direct access to the perfect demographic
direct access to the perfect demographic
direct access to the perfect demographic over 300 wines, cooking demonstrations by area chefs & live music performed daily. MEDIA PLAN – 2013 SCHEDULE Media partners of the Naperville INTERNET Wine Festival will assist in •N aperville Wine Festival: communicating festival details to our presented by target audience. Sponsors will see benefits from our comprehensive I N V E S T M E N T S at marketing effort that will leverage their august 23-24, 2013 brands across multiple media. Media friday, 4:00pm to 10:00pm partners have included: LOCATION CityGate Centre multiple e-mails to a qualified list of 30,000 names PUBLIC RELATIONS CAMPAIGN Press releases distributed to print, Naperville Magazine broadcast, food & wine, travel & online $29 in advance, $35 at the gate media outlets. Content contributions EXPECTED ATTENDANCE RADIO 8,000-9,000 WGN(720 AM) WXRT (93.1 FM) WLS (890 AM) WLIT (93.9 FM) WNUA (95.5 FM) WZZN (94.7 FM) WBBM (780 AM) WTMX (101.9 FM) WJMK (104.3 FM) LV (100.3 FM) CHARITY Naperville Area Humane Society Years Old Male Black •D aily Herald: Chicago Tribune Sun-Times TICKETS 45-54 •C hicago Tribune: PRINT Naperville Sun Naperville, IL 60563 Other Asian Hispanic Bureau: Daily Herald 2155 City Gate Lane, 55+ •N aperville Convention and Visitors • inPLAY EVENTS will send saturday, 3:00pm to 9:00pm Years Old < $34,000 $34,000 $49,000 $50,000 $75,000 High School Some College Post Grad Degree on social media platforms, Facebook & Twitter. HY Connect has been contracted to create an extensive public relations campaign. TELEVISION ABC, CBS, NBC, Comcast and FOX 35-44 Years Old 25-34 Years Old AGE Female GENDER White $75,000 + College Grad ETHNICITY INCOME EDUCATION wine festival demographics ENTERTAINMENT STAGE SPONSORSHIP HOSPITALITY SPONSORSHIP OFFICIAL SPONSORSHIP INVESTMENT: $7,500 for 2 days INVESTMENT: $6,000 INVESTMENT: $10,000 or $5,500 for 1 day • Focal point of the festival • Partner name or logo included in all • Exclusivity in product category • Entitlement of Stage including signage exclusivity (i.e. signage identifying stage as Partner Entertainment Stage) •P artner name or logo included in all advertising and on sponsor page of the Festival program •P artner name or logo included in press releases, collateral materials and social media conversations • Five (5) 3’x5’ banners displayed print advertising • Partner recognition on sponsor page of the Festival program •P artner name or logo included in press releases & collateral materials. •F ive (5) 3’x5’ banners displayed throughout Festival grounds (Partner to supply banners) • One (1) 10’x10’ tent/display space to activate on-site marketing programs •O ne hundred fifty (150) entry passes throughout Festival grounds (Partner to to the Festival and your private supply banners) hospitality area (75 per day) • One (1) 10’x10’ tent/display space to activate on-site marketing programs •O ne hundred (100) entry passes to the Festival •O pportunity to conduct two (2) of the Festival program •P artner name or logo included in press releases, collateral materials and social media conversations • Partner name or logo with hotlink included on Festival website •T hree (3) 3’x5’ banners displayed on Festival grounds (Partner to supply banners) • One (1) 10’x10’ tent/display space to activate on-site marketing programs • Fifty (50) entry passes to the Festival entertain partner’s clients (catering and beverage expense additional) • Festival will provide a private tented environment with a patio surrounded by white picket fence. Interior to include stage (topic/subject to be mutually agreed upon lighting, buffet, bar, tables and chairs •P artner logo with hotlink included on • Partner recognition on sponsor page •P rivate hospitality area reserved to presentations/demonstrations on the by Partner and Festival producers) • Exclusivity in product category • Partner logo with hotlink included on Festival website Festival website EXHIBITOR/VENDOR OPPORTUNITIES WINE VENDORS The Festival offers wineries, restaurants, • Opportunity to sample wine distributors and retailers opportunities to promote products through sampling and sales at the Festival. Exhibitors/vendors FEE: $450 (maximum of 6 wines per booth) • Opportunity to sell your wine on-site through Peterson Spirit & Fine Wines and to distribute company literature and promotional items will receive: RESTAURANT VENDORS • One (1) 10’x10’ tented display space FEE: $500 • One (1) 8’ skirted table • Opportunity to sell your food products & • Two (2) chairs • Ten (10) entry passes to the Festival • Four (4) staff badges • Booth sign with vendor name •L isting in Festival program distributed to all attendees •P ower and lighting included RETAIN ALL PROFITS • Opportunity to perform a cooking demonstration on the Entertainment Stage. EXPO BOOTH VENDORS FEE: $850 Opportunity to sell your products and distribute company literature, coupons CONTACT scott janess 847-382-3270 and promotional items
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