MIL-STD-3034 The Sub-Category (SCAT) code is a four
MIL-STD-3034 The Sub-Category (SCAT) code is a four
MIL-STD-3034 The Sub-Category (SCAT) code is a four- to seven-digit numeric or numeric-alpha code used by NAVSEA to identify a range of measurement requirements by functional category (identified on an associated MRC). Within each currently active SCAT code, test equipment models capable of performing those measurement requirements are assigned to the appropriate SCAT. The TMDE Program is the only authorized agent for the assignment of SCAT codes to system measurement requirements. For prime systems not previously reviewed or test equipment not previously assigned a SCAT code, requests must be forwarded to the TMDE Program Office using an eCalibration and Measurement Requirements Summary (CMRS), DD Form 1426. If the request cannot be matched to approved NAVSEA GPETE and the associated SCAT code assignment, the results will be forwarded back to the requesting Program Office and In-Service Engineering Agent (ISEA) with a SCAT code assignment under Special Purpose Electrical/Electronic Test Equipment (SPETE). It must be understood that a SPETE SCAT assignment requires the requesting Program Office/ISEA to provide all life cycle support including calibration support development to maintain the viability of the instrument until such time as it is replaced or retired. The NAVSEA TMDE index (TMDE-I) is a guide and reference for the identification of GPETE and SPETE, which has been assigned a Sub-Category (SCAT) code. The TMDE-I allows cross-reference searches to be accomplished by: SCAT code; model number; prime system; ship type and hull number. The TMDE-I is distributed semiannually; copies are available upon request from the TMDE HELP email: NAVSEA GPETE The TMDE-I should be used in conjunction with the allowancing document known as the Ship/Shore Portable Electrical/Electronic Test Equipment Requirements List (SPETERL). The TMDE-I does not under any circumstance supersede or modify the SPETERL, nor does it authorize the procurement or requisitioning of items not listed in the SPETERL. The SPETERL is the authoritative allowance document that details onboard prime systems for a specific Naval ship or activity. The SPETERL thereby establishes the test equipment configuration to support preventive and corrective maintenance for those subsystems and associated equipments (MRC test equipment requirements must be synchronized with the SPETERL). The listed test equipment (with exception of SPETE), is considered GPETE and supports multiple systems installed onboard ships and shore stations. The listed GPETE (and SPETE) quantities within the SPETERL are used to maintain an onboard inventory that adequately supports measurement requirements. GPETE quantities determined as insufficient or excessive are addressed via the Allowance Change Request (ACR), Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Form 1220-2 and submitted through the respective chain of command to the appropriate Fleet Type Commander. Requests for SPETERL reports can be made to the TMDE Program Office via the Help Desk email: NAVSEA GPETE HELP@, (b) Category 2 - Consumables. Consumables constitute a majority of materials required to support maintenance. Category 2 includes a wide range of administrative and housekeeping items which may or may not be consumed in use. Some consumable items (grease, oils, and solvents) are consumed each time the maintenance action is performed whereas others (buckets, funnels and ladders) are not. Tools are not included in category 2 even though some tools may fit the general description of a consumable item. Examples of consumable items include ropes, rags, oil, cleaning solvents, brushes, corrosion protection agents, sealants, and protective coatings. By definition, any item appearing on an Allowance Parts List (APL) is considered a repair part (Category 3). (c) Category 3 - Parts. For purposes of MRC development, repair parts are defined as any item which is an integral part of the equipment. For example, gaskets, mechanical seals, packing material, O-rings and filters. In general, any item listed in a technical manual or drawing parts list is considered a repair part. An official definition of a repair part is any item appearing on an APL. The medium for identification of PMS repair part requirements to the Navy Supply System is the APL. As Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) equipment is procured, APL's are not always developed. When no APL is available replacement parts used during maintenance shall be identified by CAGE code and Part number. 34 S o u r c e : h t t p : / / w w w . a s s i s t d o c s . c o m -- D o w n l o a d e d : 2 0 1 3 - 0 3 - 1 2 T 1 9 : 1 5 Z C h e c k t h e s o u r c e to v e r i f y t h a t this is t h e c u r r e n t v e r s i o n b e f o r e use.