Resource Guide Pastor Profile - Intermountain Christian News


Resource Guide Pastor Profile - Intermountain Christian News
30,000 copies distributed in the
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(208) 377-3568
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Page 11
Page 12
Pastor Jim Steiner,
2nd Baptist Church,
Page 2
Christian Resources
and Events Guide
Treasure Valley Christian News
2309 N. Mountain View Dr., #220
Boise, Idaho 83706
Page 15
Uniting Christians in Service to our Communities
Volume 2 Number 3
by Tom Claycomb –
Star, Idaho
By Richard Robinett –
Caldwell, Idaho
I dare say that if you live in America,
you’ve heard the controversy surrounding
the movie “Passion of the Christ.” I’m not
going to discuss the movie itself but the
controversy surrounding the movie.
Walk into any large video store. You’ll
see countless videos depicting all manner
of violence, graphic sexual deviancy, and
wickedness in general. With all the vile,
putrid films that have been produced over
the last 35 years, which ones do the
media/Hollywood come out in full force
against? The ones that depict all manner of
evil and wickedness? No, they unloaded
both barrels against a movie in which the
producer tried to produce a film according
to his understanding of the Gospel. Is it a
perfectly factual movie? No. Did Mel try
to produce a movie in which he can stand
before the Most High God and receive the
stamp “Well done my good and faithful
servant?” Yes.
This is the first Hollywood movie in
which the gospel of Christ is not ridiculed,
Continued on page 5
If you have not seen
The Passion of the
Christ, be warned that
this is not an exact
rendering of the
gospels. Gibson draws
from legendary and
apocryphal materials.
So don’t go with an
impression that you
will simply see a
retelling of Matthew,
Mark, Luke, or John.
However, know that I
left this movie amazed
at how well it was
made and how beautifully the story was
We would not consider Michelangelo’s
Sistine Chapel or Da Vinci’s Last Supper
an accurate rendering of those events.
However, we would surely agree that those
are great works of art that inspire us to
think about and appreciate what God has
done. You should approach this movie
with the same attitude. It is riveting to
watch, and I left with a new understanding of what Jesus has done and what that
means to me.
by Scott Hogenson, Executive Editor of
One of the Left’s greatest accomplishments is its use of language to defuse
explosive issues and distort facts about
matters in which liberalism has a vested
interest. The contemporary debate over
the role of government as it pertains to
religion in America is one of the best
examples of how this deception has succeeded.
The practical myth of “separation of church and state” is a
prime example of how language is
used to perpetuate a political lie.
For the time being, this lie is pervasive in American society, with
pseudo-intellectuals joining duplicitous
liberals in invoking this phony argument
with regularity.
Most recently, we’ve heard this leftist
mantra invoked against a variety of
school voucher programs, most of which
represent the best chance poor, innercity kids could have to escape a crumbling education system and rise above
the circumstances of their birth.
Because voucher programs at the congressional level do not specifically
exclude their use in parochial schools,
the Left cries “separation of church and
state” in efforts to kill the legislation.
The Big Lie twists the constitutionally
enshrined phrase “Congress shall make
no law respecting an establishment of
that liberal advocates of church and state
separation truly mean what they say.
Move this argument along its natural
To acknowledge God is to repudiate
atheism and establish a premise of faith.
Therefore, the government must recall
every scrap of U.S. currency because of
the offending phrase “In God We Trust.”
Once the paper money has been
confiscated, let’s do the same with
our coinage, which also carries this
Constitution and good atheists
We must next fire the chaplains of the
U.S. Senate and House, respectively.
How ever are we to honor the constitutional premise of “separation of church
and state” if the seat of government
employs men of God? It represents a
slippery slope indeed, for if we permit
and State Separation
religion,” into an effort to protect powerful teachers unions at the expense of
low-income families and their kids,
manifesting itself as some of the meanest
bigotry in America today.
This Big Lie is perpetuated because
too few people see the absolute phoniness of it. Let us presume for a moment
– and this is an enormous presumption –
prayer in Congress the next thing you know,
Continued on page 3
Jim Steiner, Pastor
2nd Baptist Church
Boise, Idaho
Jim Steiner was born and raised in Lodi, Cal-ifornia.
At 13, his cousin invited him to an evangelistic service
where Jim responded to the message of the forgiveness
that God lovingly provided in Christ by receiving Him
as his personal Savior.
Jim earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural
Resources, Forest Recreation, at Humboldt State
University in northern California. While there, Jim
became involved with the Navigator ministry. It was
through the Navigators that Jim realized the full measure of the promises of God and what it meant to be a
committed disciple of Jesus.
After graduation, Jim pursued a career in forestry,
working for both the U.S. Forest Service and the
National Park Service. It was while Jim was a high country ranger with the Forest Service in Utah that he realized God was calling him to pastoral ministry.
In 1977, Jim entered Talbot Theological Seminary in
Southern California (a graduate school of Biola
University) to pursue his call into pastoral ministry.
While in seminary, he held the position of youth pastor
at First Baptist Church of Anaheim. He earned a
Master’s of Divinity Degree in Biblical Exposition from
Talbot in 1980.
Jim and his wife, Judy (John), were married in 1978
and have been blessed with three sons – Nathan, 22, a
graduate student at Talbot Theological Seminary; Ben,
20, a sophomore at Boise State University; and David,
17, a junior at Mountain View High School. Judy is a
dietetic technician with St. Luke’s Hospital.
The Steiners moved to Newport, Washington in June
1981 where Jim served as senior pastor of First Baptist
Church for over nine years. In November 1990, they
moved to Boise when Jim accepted the senior pastor
position of Second Baptist Church where he currently
serves. Jim and Judy are thankful God has blessed them
with a growing, alive church to serve and a growing,
alive community in which to serve.
With gifts in preaching, teaching, exhortation, and
counseling, Jim believes the Bible is the Word of God
and enjoys preaching it with authority and passion. His
ministry is marked by careful study and contagious
enthusiasm to clearly communicate God’s truths
through explanation, illustration, humor, and story
telling that is both penetrating and motivating. Jim’s
bear stories and park ranger experiences have been greatly used of God to powerfully communicate His faithfulness and the truth of His word.
It is easy to see what is important to Jim as he shares
the promises of Christ not only for salvation but also for
the new life that we are given in Jesus. It is not uncommon to overhear him sharing with others God’s number
one priority for their lives is to be “born alive” through
Christ and then to “live alive to God” in Christ.
Jim is committed to seeing lives change through the
transforming power of Christ and then to see those lives
lived in such a way that it does make a difference for the
glory of God. He believes you can’t make a difference
unless you have been made different.
When asked if he enjoys his ministry at Second
Baptist, Jim answers with an enthusiastic “Yes!” He loves
to speak of the great staff and people of Second Baptist.
He will readily tell you that one of the greatest joys of
any pastor is to serve people who are serious about the
Word of God and the gospel of Christ, who love God
and others, and who want to become more like Jesus.
Jim will say with a smile, “I think that describes the people of Second Baptist.”
When you talk with Jim, you will notice his enthusiasm for the Christian churches working together to represent Christ in the Treasure Valley. He is convinced that
no one church can adequately serve and address the
variety of needs found here. It is his conviction that
churches need each other and the gifts found in each
other if this valley is to be reached for Christ. Jim has
developed deep friendships with a number of pastors in
the area and you will hear him speak of them and their
ministries with the highest regard.
Jim has had the privilege of serving and being
involved with a variety of projects and task groups such
as Mission Media, Treasure Valley Pastor’s Prayer
Summits, and Treasure Valley Festival with Luis Palau.
Jim is quick to say that if anyone has a desire to know
Christ as their personal Savior and follow Him as Lord,
he and the believers at Second Baptist stand ready to
help. Second Baptist truly wants to help people to be
made different in Christ and then to go on and make a
difference for His glory. You can check it the church at
Dr. Anthony
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It is an honor to partner with you on
this Good News paper here in the Treasure
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2 – 04-05.2004 / Treasure Valley Christian News
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Treasure Valley Christian News, Inc. is nondenominational in
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We believe the Bible to be the only inspired, infallible, and
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We believe in the virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, His sinless life, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of God the Father, and His
personal return in power and glory.
We believe our salvation is by grace through faith, in His shed
blood, which is evident through our works.
Continued from front
there will be demands for prayer in school.
Once we’ve removed religion from our money and
our Congress, we need to dive into the tax code and forbid the itemized deduction of charitable contributions
to churches. If we are to separate church and state, we
certainly cannot have the public treasury subsidizing
Of course, it goes without saying that we must also
revoke the tax exempt status of all churches as well, for
this is an even more pernicious entanglement between
the church and the state. If conservatives really believe
in the forces of the free market, let churches compete on
the same level playing field as other private enterprises.
Now let’s redo the Veterans Administration college
loan program. What an ironic tragedy it is when those
who defended the Constitution by wearing the uniform
of our country defile it by using their VA loans to attend
institutions like Notre Dame and Villanova. Come to
think of it, let’s hunt down all the World War II, Korea,
Vietnam, Gulf War and other veterans and revoke the
degrees they earned at religious colleges and universities.
Our Constitution will be stronger for this purge.
Speaking of veterans, what’s this about all those military chaplains ministering to our sons and daughters in
uniform? The last time I checked, they were paid with
tax money. As a law-abiding taxpayer, I am outraged
and demand an end to this insidious encroachment
upon the values of the Constitution.
This is also an excellent opportunity to scrap the
Declaration of Independence and
remove it from all public schools
and other forums. I don’t know if
you’ve read this thing, but it talks
about people being “endowed by
their Creator” and a reliance on
“divine Providence” and a whole
bunch of other religious stuff. Is
there a better time than the Fourth of July to rid ourselves, our nation – our children! – of this sort of
extremism? I should think not.
The fact of the matter is that church and state in
America are and always have been inextricably linked.
What the Left demands of us is that we ignore the gulf
between the congressional “establishment” of religion
and governmental support for the presence and practice
of it. You may recall that immediately after forbidding
Congress to establish a religion, the First Amendment
guarantees the free practice of religion.
Liberals cherry pick issues in which to invoke the
First Amendment in an effort to promote their political
agenda, hoping that enough Americans are ignorant
The fact of the matter is that church
and state in America are and always
have been inextricably linked.
enough to let them get away with it. Our collective
national ignorance has handed the Left victory after victory on this front, and they’ll continue their manipulation of language to perpetuate the Big Lie on church
and state issues as long as we permit it.
– Reprinted by permission
Why Separation
of Church and State?
by Rev. David Hardesty
In the last issue of The Treasure Valley Christian
News I observed Presidents’ Day by writing about the
Christian foundations of our nation. This month I’d
like to take that a step further by applying some historical perspective and common sense to the separation of
church and State.
Thomas Jefferson wrote two of the great statements
in our nation’s history. The first was in our founding
document, the Declaration of Independence: “All men
are created equal and endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable rights.” This very first proclamation
by these United States looked to Heaven and gave the
God of Heaven His proper credit. Jefferson, Benjamin
Franklin, and the other members of that committee,
along with the entire Continental Congress, understood
and agreed that we humans have a Father who made us;
He made all of us equal; He made us with rights that
can not be taken away by any government because they
are part of who we are, as humans.
Jefferson’s second great phrase was in his presidential
letter to the Baptist association of Danbury,
Connecticut; its short form is, “a wall of separation
between church and State.” On page 9 of this newspaper you can read the entire text (and you should!) but to
understand Jefferson’s meaning you must understand
the subject he was addressing.
The leaders of the Baptist community in Danbury
had written to him because they were concerned that
the government would try to regulate religious activities, or even establish by law a national religion. They
warned the president, “It is not to be wondered at… if
those who seek after power and gain… should
reproach… their Chief Magistrate… because he will
not, dares not, assume the prerogative of Jehovah and
make laws to govern the Kingdom of Christ.”
( In other
words, they were urging Jefferson to not put himself in
the position of God by telling the churches what they
could and could not do.
His response? “I contemplate with sovereign rever-
ence that act of the whole American people which
declared that their legislature should ‘make no law
respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between church and State.”
So what was Jefferson saying? “YOU CHRISTIANS
ARE RIGHT! The Government can not interfere with
religion, because the Founders thoroughly prohibited it
from doing so.” Sounds good to me. So, what’s the
problem with “separation of church and state?”
Nothing at all – when it’s used properly, as the Framers
of the Constitution intended. But it often isn’t.
