EDDF (Frankfurt/Main) EDDF (Frankfurt/Main)
EDDF (Frankfurt/Main) EDDF (Frankfurt/Main)
Airport Information EDDF (Frankfurt/Main) JEPPESEN JeppView Airport Information EDDF (Frankfurt/Main) JEPPESEN JeppView General Info Communications Info Frankfurt/Main, DEU N 50° 02.0' E 08° 34.2' Mag Var: 0.0°W Elevation: 364' ATIS 118.725 ATIS 118.025 ATIS 114.2 Frankfurt Tower 127.325 At or below 4000' Frankfurt Tower 124.85 At or below 4000' Frankfurt Tower 119.9 At or below 4000' Frankfurt Tower 378.35 At or below 4000' Military Frankfurt Ground Control 121.8 Frankfurt De-Icing Centre Ramp/Taxi Control 135.225 Frankfurt Apron Ramp/Taxi Control 121.95 Frankfurt Apron Ramp/Taxi Control 121.85 Frankfurt Apron Ramp/Taxi Control 121.7 Frankfurt Clearance Delivery 121.9 Langen Radar Approach Control 136.125 Langen Radar Approach Control 126.55 Departure Service Langen Radar Approach Control 125.35 Langen Radar Approach Control 120.8 Langen Radar Approach Control 120.15 Langen Radar Approach Control 119.025 Arrival Service Langen Radar Approach Control 372.85 Military Langen Radar Approach Control 277.80 Military Frankfurt Director Approach Control 127.275 At or below 15000' Out to 40 mi. Frankfurt Director Approach Control 375.45 At or below 10000' Military Frankfurt Arrival Approach Control 118.5 Public, Control Tower, IFR, Landing Fee, Jet Starting Unit available, Rotating Beacon, Customs Fuel: 100LL, Jet A-1 Repairs: Minor Airframe, Minor Engine Time Zone Info: GMT+1:00 uses DST Runway Info Runway 07L-25R 13123' x 197' asphalt Runway 07R-25L 13123' x 148' concrete Runway 18-36 13123' x 148' concrete Runway 07L (69.0°M) TDZE 329' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, REIL, TDZ Runway 07R (69.0°M) TDZE 328' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, REIL, TDZ Runway 18 (179.0°M) TDZE 326' Lights: Edge, Centerline Runway 25L (249.0°M) TDZE 362' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, REIL, TDZ Runway 25R (249.0°M) TDZE 364' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, REIL, TDZ Runway 26L (249.0°M) TDZE 342' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, TDZ Notebook Info JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 + JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 10-1P 4 AUG 06 FRANKFURT/MAIN FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY AIRPORT.BRIEFING NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 + JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 1. GENERAL 1.1. ATIS *ATIS ARRIVAL *ATIS DEPARTURE 118.02 118.72 4 AUG 06 10-1P1 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1. GENERAL Excluded from the restrictions according to para c) only: ACFT of operators having proved to the approving authority that their main base and maintenance facilities are located at Frankfurt; however, such ACFT are not permitted to land between 0100-0400LT. 114.2 In justified cases the approving authority may grant exceptions on request for particular and specified flights. The application shall generally be submitted in writing to: 1.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 1.2.1. RUNWAY USAGE ARRIVALS Hessisches Ministerium fuer Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Landesentwicklung - Referat VIb 3 Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 75 65185 Wiesbaden/Germany Teletex: ISDN 126119850370 Telefax: 0611/815-2226 RWYs 25R/L will preferably be assigned to landing ACFT, provided the tailwind component does not exceed 5 KT. The landing direction will be changed, however, even if the tailwind component is less than 5 KT when braking action on the RWYs is impaired by ice, snow, slush, etc. DEPARTURES In case of landing direction 07: RWY 07L will preferably be assigned to departures into northern and eastern directions. In urgent cases the application shall be submitted in writing or verbally to: Oertliche Luftaufsichtsstelle Flughafen Frankfurt/Main Gebaeude (building) 205 60547 Frankfurt am Main/Germany Tel.: 069/690-71715, 71717 Telefax: 069/690-66150 In case of landing direction 25: RWY 25R will preferably be assigned to departures into northern directions. In case of landing direction 07 or 25: RWY 18 will generally be assigned to departures into south-eastern, southern and western directions, provided the tailwind component does not exceed 15 KT. If the tailwind component for RWY 18 is more than 10 KT this will be announced by ATIS. Pilots-in-command who cannot accept the higher tailwind component are requested to advise ATC at the same time as the request for the start-up clearance. Exceptions are possible if the traffic situation permits or for reasons of traffic safety. 1.2.2. NIGHT FLYING RESTRICTIONS AS WELL AS OPERATIONAL RESTRICTIONS OF CHAPTER 2 AIRCRAFT OUTSIDE NIGHTTIME FOR CIVIL AVIATION a) ACFT which have no noise certificate in accordance with ICAO Annex 16 are not permitted to take-off or land. b) ACFT licensed in accordance with ICAO Annex 16, Chapter 2 are not permitted to take-off or land as follows: - 2000-0800LT on weekdays - additionally, FRI 2000LT - MON 0800LT. c) For ACFT licensed in accordance with ICAO Annex 16, Chapter 3 the following restrictions apply: - Between 2200-0600LT take-offs and landings are not permitted unless they have been coordinated at least one day in advance by the Scheduling Coordinator (ad hoc charter flights, in particular individual flights for specific reasons, but of no public interest). - Between 2300-0600LT take-offs and landings for the performance of exercise flights, check flights and training flights are not permitted. - Between 0000-0500LT landings are not permitted for all kinds of flights. EXCEPTIONS Excluded from the restrictions mentioned above are: - Landings of ACFT provably approaching Frankfurt/Main APT as alternate aerodrome for meteorological, technical or other safety reasons as well as takeoffs and landings of ACFT rendering medical assistance, on missions in disasters or evacuation flights. - Flights in the special interest of public. Excluded from the restrictions according to paras b). and c). only: Take-offs and landings of ACFT used for checking radio and radar as well as APT facilities. CHANGES: New page. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The application shall contain: - Name and address of ACFT operating agency and ACFT operator, - aerodrome of departure or destination, - radio call sign of the ACFT, - type, year of construction and noise certificate according to paragraph 11c of the Luftverkehrs-Ordnung (LuftVO) of the ACFT, - time of departure or landing for which the exception is requested. The reasons for the application have to be specified; the applicant has to state, in particular, that the ACFT will be flown by a pilot who is familiar with the noise abatement procedures at Frankfurt/Main APT. If detailed reasons cannot be given because of urgency, these reasons shall be forwarded subsequently in writing within 24 hours to ‘Hessisches Ministerium fuer Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Landesentwicklung’ or to the local ‘Luftaufsichtsstelle Frankfurt/Main APT’. Take-off or landing clearance granted by ATC, as well as other clearances, do not automatically include the necessary exceptional permission by the approving authority. Exceptional permission will not be granted by ATC via radio telephony. The pilot shall report landing outside the times permitted, which have not previously been approved, and justify this in writing to the local ‘Luftaufsichtsstelle" immediately after landing. 1.2.3. REVERSE THRUST Reverse thrust other than idle thrust shall not be used between 2200-0600LT except for safety reasons. 1.2.4. RUN-UP TESTS Run-up tests and engine test runs as well as extensive maintenance work on ACFT at the positions are not permitted. Apron Control may grant exceptions in justified cases. CHANGES: New page. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN + JEPPESEN 30 MAR 07 10-1P10 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY 3. DEPARTURE AIRPORT.BRIEFING COB reporting ways For entering and updating the COB the following ways are available: - Linked internal systems of airlines or handling agents - OBCCOS (Off-Block Calculation and Coordination System) - SITA Address FRAAF7X - Fax +49 (0)69 690 56701 - Tel. +49 (0)69-690 71740, Traffic Data Center Target times for start-up and off-block Calculation of Target Start-Up Approval Time (TSAT) and Target Off-Block Approval Time (TOAT) Based on the reported COB, the flight will be planned into the departure sequence 45 minutes prior to the estimated end of ground handling, a TOAT will be generated. As soon as a COB is updated, a new calculation of the departure sequence and the target times will be conducted. For this calculation the parking position, RWY, taxi time, departure routes and their separation minima and an existing CFMU slot are taken into consideration and - based on this - an optimal departure sequence is determined. Consequently, for each flight the optimal time for Start-Up (TSAT) and Off-Block (TOAT) will be determined. The TSAT is the result of the TOAT, and is defined as TSAT = TOAT - 5 minutes. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN + JEPPESEN 30 MAR 07 10-1P11 3. DEPARTURE FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY AIRPORT.BRIEFING After setting a new COB the flight will be put into the departure sequence again, a new TOAT will be generated. Remote-Holding If a flight is planned for the remote-holding procedure, the target time TOAT is the time when the flight leaves the remote-holding position. In that case, push-back approval and taxi instructions to the assigned remote-holding position is given before reaching the TOAT by apron control. At the remote-holding position, start-up has to be requested at TSAT, taxi instructions at TOAT (same as standard procedure). De-icing If de-icing is required, the pilot or the airline has to request de-icing before reaching TOAT. DMAN will then calculate target times for de-icing, the TOAT will be adjusted to these times. For both, de-icing on parking position and de-icing on a de-icing pad the TOAT is the time at which the parking position is left. In case of a position de-icing this is done before reaching the TOAT, and in case of a remote de-icing after having left the position and therefore after the TOAT. Announcement of the Target Time TOAT The first announcement of the TOAT is 30 minutes before COB and will be updated 20 minutes, respectively 10 minutes before TOAT. The announcement of the TOAT is by way of the information systems FADS (Frankfurt Airport Display System), OBCCOS or linked internal systems of airlines or handling agents. For general aviation flights or flights without handling agent the TOAT can be requested at the GAT-Terminal or by calling the Traffic Data Center. Transferring the target times to pilots The transfer of the target times TOAT and TSAT to the pilot is in the responsibility of the airline or the assigned handling agent. For flights without handling agents the responsibility for inquiring the target times is in the hands of the pilot-incommand. Use of the target times for start-up Based on the new procedure, the "Pre-Departure Sequence" is no longer according to the order of start-up requests but according to the target times TOAT, respectively TSAT. At TSAT (TOAT-5 minutes) start-up must be requested. Start-up and enroute clearance are still possible via Data Link. For requests before TSAT only enroute clearance is possible. The start-up clearance must be requested separately at TSAT via radio. Use of target times for push-back (Off-Block) After reception of start-up the pilot has to request push-back not later than TOAT. The pilot will receive push-back approval from apron control depending on the traffic situation. For ACFT in nose-out positions the request for taxi must be made at TOAT. NON-STANDARD PROCEDURES Re-Planning procedure / Standby status If the TOAT is reached - without push-back or start-up request having been made the re-planning procedure goes into effect. In the re-planning procedure the flight is set back in the departure sequence by at least five minutes. A new TOAT is generated. If the new TOAT is exceeded again, this process will be repeated. With the third exeedance of the TOAT the flight is removed from the departure sequence and placed in standby (STBY) status. The target times of that flight will be deleted. A flight in standby is not included in the departure sequence anymore. CHANGES: New page. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: New page. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN + JEPPESEN 4 AUG 06 10-1P2 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1. GENERAL 1.3. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES (LVP) 1.3.1. CAT III OPERATIONS GENERAL RWYs 07R/25L & 07L/25R will be announced via ATIS. Taxiing for all ACFT is restricted to TWYs with operating centerline lights. The TWY centerline lights within the ILS sensitive area from RWY 07L/25R towards TWY A and from RWY 07R/25L towards TWY C are colourcoded (yellow/green). Landing ACFT are requested to report RWY vacated at the end of the colourcoded TWY centerline lights to indicate that the ACFT has vacated the ILS sensitive area. In order to facilitate ground movement several clearance bars and stop bars are installed. CLEARANCE BARS Clearance bars are operated together with the centerline lighting and consist of three unidirectional surface lights showing YELLOW in the direction of approach to the intersection, arranged at 90^ to the TWY centerline and partly displaced laterally to center line. If the traffic situation requires, ACFT may be instructed to hold at a specific clearance bar. If no such instruction is given, ACFT may taxi across the clearance bar without a specific clearance. STOP BARS Stop bars are operated independently of the centerline lighting and consist of unidirectional surface lights showing red in the direction of approach to a taxiholding position/an intersection, spaced at intervals of 10’/3m across the overall width of a TWY at 90^ to the TWY centerline. Taxiing across an operating stop bar is strictly prohibited. 1.4. TAXI PROCEDURES 1.4.1. GENERAL Taxiing on TWY B EAST permitted to ACFT with a size up to A321 (tail unit height MAX 39'/11.8m) regardless of approaches to RWY 25L/R. To avoid crossing the apch ground lines 25L/R while another ACFT is flying over TWY B EAST, pilots can choose taxiing speed at their own discretion, or can wait at the appropriate stop point (295'/90m in front of apch ground line on TWY B EAST). Pilots can continue to taxi w/o a renewed clearance from ATC. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN + JEPPESEN 4 AUG 06 10-1P3 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1. GENERAL 1.5. PARKING INFORMATION On stands A10 thru A21, A23, A26 thru A42, B2, B20 thru B48, C4 thru C11, D1 thru D13, E2 thru E9A, F211 thru F240, S501 thru S504, V92 thru 119, V123, V125, V126, V128, V130 and V251 thru V270 push-back required. 1.6. OTHER INFORMATION 1.6.1. GENERAL Glider areas in the vicinity of APT. 1.6.2. OPERATION OF SSR-MODE S TRANSPONDERS GENERAL An improved surface surveillance system using Mode S mulitlateration has been installed. OPERATION OF MODE S TRANSPONDERS WHEN ACFT IS ON THE GROUND ACFT operators shall ensure that the Mode S transponders are able to operate when the ACFT is on the ground. Therefore it is necessary that aircrews select AUTO mode or its equivalent, according to specific installation and assigned mode A code, if AUTO mode is not available select ON (e.g. XPDR) and assigned mode A code under the following conditions: - From the request for push-back or taxi, whichever comes first. - After landing, continuously until the ACFT is fully parked on the stand. When fully parked on the stand, the transponder shall be switched off. Whenever the ACFT is capable of reporting ACFT identification (i.e. call sign used in flight), the ACFT identification should also be entered from the request for pushback or taxi, whichever comes first (through the FMS or the transponder control panel). Aircrews shall use the format as defined in field 7 of the ICAO flight plan for entry of the ACFT identification (e.g. DLH123, TAP234, AFR6380,...). To ensure that the performance of systems based on SSR frequencies (including airborne TCAS units and SSR radars) is not compromised, TCAS shall not be activated before receiving the clearance to line-up. After landing, it shall be deactivated after vacating the RWY. ACFT are permitted to taxi on the manoeuvring area between RWY 07L/25R and TWY A only with the minimum engine revolutions absolutely required. Turns from TWY Hto to Cto & conversely not authorized. TWY M1 MAX wingspan 113’/34.5m. TWYs N blue, N orange and Z MAX wingspan 118’/36m. Part of TWY K (South of TWY S) and TWY N SOUTH MAX wingspan 171’/52m. 1.4.2. TAXIING OF THE APRON Wing-tip clearance for B747-400 on ACFT stand taxilanes is 25'/7.5m as a minimum, to parallel service roads or 10'/3m - height-limited objects, is 16'/5m as a minimum. Heavy ACFT taxiing on apron shall apply minimum thrust only. When taxiing into parking stands, ACFT shall not stop in turns. If an ACFT comes to a stop, notify Apron Control prior to increasing engine power. Push-backs to TWY N have to be executed facing West. In the General Aviation Area the wing-tip clearance is MIM 15'/4.5m. Adhere strictly to the yellow, blue and orange taxi guidance lines. CHANGES: New page. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: New page. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN + JEPPESEN 10-1P4 4 AUG 06 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY AIRPORT.BRIEFING NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN + JEPPESEN 4 AUG 06 2. ARRIVAL 2.1. SPEED RESTRICTIONS JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 10-1P5 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY AIRPORT.BRIEFING 2. ARRIVAL HALS OPERATION - Approach procedure: An additional instrument landing system (ILS DME 26L) has been installed. MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within Airspace C. 2.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES Between 2300-0500LT all inbound ACFT should expect clearances whereby final will be reached not closer to the APT than: - approximately 18 NM (RWYs 25R/L) and - approximately 19 NM (RWYS 07L/R) from THR. These "final-interception points" correspond to the GPS/FMS waypoints DF022 (RWYs 25L/R) and DF052 (RWYs 07L/R). The fly-by function of these waypoints is not affected. Pilots should subsequently expect a clearance for an ILS approach with GP interception at 5000'. In addition pilots should expect a clearance to descend below FL70 only 6 NM prior to reaching the above mentioned points. Pilots should adjust their speed accordingly (approximately 200-220 KT when leaving FL70) and are urgently requested to perform their descent from FL70 as a continuous descent whenever possible. In the event of technical failure of the ILS equipment, i.e. the need to fly non-precision approaches, descent clearances to 4000' will be issued. Requests for non-precision approaches for training purposes will be denied. - ATIS broadcasts: As soon as the HALS operations begin, the ATIS broadcast will provide pilots with the pertinent information. - Use of procedure: Pilots who do not wish to use the THR 26L approach procedure must explicitly inform Frankfurt Approach when establishing initial contact. - Taxi procedure: Two types of standard taxi guidance procedures will be used for ACFT having landed after use of THR 26L. Type 1: Guidance via TWY C and intersection of RWY North. Type 2: Guidance via TWYs R, W and A to destinations West of TWY H. METEOROLOGICAL AND FLIGHT OPERATIONS CONDITIONS THR 26L will be used under the following conditions: - Ground visibility is 2400m or more; - Ceiling is approx. 400 ft (ceiling must be such that THR 26L is in sight at outer marker); - No tailwind prevails; - Braking action is good; - All ILS DME facilities are fully serviceable; - Lighting for use of THR 26L, including PAPI 26L, is fully serviceable. 2.4.2. HIGH INTENSITY RWY OPERATIONS (HIRO) The above procedures will not be applied to: - flights with STS/HOSP - flights in adverse weather conditions and - flights in emergency situations. Approaching ACFT for which a parking position is designated on the Southern airport area shall advise LANGEN Radar on 120.8. These ACFT and propeller-driven ACFT which park in the Eastern part of the Northern apron will preferably be assigned to RWY 07R/25L. 2.3. CAT II/III OPERATIONS RWY 07L/25R and RWY 07R/25L(except THR 26L) approved for CAT II/III operations, special aircrew and ACFT certification required. When changing frequency from LANGEN Radar to FRANKFURT Director initial contact shall be restricted to 2.4. RWY OPERATIONS FRANKFURT DIRECTOR & CALLSIGN 2.4.1. LANDING THR 26L GENERAL FRANKFURT TOWER, CALLSIGN & RWY. in order to avoid frequency congestion. When being transferred to FRANKFURT Tower initial contact shall consist of Second landing THR 26L established on RWY 25L in connection with the High Approach Landing System (HALS). The HALS offers the possibility to reduce wake turbulence separation for ACFT of categories Medium or Light to the permissible Radar separation minima. For this purpose, RWY 25L is provided with a second landing THR designated as 26L. DESCRIPTION OF THE SECOND LANDING THR 26L Threshold 26L is only permitted for landings of ACFT with a maximum certified take-off mass of less than 136,000 kg. THR 26L is displaced by 4921'/1500m from landing THR 25L. Simultaneous operation of two THRs on one RWY is not permitted. MARKINGS AND LIGHTING For operation on THR 26L, special markings and lighting are installed which deviate from the ‘Guidelines for the Markings and Lighting at APTs’, as well as ICAO. For detailed depiction refer to page 10-9H. Lighting for THR 26L, including PAPI, will be kept working together with the edge and centerline lights while operations are being conducted. Approach-, THR- and TDZ lighting 25L, as well as PAPI 25L, will be turned off when THR 26L is in operation. CHANGES: New page. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: New page. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 + JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 10-1P6 30 MAR 07 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY AIRPORT.BRIEFING NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN + JEPPESEN 30 MAR 07 2. ARRIVAL Pilots are reminded that by leaving the RWY quickly, ATC will be able to guide ACFT on final using minimum radar separation. In order to reduce RWY occupancy times, pilots shall apply the following procedures: The RWYs shall, as a rule, be left via the existing high-speed turn-offs. When RWY conditions permit, pilots should prepare their landings in order to leave the RWYs via the high-speed turn-offs listed below: 07L 07R 25L 25R ACFT 10-1P7 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY AIRPORT.BRIEFING 3. DEPARTURE LANDINGS RWY JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. Turn off intersections Dist from THR ft (m) 8202’ (2500m) heavy G medium / light Mto 5906’ (1800m) heavy Gto 7054’ (2150m) medium / light Cto 5577’ (1700m) 7546’ (2300m) heavy Jto medium (JET) Hto 6070’ (1850m) medium (PROP) / light G 3609’ (1100m) heavy Hto 6890’ (2100m) medium (JET) Ato 6070’ (1850m) medium (PROP) / light Gto 3773’ (1150m) Name the expected high-speed turn-off during the approach briefing to ensure a minimum RWY occupancy time. The possibility of FRANKFURT Tower applying reduced RWY separation remains unaffected and shall continue to be observed. The frequency change after landing from FRANKFURT Tower to FRANKFURT Apron shall only be carried out on request. If the pilot-in-command does not receive further taxi clearance, he should stop in front of TWY A. 2.5. TAXI PROCEDURES To maintain smooth taxiing traffic, ACFT having landed on RWY 07R/25L will be guided, if possible, to defined change-over points, depending on the assigned parking position, to cross RWY 07L/25R. This procedure will be withdrawn during adverse weather conditions, at the latest when CAT III operation is in force. Taxi to stands F236 thru F240 via TWY N NORTH, facing North. Taxi to stands V119 thru V130 or V150 thru V178 via TWY N, facing South. 3.1. DE-ICING 3.1.1. GENERAL De-icing notification shall be directed to FRANKFURT De-icing 135.22 or via phone. 069/690-73891. Acft shall be ready at the estimated de-icing time. If this is impossible, the APT De-icing Center (ADC) shall be informed and the new "ready for de-icing time" be transmitted to the ADC. CAUTION: If the ACFT is not ready at the estimated de-icing time (i.e. doors not closed) the de-icing vehicles will be directed to the next ACFT waiting and subject flight will have to wait until other vehicles become available for disposition. 3.1.2. ACFT STANDS The de-icing/anti-icing of ACFT at the respective ACFT stands will take place with engines switched off, passenger bridges cast off, and the ACFT clear of handling equipment. 3.1.3. REMOTE DE-ICING PADS (DPs) The remote de-icing pads are located West of the head of RWY 18 and fall within the responsibility of FRANKFURT Tower. When carrying out de-icing procedure, responsibility will temporarily be transferred to FRANKFURT Apron. On the remote de-icing pads, only jet ACFT with running engines and APU switched off will be de-iced. Propeller ACFT will not be de-iced for safety reasons. Underwing de-icing, de-icing of undercarriage or with hot air, the control of the central engines (e.g. DC10), as well as special examinations of individual ACFT parts (e.g. hands on checks) cannot be carried out on the remote de-icing pads. Taxiing manoeuvres may only be carried out at the indispensable minimum engine speed. On the de-icing pads ACFT shall stop in front of the clearance bar or follow the advice of the marshaller and will be advised by FRANKFURT Apron to establish radio contact with the de-icing crew teamleader on an assigned frequency. During the de-icing proceedings, the pilot-in-command shall ensure continuous listening watch on the respective frequency of FRANKFURT Apron. After de-icing proceedings have been concluded, the pilot-in-command shall report to FRANKFURT Apron that he is ready to taxi. 3.2. START-UP & TAXI PROCEDURES 3.2.1. GENERAL Departures from the Southern APT area shall state their position when request start-up clearance. 3.2.2. FROM 0600 - 2200LT All ACFT up to A321 parked at positions East of TWY E and planned for departure from RWY 18 have to expect to taxi via TWYs B EAST (ATTENTION: Overflying ACFT on extended CL RWY 25L/R) and S. Departure will take place basically from position S. Pilots unable to comply with these conditions shall advise Frankfurt Apron upon initial contact. 3.3. SPEED RESTRICTIONS MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within Airspace C. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Start-up procedure added. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN + JEPPESEN 23 NOV 07 10-1P8 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY AIRPORT.BRIEFING NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 + JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 23 NOV 07 10-1P9 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY 3. DEPARTURE 3. DEPARTURE 3.4. NOISE ABATEMENT JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. AIRPORT.BRIEFING 3.6. OTHER INFORMATION For additional depiction refer to 10-4. 3.6.1. GENERAL 3.4.1 DEPARTURE DESIGNATION RWYs 07L/R: a) Between 0700-2200LT: - SIDs with designator ECHO may be used by all MEDIUM and LIGHT ACFT able to comply with the climb restrictions; - SIDS with designator DELTA shall be used by all HEAVY ACFT and by all ACFT ECHO. b) Between 2200-0700LT ALL ACFT shall use SIDs with designator DELTA. c) NON RNAV (enroute only) equipped ACFT shall use SIDs with designator CHARLIE. unable to comply with the climb restrictions in SIDs with designator RWYs 25L/R: a) Between 0700-2200LT: - SIDs with designator FOXTROT may be used by all MEDIUM and LIGHT ACFT able to comply with the climb restrictions; - SIDs with designator JULIETT shall be used by all to comply with the climb restrictions; HEAVY ACFT northbound able GOLF shall be used by all ACFT unable to comply with the climb restrictions in SIDs with designators FOXTROT or JULIETT and by all HEAVY ACFT west-, south- and southeastbound; EXCEPTION: ACFT via BIBOS shall use SIDs with designators FOXTROT for MEDIUM or LIGHT ACFT and GOLF for HEAVY ACFT. b) Between 2200-0700LT: - SIDs with designator - All 3- and 4-engined jet ACFT, except Avroliner, BAe 146, FA50, FA90 and L29A (C140) via BIBOS, MARUN, SOBRA and TOBAK, shall use SIDs with designator NOVEMBER; - Single- and twin-engined ACFT shall use SIDs according to paragraphs a) & c) respectively. c) SIDs with designator PAPA may be used by single and twin-engined propellerdriven ACFT and DASH 7 only. d) NON RNAV (enroute only) equipped ACFT shall use SIDs with designator QUEBEC. RWY 18: NON RNAV (enroute only) equipped ACFT shall use SIDs with designator CHARLIE and QUEBEC respectively. 