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2003 Full Year Results Analyst presentation 4 March 2004 Introductory Matters Forward-Looking Information This document contains certain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements relate to expectations, beliefs, projections, future plans and strategies, anticipated events or trends and similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. These forward-looking statements reflect Havas’ current views about future events and are subject to risks, uncertainties, assumptions and changes in circumstances that may cause Havas’ actual results to differ significantly from those expressed in any forward-looking statement. Certain factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results include changes in global economic, business, competitive market and regulatory factors. For more information regarding risk factors relevant to Havas, please see Havas’ filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Havas does not intend, and disclaims any duty or obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements contained in this document to reflect new information, future events or otherwise. Note 1: Except where otherwise indicated, EBIT as used herein means earnings before interest, taxes and goodwill amortization Note 2: Except where otherwise indicated, net New Business in this presentation means the estimated annual advertising budgets minus estimated annual advertising budget losses. 2 Table of contents 1) 2003 Summary 2) 2003 figures 3) Strategic reorganization and restructuring plan 4) 2003 achievements 5) The strategic reorganization is already having positive effects 6) Havas and the outlook for 2004 7) Conclusion 3 1 2003 Summary 4 1) 2003 Summary Disappointing figures Strategic reorganization and significant restructuring for a sustainable relaunch of the Group. Without impacting Havas’ capacity to win: - New global Clients - Creative quality & innovation - New talent and retain those already at Havas This demonstrates that the disappointment in 2003 was exceptional and not structural 5 2 2003 Key Figures 6 2003 – Highlights 2003 2002 1,645 1,987 Operating income 136 229 Exceptional items (226) (9) Net income (Group share) (396) 23 Diluted EPS (in €) (1.33) 0.08 641 664 + 36 + 54 €M Revenue Net Debt as at 31/12 Free Cash Flow * •* Net cash from operations + net cash from investing activities – dividends + capital increases 7 2003 RESULTS Analysis 8 Revenue 2002 - 2003 Growth Organic* : - 5.7 % Constant currency : - 7.9 % Unadjusted : - 17.2 % * See appendix for full details 9 Revenue by Region Q4 % organic Full year % organic 1,987 - 3.8 % - 5.7 % 283 303 + 3.2 % - 3.6 % Great Britain 289 391 Continental Europe 259 282 + 3.4 % - 6.4 % 692 868 - 4.3 % - 3.6 % Asia Pacific 65 76 - 10.6 % + 0.2 % Latin America 57 67 + 4.0 % + 1.5 % 2003 €M 2002 €M 1,645 France TOTAL - 12.1 % - 13.0 % (excluding France and GB) North America 10 Revenue by division Excluding companies closed, sold or to-be-sold Euro RSCG 70% Arnold WWP 14% MPG 16% 11 Revenue by Region UK 14% France 19% Asia Pacific 4% Latam 4% Excluding companies closed, sold or to-be-sold North America 43% Other Europe 16% 12 2003 – Operating income €M Revenue Compensation Other operating expenses Total operating expenses Operating income % 2003 2002 Delta 1 645 (968) (541) (1 509) 136 8,3% 1 987 (1 124) (635) (1 759) 229 11,5% (343) 156 94 250 (93) 13 Staff Costs €M Staff Costs / revenue Staff Costs Headcount (at 31/12) 2003 2002 Change 58.9% 56.6% + 2.3 pts 968 1,124 -13.8% 15,961 17,972 -11.2% 14 Headcount Evolution Headcount on 31/12/2002 17,972 Acquisitions + 259 Businesses Sold or Closed (951) Redundancies (1,548) Resignations/recruitment + Transfers Headcount on 31/12/2003 785 (556) 15,961 15 Other expenses €M 2003 2002 Change Other operating expenses / revenue 32.9 % 31.9 % Other operating expenses 541 635 -14.8% 128 149 -14.1% 57 72 -20.9% of which : Rent Depreciation +1.0pt 16 2003 – P&L €M Rev enue Operat ing inc ome % Financial income (expense) Exceptional items Tax Net income of fully consolidated companies Net inc ome bef ore amort iz at ion (Group s hare) Goodwill amortization and impairment Net inc ome Group s hare 2003 2002 1 645 1 987 136 229 8,3% 11,5% (45) (47) (226) (9) (38) (62) (173) 112 (179) 95 (216) (71) (396) 23 17 Exceptional items 2003 €M Redundancies (H1 and H2) Real Estate Other restructuring costs Purchase of Oceane Put Capital gain on Oceane re-purchases + Others TOTAL 2003 (54) (75) (50) (51) 4 (226) 18 2003 2nd half Restructuring plan 1. Reduction in headcount: approx. 1,100 jobs eliminated for €47 million 2. Real Estate restructuring : 40 properties put onto the rental market, representing about 70,000 m², principally in the UK and the US, managed centrally. 3. Others : provision for losses on sale of assets, depreciation of assets (IT, Software, …), litigation … 19 2003 2nd half Restructuring plan Restructuring Costs 2003 Costs €M Redundancies (47) Real Estate (75) Other restructuring charges (50) TOTAL exclud. Goodwill (172) Cash out 2003 27 2004 41 TOTAL 68 20 2003 2nd half Restructuring plan P&L Impact 1. Cost reduction in ongoing companies 2. Elimination of revenue and costs of companies closed or sold : 16 sold / to be sold + 8 closed Of which 3 more companies to be sold relative to the September 18 announcement, following analysis that they did not meet the strategic criteria for remaining in the Group 21 2003 2nd half Restructuring plan Cost reduction in ongoing companies Achieved in 2003 Expected for a full year Difference 2004 vs 2003 Redundancies 7 63 56 Real Estate 4 17 13 costs 0 1 1 TOTAL 11 81 70 €M Other restructuring 22 2003 2nd half Restructuring plan Elimination of revenue and costs of companies sold or closed €M 2003 Revenue 2003 Costs 2003 EBIT Closed Sold To be sold Total 30 15 125 170 (40) (16) (127) (183) (10) (1) (2) (13) Estimated sale price 70 Goodwill Impairment 152 23 2003 2nd half Restructuring plan Pro-forma Summary of 2003 events In M€ Revenue Costs Ongoing companies 0 (70) Companies closed Companies sold Restructuring impact Acquired companies Total impact (30) (40) (15) (16) (45) (126) 11 8 (34) (118) Impact on 2004 Relative to 2003 * * Of which €94 million of compensation costs 24 2003 – Tax €M Recurring Exceptional Total 91 (226) (135) (32) 82 50 Depreciation of DTA* generated in 2003 (62) (62) Depreciation of DTA @ 31/12/2003 (26) (26) (32) (6) (38) 59 (232) (173) Profit / (loss) before tax Theoretical income tax @ 36% TOTAL TAX Profit / (loss) after tax * DTA : Deferred Tax Assets 25 2003 - Goodwill €M Amortization : Impairment Total : 65 : 152 217 26 2003 – Earnings per Share € cent 2003 2002 (60) 32 (133) 8 297 009 275 294 757 744 (60) 31 (133) (8) 297 732 970 332 613 996 Basic EPS before goodwill amort. EPS # Shares Diluted EPS before goodwill amort. EPS # Shares 27 CASH FLOW STATEMENT AND BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31/12/03 28 2003 - Cash Flow Statement 2003 2002 22 197 Changes in working capital 132 47 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATIONS 154 244 Investments (net) Tangible and intangible (32) (42) Financial * (54) (87) 5 19 INVESTMENT FLOWS (81) (110) Dividends (43) (89) 6 9 36 54 (49) (72) €M Net cash generation Net cash position of subsidiaries acquired or disposed Capital increases NET FREE CASH FLOW * : including Earn-outs and Buy-outs 29 2003 – Working Capital Analysis A positive flow of €132 million €82 million coming from a multi-year group-wide program to improve working capital, following an excellent performance in 2002 €50 million of exceptional items, including €41 million of restructuring costs which will be expensed in early 2004. 30 2003 – Working Capital Analysis Working capital as at 31/12/03 accounts for more than 20% of 2003 revenue, versus less than 15% in 2002 and less than 10% in 2001. WORKING CAPITAL / REVENUE 30,0% 25,0% 20,0% 15,0% 10,0% 5,0% 0,0% 30.06.01 31.12.01 30.06.02 31.12.02 30.06.03 31.12.03 Exceptional items 31 2003 – Evolution of Net Debt 2003 2002 (664) (703) Net free cash flow 36 54 FX (5) (10) Others (9) (5) (642) (664) M€ Opening net debt Closing net debt 32 2003 – Structure of Net Debt €M 31/12/2003 conversion price 31/12/2002 in € Convertible Bond 99 - Maturity 01/01/04 (85) (85) 9.08 Convertible Bond 00 - Maturity 01/01/06 (566) (680) 20.87 Convertible Bond 02 - Maturity 01/01/09 (450) (450) 10.39 (1 101) (1 215) Bank facilities (93) (119) Other financial debt (99) (57) Overdrafts (48) (68) (1 341) (1 459) 699 795 (642) (664) TOTAL CONVERTIBLE