Jan. - Limestone Community High School


Jan. - Limestone Community High School
Limestone Community High School
Bartonville, Illinois 61607
Editors: Sami Hubbard and Leah McElhiney
Key Club brightens the hol
Dalton Bidden and _____ check coats as the senior citizens walk through the doors for their luncheon.
Photograph courtesy of __________________
By Jordan Miller
It is no secret that many
families are facing financial
hardships today.
For the
many people facing hardships, the help of volunteer
programs make the holidays become a bit brighter.
At Limestone High School,
one organization that helps
those people in need is the Key
Club. The Key Club was started in America in 1925 and is
the world’s largest service oriented high school organization.
High School Key Club Senior
Officers include: President
Zach Budde, Dalton Bidden,
Patrick Ding, John Ricks, Kristen Webster, and Junior Vice
President Skilar Harrell.
This holiday season, the Key
Club is responsible for working
with the Salvation Army to ensure 150 families will receive
much needed holiday food baskets and toys for their children.
This will help those who need
help for the holiday season.
Another community organization the Key Club is work-
For the holidays, the Key Club
worked with the Crisis Nursery
to allow children to shop for
gifts for their friends and family. The gifts are low in cost
to allow children to purchase
what they want for their loved
ones. They are wrapped and
ready for the children to give.
The Key Club worked with
the Aktion Club. This is a
community organization for
adults with disabilities. The
Key Club and the Aktion Club
worked together to make table
decorations for a local nurs-
season, the Key Club helped
with the Christmas party held
in Bartonville. The Key Club
worked with Toys for Tots, an
organization that joins efforts
with the Marines to ensure
children receive toys and gifts
during the holidays.
As you can see, our Key
Club is involved with numerous community organizations
and events. Their energy and
efforts help to make the holidays brighter for many people.
Many people are not fortunate enough to have money
Editor: Taylore Carr
Brain food in class
It is a well known rule at
school: no food or drink in class.
How much harm could a poptart or a cereal bar really do to
our school? It would not hurt
much but could possibly raise
our grades. Not even looking
at any studies, it is easy to
see how being able to eat and
drink throughout the day has
more benefits then downfalls.
To start with, how much
can we possibly learn in
the class before lunch if
our stomachs are growling?
I know that when I am
hungry that is all I can think
about. Just having a little
snack sometime in the day
would help take the mind off
of food and back onto what
the teacher is talking about.
Food and some caffeine would
help those students who never
seem to get enough sleep.
Keeping those people up would
not only save me from having
to hear them snore, but allow
them to stay awake in class.
The only reason I can think of
that the school would not want
us to eat in class is the fact
that we have many students
who would be too lazy to get up
and throw their garbage away.
How hard is it really? Get up
and throw your stuff away!
That or they shove the garbage
in their lockers. You could also
say that if we were allowed food
in school, people would not be
so worried about hiding it in
their lockers. I am sure that
there are students in our school
who sneak food and something
to drink in their classes.
To keep this all short and
sweet, maybe if we all can show
that we can handle having
food in class, we can convince
the school to let us have it.
By Liz Kelly
took me for a girls’ night out
and told me that it was okay
to be afraid, but to not let that
fear take hold of me and keep
me from living. She also said
that this is a turning point; I
would have to be more open
about how I felt about people,
because you never know when
that person may be gone.
Several weeks later I was
saying “I love you,” more and
There are so many
people in my life that make
up who I am and who I will
become. I could not stand
the thought of them leaving
this world without knowing
how much I loved them.
Seriously, I was saying “I
love you,” so much that my
parents and other direct family
members got a little annoyed.
For almost three months
I worked on perfecting my “I
love yous.” Then a tragedy hit
Limestone and opened my eyes
wider than anyone could have
possibly imagined. A fellow
classmate and friend died in a
car accident and I was suddenly
thrown into the comforts of
my friends, and vice-versa.
My parents could not possibly
understand the grief we all felt,
and because of that I realized
how big my family really is.
“I love you,” is not just to
be said to family or significant
others; it is also to be used
with your friends. Until last
year, my friends were just that,
friends. We hung out from time
to time and had our sleepovers,
but it was nothing substantial
or with real meaning behind
it. However, last year was
hard for not only me, but for
my fellow classmates and
friends. Through this loss I
finally realized that my friends
are more than that, they
make up a part of my family.
Without them I would be a
hairless mess. I need them,
all of them. They are my air.
What I am trying to say is
that the average teenager does
not say “I love you,” enough.
Teenagers need to realize
just how short life really is.
Stop taking life, and people,
for granted. Tell the people
that mean the most just how
much they really mean to
you because you never know
what tomorrow may bring. My
friends are finally starting to
realize that when I say, “I love
you,” I mean it whole heartedly.
I do love them, more than I can
convey, but I try to tell them at
least once a day, if not more,
how much I love and need
them in my life. Guys, and you
know who you are, I love you!!
When I say I love you
Greetings Limestone! I
hope to find you all well after
our long, but much deserved
break. I know I enjoyed the
time off with friends and
family. The last two weeks
have been a blast, and I would
not trade the time I spent
with my family for anything.
Spending time with them
actually led me to the
conclusion that teenagers
really do not say “I love you,”
with a true meaning behind
those words often enough.
It never used to bother me,
but now that I am finally old
enough to realize how much
those three little words mean, I
have tried to incorporate them
into my life more. Another
huge reason for my sudden
epiphany would be the loss
and struggles I faced last year.
Last September I found
out a very good friend of mine
has cancer. I felt so scared
and hopeless. The thought
of a seventeen year old dying
from cancer had never crossed
my mind. What made it
worse was that I had never
really told him how much he
meant to me, how much his
parts of my life. My mother,
in all her infinite wisdom,
Load up the sides!
