wet paint product demonstration
wet paint product demonstration
In This Issue Wet Paint Product Demonstration Front Calendar, Workshops, President’s Message 2 Classes By Members 2 Have Pen Will Travel, Tending Tools of the Trade 3 Beginning Italic Class Series, A Little Script Tease 4 Stretching Your Boundaries 5 Midwest Art and Lettering Retreat 5 Knock, Knock Opportunities Galore 6 In Books—Book Review, Directory Update Photos of Colleagues’ Artwork 7 Back Colleag ues of Calligraphy Minn eapolis/St. ul, Minnesota Pa November 2012 Wet Paint Product demonstration (plus art created by Colleagues with featured supplies) Saturday, November 17th from 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM at Plymouth Congregational Church Liz, Darin, and Ann from Wet Paint Artists’ Materials and Framing on Grand Avenue in St. Paul, will be on hand presenting new and exciting artists’ supplies. During this presentation, you will also see work created by members of the Colleagues with these supplies, as well as have some hands-on testing opportunities! Featured products include: ❧❧A kua water-soluble printmaking ink and pen applicators ❧❧S t r a t h m o re Vi s u a l J o u r n a l s a n d Toned sketchbooks ❧❧TerraSkin stone (tree-free) paper ❧❧Viarco water-soluble drawing materials ❧❧P r i n c e t o n C a t a l y s t color-shaping tools ❧❧Black Velvet brushes from Silver Brush ❧❧Pilot GTEC-C4 pens ❧❧Noodler’s, Ziller, & Walnut Inks ❧❧Montana Acrylic Paint Markers The Wet Paint artists/staff will also talk on several topics, including the following: ✒✒ W h a t i s g o u a c h e ? W h a t d i ff e re n t i a t e s a n “ A r t i s t s ” gouache from a “Designer” gouache? ✒✒ Tips/best practices for brush & pen cleaning. Additionally, they will have the featured products—and a variety of other calligraphy-related supplies—available for purchase. -JoAnn Almich, Program Director For anyone who may be new to Wet Paint, I strongly encourage you to attend this meeting and visit their store in St. Paul. In my humble opinion, Wet Paint is the best art supply store around! Not only do they stock an incredibly diverse inventory of art supplies, but their staff is comprised of working artists! They are very knowledgeable and helpful— and will even answer email questions. In short, they know their stuff. They also ship product and will help find things, going so far as to special order whatever you need. Minnesota is lucky to have Wet Paint! If I were you, I’d observe closely and add items to your holiday “Wish List,” stocking stuffer requests...just sayin’... -Lori Tews, Editor Products shown in photos, clockwise, top to bottom: Strathmore Visual Journals, TerraSkin stone paper, Viarco Tailor-Shape black carbon, Princeton Black Velvet brush, and Catalyst color shaping tool. Photos courtesy Wet Paint web site product images. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings will be held at Bus Routes: Nicollet/Franklin Coming in Spring 2013 are two workshops that will help you “Stretch Your Boundaries.” Learn to be more expressive—with brush lettering and writing your own words! Check out the instructors’ individual web sites, as well as Yves’ YouTube videos. Morning Beginning Italic Class 9:30 AM “The Pointed Brush,” April 20 & 21, 2013, with Yves Leterme. Social 12:30 PM “In Our Own Words,” May 18 & 19, 2013, with Steven Skaggs. Take advantage of our series of premeeting Beginning Italic classes, if this aligns with your current goals. cl as s e s by m e m be rs When you get a chance, visit Jean Formo and our re-visioned library and join me in thanking her for the tremendous amount of good work she is doing for us in setting up and administering this service. Plymouth Congregational Church, 1900 Nicollet Avenue South, Minneapolis. Meeting 1:00 PM (Evening meetings from 6:30 - 9:30 PM) 2012–2013 November 17 Wet Paint Program January 19 Colleague Joyce Francis, Hands-on Program February 16 Sandy Muzzy, Hands-on Program, Watercolor/Journal/ Nature Recording March 16 Mini Workshops April 19 (evening) Yves Leterme (Workshop on 20 & 21) May 17 (evening) Steven Skaggs (Workshop on 18 & 19) *Saturday programs begin at 12:30 PM; Friday evening programs begin at 6:30 PM. The one who removed the mountain