Livinggreen .eu


Livinggreen .eu
August 2014
Newsletter # 9
In this newsletter:
Kick off of the Livinggreen
A large advertising campaign
in Charleroi
Opening event Ludwigsburg
exhibition „Wissenszentrum
Renovation Shop opens its
doors in Delft
Knowledge Modules on
Sustainable Renovation
Many things have happened in the Livinggreen
project in the past period. This newsletter will
update you about the latest activities of our
The latest tangible results of the project can be
visited and seen in Antwerp, Delft, Lille and
Ludwigsburg. In Antwerp the exhibition has been
updated and newly opened in autumn of last year,
while in Delft a new temporary exhibition was
opened attached to the official launch of the
renovation shop. The heritage building ‘Halles des
Pigeons’ in Lille is successfully transformed into
the new ‘Maison d’Habitat Durable’ and was
opened at the end of 2013. The inhabitants of Lille
are now able to go to this centre for advice,
information and support with their sustainable
renovation project. The exhibition in this
‘Livinggreen centre’ shows them all the basics and
provides inspiration to initiate the sustainable
renovation of their houses. Also the inhabitants of
Ludwigsburg can go for these services to the newly
opened exhibition and information centre
‘Wissenszentrum Energie’. It is situated in
Ludwigburg’s centrally based KUZ building,
combining it with the city’s library.
Next to the delivery of these results the partnership
successfully submitted a request for extension of
the cooperation within the Livinggreen project. Now
that all the centres are up and running the partners
will work intensively on reaching and connecting
building owners and SMEs in the building branche.
Also our partner Espace Environnement is now
involved in running a Livinggreen centre in their
region and has therefore a new way of
implementing activities to reach these target
groups. The launch of these new activities has
taken place in a meeting in Lille in January. Since
then a joint communication road map has been
produced to address the target groups. Several
actions to set up communities of practice in which
SMEs work together and actions to reach home
owners have been implemented in the partner’s
regions and cities. For the development of
‘Knowledge Modules on Sustainable Renovation’
the Livinggreen partnership has been enriched with
a new partner: Saxion University of Applied
Sciences based in Deventer (NL).
The partners
Kick off of the Livinggreen
The Livinggreen Extension proposal was
honoured in December 2013. The Livinggreen
Partnership made a head start with Kick of
meeting on 9 and 10 January 2014; using the
occasion to experience the newly opened
Maison d’ Habitat Durable in Lille; proudly
presented by Francis Lambert who showed the
partnership around.
During this meeting the partners started up
the joint work we proposed to continue our
partnership. In the coming period we will work
‐ A collective Communication Roadmap,
enabling all Livinggreen centres to
strategy with a wide range of
communication activities.
‐ The initiation of Communities of Practice
of Small, Medium Enterprises (SME’s)
involved in the renovation business.
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T +31(0)10 206 5959 | Email:
August 2014
Newsletter # 9
Development of Knowledge Modules to
enhance and update the knowledge and
know how of the craftsmen, often working
on their own or in SME’s.
Livinggreen centres to attract House
Also additional film material will be produced
and the website will see a make over in the
course of this additional time.
Reading the contributions in this newsletter
you will learn about the progress that has
been made in all these major deliverables.
Announcement: EU Interregional
Workshop on Teamwork in Eco renovation
The Livinggreen partners will organize an
interregional workshop for the branch and
umbrella organisations, representing SMEs in
the restoration businesses in the collaborating
regions on the 14th of October 2014. Topic
will be the creation of clusters of SMEs and
Communities of Practice. In such cooperation
involved SMEs get to know each other's
qualities, share knowledge and connect to
different craftsmanship. They can offer quality
services together and connect to each other in
their communication to the market. Successes
are already there and other SMEs can learn
from those. Umbrella organisations can play an
important role in the acceleration of such
cooperation's. The event will be organised in
the Ecohuis in Antwerp.
A large advertising campaign to make
better known the maison de l’habitat
durable situated in Charleroi
In the framework of the Interreg IVb
Livinggreen, a large advertising campaign has
been launched to make better known the
maison de l’habitat durable situated in
At the first place, the campaign, which took
place this 1st half-year, had for ambition to
make known the maison de l’habitat durable,
its activities and its support service.
The slogan which was chosen to better
represents the maison de l’habitat durable is :
« the sustainable housing is more than
energy… It is also a state of mind. »
So the campaign includes radio spots on
Vivacité Charleroi ; advertisings in the
Charleroi ;
advertisings on Immoweb and on 3 buses of
SBRCURnet | P.O. Box 1819 | 3000 BV Rotterdam (NL)
T +31(0)10 206 5959 | Email:
August 2014
Newsletter # 9
Then, the advertising campaign forecasted at
the 2nd semester will have as objective to
announce the realisation of a tool to raise the
awareness of the general public to some
thermal loses.
