Bring on the Heat - Greater Washington Section - Mercedes
Bring on the Heat - Greater Washington Section - Mercedes
Greater Washington Section Summer 2014 In this Issue Upcoming Events: GWS Summer Picnic.............. Rescue Assist Workshop........ GWS Autocross ..................... MBCA Track Events................ From the President .............. Club Elections ....................... New GWS Members .............. Deutsche Marque Report .... June Jamboree ..................... Trading Post .......................... GWS Leadership .................... Calendar of Events ............... Advertisers: Alloy Wheel Repair ............... Euro Motorcars Bethesda ...... M-B Rescue Assist ................. Mercedes-Benz of Arlington/ Mercedes-Benz of Alexandria Mercedes-Benz of Tysons ...... Radial Tire............................. 5 7 9 9 3 3 8 11 13 13 14 16 14 2 6 12 15 4 Find us on Facebook Members receive awards for the 31st annual Deutsche Marque Concours d’Elegance on Sunday, May 4, at Nottoway Park’s Hunter House, in Vienna VA, during the reception. - Photo by William West Hopper Bring on the Heat lub events are filled with winners, C be it on the Concours field or the Autocross course. Members of The Greater Washington Section of The Mercedes-Benz Club of America have been celebrating with their cars this year, be it at the Deutsche Marque, June Jamboree, or the GWS Summer Picnic! For those of you who have attended the Summer Picnic in the past, you know that this event has grown. This year will be no exception! Food includes bratwaurst from Binkerts in Baltimore and other tasty delights. The bar will be brimming with great beer, wine and soft drinks! Again we will have music by the Highway Hot Rods to entertain you as well as a flea market to tempt you. As always there will be a great showing of M-B’s that will make this Concours event one to remember. How can you go wrong with great cars, wonderful people, and tasty food and drink? Not all members show off their cars, a good number have been driving their cars as well. GWS’s autocross season is well underway with drivers driving all kinds of cars. SummerFest, MBCA’s track event on July 19 hosted by the Virginia Section, promises to be a great day for $99 on a great track just a few hours down I-95. Looking to learn more and make your Mercedes-Benz safer? Join club members on Saturday, July 12 at Mercedes-Benz of Catonsville to get your M-B retrofitted with an Rescue QR code, scannable by Emergency Responders to better able them help you survive an accident. Wanting to take your M-B on a road trip? Concours of America at St. Johns, an international event just outside Detroit, will take place Sunday, July 27. MBCA will debut the MBCA Ladies of Mercedes group, with a special luncheon, as well as host a display tent on the show field. How about some time at Legends of the Autobahn during Pebble Beach Week in August? Closer to home is the Shelton Vineyards M-B Concours on July 23, and then Euro Auto Festival October 17 & 18 where the MBCA Regional Concours Judging School will be held this year. There are always lots of great things happening with the club. Come out and join in, and learn more about your Mercedes-Benz! More than a car, we’re a community!® B E T "SMJOHUPO3PBE #FUIFTEB.% 1IPOF &NBJMNCTFSWJDF!FVSPNPUPSDBSTDPN H E S D A /JDIPMTPO-BOF /PSUI#FUIFTEB.% 1IPOF &NBJMDPMMJTJPODFOUFS!FVSPNPUPSDBSTDPN XXXFVSPCFUIFTEBDPN Aaron Streater GWS Section President Summer 2014 The Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Greater Washington Section is ready for summer. Casual and enthusiastic Benz drivers alike will enjoy attending this summer’s wonderful events. Everything from Picnics to triple-digit track driving. Autocross is already in full swing, we hold monthly AX events in Winchester, VA and everyone leaves a better driver. Not to mention with a huge smile on their faces. Our track event is gearing up for some great fun at Summit Motorsports Park. Please stay tuned to our Facebook and website for up-to-date details. Since my last letter to our section I have acquired a new position at Euro Motorcars Bethesda as their in-house trainer. I am proud to join my fellow members, Marcus Oberlander of Mercedes-Benz of Tysons Corner, Greg Smoak of Mercedes-Benz of Arlington, John Heflin of Euro Motorcars Germantown, and others who work every day for Mercedes-Benz to make our member’s ownership experience the best it can be. I must say it