3.5. RWY OPERATIONS 3.5.1. HIGH INTENSITY RWY OPERATIONS (HIRO) Cockpit checks should be completed prior to line-up and any checks requiring completion on the RWY should be kept to a minimum. ACFT ready for departure should be in a position to taxi directly from hold upon receiving take-off clearance from FRANKFURT Tower. When using landing direction 07, the pilot shall advise FRANKFURT Tower on initial contact of the earliest possible take-off intersection. When glider areas in vicinity of APT activated, expect higher crossing altitude by ATC for SIDs which require higher climb gradient than standard. 3.6.2. DATALINK DEPARTURE CLEARANCE (DCL) DFS (Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH) is offering start-up and enroute clearances using Datalink. The procedures have been described in an AIC. Deviations from this, in special situations (e.g. snow), enroute clearance may be transmitted via Datalink in advance after receiving a RCD, while at the appropriate time, start-up approval will be granted on the frequency specified in the CLD. Pilots shall maintain listening watch on this frequency and shall refrain from making enquiries about the start-up approval. The following time parameters apply: ti 25 min prior to EOBT for unregulated flights. t0 30 min prior to CTOT for ATFM regulated flights. 11 min prior to EOBT for unregulated flights. 16 min prior to CTOT for ATFM regulated flights. 1 min t1 5 min t2 1 min tt 3.6.3. DEPARTURE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INTRODUCTION To optimize the outbound process from the parking position to the RWY, a computerized Departure Management System (DMAN) calculating a departure sequence and generating target times for Start-Up and Off-Block, has been established. The target times TSAT (Target Start-Up Approval Time) and TOAT (Target Off-Block Approval Time) are generated. TOAT is published in the APT information systems. Start-up is to be requested at TSAT, (5 minutes before TOAT), push-back or taxi is to be requested at TOAT. Pilots should adhere to the assigned target times. For any inquiries contact the back office landline +49 69 690 DMAN1 (+49 69 690 36261). The basis for the calculation of the target times is the COB (Confirmed Off-Block) which is reported by the airline or the assigned handling agent. It indicates the time when all ground handling services will be completed and the ACFT is ready to leave the parking position. PROCEDURES All IFR flights with ATC flight plan are taken into consideration. STANDARD PROCEDURES Reporting of end of ground handling (COB) Input and update of COB All airlines or assigned handling agents are required to deliver a COB in time - but no later than 60 minutes prior to the completion of ground handling to the Traffic Data Center using the described ways to report. Any deviation from an already published COB must immediately be reported after having become known. This must be done continuously until the actual off-block. Changes of the COB are continuously possible, the COB must be indicated in the form of a precise minute. Responsibility for the COB The responsibility for entering and updating the COB is in the hands of the airline, the assigned handling agent, or the pilot-in-command for all flights without handling agent. CHANGES: Departure designation RWYs 25L/R. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 364' GEDERN THREE ECHO (GED 3E) SPESSART THREE ECHO (PSA 3E) RWYS 07L/R ARRIVALS GEDERN TWO WHISKEY (GED 2W) SPESSART THREE WHISKEY (PSA 3W) RWYS 25L/R ARRIVALS 3047' 4000 290^ 0 110^ 500 CHA 115.5 CHA N49 55.3 E009 02.4 CHARLIE 246^ 266^ 0 66 400 R0 ^ PSA 21 0 400 3E FRANKFURT 114.2 FFM FFM D METRO MTR 110.0 MTR (IAF Rwys 25L/R) N50 16.6 E008 50.9 1 (IAF Rwys 25L/R) 5000 2855^ 4000 R105^ 8 40 PS00 3E, 3A W D25 FFM 3 N50 17.0 E009 07.5 (TAU D37) GEDSI 266^ 5000 FL80 By ATC RID 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 D RIED 1 (IAF Rwys 07L/R) N50 15.0 E008 09.8 086^ GED 3E LANGEN EDGG FIR (C/E/G) TAUNUS 2122' FRANCE TAU REIMS LFEE FIR (G) 0 D6 116.7 TAU 4400 180^ 2113' GED 1 ^ 150 D 3500 RID (3900) VOR DME 1 2873' R086^ 10 0 5000 RIED 26 5000 FL80 By ATC ^ 2248' KONIG KNG NDB 2394' 7^ 22 240 EH NDB 3000 (3400) 21 0^ PSA NDB EGELSBACH FW NDB D4 0 SPESSART 4000 D20 FRANKFURT 2868' 2327' 2500 3000 expect radar vectors to final approach. 2 GPS/FMS equipped aircraft expect GED 07 (10-2B)/GED 25 (10-2F) Transition. 3 GPS/FMS equipped aircraft expect PSA 07 (10-2D)/PSA 25 (10-2H) Transition. 20 2500 2500 3000 (2800) (2700) CHA VOR 12 0^ 0 D2 2000 4 5000 CHARLIE 1 RNAV and NON-RNAV equipped aircraft 2510' 2067' 2200 3000 (2500) D4 0 270^ 40 30 Frankfurt/ Main 0 D6 10 2 3 2031' 3900 (4300) 110.8 GED HANAU (IAF Rwys 07L/R) 2600 HNU NDB 1 50-00 49-30 GEDERN 3300 (3500) 3235' 3600 3600 (3900) 2211' 0 R0 400 3200 (3500) 4600 11 4000 0 7^ 04 500 50 WBD NDB D20 090^ WIESBADEN 5000 267^ FL80 By ATC FR NDB 4400 (4800) D5 GED FRANKFURT 4900 ^ 060 300 ^ TAU VORTAC 5500 MTR VOR W D2 GE 12 0 400 61^ TAUNUS 50-30 5 0 450 2933' METRO ^ 241 GED VORTAC R087^ GEDERN 182^ 03 0^ 4500 031 ^ 50 0 0 9 D FL8 500 2 D40 ^ GE 0 By 0A 11^ D TC 0 33 6000 002^ 2464' 2200' FROM EAST 0^ FFM VORTAC 2276' D 2599' 2556' 4 FRANKFURT Clearance limit 2 1 3300(3400) 2 2500(2800) 3 2000(2100) D60 2815' 2747' 3E 51-00 2000 CONTOUR INTERVALS N50 24.7 E009 14.9 2621' 2333' NOT TO SCALE ^ .STAR. Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 370 PSA PSA 335 .Eff.30.Aug. N49 51.7 E009 20.9 3176' 2615' *118.02 114.2 Apt Elev 10-2 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 South *125.35 ATIS 17 AUG 07 SPESSART 364' FRANKFURT/MAIN Clearance limit Apt Elev FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA MSA FFM VOR Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' The MRVA (Minimum Radar Vectoring Altitude) is the lowest altitude which may be used for radar vectors for IFR flights taking into account the minimum safe height (1000' above the highest obstacle within a radius of 8 km) and airspace structure (lower limit of the controlled airspace plus a buffer of 500'). Below the MRVA, IFR flights will normally be cleared on published IFR procedures only. Altitudes in brackets apply for the period from AIRAC date in November until AIRAC date in March in order to meet required obstacle clearance at cold temperatures. DEPARTURE *119.02 *120.15 North *136.12 120.8 *126.55 .RADAR.MINIMUM.ALTITUDES. 3200' 10-1R 4 MAY 07 LANGEN Radar (APP) ARRIVAL FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 3500' EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 124300' 5^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. GERMANY 07-30 CHANGES: Sectorization. 08-00 08-30 09-00 09-30 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: STARs renumbered & revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1^ R2 1 (IAF Rwys 07L/R) ^ 241 28 3 ^ FL110 RID 1 OS 40 6 RO MAX00 LI 2 S1 W W RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 066^ 246^ 0 400 .STAR. 103^ D R012^ OSMAX 182^ 6000 002^ 031 ^ 500 0 G E D 5 9 D ~7 000 21 1 .1 21 3 0^ ^ N50 03.4 E008 18.9 4 4 N49 52.2 E007 52.3 At or above 5000' 220 KT FRANKFURT (FAF RWY 07L) LOMPO D12.5 FRD N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N49 58.0 E008 15.6 1 At or above 4000' DME D FRD (FAF RWY 07R) FRED ROBSA D12.6 FRD (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 N49 57.7 E008 15.6 2 At or above 4000' JEPPESEN JeppView 4.5 DF~54 114.2 FFM FFM .RNAV.TRANSITION. N50 00.6 DF~42 E008 07.3 4 DF~~7 N49 59.2 1 By ATC N49 59.5 0 DF~43 E008 01.5 4 400 E008 22.4 N49 57.8 0669^ 2 E007 55.7 4 1 . 4 ^ DF~~9 4 067 N49 58.6 E008 18.9 ^ DF~53 1 4 7 0 N49 53.6 4 2 E007 58.1 4 DF~51 4 DF~52 N49 56.4 E008 09.7 N49 55.0 E008 03.9 0 6 9^ D FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY DF~41 .Eff.30.Aug. DF~96 At FL80 220 KT 11.7 0 500 FL90 159^ | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. At or below DF~44 N49 56.4 E007 49.9 GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC FL80 220 KT 180^ GED ~7 RWYS 07L/R RNAV TRANSITION At or above DF~4~ N50 02.0 E008 13.1 N50 15.8 E009 11.0 Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. N50 04.8 E008 24.7 N50 14.4 E009 05.0 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 DF~14 DF~13 10-2B DF~94 JEPPESEN 4 17 AUG 07 DF~12 N50 13.0 E008 59.3 4 N50 11.7 DF~1~ E008 53.4 4 N50 10.6 DF~71 E008 49.1 3 N50 08.9 E008 41.8 5 DF~11 Apt Elev 220 KT NOT TO SCALE DF~15 N50 17.1 E009 16.9 4 4 24A9TC^ DF~16 N50 18.5 By 0 E009 22.7 500 Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. On downwind transition expect vectors to final. 2. Speed restrictions on Transition (even without profile) are always mandatory, unless cancelled by ATC. Minimum MSA FFM VOR 364' GEDSI N50 17.0 E009 07.5 ^ FL110 220 KT EDDF/FRA At Minimum 3200' 3500' FRANKFURT/MAIN N50 24.7 E009 14.9 ATIS GED 124300' 5^ GEDERN 110.8 GED *118.02 114.2 Clearance limit D 335 CHANGES: RNAV transition revised. ROUTING GED (FL110; K220+) - GEDSI (K220+) - DF013 - DF094 (FL80+; K220) DF040 (FL90-) - DF044 (FL80; K220) - DF054 - DF052 (5000'+) DF051 (K220) - LOMPO (07L 3 ; 4000'+) / ROBSA (07R ; 4000'+). 3 Valid for LOST COMM situation. 180^ 266^ JEPPESEN JeppView HOLDINGS OVER MTR 0 400 031 ^ 192^ 4 17 D OSM 000 ROLIAX 3E S 1E 081^ Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 14 D ROKIM N50 00.1 E008 03.1 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 086^ R261^ 23 4000 TC FL80 By A FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY AT C FL100 MAX 250 KT 4^ R266^ 32 4000 FL80 By ATC .Eff.30.Aug. R3 0 OSM16.8 AX 50 FL80 5000 2W By 0 10-2A N50 03.2 E008 38.2 JEPPESEN FRANKFURT required. 112 13 7.^9 5 3 O FL ^ 5 ^ 061 AT C 114.2 FFM FFM 17 AUG 07 5 BRNAV equipment N50 06.7 E007 39.1 D FROM WEST | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .1 TC 11 5 00 y A 50 0 B 10 FL y At 086^ N50 16.6 E008 50.9 2 FL8 50 5 0 B 00 AXBy A 0 T 14 3E C REDLI N50 01.2 E007 48.0 5000 FL80 By ATC ^ LAGES SM80 FFM 110.0 MTR EDDF/FRA ETARU MTR METRO 1 24 N50 17.1 E008 06.7 5^ 13 50 FL100 By A00 TC 14 N50 14.5 E007 27.0 Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 5 EPINO 5 (IAF Rwys 25L/R) D 364' 103^ 124 5000 ^ OSMAX THREE ECHO (OSMAX 3E) [OSMA3E] ROLIS ONE ECHO (ROLIS 1E) [ROLI1E] RWYS 07L/R ARRIVALS OSMAX TWO WHISKEY (OSMAX 2W) [OSMA2W] ROLIS ONE WHISKEY (ROLIS 1W) [ROLI1W] RWYS 25L/R ARRIVALS 1E OLI y AT ,1 S C W N50 15.6 E007 19.4 Apt Elev Clearance limit FRANKFURT/MAIN 2 OSMAX MSA FFM VOR ATIS ^ 14 FL 5 5 .2 11 0 R 0 B 00 ^ 1 28 3200' 3500' 335 ROLIS N50 26.1 E007 49.5 NOT TO SCALE 340^ 0 FL11 Clearance limit expect radar vectors to final approach. 2 GPS/FMS equipped aircraft expect OSMAX 07 (10-2C)/OSMAX 25 (10-2G) Transition. 3 GPS/FMS equipped aircraft expect ROLIS 07 (10-2E)/ROLIS 25 (10-2J) Transition. 4 If no further clearance received beyond ETARU/REDLI/ROKIM proceed direct FFM and continue to IAF MTR or IAF RID depending on active RWY. *118.02 114.2 160^ CHANGES: STARs renumbered & revised. 3 124300' 5^ 1 RNAV and NON-RNAV equipped aircraft N50 04.8 E008 24.7 4.5 N50 00.6 E008 07.3 4 0 4 00 4 DF~42 N49 59.2 D32 DF~43 E008 01.5 N49 57.8 E007 55.7 4 4 At FL100 MAX 250 KT DF~44 4.1 ^ DF~53 N49 56.4 E007 49.9 DF~54 4 N49 53.6 E007 58.1 4 4 FRANKFURT N49 59.5 E008 22.4 0669^ 2 DME DF~~9 N49 58.6 E008 18.9 D (FAF RWY 07R) FRD FRED (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 N49 57.7 E008 15.6 DF~51 At or above N49 56.4 E008 09.7 DF~52 N49 55.0 E008 03.9 220 KT 1 At or above ^ 5000' 3200' 3500' N49 58.0 E008 15.6 At or above 4000' MSA FFM VOR D 067 0741^ 6 4 N49 57.7 E008 15.6 At or above 4000' FL70 220 KT Clearance limit 370 PSA PSA SPESSART N49 51.7 E009 20.9 At 15 DF~81 N49 59.5 E008 40.2 220 KT 285^ FL110 220 KT Minimum 4000 7 .6 4000 R105^ N49 55.9 E008 25.4 At N50 06.4 E009 09.6 D25 FFM CHA CHARLIE 115.5 CHA N49 55.3 E009 02.4 4 .9 5000 PSA285^ ~7 JEPPESEN JeppView 1 DF~82 N50 03.7 DF~3~ N50 02.6 E008 58.0 E008 53.5 N50 05.1 E009 03.8 0 .RNAV.TRANSITION. 339^ ROBSA D12.6 FRD FL70 220 KT 9.2 .2 N49 58.6 E008 18.9 10000 4 1 3 (FAF RWY 07R) At DF~31 DF~~7 N49 59.5 E008 22.4 DF~~9 DF~63 DF~32 500 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY 069^ 2 DF~33 4 N50 07.8 E009 15.5 By .Eff.30.Aug. ATC DF~34 4 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 3. 1 DF~83 2.4 N49 54.9 DF~6~ E008 21.0 4 N49 54.1 DF~61 E008 17.6 4 N49 52.6 DF~62 E008 11.8 N49 51.2 E008 06.0 N49 49.8 E008 00.2 4 10-2D 069^ FRANKFURT JEPPESEN N49 53.6 E007 58.1 4 4 114.2 FFM FFM PSA ~7 RWYS 07L/R RNAV TRANSITION DF~53 By 4. 1 ^ 5000' D 4000' 220 KT At or above 4 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DF~52 N50 01.8 E008 34.0 At or above DF~51 N49 56.4 E008 09.7 N49 55.0 E008 03.9 FRED GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC N49 58.0 E008 15.6 FRD (115.9) FRD N50 10.5 E009 27.2 Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. (FAF RWY 07L) LOMPO D12.5 FRD 24A9TC^ 17 AUG 07 DME DF~36 4 Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. On downwind transition expect vectors to final. 2. Speed restrictions on Transition (even without profile) are always mandatory, unless cancelled by ATC. DF~35 N50 09.1 E009 21.3 4 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MSA FFM VOR NOT TO SCALE 364' ^ 290^ Apt Elev 500 0 EDDF/FRA 3200' 3500' FRANKFURT/MAIN 110^ *ATIS 124300' 5^ 118.02 114.2 HOLDING OVER PSA 335 CHANGES: RNAV transition revised. ROUTING PSA (FL110; K220+) - CHA - DF081 (K220) - DF082 (FL70; K220) DF063 (FL70; K220) - DF053 - DF052 (5000'+) - DF051 (K220) LOMPO (07L ; 4000'+)/ ROBSA (07R 2 ; 4000'+). 2 Valid for LOST COMM situation. 124300' 5^ (FAF RWY 07L) LOMPO D12.5 FRD 4000' 335 NOT TO SCALE 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DF~~7 ATC ROBSA D12.6 FRD 0 6 9^ N49 52.2 E007 52.3 D JEPPESEN JeppView FL80 220 KT 067 0741^ By 249^ .RNAV.TRANSITION. 4.5 At 1 4 180^ REDLI N50 01.2 E007 48.0 N50 03.4 E008 18.9 4 180^ 069^ 6^ 26 DF~41 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY 15.4 0 500 .Eff.30.Aug. 50 7. 00 9 FL80 220 KT 159^ DF~96 159^ | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 13 3^ At or above 8 N50 06.4 E008 10.6 Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. DF~94 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FL90 DF~9~ 10-2C FL110 220 KT Minimum JEPPESEN At or below 17 AUG 07 At 220 KT N50 02.0 E008 13.1 N50 06.7 E007 39.1 .1 11 000 5 5^ 13 LAGES EDDF/FRA DF~92 N50 09.1 E008 22.3 DF~4~ FRANKFURT/MAIN N50 14.5 E007 27.0 Apt Elev EPINO 5 5000 Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. On downwind transition expect vectors to final. 2. Speed restrictions on Transition (even without profile) are always mandatory, unless cancelled by ATC. 103^ ATIS N50 15.6 E007 19.4 364' Clearance limit OSMAX *118.02 114.2 28 3 ^ FL110 103^ OSMAX ~7 [OSM~7] RWYS 07L/R RNAV TRANSITION HOLDING OVER OSMAX GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC CHANGES: RNAV transition revised. ROUTING OSMAX - EPINO - LAGES (FL110; K220+) - REDLI (FL100; K250-) - DF092 (K220) DF094 (FL80+; K220) - DF040 (FL90-) - DF044 (FL80; K220) - DF054 - DF052 (5000'+) - DF051 (K220) - LOMPO (07L 2 ; 4000'+) / ROBSA (07R ; 4000'+). 2 Valid for LOST COMM situation. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN 17 AUG 07 Apt Elev 118.02 114.2 364' 10-2E .Eff.30.Aug. .RNAV.TRANSITION. Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. On downwind transition expect vectors to final. 2. Speed restrictions on Transition (even without profile) are always mandatory, unless cancelled by ATC. ROLIS ~7 [ROL~7] RWYS 07L/R RNAV TRANSITION 124300' 5^ ATIS 17 AUG 07 10-2F .Eff.30.Aug. .RNAV.TRANSITION. Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. On downwind transition expect vectors to final. 2. Speed restrictions on Transition (even without profile) are always mandatory, unless cancelled by ATC. Apt Elev *118.02 114.2 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 364' GED 25 RWYS 25L/R RNAV TRANSITION 3200' 3500' 124300' 5^ 335 ^ ^ MSA FFM VOR Clearance limit ROLIS 3200' 3500' GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC 335 GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC MSA FFM VOR HOLDING OVER ROLIS N50 26.1 E007 49.5 Clearance limit 124 ^ ETARU 50 0 At MTR METRO 9 D2 5 R 3 .2 04^ D5 GED 110.0 MTR DF~93 N50 13.4 E008 19.8 4.5 000 5 159^ 4 5.1 N50 03.4 E008 18.9 4 49^ 2 N50 00.6 E008 07.3 4 DF~~7 TC A N49 59.2 N49 59.5 1 By DF~43 E008 01.5 4 4000 E008 22.4 N49 57.8 0669^ 2 E007 55.7 4 1 . 4 ^ DF~~9 4 067 N49 58.6 E008 18.9 ^ DF~53 4 1 7 0 N49 53.6 4 (FAF RWY 07R) E007 58.1 4 ROBSA 4 D12.6 FRD N49 57.7 0 6 9^ E008 15.6 DF~51 DF~54 N49 56.4 E008 09.7 At or above DF~52 N49 52.2 4000' N49 55.0 E008 03.9 E007 52.3 220 KT 159^ DF~41 FL80 220 KT DF~71 N50 08.9 E008 41.8 DF~42 At or above D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT FL80 220 KT 4.5 159^ D 1 4 12. 0 400 24 182^ At or above DF~21 FRD FRED FL70 220 KT (FAF RWY 25L) N50 01.8 E008 34.0 DME D 5000' D~015 DF~14 N50 07.4 E008 55.8 (115.9) FRD At or above FL80 220 KT N50 17.1 4 N50 15.8 E009 16.9 DF~13 E009 11.0 4 R N50 14.4 DF~12 E009 05.0 4 8. 2 ^ 9 N50 13.0 4 2 DF~11 4 N50 11.7 E008 59.3 4 DF~1~ E008 53.4 4 249^ DF~26 4 N50 10.6 N50 14.2 E008 49.1 3 E009 25.1 4 5 4 DF~25 DF~23 25 2^ 4 069^ N50 12.9 N50 10.2 3 DF~22 E009 07.5 DF~24 E009 19.2 N50 08.8 N50 11.5 At FL80 E009 01.7 E009 13.4 3.1 7^ 0 400 61^ 0 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DME At 0 450 41^ 4.5 DF~96 FL80 220 KT N50 04.8 E008 24.7 4.5 FL90 At 220 KT DF~94 At or above At or below N49 56.4 E007 49.9 N50 09.1 E008 22.3 N50 18.5 E009 22.7 5 159^ DF~4~ N50 02.0 E008 13.1 N50 13.7 E008 39.0 DF~92 DF~16 2 N50 16.6 E008 50.9 DF~7~ DF~44 FL110 220 KT 0 N50 17.1 E008 06.7 FL110 Minimum 220 KT GEDERN Minimum 113^ At GED 110.8 GED N50 24.7 E009 14.9 NOT TO SCALE 340^ 0 FL11 1 50 4.2 00 D 6000 002^ ^ 160^ 128 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ *ATIS FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. FRD FRED (115.9) FRD D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 LEDKI D12.1 FRD N50 06.2 E008 51.4 At or above 4000' (FAF RWY 25R) REDGO D12.3 FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 N50 06.6 E008 51.4 1 (FAF RWY 07L) N49 58.0 E008 15.6 1 At or above At or above 4000' LOMPO D12.5 FRD NOT TO SCALE 4000' ROUTING ROLIS - ETARU (FL110; K220+) - DF093 - DF094 (FL80+; K220) - DF040 (FL90-) - DF044 (FL80; K220) - DF054 - DF052 (5000'+) - DF051 (K220) - LOMPO (07L 2 ; 4000'+)/ ROBSA (07R ; 4000'+). 2 Valid for LOST COMM situation. CHANGES: RNAV transition revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING GED (FL110; K220+) - MTR - DF070 (K220) - DF071 (FL80+; K220) - DF016 (FL80; K220) DF026 - DF025 (FL80) - DF024 (FL70+) - DF021 (K220) - LEDKI (25L ; 4000'+) / REDGO (25R 2 ; 4000'+). 2 Valid for LOST COMM situation. CHANGES: RNAV transition revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FL70 At or above N50 12.9 E009 19.2 220 KT 4000' (FAF RWY 25L) 4000' 2523^ N50 03.2 E008 38.2 D DME D DME FRED N50 01.8 E008 34.0 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT DF~35 4 DF~34 DF~33 N50 06.4 E009 09.6 N50 07.8 E009 15.5 N50 09.1 E009 21.3 DF~36 N50 10.5 E009 27.2 DF~31 At FL90 220 KT N50 01.8 E008 34.0 7.2 285^ 4000 7.6 4000 R105^ DF~8~ N49 57.3 E008 51.6 220 KT D25 FFM CHA CHARLIE 110^ 4.9 5000 500 0 28 5 ^ 290^ 115.5 CHA N49 55.3 E009 02.4 Clearance limit 370 PSA PSA N49 51.7 E009 20.9 FL100 At FL110 220 KT Minimum At ROKIM N50 00.1 E008 03.1 SPESSART D23 070^ 4 4 N50 03.7 E009 03.8 E008 58.0 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 262^ D FRD (115.9) FRD D 4 24 9^ 6 0 2 . 3 ^ DF~32 8 5 N50 05.1 0 249^ 5 FRANKFURT (115.9) FRDFRD FFM 114.2 FFM 4000' At or above N50 06.6 E008 51.4 REDGO D12.3 FRD (FAF RWY 25R) DF~84 FRED 4 0 4 00 3.1 7^ N50 02.1 E008 53.8 N50 14.2 E009 25.1 4 N50 10.2 DF~22 E009 07.5 4 N50 08.8 E009 01.7 4 4 At or above LEDKI D12.1 FRD DF~26 4 DF~23 220 KT N50 06.6 E008 51.4 FL80 FL70 N50 07.4 E008 55.8 REDGO D12.3 FRD At or above N50 06.2 E008 51.4 LEDKI D12.1 FRD (FAF RWY 25L) (FAF RWY 25R) 4000' 15.8 0 500 DF~95 At At or above DF~21 At or above N50 03.7 E008 18.7 10.7 0 500 .8 0 16 500 NOT TO SCALE 3200' 1 11. 0 500 335 124300' 5^ ^ MSA FFM VOR 2^ 3500' FL110 220 KT At Minimum MSA FFM VOR N50 11.5 E009 13.4 FL80 220 KT N50 06.7 E007 39.1 LAGES 103 5000^ 3200' 3500' GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC DF~25 At or above DF~71 N50 08.9 E008 41.8 NOT TO SCALE N50 14.5 E007 27.0 EPINO N50 15.6 E007 19.4 5 124300' 5^ DF~24 24 DF~21 N50 07.4 E008 55.8 DF~15 DF~14 Clearance limit OSMAX 103^ 283^ FL110 PSA 25 RWYS 25L/R RNAV TRANSITION GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC 180^ CHANGES: RNAV transition revised. .RNAV.TRANSITION. Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. On downwind transition expect vectors to final. 2. Speed restrictions on Transition (even without profile) are always mandatory, unless cancelled by ATC. N50 06.2 E008 51.4 11 ^ 135 364' FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.30.Aug. 339^ N50 17.1 4 N50 15.8 E009 16.9 DF~13 E009 11.0 4 N50 14.4 DF~12 E009 05.0 4 N50 13.0 DF~11 4 N50 11.7 E008 59.3 4 DF~1~ E008 53.4 4 249^DF~26 4 N50 10.6 N50 14.2 E008 49.1 3 E009 25.1 4 5 4 DF~25 DF~23 4000 252^ 4 N50 12.9 N50 10.2 3 DF~22 E009 07.5 DF~24 E009 19.2 069^ N50 08.8 N50 11.5 At FL80 E009 01.7 E009 13.4 3.1 7^ FL80 220 KT At 159^ Apt Elev 118.02 114.2 10-2H 17 AUG 07 4 HOLDING OVER OSMAX *ATIS OSMAX 25 [OSM25] RWYS 25L/R RNAV TRANSITION 4.5 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN ^ ROUTING OSMAX - EPINO - LAGES (FL110; K220+) - ROKIM (FL100) - DF071 (FL80+; K220) - DF016 (FL80; K220) - DF026 - DF025 (FL80) - DF024 (FL70+) - DF021 (K220) - LEDKI (25L ; 4000'+) / REDGO (25R 1 ; 4000'+). 1 Valid for LOST COMM situation. .RNAV.TRANSITION. 335 DF~16 364' N50 18.5 E009 22.7 .Eff.30.Aug. Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. On downwind transition expect vectors to final. 2. Speed restrictions on Transition (even without profile) are always mandatory, unless cancelled by ATC. Apt Elev *118.02 114.2 10-2G 17 AUG 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 015^ FRANKFURT/MAIN ATIS FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING PSA (FL110; K220+) - CHA - DF080 (K220) - DF084 - DF031 - DF036 (FL90; K220) - DF026 DF025 (FL80) - DF024 (FL70+) - DF021 (K220) - LEDKI (25L 1 ; 4000'+) / REDGO (25R; 4000'+). 1 Valid for LOST COMM situation. CHANGES: RNAV transition revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN N50 03.2 E008 38.2 4000' At or above N50 01.8 E008 34.0 (115.9) FRDFRD FFM 114.2 FFM CHANGES: RNAV transition revised. NOT TO SCALE 335 3500' 124300' 5^ ^ MSA FFM VOR 3200' FL80 220 KT At or above DF~95 ^ 150 5 15. 00 50 N50 03.7 E008 18.7 R30 4^ D2 5 50 00 124 ^ 50 4.2 00 160^ D 070^ FL110 220 KT At Minimum N50 17.1 E008 06.7 ETARU DME FRED 15.8 0 500 D N50 06.2 E008 51.4 (FAF RWY 25L) LEDKI D12.1 FRD 4000' FRANKFURT FL70 220 KT GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC N50 06.6 E008 51.4 REDGO D12.3 FRD (FAF RWY 25R) FL80 220 KT At or above DF~71 N50 08.9 E008 41.8 24 DF~21 N50 07.4 E008 55.8 DF~15 At or above 159^ At or above FL80 220 KT 4.5 At N50 18.5 E009 22.7 340^ 0 FL11 128 N50 26.1 E007 49.5 ^ 1 ROLIS Clearance limit ROLIS 25 [ROL25] RWYS 25L/R RNAV TRANSITION 180^ DF~16 364' ROUTING ROLIS - ETARU (FL110; K220+) - DF095 (FL80+; K220) - DF071 (FL80+; K220) - DF016 (FL80; K220) - DF026 - DF025 (FL80) - DF024 (FL70+) DF021 (K220) - LEDKI (25L; 4000'+) / REDGO (25R 1 ; 4000'+). 1 Valid for LOST COMM situation. .RNAV.TRANSITION. Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. On downwind transition expect vectors to final. 2. Speed restrictions on Transition (even without profile) are always mandatory, unless cancelled by ATC. Apt Elev 118.02 114.2 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.30.Aug. N50 17.1 DF~14 E009 16.9 4 N50 15.8 DF~13 E009 11.0 4 N50 14.4 DF~12 E009 05.0 4 N50 13.0 DF~11 4 N50 11.7 E008 59.3 4 DF~1~ E008 53.4 4 249^DF~26 4 N50 10.6 N50 14.2 E008 49.1 3 E009 25.1 4 5 4 DF~25 DF~23 4000 25 2^ 4 N50 12.9 N50 10.2 3 069^ DF~22 E009 07.5 DF~24 E009 19.2 N50 08.8 N50 11.5 At FL80 E009 01.7 E009 13.4 3.1 7^ *ATIS 10-2J 17 AUG 07 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 12 OCT 07 10-3 .Eff.25.Oct. .SID. SID DESIGNATION REFER TO CHART AMUGI 1D, 1E ANEKI 6D, 8E ANEKI 5F, 5G, 4L BIBOS 1D, 7E BIBOS 6F, 6G, 6N BIBOS 6L, 6S BIBOS 7T DKB 6D, 4E, 3F, 4G DKB 2L, 5S KNG 4C MARUN 5D, 2E MARUN 1F, 1G, 1J MARUN 1N MARUN 1S MARUN 1T MTR 2C NEKOM 2D, 2E NEKOM 1F, 1G, 1L NOMBO 5D, 4E, 3F, 4G NOMBO 3L, 4S RATIM 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G RATIM 2S RID 4C, 1Q ROTEN 3F, 2G, 1L, 4S SOBRA 2D, 2E SOBRA 1F, 1G, 2N, 1P SOBRA 2L, 1S, 2U SULUS 3D, 2E, 3F, 4G SULUS 4L, 4S TAU 1Q TOBAK 5D, 5E TOBAK 2F, 2G, 2J TOBAK 3N TOBAK 2S, 3T ULKIG 3U 10-3B 10-3C 10-3D 10-3E 10-3F 10-3G 10-3H 10-3J 10-3J1 10-3J2 10-3J3 10-3J4 10-3J5 10-3K 10-3L 10-3L1 10-3L2 10-3L3 10-3L4 10-3L5 10-3L6 10-3L7 10-3L8 10-3M 10-3N 10-3N1 10-3N2 10-3N3 10-3N4 10-3N5 10-3N6 10-3N7 10-3N8 10-3P 10-3Q FOR RNAV SID DESIGNATION REFER TO PAGE 10-3A CHANGES: SIDs renumbered. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 12 OCT 07 10-3A .Eff.25.Oct. .RNAV.SID. 2 FEB 07 10-3B .Eff.15.Feb. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. LANGEN Radar 120.15 124300' 5^ AMUGI ONE DELTA (AMUGI 1D) AMUGI ONE ECHO (AMUGI 1E) RWYS 07L/R DEPARTURES 3200' 3500' ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA ^ MSA FFM VOR SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. D 112.1 FUL FUL FULDA N50 35.5 E009 34.3 D40 FFM D LOST COMM ONLY 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT At or above FL90 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 FF M 3 FRD 6 D D 07L ) 4 071^ 8^ ) 0w6y 07R y (Rw (R 099^ 086^ D30 FFM D25 FFM 5 23 4000 10 5000 D44 4 5000 D31 10-3Q1 10-3Q2 10-3Q3 10-3Q4 10-3Q5 10-3Q6 10-3Q7 10-3Q8 10-3S 10-3T 10-3T1 10-3T2 10-3T3 10-3T4 10-3T5 10-3T6 10-3T7 10-3T8 10-3U 10-3V 10-3V1 10-3V2 10-3V3 10-3V4 10-3V5 10-3V6 10-3V7 10-3V8 10-3W 10-3X 10-3X1 FRANKFURT/MAIN 164^ AMUGI 1D, 1E ANEKI 6D, 8E ANEKI 5F, 5G, 4L BIBOS 1D, 7E BIBOS 6F, 6G, 6N BIBOS 6L, 6S BIBOS 7T DKB 6D, 4E, 3F, 4G DKB 2L, 5S MARUN 5D, 2E MARUN 1F, 1J MARUN 1N MARUN 1S MARUN 1T NEKOM 2D, 2E NEKOM 1F, 1G, 1L NOMBO 5D, 4E, 3F, 4G NOMBO 3L, 4S RATIM 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G RATIM 2S ROTEN 3F, 2G, 1L, 4S SOBRA 2D, 2E SOBRA 1F, 1G, 2N, 1P SOBRA 2L, 1S, 2U SULUS 3D, 2E, 3F, 4G SULUS 4L, 4S TOBAK 5D, 5E TOBAK 2F, 2J TOBAK 3N TOBAK 2S, 3T ULKIG 3U FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 REFER TO CHART NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 ME E M RNAV SID DESIGNATION JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. AMUGI N50 05.6 E009 46.9 297 FR FR FRANKFURT N50 03.9 E008 41.0 DME D FRD FRED (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 NOT TO SCALE Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6 DME (FFM 3 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, 099^ track, intercept FFM R-086 to AMUGI. CHANGES: RNAV SIDs renumbered. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: AMUGI SIDs established; ANEKI SIDs transferred. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FRANKFURT/MAIN 10-3C 2 FEB 07 .Eff.15.Feb. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 297 FR FR 220 KT MTR R-192 MSA FFM VOR (Rw MAX until established on F FM ME 4D 12 At or above 2500' 2 ANEKI 8E Turn at FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or 800' whichever is later F F M 4.5 DM FRD 1.5 DM E E At or above 6000' At or above y AT C 6000' ANEKI N49 19.0 E008 28.8 At or above ANEKI 8E This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 328' per NM (5.4%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 328' per NM 410 547 820 1094 1367 1641 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 6000' ANEKI N49 19.0 E008 28.8 (FFM R-188/D45) RIED NOT TO SCALE N49 46.9 E008 32.5 ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6 DME (FFM 3 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-192 to D15 FFM/RID R-074, turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-194 to ANEKI. Climb on runway track to FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or 800', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199, at D10.3 FFM turn LEFT, intercept RID R-357 inbound to RID, turn RIGHT, RID R-184 to ANEKI. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. ANEKI 4L This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 237' per NM (3.9%) until passing 4500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 237' per NM 296 395 592 790 987 1185 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. ANEKI 5F, 5G: Initial climb clearance 5000' ANEKI 4L: Initial climb clearance 4000' Initial climb clearance 4000' CHANGES: SIDs renumbered & revised; chart reindexed. RID 112.2 RID ATC 2.5 4000 4500 By D11.9 RID At or above 17 60004000 B By ATC 5000' 5000' D28 FFM 16.1 4000 D28 6000 At or above 16.1 4000 6000 By ATC At or above D24 FFM D6.9 RID SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. D28 D11.9 RID N50 01.8 E008 34.0 4500' NOT TO SCALE 5 4000 5000 By ATC 4500' TC 5 2.5 4000 5000 By ATC 4000 4500 4 By ATC 4000 4 5 0 0 By A 0 40 TC 45 00 By A00 5000' ANEKI 8E 4.4 4 MT R-194R 184^ D4.4 RID At or above At or above FRED ANEKI 4L N49 48.3 E008 40.8 At or above D6.9 RID FRD (115.9) FRD 800' D D20 FFM 4500' D D15 FFM D4.4 RID SID ANEKI 6D ANEKI 5F, 5G RID R-357 FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 At MAX until established on 114.2 FFM FFM DME R357^ R357^ 112.2 RID 4.4 whichever is later D 7 177^ RID 074^ RIED N49 46.9 E008 32.5 FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' 220 KT 1 ANE 0 KI 6 D10.3 FFM N49 53.6 E008 32.8 D NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT SHALL USE SIDS WITH DESIGNATOR C At 3200' 3500' MSA FFM VOR 177^ ANE 199^ 8 E KI 220 KT FFM R-199 1 ANEKI SIX DELTA (ANEKI 6D) ANEKI EIGHT ECHO (ANEKI 8E) RWYS 07L/R DEPARTURES 16 N50 01.8 E008 34.0 4 192^ 071^ 06y80^7R) D D 7L) y0 (Rw F FM F R D 3 DME 6 DME DME FRED 124300' 5^ ^ N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 16.6 E008 50.9 .