BONDS GROSS DEBT Cash and cash equivalents NET DEBT Undrawn available credit lines at 31/12/2003 : € 159 million 33 Simplified Balance Sheet as at 31/12/2003 €M ASSETS Goodwill LIABILITIES 31/12/03 31/12/02 31/12/03 31/12/02 1 583 1 893 640 1 165 21 32 Shareholders' funds Minority interests Tangible and Intangible assets 190 255 661 1 197 Financial assets 23 26 245 158 Provisions for risks & charges (332) (245) 642 664 Net Debt 157 200 73 110 Debts re : Fixed assets 1 621 2 129 1 621 2 129 Working Capital Deferred Tax Assets TOTAL Total TOTAL 34 2003 - Earn-out / Buy-out Commitments €M 31/12/2003 31/12/2002 Earn-out 61 103 Buy-out 95 109 TOTAL ESTIMATED COMMITMENTS 156 212 US GAAP figures 35 Earn-out / Buy-out Reconciliation to 2003 estimate €M Total estimated commitments 31/12/02 212 Paid out in 2003 (46) Difference on 2003 payment estimates (5) Acquisitions in 2003 20 Adjustments to prior estimates (25) Total estimated commitments 31/12/03 156 US GAAP figures 36 Earn-out + Buy-out – Maturity profile €M Estimated @ 31/12/2003 2004 2005 2006 85 28 18 2007 2008 et + 11 14 TOTAL 156 37 Dividend Policy in € Cents Net dividend 2001 2003 1 2002 17 9 Gross dividend 25.5 13.5 7.5 Pay-out ratio 45 %2 28 % 3 30 % 2 Gross yield 4 3.1 % 3.6% 1.1% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Dividend to be approved by the Shareholders Meeting on May 26, 2004 Net dividend / net income before goodwill and exceptional items Net dividend / net income before goodwill Based on share price at 31/12. 38 3 Strategic Reorganization and Restructuring Plan 39 3) Strategic Reorganization and Restructuring Plan Strategic reorganization was necessary in order to: respond to clients’ new needs, implement a new organization to strengthen Havas’ competitiveness and efficiency. Restructuring Plan was necessary in order to: significantly improve Havas’ financial performance 40 3) Strategic Reorganization and Restructuring Plan How ? By implementing an organization exclusively based on two global networks and a strong creative presence in key countries worldwide. 2 global networks : Euro RSCG Worldwide MPG Strong creative presence in key countries worldwide Arnold Worldwide Partners 41 3) Strategic Reorganization and Restructuring Plan We have resolved the issue of the 50 underperforming companies Implemented 19 companies transferred from AWP and Specialized Services 8 companies closed 7 companies reorganized 16 companies sold Euro RSCG 9 9 9 companies representing approx. 60% of revenues sold or about to be sold (letter of intent signed) 42 3) Strategic Reorganization and Restructuring Plan Improve our financial performance We have taken advantage of the restructuring to : Reduce our staff costs by € 94 million Reduce our administrative costs including Real Estate : 70 000 m² (630 000 sq ft) made available for rent Identify cost savings significant savings expected in a multi-year plan 43 4 2003 achievements 44 4) 2003 achievements A) We continued to develop our New Business wins 45 4) 2003 achievements A) We continued to develop our New Business wins Generally Net Billings* Net New Business 2003 Change 1 696 +5.8% *: estimated annual advertising budgets won less estimated annual advertising budgets lost 46 4) 2003 achievements A) We continued to develop our New Business wins Specific Major Wins 10 major accounts for global integrated communications: Intel Centrino, MCI Corporate, Polaroid, Aventis Lantus, Roche Diagnostic, Cap Gemini, Areva, Remy Cointreau, Fromages Suisses, Amgen Corporate key brands in regional and local markets: Integrated Communications: American Legacy, Travelocity, Amtrak, Agilent, Carrefour Advertising: Coca-Cola, EDF, Colonial Williamsburg, Vision Express, Yili Milk, Accucard, Biosynergy, Koenig Pilsener, Schweizerische Bundesbahn, Universal Studio Canada. in media, regional wins of strong brands in their markets: Carrefour, France Telecom, MCI, Agilent, Schering Plough, Travelocity, Amtrak, Barclays 47 4) 2003 achievements main losses : Subway, Alberto Culver, Yahoo, Abbey National, Camelot, significant development of existing Clients geographically and in different disciplines France Télécom (18), Peugeot (15), Reckitt Benckiser (10), Danone (7), Diageo (7), L’Oréal (7), Air France (6), Nestlé (6), Alcatel (5), Cadbury (5), Intel (5) 48 4) 2003 achievements Top Clients trust us Leading client represents ~ 3% of revenue Top 25 clients represent ~ 30% of revenue The leading sector is Automotive ~15% of revenue 49 4) 2003 achievements B) We had our best creative year Peugeot 206: won most awards of any ad in 2003. Ultimate Distinction : Peugeot 206 was voted best worldwide TV commercial of the year (22 awards), and it is also the most « clicked » spot of the year over the internet. 