is an awesome job, having the inside scoop on the latest models, to what is rolling down the line in the next few years. I get to play with cars and pass my knowledge along to other Mercedes-Benz owners. Helping them get the GWS President Aaron Streater at the Euro Motorcars Bethesda AMG most out of their Mercedes-Benz automobiles, is very much like being involved Photo by William West Hopper in this club, where we all share the enjoyment of our Mercedes-Benz’s by driving, display. showing, wrenching, and just enjoying the cars every day of the year. I look forward to seeing everyone on July 13th, when we will be having our summer picnic, concours and flea market in North Potomac, MD. Many hot-looking cars will be on display. Be sure to register, as spots are filling up quick! Like last year, I will be tending bar, so stop by and we can talk about the brand and the club. This has been a great year! We have brought in a number of new members, many of them my age, as we engage many of our more seasoned members in activities and events that we do each month. I encourage everyone reading this to please take a stand and volunteer with the Greater Washington Section. Our success depends on people like you to make our events so successful. Come out and get involved. That is what I did a few years ago and it has been a great experience. I highly recommend it! National & Local MBCA Elections. his fall you will be asked to cast your vote for T those who run our club, both here in the Greater Washington Section as well as at the national level. GWS elects Executive Officers every other year at our Annual Member’s Meeting on October 19. A separate ballot for national candidates will be mailed to you in September. Would you, or do you know of a member who would be a great GWS leader? Now is the time to nominate them! GWS officer positions to be elected by the members are: President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. We request that those of you who are interested in running for Section officer positions, to submit your statement by July 18 2014. If you know of someone else who would like to run for office, they may also submit a statement. The deadline allows review of the nominations and publication of the statements in the fall newsletter. If you plan to run for office, please write a brief statement about yourself and include a recent photo. MBCA members at the May #Flagship Fridays Get-Together hosted by Mercedes-Benz of Tysons Corner, sponsor of The Holly O’Reilly, Deutsche Marque Concours 2014. Metro Tri-Star Photo by William West Hopper 3 Maryland MBCA | GWS License Tags Maryland State License tags with the Greater Washington Section logo and the words “Mercedes-Benz Club” are available. These are not available through the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration, you can purchase them ONLY through the club! Please send the form below to Ed Hainke, coordinator, with two checks: One payable to MBCA | GWS in the amount of $10. And the second check payable to Maryland MVA in the amount of $25. Ed will then contact you for the required MD MVA information. Mercedes-Benz Club of America | Greater Washington Section Tags for Maryland Residents Name _____________________________________________MBCA Member # ______________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone (H)_____________________ (W)_____________________ (C)_____________________ Send this form and two checks payable to: MBCA | GWS fpr $10 and Maryland MVA for $25 to: Ed Hainke, 10755 Sawpit Cove Road, Lusby MD 20657-2841 4 Summer 2014 GWS Summer Picnic & Concours d’Elegance Sunday, July 13 - All Day Event - Rain or Shine Newby Estate, 12716 Split Creek Ct North Potomac MD ome join your fellow MBCA members in this celebration of fine German automobiles, enjoy delicious food and pick C up a few things at the club’s swap meet. This year will feature fine food from Big Mook BBQ, including Bratwaurst from Binkerts in Baltimore; a band to provide entertainment; our swap meet, which always features great items and helpful advice as well as a Concours and a popular vote display of great Mercedes-Benz vehicles. The Concours is a judged show, by MBCA rules, and an informal show of member’s cars (Popular Vote!). The event gets rolling in the morning with camaraderie all day long. Get recognized! For Mercedes-Benz Club of America members who celebrate 5 year MBCA membership anniversaries in 2014, come to be awarded