Operation Rice Bowl - Catholic Relief Services


Operation Rice Bowl - Catholic Relief Services
November/December 2011
May You have a
Happy Thanksgiving
Blessed Christmas
Operation Rice Bowl
The 2012 Lenten season is right around the corner.
Please read the Operation Rice Bowl November/
December 2011 Newsletter for important information
on preparing for the upcoming ORB campaign in your
diocese, university, parish or school.
Youth are Making a Difference
in the World
Through CRS’ Food Fast young people across
the United States are making a difference and
fighting global hunger.
Encourage youth groups
in your diocese to hold
a CRS Food Fast this
year. Participating youth
will receive a fair trade
stone pendant made by
artisans in Kenya.
CRS’ Food Fast is a 24-hour fasting retreat for
youth. Focusing on global poverty and hunger,
Food Fast allows youth to journey with our
brothers and sisters around the world who are
During Food Fast, youth will be challenged to
consider their relationship with food. Where
does our food come from, how does it get to us,
and how much variety can we access? And how
does our relationship with food relate to and
impact the poor in our communities and around
the world?
Learn more at foodfast.org.
Please order your CRS’ 2012 Operation Rice Bowl materials today!
Advocacy Unit — Upcoming CCGP Webcast
C a t ho l i c s C o n f r o n t G l o b a l Po ve r t y ( C C G P) W e b c a s t s
N o v em b e r
Topic – “Update on the Democratic Republic of Congo: Conflict Minerals,
Upcoming Elections, and Continued Violence and Instability”
Date - Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Time – 1:00 P.M. EDT
For more information and to reserve your spot, please visit - http://
D ec em b e r
Topic – “Legislative Wrap-Up: Your Efforts to Confront Global Poverty in 2011”
Date – Monday, December 19, 2011
Time – 1:00 P.M. EDT
For more information and to reserve your spot, please visit http://crs.org/public
-policy/webcast-schedule.cfm (URL to RSVP for this webcast will be posted
If you are hosting a Food Fast, please let CRS
know by emailing us at foodfast@crs.org.
W h a t Yo u wil l F in d in th i s I s s ue :
Youth are Making a Difference—Jennifer Swope
Operation Rice Bowl — Anne Marie Bonner
CRS Advocacy Unit-Upcoming Webcast
Special Tidbits for CRS Diocesan Directors
News from the CRS Fair Trade Program Jackie DeCarlo
Meet the CRS Diocesan Director for
Pittsburgh-Maria Barboza
Catholic Social Ministry Gathering—Kim Mayzck
News from the CRS Haiti Partnership UnitSimone Blanchard
Education.CRS.Org—Jennifer Swope
CRS Diocesan Directors Visit Mali and
Burkino Faso-Michael Trujillo
News from the Regions
Resources and more
Volume 9 Issue 66
CRS Diocesan Directors’ Corner
L e arn abo ut Helene E. Paharik, a fellow CRS Diocesan Director from
the Diocese of Pittsburgh on page 2 of this mailer
G l o b a l F e l l o w s are an invaluable resource in your work throughout
the diocese. Read more on page 5 of this mailer.
Click here for 2011-2012 CRS Calendar of Important Dates
CRS Webcast Calendar
Upcoming Events from November to January
November 27th—1st Day of Advent
December 1st—World AIDS Day
January 1—World Day of Peace
January 9th-14th National Migration Week
January 12th—Anniversary of Haiti Earthquake
U.S. Partner Resources Website
Meet the CRS Diocesan Director from the Diocese of Pittsburgh!
Helene E. Paharik
Director, Department for Human Dignity
Annual CRS Diocesan
Directors’ Meeting
Diocese of Pittsburgh
111 Boulevard of the Allies
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Helene began her work in the Diocese of Pittsburgh as the Director of the Department for
Human Dignity and CRS Diocesan Director in 2010. Prior to that, Helene served as
Director of Development for Beit Benedict Peace Academy in Jerusalem, in various parish
pastoral ministry positions, and as a campus minister at Seton Hill University. Helene
received a bachelor’s degree in Theology from Seton Hill and a master’s degree in New
Testament Theology from St. Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, PA.
As CRS’ Diocesan Director, Helene hosted Thomas Awiapo of CRS Ghana during Lent
2011, a Lunch and Learn session with CRS Foreign Aid Advisor Paul Miller, and she
actively supports two Fair Trade Ambassadors in the Diocese. In Fall 2011, Helene
presented on CRS at a Women’s Conference in the Diocese to over 350 participants and
held a Social Ministry Institute for over 100 parish leaders on Solidarity, at which Joan
Rosenhauer gave the keynote and CRS regional staff conducted break-out
sessions. Helene has also written several articles on CRS in The Pittsburgh Catholic,
including articles on Sudan and the issue of trafficking.