50 4) 2003 achievements B) We had our best creative year Evian « Waterboy » was the best loved commercial in France Evian « Waterboy » commercial was voted « Campaign of the Year» 51 4) 2003 achievements is the only Worldwide network to win Cannes lions in every communication discipline : This demonstrates the expertise and competitiveness of our leading network in Integrated Communications 52 Section 1 Agency Advertiser Title Category Peugeot 206 Sculptor Film DR Inkbeer Social Experiment Media Unboring Cyber/Websites Direct Sales Promotion-Asia GUINNESS Tape measure Human Guinea Pigs Witness INPES MINI USA TIM Barrels Mini USA Experience 2 Press & Outdoor Cyber/Website Cyber/Other GOLD LION Euro RSCG MCM Italy MEDIA LION Euro RSCG Partnership Singapore SILVER LION Euro RSCG Circle USA Euro RSCG Eurad Switzerland Euro RSCG Partnership Singapore KLP Euro RSCG London IKEA Arena 225 Exercise Dr Inkbeer Direct BRONZE LION Euro RSCG BETC France Euro RSCG Circle USA Euro RSCG Interaction Brazil 53 4) 2003 achievements ranked 4th worldwide by for creativity 54 Top Creative Agencies In 2003 Gunn Report 1. Crispin Porter & Bogusky (Miami) (40=) 50 2. TBWA\Paris (Boulogne Billancourt) (45=) 45 3. Wieden & Kennedy (Portland, OR & NY) (1) 41 4. Arnold Worldwide (Boston) (18=) 29 (Figures between brackets refer to 2002 Ranking) 55 4) 2003 achievements C) Remained very attractive New talents : Jim Heekin (Euro RSCG Worldwide New York) Marc Lepere (Euro RSCG Worldwide New York John Staffen (Arnold Worldwide Partners New York) Kevin Roddy (Euro RSCG MVBMS New York) Mark Sitley (Euro RSCG MVBMS New York) Ned Russell (Arnold New York) Steve Swanson (Arnold St Louis) Christine James (MPG USA) Nick Hastings (Euro RSCG London) Chukiat Jaroensuk (Euro RSCG Flagship Thailand) Jorge Lopéz Ghisoli (Euro RSCG Espagne) Adams Chow (Euro RSCG Hong Kong) Nicolas Vale (Euro RSCG Vale Mexico) While retaining our existing talents 56 5 The strategic reorganization is already having positive effects 57 5) The strategic reorganization is already having positive effects In Interactivity, Euro RSCG Interaction has just been ranked #1 interactive agency, Agency of the Year, on a worldwide basis in the interactive market. (One of the most dynamic sectors in 2004 according to the London Business School Study; +14%). Source : Interactive Quarterly Adweek February 23, 2004 58 5) The strategic reorganization is already having positive effects New Business level has been encouraging since the beginning of the year: Arnold: Fidelity retained, Relpax, Tyson Foods, Tourism Toronto MPG: Volkswagen and Seat in Spain, Diageo in Spain, Colombia Telecom in Latam Euro RSCG: new worldwide alignment for a Danone division, Pfizer Menostar, Inamed, a new account Aventis and SanDisk in USA, and SabMiller Italy, Nokia Interactive Latam, Novartis Nicotinell in Germany, American Standard Companies in Asia Pacific. In Marketing Services : the retention of Royal Mail UK, DTVN and Dial Corporation US Yesterday Wanadoo won for Corporate & Financial communication 59 5) The strategic reorganization is already having positive effects Improve our financial performance The drive to drastically reduce costs is ongoing with the implementation of Group contracts and policies in the following areas: General Purchasing (including Travel) Real Estate (nearly 9% of costs) IT Insurance Creation of country back-offices (payroll/finance) 60 6 Havas and the outlook for 2004 61 6) Havas and the outlook for 2004 A) The environment Market upturn is happening, especially in the US and APAC; weaker in Europe and Latam. 