..………………..……….La Leche League 15………………………………………………AXIS Family Resources ADULTS 7, 20……………………..……….…………………….Womens Center 12……………………………….……Men’s Support Group (CFEC) ARTS & CULTURE 8…….…..………………………………………….Parkside Art Gallery 8, 19………………………………………………………..Library Events C H IL D R EN 9-13..…….….…Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre (CFEC) 14………………………………………………………………..Strongstart 13, 14…..……………..…...…………………...…..Library Programs 15…..………….……………AXIS Children Who Witness Abuse C OM M U N IT Y N OT IC ES 8……….…………………………....Community Christmas Dinner 18……………………………………………....Christmas Mitten Tree 18……………………………………………………………...Coats for All 31……………...…….South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce 32…………………………………………………...Santa Claus Parade C ON F E R EN C ES & W OR K S H OP S F O OD & N U T R I T I ON 23……………………………………Agriculture Enterprise Centre 24-25 …..…………………...………………………Farm Fresh Guide 26……………………………………………………...…..Soupe de Tour 26…………...……………………………………………....Food Support H OU S IN G 17………………………………………….Homelessness Task Force L E G A L S E R V IC ES 27……………………………………..Canim Lake Band Services 27……………………………………………………………..…Legal Aid 27……………………………………………..……...Womens Centre 28…………………………………………..………...Law Foundation 28………...………………………..………...Legal Services Society R ES OU R C ES 23…………………….…………..…….………….……Stepping Stones S EN I OR S 16……..………………………………….Pinwheel Education Series 17……..…Family Caregivers Network Society Workshops 20………..…...…………………Beyond the Barriers Workshops 29………………………………………………….……………..Recreation 29………………….…………………………………..Hospital Auxiliary 30…………………….…….……….Millsite/Fisher Place Auxiliary 30…………………………………………………………………...Veterans C OU N S EL IN G & M E N T A L H EA L T H S U P P O R T O R G A N IZ A T IO N S 16..…………………………………………….….Kelty Mental Health 21……...………………………………………….CMHA-Bounceback 21……...…………………………….CMHA-Living Life to the Full 30………………………………………………………………….....Hospice 30…………………………………….…………Palliative Care Society D IS A B IL IT I ES 22……………………...…………Canadian Council for the Blind 22……………….……...Community Engagement Workshops 23…………………………………………………………..CNIB webinars E M P L O YM EN T T R A N S P O R T A T I ON 33……………………………………………………….Safe Driving Tips 34……………………………………………………………………... Transit YOUTH 13…………………….…………………………………………Youth Zone 14.………………….…………………………………...School Calendar 5-6..………………………………….…………HV Horton Ventures Well on the Way 3 Issue 135 November/December 2012 Narcotics Anonymous New members are needed for a group in 100 Mile House. - Do you suffer from the disease of addiction? - Would you like to meet regularly to help each other stay clean? - Are you open to all people who need help with their addiction? We follow a 12-step program that gives us the freedom to live a life free from drugs and alcohol. - Requirement for membership: a “desire” to stop using. - We are not affiliated with any other group. - We are only here to help each other to recover from our addictions. Our program offers a simple set of principles we can all follow in our daily lives; it gives us the experience, the strength and hope to live a life of abstinence from drugs. Visit us at BCRNA.CA. For local help with addictions, call Interior Health Substance Use Services at the South Cariboo Health Centre at 250-395-7676. 100 MILE HOUSE SELF-HELP CONTACTS Interior Crisis Line Network 1-888-353-2273 1-888-353-CARE I00 Mile Hospital 250-395-7600 South Cariboo Health Centre 250-395-7676 PHOENIX DETOX CENTRE (Kamloops) Crisis Line for immediate help: 1-888-353-2273 1-877-318-1177 Alcoholics Anonymous Check out: God Grant Me the Serentity To Accept the Things I Cannot Change Courage to Change the Things I Can, And the Wisdom To Know the Difference Meetings Monday: noon - #10 Scenic Estates, 802 Spruce Ave Monday: 7:30pm - Clinton United Church - phone 250-459-7743 Tuesdays: 8:00pm - St. Timothy’s Church, Blackstock Rd Thursdays: 7:30pm - 108 Community Hall Saturday: 8:00pm – United Church, Dogwood St. Sunday: 7:30pm – South Cariboo Community Health Centre (rear entrance), 555 Cedar Ave Contacts: 250-791-5286 / 250-395-4646 / 250-395-6154 / 250-395-5368 A.A. MEETINGS: 250-395-6154 or 791 -5286 or 395-4646 AL-ANON MEETINGS: 250-395-4646 AL-ANON Contact numbers: 250-395-4646 Monday @ 7:00pm - South Cariboo Health Centre (rear entrance), 555 Cedar Ave Be smoke-free… (BC Lung Association) 1-877-455-2233 Well on the Way 4 Issue 135 November/December 2012 This issue of Well on the Way is sponsored by ... Horton Ventures Inc. operates as Community Employment Services and is a WorkBC Employment Services Centre, providing full services and programs to job seekers and employers. We offer individualized service with experienced Case Managers, a staffed resource area, regular resume workshops and assistance, specialized programs such as Skills Training, Self Employment, Wage Subsidy and Appren ceship informa on and support. We also post free job lis ngs for local area employers. We are located at: 808 Alpine Ave, 100 Mile House just below Sunrise Ford. Have you ever thought about volunteering, or are you looking for volunteers? Horton Ventures Inc. hosts a volunteer board similar to our Job Pos ng board that is available to be used by local organiza ons requiring long or short term volunteers. We know that volunteering is a great way to build on essen al skills, helps job seekers learn about their communi es and facilitates trying new fields in mes of transi on and change. Organiza ons have a couple of op ons to fill out the Volunteer Request form: In person, pick up a form at the office and: Fill it out and hand it to the Recep onist, or Take it and fax it back once it’s complete. Online, go to to the Volunteer Posi ons link and: Download the form and email it, or Fill out the online form and send it. No ma/er which fax or email address this form is sent to, it will always be received or redirected to the correct Horton Ventures office. Please note that organiza ons submi0ng requests for volunteers are responsible for screening and selec on according to their own policies and procedures for volunteer programs. To check out available volunteer posi ons, go to, head to the Volunteer Posi ons link and view All Volunteer Pos ngs. Community Employment Services