Human Body Visit


Human Body Visit
Human Body
Free Sample
for games, music, and more.
By Dan Caldwell
Copyright © 2009-2011 by sciTunes Education Products Inc.,
Bloomington, IN 47401.
All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright, and
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How to Use the Teacher Edition
Teacher Edition Layout
o Learning Goals - Each chapter in the teacher edition begins with the
learning goals for the unit. These are the key ideas that students will be
expected to master as a result of each lesson in the unit.
o Lessons – In this section each lesson is described in greater detail. It is
recommended that teachers read each lesson and then look closely at
the student pages that go with that lesson.
o Student Pages – Each chapter in the teacher edition also contains the
student pages. Notice that the student page numbers are given for these
pages at the top of each student page.
o Answer Keys – Following the student pages, answer keys for each
student page are provided for grading purposes and for lesson
preparation. It is recommended that teachers look at the answer keys in
advance of teaching the lesson in order to guide students effectively.
o Guitar Chords – At the very end of the chapter the guitar chords (and in
some cases tablature) are given in order for teachers to perform the
songs “live.”
Internet Tie-In
o Music – Each sciTunes order comes with a CD. The songs can also be
found at
o Games – The sciTunes games can be found at They are in the HTML5 format which is
compatible with the Internet Explorer 9, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari web
browsers. All of these browsers can be downloaded for free.
o Extras – The teacher edition is designed to be a guide for the student
activity book, but there are many other ways to use the sciTunes songs
in your classroom. Go to for ways to take the
sciTunes curriculum even further.
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Page 2
Student Page 15
Chapter 2
It Takes Guts!
The Digestive System
And Nutrition
It Takes Guts!
The Digestive System
Learning Goals:
1. Students will listen to It Takes Guts! and complete a lyric note-sheet.
2. Students will label the main digestive system organs on a diagram.
3. Students will use lyrical clues from It Takes Guts! to identify the functions of the main
organs of the digestive system.
4. Students will visit and play It Takes Guts! – The Video Game and
complete a reflection sheet and an illustrated story about a trip through the digestive
5. Students will listen to Know the Food Pyramid
6. Students will label the food pyramid
7. Students will identify how each food group is part of a healthy diet and will give
examples from each food group.
8. Students will use the Know the Food Pyramid lyrics to determine which food groups
contain which essential nutrients.
9. Students will complete vocabulary brain squares for four food groups, four essential
nutrients, “digestion”, “absorption”, and “waste removal”.
10. Students will complete a digestive system summary.
1. Students will listen to “It Takes Guts” and complete a lyric note-sheet.
Play It takes Guts! and instruct students to listen carefully to the lyrics and use the word
bank to fill in the missing digestive system terms as they listen.
Play It takes Guts! a second time and instruct students to fill in any terms that they were
unable to get the first time through. On the second time through, instruct students to sing
along as best as they are able – they should be able to sing the chorus without too much
trouble. Participation is extremely important for increasing the retention rate of the
information in the song.
Go over the lyric sheet with the class to make sure they have the correct answers. The
PDF file can be used on a large screen computer monitor to guide the class.
2. Students will label the main digestive system organs on a diagram.
Tell students that the song lyrics will help them identify the organs because the lyrics are in
the order that food goes through them. You will want to point out that the song only
includes the organs that the food actually passes through when you come to the liver,
gallbladder, and pancreas.
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Page 4
3. Students will use lyrical clues from It Takes Guts! to identify the functions of the
main organs of the digestive system.
Students should be able to use the clues from the song lyrics to accurately identify the
function of the organs listed on student page 10.
4. Students will visit and play Guts Arcade! – The Video Game and
complete a reflection sheet and an illustrated story about a trip through the
digestive system.
Go to and click on the games link. You will find a number of sciTunes
games that are based on the songs from the Human Body album including Guts Arcade!
– The Video Game.
Bring your students to your school’s computer lab and direct them to the games section of
the sciTunes website. Allow them to play the game for 20 minutes or so (headphones are
recommended as It Takes Guts! And Know The Food Pyramid will be playing throughout
the game).
After playing the game, have students complete the video game reflection sheet on page
11 and 12. Allow them to play the game one more time in order to make sure that they
identified all of the digestive system components in the game correctly.
