Character.Leadership.Service. - Voyageur Outward Bound School


Character.Leadership.Service. - Voyageur Outward Bound School
Celebrating 50 years!
Character. Leadership. Service.
From the Executive Director
“Be tough, yet gentle; humble, but bold; swayed always by beauty and truth.”
Dear Friends,
In the five decades since our founder, Bob Pieh, wrote those words, many things in our society have changed, but the basic mission
of Outward Bound—changing lives through challenge and discovery—has not. Whether our students are typical teenagers, returning veterans, urban youth, young adults experiencing homelessness, older adults, or teenagers struggling to make positive choices,
Voyageur Outward Bound School (VOBS) remains committed to showing people that they can do far more than they realize.
It is thanks to you that we at Voyageur Outward Bound School were able to celebrate our 50th anniversary in 2014!
In our 50th year, we heard many stories about the lasting impact made by VOBS donors, like the children’s author who said her
1971 course gave her the courage and self-confidence to pursue her dreams and overcome serious obstacles, or the orthopedic
surgeon who still takes strength in his daily reflections upon lessons learned at Homeplace in the 1960s.
We see the influence that your support continues to have on today’s students, including the high school principal who praises the
sudden growth in accountability, positive behavior and leadership of her young students, and the proud father who raves about his
formerly struggling son now engaging at school, taking on leadership roles and using his gifts.
VOBS reached its 50-year milestone with a year of growth, momentum and impact: we ran outstanding programs and continued
our excellent safety record; grew total revenue by 25% over 2013; and for the third consecutive year, VOBS finished with a surplus,
a solid cash reserve and no debt.
We owe this tremendous year, and all of the years before it, to you and to everyone who has
supported VOBS over time. Together we will continue to unlock in our students their true
strength of character, their ability to lead, and their desire to serve.
To serve, to strive, and not to yield,
Jack Lee
Executive Director
“I learned that without self-doubt you are able to
accomplish almost anything that you put your mind to.”
“When I was on the rocks…I thought that I was going to
give up…but then I thought NO, I am not going to stop, I
will find my way.”
“I learned to not take life and everything I have
for granted.”
The number of individual and family
students in 2014—up 31% from 2012.
The amount given out in financial
aid scholarships in 2014.
The number of school and nonprofit group students
served by the Twin Cities Center in 2014, up 277%
from 2012—mostly low-income students of color.
The number of Homeplace brigades
out at the same time in July.
Growth in number of
donors from 2012.
The true value of learning you’re capable of doing
more than you ever thought possible before.
:: 2014 Financial Report
INCOME STATEMENT for year ended December 31
Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Change in Operating
Net Assets
Change in LLC Net Assets*
Total Change in Net
which manages
the national marketing for Outward Bound schools, and in which
VOBS has 1/6 ownership.
Discovering character.
BALANCE SHEET, December 31, 2014
Operating Cash
Other Current Assets
Total Current Assets
Investment in LLC*
Net Fixed Assets
Total Assets
Current Liabilities
Unrestricted Net Assets
Temp Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Net Assets
“He sees himself as a leader and
looks for opportunities to lead...
he thinks for himself more.”
- a parent
Program expenses are 80% Homeplace, 20% Twin Cities Center.
Becoming a leader.
Desiring to serve.
“Without this trip I may not have broadened my horizons and had
the experience to push past my limit, or what I thought was my limit.
An example from the trip was canoeing for hours at a time, and I persevered with encouragement from others. When I rock climbed and
was in a tough spot I thought “Oh my God!!” and wanted to give up,
but I had the thought to keep going, I will figure something out. Now I
think I have a new hobby of rock climbing…”
- Alexander, 17
“I started seeing the things that have been holding me back in life.”
- Leslie, a veteran
“Today I know that anything in life can
be possible, but to achieve it, you must
believe in yourself and have the desire
to do it.” - Diana, 17
Thank You to the 2014
:: Board of Trustees ::
Damon Anderson
Kim Bailey
Peter Bailey
Jennifer Cary
Chris Cohen
Jud Dayton
Bill Erickson
Hervey Evans
Julie Hignell
Cindy Holker
Stewart Hudnut
Chris Kondo
Bob Moeller
Ted Moores, chair
Jerry Rosen, M.D.
Peg Skold
Don Uram
DeBorah Zackery
:: Homeplace ::
:: 50th Anniversary Celebration
Almost 400 VOBS supporters joined us on a beautiful evening in October at the Nicollet Island Pavilion in
Minneapolis to celebrate 50 years of Outward Bound in Minnesota. Polar explorer Will Steger provided an
engrossing keynote, Saint Paul Mayor Chris Coleman spoke about the importance of Outward Bound in his
life, and Founding Trustee Harry McNeely Jr. was in attendance.