Principals and school boards keep children from having lunchtime Bible studies. Why? “Separation of
church and state.” Memorial tiles at Columbine High
School – designed and paid for by students – were not
allowed to have crosses on them. Why? “Separation of
church and state.” Speak out with a Biblical perspective
on political issues and get shouted down. Why?
“Separation of church and state.” Take away the Ten
Commandments from public view. Why? “Separation
of church and state”. And it’s all a bunch of malarkey.
The constitution, the document which reins in our
government, doesn’t demand any of those things. In
fact, it was intended to do just the opposite – allow the
people to worship and serve God in peace, as they
wished, without interference.
But there are LOTS of people who would prefer to
keep religion and morality quiet, hidden away behind
church doors and impotent in public matters. The
name for these people is “secularists,” and don’t think
they are not doing what they can or need to do to make
sure their agenda succeeds.
I’m afraid, though, the problem is within ourselves.
Too often we let others speak up without making
thoughtful, logical, demanding arguments to refute
them. Too often we shut up because we’re afraid of not
being “nice.” But how many times does the Bible say
Jesus was “nice?”
Friends, we can be meek without being patsies. If we
do not stand up for our inalienable rights, and keep
standing, the tide of secularism will wash us away.
Think how the ground around is already eroded!
So what can we – Christians, with a stake in and a
responsibility for our country – do?
Here are five tips you can use:
First, be committed to God’s view of the world.
Know your Bible, and God’s perspective. Where He
doesn’t express an opinion, don’t get in a dither (there’s
room for differences) but when He is clear, clearly follow. If you don’t, don’t complain when others don’t
Second, speak up. Call or write your elected officials
(their info is on the internet or in the phone book) and
let them know what you think. (State Senator Sheila
Sorenson bit on the big lie that we don’t need an
amendment protecting marriage in Idaho. Did you let
her know how you felt?) And when you contact these
people, make sure you know what you’re talking about,
and just do your best to say it well.
Third, speak up to the community at large. Write a
letter to a local newspaper, and have something to say at
your school’s Parent Teacher Organization meeting.
When your friends ask your opinion, have one.
Fourth, vote your convictions. Having studied history and political science, I’m fascinated by a Democrat,
Dave Bieter, being elected mayor of Idaho’s largest city.
Think of the impact he can have for the party of Roe v.
Wade and Heather’s two mommies! And how great
would it be if John Kerry got elected president and
gained the power to appoint (for life) federal judges?
Finally, raise your children to understand their obligations and rights. Their first obligation is faithfulness
to the God who made, loves, saves, and gifts them.
Then teach them to stand up, speak out, and be counted for His ways.
I’m in favor of proper separation of church and state;
keeping the government’s hands off Christ’s church is a
wonderful thing. But when secularists use it to shut the
door on morality, justice, and godliness in the public
square, let’s take it back, put it in its place – the place
Thomas Jefferson intended – and defend our history
and culture from their manipulations.
David Hardesty is pastor of Crane Creek Baptist Church.
You can reach him at (208) 342-4798 or email at:
Treasure Valley Christian News / 04-05.2004 – 3
Breaking News
in a Broken World
by Kellie Gilbert
Breaking news announcements always send a shiver
down my spine. Breaking news is rarely good news.
I quickly reached for the remote and listened carefully as the reporter announced that beginning the following morning, marriage licenses would be issued to same
sex couples. My heart ached as the news sunk in.
Our county’s decision to march in the forefront of
this popular parade has met with mixed reaction. While
throngs of elated people are being fitted for wedding
clothes and are ordering tiered cakes, Christians in this
community, fresh from standing in line to see one of the
most powerful evangelistic movies of all time, are shaking their heads in wonder at how the battle between
good and evil is no where more evident than in their
own backyard! I am one of them.
I long for the time when our nation held a reverence
for God. I pine for when no one demanded to change
how a family is defined, no one fought to take the Ten
Commandments monuments out of our public places,
and we could pray in school. When did people who love
God and His Word become narrow minded? Why does
it seem like evil is winning? My heart mirrors David’s in
Psalm 35:17 “Lord, how long will You look on?”
King David not only poses my heart’s question, but
he discovered what you and I need to know to live in
this time of evil. The book of Psalms is filled with lessons God taught David about evil, some of them very
personal, but no other more clearly describes the core of
what David learned than Psalm 37. Pull up a chair and
let’s listen in on this announcement!
Vol. 2 No. 3 – April-May 2004
“Uniting Christians in Service to our Communities”
2309 N. Mountain View Drive, #220 Boise, Idaho 83706
(208) 377-3568 •
Rev. Anthony Harper,
Executive Director
Dan Milholland
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Director of Advertising
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Art Director
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Editorial Assistant
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The Treasure Valley Christian News
informs Christians and the public with
news and observations from a deliberately evangelical Christian perspective. With
a circulation each issue of 30,000 copies,
the Treasure Valley Christian News is free
at hundreds of churches, bookstores,
businesses and public sites in the
Treasure Valley Idaho/Oregon area. Mail
subscriptions are also available at $20 per
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targeted for the first Sunday after printing.
Do not fret because of evildoers,
Be not envious toward wrongdoers.
For they will wither quickly like the grass
And fade like the green herb.
Trust in the LORD and do good;
Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.
Delight yourself in the LORD;
And He will give you the desires of your heart.
(Psalm 37:1-4)
David tells us not to fret. This word in the original
Hebrew is “charah,” which means “to glow or grow
warm, to blaze up [with] anger, zeal, jealousy.” This suggests David is not instructing us to refrain from feeling
anxious, but is warning us that our feelings may ignite
and if left unchecked, this fret “…leads only to evildoing”
Psalm 37:8. Although I applaud anyone who stands up
for righteousness, I was appalled to see signs screaming
that all perverts will burn and die in hell! Oh, let that
not be the tone of our message!
It is not our job to convict others of their sin! John
16:7-11 clearly tells us that is the Holy Spirit’s job. It is
time we turn in our junior God pins and let our heart’s
cry be “Oh Lord of hosts, How blessed is the man who
trusts in You!” Psalm 84:12
We live in a very broken world, and we are warned it
is going to get worse before it gets better. Before we sink
into despair over this, let’s remember God’s promise that
“those who wait for the Lord will inherit the land” Ps. 37:9
Who better to tell us how to inherit the land than
King David? David sang and danced down the dusty
paths of Israel making his way right into the center of
God’s heart – despite the wicked people he lived
amongst. He learned how to praise and prosper! But,
more than anything else, David learned that his delight
was the Lord! After looking for love in all the wrong
places, David learned the truth of “Delight yourself in the
LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
David knew his God. He didn’t just know about Him…
he KNEW Him! He marveled at God’s strength displayed in a slingshot. He sang of God’s faithfulness in
the throes of betrayal. He nestled in God’s comfort
when fear overwhelmed. And he clung to God’s grace
and mercy until the day of his last breath. Today, he
walks the streets of heaven with the Shepherd who prepared a table before him in the presence of his enemies!
God’s plan is to make everything right – in His time
and in His way. We can rest in the Lord and wait
patiently. He is sovereign! He is our Delight! Glory to
Now that is GOOD news!!!
Kellie Gilbert is an Idaho native who currently lives in
Portland, Oregon. She is a free-lance writer, a member of
the Christian Writer’s Guild, and founder of Shepherd’s
Daughter Ministries. Her heart’s desire is to know Him
and His glory! You can reach her at
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Informing – sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and Christian
events and resources people can participate in.
Motivating – addressing spiritual growth issues and encouraging people to attend a bible believing church of their
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successful outreach church ministries to our community and
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Exodus 20: 8-11 (KJV)
8. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10. But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor
thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is
within thy gates:
11. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh
day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.
4 – 04-05.2004 / Treasure Valley Christian News
Why Am I Here?
How Do I Beat This
What Makes My Life
So Hard?
Where is That One
Special Relationship?
Who is
(CREATOR of the Universe and all Life!)
Hebrews 1:2-3 NIV
2 these last days he has spoken to us by his
Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and
through whom he made the universe.
3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the
exact representation of his being, sustaining all
things by his powerful word.
Hebrews 3:3-4 NIV
3. Jesus has been found worthy of greater honor
than Moses, just as the builder of a house has
greater honor than the house itself.
4. For every house is built by someone, but God
is the builder of everything.
THE SAVIOR (GOD in human form)
born of the Virgin Mary
Matthew 1:23 NIV
“The virgin will be with child and will give birth
to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” –
which means, “God with us.”
Isaiah 9:6 NIV
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and
the government will be on his shoulders. And he
will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
John 8:23-24 NIV
23. But he continued, “You are from below; I am
from above. You are of this world; I am not of this
24. I told you that you would die in your sins; if
you do not believe that I am [the one I claim to
be], you will indeed die in your sins.”
John 14:6 NIV
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and
the life. No one comes to the Father except
through me.
No other person can save you or give you
hope and eternal life.
How to know JESUS as your
personal Savior:
The only document on earth that is a reliable
source for knowledge on who JESUS is or who
GOD the FATHER is, is the Holy Bible. If you
would like to know JESUS as your personal Savior
from sin, pray the following prayer followed by
studying The Holy Bible and get involved with a
local Christian church.
Pray this sincere prayer, meaning it with all
your heart, and God will give you eternal life,
right now!
“Dear Lord, I am a sinful person who needs You.
I turn from my sins and surrender my heart and life
to You, right now. Save me dear God and make me
Your child. Thank You for coming to Bethlehem, and
for dying for me to pay for my sins. Help me to live
for You all the rest of my life.” Amen
If you would like to talk to someone further about how to
begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please call toll
free 1-888-NeedHim and view the web site:
by Tom Claycomb – Star, Idaho continued
slandered and shown in a bad light. Forty years ago I
decided that I’d rather a movie not even mention the
Church. All Hollywood’s ever done is to ridicule and
scorn the things of Christ.
After the movie, half left quietly and the other half
just sat there. What were they thinking? Were they in
shock? Deeply troubled after seeing their Savior violently crucified? I don’t know. I just sat there.
Is it graphic? Yes. Was it realistic? Probably. Did he
spend enough time on Christ’s resurrection? Not for me.
Does Mel know Jesus? If not, he has me fooled.
I’ve heard that if you stand for certain things, you’ll
have certain enemies. I think back to when Oliver North
was getting drilled by the “I hate America and what it
stands for group.” But when it all got shown on TV and
the people got to judge for themselves what was going
on, they loved Oliver and saw that he was a full blooded
American. Any time the media/Hollywood comes out in
full force on an issue, that’s a red light.
We could discuss for hours the whys of this being so
controversial but it can all be summed up in one verse.
Philippians 3:18 “For many walk, of whom I have told you
often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ.” The preaching of the cross is
offensive to the world. People don’t want to hear that
they are evil. They don’t want to hear that there’s only
one way to God. They don’t want to hear that they must
curb their behaviors. In short, they want to continue living in the sin of their choosing. That’s why this film is
being blasted from all corners of the liberal media.
One thing about Jesus is for sure. Either you accept
His claims to be the Son of God with hopes of eternal
salvation or you deny Him and walk away. What will
you choose to do with this Christ? There is no third
by Adam Graham – Garden City, Idaho
I’ve not set down to write a film review, but rather an
examination of what the film is about.
1) Anti-Semitism: The move is not anti-Semitic. If
anything, the Romans are portrayed as more evil than
the Jews. Some have written that they could imagine a
twisted person becoming anti-Semitic after watching
this. I can’t. When Jesus cried, “Father, forgive them,
they know not what they do,” He prayed for Jew and
Gentile alike through all time, for everyone who knew
not what they did 2000 years ago.
2) Love: How could the goodness of Jesus and his
love for those around him be transformed in the minds
of critics to nothing more than an anti-Semitic “snuff
film?” The answer is found in their complaint about violence.
3) Violence: The Catholic League showed many
reviewers have praised violence in action films while
decrying it in The Passion of the Christ. Why the difference?
My family used to protest outside of an abortion clinic carrying pictures of aborted babies. People didn’t get
terribly offended when we had held text signs. They got
mad when they saw children killed by abortion. They
didn’t want to see the truth.
Critics aren’t terribly offended by the idea, “Jesus died
for your sins.” What they didn’t want to see is Jesus actually dying for their sins. As long as it remained something they’d see in a tract they’d throw away, it was fine.
The movie puts the truth in your face. Critics who
claim to be concerned about Jews being blamed for
decide aren’t really concerned about the Jews, but themselves being blamed. They don’t want to face the truth.