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. RWY 18: EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. RWY 18: Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 335 FRANKFURT 3500' 110.0 MTR FRD 1.6 DME FFM 1.5 DME .Eff.25.Oct. ANEKI FIVE FOXTROT (ANEKI 5F) ANEKI FIVE GOLF (ANEKI 5G) ANEKI FOUR LIMA (ANEKI 4L) RWYS 25L/R, 18 DEPARTURES 3200' ^ MTR METRO N50 03.9 E008 41.0 364' 335 114.2 FFM FFM (115.9) FRDFRD D 124300' 5^ FRANKFURT MAX until established on Apt Elev 136.12 10-3D 12 OCT 07 184^ 136.12 FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 180^ LANGEN Radar NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 179^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 13 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. SID ANEKI 5F, 5G RWY 25L/R ANEKI 4L 18 CHANGES: None. ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept RID R-357 inbound to RID, RID R-184 to ANEKI. Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-357 inbound to RID, turn RIGHT, RID R-184 to ANEKI. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10-3E 12 OCT 07 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.25.Oct. .SID. *LANGEN Radar 120.15 124300' 5^ N50 56.9 E007 12.5 2 FEB 07 LANGEN Radar 120.15 3200' ^ BIBOS METRO ^ R203 D13.1 FFM 023 Initial climb clearance 5000' SID BIBOS 1D ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', to FR (FRD 5 DME/FFM 2 DME outbound), turn LEFT immediately, intercept MTR R-203 inbound to D13.1 FFM, turn LEFT, intercept MTR R-288 via ODAGA 1 to KUSOM, turn LEFT, 252^ track to GUBAX, turn RIGHT, 294^ track to RAVKI, turn RIGHT, 335^ track via DITAM to ABAXA, turn LEFT, 328^ track to BIBOS. 800', whichever BIBOS 7E Climb on runway track to FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or is later, turn LEFT, intercept FFM R-357 to ODAGA 1 , turn LEFT, 288^ track to KUSOM, turn LEFT, 252^ track to GUBAX, turn RIGHT, 294^ track to RAVKI, turn RIGHT, 335^ track via DITAM to ABAXA, turn LEFT, 328^ track to BIBOS. 1 After ODAGA BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: SID BIBOS 9D renumbered 1D & revised. N50 00.8 E008 17.3 NOT TO SCALE | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. At or above 3600' D16 RID N49 55.6 E008 11.7 BIBOS 6F, 6G These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing 3600', due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 352' per NM 441 587 881 1175 1468 1762 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. BI 8 B 6N OS D D14 FFM 302 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 ME BIBOS 6N Turn at ^ N49 53.1 E008 23.2 FFM 800' or whichever is later 4.5 DME ^ Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 383' per NM 479 638 957 1276 1595 1914 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 259^ 276^ 10 BIBO6S 6F, G D13.7 FFM FRD 5 DME/ FFM 2 DME FRD 1.6 DME/ FFM 1.5 DME FFM 5 DME 800' FRANKFURT D N50 03.9 E008 41.0 At or whichever is later 114.2 FFM FFM 4.5 297 FR FR D 294^ FRANKFURT N50 01.8 E008 34.0 BIBOS 7E This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 383' per NM (6.3%) until passing 2000'. N50 15.3 E007 44.3 18 .9 40 308 00 ^ ESUPI N50 03.5 E008 07.3 6.9 319 0 N50 14.2 E008 49.3 MASIR .9 24 00 40 4 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. RAVKI 7 FRD (115.9) FRD 070^ 067^7R) y (Rw 33 DME FRED ) 07L 288^ MSA FFM VOR - Flights via BIBOS and UZ 29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBOS at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ 28 and cross BIBOS at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after ABAXA/BIBOS. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBOS-COL or BIBOS-WYP depending on runway in use. N50 21.7 E007 39.9 0 500 5^ FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or 800' whichever is later y (Rw 5 BIBOS 7E 357^ 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 D 10 13.2 At or above 2000' Turn at N50 16.6 E008 50.9 BIBOS 7E D2.8 FFM N50 17.4 E007 54.7 D N50 19.6 E008 37.1 10.3 5000 ^ 252 GUBAX SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 110.0 MTR D16 94 ^ ODAGA DITAM N50 33.5 E007 31.8 9 12. 0 500 3 3 18. 0 500 6 13. 0 500 9 12. 0 500 35^ 10 50 .4 0 20 RAVKI NOT TO SCALE MTR KUSOM N50 22.9 E008 22.0 N50 21.7 E007 39.9 ABAXA N50 45.9 E007 23.2 3200' 3500' NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT SHALL USE SIDS WITH DESIGNATOR Q N50 56.9 E007 12.5 13 0 ^ 0 50 328 6 13. 0 500 N50 33.5 E007 31.8 BIB ^ 12 OS 1D ^ 328 DITAM 124300' 5^ ^ 335 13 0 0 50 - Flights via BIBOS and UZ 29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBOS at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ 28 and cross BIBOS at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after ABAXA/BIBOS. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBOS-COL or BIBOS-WYP depending on runway in use. .SID. BIBOS SIX FOXTROT (BIBOS 6F) BIBOS SIX GOLF (BIBOS 6G) BIBOS SIX NOVEMBER (BIBOS 6N) RWYS 25L/R DEPARTURES ABAXA N50 45.9 E007 23.2 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.15.Feb. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 3500' MSA FFM VOR 10-3F 335 BIBOS ONE DELTA (BIBOS 1D) BIBOS SEVEN ECHO (BIBOS 7E) RWYS 07L/R DEPARTURES BIBOS FRANKFURT/MAIN 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 180^ FRANKFURT/MAIN NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 5 DME JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 184^ 22 3^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 11 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MAX until established on 220 KT 184^ track RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 5000' SID BIBOS 6F, 6G ROUTING 800', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, Climb on runway track to FFM 5 DME or 276^ track (RWY 25L: 279^ track), intercept FFM R-259 to D13.7 FFM 1 , turn RIGHT, 294^ track to ESUPI, turn RIGHT, 308^ track to MASIR, turn RIGHT, 335^ track via RAVKI and DITAM to ABAXA, turn LEFT, 328^ track to BIBOS. 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, BIBOS 6N Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME or 184^ track, intercept FFM R-223 to D14 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-302 to D16 RID 2 , turn RIGHT, 319^ track to MASIR, turn RIGHT, 335^ track via RAVKI and DITAM to ABAXA, turn LEFT, 328^ track to BIBOS. After D13.7 FFM 1 /D16 RID 2 BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: Chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FRANKFURT/MAIN Radar 120.15 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.15.Feb. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. BIBOS SIX LIMA (BIBOS 6L) BIBOS SIX SIERRA (BIBOS 6S) 124300' 5^ MASIR 0 N50 15.3 E007 44.3 D 18 40 .1 00 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT BI 9 BO S 6S 239 ^ 179^ ^ 14 283^ OBOXO 4 N49 55.4 000 E007 22.2 D6.4 RID ULKIG MAX 220 KT MAX ^ 320 8.2 0 0 40 220 KT 112.2 RID MAX N49 46.9 E008 32.5 250 KT ^ RID RIED N49 45.9 E007 51.4 PIPIX 319 GISNO D N49 53.3 E008 32.1 N49 52.2 E007 43.2 2000' XAMUB N49 47.7 E008 19.7 N49 42.4 E008 13.4 MAX 250 KT 14 4000 .7 D19.4 FFM N49 45.0 E008 28.0 283^ 9 264^ D MAX Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-357 inbound to D7 RID 1 , turn RIGHT, 239^ track to XAMUB, turn RIGHT, 320^ track to MASIR, turn RIGHT, 335^ track via RAVKI and DITAM to ABAXA, turn LEFT, 328^ track to BIBOS. BIBOS 6S Climb on runway track to 800', turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-223 to D14 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-302 to D16 RID 2 , turn RIGHT, 319^ track to MASIR, turn RIGHT, 335^ track via RAVKI and DITAM to ABAXA, turn LEFT, 328^ track to BIBOS. After D7 RID 1 /D16 RID 2 BRNAV equipment necessary. 250 KT SID BIBOS 6L CHANGES: Chart reindexed. 800' R357^ 9 R357^ ^ 074 At 7 N49 53.9 E008 32.1 At or above N49 53.1 E008 23.2 RUDUS 177^ D7 RID D14 FFM 302 FRANKFURT N50 02.9 E008 04.7 4 28. 0 400 6 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 177^ ^ 319 B .9 L 35 S 6 O BI N49 55.6 E008 11.7 8 BIBOS 6L This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 280' per NM (4.6%) until passing 2000' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 280' per NM 349 466 699 932 1165 1398 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 800' D16 RID 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 313 ^ NOT TO SCALE 180^ 22 3^ 25 00 40 NOT TO SCALE SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. RAVKI N50 21.7 E007 39.9 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 At ^ 335 DITAM 7 D MSA FFM VOR N50 33.5 E007 31.8 335^ N50 15.3 E007 44.3 - Flights via BIBOS and UZ 29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBOS at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ 28 and cross BIBOS at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after ABAXA/BIBOS. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBOS-COL or BIBOS-WYP depending on runway in use. 3200' 3500' ABAXA 500 MASIR 124300' 5^ N50 45.9 E007 23.2 9 1 2. 0 500 7 9 12. 000 0 5 335^ 500 RAVKI N50 21.7 E007 39.9 .SID. BY ATC 6 13. 0 500 MSA FFM VOR FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.25.Oct. BIBOS SEVEN TANGO (BIBOS 7T) RWY 18 DEPARTURE N50 56.9 E007 12.5 3 6 13. 0 500 N50 33.5 E007 31.8 Radar 136.12 13 00 50 28^ 0 DITAM RWY 18 DEPARTURES NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT SHALL USE SIDS WITH DESIGNATOR Z WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED WHEN LANDING DIRECTION IS 25 10-3H Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN 3200' ^ 500 13 28^ 3 ABAXA N50 45.9 E007 23.2 12 OCT 07 BIBOS 335 N50 56.9 E007 12.5 FRANKFURT/MAIN 3500' BY ATC BIBOS JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 180^ LANGEN 10-3G 2 FEB 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 199^ JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 10 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-357 inbound to D6.4 RID, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199 to D19.4 FFM 1 , turn RIGHT, 264^ track to PIPIX, turn RIGHT, 283^ track to GISNO, turn RIGHT, 319^ track to ULKIG, turn LEFT, 283^ track to OBOXO, turn RIGHT, 074^ track to RUDUS, turn LEFT, 313^ track to MASIR, turn RIGHT, 335^ track via RAVKI and DITAM to ABAXA, turn LEFT, 328^ track to BIBOS. 1 After D19.4 FFM BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN 136.12 10-3J 12 OCT 07 .Eff.25.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ FRANKFURT/MAIN 10-3J1 12 OCT 07 .Eff.25.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 136.12 DINKELSBUHL TWO LIMA (DKB 2L) DINKELSBUHL FIVE SIERRA (DKB 5S) RWY 18 DEPARTURES 3200' 3500' 124300' 5^ 3200' 335 3500' ^ ^ ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDMM FIR MSA FFM VOR ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDMM FIR FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 DINKELSBUHL SIX DELTA (DKB 6D) DINKELSBUHL FOUR ECHO (DKB 4E) DINKELSBUHL THREE FOXTROT (DKB 3F) DINKELSBUHL FOUR GOLF (DKB 4G) RWYS 07L/R, 25L/R DEPARTURES NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ *LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MSA FFM VOR D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 D DME D FRD FRED 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT MTR N50 03.2 E008 38.2 (115.9) FRD At N50 16.6 E008 50.9 NOT TO SCALE 15 DK B 220 KT MTR R-192 DK 23 B3 F, 4G N49 52.8 E008 42.4 106^ D 13 0^ 17 RID RIED 103^ N49 46.9 E008 32.5 KNG KONIG 355 KNG N49 45.7 E009 05.5 D RWY 07L/R DKB 3F, 4G 25L/R NOT TO SCALE DK 23 B5 S 201 ^ 13 0^ 23 AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 1 D4 50 2 0 00 HAREM 5 34 ROTEN N49 14.6 N49 37.1 000 E010 03.9 E009 24.9 D 9 R 50 310 00 ^ 117.8 DKB DKB DINKELSBUHL N49 08.6 E010 14.3 ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6 DME (FFM 3 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-192, at D10.8 FFM turn LEFT, intercept 106^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 103^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130/DKB R-310 inbound to DKB. 800', whichClimb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or ever is later, turn LEFT towards RID, at RID 12 DME turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 103^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130/DKB R-310 inbound to DKB. CHANGES: DKB 2F, 3G renumbered 3F, 4G & revised. N49 49.9 E008 32.3 092^ DKB 6D, 4E: Initial climb clearance 4000' DKB 3F, 4G: Initial climb clearance 5000' SID DKB 6D, 4E 2500' D3 RID 4 5000 112.2 RID DKB 3F, 4G These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. D2 8 220 KT 118^ brg At or above 118 ^ R357^ D10.8 FFM MAX until established on R ID 4 12 DME SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX until established on 800' RID 12 DME or whichever is later 10 210 KT 118^ brg FRD 1.5 DME 2 FFM 3 DME/ FRD 6 DME DKB 2L 118 ^ 6D, 4 E 201^ At or above 2500' 1 FFM 4.5 DME/ N50 03.9 E008 41.0 177^ RI D 12 DM E 7 MAX until established on 297 FR FR 179^ 2 4 070^ 7^ ) 6 7 0 y0 R Rw ( whichever is later At FRANKFURT ) 07L 192^ y (Rw 1 FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' 800' DKB 5S N50 01.8 E008 34.0 At SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. DKB 2L METRO 110.0 MTR | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. D RID MAX until established on 220 KT RID R-092 RIED 112.2 RID KNG KONIG 355 KNG D2 8 AKONI N49 44.8 E009 4 1 D4 5000 5 103^ 00 2 0 0 HAREM 5 34 N49 37.1 000 E009 24.9 ROTEN N49 14.6 E010 03.9 D 9 50 00 R3 1 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 N49 46.9 E008 32.5 11.3 0^ DKB 5S This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via DKB 2L. D 117.8 DKB DKB DINKELSBUHL N49 08.6 E010 14.3 Initial climb clearance 4000' SID DKB 2L DKB 5S ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-357 inbound to D3 RID, turn LEFT, intercept RID R-092 to KNG, turn RIGHT, 103^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130/DKB R-310 inbound to DKB. Climb on runway track to 800' or RID 12 DME, whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 103^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130/DKB R-310 inbound to DKB. CHANGES: SID DKB 4S renumbered 5S & revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .Eff.25.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. KOENIG FOUR CHARLIE (KNG 4C) RWYS 07L/R DEPARTURE 124300' 5^ FRANKFURT/MAIN Radar 124300' 5^ 3200' N50 49.3 E008 40.3 ^ MSA FFM VOR ALIDI 6 0 500 ^ 335 MSA FFM VOR 9.6 000 5 N50 43.3 E008 39.5 16.8 5000 ^ 343 220 KT MTR R-192 TESGA 7.1 ODAGA N50 19.6 E008 37.1 1 FRD 6 DME 297 FR FR 13 FRANKFURT N50 03.9 E008 41.0 R203 ^ 1 FFM 3 DME/ METRO D At or above 4000' 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 MARUN 2E Turn at 106^ FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or 800' 17 whichever is later 355 KNG KNG KONIG N49 45.7 E009 05.5 y (Rw ) 07L 070^ 067^07R) y ( Rw DME D FRD FRED NOT TO SCALE 297 FR FR FRANKFURT 5 N49 52.8 E008 42.4 357^ D10.8 FFM 023^ 2 At or below N50 16.6 E008 50.9 D2.8 FFM 2000' D9 FFM MTR 110.0 MTR D (Rw 13.2 N50 01.8 E008 34.0 192^ FRED 4 070^ 7^ ) 06y 07R MARUN 2E FRD (115.9) FRD 7L) y0 ( Rw D16 D 359^ 110.0 MTR N50 16.6 E008 50.9 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 351^ MTR 17.9 5000 114.2 FFM FFM METRO N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DME N50 34.3 E008 47.1 N50 26.7 E008 37.1 FRANKFURT TOBAK 004^ MAX until established on APROX N50 43.5 E008 43.0 SPEED: MAX 250 KT IN GERMAN AIRSPACE D .SID. MARUN FIVE DELTA (MARUN 5D) MARUN TWO ECHO (MARUN 2E) RWYS 07L/R DEPARTURES MARUN 3500' 3500' FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.25.Oct. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 120.15 3200' 10-3J3 12 OCT 07 335 NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT ONLY DELAY HAS TO BE EXPECTED FURTHER ROUTING TO DESTINATION SHALL BE BASED ON VOR AND HAS TO BE COORDINATED WITH ATC PRIOR TO START-UP NO RNAV OVERLAY EXISTING MAX FL90 IN GERMAN AIRSPACE SPECIAL PERMISSION NEEDED PRIOR TO FLIGHT JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA *LANGEN 180^ 136.12 10-3J2 12 OCT 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MA 14 RUN 5 FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 6 5000 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 4 N50 03.9 E008 41.0 FRD 5 DME/ FFM 2 DME FRD 1.6 DME/ FFM 1.5 DME (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 NOT TO SCALE MARUN 2E This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 383' per NM (6.3%) until passing 2000'. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 383' per NM 479 638 957 1276 1595 1914 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. Initial climb clearance 5000' SID MARUN 5D Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6 DME (FFM 3 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-192, at D10.8 FFM turn LEFT, intercept 106^ bearing to KNG. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', to FR (FRD 5 DME/FFM 2 DME outbound), turn LEFT immediately, intercept MTR R-203 inbound to MTR 1 , turn LEFT, MTR R-351 to TOBAK, turn LEFT, 343^ track via APROX to MARUN. MARUN 2E Climb on runway track to FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept FFM R-357 to ODAGA 2 , turn RIGHT, 359^ track to TESGA, turn RIGHT, 004^ track via ALIDI to MARUN. After MTR 1 /ODAGA 2 BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: SID MARUN 4D renumbered 5D & revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.25.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. Radar 180^ 120.15 3200' 3500' 335 MARUN 6 5000 LORPA Radar 120.15 N50 49.3 E008 40.3 3500' LORPA MSA FFM VOR N50 43.5 E008 37.5 11. TAU 116.7 TAU 11. SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 018^6 D TAUNUS SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N50 28.4 E008 30.3 018^6 15.9 5 LIKSI 3 No RNAV OVERLAY existing. 0160^00 LIKSI .SID. MARUN ONE NOVEMBER (MARUN 1N) RWYS 25L/R DEPARTURE MARUN 3200' N50 43.5 E008 37.5 N50 28.4 E008 30.3 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN 124300' 5^ 10-3J5 8 JUN 07 ^ ^ N50 49.3 E008 40.3 MSA FFM VOR FRANKFURT/MAIN 335 MARUN ONE FOXTROT (MARUN 1F) MARUN ONE GOLF (MARUN 1G) 3 MARUN ONE JULIETT (MARUN 1J) RWYS 25L/R DEPARTURES JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 15.9 5 *LANGEN 124300' 5^ 10-3J4 12 OCT 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 0160^00 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 6 5000 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. TABUM N50 17.5 E008 24.3 TABUM N50 15.0 E008 09.8 NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE At or above At FFM 4.5 DME or 800' whichever is later 2^ R14 4400' MARUN 1F, 1J 4.5 DME 23 D11.4 TAU N50 05.9 E008 20.4 016^ MA R 1 2 UN 1 F, 1 J N50 17.5 E008 24.3 D 3500' At FFM 5 DME or 800' whichever is later N50 03.2 E008 38.2 220 KT 184^ track D16 RID MARUN 1F, 1J These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 729' per NM (12%) until FFM 8.4 DME (4.5 NM after DER) due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 729' per NM 911 1215 1823 2430 3038 3646 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. N49 55.6 E008 11.7 8 D14 FFM 302 ^ ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, 276^ track (RWY 25L: 279^ track) to FFM 8.4 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept TAU R-142 inbound to D11.4 TAU 1 , turn RIGHT, 016^ track to TABUM, turn RIGHT, 018^ track to LIKSI, turn LEFT, 016^ track via LORPA to MARUN. MARUN Climb on runway track to FFM 5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, 276^ track (RWY 25L: 279^ track), intercept FFM R-259, at 1G 3500' turn RIGHT towards TAU, but not before reaching FFM R-259, when passing 4400' 2 turn RIGHT to TABUM, 018^ track to LIKSI, turn LEFT, 016^ track via LORPA to MARUN. After D11.4 TAU 1 /passing 4400' 2 BRNAV equipment necessary. RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 SID MARUN 1F, 1J | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. N49 53.1 E008 23.2 D Initial climb clearance 5000' CHANGES: SID MARUN 1G routing text. 184^ 22 3^ MAX until established on FRANKFURT 11 ME 8. 4 D At 114.2 FFM FFM 023^ ^ 322 4400' 25 9^ 276^ 5 DME 10 6 2 N RU MA 1G When passing D FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 At or above 3500' 114.2 FFM FFM Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 184^ track, intercept FFM R-223 to D14 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-302 to D16 RID 1 , turn RIGHT, 023^ track to TABUM, turn LEFT, 018^ track to LIKSI, turn LEFT, 016^ track via LORPA to MARUN. 1 After D16 RID BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: Chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .SID. 180^ MARUN ONE SIERRA (MARUN 1S) RWY 18 DEPARTURE MARUN 3200' N50 49.3 E008 40.3 3200' 3500' .SID. MARUN N50 49.3 E008 40.3 ALIDI N50 43.3 E008 39.5 TESGA N50 26.7 E008 37.1 N50 28.4 E008 30.3 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 11. 018^6 TABUM FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.16.Mar. BY ATC NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT SHALL USE SIDS WITH DESIGNATOR Z MSA FFM VOR 01560^00 LIKSI 10-3L MARUN ONE TANGO (MARUN 1T) RWY 18 DEPARTURE 15.9 N50 43.5 E008 37.5 136.12 ^ ^ LORPA LANGEN Radar 124300' 5^ 10 MAR 06 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4C). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to page 10-4. 335 335 MSA FFM VOR BY ATC WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED WHEN LANDING DIRECTION IS RWY 25 NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT SHALL USE SIDS WITH DESIGNATOR Z 6 5000 3500' FRANKFURT/MAIN MABOB N50 17.7 E008 32.6 9.5 50 120.15 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 6 5000 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.16.Mar. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4C). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to page 10-4. LANGEN Radar 124300' 5^ 10-3K 10 MAR 06 0170^0 FRANKFURT/MAIN NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 004^ JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 16.8 5000 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 16 50 .9 00 N50 17.5 E008 24.3 399 WBD WBD WIESBADEN D ^ 0 28 RUDUS N50 02.9 E008 04.7 9.7 4000 23 NOT TO SCALE 283^ 4 N49 55.4 000 E007 22.2 D6.4 RID N49 53.3 E008 32.1 ULKIG At or below N49 52.2 E007 43.2 4000' 220 KT MAX D16 RID R357^ 9 023^ OBOXO 800' 14 199^ 180^ 22 3^ ^ 074 800' 177^ N50 03.2 E008 38.2 At At 4 28. 0 400 FRANKFURT 8.2 0 0 40 N49 53.1 E008 23.2 GISNO N49 45.9 E007 51.4 ^ MAX D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-223 to D14 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-302 to D16 RID 1 , turn RIGHT, 023^ track to TABUM, turn LEFT, 018^ track to LIKSI, turn LEFT, 016^ track via LORPA to MARUN. 1 After D16 RID BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: SIDs transferred & established; MSA; communications. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 250 KT PIPIX ^ 319 D14 FFM 302 10 N49 55.6 E008 11.7 8 7 114.2 FFM FFM 180^ 089^ D FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 02.9 E008 19.7 NOT TO SCALE 114.2 FFM FFM D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 N49 42.4 E008 13.4 MAX 250 KT 14. 4000 7 MAX 250 KT D19.4 FFM 283^ 9 N49 45.0 E008 28.0 264^ Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-357 inbound to D6.4 RID, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199 to D19.4 FFM 1 , turn RIGHT, 264^ track to PIPIX, turn RIGHT, 283^ track to GISNO, turn RIGHT, 319^ track to ULKIG, turn LEFT, 283^ track to OBOXO, turn RIGHT, 074^ track to RUDUS, turn RIGHT, intercept 089^ bearing to WBD, turn LEFT, 028^ bearing to MABOB, turn LEFT, 017^ track to TESGA, turn LEFT, 004^ track via ALIDI to MARUN. 1 After D19.4 FFM BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: SIDs transferred & established; MSA; communications. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ METRO TWO CHARLIE (MTR 2C) RWYS 07L/R DEPARTURE FRANKFURT/MAIN 136.12 297 FR FR 220 KT MTR R-192 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 ) 07L y (Rw 071^ 06y80^7R) N50 01.8 E008 34.0 4 (Rw NEK 199 ^ 2EOM At or above D10.3 FFM N49 53.6 E008 32.8 R203 ^ R357^ D20 FFM 023^ N50 03.9 E008 41.0 4 4000 4500 By ATC 4500' By 297 FR FR 2.5 400000 45 ATC D6.9 RID At or above FRD 5 DME/ FFM 2 DME 5000' (115.9) FRD 6000' NOT TO SCALE 15 5000 D43 6000 By ATC 16.1 D2 8 50B0y0ATC 6000 At or above At or above 4500' FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or 800' whichever is later D24 FFM At or above D28 FFM At or above 6000' D11.9 RID N50 01.8 E008 34.0 NEKOM 2E Turn at 5000' 4 5000 5 5000 (R 4.4 FRD FRED 163^ DME D 0w6y80^7R) 4 At or above N49 48.3 E008 40.8 1 112.2 RID D4.4 RID FRANKFURT 071^ RID D15 FFM 074^ RIED N49 46.9 E008 32.5 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 5 14 D ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDS AREA AND DESTINATION LSZH, LSZR & EDNY VIA AIRWAY N 850 AT OR BELOW FL90 174^ 7 177^ N50 16.6 E008 50.9 FRANKFURT 2500' NEKOM TWO DELTA (NEKOM 2D) NEKOM TWO ECHO (NEKOM 2E) RWYS 07L/R DEPARTURES NEKO METRO 1 F FM M E 4D 12 MTR 110.0 MTR 7L) y0 MSA FFM VOR 192^ FRED FFM R-199 (Rw N50 16.6 E008 50.9 M 2D D 220 KT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 3200' 3500' DME MAX until established on 114.2 FFM FFM 110.0 MTR FRD 1.6 DME FFM 1.5 DME FRANKFURT 114.2 FFM SPEED: MAX 250 KT IN GERMAN AIRSPACE D MTR METRO N50 03.9 E008 41.0 ^ ^ MSA FFM VOR 124300' 5^ 335 335 FFM (115.9) FRDFRD D .SID. FRANKFURT MAX until established on 3500' NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT ONLY DELAY HAS TO BE EXPECTED FURTHER ROUTING TO DESTINATION SHALL BE BASED ON VOR AND HAS TO BE COORDINATED WITH ATC PRIOR TO START-UP NO RNAV OVERLAY EXISTING MAX FL90 IN GERMAN AIRSPACE SPECIAL PERMISSION NEEDED PRIOR TO FLIGHT 10-3L2 8 JUN 07 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 3200' FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA F FM F R D 3 DME 6 DM E 10-3L1 180^ 120.15 8 JUN 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 20 FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NEKOM N49 20.2 E008 44.0 NOT TO SCALE NEKOM 2E This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 328' per NM (5.4%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 328' per NM 410 547 820 1094 1367 1641 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. Initial climb clearance 4000' Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', to FR (FRD 5 DME/FFM 2 DME outbound), turn LEFT immediately, intercept MTR R-203 inbound to MTR. CHANGES: Restrictions established. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SID NEKOM 2D NEKOM 2E ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6 DME (FFM 3 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-192 to D15 FFM, turn LEFT, intercept FFM R-174 to NEKOM. Climb on runway track to FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or 800', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199, at D10.3 FFM turn LEFT, intercept RID R-357 inbound to RID, turn LEFT, RID R-163 to NEKOM. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10-3L3 .Eff.25.Oct. .SID. *LANGEN Radar 136.12 4300' 125 ^ FF M 4.5 DME FRD 1.5 DME 179^ D NEKOM 1F, 1G FRD FRED (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 800' D DME D FRD FRED FRANKFURT At FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' y (Rw RID R357^ D MAX until established on 2500' 4.4 D6.9 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 D11.9 RID 16.1 500By0 ATC 6000 D28 NEKOM N49 20.2 E008 44.0 NEKOM 1F, 1G: Initial climb clearance 5000' NEKOM 1L: Initial climb clearance 4000' SID NEKOM 1F, 1G RWY 25L/R NEKOM 1L 18 CHANGES: None. ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept RID R-357 inbound to RID, turn LEFT, RID R-164 to NEKOM. Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-357 inbound to RID, turn LEFT, RID R-164 to NEKOM. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FRD 6 DME MAX until established on 220 KT MTR R-192 13 0^ 4 17 G D2 8 AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 4 1 D4 5000 5 103^ 000 2 0 HAREM N49 37.1 E009 24.9 RID NOMBO 3F, 4G These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 355 KNG KNG KONIG LAMPU N49 20.4 E009 40.1 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 .4 23 0 0 50 6000' 2 FFM 3 DME/ 4^ 13 At or above 1 FFM 4.5 DME/ BO 23 3F , 4500' 5000' N50 03.9 E008 41.0 14 5 5000 NEKOM 1L This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 237' per NM (3.9%) until passing 4500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 237' per NM 296 395 592 790 987 1185 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. NO M 106^ RIED D 112.2 RID At or above NOT TO SCALE .4 19 00 50 8 ^ By A 2.5 400000 45 TC SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. ^ N49 52.8 E008 42.4 At or above 297 FR FR FRD 1.5 DME At or above D10.8 FFM D4.4 RID 164^ N49 46.9 E008 32.5 N50 16.6 E008 50.9 FRANKFURT 210 KT 118^ brg 112.2 RID METRO ( RI D 12 DME 7 RIED MTR ) 07L 4 070^ 7^ ) 6 0 y 07R Rw 118 NOT TO SCALE MSA FFM VOR 110.0 MTR N50 03.2 E008 38.2 (115.9) FRD whichever is later NEKOM 1L 114.2 FFM FFM 3200' 3500' N50 01.8 E008 34.0 1 RID R-357 DME 124300' 5^ NOT FOR PROP ACFT, THESE FLIGHTS SHALL FILE RATIM SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 At 220 KT 177^ MAX until established on 13 16 whichever is later 3200' 114.2 FFM FFM .SID. NOMBO FIVE DELTA (NOMBO 5D) NOMBO FOUR ECHO (NOMBO 4E) NOMBO THREE FOXTROT (NOMBO 3F) NOMBO FOUR GOLF (NOMBO 4G) RWYS 07L/R, 25L/R DEPARTURES ^ FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' 136.12 335 At *LANGEN Radar MSA FFM VOR D .Eff.25.Oct. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 3500' ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDS AREA AND DESTINATION LSZH, LSZR & EDNY VIA AIRWAY N 850 AT OR BELOW FL90 10-3L4 12 OCT 07 ^ 335 NEKOM ONE FOXTROT (NEKOM 1F) NEKOM ONE GOLF (NEKOM 1G) NEKOM ONE LIMA (NEKOM 1L) RWYS 25L/R, 18 DEPARTURES FRANKFURT/MAIN 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. RWY 18: EXPECT 364' close-in obstacles. 4. RWY 18: Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 180^ 12 OCT 07 2 FRANKFURT/MAIN NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 192^ FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 1 NOMB 5 O 5D , 4E NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 20 1 ^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOMBO N49 03.8 E010 05.3 (112.8 WLD R-304/D50) NOMBO 5D, 4E: Initial climb clearance 4000' NOMBO 3F, 4G: Initial climb clearance 5000' SID NOMBO 5D, 4E RWY 07L/R ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6 DME (FFM 3 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-192, at D10.8 FFM turn LEFT, intercept 106^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 103^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130 to HAREM 3, turn RIGHT, 148^ track to LAMPU, turn LEFT, 134^ track to NOMBO. NOMBO 25L/R Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', which3F, 4G ever is later, turn LEFT towards RID, at RID 12 DME turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 103^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130 to HAREM 3 , turn RIGHT, 148^ track to LAMPU, turn LEFT, 134^ track to NOMBO. 3 After HAREM BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: SIDs NOMBO 2F, 3G renumbered 3F, 4G & revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 10-3L5 12 OCT 07 .Eff.25.Oct. .SID. *LANGEN Radar 136.12 124300' 5^ 136.12 .Eff.25.Oct. .SID. 124300' 5^ 3200' 3500' ^ FRANKFURT 10-3L6 RATIM TWO DELTA (RATIM 2D) RATIM TWO ECHO (RATIM 2E) RATIM TWO FOXTROT (RATIM 2F) RATIM TWO GOLF (RATIM 2G) RWYS 07L/R, 25L/R DEPARTURES ^ 114.2 FFM FFM *LANGEN Radar 3200' MSA FFM VOR 12 OCT 07 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 335 D FRANKFURT/MAIN 3500' NOT FOR PROP ACFT, THESE FLIGHTS SHALL FILE RATIM SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 NOMBO THREE LIMA (NOMBO 3L) NOMBO FOUR SIERRA (NOMBO 4S) RWY 18 DEPARTURES NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. ONLY PROP ACFT WITH MAX FL230 REQUESTED INSTEAD OF NOMBO SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR MSA FFM VOR N50 03.2 E008 38.2 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. NOMBO 3L 800' 10 NOMBO 3L ^ R357^ N49 49.9 E008 32.3 092^ FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' y (Rw 220 KT RID R-092 13 0^ D2 8 AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 4 1 D4 5000 5 103^ 0002 0 HAREM N49 37.1 E009 24.9 23 148 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 .4 19 00 50 ^ 355 KNG KNG KONIG RI D 12 DME 7 MAX until established on 210 KT 118^ brg 297 FR FR FRANKFURT At or above 2500' N49 52.8 E008 42.4 LAMPU N49 20.4 E009 40.1 D FRD 6 DME SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 220 KT MTR R-192 13 0^ 17 G D2 8 4 5000 RIED 103^ 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 355 KNG KNG AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 KONIG 4^ .4 0 23 500 13 RID FRD 1.5 DME 2 FFM 3 DME/ MAX until established on RA TI 23 M2 F, 2 D10.8 FFM 1 FFM 4.5 DME/ N50 03.9 E008 41.0 106^ 121 ^ 13 5000 D4 0 RATIM N49 41.6 E009 31.0 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 NOT TO SCALE NOMBO N49 03.8 E010 05.3 (112.8 WLD R-304/D50) Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-357 inbound to D3 RID, turn LEFT, intercept RID R-092 to KNG, turn RIGHT, 103^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130 to HAREM 1 , turn RIGHT, 148^ track to LAMPU, turn LEFT, 134^ track to NOMBO. NOMBO 4S Climb on runway track to 800' or RID 12 DME, whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 103^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130 to HAREM 1, turn RIGHT, 148^ track to LAMPU, turn LEFT, 134^ track to NOMBO. 1 After HAREM BRNAV equipment necessary. RATIM 2F, 2G These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. SID NOMBO 3L CHANGES: SID NOMBO 3S renumbered 4S & revised. N50 16.6 E008 50.9 ) 07L 4 070^ 7^ ) 6 0 y 07R ( Rw 118 ^ MAX until established on NOMBO 4S This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via NOMBO 3L. whichever is later NOT TO SCALE NO 23 MB O4 S RID N50 03.2 E008 38.2 (115.9) FRD At 2500' N49 46.9 E008 32.5 METRO 192^ 220 KT 118^ brg 112.2 RID MTR 110.0 MTR 2 MAX until established on RIED FRD FRANKFURT N50 01.8 E008 34.0 At or above D3 RID D 800' RID 12 DME 114.2 FFM FFM 1 118 At or whichever is later FRED 1 177^ R ID 4 12 DME D DME D RATI 5 M 2D , 2E 201 ^ 179^ NOMBO 4S 20 1 ^ At | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. RATIM 2D, 2E: Initial climb clearance 4000' RATIM 2F, 2G: Initial climb clearance 5000' SID RATIM 2D, 2E RWY 07L/R RATIM 2F, 2G 25L/R ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6 DME (FFM 3 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-192, at D10.8 FFM turn LEFT, intercept 106^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 103^ bearing via AKONI to RATIM. Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT towards RID, at RID 12 DME turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 103^ bearing via AKONI to RATIM. CHANGES: SIDs RATIM 1F, 1G renumbered 2F, 2G & revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 12 OCT 07 10-3L7 .Eff.25.Oct. .SID. *LANGEN Radar 136.12 124300' 5^ 10-3L8 12 OCT 07 .Eff.25.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. RIED FOUR CHARLIE (RID 4C) RIED ONE QUEBEC (RID 1Q) RWYS 07L/R, 25 L/R DEPARTURES 124300' 5^ 3200' 3500' ^ NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT ONLY DELAY HAS TO BE EXPECTED FURTHER ROUTING TO DESTINATION SHALL BE BASED ON VOR AND HAS TO BE COORDINATED WITH ATC PRIOR TO START-UP NO RNAV OVERLAY EXISTING MAX FL90 IN GERMAN AIRSPACE SPECIAL PERMISSION NEEDED PRIOR TO FLIGHT ^ 335 MSA FFM VOR D 136.12 3200' 3500' ONLY PROP ACFT WITH MAX FL230 REQUESTED INSTEAD OF NOMBO SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 RATIM TWO SIERRA (RATIM 2S) RWY 18 DEPARTURE NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MSA FFM VOR SPEED: MAX 250 KT IN GERMAN AIRSPACE FFM FRANKFURT 114.2 FFM SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N50 03.2 E008 38.2 D DME D FRD FRED 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT MTR METRO 110.0 MTR N50 03.2 E008 38.2 (115.9) FRD N50 16.6 E008 50.9 MAX until established on 220 KT 118^ brg NOT TO SCALE MAX until established on 220 KT RID R-357 177^ 23 13 0^ D2 8 D RID RIED 355 KNG KNG KONIG 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 MAX until established on 220 KT MTR R-192 D9 FFM AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 121 ^ 13 5000 D4 R357^ 4 5000 103^ N50 03.9 E008 41.0 At or below 4000' 7 2500' 16 RID 1Q At or above y (Rw whichever is later 297 FR FR FRANKFURT 4 192^ or whichever is later ) 07L 070^ 7^ ) 06 07R 13 ^ 800' RID 12 DME y (Rw FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' RID 4 C 201 ^ 118 At 2 R ID 4 12 DME At 1 179^ N50 01.8 E008 34.0 0 RATIM N49 41.6 E009 31.0 1 FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME D15 FFM 6 074^ N49 48.3 E008 40.8 3^ 26 ^ 83 R0 2 FFM 3 DME/ FRD 6 DME N49 45.7 E009 05.5 NOT TO SCALE D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect alternate routing by ATC. Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800' or RID 12 DME, whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 103^ bearing via AKONI to RATIM. CHANGES: SID renumbered & revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. RID 4C: Initial climb clearance 4000' RID 1Q: Initial climb clearance 5000' SID RID 4C RWY 07L/R RID 1Q 25L/R CHANGES: None. ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6 DME (FFM 3 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-192, at D15 FFM turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-083 inbound to RID. Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept RID R-357 inbound to RID. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .SID. 136.12 4300' 125 ^ 136.12 SOBRA TWO DELTA (SOBRA 2D) SOBRA TWO ECHO (SOBRA 2E) RWYS 07L/R DEPARTURES 3200' FFM F FM 4.5 DME FRD 1.5 DME RI D E 12 DM At 800' RID 12 DME or whichever is later 177^ 118 ROTEN 4S ^ 220 KT MTR R-192 SOBRA 2E Turn at FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) 800' whichever is later or 2500' until established on 118^ brg R357^ N49 49.9 E008 32.3 092^ D RO TE N D3 RID 118^ brg RID RIED 3F , 2G , D 13 0^ 23 RID R-092 FL110 D2 8 AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 1 D4 50 2 0 00 HAREM 5 34 N49 37.1 000 E009 24.9 103^ 355 KNG KNG KONIG These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of ROTEN ROTEN 3F, 2G N49 14.6 E010 03.9 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. (117.8 DKB R-310/D9) ROTEN 4S 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 ROTEN 4S: And expect routing via ROTEN 1L. ROTEN 3F, 2G: Initial climb clearance 5000' ROTEN 1L, 4S: Initial climb clearance 4000' RWY 25L/R ROTEN 1L 18 ROTEN 4S ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT towards RID, at RID 12 DME turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 103^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130/DKB R-310 inbound to ROTEN. Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-357 inbound to D3 RID, turn LEFT, intercept RID R-092 to KNG, turn RIGHT, 103^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130/DKB R-310 inbound to ROTEN. Climb on runway track to 800' or RID 12 DME, whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 103^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130/DKB R-310 inbound to ROTEN. CHANGES: ROTEN 2F, 1G, 3S renumbered 3F, 2G, 4S & revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10 400.01 220 KT FFM R-199 D10.3 FFM At F FM M E 4D 4000' 110.0 MTR N50 16.6 E008 50.9 At or above D9 FFM 2500' At 4000' ROSIG N49 46.1 E008 21.6 At or above FL90 D17.3 FFM SOBRA N49 51.7 E007 46.5 1 (Rw MAX until established on At or above 4 5000 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 SID ROTEN 3F, 2G FRD 4 N50 01.8 E008 34.0 N49 49.3 E008 01.7 4S ) 070^ 06y70^7R) (115.9) FRD MTR METRO 7L y0 (Rw FRED DONAB ROTEN 1L 220 KT N49 46.9 E008 32.5 FRANKFURT NOT TO SCALE 23 MAX until established on 112.2 RID 114.2 FFM FFM DME 10 At or above MAX 210 KT D N50 03.9 E008 41.0 FRD 1.6 DME FFM 1.5 DME N50 03.2 E008 38.2 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MAX until established on 297 FR FR MAX until established on At 220 KT 4 ROTEN 3F, 2G 800' ROTEN 4S 201 ^ 7 179^ whichever is later SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. ROTEN 1L MSA FFM VOR FRANKFURT 1 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 3200' 3500' ^ ^ MSA FFM VOR N50 01.8 E008 34.0 At FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' 124300' 5^ FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y 180/Y 181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y 180 - DIK RFL 335 FRD (115.9) FRD .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 3500' ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA FRANKFURT DME D FRED 114.2 FFM D .Eff.25.Oct. 335 ROTEN THREE FOXTROT (ROTEN 3F) ROTEN TWO GOLF (ROTEN 2G) ROTEN ONE LIMA (ROTEN 1L) ROTEN FOUR SIERRA (ROTEN 4S) RWYS 25L/R, 18 DEPARTURES 10-3N 12 OCT 07 7 *LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. RWY 18: EXPECT 364' close-in obstacles. 4. RWY 18: Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 180^ .Eff.25.Oct. 13 10-3M SOB 12 199 ^ RA 2E 12 OCT 07 7 FRANKFURT/MAIN NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 192^ FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. SOBR A 2D NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 F FM F R D 3 D ME 6 DM E JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 13.2 N49 47.0 E008 29.1 5.8 2 283^ D5.8 RID N49 46.3 E008 23.6 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of SOBRA 2D 225' per NM (3.7%) until passing 4000', 261' per NM (4.3%) after D9 FFM until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. SOBRA 2E 383' per NM (6.3%) until passing 2500', 401' per NM (6.6%) after D10.3 FFM until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. 5 D15 FFM N49 48.3 074^ E008 40.8 3^ 26 ^ 83 R0 6 263^ D RID RIED 112.2 RID NOT TO SCALE N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 401' per NM 501 668 1003 1337 1671 383' per NM 479 638 957 1276 1595 261' per NM 327 435 653 871 1089 225' per NM 281 375 562 749 937 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 300 2005 1914 1306 1124 Initial climb clearance 4000' SID SOBRA 2D ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6 DME (FFM 3 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-192 to D15 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-083 inbound to RID, RID R-263 to D5.8 RID 2 , turn RIGHT, 283^ track via ROSIG and DONAB to SOBRA. 800', whichever SOBRA Climb on runway track to FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or is later, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199, at D17.3 FFM 2E 3 turn RIGHT, 283^ track via ROSIG and DONAB to SOBRA. After D5.8 RID 2 /D17.3 FFM 3 BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .SID. LANGEN Radar 136.12 124300' 5^ 136.12 335 ^ FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' FFM 4.5 DME FR D 1.5 DME At 6^ 22 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 17 1 ^ 239 N49 51.7 E007 46.5 DONAB N49 49.3 E008 01.7 N50 01.8 E008 34.0 N49 48.4 E008 16.1 At SOB 9. 40 9 00 FL100 PIPIX N49 42.4 E008 13.4 184^ track ^ D20.6 FFM N49 48.4 E008 16.1 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of SOBRA 2L 456' per NM (7.5%) until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via SOBRA 2U. SOBRA 2U 328' per NM (5.4%) until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via ULKIG 3U. ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 199^ track, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-223, at D20.6 FFM 3 turn RIGHT, 283^ track via DONAB to SOBRA. Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn SOBRA 2N LEFT, 184^ track, intercept FFM R-223, at D20.6 FFM 3 turn RIGHT, 283^ track via DONAB to SOBRA. SOBRA 1P Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 226^ track (RWY 25L: 229^ track), intercept FFM R-239, at D26 FFM 4 turn RIGHT, 283^ track to SOBRA. After D20.6 FFM 3 /D26 FFM 4 BRNAV equipment necessary. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 RA 2 L 5 283^ 9 D19.4 FFM N49 45.0 E008 28.0 264^ MAX At or above 250 KT FL90 NOT TO SCALE Gnd speed-KT 456' per NM 328' per NM 75 100 150 200 250 300 570 760 1139 1519 1899 2279 410 547 820 1094 1367 1641 Initial climb clearance 4000' Initial climb clearance 5000' SID SOBRA 1F, 1G N50 03.2 E008 38.2 D SOBRA 2U ROSIG N49 46.1 E008 21.6 At or above FL90 MAX 250 KT NOT TO SCALE CHANGES: Restrictions. 297 FRANKFURT N49 47.0 E008 29.1 13.2 VETUX 114.2 FFM FFM D17.3 FFM 8 MAX 220 KT 8 283^ D20.6 FFM N49 47.1 E007 59.9 until established on SO BR A N49 50.1 E008 03.4 11 4000 10.1 (115.9) FRD 1F , D26 FFM P A1 2N BR SO SOBRA FRD FRANKFURT SOBRA 2N 1G , 22 DME D FL110 R357^ whichever is later 4000' 220 KT MAX At or above 10.1 4000 9 40 .8 00 D At or below SOBRA 2L N49 51.7 E007 46.5 800' N49 53.3 E008 32.1 N49 49.3 E008 01.7 SOBRA SOBRA 2N 22218 3^ 2 At D6.4 RID DONAB SOBRA 1F, 1G MSA FFM VOR 7 199^ 184^ FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y 180/Y 181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y 180 - DIK RFL NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT SHALL USE SIDS WITH DESIGNATOR Z SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 3200' 3500' ^ FRANKFURT 124300' 5^ 177^ 114.2 FFM FFM .SID. SOBRA TWO LIMA (SOBRA 2L) SOBRA ONE SIERRA (SOBRA 1S) SOBRA TWO UNIFORM (SOBRA 2U) RWY 18 DEPARTURES 3200' N50 03.2 E008 38.2 1 LANGEN Radar MSA FFM VOR D 10-3N2 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4C). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to page 10-4. 3500' FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y 180/Y 181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y 180 - DIK RFL NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT SHALL USE SIDS WITH DESIGNATOR Q 28 APR 06 335 SOBRA ONE FOXTROT (SOBRA 1F) SOBRA ONE GOLF (SOBRA 1G) SOBRA TWO NOVEMBER (SOBRA 2N) SOBRA ONE PAPA (SOBRA 1P) RWYS 25L/R DEPARTURES FRANKFURT/MAIN 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4C). Strict adherence within 364' the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to page 10-4. FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 180^ 10-3N1 180^ 22 3^ 28 APR 06 1 99^ FRANKFURT/MAIN NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 8 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 2.1 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 SO 1 BR 5 A 1S JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. SID SOBRA 2L Will be assigned when landing direction is 07 SOBRA 1S Only to be used when landing direction is 25 SOBRA 2U ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-357 inbound to D6.4 RID, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199, at D17.3 FFM 1 turn RIGHT, 283^ track via ROSIG and DONAB to SOBRA. Climb on runway track to 800', turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-223, at D20.6 FFM 2 turn RIGHT, 283^ track via DONAB to SOBRA. Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-357 inbound to D6.4 RID, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199, at D19.4 FFM 3 turn RIGHT, 264^ track to PIPIX, turn RIGHT, 297^ track via VETUX to SOBRA. After D17.3 FFM 1 /D20.6 FFM 2 /D19.4 FFM 3 BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 23 3F ,4 NOT TO SCALE N49 45.7 E009 05.5 RATIM N49 41.6 E009 31.0 G 4 N49 46.9 E008 32.5 13 5 11 R254 SULUS 3F, 4G 10300^0 5000 5 6 These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 000 5000 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to 074^ AKONI airspace structure. N49 44.8 E009 11.3 (FFM R-130/D28) GIBSA Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 N49 40.1 E009 40.1 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 (FFM R-119/D46) If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 4000' N49 43.1 E009 56.8 SULUS 3F, 4G: Initial climb clearance 5000' 37 50 .2 00 201 ^ 179^ RID 112.2 RID MAX until established on 220 KT RID R-092 13 5000 6 5000 AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 (FFM R-130/D28) N49 46.9 E008 32.5 11 R254 5000 074^ GIBSA N49 40.1 E009 40.1 (FFM R-119/D46) Initial climb clearance WUR WURZBURG 110.2 WUR N49 43.1 E009 56.8 4000' 124300' 5^ 3200' 3500' MSA FFM VOR .SID. ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-357 inbound to D3 RID, turn LEFT, intercept RID R-092 to KNG, turn RIGHT, 103^ bearing via AKONI to GIBSA, turn LEFT, intercept WUR R-254 inbound to WUR 1 , turn LEFT, WUR R-054 to SULUS. SULUS 4S Climb on runway track to 800' or RID 12 DME, whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 103^ bearing via AKONI to GIBSA, turn LEFT, intercept WUR R-254 inbound to WUR 1 , turn LEFT, WUR R-054 to SULUS. 1 After WUR BRNAV equipment necessary. JEPPESEN JeppView SID SULUS 4L 103^00 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY D RIED 4 50 SULUS 4L 05 4^ N49 41.6 E009 31.0 092^ .Eff.25.Oct. RATIM (FFM R-121/D40) 23 Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. N49 45.7 E009 05.5 10-3N4 KONIG JEPPESEN 355 KNG KNG ^ 335 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. R357^ N49 49.9 E008 32.3 SU 23 LU S4 S 12 OCT 07 D3 RID 2500' SULUS FOUR LIMA (SULUS 4L) SULUS FOUR SIERRA (SULUS 4S) RWY 18 DEPARTURES 10 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. At or above ^ NOT TO SCALE NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 220 KT 118^ brg NOT FOR FLIGHTS DESTINATION EDDN 118 MAX until established on Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. R ID 4 12 DM E or whichever is later N50 04.5 E010 43.7 Apt Elev 800' RID 12 DME 364' At SULUS EDDF/FRA 800' SULUS 4S FRANKFURT/MAIN At SULUS 4S This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3 %) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via SULUS 4L. MSA FFM VOR *LANGEN Radar SULUS 4L N50 03.2 E008 38.2 3200' 3500' 136.12 FRANKFURT 177^ CHANGES: SID SULUS 3S renumbered 4S & revised. 114.2 FFM FFM 124300' 5^ .SID. ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6 DME (FFM 3 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, 099^ track, , turn RIGHT, 090^ track to SULUS. intercept FFM R-086 to AMUGI 1 25L/R Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT towards RID, at RID 12 DME turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 103^ bearing via AKONI to GIBSA, turn LEFT, intercept WUR R-254 inbound to WUR 2, turn LEFT, WUR R-054 to SULUS. After AMUGI 1 /WUR 2 BRNAV equipment necessary. D RWY 07L/R ^ SID SULUS 3D, 2E SULUS 3F, 4G WURZBURG JEPPESEN JeppView SULUS 3D, 2E: Initial climb clearance WUR 110.2 WUR FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY (FFM R-121/D40) .Eff.25.Oct. RID 112.2 RID KONIG 335 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. D LU S RIED 355 KNG KNG 180^ 201^ SU 10-3N3 210 KT 118^ brg JEPPESEN 2500' MAX until established on Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. At or above 180^ 3 50 7.2 00 FL90 NOT FOR FLIGHTS DESTINATION EDDN 118 ^ 05 4^ FFM 4. 5 DM FRD 1.5 DME E R F FMD 6 DME 3 DM E At or above Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 12 OCT 07 FRD LOST COMM ONLY Apt Elev D40 FFM FRED NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 N50 05.6 E009 46.9 (112.1 FUL R-164/D31) FRANKFURT/MAIN 36.6 5000 F DME D 090^ AMUGI 364' RID 12 DME 7 4 5 10 4000 5000 5000 D44 RLE whichever is later SULUS 3D, 2E EDDF/FRA (R 23 SULUS 3F, 4G ) 07L 4 070^ 7^ ) 06wy 07R SULUS N50 04.5 E010 43.7 (112.1 FUL R-124/D54) *LANGEN Radar y (Rw D30 FFM D25 FFM 0 99^ 086^ SULUS 3D, 2E N50 03.9 E008 41.0 136.12 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 120.15 FRANKFURT ERL .9 SULUS THREE DELTA (SULUS 3D) 0 14 SULUS TWO ECHO (SULUS 2E) D3 ^ 1 326 SULUS THREE FOXTROT (SULUS 3F) SULUS FOUR GOLF (SULUS 4G) RWYS 07L/R, 25L/R DEPARTURES CHANGES: SIDs SULUS 2F, 3G renumbered 3F, 4G & revised. At FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' 297 FR FR 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT D NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 12 OCT 07 10-3N5 .Eff.25.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 120.15 124300' 5^ TAUNUS ONE QUEBEC (TAU 1Q) RWYS 25L/R DEPARTURE JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar 120.15 12 OCT 07 10-3N6 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.25.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. TOBAK FIVE DELTA (TOBAK 5D) TOBAK FIVE ECHO (TOBAK 5E) RWYS 07L/R DEPARTURES 3200' 3500' 124300' 5^ 335 ^ ^ MSA FFM VOR 3200' 3500' NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z 10 - GISEM - AIRWAY N 850 - WRB 335 NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT ONLY DELAY HAS TO BE EXPECTED FURTHER ROUTING TO DESTINATION SHALL BE BASED ON VOR AND HAS TO BE COORDINATED WITH ATC PRIOR TO START-UP NO RNAV OVERLAY EXISTING MAX FL90 IN GERMAN AIRSPACE SPECIAL PERMISSION NEEDED PRIOR TO FLIGHT NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ *LANGEN Radar JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MSA FFM VOR TOBAK N50 34.3 E008 47.1 SPEED: MAX 250 KT IN GERMAN AIRSPACE TAU 17.9 5000 D TAUNUS 116.7 TAU NOT TO SCALE N50 15.0 E008 09.8 NOT TO SCALE 351^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 23 0 500 METRO R203 ^ D MTR 110.0 MTR 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 16.6 E008 50.9 At D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 023^ 259^ 276^ 5 DME 14 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 3500' y (Rw At ) 07L 070^ FFM 5 DME or 800' 0670^7R) whichever is later DME D FRD FRED y (Rw 297 FR FR FRANKFURT 4 N50 03.9 E008 41.0 FRD 5 DME/ FFM 2 DME (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, 276^ track (RWY 25L: 279^ track), intercept FFM R-259, at 3500' turn RIGHT to TAU, but not before reaching FFM R-259. CHANGES: Routing text. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', to FR (FRD 5 DME/FFM 2 DME outbound), turn LEFT diately, intercept MTR R-203 inbound to MTR 1 , turn LEFT, MTR R-351 to TOBAK. 1 After MTR BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: SIDs renumbered & revised. imme- | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .Eff.25.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ 3200' 3500' FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar 120.15 10-3N8 .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. TOBAK THREE NOVEMBER (TOBAK 3N) RWYS 25L/R DEPARTURE 124300' 5^ TOBAK N50 34.3 E008 47.1 335 ^ NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z 10 - GISEM - AIRWAY N 850 - WRB SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. TOBAK 9 5 .9 N50 34.3 E008 47.1 3200' 3500' MSA FFM VOR TESGA N50 26.7 E008 37.1 12 .4 9^000 03 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.25.Oct. MSA FFM VOR NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z 10 - GISEM - AIRWAY N 850 - WRB 3 No RNAV OVERLAY existing. 12 OCT 07 ^ 335 TOBAK TWO FOXTROT (TOBAK 2F) TOBAK TWO GOLF (TOBAK 2G)3 TOBAK TWO JULIETT (TOBAK 2J) RWYS 25L/R DEPARTURES JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 9 10-3N7 180^ 120.15 12 OCT 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 TESGA N50 26.7 E008 37.1 TABUM 12 .4 N50 17.5 E008 24.3 04 1^ FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 03 5000.9 9^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 04 1^ NOT TO SCALE TABUM At or above 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 TOBAK 2F, 2J 4400' At or above MAX until established on 10 ^ 322 ME 8. 4 D At 259^ 276^ 5 DME 6 2 K BA TO 2G 3500' 3500' 220 KT 184^ track 11 When passing 023^ 2^ R14 D 4400' 4.5 DME FFM 4.5 DME or 800' whichever is later N50 05.9 E008 20.4 TOBAK 2F, 2J These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 729' per NM (12%) until FFM 8.4 DME (4.5 NM after DER) due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 729' per NM 911 1215 1823 2430 3038 3646 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 At D11.4 TAU N50 15.0 E008 09.8 114.2 FFM FFM D16 RID N49 55.6 E008 11.7 At 184^ 22 3^ 116.7 TAU D NOT TO SCALE 23 TAU TAUNUS 016^ D TOB 12 AK 2 F, 2 J N50 17.5 E008 24.3 8 D14 FFM FFM 5 DME or 800' 302 ^ whichever is later N49 53.1 E008 23.2 D RIED N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, 276^ track (RWY 25L: 279^ track) to FFM 8.4 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept TAU R-142 inbound to D11.4 TAU 1 , turn RIGHT, 016^ track to TABUM, turn RIGHT, 041^ track to TESGA, turn LEFT, 039^ track to TOBAK. TOBAK Climb on runway track to FFM 5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, 276^ 2G 3500' turn RIGHT towards track (RWY 25L: 279^ track), intercept FFM R-259, at TAU, but not before reaching FFM R-259, when passing 4400' 2 turn RIGHT to TABUM, 041^ track to TESGA, turn LEFT, 039^ track to TOBAK. After D11.4 TAU 1 /passing 4400' 2 BRNAV equipment necessary. RID 112.2 RID SID TOBAK 2F, 2J CHANGES: SID TOBAK 2G routing text. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 184^ track, intercept FFM R-223 to D14 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-302 to D16 RID 1 , turn RIGHT, 023^ track to TABUM, turn RIGHT, 041^ track to TESGA, turn LEFT, 039^ track to TOBAK. After D16 RID BRNAV equipment necessary. 1 CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 30 MAR 07 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar 136.12 TESGA 12 .4 TABUM 04 1^ N50 17.5 E008 24.3 .SID. 124300' 5^ N50 17.7 E008 32.6 16 50 .9 00 WIESBADEN N50 02.9 E008 19.7 D D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT 180^ ^ 0 28 9.7 At 180^ 22 3^ 199^ TO 9 2SBAK 8 T 3500' 335 ^ MSA FFM VOR GISNO N49 45.9 E007 51.4 N49 42.4 E008 13.4 ^ 319 3200' PIPIX MAX 14 4000 .7 MAX 250 KT MAX 250 KT 283^ 250 KT 9 264^ TOB 10 AK 3 180^ 2 8. 0 0 40 124300' 5^ N49 42.4 E008 13.4 MAX 14 4000 .7 GISNO N49 45.9 E007 51.4 D19.4 FFM 1 99^ PIPIX ^ 319 ^ N49 53.1 E008 23.2 R357^ 302 MAX 220 KT D14 FFM NOT TO SCALE N49 53.3 E008 32.1 10 023^ N49 52.2 E007 43.2 D RID RIED MAX 112.2 RID R357^ 4 N49 55.4 000 E007 22.2 ULKIG 220 KT D6.4 RID 2 8. 0 0 40 OBOXO N49 55.6 E008 11.7 MAX N49 52.2 E007 43.2 7 177^ 283^ D6.4 RID N49 53.3 E008 32.1 ULKIG 800' D16 RID 14 NOT TO SCALE 7 At 177^ 089^ ^ 074 800' 4000 4 28. 