May 2014 - The St. Bridget`s Schools


May 2014 - The St. Bridget`s Schools
The St. Bridget’s Post
May 2014
Thank You
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, it is my pleasure to write to you through this
maiden edition of The St. Bridget’s Post. Our school is growing, and growing very fast.
As we undergo this period of rapid transformation, we feel it is necessary to open a
direct and more personal line of communication with you, members of The St.
Bridget’s family. We owe it to you all—parents; guardians; students; pupils; staff; alumni; and associates—to keep you well informed of the developments in your school.
The St. Bridget’s Post is intended to do just that.
You will find that many aspects of your school are changing. Our transition to an alldigital classroom with tablet devices and expanded online content for teachers and
students; expansion of our digital and physical library to provide more learning materials for students; improvements to our residential and medical care facilities for
boarding students (including routine dental and eye exams for all our boarding students); our developing relationships with sister schools within and outside Nigeria
that will support exchange programs for our students; the commencement of the St.
Bridget’s Summer School program; the expansion of our special education facilities to
support children with special education needs; the approval of The St. Bridget’s Institute
that would train professionals and mid-career personnel; our pioneering effort in
online learning for primary and secondary school students; our expanded learning
and gaming facilities for pre-school, primary and secondary students; and on and on
and on. You are probably surprised to learn that all this is happening in your school.
We do not want to surprise you. That is why we felt we should publish The St. Bridget’s
Post as a platform for us to exchange ideas and keep you abreast of the developments
in your school.
It is hard to believe that our institution is more than 25 years old. I remember when
St. Bridget‘s was an idea, an idea that was formed out of a dedicated teacher‘s belief
that a good private institution could close the widening attainment gap created by a
weakened public education system.
In 1986 when this idea was first floated by Lady Bridget Nwankwo, it seemed radical.
We opened our doors to the first set of students at the end of 1987. Today there are
private schools everywhere. However, St. Bridget‘s has maintained a unique position
amongst private schools. We are still one of the most affordable. We are consistently
ranked highest amongst our peer schools. Our students and alumni have an unusual
affiliation to the school given their experience at St. Bridget’s. As I travel to many
(unlikely) places, I meet students who graduated from the school and are only proud
to credit their personal and professional accomplishments to the discipline and rigorous instruction they received at St. Bridget’s.
Those of us who are charged with leading the institution into its future have a
unique responsibility. Just as we championed the transition to private education two
decades ago, we now have a responsibility to elevate and transform the quality of
private education so as to meet the demands of the future, a future that will be defined by technology. In other words we have to chart the course for the next 25 years
of affordable private education—today! This education of which we speak will emphasize academic as well as personal development. That will be the new normal.
This is our mission, hence our new mantra, St. Bridget’s - Beyond Learning.
This poses a challenge as it creates an opportunity. The opportunity before us is to
transform the institution into a formidable force that will continue to shape young
minds and develop leaders 25 years from now! The challenge is to preserve those values and morals that have guided our growth over the past 25 years. This is what the
leadership of the school is confronted with daily. You have my commitment; we all
take this responsibility seriously.
We cannot be successful if we do not establish new and ongoing channels to convey
those developments to you, while eliciting your ideas and suggestions on how to
make our institution better. Your input and energy have combined to build an outstanding institution. However, we cannot rest on our laurels. There is much work
ahead. The future beckons. For your contribution thus far, and the much to come, I
thank you personally.
The St. Bridget’s Post provides a quick update on the major developments in our
school. It also provides useful information that would enable you fully participate in
the events and activities taking place at the school. It will come to you periodically. I
recognize that we all are busy, but please, please, read it. Above all, we want your
feedback. Look in on us as we pursue this evolution of our institution. Demand
more of us. Your ideas are most welcome. Please email me personally
( if you have any ideas or suggestions (or the occasional concern) on how we can improve our institution. I am honoured to have
you as my family member. I look forward to hearing from you, and working with you
as we shape the future of this institution.
Warmest regards,
Emeka Nwankwo
Emeka Nwankwo, D.Eng.Sc.
Chairman of the Board
Human Capital
Meet The New Chaplain
An important part of our commitment in the St. Bridget‘s family is to continue the faith-based, Christian-centered education that we have provided
for the past quarter of a century. The School Chaplain is critical in the
guidance of our students—and staff—along this virtuous path.
In our search for a Chaplain, we wanted a
leader who would bring a broad-based, realworld perspective to the Vicarage. We are
very pleased to introduce our new Chaplain,
Reverend Austin Iroajanma, who joined us
from Kaduna at the beginning of the year.
Reverend Iroajanma has a very unusual
background for a priest. With a degree in
marketing, he began his career at Rank Xerox where he worked for a decade, overseeing corporate sales of copiers
and high-end office automation equipment. He rose to the senior position
of a Regional Manager at Xerox before leaving to pursue his childhood
dream of becoming a lawyer. He resigned to study law at ABU, Zaria (all
the while hearing the calling of the priesthood). After a decade of legal
practice (specializing in corporate & international law) he finally yielded to
the calling and went to Trinity Theological College, Umuahia, after which
he received his formal ordination in the Anglican Church. He returned to
Kaduna and in his words, was ―looking for a place that would blend all my skills
and experiences into one job where I can serve the Lord‖. We are pleased he found
this home at St. Bridget‘s.
An avid reader and prolific writer, he is married with four children. In addition to his role as the Chaplain, Rev. Iroajanma is also the Director of our
newly formed Office of Institutional Development (OID). He is always eager to meet all members of the St. Bridget‘s family. Please join us in welcoming him. His email address is
Human Capital
Our New Structure
A school of our size needs continuous improvement in both our structure and
function. To accomplish this, we have revised the administrative structure of
the school to meet the demands (and realize the opportunities) of the next two
decades. To most parents this restructuring should be transparent, except for
what we hope will be significant (and noticeable) improvements in our ability to
teach and groom our students into young adults.
Overall direction of the school is provided by a Board of Trustees through
the President (we shall introduce
members of the Board in subsequent
editions of the St. Bridget’s Post).
There are three main operating divisions in the school. The Provost runs
the academic affairs of the school.
The Corporate Services Division
(CSD) manages the financial and operational affairs of the school. The
Office of Institutional Development
(OID) is in charge of new initiatives
and development programs in the
school. The ongoing digital transition
in the school, in which EVERY student in St. Bridget‘s will use tablet devices for learning (beginning September
2014), is managed by OID, along with the upcoming Homecoming Event
(planned for 19th-21st December, 2014). OID has successfully implemented the
delivery of tablet devices to our staff to enable them develop the skills needed
to teach students in this digital age. These and many more of the new initiatives
outlined in this edition of The St. Bridget’s Post are being driven by OID.
