Spring 2015 - CCHSTerriers.com


Spring 2015 - CCHSTerriers.com
Carbondale Community High School District #165
Administrative Center
330 South Giant City Road  Carbondale, Il 62902
Phone (618)-457-4722  Fax (618)-457-3353
CCHS Halls of Fame, Achievement, and Service
Carbondale Community High School paid homage to
its leaders, teachers, record-breakers and visionaries this
fall with a pair of ceremonies designed to honor the next
class of the best and brightest to dot the hallways, offices, playing fields, and bleachers in the history of
CCHS. The Athletic Hall of Fame welcomed the second
class to its honored spot in school lore with a weekend
full of fun and memories August 29 and 30. Meanwhile,
the CCHS Education Foundation hosted its second ever
Gala event September 21 to induct a new class into its
Hall of Service and Hall of Achievement. In all, the
CCHSEF recognized the dedication, service and accom-
plishments of 28 individuals and one entire graduating
class - 1940’s, which has provided more financial support to the school than any other graduating class in
school history. The Hall of Fame ceremony recognized
fourteen former athletes, six coaches, three recordbreaking teams, and one super-fan as its second class to
be inducted. Both nights left those honored and those
that came to celebrate the honored with plenty of smiles,
stories and memories. Hall of Fame inductee Lisa
Knowlton-Mason spoke for many from each event when
she said, “It’s going to be a night that I’m going to remember for a long time.”
Hall of Achievement Inductee John Coleman
By: Mollie Kelley, Journalism Student
John Coleman, Class of ’53, knew he was a natural
His voice was just the beginning of what would be-
when it came to his voice. “They talked me into going out
come an amazing career. “Everything I needed to get my
for football my
career going in life came from Carbondale High School,”
Coleman told the Terrier Times at the CCHS Education
year... in the
Foundation Gala in September. He said that what really
first game, I
helped was having such great math, science, and English
teachers, all of which helped him in his future meteorology
well.” A man
came to Cole-
After graduating high school, Coleman moved from
man after that
coast to coast working for different news stations, includ-
game knowing
ing Good Morning America. Eventually, he was among the
that he was a
creators of The Weather Channel. “Carbondale is the
good announcer. He asked Coleman if he would rather play
source of my success, CCHS is huge with me… Go Terri-
football or announce all of the games. Coleman handed over
Hall of Fame inductee and co-founder of The Weather
Channel, John Coleman, is presented his award during
the CCHS Education Foundation Gala.
Photo by Ryan Michalesko
his jersey and began announcing. “By [my] sophomore year
I was doing play-by-play radio broadcast on WCIL and my
Other Hall of Achievement Inductees are listed on
page 6.
career was launched.”
330 South Giant City Road Carbondale, IL 62902Phone (618)-457-4722www.cchsterriers.come-mail:Admin@cchsterriers.com
Haven’t You Heard...
Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees
By: Samantha Goodale, Bryn Sharp, and Jalen Jackson, Journalism Students
Not only was Doug Woolard inducted to the Carbondale Community High School Hall of Fame as a
coach, but he was also a player on the 1966-67 basketball team that is being inducted. Woolard spent 17
years representing the High
School, four as a student
athlete and then thirteen as
a coach/athletic director.
During an interview Doug
Woolard expressed how
honored he felt to be inducted in this class with
such great Coaches such as
Gary Holda, Reid Martin,
and John Cherry. When
asked about his feelings
toward Carbondale High
School he responded, “This
place has a very special meaning to me and my family, and it was a very impactful time in our lives.”
Doug Woolard talked about his ‘66-’67 basketball
team and about his ‘67-’68 team that also qualified
for state and lost in overtime. He only had good
things to say about these teams and the people he
played with. In an interview he mentioned his cocaptain Lester Taylor and the great memories they
made and how successful they were. “Les Taylor is
probably as good a basketball player as I’ve seen yet
Doug Woolard had the honor of coaching two of
the four basketball players inducted in the first Hall of
Fame class and all three of the individual male basketball players being inducted with him into the second class. Woolard talked about the honor it was to
coach such talented people and said that he is sure
that in the future more of the players he got the opportunity to coach will be getting inducted.