Greetings, Limestone. This
is generally where I would ask
you how your winter break
was but seeing as how this
is strictly a one-way street,
I think we can all agree it
was, at the very least, time
well-spent away from school.
The break was filled with
frigid weather, familial visits,
and good food, right? I can
identify with you, save one
major exception – I was not
among those enjoying the
traditional Christmas ham,
or anything similar to that.
I still had a great holiday
eating as much as any high
school kid, but everything I ate
was meatless. I am a vegetarian.
To be more exact, I am a
lacto-ovo vegetarian, meaning
I still drink milk and eat eggs,
but nix any kind of cow, pig,
chicken, or fish meat from
my diet.
Given how long
I have been alive, I would
not say it has been a long
time, but sixteen months is
debatable in terms of length;
feel free to decide for yourself.
The most common question I
field is, “How do you do it?” The
answer is relatively simple: I eat
the exact same way everyone
else eats. I still lounge on
the couch eating all the junk
food I can handle.I still buy a
jelly doughnut with my Java
Monster on the drive to school.
I even accompany my buddies
to McDonald’s or Wendy’s
on any given day.
Life is
no different, excluding the
ingestion of any meat. I also
hear the question asking why
I cut meat out of my diet in
its various respective forms.
Although every reason I have
is completely true, I have
never had a pattern in cycling
Do not forget to send in your problems
and your questions to Elle and Tina at
*Remember: you will be completely anonymous
Limelight is the student newspaper of Limestone Community High School. It is published monthly by media methods students.
Limelight is a member of the Quill and Scroll, National Scholastic Press Association, and Illinois High School Scholastic Press
Association. Students are responsible for the content of Limelight. Views represented do not necessarily represent, in part or in
whole, those of the Limestone Community High School administration or faculty. Editorial policy is determined by the Editorial
Board of Limelight, and views expressed in editorials are those of the majority of the editorial board. Columns that carry bylines
are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily represent that of Limelight. The paper is distributed free to students and
staff. Subscriptions are available by mail anywhere in the US for $8 per school year. Contact us at: Limestone Community
High School, 4201S. Airport Rd., Bartonville, Illinois 61607. Telephone: (309) 697-6271. Email: limelight@limestone.k12.il.us.
Read us on the Internet at: http://limestone.k12.il.us/limelight. Printed by School Publications Company, Peoria, IL.
Editors-in-chief: Sami Hubbard and Leah McElhiney
Page Editors: Chris Butler, Taylore Carr, Tyler Owen, Connor Webster
Chief Photographer: Danielle Webster
Business Manager: Liz Kelly
Reporters: Tony Azbill, Nick Hermann, Nick Jones, Liz Kelly, Josh McCollun, Blake McWilliams,
Jordan Miller, Danielle Webster
Advisor: Rebecca Coovert
through them. Simply put,
my main reason for being a
vegetarian depends solely on
what kind of mood I am in.
are irrelevant in the point
I would like to make.
The point I want to make is that I
know that there are vegetarians
throughout the school who
have their reasons as well.
Although they are the
miniscule minority, they are
also fellow students and do
not deserve to be denied basic
nutrients because the only way
to obtain them is via sausage
pizza, chicken noodle soup, or
whatever the case may be today.
I am doing my best to suggest
alternatives and be more
moving, rather than the usual
complaint after complaint.
My intent is to ask for minor
accommodations to a diet that
is ever-increasing in popularity.
The school obliges those not
eating red meat on Fridays
during Lent, and while I hate
to compare to something
better-known, for the sake
of argument, it must be said.
The reason behind it is a belief
they have deep in their heart;
just as those who refuse to eat
meat. It is as simple as that.
I do not believe in imposing
my beliefs upon anyone
unwilling to listen, so you
will never hear me rant about
what someone is eating, but
I genuinely see no harm in
offering macaroni and cheese
as a meal, or using a cheese
broth base in the broccoli
and cheese soup, rather than
the normal chicken or beef
broth. It is an improvement
that no one will notice and
from which a lot will benefit.
See you later, alligator.
Editor: Chris Butler
What are Rhetorical Rockets?
By Sami Hubbard
Driving by the school at
around six on a Saturday
morning the Limestone speech
team can be seen all dressed
up in their suits getting onto
a very cold bus. The small
speech team gives up many
of the Saturday mornings
from November to February
to represent Limestone in
across central Illinois. This
year the team has fourteen
team members consisting of:
Seniors Sami Hubbard and
Stephanie Copland, Juniors
Bradshaw, Lora Loyd, Chris
Hetzel, Sam Misagaro, and
Meagan Swanson, Sophomores
Meagan Larimore, Sharina
Welch, and Taylor Singly, and
Freshmen Robbie Hurst, Max
Callear, and Torye Heller.
There are a total of thirteen
events that compete at the
speech tournaments. The events
include: Dramatic Duet Acting
(DDA), Dramatic Interpretation
(DI), Oratorical Declamation
Speaking (ES), Humorous
Duet Acting (HDA), Humorous
Interpretation (HI), Impromptu
Comedy (OC), Original Oratory
(OO), Poetry Reading (PR),
Prose Reading (Pro), Radio
Reading (RR), and Special
Occasions Speaking (SOS). At
the beginning of the season
tryouts are held in order for
the coaches, Mrs. Look, Mrs.
Largent and Mr. Horger, to
place participants into an
event. In order to make up for
the smaller size nearly every
team member does two events,
some even compete in three.
