News in Brief - Nevada Academy of Family Physicians
News in Brief - Nevada Academy of Family Physicians
Summer 2006 News in Brief Editor’s Two Cents By Colleen C. Lyons, MD Inside this Issue 1 Editor’s Two Cents 3 AAFP Delegates Report UNSOM News 5 Resident Corner 7 The Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act 9 Foundation Corner Tar Wars – On To Another Victory 11 Local Person to Person CME 13 Hello from Your Executive Director 15 Consultant Directory Nevada Academy of Family Physicians 326 W. Liberty Street Reno, NV 89501 775-826-5100 Every important enterprise or constituency requires a good leader and good leadership reaps excellent fruits for all. The Nevada Academy sows the field for family physician leaders. NAFP exposes Nevada physicians to state and national politics and issues, through participation in AAFP’s Annual Leadership Forum, the State Legislative Conference and the Spring Congressional Meeting in Washington, D.C. Additionally, NAFP supports our delegates to the national AAFP Congress of Delegates, which sets AAFP policy and goals. Many of NAFP’s leaders have gone on to serve in positions within the larger physician community. NAFP members have served on AAFP Committees and Commissions. Family physicians having served the Nevada Academy have subsequently served the Nevada State Medical Association and AAFP nationally, including as President of the Academy itself. Physicians need leaders. Obviously, not all NAFP members seek to be those leaders. The greater membership serves itself by continuing to support opportunities within NAFP for those family physicians so inclined to grow leadership skills through experience, mentoring, and education. Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the AAFP Spring Congressional Meeting where the national Academy seeks to educate and expose family physicians to the inner workings of the US Capitol. Having actually met subsequently with several members of the House and Senate, I have come to more fully appreciate the representation needed and required for physicians and medicine in Washington, D.C. I’ve heard it said that leading doctors is like “herding cats”. Well, leading America is certainly no easier. The government of the United States with 435 House Representatives, 100 Senators and myriad officials of the Executive Branch is a formidable vehicle to maneuver. A vehicle requiring limitless patience and a constant presence, both of which Physicians as the leaders of medicine, must possess to succeed in reaping the fruits for themselves and the nation. Support NAFP’s leadership thru: 1. Your membership dues (Continued on Page 3) Summer 2006 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nevada Academy of Family Physicians News in Brief 2. Participating in meetings which often include free food and CME 3. Attending the Winter CME Conference @ Lake Tahoe and/or the Summer CME Conference in Las Vegas. These conferences are a major source of funding for the Nevada Academy. 4. Encouraging Pharmacy Reps, insurance companies, hospitals, DME suppliers, etc to support NAFP meetings, NAFP’s two annual CME conferences and our Newsletter. 5. Donating to the non-profit NAFP Foundation which supports: Tar Wars and Scholarships for medical students and family medicine residents. AAFP Delegates Report By Daniel Spogen, MD The main item that is new is the up and coming AAFP Scientific Assembly. If you have not registered by now you may want to consider it. The National Assembly this year is in Washington DC. Wednesday, the opening day of the assembly, will start off with a rally at the While House. The purpose is to try to get some national recognition of health care issues. We will all bus from the convention center to the White House. It should be a fun and interesting process. There will also be “hot lines” in the convention center that will automatically forward you to your state representative. When connected you can leave a message for your representative or request a meeting. Of course, the CME activities are many and varied. It is an excellent opportunity to hear nationally recognized speakers and up-todate topics. The assembly will be preceded by the Congress of Delegates. During that two and a half day session, you can speak at any of the reference committees on a variety of “hot” political topics as they apply to the AAFP and delivery of health care. I am now serving on the Commission on Continuing Physician Development. The focus of this new commission is not only