Hours of opera on: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call us at 250-395-5121, visit, or drop in to access the full range of programs and services. Well on the Way 5 Issue 135 November/December 2012 The EDGE Ready to finally get that amazing job? Need an extra boost to wow employers? Community Employment Services With your resume and cover letter already in hand, the EDGE will give you extra skills on how to: ⇒ Confidently approach employers ⇒ Impress people that you meet ⇒ Find contacts you didn’t know existed ⇒ Ace your interviews. Sometimes, a little extra motivation is all you need. The EDGE will give you that, and more! Monday to Friday 9:00am to 12:00pm November 19-22, 2012 OR December 17-21, 2012 T4 5446 7 894: ;< :=> EDGE, @76> 7< 7994;<:@><: :4A7B! Community Employment Services 808 Alpine Avenue 100 Mile House, BC, V0K 2E0 250-395-5121 Well on the Way 6 Issue 135 November/December 2012 100MileHouse&DistrictWomen’sCentreSociety Box 1930 #102 – 475 S. Birch Avenue 100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0 Phone: 250 395 - 4093 Fax: 250 395 - 4012 SAFE HOUSE SYSTEM This service, provided for individuals who have experienced abuse, offers crisis intervention, emotional support and placement in safe housing if required. Information, advocacy and referrals are available by calling Victim Link at 1-800-563-0808. You will be put through to a Safe House Coordinator in the 100 Mile area. This service is available 24 hours a day and there is no charge. STOPPING THE VIOLENCE COUNSELLING The Women’s Centre employs a counselor to provide individuals and group counseling to women who have experienced abuse. The counselor provides support, reassurance, and referrals to help individuals work through physical, emotional and psychological injuries resulting from sexual assault, childhood sexual assault, childhood sexual abuse, and abusive intimate relationships. There is no fee. Appointments may be made by calling: 250-395-4093. LEGAL ASSISTANCE The Women’s Centre continues to run their Legal Aid clinics on Friday between 9:00am and noon – must call in advance to book an appointment. Pro Bono legal services are also offered at the Women’s Centre, Tuesdays from 12:00pm until 2:00pm. This service is also by appointment and individuals must call in advance. (See page 27 & 28) Office Hours: Monday to Thursday, 10:00am to 4:00pm Closed 11:30am - 12:30pm 2424-hour Safe House: 1 - 800 - 563 - 0808 DROP-IN SUPPORT & EDUCATION Resources, referrals, library and internet Coffee Talk every Tuesday 10:30am to 11:30am All women welcome to join our volunteers and staff for conversation and networking Emergency Transportation Funding – thanks to Canadian Mental Health Assoc. for their funding Emergency Food Cupboard – with thanks to local community members, organizations and businesses Furniture board – community members advise items they are willing to give away and we post that information for those needing furniture Free used clothing, shoes and household items Volunteer program Membership to the Women’s Centre Society NOTICE BOARD Dec. 6 - White Ribbon Campaign: an annual National Campaign started in 1991, white ribbons will be offered in areas around the community, to wear the ribbon is in support of ending the violence against women. De c . 1 3 , no o n -3 p m - C hr is t m as O pe n H o u s e: everyone is welcome to come to the center and see what we are allabout. Our facility and our services that we offer, we will also be serving snacks and coffee/tea. De c 21 —J an 2 — Cl o se d fo r t he h o l id a ys Call for dona ons! Any help would be sincerely appreciated; we can issue receipts for cash dona ons, items with receipts, and/or ‘in-kind’ dona ons (must be over $20). We have had a busy summer (in July alone, we gave out 50 hampers!), and would be extremely grateful for any of the following: • Spaghe0 • Cans/jars sauce • Juice and snacks for lunches for children • Toothbrushes (great need, we are completely out) • Large bags of rice • Oatmeal • Shampoo • KraD Dinner • Powdered milk • Condi oner • Noodle soup • Canned milk • Tampons (great need, nearly out) • Canned soup • Brown Beans • Razors • Tins of fish • Tins of fruit • Deodorant (completely out) Well on the Way 7 Issue 135 November/December 2012 Parkside Parkside Art Gallery, located at 401 Cedar Ave. (next to the Centennial Park south access) invites the public to drop by and enjoy their changing shows and gift shop. We are open Monday to Saturday. SCHEDULE: Continuing until Nov. 3, “Fibre Magic” South Caribo0 Weavers, Spinners and Fibre Arts Guild Showcase Parkside Art Gallery will begin hosting our Annual Christmas Bazaar, to run from November 10 to December 22nd. This popular annual exhibit offers original and unique affordable gifts. An artist reception will be held 10 - 4 on November 10th. 401 Cedar Avenue, 100 Mile House Box 1210, 100 Mile House, BC, V0K 2E0 phone 250-395-2021 email: p a r k s i d e c e n t r e @ s h a w . c a w e b s i t e : Another Community Event….Nov. 6, 6:30pm @ 100 Mile Public Library, Author Chris Czajkowski will be reading from her new book “Ginty’s Ghost” The nineteenth annual Community Christmas Dinner takes place on the 8th of December 2012 in the Community Hall in 100 Mile House. Doors open at 5.30 p.m., Dinner will be served at 6.00 p.m. Please come and enjoy an evening of fellowship and have a great Christmas Dinner. Bring your kids and friends, there will be something for everyone. Well on the Way 8 Issue 135 Well on the Way November/December 2012 9 Issue 135 Well on the Way November/December 2012 10 Issue 135 Well on the Way November/December 2012 11 Issue 135 Well on the Way November/December 2012 12 Issue 135 Well on the Way November/December 2012 13 Issue 135 November/December 2012 SCHOOL CALENDAR Mon., Nov. 12 - Remembrance Day Nov. 13 - 16 - Not in Session Days STRONGSTART Free drop-in for everyone with young children. Open when school is in. Dec. 24 - Jan. 4 - Winter Vacation BRIDGE LAKE ELEMENTARY Mon., Jan. 7 - School Re-opens Wed 10:30-1:30 Kristina: 791-9294 or School: 593-4674 BUFFALO CREEK ELEMENTARY Wed 9am – noon (in kindergarten room) School: 397-2441 FOREST GROVE ELEMENTARY La Leche League Breast-feeding Support