After leaving his hometown, Carbondale, Woolard
went on to work in athletic director positions at
Washington State, St. Louis University, University of
Southern Florida, and he did return at one point to be
the AD of Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.
Lisa Knowlton-Mason was a three sport athlete
when she attended Carbondale Community High
School. Graduating in 1990,
she participated in basketball,
volleyball, and track. Inducted
into the Hall of Fame in 2014
for her accomplishments in
basketball, Mason demonstrated that devotion, discipline, and dedication serve as
pillars for success in both
school and life. “You’re only
as good as the people that surround you. I was surrounded
with great coaches… we had a
wonderful team and I think we could still go out and take
that court today and probably hold our own.” During her
time at CCHS, Mason earned a total of eleven varsity
letters. She also was awarded 2nd team in all-state for
basketball. Inductees into this year’s Hall of Fame were
announced at the Carbondale-Murphysboro football
game on August 29. “It’s such an honor and a privilege
to even be… inducted into the class… It’s gonna be a
night that I’m going to remember for a long time.”
Seth Smith, class of 1993, was another inductee into the second Hall of Fame class this fall. Smith
was a two sport athlete who participated in basketball
and football. He excelled at
both sports, but he attended
the University of Michigan on
a football scholarship. Smith
still ranks sixth in the IHSA
record book for career touchdown catches with 40 over his
storied Terrier career. Now, Smith manages his
own consulting firm in Los
Angeles, California with high
profile clients including several NFL players and actor Kevin Hart. Even with a
resume like his he still said,
"there still isn’t anything like coming back to CCHS."
330 South Giant City Road Carbondale, IL 62902Phone (618)-457-4722www.cchsterriers.come-mail:Admin@cchsterriers.com
Page 2
Haven’t You Heard...
Hall of Service Inductees
By: Samantha Goodale, Bryn Sharp, and Jalen Jackson, Journalism Students
The Education Foundation Hall of Service is intended to recognize individuals who, through their actions, have supported Carbondale Community High School. The inductees dedicated their
time and service to help
make our students who
they are today. They were
recognized at the Education Foundation’s Gala in
September. They
shown leadership, financial
support, time and effort to
the students and all of District 165. This year Hall of
Hall of Service awards sit idle, prior to the Service inductees were
awards presentation at the CCHS Education nothing but the best. The
Foundation Gala.
inductees included:
Photo by Ryan Michalesko
 Virginia Appuhn started teaching in 1990 and is
now retired from CCHS. She ensured that the school led the
way in technological development.
 Barbara Bennett was an influential member on the Board of
Education and was the second longest serving member. Many
of her hours were also put towards making sure CCHS had
the best Fine Arts program.
 Mary Boyle, ‘Ma’ Boyle as her students know her, poured her
unique skills into the theater department at CCHS for over 30
years. Boyle was also very influential in many productions of
the Carbondale Stage Company, which she helped found.
 The Class of 1940 has provided CCHS with more financial
support that any other class, ever. Their contributions have
impacted past students, and also many of the students attending CCHS today.
 Dr. James Crouse served as a local physician in the City of
Carbondale. Throughout his years he provided physicals free
of charge to CCHS athletes. His revolutionary practice and his
financial support to CCHS over the years have helped to make
CCHS athletics what it is today.
 Harold and Jane Dycus were extremely devoted to CCHS. As
a couple they served as co-presidents of the athletic booster
club and helped found several fundraisers that have benefited
 Jake Goro has been one of the strongest financial supporters
CCHS has ever had. Goro served on the committee which
founded the Carbondale Holiday Tournament. His legacy
lives on through the Holiday Tournament and the CCHS students.