The formation of OID underscores our commitment to continuous improvement of The St. Bridget’s Schools. Their mandate is simple: Innovate. We hope you
will quickly see and feel the impact of OID in the lives of our students.
Human Capital
New Appointments
This reorganization points a clear direction to our future. One division (CSD)
manages the administrative affairs, another (OID) manages the improvement of
the school, and another (the Office of the Provost) focuses on teaching. These
are the three legs of the stool that support The St. Bridget’s Schools. This reorganization has created a number of new positions and staff assignments which we
would like to bring to your attention.
Mrs. Ihuoma Iwueze has now been promoted from
her previous position as Assistant Director in
charge of operations at the College. She is now the
Director, Corporate Services Division (CSD). In this role,
she is responsible for the administrative and financial support services for the entire school. Mrs.
Iwueze is a chemist by training and has worked at
St. Bridget‘s since 1995. Her email address is
Our focus is academic, however, there are other
critical elements we need to be successful. At the
College we have created a three-legged structure to better support the students.
The Vice Principal, Academic Affairs, is in charge of learning and all matters directly relating to the learning process and the performance of teachers inside the
classroom. The Vice Principal, Student’s Affairs, is responsible for the life of students outside the classroom, including
the residence halls, feeding, sports,
health and all non-academic needs of
the students. The Vice Principal, Institutional Affairs, is responsible for all staff
and administrative matters at the College. They report to the Principal, and
together they constitute the Office of
College Administration (OCA), seeing to the intellectual, social, physical, psychological and moral development of our students at the College.
Human Capital
New Appointments (Cont’d)
Mrs. Rita Inwalome was appointed Vice Principal
(VP), Institutional Affairs, at the beginning of the
session. A chemist by training, Mrs. Inwalome also has a postgraduate diploma in education. Following a successful career in industry, Mrs. Inwalome joined the staff of the school in 2007 and
has distinguished herself both inside and outside
the classroom. Her rapport with students, parents
and colleagues alike, combined with her personal commitment to excellence
qualify her for this promotion. This follow her previous assignments as policy
coordinator, senior coordinator and so on. She has undertaken an aggressive
program of improvements in the school since her appointment. She is currently
the Acting Principal and is in charge of the new St. Bridget’s Summer School program at the College. Her email address is
Ms. Josephine Alokalam was appointed VP,
Student‘s Affairs at the beginning of the session. She is responsible for the ‗residential experience‘ of the students at the College. A
computer scientist with a postgraduate diploma
in education, Ms. Alokalam joined the staff in
2006. In her new role, she has spearheaded a
number of significant improvements in the
hostels including the weekly variety night
events, inter-house competitions, social & activity clubs, and other initiatives
aimed at giving the students a more stimulating residential experience. Her email
address is
Mr. Sunday Omenihu was promoted from Dean
of Studies to VP, Academic Affairs. In this role, he
is charged with the improvements in the classroom
and the learning process. Mr. Omenihu joined the
staff in 2005. He has a master‘s degree in agricultural economics. His email address is
Human Capital
New Appointments (Cont’d)
Our restructuring effort is by no means limited to the College. We have adopted
a leadership structure at the Primary School similar to that at the College. The
Head Teacher, Academic Affairs, is in charge of the academic affairs at the
school. The Head Teacher for Institutional Affairs, is in charge of all
staff and administrative affairs, and
is also in charge of the coordination
of the new St. Bridget’s Summer School.
From the structure shown here, you
shall notice that we have a new position of a Head Teacher for Special
Education. St. Bridget‘s was recently
designated as a UBEC Center for Special Education by the Federal Government. This center has a mandate to develop services that support students with
special needs as well as the training of teachers to support those students. The
Head Teacher for Special Education shall oversee this effort.
Mrs. Chinwe David has been with St. Bridget‘s
from the day we opened our doors more than 25
years ago. Mrs. David has been involved in literally
every developmental effort in the school. She has
become synonymous with the values and temperament of the institution. Until her promotion to
Head Teacher, Institutional Affairs, she was head
teacher in charge of academics at the primary
school. Mrs. David is now responsible for the digital transition at the primary school as well as the development of the new summer school program for
domestic and international students. She will act as
a liaison with our sister schools in the US and the
UK. In addition to her bachelor‘s degree in social
studies education, she also has a diploma in administrative management. Her email address is
Human Capital
New Appointments (Cont’d)
Mrs. Edith Alozie joined The St. Bridget‘s Schools
in 2006 after a distinguished career as a teacher and
administrator in the public school system. In her second career at St. Bridget‘s, Mrs. Alozie joined as a
Program Coordinator at the Primary School. She
has just been promoted to Manager, Educational
Enterprise Development (in OID). In this role, she
is charged with developing new programs for the
Mrs. Alozie has been pivotal in securing the recent
approval and registration of the new St. Bridget’s Institute. (We congratulate her and the OID team on
this accomplishment.)
This tertiary institution will train and develop a new class of professionals in a
variety of fields. At its core there will be
two schools, each with a variety of departments. The School of Professional Development will award diplomas and professional certifications while the School of
Lifelong Learning will focus on personal
development. The courses to be offered by
the School of Professional Development
will include computing & digital technologies, business & entrepreneurship, the medical arts, and teacher education. (We shall provide more information about The
St. Bridget’s Institute in the next edition of the St. Bridget’s Post.)
Mrs. Alozie is also involved in the development of the new St. Bridget’s Summer
School program at the primary school and the college. Her email address is
Student Government
We are committed to actively involving students in the governance of the
school. To that end, the Board initiated and approved the formation of a Student Senate at the College. This was a radical development that was very exciting to the students. The Senate is comprised of ten (10) Senators (one male and
one female) from JS2 through SS3. The Senators have the power to recommend disciplinary action against errant colleagues, while providing a valuable
conduit for suggestions and recommendations to the school administration based on input from their constituents. All Senate deliberations are public. The
administration may also present matters to the Senate for deliberation as duly
elected representatives of the student population.
Elections were held at the end of the last academic session for the Senators
who are serving this academic session. The Senators were sworn in at a public
ceremony at the beginning of this academic year by a sitting judge from the
Abia State judiciary. From the St. Bridget‘s Student Senate Handbook:
“Current prefects are NOT eligible to run for the Senate.”