to review topics for CME but also to investigate new avenues of physician educational enrichment. We are developing a “point of care” product that will allow a physician to seek an answer of a patient care issue online. By answering some questions about the search the physician will get CME credit. The AAFP will then follow-up with the physician at a later date to see if the intervention improved patient care. Another product is the METRIC evaluation system. You can now investigate that at the AAFP website. This will be a chart review on asthma, diabetes or coronary artery disease. By filling out the data you can get CME credit, see how you are performing compared with your peers and satisfy part of your recredentialing process. In fact, if you do this, keep up with your maintenance of certification exams you can re-certify on a 10 year cycle instead of a 6 year cycle. A new consideration is a small group learning model. A module will be sent to a physician that agrees to be a presenter to a small group and CME credit will be granted. The main focus of CME is the idea of life long learning. These above products are being presented in residencies now. Then when the resident graduates he/she will just keep on learning in the same format to maintain certification. This is exciting stuff and should make learning more efficient than the standard model of going to lectures and testing every seven years. UNSOM News By Erin Grasek, MD What could be better than getting an afternoons worth of fresh powder ski turns in while earning (Continued on Page 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Summer 2006 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nevada Academy of Family Physicians News in Brief valuable CME credits? How about a 3 mile hike, sunburn, dinner cooked over an ancient iron stove, boxed wine and an outhouse? Sure, its not Caesars at Tahoe but to the attendings, residents, and students who joined the 2nd Annual Winter Wilderness Medicine Overnight CME Trip, the Peter Grubb Hut is exactly where they'd like their learning to take place! Due to the success of the 2005 trip, the organizers this year were able to involve some of their specialist friends in addition to the 'regulars'- Family Med attendings and residents from the Family Medicine Program in Reno, NV. Joining the group was an ER doc, Pulmonologist, Oral Surgeon and Nurse Practitioner. Two students from the FMIG also attended. CME accreditation was obtained with help from St. Mary's Health System and volunteers gave talks discussing topics from Hyponatremia and Altitude Sickness to Exposure Ailments. There were even two hands-on rescue clinics involving medical search and rescue techniques in avalanche territory and medical assessment and evacuation in the backcountry. The weather was great and the participants enjoyed snowshoeing, skiing, and snowboarding before heading out on Sunday afternoon. Plans are already underway to extend the trip to 3 days next year and involve more community docs and students. Resident Corner By Karen M. Selbach The Family Medicine Residency, Reno, University of Nevada School of Medicine is proud to announce the Class of 2006 graduates and their practice plans: • Betsy (Bergemann) Jaffe, M.D. (UNSOM) - private practice - Silver State Family Physicians, 2345 E. Prater Way, Ste. #111, Sparks, NV 89436 • Todd Inman, M.D. (UNSOM) - private practice Silver State Family Physicians, 2345 E. Prater Way, Ste. #211, Sparks, NV 89436 • Nancy Conley, M.D., (Amer U Caribbean) - private practice 18653 Wedge Parkway, Reno, NV 89511 • Jaren Blake, M.D. (Tulane) private practice in Blackfoot, Idaho • Jay Ramage, M.D. (U Louisville) - private practice in Wytheville, Virginia • Gianna (Service) McKay, M.D. (Michigan State - East Lansing) - private practice in Kalamazoo, Michigan Kristin Corbett, D.O. will be leaving after completion of her Internship year (June, 2006), and will be continuing her residency training in Internal Medicine in Santa Barbara, California to be closer to family. We wish our Residents and their families the very best of everything in their new endeavors. We are privileged to have met and worked with these fine young physicians and their families, and to be a part of their education and future in Family Medicine. Ruth Adene-Peter, M.D. (U Benin, Nigeria) will fill the vacant PGY-II position, and is currently in Residency at Meharry (Nashville, Tennessee). We matched all of our Class of 2009, and are proud to announce their Internship