Dick Bancroft and Will Steger
Executive Director
Jack Lee
Mark Weber Award Winner Jack Willis
(also Will Zest, not pictured), Homeplace
Director Suellen Sack and Twin Cities
Center Director Poppy Potter
“If it were not for Outward Bound, I would not be
standing on this stage today.”
- Saint Paul Mayor and VOBS Alumnus, Chris Coleman
Awarded the Best Nonprofit Event of 2014 by the International Special Events Society!
Photos by David Owen
The Twin Cities Center was awarded a $100,000 grant from the Susan Crown Exchange, a
foundation in Chicago, to support the creation of a new measurement tool. This new tool
will help VOBS demonstrate the impact we make in people’s lives, and is being developed in
partnership with the University of Minnesota. We were also one of just eight organizations
nationally to be invited to join the Exchange in the creation of a field guide of best
practices for organizations engaged in Social-Emotional Learning.
The Twin Cities Center was also awarded $100,000 by the McNellis Family Fund in 2014 to
support its work with African-American youth, including its work with young men
who have experienced incarceration through a partnership with Ujamaa Place.
We were honored over Labor Day to have more than 200 VOBS/MOBS past staff join us up
at Homeplace for a reunion. Every decade of our 50-year history was well-represented.
Dear VOBS Contributor,
We couldn’t have gotten here without you.
For fifty years, VOBS/MOBS donors have
given so much and in so many different
ways. Today we know we stand on the shoulders of giants—the shoulders of those whose
investments in this organization and its
students have led to incalculable returns in
the lives of those students, and indeed, our
entire society. Thank you for being a part of
this amazing and committed community of
Dan Sassenberg
Development Manager
Alverin M. Cornell Foundation
Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
Judson and Shelley Dayton
Julia W. Dayton
Lillian Goldman Charitable Trust
McNellis Family Fund
Peg and Lee Skold
Susan Crown Exchange
Kristin Weber and Family
Cargill Incorporated
Bill and Kay Erickson
Bill and Penny George
Haggerty Family Foundation
Stewart Hudnut
and Vivian Leith
Ted Moores and Janny Padelford
Richard M. Schulze Family
Jerry Rosen, M.D.
and Martha Brand
Warren and Mary Lynn Staley
State of Minnesota Office of
Social Justice
Bill Van Dyke and Jodi Billy
WCA Foundation
Robin and Brian Abbott
H.B. Fuller Company
Jack Haggerty
Benjamin Jaffray
Jeff and Malia Joy
LRE Foundation
Jack and Laura Lee
Mike and Cathy Lee
Tom and Mary Gerry Lee
Bob and Sharon Moeller
David Smilow and Tracey Hecht
Bill and Judy Walter
Heidi and Horst Wieder
WMN Foundation
Damon Anderson and Julia Loupe
Peter and Tanya Bailey
Nancy Burns
Chris and Gary Cohen
Courey Rooker Foundation
The Longview Foundation
- Ellie Crosby
Andrew Wells Daniels
Dellwood Foundation Inc.
Robert and Jeanne Gable
Gettinger Family Foundation
Patti Giebink
Lee Ann Gilbert
Chip and Janet Glaser
Dr. Bonnie Glisson
Google Matching Gifts Program
Stephen and Pamela Hassenfelt
Stefan and Lonnie Helgeson
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Bill and Deborah Johnston
Peggy Reilly
and C. Barrett Kennedy Ph.D.
Lake Country Power Electric Trust
Robert and Charlotte Lamb
Suzanne C. LeRoy
Michael and Sandra Luker
John and Sallie March
Mason Foundation
Polly and Robert McCrea
Medtronic Foundation
Peggy Meyer
Mark Moeller Scholarship
Endowment Fund
Mary and Steven Molo
Greg and Cindy Page
David Pierce
Thomas and Laurie Pohlad
Rahr Foundation
David E. Scheinfeld
and Melissa B. Barkin
Semrod Family Foundation
Don Shelby
Catherine A. Smith Fund of the
Minneapolis Foundation
Bruce and Julie Steiner
Virginia and Edward Stringer
Mac Taylor
Don Uram
Susan Ware
Michael Welp
James Wilson
Frances Ashley
Doug and Carole Baker
Doug Burnett
Debra Busch and David Pugh
René Campos
Ronald and Janet Christenson
Community Shares of Minnesota
Ned and SherryAnn Dayton
Duncan Dorris
Hervey Evans and Theresa Gaffey
Mary Gau
Nora and Scott Gill
Jeffrey and Lucy Heegaard
Quentin and Jane Johnson
Kathleen Jones
Tom Joyce
Sarah Kelly
Christopher Kondo
Bill Laitinen
Amy Lee and John Magers
Richard and Sally Leider
Robert Lewis and Sharon Link
Jeanne McCall
Harry G. McNeely, Jr.