your MBCA anniversary pin. The Schedule: 9 am - Field opens for Mercedes-Benz placement / swap meet set up 10 am - Concours Judging starts 11 am - Bar opens Noon - 2 pm - Food is served 3 pm - Concours Awards announced Cost to attend the picnic is $20 per person GWS Summer Picnic always features a great display of Member’s Mercedes-Benz’s. (Prior to 6/30). $25 late registration, or Photo: William West Hopper day of event. Concours Entry is $15. Swap Meet space $15. Kids under 16 free with registered attendee. To register, go to the MotorsportsReg page: GWSpicnic14 For more information, contact: Holly O’Reilly, 301.346.7010 The event will run Rain or Shine! (The event will be canceled if there is a serious storm.) Mercedes-Benz displayed a number of new vehicles at the New York Auto Show in April, including the GLA, New W205 C-Class, S63 AMG Coupe, and the electricpowered smart bicycle. Photo: William West Hopper Metro Tri-Star 5 You mind their safety. We’ll mind yours. Introducing Rescue AssistSM, a safety advancement that lets you scan a QR code in a Mercedes-Benz vehicle to instantly access important structural information like the location of batteries, airbags and more. Rescue AssistSM is free to use and available in twenty-three languages. Here’s what you need to know: t"TNBSUQIPOFPSUBCMFUXJUIJOUFSOFUDPOOFDUJPOBOE BCVJMUJODBNFSBGVODUJPOJTSFRVJSFEUPBDDFTT BWFIJDMFTTDIFNBUJD t&WFSZNPEFMIBTJUTPXO23DPEFJOTUBMMFEJOUXPMPDBUJPOT POFPOUIFJOTJEFPGUIFGVFMEPPSBOEUIFPUIFSPOUIF ESJWFSTTJEFEPPSQPTU#QJMMBS t23DPEFTBSFFRVJQQFEJOBMM.FSDFEFT#FO[WFIJDMFTJOQSPEVDUJPO BTPGBOEBSFOPXBWBJMBCMFUPSFUSPmUPOBMM.FSDFEFT#FO[ WFIJDMFTEBUJOHCBDLUP To download a QR reader: t(PUPZPVSEFWJDFTBQQTUPSFBOETFBSDIGPS23SFBEFST t%PXOMPBEUIFSFBEFSZPVQSFGFS To scan the QR code within Mercedes-Benz vehicles: t0QFOUIF23SFBEFSBQQPOZPVSTNBSUQIPOFPSUBCMFUBOEmOEPOF PGUIFUXP23DPEFEFDBMTMPDBUFEPOUIFWFIJDMF t)PMEZPVSEFWJDFJOGSPOUPGUIFEFDBMQSFTTUIFCVUUPOUPTDBOPSXBJU VOUJMUIFSFBEFSGPDVTFTBOEUBLFTZPVUPUIFWFIJDMFTTDIFNBUJD To see what a sample schematic looks like, scan the QR code here. 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPODPOUBDUZPVSEFBMFSTIJQ PSWJTJUXXXNCVTBDPNSFTDVFBTTJTU 14.,(342'- 6 Summer 2014 Mercedes-Benz Rescue Assist Workshop @ M-B of Catonsville Saturday, July 12 from 11 am - 2 pm Mercedes-Benz of Catonsville 6631 Baltimore National Pike, Catonsville, MD 21228 ercedes-Benz of Catonsville is hosting a special M event to celebrate the history of innovation in safety engineering from Mercedes-Benz. This event will kick off a program from M-B called “Rescue Assist” This is a free service offered to owners of model year 1990 and newer Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Highlights of this event: t Display and judging of members’ cars t Special “Dealer’s Choice” award for the vehicle that receives the most votes t Picnic lunch (burgers, dogs, salads, etc.) t Gift bags for all MBCA members t Technical staff on hand to discuss vehicles and answer questions t Shop tour t Accessories display available at discounted prices t Local first responders display t Display of 2014 AMG vehicles Rescue Assist centers on a QR code sticker applied to your Mercedes-Benz vehicle. This sticker will provide instant access to rescue and extraction information (vehicle specific) for first responders. Mercedes-Benz can enable help to traffic accident victims more quickly by means of a QR code When an accident occurs and the vehicle is seriously damaged, the first thing the rescue services must do is free the occupants. This can be dangerous for all those involved. Rescue Assist makes it easier for rescue workers to gain quick access to the rescue card that contains details specific to that vehicle model, such as the location of air bags, battery and fuel tanks. Daimler is the world’s first car manufacturer to offer direct access to vehicle specific rescue cards by means of a QR code. The sticker is easy to retrofit to older cars, as this safety benefit is available to all Mercedes-Benz vehicles 1990 model year and newer. t.FSDFEFT#FO[JTUIFíSTUDBSNBOVGBDUVSFSUP provide digital access to a vehicle-specific rescue card by means of a QR code t3FMFWBOUWFIJDMFJOGPSNBUJPODBOCFBDDFTTFE quickly and easily in the event of an accident tǰFTUJDLFSXJUIUIF23DPEFJTíUUFEUPBMMOFX Mercedes-Benz and smart cars and can now also be retrofitted to older models The QR code has been fitted as standard in all new Mercedes-Benz cars since the end of 2013 