
Volume 15 Issue 3
December 2010
Don’t forget to visit our website: www.tsbookshop.com.au
The T.S. Bookshop will be open
extra trading hours during the
Christmas season:
Sunday 12th
11:00 am—5:00 pm
Thursday 16th until 7:00 pm
Sunday 19th
11:00 am—5:00 pm
Monday 20th
Tuesday 21st
Wednesday 22nd
Thursday 23rd
7:00 pm
Don’t forget that the T.S. Bookshop closes between Christmas
and New Year. We will CLOSE on
Friday 24th December at 5:30 pm,
and REOPEN on Tuesday 4th
January, 2011 at 9:00 am.
126 - 128 RUSSELL ST
All of us at the T.S. Bookshop
wish all of you a safe and happy
holiday season.
e-mail: enquiries@tsbookshop.com.au
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and value life, changing forever
how we interact with others and
Seeking the Sacred
Transforming Our View of Ourselves care for ourselves. Richly hopeful
and encouraging, Seeking the Sacred
and One Another
unravels some of our most comStephanie Dowrick
PB $33.00
plex contemporary dilemmas and
“The evidence is speaks to the heart of our deepest
strong that living yearnings.
appreciatively and
with a full-hearted My Spiritual Autobiography
engagement with His Holiness the Dalai Lama
HC $29.95
life is the source of
our greatest inThis vivid and
ward peace and
autobiohappiness whatever our outer cirgraphical portrait is
cumstances.” In Seeking the Sacred,
the first work to be
Stephanie Dowrick invites us to go
dedicated to the
beyond cultural divisions and reliDalai Lama’s spirigious cliches to discover what
tual journey. We
makes our lives sacred, satisfying
learn not only fresh
and meaningful. Weaving personal stories with an inspired vi- and colourful stories from his
sion of life’s most healing possibili- childhood, revealing how a simple
ties, she shows how the sacred can farmer’s son passed mystical tests
transform the way we understand to confirm that he was the reincarnated Dalai Lama, but also about
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
his extraordinary upbringing as a
young novice monk, and heir to
the magnificent Lion Throne. We
gain new, thought-provoking insights into how he has transformed
himself through devotional means
in order to have a positive effect on
society, and through his inspiring
example, we are encouraged to do
the same, combining love and compassion with all that we do.
Peace in the Present Moment
Selected Quotations from
Eckhart Tolle & Byron Katie
Photographs by Michele Penn
HC $29.95
Conceived by
Michele Penn,
Peace in the
Moment combines
quotes from Eckhart Tolle’s A New
T.S. Bookshop
December 2010
Earth, and Byron Katie’s A Thousand Names for Joy, with detailed,
“soul shots” - vibrant pictures of
nature’s most colourful and inspiring gift, the flower. An insightful
foreword by Stephen Mitchell explores the use of the flower as a
symbol for spirituality and enlightenment. The end result is a fullcolour exposition of nature, serenity, and the peace that exists in the
present moment.
Getting into the Vortex
Angel Words
Visual Evidence of How Words Can Be Angels in Your Life
Doreen Virtue and Grant Virtue
PB $19.95
When Doreen Virtue and her son, Grant Virtue, were
recording podcasts, they noticed that whenever she
said the word “angel”, the recording graphics were
shaped like angel wings! So they studied the other
words she said, and realized that those with a spiritual or loving basis
had large graphs. Then they experimented with saying negative words,
and found that their appearance was completely different - tight and
small. Similar to Masaru Emoto’s work with water crystals, Angel Words
gives visual proof of the power and impact of speaking in a loving and
positive way. This pretty little book will inspire you to choose positive
words as often as you can!
Guided Meditations CD and User Guide
Esther and Jerry Hicks
The Teachings of Abraham
PB & CD $19.95
Most of you will
be familiar with
the group of
evo lve d
Non Physical teachers
“Abraham”, who
are brought to you by Esther and
Jerry Hicks. Abraham has taught
the importance of our conscious
alignment with the Source within
us. They have let us know that our
natural state of Being is inside our
Vortex of Creation, in complete
alignment with Source Energy.