2004 vs 2003 Forecast: Zenith Major Media = + 4.7% (2003 vs 2002 : +3.4%) Havas LBS = + 4.4% (2003 vs 2002 : +1.8%*) * US, Germany, UK and France only 62 Zenith Forecast – Traditional Advertising 2004 vs. 2003 North America +5.0% Europe +3.7% France Germany +2.1% +2.7% Italy +3.0% Spain +3.3% UK +3.2% Asia Pacific Japan Latin America Others Total +5.1% +1.5% +0.6% +10.8% +4.7% Source : Zenith Media –December 8, 2003 63 LBS / Havas Forecast Mix of Marketing Services and Traditional Advertising 2004 vs. 2003 USA +4.6% Germany +1.0% UK +6.3% France +2.0% China +11.6% Brazil +11.2% Total +4.4% Marketing Expenditure Trends Havas/LBS : 772 Interviews of decision makers – December 2003 64 LBS / Havas forecast by activity Breakdown 2004 vs. 2003 Advertising 39.9% +4.2% Sales promotion 20.5% +2.5% Brand PR/ Sponsorship 15.4% +3.8% Direct Mail 14.6% +3.1% 7.6% +14.2% Total including others 100% +4.4% Total Advertising 39.9% +4.2% Total Marketing Services 60.1% +4.6% Total 100% +4.4% Activity Interactive Marketing Marketing Expenditure Trends Havas/LBS : 772 Interviews of decision makers – December 2003 65 6) Havas and the outlook for 2004 B) Objectives In this more favorable context, the reorganized Havas must, whatever the environment, return to a dynamic of growth and improve profitability. 66 6) Havas and the outlook for 2004 Through our three great brands: 67 Euro RSCG Worldwide « Jim Heekin » 68 Our Outlook for 2004 _ The stage is set to achieve this year _ As an organization, we are now: _ Stronger _ Leaner _ Healthy _ Our point of difference centered on: _ Creative Business Ideas® _ Prosumer Segment Expertise _ Power of One 1 Creative Business Ideas® Our Objective To bring our clients Creative Business Ideas ® 3 Prosumer Segment Expertise Euro RSCG Worldwide Landmark Study Categories? Aspirations? Brands? Behaviors? Media? 5 Power of One Power of One _ Integrated communications companies, not traditional advertising agencies _ A single P&L _ A single CEO and management team _ Deliver the commodity part of what we do as cost-effectively as possible _ Reinvest talent and knowledge that produces “added value” _ Grounded in discipline-neutral strategy _ Led by brand-focused, rather than discipline-focused, leaders _ World-class execution specialists 7 Tremendous Progress in Two Years _ Brazil _France _ Mexico _Spain _ Argentina _ Colombia _ Puerto Rico _ Greater China* _ Southeast Asia* _ India-Middle East _U.S. _UK _Germany _Belgium _Italy _Switzerland _Portugal _Austria _Eastern _Euro Europe* RSCG Life (*) Implemented on regional level 8 Major Client Partnerships 9 New Partnerships 2003 10 Total Worldwide Assignments Rank Number of Accounts Total Assignments Agency Network (parent ad organization) HQ 1 McCann-Erickson WW (Interpublic) NY 62 1,180 2 Grey Worldwide (Grey) NY 55 802 3 Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide (WPP) NY 48 1,261 NY 46 931 4 (Havas) 5 Saatchi & Saatchi (Publicis) NY 37 486 6 BBDO Worldwide (Omnicom) NY 35 639 7 Y&R Advertising (WPP) NY 32 612 8 Publicis Worldwide (Publicis) Paris 31 719 9 J. Walter Thompson (WPP) NY 29 679 NY/London 25 536 10 Lowe & Partners Worldwide (Interpublic) Note: This ranking is based on the total # of client assignments listed in the Ad Age (2003). In some cases, networks have multiple assignments from a single marketer. 11 We are Everywhere Clients Need Us 12 Keys to Success in 2004 and Beyond Keys to Success 1. Continued integration and cohesion within our global network 2. Quality of our people and our product 3. Ability to grow in relation to our competition 14 Keys to Success Integration 1. Continued integration and cohesion within our global network _ We are a young, rapidly growing global network comprised of many entrepreneurial companies and cultures _ We enjoy and leverage several competitive advantages _ Innovative vision (CBI’s and Power of One) _ Inherent understanding of today’s business realities _ Entrepreneurial DNA _ Multicultural DNA, etc. 15 Keys to Success Talent 2. Quality of our people and our product _ Our success is totally contingent on having the best people and the best product in each market and in every discipline in which we compete _ We must be proactive against this goal 16 Keys to Success Growth Culture 3. Ability to grow in relation to our competition _ Key Strategies: _ New Business Plan _ Existing Client Plan 17 Our Mission and Vision Our Mission Be and be perceived as the best global marketing communications company in the world 19 Our Vision To