Playing the video game should give students a good mental picture of what it would be like
to travel through the small intestines and stomach. Now ask students to turn to the A
Journey Through the Digestive System (pages 13 and 14) creative writing activity and
explain the activity as follows:
1. Read the directions on the top of the sheet
2. Explain the grading rubric (you will need to assign point values to each part of the
rubric. This was left to you so you can make it work with your grading system)
i. Include each organ – remind students to use their diagram and the organ
functions sheet from earlier in the unit as guides.
ii. Mechanical and Chemical digestion – remind students about the difference
and ask for volunteers to give examples of each. Students should describe
both types of digestion as the main character of their story (their piece of
food) is experiencing it.
iii. Describe Absorption – remind students that the whole point of the digestive
system is to absorb nutrients from the food so our bodies can use them.
iv. Pictures – pictures should show effort and creativity. I would advise cautioning
the students to make sure that all pictures be tasteful.
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Page 5
5. Students will listen to Know the Food Pyramid and complete a lyric note-sheet.
Play Know the Food Pyramid and instruct students to listen carefully to the lyrics and use
the word bank to fill in the missing nutrition terms as they listen.
Play Know the Food Pyramid a second time and instruct students to fill in any terms that
they were unable to get the first time through. On the second time through instruct students
to sing along as best as they are able – they should be able to sing the chorus without too
much trouble. Participation is extremely important for increasing the retention rate of the
information in the song.
6. Students will label the food pyramid.
Tell students that the song lyrics will help them identify the triangles because the lyrics are
in the same order as the food pyramid (from left to right). Have the students write the name
of each food group (i.e. grains, vegetables, etc.) in the boxes and color in the triangles with
colored pencils (or write the word for each color if colored pencils are unavailable).
7. Students will identify how each food group is part of a healthy diet and will give
examples from each food group.
Tell students to use the clues from the song to figure out how each food group is part of a
healthy diet. The song lyrics also contain examples from each food group.
8. Students will use the Know the Food Pyramid lyrics to determine which food groups
contain which essential nutrients.
Students should look closely at the lyrics as well as the second column in this activity to be
able to accurately complete the chart.
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Page 6
9. Students will complete vocabulary brain boxes for four food groups, four essential
nutrients, “digestion”, “absorption”, and “waste removal”.
“Official” Function (job)
Used for tissue
growth and repair
and in chemical
reactions in your
Function “In Your
You use it to build
muscle and grow
One Word
10. Students will complete a digestive system summary.
The last activity in this unit is a simple summary activity (student page 22) in which
students take a moment to focus on the key ideas in this unit. The first activity on page 22
asks the students to identify the three main functions and gives them organs as clues (1.
Break down food 2. Absorb nutrients 3. Remove waste). The questions on page 23 ask
students to identify the functions of each organ. The final question asks students to quiz
themselves on the anatomy of the digestive system.
Answer keys and guitar chords are found at the end of this chapter.
Student Pages Begin On The Next Page:
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Page 7
It Takes Guts
A Trip through the Digestive System
It takes guts to break it down
It takes guts to soak it up
Sometimes my guts make funny sounds
Yeah no one digs me ‘cause of my borborygmi*
That’s why no one hangs around me
* Borborygmi is the
scientific term for
when your stomach
growls. (And you
sound really smart
when you say it!)
I blame it on my guts
There’s a party in the mouth the _____________________ are grindin’
Salivary ________________________ are binding,
To complex carbs to turn them into sugar
So eat your veggies, but not your boogers.
Head down the _____________________ past the _____________________,
Down to the ________________________ where the latest hot spot is.
__________________________ is burning the house down
It’s a pool party, careful not to drown now!
Oh lordy, lordy here come the _____________________
It’s time for some _______________________ digestion
Use these words to fill in the
Intestines Bile Nutrients
I just got squirted in the face with ____________,
The ___________________________ going on for miles.
Pink lumpy walls covered in _______________
Hydrochloric Acid
Make all my __________________ go bye, bye.
Teeth Colon Feces
Now I’m just waste, but I’m still rolling
Small Intestines Water
Rectum Epiglottis Villi
In my brown Cadillac through the __________________.
It takes all my _______________ and makes me __________________.
I wait in the _____________________ for the body to release me.
Now I’m in the rectum singing “lody dody”
Then I exit through the ___________________ into the potty!
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Page 8
The Digestive System
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Page 9
It Takes Guts – Organ Functions
Complete the chart below by writing the function of the main
digestive system organs. If you get stuck, use the clues from the
song to help you remember.
sciTunes Clue
“There’s a party in the mouth, the
teeth are grinding, salivary enzymes
are binding…”
“Head down the esophagus past the
epiglottis, down to the stomach…”
“Head down the esophagus past the
epiglottis, down to the stomach…”
“down to the stomach where the
latest hot spot is. Hydrochloric Acid
is burnin’…”
“I just got squirted in the face with
Small Intestine
bile, small intestines going on for
(in the small
Large Intestine
“pink lumpy walls covered in villi,
make all my nutrients go bye-bye.”