Helene and her husband, Jim, have been married for 23 years and have four children.
They are members of St. Vincent Basilica Parish and serve as Benedictine Oblates of the
Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary Abbey on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem. They have studied
and worked in the Holy Land and are very dedicated to peace and justice there and
throughout the world. Helene always brings a very evident enthusiasm and passion for
her work, and we are grateful for our partnership with her and Diocese of Pittsburgh.
Don’t forget the Annual CRS
Diocesan Directors’ Meeting
on February 11, 2011 (held
the day before the Catholic
Social Ministry Gathering)
at the Marriott Wardman Park
Hotel in Washington, DC
Upcoming CRS
Regional Office
Meetings and
Available Workshops
View Workshops and Trainings
available to dioceses in the CRS
West Region.
View Workshops available to
dioceses in the CRS Southwest
News from CRS’ U.S. Regions
CRS Midwest Regional Office
In June, John Taylor accompanied a delegation from the Diocese of Springfield IL to Haiti. Vicki
Compton, Director of Office of the Missions for the diocese and a CRS Diocesan director led the trip.
The trip was in support of the Haiti Health Foundation at Jeremie, Haiti, a community of 40,000 people. Read John Taylor’s Haiti is Hope reflection for more information.
Photo credit: Vickie Compton, Diocese of Springfield
CRS Southeast Regional Office
Bill Farrand, CRS Southeast Relationship Mgr, conducted a CRS College
Ambassador training and commissioned 7 new college ambassadors at the
Ave Maria School of Law in the Diocese of Venice, Fl. The new college
ambassadors will promote CRS in the areas of food security, emergency,
economic justice/fair trade and migration/immigration over the next year.
Photo credit: Bill Farrand, CRS
U.S. Partner Resources Website
(Back to main page)
Photo (from left to right) - Brett Branham, Sean Buckley,
Adam Wright, Kelly Sinton, Irma Ozegovic, Kirra
McElhenney, Mellina Fortunato
News from CRS’ U.S. Regions
CRS Southwest Regional Office
CRS Southwest along with CRS Mexico gathered with participants from Dioceses without Borders for a bi-national conference of
Church leaders, clergy, religious and laity from the Arizona-Mexico borderland region. Please click here to read In Christ Our Peace
for complete details of the gathering.
CRS Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Regional Office
In September 2011, the CRS Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Region trained 71 new College Ambassadors from 10 universities across
the region. The trainings were held at CRS Headquarters, Providence and Cabrini colleges. The new Ambassadors learned about
the mission and approach of Catholic Relief Services, participated in a discussion with CRS experts on Economic Justice - Fair
Trade, HIV and AIDS, Migration and Food Security and gained advocacy skills. One of the students said that the training “gave me a
renewed sense and drive to do the things I am passionate about.” Each college prepared a Campus Action Plan and we have
already heard stories about how these students are building a global understanding on campus and mobilizing their fellow
students to take actions to advance global justice. Congratulations Campus Ambassadors!
This fall, the NE/MA Regional Office and the Archdiocese of Hartford offered two advocacy trainings to over sixty diocesan
employees and parishioners. These trainings helped to support the Archdiocese and to strengthen the skills and capacity of
parishioners who are already involved in social justice and looking to advocate on these issues. Participants learned additional
advocacy strategies and had a chance to practice skills to carry out visits to their legislators. At these events, participants had the
chance to sign -up for Catholics Confront Global Poverty, which helps to build the network of advocates for social justice.
C R S D i o ce s a n D i r e c t o r s v i s i t C R S P r o g r a m s i n M a l i a n d B u r k i n a F a s o
Kim Mazyck of CRS Constituency Relations and
Michael Trujillo of CRS Southeast region led several
CRS Diocesan Directors on a trip to Mali and
Burkina Faso in September 2011. The visit focused
on the impact that U.S. Catholics have made
through their support of CRS programs in both
countries. The group visited water, health services
and food security projects.
Photo credit: Timothy Bishop, CRS
Photo (from left to right) – Meredith Dyson (CRS – Mali), Pam
Long (Cincinnati), Rosio Gonzalez (San Antonio), Rita Sloan
(Reno), Mary Wright (JustFaith Ministries), Kathy McKeon
(Providence), Michael Trujillo (CRS), David Aguillard (Baton
Rouge), Patrice Critchley Menor (Duluth), Rodrigo Valdivia
(San Diego), Fr. Patrick Delahanty (Kentucky Catholic
Conference) and Kimberly Mazyck (CRS), Ruth Oakley
(Portland, ME) not pictured.
Reflections from the Delegation to Mail and Burkina Faso
Dance of Solidarity
“A woman placed her veil over my head and then we shared it as we danced together in the village of Toumadiama in Mali.
Through CRS, the US.. Catholic community has been figuratively moving in solidarity with our sisters and brothers all around
the world. Because of our efforts together with them, we have fed 90-95% of the Burkina Faso population through (continued
on page 4)
(Back to main page)
C R S D i o ce s a n D i r e c t o r s v i s i t C R S P r o g r a m s i n M a l i a n d B u r k i n a F a s o
school lunches. Because of our partnerships with communities in Mali, we have brought about transformative change through
water projects resulting in women being educated, children having fewer diseases and villages growing. This “dance” of solidarity is one that I want to continue by advocating with legislators and folks here at home to help CRS throughout the world.” Pam
Long – Archdiocese of Cincinnati, OH
Open Eyes and Heart for Solidarity
“Each project opened my eyes and heart for solidarity with my new brothers and sisters. They have become part of my world so
that in all I am doing, they are an integral part of my life's work and ministry. The light-hearted moments with Moussa, my waiter
at the hotel in Mali, or the village welcome dance, or my proclaiming: "Eeneybayrah" (Good Job!) to the driver who missed all the
potholes going down the road, all come together to teach me that life is precious and people are seeking the same things regardless of where they live or work.” Ruth Oakley – Diocese of Portland, ME
News from the CRS Fair Trade Program
With the holidays approaching, our thoughts often turn to gift-giving and keeping warm. Brewing
Fair Trade coffee after Mass is a simple, tasty and toasty way to be in solidarity with coffee
farmers. Visit CRS Fair Trade: www.crsfairtrade.org to find a list of coffee companies who practice
Fair Trade principles and offer you a range of flavors. On our website you can also download or
order all the free materials you need to organize a Work of Human Hands sale. These community
builders are a great opportunity to shop and support our brothers and sisters overseas.
News from the CRS Haiti Partnership Unit on the 2012 Conference and Workshops
Save the Date National Haiti Partnership Conference June 1 - 3, 2012 ,Washington DC
The CRS/USCCB Haiti Partnership Conference is scheduled for June 1-3, 2012 at Catholic University of America in Washington,
DC. Save the Date and download the flyer for distribution throughout your network. The conference will provide opportunities for
parishes and others partnered with Haiti to dialogue with Haitian Church partners, network and share best practices, learn about
the reconstruction plans of the Church in Haiti and experience examples of sustainable development through partnership.
Leaders from Haiti and the U.S. will be presenting informative interactive workshops. This is a must for all parishes/
organizations engaged with partnerships (twinning) in Haiti. For more information please contact Simone Blanchard at 410-9517592 or simone.blanchard@crs.org
Catholic Social Ministry Gathering February 12-15, 2012
The Catholic Social Ministry Gathering, Faithful Citizenship: Protecting Human Life and Dignity, Promoting the Common Good
will be held February 12-15, 2012 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. Join us in Washington, D.C. to
Connect, Learn, Pray and Advocate. Dr. Carolyn Woo, the new President and CEO will be a featured presenter at the
international plenary session .
(Back to main page)
R E S O UR C E S F OR C R S D I O C E S A N D I R E C T O R S AN D U . S . P A R T N E R S
Looking for Resources to use with Youth?
Visit CRS Education: Going Global with Youth for activities,
prayers and other resources to use in youth ministry and
high school classroom. Sign-up to receive our monthly
newsletter, Going Global with
Youth, and you’ll receive an email
with links to the newest resources.
Go Global With Youth!
CRS Global Fellows,
an Invaluable Resource
For more information on the Global Fellows program or to
invite a Global Fellow to your parish visit http://
globalfellows.crs.org or call 410.951.7336.
“Read a great homily/reflection given by
one of our Global Fellows
during an Ethiopia trip”
Order free copies of the Water for Life DVD at resources@crs.org for your diocese or parish.
Download a free copy the Voices for Peace in the Holy Land Guide-Prayer/Study Resource for your
diocese or parish.
World Report from Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is a weekly radio bulletin
from CRS aired on Catholic radio stations across the United States. CRS
World Report brings listeners stories on the global mission of the Catholic
Church to assist impoverished and disadvantaged people. View more
CRS Resources for Your Parish Handout
Introduce parishes in your diocese to CRS solidarity programs and resources using the CRS Resources for
Your Parish flyer. It can be downloaded in both Spanish and English. This handout lists CRS resources
available to help parishes integrate global solidarity into various aspects of the community’s faith life.
Consider using this flyer as a leave behind resource for your meetings with parish staff.
Contact Us
CRS Regional Offices
Email: resources@crs.org
U.S. Operations Call Center—1-866-608-5978
U.S. Partner Resources Website
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