is the one who began carrying away the small stones. -Japanese Proverb ❧❧A B e g i n n i n g I t a l i c c l a s s is being offered free to all Colleagues! Three more sessions are planned prior to the regularly scheduled Colleagues program. All classes run from 9:30-11:30 AM on Saturdays, November 17, January 19 and February 16. Consider grabbing your tool box and joining the group for a chance to take some personal time and get some practice in. If you have not already done so, please register for the sessions at info@ colleaguesofcalligraphy.com. ❧❧Class 2 will cover the Italic l o w e r- c a s e ( m i n u s c u l e s ) . Instructor: Pat Barrett, patjohn@pressenter.com. ❧❧Class 3 will cover the Italic u p p e r- c a s e ( m a j u s c u l e s ) . Instructor: Judith Michalski, jamichalskicalligrapher@ gmail.com ❧❧Class 4 will cover variations and decorative strokes. Instructor: Kris MacDonald, krisquillpen@gmail.com. ❧❧For questions feel free to contact the instructor or info@ colleaguesofcalligraphy.com Yes, it’s our November meeting already! Here are just a few notes from me again. Wet Paint will be presenting a fine slate of information and hands-on opportunities with the best lettering and art materials and tools at this meeting. Don’t miss it if you are able to join us! Try out the “Stretching Your Boundaries” monthly challenges and bring your results to the meetings to share! Thanks to JoAnn Almich for coordinating this! Remember that we do not have a December meeting, and our next regular meeting after November will be in January, 2013, with a program presented by Joyce Francis! Congratulations to Colleagues member, Katie Beery, who is the recipient of this year’s Jo White Scholarship Award. Katie’s application was selected from the four that were submitted. Don’t forget to consider helping the Colleagues by offering to be nominated as a board member or co-member for 2013—2014! Let any current board member know if you are interested. Board position responsibility details will be available at the meetings for you to view. Have a wonderful, blessed holiday season! See you at the meetings, Signet is a publication of the Colleagues of Calligraphy. Submission deadlines are 30 days prior to the next monthly meeting. The editor is responsible for final decision on content. Mail submissions to Signet, Lori Tews, 8791 Allison Dr. Unit F, Westminster, CO 80005 or write2lori@hotmail.com. Information and products mentioned in articles do not imply endorsement by the COC or BOD. Copyright 2012 by the Colleagues of Calligraphy. No portion of the Signet may be reproduced without the written permission of the COC. For membership, see www.colleaguesofcalligraphy.com or write COC, P.O. Box 4024, St. Paul, MN 55104. 2 Have Pen, Will Travel colleagues demo Joyce Francis will be demonstrating the new Princeton Catalyst Tools at Wet Paint on Thursday, November 29, from 5:00–7:00 PM. She will be showing ways that she uses the tools to create highly textured papers and the resulting projects made with the papers. On October 21 st, a special event at the Paradise Pen Company, located in the Mall of America, featured calligraphy demonstrations by Barb Makela and lettered bookmarks by Lynn Ohlhorst. Several CoC members stopped to browse and buy. Photo on right: Colleague Lynn Ohlhorst letters bookmarks with new Colleagues member, Gayle Zaier, observing. Photo and summary by Barb Makela. tending the tools of the trade Many thanks to John Stevens for graciously sending these instructions and granting permission to reprint! 3 Beginning Italic Class Series & october meeting photos The new Beginning Italic class series is off and running. Who knew there were so many wanting to join the “Inky Finger Society?!” Photos, counter-clockwise, top to bottom: Beginning students ready and willing to lear n from C o l l e a g u e s ’ i n s t r u c t o r, P a t Barrett, on the left. (Photo by Barb Makela). Thelma Olds shared her lively, colorful “Gratitude” creation. Judith Michalski, foreground, and Aleksandra Streeter, background, tuning up their italic minuscules. (Last 2 photos by JoAnn Almich). N o t e t h e l e t t e r i n g o n J u d i t h ’s shirt—how fun is that?! Colleagues instructor, Pat Barrett, took