“Senate candidates MUST be of exemplary character. Any prior acts of indiscipline, unruliness, moral laxity, academic laxity, waywardness, laziness, sloth, or other behavior inconsistent
with that of a leader will be AUTOMATIC grounds for disqualification. Any nominee may
be challenged by ANY student by referring to prior (or ongoing) acts “inconsistent with that
of a St. Bridget’s Senator”. The CSG has the authority to disqualify ANY nominee based
on any findings or prior conduct that is inconsistent with those expected of a Senator.”
This insistence on exemplary character amongst Senate aspirants led to the public challenge and ultimate disqualification of Senatorial aspirants in the last election. The next election is due at the end of the third term. Parents and guardians are duly advised to reinforce the benefit of good behavior to their wards
given the potential impact on their ability to hold office.
Mrs. Ngozi Ukaeze was appointed Coordinator
of Student Government (CSG); she oversees
the smooth operation of the Senate. Her training in political science (education) has been vital
in the development and management of this
student governance structure. We acknowledge
and thank her for her leadership.
Residence Life
As part of the engagement of the students, the Board approved the renaming
and rebranding of the student hostels. Students were asked to rename their residence hostels. A professional graphic designer was hired to finalize their sketch-
es of the new crests. The final designs are shown here. Can you match the new
crests with the old hostel names?
Residence Life
Health & Wellness
We have been working on improving our health services at the school. A top-tobottom review of our health system showed two critical issues we need to address.
First, we need to expand the range of health treatment
services at the clinic. We are working feverishly to expand
the clinic to a modern primary healthcare facility that can
cater to the entire St. Bridget‘s family. (Vaccinations and
immunizations are high on our agenda.) We will provide
more details in future editions of the St. Bridget’s Post.
Secondly, and perhaps, more importantly, we need to improve our preventive healthcare interventions. We need to
make sure that we provide some of those basic services
that are lacking due to the challenges in the Nigerian public health care system. This is what good schools like ours
should do. We are stepping up to this challenge.
Starting this year, we shall provide the following services at the school:
1. Routine annual dental examination for every student at St. Bridget‘s College. Dental care is one of the most overlooked (and critical) facets of personal wellness.
Most people do not appreciate the connection between dental health and EVERY
other aspect of health. Our informal local survey showed that MOST adults
(upwards of 95%) and virtually all students had never visited a dentist without an
emergency. We are committed to avoiding those emergencies by providing annual
dental checkups at St. Bridget‘s. We have secured the services of an experienced
board-certified dentist to provide affordable dental examinations for all our students. The discovery of serious (or potentially serious) dental problems will enable
us to alert parents for further intervention. We are asking parents to provide the
required consent (see page 26) to enable us provide this routine dental exam.
2. Routine eye exams for every student at St. Bridget‘s College. Students need their
eyes. Unfortunately a lot of students develop vision problems and absent the proper—and timely– diagnosis of these problems, their school performance suffers. We
want to rectify this situation by intervening early. Routine eye exams by our visiting
board-certified optometrist will help identify problems before they become major
obstacles in the development of our students. Similarly, we are asking parents to
provide the consent for us to extend this service to their wards (see page 26).
Failure to complete the form will mean that we will NOT extend this service to your
child or ward. We look forward to your partnership in this wellness endeavour.
Teaching & Learning
We are excited about the changes taking place inside our classrooms. Here is a quick
1. We have started refurbishing our classrooms at the College to provide more comfortable chairs for the students. This is
particularly important given the introduction of digital devices into our classrooms. Our goal is to replace all the
furniture in the classes by the end of this
academic year. We are providing integrated chairs/desks and keyed lockers so students can safely secure their property in
classes while de-cluttering their desks.
2. We have moved all our recordkeeping in
the College to our electronic dashboard.
This includes records of hostel assignments, bus movement and all facets of College life. This has greatly streamlined
our records management process in the school.
3. Following the deployment of our digital infrastructure, every parent (and student)
can now log into our secure web site and check on the progress of their child. Academic records, disciplinary issues, accomplishments and similar progress reports
can be accessed online quickly using our secure portal—from the comfort of
home. No more waiting till the end of the term to check on the progress of your
child or ward. This way, parents are continuously involved in the development of
their wards.
4. To facilitate communication with parents, we shall provide EVERY parent in St.
Bridget‘s a free email address ( This is to ensure that
every parent can receive academic updates (including end-of-term report
cards) via a secure email address.
Most parents by the end of the second term of this year would have
received student report cards via
email. We will continue the rollout of
this process till it covers all parents,
including those at the primary school.
5. As you can see, we have also published contact email addresses for key
staff so it is easy to reach them, and
address any parent‘s concerns or
needs. This is part of our commitment to keep the lines of communication open.
Teaching & Learning
6. We have provided virtually all
our tutorial staff with affordable tablet devices from our
partner organization (Oyivo
Publishing). The Oyivo SchoolBook[TM] was developed specifically for teachers and students
to provide affordable access to
digital content. This is transforming the process of teaching and learning. Following the
rollout of these devices to our
staff, we have undertaken a series of programs to train them
in the use of digital devices as teaching aids. This has had a remarkable impact on
their ability to research, develop, communicate, and convey ideas to students.
7. It should come as no surprise that we have installed satellite-based internet connection to all our campuses. This way, staff have ready access to the internet and all
the teaching support it provides. This enables us to collaborate with partner and
associate organizations around the world. Given that our records are cloud-based,
we have taken particular care to secure our digital infrastructure so as to maintain
data integrity. However, we have imposed
very strict limits on students‘ access to
make sure that their use is monitored and
controlled. This is to avoid the everpresent temptations and distractions that
could result from unmonitored internet
8. We will begin the rollout of the use of
the tablets to students in the third term
of the 2014 academic year on a pilot basis. This pilot is intended to help us gather the necessary data and finalize the process that would support a broad-based
rollout to the student population in the 2015 academic session.
9. We have successfully piloted an annual mandatory training program for our senior
staff and leadership. This training program will be extended to all our staff by the
end of this year, focusing on improved service delivery, professional conduct and
ethics. Reinforcing these values in our staff will ensure that they convey the same
to our students.