 Amber Hanson enjoyed a long and distinguished career as a
school nurse. Hanson served as a member of the CCHS Education Foundation.
 Charles Hines, who was the attorney general for the City of
Carbondale for many years, served as the CCHS attorney for
several years making sure the school was always compliant.
His legal advice and guidance was very helpful in the estab-
lishment of the foundation.
Gary Holda is a retired teacher and coach from CCHS. He is a
very hands-on coach and always runs with his athletes. Holda
is a valued financial supporter to the foundation.
Margaret Hollis Handy, a devoted teacher, not only worked
hard for her students but served as a department chair and also
the school’s principal. After many years, she retired as the
school’s Superintendent. The previous Learning Center on
east campus was named in her honor.
Charles Leming spent many years as a government teacher for
CCHS. He ensured the honors students were given the opportunity to serve in Washington D.C. and to this day students
are still able to serve there over spring break.
Barbara Levine, CCHS graduate, served as a Board member
for over 20 years, ten of those as president. Levine was president of many committees before and after her work on the
school board. She worked many hours on the referendum to
new school
which all
attend today.
Reid Martin started
out as a
teacher and
Hall of Service inductee, Jet Tarr, is recognized during
halftime of the Friday night football matchup against the
basketball, Centralia Orphans.
and base- Photo by Ryan Michalesko
went on to become the athletic director and finished his time
at CCHS as the Superintendent. Martin is a vocal supporter
and a founding member of the Holiday Tournament.
Jennifer Stanley is an outstanding retired teacher who was
more than devoted to her students. She was an advisor and
trainer in the CCHS lifesavers program. Stanley also served in
founding the Freshman Orientation Program, SeniorFest, and
CCHS Student Mentors.
James “Jet” Tarr, PH.D., taught in CCHS’s business department and was always known for his sense of humor. Tarr and
his students were able to bring the first Snack Shack to
CCHS. He was the advisor for both the Key Club and FBLA
for many years. After retiring, Tarr went on to complete his
Ph.D. and taught at SIU.
Jim West was the owner and founder of West Bus Service, the
official bus for CCHS. Mr. West ensured that all sports teams
had a ride to their events and provided free services to the
330 South Giant City Road Carbondale, IL 62902Phone (618)-457-4722www.cchsterriers.come-mail:Admin@cchsterriers.com
Page 3
Haven’t You Heard...
Hall of Service
Photos by Ryan Michalesko
Carbondale District 165 Superintendent Steve Murphy speaks with past district
superintendent Steve Sabens during the 2014 CCHS Education Foundation
Hall of Service Inductee, Gary Holda, shares memories before the Gala
CCHS Education Foundation Gala Thank You
Dear CCHS Alumni and Friends –
We would like to thank all the attendees, inductees, and sponsors who made the 2014 CCHS Education Foundation Gala such a success!
Because of your efforts, we were able to raise over $27,000 for CCHS students and programs.
We especially wish to thank the members of the Gala Planning Committee: Kathy Booziotis, Betty Brooks-McCullom, Marty Daesch,
Molly Gaffney-Keebler, Diane Hood, Joseph Hudgins, Mike Kelley, Mort Levine, Adrian Miller, Connie Morgan, Steve Murphy, and
Lori Baine Wahaib.
Please accept our best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2015!
Kevin Klaine, Chairman
CCHS Education Foundation Board of Directors
Jennifer Stanley, Chairman
Community Education and Fund Development
330 South Giant City Road Carbondale, IL 62902Phone (618)-457-4722www.cchsterriers.come-mail:Admin@cchsterriers.com
Page 4
Haven’t You Heard...
Hall of Service
Attendees of the 2014 CCHS Education Foundation Gala look at silent auction
CCHS senior, Paul Goodin, plays saxophone along with the CCHS Jazz Band
during the 2014 Education Foundation Gala.