Each event requires much
practice in order to be ready for
the tough competitions. Most
of the events are published
works but Oratory, SOS, and
OC are all original events,
meaning that the performer
With most of the events, the
performer does the same piece
every tournament with the
exception of Radio, ES, and IS.
In radio, the performer gets
short news clips the day of or
the day before to read during
competition. In ES and IS the
competitors get the topic at the
tournament and have to make
up a speech in the allowed time.
Even though the suits would
fool most into thinking that
speech is all formal and no
fun, all of the speech team
members enjoy the activity
very much. Sophomore Taylor
Singly said “Speech is really
fun; you get to meet a lot of
people from a lot of schools.
The best part of speech
is when we have a good
tournament and Sami and
I sing at the top of our lungs
the whole bus ride home!”
With the thirteen events
there is definitely an event for
everyone. Students who are on
the team all agree that speech
is a great way to meet people
from many different schools.
Head coach, Mrs. Look, is very
open to anybody who would
be interested in joining the
team next year to come and
see what speech is all about
by attending a tournament.
The regional tournament would
also be a great opportunity
for anyone to see the speech
team perform because this
year Limestone will be hosting
the tournament.
For more
information on the speech
team speak to Mrs. Look in
room 32, Mrs. Largent in room
206, or Mr. Horger in room 204.
With Rachel Slama
Compiled by Leah McElhiney
What is your favorite high
school memory? Freshman
year variety show when we
beat the seniors!
What will you miss most
about Limestone? All of my
What are your plans for next
year? Go to ICC
If you could travel to a
foreign country, where
would you go and why?
Czech Republic, because
that’s where my last name is
What is your favorite ice
cream flavor? Strawberry!
What is your favorite kind
of candy? Reese’s
What is your favorite
animal? Polar Bear
What is your favorite food?
Which shoe do you usually
put on first? Whichever one I
pick up first
What is unique about you?
My fingers are double jointed
How do you eat Oreos? I just
take a bite
If you had 12 days of
Christmas what would you
get? Why? I’d get clothes
everyday because I love
shopping for clothes
What is your favorite
clothing brand?
Forever 21
Compiled by Taylore Carr
Name: Nick Hermann
Grade: 11
Year in Limelight: 1st
Role in Limelight: Reporter
Favorite food: Road kill
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite music artist:
Hannah Montana
Favorite childhood cartoon:
Fun fact: I was raised by a
family of flying squirrels.
Name: Nick Jones
Grade: 11
Year in Limelight: 1st
Role in Limelight: Reporter
Favorite food: Snow
Favorite color: Verde
Favorite music artist: Kanye
Favorite childhood cartoon:
Angry Beavers
Fun fact: I live in a van down
by the river.
Name: Jordan Miller
Grade: 11
Year in Limelight: 1st
Role in Limelight: Reporter
Favorite food: Seaweed
Favorite color: Orange
Favorite music artist:
Shawty Lo
Favorite childhood cartoon:
Hey Arnold
Fun fact: I got King Kong in
the trunk.
A 1956 Limestone graduate, Don C. White, donates his book,
Facts, Quotes and Anecdotes of the Civil War: A Perpetual Calendar of Civil War Times and Events to the LCHS Library. The
book is available for check out to all students and faculty.
Photograph courtesy of Leah McElhiney.
Name: Ms. Wakeman
How long have you been
8 months
Where did you teach before
Capital High School in
Charleston, West Virginia
Where did you graduate
University of Charleston
What is your favorite
The Guardian
What is your favorite
What is your nickname?
Miss W by Trent Matthews or
What is your favorite
Imagine a future moment
in your life where all your
dreams come true. You know
it’s the greatest moment of
your life and you get to share
it with one person who’s
standing next to you.
Name: Mr. Robertson
Position:Woodshop Teacher
How long have you been
1st year
Where did you teach before
Student taught at Mattoon
High School
Where did you graduate
Eastern Illinois University
What is your favorite
Reeses peanut buttercups,
especially the Easter ones
What are your Hobbies?
Wood working(duh), hunting,
fishing, MMA
What is your favorite
4th of July
What is your favorite place
to shop?
What music do you listen
All kinds, mostly Country
and Rock
What is your favorite
Forest green
Editor: Tyler Owen
Breaking Dawn
The fourth of the Twilight saga
By Stephanie Meyer
of the characters that were
By Sami Hubbard
It was the book we had all smaller in the first three books
been waiting for, the final book played a vast role in the fourth
of the Twilight Series, Breaking book. These characters include
Dawn. Sadly this book did not Rosalie, Emmette and all of the
live up to many people (or my werewolves (including some
own) expectations. The book new ones). The werewolves
starts off where Eclipse left off. provided much of the humor in
Bella and Edward were madly this book, along with Emmette
in love, engaged and Jake and his innuendos. Nearly
was not a happy wolf boy. Of half of the book was focused
course, this does not last long, on the pack, which faces some
as yet again, there is someone major dilemmas.
The book does have a nice
endangering Bella and her
mix of genres in it. It has
loved ones.
This book disappointed me some romance, action, lots of
on so many
levels; I will
try to explain
actually, in
while giving
my opinion,
had the best
mix of all
as possible.
these things
To start with,
the author
stated earlier,
M e y e r s
to match it.
a nice job
of mixing it
between the
pack and the
up playing
Image courtesy
Cullens. If it
a huge role
of Photobucket.
was not for
in the entire
this I do not
book. It is
not like she outright changed think I would have been able
the trait, it was just insinuated to finish the book
Even though the book was
in the other books that the
main point in this book was disappointing for me I still
liked it. I know it does not
not possible.