10. We are starting the St. Bridget‘s Summer School……… See the next page.
Summer School
Students learn year-round. The process does
not stop when the session ends. However,
many research studies have shown that students often lose ground in their schoolwork
after the long vacation. This explains why
some students record lower grades in the first
term of the (new) year than in the subsequent
terms. However, students need time away
from their core textbooks to be stimulated
and engaged in their interests and curiosities. This process helps them to develop into
well-rounded, intelligent adults. This is the exact purpose of summer school—cool
It is meant to broaden students‘ horizons far beyond what the strict curriculum permits; it gives them an opportunity to learn things they may never learn in the course
of schoolwork, and it sparks their individual curiosity in a way that a regular classroom
simply could not. So summer school must be personalized, allowing the student the
room to pick and explore their areas of interest. A good summer school program
MUST not default to an extension (or remedial) class but instead create a clear gateway to learning NEW things. It must provide a diversity of experiences that help the
student develop an awareness of their skills and interests, which will ultimately impact
their career choices and personal development. Finally, summer school is a great opportunity to meet students from other schools and backgrounds and to share experiences—and develop friendships– that may last a lifetime.
This is EXACTLY how we
have designed the St. Bridget‘s
Summer School. Though it is
intended for our students, we
welcome students from other
schools. The curriculum for
the primary school and college follow below. Given the
unique nature of the programs, space is very limited.
Parents are required to submit
the Expression of Interest
form by June the 23rd to reserve space for their children
Summer School Curriculum (College)
Summer School runs from the 4th of August to the 29th of August, 2014. It is a residential program. Students must pick at least one course from at least four concentrations (in addition to the
six mandatory courses) for a total of 12 courses for summer school.
The Humanities & Social Sciences:
Politics & Social Activism In Nigeria: Nigeria has a rich and long history of social activism.
In fact, some have argued that the failure of the state has been mitigated by the highly developed culture of social activism and self-help that has stepped into the breach. In this course,
students will learn our history through the eyes of social activists - common people who by
sheer dint of courage, have achieved uncommon outcomes for the greater good.
 A Walking History of Nigeria: The history of Nigeria is easily forgotten. Historic events have
taken place at locations people pass everyday without an appreciation for how those events
have shaped our lives. In this course, geography and history meet, to reveal to students critical
historical events (and where they occurred) that continue to shape our lives today.
 Law Practicum: Here students understudy a practicing lawyer to understand what the profession really is like.
 The Priesthood Practicum: Here students understudy an actual priest to understand what it
takes to be a proficient priest.
The Creative Arts
Digital Photography: Still pictures retain the power to convey powerful emotions and incite
action. The transition to digital photography has been rapid and pervasive. In this course, students will learn the basics of photography and how to use digital cameras for quality pictures.
Creative Writing: This course will teach students how to move people with words on paper.
Students who are interested in career as authors, journalists, bloggers or similar will benefit
from this course.
Cloth Weaving (Akwette): This is one of the most important aspects of Igbo (indeed African)
culture. We have often documented the seminal events in our lives (childbirth, marriage, death,
etc.) in woven cloth. Akwette (cloth) has a rich historical and aesthetic presence. In this course,
students will learn from a master weaver how (and why) Akwette is made. Students will be expected to gain first-hand experience in this most beautiful of art forms by making a piece of
Wood Carving (Ikot Ekpene): Wood is the longest standing of art media. Wood carving is a
very highly developed art form in Ikot Ekpene. Students will learn from master carvers from
Ikot Ekpene how a seemingly lifeless piece of timber can be transformed into a living moving
work of art. Students will be expected to create their own 'masterpieces' as part of this course.
Introduction to Digital Art: Everyone has experienced digital art. The moving images and
captions on TV programs, cartoons, animations, and a variety of visual images are digital in
their entirety. In this course, students will be taught the basics of digital art and will be required
to create digital artworks as part of their training experience.
Alternative Visual Arts (Charcoal, Tie-dye & Other Forms of Art): Charcoal, tie-dye and
other physical media have been used for ages to create stunning works of art. In this course,
students will learn how to use common items that exist around the locality, to create compelling
art pieces.
Introduction to Film Making: Students will learn how to make movies from working
filmmakers - by making their own movies.
Summer School Curriculum (College)
The Medical & Biological Arts
Introduction to Biotechnology: This is one of the most critical new sciences of the
past three decades. Biotechnology provides a platform for the development of new food
sources as well as new body parts. This course introduces students to the latest developments in biotechnology and the career options presented by biotech.
Sports Physiology & Fitness: The body is a machine, a very well designed machine. As
sports and fitness become more important, careers and large swathes of the economy
depend on physical fitness. (Think of the tens of billions spent on the Olympics or the
hundreds of billions spent on soccer worldwide. All of these REQUIRE people to be fit
and perform at extraordinary levels.) This course will teach students how to manage the
body to deliver peak performance in sporting environments, and for everyday wellness.
Cosmetology & Beauty: Here students will learn the science of beauty from an expert.
They will learn how to do makeup, manage the skin and its appearance, differentiate skin
textures, evaluate different types of makeup, and other elements of the beauty business.
Hair Dressing & Management: There are thousands of hair styles and designs. In this
course, students will learn how to identify, manage, grow and style different hair textures.
Medicine Practicum: Here students understudy a practicing doctor to understand what
the profession really is like.
Dentistry Practicum: Here students understudy a practicing dentist to understand what
the profession really is like.
Optometry Practicum: Here students understudy a practicing optometrist to understand what the profession really is like.
Public Health Practicum: Here students understudy a practicing public health specialist to understand what the profession really is like.
Starting Your Own Business: Many students dream of owning their own business or
come from families that own businesses. In this course, students will learn how to conceive and evaluate their business ideas. The deliverable in this course will be an actual
business plan for their chosen business endeavours. This is a discipline that will be essential to their future entrepreneurial aspirations.
 Social Entrepreneurship: "Doing well while doing good." Students will learn about social entrepreneurship and its ability to improve the lives of many.
 Environmental Management & Green Technologies: Managing the environment is a
fast-growing industry. As man's footprint on earth becomes more pervasive and destructive, good managers are needed to ameliorate this impact. In this course, students will be
introduced to the concepts (and conflicts) that underpin this fascinating profession.
 Hospitality & Event Management: Nigerians are a very social people. Events are almost a weekly requirement for the typical Nigerian. An incredible amount of wealth is expended on social events, however, very few of these events are well managed and
planned. This course will introduce students to the concepts of hospitality and event
Summer School Curriculum (College)
The Engineering Arts & Crafts
Robotics & Programming of Microcontrollers: Robots are here; more are coming.
Today, there are 'personal' robots that vacuum-clean our floors, wash our cars, and cook
our food. Of course, industrial robots work in factories to produce virtually all the cars
and electronic devices we use today. The operation of robots is managed by microcontrollers. This course will introduce students to practical uses of microcontrollers. Students will be expected to build an actual device as part of this course.