Everything - from the physical
well-being of our bodies, the clarity
of our minds, and the abundance
we allow to flow, to the satisfaction
in every relationship we experience - is impacted by our allimportant relationship with the
Vortex. The Getting into the Vortex
CD is a valuable tool that promises
to get us into that Vortex right now!
Little Book of Life
A User’s Manual
Neale Donald Walsch
PB $29.95
In his phenomenal bestseller Conversations with God, Neale Donald
page 2
Walsch offered up
profound wisdom
through this life and
its challenges with
integrity, authenticity and spirit. In this
latest book, Walsch applies the
teachings introduced in his previous works to three of the most important areas of life - intimate relationships, livelihood, and how we
relate to the world at large. “So
here you have it: the three thousand pages of dialogue in Conversations with God reduced down to a
few salient points and a few very
direct observations about how to
render them functional.”
The Twelve Layers of DNA
An Esoteric Study of the Mastery
Within (more stock due Jan 2011)
PB $29.95
This is the twelfth
book in the Kryon
series. Lee Carroll
has been channel1
ling Kryon for
J an
many years, and
S to
now turns his attention to the subject of DNA. DNA is our chemical
blueprint, but the Human Genome
Project found that over ninety per-
cent of it is not coded. Kryon now
reveals the full esoteric meanings
behind the DNA energy within our
bodies. “There are a total of 12 energies or layers of study around
our DNA, and each one has a Hebrew name. In addition, each Hebrew name is a ‘name of God’.”
Complete with full colour channelled illustrations of each of the
twelve layers by artist Elan DubroCohen, The Twelve Layers of DNA
will draw you to the realization
that “I really am part of a Universal plan of God!”.
The Shadow Effect
Illuminating the Hidden Power
of Your True Self
Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford &
Marianne Williamson HC $45.00
Debbie Ford and
Marianne Williamson, have joined
together to share
their knowledge on
one of the most
crucial obstacles to
happiness that we face - the
shadow. These three luminaries,
each with a signature approach,
bring to light the parts of ourselves
we deny, but that still direct our
lives. Deepak Chopra gives us a
T.S. Bookshop News
December 2010
comprehensive overview of our
dualistic nature, and offers a prescription to return us to wholeness.
Debbie Ford provides an in-depth
examination of the shadow, and
shows how we can reclaim the
power and brilliance of our authentic nature. And Marianne Williamson touches hearts and minds
with an exploration of the connection between the shadow and the
soul. The Shadow Effect is a practical and profound guide to discovering the gifts of our shadow.
uniquel y heartf elt and awe inspiring true stories, men and
women of all ages and backgrounds
reveal how one individual, whose
life has been devoted to spreading
good, can touch so many in a positive and miraculous way - and then
those people spread the good to
others - and on and on it goes, in a
tremendous spiral of joyous energy.
Included at the end of each chapter
are affirmations and exercises by
Louise that will help you create
miracles in your own life.
Modern-Day Miracles
Miraculous Moments and Extraordinary Stories from People All Over the
World Whose Lives Have Been
Touched by Louise L. Hay
Louise L. Hay & Friends
PB $25.95
In this inspirational book, people from all over
the world express
their appreciation
for the writings
and teachings of
Louise L. Hay and for the miracles she has
brought into their lives. Through
Traveling at the Speed of Love
Sonia Choquette
PB $26.95
100 Journeys for the Spirit
Various Contributors
“Traveling (sic) at
the speed of love
means being liberated from the fear
that plagues this
planet and robs us
of a joyful journey.
Shifting from a
paradigm of fear to a paradigm of
love is what this book is all about.”
Popular author, Sonia Choquette,
uses the metaphor of air travel in
this practical guidebook, showing
you how to upgrade your life from
HC $45.00
Certain special places move us at a profound
level - with a kind of inner beauty that puts us
in direct touch with spirit. It might be a temple, a church, a commemorative monument, a
wayside shrine or a landscape feature of extraordinary beauty. The amazing places in
this book are recommended by various contributors, including Pico Iyer, Michael Ondaatje, Paul Theroux, Jan Morris and Alexander McCall Smith. Accompanying the superb photographs of each of
these 100 sites are evocative descriptions by these esteemed writers.
