WestCare - My CCSD


WestCare - My CCSD
WestCare's rnission
is to empower everyone whom
we come into contact with
to engage in a process of healing,
growth and change,
benefiting themselves,
their families, coworkers and
For Additional lnformation
The Admissions staff are available to provide information about Community Triage Center,
the various programs available and admission procedures at (702) 385-3330.
with Disabilities Act (ADA) guarantees equal opportunify for individuals with disabilities
in public and private sector accommodations. WestCare Nevada does not discriminate because of race,
The Americans
national origin, creed, color, sex, religion, age, disabiliry handicap condition, or sexual orientation.
Westcare Nevada
Adolescent Male Treatrnent Prograrr
The Building Our Youths Spirit (B.O.Y.S.) program is designed for adolescent boys 13-17 years old,
assessed as
needing alcohol and other drug abuse treatment. The principle approach to treatment is based
on a modified therapeutic community mode1. This model embraces the concept that behavioral change
can occur though positive peer support and peer pressure. This model represents a highly structured
euvironment with wetl-defined attitudinal and behavioral boundaries. The urodel employs communityimposed sanctions and responsibility,
well as earned advancement of status and privileges, as part of
the recovery and grolr.th process. This 16-bed program is at the Hanis Springs Ranch Campus,
setting located approximately 45 minutes outside of Las Vegas in the Spring Mountains National
Recreation Area.
Program goals
. Develop a positive self-image
. Learn about the array of emotions that they experience
as a
young person and develop positive
coping rnechanisms for these feelings
. Learn and implement the relapse prevention skills
. Develop and improve their sober support network
. Participate and learn to appreciate leisure and recreational activities while residing in a sober
Iiving environment
provided an education
. Treatment/counseling
. Academic and vocational
, Developmental issues
WestCare NV is
funded by the State of Nevada's Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention
Agency, Clark County, City ofLas Vegas, Veteran's Administration, and ovet 20 other agencies.
For Additional lnformation
The Admissions staff are ayailable to provide information about Harris Spring Ranch,
the various programs available and admission procedures at (702) 385-3330.
"Uplifting the Human Spirit"
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities
in public and private sector accommodations, WestCare Nevada does not discriminate because of tace,
national origin, creed, color, sex, religion, age, disability, handicap condition, or sexual orientation.
Westcare Nevada
Adolescent Outpatient Services
The Las Vegas Community Involvement Center provides level I and level II outpatient services for
adolescents. This treatment service is a highly structured, community-based treatment program. The
program focuses on interrupting negative behavior patterns, teaching effective methods of coping and
decision-making skills, and helping to provide a support network for youth rvho may be starting to show
signs of a serious addiction problem.
The overall goal ofthe program is to help youth become healthy, positive, productive and drug-free.
Youth learn the adverse consequences of substance abuse and also learn relapse prevention ski1ls. The
youth must attend slx hours of counseling per week (Monday, Wednesday, Iriday 3 p.m, to 5 p.m.
Length of stay is determined by progress in the program.
The Henderson Comrnunity Involvement Center location provides Level I and outpatient services to
The rural location in Pahrunp Nevada provides Drug Court Services for NYE County in a three-phase
system to adolescents. This site also provides level I outpatient services to age- and gender-specific group
settings through the MATRIX Model outpatient system.
Youth screening, assessment and intake, introduction to the principles of self-help support groups,
MARTIX Model groups, self-esteem building, alcohol and drug education programs, community referral
services, individual and group counseling, mental health and substance abuse, attendance incentives for
youth, social skl1ls training, career awareness, assistance with school work and educational referrals.
WestCare NV is partially funded by the State of Nevada's Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention
Agency, Clark County, City of Las Vegas, Veteran's Administration, and over 20 other agencies.
For Additional Information
The Admissions staff are available to provide information about Community Involvement
Center, the various programs available and admission procedures at (702) 385-3330.