Introduction to Database Programming: Modern life is managed by databases. Virtually ALL facets of modern life (from the movement of airplanes, to the internet itself,
through to EVERY phone that is working today) are run by databases. Students will be
taught how databases work and how to program these applications to achieve their end
Web Design: Each student will be guided to conceive and develop their own web site.
The pass mark in this class will be based on other people evaluating the web sites created
by the students.
Repair & Maintenance of Computers: Computers are here to stay. Their size and
form factor may be changing but computers are going to be a part of everyone's life. In
this course, students will be introduced to the essential elements that will enable them to
evaluate, diagnose, repair and maintain these ubiquitous devices.
Introduction to Product Development: There is a science to making things. Whether
it is a new digital device, or the development of this curriculum for this summer school.
There is a process by which new products and processes can be developed. In this
course, students will have to conceive and produce something by going through a structured process that enables them to control the form, function and effectiveness of their
product (or service) concepts.
Architecture Practicum: Here students understudy a practicing professional to understand what the profession really is like.
Civil Engineering Practicum: Here students understudy a practicing professional to
understand what the profession really is like.
Chemical Engineering Practicum: Here students understudy a practicing professional
to understand what the profession really is like.
Agriculture & Commercial Farming Practicum: Food is an essential part of everyone‘s life. Unfortunately we do not pay sufficient attention (or money) to those who feed
us everyday. This most important of practicum experiences will expose students to a
practicing agriculturist. They will learn what it takes to run a farm and what the career
options are in farming and agriculture.
Food Science & Nutrition Practicum: Here students understudy a practicing professional to understand what the profession really is like.
Welding & Fabrication Practicum: Here students understudy a practicing professional
to understand what the profession really is like.
Woodworking & Furniture Making Practicum: Here students understudy a practicing professional to understand what the profession really is like.
Summer School Curriculum (College)
Even though we have a variety of courses for summer school, there is a core set of courses
we want every student to take. These core courses build a common foundation for the community of students before returning to their respective schools.
These include the following:
First Aid & CPR: Students will learn how to perform CPR and to administer first aid in
emergency situations. This will be a hands-on training experience and each student
should expect to leave with a personal first-aid kit which they may use in the future.
 Living Abroad: An Open Conversation: Most students (indeed many Nigerians)
dream of living abroad. Unfortunately, most of them do not realize the social, cultural,
climactic and financial challenges associated with living abroad. In this course, students
will talk to people who live abroad and be able to ask open and direct questions about
what it is like living in a foreign country. Students will be expected to write an essay
about their takeaway from the conversation at the end of the course.
 Money Management & Personal Finance: Most people on earth are 'financial illiterates'. They start handling money at a very tender age but are never taught what money
is, how it really works, and how to manage it. Also the vital connection between spending
habits and personal values is an understanding most people lack. This course will teach
the students how to earn, manage and retain their money so as to improve their personal
 Speech, Rhetoric & Public Speaking: According to a recent survey, public speaking is
the second most frightening experience to most people (right behind a close encounter
with snakes). This course will prepare students (through a very practical process) for a
lifetime of comfortable and confident public speaking.
 Learning & Research With Digital Devices: This course will help students overcome
the initial excitement of using digital devices to see them as serious learning tools that
can be very helpful in their school work. They will learn how to operate these devices
and will go through a structured process in which they learn to conduct online research
using internet resources.
 Excursion: Students will visit at least one museum and one other facility to experience
the rich (and often neglected) historical and entrepreneurial heritage that abounds locally.
Parents must complete the Expression of Interest form by June 23rd in order to secure a
place in summer school.
Summer School Curriculum (Primary School)
Summer School at the primary school runs from the
4th of August to the 29th of August, 2014. It is
NOT a residential program. Students are expected to
participate in all the programs outlined below with
the guidance of the instructors. Students would
spend about a third of their time in academic classes
and the rest in these value-added classes.
Introduction To The Piano & Music Theory: Pupils learn how to play the piano and are
exposed to the rudiments of music theory (reading music).
Typing & Keyboard Techniques: Today‘s pupils will spend a significant part of their lives
using a computer. This class will teach them how to type properly.
Introduction To The Computer: Pupils will learn how to use the computer.
Introductory Computer Graphics: Here pupils learn how to design simple images on the
Cursive Writing: Pupils will spend time learning how to improve their penmanship by practicing cursive writing.
Gaming On Nintendo Wii: This is a fun experience in which pupils play a variety of games on
the Nintendo Wii.
Introduction to CPR/First Aid: Pupils are never too young to learn the simple life-saving
techniques of first aid/CPR. The life saved could be that of a parent, a sibling or a friend. Pupils
will learn CPR/first aid in this class.
Word Processing: Pupils will learn the basics of word processing—a skill they will need
throughout their academic and professional lives.
Scientific Exploration: Pupils will watch scientific videos and then recreate the experiments in
those videos using simple, safe items.
Class Drama: Pupils (in groups) will be guided in the preparation and presentation of drama
Excursion/Field Trips: Pupils will visit a number of museums and scientific establishments
to expand their horizons.
Parents must submit the Expression of Interest form by June 23rd in order to secure a place
in summer school (see page 26).
Alumni Relations
Save The Date!!
Worldwide Reunion & Homecoming
For Old Students!!!
December 19-21, 2014
We are announcing the Worldwide Reunion & Homecoming well in advance to
enable people plan ahead. St. Bridget‘s old
students live all over the world and many
may be contemplating coming home.
Scheduling the Reunion & Homecoming
around the Christmas break would enable
those who are thinking of coming home
to combine the event with a planned trip
We do not want anyone to miss out on
this wonderful event (which we plan to
have every two (2) years). Come and reconnect with friends and classmates
from all over the world who you may not have seen in a long time. Come
and see the developments in your school and reminisce about your days at
St. Bridget‘s.
Come for a weekend of relaxation, fun discussions and exciting events
planned for you, to celebrate the time you spent at the school.
Come and relax from your hectic schedule; take some time off.
St. Bridget‘s Worldwide Reunion & Homecoming is scheduled for Friday,
December 19th to Sunday December 21st, 2014.
Mark the date on your calendar and begin planning to reunite with old
friends and classmates. Register NOW!!!
Alumni Relations
So What Should You Do Now?
1. Simply send us an email ( so we know you
plan to attend. Please provide your FULL name ( & maiden name if
you are now married), year of enrolment, email address and contact details. (Even if you‘re not sure you will come, go ahead and register.)
2. If you cannot get online, send us a text message (+ 234 803 911 8928)
with the same information and we will register you.
