OWPP Presentation 51310
OWPP Presentation 51310
OLENTANGY WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP Welcome, Introductions, Review of Agenda OLENTANGY WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP The Process: •Get Organized •Define Priority Areas •Agree on PCA/PDA Criteria •Provide Data to Members •Create Initial Maps •Revise Maps •Approve Maps •ID Implementation Methods •Select Methods •Final Plan for Approval •Approval by the Partnership •OWRC Endorsement •Implementation The Schedule: •Mid-March 2010 •April 29, 2010 •May 30, 2010 •March – June 2010 •August 31, 2010 •September-October 2010 •December 31, 2010 •March 31, 2011 •June 30, 2011 •September 30, 2011 •December 30, 2011 •March 31, 2012 •Starting January 1, 2012 OLENTANGY WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP Review Decisions from April 29th Meeting Define Priority Agricultural Areas Determine Process and Timeline for Priority Area Criteria Selection OLENTANGY WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP Official Votes From April 29, 2010 OWPP Meeting: 1. Should the Partnership adopt one or more overall goal statements for the Balanced Growth Plan? -OWPP voted unanimously in favor (Yes) 2. Should the OWPP designate Priority Agricultural Areas (PAAs) for the Balanced Growth Plan? -OWPP voted unanimously in favor (Yes) OLENTANGY WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP Goal Developed by the OWPP and Adopted on April 29: “The goal of the Olentangy Watershed Balanced Growth Plan is to protect, preserve, restore, and enhance the Olentangy River, its tributary system and areas that serve natural functions by encouraging conservation, development and agriculture in appropriate areas while recognizing the importance of the Watershed as an asset and respecting the uniqueness of our communities.” -The OWPP OLENTANGY WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP PCA Definition Developed by the OWPP and Adopted on April 29: “Priority Conservation Area (PCA): An area designated by local jurisdictions for protection, conservation, or restoration because of its ecological, cultural, recreational, or historical value and for the significant role these areas play in maintaining the integrity of the watershed.” -The OWPP OLENTANGY WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP PDA Definition Developed by the OWPP and Adopted on April 29: “Priority Development Area (PDA): A locally designated area defined by its potential for development or redevelopment in accordance with the area’s infrastructure, development, or plan and the area’s ability to accommodate development in a manner consistent with our goal.” -The OWPP OLENTANGY WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP Generally Defining Priority Agricultural Areas (PAA) Priority Agricultural Areas Chagrin River Watershed No Priority Agricultural Areas Swan Creek Watershed PAAs are locally designated area targeted for continued, expanded and/or intensified agricultural activities due to possession of naturally occurring or human‐created traits which make it conducive to highly productive agriculture, silviculture or other natural product creation processes. Rocky River Upper West Branch PAAs are areas of farmland enrolled as AG (Agricultural) Districts. Chippewa Creek Watershed No Priority Agricultural Areas OLENTANGY WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP Review draft Priority Agricultural Area definitions, revise and finalize, and SELECT DEFINITION for plan OLENTANGY WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP PCA Source: Image After, Ohiohistory.org OLENTANGY WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP PDA Source: Image After OLENTANGY WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP PAA Source: Image After Potential Priority Conservation Areas (PCA) GIS Grid Overlay Analysis Olentangy Watershed GIS Grid Overlay Analysis Olentangy Watershed Existing Land Use GIS Analysis: Grid Overlay vs. Parcel Data Olentangy Watershed Existing Land Use Comparing Parcel Data and Grid Overly Parcel Data Grid Overlay PROS Specific Uniform data analysis CONS Difficult to get data or data may not exist Some loss of detail Swan Creek PDA Weighting Commercial Development Priority Index Ranking of Value Ranges Criteria Data Source 4 3 2 1 Weight Incorporated Areas US Census Bureau Within Area <0.5 Miles 0.5-1.0 miles 1.0-1.5 miles 6 Water Availability Communities <0.5 miles from water line - - - 5 Population Density US Census Bureau 9447-12,597 people/sq. mile 6298-9447 people/sq. mile 3149 6298 people/s q. mile 40-3149 people/sq. mile 4 Sanitary Sewer Availability Communities <0.5 miles from sewer line - - - 3 Per Capita Income US Census Bureau $26,505 ‐$35,340 $17,670 ‐ $26,505 $8835 ‐ $17,670 $6662 ‐ $8835 2 Highways: Distance ESRI’s Major Roads Layer <0.25 miles 0.25 ‐ 0.5 miles 0.5 ‐ 0.75 miles 0.75 ‐ 1 mile 1 Rocky River PDA Criteria Rocky River PDA Criteria OLENTANGY WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP Define Priority Agricultural Areas Determine Process and Timeline for Priority Area Criteria Selection Select Criteria Determine If and How Criteria will be Weighted Models for Criteria Selection Process MODEL 1 MODEL 2 MODEL 3 PDA Committee Technical Committee OWPP (Whole Group) PAA Committee PCA Committee OWPP OWPP OLENTANGY WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP OLENTANGY WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP Olentangy Watershed Summer Learning Opportunities June: Opportunity: Olentangy State Scenic River Canoe Float, hosted by ODNR Proposed Dates: Thursday, June 10, 4-6PM (Thursday, June 17 as a back-up date) or Sunday June 13 in the afternoon. Notes: Canoes and life jackets available for 16 people, feel free to bring your own canoe or kayak. July or August (Date TBA): Opportunity: Tour of urban and rural land practices impacting watershed health. The tour will include examples of green stormwater management in the built environment, and highlight agricultural practices in the rural environment. Date and location to be announced. Contact Information Joe Kitchen 614.233.4124 jkitchen@morpc.org Erin Grushon 614.233.4155 egrushon@morpc.org