"Uplifting the Human Spirit"
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities
in public and private sector accommodations. WestCare Nevada
national origin,
creed, color, sex, religion, age, disability-, handicap
not discriminate because of race,
condition, or sexual orientation.
Westcare Nevada
Adolescent Outreach Services
Dusk to Darnrn
The Outreach Team is a specially trained group of dedicated individuals who go to the homeless youth
living on the streets of
Las Vegas
to help provide services for these youth. The locations and times are
kept confidential to protect the youth involved.
Access to the homeless
youth shelter 24 hours a day, 7 days
Hotline for youth to reach the staff 24 hours a day,7 days
a week
a week
Cell phone number for the youth in case they need help with transportation: (702) 604-967 5
A Freemont Street stationary site
Cambridge Recreation Center roving outreach services
Las Vegas Blvd roving outreach services, lvhere they heip
youth involved in human trafficking
Public housing complexes stationary sites
o Outreach, prevention and education about human trafficking victims
Youth ages 10 to 18 years of age and all services are free of charge
WestCare NV is partially funded by the State of Nevada's Substance Abuse Trealment and Prevention
Agency, Clark County, City of Las Vegas, Veteran's Administration, and over 20 other agencies.
For Additional lnformation
The Admissions staff are available to provide information about Community Involvement
Center, the various programs available and admission procedures at (702) 385-3330.
"Uplifting the Hurtan Spilit"
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities
public and private sector accommodations. WestCare Nevada does not discriminate because of race, national
origin, creed, color, sex, religion, age, disability, handicap condition, or sexual orientation.
Westcare Nevada Adolescent Prevention Services
The Prevention Service is offered by a trained team of educators. Their goal is to teach youth how to be
goal-minded adults in order to help prevent substance and gambling abuse. They use the evidence'based
program of "Positive Action" to help facilitate this goal. The services are provide in both urban and rural
settings across southem Nevada.
Sites Proviiled
Cappalappa Family Resource Center
Overton, NV, (702) 385-2020
WestCare Women and Children's Campus
5659 Duncan Drive, Las Vegas NV
Westcare Laughlin Community Involvement Center
Pahrump Teen Center
- 2280 E. Calvada,
3650 S. Point Circle, Laughlin, NV
Pahrump, NV, (775) 557-6555
Pahrump High School - Pahrump, NV
Beatty High School - Beatty, ]r1Y
Beatty Middle School
Beatry NV
Amargosa Valley Elementary School
Amargosa Valley, NV
Youth ages 10 to 18 years of age and all services are free of charge
WestCare NV is
pattially funded by the State of Nevada's Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention
Agency, Clark County, City of Las Vegas, Veteran's Administration, and over 20 other agencies.
For Additional lnformation
The Admissions staff are available to provide information about Community Involvement
Center, the various programs ayailable and admission procedures at (702) 385-3330.
"Uplifting the Human Spirit"
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in
public and private sector accommodations, WestCare Nevada does not discriminate because of race, national
origin, creed, co1or, sex, religion, age, disability, handicap condition, or sexual orientation.
IA/estcare Nevada
Co-Occtrrring Program
The Co-Occurring Disorder Youth (CODY) program is an adolescent treatment, intensive outpatlent seryice
model. The focus of the services is to create a comprehensive, integrated program of Culturally sensitive
cognitive behavior treatment for youth experiencing mental health and substance abuse problems.
Youth screening, assessment, and intake
Alcohol and drug educal.ion programs
Community relerral services
Famlly counseling and support
o Individual and group counseling for mental health and substance
Medication management training
Attendance incentives for youth
Social skills training
Extersive support and collaboration for youth's plan through teanr meetings comprised of family,
probation/parole officers and outside agency counselors
o 13- to 17-year-old adolescents
Suspect substance abuse and mental health problems
Forrnal relerral from DIJS or Desert Wiliow Treatment Center, and/or Department of Child
and Family Services
WestCare NV is partially funded by the State of Nevada's Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention
Agency, Clark County, City of Las Vegas, Veteran's Administration, and ovet 20 other agencies.