and is to be fitted in smart vehicles starting in January of this year. With immediate effect, the QR code can be installed in all Mercedes-Benz and smart used vehicles manufactured from 1990 onward. The fitting must be done by an authorised Mercedes-Benz dealer. There is no cost to attend this event, however we need to have a head count to give the dealership for food and drink. Please RSVP for this event, contact Greg Burks 202.507.1616 Jon Hamm, star of Mad Men and Steve Cannon, President and CEO Of MBUSA presented the latest S-Class Coupe, the S63 AMG, the at the New York Auto Show in April. Look in the upcoming issue of The STAR for more information and photos taken by GWS Vice-President Greg Burks. Photo: William West Hopper Metro Tri-Star 7 New Members - Please welcome our newest GWS members to the Club. GWS Membership Chairman George Marountas 703.966.3665 Dwight Johnson Waldorf MD Michael Hammond Manassas VA Shawn Watson Riverdale MD Will Goedde Vienna VA Raj Kosuri Ashburn VA Jack Mason Easton MD Anna Brooks Columbia MD Richard Bianchi Baltimore MD Ralf Wooten Fort Washington MD Brett Kozisek Fairfax VA Amy Margaret Cheffy Glenwood MD Patrick Wade West Friendship MD Karl Coutinho Alexandria VA Rodolfo Herandez Potomac MD Eric Olsen Alexandria VA Shane Reeder Washington DC William Beebe Randallstown MD James Robfogel Oxford MD Dave Wallace Ashburn VA Paul Almanza Oakton VA David Inga Bethesda MD Brett Tyler Severn MD James Snider Cumberland MD Phyl Dahl Great Falls VA Jack Reimann Fairfax VA James Greenwald Alexandria VA Michael Kaiser Fulton MD Michael White Alexandria VA Brian Peters Washington DC Walter Grudzinskas Waldorf MD Patrick Newell Warrenton VA Eric Collington Hyattsville MD Tae Rho Bethesda MD Sri B Ashburn VA Thomas Garden Gainesville VA Scott Bleggi Gaithersburg MD Eric Legore Hagerstown MD Kevin Lee Oxon Hill MD Attention MBCA Members: Are You Getting all the Club News and Information? Make sure you renew your membership to continue to receive the benefits of being in the club. Keep your membership information updated with the MBCA National Business Office (NBO) in Colorado Springs CO. ǰJTJTUIFCFTUXBZUPHVBSBOUFFZPVXJMMSFDFJWFBMMUIFMBUFTUJOGPSNBUJPOPODMVCBDUJWJUJFTBOENBJMJOHT.BLFTVSF your current e-mail is on file as well By keeping your information up-to-date on the club’s data base, you will be connected with interesting opportunities. (PUPNCDBPSHBOESFWJFXZPVSNFNCFSTIJQQSPíMFǰJTJTXIFSFZPVDBOEPXOMPBEZPVS.#$".FNCFS-PZBMUZ certificate for $500 combinable with other discounts towards the purchase of a new Mercedes-Benz. *OǰF(SFBUFS8BTIJOHUPO4FDUJPOXJMMCFVTJOH$POTUBOU$POUBDUUPEJTUSJCVUFPVSOFXTMFUUFSBOEPUIFS membership information to you via e-mail. If you have not registered, or have stated you do not want information from this source, you will miss out on much of the information the Section sends out. 8 Summer 2014 MBCA Driving Events 2014 Autocross Series 7/20, 8/10, 9/7, 10/12, 11/2 James Wood High School, 161 Apple Pie Ridge Rd., Winchester, VA 22603. James Wood High School has once again graciously allowed us to use their parking lot for another fun season of autocross. As many well know, autocross is a technical driving event where the objective is to maneuver through the course in the shortest time without knocking down or displacing any orange cones. We will hold morning trial runs, take a break for lunch, then begin timed runs in the afternoon. This is a safe, controlled environment in which you can learn how to fully understand your vehicle’s limitations. Not only is this a fun event, but it also teaches proper driving techniques if you ever get into trouble on the road, where evasive maneuvers are needed. As long as you have a street-legal vehicle, you are welcome. Helmets are required, and must have a Snell 2005 or greater rating to pass inspection. If you do not have a helmet, the club has a limited quantity of helmets and head socks for your needs. Drivers meeting starts at 9am. Please plan on coming before to prep your car for tech inspection. Volunteers’ are required to help set up the course, and run the CRT (Cone Retrieval Team). Dress for the weather and bring closed-toe shoes. The cost for this event is $35 for non-members, and $20 for MBCA members. I encourage everyone to buy a season pass at a reduced rate! If you want to watch, it’s free to do so just come out to see everyone on the course. Who knows, you might just want to try it yourself! To register