IMAGEit VISIONcreator, VISIONspeedster, VISIONsolution FPGA image processing solution! VISIONspeedster VISIONcreator VISIONsolution Frame Grabber Extension Boards FPGA image processing solution! prodesign the system solution provider The IMAGEit System High-speed Image Processing using FPGAs IMAGEit VISIONcreator, VISIONspeedster, VISIONsolution High-speed Image Processing with FPGAs Until recently lots of industrial image processing tasks — especially in the high-speed sector — have evaded an effective solution due to lack of processing speed. But with the vast progress in chip technology nowadays socalled FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) are available which offer tremendous processing capabilities. This is due to the inherently parallel operation paradigm of the FPGA hardware, which elsewhere is only to be found in application-specific ICs like graphics controllers. Using this advanced technology now enables solutions in the field of high-speed image processing. With the IMAGEit products Pro Design GmbH meets the demands of digital image processing by utilizing the enormous potential of FPGAs. The FPGA-based IMAGEit products combine the parallel operation of application-specific chips with the flexibility and ease of use attributed to software programming. IMAGEit offers with: Sample Applications FFT 256x256 pixels FFT 512x512 pixels Offset and Gain Correction Accumulation of frames Adaptive Thresholding Unsharp Operator Blending of two image sources Median Operator, 5x5, 8 bit Sobel Operator, 8 bit Addition of two images, 8 bit Gaussian Operator, 5x5, 8 bit Online web inspection in printing industry, four scan-line cameras Online inspection of textile fabrics using three cameras Performance Resources FPGA XCV2000E 70 frames/sec at 30 MHz 24 frames/sec at 100 MHz ‚Camera Realtime‘ (***) ‚Camera Realtime‘ (***) ‚Camera Realtime‘ (***) ‚Camera Realtime‘ (***) ‚Camera Realtime‘ (***) ‚Camera Realtime‘ (***) ‚Camera Realtime‘ (***) ‚Camera Realtime‘ (***) ‚Camera Realtime‘ (***) ‚Camera Realtime‘ (***) of 160MByte/sec at 50 MHz 17% (*) 25% (*) 11% (*) 18% (*) 8% (*) 15% (*) 10% (*) 7% <1% <1% <1% ‚Camera Realtime‘ (***) 2% (**) • VISIONspeedster an FPGA-based hardware platform — in the form of a PCI card for the PC • VISIONcreator2 the 2nd generation of the powerful visual development tool, which enables you to create FPGA designs without in-depth knowledge of hardware design and FPGA technology — in form of an easy-to-use software • VISIONsolution the full-custom turnkey solution of your high-speed image processing task Page 2 (*) incl. frame grabbing and host interface (**) post-processing and analysis on a standard PC (***) means that processing keeps pace with the camera’s pixel clock 68% (**) The IMAGEit System IMAGEit — The Big Picture IMAGEit VISIONcreator, VISIONspeedster, VISIONsolution VISIONcreator2 visual description of the application-specific hardware using the software tool " Your Application Examples - Quality assurance and process control - Surface inspection - Measurement - Inspection of completeness - Pass/Fail testing - Sorting VISIONspeedster Camera/Video Source " " image pre-processing in the applicationspecific hardware " Output/post-processing according to the customer’s needs + Frame Grabber Extension Board interface for capturing the image data in a standard PC Page 3 VISIONcreator VISIONcreator — Making FPGA Programming a Breeze IMAGEit VISIONcreator, VISIONspeedster, VISIONsolution Crucial for the successful use of FPGAs is to program them, which considerably differs from writing software for an ordinary processor. In fact, the task is to design a digital integrated circuit (chip). The VISIONcreator software has been developed to make this FPGA design process as easy as possible. VISIONcreator provides the user with a tool which enables him to develop FPGAbased hardware applications without in-depth knowledge in hardware design and FPGA technology. Thus he can fully focus on his application. Working with the VISIONcreator is conceivably easy. First the user creates a project and picks his target hardware from the set of hardware libraries. Using other libraries, which contain pre-designed functional modules, he then designs his application-specific processing. The algorithmic description is done in a visual manner by building up a signal flow graph. The VISIONcreator system performs a design rule check which will spot errors in the design. Finally a so-called synthesis run is carried out resulting in the FPGA configuration data to be generated. By downloading this configuration stream into the FPGA of the target hardware (e.g. VISIONspeedster) it will turn e.g. into a frame grabber with subsequent custom image processing in ‘camera realtime’. The VISIONcreator system is aware of the FPGA-specific features and peculiarities. Page 4 Features: • no in-depth knowledge of hardware design and FPGA technology needed • extensive set of libraries(*) for: - image enhancement - mathematical operators to perform image arithmetic - convolution operators - rank-based operators • data transfer between hardware and host computer • service programs and utilities for easy use of the hardware • optimized for IMAGEit VISIONspeedster • user