3. Pass this information on to other old students who you may be in contact with. That way they too can register for the Reunion & Homecoming event.
4. Please respond to the email notices and updates we shall be sending out
over the next few weeks. We will ask for confirmation closer to the date
and will also make arrangements for accommodation for those who
may need assistance with arranging accommodation.
Questions? Send us an email (
or give us a call + 234 803 911 8928
See you at the Reunion & Homecoming!
Schedule of Events
DAY 1: Checking In
 Arrival & registration
 Familiarization & school tour
 Luncheon
 Novelty match between old students & current students
DAY 2: Colloquium & Dinner
 Welcome address by the Founder, The St. Bridget‘s Schools
 Remarks by National President of SANBROSANS
 Inauguration of SANBROSANS International
 St. Bridget‘s Colloquium: A lively debate by two (surprise) guests titled
―Naija or Nigerian: Which one are you?‖.
 Closing remarks by the Chairman, The Board of Trustees
 Dinner Party
DAY 3: Reunion Service & Departure
Thank You
As I hand over the reins at St. Bridget’s, I reflect on how far we have
come. It is said that there can be no success without a successor. I am
humbled and most thankful for what can only be God’s grace in providing a new generation of leaders to drive The St. Bridget’s Schools into its
next quarter century of growth and service. This transition has been
smoother than I could have ever imagined.
I watch in awe as the school takes on new breadth and depth—from the
new logo and name (The St. Bridget’s Schools) to the recently approved
St. Bridget’s Institute. We will soon be able to provide ―lifecycle training‖, from kindergarten through the primary and secondary levels to the Institute
which will cater to working professionals as
well as retired persons seeking personal development. I must confess I did not see all
this when we started in 1987 but I knew God
had a purpose for this institution. HIS purpose is being realized. Given how many of
our establishments (both public and private)
fail to survive the founders, this is perhaps,
the greatest blessing of all—the success that
can only come from having successors.
Please join me in Thanksgiving.
The Summer School program is about to
take off. We look forward in anticipation to seeing all our students from
the past at the Homecoming & Reunion slated for December. The hostels
have assumed new identities—and energy– with students ever more excited about the changes taking place at the school (including the Senate
elections). Our report cards and student records management systems
have all gone digital. We shall soon provide training assistance to our
parents so they too can learn how to use computers and digital devices
just like their wards and children in the school. (Parents and children
learning together!) The new organizational structure reaffirms our unflagging commitment to improvement and excellence. We are growing!
When I learned to teach—and manage other teachers– more than fifty
years ago, computers did not belong anywhere close to the classroom. In
that time span, the core values in teaching have not changed but the
methods have. We hold on to those values while embracing the new
methods. To watch the so-called ―digital transition‖ taking place in
EVERY classroom at St. Bridget’s fills my heart with joy. When I speak
to current educators in the US & UK, we seem to be moving ahead of
many of them in integrating digital technologies into our classroom. We
are leading. Our commitment to providing affordable, Christiancentered quality education is as strong as ever.
The fact that very soon every child will use an Oyivo SchoolBook for
classes, and that our teachers have already undergone the necessary
training and orientation to use these devices as teaching aids is exciting. I watch many of our staff who (I must confess) I did not believe
would ever be interested in computers, pull out their tablet devices in
staff meetings in a manner that today seems routine and ubiquitous. It
was not that way a short while ago. (I have also started using the digital devices myself!) There is change in the air, a spring in the step of
the staff as they learn and implement new processes. This is progress.
As a mother, I can give no greater endorsement: if I had school-age children, I would send them to St. Bridget’s today—and in the future.
We have been blessed with loyal parents and disciplined children who
value education and want to learn. Above all, we have outstanding and
dedicated staff who want to teach. A good number of the staff at the
primary school today were there when we opened our doors in 1988.
This is a gift—the invaluable gift of loyalty—for which I will be eternally grateful. Though I plan to remain involved in the affairs of the
school, I shall do so in a supporting role as our new leadership takes
over the helm. I have served. For this priviledge, I thank you.
Most affectionately,
Lady Bridget Nwankwo, M.Ed.
Founder & Director Emeritus
The St. Bridget’s Schools
In the following pages (pages 27-35) you will find the following forms:
1. Student Biodata/Health Information Form (mandatory)
2. Summer School (Expression of Interest Form)
3. FREE Intro Computer Class For Parents (Expression of Interest Form)
4. St. Bridget‘s New Student (Expression of Interest Form)
EVERY parent must return the biodata/health information form indicated above,
marked in red (Student Biodata/Health Information Form). Parents who have
more than one child in the school should make copies of the blank form. Each
form covers only ONE child.
If you would like to register your child in summer school for the primary school or
college, kindly complete the relevant form. IF you would like to register more than
one child, feel free to photocopy the relevant form. Only one child per form.
Parents can return these forms in any one of three ways:
1. Cut out and fill the relevant forms from the St. Bridget‘s Post. These forms
must be handed to the Head Teacher or Vice Principal (Institutional Affairs) at
the primary school or college, respectively.
2. Complete the relevant forms by hand as in (1) above, scan ALL the pages of the
form and send ALL the scanned copies by email attachment to our email submissions portal: Parents should note that a form
is NOT deemed to have been received until an acknowledgement is received
from this email address following the submission.
3. Send an email to requesting electronic versions of
these forms. We will send the forms as Microsoft Word or as fillable pdf files
(let us know which format you prefer, the default is MS Word). Parents may
then return the completed forms via email. Forms MUST be signed electronically to be accepted as valid. Forms are NOT deemed to have been submitted
until an acknowledgement email is received from the submission portal.
First Name:
Middle Name(s): _______________________________________________
(Male or Female): ____________________
Date of Birth:
Day: ___________ Month:_____________ Year:____________
Place of Birth:
Town/City:_____________ State:________ Country:_________
Home Address:
Street: _____________________________________
City:________________ State:___________________
Mailing Address:
Address 1:______________________________________
Address 2: _____________________________________
City:________________ State:______________________
Current Class/Form:___________ Class/Form Teacher: _________________
Father/Male Guardian Surname:
Father/Male Guardian First Name:
Telephone/Mobile Number(s):
Email Address(es):
Employer/Business (Name):
City:________________ State:_____________________
Mother/Female Guardian Surname:
Mother/Female Guardian First Name:
Telephone/Mobile Number(s):
Email Address(es):
Employer/Business (Name):
City:________________ State:______________________
Family Religion: _______________ Do You Have A Family Doctor? ___________
No. of Children In Family:______ Ages of Children In Family:___________________
Emergency Contact (Father, Mother or Both?) ________________________________
Please complete the table below indicating IF and WHEN your child referenced in the
preceding page was inoculated against the indicated disease.