They want to live their “good” lives and never confront
the issue.
As I watched the film, I was struck by the suffering of
Christ portrayed in all its horror. When they scourged
him, I wept. When the cat of nine tails ripped off his
flesh, I shuddered. The sadistic Romans beat him all the
way to the cross. I saw Him nailed there, bloody and
broken, barely recognizable as a man, his flesh ripped to
shreds. There, He prayed for me. For, it was my punishment He took on that day.
When my father was saved, he didn’t understand what
Jesus’ sacrifice meant. When he fell down at his knees
and cried out for God’s help in a church, he saw a vision
of Christ on the cross and heard the Holy Spirit speak to
him, “Now, you know what Jesus Christ did for you.”
Too often, He can become an abstraction in our lives.
We sing, worship, and pray about what we don’t understand. It leads us to a part-time faith that’s always absent
when we make the great decisions of life.
If you’ve not already, I ask you to see The Passion of the
Christ so that in your heart you can know what Jesus
Christ did for you.
by Rev. Anthony Harper – Boise, Idaho
This is the most emotionally and spiritually moving
film I have ever seen! My emotions ranged from:
A FEELING OF EERINESS - from the opening
scene in the Garden of Gethsemane with Satan tempting
JESUS to give up His sacrifice for humanity (that it wasn’t possible for JESUS to pay the cost for the entire
human race…………).
TO ANGER – when the religious hypocrites
(Pharisees and Sadducees) and the Roman soldiers were
treating JESUS with disrespect and abuse.
told Peter and the others not to resist His arrest – the
feeling of helplessness of knowing I couldn’t stop the
abuse of JESUS my SAVIOR.
TO GUILT – when realizing my sins and the sins of
the rest of humanity resulted in the crucifixion of
JESUS looking at the people who were punishing Him
and saying “FATHER, forgive them for they do not
know what they are doing.”
TO RELIEF – when JESUS said it is finished and
gave up His spirit and died.
His anger through the great earthquake resulting in the
splitting of the Jewish Temple floors and veil separating
the Holy of Holies from the rest of the temple (THE
FATHER is angry with those who are arrogantly refusing to acknowledge His SON JESUS).
TO FEELING FREE – when JESUS raised Himself
from death.
crying after JESUS’ death and wanted to keep crying
because of wanting to be with Him alone – HE was my
focus more than anyone or anything!
TO SADNESS – when reflecting on all the pain
JESUS went through and seeing a lot of people busy in
the theatre and sensing a lot of people elsewhere caught
up in preoccupation with worldly things and ignoring
JESUS’ love for them. It seems like most of the world is
preoccupied with being entertained as the Romans were,
with no regard for the pain JESUS goes through in longing to be with us and we ignore Him – it seems quite
common for most people I meet to enjoy talking more
about things or regular human relationships than about
I was the last in the theatre to leave the room and didn’t want to leave, but just cry – I didn’t want to leave that
room and face my regular daily schedule. I wanted to be
more focused on JESUS and reflect on what HE has
done for me and all of humanity.
The scripture in GOD’s Holy Word (The Holy Bible)
through the Apostle Paul sums up the message of this
movie, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
Philippians 1:21 (KJV).
Please go and see this movie – it will have more
impact on your life than any other film you have viewed
– guaranteed!
TVCNews wishes to thank Mark Aman and his staff at OWYHEE PUBLISHING
in Homedale for their outstanding customer service and quality printing!
(208) 337-4866 •
Treasure Valley Christian News / 04-05.2004 – 5
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6 – 04-05.2004 / Treasure Valley Christian News
God’s Purpose for Our Lives
by Judy Harmon with husband Jon – Nampa, Idaho
I had an email waiting for me the other
day. “Find your calling
for 2004,” it announced.“Take our Career
Interest Inventory and
find out what you really like to do and what type of work would be most fulfilling.” I could also take a test to find a soul mate, a
vacation most suited to my lifestyle, the perfect city for
me to live in and even the best way for me to save
money. Oh sure, I thought. After I find a mate, go on
vacation and move to the city, how would I ever have
money left over to save!
I have taken interest and personality inventories in
the past and am amazed at the accuracy of them. The
personality quirks that I’m supposed to have are easily
passed off as a mistake with the test itself, but overall
they tell it like it is. I’m bothered, however, because they
are used as a tool to help self-centered ME become more
fulfilled and happy. God forbid that I’m not always in
that Nirvana state that brings complete and continual
Recently, I started reading “The Purpose Driven
Life,” by Rick Warren. This 40-day spiritual journey is
by Peggy Cantrell
causing me to look more closely at the reason God had
in creating me; why I was born to my particular set of
parents, at this time, in this country, etc.
Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb
I knew you; before you were born I set you apart.” God
had a plan in mind when He created each of us. We
aren’t here by accident, regardless of the circumstances
of our birth. He knew exactly when we were going to be
born and knows the day of our death. But, more importantly, He has a purpose for each of us and, until we
understand that purpose, our lives will be empty.
Jeremiah 29:11 says, “‘For I know the plans I have for
you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not
harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” It is
critical we seek to find the purpose God has for us, as no
other person has the ability to fulfill it. What part of history, what individual will be forever changed because of
our willingness to live life God’s way!
It’s never too late to discover how important your life
is to God and mankind. No matter what stage of life
you are in, now is the right time for you to learn why
He created you. His plans for you haven’t changed. He
is just waiting for you to seek His direction in fulfilling
Forget the self-help tests and personality inventories.
When Leland and I were promoting
our first FamilyLife Marriage Conference
in 1985 at our church, I made some
comment about having a perfect marriage and at that time, I really thought we
did. However, I had no idea what Leland
was thinking and it was at that conference that many issues began to surface.
We had let the busyness of life and
over commitment in Christian activities
take our focus off the most important
things: God, marriage and our children.
Our priorities were completely out of
order and Satan loved it. We were not
making a conscious effort to spend quality time with each other and with our
boys, plus our communication lines had
broken down and we needed help!
It reminds me of a Peanuts cartoon
where Charlie Brown with his head hung
low, is walking very dejectedly away from
the baseball field. He is dragging his bat
behind him and muttering to himself,
“187 to 0. How can this be when we
were so serious?” That’s how we felt! We
were truly committed to God, each
other, and our family. How could we
have gotten in such a painful situation
with such good intentions?
Through lack of good communication
and unresolved conflict we were building
a wall of isolation one brick at a time.
Leland and I both hate confrontation
and we deal with it differently. The way
Leland dealt with the pressure and tension was to keep it bottled up until it
erupted in angry outbursts. This caused
me to withdraw or yield and stuff my
feelings. Consequently, nothing was ever
resolved. We were both hurting and had
needs that weren’t being met because
they were just swept under the rug.
It was at our next FamilyLife Conference, as alumni, in the Building Your
Mates self-esteem sessions that I heard
for the first time that loving confronta-
tion was a good thing! Previously, I saw
confrontation as something negative and
this was a whole new concept and it gave
me great hope. At the end of the conference, I filled out an evaluation that read
as follows: “I think your new material is
excellent and very badly needed. Conflicts need to be confronted and dealt
with in love so that couples can move on
to greater heights in their marriages,”
Peggy Cantrell, Boise, ID. They quoted
me in a brochure to promote conferences
in other cities. Imagine that, quoting one
who had previously been clueless.
However, what I wrote was from my
heart because I was living it and I guess
the FamilyLife Ministry felt my passion.
There have been 19-plus conferences
since and we continue to make progress.
We are in a different season of life but
frankly, this is an area we still continue to
work on. Conflicts or isolation may seem
relatively minor compared to some marriage problems, but if left unresolved, can
lead to serious marital complications –
possibly divorce!
We are thankful to FamilyLife and
their commitment to excellence in providing conferences that minister to both
hurting and healthy couples in the issues
of marriage. God’s blueprints for marriage are timeless and they give you a
purpose, a plan, and hope to not only
continue, but to succeed!
Peggy and Leland Cantrell are the
Boise FamilyLife Conference Ministry
You wouldn’t drive your $40K car into a pond of water
and expect it to perform like a boat. That’s not what it
was made to do. No, the real, and most fulfilling success
in your life will come when you begin living the life for
which you were created. Anything else, is merely existing!
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For more information call: Leland or
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Treasure Valley Christian News / 04-05.2004 – 7
The House of Ruth
A Discipleship House for Women
would like to publicly recognize
Mr. and Mrs. Halford, Trade Directors
for their generosity and support in underwriting
10% of our printing costs for 2004.
Thank you, and God bless you.
The House of Ruth is a discipleship house for women
who have been incarcerated. It is a ministry of Whitney
Friends Church in Boise, Idaho.
The House of Ruth got its start in 2001 while during
a Wednesday night Bible study in Henry Blackaby’s
Experiencing God, church members felt led to start a
“God sized” project. At about this same time, Pastor
Vern Barnett attended a conference with the Idaho
Chaplains Corps and came back with a smaller project
for the church to help with. After much prayer it was
decided as an act of good stewardship, to take back the
parsonage that had fallen into disrepair through neglectful and destructive renters.
It soon became apparent that major repairs were
needed and with the time, financial help and physical
labor of many Christian groups and churches the house
was renovated from top to bottom. The yard was also
landscaped and the backyard fenced. Today the house
includes an office and quarters for the overseer, kitchen,
dining and living rooms on the first floor. Two double
bedrooms and a bath on the second floor. And two double bedrooms, bath, laundry room, and pantry in the
basement. When full, it has room for up to eight ladies.
The ladies attend Sunday school, church and Bible
studies on a regular basis. They must be committed to
following the Lord and accepting the discipleship program in the home. They live together as a family, sharing in meal planning, cooking and keeping up the
home. Some are very young and have no skills in homemaking. Some come from backgrounds where they have
never sat at a table for a family meal. Thus, this six-
by Julie M. Prescott
month program is definitely a learning experience for
At The House of Ruth, residents experience a family
environment with a set schedule. They wake early, share
breakfast, do chores as time allows, and go to their jobs.
In the evening they have dinner together and share a
devotional time. They have two weeks to find a job with
the help of job services and the house overseer. Upon
employment, each paycheck is given to the house financial advisor who helps them manage their money.
Since the house really got going in the summer of
2002 there have been 8 graduates. Another is scheduled
to graduate next month. Though many graduates
choose to attend various churches in the area, most keep
in touch with what they refer to as “The Little Church
that Could.” Whitney Friends is a small church with
only about 35 regular attendees.
There have been setbacks, but the house continues to
thrive. And as The House of Ruth has thrived, so has the
church. Not only is it a blessing to see all the positive
changes in the ladies’ lives, but God has blessed the
church in many other ways since the house started.
The biggest concern at the house currently is the lack
of a permanent overseer. Vern and Wanda Barnett and
Jim and Betty Montgomery have been serving in this
capacity but continue to pray for someone permanent
for this position.
Melody, who graduated last year, said, “I needed
someplace where I felt protected, someplace where I
could really get grounded in my faith. That’s what they
did for me.”
OFFICE: (208) 939-7111 • Fax (208) 939-6129
8 – 04-05.2004 / Treasure Valley Christian News
Letter to the
The Final Letter, as Sent
To messers. Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, &
Stephen S. Nelson, a committee of the Danbury
Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.
The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me,
on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me
the highest satisfaction. My duties dictate a faithful
and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents,
& in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to
those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and
more pleasing.
Believing with you that religion is a matter which
lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes
account to none other for his faith or his worship, that
the legitimate powers of government reach actions
only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign
reverence that act of the whole American people which
declared that their legislature should “make no law
respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof ”, thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this
expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf
of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend
to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he
has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.
I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection &
blessing of the common father and creator of man, and
tender you for yourselves & your religious association,
assurances of my high respect & esteem.
Delivered June 28, 1787, Philadelphia, PA
In the beginning of the contest with Britain, when
we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in this
room for divine protection.
Our prayers, Sir, were heard and they were graciously answered. And have we now forgotten that powerful
Friend? Or, do we imagine we no longer need His
I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live,
the more convincing proofs I see of this truth – that
God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow
cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it
probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings,
that “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in
vain that build it.”
I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without
His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political
building no better than the builders of Babel. I therefore beg leave to move that, henceforth, prayers
imploring the assistance of heaven, and its blessing on
our deliberations, be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or
more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate
in that service.
“Giving our lives away, so
that others may find life.”
Weekly meetings.
Please call 724-2104
for more information.