Training, beginning in July, 2006: • Amanda S. Casey, M.D. (UNSOM, undergrad UNR) • Jim Davis, M.D. (St. Georges, undergrad UNR) • Natalia Fursevich, M.D. (OB in Belarus, Minsk State Medical Institute) • Michael B. Koehn, M.D. (St. Georges, undergrad Texas A&M) • Mayumi Cayde Leslie, M.D. (U Santo Tomas, Philippines, also undergrad) • Suraj Verma, M.D. (Saba U, undergrad UC Berkeley) (Continued on Page 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Summer 2006 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nevada Academy of Family Physicians News in Brief After over twenty years as faculty, David A. Mar, M.D. will be leaving our faculty for a new position with the State of Nevada at the Men's Prison in Carson City, and will be working with Bruce Bannister, D.O.. We will miss Dave, and wish him all the best in his new job. Bruce is now the Medical Director for the Nevada State Prison System, and continues to work with our residents on call and for OB deliveries, which we certainly appreciate! NAFP would like to welcome the following Resident and Student Members: Erin Winter, MD - Chief Resident Jason Crawford, MD, MPH Chief Resident Mike O'Brien - FMIG President Joe Brown - FMIG Vice President Samantha Sharp - FMIG Treasurer Charles Clair - Family Medicine Scholar The Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act Submitted by Michael Hackett, Nevadans for Tobacco-Free Kids, Campaign Manager As published in the Nevada Business Journal (May Issue) Current state laws on smoking in public places simply don’t protect non-smokers. Nevadans want change. The Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act is the only ballot question this November that provides the change voters want. Sponsored by Nevadans for Tobacco-free Kids, a coalition of the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, the Nevada Academy of Family Physicians, and the Nevada State Medical Association, this initiative would change state laws and ban smoking in public places where children are allowed. Protected areas include restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores, schools and shopping malls. It would also give local authorities control over smoking policy. The research is absolutely conclusive that secondhand smoke is dangerous to nonsmokers, especially children – a fact acknowledged by cigarettemaker Phillip Morris Co. Nationally, the impact on business from secondhand smoke-related disease is estimated at $10 billion annually in lost production, lost wages and medical costs. Smoke-free laws are fast becoming commonplace – 16 states and counting – in states as diverse as Utah and Massachusetts. have proven very easy to comply with. Bar, tavern and restaurant associations in many of these areas support smoke-free laws, along with local chambers of commerce, realizing good public health policy means a healthy bottom line. A second petition, Responsibly Protect Nevadans from Secondhand Smoke, will also be on the ballot. Don’t be confused by its friendly title! Reminiscent of 2004 and the deceptive intent of Questions 4 and 5 to roll back insurance rates and eliminate frivolous lawsuits, this competing petition serves only to confuse voters. At best, it will maintain the status quo; at worst, it weakens current law, repealing local school districts ability to determine policy. Finally, consider the source. Members of Nevadans for Tobacco-free Kids are dedicated to the research, education, care and treatment of disease and illness. That has been their mission for decades. The Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act is Nevadans only choice for change. To learn more about the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act, visit Hospitality-based economies have not been hurt by smoke-free laws. In fact, just the opposite is true. There has been a positive impact on sales, profits, tax receipts, employment and patronage. Further, these laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Summer 2006 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nevada Academy of Family Physicians News in Brief Foundation Corner By Ann Marie Campione, MD The first annual Foundation Silent Auction took place at this year's CME/Ski meeting. It was a huge success! We raised over $2500.00. Thank you to all the donors and to the successful bidders. As, I mentioned, this will be an annual event, so we will be looking for donors for next year's auction as well as donors for our auction in the southern part of the