For this communication wave, the accent will
be put on the insulation of the roof… but not no
matter how.
The Energy desk of Charleroi will be our
partner on this action as well as other local
Une vaste campagne publicitaire pour
mieux faire connaître la maison
de l'habitat durable à Charleroi
Dans le cadre du projet Interreg IVb
Livinggreen, une campagne publicitaire a été
lancée pour mieux faire connaître la maison de
l'habitat durable située à Charleroi.
Dans un 1er temps, la campagne qui s’est
déroulé ce 1er semestre avait pour ambition de
faire connaître la maison de l’habitat durable,
ses activités et son service d’accompagnement.
Le slogan qui a été choisi pour représenter au
mieux la maison de l’habitat durable est :
« L’habitat durable, c’est plus que l’énergie…
C’est aussi un état d’esprit ».
La campagne a ainsi inclut des spots radio sur
Vivacité Charleroi, de la publicité dans le
7Dimanche de Charleroi, de la publicité sur
Immoweb et sur des bus de Charleroi.
Ensuite, la campagne qui est prévue au 2ème
semestre aura comme objectif l’annonce de la
réalisation d’un outil de sensibilisation du
déperditions thermiques.
Pour cette vague de communication, l’accent
sera mis sur l’isolation de la toiture… mais pas
n’importe comment.
SBRCURnet | P.O. Box 1819 | 3000 BV Rotterdam (NL)
T +31(0)10 206 5959 | Email:
August 2014
Newsletter # 9
Le Guichet de l’Energie de Charleroi sera notre
partenaire sur cette action, ainsi que d’autres
acteurs locaux.
Opening event for the
Ludwigsburg exhibition
After months of intensive work on 15th October
2013 finally the opening event for the
Energie“ took place. About 100 invited
representatives from the council, local
craftsmen, administrative staff and the Lord
Mayor celebrated the opening. They also had
the chance to see the exhibition on the evening
before the Wissenszentrum Energie opens it
doors to the public for the first time. The event
was a great success and everybody was really
impressed of the exhibition. Since 16th
October 2013 the Wissenszentrum Energie is
open for the public from Tuesday till Saturday.
The Wissenszentrum Energie is located in
building KUZ in Ludwigsburg’s city centre with
proximity to the town hall. The visitor can freely
move through the exhibition which gives
extensive information on energy efficiency in
the building and construction sector, renewable
energy sources, climate change, CO2 emission
and the ecological footprint.
Exhibits like a show house and the discover
Ludwigsburg table invite to touch, test and
understand the importance of saving energy
and the contribution that every one of us can
Opening event - Cutting the ceremonial ribbon
Show house - Roof, walls and windows show how
to make a private building energetically fit
Opening event - First visitors in the exhibition
SBRCURnet | P.O. Box 1819 | 3000 BV Rotterdam (NL)
T +31(0)10 206 5959 | Email:
August 2014
Newsletter # 9
Renovation Shop opens its doors in
Old buildings deserve a new future. By
renovating smartly, home owners can save
energy and increase comfort. Per July 1st they
can learn how at the White Rose’s Renovation
Shop. The Shop offers ready-made renovation
plans that instantly show the potential energy
Discover Ludwigsburg - Visitors can navigate
through the virtual city and get detailed
information about energetically good buildings
The Ludwigsburg energy advisory service
offers advice each Thursday afternoon in the
To make the exhibition lively we searched for
volunteers who look after the exhibition and
who offer guided tours through the exhibition.
These volunteers act as disseminators for the
Wissenszentrum Energie. Every eight weeks
the volunteers meet to exchange their
experiences with the visitors. Members from
the Ludwigsburg energy advisory service
participate also in the meetings to answer
questions from the volunteers and inform them
about energy related topics.
The Renovation Shop advises on optimal
improvements of homes. Possible measures
are insulation, improving installations and good
ventilation. The Shop also offers information on
possibilities for financing the renovation plans.
An advice from the Renovation Shop helps to
get the most out of a home renovation
For execution of the renovation plans the
Shop’s network can be employed. The network
consists of excellent companies and experts
with extensive experience in renovating
existing buildings.
Home owners can schedule a free intake
meeting on
Volunteer meeting - Chance to
experiences, and expand knowledge
SBRCURnet | P.O. Box 1819 | 3000 BV Rotterdam (NL)
T +31(0)10 206 5959 | Email:
August 2014
Newsletter # 9
ervaring hebben met het renoveren van
bestaande, waardevolle gebouwen.