The ending for me was not make much sense, but the
great either.
It was okay, werewolves made it for me. I
but for the LAST book it kind think the main problem was
of left me frustrated. There the fact that I had such high
was so much more that could hopes for this book. I had been
have happened. The plot was waiting for it from about April
too much like a rollercoaster of last school year to August for
ride: it would go up to one it. If my hopes had not been
climax, back down, then up to so high, I, without a doubt,
another. This plot was okay, would have enjoyed it more.
I still would recommend this
but not great.
One of the few good things book along with Twilight, New
about this book was that many Moon, and Eclipse to anyone.
Photo courtesy of
Google Images
Photo courtesy of
Google Images
Taylor Swift - “Fearless”
By Taylore Carr
Taylor Swift really hit off her
career only two years ago and
now she has gained worldwide
fame. She just released her
with Big Machine Records on
November 11, 2008. During
the first week of the release,
the album peaked at
number one on the
Billboard 200 Album
Chart. Six of the singles
from Fearless were on
the Billboard Hot 100.
about it and gave the
album great reviews.
In my opinion, the
critics were right.
loved the songs on this
album and Swift took a
big step forward in her
“Love Story,”
the third song on the
album, reflects a story
about Romeo and Juliet.
It is a really sweet
song and has a happy
ending, rather than
the bittersweet ending
of the typical story of
Romeo and Juliet. This song
is one of my favorites from this
album. I love the rhythm and
the lyrics to the song.
“Fifteen,” is a song that all
high school students, at one
time or another, can relate
to, specifically when they are
I personally like
this song because it shows the
true actions of a fifteen year
old. The lyrics are about the
typical feelings and thoughts
of a freshman.
“And then
you’re on your very first date,
and he’s got a car, and you’re
feeling like flying,” and “But
in your life you’ll do things,
greater than dating the boy
on the football team, I didn’t
know it at fifteen.” In just a
few of these lyrics are prime
examples of what the song is
Photograph courtesy
of Photobucket.
about. This is why I think it is
my favorite song on the album.
“Fifteen” is just one of the very
few realistic songs, in every
possible way, that I have ever
“Forever and Always,” is a
single that Swift added to her
album at last minute.
song was written about Joe
Jonas (a member from the
Jonas Brothers Band) whom
she had dated for a while
this past fall. This single has
the best beat out of the other
songs on Fearless. Swift lets
all of her feelings out through
this song about how he said
“forever and always” and
now he is gone and does not
even call anymore.
If you
are looking for a song to help
you get through a break-up, I
recommend this one.
“Fearless,” the title
track of the album, is
a very cute song.
whole theme for this
song is when a girl can
do everything “fearless”
when she is with a guy.
“And I don’t know why
but with you I’d dance in
a storm in my best dress,
about the girl feeling
comfortable and relaxed
enough to be herself
and go beyond what
she normally would do.
“Fearless” is a song that
is always good to listen
to whatever the time is.
If you want to be put in
a good mood, I would
recommend listening to
this song.
If I had five stars to rate this
album, I would use all five. I
really like this album even
better than Taylor Swift’s first
album back in 2006.
has become a role model to
many girls as well as women.
She is a positive influence and
I hope she stays that way. Her
album is only $13.88 at WalMart and it comes with two
music videos of “Love Story”
and “Change.” (*****)
Welcome to this issue’s edition of Name
That Movie!
Congratulations to Eric
Kipfer for winning last month.
He received a bag of Milky Way candy bars.
If you think you have what it takes this
month, look at the movie quote below. Write
your name, the name of the speaker, and what
movie the quote is from and slip it into the envelope outside room 208 (Mrs. Coovert’s room)
in the Foreign Language hall. We will randomly
choose from one of the submissions to receive a
surprise. Good Luck!
“The deepest circle in Hell
is reserved for betrayers
and mutineers.”
Editor: Tyler Owen
Tyroni’s Italian Café
By Connor Webster
On Tuesday, December 2,
a couple of my friends and
I, decided we wanted to go
somewhere close and for a
fairly reasonable price. We
all came to an agreement on a
well-known Bartonville eatery,
Tyroni’s Italian Café.
When we got there, we had
to find a parking space, which
can be limited if you don’t get
there at a reasonable time.
Parking is available across the
street. When we walked in, we
were greeted very nicely and
had to wait a minute so they
could clean off a table for us
to sit in. We
The waitress
away to ask
what we wanted
to drink. We all
ordered waters,
but they offer
soda (Pepsi products). Since
we all ordered waters, the
waitress brought out a pitcher
of it to save herself some trips.
We were fortunate enough
to pick a perfect day to go out
to eat, because every Tuesday
night they have an all-you-caneat buffet. We all ordered that
because they had a variety of
foods in the buffet line. Tyroni’s
had salad, for starters, with
onions, carrots, and tomatoes
to put in the salad. Next, they
had lasagna and spaghetti for
people in the mood for good,
quality Italian food. Moving
on to the third part of the
buffet line, they had a large
choice of pizzas: pepperoni,
sausage, cheese, BBQ chicken,
hamburger, and supreme. To
top it off, at the end of the line
there were breadsticks, waffle
fries, French fries, hot wings
types of desert
If you choose
to eat from
they have a
wide variety of
pizzas and pastas that taste
very good as well. They also
have a choice of appetizers:
pizza skins (a.k.a potato
skins with pizza toppings),
mozzarella sticks, Tyroni’s
potatoes, breadsticks with
cheese and marinara sauces,
super nachos, garlic bread,
buffalo wings, and Italian
nachos. The pizzas range in
size from 16, 14, 12, 10, to
Tyroni’s is a very family
friendly place to eat.
tables are covered with sheets
of paper so kids can draw on
them and on Wednesdays, they
have a magician named Mitch
Williams. I can’t give away
any of his tricks, but just
take notice of the cards on
the ceiling. They are also one
of the few restaurants that
Overall, I would give Tyroni’s
Italian Café 3 out of 5 stars.