state for this year’s CME/Summer meeting. Great ideas for donations include gift certificates for items or services from either yourself or your patients, handmade crafts, or never used "treasures" discovered during your spring cleaning. Remember, all donations are tax-deductible!!! So, why raise money for the foundation? The foundation is the arm of the NAFP through which we can provide scholarship monies to encourage our medical students and residents to pursue our profession of Family Medicine -- they are our future. Through the foundation, we were able to accept grant monies to fund the Tar Wars tobacco education program, and to ensure its continued successes. In short, the vision of the NAFP Foundation is to enhance the health of the people of Nevada and the specialty of Family Medicine. If you would like to be involved in our Foundation or donate items for our silent auctions, contact the NAFP offices at 775826-4475 or e-mail Tar Wars – On To Another Victory Submitted by Barbara Bolling, Special Projects Director/Tar Wars Coordinator Ah, yes! It has been grant writing time again as we attempt to secure funding for Tar Wars over the next two years. The current grant cycle ends on June 30, and although we've made efforts at raising funds for the program through Tar Wars calendar sales, and so forth, we've not nearly enough in our coffer to financially support the program, especially with the current momentum that we've established which includes presenting the program to over 10,000 Nevada fifth-grade students annually. Our grant proposal was submitted to the Task Force for the Fund for a Healthy Nevada and we were approved in the amount of $39,000 to operate the program in FY07. component of the program. With help from Brooke Wong's husband, we now have our own Web site Students simply log-on and take both the pre and post tests. It saves hundreds of hours of inputting their test results for analysis of the program. The test results that I've reviewed within the past month show that students' knowledge about tobacco use has greatly increased after their Tar Wars presentation, and those are results that our grantors like to see. If you are a Tar Wars presenter, we thank you. We’ve had another successful year with the Tar Wars program and have presented the program to about 11,700 in the past several months. Dr. Herve Bezard and I recently went out to the new Touro University in Henderson, and trained medical students to become presenters. Also, Dr. Ann Marie Campione provided Tar Wars training to medical students at UNSOM earlier this year. Medical students are enthusiastic presenters and relate well to the fifth-grade students. (Continued on Page 11) Tar Wars evaluation is a necessary and important . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Summer 2006 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nevada Academy of Family Physicians News in Brief This activity has been reviewed and is acceptable for up to 22 Prescribed credits by the AAFP and 4.00 of these credits conform to the AAFP criteria for evidenced-based CME. We are offering Medical Ethics and a lineup of great topics and speakers. Register on line at If you need more information contact Barbara Bolling at 702228-5822 or Occupational Medicine: What Clearly Works is the 2006 Nevada Poster Winner The number of presentations given by medical professionals in the state, as well as our members, constantly amazes me. If you've served in the past or are now serving on the Board of Directors or Trustees, worked on winter and summer meeting committees, presented Tar Wars, helped with the calendar project or participated in the silent auction we salute you! Your spirit of volunteerism is greatly appreciated by both staff and members of NAFP. Local Person to Person CME NAFP’s 17th Annual Summer CME Conference will be held August 4-6, 2006 at the South Coast Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. We invite you to join us in fabulous Las Vegas for three days of excellent CME. theme of the 50th Annual Western Occupational Health Conference to be held September 14-16, 2006 at the Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe in Incline Village, Nevada. Plenary sessions include expert faculty from many disciplines over a two-day period and are designed to provide evidence-based data that will be both interesting and useful. Join us for Post Graduate Sessions, "Lunches with the Professors" and our keynote lectures on the Ecology of Lake Tahoe, Wilderness