students through their “abc’s” with the assistance of Lynn Ohlhorst, Judith Michalski and Barb Makela. Other Colleagues came for some review and practice. The break between class and the regular meeting gave an opportunity to meet and greet our new members. Class 2, from 9:30–11:30 AM on November 17th, will be a continuation o f t h e l o w e r- c a s e ( m i n u s c u l e ) alphabet and a chance for some hints, tips and tricks for getting one pretty good “a” on the page! Beginner class information can be found at www.colleaguesofcalligraphy. com/events.html. All beginner kits have been sold. For class supply information contact info@ colleaguesofcalligraphy.com. -Barb Makela A Little Script Tease “ T H E ART O F COO K IN G & EATIN G ELE P H ANTS ” Joyce Francis will be presenting a “hands-on” meeting on January 19th entitled, “The Art of Cooking and Eating Elephants.” exercises, and generally playing with acrylics. Late one night, I decided to mess around with an exercise that still wasn’t working. One and one-half hours later, I found myself standing at the sink cleaning brushes. When I went back to look at the easel, I was shocked to find the piece shown here. My immediate thoughts were, “Where did that come from, and who did it?” It was the first time I fell “into the zone” and came back dazed. Joyce was awarded the Jo White Scholarship Award in October, 2011. She spent the past year studying the book, Expressive Drawing, written by Steven Aimone. In June 2011, she attended a week-long workshop offered by Steven Aimone in Rockland, Maine. Here is a “taste” of what’s on the menu for her presentation, as written by Joyce: This piece “happened” after weeks of reading, completing suggested 4 Acrylic painting by Joyce Francis. The challenge after this experience was to figure out, “How did I get there, and how did it happen?” It’s such a mystery to have these questions and to discover the answers. J a n u a ry ’ s c h a l lenge In keeping with this year’s theme, “Stretching Your Boundaries,” Program Director, JoAnn Almich, has been busy preparing “monthly challenges” for all members at all skill levels. The challenge handouts contain instructions and photos for inspiration. The holiday card example was created for the Splendor line at The Printery House by Signet Editor, Lori Tews. The heartshaped outline of the Holy Family illustration was not a deliberate intent, but once done, it made writing the copy the easy part! The goal is to have members “try their hand” at as many of the suggestions as they would like and bring their projects to the following meeting to show and share with fellow Colleagues of Calligraphy. For January, there will be two challenges—do one or both: ✒ ✒ Design a holiday card to display and share at our January meeting. (There will be a table set aside for everyone’s holiday greeting card). ✒ ✒ The other challenge is to participate in the Graceful Envelope contest (details on page 6). (The October and November Challenges are available on our CoC web site, on the Events & Workshops page). Holiday card design by Signet Editor, Lori Tews. L o r i ’s c a r d d e s i g n w a s recently accepted by juried review for publication in Letter Arts Review Greeting Card issue (26-4), available from publisher, John Neal Bookseller, and at Wet Paint in St. Paul. Sponsored by Minnesota’s Colleagues of Calligraphy Carleton College, Northfield, MN August 15—18, 2013 “The total is greater than the sum of the parts”. Four prestigous instructors have been invited to teach at MIDWEST 2013: J o i n t h e s y n e rg y of the Midwest Art and Lettering Retreat, where the c o m b i n e d e n e rg y and inspiration of many participants feeds your unique, individual creativity! We o ff e r f o u r f u l l days away from your daily routine, a single air-conditioned room to ensure comfortable sleep at night, guidance by a master teacher in finding your personal artistic style, and enjoying it all with f r i e n d s w h o s h a re your love of art. ✒✒ J UDY MELVIN: “Spontaneous Combustion” (“a mixed-media mayhem!”) -Steve Jobs, 2003 ✒ ✒ MARTIN JACKSON: “Uncial letterforms” ✒✒ MARTHA ERICSON: “Variations of Italic” ✒ ✒ C A R L A S O N H E I M : “ T h e A r t o f S i l l i n e s s ” (a