0 400 FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 RUDUS N50 02.9 E008 04.7 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 23 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MSA FFM VOR MABOB SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 399 WBD WBD 3200' 3500' FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y 180/Y 181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y 180 - DIK RFL NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT SHALL USE SIDS WITH DESIGNATOR Z ^ BY ATC NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT SHALL USE SIDS WITH DESIGNATOR Z NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z 10 - GISEM - AIRWAY N 850 - WRB FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.12.Apr. 335 N50 26.7 E008 37.1 TOBAK THREE TANGO (TOBAK 3T) RWY 18 DEPARTURES 10-3Q ULKIG THREE UNIFORM (ULKIG 3U) RWY 18 DEPARTURE N50 34.3 E008 47.1 WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED WHEN LANDING DIRECTION IS RWY 25 30 MAR 07 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. TOBAK TOBAK TWO SIERRA (TOBAK 2S) WARNING Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 9. 136.12 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. Apt Elev 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft per364' formance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 03 5000 9 9^ 120.15 .SID. 9.5 5000 TOBAK 3T .Eff.12.Apr. 017^ *LANGEN Radar TOBAK 2S 10-3P JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 283^ 250 KT D19.4 FFM N49 45.0 E008 28.0 9 264^ D 250 KT RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 MAX N49 45.0 N49 46.9 E008 32.5 E008 28.0 250 KT Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-223 to D14 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-302 to D16 RID 1 , turn RIGHT, 023^ track to TABUM, turn RIGHT, 041^ track to TESGA, turn LEFT, 039^ track to TOBAK. TOBAK 3T Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-357 inbound to D6.4 RID, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199 to D19.4 FFM 2 , turn RIGHT, 264^ track to PIPIX, turn RIGHT, 283^ track to GISNO, turn RIGHT, 319^ track to ULKIG, turn LEFT, 283^ track to OBOXO, turn RIGHT, 074^ track to RUDUS, turn RIGHT, intercept 089^ bearing to WBD, turn LEFT, 028^ bearing to MABOB, turn LEFT, 017^ track to TESGA, turn RIGHT, 039^ track to TOBAK. After D16 RID 1 /D19.4 FFM 2 BRNAV equipment necessary. SID TOBAK 2S CHANGES: Restriction in chart heading revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-357 inbound to D6.4 RID, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199, at D19.4 FFM 1 turn RIGHT, 264^ track to PIPIX, turn RIGHT, 283^ track to GISNO, turn RIGHT, 319^ track to ULKIG. 1 After D19.4 FFM BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 2 FEB 07 10-3Q1 .Eff.15.Feb. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). LANGEN Radar 120.15 124300' 5^ FRANKFURT/MAIN 10-3Q2 2 FEB 07 .Eff.15.Feb. 136.12 ANEKI SIX DELTA (ANEKI 6D)[ANEK6D] ANEKI EIGHT ECHO (ANEKI 8E)[ANEK8E] RWYS 07L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3C) 3200' 114.2 FFM FFM MTR FRANKFURT METRO 110.0 MTR DF144 N50 02.9 E008 35.9 N50 02.6 E008 36.1 N50 35.5 E009 34.3 (Rw 0.607R) y (Rw DF154 N49 58.7 E008 35.7 At or above DF150 N50 00.6 E008 45.1 6 FULDA 1 99^ 112.1 FUL FUL 0.5 6 D N50 04.2 E008 42.5 (Rw DF145 DF152 7L) y0 (Rw 0741.4^ 068y ^07R) 07y00^7L) (Rwy 07R) MSA FFM VOR N50 16.6 E008 50.9 1 92^ (Rwy 07L) 3200' 3500' ^ D 124300' 5^ 335 ^ MSA FFM VOR N50 03.2 E008 38.2 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. LANGEN Radar 3500' ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 AMUGI ONE DELTA (AMUGI 1D) [AMUG1D] AMUGI ONE ECHO (AMUGI 1E) [AMUG1E] RWYS 07L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3B) NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MAX 220 KT N49 46.9 E008 32.5 DF157 N50 05.6 E009 46.9 N49 47.5 E008 40.3 (Rw FFM D20 FFM FRANKFURT TC D4.4 RID 114.2 FFM 5 2.5 4000 5000 By ATC 4000 4500 4 By ATC 4000 5 4 0 By A00 TC 45004000 By A D ANE KI 6 AMUGI 4.4 N50 03.6 E008 49.3 D44 4 5000 4.5 4000 DF151 10 5000 MT R-194R 5 184^ D30 FFM D25 FFM 18.1 RIED R357^ 099^ 4.4 086^ RID 112.2 RID SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 5.5 y 070^ 06y7^07R) (Rw 5.1 5. 2 D31 N50 04.4 E008 42.6 ) 07L D 177^ 164^ DF149 13.5 DF160 N49 52.4 E008 32.1 At or above D 6 D40 FFM LOST COMM ONLY FL90 ANE .7 KI 8 E 2500' MAX 220 KT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 NOT TO SCALE D6.9 RID D24 FFM TC 17 60004000 By A 16.1 4000 D28 6000 NOT TO SCALE D28 FFM By ATC D11.9 RID ANEKI N49 19.0 E008 28.8 ANEKI 8E This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 328' per NM (5.4%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 328' per NM 410 547 820 1094 1367 1641 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. Initial climb clearance 4000' Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF149 - DF151 - AMUGI. CHANGES: AMUGI SIDs established; ANEKI SIDs transferred. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SID ANEKI 6D ANEKI 8E ROUTING (800'+) - DF152 - DF150 (K220-) - DF157 - ANEKI. (800'+) - DF144 (07L)/DF145 (07R) - DF154 (2500'+; K220-) - DF160 RID - ANEKI. CHANGES: RNAV SIDs renumbered; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN 10-3Q3 12 OCT 07 .Eff.25.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 136.12 ) 0.6 D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 56.9 E007 12.5 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DF137 N49 58.0 E008 31.7 ABAXA N50 45.9 E007 23.2 ANEKI 5F, 5G MAX 220 KT 6 13. 0 500 N50 33.5 E007 31.8 335^ 112.2 RID RAVKI 184^ N50 21.7 E007 39.9 10 50 .4 00 294 3 18. 0 500 N50 06.0 E008 38.0 2.5 4000 4500 By ATC At or above 2000' 16.1 4000 6000 By ATC D28 SID ANEKI 5F, 5G ANEKI 4L CHANGES: None. RWY ROUTING 25L/R (800'+) - DF134 (25R)/DF135 (25L) - DF141 (25R)/DF142 (25L) DF143 - DF137 (K220-) - RID - ANEKI. 18 (800'+) - RID - ANEKI. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2.6 ANEKI 5F, 5G: Initial climb clearance 5000' ANEKI 4L: Initial climb clearance 4000' N50 03.2 E008 38.2 357^ N49 19.0 E008 28.8 FRANKFURT 2.9 ANEKI ANEKI 4L This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 237' per NM (3.9%) until passing 4500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 237' per NM 296 395 592 790 987 1185 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 9.4 (Rwy 07L) D11.9 RID NOT TO SCALE 114.2 FFM FFM (Rwy 07R) 5 4000 5000 By ATC NOT TO SCALE D Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 383' per NM 479 638 957 1276 1595 1914 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 069^ 288^ y (Rw 07L 0730^ 3.1 2.1 BIBOS 7E This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 383' per NM (6.3%) until passing 2000'. N50 16.6 E008 50.9 13.6 D6.9 RID N50 19.6 E008 37.1 10.3 5000 DF146 N50 17.4 E007 54.7 110.0 MTR ODAGA BIBOS 7E ^ ^ 252 GUBAX D4.4 RID METRO N50 22.9 E008 22.0 D16 4.4 N49 46.9 E008 32.5 MTR KUSOM 9 12. 0 500 RIED SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. DITAM SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. R357^ RID 3200' 3500' - Flights via BIBOS and UZ 29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBOS at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. UZ 28 If unable to comply, request routing via and cross BIBOS at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after ABAXA/BIBOS. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBOS-COL or BIBOS-WYP depending on runway in use. BIBOS 11.1 D 124300' 5^ MSA FFM VOR ^ 328 1.6 BIBOS ONE DELTA (BIBOS 1D) [BIBO1D] BIBOS SEVEN ECHO (BIBOS 7E) [BIBO7E] RWYS 07L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3E) 13 0 500 177^ 1.9 N50 00.5 E008 29.8 DF143 N49 59.0 E008 28.9 1 2 A 18 5F NEK^I ,5 G 120.15 3500' y (Rw ANEKI 4L DF142 *LANGEN Radar ^ 25R wy 7 DF135 0. ^ N50 01.5 E008 31.3 249 1 0.525L) 199^ (Rwy 25L) .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 335 DF134 (Rwy 25L) (R DF141 3200' .Eff.25.Oct. ^ (Rwy 25R) (Rwy 25R) 125 ^ 10-3Q4 MSA FFM VOR N50 01.7 E008 31.1 N50 01.1 E008 30.1 4300' 12 OCT 07 335 ANEKI FIVE FOXTROT (ANEKI 5F) [ANEK5F] ANEKI FIVE GOLF (ANEKI 5G) [ANEK5G] ANEKI FOUR LIMA (ANEKI 4L) [ANEK4L] RWYS 25L/R, 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3D) FRANKFURT/MAIN 13 *LANGEN Radar 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. RWY 18: EXPECT 364' close-in obstacles. 4. RWY 18: Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA BIB .3 R20 3^ O 1D S FRANKFURT/MAIN NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 ) 023^ EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. DF149 N50 04.4 E008 42.6 0(R6w7y^07R) (Rwy 07L) DF139 N50 03.4 E008 38.2 (Rwy 07R) DF14~ N50 03.1 E008 38.2 Initial climb clearance 5000' SID BIBOS 1D BIBOS 7E ROUTING (800'+) - DF149 - MTR - ODAGA - KUSOM - GUBAX - RAVKI - DITAM ABAXA - BIBOS. (800'+) - DF139 (07L)/DF140 (07R) - DF146 (2000'+) - ODAGA - KUSOM GUBAX - RAVKI - DITAM - ABAXA - BIBOS. CHANGES: RNAV SID BIBOS 9D renumbered 1D. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 3500' BI 7.7 B 6N OS DF166 8.8 302 249^ (Rwy 25R: 6N) D N50 00.1 E008 29.7 RID Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 352' per NM 441 587 881 1175 1468 1762 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. Initial climb clearance 5000' SID BIBOS 6F, 6G BIBOS 6N ROUTING (800'+) - DF234 (25R)/DF235 (25L) - DF133 - DF136 (3600'+) - ESUPI MASIR - RAVKI - DITAM - ABAXA - BIBOS. (800'+) - DF134 (25R)/DF135 (25L) - DF162 (25R; K220-)/DF165 (25L; K220-) DF166 - DF164 - DF161 - MASIR - RAVKI - DITAM - ABAXA - BIBOS. CHANGES: Chart reindexed. DF164 RIED 112.2 RID | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DF161 N49 56.4 E008 09.6 8.8 BIBOS 6L This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 280' per NM (4.6%) until passing 2000' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 280' per NM 349 466 699 932 1165 1398 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. N49 51.7 E008 21.0 302 ^ 9 .4 ^ 239 DF197 N49 58.8 E008 31.6 DF160 N49 52.4 E008 32.1 At or above 2000' MAX 220 KT ^ BIBOS 6F, 6G These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing 3600', due to airspace structure. NOT TO SCALE ^ N49 46.9 E008 32.5 N50 01.5 E008 31.3 1.1 MAX 220 KT N49 57.3 E008 29.3 320 DF135 DF165 FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. (Rwy 25L) 114.2 FFM FFM R357^ DF134 (Rwy 25L: 6N) D 7.5 N49 51.7 E008 21.0 y (Rw N50 01.7 E008 31.1 N50 15.3 E007 44.3 BIBOS 6L 0.2 MASIR .9 N50 01.4 E008 31.0 ^ 220 KT DF164 0.5 25L) N50 21.7 E007 39.9 ^ 319 0 RAVKI 35 0.4 DITAM N50 33.5 E007 31.8 177^ MAX ^ (Rwy 25L: 6F, 6G) N50 45.9 E007 23.2 .9 24 000 4 N50 00.6 E008 29.8 319 N50 01.6 E008 30.6 ABAXA 279^ 25 9^ DF162 N49 56.4 E008 09.6 5R) y2 (Rw .7 - Flights via BIBOS and UZ 29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBOS at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. UZ 28 If unable to comply, request routing via and cross BIBOS at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after ABAXA/BIBOS. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBOS-COL or BIBOS-WYP depending on runway in use. 2.7 DF133 N50 01.8 E008 26.8 6.4 BIBO6S 6F, G 294^ .9 24 00 40 DF234 N50 56.9 E007 12.5 (Rwy 25L) DF161 (Rwy 25R: 6F, 6G) BIBOS 33 276^ (Rwy 25R) SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N50 03.2 E008 38.2 2.4 3600' 6.9 NOT TO SCALE (Rwy 25R) At or above FRANKFURT MSA FFM VOR WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED WHEN LANDING DIRECTION IS 25 7 0 500 5^ N50 00.7 E008 17.0 114.2 FFM FFM 3200' 3500' RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3G) 9 12. 0 500 33 7 0 500 5^ D DF136 N50 15.3 E007 44.3 18 .9 40 308 ESUPI 00 ^ N50 03.5 E008 07.3 124300' 5^ BY ATC MSA FFM VOR N50 21.7 E007 39.9 MASIR .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). BIBOS SIX LIMA (BIBOS 6L) [BIBO6L] BIBOS SIX SIERRA (BIBOS 6S) [BIBO6S] .6 9 12. 0 500 RAVKI 120.15 0 50 N50 33.5 E007 31.8 LANGEN Radar 13 0 13 28^ 3 0 500 6 13. 0 500 DITAM .Eff.15.Feb. 335 13 0 ^ 0 50 328 N50 45.9 E007 23.2 10-3Q6 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 3200' - Flights via BIBOS and UZ 29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBOS at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ 28 and cross BIBOS at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after ABAXA/BIBOS. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBOS-COL or BIBOS-WYP depending on runway in use. ABAXA DF235 124300' 5^ 2 FEB 07 ^ BIBOS SIX FOXTROT (BIBOS 6F) [BIBO6F] BIBOS SIX GOLF (BIBOS 6G) [BIBO6G] BIBOS SIX NOVEMBER (BIBOS 6N) [BIBO6N] RWYS 25L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3F) FRANKFURT/MAIN 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 N50 56.9 E007 12.5 .Eff.15.Feb. 180^ BIBOS 10-3Q5 184^ 22 2.9 0.4 2 3^ 120.15 2 FEB 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 BI 9. BO 8 S 6S FRANKFURT/MAIN LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 22 3^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. XAMUB N49 47.7 E008 19.7 D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' SID BIBOS 6L BIBOS 6S ROUTING (800'+) - DF160 (2000'+; K220-) - XAMUB - MASIR - RAVKI - DITAM - ABAXA BIBOS. (800'+) - DF197 - DF164 - DF161 - MASIR - RAVKI - DITAM - ABAXA - BIBOS. CHANGES: Chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 12 OCT 07 10-3Q7 .Eff.25.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). *LANGEN Radar 136.12 124300' 5^ *LANGEN Radar 136.12 10-3Q8 .Eff.25.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 124300' 5^ 3200' 3200' 3500' ^ ^ 3 13 00 50 28^ DINKELSBUHL SIX DELTA (DKB 6D) DINKELSBUHL FOUR ECHO (DKB 4E) DINKELSBUHL THREE FOXTROT (DKB 3F) DINKELSBUHL FOUR GOLF (DKB 4G) RWYS 07L/R, 25L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3J) MSA FFM VOR MSA FFM VOR ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDMM FIR ABAXA N50 45.9 E007 23.2 199^ (Rwy 25L) DF142 313 ^ N50 00.5 E008 29.8 DF143 N49 59.0 E008 28.9 (R N50 02.9 E008 04.7 177^ (Rwy 25L) 2 0.5 249^ 210 KT At or above 2500' 199^ DF16~ NOT TO SCALE 192^ DK 23 B3 F, 4 DF159 N49 57.0 E008 34.4 7.5 ^ 074 MAX 220 KT 249^ 2 118 ^ DF137 OBOXO N50 00.6 E008 45.1 0.7 N49 58.0 E008 31.7 MAX DF15~ (Rwy 25R) RUDUS 4 28. 0 400 DF153 N49 50.5 E008 41.4 106^ 13 0^ G 16.3 D2 8 3.8 5000 N49 52.4 E008 32.1 MAX ULKIG N49 52.2 E007 43.2 ^ 319 MAX R357^ 8.2 0 0 40 GISNO DF2~~ N49 43.2 E008 26.9 9.8 220 KT 250 KT N49 45.9 E007 51.4 14.7 4000 250 KT PIPIX N49 42.4 E008 13.4 MAX 283^ 8.8 264^ D 250 KT RID RIED 112.2 RID SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF160 (K220-) - DF200 (K250-) - PIPIX (K250-) - GISNO (K250-) - ULKIG - OBOXO RUDUS - MASIR - RAVKI - DITAM - ABAXA - BIBOS. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 103^ 5 50 4.8 00 355 KNG KNG KONIG R3 10 ^ N49 45.7 E009 05.5 DKB 3F, 4G These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. D 117.8 DKB DKB DINKELSBUHL N49 08.6 E010 14.3 DKB 6D, 4E: Initial climb clearance 4000' DKB 3F, 4G: Initial climb clearance 5000' N49 46.9 E008 32.5 CHANGES: None. 070^ 06w7y ^07R) 6 D, 4 E N50 01.1 E008 30.1 N50 01.5 E008 31.3 1 6 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 7L) y0 ( Rw DF135 DF141 N50 16.6 E008 50.9 N50 04.2 E008 42.5 4.9 5 10.4 0 335^ FFM FRANKFURT 114.2 FFM METRO DKB 7 500 (Rwy 25L) (Rwy 25R) N50 15.3 E007 44.3 0.6 9 1 2. 0 500 MASIR MTR 110.0 MTR DF152 DF134 N50 01.7 E008 31.1 NOT TO SCALE MAX FRANKFURT (Rwy 25R) RAVKI 283^ 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 21.7 E007 39.9 1 40 8.1 00 14 4000 D 1.6 6 1 3. 0 500 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. DITAM N50 33.5 E007 31.8 D N49 55.4 E007 22.2 12 OCT 07 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 3500' BY ATC N50 56.9 E007 12.5 FRANKFURT/MAIN 335 BIBOS FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 BIBOS SEVEN TANGO (BIBOS 7T) [BIBO7T] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3H) NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. SID DKB 6D, 4E DKB 3F, 4G RWY 07L/R 25L/R ROUTING (800'+) - DF152 - DF150 (K220-) - DF153 - KNG - AKONI - DKB. (800'+) - DF134 (25R)/DF135 (25L) - DF141 (25R)/DF142 (25L) DF143 - DF137 (K210-) - DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - DKB. CHANGES: RNAV SIDs DKB 2F, 3G renumbered 3F, 4G & revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN 10-3S 12 OCT 07 .Eff.25.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 124300' 5^ 3500' MARUN FIVE DELTA (MARUN 5D) [MARU5D] MARUN TWO ECHO (MARUN 2E) [MARU2E] RWYS 07L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3J3) ^ MSA FFM VOR ALIDI 16.8 5000 7.1 NOT TO SCALE ^ 069^ D DKB DINKELSBUHL ) 07L 070^ 3 3.1 ROUTING (800'+) - RID (K220-) - KNG - AKONI - DKB. (800'+) - DF158 (K220-) - DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - DKB. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DF149 N50 04.4 E008 42.6 067y^07R) (Rw (Rwy 07L) DF139 (Rwy 07R) D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT DF14~ N50 03.1 E008 38.2 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 Initial climb clearance 4000' CHANGES: RNAV SID DKB 4S renumbered 5S & revised. y (Rw N50 03.4 E008 38.2 117.8 DKB N49 08.6 E010 14.3 2.6 2. 1 357^ 2.9 (Rwy 07L) (Rwy 07R) R3 10 ^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 023^ 2000' 220 KT DKB 5S This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via DKB 2L. R203 At or above 5 50 4.8 00 355 KNG KNG D N50 06.0 E008 38.0 1 N49 44.8 E009 11.3 MA 3.3 RUN 5 DF146 AKONI N49 45.7 E009 05.5 N49 46.9 E008 32.5 METRO 13.6 D2 8 3.8 5000 KONIG RIED MARUN 2E R357^ 13 0^ 21.4 RID MTR 110.0 MTR N50 16.6 E008 50.9 DK 23 B5 S 112.2 RID SID DKB 2L DKB 5S 351^ DKB 2L 13 from THR ODAGA N50 19.6 E008 37.1 D16 177^ 2500' 103^ MAX NOT TO SCALE 17.9 5000 1.9 At or above TOBAK N50 34.3 E008 47.1 N50 26.7 E008 37.1 N49 57.0 E008 34.4 092^ D ^ 343 179^ TESGA DF159 ^ 9.6 000 5 DF158 N49 58.0 E008 31.6 APROX N50 43.5 E008 43.0 N50 43.3 E008 39.5 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 118 6 0 500 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 220 KT 3200' 3500' MSA FFM VOR MARUN FRANKFURT MAX 124300' 5^ N50 49.3 E008 40.3 114.2 FFM FFM 2.1 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. ^ 335 ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDMM FIR D 3200' .Eff.25.Oct. 335 DINKELSBUHL TWO LIMA (DKB 2L) DINKELSBUHL FIVE SIERRA (DKB 5S) RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3J1) 120.15 10-3T 12 OCT 07 004^ 136.12 FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 359^ *LANGEN Radar 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 6 5000 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MARUN 2E This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 383' per NM (6.3%) until passing 2000'. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 383' per NM 479 638 957 1276 1595 1914 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. Initial climb clearance 5000' SID MARUN 5D MARUN 2E ROUTING (800'+) - DF149 - MTR - TOBAK - APROX - MARUN. (800'+) - DF139 (07L)/DF140 (07R) - DF146 (2000'+) - ODAGA - TESGA ALIDI - MARUN. CHANGES: RNAV SID MARUN 4D renumbered 5D. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN 120.15 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ 124300' 5^ 3200' 3200' .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). MARUN ONE NOVEMBER (MARUN 1N) [MARU1N] RWYS 25L/R RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3J5) MARUN N50 49.3 E008 40.3 3500' ^ MSA FFM VOR MSA FFM VOR LORPA N50 43.5 E008 37.5 6 5000 15.9 ^ 335 MARUN 10-3T2 8 JUN 07 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 120.15 3500' N50 49.3 E008 40.3 LORPA FRANKFURT/MAIN 335 MARUN ONE FOXTROT (MARUN 1F) [MARU1F] MARUN ONE JULIETT (MARUN 1J) [MARU1J] RWYS 25L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3J4) FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA *LANGEN Radar 180^ *LANGEN Radar 10-3T1 8 JUN 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 N50 43.5 E008 37.5 0165^000 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 6 5000 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. LIKSI 018^ LIKSI N50 28.4 E008 30.3 TABUM TAU TAUNUS 11 116.7 TAU N50 17.5 E008 24.3 NOT TO SCALE 018^ .6 D SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 11.6 0165^000 15.9 N50 28.4 E008 30.3 N50 15.0 E008 09.8 TABUM N50 17.5 E008 24.3 D 23. 1 11 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. (Rwy 25R) DF134 016^ (Rwy 25L) DF132 N50 01.5 E008 31.3 At or above N50 03.2 E008 38.2 0.7 25L) 279^ y (Rw (Rwy 25L) ^ 114.2 FFM FFM 220 KT DF165 N50 00.1 E008 29.7 MAX 220 KT DF161 N49 56.4 E008 09.6 DF166 N49 57.3 E008 29.3 7 ^ 322 249^ D MAX (Rwy 25L) 8.8 7. ) FRANKFURT N50 00.6 E008 29.8 023 6.3 276^ 3.4 3.7 3500' (Rw DF162 5R (Rwy 25R) y2 (Rw 1 At or above 0.y525L) (Rwy 25R) 1. 2492^5R) DF135 (Rwy 7 0. N50 07.0 E008 19.4 184^ 2 2.9 22 0.4 3^ 2^ R14 N50 02.0 E008 25.3 FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 01.7 E008 31.1 4400' DF233 114.2 FFM FFM NOT TO SCALE (Rwy 25R) DF234 N50 01.6 E008 30.6 (Rwy 25L) DF164 DF235 N49 51.7 E008 21.0 N50 01.4 E008 31.0 These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 729' per NM (12%) until FFM 8.4 DME (4.5 NM after DER) due to airspace structure. D Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 729' per NM 911 1215 1823 2430 3038 3646 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. CHANGES: Chart reference in heading. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF234 (25R)/DF235 (25L) - DF233 (3500'+) - DF132 (4400'+) - TABUM - LIKSI LORPA - MARUN. 302 ^ Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF134 (25R)/DF135 (25L) - DF162 (25R; K220-)/DF165 (25L; K220-) - DF166 DF164 - DF161 - TABUM - LIKSI - LORPA - MARUN. CHANGES: Chart reference in heading. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4C). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to page 10-4. LANGEN Radar 180^ 120.15 3200' MARUN 3500' N50 49.3 E008 40.3 335 6 5000 LORPA BY ATC WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED WHEN LANDING DIRECTION IS RWY 25 .Eff.16.Mar. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 136.12 MARUN ONE TANGO (MARUN 1T) [MARU1T] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3L) 3200' 3500' MSA FFM VOR MARUN N50 49.3 E008 40.3 ALIDI N50 43.3 E008 39.5 BY ATC 15.9 N50 43.5 E008 37.5 10-3T4 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4C). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to page 10-4. LANGEN Radar 124300' 5^ 10 MAR 06 ^ ^ MSA FFM VOR FRANKFURT/MAIN 335 MARUN ONE SIERRA (MARUN 1S) [MARU1S] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3K) FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA TESGA 0165^000 N50 26.7 E008 37.1 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 018^ 11.6 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 9.5 N50 28.4 E008 30.3 5 LIKSI 6 5000 .Eff.16.Mar. 004^ 10-3T3 10 MAR 06 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 01700^0 FRANKFURT/MAIN 124300' 5^ FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 16.8 5000 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MABOB N50 17.7 E008 32.6 TABUM N50 17.5 E008 24.3 D 16 50 .9 00 399 WBD WBD WIESBADEN 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 02.9 E008 19.7 23. 1 NOT TO SCALE 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT RUDUS 9.7 4000 N50 02.9 E008 04.7 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 089^ 177^ 22 3^ 4000 DF197 DF161 DF160 ^ 07144 N49 52.4 E008 32.1 283^ At or below ULKIG 4000' 220 KT N49 52.2 E007 43.2 MAX N49 58.8 E008 31.6 9. 8 8.2 0 0 40 8.8 DF164 302 GISNO N49 45.9 E007 51.4 MAX MAX ^ 319 NOT TO SCALE DF200 N49 43.2 E008 26.9 14.7 4000 250 KT ^ 283^ PIPIX D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 42.4 E008 13.4 MAX 250 KT 8.8 264^ D 250 KT ROUTING (800'+) - DF197 - DF164 - DF161 - TABUM - LIKSI - LORPA - MARUN. CHANGES: SIDs transferred & established; MSA; communications. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' R357^ N49 56.4 E008 09.6 9.8 023^ 1.1 180^ N49 55.4 E007 22.2 1 99^ 7.5 4 28. 0 400 OBOXO N49 51.7 E008 21.0 028 ^ D Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF160 (4000'-; K220-) - DF200 (K250-) - PIPIX (K250-) - GISNO (K250-) - ULKIG OBOXO - RUDUS - WBD - MABOB - TESGA - ALIDI - MARUN. CHANGES: SIDs transferred & established; MSA; communications. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FRANKFURT/MAIN 10-3T5 2 FEB 07 .Eff.15.Feb. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). LANGEN Radar 136.12 MTR METRO D 124300' 5^ N50 16.6 E008 50.9 3500' 335 07y00^7L) (Rwy 07R) 0741.4^ 0.5 068^07R) y (Rw DF154 N49 58.7 E008 35.7 1 99^ y (Rw At or above 6 0.607R) 1 E 136.12 NEKOM ONE FOXTROT (NEKOM 1F) [NEKO1F] 125 ^ NEKOM ONE GOLF (NEKOM 1G) [NEKO1G] NEKOM ONE LIMA (NEKOM 1L) [NEKO1L] RWYS 25L/R, 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3L3) 4300' ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDS AREA AND DESTINATIONS LSZH, LSZR & EDNY VIA AIRWAY N 850 AT OR BELOW FL90 MAX 220 KT 2D NEKO M 13.5 MSA FFM VOR (Rwy 25R) DF134 N50 01.7 E008 31.1 (Rwy 25L) (R (Rwy 25R) DF141 N50 01.1 E008 30.1 ) 25R wy 7 DF135 0. ^ N50 01.5 E008 31.3 249 1 0.525L) 199^ (Rwy 25L) DF142 N50 00.5 E008 29.8 DF143 N49 59.0 E008 28.9 1 2 NE 18^ 1F KOM ,1 G y (Rw D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DF137 N49 58.0 E008 31.7 NEKOM 1F, 1G MAX 220 KT 11.1 R357^ 5.5 174^ 177^ N50 00.6 E008 45.1 3200' 3500' 177^ NEK 6.7 OM 2 LANGEN Radar SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. DF150 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. RWY 18: EXPECT 364' close-in obstacles. 4. RWY 18: Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDS AREA AND DESTINATIONS LSZH, LSZR & EDNY VIA AIRWAY N 850 AT OR BELOW FL90 1 .Eff.15.Feb. NEKOM 1L DF160 N49 52.4 E008 32.1 NEKOM TWO DELTA (NEKOM 2D) [NEKO2D] NEKOM TWO ECHO (NEKOM 2E) [NEKO2E] RWYS 07L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3L2) 10-3T6 1.9 2500' MAX 220 KT 6 (Rw DF145 N50 02.6 E008 36.1 N50 04.2 E008 42.5 192^ N50 02.9 E008 35.9 MSA FFM VOR DF152 ) 07L y (Rw 2 FEB 07 ^ DF144 ^ N50 03.2 E008 38.2 FRANKFURT/MAIN 335 114.2 FFM FFM (Rwy 07L) 3200' 110.0 MTR FRANKFURT FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 0.6 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 1.6 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. DF157 4.4 164^ N49 46.9 E008 32.5 D D4.4 RID By NEKOM 1L This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 237' per NM (3.9%) until passing 4500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 237' per NM 296 395 592 790 987 1185 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. ROUTING (800'+) - DF152 - DF150 (K220-) - DF157 - NEKOM. (800'+) - DF144 (07L)/DF145 (07R) - DF154 (2500'+; K220-) - DF160 RID - NEKOM. CHANGES: RNAV SIDs renumbered. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NEKOM N49 20.2 E008 44.0 NEKOM 1F, 1G: Initial climb clearance 5000' NEKOM 1L: Initial climb clearance 4000' Initial climb clearance 4000' SID NEKOM 2D NEKOM 2E D11.9 RID 8 D27. 15.9 500By0 ATC 6000 NEKOM 2E This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 328' per NM (5.4%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 328' per NM 410 547 820 1094 1367 1641 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. D6.9 RID 5 5000 By N49 20.2 E008 44.0 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. D28 FFM 15 5000 D43 6000 By ATC 15.9 7.8 500000 D2 60ATC NEKOM 2.5 400000 45 ATC D24 FFM 4 5000 5 5000 D11.9 RID NOT TO SCALE 4.4 NOT TO SCALE 164^ 4 4000 4500 By ATC By 2.5 400000 45 ATC D6.9 RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 D20 FFM D4.4 RID RID R357^ RID N49 47.5 E008 40.3 RIED 112.2 RID 4.4 D SID NEKOM 1F, 1G NEKOM 1L CHANGES: None. RWY ROUTING 25L/R (800'+) - DF134 (25R)/DF135 (25L) - DF141 (25R)/DF142 (25L) DF143 - DF137 (K220-) - RID - NEKOM. 18 (800'+) - RID - NEKOM. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 12 OCT 07 10-3T7 .Eff.25.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). *LANGEN Radar 136.12 124300' 5^ FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar 136.12 3500' METRO DF135 0.6 (Rw ^ 220 KT (Rwy 25L) 2 0.5 249^ DF137 N49 58.0 E008 31.7 210 KT NO DF159 N49 57.0 E008 34.4 At or above 2500' DF153 N49 50.5 E008 41.4 NOT TO SCALE MB 23 O3 F, 16.3 4G 13 0^ 106^ LAMPU D S 21.4 355 KNG KNG RID KONIG RIED 112.2 RID D2 AKONI 8 3.8 N49 44.8 E009 11.3 1 5000 103^ 50 1.7 HAREM N49 37.1 0 D3 0 E009 24.9 9. 7 LAMPU N49 20.4 E009 40.1 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 N49 46.9 E008 32.5 MAX 13 0^ 220 KT .4 23 000 5 ^ 4 13 NOMBO N49 03.8 E010 05.3 (112.8 WLD R-304/D50) ROUTING (800'+) - DF152 - DF150 (K220-) - DF153 - KNG - AKONI - HAREM LAMPU - NOMBO. (800'+) - DF134 (25R)/DF135 (25L) - DF141 (25R)/DF142 (25L) DF143 - DF137 (K210-) - DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - HAREM LAMPU - NOMBO. CHANGES: SIDs NOMBO 2F, 3G renumbered 3F, 4G & revised. NOT TO SCALE NO 23 MB O4 13 N49 20.4 E009 40.1 .4 23 00 50 4^ NOMBO 3F, 4G 25L/R 2500' .4 19 00 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 NOMBO 5D, 4E: Initial climb clearance 4000' NOMBO 3F, 4G: Initial climb clearance 5000' SID RWY NOMBO 5D, 4E 07L/R At or above ^ 50 ^ 148 355 KNG KNG 4 19. 00 NOMBO 3F, 4G These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. KONIG 50 ^ 148 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N49 57.0 E008 34.4 092^ D2 8 AKONI 3.8 N49 44.8 E009 11.3 1 50 103^00 50 1.7 HAREM N49 37.1 D3 00 E009 24.9 9. 7 220 KT DF159 R357^ MAX 118 MAX 249^ 2 MAX 2.1 1 0. 4 E008 28.9 DF15~ (Rwy 25R) 0.7 N49 58.0 E008 31.6 N50 00.6 E008 45.1 NOM 5D, 4BO E 1.6 1 N49 59.0 18 DF143 DF158 13 from THR N50 00.5 E008 29.8 ) 070^ 067y ^07R) NOMBO 3L DF142 N50 16.6 E008 50.9 177^ 199^ (Rwy 25L) 07L SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 1.9 y (Rw N50 01.5 N50 01.1 E008 31.3 E008 30.1 1 N50 04.2 E008 42.5 4. 9 5 192^ (Rwy 25L) FRANKFURT MTR 6 DF141 MSA FFM VOR 114.2 FFM FFM 179^ (Rwy 25R) D 3200' 3500' NOT FOR PROP ACFT, THESE FLIGHTS SHALL FILE RATIM RNAV SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR 110.0 MTR DF152 DF134 124300' 5^ N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 01.7 E008 31.1 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). ^ MSA FFM VOR FRANKFURT (Rwy 25R) .Eff.25.Oct. NOMBO THREE LIMA (NOMBO 3L) [NOMB3L] NOMBO FOUR SIERRA (NOMBO 4S) [NOMB4S] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3L5) 3200' ^ 335 114.2 FFM FFM 10-3T8 12 OCT 07 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. NOT FOR PROP ACFT, THESE FLIGHTS SHALL FILE RATIM RNAV SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR D FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 NOMBO FIVE DELTA (NOMBO 5D) [NOMB5D] NOMBO FOUR ECHO (NOMBO 4E) [NOMB4E] NOMBO THREE FOXTROT (NOMBO 3F) [NOMB3F] NOMBO FOUR GOLF (NOMBO 4G) [NOMB4G] RWYS 07L/R, 25L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3L4) NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOMBO 4S This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via NOMBO 3L. NOMBO N49 03.8 E010 05.3 (112.8 WLD R-304/D50) Initial climb clearance 4000' SID NOMBO 3L NOMBO 4S ROUTING (800'+) - RID (K220-) - KNG - AKONI - HAREM - LAMPU - NOMBO. (800'+) - DF158 (K220-) - DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - HAREM LAMPU - NOMBO. CHANGES: RNAV SID NOMBO 3S renumbered 4S & revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN 136.12 10-3U 12 OCT 07 .Eff.25.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ FRANKFURT/MAIN 3200' 3500' ^ 335 *LANGEN Radar 136.12 114.2 FFM FFM MSA FFM VOR MTR (Rw 0.5 249^ DF137 192^ N49 57.0 E008 34.4 At or above 2500' MAX 0.7 2 ^ 220 KT DF159 N50 00.6 E008 45.1 (Rwy 25R) (Rwy 25L) MAX DF15~ 23 220 KT 1 0. 4 118 ^ FRANKFURT 2 .1 249^ 2 114.2 FFM FFM N49 58.0 E008 31.6 118 RAT 2D, 2IM E N50 00.5 E008 29.8 DF143 N49 59.0 E008 28.9 7L) y0 070^ 067y ^07R) 0.6 DF142 (Rw N50 01.5 E008 31.3 1 1.6 199^ (Rwy 25L) DF135 N50 16.6 E008 50.9 6 DF141 N50 01.1 E008 30.1 (Rwy 25L) 13 0^ NOT TO SCALE D2 8 3.8 5000 N49 58.0 E008 31.7 MAX 210 KT RA DF159 N49 57.0 E008 34.4 At or above 2500' DF153 N49 50.5 E008 41.4 TI 23 M2 F, 2 106^ RATIM 2F, 2G These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 13 0^ 16.3 G D2 8 3.8 5000 103^ KNG KONIG AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 355 KNG 121 ^ 13.2 5000 D4 0 RWY 07L/R 25L/R D4 13.2 0 103^ 5000 AKONI N49 44.8 RATIM E009 11.3 KONIG N49 41.6 E009 31.0 355 KNG N49 45.7 E009 05.5 KNG NOT TO SCALE N49 41.6 E009 31.0 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 ROUTING (800'+) - DF152 - DF150 (K220-) - DF153 - KNG - AKONI - RATIM. (800'+) - DF134 (25R)/DF135 (25L) - DF141 (25R)/DF142 (25L) DF143 - DF137 (K210-) - DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - RATIM. CHANGES: SIDs RATIM 1F, 1G renumbered 2F, 2G & revised. 121 ^ RATIM RATIM 2D, 2E: Initial climb clearance 4000' RATIM 2F, 2G: Initial climb clearance 5000' SID RATIM 2D, 2E RATIM 2F, 2G MSA FFM VOR DF158 1.9 (Rwy 25R) 3200' 3500' SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. METRO N50 04.2 E008 42.5 4.9 5 124300' 5^ N50 03.2 E008 38.2 179^ DF134 N50 01.7 E008 31.1 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). ONLY PROP ACFT WITH MAX FL230 REQUESTED INSTEAD OF NOMBO RNAV SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR D 110.0 MTR DF152 .Eff.25.Oct. RATIM TWO SIERRA (RATIM 2S) [RATI2S] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3L7) SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N50 03.2 E008 38.2 (Rwy 25R) 10-3V ^ D 12 OCT 07 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. ONLY PROP ACFT WITH MAX FL230 REQUESTED INSTEAD OF NOMBO RNAV SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR FRANKFURT FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 RATIM TWO DELTA (RATIM 2D) [RATI2D] RATIM TWO ECHO (RATIM 2E) [RATI2E] RATIM TWO FOXTROT (RATIM 2F) [RATI2F] RATIM TWO GOLF (RATIM 2G) [RATI2G] RWYS 07L/R, 25L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3L6) NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ *LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect alternate routing by ATC. Initial climb clearance 4000' (800'+) - DF158 (K220-) - DF159 CHANGES: RNAV SID renumbered & revised. ROUTING (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - RATIM. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10-3V1 .Eff.25.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. RWY 18: EXPECT 364' close-in obstacles. 4. RWY 18: Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 136.12 180^ 4300' 3200' 335 ^ ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA 10-3V2 12 OCT 07 *LANGEN Radar 136.12 FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y 180/Y 181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y 180 - DIK RFL 2500' RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of ROTEN 3F, 2G 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. ROTEN 4S 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery and expect routing via ROTEN 1L. 13 0^ 4S 18 At or above 2500' 220 KT D2 8 3.8 5000 21.4 355 KNG KNG KONIG AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 4 50 5.7 00 6 E N49 52.4 E008 32.1 4000' ROTEN N49 14.6 E010 03.9 110.0 MTR N50 16.6 E008 50.9 DF15~ N50 00.6 E008 45.1 MAX 220 KT DF155 N49 54.8 E008 43.0 SOBRA ROSIG N49 51.7 E007 46.5 N49 46.1 E008 21.6 At or above 10.1 4000 FL90 DONAB N49 49.3 E008 01.7 At or above At 4000' 5.1 13.2 263^ 7.3 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 4.3 283^ 263^ R083^ DF198 N49 45.1 E008 28.0 FL110 D DF157 N49 47.5 E008 40.3 RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Gnd speed-KT 316' per NM 565' per NM 75 100 150 200 250 300 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 ROUTING (800'+) - DF134 (25R)/DF135 (25L) - DF141 (25R)/DF142 (25L) DF143 - DF137 (K210-) - DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - ROTEN. (800'+) - RID (K220-) - KNG - AKONI - ROTEN. (800'+) - DF158 (K220-) - DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - ROTEN. CHANGES: ROTEN 2F, 1G, 3S renumbered 3F, 2G, 4S & revised. DF16~ At ROTEN 3F, 2G: Initial climb clearance 5000' ROTEN 1L, 4S: Initial climb clearance 4000' ROTEN 1L ROTEN 4S y (Rw MTR METRO 7.5 G, (117.8 DKB R-310/D9) RWY 25L/R 0.607R) DF154 NOT TO SCALE 220 KT SID ROTEN 3F, 2G N50 02.6 E008 36.1 DF152 N50 04.2 E008 42.5 06y7^07R) ( Rw 0 N49 58.7 E008 35.7 DF137 7L) y0 0740.4^ 070^ DF145 (ROTEN 3F, 2G) RO T N49 58.0 E008 31.7 EN 3 23 F, 2 MAX 210 KT (Rw 7L) y0 (Rw .5 (Rwy 07R) MAX 103^ MAX N50 02.9 E008 35.9 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. At or above 092^ D DF144 SOB 6.7 RA 2 1.6 ROTEN R357^ 1L 220 KT NOT TO SCALE FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 (Rwy 07L) N49 57.0 E008 34.4 2.1 13 from THR DF158 MAX N50 03.2 E008 38.2 177^ (ROTEN 4S) N49 58.0 E008 31.6 FRANKFURT DF159 1.9 DF142 N50 00.5 E008 29.8 DF143 118 2 ^ N49 59.0 E008 28.9 114.2 FFM FFM (Rw 179^ (Rwy 25L) D 114.2 FFM FFM MSA FFM VOR 6 199^ 7 N50 01.5 0. ^ E008 31.3 249 1 0.y5 25L) D SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 3200' 3500' 7.8 DF141 N50 01.1 E008 30.1 0.6 (Rwy 25R) 124300' 5^ SOBRA TWO DELTA (SOBRA 2D) [SOBR2D] SOBRA TWO ECHO (SOBRA 2E) [SOBR2E] RWYS 07L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3N) DF134 5R) (Rwy 25L) y2 DF135 (Rw .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. (Rwy 25R) N50 01.7 E008 31.1 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.25.Oct. ^ 3500' FRANKFURT/MAIN 335 ROTEN THREE FOXTROT (ROTEN 3F) [ROTE3F] 125 ^ ROTEN TWO GOLF (ROTEN 2G) [ROTE2G] ROTEN ONE LIMA (ROTEN 1L) [ROTE1L] ROTEN FOUR SIERRA (ROTEN 4S) [ROTE4S] RWYS 25L/R, 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3M) FFMMSAVOR JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 180^ 12 OCT 07 192^ FRANKFURT/MAIN NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 SOBR A 2D FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 6 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 1 99^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of SOBRA 2D 225' per NM (3.7%) until passing 4000', 261' per NM (4.3%) after DF155 until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. SOBRA 2E 383' per NM (6.3%) until passing 2500', 401' per NM (6.6%) after DF160 until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 401' per NM 501 668 1003 1337 1671 383' per NM 479 638 957 1276 1595 261' per NM 327 435 653 871 1089 225' per NM 281 375 562 749 937 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 300 2005 1914 1306 1124 Initial climb clearance 4000' SID SOBRA 2D SOBRA 2E CHANGES: None. ROUTING (800'+) - DF152 - DF150 (K220-) - DF155 (4000') - DF157 - RID - ROSIG (FL90+) - DONAB (FL110+) - SOBRA. (800'+) - DF144 (07L)/DF145 (07R) - DF154 (2500'+; K220-) - DF160 (4000') - DF198 - ROSIG (FL90+) - DONAB (FL110+) - SOBRA. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4C). Strict adherence within 364' the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to page 10-4. 124300' 5^ 3200' 3500' ^ FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y 180/Y 181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y 180 - DIK RFL 28 APR 06 10-3V4 LANGEN Radar 136.12 SOBRA TWO LIMA (SOBRA 2L) [SOBR2L] SOBRA ONE SIERRA (SOBRA 1S) [SOBR1S] SOBRA TWO UNIFORM (SOBRA 2U) [SOBR2U] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3N2) FL110 226^ DF142 (Rwy 25L) N50 00.5 E008 29.8 4.9 229^ DF138 239 .8 P 1 17 DONAB N49 49.3 E008 01.7 8.4 283^ 297 ^ SOBRA 1F, 1G 184^ SOBRA 2N 8.8 1.1 22 3^ N49 46.9 E008 32.5 DF198 N49 45.1 E008 28.0 264^ ROSIG N49 46.1 E008 21.6 220 KT 3 2.9 RIED 4.3 283^ SOBRA 2U FL90 MAX 250 KT MAX 7.8 SOB R 2L A At or above N50 00.1 E008 29.7 199^ N49 47.3 E008 14.4 PIPIX DF165 2 4.8 DF201 FL100 (Rwy 25L: SOBRA 2N) DF166 SO BR A 10.1 4000 At 9 40 .9 00 N49 42.4 E008 13.4 N49 57.3 E008 29.3 N49 47.3 E008 14.4 RID 112.2 RID 4.8 N49 47.1 E007 59.9 220 KT 1 N49 51.7 E007 46.5 A MAX 2N BR SO N50 00.6 E008 29.8 D DF201 8.4 VETUX DF162 1F 2 ,1 G, SOBRA 1. 9 DF163 N49 55.9 E008 27.3 (Rwy 25R: SOBRA 2N) 1^ 2 N49 58.3 E008 25.4 10.1 4000 9 40 .8 00 2 (Rwy 25L: SOBRA 1F, 1G) 1 99^ At or above N49 51.7 E007 46.5 ) 25R 22 3 3^ N50 01.1 E008 30.1 5 wy N50 01.5 0.7 ^ E008 31.3 249 1 0.y525L) 0.6 (Rw 0.4 N49 58.8 E008 31.6 4000' MAX 220 KT R357^ DF141 1 (Rwy 25R) DF135 (R DF197 At or below SOBRA 2L SOBRA DF134 (Rwy 25L) MSA FFM VOR 7.5 FRANKFURT 180^ DF160 N49 52.4 E008 32.1 (Rwy 25R) (Rwy 25R: SOBRA 1F, 1G) 3200' 3500' 177^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N49 49.3 E008 01.7 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 01.7 E008 31.1 124300' 5^ FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y 180/Y 181 FRANKFURT FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS D 114.2 FFM RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: N50 03.2 E008 38.2 RUDOT FL220 - Y 180 - DIK RFL DONAB D .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4C). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to page 10-4. FFM NOT TO SCALE SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. FRANKFURT/MAIN ^ MSA FFM VOR FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 335 SOBRA ONE FOXTROT (SOBRA 1F) [SOBR1F] SOBRA ONE GOLF (SOBRA 1G) [SOBR1G] SOBRA TWO NOVEMBER (SOBRA 2N) [SOBR2N] SOBRA ONE PAPA (SOBRA 1P) [SOBR1P] RWYS 25L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3N1) 180^ 136.12 10-3V3 28 APR 06 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 SO 1 BR 6 A 1S FRANKFURT/MAIN LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. DF200 N49 43.2 E008 26.9 At or above These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of SOBRA 2L 456' per NM (7.5%) until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via SOBRA 2U. SOBRA 2U 328' per NM (5.4%) until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via ULKIG 3U. MAX FL90 250 KT NOT TO SCALE Gnd speed-KT 456' per NM 328' per NM 75 100 150 200 250 300 570 760 1139 1519 1899 2279 410 547 820 1094 1367 1641 Initial climb clearance 4000' Initial climb clearance 5000' SID SOBRA 1F, 1G SOBRA 2N SOBRA 1P CHANGES: Restrictions. ROUTING (800'+) - DF134 (25R)/DF135 (25L) - DF141 (25R)/DF142 (25L) - DF163 DF201 - DONAB - SOBRA. (800'+) - DF134 (25R)/DF135 (25L) - DF162 (25R; K220-)/DF165 (25L; K220-) - DF166 - DF201 - DONAB - SOBRA. (800'+) - DF134 (25R)/DF135 (25L) - DF138 - DONAB - SOBRA. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SID SOBRA 2L Will be assigned when landing direction is 07 SOBRA 1S Only to be used when landing direction is 25 SOBRA 2U CHANGES: None. ROUTING (800'+) - DF160 (4000'-; K220-) - DF198 - ROSIG (FL110+) - SOBRA. (FL90+) - DONAB (800'+) - DF197 - DF201 - DONAB - SOBRA. (800'+) - DF160 (4000'-; K220-) - DF200 (K250-) - PIPIX K250-) - VETUX (FL100) - SOBRA. (FL90+; | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FL90 SU L At or above 3 50 7.2 00 2 US 3 3F , AKONI 8 3. 8 5000 103^ 11.3 074^ 00 GIBSA 50 R254^ N49 40.1 E009 40.1 KNG KONIG WUR (FFM R-119/D46) 355 KNG WURZBURG 110.2 WUR N49 45.7 E009 05.5 N49 43.1 E009 56.8 ROUTING (800'+) - DF149 - DF151 - AMUGI - SULUS. (800'+) - DF134 (25R)/DF135 (25L) - DF141 (25R)/DF142 (25L) - DF143 DF137 (K210-) - DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - GIBSA - WUR - SULUS. 05 4^ Initial climb clearance 4000' SID SULUS 4L SULUS 4S ROUTING (800'+) - RID (K220-) - KNG - AKONI - GIBSA - WUR - SULUS. (800'+) - DF158 (K220-) - DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - GIBSA - WUR - SULUS. 180^ 3200' 3500' MSA FFM VOR JEPPESEN JeppView 124300' 5^ Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. N49 43.1 E009 56.8 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 WURZBURG .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). WUR 110.2 WUR FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY (FFM R-119/D46) 220 KT R254^ N49 40.1 E009 40.1 .Eff.25.Oct. N49 45.7 E009 05.5 5 10-3V6 MAX 355 KNG KNG GIBSA KONIG 11.3 074^000 JEPPESEN RID 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 103^ N49 44.8 E009 11.3 1 9. 3 5000 12 OCT 07 3. 8 5000 AKONI EDDF/FRA D2 8 21.4 ^ 335 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 13 0^ NOT FOR FLIGHTS DESTINATION EDDN R357^ SU 23 LU S4 S RIED .2 37 000 5 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. FRANKFURT/MAIN 2500' Apt Elev 13 from THR At or above 092^ D NOT TO SCALE Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. SULUS 4L N49 57.0 E008 34.4 SULUS FOUR LIMA (SULUS 4L) [SULU4L] SULUS FOUR SIERRA (SULUS 4S) [SULU4S] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3N4) 177^ 118 ^ 220 KT DF159 *LANGEN Radar 1.9 MAX 2 .1 SULUS N50 04.5 E010 43.7 364' DF158 N49 58.0 E008 31.6 MSA FFM VOR 136.12 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 179^ CHANGES: RNAV SID SULUS 3S renumbered 4S & revised. D SULUS 4S This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3 %) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via SULUS 4L. NOT TO SCALE ^ RWY 07L/R 25L/R 335 SID SULUS 3D, 2E SULUS 3F, 4G 3200' 3500' JEPPESEN JeppView 124300' 5^ SULUS 3D, 2E: Initial climb clearance 4000' SULUS 3F, 4G: Initial climb clearance 5000' .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). SULUS 3F, 4G These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. N49 44.8 E009 11.3 19.3 5000 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY 4G D2 2500' .Eff.25.Oct. N49 57.0 E008 34.4 05 4^ DF159 210 KT 180^ 0.6 1.6 MAX 10-3V5 DF137 N49 58.0 E008 31.7 JEPPESEN N50 00.5 E008 29.8 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 249^ Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. At or above (Rwy 25L) 2 DF142 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 0.5 D40 FFM LOST COMM ONLY 12 OCT 07 N50 01.1 E008 30.1 (Rwy 25L) 2 ^ N50 05.6 E009 46.9 (112.1 FUL R-164/D31) EDDF/FRA 118 (Rwy 25R) 1 DF141 0.7 249^ 2 36.6 5000 NOT FOR FLIGHTS DESTINATION EDDN DF143 N49 59.0 E008 28.9 (Rwy 25R) 090^ AMUGI 364' 2 ( Rw 10 4 5 4000 5000 5000 D44 Apt Elev 199^ US DF151 SUL N50 03.6 3D, 2E E008 49.3 FRANKFURT/MAIN N50 01.5 E008 31.3 1 1 18.1 SULUS 3F, 4G 070^ 067y ^07R) DF135 D25 FFM 099^ 4.4 086^ SULUS N50 04.5 E010 43.7 (112.1 FUL R-124/D54) (114.9 ERL R-326/D30) SULUS THREE DELTA (SULUS 3D) [SULU3D] SULUS TWO ECHO (SULUS 2E) [SULU2E] SULUS THREE FOXTROT (SULUS 3F) [SULU3F] SULUS FOUR GOLF (SULUS 4G) [SULU4G] RWYS 07L/R, 25L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3N3) 7L) y0 (Rw (Rwy 25L) D30 FFM *LANGEN Radar DF134 N50 01.7 E008 31.1 DF149 N50 04.4 E008 42.6 5. 1 5.2 SULUS 3D, 2E N50 03.2 E008 38.2 (Rwy 25R) SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 136.12 FRANKFURT 120.15 114.2 FFM FFM 0^ 13 CHANGES: RNAV SIDs SULUS 2F, 3G renumbered 3F, 4G & revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. D NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN 120.15 12 OCT 07 10-3V7 .Eff.25.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ 3200' 3500' NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar 120.15 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 12 OCT 07 10-3V8 .Eff.25.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ ^ NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z 10 - GISEM - AIRWAY N 850 - WRB MSA FFM VOR 3200' 3500' 335 TOBAK TWO FOXTROT (TOBAK 2F) [TOBA2F] TOBAK TWO JULIETT (TOBAK 2J) [TOBA2J] RWYS 25L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3N7) ^ NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z 10 - GISEM - AIRWAY N 850 - WRB 335 TOBAK FIVE DELTA (TOBAK 5D) [TOBA5D] TOBAK FIVE ECHO (TOBAK 5E) [TOBA5E] RWYS 07L/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3N6) 180^ *LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MSA FFM VOR TOBAK 9^ TOBAK 50 9. 00 9 N50 34.3 E008 47.1 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 03 N50 34.3 E008 47.1 TESGA SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. TAUNUS TABUM N50 17.5 E008 24.3 N50 15.0 E008 09.8 METRO DF132 N50 07.0 E008 19.4 R203 ^ N50 16.6 E008 50.9 2^ R14 MTR At or above 016^ 351^ 11 NOT TO SCALE 110.0 MTR D 13.3 N50 02.0 E008 25.3 FFM ^ 322 DF233 FRANKFURT At or above 3500' DF149 N50 04.4 E008 42.6 (Rw ROUTING (800'+) - DF149 - MTR - TOBAK. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1. ) 249^ 0.y7 25L) (Rw (Rwy 25R) These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 729' per NM (12%) until FFM 8.4 DME (4.5 NM after DER) due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 729' per NM 911 1215 1823 2430 3038 3646 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. DF234 N50 01.6 E008 30.6 (Rwy 25L) DF235 N50 01.4 E008 31.0 Initial climb clearance 5000' Initial climb clearance 5000' CHANGES: RNAV SIDs renumbered. 276^ 3.4 3.7 279^ 023^ 070^ 06y70^7R) 5R (Rwy 25R) y2 ( Rw 1 (Rwy 25L) N50 03.2 E008 38.2 5. 1 5.2 FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 4400' 114.2 FFM 7L) y0 ( Rw 114.2 FFM FFM 6.3 D 1^ NOT TO SCALE TAU 116.7 TAU 04 17.9 5000 D 12 .4 N50 26.7 E008 37.1 (800'+) - DF234 (25R)/DF235 (25L) - DF233 TOBAK. CHANGES: None. ROUTING (3500'+) - DF132 (4400'+) - TABUM - TESGA| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ TOBAK 335 N50 34.3 E008 47.1 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). TOBAK 3T 136.12 TOBAK TWO SIERRA (TOBAK 2S) [TOBA2S] TOBAK N50 34.3 E008 47.1 WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED WHEN LANDING DIRECTION IS RWY 25 03 9 . 9 9 50 ^ 00 MSA FFM VOR TOBAK THREE TANGO (TOBAK 3T) [TOBA3T] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3P) TESGA N50 26.7 E008 37.1 BY ATC NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z 10 - GISEM - AIRWAY N 850 - WRB TESGA N50 17.5 E008 24.3 04 1^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 04 1^ TABUM 017^ 12 .4 N50 26.7 E008 37.1 TABUM N50 17.5 E008 24.3 MABOB N50 17.7 E008 32.6 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 399 WBD WBD 16 50 .9 00 WIESBADEN NOT TO SCALE N50 02.9 E008 19.7 114.2 FFM FFM RUDUS 9.7 089^ 4000 N50 00.1 E008 29.7 MAX 283^ OBOXO 40 N49 55.4 00 E007 22.2 N49 57.3 E008 29.3 MAX DF161 14 N49 56.4 E008 09.6 ULKIG N49 52.2 E007 43.2 8.8 220 KT DF164 302 7 N49 51.7 E008 21.0 7. D ^ RID RIED 112.2 RID 335 N49 46.9 E008 32.5 3200' 3500' GISNO N49 42.4 E008 13.4 ^ 319 302 2 8. 0 0 40 DF164 N49 51.7 E008 21.0 124300' 5^ ^ PIPIX N49 45.9 E007 51.4 MAX 250 KT MAX 14.7 4000 MAX ^ 250 KT MSA FFM VOR DF200 N49 43.2 E008 26.9 R357^ 8.8 22 3^ 1.1 ^ 220 KT DF166 DF161 N49 56.4 E008 09.6 074 K3 T 220 KT DF165 180^ 023 ^ MAX (Rwy 25L) 2S AK 184^ 2 9 22. 23 0.4 ^ ( Rw DF162 N50 00.6 E008 29.8 DF197 N49 58.8 E008 31.6 DF160 N49 52.4 E008 32.1 7.5 0.y525L) (Rwy 25R) 4 28. 0 0 4 0 0 TOB 9.8 A N50 01.5 E008 31.3 249^ 5R) y2 (Rw .7 TO 9.8 B DF135 023^ (Rwy 25L) 180^ DF134 177^ (Rwy 25R) 1 99^ N50 02.9 E008 04.7 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 01.7 E008 31.1 FRANKFURT ^ FRANKFURT 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 23. 1 NOT TO SCALE D 028 23. 1 D 9. 9 ^ NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z 10 - GISEM - AIRWAY N 850 - WRB 3200' 3500' .Eff.12.Apr. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. Apt Elev 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft per364' formance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 120.15 10-3X 30 MAR 07 03 5000 9^ TOBAK THREE NOVEMBER (TOBAK 3N) [TOBA3N] RWYS 25L/R RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3N8) FRANKFURT/MAIN TOBAK 2S FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 9.5 5000 .Eff.12.Apr. 180^ 120.15 10-3W 30 MAR 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 12 .4 FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 250 KT D 283^ 8.8 264^ RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF134 (25R)/DF135 (25L) - DF162 (25R; K220-)/DF165 (25L; K220-) - DF166 DF164 - DF161 - TABUM - TESGA - TOBAK. CHANGES: Restriction in chart heading revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SID TOBAK 2S TOBAK 3T ROUTING (800'+) - DF197 - DF164 - DF161 - TABUM - TESGA - TOBAK. (800'+) - DF160 (K220-) - DF200 (K250-) - PIPIX (K250-) - GISNO (K250-) ULKIG - OBOXO - RUDUS - WBD - MABOB - TESGA - TOBAK. CHANGES: Restriction in chart heading revised. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Apt Elev CHANGES: SID renumb; MSA; communications; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. KNG D10.8 FFM D NO KB 3 RA MBO F, 4 RO TIM 3F G, 5 ,4 T 2 F SU EN G, S LU 3 ,2 S 3 F, 2 G, 4S F, G 2S 4G , 4S ,4 S XAMUB D6.4 RID 55 D7 RID 52 31 D20.6 FFM 2 RID R-3 0 BI M BO A S TO RUN 6N ,6 BA K 1N, S 3N 1S ,2 S A BR SO 1P D14 FFM 35 32 1 BIBOS 6N MARUN 1N SOBRA 2N TOBAK 3N MARUN 1S SOBRA 1S TOBAK 2S D10.3 FFM 72 51 ^ 118 5 89 RID 71 77 ^ 239 279^ 6^ 22 6 11 6F, 6G BIBOS ESUPI CHANGES: SIDs renumbered. 2 BIBOS 6S ROUTING (800'+) - DF160 (K220-) - DF200 (K250-) - PIPIX (K250-) - GISNO (K250-) - ULKIG. 1Q AU ,T G G 1 N K2 RU BA MA TO D13.7 FFM Initial climb clearance 4000' TABUM T ^ 294^ D11.4 TAU 2^ R14AU TAU TABUM NOT TO SCALE J ,1 J 1F , 2 N F RU K 2 A M BA TO RID 12 DME 18 276^ 7 259^ 12 322 250 KT 57 FRD 1. 5 FRD 8 17 1 N49 43.2 E008 26.9 75 3 DME FFM Noise monitoring point Hospital N49 46.9 E008 32.5 DF200 MAX For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages BIBOS 6L, 7T DKB 2L, MARUN 1T NEKOM 1F, 1G, 1L NOMBO 3L RID 1Q, ROTEN 1L SOBRA 2L, 2U, SULUS 4L TOBAK 3T, ULKIG 3U 3 ANEKI 5F, 5G, 4L FR 9 070^ 067^ 1 99^ 9.8 RIED FFM 8.4 DME 250 KT RID 112.2 RID 1F, 1G D SO BRA 264^ 177^ 198^ MAX 8.8 FF M 4. 5 D ME F FM 5 DM E R357^ 3 2 1 ^ N49 45.9 E007 51.4 283^ 07L 07R 184^ 179^ 319 GISNO 250 KT 3^ R357^ 2 8. 0 0 40 N49 42.4 E008 13.4 14 4000 .7 25 R 25 L 22 FF 1.5 DMM E 220 KT MAX 1.6 F R D DM E 7.5 ODAGA 357^ MAX PIPIX 086^ 42 41 FFM 2 DM FRD 5 DME E BIBOS 7E MARUN 2E N49 52.4 E008 32.1 N49 52.2 E007 43.2 ME 3D 199^ 177^ DF160 ULKIG FFM MTR SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. DME FRD 6 45 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 1 ^ 2 335 FRANKFURT AMUG I 1D, 1E SULUS 3D, 2 E 3200' 114.2 FFM FFM .NOISE. D25 FFM MSA FFM VOR D FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.25.Oct. NOISE ABATEMENT 364' 3500' FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y 180/Y 181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y 180 - DIK RFL 10-4 12 OCT 07 099^ 124300' 5^ ULKIG THREE UNIFORM (ULKIG 3U) [ULKI3U] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3Q) FRANKFURT/MAIN 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4C). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to page 10-4. JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA BI SO BR MA BO A R S TO 1 UN 6N BA F, 1N , 6 K 1G , S 3N , 1S , 2N 2S , 1S .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 0 23 ^ .Eff.16.Mar. MTR 136.12 10-3X1 192^ Radar 10 MAR 06 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 BIB MA OS 1 R203^ D RU MT N 5D T O B A R 2C K5 D, 5E FRANKFURT/MAIN LANGEN FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. ANE KI 6 D, D N K E RAT KOM 2D B 6D, 4E IM 2 , NO , KN D, 2 G 4C MB O E , 5 R D ID 4 C, S , 4E OBR A 2D NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 AN E NEK KI 8E OM SO BRA 2E 2E JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. D26 FFM D16 RID | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EDDF/FRA Apt Elev 364' N50 02.0 E008 34.2 *ATIS Departure ACARS: 10-9 *Ground 121.9 121.8 121.7 *Tower DEP via RWY 18 Tower 119.9 08-33 West Apron EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN 121.95 120.15 136.12 08-34 27 OCT 06 RWY 07L 25R 08-36 08-35 10-9A FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY FRANKFURT/MAIN ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION East 121.85 FRANKFURT Departure 124.85 08-32 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN FRANKFURT Delivery (Initial call and Start-up clearance) DCL 118.72 50-04 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN 27 OCT 06 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. USABLE LENGTHS LANDING BEYOND Glide Slope Threshold TAKE-OFF 1 CL 2 ALSF-II TDZ REIL PAPI-L (3.0^) 3 HIRL 1 CL 2ALSF-II TDZ REIL PAPI-L (3.0^) 4 HIRL RVR 11,975' 3650m RVR WIDTH 197' 60m 5 PAPI systems: For all acft on ILS CAT I approaches PAPI is only usable up to a height of 200' referring to the respective threshold. 50-04 744' For details of lights and markings at THR 26L refer to 10-9K and 10-1P pages. 3 Apron East 1 W-WEST FOR PARKING POSITIONS 121.95 TERMINAL 2 SEE 10-9B MET FOR PARKING POSITIONS TERMINAL 1 496' SEE 10-9C De-icing area 2 Apron West 121.7 121.85 50-03 HANGAR 3 502' 2254R9^ 3 HANGAR 6 18 179^ 416' F 2 Elev 364' HANGAR 5 474' Elev 362' 416' 3' 13,12 2 I 385' Elev 329' 3' 13,12 C C Elev 328' W3 2 575' 13,123'4000m LEGEND Limit of Apron/Ramp competence W4 W4 427' S Stop point (Adnl holding posn O/R by ATC) W W5 50-00 Trees up to Feet 0 Meters 0 1000 2000 500 3000 4000 1000 5000 1500 08-32 CHANGES: Communications. Apron. 148' 45m 13,123'(4000m) 11,450'(3490m) 9350'(2850m) 5607'(1709m) RVR NA 148' 45m " TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE RWY 18: 13,025'(3970m) From rwy head position N-SOUTH 12,746'(3885m) 12,467'(3800m) position A 11,319'(3450m) position C 9203'(2805m) position S-NORTH 8973'(2735m) position S Approved Operators HIRL, CL & mult. RVR req A B C D 1 531' 406' RWY 25L: From rwy head position F position G position H 13,123'(4000m) 10,105'(3080m) 7644'(2330m) HIRL (60m) CL (15m) .JAR-OPS. For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages Elev 316' ! NA 50-01 Approaching acft which parking posn is designated on southern aprons are requested to inform FRANKFURT Arrival 120.8 and 118.45. L 50-00 7143' 2177m DO NOT TAXI BEYOND AREA OF ) APRON CONTROL ( W/o CLEARANCE FROM FRANKFURT APRON. S Trees up to 12,021' 3664m 8202' 2500m CAT II/III Stop bar S W Trees up to 421' W S- NORTH " Take-off position F RVR 11,975' 3650m CAUTION: In cases of strong winds, wind shears and increased turbulence can be expected on rwy 18. 121.7 121.85 FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9F S-NORTH 50-01 FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9E Apron West Control Tower FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9D K RWY 07R: From rwy head position K position H 18 THR 26L HANGAR 12 0076R9^ RVR 6 TDZ Rwy 25L grooved. 