Shiloh Fellowship
A Home Fellowship
“In the Name of JESUS”
(208) 468-9021
“A Sound
Phone (208) 454-0330
Fax (208) 454-0342
2912 E. Cleveland Blvd.
Caldwell, Idaho 83605
From American Rhetoric website:
Th Jefferson
Jan. 1. 1802
From the Library of Congress website:
Treasure Valley Christian News / 04-05.2004 – 9
My Experience with
The Passion of The Christ”
The lights went out and the crowd went silent.
Everyone watched as Jim Caviezel, playing Jesus
Christ, kneeled, praying in Gethsemane. Some
watched quietly while others cried as the Roman
Soldiers arrested and dragged Jesus away.
Everyone seemed to be into the movie so much
that they didn’t even notice they were reading
subtitles – the entire movie is in Arabic and Latin.
The Passion of the Christ brings us to the realization that it was our sins that caused Jesus to
be whipped until there was not a clean centimeter
of skin left on his body. Then he was hung on the
cross and killed – all to save us from our sins!
Producer Mel Gibson takes the last 12 hours of
Jesus’ life and portrays them in such graphic,
visual detail that the viewer feels as if they are
right there on Golgotha.
In John 19:1 it says that Pilate took Jesus to be
flogged (whipped). Jesus was whipped to the point
where, in Isaiah 52:14 it says “his appearance was
so disfigured beyond that of any man and his
form, marred beyond human likeness.” Everyone
mocked Jesus, they spit on him and pushed a
crown of thorns on his head and put a purple robe
on him, striking him in the face.
Jesus carried his own cross down Via Dolorosa
(the way of suffering), where they spit in his face
and whipped him. They led him to Skull Hill
(Golgotha) where they nailed him on the cross.
Pilate had a sign hung on the cross over Jesus’
head that read “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the
Jews.” (John 19:19) Jesus died right there on the
cross, and to make sure he was dead they “pierced
Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of
blood and water.” (John 19:34).
For those of you who don’t know the end of the
story, Jesus was taken down from the cross and
placed in a tomb. Three days later He rose from
the dead. He did many miraculous things and then
was taken up into heaven to be with God.
Many people don’t realize that Jesus died for
their sins. Each of us has sinned and it is our sins
that killed Jesus. You may think that you aren’t a
sinner, but Romans 3:23 reminds us that “…all
have sinned…”. Even if you tell a ‘little white lie’
you’re a sinner. But don’t lose hope! God will forgive any sin. All you have to do is ask and your
sins are forgiven and forgotten.
And it doesn’t have to stop there. God can do a
whole lot more than forgive your sins. God can
come into your heart and save you from your sins.
Romans 10:13 says, “Everyone who calls on the
name of the Lord will be saved.” All you have to do
is “confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’ and
believe in your heart that God raised him from the
dead, and you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9)
If you would like to accept Jesus Christ into
your heart, all it takes is a simple prayer: Dear
The 95.7 FM
TimeZone Youth Center
Bobbie Trenckmann, Director
1408 State Street, Boise, Idaho
Phone (208) 388-8406
Teen Challenge of Idaho
11828 Fairview Ave., Boise, Idaho
Phone (208) 375-4636
Treasure Valley Youth
Cornerstone Community Church
1023 Curtis Road, Boise, Idaho
Phone (208) 344-9098
Young Life
P.O. Box 4056, Boise, Idaho 83711
Phone (208) 323-7988
89.1 or 98.7 FM
God, I confess that I am a sinner and believe that
the Lord Jesus Christ died for my sins on the
cross and rose again on the third day. I now
receive and confess Jesus as my personal Lord
and Savior. Amen”
If you just prayed that prayer, I encourage you
to seek help in your walk with God. Get involved in
a local Bible-believing Church as soon as possible.
There are numerous websites ( or that can help direct you to a
church, and if you have a Christian friend, call
them and share the Good News!
God bless all of you! If I can pray for you, please
email me at And don’t
forget to check out our website at God bless!!
by Shara Rose – Teen Editor
10 – 04-05.2004 / Treasure Valley Christian News
For Emotionally Troubled Kids. Help us buy our land
and build our hospital!
(208) 658-8013 • Boise, Idaho
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do
not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven
belongs to such as these”.
Matthew 19:14 (NIV)
Special Easter Services
April 4, 9, 10 & 17 – 7:00 pm
Master Mender (Easter Musical)
Northview Family Worship Center
7540 Northview Ave., Boise
For more information, call (208) 375-1328
Sunday, April 4 & Saturday, April 17 – 5:00 pm
Case For Easter
At Easter time, churches look for ways to reach out
to the spiritually interested in their communities.
Join us for a live Satellite Broadcast with Lee
Strobel as he explores the resurrection of Jesus in
depth.Sorry, no child care available.
Spring Valley Bible Church, 1400 N Cole Road,
Boise. For more information, contact Susan at
(208) 321-0322 Email:
Wed., April 7 thru Sunday, April 11 – 7:00 pm
No Greater Love (Easter Musical)
Nampa First Church of The Nazarene
601 16th Ave. South, Nampa, Idaho
For more information, call (208) 466-3549
Tickets available at all Select-A-Seat locations.
Friday, April 9 – 6:30 pm
The Walk To Calvary
Meet at the Botanical Gardens and walk to Table
Rock Cross – bring your flashlight.
For more information, call Vineyard Christian
Fellowship Church at (208) 377-1477.
Sunday, April 11 – 10:00 am
Calvary Chapel “Resurrection Celebration”
Boise State University Pavillion, Boise
For information, call Calvary Chapel at 321-7440
Table Rock
In 1956, the Boise Jaycees (Boise
Chapter of the U.S. Junior Chamber of
Commerce), led by the vision of Glen
Lundgren, built a symbol of hope,
peace and inspiration upon a rock
overlooking the city of Boise, a symbol
we know today as the Table Rock
Cross. The Cross, which stands 60 feet
high and weighs 4500 lbs., can withstand winds up to 75 mph. The Cross is illuminated year round by
fluorescent lights and can be seen for miles. The original dedication
bronze plaque, stolen approximately 1997, had the following
inscription: “May this Cross inspire those who see it to better
Citizenship, Higher Ideals, and Happier Living.”
Presently, the Table Rock Cross and immediate surrounding
property is owned and cared for by the Table Rock Cross of the
Idaho Jaycees. It has become a respected landmark and inspiration
for many Idahoans.
On 11-6-99, a “well-known” atheist activist and internet personality from Chicago was invited to speak at Boise State University by
local atheists. He publicly announced that he would be pursuing a
course of action to have the Table Rock Cross removed regardless of
public opinion. He further boasted that he had been very successful in removing other crosses from other locations around the
United States and had won several cases in the U.S. Supreme Court.
Since the media attention received by this individual, the public
outcry for support of the cross has been tremendous. In response,
the Idaho Jaycees organized a “Walk for the Cross” that took place
on November 27th 1999, from the Boise Train Depot to the steps
of the Capitol Building. Over 10,000 people attended, including
U.S. Senator Larry Craig, Lt. Governor Butch Otter, Boise Mayor
Brent Coles, and State Auditor J.D. Williams. In addition,
Governor Dirk Kempthorne, although unable to attend, pledged
his support to the Jaycees and declared in a formal proclamation
November 27, 1999, to be Table Rock Cross Day.
Table Rock Cross of the Idaho Jaycees, Inc.
P.O. Box 7531, Boise, ID 83707
Sunday, April 11 – 6:00 am
At Hill’s Hill near Adrian, Oregon
Sponsored by Kingman Presbyterian Church
in Adrian, Oregon and Sterry Memorial
Presbyterian Church in Roswell, Idaho.
For more information, call George Dilley at
722-5750 (Parma, Idaho).
Sunday, April 11 – 6:45 am
Great Resurrection Hymn Worship at
in the church auditorium.
Crossroads Christian Church
501 N. Curtis Road, Boise
For more information, call (208) 323-2900
Sunday, April 11 – 7:00 am
At Lizard Butte Cross, Marsing, Idaho
For more information, call (208) 454-9001.
Sunday, April 11 - 7:00 am
Eagle Christian Church
100 Short Lane, Eagle, Idaho
Outside service on church lawn in a large
tent. For more information, call
(208) 286-0879
Sunday, April 11 – 6:30 am
Vineyard Christian Fellowship Church
4950 N. Bradley, Garden City, Idaho
For more information, call (208) 377-1477.
Lizard Butte Sunrise
Service History
In observance of the 67th Annual Sunrise Service, it is fitting to review
some of its tradition and history. This service is unique in that it is thought
to be the oldest continuous Easter Sunrise Service in the Northwest. This
year’s service will begin at 7:00 a.m. daylight saving time on April 11, 2004.
Those who attend will need to dress warmly as well as bring a blanket to sit
on and wrap around them.
The history of this service is also quite unique. Lizard Butte is located east of Marsing on the banks of the
Snake River and is one of Idaho’s “natural wonders.” Geologically, the butte is a half crater, and reminder of prehistoric days when the entire area was a seething mass of lava beds. Early pioneers named the formation Lizard
Butte because of its resemblance to a huge lizard.
In the spring of 1937, Ray and Marion Stafford attended an Easter Sunrise Service while on vacation. After
they returned to Marsing, Mrs. Stafford was looking out her window at Lizard Butte and thought it would be a
great place for a Sunrise Service. She shared her thoughts with a friend, Mrs. Thomas Harris, and they in turn
projected the idea to Mr. D. D. Ulrich. Together this small group sent messages to all the surrounding communities and asked each to send a representative to a planning meeting. On February l4, 1938, they met and made
plans for a Sunrise Service. During the planning for a community Sunrise Service, Lizard Butte Sunrise
Association was organized and Mr. Ulrich was elected as President. Mrs. Harris was elected as
Secretary/Treasurer. The first service on Lizard Butte was held April l7, l938 with approximately l,000 people.
For the first service, a temporary platform was erected and the hill terraced for seating (the original terracing
marks can still be seen today). Also, a wooden cross was designed and built by Mr. Ulrich and put on the highest peak. The cross was burned by vandals two years later and was replaced by one constructed of reinforced concrete. For its construction, work crews transported the materials for the new cross, with the aid of a horse drawn
sled, to the platform where the cement was transferred to buckets and hand-carried to the top of the hill by bucket brigade. The large white concrete cross, now 64 years old, looms strong and stately above the valley where it
brings hope and promise to many busy lives below. The program has followed a similar pattern from the beginning. As the sun rises, the service commences with a bugle call and the appearance of two angels at the foot of
the cross. The Old Rugged Cross is sung and a scripture reading from Matthew 28:1-10 and 16-20 is read.
In order to insure that the Sunrise Service would continue to take place for a long time to come, the
Association decided to buy the Lizard Butte property. Attempts to purchase the property directly from its owner
Martha Dugdale failed to materialize, and she sold her entire farm holdings to Charles and Eula Taylor. The
Taylors however, in 1942, split the original property and sold the 40 acre Lizard Butte portion to the Association
for $400.00.
As we look back over the years and think about the services, how wonderful it is that through a faith in a Risen
Christ and with the cooperation of many people of different faiths from the community, the story of the Lord’s
resurrection has sounded forth from this lava outcropping to inspire and bless the thousands who have attended the services through the years. The hope of the Lizard Butte Sunrise Association is that the One who gave His
life for us, who arose from the tomb on Easter Sunday, who later ascended into Heaven, and who will one day
return to this earth, continues to bless our future Easter Sunrise Services, and that His blessing and inspiration
will touch many lives as the community comes together for the annual Lizard Butte Sunrise Service this Easter
Treasure Valley Christian News / 04-05.2004 – 11
Ten Commandment
Monument Update
Citizen involvement, with the help of GOD, has
kept the Ten Commandment monument in Julia
Davis Park for over 63 days!
Keep the Commandments Coalition recently commissioned Zogby International, the number one polling
company in the nation, to do a scientific poll/survey in
Boise regarding the City Council’s decision to remove
the Ten Commandments monument from Julia Davis
The polling results found that ONLY 23% of Boise
citizens supported the city’s decision to remove the
It is clear the people of Boise support the public posting of this historic monument in the park.
Defending the Public Display of the
(an excerpt from David Barrett’s letter appearing on the website)
...The Ten Commandments Monument is a public
proclamation of a portion of Scripture. The attempt to
remove that monument is clearly an attempt to remove
the Word of God from the public square. This should
be reason enough for Christians to oppose this action.
However, we Christians have swallowed the humanistic lie that somehow we are the only group unworthy
of public notice. What is so ironic about this position is
that, of the groups that make up the American society,
the Christian group is the one with the most historical
and contemporary reason to be publicly noted.
The fundamental argument for the removal of the
Ten Commandments from a public place is usually
rooted in the current erroneous “Separation of Church
and State” philosophy applied to the First Amendment.
Although the full demonstration of this fallacious reasoning is beyond the scope of this short article, a simple,
yet sufficient response can be given. Briefly, the Boise
City Council is not Congress, and a rock is not a law.
The supposed “Separation” concept, the “fear” of a
hate monument being proposed, and the idea that if the
Ten Commandments are displayed then every philosophy of every Tom, Dick and Harry would have to be
allowed equal exposure are simply smoke screens behind
which the movement to eradicate the evidence of our
Christian roots is operating.
Christians need to realize that they hold the only
voice of truth and reality, and that they are commanded
to make that known publicly (Matthew 10:32). If the
silent showing of the Ten Commandments is allowed to
be viewed as unacceptable in this community, then it is
only a matter of time (and short time at that) before the
public speaking of the Word of God will be disallowed
in the public arena as well. As the saying goes, “Speak
now or forever hold your peace.”
David Barrett is the director of the Biblical Worldview
Learning Center. For more information, call (208) 3772367. Join with supporters in any way you can to show
your support for the Boise Ten Commandments Monument
at Julia Davis Park. We are pleased to inform everyone that
the Keep The Commandments Coalition has received letters of support from all four U.S. Congressional members.
Stand with us in prayer at the monument. For more information about Ten Commandment Updates, view the
KeepTheCommandementsBoise website at:
Good Shepherd’s House
by Christine Heimbigner
There is a little house of blessings tucked away on 10
N. Dewey Ave. in Middleton. The Good Shepherd’s
House non-denominational Christian day-retreat center
has been operating quietly for about a year. The proprietor, Julie Ann Degitz, started out with a desire to
express God’s love by serving others. Julie devotes 100%
of her time to offering day retreats. These retreats are
offered at no cost to the attendees.
A typical retreat will last between 3-7 hours, with 14 attendees. Julie described it as “a little journey through
the different areas of the house, an interactive experience
guided by God’s Word.” Each area is decorated with
beautiful hand painted murals, scripture, and quaint
furnishings. Each room has an area of focus, and it is up
to the attendee how long they linger. The atmosphere is
complemented by soft music, the faint trickling of a
fountain, and the smell of scented candles. The day
retreat is geared towards women, but is also available for
married couples.
“Times are getting really difficult,” Julie stated.
“These retreats are designed to give attendees a break
from the world and to provide them with a peaceful
place where they can enter into the Lord’s presence.”
When attending a retreat, Julie recommends wearing
comfortable clothes (no need to dress up) and being prepared to have your feet washed. You will not need to
bring anything but yourself, the Lord provides all that is
necessary. Refreshments are also served.
It is Julie’s hope that the Good Shepherd’s House will
inspire anyone who attends to “plant” similar retreat
centers in their own areas of influence.
Retreats are offered Monday through Saturday by
appointment. To schedule an appointment for a retreat,
call the Good Shepherd’s House at (208) 585-6665. If
you do not get Julie directly, please leave a message and
she will get back to you with retreat information.
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12 – 04-05.2004 / Treasure Valley Christian News
319 SW 3rd Street, Fruitland
(208) 674-4241
The Little Church
with the Big Heart
by Carla Shafer Bailey, Marsing, Idaho
You are invited to attend our 2nd
Annual Treasure Valley Christian News
Pastors Benje Graves with his wife Michele at
Vision Bible Church in Marsing, Idaho
Vision Bible Church is on Main Street in Marsing,
Idaho, across from the fire station in an old unassuming
building. I wasn’t particularly drawn to attend church
there because the sign for the church wasn’t obvious to
me. And frankly, the exterior of the building didn’t really look like a church. I think it used to be an old granary or something. When I moved to Marsing in July of
2002, I tried several very nice churches in Nampa and
Marsing (filled with lots of wonderful people), but didn’t find a place to belong. So, I decided to try this different looking place.
When I finally attended church one Sunday, I was
shocked to find such a welcoming comfortable atmosphere inside. Even though it was attractive, it still didn’t
look like a typical church. I was very surprised to discover a full band including 4-5 singers, two guitarists, bass,
rhythm, and drums – let alone the wonderful praise
music that permeated the large room where everyone
was gathered. It sure didn’t look this big on the outside.
Coffee and goodies were available before church and
people were very warm and friendly but not overwhelming, which I appreciated tremendously.
It sure seemed strange that everyone dressed in such
a relaxed manner – basically anyway they wanted to –
including the two pastors. Wow! This was not like any
church I had been to before. Believe me, I’ve been to a
lot of churches (because I travel a lot) since I came back
to Jesus over 22 years ago. There really wasn’t anything
typical or “normal” about this unique church – except
maybe the fact they worship on Sunday, have a Sunday
school for kids, a nursery, Bible studies, and a large
cross. They don’t even pass the collection plate but have
a box by the door for anyone that wants to give to God’s
Since everything taught by Pastors Benji Graves and
Ernest Salmond was so unpretentious and REAL, I
started attending regularly. They both present the truth
of the Bible and Jesus’ love and mercy without all the
trappings of man-made religion, in such a down-toearth genuine way, showing the love of Jesus for all
mankind. I felt the love of Jesus shown to everyone,
regardless of how we all looked – some people have tattoos, some wear old cowboy work boots or coveralls,
and some are all dressed up. It was very relaxing –
nobody cared what we looked like because that’s just the
exterior “stuff ’ and God looks on the heart. I sure am
glad He does.
As I continued to come back, I kept finding out more
incredible things about this little church of about 80100 people. They serve a bread line that feeds around 80
families EVERY week!! For free!! I found out they have
Vision Bible College with on-campus and Internet students with a great diversity of quality classes and subjects and terrific teachers. Not only that, but they have
a recording studio in the basement. The more I found
out, the more amazed I became. They have several home
Bible studies, a great youth group on Wednesday, and
classes for the whole community at no charge! Also,
Pastor Benji and Michelle and friends record many
music and teaching CD’s and give them out for FREE.
Of course, donations are always appreciated but there is
no obligation at all.
What kind of church is this anyway???? You know I
am most blessed by the love of Jesus shown to everyone
with no strings attached. What an incredible group of
people who just love Jesus and want to do His will by
sharing the good news. I am still amazed that this little
church, with such a BIG heart, is right here in Marsing
where I almost overlooked it. I’m so glad God revealed
this diamond in the rough to me. I am so thankful for
these loving, caring people giving of themselves (sacrificially many times) who took me into their big hearts.
Thank you and may God continue to pour out His
blessing on you all!!!
With love from my heart, Carla Schafer Bailey.
Tuesday, June 8, 2004
from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Boise Community Center, 3852 N. Eagle
Boise, Idaho
Cost is $30/single or $50/couple
Pastors $15/single or $25/couple
Special Speakers – Special Music
Door Prizes
Please R.S.V.P. by June 1st to:
Rev. Anthony Harper • Phone 377-3568
Help us share the gospel of Jesus Christ and unite Christians in the Treasure Valley area.
Treasure Valley Christian News, Inc.
2309 N. Mountain View Drive, #220, Boise, ID 83706 • Phone (208) 377-3568
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Treasure Valley Christian News / 04-05.2004 – 13
Mars Landing – Success or Failure?
by Michael Matthews
Missions to the surface
of Mars have been
plagued with problems.
On December 19, 2003,
the European Space
Agency launched its first
lander – Beagle 2 – toward the Martian surface from its
mother ship, Mars Express, but it failed to make radio
contact. Since then, two US rovers have successfully
landed on Mars. But will these missions succeed? The
answer depends on your definition of ‘success.’
If success means gathering new data about our mysterious neighbor, then may the mission enjoy every success! However, gathering ‘data’ is not what drives these
missions. Governments don’t spend hundreds of millions of dollars just to take images of a handful of rocks
300 million miles away.
The name ‘Beagle 2’ was a not-so-subtle reminder of
the motive behind these modern missions. Just as
Darwin’s ship the Beagle took him on an odyssey to the
New World and provided him with data to build his
evolutionary theory of the development of species, so
too, these modern voyages seek further ‘evidence’ to bolster an anti-biblical view for the origin of planets – and
of life. They hope to find evidence of living organisms,
or at least their one-time presence on the ‘red planet.’
As the previous hype about the alleged fossil bacteria
in the ‘Mars rock’ (now debunked) demonstrated, finding life on Mars would be taken as evidence that life can
evolve anywhere the conditions are right. Creationists
have long said that any microorganisms found on Mars,
which is highly unlikely, would be the result of Earthlife contamination/seeding.
Will they find evidence of water?
The US rovers are also looking for hints of minerals
formed by the action of water, in the belief that any evidence of water makes it more likely for life to have
evolved there some time in the past. The 1997 Mars
Pathfinder mission wowed the world with its images
and evidence of a watery catastrophe that would have
rivaled Noah’s Flood.
But what does water tell us?
It certainly does not help bridge the nearly infinite
gap between H20 and DNA molecules; nor does it
explain how the information for creating tens of thousands of proteins was stored into these molecules.
Finding water on Mars doesn’t inform us of the planet’s
geological history, which can never be observed. The
Bible itself implies a watery origin of all things (Genesis
1:2, 6-10; 2 Peter 3:5).
These missions to Mars were doomed to failure, even
before they began. No matter what scientists find, the
data will not be able to confirm evolution or millions of
The Bible – God’s eyewitness account of the origin of
life, the planets and the universe – already tells us that
He created the earth before the sun, and He created the
other heavenly bodies (including planets) on the same
day as the sun. Nothing that the Mars rovers find will
ever contradict God’s account of history.
It is ironic that so many brilliant scientists clutch at
the slightest evidence for life or ‘a worldwide Flood on
Mars’. However, these same scientists refuse to see the
evidence on their own planet that shows the design and
handiwork of a Creator who later judged the earth with
a worldwide Flood, which laid down fossils in rock layers all over the earth. The Bible says their ignorance is
willful (2 Peter 3:5).
The Mars missions show the power of preconceived
ideas to impact our explanations of the evidence. The
quest to understand life is not just about finding new
data, it rests upon a correct foundation for interpreting
the data about the world(s) i.e. God’s Written Word!
Michael Matthews is a writer/editor for Answers In
Genesis, US. For more information about Answers in
Genesis, view their website at:
Also, view the Foundations in Genesis of Idaho website for up to date local educational events: or call (208) 355-5353 for more information.
doesn’t get in your face about Jesus hasn’t been banned
– yet.
The mug was mainly designed to open conversation.
Ron and Coleen struggle like many Christians with initiating conversation about their faith. This mug draws
people into conversation. They will pick it up and handle it and really look at it. Christians can now say something even if it’s just a simple opener like, “Isn’t that
cool, just like God who created the mountains?” Or if
someone asks why the picture is disappearing, we could
say, “The dark, dead trees disappear to remind me of my
path in life to Glory.”
The mug has subtle messages for others to question.
Scripture is visible but does not stand out. Why? The
hidden or mysterious feel draws others in in hopes they
will ask about the verse. It is wise for Christians to
know Matthew 7:13-14. There is a path and a gate with
words on it, a cliff and a brilliant sun glow displaying
God’s glory which the path leads to. All designed to be
openers to conversation. Because, Inc.’s true passion is
in this tool.
Because, Inc. got involved with the Ten Commandments issue because Coleen felt drawn to Judge Moore
who had lost his job for standing by his commitment.
She also had been deeply moved by the
Save the Cross movement when the cross was threatened to be removed a few years ago. She loved seeing all
the crosses throughout the community – she was
impressed how the community’s devotion to God was
displayed. She felt it would be wonderful to show this
unity again with yard signs. The staff took it further and
wanted to do a rally showing their support of Judge
Moore and take a proactive stance for the Ten
Commandments. It seemed the enemy was gaining
ground rapidly as anyone could see in the news – the
Ten Commandments monuments were being removed
all over the nation.
Unfortunately, the rally brought out some matters
that were not anticipated and though saddened by these
events, Coleen says the rally has brought about many
positive things too. Ron and Coleen with their staff of
Joe and Shannon Allen still desire to support the Ten
Commandments as a public display. They also desire to
help support and encourage Christian unity – to stand
together – for God’s values to remain in our country.