From the Buddhist temple complex of Borobudur in Java to the Santiago
de Compostela in Spain, and from Mecca in Saudi Arabia to Uluru in the
Northern Territory, these images will inspire you, adding meaning to
your lives and awakening a sense of awe and tranquillity.
being mired in the drag of fear, to
cruising in the jet stream of love
and flow! Each chapter addresses
one aspect of your life’s journey,
and is followed by a series of questions called “In-Flight Check-In”,
and a set of tools called “Flying
Lessons”, designed to reconnect
you with Divine flow. Choquette’s
energetic and practical style continues to infuse this latest book.
The Soulmate Path
Fin d the Lov e You Wan t and
Strengthen the Love You Have
Monte Farber & Amy Zerner
PB $29.95
Renowned for their
beautiful Enchanted
Tarot Deck, Monte
and Amy Farber are
“the perfect role
models for anyone
who wants an inside look at the
challenges, opportunities, and ultimate rewards of soulmate love”.
In The Soulmate Path, the Farbers
share the story of how they met,
and how they maintain the deep
love they have for each other,
which has lasted for over thirtyfive years now. Addressing the
issues of finding love, the lessons
of light, and the art of laughter,
they provide thirty-six “love lessons” to help you find your soulmate, or deepen the love you have.
A Course in Weight Loss
21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering
Your Weight Forever
Marianne Williamson
PB $19.95
What is the connection between
spiri tuali ty and weight loss?
Marianne Williamson, renowned
for her work with A Cours e in
Miracles, is about to answer that
page 3
T.S. Bookshop News
question for you.
introd uce s
twenty-one spiritual
lessons to help you
weight forever. A
Course in Weight
Loss addresses the
true causal root of your weight-loss
issues: a place within you where
you have forgotten your Divine perfection. “The cause of your excess
weight is fear, which is a place in
your mind where love is blocked.”
Marianne Williamson takes you on
a deep, sacred journey, which will
shift your relationship with yourself, and your body, from one of fear
to one of love.
The New Crystal Bible
500 Crystals to Heal Your Body
Mind and Spirit
Cassandra Eason
PB $25.00
Cassandra Eason
is an internationally
renowne d
psychic researcher
and an expert on
crystals and crystal healing. With
full colour photographs, this book
includes 500 common, rare and recently discovered crystals and
gems, with information on their
physical benefits and how to use
them for emotional healing. The
New Crystal Bible is arranged by
colour groupings, and also includes correspondences with chakras, candles, fragrances, magical
significance, divinatory meaning
and signs of the zodiac. “Although
crystals are often associated with
healing, they are useful in every
aspect of daily life … I have listed
everyday purposes and how a
crystal can be helpful in the workplace and for spiritual or psychic
page 4
December 2010
Lost Knowledge of the Ancients
A Graham Hancock Reader
Edited by Glenn Kreisberg
PB $29.95
A revolution of
thought is under
way in our world,
fostered by decades
of research and
well-do cume nted
evidence by alternative theory pioneers such as Graham Hancock,
John Anthony West, Robert Bauval, and Robert Schoch. Representing the latest, often controversial
findings in scientific and historical
research, this anthology of essays
covers the forefront of alternative
theories on history, the origins of
civilization, technology, and consciousness. Recognizing that many
recent discoveries are actually rediscoveries of lost knowledge from
past civilizations, these authors
seek to understand where, within
the bigger picture of human
knowledge, our present time fits
into the cycle of human existence.
The Hope
A Guide to Sacred Activism
Andrew Harvey
PB $26.95
Andrew Harvey offers not only a
guide to discovering your divine
purpose, but also the blueprint for
a better world.
Based on Harvey’s
concepts of Sacred
Activism, The Hope
provides practical
advice to all those
who want positive
change. There are
seven laws of Sacred Activism
that have the potential to transform our world. Each law, in its
own unique way, promotes love
above all other impulses. “Sacred
Activism is about finding gratitude, forgiveness and compassion:
it is about opening yourself up to
the kindness within you, letting
go of pain, and making a conscious choice to help heal the
world.” The Hope consists of the
necessary elements to inspire
greatness in each of us.