fun, “yes-I-can” approach to drawing) Photos, above left: example of “Spontaneous Combustion” art by Judy Melvin. Below left: Uncials and butterlfy painting by Martin Jackson. Above: an example of an “Art of Silliness” drawing by Carla Sondheim. The brochure of detailed information on MIDWEST 2013 will be emailed in January to all CoC members and participants from the retreats in 2011 and 2012. If you have questions about MIDWEST 2013 email the director, Joyce Francis, at midwestartandlettering@gmail.com. 5 Knock, Knock opportunities galore J oyce Francis will be demonstrating the new Princeton Catalyst Tools at Wet Paint on Thursday, November 29, from 5:00–7:00 PM. She will be showing ways that she uses the tools to create highly textured papers and the resulting projects made with the papers. C alligraphers everywhere are invited to participate in the 2013 Graceful Envelope Contest, conducted by the Washington (DC) Calligraphers Guild and the National Association of Letter Carriers. There is no entry fee. The 2013 theme, “A World of Change,” asks calligraphers to create a Graceful Envelope by pondering a change from the past or looking into the future to the kind of change you would like to see in the world. Winners will be chosen based on artistic hand lettering, creative interpretation of the theme and effective use of color and design, including incorporation of postage stamp(s). Address the envelope as follows: The Graceful Envelope Contest, 100 Indiana A v e . N W, W a s h i n g t o n , D C 2 0 0 0 1 - 2 1 4 4 . The deadline is now Monday, February 25, 2013. See the WCG website at www.calligraphersguild.org/ envelope.html for contest rules and a downloadable flier. (The 2012 envelopes are at www.calligraphersguild.org/ envwinners2012.html ) J acqueline Sullivan is putting out a regular studio letter. It will contain hints and tips on mixed media art as well as a schedule of upcoming classes and events. Are you interested in receiving this? If so, please go to her website and sign up: www.jacquelinesullivan. com/sign-up-for-the-mailing-list. (She will not share your address with anyone). C a r r i e I m a i ’s b o o k a n d DVD, Dancin’ Pen: Calligraphy Technique of Pen Manipulation and Beyond, is available at http://carriedesigns. com/dancin-pen. Check it out and be inspired! of classes in the morning with free afternoons in which to continue one’s work or to go on several trips to regional points of interest including Lindisfarne itself. G e m m a B l a c k w i l l b e teaching The Letterforms of David Jones and more in the little hillside township of Cortona in the Tuscan countryside, from June 8th to June 15th, 2013. For further information, visit http://canberragem.blogspot.com.au/. Annie Cicale is teaching The Artist’s Book: Vessel for Word and Image the week before, so you may like a real adventure and do both! Y ou are invited to be a part of CARAVANSARY: A Calligraphic Expedition in Istanbul, Turkey, from September 29 – October 9, 2013. The increasing globalization of calligraphy in the past four decades has had a major impact on our aesthetic awareness and technical development. Surprisingly, however, the study of Islamic book arts has been relatively overlooked, until now… This is a splendid opportunity for artists to examine the extensive Byzantine and Ottoman contributions to the history of lettering and book arts, in a combination of workshops and visits to some of the most magnificent cultural treasures ever produced. Students will rotate among three classes, each of two days duration, with a free day between each session to relax, sight-see, and get lost in the fantastic bazaars while dining on endlessly fabulous food. Classes will be led by: Elinor Holland, Dayle Doroshow, and Hikmet Barutçigul. For more information, please contact Barry Morentz at bardmore@earthlink.net; or Marcia Friedman at marcia@oreilly.com. B ookings can now be m a d e f o r t h e University Writing Symposium 2013, July 13—18: http:// onlinestore.sunderland.ac.uk/ The Symposium will be held in Durham, UK, next year as part of the celebrations of the return of the Lindisfarne Gospels to the city for the summer of 2013. Cover of Carrie Imai’s new book and DVD. Teachers for 2013 will include