Because, Inc. produces specialty mugs, Ten Commandment
yard signs and other scripturally based items. For more
information, view their web site
and call their office in Meridian, ID at (208) 855-9320.
Christian Business SPOTLIGHT!
Ron Schaub, along with his wife Coleen, formed
Because, Inc. in 2003. Ron, CEO, brings over 25 years
experience in management including 15 of those as an
entrepreneur. Ron also owns a successful construction
company dealing mainly in specialty items.
Coleen, CFO, is responsible for overseeing the financial aspect of day-to-day business dealings, management, and she is also the lead spokeswoman on the ProTen Commandment issue.
Because, Inc. began a couple of years ago with an idea
Ron had and felt a burden with from God. He had
bought a mug from the OZ store in Kansas City while
on a business trip. The mug had an overlay on it that
disappeared and whenever he used the mug, people
were drawn to it. He really felt God speaking to his
heart – wouldn’t it be wonderful if this was a picture displaying God’s glory and it would draw people to open
up discussion?
The mug is designed to be a witnessing tool for
Christians and not be offensive to onlookers. We hear
many reports from Christians in the work place – they
can’t do this and that with their faith – but a mug that
14 – 04-05.2004 / Treasure Valley Christian News
Bible Study Fellowship
(Locations in the Treasure Valley)
For more information, call (877) 273-3228
Aspen Grove Book Store
490 East Lane, #3, Ontario, Oregon
(541) 889-2998
Calvary Chapel Book Store
123 Auto Drive, Boise, Idaho
(208) 376-6917
For Heaven’s Sake
212 S. Kimball Ave., Caldwell, Idaho
Family Christian Stores
8085 Fairview Ave., Boise, Idaho
(208) 375-8180 or (800) 521-2264
Nampa Christian Book & Supply
517 12th Ave. Road, Nampa, Idaho
(208) 467-9400
Trendsetters Christian Supply
1445 West Park Plaza, Ontario, Oregon
(541) 889-7291
Christian Women’s Club
(Bible Study & Fellowship)
Owyhee Plaza Hotel
1109 Main Street, Boise, Idaho
(208) 938-1068
International Fellowship of Christian
Thursdays at Noon
Meeting at Louie’s Restaurant
620 W. Idaho, Boise, Idaho
(208) 375-6932 (evenings)
Aglow International
A Network of Caring Women
(208) 342-2988
Treasure Valley Church Website
Shiloh Counseling Center
A counseling ministry serving individuals
and families dealing with substance
abuse issues, marriage and family relationship problems, and anger management. Shiloh Counseling Center is funded
by counselee and community donations.
(208) 377-3568 (ext 3)
Vineyard Boise Counseling Center
Fees are based on a sliding scale and
some insurance companies are accepted.
For an appointment, contact Joe Ingrao
Vineyard Christian Fellowship
4950 N. Bradley, Boise, Idaho
(208) 377-1477
Biblical/Spiritual Counseling
Counselors available to pray with men,
women, and couples in need.
Appointments can be made through the
church office at:
Grace Chapel, 1422 N. Eldorado, Boise
(208) 375-5515
Foundations in Genesis of Idaho, Inc.
(208) 355-5353
Divorce Care
Eagle Christian Church, Eagle, Idaho
(208) 286-0879
Women’s Aerobics Class
Leader: Julie Fadden
(208) 854-1447 or 861-1260
Low Impact Aerobics to Christian Music.
Mon.-Wed.-Fri. from 8:45-9:45 a.m.
Vision Bible Church in Marsing, ID on
Main Street by the Fire Station.
Contact: Carla Bailey (208) 989-4099
Community Christian Center
202 E. 42nd Street, Garden City, Idaho
(208) 375-3921
TVCCSA Inc./Community Ministry Center
3000 Esquire Drive, Boise, Idaho
(208) 378-7774
Operation Love Center
11829 Fairview Ave., Boise, Idaho
(208) 375-3226
Family Life
A Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ
Leland & Peggy Cantrell (208) 323-2706
Marriage Ministries, International
(University of The Family)
Boise, Idaho
For more information, call Glen and Laura
(208) 322-0546
Mission Media, Inc.
Boise, Idaho
(208) 322-9090 (800) HOW-TO-GO
Vineyard Medical Clinic
4950 N. Bradley St., Boise, Idaho
(208) 377-1477
Genesis World Mission
215 W. 35th, Garden City, Idaho
(208) 384-5200
Treasure Valley Christian News
(FREE paper available at WalMart stores,
Christian Book Stores, and other
Treasure Valley locations)
2309 N. Mountain View Drive, Suite 220
Boise, Idaho
(208) 377-3568
(An Evangelical FREE paper)
Calvary Chapel
123 Auto Drive, Boise, Idaho
(208) 321-7440
Prison Fellowship (serving Idaho)
For more information, call Todd Konvalin
(208) 841-3463
Idaho Chooses Life
P.O. Box 8172, Boise, Idaho
(208) 344-9709
Contact David Ripley
Generation Life
4950 N. Bradley St., Boise, Idaho
(208) 377-1477 (extension 132)
Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center
1323 12th Ave. S., Nampa, Idaho
(208) 466-4000
Air1 ( 89.1 and 98.7 FM )
KTSY ( 89.5 FM )
KBXL/KSPD ( 94.1 FM and 790 AM )
KBGN ( 1060 AM )
Effect Radio ( 95.7 FM )
World Relief - Treasure Valley
(helping refugees)
6702 Fairview Avenue, Boise, Idaho
(208) 323-4964
Salvation Army
Emergency & Seasonal Food Assistance
1015 Chicago, Caldwell, Idaho
Website: 459-2011
Through The Maze
Boise Bible College
Boise, Idaho
Boise Christian Schools
Boise Valley Adventist School
925 N. Cloverdale Rd., Boise, Idaho
(208) 376-7141
Cole Valley Christian Schools
Meridian, Idaho
Covenant Academy
Boise, Idaho (208) 377-2385
Foundations Academy
Boise, Idaho
Greenleaf Academy
Greenleaf, Idaho
Maranatha Christian School
Boise, Idaho (208) 377-0423
Nampa Christian Schools
Nampa, Idaho
Northwest Nazarene University
623 Holly Street, Nampa, Idaho
Boise Rescue Mission (for men)
PO BOX 1494, Boise, ID 83701
(208) 343-2389
Treasure Valley Christian News / 04-05.2004 – 15
Lighthouse Rescue Mission (for men)
472 Caldwell Boulevard, Nampa, Idaho
(208) 461-5030
City Light (for women)
For more information:
(208) 343-2389
Women’s Transitional Living, Inc.
500 W. Idaho, P O Box 7494, Boise, ID
(208) 424-1323
Source Ministry
Boise First Nazarene Church
Eagle Road (between Ustick & McMillan)
(208) 412-3909
Singles With Christ
Contact Steve Koppes
(208) 286-0879
Singles Fellowship
East Boise - Open for single adults. Bible
Study, fellowship and prayer. Call Rick
Bruemmer (208) 703-1294
(Love In The Name of CHRIST)
providing assistance to those in need
Nampa, Idaho
(208) 466-7810
World Relief - Treasure Valley
(helping refugees)
6702 Fairview Avenue, Boise, Idaho
(208) 323-4964
Salvation Army
Emergency & Seasonal Food Assistance
1015 Chicago, Caldwell, Idaho
(208) 459-2011
A non-denominational Christian Cancer
Support Group meets every Tuesday at
noon at the Caldwell Free Methodist
Church, 3320 S Montana Ave, Caldwell.
“Don’t travel this road alone. It’s not
meant to be a Solitary Journey”. Bring
your lunch and join us for a time of sharing, learning and support for one another.
(208) 459-1821
Divorce Recovery Group
Leader: Jeff & Joanne Brown
(208) 887-3988
Pure Warrior Ministries, Inc.
(dealing with pornography)
PO Box 190297, Boise, ID 83719
(208) 286-0187
Fax: (240) 414-6003
Bellwether Ministries
(dealing with homosexuality and
other sexual sins)
P.O. Box 15766, Boise, Idaho
(208) 387-8690
Sexual Addiction Support Group
An open 12-step group focusing on men
who struggle with sexual addictions,
pornography, affairs, etc. Child care is
31 S. Midland Blvd, Nampa, Idaho
Contact person: Jay
(208) 467-7777
Free Indeed (a Christian support group
for women who are dealing with sexual
abuse issues)
Trinity Fellowship
300 N Latah, Boise, Idaho
(208) 384-1941
Pure Word
Calvary Chapel
123 Auto Drive - Lobby, Boise, Idaho
(208) 321-7440
Call for other meeting locations
12 Step Workbook Group
Drop-ins welcome!
Vineyard Christian Fellowship
4950 N. Bradley, Boise, Idaho
(208) 377-1477
Ministry for Life-Controlling Issues
Vision Bible Church
221 W. Main St, Marsing ID 83639
(208) 896-5407
Healed & Set Free In-Depth Groups
(New Groups Forming!)
Discover freedom from the shackles of a
painful past and lingering hurts from:
rejection; sexual abuse; bitterness;
divorce; anger; physical abuse; depression. A 10 week, in-depth Bible study
based on the “Healed and Set Free” Bible
Study for Men by Rick & Tammy Brown.
For men who desire to experience the
Truth that will make them free.
Leader: Bill Gray
Calvary Chapel Boise (BLDG. 2)
(208) 571-6036
Ministry for Life-Controlling Issues
1210 N. Middleton Rd., Nampa ID 83651
(208) 467-7116
Cherry Lane Christian Church
2511 W. Cherry Lane, Meridian, Idaho
(208) 888-3101
I.M.P.A.C.C.T., Intercessory Moms
Praying and Claiming Christ for Teens.
ParkCenter Assembly of God Church
270 East Pennsylvania, Boise, Idaho
(208) 336-1925
Overcomers Outreach Support Group
(for substance abuse and other life
controlling problems)
Caldwell First Baptist Church
Caldwell, Idaho
(208) 459-4614
General Recovery Group for Men and
Women (for addictions)
31 S. Midland Blvd., Nampa, Idaho
(208) 938-4178
Other Support Groups
Addictive Behaviors Support Group
Come and seek the healing power of
Jesus in the areas of your life that are
damaged. As Jesus heals your past He
will free you from your addictive behaviors. Child care available if we are notified
ahead of the need.
Cloverdale Church of God
375 S Cloverdale Road, Boise. Contact
PeggyAnn Simonet, M.A., 602-4676, or
FAX 375-3224, or
Alzheimer’s Faith Based support group
meets the 1st Wednesday of each month.
First Presbyterian Church
950 West State St., Boise, room 501
JoAnn (208) 344-3441
Christian Writers of Idaho meets the
2nd Tuesday of each month at the
Hillview United Methodist Church on 8525
Ustick Road. For more information, call
Diana at (208) 288-0983.
Griefshare Recovery Seminar
Griefshare features nationally recognized
experts on grief recovery topics.
For more information, please call
Pastor Amy at (208) 375-1328
Northview Family Worship Center
7540 Northview, Boise, ID (The Domes)
Christian Motorcyclists Association
Everyone welcome. For information on
motorcycle rides, call Les Pritchett with
the Snake River Valley Christian Crusers
at (208) 452-6270 (Fruitland, Idaho) or
Mike McLain with the R Wheels R His at
(208) 376-1936 (Boise, Idaho).
Men’s Interactive Work Fellowships
Great opportunity to get together with
other Christian men who work in your
area to experience encouragement,
support and accountability through
relevant Bible discussions and prayer.
Calvary Chapel Boise (Bldg. 4)
Jon LeMay (208) 362-1146
Men’s Interactive Fellowships
Small groups of men that prayerfully seek
Biblical solutions to challenging life issues
(208) 658-5683
Writers Guild
meets on the last Saturday of each
month. For more information, call Mindi at
(208) 387-0678.
Groovin’ Teens
Web site for teen resources and events
(208) 377-3568
Teen Challenge
11828 Fairview Ave., Boise, Idaho
(208) 375-4636
TimeZone Youth Center
After school programs for youth including
skateboarding, also educational classes.