Unlearning Meditation
What to Do When the Instructions
Get in the Way
Jason Siff
PB $29.95
When we meditate,
our minds often
want to do something other than
the meditation instructions
been taught. Jason
teacher of the Skillful Meditation
Project, invites us to approach
Mantra Meditation
Change Your Karma with the Power of Sacred Sound
Thomas Ashley-Farrand
PB & CD $24.95
According to Thomas Ashley-Farrand, karmic patterns
from the past are always with you, affecting everything you do - for better or for worse. With Mantra
Meditation, you will learn how to use genuine Sanskrit
mantras to balance your chakras, and dissolve negative karma. “Through the application of Sanskrit spiritual formulas
[mantras], energy comes into our body that dissolves our difficulties and
improves our lives.” Included is a CD of 15 guided mantra meditations
with instructions for Sanskrit pronunciation.
T.S. Bookshop News
meditation in a new way, one that
honours the part of us that doesn’t
want to do the instructions. He
teaches us how to become more
tolerant of intense emoti ons,
sleepiness, compelling thoughts,
fantasies - the whole array of inner
experiences that are usually considered hindrances to meditation.
The meditation practice Siff presents is gentle, flexible, permissive,
and honest, and it’s been wonderfully effective for opening up
meditation for people who thought
they could never meditate.
The New Secret Language
of Symbols
An Illustrated Key to Unlocking Their
Deep and Hidden Meanings
David Fontana
HC $40.00
Symbols have
been used by
every culture
as a powerful
way to convey
a direct message,
may be clear
and simple, or layered with complexity. A symbol can move or inspire, or it can work more mysteriously, speaking to our unconscious
and stirring us at a deep level of
intuitive wisdom. The New Secret
Language of Symbols is a beautifully
illustrated guide to the meanings
encoded within the world’s art, architecture and artefacts. More than
500 symbols are presented and explained theme by theme - from the
elemental symbolism of the cosmos
to the multiplicity of meanings associated with manmade objects
and structures. Reflecting the rich
fertility of the collective imagination of humankind, this book
opens our eyes to the symbolism
that is all around us, and unearths
boundless treasures.
December 2010
Kahlil Gibran
An Illustrated Anthology
Ayman A. El-Desouk
HC $40.00
This sumptuous, annotated anthology of the
works of Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931), bestselling author of The Prophet, is filled with full
colour paintings, poetry and prose that have
touched the hearts of millions of readers
around the world. Born in Lebanon, Gibran
emigrated to the United States with his family
in 1895, where he discovered his artistic talents. “Gibran’s life is perhaps
best understood in terms of transition and transformation, from the 19th
century to the 20th century, from the Romantic ideal to the modern, from
the constraints of historical tradition to the freedom of the individual
imagination, and from East to West, with a whole world of possibilities
created by the constant shuttling back and forth. The result is a creative
life spent passionately and intimately exploring what it is to be human,
and expressing our potential in simple but often radical ways.”
Saved by a Poem
The Transformative Power of Words
Kim Rosen
PB & CD $29.95
“This book is an
invitation to discover what happens when you
merge the power
of the word with
the language of the
soul.” Poetry, the
most ancient form of prayer, is a
necessary medicine for our times: a
companion through difficulty; a
guide when we are lost; a salve
when we are wounded; and a conduit to an inner source of joy, freedom and insight. In an uncertain
world, Saved by a Poem is an emphatic call to cultivate the everrenewable resources of the heart.
Through poetry, the unspeakable
can be spoken, the unendurable
endured, and the miraculous
shared. On the CD are the voices
of several esteemed spiritual teachers and poets, including Joan Borysenko, Thomas Moore and Christiane Northrup, each reading and
discussing a favourite poem.
Reciting poems in the
Riding a painted boat …
Every place the wind carries
me is home.
Yu Xuanji
A Theosophical Library
as well as the T.S. Bookshop?
Yes! It’s on the first floor.
Opening hours are:
Tuesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wed. to Fri. 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
1st & 3rd Saturday of the
month 11:30 am - 2:00 pm
Come and have a look
around - it might just be the
library for your needs.