Group meets monthly. For more details, call Kristi at 396-7403, or Mikara at 395-1113 Tues & Thurs 9am – noon Sheila: 397-0011 or School: 397-2962 HORSE LAKE ELEMENTARY Tues 9am – noon Wed night dinner 4pm-7pm Kristina: 791-9294 or School: 395-4572 LAC LA HACHE ELEMENTARY Tues & Thurs 9am – noon School: 396-7230 100 Mile House Branch Library MILE 108 ELEMENTARY Tues & Thurs 9am – noon Jackie: 791-0004 or School: 791-5221 Toddler Time for Children 18 months to 36 months Wednesdays 10:00 to 10:20am un l Dec 19th Story me for Children 3 to 5 years old Wednesdays, 10:30 to 11:15am un l Dec 19th Thursdays, 1:30 to 2:15pm un l Dec 20th AOer School 100 MILE ELEMENTARY Mon to Fri 9am – noon School: 395-2258 100 MILE COMMUNITY HALL Kindergym: Thurs 9:45-11:45 Elke 395-1256 For more Info call 250-395-9303 for Children 6 to 8 years old Tuesdays 3:30 to 4:30pm un l Dec 18th for Children 9 to 12 years old Wednesdays 3:30 to 4:30pm un l Dec 19th Call 250-395-2332 or drop in to the library to register Well on the Way 14 Issue 135 November/December 2012 AXIS FAMILY RESOURCES LTD. At AXIS Family Resources Ltd. our mission is to be the leader in the delivery of community based social services while enhancing the lives of the diverse people we serve, our employees, and our partners. FA M IL Y B A SED INT ER VE NT I O N S The family based intervention program consists of various services that support children, youth and families who are experiencing a broad range of challenges within the family unit. Referral from the Ministry of Children and Family Development is required. * Caregiver/Family Support includes providing information, education, referrals and developing individualized safety and support plans to help improve and maintain child and youth placements. * Supervised Access and/or parental visitation for families referred by the Ministry of Children and Family Development. Visits may take place in the families’ homes, in the community, or at the AXIS office. * Family Outreach Interventions are designed to prevent family breakdown due to child protection concerns. Families are assisted with reaching agreements on common goals, planning and facilitating positive meaningful changes which will safely keep families together. For more information visit AXIS Family Resources on the web at AXIS FAMILY RESOURCES LTD. At AXIS Family Resources Ltd. our mission is to be the leader in the delivery of community based social services while enhancing the lives of the diverse people we serve, our employees, and our partners. C W W A ( C H IL DR EN W H O W IT N ES S A B US E ) ♦ addresses needs of children/youth from homes where violence has occurred (verbal, emotional, physical) ♦ available to children and youth aged 3 - 18 ♦ individual, group counselling for children and youth ♦ family group counselling ♦ support for caregivers, individuals and groups ♦ service is free (funded by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General) ♦ confidential and voluntary Contact: Linda Lindberg Suite 212- 475 S. Birch Ave, 100 Mile House Phone: 250-395-3145, Fax: 250-395-3156 Well on the Way 15 Issue 135 November/December 2012 Pinwheel Education Series: Teen Substance Use Trends & Related Mental Health Conditions Date & me: Thursday – November 15, 2012 - 12-1pm (PDT) Upcoming topics: Pinwheel Education Series: Helping Your Child/Youth Sleep Better— December 6 Announcements: The Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre is excited to announce the new Dealing with Depression online resource ( for teens experiencing low mood or depression. The site, optimized for the mobile experience, provides useful and on-the-go strategies to help teens understand their moods and learn effective skills to help them feel better. It can be used by itself or with guidance from a parent, professional or other concerned adult. Depression is an extreme low mood that lasts a long time and makes a person feel sad, irritable or empty. Often young people don't seek help because they don't know where to go or they think the symptoms will eventually go away. If your teen suffers from symptoms of low mood or depression they may have less energy, feel like nothing matters, see themselves in a negative way or feel like life will never get easier. Their depressive thoughts may hide their ability to see that they can overcome depression and there are resources that can help. The new provides information about depression and helps teens build skills to overcome their mood issues. The resource provides a hands-on, interactive way to engage teens in learning and practicing realistic thinking, problem solving, and goal setting to manage their depressive thoughts. The DWD online resource is based on and complementary to Dealing with Depression: Antidepressant Skills for Teens (Bilsker, Gilbert, Worling & Garland, 2005). This self-care guide is available in French and English, in print or as a PDF: For more informa on: Visit the events section of our website for previous audiotaped sessions, additional resources and events as well as any changes or cancellations Ques ons? Contact Us! Call: 1-800-665-1822 Email: Visit: KELTY MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCE CENTRE ADDRESS: BC Children’s Hospital Site Mental Health Building #85 (Heather & 30th) Room P3-302, 3rd Floor 4500 Oak Street, Vancouver, BC V6H 3N1 Well on the Way PHONE: 604-875-2084 FAX: 604-875-3688 TOLL FREE: 1-800-665-1822 EMAIL: WEBSITE: 16 Issue 135 November/December 2012 Maintaining Balance in Your Life While Caregiving Family Caregiving: Sprint or Marathon? Each caregiving situa on is unique to the people and circumstances involved. For some it is a short-term sprint, while for others it is a marathon with a seemingly invisible finish line. Pacing yourself appropriately is essen al so you can “go the distance”, whatever that may turn out to be for you. Different caregiving skills are needed for acute situa ons than those needed for managing long-term or chronic condi ons. Learn how to dis nguish what skills are needed when and how to maintain your resilience throughout your journey. Host: Allison Reeves, Registered Clinical Counsellor November 7, 2012, 10:00 am - 11:00 am This tele-workshop is offered solely over the