Yellow Fever
Mumps, Rubella
(A or B)
Sleeping Sickness
River Blindness
Has This Child
Against This
Disease (Yes/
Where Was This Child
On What Date Was
Has This Has ANYONE
Innoculated? (City/ This Child Innoculated Child EVelse in your
Innoculating Agency Against This Disease?
ER Sufhousehold EVor Public Health Aufered From
ER suffered
This Disfrom this disease (Yes/ ease (Yes/No)?
Please complete the table below indicating IF and WHEN your child/ward has ever suffered or does suffer from the indicated disorder or condition.
Sickle Cell
Epileptic fits
Heart Disease
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity
(Spectrum Disorder)
Dental Caries
Vision Impairment (due to
Has This Child
Where Was This
Child Diagnosed With
This Condition?
With This Dis- (City/Doctor or Medorder or Condiical Authority)
tion (Yes/No)?
When Was
This Child
FIRST Diagnosed With
This Condition?
How Many
Does ANYTimes (ON A
ONE else in
MONTHLY your household
BASIS) does suffer from this
this condition
manifest itself?
Does your child suffer from ANY food or environmental allergies? (Please explain:)
 Does your child suffer from ANY drug allergies? (Please explain:)
 Is your child on medication for ANY disease or condition? (Please explain below
CLEARLY indicating the nature and frequency of the medication):
 Does your child have ANY disease or condition that we need to be made aware of ?
(Please explain below CLEARLY indicating the nature & frequency of the condition):
I hereby certify that I am the parent/legitimate guardian of the above-named student and that to
the best of my knowledge the information provided above is true and accurate. By completing
the information below, I give the St. Bridget‘s Schools permission to contact our indicated family doctor in the case of an emergency regarding my child/ward. Furthermore, I GIVE/DO
NOT GIVE (delete whichever does NOT apply) my consent for the school to include my
child/ward in the routine dental & vision examination program. I recognize that these exams
are basic and that my child‘s healthcare remains my responsibility. I hold The St. Bridget‘s
Schools blameless & without responsibility for these examinations or their outcome, which are
rudimentary and purely advisory in nature. We agree to seek outside specialist advice for all
medical decisions relating to our child.
Name of Parent:
Family Doctor‘s Name:____________________________________
Name of Clinic/Hospital:___________________________________
State:_____________ Country:________
Phone Number: ________________ Phone Number:______________
Email Address:_____________________________________________
Summer School—College & Primary School
(Expression of Interest Form)
This form enables parents to express interest in the participation of their children in summer school at St. Bridget‘s. The same form may be used for the college summer school as
well as the primary school summer school. (see next page for details). This program runs
from 4th—29th August and is open ANY student (not just St. Bridget‘s students) who
might benefit from the program. Details of the courses are included in the St. Bridget’s Post.
Interested parents may call The St. Bridget‘s Schools (0803 911 8928) or send email
( for more details. This form must be received by the 23rd of
June, 2014, to hold a spot for the indicated child. Each form applies to ONLY one child.
First Name:
Middle Name(s):
Gender (Male or Female): ____________________
Date of Birth:
Day: ___________ Month:_____________ Year:____________
Place of Birth:
Town/City:_____________ State:________ Country:_________
Home Address:
Mailing Address:
Street: _____________________________________
City:________________ State:___________________
Address 1:______________________________________
Address 2: _____________________________________
City:________________ State:______________________
School At End Of Last Year (Name):___________________________________
City:_________________ State:___________
Phone No. of School (if available)_________________ Email Address:__________
Form/Class:___________ Class/Form Teacher‘s Name: ____________________
Position In Class During The Last Exams: __________ out of ______________
Parent/Guardian Surname: ____________________________________
Parent/Guardian First Name:
Relationship To Student:_____________ Profession/Occupation:____________
Telephone/Mobile Number(s):________________________________________
Email Address(es):__________________________________________________
Employer/Business (Name):
City:________________ State:_____________________
(Skip this section if registering for Summer School at the primary school.
Simply sign below.) After reviewing the Summer School course outline (see
page 16), tick (√) the top EIGHT courses you would like your child to participate in. You must pick a minimum of ONE and a maximum of THREE
from each concentration. (Choices subject to final enrolment and availability.)
Course Description Selection
Humanities &
Social Sciences
Medical &
Biological Arts
Selec- Course
Arts & Crafts
Politics & Social Activism In Nigeria
Intro To Biotechnology
Robotics &
A Walking History of
Sports Physiology &
Database Programming
Law Practicum
Cosmetology & Beauty
Web Design
Priesthood Practicum
Hair Dressing & Management
Repair & Maintenance
of Computers
Medicine Practicum
Intro to Product
Digital Photography
Dentistry Practicum
Architecture Practicum
Creative Writing
Optometry Practicum
Civil Engineering
Cloth Weaving
Public Health
Chemical Engineering
The Creative Arts
Wood Carving
(Ikot Ekpene)
Agric & Commercial
Farming Practicum
Intro To Digital Arts
Starting Your Own
Food Science &
Nutrition Practicum
Alternative Visual Arts
Social Entrepreneurship
Welding & Fabrication
Intro To Film Making
Management & Green
Woodworking &
Furniture Making
Hospitality & Event
Name of Parent:
FREE Introductory Computer/Tablet Class For Parents
(Expression of Interest Form)
As we teach our students more about-and with-computers, we recognize that parents need to
keep pace with their children. Our report cards are now being sent electronically, parents can
now check their children's progress online. St. Bridget‘s is offering a very quick introductory
class to parents of students in the school so they can at least appreciate what computers (and
tablets) can do for them as parents and as individuals. This class is FREE to ALL parents of
students in the school—both the primary school and college. (ONLY parents, no substitutions or sit-ins allowed.) The dates for these introductory classes will be announced following
the return of these forms from interested parents. Please complete the form and submit it by
the indicated deadline.
Name of St. Bridget‘s Student:____________________________________
Class/Form of St. Bridget‘s Student:_______________________________
Father/Male Guardian Surname: _______________________________
Father/Male Guardian First Name:
Telephone/Mobile Number(s):
Email Address(es):
Employer/Business (Name):
City:________________ State:_____________________
Mother/Female Guardian Surname:
Mother/Female Guardian First Name:
Telephone/Mobile Number(s):
Email Address(es):
Employer/Business (Name):
City:________________ State:______________________
Name of Parent:
Do you have a functioning computer (or
laptop) at home?