directly impact our clients’ business performance through Creative Business Ideas® delivered through media neutral, integrated Power of One organizations 20 Media Planning Group « Fernando Rodes » 69 MPG’s Philosophy rests on 3 Keystones Methodology The same service methodology in all markets: Catalyst Technology The best set of strategic tools, backed by a global IT infrastructure Team & Organization Young, talented and focused international coordination team In order that we may achieve sustained growth and success 04/03/2004 making media make a difference 1 Methodology MPG is the only network that approaches client service with a common methodology across all global markets. Catalyst ensures that we are asking ourselves the right questions with regard to Innovation, Knowledge and Strategy- the three axis on which the methodology rests. We call this the 6D process: 04/03/2004 making media make a difference 2 Technology Our global tools provide decision support, quantifying the effects of communication investment and allowing flexibility for different market scenarios. MPG’s tools received an A+ from Recma who say, “MPG has a well established consumer survey, a wide range of strategic planning tools and a focus on web planning”. 04/03/2004 making media make a difference 3 Team and Organisation MPG’s International department coordinates global client accounts from “hubs”, (offices in Paris, London, Madrid..) Recma recognizes MPG’s excellence in international coordination, and we have been awarded an A+ in this area. 04/03/2004 making media make a difference 4 MPG’s Growth in 2003 MPG, the fastest growing agency in Europe Source: Global Billings & Rankings - Recma Report, April 2003 2002 vs 2001 MPG MediaCom Universal McCann Starcom Mediaedge:Cia Initiative Media Mindshare Carat OMD Zenith Optimedia 19.90% 12.43% 5.50% 5.25% 3.72% 3.37% 3.29% 2.04% 1.52% 1.48% EMEA figures 2002 vs 2001 04/03/2004 making media make a difference 5 MPG’s New Business in 2003 GLOBAL ACCOUNTS: FRANCE TELECOM Account maintenance: France, Spain, Switzerland, Slovakia, International New markets & services: Global coordination CARREFOUR Account maintenance: Spain, Portugal New countries: France, Switzerland, Poland and Turkey The next step is to target Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece, Belgium – mid term VOLKSWAGEN GROUP New markets & services: Spain, (announced Jan 04) Media buying account for all of their bands, including Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda. We also hold the account in Argentina & the US. 04/03/2004 making media make a difference 6 MPG’s New Business in 2003 cont. Argentina: Carrefour, Volkswagen, Wall Mart, Suzuki/Izusu, Diageo, ADEFA, Renault Austria: Geox, Air France Belgium: Puig, Geox, Productor Brazil: BBVA (MC), Peugeot (MC), Airbus Chile: Banco Santander, Masterfoods, Hyundai, FOX Cine, Air France (MC), INTEL (MC) Colombia: Carulla-Vivero, Protabaco S.A., Bavaria Czech Republic: Honda France: France Telecom, Carrefour, Auchan (MC), EDF (MC), France Telecom (MC), Orange (MC), Piaggio (MC), Cap Gemini (MC/AR), Decathlon (Geopolis), AREVA, ICEP, Laboratoires Vendome (Arena,, ACCOR (MC), Francophonie (MC), Canal+ (MC), Sesma (MC) Germany: Hoerzu, Intercitrus, Licher, Mediantis. Polaroid Greece: Papadoupolus Hungary: JVC, Pfizer Tempo, Auchan, MOL, Sky Europe, Kaiserfood, Hörmann, Air France, Carlsbad Mineral Water Italy: Daihatsu, Zero Nove (Mediapressing) 04/03/2004 making media make a difference 7 MPG’s New Business in 2003 cont. Mexico: Parfumerie Versalles, Pronosticos Deportivos, Bonafont, Astrazeneca, NIKE, Aerovias de Mexico, Distribuidora Coloso (AR) Netherlands: Geox, JVC Poland: Carrefour, Inteligo Financial Services, Volkswagen (MC), Nordea Bank (MC), Pierre Fabre Dermo-Cosmetique, Zentiva, Glaxo Smithkline (MC), Carlsbad Mineral Water, Credit Suisse Portugal: Carrefour, Citroen, Peugeot, ICEP, Geox (AR), Tele 2, Sharp, Accor Hotels (MC) Spain: France Telecom, Carrefour, Shering Plough, Campari, Sociedad Imag y Prom Turistica de Galicia, Conduit, Daewoo, Antonio Puig, Avalle, Hair Recovery, Banco Atlantico, Panrico (MC), Wanadoo (MC), Mantequerias Arias/ Bongrain (AR), INDRA (AR), SEIKO, Palm, Play Again, Bauer (AR), Turespaña (MC), Carlsbad Mineral Water, Zentiva Switzerland: France Telecom, Carrefour Turkey: Carrefour UK: ING, Gucci, E-Sure (MC) Thistle Hotels (MC), Agent Provocateur, Gamer TV US: Nasdaq, Amtrak, Volkswagen, Bagby Dskin, Colonial Williamsburg, MCI, Red Lobster Ethnic, Red Lobster Modelling Project, Toshiba (MC), Polaroid, Red Lobster (MC) 04/03/2004 making media make a difference 8 MPG’s Network Organisation 04/03/2004 making media make a difference 9 MPG’s 3 Main Objectives for 2004 Develop the MPG Product Our aim is to generate a market leader in terms of performance and innovation: upgrade thinking on Integrated Channel Planning, develop a unique offer in the area of marketing mix optimization, combine econometric modeling capabilities and proprietary decision support systems technology. Reinforce the Media Planning Network We aim to strengthen the network through a closer partnership between local offices and the newly created MP Commercial Strategy and Activity Team. This MP team will lead the network’s commercial approach and support local offices by redeploying existing resources, adding new ones, and by developing the culture of cooperation and shared knowledge regarding global clients, throughout the network. Continue our Global Expansion Continue our expansion in order that our clients may benefit from a transversal core network with true worldwide coverage. In January we opened MPG Russia in Moscow, and by the end of 2004 MPG hopes to have introduced the MPG brand name in some of the principal Asian markets. 04/03/2004 making media make a difference 10 MPG’s Global Client List USA Volkswagen Reckitt Benckiser Volvo GSK McDonald’s PSA Panregional Latam POLAND HUNGARY RUSSIA PSA online Mitsubishi CZECH REPUBLIC REPUBLI Intel Carrefour Auchan Ceska Pojistovna Centiva Leader Price Pzifer Del Pharmea KMV LG Petro Bank Sara Lee UPC BELGIUM Durex GERMANY AUSTRIA PSA UKRAINE Muller Geox Sopexa Centiva Douglas Packard Bell Hochriegl Carlsbald Water Beauté Prestige Int’l Telegate NETHERLANDS PSA Diageo JVC UK Inter Contl Hotels Intel TUI FRANCE ING PSA YSL France Telecom Groupe Mulliez Française des Jeux Reckitt Benckiser ROMANIA SWITZERLAND Reckitt Benckiser FT HONDURAS ECUADOR DENMARK PORTUGAL Air France Carrefour CC El Bosque COSTA RICA Partido Nacional Sonae Gr Turespaña AIG Life YSL Corp. Megasuper Nutrexpa Banco Futuro Danone YSL Airpak Costa Rica Alcatel Celular One PSA Air France SPAIN ITALY Arrocera Costa Rica GREECE Nestlé INTEL El Corte Inglés Geox BPI COLOMBIA PSA Yamaha NICARAGUA YSL BBVA Danone Beaute Prestige Int’l Texaco Caribbean Air France Alpina Nestlé Turespaña PANAMA Merco INDIA INTEL TURKEY Reckitt Benckiser Holiday Inn Corporación Medcom Reckitt Benckiser Carrefour Peugeot Productos Prestigio S.A. DELL Champion BMW VENEZUELA MEXICO Novartis Uno BBVA GUATEMALA Peugeot Microsoft Reckitt Benckiser Gr. Carso Distrib Automóviles ISRAEL BRAZIL Danone Amedesgua Reckitt Benckiser Banco Santander BBVA Bancomer Grill & Bar Guatemala Peugeot Reckitt Benckiser Effem Mexico AIG Peugeot Brazil Cadbury PERU CHILE BBVA Banco Santander ARGENTINA Banco Rio BBVA Cepas Peugeot Chile BBVA Carrefour Carrefour Renault Volkswagen making media make a difference 04/03/2004 Louis Vuitton SLOVAKIA Globtel Eurotel Slo. Telecom P&G 11 Arnold Worldwide Partners « Ed Eskandarian » 70 Outlook for AWP in 2004 Stronger Full US Economy year benefit of the 2003 Restructuring plan Reorganization More Focus 71 Arnold Worldwide Partners AWP Prior to Restructuring & Reorganization AWP Today Integrated Marketing Services 19% Marketing Services Advertising 43% 57% Advertising 81% 72 AWP’s ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Top 15 US agencies J. Walter Thompson BBDO DDB Grey McCann-Erickson Foote, Cone & Belding Leo Burnett Young & Rubicam Deutsch Ogilvy & Mather Campbell-Ewald 12 Arnold 13 TBWA/Chiat/Day 14 Euro RSCG Tatham Partners 15 Saatchi & Saatchi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Top 20 US based consolidated agency networks McCann-Erickson Worldwide DDB Worldwide BBDO Worldwide Lowe Euro RSCG Worldwide Grey Worldwide J. Walter Thomson Co. Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide Young & Rubicam Publicis Worldwide TBWA Worldwide Leo Burnett Worldwide FCB Group Saatchi & Saatchi 15 Arnold Worldwide Partners 16 17 18 19 20 TMP Worldwide Carlson Marketing Group CommonHealth Digitas Campbell-Ewald Source: AdWeek April 7 2003, Advertising Age 73 A Unique Market Positioning We are a creatively driven Network located in the world’s key markets. Committed to offering our clients a complete range of integrated services that delivers business results. Passionate about creativity and big ideas 74 AWP Today Current Operations:US, Canada, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Australia & China Plans to expand: Germany, Mexico & Quebec 75 AWP Today AWP is now concentrated in North America and Europe US, Canada, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Australia & China With plans to expand in Mexico, Germany & Quebec 81% of the top 100 Global Advertisers’ Ad spending is in North America and Europe* 78% of the world’s largest spending brands** are still only regional (US/Europe) or generate 95% of their sales in their home territories * Advertising Age, 2003 Global Marketing Report ** AC Nielsen 2001 “Billion- Dollar Brands” 76 The Heart and Soul of Agency is our Creative Product In 2003 Arnold was: Ranked #2 agency in the world by Creativity Magazine Ranked #4 in the world by the Gunn Report Arnold Worldwide won 5 EFFIES, including the Grand EFFIE. Have won awards for 25 of our clients across the network, including both TV and integration. 77 Our Reputation Continues to Grow The MAP Report ranked Arnold #1 in the US TM “Arnold has the highest overall positive perception score among the advertising agencies measured in the MAP Report TM .” “are known for developing innovative creative work,” the highest level of agreement was seen for the following three agencies: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners TBWA Arnold December 2003 78 Off to a Great Start in 2004 Pitches won in 2004: Fidelity Investments US Tyson Foods US Ralston Purina (pet food loyalty brand) US Houlihan’s US Piaggio Italy Glaxo Smith Kline (smoking Cessation) US, Europe, Australia Pfizer (Relpax) US Toronto Tourism Canada DEAWOO energy div Italy Galicia Spain 79 2004 Continues to Look Promising! Current New Business Activity (in millions Euros) Country Prospect Ad Budget Status US Verizon 260 Finals: 1 of 3 US Circuit City 176 RFP US Old Navy 92 Finals: 1 of 5 US Ferrero Rocher 24 Finals: 1 of 3 US Foxwoods 16 Finals: 1 of 2 US Timberland 8 RFP US Jamaica Tourism N/A Finals: 1 of 3 Canada Tourism Barbados N/A Waiting for final decision France Aeroport de Paris N/A Short List France CORA N/A Short List 80 AWP in 2004 An Exciting (and profitable) year ahead 81 7 Conclusion 82 7) Conclusion We want the drive for growth and profitability improvement in 2004 to be SUSTAINABLE Continuing to invest in : Resources Capacity to innovate Capacity to deliver new creative ideas Talent 83 Conclusion If we are reasonably confident for 2004 it is because Havas has provided itself the means through strategic reorganization and management changes financial restructuring and cost reduction development new and existing talent pursuit New of existing Clients of creative excellence Business to be competitive again compared to the main communications Groups in the market 84 2003 Full Year Results Analyst presentation 4 March 2004 APPENDIX 86 2003 – ORGANIC GROWTH 2003 € Millions 1. Revenue 2002 1. 1 987 2. Foreign exchange impact 2. (200) 3. 2002 at 2003 exchange rates 3. 1 787 4. Impact of disposed and closed companies -17,2% 4. (43) 5. Impact of change of method 5. (7) 6. Impact of acquisitions 6. +7 7. 2002 at 2003 exchange rates and scope 7. 1 744 8. Revenue 2003 8. 1 645 9. Organic growth -7,9 % (5.7 %) 87 2003 – Number of shares for EPS calculation # SHARES AS AT 31/12/03 SHARES IN ISSUE # SHARES (AVERAGE) 306 196 659 305 249 769 (7 614 663) (8 240 494) 298 581 996 297 009 275 CONVERTIBLE BOND 99 9 395 094 0 CONVERTIBLE BOND 00 27 100 727 0 CONVERTIBLE BOND 02 43 325 581 0 STOCK OPTIONS 34 032 883 723 695 412 436 281 297 732 970 TREASURY STOCK BASIC FULLY DILUTED NET INCOME BEFORE GW EPS €M € (179,0) (0,60) (396,0) (1,33) 88 2003 – Estimated revenue breakdown by Client sector* Finance 9% Other 6% FMCG & Leisure 37 % Auto 15 % Pharma & Health 14% TMT 19 % 2003 Finance 11% FMCG & Leisure 34% Other 8% Auto 13% Pharma & Health 14% TMT 20% 2002 *Extrapolation based on identified revenues 89