telephone using the Care-Ring Voice Network. Being a Mind Reader Can Be Exhaus ng ODen family caregivers find themselves thrown into situa ons in which they have had no previous experience and don’t have the knowledge or skills needed. They can also think they are solely responsible for figuring out what needs to be done or what the person they are caring for needs, wants or feels. Trying to read your care recipient’s mind, making assump ons and second-guessing can be exhaus ng and overwhelming. But you are not in this situa on alone. The role of the family caregiver is to help support the person needing care in living their life as they want to based on their current circumstances. In this teleworkshop we will focus on how to work together as a team with the person you are caring for and how to become a kinder, more respecUul caregiver. Host: Allison Reeves, Registered Clinical Counsellor November 20, 2012, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm This tele-workshop is offered solely over the telephone using the Care-Ring Voice Network. Well on the Way It is essen al for family caregivers to find a way to balance the demands of caring for another and taking care of their own physical, mental and emo onal heath. It is hard to predict when caregiving might become part of your life and when the me comes the addi onal responsibili es oDen get squeezed into an already busy life packed with the day-to-day responsibili es of children, spouse, work, and daily life. Many caregivers take on this new role without le0ng go of anything else and end up exhausted and burnt out. In this webinar we will explore the key challenges experienced by family caregivers and iden fy strategies for suppor ng yourself, while suppor ng another. Host: Barbara Small, Program Development Coordinator, Family Caregivers' Network Society November 1, 2012, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm This webinar is offered through your computer and telephone using the Care-Ring Voice Network. If you don't have a computer, you can simply listen over the telephone. These workshops are free. Please register through the Care-Ring Voice Network by calling 1-866-396-2433 or online at We gratefully acknowledge the United Way of Greater Victoria and the Province of BC for funding. Homelessness Task Force Request for Items The CMHA – South Cariboo Branch is coordinating donations for people that are having challenges obtaining furnishings and household effects. If you have gently used or even new items this would be most helpful. Items can be dropped off at Canadian Mental Health on Tuesdays between 12:30-3:00pm, Located at 555B South Cedar Ave, just south of the Junior High school and beside the ambulance station. Questions about donations can be directed to Janice Sanford at (250)395-4883 or 17 Issue 135 The Coats for All program collects good, used winter outer clothing and makes it available to people who would have real difficulty in paying for the clothes they need to deal with the Cariboo winter. Clothing is distributed through the Food Bank, Loaves and Fishes, the South Cariboo Health Centre, the Youth Zone, the Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre, Canadian Mental Health, and Canim Lake and Canoe Creek Indian bands. Clothing is also available in the entry hall that serves the Ministry of Children and Family Development and the Ministry of Social Development Employment and Income Assistance. November/December 2012 COATS FOR ALL Schools and community centres can also request clothing from the program if they are aware of an unmet need. Coats for All collects coats, jackets, padded vests and pants, snowsuits, thick sweaters, toques, gloves and scarves. We need these items for men, women and children. Because none of the agencies who distribute clothes have much space, we cannot accept and give out ordinary indoor clothing. Andrew Hoffmarks of 100 Mile Laundromat very generously donates his time and the use of his machines to wash clothing, but it is a great help if donors can wash items at home and label them “washed”. If this is not possible, please label as "needs washing." Donated items whether washed or not should be taken to the 100 Mile Laundromat in Owen Square, cross from the Library. They will be accepted from Monday, Oct. 29 to Friday, Nov. 30. Distribution will begin on November 1st. Some sites will close distribution at the end of November and others will continue to offer a few items throughout the winter. Coats for All is coordinated by volunteers from St. Timothy's Anglican Church and is sponsored by the Free Press, radio station CKBX, and St. Timothy's. Well on the Way 18 Issue 135 November/December 2012 Admission: FREE 100 Mile House Library—Programme Room Thursday, November 15th - 6:00 pm Surviving Progress Ronald Wright’s bestseller A Short History of Progress inspired this cinema c requiem to progress-as-usual. Throughout human history, what seemed like progress oDen backfired. Some of the world’s foremost thinkers, ac vists, bankers and scien sts challenge us to overcome progress traps, which destroyed past civiliza ons and lie treacherously embedded in our own. Thursday, December 13th PAYBACK - 6:00 pm Payback is an incisive and moving explora on of debt not simply as an economic condi on, but as a primal human dilemma. Jennifer Baichwal’s masterfully cinema c adapta on of Margaret Atwood’s bestseller Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth frames four divergent stories against Atwood’s wi/y, eclec c analysis of human obliga on. For further information contact or phone 250-395-2332 Well on the Way 19 Issue 135 November/December 2012 Beyond the Barriers 100 Mile House & District Women’s Centre Society Workshops • Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships • Communications • Anger Management • Self Esteem • Working through Conflict • Dress for Success • How I Work and Learn For more information or to register for workshops Call the Women’s Centre at (250)395-4093 The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia. Well on the Way 20 Issue 135 November/December 2012 12 Hours that can change your life! Feel happier, sleep better, have more energy, gain confidence, fully enjoy