Bobbie Trenckmann, Director
1408 State Street, Boise, ID 83702
(208) 388-8406
The Treasure Valley Youth Alliance
“One in spirit and purpose” Phil. 2:2
Cornerstone Community Church
1023 S. Curtis Road, Boise, Idaho
(208) 344-9098
Young Life
April-May 2004 Special Events
Wednesday-Sunday, April 1-4 9:00 am
Christian author, Jennifer Kerr, will be having a book signing
for her new book titled “Parakaleo: A Young Woman’s Call to
the World”. Base Exchange (BX), Mountain Home AFB,
Idaho. For more information, call Jennifer at (208) 832-2413.
Thursday, April 8 and Friday, April 9 - 7:00-9:00 pm
“Information: The Key to Knowledge” Science, Information &
Biological Life – Speaker: Bob Compton, DVM, PhD
Thursday April 8 and April 29 at: Crossroads Christian
Church,, 501 N. Curtis Rd., Boise, ID
Friday April 9 and April 30 at: Treasure Valley Baptist Church,
386 N. Verde, Ontario, OR
For more information, call (208) 355-5353 or view the
Foundations in Genesis Website:
Monday, April 12
School of Puppetry Workshop
Valley Shepherd Nazarene Church, 831 N. Main St.
Meridian, Idaho. For more information, call Judy at (208) 8882141 and view the website:
Thursday April 15-Saturday April 17
The 2004 Conference on Raising a Generation of Christian
Statesman. Cloverdale United Reformed Church, 3580 N.
Cloverdale Road, Boise, Idaho. For further information, call
(208) 377-2385. Website:
Friday April 16 - 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
16 – 04-05.2004 / Treasure Valley Christian News
Saturday April 17 - 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Calvary Chapel Boise Singles Conference
Speaker: Garth Gill
Calvary Chapel, 123 Auto Drive, Boise, Idaho 83709
For more information, call Chris Johnson at (208) 321-7440
Sunday April 18 -7:00 pm / Sunday May 16 -7:00 pm
Hungry No More (Worship Service)
Central Valley Baptist Church, 2150 W. Cherry Lane,
Meridian, Idaho
For more information, call (208) 888-4189
Friday, April 23 - 7:00 pm
The Nelons in Concert
Canyon Hill Nazarene Church, 903 N. Michigan, Caldwell,
Idaho. For more information, call (208) 459-7655.
April-May 2004 Special Events
Friday April 23 - 7:00 pm
No Need For Proof and Givin in Concert
$5 at the door. For more information contact Shara Rose at
353-4206 (cell). Valley Shepherd Nazarene Church,
831 N. Main, Meridian, Idaho.
Eternal Life
Speaker: Bob Compton, DVM, PhD – see April 8 and 9 listing
for meeting locations in Boise, Idaho and Ontario, Oregon.
Sunday April 25 - 6:30 pm
The Nelons in Concert
Second Baptist Church, 10375 W. Overland Church, Boise,
Idaho. For more information, call (208) 375-4031
Saturday May 1
9:00 am – Run for The SON Fundraising for local chapter of
the Christian Motorcyclists Association (R Wheels R His).
1:00 pm - R Wheels R His Barbecue/Informational meeting.
For more information, call Mike McLain in Boise at (208) 3761936 and view the CMA web site at:
Saturday April 24 - 7:00 pm
The Nelons in Concert
First Baptist Church, 15 N. 10th, Payette, Idaho
For more information, call (208) 642-2598
Friday April 29-30 at 7:00 pm
“Information: The Key to Knowledge” God, His Message &
Friday April 30 – Sunday May 2
Weekend To Remember
(A weekend to change your life and transform your marriage)
DoubleTree Hotel Riverside, Boise, Idaho.
Call Leland or Peggy at (208) 323-2706 and visit the web
Saturday May 1 - 7:00 pm
Sharing In the Harvest is having a Talent Show fundraiser for
the opening of a faith-based emergency shelter.
Centre Theatre, Ontario, OR. Call Renee at (208) 278-5608.
Tuesday May 18 - 7:00 pm
Gaither Homecoming Tour – Idaho Center
16200 Can-Ada Road, Nampa, ID 83687
Call the Idaho Center at (208) 442-3232
Wednesday May 19 - 7:30 pm
Third Day LIVE – Third Day w/Toby Mac
Idaho Center, 16200 Can-Ada Road, Nampa, ID 83687
For more information, call the Idaho Center at
(208) 442-3232.
Regularly Scheduled Events
2:00 pm - Home church
Home church opening in the Boise, Eagle, Meridian
area. You can also read about our beliefs, where we
stand, on certain subjects by going to our web site at Seeking to meet the needs of the
majority as we can by the grace of God.
For more information contact Danny at 353-2269 (cell)
6:00 pm - General Recovery Group for Men & Women
Every Sunday evening... General recovery group for men
and women who struggle with addictions, have unresolved past issues, or going through difficulties and need
support. Child care available.
31 S. Midland Blvd., Nampa, Idaho
Contact person: Annie (208) 938-4178
7:00 pm - New discipleship group for Musicians
A new discipleship group is starting up for musicians,
specifically those who play solo instruments such as
woodwind, brass, string, harmonica, etc. The meetings
will have the regular home group format but with an
extended time of worship which will provide a great training ground to worship together with instruments. The
group meets on Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. at Peter and
Alison Steven’s home at 7300 Highland Valley Road in
Boise. For more details contact the Stevens at 331-0676.
6:00 pm for Prayer, 7:00 pm for study
Women’s Bible Study and Fellowship
Prayer, Fellowship, studying through the book “The
Excellent Wife.” Contact Mindy Wilhelm (208) 367-0678
6:30 pm - Girls Youth Bible Studies
Denise Engebrecht - (208) 321-0322
Spring Valley Bible Church, 1400 Cole Road, Boise, ID
7:00 pm - Worship, Prophetic Prayer and Intercession
Strong Tower Ministries house church for powerful worship, Word, prophetic prayer and intercession. Contact
Dave & Vicki McClellan (208) 939-5155
7:00 pm - Men’s Interactive Fellowships
Small groups of men that prayerfully seek Biblical solutions to challenging life issues such as: developing a
heart for God; dealing with anger, lust and our responsibilities as husband, father, single man, employee or
Leader: Kelly Link Host: John White
11708 W. Freedom Drive, Boise ID
(208) 658-5683
7:00 pm - Divorce Recovery Group
Leader: Jeff & Joanne Brown, 887-3988
Host: Vonita Reavis, 376-6262
490 S. Browning Ave., Boise
5:30 pm - Men’s College Age Fellowship
A great group of college age guys that meet with the purpose of helping each other grow in Jesus through prayer,
time in the Word together and accountability.
“The Measure of a Man” by Gene Getz is our study
Leader: Reggie Etheridge
1718 Euclid Ave., Boise, ID
(208) 321-7440
7:00 pm - Ministry for Life-Controlling Issues
782 Middlefork Rd., Garden Valley, ID 83622
(208) 462-5035
7:00 pm - Ministry for Life-Controlling Issues
1775 Alameda Drive, Ontario OR 97914
(541) 889-2260
8:00 pm - College & Career Bible Study
Spring Valley Bible Church, 1400 Cole Road, Boise, ID
(208) 321-0322
9:15 am - Ladies’ Bible Study
Valley Shepherd Church of The Nazarene
831 Main Street, Meridian, Idaho 83642 (208) 888-2141
9:15-10:45 am - Ladies’ Bible Study
Karcher Church of the Nazarene
2515 W. Karcher Ave., Nampa, Idaho
(208) 467-7479
10:00 am - Ladies Bible Study
Meridian Assembly of God, 1830 N. Linder Rd.,Meridian
(208) 888-0063
10:00-11:30 am - Christian Women’s Club
(Bible Study and Fellowship)
Owyhee Plaza Hotel, 1109 Main Street, Boise, Idaho
Call Joy Carter 938-1068 or Lou Russell 323-1826
11:30 - 12:30 - Men’s Bible Study Group
(at HP in the West end of the Cafeteria)
Contact: Thom Ives at 412-3971
11:45 am- Men’s Interactive Work Fellowships
Great opportunity to get together with other Christian
men who work in your area to experience encouragement, support and accountability through relevant Bible
discussions and prayer.
Downtown Boise Leader: Marshall Major
US Bank Bldg., 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise
Call for exact location in the building. (208) 385-5456
2:00-3:30 pm - Senior Adult Bible Study
(Room 104 Main Building) (recurring weekly)
Karcher Church of The Nazarene
2515 W. Karcher Ave. Nampa, ID 83651
(208) 467-7479
5:30 pm - Men’s Interactive Fellowships
Small groups of men that prayerfully seek Biblical solutions to challenging life issues such as: developing a
heart for God; dealing with anger, lust and our responsibilities as husband, father, single man, employee or
employer. Leader: David Marsey Host: Brian Conroy
2947 S. Garden St., Boise, ID
(208) 939-5426
6:00 pm - Tuesdays and Thursdays
Women’s Aerobics Class
Leader: Julie Fadden
(208) 854-1447 or 861-1260
6:30 p.m.- I.M.P.A.C.C.T.
Intercessory Moms Praying & Claiming Christ for Teens
Join us for prayer and discussion on teen concerns.
Learn how to intercede to the Father on behalf of your
teens. Come pray, learn how to pray, be supported, provide support, share concerns and experiences, expect
confidentiality, love, and expect God!
ParkCenter Assembly of God Church
270 East Pennsylvania, Boise ID
(208) 336-1925
7:00 pm - Overcomers Outreach Support Group
Overcomers Outreach is a Christ-centered support group
that provides a two-way bridge between traditional 12Step groups and people within churches of all denominations. Rules of anonymity provide a safe place for
Christians (and those searching for a Higher Power) to
share and find recovery through Christ. Overcomers
Outreach is open to anyone with a chemical addiction
and/or compulsive behavior, and their affected family
members if an outside 12-step program is available to
provide additional help with that problem (limited to
adults age 16 and over). O.O. is not a Christian AA
Meeting, nor is it a substitute for a church Bible study or
worship service.
Sorry, childcare is NOT available.
Caldwell First Baptist Church, Caldwell, Idaho
Contact Church Office (208) 459-4614
Treasure Valley Christian News / 04-05.2004 – 17
Regularly Scheduled Events
7:00 pm - 12 Step Sexual Addiction Support Group
An open 12-step group focusing on men who struggle
with sexual addictions: pornography, affairs, etc.
Childcare is available.
31 S. Midland Blvd., Nampa, Idaho
Contact: Jay (208) 467-7777
7:00 pm - Single Men’s Interactive Fellowship
Leader: Mark Gehrett
11163 W. Netherland Drive, Boise, ID
(208) 870-0442
7:00 pm - Men’s Interactive Fellowships
Small groups of men that prayerfully seek Biblical solutions to challenging life issues such as: developing a
heart for God; dealing with anger, lust and our responsibilities as husband, father, single man, employee or
employer. Leader: Tom Durham
Calvary Chapel Boise (Bldg. 2), Boise, Idaho
(208) 375-8699
7:00 pm - Healed & Set Free In-Depth Groups
Discover freedom form the shackles of a painful past and
lingering hurts from: rejection; sexual abuse; bitterness’
divorce; anger; physical abuse; depression. A 10 week,
in-depth Bible study based on the “Healed and Set Free”
Bible Study for Men by Rick & Tammy Brown. For men
who desire to experience the Truth that will make them
free. Leader: Bill Gray
Calvary Chapel Boise (BLDG. 2)
(208) 571-6036
7:00 pm - Ministry for Life-Controlling Issues
1210 N. Middleton Rd, Nampa, ID 83651
(208) 467-7116 Email:
7:00 pm - Men’s Interactive Work Fellowships
Great opportunity to get together with other Christian
men who work in your area to experience encouragement, support and accountability through relevant Bible
discussions and prayer. Leader: Jon LeMay
Calvary Chapel Boise (Bldg. 4) (208) 362-1146
7:15 pm - Singles Fellowship
East Boise Open for single adults. Bible Study, fellowship
and prayer. Call Rick Bruemmer at 703-1294 for more
7:15 pm - Women’s Bible Study and Fellowship A
Women’s-only Bible Study currently doing a Beth Moore
Study “Breaking Free”, fellowship and prayer.
Call Debbie Brizee at 853-2319 for more information.
7:00 to 9:00 p.m - Men’s 12 Step Workbook Group
Drop-ins welcome!
Vineyard Christian Fellowship, 4950 N. Bradley, Boise
(208) 377-1477
6:45 am - Men’s Interactive Work Fellowships
Great opportunity to get together with other Christian
men who work in your area to experience encouragement, support and accountability through relevant Bible
discussions and prayer.