For Additional lnformation
The Admissions staff are available to provide information about Women and Children's
Campus, the various programs available and admission procedures at (702) 385-3330.
"Uplifting the Hurnan Spirit"
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guarantees equal opportunity for individuals
with disabiiities
in public and private sector accommodations. WestCare Nevada does not discriminate because of race,
national origin, creed, color, sex, religion, age, disability, handicap condition, or sexnal orientation.
Westcare Nevada
The Harris Springs Ranch Carnpus
The Harris Springs Ranch Campus is host to our male residential programs. Each program strives to meet
the WestCare mission to "empower everyone with whom we come into contact to engage in a process
of healing, grolfth and change, benefiting themselves, their families, coworkers and Communities,"
through the ideas of
Therapeutic Community setting.
I'his 56-bed facility is approximately 45 minutes outside of
Las Vegas
in the Spring Mountains National
Recreation Area. This program gives the men and boys it services the opportunity to accept responsibility,
ptoblem solve, and respect themselves and others.
Harris Spings Ranch
This is one of our longest-running programs, providing residential substance abuse treatment. The
program is a therapeutic community designed for men suffering from addictions. This model embraces the
concept that behavioral change can occur though positive peer support and peer pressure. This model
represents a highly struclured environment with well-defined attitudinal and behavioral boundaries.
Employing community responsibility,
lvell as earned progressive advancement of status and privileges,
is part of the recovery and growth process.
Building Our Youth Spirits
The Building Our Youths Spirit (B.O.Y.S.) program is designed for adolescent boys 13-17 years old,
assessed as
needing alcohol and other drug abuse treatment. The principle approach to treatment is
based on a
modiied therapeutic comniunity model. This model embraces the concept that behavioral
change can occur though positive peer support and peer pressure.
lVestCare NV is partially funded by the State of Nevada's Substance Abuse Treatment and Itevention
Agency, Ciark County, City of Las Vegas, Veteran's Administration, and over 20 other agencies.
For Additional Information
The Admissions staff are available to provide information about Harris Spring Ranch, the
various programs available and admission procedures at(702) 385-3330.
"Uplifting the Eluman Spitit"
The Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities
in public and private sector accommodations. WestCare Nevada does not discriminate because of race,
naUonal origin, creed, color, sex, religion, age, disabilitl,, handicap condition, or sexual orientation.
\A/estcare Nevada
The Cornrnunity Involvernent Center
The Community Involvement Center staff provides services to youth and adults in Pahrump, Las Vegas,
Henderson, and other rural communities in southem Nevada. These services include prevention, outleach,
outpatient counseling and assessment and intake for WestCare Nevada's residential treatment programs.
Street Outreach
- The Dusk to Dawn Street
Outreach Team seeks out homeless youth and victims of
hurnan trafficklng to assist them with reunif,cation or shelier services when possible, and resources for
safety and
nutrition when the child
is not yet
willing to come into the shelter.
Ilomeless Coordinated Care Project -This program utilizes an intensive case management approach and
coordinates services tlrrough a multi-agency care coordination team. The program is designed to m€et
the substance abuse and mental health treatment needs of homeless individuals with comprehensive,
integrated services.
Prevention Educattott -The evidence-based curriculum "Positive Action" is provided at no charge to
youth throughout Clark and Nye Counties in Southern Nevada. Nye County public school children
K-12 receive prevention curriculum in the classroom as a part of their school curriculum. The classes are
taught by certified prevention specialists throughout the school ),ear.
Substsnce Abuse Outpatient Treatment
-This service is provided through outpatient and intensive
outpatient servlces to youth and adults in Pahruirip, Las Vegas, and Henderson. A specific program of
recovery and change is available for women, women with children, men and teenage youth that are
suffering consequences related to drug and alcohol use and niental heaiilr concerns. Certified staff ptesent
individual and gror,rp treatment sessions to interested indir,iduals. Treatment service prices ale calculated
on a sliding-fee scale.