friendships/relationships!don’t worry, be happy! That's the gist of what will be taught in a new course being offered by the Canadian Mental Health Association in 100 Mile House and Williams Lake. This eight-week Living Life to the Full program will show people how to deal with negative thoughts that can lead to stress, anxiety and depression. This new course offers tools for people to manage their own mental health! Using eight easy-to-read booklets with titles like, The Things You Do That Mess You Up, and 10 Things You Can Do To Feel Happier Straight Away, the idea is to help anyone of any age with the most common struggles. Developed by a psychiatrist in the U.K., the course is based on 5 areas Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) model, which is a goal-based psychotherapy that addresses the way thoughts can affect feelings and behaviour. So far, the course has proven its worth. Anyone is welcome to sign up for the course, and they do not need to have a referral or a pre-existing mental health concern. Living Life to the Full is an education program, not group therapy. CMHA BC branches around the province have delivered 29 courses to more than 380 people during a pilot program from April 2010 through March 2011. Of the 228 people who completed the evaluation, 85 per cent said the course was either useful or very useful and 91 per cent said they would recommend the course to their family and friends. The course has inspired people to declutter their house, get back into activities they previously enjoyed such as gardening, walking, biking, and a chance to share tips and tools in a safe environment. Participants have said “we have new simple tools to tackle problems and improve our mood”. Cost per person is $185. The course fee includes cost of all course booklets and worksheets. It's geared for everybody. Everybody has things they'd like to improve, and everybody can think negatively at times, right? LLTTF program can help. For more information about Living Life to the Full, go to , contact Gisele at Canadian Mental Health Association at or call 250-395-1251. The South Cariboo branch of the CMHA is a charity that promotes the mental health of all through community-based programs and services, public education, advocacy and research. It is part of a network of more than 10,000 CMHA volunteers and staff in over 135 communities across Canada. For more information see the website Bounce Back is a free skill-building program for adults experiencing low mood or stress with or without anxiety. It offers two forms of evidence-based self-help: an instructional DVD with practical tips on recognizing and dealing with depressive symptoms; as well as a series of educational workbooks with telephone-coaching to reinforce the application of cognitive-behavioral strategies for overcoming difficulties such as inactivity, avoidance, worry, & unhelpful thinking. Bounce Back resources and services are accessible via referrals by BC Family Physicians, offered throughout British Columbia by the Canadian Mental Health Association - BC Division, and funded by the BC Ministry of Health. For further information, contact Bounce Back Community Coach, Gisele Marion at 250-395-1251 or email Well on the Way 21 Issue 135 November/December 2012 The Canadian Council of the Blind 100 Mile House & District White Cane Club We are a 100 Mile House based social & support group for blind & visually impaired persons. We offer encouragement, resource information, recreation, and personal experience dealing with vision loss. Everyone is welcome. We are a chapter of CCB , a national member-based organization . Our White Cane Club has been in 100 Mile House for 22 years and we are here to help. We usually meet the first Thursday of each month. Please call for more details or if we can be of service to you. Marilyn @ 250 396 4070 or Lori @250 395 2452. Our Annual Diamond Raffle is back this year with a $1400 (1/2 carat total) diamond ring from Sharon’s Jewellery. 2nd prize: 3 wooden bears fishing (Joe’s Crafts); 3rd prize: CCB International Cookbook; 4th prize: book by local nature photographer Chris Harris. Tickets are $1 each, or 11 tickets for $10. As always, the support of our community is great and very much appreciated. Aside from tables around town, tickets are also available at Sharon’s Jewellery on Birch Ave, and at the Home Zone in the 108 Mall. Proceeds from the raffle are used to promote the presence of the club in the community, provide support, and encourage involvement in social and recreational activities for blind and visually -impaired persons, and their families after vision loss. The White Cane Club will be starting the 2012-13 season of blind curling On October 12, 2012. Anyone who is visually impaired, blind and even sighted are welcome and encouraged to come out on Friday mornings at 9:30 am at the 100 Mile House Curling Rink. No commitment required as drop-in arrangements are acceptable. Drop by & give it a try; could open your eyes to a whole new world of abilities versus disabilities! Also, looking for donations of used brooms, push sticks, shoes, grippers etc. For more information, call Lori or Jim at 250-395- 2452. THANK YOU, 100 Mile House Blind Curling From Oct. 30 to Nov. 27, the Ministry of Social Development is hos ng community engagement workshops in 14 communi es throughout the province to get feedback on the proposed integrated service delivery model. Everyone’s experiences and input counts so whether you’re a selfadvocate, a family member, service provider, health prac oner, educator or local government staff – your par cipa on ma/ers. Your feedback is important to ensure government is heading in the right direc on with this proposed model. Well on the Way 22 Issue 135 November/December 2012 Do you work with patients who have diabetes and/or diabetes-related vision loss? If so, I would like to invite you to participate in a valuable educational initiative hosted by CNIB. CNIB’s In Focus interactive webinars are developed exclusively for health care professionals and aim to assist you in learning more about diabetic retinopathy, caring for your patients with vision loss and the resources available to your patients for diabetes self-management. The