use Aaron Streater - GWS – President (Above) An R Class coming into the Stop Garage at a GWS Autocross. Photo by William West Hopper (Below) Paul LaPenta and Aaron Streater with an S63 AMG at Amelia Island. Photo by William West Hopper Take It To The Track MBCA Track Events for 2014 These are all MBCA-managed track events, and are designed for you to come out and try it, no matter if you have never driven on the track before, or if you have been strapping on a helmet for years now. These are fun and enjoyable as well as educational events. All require that you follow the MBCA Rule book, which can be found on the website under resources. MBCA | Virginia Section - SummerFest, Saturday July 19 - NCCAR , Garysburg NC On July 19, 2014, the Virginia Section will host a High-Speed Driving Event on North Carolina’s Center for Automotive Research’s road course. This road course is ideally situated in Garysburg, NC, and features a 40-feet-wide bi-directional freshly paved road course with a half mile straightaway, 11 constant radius turns, and large grassy run-off areas. There is no competition for times or trophies, but a lot of fun to be had. Virtually any car is fully capable of handling this type of event. There will be a full day of track time and classroom instruction with 4-5 sessions. This event will fill very quickly, so place your entry soon. The price for this full day at the race track is $99 for MBCA members, $149 for non-members. A one-year membership to MBCA is only $49 and includes many other benefits. For more details on the track event, or how to join MBCA, please contact Don LaBar at or 757.620.6772. MBCA | Greater Washington Section, September 14 - Summit Point Raceway Join fellow MBCA members this fall, for a day on the newly extended Jefferson Circuit at Summit Point Raceway in nearby Summit Point WV. For more information contact: Contact Steve Spector 301.60 6.0 687 MBCA | Alabama Section - Heimatfest October 3 & 4 - Barber Motorsports Park, Leeds AL A two-day event, with other events to make your trip to Alabama worthwhile. This is an opportunity for MBCA members who have never driven on a racetrack or seasoned racers to get together for a great weekend of driving on the world-famous Barber Motorsports Park 2.38 mile long track. For more information contact: Contact Jim Roberts 205.933.9333 Metro Tri-Star 9 (Left) Shane Reeder displaying his 1993 W124 E500 at the Deutche Marque Concours in May. Photo by William West Hopper Deutche Marque Concours in May. Photo by William West Hopper (Left) MBCA National President, Terry Kiwala with the S-Class and smart on display from Mercedes-Benz of Tysons Corner, in front of the GWS Tent at the 2014 Deutsche Marque Concours in May. Photo by William West Hopper (Right) Omar Abou-Zied and Steve Spector judging Wes Deutsche Marque Concours in May. Photo by William West Hopper 10 Summer 2014 Deutsche Marque 2014 Report or German car lovers living in the Greater Washington F Section, spring dawned officially on Sunday, May 4, 2014, at the 31st annual Deutsche Marque Concours d’Elegance. The previous week’s daily downpours thoroughly dampened our area and literally clouded prospects for keeping the original Concours date in May. But our automotive enthusiasm and eagerness to get out and play were rewarded with the return of sunny skies by the time the weekend arrived. Representatives from the Porsche Club of America, BMW Car Club of America, and the Mercedes-Benz Club of America displayed a wide variety of vintage, classic, and contemporary models from far and wide. Serving as Mercedes-Benz Chief Judge this year was MBCA’s National President, Terry Kiwala, who drove his 1987 300SDL, already with over 340,000 miles logged, all the way from Chicago, IL! Fellow Mercedes-Benz Judge, Bill Faison, drove his 2002 SL600 Silver Arrow Edition from Cary, NC, further underscoring how our local tradition has become a highly regarded regional show. Marcus Oberlander from Mercedes-Benz of Tysons Corner and Wallace Rumbarger of smart center Tysons Corner displayed and demonstrated examples from their showroom floor, including a 2014 S550 Sedan, a 2014 CLA250 Coupe, and a 2014 smart electric drive. This year’s raffle prizes included Toyo tires from Radial Tire Company in Silver Spring, MD and classic Coco Mats from the Fort Mill, SC manufacturer! As your new GWS-MBCA Concours Committee Chairman, it’s my pleasure to thank everyone who took the time to participate this year, with special thanks going to the volunteer team of Mercedes-Benz Judges for their instrumental expertise and cooperation. I’d like to thank my National, Regional, and Greater Washington Section MBCA officers for their leadership and dedication, especially President Terry Kiwala, Regional Director Bill Hopper, and GWS Secretary Katie Gleeson. Truly, this year’s event was a joy for our members and spectators in attendance. In fact, Mercedes-Benz passion was so infectious that 18 new members decided to join our Greater Washington Section at the event! - Omar Abou-Zied, (84.