Medicine, DOT Guidelines and more. Visit our Web site at for more information or email to request a conference brochure. Diabetes Updates: The 8th Annual conference sponsored by the Nevada Diabetes Association for Children and Adults will be held October 13, 2006 at the New Boomtown Hotel in Reno. State of the art talks on diabetes mellitus will be discussed including two hours of ethical challenges which meet the Nevada Board of Medical Examiners' requirement for 2 CME credits in ethics. The CE activity has been approved for up to 10.25 PRESCRIBED credit(s) by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Conference registration fee is only $50 which includes lunch. You can preview the brochure and register on line at If you need any additional information please contact Claude K. Lardinois, M.D. at The Seventeenth Annual Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine: Cardiology for the Primary Physician is a two-day CME program designed for the primary care physician, internist, practicing cardiovascular specialist, hospitalist, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, pharmacist, cardiovascular nurse, and all other physicians and medical personnel interested in the most recent advances and current established practice patterns in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and stroke. The conference is to be held November 3-5, 2006 at the Resort at Squaw Creek in Olympic Valley, CA. For more information please call Sierra Heart Institute at 775-688-8088 or 1-800-765-8088 or e-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Summer 2006 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nevada Academy of Family Physicians News in Brief NAFP Membership Meetings: Aug. 4, 2006—Las Vegas Sept. 20, 2006—Reno Oct. 12, 2006—Las Vegas Oct. 18, 2006—Reno Nov. 2, 2006—Las Vegas Nov. 15, 2006—Reno Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the NAFP 39th Annual NAFP Winter CME Meeting! January 28 to February 2, 2007 at Harrah’s Tahoe. Hello from Your Executive Director By C. Brooke Wong for Students and Residents. These students are the future of Family Medicine and our membership should be very proud to afford student this opportunity. New for this summer is going to be NAFP’s first fundraising event to benefit both our Academy and our Foundation. Our Wine Tasting and Auction will be held August 24, 2006 at Washoe Wine Company in South Reno. This will be a great opportunity to visit with other members, local specialists in the area, and support the Academy and Foundation. .If you are interested in purchasing tickets or even serving on the planning committee, contact me today! It has been a pleasure serving as your Executive Director this past year. I have enjoyed meeting some of you and look forward to meeting more of you in the upcoming year. We had some great Membership CME meetings this year and our Summer and Winter CME meetings were a great success. We have an excellent program for this year’s Summer Meeting (August 4th-6th), so I hope you all can join us. Winter Meeting planning is underway and I am excited with the program we have put together so far. The dates for this year’s meeting are January 28thFebruary 2, 2007. For the first time, our meeting will be held at Harrah’s Tahoe. Locals Day will again be held the first official day of the meeting, so if you cannot attend for the entire 6 days, make sure and at least mark your calendar for Locals Day on January 29th. This year our Foundation was able to provide two $1,000.00 Lisa Yao Scholarships, one in the North and one in the South. Congratulations to Kate Martin and Amanda Casey for all of their hard work. Our Foundation also provided funding to send 5 students to the AAFP National Conference on Family Medicine As most of you know, previously I worked with the American Lung Association. I was pleased to come on board with the Academy since we are involved in tobacco prevention and control efforts. Last August, our Board of Directors voted to support an initiative that will ban smoking in public places. The Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act will protect children and families from second hand smoke. The petition will ban smoking in public places where children are present, such as restaurants, grocery stores, school grounds, daycare centers, and other retail establishments. Casino floors and stand-alone bars that do not serve food will be exempted from the ban. The Act was tied up in court for over a year, but this month, Judge Maddux ruled in favor of the Act and it will indeed be on the ballot in November. I am excited that NAFP can be involved in yet another initiative campaign and pleased to put our name on something that can protect the health of our families and patients that you all provide care for. This initiative will allow Nevada to join the more than 15 other states that have enacted similar laws to protect the public from second hand smoke. It has been a great year and I am proud of the work of our Academy. Please contact me if you have any Academy questions or would like to be more involved in any of our Academy activities. Enjoy your summer! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Summer 2006 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nevada Academy of Family Physicians News in Brief Consultant Directory This specialty referral section is a service to our members. All names and organizations are paid listings and should not be considered endorsement by the NAFP. Appearance in this guide does not mean the NAFP certifies these physicians as board certified specialists in their area of practice. We appreciate the participation of these other specialty physicians and health care providers who have supported family practice through this project. Las Vegas Allergy Immunology Joram S Seggev, MD 3150 N Tenaya Way, #515 Las Vegas, NV 89128 702-822-2444 Desert Asthma & Immunology A Sean McKnight, MD 2821 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy, #101 Henderson, NV 89052 702-212-5889 Behavioral & Clinical Immunology Behavioral Medicine Associates Marv A Glovinsky, PhD 6000 W Rochelle, #200 Las Vegas, NV 89103 702-362-7785 Cardiovascular Surgery Cardiovascular Surgery of Southern Nevada VC Smith, MD, FACS JE Martin, Jr, MD, FACS Nancy A Donahoe, MD, FACS Demetri Mavroids, MD Neel Dhudshia, MD 3131 LaCanada, #217 Las Vegas, NV 89109 702-737-3808 General Surgery Lambert R Abeyatunge, MD, FACS 2080 E. Flamingo Road, #205 Las Vegas, NV 89119 702-735-1202 Stuart Engel, MD, FACS 3006 South Maryland Parkway, #465 Las Vegas, NV 89109 702-734-1800 James S Tate, Jr, MD 1701 W Charleston Blvd #215 Las Vegas, NV 89102 702-388-4292 Ronald Hofflander, MD 3201 S Maryland Parkway, Ste 601 Las Vegas, NV 89109 702-894-4440 Infectious Disease Infectious Diseases Consultants Eugene L Speck, MD, PhD, FACP Jerome F Hruska, MD, PhD, FACP Gary Skankey, MD Elmer G Palitang, MD Ronald A Shockley, MD Kathleen Wairimu, MD Sudakar V Mallela, MD Asha Alagiriswami, MD 3006 S Maryland Parkway, #780 Las Vegas, NV 89109 702-737-0740 Maternal-Fetal Medicine Desert Perinatal Associates Joseph Adashek, MD Paul Wilkes, MD Jay Gloeb, DO Pat Pierce, MD 9280 W Sunset Rd, Suite 236 Las Vegas, NV 89148 703-341-6610 Neurology Clinical Neurology Specialists Leo Germin, MD, FAAEM Bess L Chang, DO 1321 S Rainbow Blvd, Suite 240 Las Vegas, NV 89146 702-804-6555 600 Whitney Ranch Dr, Suite D-16 Henderson, NV 89014 702-804-1212 Neurosurgery Las Vegas Neurosurgery Associates, PC Keith S Blum, DO, FACOS 7730 W Sahara Ave, Suite 109 Las Vegas, NV 89117 Western Regional Center for Brain & Spine Surgery Benjamin H Venger, MD, FACS William D Smith, MD John A Anson, MD, FACS Derek A Duke, MD, FACS Jason E Garber, MD Michael E Seiff, MD James S Forage, MD Stuart S Kaplan, MD 3061 S Maryland Pkwy, Suite 200 Las Vegas NV 89109 702-737-1948 Las Vegas Neurosurgery & Spine Care, LLC Gary Flangas, MD Randal R Peoples, MD Debora Nelson, MD Aury Nagy, MD 10001 S Eastern Ave, #408 Henderson, NV 89052 702-737-7070 OB/GYN Centennial Hills OB/GYN Associates Nader Abdelsayed, MD Annette Mayes, MD Tracy Nielson, CNM 1815 E Lake Mead Blvd, #314 North Las Vegas, NV 89030 702-649-0002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Summer 2006 Women’s Wellness OB/GYN James Barber, MD Kenneth Jones, MD Joseph Plautz, MD Kathleen Jones-Monte, MD Robbi Burns, MD Anthony Shaya, MD Haydee Docasar, MD 10170 S Eastern Ave, #160 Henderson, NV 89052 702-914-7050 Ophthalmology Eye Clinic of Las Vegas Marietta Nelson, MD 2800 N Tenaya Way, #102 Las Vegas, NV 89128 702-384-2020 Siems Advanced Lasik & Image Center John L Siems, MD 1000 S Rampart Blvd, Suite 10 Las Vegas, NV 89128 702-948-2010 Nevada Orthopedic and Spine Center Reynold L Rimoldi, MD Michael S Bradford, MD Arthur J Taylor, MD Patrick S McNulty, MD Gary D Morris, MD Thomas C Kim, MD Daniel D Lee, MD Edward S Ashman, MD Russell T Nevins, MD Conrad O Yu, MD Michael D Thomas, MD Dennis P Gordon, MD 2650 N Tenaya Way, Suite 301 Las