free webinars in the series include: • Nov. 13 @ 1pm EST: Diabetes Management with Vision Loss, Lynn Baughan & Kathryn MacDonald, Central West Diabetes Regional Coordination Centre • Nov. 15 @ 1pm EST: Supporting Patients with Vision Loss – Practical Tips & Strategies, Leanne Cornell & Sumreen Siddiqui, CNIB • Nov. 21 @ 1pm EST: Adjusting to Vision Loss, John Pimental, diabetes educator, and Sharon Kanhai, CNIB More details on topics covered in each webinar, and information on how to register are found at: Register today to reserve your place! If you have any questions relating to the webinars and/or registration, please contact Lisa McStay from CNIB at or 416-486-2500 ext. 8355. Recently released by the Ontario government, Stepping Stones describes how young people grow and develop, and identifies what supports and opportunities they need to transition successfully into adulthood. Check out Section 3!! What a great resource to give to parents! Well on the Way 23 Issue 135 Well on the Way November/December 2012 24 Issue 135 Well on the Way November/December 2012 25 Issue 135 November/December 2012 Lentil Burger Soup (Linda Savjord’s favourite!) Everyone is welcome. Great ingredients, made with love, served with care. Monday Tuesday • 2 cups cooked lentils or 11/2 cups uncooked • 1 onion United Church, 49 Dogwood Avenue, noon – 1:00pm • 1 bay leaf 100 Mile & District Women’s Centre (women only : 12:30pm – 2:00pm) • 11/2 lbs hamburger 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ Food Bank • 4 cups beef stock 11:00am – 12:30pm • • 2 cloves garlic • 4 cups tomatoes 3 /4 cup uncooked pasta • 1/2 can (78ml) tomato paste Wednesday Loaves & Fishes 11:00am – 12:30pm Thursday Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre #1-486 S. Birch Avenue 11:00am – 1:00pm 1. Cook len ls un l soD. If using canned len ls, rinse well. No cooking required. 2. Sauté onions, garlic and hamburger. 3. Cook Pasta un l ‘al dente’ 4. Loaves and Fishes The Good Food Box Box 2032 Exeter Truck Road 100 Mile House Box 2427 486 Birch S, 100 Mile House 250 395 2708 250 395 5155 Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre Hours of Operation: Wednesdays 9:30am to 2:30pm 100 Mile House Food Bank 5693 Horse Lake Road, 100 Mile House, BC, V0K 2E3 Now Open! ! relies on volunteers ! 250 397 2571 or 250 395 4661 Womens Centre Food Cupboard #102 – 475 S. Birch Ave. 100 Mile House Monday to Thursday, 10:00am to 4:00pm Closed 11:30am - 12:30pm 250 395-4093 Women can access a food hamper in an emergency Well on the Way CMHA Soupe de Tour Combine all the ingredients in a large pot. 5. Simmer for 20 – 30 minutes. Check out this new website to find out more about ea ng local! – Watch for Updates 26 Issue 135 November/December 2012 LEGAL AID Women’s Centre “SERVING YOU ACROSS BC” The 100 Mile House and District Women’ s Centre Society is able to assist men and women seeking to access legal aid services from the Legal Services Society by providing educational materials, applying for legal aid over the phone, assisting with filling out forms to apply for Legal Aid, and assisting those using the LSS website and ClickLaw. Providing legal representation and advice, as well as legal information and referrals. Representation by a lawyer may be available for financially eligible people with: criminal charges serious family problems child protection matters immigration problems Legal advice is also available from duty counsel lawyers in most courthouses. For free publications, legal information, and referrals to other resources in your community, contact your nearest legal aid location or visit BC’s legal aid website: Assistance is available from 9am until noon on Fridays at the Women’s Centre, by appointment only. Those needing assistance should call 250-3954093 to book an appointment. The Women’s Centre also offers pro bono legal clinics in conjunction with Access Justice from Vancouver, BC, which provides clients with half an hour of free legal advice with a lawyer. Currently, we have two lawyers offering their services, one whose area of practice deals with Wills & Estates, Human Rights & Privacy, Contracts, Civil For comprehensive information about family law, including do-it-yourself guides, visit the Family Law in Procedure, Torts - Intentional & Other, Torts Personal Injury & Negligence and one whose area of BC website: practice deals with Civil and Family Law. To apply for legal aid: Contact our call centre Greater Vancouver: 604-408-2172 Elsewhere in BC: 1-866-577-2525 Appointment times are always between noon and 2 pm. To book an appointment, call the Women’s Centre at 250-395-4093 or Access Justice directly at their toll-free number at 1-877-762-6664. Canim Lake Band - Restorative Justice Program and Legal Services Society Partnership Since the summer of 2011, the Canim Lake Band has been providing legal services to its members through a Community Partnership Agreement between the Canim Lake Wellness Center (Justice Program) and the Legal Services Society (LSS). The legal services are available to on- and off-reserve band members, and aboriginal people from other local bands. Services include: · Advertise the LSS services available · Supply & distribute LSS legal education and information · Help people to contact LSS & use their online resources · Refer people to apply for legal aid in various ways · Participate in LSS conferences or community-based conferences · Promote and provide law-related community development · Liaise with community groups & organizations to improve awareness of LSS services Since the program began in August 2011, it has improved legal assistance to the local community. It is a source that community members can rely on for accurate information, confidentiality, and one-on-one assistance. Contact: Ken Tassell, Canim Lake Band, Restorative Justice/LSS Community Partner Tel:250-397-2502, fax:250-397-2598 “I commend LSS for their Community Partners Program” Well on the Way 27 Issue 135 November/December 2012 Law Foundation Margaret Tucker is the Legal Advocate from the Women’s Contact Society in Williams Lake. She is providing legal advocacy services through the Law Found at io n o f Brit ish Columbia. Legal information and assistance is available