#$"$PODPVST$PNNJUUFF$IBJSNBO Announced at the Awards Reception were the following Concours participants: Best of Marque Award: Brant Vitek 1952 300S Cabriolet, 97.884 points People’s Choice Award: Greg Burks 1970 220D Sedan Judges’ Choice Award: Phyllis Spagnolo 1973 450SL 8$IBTTJT"XBSET 1st Place: Joseph Marston 1993 300CE, 93.809 points 2nd Place: Omar Abou-Zied 1995 E320 Coupe, 92.869 points 3rd Place: Pat Transue 1992 300E, 92.307 points Metro Tri-Star Contemporary E-Class Awards: 1st Place: George Marountas 2003 E500 Sedan, 94.222 points 2nd Place: Roland Frenck 2014 E550 Sedan, 91.547 points Contemporary S-Class and CL-Class Awards: 1st Place: Dave Allen 2006 S350 Sedan, 92.532 points 2nd Place: Jonathan Silverman 2004 CL55 AMG, 90.594 points Contemporary Convertibles Awards: 1st Place: Bill Faison 2002 SL600, 93.908 points 2nd Place: Gerard Bellerose 2004 CLK500 Cabriolet, 89.236 points AMG Awards: 1st Place: Peter Dougherty 2005 SL65 AMG, 92.592 points OE1MBDF8FT,MFNBOTLJ 2014 C63 Coupe AMG, 89.551 points Vintage SL Awards: 1st Place: Phyllis Spagnolo 1973 450SL, 97.374 points 2nd Place: Chuck Taylor 1970 280SL, 96.020 points 3rd Place: Ralf Berthiez 1975 450SL Rally Car, 89.143 points Vintage Coupes and Sedans Awards: 1st Place: Larry Ledbetter 1966 250SE Coupe, 94.989 points 2nd Place: David Van Duzer 1959 220S Coupe, 92.206 points 3rd Place: George Newman 1953 170S Sedan, 84.749 points 3BðF8JOOFST Coco Mats: Larry Ledbetter Tires from Radial Tire Company: Aaron Streater Finally, special thanks go to all the W124 owners who helped celebrate the 30th anniversary of the W124 chassis: Omar Abou-Zied (1995 E320 Coupe) Brian Armstead (1994 E320 Cabriolet) Joe Marston (1993 300CE) Shane Reeder (1993 500E) Greg Smith (1994 E500) Pat Transue (1992 300E) Seth Turner (1995 E300 Diesel Sedan) (A complete list of all marques’ results is available via www. 11 Mercedes-Benz of Arlington Me of A 585 N. Glebe Road 703.525.2100 200 S. 703.34 Part of the American Service Center family of compan Mercedes-Benz enthusiasts serving fellow Mercedes-Benz enthusiasts. Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz of Arlington of Arlington of Alexandria of Alexandria 585 Glebe 585 N.NGlebe RoadRd 585 N. Glebe Road Arlington, 703.525.2100VA 22203 703.525.2100 703.525.2100 200 Pickett 200 S. Pickett Street 200 S.S. Pickett StreetStreet MercedesJustMercede Alexandria, 703.341.2100 703.341.2100 VA 22304 703.341.2100 Part of the American Service Part of the Center American family Service of companies Center family of companies *Arlington location *Alexandria location 12 Summer 2014 The Trading Post CARS: 2007 SL 600 V-12 Twin Turbo, 9913 mi. examples of an extremely low mileage V-12 and had been lovingly cared for. This car has never been driven in the rain and has been cared meticulously. For more photos and info call or e-mail. $63,000 obo. Kurt Nyburg 540-877-5781 2006 ML500, 73K mi. Pewter/Charcoal. Excellent condition, P1 and P2 package, 1 owner, Many great option, contact for more details and pictures. Dealer employee maintained. $Contact. Jack 703 928-4391 2005 E320 CDI, Capri Blue/Beige. 96,500 mi. Rare and beautiful E320 diesel; leather, heated and memory seats, DVD navigation, multi-disc CD player, sunroof. 