Vegas, NV 89128 702-878-0393 Otolaryngology Scott E Manthei, DO John Alway, DO Ryan Mitchell, DO 2598 Windmill Pkwy Henderson, NV 89074 702-896-6043 Pain Management Ophthalmic Associates Emily Fant, MD Kevin Miller, MD Grace Shin, MD Toshina Reddy, MD Adam Schwartz, OD 3016 W Charleston Blvd, Suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89102 702-870-2020 Nevada Eye & Ear Douglas Lorenz, DO Thomas F Kelly, MD 860 Seven Hills Dr Henderson, NV 89052 702-456-4000 Orthopaedics Fred Redfern, MD 600 Whitney Ranch Dr, #D-22 Henderson, NV 89014 702-456-2400 Orthopedic Surgery Bone and Joint Specialists Mark J Rosen, MD Steven M Sanders, MD 2020 Palomino Ln, Suite 220 Las Vegas, NV 89106 702-474-7200 16 Nevada Pain Management Robert Bein, MD 2851 N Tenaya Way, Suite 201 Las Vegas, NV 89128 702-233-9911 Pain Management and Rehab Medicine Pain and Rehab Center Armando S Miciano, MD 3211 N Tenaya Way, Suite 113 Las Vegas, NV 89128 702-395-7558 Pain Medicine Interventional Pain Medicine of Nevada Michael J McKenna, MD, FIPP Mark Knutson, PA-C Shannon Signorino, PA-C 901 Rancho Ln, Suite 135 Las Vegas, NV 89106 702-307-7700 Pediatric Gastroenterology Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Associates Howard Baron, MD Carl Dezenberg, MD Christopher Rhee, MD 3196 S Maryland Pkwy, Suite 309 Las Vegas, NV 89109 702-791-0477 Pediatric Surgery Center for Children’s Surgery Kelly A Kogut, MD Nicholas F Fiore, MD Troy M Reyna, MD Michael G Scheidler, MD 3121 S Maryland Pkwy, #400 Las Vegas, NV 89109 702-650-2500 Radiation Oncology Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada Dan Curtis, MD 655 Town Center Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89144 702-233-2200 Craig Donaldson, MD 10001 S Eastern Ave, Suite 108 Henderson, NV 89052 702-952-3444 Raul Meoz, MD, FACR 9280 W Sunset Rd, Suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89148 702-952-1251 Andrew Cohen, MD Farzaneh Farzin, MD 3730 S. Eastern Ave Las Vegas, NV 89109 702-952-3400 Vascular and General Surgery Eddy H Luh, MD 526 S. Tonopah Dr, #120 Las Vegas, NV 89106-4044 702-258-7788 VitreoRetinal Surgery The Retina Center at Las Vegas Russell P Jayne, MD 6839 W. Charleston Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89117 702-737-7258 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nevada Academy of Family Physicians News in Brief Reno Acupuncture Five Seasons Health Care Inc. Christi Bonds, MD 1101 W Moana Ln, #10 Reno, NV 89509 775-827-2249 Allergy and Immunology Leonard Shapiro, MD Boris Lokshin, MD 2005 Silverada Blvd, #250 Reno, NV 89512 775-359-5010 Dermatology Nevada Center for Dermatology Cindy L Lamerson, MD Martin Moore, RN, APN 6050 Sierra Rose Dr, Suite A Reno, NV 89511 775-827-8100 General, Vascular, Colorectal and Thoracic Surgery General and Vascular Associates Janet L Albright, MD, FACS Susan S Buchwald, MD, FACS Charles M Carpenter, MD, FACS Michelle K Chu, MD Sherwood M Dixon, MD, FACS Lillian Estrada-Linder, MD, FACS John L Holler, MD, FACS John E Ryan, MD, FACS George F Sieffert, MD Paul M Stumpf, MD, FACS A Joseph D Vijungco, MD 1500 E Second St, Suite 206 Reno, NV 89502 775-789-7000 Premier Surgical Specialists Alvaro H Devia, MD, FACS Brian E Juell, MD, FACS Thomas E Rembetski, MD 6554 S McCarran Blvd, Suite B Reno, NV 89509 775-324-0288 General, Vascular, Colorectal, Thoracic, Oncology and Bariatric Surgery Western Surgical Group Martin A Bain, MD John H Ganser, MD, FACS Myron J Gomez, MD, FACS John C Hanson, MD, FACS James B Harris, MD, FACS Frieda Hulka, MD, FACS Mark D Kozar, MD, FACS Rick L McElreth, MD, FACS Edward J Plecha, MD, FACS Kent C Sasse, MD, FACS Lindsay B Smith, MD, FACS Robert W Watson, MD, FACS 75 Pringle Way, Suite 1002 Reno, NV 89502 775-323-7500 Opthalmology Center for Advanced Eye Care 412 W John St Carson City, NV 89703 775-882-9123 Eye Care Professionals Matthew B Mills, MD AA (Bud) Schonder, MD 350 W Sixth St, #A1 Reno, NV 89503 775-322-1000 Thomas R Conklin, MD Isaac J Hearne, MD 294 E Moana Ln, #22 Reno, NV 89502 775-329-2020 Terri Key, MD 1500 E Second St, #203 Reno, NV 89502 775-329-4545 Orthopaedic Surgery Lake Tahoe Orthopaedic Institute Randy C Watson, MD Keith R Swanson, MD Robert E Rupp, MD Daniel T Robertson, MD 212 Elks Point Rd, #200 P.O. Box 11889 Zephyr Cove, NV 89448 775-588-3636 Reno Orthopaedic Clinic James L Christensen, MD Robert J Parlasca, MD Timothy J Bray, MD Richard W Blakey, MD Jim Pappas, MD Eric M Boyden, MD Paul Y Shonnard, MD Kirk A Kaiser, MD John J Halki II, MD Brett