“…in my brown Cadillac, through the
colon. It takes all my water and
makes me feces…”
“I wait in the rectum for the body to
release me.”
“Then I exit through the anus into the
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Page 10
Guts Arcade! – The Video Game
Directions: Go to and click on the games link. Play Guts Arcade!
– The Video Game and then answer the questions below.
1) Match the following video game elements with the part of the digestive system they
A) Junk Food
B) Villi
C) Mechanical Digestion
D) Nutrients
E) Stomach Acid
2) Why can stomach acid be thought of as a “ninja”?
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Page 11
3) Why do you think the developers of this game chose a robot to teach you about
mechanical digestion?
4) Give a real example of non-robot (human) mechanical digestion.
5) What type of digestion does the “Acid Ninja” represent?
6) What does stomach acid actually slice through? ____________________________
7) What is the main function of the small intestines? ___________________________
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Page 12
A Journey through the Digestive System
Directions: Now that you have traveled through the small intestines on a hotdog, write and illustrate
your own story about a trip through the digestive system. Tell the story from the point of view of a piece
of food traveling through the entire digestive system.
1) Every Organ ____ 2) Describe Mech. & Chem. Digestion ____ 3) Describe Absorption ____ 4) Pictures _____
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Page 13
Waste Removal (Keep it Clean!)
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Page 14
Know the Food Pyramid
Know the ________________________ to be a healthy kid
It takes good __________________________ to fuel your ambition
The orange triangle says eat your _________________________________
Full of _______________________________ to give you __________________
So eat multi-grain bread, and you can eat lots of
Brown rice, and whole-wheat pasta
Try not to eat too many simple carbs
Like white flour, white rice high in starch
The green triangle says eat your _______________________
Full of ____________________ and essential ____________________
Try to eat veggies of every different color
Dark leafy greens, yellow, orange, and red peppers
Artichokes, onions, avocado, tomatoes
Zucchini, cucumbers, sweet potatoes
Use these words to complete the lyrics.
Food pyramid
Complex carbs
Vitamin C
The red triangle says eat your ________________________
Try to eat it fresh it’s better than juice
Eat apples, grapes, and even cumquats
Oranges and bananas eat ‘em up before they rot
Fruits are naturally low in fats and sodium
They’re a good source of ___________________ and ______________________
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Page 15
There’s a little yellow stripe says eat a little _____________________________
Get it from plants growing in the soil
Your cells need it to make membranes
If you eat too much you'll see some weight gain
You should try to avoid fat that’s ___________________________________
It’s bad for heart and it’ll make you overweight
The blue triangle says eat and drink ____________________________
Milk and cheese makes your __________________ and ________________ very
Strong, like steel from _________________________ and vitamin D
And it sure tastes yum
So have some low-fat all natural yogurt. Be a smart eater so you can know your
The purple triangle says eat _______________________
Eat beans and meat as long as it’s lean
You need protein for the amino acids
So you make your muscles massive
Use these words to complete the lyrics.
Eat eggs and nuts just watch the fat
Once in a long while red meat’s not bad
The food pyramid is more than what you eat
The stairs remind you to get up on your feet
Try to _______________________________ 30 minutes everyday
You don’t have to run for miles there are so many ways
Like dancing, soccer, walking the dog
Basketball, jump rope, taking a jog
Swim in the pool or even in a lake
As long as you exercise every single day
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Page 16
The Food Pyramid
Label the triangles and the
stairs by filling in the
boxes, then color in the
blank triangles on the
food pyramid.
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Page 17
Know the Food Pyramid for a Healthy Diet
Complete the chart below by explaining why each food
group is an important part of a healthy diet and by giving
an example of each food group. Use lyrics from the song
to help you out.
sciTunes Clue
“Full of complex
carbs, to give you…”
“They’re a good
source of …”
“Your cells need it to
“The green triangle
says eat your
vegetables, full…”
How it’s part of a
Healthy Diet
“…makes your
bones and teeth
“You need protein
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Page 18
Six Essential Nutrients
Use the song lyrics to complete the chart below.
Used by the Body for…
A good source of energy.
Simple (sugars) – Fast energy
Complex (starch) – Longer Lasting
A huge source of energy (lot’s of
Saturated – Solid at room temp. & mostly
bad for you.
Unsaturated – Liquid at room temp. and
good for you in moderation
Tissue growth and repair and chemical
reactions in your cells.
Helper molecules in a variety of chemical
Vitamins are made by living things.
Helper molecules in a variety of chemical
Minerals are not made by living things.
They are present in soil and absorbed by
plants’ roots.