Assessuent ancl Intake - A team of assessment and intake staff work lvith each person depending upon
their age and gender to help determine what would be the best possible services for them.
WestCare NV is partially funded by the State of Nevada's Substance Abuse TreaLment and Prevention
Agenc)', Clark County, City of Las Vegas, Veteran's Adminislration, and over 20 other agencies.
For Additional lnformation
The Adrnissions staff are available to provide information about Community lnvolvement Center,
the various programs available and admission procedures at (702) 385-3330.
"Uplifting the Human Spirit"
The Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) guarantees equal opporlunity for individuals with disabilities
in public and private sector accommodations. WestCare Nevada does not disuiminate because of race,
national origin, creed, color, sex, religion, age, disability, handicap condition, or serual orientation.
Westcare Nevada
The Wornen and Children Carnprrs
The Women's and Children's Campus is host to
variety of programs servicing the Las Vegas community.
Each program strives to meet the WestCare mission to "empower everyone with whom we come
contact to engage in a process of healing, growth and change, benefiting themselves, their families,
coworkers and communities. "
Healtlry Families Project-ls the only program of its kind in Southern Nevada that provides treatment for
women with their children who are affected by substance abuse. The program was founded in 1985.
is a 21-bed residential adult women's treatment program.
is a gender-specific program
designed for women whose lives have been disrupted by drugs and alcohol.
The "Young Female Addicts Choosing Empowerment and Sobriety" program provides
recovery and counseling services for adolescent girls using a gender-responsive approach. The program is
designed to meet the developmental needs of adolescent girls and their families, who have been touched
by addictive behaviors, sexual and physical abuse and mental health challenges.
V.O.Y.A.G.E. Project
A transitional living program designed to serue women 76
years old,
need help learning to live independently,.
Youth Emergency Shelter Services - A honreless/runaway shelter and social model detoxifrcation Center
for youth ages 10-17. Here these youth can find a safe haven from the often brutal Conditions they
experience on the streets of Las \regas.
CODY Progrant
An adolescent treatment, intensive outpatient service model. The focus of the services
is to create a comprehensive, integrated program of culturally sensitive cognitive behavior treatment for
youth experiencing mental health and substance abuse problems.
WestCare NV is partially funded by the State of Nevada's Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention
Agenq; Clark County, City of
Las Vegas, Veteran's
Administration, and over 20 other agencies.
For Additional lnformation
The Admissions staff are available to provide information about Women and Children's
Campus, the various programs available and admission procedures nt (7OZ) 385-3330.
"Uplifting the Human Spirit"
with Disabilities Act (ADA) guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities
in public and private sector accommodations. WestCare Nevada does not discriminate because of race,
The Americans
national origin, creed, color, sex, religion, age, disability, handicap condition, or sexual orientation.
Westcare Nevada The Youth Ernergency Shelter Services
The Youth Emergency Shelter Services (YESS) programs have been in operation since 1988. The
provides an immediate safe haven for runaway/homeless boys and girls ages 10-18 in need of crisis
intervention oI emergency placement. The program provides alternatives for runaway youth and work
to reunite runaways with their family unit. Special emphasis is placed on alternatives for adolescent and
parent abuse and for family violence. Services are available on a 24-hour-a-day basis.
are refened by law enforcement agencies, State
Division of Child and Family Services, Clark County
Family and Youth Services, Temporary Assistance for Domestic Crisis, private agencies and families.
detoxification program where youth ages 10-17can receive supervised
detoxification services. Also offered are safe, effective treatment options for early intervention to adolescent
YESS also provides an adolescent
substance abuse problems. The program's philosophy is that successful detoxification can be accomplished
a nonmedical, supportive envlronment
without the use or administration of drugs.