The total for the five of us was
forty-six dollars, which isn’t
bad for an all-you-can-eatbuffet.
If you would like to call in an
order the number is 309-6978668. It is located at 5908
S. Adams St., Bartonville, IL,
below the hill right next to
Bartonville Grade School and
Reel Thing Video.
I would definitely recommend
eating there if you have not
already because the food is
great and the service is quick.
Boom, baby, boom!
By Blake McWilliams
Bang, bang, boom, and
boom! Mix that together and
we have another typical James
Bond movie. This is not a bad
thing, but Quantum of Solace
ruins this formula. We start
off the movie in typical James
Bond fashion.
Bond is being chased with the
lead terrorist, Mr. White, in the
trunk of his car. This begins
the plot of the whole movie.
Bond has to stop Quantum of
Solace -- an evil group that is
bent on taking over the world.
This all leads us to the longest
opening credits in movie
history. They are four minutes
long. They make you feel like
you are late and missed the
whole movie. The theme for
it isn’t even the regular James
Bond theme. The new theme is
called “Another Way to Die.”
Jack White, lead singer and
guitarist for the White Stripes,
and Alicia Keys, a solo artist,
perform this song; the first
theme song to be recorded by
two artists. This is a very weird
combination and hopefully
the last. The new theme song
sucks. I felt like they tried to
make it a rock-and-roll style of
the original theme. This ruins
it for everyone and makes
you wonder if you are even
watching 007.
Daniel Craig is playing Bond
for the second time. His first
was in Casino Royale. Daniel
Craig’s performance is pretty
good. I do not think there are
Compiled by Tony Azbill
Puzzle courtesy of Google Images.
Bradley Braves vs. Illinois
Peoria Civic Center
Peoria, IL
Sunday, January 6
7:05 P.M.
Peoria Rivermen vs. Iowa
Peoria Civic Center
Peoria, IL
Monday, January 7
7:00 P.M.
Harlem Globetrotters
Peoria Civic Center
Peoria, IL
Thursday, January 10
1:00 P.M.
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, January 13
7:30 P.M.
too many people who would be
able to play Bond. However,
Daniel Craig does an excellent
job and if there is a third he
should be the one playing
One of the sad things about
this movie is that they left out
the gadgets. The gadgets are
one of the things that make
James Bond. I was wondering
where the laser guns were. Why
do they not have the fast car
that can spray smoke screen
or shoot missiles? That is the
main key and leaving this out
makes me feel as if it is not a
Bond movie.
Quantum of Solace leaves a
bad taste in the mouth of the
Bond franchise. Bond does not
have any gadgets. The maker
of the gadgets, Q, is left out,
which leaves the fans cringing
in pain. The action seems to be
the only thing worthy in this
The movie is basically all
about revenge. Bond has never
wanted revenge in any of his
movies. Bond has always been
calm and collective, not once
ever losing his cool. I felt as
if there was a secret message
telling us to go out and get
vengeance on everyone.
I also felt as if they tried
to make it deal with modern
events. I can watch the news
or something else if I want to
keep up with modern events.
I wanted Bond to be, well,
just Bond. I was bored out of
my mind. Quantum of Solace
deserves 2 out of 5 stars.
Powerman 5000
Pearl Room
Mokena, IL
Wednesday, January 23
7:00 P.M.
Bradley Braves vs. Indiana
Peoria Civic Center
Peoria IL
Thursday, January 24
6:05 P.M.
Allstate Arena
Chicago, IL
Saturday and Sunday, January
26 & 27
7:00 P.M.
Synergy Brass Quintet
Peoria Civic Center
Peoria, IL
Monday, January 28
8 P.M.
Editor: Connor Webster
College basketball tips
off with ACC/Big Ten
Seniors take charge on
the Cheer team
A flip, toe touches, and pyramids. What else could it be
but basketball cheerleading.
The team practices every day
after school to improve their
routine for competition. This
year not only do our cheerleaders have a new coach
Ms. Price, but they are also
competing in a new division. The team went from
having a couple of guys last
year to having all girls, making the move from co-ed to
all girls division. With the
great leadership from team
captains Jordan Barns and
Chelsea Floyd the rocket
cheerleaders should flip over
the competition this year.
Cross Country
Cross Country season is
over, but the runners are not
done. Three of the runners,
Kayla Austin, Mark Phan,
and Brice Welton are going
through off-season training.
Also, Brice and Justin Steer
ran the Jingle Bell run on
December 6, 2008. Congatulations on a great season.
Girls take second place
at Brimfield
On November 29, the girls
basketball team ended the
Brimfield Thanksgiving tournament with a second place
finish. Natecia Augusta and
Felicia Johnson were named
to the all-tournament team.
The team participated in the
Manual Christmas Tournament from December 27-30.
Softball steps to
the plate
Softball season is coming, and the lady rockets
are warming up and getting ready. Open gyms will
start in January and February. Please see Coach Bonifas, Bontz, Stoner, or Hardesty for more information.
By Nick Hermann
points per game and has about
The NCAA College Basketball eight free throws a game.
season has been a slam dunk.