G MenMuir, MD Peter Althausen, MD Renny Uppal, MD Bruce E Witmer, MD Martin Jose Arraiz, MD 555 N Arlington Ave Reno, NV 89503 775-786-3040 Orthopedic and Hand Surgery Advanced Orthopedics Patrick Osgood, MD K Jeff Matteoni, MD Michael E Raemisch, MD George W Prutzman, MD 689 Sierra Rose Dr, #B Reno, NV 89511 775-786-2100 Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery William R Trimmer, MD 343 Elm St, #204 Reno, NV 89503 775-348-8555 Sierra Nevada Ear, Nose & Throat Associates Paul D Manoukian, MD, MPH Brian Romaneschi, MD Edwin Horgan, MD John Forest III, MD Nanci Szatmary, AuD Eagle Medical Center 2874 N Carson St, Suite 220 Carson City, NV 89706 775-883-7666 Bud A West, MD Courtney W Garrett, MD 343 Elm St, #204 Reno, NV 89503 775-323-2157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Summer 2006 Pain Medicine Sleep Disorders Pinnacle Pain Medicine Alfred H Grimes, MD 550 W Washington St, #2 Carson City, NV 89703 775-841-7246 Sierra Pulmonary and Sleep Consultants Michael A Lucia, MD 2345 E Prater Way, #310 Sparks, NV 89434 775-351-2600 Psychology Debra DL Richied, PhD 1065 Haskell Dr Reno, NV 89509 775-348-8558 Karyn Forsyth, PhD 205 S Minnesota St Carson City, NV 89703 775-881-2025 Psychology (Behavioral Health) Spinal Surgery Sierra Regional Spine Institute James R Rappaport, MD Phelps C Kip, MD James H Olson, MD Robert G Berry Jr, MD Christopher D Twombly, MD Dallin DeMordaunt, MD 6630-A S McCarran Blvd, #4 Reno, NV 89509 775-828-2873 Susan D Smith, PhD 458 Court St Reno, NV 89501 775-324-1234 Pulmonary Medicine Sierra Pulmonary and Sleep Consultants Michael A Lucia, MD 2345 E Prater Way, #310 Sparks, NV 89434 775-351-2600 Radiology Saint Mary’s Radiology Group Shin Kim, MD Thaddeus Laird, MD Colby Laughlin, MD Mark McAllister, MD H Michael Noh, MD Rion O'Connell, MD Richard Welcome, MD 235 W Sixth St Saint Mary’s Hospital Radiology Department Reno, NV 89503 775-770-3177 Reno Diagnostic Centers Ross Golding, MD Timothy Martin, MD Gary Shrago, MD 590 Eureka Ave Reno, NV 89512 625 Sierra Rose Dr Reno, NV 89511 775-323-5083 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2006-2007 NAFP BOARD OF DIRECTORS The mission of the Nevada Academy of Family Physicians is to promote excellence in health care and the betterment of the health of the citizens of the State of Nevada. Reno Headquarters Office C. Brooke Wong, Executive Director 326 W. Liberty St, Reno, NV 89501 Phone 775-826-5100 / Fax 775-826-4475 E-mail: President President Elect Secretary/Treas. Foundation Pres Director/Rural Director/South Director/South Director/North Director/North AAFP Delegate AAFP Delegate Alt. Delegate Alt. Delegate STAFF OFFICERS & S William Pierce, MD Cathy S Endo, MD Mary M Maul, MD Ann Marie Campione, MD Connie Antone-Knoll, MD Thomas Hunt, MD Nanjunda Subramanyam,MD William C Everts, DO Catherine McCarthy, MD R Bruce Bannister, DO Daniel R Spogen, MD Ann Marie Campione, MD David S Hoskins, MD Las Vegas Satellite Office Barbara Bolling, Special Projects Director P.O. Box 27713, Las Vegas, NV 89126 Phone 702-228-5822 / Fax 702-228-9737 E-mail: DIRECTORS 702-614-1800 775-784-6598 775-586-5000 775-322-2122 775-575-6121 702-992-6876 702-363-5392 775-586-5000 775-784-1533 775-742-1951 775-784-6180 775-322-2122 775-782-4800 n/a n/a ADVERTISING POLICY The Nevada Academy of Family Physicians News in Brief (NIB) will accept advertising when it is judged to be in harmony with the stated purpose of the publication to serve the medical profession. The NIB accepting advertising does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement by the NIB or the NAFP. Advertising in the NIB must meet the standards of generally accepted medical practice or be of interest to the readers because of its relevance to the clinical or socioeconomic practice of medicine. The NIB reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising and to evaluate advertising copy to ensure that it does not contain any false or misleading statements or be in poor taste or offensive in either artwork or text. The News in Brief is a publication of the Nevada Academy of Family Physicians. It is published quarterly and is distributed to members in good standing of the Nevada Academy of Family Physicians and supporters of the Academy. For information regarding advertising or to be added to our mailing list, please contact Brooke Wong, NAFP Executive Director at 775-8265100, by fax at 775-826-4475, or by e-mail at Nevada Academy of Family Physicians News in Brief • Summer 2006