Temporary housing, pre-crisis prevention services, family intervention counseling or referral for other
suitable living anangemenis and intake 24 hours a day,7 days
a week,
individual and group counseling, drug
and alcohol assessments, education and prevention, referral sen'ices (medical, legal, employment,
psychological, educational), appropriate leisure tlme, skills and recreation, medical screening (nonenrergency) by FND, 24-hour Crisis Hotllne (702) 385-3332, Safe Place Hotline 1-(866) 827-3723
Walk-in crisis intervention services are offered free of charge to families. Runaway and homeless youth
dropped off by law enforcement, or youth who access the Center on their olvn, also receive free services. A
sliding-fee scale based on ability to pay is available for other services. Private-party, and third-party
payments are also accepted. The services for runalvay youth are partially funded through a federal grant.
The youth shelter programs are
not lock-down or detention facilities; rather it
is a safe, secure
with educated professionals trained to work with youth and families in crisis situations.
WestCare NV is partially funded by the State of Nevadat Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention
Agency', Clark County,
City of
Las Vegas, Veteran's
Administration, and over 20 other agencies.
For Additional Information
The Admissions staff are available to provide information about Women and Children's
Campus, the various proglams available and admission procedures at (702) 385-3330.
"Uplifting the Iluman Spirit"
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guarantees equal opportunity for individuals
with disabilities
in public and private sector accommodations. WestCare Nevada does not discriminate because of race,
national origin, creed, colol, sex, religion, age, disability, handicap condition, or sexual orientation.
Westcare Nevada
Yorrng Wornens
Transitional Housing Prograrn
The V.O.YA.G.E. Ptoject (Vision of Young Adults Gaining Empowerrnent) provides a transitional
program designed to serve women
years old, who need help leaming to live independently.
The program is based on a Positlve Youth Development Model. This model understands that the young
women are significantly impacted by individuals, communities and systems focused on their health and
well-being. The program has tlrree phases that
have a corurron theme to foster a sense of self-sufflciency
and achievement by encouraging growth in the young ladies and promoting resiliency factors.
Program Goals
Provide transitional
living to young women
77 to
years old
Based on the Positive Youth Developrnent Model to provide the youth
a comprehensive,
integrated continuum of services
Provide pregnant and parenting young women with assistance to ensure their healttr, the well-being
of their child, and the skills necessary to effectlvely parent and provide for the themselves and their
Life skills assessment and recommendations, weekly life/independent skills ciasses, case management
assistance, and the level system
- Z|-hour
to gradually develop positive living skills the
Assets and readiness for independent
RISE Phase System.
living screening
supervision, two to four months of residential living to prepare for
independent placement
Shared apartment
with one other young lady in apartments located across the street
from the residential campus; continued case management to provide support for up to 12 months.
- Individual apartment, continued
to the
case manager
WestCare NV is partially funded by the State of Nevada's Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention
Agency, Clark County, City of Las Vegas, Veteran's Administration, and over 20 other agencies.
For Additional lnformation
The Admissions staff are available to provide information about Women and Children's
Campus, the various programs available and admission procedures at (7OZ) 385-3330.
"Uplifting the Human Splrit"
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guarantees equal opportunity for individuals
with disabilities
in public and private sector accommodations. WestCare Nevada does not discriminate because of race,
national origin, creed, color, sex, religion, age, disability, handicap conditiorl or sexual orientation.
Westcare Nevada
Additional Inforrnation
For additional information,
please contact our
admissions department at (7OZ) 385-3330.
Ofhce hours:
Monday through Friday,
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
direct your questions to:
Candice Kidd MSW DepuS Adninistrator WestCate Nevado
Phone: (702) 385-3642 e-mail: ckidd@westcare.com
Or write to us at:
WestCare Nevada
900 Grier Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119
Also, piease visit oul informati\,e website at:
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guarantees equal opportunity for individuals
with disabilities
in public and private sector accommodations. WestCare Nevada does not discriminate because of race,
national origin, creed, color, sex, religion, age, disability, handicap condition, or sexual orientation.