Photo by Ryan Michalesko
Photo by Ryan Michalesko
2014 Education Foundation
Grant Awards
Kevin Klaine, Chairman of the Carbondale
Community High School District 165 Education
Foundation, announced today that the CCHS Education Foundation awarded 39 grants, totaling
$14,518.00 to faculty and staff of CCHS for projects and activities for the 2014-15 school year.
The Foundation grant program was initiated in
1999 to assist and enhance the educational programs of CCHS. Since its inception, the CCHS
Foundation has awarded 412 grants to faculty
and staff, totaling over $150,350.00.
Information regarding the CCHS Education
Foundation is available on the web at http://
www.cchs165.jacksn.k12.il.us or by contacting Stephen Murphy, Superintendent of Carbondale Community High School District 165, at (618) 4574722.
Students Involved with the
Creation of Newsletter
As a project, students of the CCHS A/V
Journalism Class design the Education Foundation newsletter. Creating the foundation
newsletter gives the class a valuable hands-on
experience that they are able to translate into
the business world.
Students relate how classroom activities
such as writing, photography, scanning photos,
editing, and layout apply to the real world.
Kaelen Ali
Allan Arnold
Madeline Brobst
Kaylyn Colon
Frederique Desrosiers
Samantha Goodale
Jalen Jackson-Rowe
Mollie Kelley
Blade Lada
Jacob Linze
Kelsey Martin
Ryan Michalesko
Bailey Misener
Madison Moore
Madison Mueller
Elisha Richardson
Brandon Rishel
Donald Rush
Maziar Sayeh
Bryn Sharp
Bryan Dunn
Michelle Stevens
330 South Giant City Road Carbondale, IL 62902Phone (618)-457-4722www.cchsterriers.come-mail:Admin@cchsterriers.com
Page 5
Haven’t You Heard...
Hall of Achievement Inductees
The Hall of Achievement is an outstanding venue to recognize
our alumni of CCHS and Attucks School. It is intended to recognize alumni of CCHS and Attucks School who have contributed
significantly to our school, community, state or country and/or
have distinguished careers in business, the arts, the professions,
public service, agriculture, athletics, or any other worthwhile field
of endeavor. Below is a list of the 2014 inductees and some of
their accomplishments:
 Dr. Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD (Medical Director and Founder of the Santa Cruz Integrative Medicine Center) graduated CCHS
in 1985, Stanford University in 1989, and the University of CA
with her Medical Degree in 1996. In 2008, she co-founded the Santa Cruz Integrative Medicine & Chi Center to combine the treatments of conventional and holistic medicine. Named the Best Doctor in Santa Cruz for the 4th year in a row.
 Dr. Matthew Broom, MD (Professor of Pediatrics and Health
Care Ethics) graduated CCHS in 1995 and Saint Louis University,
with his Medical Degree, in 2003. Lieutenant Commander in the
Medical Corps of the US Navy and recognized as Outstanding Pediatrician of the Year in 2010. Author of numerous medical publications. Staff member of St. Mary’s Health Center and Cardinal
Glennon Children’s Medical Center.
 Walter Clark (Financial Executive) - graduate of Attucks High
School (1946) and SIU (1951). Vice President of Citicorp and
Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Transit Authority.
 John Coleman (Television Weather Forecaster) was a 1953
graduate of CCHS and a 1957 graduate at the U of I. Original
weathercaster on the Good Morning America show. Founded The
Weather Channel, serving as its first CEO and President.
 Shawn Colvin (Song Writer, Musician) graduated CCHS in
1973. New York City Music Award for Best Debut Female Vocalist in 1989. 3-time Grammy Award Winner and 10-time Grammy
 Greg Cook (Business and Manufacturing) graduated from CCHS
in 1976 and SIU in 1980. Co-founder and President of Cook Portable Warehouses and President of the SIU Foundation Board of Directors.
 Wesley Jay Gibson (Financial Consultant) graduated from
CCHS in 1975 as Valedictorian of his class. He also graduated
with his Bachelor’s Degree from SIU in 1984. Founder and partner
of Gibson Consulting Group and has provided consulting services
for 25 of the top 100 US private equity firms and their companies.