to women, men and families, with a variety of issues - and referrals can be made to a pro bono law clinic. Contact: Legal Advocate Box 4094 301-19 North First Avenue Williams Lake, BC V2G 2V2 Phone: 1 888 799 5240 Email: Legal Services Society Update LSS is now on Facebook! Many publications about your legal rights in different situations are also available at: www. Go to our website to find out more on: Changes to the Pardons Program New Family Law Act New Justice Reform website Well on the Way 28 Issue 135 November/December 2012 Lac La Hache O.A.P.O, #176 EVENTS HELD AT PIONEER CENTRE: ⇒ Meetings the 1st Wednesday of the month at 10:30am. Membership is $12.00 per year for 40 plus ⇒ Monday: General Exercise @ 10:00am Gail 396-7381 ⇒ Monday: Rounds & Square Dancing starting at 1:30 pm - Hazel 396-7698 ⇒ Tuesday: Pilates @ 10:00am Gail 396-7381 ⇒ Wednesday: Lunch followed by Cards & Pool – Phil 396-7231 or Hazel 396-7698 ⇒ Wednesday: General Exercise @ 6:30 pm Pilates @ 7:30 pm – Gail 396-7381 ⇒ Thursday: T.O.P.S. starting @ 8.30 am – Marcia 396-4875 ⇒ Friday: Every 2nd Friday Rounds or Contra @ 10:00am - Helen 396-4311 ⇒ Sunday: Every 4th Sunday Jam Session 1:00pm - 4:00pm ($1 members; $2 nonmembers) For more info, contact Wendy (President) 706-9937, or Frances (Bookings) 396-4169 What’s Happening at Creekside Seniors’ Centre You only have to be 50 to come and enjoy the fun! Drop-in: $2 members / $3 non-members ∗ Cariboo Elders Building & Recreation Society meets monthly on 2nd Wed. ∗ Pool is played Mon., Wed., Fri. - starting at 9:00am ∗ Senior exercise – Mon. 10:30am –11:30am, with Reiner. ∗ Carpet Bowling – Mon. and Wed. at 12:45pm ∗ Crib – Tues. at 12:45pm 100 Mile House Hospital Ladies Auxiliary Meet the 1st Wednesday of the month in the Multipurpose Room of the South Cariboo Health Centre. New Members Welcome! Well on the Way ∗ Square Dancing –Thurs. at 2:00pm. Contact John 395-3380 ∗ Tai Chi – Tues. & Thurs. at 9am (Contact Gloria) ∗ Bridge – Fri. at 12:45pm ∗ Dec. 16—Christmas Potluck! Doors open at noon, meal served at 1pm. Silent auction. For more information call 250-395-3919 (Centre) 29 Issue 135 November/December 2012 Attention: Veterans and currently serving and Canadian Forces Members! DO YOU NEED ASSISTANCE? The Royal Canadian Legion 100 Mile House Branch #260 can assist you. We can assist with Disability Claims, Widows and Dependants Claims and other awards, programs, and benefits. Emergency Assistance can be given through the Royal Canadian Legion 100 Mile House Branch Poppy Fund for qualifying Ex-service personnel and their dependants for emergency purposes. For more information contact: David Taylor, Branch Service Officer Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 260 100 Mile House Phone: 250-395-2511 Hospice Check out the Hospice Library of Books, Tapes, Videos, DVD’s and Handouts. South Cariboo Health Centre 250-395-7680 For more information Mill Site / Fischer Place Auxiliary Meeting Meet the 1st Thursday of the month at 10:30. In the boardroom at Mill Site Place. Call Carol England for details: 250-395-6018 Well on the Way 100 MILE DISTRICT PALLIATIVE CARE SOCIETY 555 Cedar Avenue (Located in the South Cariboo Health Centre) BAG 399 100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0 Phone: 250-395-7680 Fax: 250-395-7675 Email: Website: “Simple Gifts: Hands, Hearts and Presence for the dying and the bereaved” About us: Hospice is a community based non-profit volunteer Society that provides trained volunteers to offer social, emo onal and spiritual support to people living with or dying with an advanced illness and their family. Services of support are also offered to family members through their grief. There is no cost for Hospice services. We are a proud member of the Canadian and B.C. Hospice Pallia ve Care Associa ons. We adhere to the norms and standards of care of the na onal and provincial organiza ons. In partnership with the 100 Mile House Pallia ve Care team, we are commi/ed to “Helping people with a terminal illness live to the fullest un l they die and to help their loved one to be supported in their grief? Services: LIBRARY STRESS RELIEF IN PALLIATIVE CARE AND BEREAVEMENT GRIEF SUPPORT ANTICIPATORY AND BEREAVEMENT PACKAGES PALLIATIVE CARE SUITE PALLIATIVE CARE EQUIPMENT FOR HOME AND FACILITIES USE OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday from 8:30 am – 11:30 am All other times by appointment Phone messages are monitored 30 Issue 135 November/December 2012 P.O. Box 2312, 100 Mile House, B.C. V0K 2E0 Phone: (250) 395-6124 Fax: (250) 395-8974 E-mail: Website: ProvidingaunitedvoiceforbusinessandworkingtoenhancetheeconomicprosperityoftheSouthCaribooCommunity. TheChamberofCommerceislocatedacrossfromCameoPlumbing/AceHardwareintheDistrict BuildingbesideCouncilChambers.Weareagroupofdedicatedbusinessownersandmanagers committedtotheeconomicdevelopmentandcommunityprosperity.Wearehosttoeventslike HalloweenTown,TheSantaClausParade,CommunitiesinBloomandHotJulyNightscarandbikeshow. Welive,workandplayinthiscommunityandsupportourbusinessmembersandcommunity.Ifyou ownabusinessandwouldliketoberecommendedtoconsumerswhoviewourwebsiteandcontactus forrecommendations,youshouldbeamember.ContacttheChamberforthemanybene,itsmembership canholdforyouandyourbusiness. Ifyouareacommunitygrouporhaveacommunityprojectthatrequiresfunding,pleaseseethe Chamberasweoffergrantwritingassistancetogroupswhorequirehelpinthisarea.Forvolunteer opportunitiesforanyoftheChambersponsoredevents,pleaseseeusandwecanconnectyouwitha greatgroupofenthusiasticpeopleworkingonprojectsforthebettermentofourcommunity. Psssst-Haveyouheardofthetenpercentshift?Staytunedformoreinformation. • The Chamber of Commerce is once again gearing up to put on our annual Santa Claus Parade and are looking for registra ons. Please see the a/ached registra on form for entering your float with dates and mes. We look forward to seeing all the entrants! Please note the deadline for submission is November 21st at noon. • Did you know small and medium-sized businesses are an integral part of BC’s economic engine. These employers account for 98% of all businesses in the province, and generate over 30% of BC’s Gross Domes c Product. Small businesses contribute