can integrate his own algorithmic blocks • user can extend the VISIONcreator system to target his own hardware • can be adapted to various synthesis tools and design flows • operating systems: Windows NT, Windows 2000 • extensive documentation • sample applications (**) • hotline and support System Requirements: • Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0 • VHDL synthesis tool • place and route tool (depends on the FPGA) (*) will be constantly extended (**) short documentation flyers available VISIONcreator Easy-to-handle User Interface IMAGEit VISIONcreator, VISIONspeedster, VISIONsolution Page 5 VISIONspeedster VISIONspeedster — Image Processing in Realtime IMAGEit VISIONcreator, VISIONspeedster, VISIONsolution VISIONspeedster is an FPGA-based image processing card for PCs. Its fields of application range from high-speed image processing in realtime, quality inspection (e.g. in the printing industry), process monitoring and control as well as image compression and de-compression. As far as the selection of a concrete FPGA device is concerned you can choose between various Virtex or Virtex-E series devices from Xilinx. Having years of experience in FPGA technology we will be glad to assist you in the selection of the device that fits best your needs. Cameras can be connected to the VISIONspeedster board by means of various Frame Grabber Extension Boards. This way VISIONspeedster supports a great variety of cameras with analog, digital RS422, LVDS or Camera Link interfaces. The data transfer between the VISIONspeedster board and the host computer (PC) is accomplished via the UMRBus Communication System integrated in VISIONspeedster, which provides a very flexible and easy-to-use way of transferring data in both directions, including interrupt functionality. Thus, while transferring image data from the VISIONspeedster board into the PC you can change dynamic parameters of the frame grabber or other processing modules in parallel. In addition to that a DMA channel interface has been implemented for autonomous data transfer in the background. Page 6 You can obtain more detailed information on the Frame Grabber Extension Boards and the VISIONspeedster itself as well as on the UMRBus Communikation Sytsem and the DMA interface if you request the respective technical datasheet. Features: • 32-Bit 33 MHz PCI Bus Interface (3.3V and 5V compatible) • XILINX FPGA ranging from XCV400E to XCV2000E • 48 MByte SDRAM, 1 MByte SRAM • UMRBus Communication System, DMA channel • Frame Grabber Extension Boards for - analog cameras - digital cameras with RS422 interface - digital cameras with LVDS interface - digital cameras with Camera Link interface • • • • • • Application Programming Interface for C and Tcl/Tk Device drivers for Linux, Windows NT, Windows 2000 SDRAM controller, interface modules, simulation models synthesis scripts extensive documentation, sample applications hotline and support System Requirements: • PC (x86) with 2 free PCI slots (PCI rev. 2.1 or higher) • Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 or Linux (kernel 2.2.10 or higher) • synthesis tool • XILINX place and route tool VISIONspeedster FPGA-based Image Processing without the need of being a hardware specialist IMAGEit VISIONcreator, VISIONspeedster, VISIONsolution Frame Grabber Extension Boards — Interface to the Cameras Simple Communication with the VISIONspeedster via UMRBus PC running the user’s software applications Software Application 1 E.g. setting frame grabber parameters Software Application 2 e.g. setting a threshold Software Applikation N e.g. displaying image data Simple yet powerful Programming Interface " " Programming Library and Device Drivers for Linux, Windows NT / 2000 PCI Bus VISIONspeedster — FPGA-based Image Processing Board UMRBus Hardware Interface to the scalable UMRBus UMRBus Simple but powerful Hardware Interface Interface Modul Interface Modul Interface Modul Communication Interface 1 e.g. frame grabber parameters Communication Interface 2 e.g. threshold Communication Interface N e.g. image data High-speed Image Processing in the FPGA of the VISIONspeedster Board generated using the VISIONcreator2 Software Page 7 VISIONsolution IMAGEit VISIONcreator, VISIONspeedster, VISIONsolution Our high-speed image processing solutions are ideal for applications like • • • • • • surface inspection completeness check pass/fail tests sorting object measurement parameter-based quality assurance and process control To cut a long story short: all applications where vast amounts of data have to be processed. According to your own expertise and resources you may purchase those parts of the IMAGEit product line that meet your needs — up to a turnkey solution, including the elaboration of the conceptual stages — for your application. Do not hesitate to contact us — we are experts in high-speed image processing! Firmensitz ProDesign Electronic & CAD-Layout GmbH Albert-Mayer-Strasse 16 D-83052 Bruckmühl Tel: +49-8062-808-0 Fax:+49-8062-808-404 Contact: Internet: FPGA image processing solution! Design & Support Center ProDesign Electronic & CAD-Layout GmbH Hochheimer Strasse 47 D-99094 Erfurt Tel: +49-361-55038-0 Fax:+49-361-7893080 Contact: Internet: prodesign the system solution provider