7 spacing 60m. 8 spacing 15m. 9 HST-Cto, HST-Gto & HST-Fto 0 HST-Hto, HST-Jto, HST-Kto & HST-Rto ! TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE 2 H RVR PAPI systems: For all acft on ILS CAT I approaches PAPI is only usable up to a height of 200' referring to the respective threshold. K 0m GA 400 HIRL HIRL 13,123'(4000m) 10,689'(3258m) 50-02 ARP K RWY 25R: From rwy head position F 7CL 8 ALSF-II TDZ REIL PAPI-L (3.0^) 9 7CL 8ALSF-II TDZ REIL PAPI-L (3.0^) 0 THR 26L HIRL 7 CL 8HIALS SFL TDZ PAPI-L (3.0^) 6 25L 2 B A J G 00769L^ 1 443' 2 spacing 60m. spacing 15m. HST-Mto & HST-Fto HST-Gto, HST-Ato, HST-Hto, HST-Jto TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE RWY 07L: 13,123'(4000m) From rwy head 12,927'(3940m) position L-EAST 10,866'(3312m) position K 9882'(3012m) position J 7913'(2412m) position H 07R F Elev 342' L- EAST N- SOUTH 0m 400 G A H 417' 22549L^ F CARGO APRON 50-03 E LH CARGO CENTER Elev 326' 1 3 4 5 01^E For taxiway designations and stopbars refer to 10-9B, 10-9C, 10-9D, 10-9E and 10-9F. 08-33 08-34 08-35 TAKE-OFF 1 Rwys 07L/25R, 07R/25L, 18 LVP must be in Force RCLM (DAY only) or RL RL, CL & mult. RVR req RL & CL 125m 150m 200m 250m 150m 200m 250m 300m RCLM (DAY only) or RL NIL (DAY only) 400m 500m Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: CL required below 300m; approved guidance system required below 150m. 08-36 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. E9 E5 C5 D8 C6 D8A A1 A11 Ft o A10 CAT II/III Stop bar A15 A17 A14 A16 A20 D12A B44 B45 B42 B23 V 130 B46 B48 B47 B28 B25 D13 E N B26 B27 F N A 10-9C G F A LH CARGO CENTER 50-02.5 P N H Y RW Ato C G A H 25L 7R/ Y0 RW G H Gt o BY-PASS AREA 08-33 Ct J o K F Limit of APRON WEST control competence C Jto J F Hto Limit of APRON WEST control competence Q F R /25 07L Ft o V V 169 170 V V 166 V 167 168 V V 164 165 G Mt o N A RUN-UP POSITION C Gto G 08-34 S JEPPESEN JeppView V V 171A V V 171 172 171B V 173A F 214 F 213 V 151 V V V V 152 150 149 148 A FRANKFURT/MAIN F F 225 224 Q F F 223 222 F 221 F 212 F 211 F 216 F 215 V V 154 V M 156 V 153 V V 159 V 155 V 161 V V 157 163 V 160 158 162 N FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. F 218 F 219 F O 220 Ft o G1 JEPPESEN M C8 15 DEC 06 HANGAR 5 B43 A25 A24 A A 26 A A 30 28 A 32 A 34 A 36 A 38 A 40 42 M1 N 50-03 C6 C11 B20 A23 A22 HANGAR 3 C5 B41 B22 B24 A19 A21 A18 B10 A13 A12 Taxi guidance lines 118'/36m max wingspan C4 Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. One way taxiway C2 B2 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 AIS TERMINAL 1 Parking position EDDF/FRA CHANGES: Stands V148 & V149 added. 08-34 08-36 JEPPESEN JeppView Blast fence (10'/3m height) Wing-tip clearance for B747-400 less than 16'/5m to be considered. 25L 7R/ Y0 RW HANGAR 6 B EAST 4 Taxi guidance lines 118'/36m max wingspan 08-33 Blast fence (10'/3m height) Wing-tip clearance for B747-400 less than 16'/5m to be considered. FRANKFURT/MAIN CAT II/III Stop bar D LEGEND V 151 B EAST 1 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY Stop point (Adnl holding posn O/R by ATC) B1 C F B EAST 3 One way taxiway F 08-34 10-9B Parking position JEPPESEN LEGEND RUN-UP POSITION C C B EAST 2 B2 1 For use of Twy B EAST V 107 G B C R /25 07L Y RW G BY-PASS AREA and for departure from stands East of Twy E refer to 10-1P pages. G1 Gto B EAST 1 B 1 EAST 15 DEC 06 D V 50-03 V 92 V 93 V 94 V 95 V V 97 96 V 98 V 99 V 100 V 101 Limit of 102 APRON EAST control competence B1 D F A ue | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. G E2A 1 V V N B V 109 107 111 V V V 113 V 106 V 115 V 117 V 110 108 V D V 114 112 V 116 118 A D10A D9 C8 B2 D11A A1 C11 D12A D11 D10 D13 D12 ange A11 A10 B10 B41 N or e V u V 119 B43 N bl 121 A13 N V A12 B44 V V 120 B20 V B45 123 A15 A14 V 125 V 122 V V126 124 B42 B22 A17 V B46 A16 V 128 B48 130 129 127 B23 H D WEST B47 B24 A19 ORT A18 A-N E B28 N A21 B25 A20 A B26 B27 A23 D A22 WEST F A25 N A24 A Limit of APRON WEST control competence E9A ange C4 C2 E2 E5A E6A N bl AIS D1 D1A D3 D3A D5 D5A E6 N or TERMINAL 1 50-03 08-36 TERMINAL 2 Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MET 08-35 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 DO NOT TAXI BEYOND AREA OF APRON CONTROL ( ) W/o CLEARANCE FROM FRANKFURT APRON. EDDF/FRA CHANGES: None. 08-34 Parking position One way taxiway CARGO BUILDING Stop point (Adnl holding posn O/R by ATC) W1 F F 225 224 Q F F 223 222 F 221 CAT II/III Stop bar V V 166 V 167 168 A Hto A H R R /2 5 07L Y W 10-9D BY-PASS AREA H J Hto H K RUN-UP POSITION K Jto C 50-02 W1 C W2 S R K C C V 08-34.6 08-34.7 F 08-34.8 08-35 08-35.1 08-33 TML HANGAR 08-35.2 08-35.3 08-35.4 C 50-02.3 F to Limit of APRON WEST control competence G S S9 F 50-02.2 S S901 50-02.1 S902 S8 50-02.1 10-9E Y RW G S717 S S708 S715 S710 S713 S804 ARP S703 S705 S709 50-02 S711 08-34.1 50-01.9 08-34.2 08-34.3 08-34.4 08-34.5 08-34.6 08-34.7 08-34.8 08-34.9 08-35 08-35.1 08-35.2 08-35.3 08-35.4 JEPPESEN JeppView 50-01.9 FRANKFURT/MAIN S701 S810 S808 S803 S802 S801 S7 S707 S806 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. S702 S704 S706 JEPPESEN S L /25 07R 27 OCT 06 50-02.2 Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 08-34.5 K NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 08-34.4 Y S4 GENERAL AVIATION S4 WEST EDDF/FRA CHANGES: New chart. 08-34.3 RW R 08-32 S1 L /25 07R S2 JEPPESEN JeppView Limit of APRON WEST control competence Rto R1 FRANKFURT/MAIN K W 08-34.2 H Kto C FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY C JEPPESEN Jto A De-icing pad 1 08-34.1 V 165 J Limit of APRON WEST control competence L A H V 164 N L EAST W WEST RWY 18 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. N H T SOU N N 50-02 W V 169 V V 159 V V 161 V 158 163 V 160 162 N N V 170 V Q V 171A V V 171 172 V 171B V V173 V V 174 V V 175 173B 173A V 177176 178 K A P N 27 OCT 06 F V V 231 F V 262 261 V 263 232 F F V V 265264 F CARGO F 234A 233 V 266 V 267 F 232A APRON 235A F V 268 F 251 F V 269 233A F Z 252 234 F T 270 F 253 F251A 235 RT H 253A F Z -NO N F F F 237 236 F F 239 F 238237A N Z 240 238A L X H EAST ORT N-N L F 214 F 213 F 212 F 211 F 216 F 215 Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. V 164 LH CARGO CENTER DO NOT TAXI BEYOND AREA OF APRON CONTROL ( ) W/o CLEARANCE FROM FRANKFURT APRON. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LEGEND EDDF/FRA CHANGES: Layout. F 218 F 219 F O 220 08-32 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY 50-01.7 08-33.8 08-33.9 S501 S503 08-33.7 08-33.5 08-33.6 Helicopterposition CAT II/III Stop bar S2 Stop point (Adnl holding posn O/R by ATC) One way taxiway LEGEND S 428 H 428 GENERAL AVIATION AREA AST S4 E 08-33.4 08-33.3 GENERAL AVIATION HANGAR 08-33.2 50-01.6 08-33.1 S 428 H 428 50-01.8 S S2 T WES S S 402 404 S4 S S 406 H3 S S 408 S4 S 410 S 452 S 412 S 450 S 414 S S 416 EST S 446 448 S 418 S4 W S 444 S S 420 S 442 S 424 422 S 440 426 H GENERAL S 438 H 424 AVIATION 426 S 436 TERMINAL S 434 S 432 430 S 401 H 401 S 403 405 S 407 AST S4 E S Parking position S 413 S 411 S 409 S Limit of APRON WEST control competence S508 S506 S504 S502 S5 08-33.7 08-33.6 08-33.5 08-33.4 H 25L 7R/ Y0 W R 08-33.2 08-33.1 CHANGES: Apron. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN 50-01.8 S601 10-9F S602 S505 S507 08-33.9 S604 S6 S603 08-34 27 OCT 06 50-01.6 08-34 EDDF/FRA | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 15 DEC 06 10-9H FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY FRANKFURT/MAIN INS COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATES A1 A10 A11 A12 A13 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 03.0 02.9 03.0 02.9 02.9 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 34.3 34.1 34.2 34.1 34.2 S401, S402 S403 S404 S405 S406 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 01.8 01.8 01.8 01.8 01.8 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.4 33.5 33.4 33.5 33.3 A14, A15 A16 A17 A18, A19 A20 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.9 02.8 02.9 02.8 02.8 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 34.1 34.1 34.1 34.1 34.0 S407 S408 S409 S410 S411 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 01.8 01.8 01.8 01.8 01.8 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.5 33.3 33.6 33.3 33.6 A21 A22 A23 A24, A25 A26 thru A30 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.8 02.7 02.8 02.7 02.7 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 34.1 34.0 34.0 34.0 33.9 S412 S413 S414 S416 thru S420 S422, S424 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 01.8 01.8 01.8 01.8 01.7 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.3 33.6 33.3 33.2 33.2 A32, A34 A36 A38 thru A42 B2 B10, B20 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.7 02.6 02.6 03.0 02.9 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.8 33.8 33.7 34.4 34.3 S426 thru S432 S434 thru S440 S442 thru S448 S450, S452 S501 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 01.7 01.7 01.8 01.8 01.8 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.9 B22 thru B28 B41 thru B43 B44 thru B46 B47 B48 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.8 02.9 02.9 02.8 02.9 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 34.3 34.5 34.6 34.6 34.5 S502 S503 S504 S505 S506 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 01.8 01.8 01.8 01.9 01.8 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.7 33.9 33.7 33.8 33.6 C2, C4 C5, C6 C8, C11 D1 thru D3A D5 thru D8A N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 03.0 03.0 03.0 03.1 03.0 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 34.5 34.6 34.7 35.2 35.1 S507 S508 S601 S602 S603 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 01.9 01.9 01.9 01.9 01.9 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.8 33.6 34.0 33.9 34.0 D9 D10 thru D11A D12, D12A, D13 E2, E2A E5 thru E6A N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 03.0 03.0 03.0 03.1 03.1 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 35.0 34.9 34.8 35.3 35.4 S604 S701 S702 S703 S704 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 01.9 01.9 02.0 01.9 02.0 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.9 34.3 34.3 34.3 34.3 E9, E9A F211 F212 F213, F214 F215 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 03.1 02.4 02.4 02.4 02.4 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 35.5 32.7 32.6 32.7 32.9 S705 S706 S707 S708 S709 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 01.9 02.0 01.9 02.0 01.9 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 34.4 34.4 34.4 34.4 34.4 F216 F218 thru F220 F221 thru F223 F224, F225 F231 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.5 02.5 02.3 02.4 02.3 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 32.8 33.0 32.5 32.4 32.1 S710 S711 S713 S715, S717 S801 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.1 01.9 02.0 02.1 02.0 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 34.4 34.5 34.6 34.6 34.7 F232, F232A F233, F233A, F234 F234A F235 F235A, F236 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.3 02.3 02.3 02.2 02.3 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 32.0 31.9 31.8 31.8 31.8 S802 S803 S804 S806, S808, S810 S901, S902 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.0 02.0 02.0 02.0 02.1 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 34.6 34.8 34.7 34.8 35.4 F237, F237A, F238 F238A thru F240 H401 H424 H426, H428 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.2 02.2 01.8 01.7 01.7 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 31.6 31.5 33.4 33.2 33.1 CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN 15 DEC 06 10-9J FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN JEPPESEN 27 OCT 06 10-9K INS COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATES STAND No. N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 03.0 03.0 03.0 02.9 03.0 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 36.0 35.9 35.8 35.7 35.6 V160 thru V162 V163 V164 V165 V166, V167 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.4 02.4 02.4 02.3 02.3 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.4 33.3 33.1 33.0 32.9 V107 thru V111 V112, V113 V114 V115 thru V118 V119, V120 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 03.0 03.0 02.9 02.9 02.9 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 35.5 35.4 35.4 35.3 35.2 V168, V169 V170 V171 thru V173B V174 V175 thru V177 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.3 02.3 02.2 02.2 02.2 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 32.8 32.7 32.5 32.4 32.3 V121 thru V123 V124, V125 V126, V127 V128 thru V130 V148, V149 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.9 02.9 02.8 02.8 02.5 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 35.1 35.0 35.0 34.9 33.8 V178 V251, V251A V252, V253, V253A V261 V262 thru V264 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.1 02.2 02.2 02.3 02.3 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 32.2 31.7 31.6 31.7 31.6 V150 V151, 152 V153 thru 155 V156, V157 V158, V159 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.5 02.5 02.5 02.5 02.4 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.8 33.7 33.6 33.5 33.5 V265 thru V267 V268 thru V270 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY FRANKFURT/MAIN HALS marking and lighting elements In addition to the existing lighting and marking elements on rwy 25L the airport had to develop rwy lighting and markings for the second threshold that could be clearly differentiated from the existing ones. To achieve this requirement, the second threshold had to be deviated from present international standards. Only the 300m bar and the PAPI will remain unchanged. COORDINATES V92 thru V94 V95 thru V98 V99 thru V101 V102 V106 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. PAPI Twy Gto N50 02.3 E008 31.5 N50 02.2 E008 31.4 Touchdown Point Marking A pair of three single white stripes which are located one behind the other and arranged in steps towards the rwy axis. Touchdown Zone Lighting The lighting is installed in the area of the Touchdown Point Marking and will emphazise their shape. Three high intensity white lights are located at the outer ends of each individual element of the Touchdown Point Marking. Touchdown Zone Marking A pair of rectangular markings which are similar to a checker pattern and appear as unbroken white areas from a greater distance. 26 L Green Threshold Lighting and Marking Row of high-intensity green surface lights. In the central portion a gate is formed not exceeding 40% of the rwy width. A clear differentation from the first threshold will be achieved through an extension of the light bars beyond the rwy edge. Two additional alternating flashing lights are installed at the light bars outer edges. The rectangular markings show the same checker board structure as the threshold marking. The gap within the markings will carry the designator 26L. Threshold 26L is marked by two parallel arrows located in front of the transverse stripe. Approach Lighting System HIALS provided on either side of the rwy over a distance of 900m from THR 26L. It consists of white light rows which are arranged in a staggered pattern in the direction of approach. Sequenced flashing lights are installed in the outer portion of the HIALS. 4921' (1500m) 25 L Green CHANGES: V148 & V149 added. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN 27 OCT 06 10-9L NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY LANGEN Radar (APP) North South STOP ELEMENTMARKER BOARD YELLOW CENTERLINE BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 114.2 120.8 LOC IFNE Final Apch Crs 110.1 069^ Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) 04 CAUTION The system is aligned with the LEFT hand pilot seat only. In case of AGNIS failure, nose-in positioning will be guided by marshaller. 00 50 8^ D 1343' 1549' 3235' T116.7A UTAU LOMPO 0 069 00 40 9 5. 10.0 3190' BAC1-11 All types continue taxiing. BAC 1-11 stop. Other types and B-747 continue taxiing. Other types stop. B-747 continue taxiing. SIGHTING SLOT CHANGES: Chart reindexed. B 100 120 140 160 485 539 647 755 862 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 529'(200') C 550m D CHANGES: Communications. RWY 07L 0.6 ALSF-II REIL PAPI D10.0 5000' FRD whichever is later 329' via FR 297 07L LOC (GS out) MDA(H) ALS out RVR 1000m 3.0 960' TCH 50' 3.4 ILS RVR 4.0 1270' MM 90 A 5.0 1590' D1.7 FRD 3.9 FULL B-747 stop. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED OM 1175' 08-50 6.0 1910' LOC 70 DA(H) BAC1-11 LIGHT TUBE 7.0 2230' 1620' ILS GS 3.00^ or 377 LOC Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at MM/D1.7 FRD PANS OPS 4 BAC1-11 08-40 8.0 2550' D5.1 FRD GS 1620' 2870' .JAR-OPS. BAC1-11 1716' LOC other types 952' 1060' 08-30 9.0 2870' GS 2870' Gnd speed-Kts 844' 766' RID M RID D9.0 FRD 069^ 809' 909' 1 D12.5 FRD 1167' D10.0 FRD 776' Egelsbach FRANKFURT (IAF) 112.2 ALTITUDE 770' D1.7 FRD F382 WFW 3 4.0 40 02^ 00 LOMPO 4000' ^ 11.0 3500' FRD DME 828' FRD D14.0 RID 08-10 LOC (GS out) FRANKFURT MM OM D5.1 FRD 1152' 804' F297 RFR FRED D Hanau 840' 795' D9.0 0 5. B-747 MSA FFM VOR REQUIRED. FRANKFURT 855' (With Voice Ident) 178^ RIGHT of centerline. Turn towards GREEN. (LEFT) other types LOC: DME F114.2FFFMM F(115.9)R DFRD D12.5 FRD 1189' AGNIS CENTRE LINE GUIDANCE STOP ELEMENT - MARKER BOARD B-747 3200' 3500' 1953' IFNE 3.5 other types 124300' 5^ Trans alt: 5000' 1510' RED CAUTION Be sure to select the correct vertical reference mark corresponding to your type of aircraft. Marker board layouts are different for the various nose-in parking positions. B-747 329' 121.8 775' 069^ 110.1 IFNE STOP ELEMENT - MARKER BOARD The aircraft is stopped at the correct position by means of the Stop Element. When the tubular light, visible through the horizontal slot in the marker board, registers in line with the appropriate vertical reference mark, the aircraft has reached the correct stopping position. other types RWY Trans level: By ATC ILS 00 B-747 364' 529'(200') D D16.0 TAU 4 Aircraft on centerline. 119.9 Apt Elev 1089' 50-00 LEFT of centerline. Turn towards GREEN. (RIGHT) Rwy Elev: 12 hPa 16.0 5000 GREEN 1620' (IAF) CENTERLINE GUIDANCE ELEMENT Approach the parking position along the yellow centerline so that both vertical slots in the Centerline Guidance Element show GREEN. Adjustments to the left or right shall always be made towards the GREEN. GREEN ILS DA(H) *Ground 8^ 22 2432' GREEN 127.27 GS OM (1291') TAUNUS NOTE: Nose-in parking aircraft (on pushback position) have to use towing truck when leaving parking position. GREEN 125.35 FRANKFURT Tower MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FR Lctr to D10.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to TAU VOR maintain 5000'. 50-10 RED *FRANKFURT Director (APP) ^ 335 CENTERLINE GUIDANCE ELEMENT 11-1 20 APR 07 FRANKFURT/MAIN *ATIS Arrival GENERAL The visual guidance system for nose-in parking positions AGNIS (Aircraft Guidance for Nose-In Stands) consists of the following elements: 1. CENTERLINE GUIDANCE ELEMENT 2. YELLOW CENTERLINE 3. STOP ELEMENT - MARKER BOARD FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY ILS or LOC Rwy 07L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN NOSE-IN PARKING PROCEDURES JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. C NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 800'(471') ALS out RVR 1000m RVR 1200m RVR 1600m RVR 1500m RVR 2000m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. IFNE Final Apch Crs 110.1 069^ 125.35 119.9 127.27 CAT II ILS GS OM (1291') RADA(H) 100' 1620' Apt Elev 364' RWY 329' 429'(100') 121.8 124300' 5^ 3200' MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FR Lctr to D10.0 FRD or 5000', 3500' MSA FFM VOR 1953' D 809' 1 40 (IAF) 112.2 LOMPO D9.0 FRD 08-40 1175' 08-50 4000' D1.7 FRD Gnd speed-Kts GS 3.00^ 3.4 3.9 70 90 100 120 140 160 377 485 539 647 755 862 .JAR-OPS. REIL PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY RWY 07L D10.0 5000' FRD whichever is later 329' via 07L .JAR-OPS. ILS ABCD DA(H) 300m 1 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: Communications. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FULL B C 90 100 120 140 160 377 485 539 647 755 862 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 550m MDA(H) ALS out RVR 1000m D CHANGES: Communications. Missed approach. 3.0 920' RWY 07R 0.6 ALSF-II REIL PAPI 328' D1.0 inbound FFM 07R LOC (GS out) 790'(462') ALS out RVR 1000m RVR 4.0 1240' TCH 50' 3.3 70 528'(200') 08-50 5.0 1560' MM LOC A PANS OPS 4 PANS OPS 4 RA 100' DA(H) 429'(100') 6.0 1880' D1.8 FRD 3.9 ILS GS 3.00^ or LOC Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at MM/D1.8 FRD FR 297 CAT II ILS RVR M OM 1590' 3.6 Gnd speed-Kts 0 400 08-40 7.0 2200' 8.0 2520' D5.1 FRD GS 1590' 2830' 1668' 246^ LOC 0.6 ALSF-II 9.0 2830' 10.0 3150' 866' 08-30 GS 2830' 069^ 1716' 066^ .0 08-20 D9.0 FRD D12.6 FRD TCH 50' 3.5 1060' R112.2I RIDD ROBSA MM D5.1 FRD GS 1620' ALTITUDE 952' RIED D 14 11.0 3470' FRD DME D8.0 FFM (IAF) 08-10 LOC (GS out) OM GS 2870' 069^ 08-30 809' 766' 40 00 C D12.5 FRD D14.0 RID 1716' IRD M RID F382 WFW FRANKFURT 927' 49-50 776' 909' 1152' 0 00 40 9 5. FW 1060' 770' 088^ FRD 804' 766' 1510' 828' Egelsbach D9.0 302 ^ 382 FW D14.0 RID 08-10 952' Egelsbach FRANKFURT 3042.0 00 ^ 1375' 840' D1.0 FFM D1.8 FRD D5.1 FRD 909' 1152' 804' D1.7 FRD 775' REQUIRED. MM ^ 069 00 1189' FRD ^ 069 844' MSA FFM VOR FRANKFURT OM D12.6 FRD D16.0 TAU 5.5 0 5. D9.0 3200' 3500' FRED D 795' 400 D5.1 FRD IFSE 40 121.8 124300' 5^ Trans alt: 5000' 855' ROBSA MM OM D12.5 FRD 4000' 776' 328' F114.2FFFMM F(115.9)R DFRD (With Voice Ident) 50-00 D10.0 FRD 795' 0 LOC: DME 1953' ILS 2031' 1167' 770' RWY Trans level: By ATC D 4 5. 178^ (With Voice Ident) 828' 364' 528' 069^ 110.95 IFSE F297 RFR 119.9 Apt Elev 1089' 840' FRANKFURT FRED LOMPO 1189' ATU Rwy Elev: 12 hPa 178^ IFNE ILS 00 1510' F114.2FFFMM F(115.9)R DFRD FRANKFURT 855' 069^ 110.1 IFNE D16.0 TAU 4 1590' FRANKFURT Tower *Ground TAU 2432' Hanau D 50-00 118.5 ILS DA(H) (200') 775' 1089' 2432' 127.27 GS OM (1262') 16.0 T116.7A UTAU *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D1.0 inbound FFM, then turn RIGHT to intercept R-088 FFM outbound to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to RID VOR and maintain 5000'. 50-10 3235' 16.0 5000 50-10 069^ 5000 1549' 110.95 1549' TAUNUS D IFSE Final Apch Crs Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) 8^ 22 1343' LOC (IAF)116.7 (IAF) *FRANKFURT Director (APP) ^ 00 50 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South .Eff.25.Oct. 335 04 Trans alt: 5000' 11-2 12 OCT 07 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 ^ Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) Rwy Elev: 12 hPa Trans level: By ATC Special Aircrew & Aircraft Certification Required. *ATIS Arrival 335 whichever is later, then turn LEFT to TAU VOR maintain 5000'. 8^ *Ground TM 120.8 LOC FRANKFURT Tower FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY ILS or LOC Rwy 07R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 114.2 *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 180^ LANGEN Radar (APP) North South *ATIS Arrival BRIEFING STRIP 11-1A 20 APR 07 FRANKFURT/MAIN NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY CAT II ILS Rwy 07L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. C NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. RVR 1500m RVR 2000m RVR 1200m RVR 1600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 127.27 118.5 LOC IFSE Final Apch Crs 110.95 069^ CAT II ILS GS OM (1262') RADA(H) 101' 1590' 119.9 Apt Elev 364' RWY 328' 428'(100') 124300' 5^ 3200' 775' 1953' 16.0 5000 1089' ILS (With Voice Ident) 178^ 2031' 795' 50-00 MM ROBSA 4 5. 40 804' 08-20 4000' 069^ 952' 909' Gnd speed-Kts 1668' GS .JAR-OPS. 3.00^ 120 140 160 377 485 539 647 755 862 ( 1167' FR Lctr FFM 115.5HCHAA C D Egelsbach 1026' FRANKFURT 114.2 FFM 952' 909' 766' 1430' 844' (IAF) CHARLIE 909' 105^ 400 0 1716' 08-40 08-50 08-20 08-30 FRD DME ALTITUDE 08-40 3.0 1080' 4.0 1400' 08-50 5.0 1720' 6.0 2040' M 7.0 2360' MM LOM D1.4 FRD D5.0 FRD GS 1720' RWY 07R 0.6 ALSF-II REIL PAPI 328' RWY 25L D1.0 ILS GS 3.00^ or LOC Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at MM/D1.4 FRD 07R .JAR-OPS. AB: 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. C: (200') D: 562' FULL A PANS OPS 4 300m 1 ILS 1 DA(H) B C D 1 RVR 1720' 3.6 70 90 100 120 140 160 377 485 539 647 755 862 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 568'(206') 578'(216') 9.0 3000' 09-10 11.0 3630' 10.0 3310' LEDKI D8.0 FRD D12.1 FRD GS 2680' 249^ 4000' 2680' 600m 4.1 ALSF-II D5.5 FFM 25L LOC (GS out) MDA(H) 810'(448') ALS out RVR 550m 3.0 REIL PAPI ALS out RVR 1000m RVR 09-00 8.0 2680' LOC 0.5 Gnd speed-Kts inbound FFM CAT II ILS 362' 285^ LOC TCH 50' ABCD PANS OPS 4 43 R-2 955' 1060' RA 101' DA(H) 428'(100') CHANGES: Communications. Missed approach. 776' 919' FR tr Lc 809' D1.4 FRD D8.0 FFM D1.8 FRD STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY RVR ^ 243 FFM) Hanau 259^ ^ 249 FRD 0 400 3.3 100 D8.0 MM 50-00 ^ 241 770' 828' 855' MM 3.9 90 LEDKI D12.1 FRD D5.5 FFM LOC (GS out) D5.1 FRD GS 1590' 70 1089' 1510' FRED D 866' 840' FRANKFURT D5.0 FRD TCH 50' 3.6 (With Voice Ident) 246^ OM GS 2830' IFSW F297 RFR F(115.9)R DFRD 249^ 110.7 IFSW 1716' 066^ M D9.0 FRD 50-10 D8.0 FFM 775' ILS 1060' 08-30 ROBSA 1953' 809' 899' 0 400 08-10 D12.6 FRD 776' RIED 1 MTR 971' METRO 3235' 088^ 112.2 RID 4 40 .0 00 MSA FFM VOR 0 15. 927' 49-50 3200' 3500' 906' 770' 828' RID D 121.8 124300' 5^ (IAF) 840' (IAF) 302 ^ 362' 340^ 0 1375' F382 WFW RWY Refer to Minimums 1720'(1358') intercept R-243 FFM. Then on R-243 FFM to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to CHA VOR and maintain 5000'. 766' FRANKFURT 364' MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D5.5 FFM, then turn LEFT to D1.0 FFM FRD D14.0 RID 249^ 1510' Egelsbach D9.0 1152' 5.5 400 1189' D5.1 FRD ^ 069 00 D1.8 FRD OM D12.6 FRD D16.0 TAU 110.7 119.9 Apt Elev 110.0 MTR FRED D 118.5 ILS DA(H) 160^ IFSE 127.27 GS LOM 0 400 855' 069^ 110.95 IFSE IFSW Final Apch Crs FRANKFURT D 2432' LOC FRANKFURT Tower *Ground 0 12. F114.2FFFMM F(115.9)R DFRD *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) Rwy Elev: 13 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. LOC: DME REQUIRED. 2. CAUTION: Independent taxiing acft on Twy B-EAST underneath short final. 3. LACFT: See ATC State pages. MSA FFM VOR TAU 1549' 50-10 Trans alt: 5000' *FRANKFURT Director (APP) ^ (IAF)116.7 Trans level: By ATC LANGEN Radar (APP) North South 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 335^ ATU 3500' *ATIS Arrival .Eff.25.Oct. 335 MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D1.0 inbound FFM, then turn RIGHT to intercept R-088 FFM outbound to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to RID VOR and maintain 5000'. Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) Rwy Elev: 12 hPa Special Aircrew & Acft Certification Required. 121.8 180^ 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 FRANKFURT Tower *Ground TM *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) BRIEFING STRIP *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 11-3 12 OCT 07 FRANKFURT/MAIN C BRIEFING STRIP LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY ILS or LOC Rwy 25L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA .Eff.25.Oct. C TM *ATIS Arrival 11-2A 12 OCT 07 FRANKFURT/MAIN NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY CAT II ILS Rwy 07R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 900m RVR 1000m RVR 1400m RVR 1500m RVR 1800m RVR 2000m LACFT: DA(H) 580'(218'), FULL: RVR 600m, ALS out: RVR 1000m. CHANGES: Communications. Missed approach. Procedure. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 CAT II ILS IFSW Final Apch Crs GS LOM 110.7 249^ 1720'(1358') LOC RA 94' DA(H) 119.9 Apt Elev 364' RWY 362' 462'(100') Trans alt: 5000' MSA FFM VOR 2. Special Aircrew & Acft Certification Required. LOC 110.0 MTR D8.0 FRD 766' (IAF) CHARLIE 08-40 FW FRANKFURT 795' 909' 105^ M C MM LOM D5.0 FRD GS 1720' 400 0 08-20 09-10 LOC (GS out) LEDKI FRD DME ALTITUDE 362' Gnd speed-Kts GS .JAR-OPS. 3.00^ 5.0 1660' 249^ 3.0 3.6 70 90 100 120 140 160 377 485 539 647 755 862 ALSF-II REIL PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY D5.5 6.0 1980' M ILS GS 3.00^ or 377 LOC Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at MM/D1.6 FRD FFM 25L CAT II ILS .JAR-OPS. 7.0 2300' DA(H) 300m 1 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: Communications. Missed approach. Procedure. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 90 100 120 140 160 485 539 647 755 862 564'(200') B C MDA(H) 550m D CHANGES: Missed approach. GS 2620' RVR 1000m 11.0 3570' REDGO D12.3 FRD 249^ 4000' 2620' 3.0 4.3 ALSF-II REIL PAPI Inform ATC D9.0 5000' FRD whichever later 790'(426') ALS out RVR RVR 10.0 3250' 25R LOC (GS out) ALS out A 909' 09-00 9.0 2930' D8.0 FRD 1660' 3.4 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY FULL PANS OPS 4 RVR 8.0 2620' D5.0 FRD GS 1660' ILS ABCD 1026' LOC 0.5 70 1716' 08-50 LOC 364' Gnd speed-Kts (IAF) 1430' 844' 1060' 08-40 MM RWY 25R 258^ CHARLIE D1.6 FRD 4.1 FR Lctr 1167' 909' 766' TCH 50' 0.5 955' 809' LOM 4000' RA 94' DA(H) 462'(100') PANS OPS 4 4.0 1340' Hanau FRANKFURT 952' Egelsbach 08-30 3.0 1020' FR r t Lc F114.2FFFMM 115.5HCHAA C D D12.1 FRD D8.0 FRD GS 2680' FRED (115.9) FRD 1152' During HALS operations adhere strictly to LOC and GS indications. In case of deviation inform ATC immediately. 804' 28 5 ^ 09-00 D ^ 249 776' FRD D9.0 FRD 50-00 TCH 50' RWY 25L FRD MM 08-50 D1.4 FRD D8.0 855' D1.6 FRD 1716' 08-30 D12.3 FRD 382 FW 1060' 08-20 REQUIRED. 1430' ^ 238 0 400 952' 909' 828' 840' REDGO 1510' 899' 1 15. 3 Egelsbach 971' 775' 1089' (With Voice Ident) FRANKFURT D 0 400 24 (R- D8.0 FFM ILS 844' 0 15. ^ 243 FFM) IFNW F297 RFR 1953' 1026' 906' ^ 241 METRO 249^ 109.5 IFNW 50-10 LOC: DME MSA FFM VOR 00 40 110.0 MTR D5.0 FRD F114.2FFFMM 115.5H CHAA C MM D1.4 FRD 3200' 3500' 340^ 776' MTR 3235' 955' 1167' FR Lctr 124300' 5^ Trans alt: 5000' ^ 121.8 (IAF) FRANKFURT 809' D5.5 FFM 50-00 ^ 249 259^ 364' Trans level: By ATC C 855' FRED RWY 564'(200') 160^ D ^ 241 D12.1 FRD 770' 828' 919' FR tr Lc 364' 0 400 D5.0 FRD LEDKI Hanau 119.9 Apt Elev 061 NOT TO SCALE 1510' FRANKFURT 1660' FRANKFURT Tower *Ground 7 11. 1089' 118.5 ILS DA(H) TAUNUS 1549' 340^ IFSW F297 RFR F(115.9)R DFRD 249^ 110.7 IFSW 840' 127.27 GS LOM (1296') Rwy Elev: 13 hPa T116.7A UTAU^ 775' ILS (With Voice Ident) 249^ 899' 160^ 50-10 0 400 1953' 109.5 085 0 12. 3235' IFNW Final Apch Crs Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) D MTR *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) CAUTION: Independent taxiing acft on Twy B-EAST underneath short final. 