2nd owner, non-smoker. Great MPG. All scheduled maintenance regularly performed at M-B of Arlington/ ASC. $15K OBO. Lori See for email 2002 C240, 75K Black/Oyster 4 door Sedan. Scott Singer 410-499-8495 1984 300 SD, 285K mi. Blue/Tan. Good condition recently installed low-mileage transmission, fresh tires and a clean interior. $1950. Greg 240.527.5543 1985 380 SE 166k mi. Brilliant Silver/Red. One owner, serviced primarily at M-B dealers. In good mechanical condition, a classic body style. $4000. Jim 703.360.1669 Four 16” C Class (W203) Rims, Great for snow or track tires, clean, with nicks and scratches. Fits many M-B model’s great look. Best Offer. Bill 202.363.4189 1952 170 Aa. Black/Red. Recent frame off restoration, engine and drive train CLK W208 16” Light Weight OEM Wheels mounted with Toyo RA1 competition tires. Two sets of four wheels, non-staggered complete with short lugs. Used at GWS track & A/X events. These are the much sought after wheels for driving events due to their light weight. $650 per set. Bill 202.363.4189 original type interior, new wire harness, new tires, new chrome, totally original vehicle, 250 miles since restoration, current owner purchased in 1965, two time winner of AACA HPOF Award, photos available $65K, Michael, 540.230.5912, Tires Wheels & Parts: Two SL hard tops ‘89 560, smk silver & ‘95 SL, white. These have been donated to the section, proceeds will go to the Section’s charity. Located in GWS’s storage area in Winchester VA if you would like to view them. Best Offer Bill 202.363.4189 Four 16” First Gen SLK Rims, Staggered width, clean, with nicks and scratches. Fits many M-B’s great look. Best Offer. Bill 202.363.4189 Four 19” AMG 5-Spoke Wheels, Less that 2K miles - new condition. In boxes for shipping/protection as required. $1200 OBO. Michael 703.771.3302 or 703.771.6044 Mercedes-Benz Flags. For garage walls/ or gift! Quality made for endurance; brilliant sharp graphics, canvas headband, brass grommets at two corners. Other auto marques available. $29.95+$2.00 S&H. Doug, 410.592.2962 ORIGINAL Mercedes-Benz Porcelain, 18 carat gold plate from the M-B VIP Guest Restaurant and Executive Dining Room, Stuttgart, Germany. Includes: Coffee Sets, Dinner Plates, Serving Bowls, Soup Cups, Salad Bowls & Oval Serving Platters, etc. Douglas 410-544 2225, For Up-To-Date Listings see: June Jamboree 2014 A number of GWS members journeyed to Montvale NJ the beginning of June for the 51st consecutive June Jamboree, the longest running MBCA event in the club’s history. June Jamboree is an all day Concours, both judged and popular vote held at Mercedes-Benz USA Headquaters. This year more than 100 Mercedes-Benz automobiles were on display with well over 150 members on hand to enjoy this feast for the eyes. Above are Greater Washington Section members who won awards in their classes: Larry Ledbetter with 92.247 points for his 1966 250Se coupe, who also qualified for the MBCA Silver Star Award in the Preservation Class; Jonathan Silverman with 93.862 points for his 2004 CL55; and David VanDuzer 93.963 points for his 1958 220S. Not pictured is Philip Morgan who got 91.823 points for his 1980 500SLC. Photo: William West Hopper Metro Tri-Star 13 Greater Washington Section - GWS-MBCA - Leadership - 2010 MBCA | GWS Board of Directors P res i d e n t Aa ro n St re ate r ........................... 571. 721.1510 9 0 8 6 E ato n Pa r k Rd., G reat F a l l s VA 2 2 0 6 6 ............................. P res i d e nt @g w s - m b ca.o rg V i ce P res i d e n t G re g B u r k s ................................. 2 0 2. 5 07.1616 410 4 Roa n o ke Rd., H yat t s v i l l e M D 2 078 2 ...................... v i ce p res i d e nt @g w s - m b ca.o rg Se cre t a r y Kat i e G l e eso n .......................... 24 0. 3 81. 2 2 8 6 19415 Ca ra va n D r., G e r m a ntow n M D 2 0 874 .............................sec reta r y @g w s - m b ca.o rg Tre a su re r Kev i n O’Re i l l y ........................... 3 01. 3 4 6 . 7010 3 B et h esd a M et ro Ct r, Ste 70 0, B eth esd a, M D 2 0 814 .................... t rea s u re r @g w s - m b ca.o rg I m me d i a t e Pa s t P res i de n t M a r i a n n e Lu m sd e n .................. 2 0 2. 670. 7497 1101 Wa l ke r D r., F red e r i ck s b u rg VA 2 24 01-262 5 .... ............. m a r i a n n e. l u m sd e n@o ut l o o k .co m MBCA Re g i on a l D i re c t o r, E a s t e r n Re g i on W i l l i a m Wes t H o p p e r ................. 2 0 2. 3 6 3 . 418 9 5455 Broad Branch Rd., NW, Washington DC 20015-1753 .... .................... m b ca e rd i recto r @g m a i l .co m B o a rd M e m b e r s – Ap p o i n t e d U l r i ch “ Ri ck ” Sch u b e r t .............. 410. 4 52. 8 5 81 .................................. r i ck @a l l a uto m ot i ve.u s S t a t e o f Ma r y l a nd L i ce n se Pl a t e P ro g ra m E d H a i n ke ................................ 410. 326 . 2 8 8 8 ..................................... e h a i n ke@g m a i l .co m Te ch n i ca l Ad v i so r s Ri ck E l l i n g e r, RC I m p o r t s ........... 3 01. 762. 