Ph: 03 9654 6380
Email: jafl@iinet.net.au
Subscription rates
available at the library.
page 5
Law of Attraction
Paul Avgerinos
CD $29.95
Former principal bassist with a number of symphony
orchestras and classically trained, Paul has produced
an album inspired by Esther and Jerry Hicks ‘human
potential/manifestation philosophies’. Featuring finely
crafted, classically informed compositions that are serene in nature,
Paul’s training shows in his compositions. Middle eastern and Indian
influences weave their way throughout his works: he is an unashamedly
new-age musician. He figures that music designed to decrease your
blood pressure and relax you is a good thing – fair comment!
In brief: Tom Kenyon has released
Ascension Codes (CD $39.95) an
ethereal collection of ‘sound codes
for ascension’ – hyperbole aside,
it’s pretty lovely; Petals on the
Path (CD $29.95) is the latest title
from Ottmar Liebert & Luna Negra – Ottmar’s trademark acoustic
guitar is combined with some subtle “rock” drums on this release;
David Gordon has released The
Lotus Room (CD $28.95) – if you
Kirtan releases: the infinite Bhak- like chilled grooves a la Sequoia’s
Nick Tsiavos
CD $24.95 tiverse is in a continually healthy Buddha Lounge series you’ll enjoy
From the Latin state. Dave Stringer has released this ‘jazz tinged’ release; Loreena
limin - meaning
Joyride (2CD $35.95) an impas- McKennitt returns with The Wind
the threshold besioned and pretty intense kirtan That Shakes the Barley (CD
tween two differsession, which reaches some diz- $24.95), returning to her Celtic
ent planes, this
zying heights; Jai Uttal and Ben roots with a set of traditional tunes;
release mirrors its title in Nick’s Leinbach have released Bhakti Ba- Tina Turn er, Dechen Shakexplorat ion of ancient sacred zaar – Music For Yoga and Other Dagsay and Regula Curti explore
chant and contemporary streams Joys, Volume 2 (CD $29.95) another Buddhist and Christian prayers on
of music. Using text from the offering of dubbed devotion fea- Beyond (CD $29.95) – yes, that Tina
Greek Orthodox liturgy (in Axion turing Tina Malia, Manose & oth- Turner; Yoga (CD $29.95) is the latestin) and the Latin liturgy (in ers; Sacred Earth have released est release on the eclectic PutuH o d i e C h r i s t u s n a t u s e s t & Call to The Divine (CD $29.95), mayo label – it’s a great collection
Hieritismoi) and an ensemble of reminiscent of their previous al- of music specifically sequenced for
contra-bass, percussion and wind bum Divine Devotion; MC Yogi has yoga practice with Sean Johnson
instruments – we are taken on a released a remix album of the helping in the choice of music.
reverent musical exploration. If hugely popular Elephant Power Time of the Skeleton Lords
you are interested in sacred chant Elephant Powered Remixes and
Tashi Lhunpo Monks
CD $29.95
and the spacious sound of say, Omstrumentals (2CD $25.95), a
Now based in KarStephan Micus, David Darling, particularly beat laden, funky first
nataka state in InArvo Part and others, here is an disc and more chilled grooves on
dia, the Tashi
ensemble of local musicians creat- the second. These are just a few of
ing music that is well worth your a significant range of kirtan titles
founded in the 15th
we are regularly updating.
century by the first
Dalai Lama. This is sacred music
Bold As Light
from the Tibetan tradition marking
Stephan Micus
CD $33.00
the cycle of life, death and rebirth –
Multi-instrumentalist Stephan presents another beautithe journey through the Bardo. The
fully textured album with Bold As Light. Those of you
chanting is by a choir of monks and
familiar with Stephan’s work will find here another
lamas in a serene style, and while
graceful and soothing chapter in his musical offerings,
there are occasional interjections of
while for the uninitiated this is a perfect starting point. “Golden Ginko
long trumpet and drums, it is not in
Tree”, a gentle, playful piece dedicated to shakuhachi maker Kono Gyoa manner that jarrs the listener,
kusui, features the familiar sounds of the Japanese shakuhachi and the
which makes this a great addition to
African kalimba. A perhaps unfamiliar instrument, the raj nplaim (pron.