Huiseigenaren kunnen een afspraak maken
Knowledge Modules on
Sustainable Renovation
Many people think sustainable renovation must
be an idealistic, almost holistic approach, like
creating a Passive House. In reality however,
one can choose a wide variety of targets, if one
only knew. Like most renovations, it starts with
a “natural moment”. For example, when a
homeowner calls because the roof is leaking
water. At that point, the advice of the local
Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) is crucial,
both in terms of offered solutions as well as for
the packages it could draw to create the best
out of the intervention that will take place
Renovatiewinkel Delft opent
haar deuren
Oude gebouwen verdienen een nieuwe
toekomst. Door slim te renoveren, kunnen
huiseigenaren energie besparen en hun
wooncomfort verhogen. Vanaf 1 juli kunnen zij
hiervoor terecht bij de Renovatiewinkel in Huis
de Witte Roos. De Delftse Renovatiewinkel
biedt kant-en-klare renovatiepakketten, waarmee direct duidelijk is hoeveel energie
bespaard kan worden.
De Renovatiewinkel adviseert hoe een woning
optimaal kan worden verbeterd. Denk hierbij
aan isoleren, verbeteren van installaties en
ingewonnen worden over financieringsmogelijkheden. Bij verbouwingen helpt een
advies van de Renovatiewinkel om optimaal te
profiteren van de investering.
Voor het uitvoeren van de adviezen beschikt
de Renovatiewinkel over een netwerk van
uitstekende bedrijven en deskundigen, die veel
As part of the Livinggreen Extension Project,
several Knowledge Modules on sustainable
renovation and retrofitting are being prepared.
The target group of these modules are SME’s,
both in France, Germany, Belgium and the
Netherlands. With respect for this target group,
the modules are built up in compact pieces,
using many images and practical examples,
presented by a voiceover. Moreover, the
modules pay special attention to supporting
knowledge, outside the craft itself, like modules
about good client ship, process and finance.
In terms of use, the modules are a matter of
plug and play. They are available online and
supported with didactic manuals, examinations
and presentations with voiceovers. Moreover,
the modules are assembled as a modular
system. One can choose and present or learn
by offering the whole course or just picking out
specific theme´s and follow cross links. As
such, the modules are able to be operated to
teach, to show examples or just to start
creating awareness. The latter being the
essential first step and key to success in
extending the practice of sustainable
SBRCURnet | P.O. Box 1819 | 3000 BV Rotterdam (NL)
T +31(0)10 206 5959 | Email:
August 2014
Newsletter # 9
Kennismodules voor
duurzaam renoveren
Er zijn meer opties van duurzaam renoveren
van de bestaande bouw dan alleen het
ideaaltypische Passief Huis. Het moment voor
duurzame renovatie begint immers op een
“natuurlijk moment”. Bijvoorbeeld als een
huiseigenaar een ambachtsman belt omdat
zijn dak lekt. Het advies van deze
ambachtsman is echter cruciaal. Want als er
toch aan het dak wordt gewerkt, welke andere
gemakkelijk kunnen worden meegenomen? En
welk materiaal wordt er aangeboden? Kortom,
duurzame renovatie start bij het advies van de
Binnen het Livinggreen Extension Project
wordt daarom gewerkt aan de ontwikkeling van
Kennismodules over duurzaam renoveren en
ambachtslieden, of te wel de SME's; “Small
and Medium Enterprises” in Nederland,
Frankrijk, België en Duitsland. De modules
maken stap voor stap de mogelijkheden van
duurzaam renoveren aanschouwelijk. Hierbij
wordt gewerkt met veel beeldmateriaal,
duidelijke voorbeelden en een voice-over die
de uitleg verzorgt. Binnen de modules is
bovendien specifiek aandacht voor kennis over
goed opdracht ondernemerschap, processtappen en financiën.
De modules worden beschikbaar gesteld en
zijn voorzien van ondersteunend lesmateriaal,
zoals handleidingen, didactische principes,
toetsen en presentaties. De modules zijn
bovendien als een modulair systeem
opgebouwd. De leergang kan stap voor stap
worden gevolgd, maar kan evengoed ingezet
worden om aan de hand van enkele
fragmenten specifieke thema´s te bespreken.
De kennismodules zijn daarmee zowel
cursusmateriaal en een middel om SME´s de
ogen te openen voor de kansen en
mogelijkheden van duurzaam renoveren.
SBRCURnet | P.O. Box 1819 | 3000 BV Rotterdam (NL)
T +31(0)10 206 5959 | Email: