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Welcome to The Puppy Advantage System
Developing The Puppy System
Pricing Overview
Case Study #1: Taking One Litter from $2,400 to $7,000
Case Study #2: It’s Never Too Late
Don’t Accept Checks
Start Using The Puppy System
Step 1 of the Puppy System: Know Your Breed
Step 2 of the Puppy System: Great Pictures
Step 3 of the Puppy System: Advertise Early
Step 4 of the Puppy System: Creating An Ad That Sells
Handling Calls & Texts
Where do I list my puppies?
Preparing For The Visit
Final Words
2 Welcome to The Puppy Advantage System
Hi, my name is Andrew White and, like you, I love dogs. I’ve had litters of puppies my entire life – Boxers, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Labradors, Retrievers, Mastiffs, German Shepherds, Rottweilers and Shih Tzus. I know the Shih Tzu doesn’t really go with the rest of those breeds but that’s what having a persuasive teenage daughter will do to you! 3 Besides having bred all these types of litters, I have visited litters from almost every breed you can think of. I have seen everything from Bull Mastiffs to Yorkshire Terriers, Giant Poodles to French Bulldogs. Certainly, I know something about every breed that the American Kennel Club (AKC) recognizes, along with many of the “designer” breeds. In this Puppy System guide I will teach you how to market your litter of puppies so that you will get the best home for your puppies, for the most money, and how to ensure that they are all sold effectively, even before they are ready to go to their new homes. I am going to help you educate the potential buyers as to why your puppies are the best in the world! 4 Developing The Puppy System
As a true dog lover, naturally I have often gone into the pet stores, usually in malls, that sell puppies. After all, who doesn’t like looking at puppies? However, when I went in I always ended up amazed at the prices these pet stores were demanding for their puppies. At first, I figured that it must be rare that the puppies were ever sold at these actual prices and that prices would in fact have to be heavily discounted before most people would actually buy them. 5 I was wrong, very wrong. I saw customer after customer purchasing these puppies at full price; thousands of dollars for breeds that I knew could be purchased for a fraction of the price. I wanted to stop these people and explain to them that they were making a serious mistake. I wanted to tell them I could find them a puppy that was from champion parents, possibly even the Number 1 ranked champion of that breed, and it would still be less expensive than the puppy they were buying. As frustrated as I was with these people, who seemed so surprisingly uneducated when it came to purchasing a puppy, I also wasn’t sure I 6 wanted to take business away from the pet stores. After all, there is another aspect relating pet stores that allow them to charge higher prices; it is because they often will finance the purchase. Also, they sometimes add health packages and guarantees that can be very valuable to many customers, helping them feel comfortable with such a large purchase. And as frustrated as I was with the pet stores and their customers, my experiences and observations gave me a great perspective and some fresh ideas. One, I realized that people are willing to spend much more than I had ever realized for a puppy. 7 Two, adding some guarantees and puppy packages help make the sale. Lastly it helped me to understand that perceived value was much more important than actual value. Of course I believed my puppies were always high quality, “actual value” kind of puppies. I now understood that I needed to make sure when marketing my puppies that the buyers’ perceptions matched my own perception of my puppies. That concept was a huge step in helping get the maximum value from my litters. 8 Pricing Overview
While either selling my own litters or looking at all the other cute puppies, I was always fascinated with the widely varying price ranges. It was bemusing. In reality, there did not seem to be much distinction from one litter to another. In fact, sometimes puppies from litters that had champion pedigrees and other titles would be sold for less than what seemed to be a puppy from a typical “back yard breeder.” So I had to ask myself the question: Who determines the value of a breed? The truth is ​
there is no standard​
. There is no ​
Kelly Blue Book​
for puppies. 9 The market determines the value. What I discovered is that the cost of most expensive puppies has ​
little ​
to do with the quality of the breeding and everything​
to do with the marketing of the litter. As a young entrepreneur, and being of the opinion that my puppies were as good or better than any other puppies out there, that’s how I priced them. Did you notice my confidence in that last line? Do you believe in your puppies? Aren’t they the best bred, healthiest, cutest, smartest puppies EVER! Then why not price them accordingly? 10 Following a thorough study of the marketing and pricing of litters; after noting which litters were selling at a premium and why; and after a little trial and error of my own, I finally have developed the ultimate way market and sell your litters: The Puppy System. This remarkable system can more than double the price at which you sell most litters. I have been able to implement my ​
Puppy System​
with all of my own litters and have then gone on to find even greater pleasure by using the same techniques to help my family and friends enjoy amazing results for their puppy sales. 11 Case Study #1: Taking One Litter from $2,400 to $7,000
Recently, an experience with Golden Retriever puppies provided a case study that proves that the Puppy System really works! My relative had already begun selling their puppies and had priced them according to all the ads in the local paper and websites which put the ‘correct’ puppy price at somewhere between $300 and $500. Like most people might do, this lady assumed that by advertising her puppies for a similar price of $300 she would be able to sell them quickly. However, luckily she reached out to me for advice first. 12 Instead of automatically pricing the puppies at $300, we began the process of implementing the Puppy System. I helped her take some good pictures, and I wrote the ad and listed the puppies for ​
$900 each.​
That’s right! 3 times what she was willing to sell the puppies for originally. Can you guess what happened next? In just about ​
1 week​
she had ​
all 8 puppies sold!​
In this case study the puppy owner went from earning around $2,400 to making ​
Yeah, I know $900 times 8 puppies should be $7,200. So where did the $200 go? We strategically priced two of the puppies a little lower. This is one of my favorite strategies, one that we’ll discuss in more detail later. 13 My relative was extremely pleased, to say the least. As for me, it brought me so much pleasure to help another dog lover realize the true value of their litter and it was also extremely exciting to see the Puppy System work to perfection again. Besides the $4,500 increase in profit, the other (and truly the most important) resulting benefit was that the quality of puppy buyers also increased significantly. This is no coincidence: the Puppy System pricing strategy attracted buyers that wanted the best puppy. They had studied up on the breed and 14 knew what they wanted. They felt like they were getting the best puppy in the world because of the higher price (and they did!). This system makes for a better experience for the breeder, the buyer and the puppy. One of the real disadvantages of pricing your puppies at a price that is too low is that you end up getting interest from people who are not really interested in a quality puppy ­ just a ​
good deal.​
That’s not the home I want MY puppies to go to, do you? Moreover, pricing too low can backfire when interested buyers try to haggle down to an even lower price. When you price low, this is the type of buyer you will be attracting, someone who wants a dog as a ‘bargain’. You will not 15 get that with the Puppy System. My system brings in buyers that truly love dogs, who can afford a nice dog and can therefore afford to own and care for your puppy very well indeed. They will ensure that the puppy has all the right veterinary care throughout its whole life, whatever the expense. These are the buyers who will send you pictures because the dogs are part of their family. They will be sending you texts and birthday cards. They love their dog and they love you for allowing them to buy one from you. It really is the best of all worlds, and you can’t put a price on that. Who is to say what a puppy is really worth, in any case? Don’t forget, this puppy will potentially be a prominent member of your family for 10 to 20 years. My feelings are that if you have healthy, well­bred puppies then you need to make sure you are able to communicate that to potential buyers and help them find the best puppies. That is exactly what my system does. 16 It helps you get the best buyers matched up with your fantastic puppies. A great, very positive side effect of this method is that you’ll receive a premium price. 17 Case Study #2: It’s Never Too Late
Some years ago I had the opportunity to help the owner of a beautiful German Shepherd. The dog owner had bred her with a high quality stud and had 7 very well­bred, healthy puppies. His concern? ​
The puppies were ​
already ​
9 weeks old! The owner had been advertising consistently for 2 weeks at $700 and had not sold even one puppy. Out of desperation he was ready to drop the price to $300 for fear that he was going to end up with 7 beautiful German Shepherds all to himself. His wife was not too keen on that idea. 18 Puppy System To The Rescue! So what did we do first? You guessed it ­ I increased the price! Instead of dropping the price to $300 we raised the price to where it belonged in the first place ­ $1000. The breeder thought I was crazy but knew I had always been successful so decided to show a little faith. 19 The new ad, which was created using all aspects of the Puppy System, was posted on a Friday morning. By Saturday night ​
all 7 puppies were sold at $900 to $1000​
. 20 Man, I love helping people! Needless to say, the owner was VERY happy. Not only because all the puppies were sold for even more than he had originally wanted, but also because of the quality of buyers that purchased his puppies. Years later, he is still getting pictures and emails with updates on these puppies. Follow­up Report: Since this initial story, this breeder has had a few more litters of puppies. On the next litter he was smarter and called me a lot sooner. This time we were able to get even MORE money for the puppies, plus, they were all pre­sold. 21 Since then this dog owner has been following the Puppy System on his own, and I was excited to learn that he has been doing a fantastic job. The most recent puppies went for even more, $1500 each, and again they were all pre­sold. His success has brought me enormous joy. In fact, it is what ultimately made me decide that I wanted to teach others my Puppy System. 22 Don’t Accept Checks
My first dog was a boxer named Megan. I thought that she was the best dog in the entire world. When she had her first litter I was so excited. I was 16 years old and did not have much experience in marketing anything at all. So, I simply tried to sell the puppies at the same price that I had purchased Megan for. As a result, I had people coming along offering half the price, or offering trades. It was pretty intimidating as my parents left me to my own devices as far as the puppy selling was concerned. 23 Therefore, I learned quickly many great lessons with Megan’s first litter. Mostly, I learned what not to do. One of the greatest life lessons was to NEVER accept a check. I don’t care what story they give you. If they really want the puppy they can and will always come up with the cash. Of course the check was no good. I knew it was bad as soon as they drove off but I still took it to a bank just to torture myself a little more. That was a painful life lesson that I will always be grateful for. Ultimately, I am sure that lesson has saved me much more than I lost that day. 24 Start Using The Puppy System
Now it’s time to get going by starting to use this incredible system for yourself! First, let’s review the lessons learned that have led to this first­class new Puppy System. 25 1. People are willing to spend premium prices for a high­perceived value. 2. The structure of the advertisement is extremely important. 3. Adding health guarantees and puppy packages is critical to increase the perceived value. 4. Higher prices and a good ad will draw the highest quality buyers. 5. If you believe your puppies are the best in the world your buyers will believe it as well. 6. It is important and very strategic to advertise puppies before they are ready to be placed. 7. Don’t give up, work smarter. If things are not working out, re­evaluate and make changes. All set? Great, time to start using the Puppy System… Next you’ll be shown the main 4 steps you’ll need to do to use the Puppy System. 26 Step 1 of the Puppy System: Know Your Breed
The first thing you need to do is know your breed. You need to know the key characteristics that your breed is supposed to have. For example, a good German Shepherd might be characterized as the following: ● Very intelligent ● Has a high drive ● Great for family ● Great for property protection ● Referring to them as GSD (German Shepherd Dog) would also give credibility. 27 The more you know about your breed, the better ad you can put together and the better buyer you will attract. In the German Shepherd example, being able to add phrases like ‘family protection’ or ‘large bones’ will be a huge variable in your success. You can look at other ads, especially the ones that are asking a premium price. Another great place, probably the best place, would be to check out the websites of good breeders. Find the breeders who are showing their dogs at competitions or using them as working dogs. Look at how they describe their dogs. Be honest, but do everything you can to promote your precious puppies in the best possible light. 28 Step 2 of the Puppy System: Great Pictures
The second step is to take some really great pictures. I cannot stress the importance of this step enough. I cannot tell you how many ads I have seen with the worst ever puppy pictures – as a result of the bad pictures I had zero desire to go see the puppies. Conversely, the biggest thing that helped sell the litter of German Shepherd puppies mentioned in Case Study #2 were the excellent pictures we took. A good photo, or a set of pictures, can sell your entire litter faster than you would believe. To make sure you have the right idea, a good way to view some pictures first is to go to Google images and search for “[your puppy breed] puppy pictures”. There will be some images that you really love and these pictures should help you gain an idea of what kind of pictures to take of your puppies. 29 DON’T do this…​
These bad pictures will make it hard to sell the puppies.
30 DO this…​
Some pictures from breeders whose puppies will sell fast!
31 Hopefully these examples help you see the type of pictures that appeal to puppy buyers. The best photos include: ● A clear image of the puppy’s head, either straight­on or in profile ● A calm or happy pose ● A still pose rather than a busy ‘action shot’ ● An appealing setting (sunshine, grass, flowers etc) ● No unnecessary clutter If you follow these guidelines you should be able to take photos which are as professional looking as possible. Do spend all the time you need to get the very best pictures – it is essential. If you are not confident that you can take excellent photos, then asking a skilled amateur photographer or even hiring a professional will pay off in the end. 32 Step 3 of the Puppy System: Advertise Early
Next we want to get the ads up ­ as soon as possible. Puppies are usually ready to go to their new home by 8 weeks. A classic mistake by most breeders is not placing an ad until the puppies are ready to go. Don’t wait! In most puppy breeds, the ‘cuteness factor’ peaks around that 6 to 8 week mark and starts declining after 8 weeks. This makes it important that you start marketing the litter during those earlier weeks. Once the puppies start getting to 12­plus weeks it makes it more difficult for the buyers to get that wonderful “puppy high” which they were hoping for. I usually start advertising at around 3 to 4 weeks. If you want to be really ambitious you can advertise as soon as you know the litter is coming. You can simply post pictures of the sire and dam. 33 With the Puppy System, the goal is to have all puppies pre­sold prior to them being ready for their new homes (approximately 8 weeks). This will make the entire experience so much better when you are able to have all the new owners come pick up their puppies over a weekend. All the poop machines are gone! It’s always bittersweet, because having puppies is a lot of fun; also you will have invested a lot of time and love. However, as a litter needs a lot of care, by the time they reach 8 weeks you are usually ready for the puppies to go to their new homes. 34 Step 4 of the Puppy System: Creating An Ad That Sells
It is extremely critical that the ad be constructed correctly in order to draw in buyers at first glance. All the information you learned in Step 1 is going to apply to this step. Creating An “Eye­Catching” Ad Title I know you have heard the saying ​
“You never get a second chance to make a first impression”​
. Well, this also rings true with puppy advertising. When using online advertisers like Craigslist or eBay Classifieds there is a Title line for your ad. This title line is an extremely valuable piece of real estate. Your ad title is the first thing potential buyers will read about your puppies ­ so make it count. 35 When creating the Title for your ad you are going to want to make sure you highlight the qualities that will draw the right buyers. Every breed will be different as all breeds have certain characteristics that make them unique. Example: Bull Dog Puppies You will want to be sure to include words like … ● Descriptions ­ Blocky Head, Big Bone, Square, etc ● Registrations ­ AKC, CKC, etc ● Titles ­ Champion, Grand Champion ● Health Certifications ­ OFA, Hips ● Type ­ English, Olde English, American These are the characteristics the buyers are looking for in the breed, so by including these phrases in your title you will draw more desirable buyers. 36 Let’s compare the following 2 title lines. German Shepherds ​
- $500 or …. Champion Pedigree AKC Registered Hand-Raised German
Shepherd Puppies to approved homes ​
- $1200 Which of these looks like they have a puppy that YOU would want? (Yes, exactly!) 37 Which puppies do you want to go see? What are the chances that you come home with one of these puppies when you go look at them? Here’s another example:
Lab pups have papers -​$300 or… AKC registered Labrador Retriever puppies. Field and
Confirmation lines. Health Guaranteed​- $800 Same thing applies. Furthermore, when you have a powerful title line and you pair it up with a really great picture and some brilliant text in the body of the ad, then your litter will be sold before you can give the puppies their first shots. 38 39 The Body of the Ad So, let’s move on to look the body of the perfect ad. First, here is an example of one that could use some improvements: Hello. I have golden retriever puppies. 8 weeks old. They have shots
and papers.​$300 Now here is how I would write about the very same dogs, but to Puppy System standards: Family-raised, AKC registered Golden Retriever puppies are
now ready for their forever home. They just had their
second round of puppy shots and have been health certified
by veterinarian. These puppies have large bones and big
40 square heads. Bred for intelligence, temperament and
confirmation. 5 males and 5 females. You will not find
nicer puppies anywhere. $900 to approved families. There is no doubt in my mind that this ad would have sold every puppy within 2 weeks for $900 each. There are some obvious differences in the two ads. Hopefully you are starting to get a feel for my system. There is a saying that “less is more”. That does not apply with selling puppies: “more is more”. The more information, especially information that creates the perception of high value, is always better. 41 I don’t actually know the person who wrote the first ad (or I would have recommended that they use my system too!) but everything I wrote is probably how that breeder feels about his/her puppies. They just did a poor job of communicating that information in the ad. This error ultimately will cost them around $6,000 Not only are they missing out on a lot of money, they will probably also have to deal with buyers that are less than ideal. They will be getting texts at all hours from people asking if they “will take 200 dollars cash?” or even “will you trade for a shot gun?” The homes their puppies are going to are not likely to be as good as they could have been if they had used my Puppy System. 42 Here are a few lines that will add perceived value to your puppies’ ad. ● Any titles from parents, grandparents, etc ● “Family Raised” ● Health Certified by Veterinarian ● Shots ● Dewormed ● Health guaranteed ● Qualified homes only ● List desired qualities of the breed i.e. hypoallergenic, intelligent, high drive, loyal, protective, playful, confident etc 43 Are you starting to see why I am so excited about the Puppy System? This is a marketing play that results in win­win­win, for breeder, new owner and most importantly the puppy. The system was not created to try to deceive buyers in any way. It just helps breeders to communicate in such a way that more people will understand why your wonderful puppies are worth the asking price. 44 Handling Calls & Texts
Now let’s talk about the calls and texts that you will be getting about your puppies. For some buyers, they will already be completely sold by now and are desperately hoping you still have a puppy left for them. You will also get some potential buyers who are trying to understand why the puppies cost more than others they have seen. This is where you need to be careful not to “over­sell”. Be confident in the value of your puppies. You might say something like… “I am not sure about other litters, what I can tell you is that I have a substantial amount invested in my dogs because I wanted the best. I carefully selected my female and the stud to breed her to, in order to 45 produce the absolute best puppies. I am extremely excited about these puppies and know they are worth every penny that I am asking. If you have seen other puppies, I am confident you will understand better when you come see mine.” That may seem like a lot of words to remember, but you get the general idea. The more confident you are in your puppies the more confident your buyers will be and the more they are going to want to own one of your puppies. 46 What if you get someone that wants to haggle on the price? This is another opportunity to be confident in your puppies. You might reply with something like… ​
“I am sure there are other puppies out there that you can get for less money. If you are looking to pay less you might try looking at some of those litters. If you are looking for a puppy that will be an excellent representation of the breed, healthy, intelligent, and be part of your family for years to come I know that my puppies are worth the investment.” 47 What if someone that wants to haggle on the day of purchase? In some instances, you might unfortunately end up having these same types of conversations when the buyers are looking at your puppies, even if the potential buyer has agreed to the price on the phone. By this time, if you the buyer is asking about the price, it is because they really want a puppy and are hoping to pay a little less. Don’t be daunted or intimidated – it is in fact a ‘buying signal’. So, again, ​
BE CONFIDENT in your puppies. Just reassure the buyer that these puppies are worth the advertised asking price and that they will be getting a great puppy. 48 The Puppy System Pricing Strategy Now we get to the details of the exciting pricing strategy I talked about earlier. I like to have one puppy that I sell for a little less than the others. That way in the ad I might say 700 to 800 dollars. All of the puppies except one or two would be at the higher price. There could be other circumstances where you might have others priced lower but generally I would just have 1 priced below the maximum price. This is a good strategy for the buyers that are looking to “get a deal”. 49 What will most likely happen is when you point out the puppy that costs less they are automatically going to want the puppies that cost more. I think we have all experienced the psychology behind this concept. I can always pick the dress, shoes, car etc. that my wife wants by picking the one that costs the most. If your lower priced puppy is the last one available, then the price can go right back up. It is possible that you might overprice the puppies for the current market. That is why it is so important to advertise the puppies early. If you list at 3 or 4 weeks (or even much earlier) and you are not getting much response then you still have plenty of time to make some adjustments. Just remember to stay confident: don’t panic and cut the price in half. Take some new pictures, go over the title line and body of the ad again and 50 make sure there are not some obvious improvements that could be made. Drop the price a little and see what happens. As long as you are still in the 6 to 8 week range there is no need to worry. Trust the system and be confident in your puppies. They will sell and they will sell for a premium. One final word about photos: it’s a good idea to update the ad every week with some new pictures. Keep your camera ready (you only need a 51 smartphone in today's world) and keep snapping pictures of those adorable puppies. The more pictures you have, the more options you will have to choose from. As we pointed out earlier, excellent pictures are critical. Don’t settle for “ok” pictures and hope for the best, if your photo shoot didn’t quite turn out. Keep on trying; believe me, it will be worth it. Every time you are out playing with the puppies and you think, “oh that’s so cute” … ​
get out your camera and take a picture​
. You might not capture the moment every time, but if you are always thinking about photos, the chances are you will end up with some outstanding pictures to choose from. 52 Where do I list my puppies?
There are a lot of options out there. I live in Arizona and find that Craigslist and eBay classifieds work great and are both free. I cannot remember the last time I have paid for an ad. If you want to spend a little the local paper is usually a pretty good source. My opinion is that if you don’t need to spend the money, why do it? This might be something you hold off on and only use if the puppies are not selling as fast as you would like. There are other paying options but again I have never had to use them so I’ll leave those up to you. If you can’t sell through the free ad routes then it is likely that you have to make your ad a bit more appealing (remember what we said: more is more)! That said, Craigslist can be a little tricky. They do not encourage dog sales on the site so most people get around that by listing them with a rehoming 53 fee and do not list a price. I do not like this approach because I do not want to talk to a hundred people asking me about price. I usually just include the price. Sometimes another user flags it and it gets taken down. That is pretty rare but it can happen. It’s not that big a deal. You can usually just go into your craigslist account and repost the ad. Even if you have to recreate it you can usually copy and paste from your old ad. Another good option is Facebook. Go find a Facebook page of a club or group that might be interested in your breed and post your ad there. The great thing about Facebook is that from there it can go viral as it gets “shared” with friends who are looking for a puppy. Sky’s the limit! 54 Preparing For The Visit
When your buyers are coming to look at the puppies, you need to make sure you are well prepared for the visits. Make sure the puppies are clean and it’s a good idea to make sure they don’t eat right before the buyers get there. That is not essential, but ideally you would like the buyers to be able to see the puppies at their best, with lots of that cute energy and puppy charm. 55 This advice extends to the puppies’ parents. Make sure the dam is also clean and groomed and if you do not own the stud have a good picture of him with any pedigree highlights or titles that have been awarded. I like to create a little puppy pack. It might have the shot records and worming information (if applicable). You can include the document stating that they were cleared by a vet as being in good health. It could include a sheet or two of advice about how to raise and train puppies of that specific breed, along with helpful dos and don’ts. You can add a toy and a little bag of the puppy food you are feeding your puppies. If you have a pedigree for the litter and picture of sire and dam those are nice to include along with any applicable registration papers. If you have a health guarantee you can include that with all the details of the guarantee. 56 These little puppy packs go a long way in helping the buyer to feel comfortable with you as a breeder and with the purchase. Not only does it feel good to have a happy buyer and know the puppy is going to a great home, never forget that all these buyers are potential future customers (some people go back to the same breeder over a lifetime rather than breed their own dogs) and therefore they also have the potential to be great referrals. Before long you will not have to advertise your litter at all as you will have a waiting list from all the repeat customers and referrals. At this point the ultimate Puppy System dream will have been achieved! 57 Final Words