Have you
ever sent
email by
yourself (not
Do you have a
Yahoo, Google, or
Hotmail (or similar free) email account?
How many times a
week do you
check your email?
Have you
ever used the
internet for
Do you own a
flash drive?
If you own a tablet,
did you buy it yourself or did someone
buy it for you (maybe
as a gift)?
Have you
ever had a
video conference online?
Have you ever
used an internet
If so, how frequently?
Do you own a
Did you buy it yourself or did someone
buy it for you?
Have you
ever had any
training in
using the
Do you have a
player at home?
Is there internet
access at your home?
Have you
ever used the
internet to
make a
phone call?
Roughly how
many times do
you send text messages (SMS) each
How about phone
When would
be most convenient to
schedule this
free class
Are you currently
enrolled in school
or some kind of
formal training
ongoing or program? Pls indicate.
What was
the last book
you bought?
Was it for
you or someone else?
Where did
you buy it?
What kind of internet access, if
any, do you have
at home?
cable, dialup,
through your
phone, etc.)
How about a printer?
How about a
Do you own a tablet
(e.g. iPad or Samsung
or other) device?
If so, what brand or
How about at your
workplace (even if
you don‘t use it yourself at work)?
Do you use a
computer at work?
Do you use the
internet at work?
Have you ever had
any training in the use
of computers?
If so, please explain
Have you ever
used a flash drive?
School Admission—Preschool/Primary/College
(Expression of Interest Form)
Do you know someone who would like to attend St. Bridget‘s? Simply complete the form
below, hand it in at the school (either one of our campuses), call us to come and pick it up
(0803 911 8928), or scan & forward it by email ( We will
contact you and begin the evaluation/enrolment process. One form per child, please.
First Name:
Middle Name(s):
Gender (Male or Female): ____________________
Date of Birth:
Day: ___________ Month:_____________ Year:____________
Place of Birth:
Town/City:_____________ State:________ Country:_________
Home Address:
Street: _____________________________________
City:________________ State:___________________
Mailing Address:
Address 1:______________________________________
Address 2: _____________________________________
City:________________ State:______________________
Current or Last School (Name):________________________________________
City:_________________ State:___________
School Phone No.:_________________ Email Address:_____________________
Current Form/Class:_____________
Position In (Last) Class: ____ Out of_____
Have You Ever Applied For Admission To St. Bridget‘s (Yes/No)?_______________
Have Any Relatives Attended, Or In Attendance At, St. Bridget‘s? (Yes/No)_________
Provide Details of Relative (Name/Year/Attended), If Applicable: ________________
Which Are You Applying To (Preschool, Primary Or College)?_______________
Parent/Guardian Surname: ____________________________________
Parent/Guardian First Name:
Relationship To Student:_____________ Profession/Occupation:____________
Telephone/Mobile Number(s):________________________________________
Email Address(es):__________________________________________________
Employer/Business (Name):
City:________________ State:_____________________
Name of Parent:
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Our Anthems & Pledges
St. Bridget’s Primary School Anthem
St. Bridget’s College Anthem
St. Bridget‘s Primary School
The school of our great pride
Our school of joy and brighter hope
Let us now glorify the Lord!
We love you our Alma Mater
St. Bridget‘s College
Fount of true learning deep and
Sound is St. Bridget‘s College
Let birds and trees and lilies sing
The praises of our school so dear
Our school of joy and brighter hope
Let us now glorify the Lord!
Character and learning and excellence
Propelling us to our pride of place
So our God and nation rejoice
St. Bridget‘s Primary School
Teach us to love and honour thee
Our motto we shall learn to keep
Character and learning we shall see!
Wherever we may chance to go
God bless you dear Alma mater
St. Bridget‘s College.
We thank thee Lord for St. Bridget‘s,
For she is standing in thy light,
Help her to grow from strength to strength
That we may glorify the Lord!
St. Bridget’s Primary School Pledge
St. Bridget’s College Pledge
I pledge to St. Bridget‘s my School
I pledge to myself and all Bridgelites
To be punctual to school always
That wherever I may go
To do my home work at home every day
I shall be a true ambassador of my College
To be diligent, obedient
Always excelling in character and learning
And to speak the truth at all times
And leadership by example
So help me God.
So help me God.
1. You Never Knew We Had A Pre-School Program.
2. You Never Knew That We Have The Absolute Best Pre-School Program In Aba.
3. You Do Not Want Your Child To Get A Head-Start In Life By Having The Best
Early Education.
4. You Do Not Know That Much Of Your Child’s Educational Performance IN LIFE
Is Determined By The Foundation They Receive In Pre-School.
5. You Do Not Know How Very Affordable Our Pre-School Program Is.
6. You Do Not Want Your Child To Be Exposed To The Computers, Games and
Modern Learning Tools We Use Daily
With Our Young Ones.
7. You Do Not Want Your Child To Enjoy
The Calm, Serene & Stimulating Environment We Maintain In Our AwardWinning School.
8. You Did Not Realize That In The 25+
Years We Have Been In Existence, We
Have Learned One Or Two Things About
Teaching Children (Including Those
With Special Needs).
9. You Do Not Believe Quality Education Can Be Affordable; You Would Rather
Pay A Lot Of Money And NOT Get The Quality Education Your Wonderful Child
10.You Believe The Fact That We Can Educate and Groom Your Child From PreSchool Until They Enter University Is A Very Bad Thing.
11.The Fact That WE Found YOU And Put This Document In Your Hands Means
That We Care TOO Much About Your Child’s Education – And So You Are Angry
About That!
Call Us Today To Schedule A Visit To Your Child’s
Future School—(0803) 911 8928
You may email us—,
visit our web site—
or come see us - St. Bridget’s Drive, Abayi, Aba.
Useful Numbers:
Primary: +234 703 862 7195
College: +234 703 862 7179
Inquiries: + 234 803 911 8928
Emergency: +234 810 254 6822
Useful Email Addresses
“The St. Bridget’s Schools, Aba”
St. Bridget’s College
College Road
St. Bridget’s Primary School
St. Bridget’s Drive
Abayi, Aba.
Abia State. Nigeria
Beyond Learning!
P.O. Box 3421
Aba, Abia State
Liaison (US):
P.O. Box 7251
Silver Spring, MD
+ 1 888 506 3265
Designed & Printed By
Oyivo Publishing
817 Silver Spring Avenue, Suite 200
Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA
Tel: + 1 202 370 6165
Printed In The United States of America. © The St. Bridget‘s Schools. 2014