All the body’s vital processes (such as
chemical reactions) take place in water.
Water makes up the body’s fluids,
including blood.
Food Groups it’s
found in…
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Page 19
Food Pyramid Vocabulary
Pick FOUR of the food groups that you find the most
challenging to remember and complete the vocabulary
activity below.
Triangle Color
Triangle Color
Source of…
Source of…
Triangle Color
Triangle Color
Source of…
Source of…
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Page 20
Food Pyramid Vocabulary
Pick FOUR of the essential nutrients that you find the most
challenging to remember and complete the vocabulary
activity below.
“Official” Function
“Official” Function
Function “In Your
One Word
Function “In Your
One Word
“Official” Function
“Official” Function
Function “In Your
One Word
Function “In Your
One Word
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Page 21
Digestive System Summary
“Scientific” Function
Function “In Your Words”
One Word
Example Organs
“Scientific” Function
Example Organs
“Scientific” Function
Example Organs
Function “In Your Words”
One Word
Function “In Your Words”
Waste Removal
One Word
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Page 22
You need to know the functions (jobs) of all the organs:
a. Mouth - ___________________________________________
b. Esophagus – ________________________________________
c. Epiglottis – _________________________________________
d. Stomach – _________________________________________
e. Small Intestines – ____________________________________
f. Liver – ____________________________________________
g. Gallbladder - _______________________________________
h. Pancreas – _________________________________________
Large Intestines – ____________________________________
Rectum – __________________________________________
k. Anus – ____________________________________________
You need to be able to identify the
digestive system organs on a
Use this small diagram
to quiz yourself and use
the diagram from earlier
in the chapter to see how
well you did.
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Page 23
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Page 24
Answers to Page 8:
It Takes Guts!
A Trip through the Digestive System
It takes guts to break it down
It takes guts to soak it up
Sometimes my guts make funny sounds
Yeah no one digs me ‘cause of my borborygmi*
That’s why no one hangs around me
I blame it on my guts
There’s a party in the mouth the teeth are grindin’
Salivary enzymes are binding
To complex carbs to turn them into sugar
So eat your veggies but not your boogers
Head down the esophagus past the epiglottis
Down to the stomach where the latest hot spot is
Hydrochloric Acid is burning the house down
It’s a pool party careful not to drown now
Oh lordy, lordy here come the intestines
It’s time for some chemical digestion
I just got squirted in the face with bile
The small intestines going on for miles
Pink lumpy walls covered in villi
Make all my nutrients go bye, bye
Now I’m just waste, but I’m still rolling
In my brown Cadillac through the colon
It takes all my water and makes me feces
I wait in the rectum for the body to release me
Now I’m in the rectum singing “Lody Dody”
Then I exit through the anus into the potty
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Page 25
Answers to Page 9:
1) Mouth
2) Epiglottis
3) Esophagus
4) Stomach
5) Small Intestine
6) Liver
7) Gallbladder
8) Pancreas
9) Large Intestine (colon)
10) Rectum
11) Anus
Answers to Page 10:
Mouth – Mechanical Digestion (chewing food) and Chemical Digestion (breaking down food
with saliva)
Epiglottis – Tissue flap that covers trachea (windpipe) while swallowing to prevent choking
Esophagus – Pushes food to the stomach
Stomach – Chemical digestion (stomach acid, strong digestive enzymes) and mechanical
digestion (stomach muscles churn food)
Small Intestine – Chemical digestion (enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the liver and
gallbladder are squirted on the food in the beginning of the small intestine) and nutrient
absorption (by the villi)
Villi – microscopic protrusions (finger-like structures) that give the small intestine much greater
surface area allowing it to absorb more nutrients
Large intestine – absorbs water from the feces
Rectum – stores feces
Anus – muscular opening that keeps feces in rectum until time for removal
Answers to Page 11-12:
1) B, E, A, C, D
2) Stomach Acid (and other digestive enzymes) act like “ninjas” because they “slice”
through the chemical bonds in the food being digested.
3) Robots are mechanical devices that have the ability to move around. Mechanical
digestion is when the body uses physical movement to break down food (similar to the
“RoboChomp’s Jaws in the game).
4) Teeth, chewing, stomach muscles, tongue, etc.
5) Chemical Digestion
6) Chemical bonds in food.
7) Small Intestines absorb nutrients into the bloodstream where they can be taken to all
the cells in the body.