There you have it, everything you need to know about applying the Puppy System to the benefit of you and your puppies. But before you rush off to get started let's summarize the system one last time: 1. Do some research on your breed. Look at the best traits, characteristics and temperament. Is being large or small more favorable? Is there a job that the breed is known for? Is health a major concern for the breed e.g. with regard to hips, elbows, etc. You will use this information when creating your puppy ad. 2. Take lots of pictures. This is another great opportunity to do some research on puppy pictures. Go to Google Images and find images that you 58 feel are very appealing. Work out why they are so good and let that inspire you in the types of pictures you try to capture yourself. Remember: the more pictures you take, the more you will have to choose from and the better the final photos for your ad. 3. Create your ad early, I recommend between 3 and 5 weeks. Follow my ad example for direction. Great pictures and a great ad is 80% of the battle, so make sure that, outside of caring for the dogs themselves, at least 80% of your Puppy System effort goes into them. Make sure you advertise your puppies in the best light, mentioning their best qualities and writing a truly confident ad. Look at what the average puppy of the same breed is selling for and roughly double it. 59 4. Be ready for your buyers. Create a puppy pack and include pictures of the sire and dam. Make sure both the puppies and their parents are clean and are ready for play time. Ensure the puppy areas are clean and well­kept at all times. Remember you have premium puppies; you are going after premium buyers. You want to make sure they have a premium buying experience when they come see your puppies. 5. Be confident in your puppies’ value. When buyers are calling or visiting and asking for discounts or asking why yours are priced higher than others, be bold. Know that they are worth it and your buyers will believe that they are worth it. Perceived value is what matters. You will come out ahead with more for your puppies and the buyer will come out a winner because they are going to know they got the best puppy in the world! 60 6. If needed, re­evaluate your pictures, your ad, and as a last resort, the price (strictly in that order). Do this if you are past 6 weeks and have not sold most of the puppies. Keep on taking pictures to update the ad. Go over the title and body of the ad to see if there is anything that needs to be changed. Finally, as a last resort, consider whether this might be the time to drop the price a little. A good strategy here is to drop the lower end of the price range but keep the upper price still quite high. So if you have puppy prices ranging from $700 to $800, try dropping the price range to $550 to $750. You might price one puppy at the $550 level, have one at $700 and the rest would be $750. 61 This strategy works. It has been proven over and over again. ALWAYS be confident in the Puppy System and in your beautiful puppies. You are about to make more for your puppies than you ever thought possible, what you always felt they were truly worth. You are going to attract absolutely the 62 best buyers for your puppies, ones who will give them the care they deserve. And you are going to have your puppies all pre­sold before they are ready go to their forever homes. So there you have it – all the Puppy System secrets for success! I hope you are excited! I know I am. If you are struggling with any of the steps, simply re­read this ebook. All the information you need is in here, nothing more, nothing less. However, I am here for you so if you are still having difficulties please feel free to send me an email at 63 Above all, have confidence and go for it! You’re about to do the best thing for your puppies and yourself as a breeder. I guarantee that this system truly works, as it already has for many, many litters whose puppies have been sold to excellent families at prices which reflect their high value. I know that you will also succeed with it, so enjoy that success. Good luck! 64