He is trying to lead his team
There have been some outstand- to the NCAA tournament.
ing players so far, great teams,
The top two teams are Uniand some power conferences. versity of North Carolina and
There are many outstand- University of Connecticut.
ing players that have a chance
North Carolina made it to
to win the James Naismith
award, which is the MVP
of college basketball. Some
being Tyler Hansbrough
from the University of North
Carolina, Stephen Curry
from Davidson University,
and James Harden from
Arizona State University.
Tyler Hansbrough won the
Naismith award last year.
He is looking just as good
if not better than last year.
He has lead his team to
be the number one team
in NCAA basketball. He is
averaging over 20 points
MVP hopeful, Tyler Hansbrough goes
per game, five rebounds
up for a dunk against Michigan State
per game and 50 perearlier this season.
cent field goal percentage.
Photograph courtesy of www.University
Stephen Curry led his
team into the elite eight last
year in the NCAA tournament and this year he is doing the final four last year and
all he can to get back there. hopes to make it to the chamHe is averaging 29.2 points pionship game this year.
per game and about four
U.N.C averages 96.5 points
three pointers a game for his per game, 8.4 three points per
top 25 ranked team, David- game, and 5.9 blocks per game.
son University. The last one
Connecticut averages
is Sophomore James Harden, 84.2 points a game and
who is averaging around 27 over six blocks per game.
UCONN has a scoring margin of 23.2 points a game.
Last year UCONN earned
a number four rank in
the NCAA tournament but
they lost in the first round.
Both teams have a great winning history in the NCAA so they
both will fight to the end.
One of the power conferences is the ACC and
the other is the Big Ten.
These two conferences
always have an ACC and
Big Ten matchup, which
is when ACC and Big Ten
teams face each other and
that usually happens at
the beginning of the year.
The ACC won the challenge six games to five
games this year of their
The ACC has never lost
this challenge in all the
years they have participated. The University of North
Carolina, University of Miami (FL), Duke University,
and Wake Forest are the
four teams that are in the
top 25 for the ACC and two of
them are in the top five.
Big Ten has two teams that
are in the top 25 and a couple who almost have enough
votes to get in the top 25.
There is still more to come in
the NCAA basketball season and
it is going to be a great finish.
3-2-1 Grapple!
By Josh McCollum
2008-2009 rocket wrestlers
are back in action again. The
Rocket wrestlers spend most
of their time practicing and
conditioning each night getting ready for their upcoming season. Coach Schmider,
the varsity coach, is occupied
with teaching these wrestlers.
Coach Schmider expects the
wrestlers to compete in the
conference and to make it
down to the state tournament.
When asked who he thinks
the most determined wrestler
is, coach Schmider answered
“It would probably have to be
Kurt Behm.” Kurt was last
year’s conference champ at
145 and he is also a captain
for the team.
Each day these wrestlers
face many trials. One trial the
team members have to face is
weight control. When in wrestling, the team has to watch
what types of foods are on the
table. Dieting is also another
part of weight control. Of all of
the wrestlers, coach Schmider
expects a lot more out of the
juniors and seniors. As the seniors last year, coach Schmider
would like to say “it is the last
go around” and “there is no tomorrow”, powerful words coming from someone that has a
heart for wrestling, as a coach,
and as a person in general.
If there is one team in the
conference that coach Schmider and the wrestling team are
worried about it would be Canton.
Canton has a very strong,
aggressive wrestling team and
are ranked in the conference.
The rockets record as of right
now is 6 wins and 2 loses in
dual meets.
When people come out to see
the wrestling team in action,
they see a lot of freshman on
the team, one freshman that
really enjoys the team is Christian Willoughby, who says “I
really enjoy Coach Robertson’s
blah day.”Also, he would like
to say “I think the wrestling
team is doing a great and fantastic job.”
The community and the
school get involved in school
sports and activities by coming to support the rockets and
making signs, cheering, and
just having fun. That’s what
makes the sports so fun. The
wrestling team is still taking
anyone, if interested, in joining the team.
Please contact Coach
Schmider. The starting lineup for the Rocket wrestling
is at 103-Zach McCollum,
Morton,140-Cody Smith,145Kurt
Seibel,160-Kenny Holmes,171Zach
Yost,215-Big Dan McGarr,285Dominic Vaughn. Come out
and support the rocket wrestling team as the season progresses and to see who the
next state champ will be.
Editor: Connor Webster
NBA Season
in action
By Nick Jones
For the first three months
of the NBA there has been a
lot that has happened. The
defending champion Boston
Celtics are looking for another
for Detroit’s Chauncy Billups, ant, and Chris Paul who are all
Antonio McDyess, and Cheikh trying to lead their teams into
Samb. Also New York Knicks the playoffs.
leading scorer Zach Randolph,
Recently, the Minnesota
was traded to the Los Angeles Timberwolves just fired their
Clippers for two NBA veterans head coach Randy Wittman
Cuttino Mobley and Tim
Sharp Shooter Jamal
Crawford was traded to
the Golden State Warriors for Al Harrington.
The New York Knicks
Guard Stephon Marbury has been asked by
Coach Mike D’Antoni to
stay away from the New
York Knicks organization because of his bad
MVP candidate, Chris Bosh pumps
Coach D’Antoni offered his fists after a much needed vicMarbury, Jamal Craw- tory this season.
Dwayne Wade goes up for the
ford’s minutes after he photograph courtesy of NBA.com
windmill against the Pacers.
Photograph courtesy of NBA.com was traded and Marbury
refused to take them just be- and replaced him with Kevin
NBA championship as they cause he has not gotten along McHale.
start out their season with a with D’Antoni in the past and
The Timberwolves coachleague leading 20-2.
he would not let him play be- ing staff said that they want
The Celtics are playing with a cause of his negative attitude McHale to be the new coach
chip on their shoulder because towards the team. In other after the bad trade he made
most people are saying they do news there has been a lot of getting rid of 13 year veteran
not have what it takes to re- talk about who is going to be Kevin Garnett.
the MVP of the league.