Ewan Clayton, Ann Hechle and Susan Moor. The symposium will be following a format Thankfulness is the beginning of g ratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts. - Henri Frederic Amiel 6 The Book Review Encyclopedia of Calligraphy by Janet Mehigan & Mary Noble This book lives up to its title and cover—a step-by-step visual guide of lettering styles, backgrounds, illumination, and inspirational artwork. It has a wealth of material for those new to calligraphy and for the more experienced, too. progress photos, and finished letters to “ooh and ahh” over. I spent most of my time in this section, gilding using PVA and patent gold and was pleased with the relatively easy process. The section on borders was too brief (not enough steps and detail) for me to learn from, but it made me aware of many ideas to follow up on. The “Gallery” section includes our own Judy Dodds and Dona Stenstrom, as well as instructors we have had here in the past (Mike Kecseg) and will have l a t e r t h i s y e a r ( Yv e s Leterme). It is noteworthy in the very broad range of artistic possibilities. It starts off logically with tools and materials, good photos, and a brief description, followed by 2-page sections on ruling lines, color, washes, and layout principles. There are two pages each for the many hands (11) with a ductus and some detailed stroke views. (The pictures showing the strokes are excellent). Two pages per alphabet is brief, but a lot of information is packed into it! The best part of the book for me was the “Illumination” section (about 1/3 of the book) showing Romanesque, Gothic, Arts and Craft, Renaissance, and Modern Capital letters with diagrams to trace, colorful examples, and many techniques. Whereas previous sections were two pages per subject, the “Illumination” section has four pages each, with 10 pages devoted to using gold. The differences between shell gold, leaf gold, and patent gold are explained as are the different sizes (glue for the gold) that are available. There is a “You Will Need” list of materials, detailed Te c h n i q u e s Image courtesy of John Neal Bookseller. Available to borrow from the CoC library! I very much enjoyed browsing through this book many times— stopping here and there to read a page and try the techniques. I would rate this book as highly recommended —and it is available in our Colleagues’ library! -Gary Feyen, November’s Book Enthusiast & Reviewer Di rectory Update This month, we welcome ten new members! May your lettering and friendships flourish as a fellow Colleague! ❧ ❧T homas McNinch, 1508 Iowa Ave. W, Falcon Heights, MN 55108; H 651.644.9946 new members: ❧❧Kate Thomas, 1812 – 1st Ave. S # 307, Minneapolis, MN 55403; C 909.238.2648; kthomas@mcad.edu ❧❧L eslie Bowman, 5333 France Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55410-2021; C 612.926.1568; l.w.bowman@ comcast.net ❧ ❧Jill Burke, 5272 Red Oak Dr., St. Paul, MN 55112; H 763.786.2544; C 763.439.5188; jill.burke@conferencedirect.com ❧ ❧E llen Erntsberger, 17016 – 39th Court N, Plymouth, MN 55446; H 763.444.1896; C 614.425.4201; ehommerd@yahoo.com ❧❧Georgia Greeley, 1389 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105; H 651.690.4928; gag2jhg@aol.com ❧❧Judith Main, 2284 Highland Parkway #204, St. Paul, MN 55116-1001; C 651.999.9588; judymain@gmail. com ❧ ❧M ary Dee McEvoy, 4293 Weston Way, Shoreview, MN 55126; C 651.280.5234; marydeemcevoy@comcast.net ❧❧Fern Wilcox, 567 Gramsie Rd, Shoreview, MN 551267020; H 651.481.1296; C 651.808.3646; iamfern61@ gmail.com ❧❧G ayle Zaier, 5691 – 200th St W, Farmington, MN 55024; C 612.245.4300; gaylezaier@yahoo.com information changes: ✒ ✒ Gayle Adelsman, H 612.823.7454 ✒ ✒ Mary Beth Hinrichs, mbhinrichs@me.com ✒ ✒ Charlie Hughes, C 952.913.1403 ✒ ✒ Paula Schwinn, H 651.270.8084 ✒✒ Janey Westin, C 612.834.3799 ✒ ✒ E m i l y S t o u t , 3 4 5 5 B l a i s d e l l A v e . A p t . 3 , Minneapolis, MN 55408 7 P.O. Box 4024 St. Paul, MN 55104 Skillfully flourished “R” lettered by Diane von Arx and layered over image in Photoshop. A beautiful and inspiring collection of calligraphic art created by JoAnn Almich for the monthly “Stretching Your Boundaries” lettering challenges.
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