 John Gilbert (State Senator and Champion for Education) was a
graduate of CCHS (1930), SIU, and the U of I School of Law. FBI
Special Agent during WWII and a legal officer with the US Navy.
Jackson County State’s Attorney from 1948-1956. State Senator
(1961-1973) - a major voice in shaping educational policies in Illinois.
 Jessica Jones (Financial Advisor, Philanthropist) graduated
CCHS in 1993 and Indiana University (BPH) and Saint Louis University (MBA, MHA). Edward Jones Altruism Award winner for
her philanthropy work in Guatemala.
 William T. Livesay (Artist) graduated from CCHS in 1974, SIU
in 1982, and Yale in 1984. Livesay is currently an ‘Honored Outstanding Professor’ at the Atlanta Art Institute and was also named
Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year in 1999. Livesay
‘Intaglio Prints’ can be found in over 175 collections including:
the Library of Congress, High Museum of Art, Yale University Art
Gallery, AT&T, and several other US Capitol Offices.
 Roger Parrish (Pilot, Veteran, USAF Colonel, and Flight Instructor) graduated from CCHS in 1953, U of I with his Bachelor’s
in 1957, and U of CA with his Master’s in 1971. 1st in Class USAF
Training, 137 combat missions in Vietnam (Top Gun Award), and
Commander of the Thunderbirds. Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame.
Athletic Hall of Fame
Photos by Ryan Michalesko
Roger Medlin, ‘the voice of the Terriers’, served as the master of
ceremony for the 2014 Athletic Hall of Fame induction.
Past Carbondale High School football coach, Frank Bleyer,
cheers with his winning team recently inducted into the CCHS
Athletic Hall of Fame.
330 South Giant City Road Carbondale, IL 62902Phone (618)-457-4722www.cchsterriers.come-mail:Admin@cchsterriers.com
Page 6
Haven’t You Heard...
Athletic Hall of Fame
Coach of the 1967 basketball team, John Cherry, talks with his
grandson during the 2014 CCHS Athletic Hall of Fame induction.
Carbondale High School Athletic Hall of Fame Board members
get their food during the 2014 induction ceremony and dinner.
Inductees into the 2014 Athletic Hall of Fame talk prior to the
induction ceremony.
Athletic Hall of Fame banquet attendees enjoy a night of
memories while supporting family and friends.
CCHS Education Foundation
Great ideas for Christmas, Birthdays
or cchs graduations!
A great way to recognize your favorite Terrier!
Cafeteria Courtyard Paver Brick $125
Athletic Courtyard Paver Brick $125
Auditorium Chair Name Plate $200
Commemorative Stone Bench $894
For More Information Please Visit the Terrier Website
330 South Giant City Road Carbondale, IL 62902Phone (618)-457-4722www.cchsterriers.come-mail:Admin@cchsterriers.com
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2Statement of Purpose
The Carbondale Community High School
Education Foundation is organized for
charitable, scientific, and educational
purposes, including but not limited to:
Promoting, encouraging and fostering
education in Carbondale Community
High School District 165, Carbondale,
Developing community and public
education programs, providing information about education services and
programs available to the community.
Soliciting and receiving gifts and contributions for and on behalf of charitable education organizations, exempt
from taxation under Sections 501(a)
or 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
CCHS Education Foundation Board of Directors
Kevin Klaine, Chairman
Marty Daesch, Vice-Chairman
Diane Hood, Secretary
Morton P. Levine, Treasurer
Frank Bleyer
Robert Bleyer
Robert Brewer
Trace Brown
Betty Brooks-McCollum
David Coracy
Molly Gaffney-Keebler
Mike Kelley
Sharon Lipe
Adrian Miller
Jennifer Stanley
Lori Baine Wahaib
Ex-Officio Members
Kathy Booziotis
Lucia Kelso
Steve Kosco
Steve Murphy