directly to growing vibrant communi es around the province by tapping into local talent and inves ng directly into the places they work and live. Chambers of Commerce work with local businesses to support and s mulate local economies around the province. When planning your shopping strategy for the busy Christmas season, remember your local small businesses who sponsor events and support community development. Suppor ng business in town keeps our funds and employees in town. Want to support small business even more? Chamber Bucks are available at the Chamber office and are available in $25-$50. Please contact the Chamber for more informa on on the program and how you can get involved. Why Buy Local? To : Support Community Groups, Keep our community unique, Reduce environmental impact, Create more jobs, Get better service, Invest in community, Put your taxes to good use, Encourage local prosperity, Maintain choice…. from Well on the Way 31 Issue 135 Well on the Way November/December 2012 32 Issue 135 Well on the Way November/December 2012 33 Issue 135 November/December 2012 I N T O WN T R AN SI T S ER VIC E 100 Mile Transit operates a Handi-Dart bus that has a regular route around town, 103 Mile Lake and the 108 Mile Ranch ~ 4 times per day, Monday to Friday. On Thursdays, if there is a booking ~ it picks up at Lac La Hache at 9:30 AM at the Post Office or the Gas Station. The bus arrives in 100 Mile House at approximately 10:30 am. The return trip leaves at 1:40 pm arrives back in Lac La Hache about 2:25 PM. Phone 250 395-2834 24-hours in advance to book a seat. OUT OF T O WN T R AN SIT S ER V IC E 100 Mile House to Williams Lake Monday / Wednesday / Friday A flexible schedule to work with your appointment time in Williams Lake Give 24 hour notice for this convenient service. Transit Info: 250 395-2834 Williams Lake to Kamloops ONLY ON Mondays (except Stat holidays) The bus will leave Williams Lake at 7:30am, arrive in 100 Mile House around 9:00 am, next stop is Clinton at 9:45, then in Cache Creek at 10:15 arriving in Kamloops at 11:30 am. The return bus leaves Kamloops at 3:00pm. For Transit Info: 1-866-933-7812 or visit their website at Northern Health Connections is a travel service for patients needing out-of-town medical appointments. 100 Mile House to Vancouver: Sunday / Tuesday / Thursday HOW? After your doctor refers you for a medical service outside your community: 1) Check the NH Connections bus schedule 2) Book your medical appointment to coordinate with the bus schedule. 3) Call 1-888-647-4997 to reserve your seat. Please have your Care Card number and appointment information ready. Passengers traveling on NH Connections will be charged a nominal fee. There are no taxes or fees on any NH Connections fares. For more information visit the Northern Health website: NHConnectionsmedicaltravelservice Or contact the Reservations office at 1-888-647-4997 Or email Well on the Way 34 Issue 135 November/December 2012 Someone to be there when you need them the most, that is the Greatest Gift of all. Seasons Greetings from the South Cariboo Community Planning Council, Staff, and Community Partners The Board and Membership of the SCCPC wish to acknowledge funding received from the following organizations whose contributions support our community development work: Ministry of Children and Family Development Royal Canadian Legion – Branch Williams Lake & District Credit Union We also wish to acknowledge sponsorship for editions of the “Well on the Way” newsletter from: Canadian Mental Health Association-South Cariboo Branch, Cedar Crest Society for Community Living, Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre Horton Ventures Inc. If you would like a subscrip on to “Well on the Way” we request an annual dona on of $12.00 (or amount you feel comfortable with) for 6 issues to help offset produc on costs. To subscribe, please send us your name, agency, mailing address and phone number, together with your dona on to: South Cariboo Community Planning Council PO Box 607, 100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0 Or you may wish to drop off your form to our offices, co-located with the Ministry of Children & Family Development (MCFD) at #4-170 Cedar Ave. in 100 Mile House Please make cheques payable to: SOUTH CARIBOO COMMUNITY PLANNING COUNCIL For further informa on please contact: Telephone: (250) 395-5642 Email: lea.smirfi* Well on the Way 35 Issue 135 November/December 2012 South Cariboo Community Planning Council …working together to build a safer, healthier, more inclusive community . / . .0 Membership Mile House Victim Services…………………………………………….….… 2 -032- 42 Axis Family Resources Ltd……………………………………………………….… 2 -032-0.42 Canadian Mental Health Assoc. - South Cariboo Branch…..……..…... 2 -032-4660 Canim Lake Band Restorative Justice Program………………………….… 2 -039- 2 Cariboo Chilcotin Child Development Centre Assoc………………..……. 2 -03 -4463 Cariboo Chilcotin Partners for Literacy……………………………………..…. 2 -9 -624 Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre……………………………………………... 2 -032-2.22 Cedar Crest Society for Community Living…………………………………... 2 -032-4 40 District of . Mile House…………………………………………………….……. 2 -032- 404 Educo School…………………………………………………………………………..… 2 -032-0066 Horton Ventures Inc…………………………………………………………….…….. 2 -032-2. . Interior Health - Mental Health & Substance Use Services...……….... 2 -032-9 9 Interior Health – Community Integrated Health Services………….……. 2 -032-9 9 Ministry of Children & Family Development………………………....………. 2 -032-2 00 . Mile House & District Women’s Centre……………………………..….. 2 -032-4 30 R.C.M.P. – . Mile House Detachment…………………………….……..... 2 -032- 42 School District # 9-Student Support Services……………………….……... 2 -032- 430 South Cariboo Arts & Culture Society (SCACS)…….……………………… 2 -032- . South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce…………………………………………. 2 -032- . 4 Sweetgrass Yoga & Healing………………………………………………………… 2 -032- .. True North Counseling………………………………………………….…..………… 2 -9 -6 There are also several individual supporting members not listed above. N EED S OM EONE T O T A LK T O ? I NTERIOR C RISIS L INE N ETWORK C HECK O UT : 1- 8 8 8- 3 5 3- 2 2 7 3 1- 8 8 8- 3 5 3- C AR E Well on the Way 36