See rubric for grading the illustrated story on pages 20 and 21
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Page 26
Answers to Page 13-14:
Know the Food Pyramid
Know the food pyramid to be a healthy kid
It takes good nutrition to fuel your ambition
The orange triangle says eat your grains
Full of complex carbs to give you energy
So eat multi-grain bread, and you can eat lots of
Brown rice, and whole-wheat pasta
Try not to eat too many simple carbs
Like white flour, white rice high in starch
The green triangle says eat your vegetables
Full of vitamins and essential minerals
Try to eat veggies of every different color
Dark leafy greens, yellow, orange, and red peppers
Artichokes, onions, avocado, tomatoes
Zucchini, cucumbers, sweet potatoes
The red triangle says eat your fruit
Try to eat it fresh it’s better than juice
Eat apples, grapes, and even cumquats
Oranges and bananas eat ‘em up before they rot
Fruits are naturally low in fats and sodium
They’re a good source of vitamin C and potassium
There’s a little yellow stripe says eat a little oil
Get it from plants growing in the soil
Your cells need it to make membranes
if you eat too much you could see some weight gain
You should try to avoid fat that’s saturated
It’s bad for heart and it’ll make you overweight
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Page 27
The blue triangle says eat and drink dairy
Milk and cheese makes your bones and teeth very
Strong, like steel from calcium And vitamin d and it sure tastes yum
So have some low fat all natural yogurt
Be a smart eater so you can know your
The purple triangle says eat protein
Eat beans and meat as long as it’s lean
You need protein for the amino acids
So you can make your muscles massive
Eat eggs and nuts just watch the fat
Once in a long while red meat’s not bad
The food pyramid is more than what you eat
The stairs remind you to get up on your feet
Try to exercise 30 minutes everyday
You don’t have to run for miles there are so many ways
Like dancing, soccer, walking the dog
Basketball, jump rope, taking a jog
Swim in the pool or even in a lake
As long as you exercise every single day
Answers to Page 15:
Person on stairs – exercise
Bottom boxes (and colors) from left to right –
1) Orange, Grains 2) Green, Vegetables 3) Red, Fruit
4) Yellow, Oil 5) Blue, Dairy 6) Purple, Protein
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Page 28
Answers to Page 16:
Grains – Whole grains give you complex carbohydrates for energy, fiber for a healthy
digestive system, vitamins, and minerals (whole grain bread, pasta, cereal, rice)
Vegetables – A great source of vitamins and minerals. Some vegetables are also a good
source of complex carbohydrates and healthy oils.
Fruit – Good source of vitamins and minerals, contain carbohydrates for energy (look out for
too much sugar), contain fiber, and water.
Oil – Unsaturated plant oils provide healthy fats for building cell parts, used for energy. Avoid
most saturated fats. (olive oil, canola oil, coconut oil, etc.)
Dairy – Provides protein for building and repairing tissue, minerals such as calcium, vitamins
such as vitamin D, helps keep teeth and bones strong. (milk, yogurt, cheese)
Protein – Used by the body for building and repairing tissue. (lean meat, beans, nuts)
Answers to Page 17:
1) Grains, Fruits, Dairy, and some vegetables
2) Oil, Protein, Dairy and some Vegetables (such as avocado)
3) Protein and Dairy
4) All, but especially in Vegetables and Fruits
5) All, but especially in Vegetables and Fruits
6) Fruits, Vegetables, Dairy
Answers to Page 18-19:
See the description in learning goal 9 in the beginning of this chapter for an example of a
completed vocabulary brain box.
Answers to Page 20:
a) Mouth – Mechanical Digestion (chewing food) and Chemical Digestion (breaking
down food with saliva)
b) Esophagus – Pushes food to the stomach
c) Epiglottis – Tissue flap that covers trachea (windpipe) while swallowing to prevent
d) Stomach – Chemical digestion (stomach acid, strong digestive enzymes) and
mechanical digestion (stomach muscles churn food)
e) Small Intestine – Chemical digestion (enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the
liver and gallbladder are squirted on the food in the beginning of the small intestine)
and nutrient absorption (by the villi)
f) Liver – recycles red blood cells to make bile
g) Gallbladder - stores bile that was made by the liver
h) Pancreas – makes enzymes that help digest carbohydrates, protein, and fats
i) Large intestine – absorbs water from the feces
j) Rectum – stores feces
k) Anus – muscular opening that keeps feces in rectum until time for removal
2) Students should use the small diagram to quiz themselve
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Page 29
It Takes Guts! Guitar Chords
It takes guts to break it down
(Reggae style – up stroke on the off-beat)
There’s a party in the mouth the teeth are grindin’
Salivary enzymes are binding
Know the Food Pyramid Guitar Chords
Know the Food Pyramid to be a healthy kid
It takes good nutrition to fuel you ambition
The orange triangle says eat your grains.
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Page 30