Also recently Charlotte BobAmong other things, playMost of the talk has been cats traded swingman Jason
ers are getting huge contract about Dwayne Wade with his Richardson to the Phoenix
offers from other countries to league leading 29.5 points Suns for guard Raja Bell and
go overseas and play for them. per game, 5 rebounds per big man Boris Diaw.
Superstar LeBron James has game, 7.5 assists per game,
The Suns think that Richbeen offered a 50 million dol- 2.3 steals, and leading all the ardson will be a good addition
lar contract to play for a team guards and most of the league to their team because of their
in Germany.
with 1.7 blocks.
run and gun offense.
Next there have been a few
The other players that have
So far, this season has starttrades
Denver’s been recognized are LeBron ed out great. Hopefully it will
shooting guard Allen Iverson James, Chris Bosh, Kobe Bry- end as a great one too.
Limestone shooting great
at the start of the season
By Chris Butler
Stewart, Sumrel and Lobdell.
Limestone starts off the seaSo far this year the teams leadson on a good winning streak. ing scorer has been sophomore
Limestone has started off the phenom Donivine Stewart.
season 8-0 overall and 1-0 in
Also newcomer Marquis Lobthe conference. The team hopes dell has given the team heighth
to go deep into the playoffs.
The team captains are
They hope to lead the
team to a conference title. “I think we should
go far into the play-offs,”
The seniors on the team
are Sumrel, Delicath, Ty- The varsity boys basketball team huddle up
ler Christiansen, Marquis before their game vs. Pekin.
Lobdell, Nick Mehn, and Photograph courtsey of Amulet
Randy Garske. The starters are Stewart Sumrel, LobThe goals for this team
dell, Christiansen, and Garske. areo win games and win the
The leading scorers on the team Mid-Illini Conference. A team
that helps them win games are that could prevent them
from achieving these goals
is Washington High School.
These two teams play January
9 at Washington and February
13 at Limestone. Washington
will be Limestone’s biggest challenge and rival this season.
Over Christmas break
Limestone played in a
tournament at Pekin on
December 29, 30 and 31.
The pekin Holiday Tournament is known has one
of the most high quality tournament there is.
Limestone will have upcoming games at Morton on
January 20, home to Metamora on January 16 and
at Dunlap on January 24.
Limestone is on their
way to a great season and
possibly a conference title.
While hopefully playing
to go deep into the playoffs
Carli Light
What sport do you play?
What position do you
play? Backspot
What grade are you in?
12th, Senior Baby!
Do you have a nickname, if
so what is it? Car or Carbar
Who is your biggest role
model? Why? My sister, she
has accomplished so much
and I really look up to her.
What was your favorite
moment this season?
Woodruff game! We played
Are you superstitious
about anything? If so,
what is it? Yes, don’t drop
the spirit stick! and Ouija
Do you have any pre-game
rituals that you do before
every game? If so, what?
We eat, listen to music,
dance, and then stretch.
When is your birthday?
June 6
What is your favorite professional athlete or team?
Fighting Illini!
What type of music do
you listen to? Pretty much
anything but I love Opera!!
What is the best quote
you heard from a coach
or teammate? “You’re only
as strong as your weakest
person!”—Amanda Hurst
Marquis Lobdell
What sport do you play?
What position do you
play? Forward
How tall are you? 6’4”
Do you have a nickname,
if so what is it? LoB
Who is your biggest role
model? Why? My brother,
because the way he went
down with his injury but
ended up on top when it
was all over.
What was your favorite
moment this season?
When we won the Quincy
Tournament for coach Sparrow
Do you have any pre-game
rituals that you do before
every game? If so, what?
Listen to Lil Wayne song
called Put me in the game
What do you do during
the off season to keep in
shape? Workout with my
brother and dad
When is your birthday?
What is your favorite professional athlete or team?
Kevin Durant but my favorite team is the Lakers
What type of music do you
listen to? Rap music
What is the best quote
you heard from a coach or
teammate? “We waited our
time, it’s our time to shine
now.”—Coach Sparrow
Editors: Sami Hubbard and Leah McElhiney
Edible walls
of art
By Liz Kelly
only learn cake decorating skills, but
Tradition runs deep within the also how to read gingerbread blueLimestone walls. Limestone has had prints enabling them to make the
their variety show, Madrigals, and, for cuts and measurements necessary to
the tenth
complete the construction
year, Mrs.
of the house. A major reason
B e l s l y ’s
Mrs. Belsly teaches the unit
Foods 1
is because gingerbread has
been around for centuries.
The history is well worth it!
and decoThroughout the months
rated ginof November and December,
the Foods 1 classes learned
the necessary skills for construction and decoration
For some,
of the houses. It starts off
the houssimply by learning how to
es mean
make the dough and frostlittle,
ing. Once the walls and
but the
frosting are made, constudents
The second place gingerstruction and decoration
who took
bread displayed in the
begin. This is not an easy
part in
task seeing as how the walls
their dePhotograph courtsey of
are fragile and trying to fix
sign, or
Mrs. Belsly
them is extremely difficult.
who have
taken part in the past, understand
how much time and effort goes into
creating these edible pieces of art.
Mrs. Belsly was first introduced
To see the winning gingerbread house see the
bottom of the front page
to the idea of decorating gingerbread houses by a friend of hers
who happens to be the executive
chef at the Pere Marquette. Upon
seeing the wonders that can be created on the house, Mrs. Belsly was
hooked. “I have always been fascinated with cake decorating…yes Ace
of Cakes is one of my favorite Food
Network shows!” she commented.