42 0 5 .................................... r i ck @ rc- i m p o r t s .co m D wa y n e C ra w fo rd, F a m i l y Auto Ca re, M e rced es, BMW & Lex u s Sp eci a l i s t............. 410. 2 57. 70 0 9 ...................................... B e n zca re@a o l .co m Ri ck Sch u b e r t, A l l Auto m ot i ve .. 410. 4 52. 8 5 81 .................................. r i ck @a l l a uto m ot i ve.u s F red Pu l l i a m, Pu l l i a m E n g i n e e r i n g ............... . ................................................ 3 01. 3 8 4 .9 0 94 . ............................. f red p u l l i a m@ ve r i zo n. n et The World’s Largest Mobile Wheel Repair & Replacement Company B o a rd M e m b e r s – Co m m i t t e e Ch a i r s Me m b e r sh i p G e o rg e M a ro u nta s ................... 70 3 .96 6 . 3 6 6 5 ................................. m b e n z 72 2@g m a i l .co m So ci a l H o l l y O’Re i l l y ............................................... ............................. d r h o l l yo re i l l y @g m a i l .co m Te ch n i ca l Eve n t s Wa r re n B a i n ............................. 70 3 .9 0 6 .96 5 8 ..................................... w b74 0 t @ ya h o m Ad H o c Co m m i t t e es Concou r s O m a r A b o u - Z i ed ....................... 6 62. 72 9.10 01 .......................... o m a r @ca rco n n o i s seu m D r i v i ng B ra d B l a se ............................... 5 4 0. 8 8 8 . 3 62 5 .............................. b l a se@ v i rg i n i a ca ves.o rg Steve Sp e cto r ........................... 3 01. 6 0 6 . 0 6 87 ..................................... s r s s w f @ w i l d b l ue. n et Com mu n i ca t i on s Ch a i r/News l e t t e r E d i t o r W i l l i a m Wes t H o p p e r ................ 2 0 2. 3 6 3 . 418 9 ............................... w w h res to rat i o n@at t. n et We bma s t e r O p e n...................... ...................................... 14 AWRSWHEELREPAIR.COM Summer 2014 6/26/2013 12:59 PM Page 1 © SMS Productions Inc. 800-289-7671 #201306072 201306072 collision.qxp ALL NEW MERCEDES-BENZ CLUB DISCOUNT PROGRAM All Repairs Parts & Labor When you present your MERCEDES-BENZ CLUB CARD FREE Estimates Full State-of-the-Art Collision Facility Mercedes-Benz Certified Repair Facility Come on in and see us! Mercedes-Benz of Tysons Corner, your one stop shop for all of your automotive needs. BMW & Jaguar Certified Repair Accepting All Insurance Companies PR SRT STD MBCA | GWS Metro Tri-Star U.S. POSTAGE PAID ALEXANDRIA, VA 1307 Warrington Place PERMIT # 484 Alexandria, VA 22307 The Metro Tri-Star is published by the Greater Washington Section of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc. Please send all material for publication to: Metro Tri-Star, 5455 Broad Branch Rd NW, Washington DC 20015 or For display advertising, contact William West Hopper at 202.364.2852, Explicit permission to republish articles is given to all sections of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc. Articles are the opinions of the writers and no authentication is given or implied as to the validity of any expressed opinion. The Mercedes-Benz Club of America, The Greater Washington Section of The Mercedes-Benz Club of America, are independent organizations not affiliated with Mercedes-Benz, MBUSA or Daimler AG. MBCA is an enthusiast group devoted to the Mercedes-Benz marque of vehicles. Calendar of Events Visit the GWS-MBCA website for the latest updates and activities, or to register: - All dates are subject to change. July 12 13 19 20 Rescue Assist Workshop, M-B of Catonsville, Catonsville MD. Contact Greg Burks 202.507.1616 vicepresident@gws - mbc GWS Picnic, Newby Estate, North Potomac MD. Contact Katie Gleeson 240.381.2286 sec ret ar y@gws - mbc SummerFest Track Day, NCCAR Track, Garysburg NC. Contact Don LaBar 757.226.0048 Autocross # 4, James Wood HS, Winchester VA. Contact Brad Blase 540.888.3625 August 10 Autocross # 5, James Wood HS, Winchester VA. Contact Brad Blase 540.888.3625 23 Shelton Vineyards Mercedes-Benz Concours, Shelton Vineyards, Dobson, NC. More info: September 7 Autocross # 6, James Wood HS, Winchester VA. Contact Brad Blase 540.888.3625 14 GWS Track Day, Jefferson Circuit Summit Point WV. Contact Steve Spector 3 01.6 0 6.0 6 87 October 12 Autocross # 7, James Wood HS, Winchester VA. Contact Brad Blase 540.888.3625 18 Euro Auto Festival, BMW Zentrium, Greenville SC. Contact: Nick Pasquine November 2 Autocross # 8, James Wood HS, Winchester VA. Contact Brad Blase 540.888.3625