971' METRO *FRANKFURT Director (APP) MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FW Lctr to D9.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-085 TAU to MTR VOR and maintain 5000'. In case of Missed apch inform ATC immediately. 906' (IAF) LANGEN Radar (APP) North South 335^ Trans level: By ATC 3200' 3500' 11-4 21 DEC 07 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 335^ Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 1. CAUTION: Independent taxiing acft on Twy B-EAST underneath short final. 121.8 124300' 5^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D5.5 FFM, then turn LEFT to intercept R-243 FFM. Then on R-243 FFM to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to CHA VOR and maintain 5000'. Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) *ATIS Arrival FRANKFURT Tower *Ground TM *FRANKFURT Director (APP) FRANKFURT/MAIN BRIEFING STRIP LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY ILS or LOC Rwy 25R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA .Eff.25.Oct. 180^ *ATIS Arrival 11-3A 12 OCT 07 FRANKFURT/MAIN NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY CAT II ILS Rwy 25L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 900m RVR 1000m RVR 1400m RVR 1500m RVR 1800m RVR 2000m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 LOC IFNW Final Apch Crs 109.5 249^ CAT II ILS GS LOM (1296') RA 98' DA(H) 1660' 119.9 Apt Elev 364' RWY 364' 464'(100') 124300' 5^ 3200' D T116.7A UTAU5^ TAUNUS 061 08 MTR ILS FRANKFURT D5.0 FRD 828' D12.3 FRD D8.0 FRD 855' 2 382 FW D1.6 FRD Egelsbach (115.9) FRD 952' (IAF) CHARLIE 08-30 08-40 08-50 M 50-00 909' ^ 244 FFM) ( 44 R-2 C Gnd speed-Kts 3.00^ 3.0 3.4 70 90 100 120 140 160 377 485 539 647 755 862 776' 1167' 1430' 844' 809' 1026' D4.8 IFWL 909' 952' Egelsbach (IAF) 115.5HCHAA C CHARLIE 909' 766' 08-20 ^ F297 RFR IFWL 08-30 08-40 1716' 08-50 M LOM 4000' 106^ 40 0 09-10 D14.5 IFWL GS 2940' 249^ D0.5 0 286^ 09-00 D8.0 IFWL D4.8 IFWL GS 1920' ALSF-II REIL PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY RWY 26L 4.3 Inform ATC D9.0 25R GS 3.00^ 70 90 100 120 140 160 377 485 539 647 755 862 .JAR-OPS. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY ILS RA 98' 464'(100') DA(H) DA(H) 5000' 300m 1 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6.5 HIALS PAPI 26L D5.5 FFM .CEILING.REQUIRED. LOC (GS out) 542'(200') FULL PANS OPS 4 RVR 3.2 4.3 0.5 Gnd speed-Kts 5000' FRD whichever later CAT II ILS 342' ABCD CHANGES: Missed approach. 249 IFWL 0.5 .JAR-OPS. PANS OPS 4 IFWL 955' FRANKFURT D8.0 FFM 919' Hanau TCH 50' TCH 50' 364' 840' 1060' 09-00 IFWL 249^ 111.35 IFWL D8.0 828' D0.5 249^ 971' IFWL REDGO GS 2620' 906' D14.5 D5.5 FFM 1026' D8.0 FRD MSA FFM VOR ILS DME 1510' D12.3 FRD D5.0 FRD GS 1660' MM 1716' D1.6 FRD GS FRANKFURT 1060' 08-20 LOM RWY 25R F114.2FFFMM 909' 766' 1089' D 0 400 FRD FRED 775' 844' FRANKFURT 3200' 899' 1430' 1 15. D9.0 FRD 809' F114.2FFFMM 115.5HCHAA C D MTR 855' 1167' 124300' 5^ ^ 242 METRO 1953' 50-10 FR Lctr 258^ 121.8 3500' 00 40 ^ 062 (IAF) TRIAL PROCEDURE 955' 776' MM D 49^ 342' 110.0 MTR 3235' Hanau 340^ FW FRANKFURT ^ 238 REDGO 1510' RWY 1920'(1578') 542'(200') For additional information refer to 10-9H and 10-1P pages. FR r t Lc 364' intercept R-244 FFM. Then on R-244 FFM to D8.0 FFM or 4000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to CHA VOR climb and maintain 5000'. 899' 160^ 840' Apt Elev MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D5.5 FFM, then turn LEFT to 775' 1089' (With Voice Ident) 50-10 795' 0 400 IFNW F297 RFR 249^ ILS DA(H) *Ground 119.9 127.27 GS LOM During HALS operations adhere strictly to LOC and GS indications. In case of deviation inform ATC immediately. 971' 7 11. 110.0 MTR 249^ 109.5 IFNW 1953' 804' 906' ^ 241 METRO 3235' NOT TO SCALE 1152' 00 40 ^ IFWL 111.35 125.35 Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) Rwy Elev: 12 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. DME REQUIRED. 2. Radar vectoring will be provided onto final approach track. 3. Ignore MM indications. 4. ILS DME reads zero at rwy 26L threshold. 5. ILS GS utilization permitted at an angle of 6^ horizontally centerline up to a range of 15 NM. MSA FFM VOR (IAF) 1549' 50-00 Trans alt: 5000' 120.8 Final Apch Crs FRANKFURT Tower ^ Trans level: By ATC 335^ Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 1. CAUTION: Independent taxiing acft on Twy B-EAST underneath short final. 2. Special Aircrew & Aircraft Certification Required. 3500' 118.02 114.2 LOC *FRANKFURT Director (APP) LANGEN Radar (APP) North South 335 MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FW Lctr to D9.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-085 TAU to MTR VOR and maintain 5000'. In case of Missed apch inform ATC immediately. Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 121.8 11-5 20 APR 07 *ATIS Arrival FRANKFURT Tower *Ground TM *FRANKFURT Director (APP) FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY ILS Rwy 26L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN BRIEFING STRIP LANGEN Radar (APP) North South 180^ *ATIS Arrival 11-4A 21 DEC 07 FRANKFURT/MAIN NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY CAT II ILS Rwy 25R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. A B C 400'- 2400m NOT AUTHORIZED D CHANGES: Communications. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 *FRANKFURT Director (APP) *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 Minimum Alt LOMPO (3671') Final Apch Crs RNAV MDA(H) (501') 364' RWY 329' 830' 4000' 069^ 119.9 Apt Elev 121.8 4300' MISSED APCH RNAV: Climb on track 070^ via FR Lctr to DF273 or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to TAU VOR maintain 5000'. NON-RNAV: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FR Lctr to D10.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to TAU VOR maintain 5000'. Rwy Elev: 12 hPa Trans level: By ATC MSA ARP Trans alt: 5000' 1549' 13.4 5000 1510' F297 RFR 182^ 8.0 NM 070^ 776' LOMPO 1189' F(115.9)R DFRD FRED DF272 354.00^ (IAF) 1 RIED VOR 10.0 3570' ALTITUDE DF272 9.0 3250' 4000' 49-50 08-40 5.0 1980' 4.0 1660' 3.0 1340' 2.0 1020' 10.0 3570' NM to RW~7R ALTITUDE RW~7L to RW~7L [4~THR] 4.0 11.3 70 90 100 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 4.0 ALSF-II REIL PAPI MAP at RW~7L STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY MDA(H) C D RWY 07L 329' 9.0 3250' DF273 5000' via 14.3 Gnd speed-Kts CHANGES: Fix designation withdrawn. 13. 297 2000m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 0 1668' 0 400 08-30 8.0 2930' 7.0 2610' 069^ 08-40 6.0 2290' 5.0 1970' 3.3 08-50 4.0 1660' 3.0 1340' 2.0 1020' 4.0 NM to RW~7R RW~7R [4~TH2] [3.00^] 4.0 [TCH 50'] 1660' 4.0 11.3 RWY 07R 328' 0 70 90 100 120 140 160 478 531 637 743 849 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY MDA(H) RVR 066^ to RW~7R 830'(501') 1500m 866' ALSF-II REIL PAPI MAP at RW~7R .JAR-OPS. RVR RIED 1 [8~TH2] Descent angle [3.00^] 372 FR 07L 1716' R112.2I RIDD 8.0 NM 3.0 0 D10.0 FRD whichever is later 909' 766' 1060' 2930' RVR 1200m RVR 1600m 952' Egelsbach 08-20 ROBSA 4000' Refer to Missed apch above 07R 830'(502') ALS out PANS OPS 4 PANS OPS 4 B RVR 1000m [D249A] 40 0 ALS out A D1.0 FFM 69^ 292^ [TCH 50'] 1660' 809' 088^ ^ (IAF) 08-10 DF277 4.0 NM DF278 D8.0 FFM 246^ 1175' 08-50 770' 828' 804' 927' [3.00^] 3.3 Descent angle [3.00^] 0 DF276 1060' 6.0 2290' to RW~7L [8~THR] 2930' Gnd speed-Kts ROBSA 1716' 7.0 2610' 069^ 3.1 13.7 909' 8.0 NM LOMPO 14.4 766' 08-30 8.0 2930' [4~TH2] D 1 293^13.3 4000 08-10 NM to RW~7L 952' Egelsbach 1510' to RW~7R [8~TH2] DF277 1375' 804' DF271 068 1152' D 1152' (IF) RW~7R 4.0 NM 8.0 NM 1189' ^ 069 FRANKFURT to RW~7R [4~THR] [8~THR] 840' 776' 354.00^ 156.00^ to RW~7L MSA ARP Trans alt: 5000' 1089' D 795' 121.8 4300' Trans level: By ATC F114.2FFFMM (IF) 844' D10.0 FRD to RW~7L 50-00 809' DF273 328' 1953' DF275 1167' RWY 855' 165.00^ 070^ 4.0 NM RW~7L 795' TAUNUS VOR 2031' 770' 828' DF27~ .JAR-OPS. 840' FRANKFURT 855' Rwy Elev: 12 hPa Hanau 1089' 364' 830'(502') 2432' 1953' 119.9 Apt Elev track 088^ to DF278 or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to RID VOR and maintain 5000'. NON-RNAV: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D1.0 inbound FFM. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-088 FFM outbound to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later. Turn RIGHT to RID VOR and maintain 5000'. 775' 50-10 118.5 MDA(H) 5000 TAU 127.27 FRANKFURT Tower *Ground MISSED APCH RNAV: Climb on track 068^ to FFM VOR, then turn RIGHT on 22 7^ 1343' 116.7 TAU *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 4000' 069^ 50-10 3235' (IAF) 50-00 RNAV (IAF) D *FRANKFURT Director (APP) Minimum Alt ROBSA (3672') Final Apch Crs Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) TAUNUS 2432' LANGEN Radar (APP) North South 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 50 00 04 7^ Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) *ATIS Arrival 182^ BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 FRANKFURT Tower *Ground 12-2 21 DEC 07 FRANKFURT/MAIN TM LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY RNAV (GPS) Rwy 07R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA BRIEFING STRIP *ATIS Arrival 12-1 21 DEC 07 FRANKFURT/MAIN NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY RNAV (GPS) Rwy 07L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. A B C D RVR 1000m RVR 1500m RVR 2000m RVR 1200m RVR 1600m CHANGES: Fix designation withdrawn. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South *FRANKFURT Director (APP) *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 Minimum Alt LEDKI (3638') Final Apch Crs RNAV 249^ MDA(H) (468') 119.9 Apt Elev 364' RWY 362' 830' 4000' 231^ to DF291. Then turn RIGHT on track 243^ climb to 5000', then turn LEFT to CHA VOR and maintain 5000'. NON-RNAV: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D5.5 FFM, then turn LEFT to intercept R-244 FFM. Then on R-244 FFM to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to CHA VOR and maintain 5000'. Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 121.8 4300' MISSED APCH RNAV: Climb on track 249^ to DF29~, then turn LEFT on track Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) *ATIS Arrival RNAV 249^ 127.27 118.5 MDA(H) D Rwy Elev: 13 hPa TAUNUS MTR 3235' 828' RW25L 952' 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 ALTITUDE 1050' 1370' 1690' 2010' 2330' 2650' 2960' 3280' 7.0 NM RWY 25L [7~THR] to RW25L [4~TH3] 362' 1690' 4.0 Descent angle [3.00^] 372 90 100 120 140 160 478 531 637 743 849 804' 09-10 ALTITUDE 3600' 3.0 1370' (IAF) RWY 25R Gnd speed-Kts D5.5 FFM Descent angle .JAR-OPS. D RVR 1500m RVR 1600m CHANGES: Fix designation withdrawn. RVR 2000m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10.0 3600' [7~TH2] 4000' [4~TH4] 1690' 249^ 2650' 4.2 3.0 3.0 11.2 70 90 100 120 140 160 [3.00^] 372 478 531 637 743 849 ALSF-II REIL PAPI DF282 14.2 5000' D9.0 FRD whichever later STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 25R MDA(H) RVR 1200m 9.0 3280' REDGO DF281 to RW25R to RW25R 4.0 830'(468') 830'(466') ALS out PANS OPS 4 PANS OPS 4 C RVR 1000m 8.0 2970' 0 DF29~ 25L 09-00 7.0 2650' 7.0 NM 4.0 NM ALS out B 08-50 6.0 2330' MAP at RW25R STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY MDA(H) A CHA 08-40 5.0 2010' [3.00^] 364' 14.2 REIL PAPI CHARLIE 909' 766' 4.0 1690' RW25R 3.0 ALSF-II 909' 952' Egelsbach 08-30 2.0 1060' DF289 MAP at RW25L .JAR-OPS. 08-20 NM to RW25R 10.0 11.2 70 FRED (115.9) FRD [TCH 50'] 4.2 3.0 1026' 1060' 2650' 0 Gnd speed-Kts D9.0 FRD 1152' 4000' 24 9^ [3.00^] [TCH 50'] LEDKI to RW25L 4.0 NM RW25L FRD D DF282 28 5 ^ NM to RW25L 809' 248^ 50-00 400 0 09-00 1430' 844' 0 1716' 08-50 909' 776' 400 C115.5HCHAA 909' 08-40 795' 105^ CHARLIE 1060' 08-30 1026' RW25R 0 13. (IAF) 766' 08-20 F382 WFW 1167' ^ 24 9 [4~TH4] 828' FRANKFURT 340^ 114.2 FFM [7~TH2] 955' DF281 to RW25R to RW25R 844' FRANKFURT Egelsbach 4.0 NM 1430' 809' 0 DF291 ^ 400 249^ D8.0 FFM 3 24 ( R- 855' 7 12. ^ 243 FFM) 7.0 NM REDGO 340^ 50-00 Hanau (IF) 1167' FFM D 840' 1510' 776' D5.5 FFM ^ 231 24 9 1089' 1953' 955' DF289 LEDKI 899' 160^ 4.0 NM to RW25L [4~TH3] DF29~ (IF) 971' 775' 1549' 160^ 855' 7.0 NM to RW25L [7~THR] 906' ^ 241 110.0 MTR 0 1510' 00 40 (IAF) 50-10 MSA ARP Trans alt: 5000' 9.5 899' 919' 4300' METRO NOT TO SCALE 840' 364' ^ 061 08 Hanau 1089' RWY 121.8 0 400 9.8 400 1953' 364' Trans level: By ATC T116.7A UTAU5^ 775' 50-10 119.9 Apt Elev 830'(466') 4000' FRANKFURT Tower *Ground whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT on 085^ to MTR VOR and maintain 5000'. NON-RNAV: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FW Lctr to D9.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-085 TAU to MTR VOR and maintain 5000'. 971' MTR *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) MISSED APCH RNAV: Climb on track 248^ via FW Lctr to DF282 or 5000', METRO 3235' *FRANKFURT Director (APP) Minimum Alt REDGO (3636') Final Apch Crs Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Trans alt: 5000' (IAF) LANGEN Radar (APP) North South 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 MSA ARP Trans level: By ATC 12-4 21 DEC 07 FRANKFURT/MAIN FRANKFURT Tower *Ground FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY RNAV (GPS) Rwy 25R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA TM *ATIS Arrival 12-3 BRIEFING STRIP 21 DEC 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY RNAV (GPS) Rwy 25L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. A B C D RVR 1000m RVR 1500m RVR 2000m RVR 1200m RVR 1600m CHANGES: Missed approach. Fix designation withdrawn. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 VOR FFM Final Apch Crs 114.2 071^ Minimum Alt D15.5 FFM (3671') MDA(H) (501') 119.9 Apt Elev 364' RWY 329' 830' 4000' FRANKFURT Tower *Ground 124300' 5^ 3200' Rwy Elev: 12 hPa Trans level: By ATC MSA FFM VOR Trans alt: 5000' VOR FFM Final Apch Crs 114.2 067^ 7^ 22 Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 118.5 50-10 ATU Rwy Elev: 12 hPa 1549' D 855' 2432' 840' F297 RFR FRANKFURT 828' 2031' 1167' 770' (IAF) 112.2 4000' 2870' Descent Gradient 5.24% or Descent angle [3.00^] MAP at D4.7 FFM/D1.7 FRD ^ 067 10.0 2230' D4.7FFM [8~VOR] [MD~7L] [3.00 ^] 8.0 1590' 7.0 1280' ALTITUDE 4000' 3.3 70 90 100 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 0.5 ALSF-II REIL PAPI RWY 07L [FD~7R] 329' via .JAR-OPS. C D RVR 1500m RVR 1200m RVR 1600m CHANGES: Communications. Procedure. RVR 2000m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 08-50 8.0 1560' 7.0 1240' 6.0 920' FFM VOR D1.8 FRD [8~VO2] [MD~7R] [TCH 50'] 3.2 70 90 100 120 140 160 478 531 637 743 849 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY MDA(H) 0.5 RWY 07R 328' ALSF-II REIL PAPI D1.0 inbound FFM 07R 830'(502') ALS out PANS OPS 4 PANS OPS 4 B RVR 1000m 9.0 1880' D4.8 FFM D5.0 FRD ALS out A 08-40 10.0 2200' 372 830'(501') 1668' 0 400 1560' Descent Gradient 5.24% or [3.00^] Descent angle MAP at D4.8 FFM/D1.8 FRD 297 07L 866' 246^ 4.0 Gnd speed-Kts FR 00 D8.0 FFM [3.00 ^] 2830' 066^ .8 11.0 2520' [VOB12] 3.6 D10.0 5000' FRD whichever is later 12.0 2830' D9.0 FRD 067 ^ 1716' 08-30 D12.0FFM D12.6 FRD [TCH 50'] 1590' 13.0 3150' D15.6FFM FFM VOR 1060' RIED 08-20 14.0 3470' FFM DME 909' R112.2I RIDD 13 08-10 6.0 960' 952' (IAF) D 40 D1.7 FRD D5.0 FRD MDA(H) 9.0 1910' [DF278] 766' 382 FW D13.8 RID 809' D8.0 FFM FRANKFURT 927' 1175' 776' 088^ D1.0 FFM 302 ^ 08-50 770' [MD~7R] 804' 49-50 1510' FW 1152' 909' 08-40 D8.0 FFM 4.0 Gnd speed-Kts 952' 1060' 08-30 11.0 2550' [VOR12] 3.5 .JAR-OPS. RID 12.0 2870' D9.0 FRD 07 1 ^ [FD~7L] IRD D12.0FFM D12.5 FRD 1375' 840' Egelsbach 1716' .0 13.0 3190' D15.5FFM 1189' 1089' 828' 855' D9.0 FRD [FD~7R] 00 40 5.1 4000 15 766' 382 FW [VOB12] 4.9 8 4. 3 14.0 3500' ALTITUDE FRANKFURT 40 02^ 00 08-10 FFM DME FW 1152' D15.0 RID 804' (115.9) FRD Egelsbach D15.6 00 [VOR12] 071^ 0 1189' D MSA FFM VOR D1.8 FRD [8~VO2] FFM D12.6 FRD 40 D15.4 TAU 400 [DF273] FRED 3200' 3500' 775' DME REQUIRED. FRED D12.0FFM D16.5 TAU 844' D10.0 FRD FRD D9.0 FRD [FD~7L] 50-00 [MD~7L] D12.0FFM FFM D12.5 FRD 776' D1.7 FRD [8~VOR] 795' D15.5 809' D4.7FFM D5.0 FRD 50-00 121.8 124300' 5^ Trans alt: 5000' D8.0FFM D4.8FFM D5.0 FRD 795' 6 4. 178^ D8.0FFM Trans level: By ATC D 178^ F114.2FFFM M FRANKFURT 328' F114.2FFFM M F(115.9)R DFRD 2432' Hanau 1089' RWY D 1953' 1510' 364' FRANKFURT 775' 15.4 5000 50-10 119.9 Apt Elev 830' 1953' TAUNUS D 1343' MDA(H) (502') 4000' 16.5 5000 DME REQUIRED. 3235' T116.7A UTAU 127.27 Minimum Alt D15.6 FFM (3672') FRANKFURT Tower *Ground TAU 1549' (IAF) *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D1.0 inbound FFM, then turn RIGHT to intercept R-088 FFM outbound to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to RID VOR and maintain 5000'. (IAF)116.7 00 50 *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 335^ 04 7^ 3500' LANGEN Radar (APP) North South .Eff.25.Oct. 335^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FR Lctr to D10.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to TAU VOR maintain 5000. Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 121.8 *ATIS Arrival TM *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 13-2 12 OCT 07 FRANKFURT/MAIN BRIEFING STRIP LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY VOR Rwy 07R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA .Eff.25.Oct. 180^ *ATIS Arrival 13-1 12 OCT 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY VOR Rwy 07L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. A B C D RVR 1000m RVR 1500m RVR 2000m RVR 1200m RVR 1600m CHANGES: Communications. Missed approach. Procedure. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 VOR FFM Final Apch Crs 114.2 See Below Minimum Alt D9.1 FFM (3638') MDA(H) 119.9 Apt Elev 364' RWY 362' 840'(478') 4000' 3200' 3500' Trans alt: 5000' (IAF) 114.2 See Below D T116.7A UTAU5^ 855' FRED D D5.0 FRD 24 9 828' D1.6FFM 1167' 115.5H CHAA C 1060' FFM DME ALTITUDE 08-30 0.0 1090' 08-40 1.0 1400' 2.0 1720' 08-50 4.0 2360' 3.0 2040' D1.5 FRD D5.0 FRD 1720' 246^ 362' 0.6 1.6 2.2 0 2.0 3.0 70 90 100 120 140 160 Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at D1.6 after FFM VOR/D1.5 FRD 369 474 527 632 737 843 .JAR-OPS. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY MDA(H) 7.0 3310' FRD D FRED 804' 09-10 FFM DME 8.0 3630' ALTITUDE 08-20 1.0 1370' C D CHANGES: None. 3.0 2010' D1.6 FRD RWY 25R 364' 0.5 ALSF-II REIL PAPI D5.5 FFM RVR 1690' 1.5 2000m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2.0 2.0 90 100 120 140 160 474 527 632 737 843 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 909' 7.0 3280' 8.0 3600' D9.2 FFM D12.2 FRD 249^ 4000' 2650' 3.0 70 1026' 09-00 6.0 2970' D5.0 FRD 369 MDA(H) 1500m 5.0 2650' Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at D1.5 after FFM VOR/D1.6 FRD 840'(478') RVR 4.0 2330' Gnd speed-Kts .JAR-OPS. 25L 1716' 08-50 254^ 4.1 115.5HCHAA C FFM VOR D5.0FFM D2.0FFM D8.0 FRD D1.5FFM 2680' RVR 1200m RVR 1600m 2.0 1690' 4000' 4.2 ALSF-II REIL PAPI D9.0 5000' FRD whichever later 25R 820'(456') ALS out PANS OPS 4 PANS OPS 4 B RVR 1000m 08-40 D12.1 FRD ALS out A 909' 766' 08-30 0.0 1060' (IAF) CHARLIE D9.1 FFM 24 9^ 952' Egelsbach (115.9) FRD 0 Gnd speed-Kts 297 FR 1060' 285^ 6.0 3000' FFM VOR D5.0FFM D2.0FFM D8.0 FRD D1.6FFM RWY 25L 5.0 2680' 1152' 400 0 09-00 D9.0 FRD 50-00 105^ 844' 809' FR 1430' 1167' FRANKFURT 909' 1716' 08-20 776' FFM VOR 0 400 909' 766' D1.6 FRD ^ 955' 077^ 2 15. (IAF) CHARLIE M FF R VO 249 D1.5FFM ^ 060 340^ Egelsbach D12.2 FRD 828' 254^ 0 400 952' 1 15. D8.0 FFM D5.0 FRD 795' 1026' D9.2 FFM D5.0FFM D8.0 FRD D2.0FFM 855' F382 WFW FRANKFURT 1430' 899' Hanau 1510' F114.2FFFM M 971' 775' 1089' FRANKFURT D 906' ^ 241 840' 077^ 340^ FR 297 FR 246^ MTR 50-10 844' FRANKFURT 50-00 F 919' 776' D5.5 FFM 3 24 ( R- FFM VOR ^ METRO 1953' 955' 809' D1.5 FRD ^ 243 FM) ^ MSA FFM VOR 00 40 (IAF) 3235' 1549' Hanau D8.0 FRD 3200' 3500' Trans alt: 5000' 061 121.8 124300' 5^ 160^ D2.0FFM D12.1 FRD 364' 110.0 MTR ^ 060 M FF R VO D9.1 FFM RWY Trans level: By ATC TAUNUS 899' 160^ FFM F(115.9)R DFRD D5.0FFM 114.2 FFM 364' 0 400 0 400 1510' FRANKFURT D Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 08 2 12. 840' 119.9 Apt Elev 820' 4000' NOT TO SCALE 1089' 50-10 118.5 MDA(H) (456') DME REQUIRED. 775' 1953' 127.27 Minimum Alt D9.2 FFM (3636') whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-085 TAU to MTR VOR and maintain 5000'. 110.0 MTR 3235' FFM Final Apch Crs FRANKFURT Tower *Ground MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FW Lctr to D9.0 FRD or 5000', 971' METRO *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 1 12. MTR VOR Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) MSA FFM VOR 906' DME REQUIRED. *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 335^ ^ Trans level: By ATC LANGEN Radar (APP) North South 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 335 intercept R-243 FFM. Then on R-243 FFM to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to CHA VOR climb and maintain 5000'. Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 121.8 124300' 5^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D5.5 FFM, then turn LEFT to Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) *ATIS Arrival FRANKFURT Tower *Ground 13-4 21 DEC 07 FRANKFURT/MAIN TM *FRANKFURT Director (APP) FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY VOR Rwy 25R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA BRIEFING STRIP LANGEN Radar (APP) North South 180^ *ATIS Arrival 13-3 21 DEC 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY VOR Rwy 25L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. A B C D RVR 1000m RVR 1500m RVR 2000m RVR 1200m RVR 1600m CHANGES: Missed approach. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 *FRANKFURT Director (APP) *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 Lctr FW Final Apch Crs 382 See Below Minimum Alt D12.5 FRD (3671') MDA(H) 119.9 Apt Elev 364' RWY 329' 830'(501') 4000' FRANKFURT Tower *Ground 124300' 5^ 3200' Trans level: By ATC ^ 00 50 Rwy Elev: 12 hPa MSA FFM VOR Trans alt: 5000' Lctr FW Final Apch Crs 382 See Below Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) 50-10 T116.7A UTAU 1953' 855' FRANKFURT FRD 5.2 4000 ^ 069D9.0 (IAF) 112.2 4000' 10.0 3190' RID RID 9.0 2870' FRD 804' 49-50 7.0 2230' 302 5.0 1590' 4.0 1280' 3.0 960' FRD DME ALTITUDE 11.0 3470' 10.0 3150' 4000' Gnd speed-Kts 70 90 100 120 140 160 Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at D1.7 FRD 369 474 527 632 737 843 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY ALSF-II D10.0 5000' FRD whichever is later 329' via 297 C D 1500m RVR 1600m CHANGES: Communications. Procedure. RVR 2000m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1720' 5.0 1560' 08-50 4.0 1240' 3.0 920' D1.8 071^ 70 90 100 120 140 160 Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at D1.8 FRD 369 474 527 632 737 843 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY MDA(H) RVR 6.0 1880' D5.5 FRD 3.4 830'(501') RVR 1200m 08-40 7.0 2200' Gnd speed-Kts .JAR-OPS. 3.8 0.5 RWY 07R ALSF-II REIL PAPI 328' D4.2 FRD 07R 830'(502') ALS out PANS OPS 4 PANS OPS 4 B RVR 1000m 0 400 FRD 3.6 FR 07L 1668' FW Lctr FRD ALS out A 8.0 2520' 2830' REIL PAPI 866' 08-30 9.0 2830' 069^ 067 ^ RWY 07L 1716' R112.2I RIDD 14 D9.0 FRD 0.5 766' RIED D 08-20 D12.6 3.8 952' 909' 246^ D1.7 FRD 1750' D10.8 FRD (IAF) ^ 4 0 .0 00 08-10 D5.5 FRD 3.5 MDA(H) 6.0 1910' Egelsbach 809' 1060' 066^ 1175' 08-50 095^ D14.0 RID 927' FW Lctr FRD 3.5 08-40 8.0 2550' D9.0 069^ 08-30 2870' .JAR-OPS. 952' 00 770' 828' D4.2 FRD 1152' 8 1510' 776' FRED 1716' 30124.0 00 ^ D12.5 FRD 40 1375' 1060' 40 11.0 3500' 1189' D12.6 5. F297 RFR FRANKFURT FRANKFURT F(115.9)R DFRD D 775' 1089' FRD FRD 909' 766' D14.0 RID 0 08-10 ALTITUDE (115.9) FRD Egelsbach FRD 40 0 FRED MSA FFM VOR 840' ^ 071 ^ 069D9.0 FRD 5. 1152' 8 804' FRD DME FRD D 844' 809' 3200' 3500' 855' 795' D16.0 TAU 121.8 124300' 5^ Trans alt: 5000' D1.8 D5.5 FRD 50-00 D10.0 FRD 776' ^ 067 2031' 1167' FW 382 FW 5.3 178^ D5.5 FRD D12.5 828' D1.7 795' 1189' F297 RFR 770' 382 FW D16.0 TAU 840' FRANKFURT 328' DME REQUIRED. FRANKFURT 4000 FW 2432' FRANKFURT RWY F114.2FFFMM 178^ 16.0 F114.2FFFMM D 50-00 1953' D 2432' Hanau 1089' 1510' 364' Trans level: By ATC 775' 5000 50-10 ATU Rwy Elev: 12 hPa 16.0 3235' 119.9 Apt Elev 830' 4000' 5000 1549' 118.5 MDA(H) (502') FRANKFURT Tower *Ground TAU 1549' TAUNUS D 127.27 Minimum Alt D12.6 FRD (3672') DME REQUIRED. (IAF) 1343' *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) MISSED APCH: Climb inbound FR NDB to D4.2 FRD, then turn RIGHT on 095^ outbound FR NDB to D10.8 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to RID VOR, climb and maintain 5000'. (IAF)116.7 7^ 22 *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 335 04 7^ 3500' LANGEN Radar (APP) North South .Eff.25.Oct. ^ 335 MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FR Lctr to D10.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to TAU VOR maintain 5000'. Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 121.8 *ATIS Arrival 16-2 12 OCT 07 FRANKFURT/MAIN TM LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY NDB Rwy 07R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA .Eff.25.Oct. BRIEFING STRIP *ATIS Arrival 16-1 180^ 12 OCT 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY NDB Rwy 07L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. A B C D RVR 1000m RVR 1500m RVR 2000m RVR 1200m RVR 1600m CHANGES: Communications. Missed approach. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 *FRANKFURT Director (APP) *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 Lctr FR Final Apch Crs 297 See Below Minimum Alt D12.1 FRD (3638') MDA(H) 119.9 Apt Elev 364' RWY 362' 820'(458') 4000' 3200' 3500' Lctr (IAF) 124300' 5^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FW Lctr to D9.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-085 TAU to MTR VOR and maintain 5000'. 3500' D D 1510' 855' FRED D FRD CHA CHARLIE 5.0 1720' 1716' 08-50 6.0 2040' 7.0 2360' 8.0 2680' 9.0 3000' 3.6 70 90 100 120 140 160 Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at D1.4 FRD 369 474 527 632 737 843 .JAR-OPS. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY MDA(H) 804' FRD DME 11.0 3630' ALTITUDE 08-20 4.0 1340' 4000' C D RWY 25R D2.5 FRD 364' CHANGES: None. 3.4 0.5 70 90 100 120 140 160 Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at D1.6 FRD 369 474 527 632 737 843 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 820'(458') MDA(H) RVR 2000m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 09-00 10.0 3250' 11.0 3570' D12.3 D8.0 FRD FRD 249^ 4000' 2620' 4.3 3.0 Gnd speed-Kts .JAR-OPS. 1500m 9.0 2930' D1.6 4.1 RVR 1200m RVR 1600m 8.0 2620' 251^ 1660' 25L 1716' 08-50 7.0 2300' FRD ALSF-II RVR 6.0 1980' D5.0 FRD ALSF-II REIL PAPI D9.0 5000' FRD whichever later 25R 820'(456') ALS out PANS OPS 4 PANS OPS 4 B RVR 1000m CHARLIE 08-40 5.0 1660' FR Lctr REIL PAPI 115.5HCHAA C 909' 766' 08-30 3.0 1020' ALS out A (IAF) 1060' 09-10 1026' 909' 952' Egelsbach (115.9) FRD 2680' 3.0 Gnd speed-Kts FR 1430' 844' 297 FR FRD 249^ 247^ 1720' 0.5 FRED 955' FR Lctr 1167' 809' FRANKFURT D12.1 FRD FRD 362' 10.0 3310' D8.0 D5.0 FRD D1.4 28 5 ^ 09-00 ^ D5.0 FRD FRD D 1152' 400 0 115.5 CHA D9.0 FRD 24 9 776' 909' 50-00 FRD 259^ 0 400 (IAF) 909' 08-40 4.0 1400' D8.0 828' 795' 105^ Hanau D12.3 251^ FRD 952' FR Lctr RWY 25L 1026' 4 ALTITUDE 3.0 1090' F382 WFW 1430' 844' FR r ct ^L 239 FRD D1.6 1060' FRD DME 809' 1510' 855' 899' 1 15. Egelsbach 08-30 D 297 FR 766' 08-20 F114.2FFFMM FRANKFURT 0 400 3 (06 Lctr) FR FR 1089' FRANKFURT 971' 775' 840' 1167' FRANKFURT D5.0 FRD D5.0 FRD ^ 776' 247^ MTR 1953' 906' ^ 241 METRO 1549' 919' ^ 110.0 MTR FR Lctr 15. ^ 243^ to 259^ MSA FFM VOR 00 40 (IAF) 3235' 955' 340^ 50-00 249 061 50-10 FRD FRD D1.4 D2.5 FRD FR r ct D12.1 D8.0 828' TAU TAUNUS 116.7 TAU 085^ NOT TO SCALE ^L 23 9 Trans alt: 5000' 340^ F114.2FFFMM F(115.9)R DFRD FRANKFURT Trans level: By ATC 160^ 160^ 840' 50-10 Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 3200' DME REQUIRED. 899' Hanau 820' 4000' 0 400 0 400 2 12. 1089' See Below 121.8 364' 971' 775' 1953' 297 119.9 RWY 110.0 MTR 3235' 118.5 MDA(H) (456') 9 11. MTR 127.27 Minimum Alt D12.3 FRD (3636') 364' Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) MSA FFM VOR METRO FR Final Apch Crs FRANKFURT Tower *Ground Apt Elev 906' DME REQUIRED. *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) ^ Trans alt: 5000' *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 335 Trans level: By ATC LANGEN Radar (APP) North South 118.02 114.2 120.8 125.35 335^ track 243^ outbound FR NDB to D5.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to CHA VOR and maintain 5000'. Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 121.8 124300' 5^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D2.5 FRD, then turn LEFT on Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) *ATIS Arrival FRANKFURT Tower *Ground 16-4 21 DEC 07 FRANKFURT/MAIN TM LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY NDB Rwy 25R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA BRIEFING STRIP *ATIS Arrival 16-3 180^ 21 DEC 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY NDB Rwy 25L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. A B C D RVR 1000m RVR 1500m RVR 2000m RVR 1200m RVR 1600m CHANGES: Missed approach. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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