Cake decorating is one of the most
practiced and appreciated skills in the
culinary world. Through the gingerbread unit, Mrs. Belsly’s students not
taining points on: House Construction, Tip Use, Design Use, Appearance, and Degree of Difficulty. The
total project is worth 170 points, 100
points for the group participation
and 70 points for an individual grade.
Mrs. Belsly also decides who the winner of the competition is. This year
the winners were Payton Clarahan,
Kaylee Schooley, Luiz Zomignani,
and Trae Cayson. Close behind were
Heather Hand, Bethany Velde, Zak
Griffin, Garrick Predmore, Josh Smith
in second place and taking third
Another great thing about this
project is that it is not just about
culinary arts. Reading and comprehension are also a big part of this
project. The steps, measurements,
and recipes are all together in a
packet that must be followed in a The third place gingerbread
specific order or under certain cir- house displayed in the
cumstances for the houses to turn cafeteria
out right. Also, math is used when Photograph courtsey of
cutting out the house. With no Mrs.Belsly
doubt the biggest skill needed for
this project is teamwork. Working place were Sami Siebenthal, Jestogether is necessary because the sica Unes, Cori Harmon, Nicole Jones
students work for an hour every day,
This year the top fifteen gingerin close quarters, in situations where bread houses were set for display
injuries can occur. Without team- at the Senior Citizen Luncheon held
work so many things can go wrong, on December 4. Next year, Mrs.
including the formation of the house. Belsly plans on donating the houses
At the end of a long, much stressed for door prizes at the Senior Citizen
month the students wait to see what Luncheon. Mrs. Belsly’s Foods 1 stuMrs. Belsly will think. Mrs. Belsly dents did a fantastic job. Great job
grades the houses using a rubric con- to all the students who participated!
Fashion for
By Tony Azbill
vation Army.
For bears, in the category of story
For the 2008 holiday season, Limestone’s Creative Fashions class made book wear, Cassie Figel took first with
dresses for dolls and bears. This has “Pooh”. Ashley Innis took second in
been a project at LCHS for eleven sportswear and Keva Coats placed
years and has been run by Mrs. Gibb. third.
Limestone was
Brittany Mager
one of the first
received second in
schools in the
Night time wear.
area to take on
Danielle Durham
this project.
placed first in playThis project
time wear with
was done by
stutana”. Mariah Hardents who were
ris placed first in
asked to make
Historical with her
Cultural doll, and
placed first in Caeach
student Kaleigh Ewing holds her
reer wear with her
received a cer- Belle up after winning the
US Army doll. Brittificate of ap- grand prize
tany Cotolleso repreciation with Photograph courtsey of
ceived second place
a photo of them Kaleigh Ewing
with her “Little Red
and their doll.
Riding Hood” doll.
The dolls were then sent to the Sal- Kaleigh Ewing won first with “Belle”
vation Army to go on display and be not only for Story Book Wear but she
judged. There were competitions for also won the Grand Prize of all the
dolls entered. Ewing said “It feels
every category.
After the judging, the students went great to win because it’s for a good
on a field trip to the Salvation Army. cause and it goes to a child in need of
They do not get their dolls back when a Christmas present.” She also comthe competition is over; the dolls and mented “certain points were hard
bears stay at the Salvation Army so because there were a lot of points to
parents will be able to choose a doll it, but in the end it looked just how I
for their child. They were only made wanted it to.” Congratulations to all
available to local members of the Sal- the students who entered.
Speech team wraps up
for 2008
On December 13 the Limestone speech team traveled
to Rochelle Illinois for their
last tournament of 2008.
The team did very well with
the following people placing
for novice: Sam Misagaro
third in Prose, Robbie Hurst
third in Radio, Torye Heller
sixth in Humours Interretation, and Max Callear sixth
in Original Comedy. Varsity
Finalist were Sami Hubbard fourth in Improumtu,
and Lora Loyd sixth in Oratorical Declamation.
team did well at this tournament, and will compete in
five this month. Good luck!
MPS is rolling
In Modern Physical science (MPS), students are
making mouse trap cars to
measure speed and acceleration. The students are
really looking forward to doing this project because it is
fun and it makes students
Fundraiser a success
Mrs. Bentley and Mrs.
Sheckler’s art classes sold
magazines last month and
raised $1,958.00 to buy
new equipment for the art
rooms. Mrs. Bentley’s illustration classes are now
making posters for all winter
sports. The posters will be
sold for $10.00 at all home
games by the Boosters Club.
Snowflake time
Do you know any area
grade school students in
5, 6, or 7 grade that would
want to take part in the
annual Snowflake event?
Here’s the information. On
January 31, from 9:00 A.M.
to 5:00 P.M. the super bowl
themed event will feature
games, speakers, food, etc.
The cost is $12, which includes a T-shirt, lunch, and
Speakers from
White Oaks, Hult Health
Education Center, Center of
Prevention of Abuse, Peoria
County Health Department,
U.S. Air Force, and Limestone’s football, baseball,
and basketball teams will be
at the event. Carl Cannon
will be the main speaker, as
he teaches the kids about
drug awareness and prevention. Please spread the
French Club
Mrs. Coovert’s junior and
senior French students have
added an abundance of information to their brains.
The students have learned
all about the different ways
Christmas is celebrated
around the world. Then to
show off their knowledge all
the students brought in different types of holiday food.
Their food day was held on
Tuesday, December 16. “It
was a great success and
the students learned a lot!”
Mrs. Coovert exclaimed.