West Boise/Meridian Leader: David Marsey
IHOP 3522 E. Fairview, Meridian, ID (208) 939-5426
6:00 -7:30 am - Men’s Breakfast/Bible Study
At the Muffin Break on Maple Grove and Emerald First
timers... get a free breakfast!! Call Jim Bean at 345-6962.
Sponsored by Spring Valley Bible Church - Boise
9:00 am - Bible Study Fellowship
Valley Shepherd Church of the Nazarene
831 Main Street Meridian, Idaho 83642
Tricia (208) 895-8438
9:15-11:30am - Ladies Bible Study
Valley Shepherd Church of the Nazarene
831 Main Street, Meridian, Idaho
Laurie at 888-2272 or 861-0797
10:00 am - Seniors’ Bible Study
Cherry Lane Christian Church
2511 W. Cherry Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642
(208) 888-3101
10 am for “The Life of David” Seniors Bible Study
Spring Valley Bible Church
1400 Cole Road, Boise, ID (208) 321-0322
11:30 am (East Boise) - Power Lunch Group
(Men Only) Fellowship, LiFe through the Word Bible
Study, Prayer Steve Halvorson (208) 713-1765
1:30 pm (East Boise) - Power Lunch Group
Starbucks Coffee Shop, Milwaukee & Fairview in Boise
Fellowship, LiFe through the Word Bible Study, Prayer
Steve Halvorson (208) 713-1765
5:30 - 6:45 pm - Support/Recovery Groups
Cherry Lane Christian Church 2511 W. Cherry Lane,
Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone 888-3101
6:00 pm - Body and Soul Wednesday Evenings
Low cost donation dinner and dessert, $2 per person or
$8 Max for family. 6:00 pm for all families or individuals
followed by informational sessions from 7:00 to 8:00 pm
every Wednesday at the Eagle Nazarene Church, Call
the church office at (208) 939-0661 for more information.
7:00 pm - Ministry for Life-Controlling Issues
Vision Bible Church, 221 W. Main St, Marsing ID 83639,
Phone (208) 896-5407
6:30-8:00 pm - Alzheimer’s Support Group
Faith-based support group meets the 1st Wednesday of
each month.
First Presbyterian Church, 950 West State St., room 501
JoAnn (208) 344-3441
6:00 -8:00 pm - Griefshare Recovery
Seminar and Support Group
Griefshare features nationally recognized experts on
grief recovery topics. Seminar sessions include: “When
Your Dreams Fall Apart”, “The Seasons of Grief”,
“Emotions of Grief”, “When Your Spouse Dies”, and
“Growing Through Grief”. Pastor Amy (208) 375-1328.
Northview Family Worship Center
7540 Northview, Boise, Idaho (The Domes)
6:00 am - Men’s Interactive Work Fellowships
Great opportunity to get together with other Christian
men who work in your area to experience encouragement, support and accountability through relevant Bible
discussions and prayer. Leader: Jon LeMay
Calvary Chapel Boise (Bldg. 4) (208) 362-1146
6:30 am - Power Breakfast Group (Men Only)
West Boise, McDonalds on Glenwood and Chinden Blvd.
Fellowship, LiFe through the Word Bible Study, Prayer;
Rick Schell (208) 938-3223 for more information.
10:00 am - Bible Study
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
3100 S. FiveMile Road, Boise, Idaho (208) 362-1112
10:00 a.m. - Women’s Bible Study
Cherry Lane Christian Church
2511 W. Cherry Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642
(208) 888-3101
12 noon - First Thursday
Ladies Lunch, Fellowship & Devotion
Our ladies meet on the first Thursday of each month for
lunch, Bible teaching and fellowship. It’s noon at the
church. Meridian Assembly of God, 1830 N. Linder Rd.
Meridian Idaho (208) 888-0063
*Ladies Bible Study called “Celebrate Recovery” a
women’s 12 step program using 8 recovery principles
18 – 04-05.2004 / Treasure Valley Christian News
found in the Beatitudes. With Dr. Ken Collenborne. For
more information call 895-8877.
6:00 pm - Aerobics Class
Tuesdays and Thursdays Leader: Julie Fadden
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
Call Julie for directions (208) 854-1447
7:00 pm - Ministry for Life Controlling Issues
Contact: Scott Vassar (208) 899-0171
616 Dearborn Street, Caldwell, Idaho
(208) 453-9653
7:00 pm - Ministry for Life Controlling Issues
Calvary Chapel Boise
123 Auto Drive, Boise, ID 83709
(208) 321-7440
7:00 pm - Women’s 12 Step
Vineyard Christian Fellowship, 4950 N. Bradley, Boise
(208) 377-1477
7:00 pm - Young Newly Married
Leader: Troy & Chelsea Drake (208) 895-8721
Host: Scott & Kristi Williams (208) 938-4674
6:30 am - Men’s Prayer Time
Valley Shepherd Church of the Nazarene
831 Main Street, Meridian, Idaho 83642
(208) 888-2141
6:30 am Business Persons Fellowship
(1st and 3rd Fridays)
Sponsored by Meridian Assembly of God
JB’s Restaurant in Meridian
Singles With Christ, Call Andrew Pena (208) 463-0861
7:00 pm - Healed & Set Free In-Depth Groups
Discover freedom form the shackles of a painful past and
lingering hurts from: rejection; sexual abuse; bitterness’
divorce; anger; physical abuse; depression. A 10 week,
in-depth Bible study based on the “Healed and Set Free”
Bible Study for Men by Rick & Tammy Brown. For men
who desire to experience the Truth that will make them
free. Leader: Ed McCarthy
2280 W. Rainfall, Meridian (208) 336-4023
7:00 pm - Over 50’s Fellowship
1st & 3rd Friday of the month
Leader: John & Betty Mallon, 9059 W. Vallejo Lane
(208) 362-4553
7:00 pm - Ministry for Life-Controlling Issues
Calvary Chapel Caldwell
616 Dearborn St., Caldwell, ID
(208) 453-9653
7:00 pm – Singles Study and Fellowship “One 4 Him”
(Ages 24-34). Offering a safe and secure environment for
singles in fellowship.
Calvary Chapel Boise
123 Auto Drive, Boise ID 83709
(208) 321-7440
7:00 pm – Singles Study and Fellowship “F.O.C.U.S.”
(target age 35±). Offering a safe and secure environment
for singles in fellowship.
Calvary Chapel Boise
123 Auto Drive, Boise ID 83709
(208) 321-7440
Join Boise Christian Center members for a prayer walk!
On the last Saturday of the month the group meets in a
different part of Ada County to walk and pray for an hour.
For more information and current meeting locations, contact Pastor Floyd Seamans at (208) 336-3019.
Radio Stations
KBXL FM 94.1
KBGN AM 1060
KTSY FM 89.5
Over-The-Air Television Stations
UHF Channel 38
UHF Channel 31
UHF Channel 47
Nampa - KCLP CA, (208) 442-9222
Seventh-Day Adventist (3ABN) 1-800-752-3ABN
Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) (714) 708-5405
Caldwell 459-3635
Caldwell 459-KTSY
KAWZ FM 106.7 FM 88.1 • Air1
FM 98.7 • KEFX FM 95.7
Cable or Satellite TV Stations
Available TV includes:
Trinity Broadcasting Network, Inspirational Network, Eternal Word
Television Network, The Worship Net, and Family Net.
Available Radio includes:
ChristianNet, Moody Network, VCY America
*Ask local cable systems or satellite service dealers for a full listing
Classified ads are $2 per line with 30 characters per line in a “phone book” style format.
Call 377-3568 to place your ad!
AGAPE DAYCARE Low rates/open 24 hrs. CPR/First Aid certified.
Learning and nurturing environment. Where your kids are more than just
watched! Call Lenette at 468-0836
B & K PAINTING Full Service Painters. 15% Winter Discounts. 10%
Senior Discounts. Members Idaho Better Business Bureau. Call Chris:
861-7327. Visit us at
CHRISTIAN FOOD BANK and free clothing store need your help. We
need local churches to help us with food and clothing drives. Also if any
Christians want to come and just minister to people, call Rob 919-0033.
Christian worship team to minister to the needy. Every other Thursday
night from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
One or 2 bedroom, ground floor, immaculate, spacious. Walking distance
NNU and hospital, 2 off-street parking spaces. 466-8789, 466-8148.
HOME-SCHOOL HELP from a teacher and mother of two adult homegrown kids and their big brother. Don’t give up until you call me! Pay me
whatever you can or think I’m worth. For more information, call Marcia
Yiapan, B.A. History/Art, UCLA. Phone (208) 466-9794.
ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE Sell advertising for the area’s only
non-denominational positive Christian news publication. Must have
Christian values. In addition, volunteers needed to distribute TVCNews.
For more information and interview call Dr. Anthony Harper at 377-3568.
PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS for ages 2 through adults. Learn how to
play the piano based on ear training, singing, movement and theory. For
more information, call Mila at 331-0278 or 409-0278.
GREAT LOCATION for your office in a quiet neighborhood with a great
view overlooking Boise. If you are a new business owner or a current
business looking for an affordable office space, call Bob Cook or Michele
484-3840 or 322-7769 at the Mountain View Professional Building or stop
by their office at 2309 N. Mountain View Drive in Boise, Idaho.
APARTMENT Nice, furnished, 1.5 -Room basement apartment 1 mile
from NNU in Nampa. $295/month for one person (more for 2), utilities
paid, $200 security deposit required; no pets or smoking. Call Marcia
Yiapan for more information, 466-9794.
ROOM FOR RENT w/private bath, shared living area. Near downtown
Nampa & stores. Includes washer/dryer use, utilities, cable/internet
hookups. $325 unfurnished, $375 furn. No smoking, drinking, or pets.
Call 713-4202 or 631-7527.
CHRISTIAN FEMALE wanting to rent rooms to same. Large home on
acreage in NW Boise with pool and hot tub. Rooms furnished with bed
and dresser. $350/month with shared bathroom. $375 for a private bathroom. Both include utilities. Call Stephanie 713-1179.
WANTED: Born again Christian female to share lg. condo. with private
room & bath, pool, Jacc., workout room, clubhouse, computer room, off
street parking. $300/month + 1/2 utilities. N/smoking, n/pets, very clean
& trustworthy. MUST love small dog. Owner will be gone 3 days a week.
Avail. 2-1-04 Call Debby 342-4440 or 861-4679.
LOOKING FOR BSU college-age Christian room mate, sometime in late
April or early May. Call Alan at 426-7319 or 371-6889.
WANTED FEMALE ROOMMATE for lovely, clean, sunny Meridian
home. Happy Christian environment. $275/month + 1/3 utilities. Call
Chrissy at 898 0625.
6624 Overland Road, Boise, ID 83709
(208) 376-3802
New Patients
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We submit insurance.
Treasure Valley Christian News / 04-05.2004 – 19
Mountain View
Professional Building
GREAT LOCATION for your office in a quiet neighborhood
with a great view overlooking Boise. If you are a new business
owner or a current business looking for an affordable office
space, call Bob Cook or Michele at 571-0127 or 322-7769 at
the Mountain View Professional Building or stop by their
office at 2309 N. Mountain View Drive in Boise.
$10000 OFF
Your first month’s
rent with this
Call 571-0127
Main Office:
9056 W. Blackeagle Drive
Boise, Idaho 83709
Phone 208.323.4500
Fax 208.323.4507
Specializing in Church Construction
Coaches! Athletic Directors!
Little Leagues! Youth Sports
simple and fun!
Call us today!
BOOSTER BUCK$TM has the potential to
BOOSTER BUCK$ Value Certificate Books:
• Earn from $12,000 to $75,000 depending on number of books ordered
• Printed with school or club colors, mascot, address, etc. on front cover
• Printed with school or club mascot and game schedules on back cover
• First certificate in book is for school or club information
• Include certificates for upcoming fundraisers or special school events
• 40+ certificates from local businesses with discounts and specials
• May include “Enter to Win” certificate from local business
• Conveniently packaged in envelopes with security seal
earn schools and nonprofit groups thousands
of dollars. All that is required is to determine
the quantity you wish to sell, and the amount
you wish to earn:
1,000 books earns $1200 per book . . . or $12,000
1,500 books earns $1300 per book . . . or $19,500
2,000+ books earns $1400 per book . . or $28,000
5,000+ books earns $1500 per book . . or $75,000
• Take-home flyers announcing the fundraising program
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(208) 333-7711