the canon of recorded works by Ti‘ranplai’) - a Hmong bamboo free-reed pipe, and Stephan’s voice combine
betan monks.
on “The Shrine”, creating a deeply peaceful incantation.
page 6
The Power of Myth
Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers
2DVD $69.95
Originally released in 1988 as a video and now reissued as a double disc set, this is an essential addition to
the DVD library of anyone interested in myth, the unconscious and storytelling. You know what, it’s pretty
much essential viewing for everybody!! Filmed at the
ranch of film-maker George Lucas and the American
Museum of Natural History in New York, this is an engaging interview
between two people keenly interested in each other’s enquiries. All six
episodes are featured along with a raft of extras, making this a definitive
edition of these meetings.
Beyond Belief
Becky Hays & Jim Holzknecht
DVD $53.95
Claiming to continue where The
Secret left off, Beyond Belief features
Amit Goswami, Julia Cameron,
Jack Canfield, James Twyman,
Bruce Lipton and many more commentators. It features significant
information on four mind dynamics disciplines – NLP, EFT, Hypnotism and Timeline Therapy, while
also featuring commentary from
leading-edge theorists from other
fields. Predominant presenters are
Vitali Manski
DVD $44.95
Robert Dilts, Tad and Adriana
This is an intimate portrait of the daily routine of the
Dalai Lama, filmed by a Russian film crew, and featurJames and Joe Vitale – major figing some remarkable footage. Here’s the Dalai Lama on
ures of the four disciplines mena tread-mill, cleaning his teeth, holding audiences with
tioned above. The presentation is
highly polished with slick visual
visiting guests, giving teachings, and walking alone at
effects – it will undoubtedly apnight to his quarters. This portrait takes up the first half
of the film, while the second half features a wide-ranging interview peal to fans of the previously menwhere he shares his views on various issues. I was surprised to hear him tioned films and of mind dynamic/
talk about the necessity for mankind to address population control – this human potential movement mocontemporary issue adds great interest to a revealing study.
Though not new releases, two new arrivals in the DVD range are studies
of two authors worth your attention – Strange is Normal: the Amazing
Life of Colin Wilson (DVD $44.95) is a look at the life of Colin Wilson
through a series of interviews at his farm in Cornwall. While a no-frills
documentary, with pretty low production quality, this is nevertheless an
engaging look at an author/philosopher who has written extensively on
the occult. Huxley on Huxley (DVD$39.95) is a look at the life of Aldous
Huxley through his wife Laura Huxley’s reminiscences. This is a poignant study of one of recent times’ great writers and thinkers in Aldous
Huxley, and equally of Laura Huxley, who also wrote some seminal
works prior to the human-potential movement’s explosion. Guests interviewed feature Huston Smith, Ram Dass, Nick Nolte and drummer from
the Doors, John Densmore.
Getting into the Vortex
The Law of Attraction in Action Episode X11
Esther & Jerry Hicks & the Teachings of Abraham
DVD $29.95
This is the accompanying DVD to the book reviewed
earlier in this newsletter. Featuring the wisdom and
humour of Abraham, a joyful, loving, and witty NonPhysical group consciousness whom Esther calls
“infinite intelligence”, and Jerry says is “the purest form of love I have
ever seen”. Over three hours of material is provided. “You didn’t come
to ‘get it done’. You came for the thrill of the ride!”
*The Tibetan Book of the Dead
A Way of Life: The Great Liberation
Narrated by Leonard Cohen
A Julian Lennon Production $19.95
*Yoga for Beginners
Learn the Union of Body Mind
and Spirit
Louisa Sear & Rachel Zinman $12.95
*Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Music Planet Collection
*Life of Buddha
The True Story of the Man Who
Changed the World
*Chariots of the Gods
Unsolved mysteries of the past, based
on Erich von Daniken’s work $20.00
*Lotus & Sword
Legacy of the Zen Princess: the Powers
of Shaolin Kung Fu
*Little Buddha
The Movie
Exploring the Jewish Roots of Jesus