Margaret and Brett Moore
Michael O’Rourke
and Elizabeth Richardson
Molly O’Shaughnessy
Bob and Becky Pohlad
Jean Replinger
Pat Schaffran
Robert Schnedler
and Debra Schnedler
Kenneth and Janice Skold
Leslie Stauber
Frank and Elsa Sterner
Dan Sundin
Kenneth and Julia Wegner
Frederick and Eleanor Winston
Marc Alster
Amy Arnott and Roger Ray
Satoru Asato
Dave Barnard
Jim and Sandra Bates
Michael and Susan Burskey
Julie and Ben Butler
Janet Callear
Patrick Carruthers-Green
Jennifer Cary
Joe and Jane Cavanaugh
Linda Ganister and Susan Duffy
David Giles
Dinesh Goburdhun
and Bridget Jones
Rebecca Goffena
Thomas Grote
Vincent Grundman
Jennifer Gwin
George Hamm
Jim and Ellen Hancock
Ruth Hancock
John Hannan
John and Diane Herman
Chris Hinrichs
Cindy and Jeff Holker
James and Ann Howard Family
Fund of the Minneapolis
Jon Howard
Bill and Lida Jones
Laura Kohler and Steve Proudman
Kim M. Lawrence
Ellen and David Macdonald
Joseph McGraw
John Meyer and Jo Kaplan
Leah Mobley
Open World Learning Community
Eileen O’Shaughnessy
Julia and Brian Palmer
Don Rees
Kristen Rupert and John Foote
Suellen Sack and Theo Theobald
Wayne Schmieg
Barbara Schroeder-Buck
Daniel Socci
John Sorteberg
William Stern
Michael and Laurel Stiller
Stephanie and David Strolle
Ron Usem and Mary Tambornino
Nina Utne
Edward Ward
Patty and Frank Ware
George Warrington
Mark Weiss and Scott Broer
Ted Abramson
Cherie Acierno
Dale and Patricia Alexander
Elisa Altorfer
Connie and Mark Andrew
John and Nadja Aquino
Chris Babin
Joseph and Michael Bailey
Pam Bailey
Edward Ball
Nancy Ballsrud and Jim Nelson
Michael Barlow
Michelle Barnes and Rick Taylor
Bradley Barron
Penny Bartz
Phillip Bassuk
David and Debbie Bastacky
Mike Beerntsen
Dennis Behr
Ellen Botnick
Dianne and David Brackett
Margaret Briggs
Sara Brokaw
Ronnie and Roger Brooks
Mark Brown, Mandy Degelsmith
and Noah
Daniel Browning
Gail Burke
Teresa Callies
Semmes and Christopher
Linda and James Cherney
John L. Clark, M.D.
Dominica and Frank Clavelli
Dawn and Carlyle Clawson
Douglas and Lois Coleman
Farnham Collins
James Countryman
John Cowles
and Page Knudsen Cowles
Gerald and Lynn Cox
Todd and Kathryn Cravens
Lea Crestodina
Dr. David Crowe
John D’Angelo
Marc Daniloff
Clarke de Maigret
Eric Denny
Peter Diotte
Joseph Dixon, Jr.
Deirdre Donahue
and James Dahlberg
Paul and Susan Dragsten
Kelly Dreibelbis
Emily Drummond
Helen Dunlap
Howard and Carol Ellegant
Robie and Theresa Elms
Robert and Ruth England
James Erickson
Lee Erickson
Christopher Ezzo
Angela Ferrannini
Steven and Cheryl Fish
Tyler Fish and Sarah Lakosky
James and Laurie Ford
Howard and Mary Lou Fox
Howard and Linnea Franck
Patricia and David Fritz
Joe Funk
Genevieve Gadenne
Ernest Galloway
Byrna and Edward Gamson
Briana Garrison
Rev. Donald Genereux
Sara Gensmer
Nicole and Cole Gibas
Kathleen Golden
Jane Goodrich
Karen and Ronald Gotwalt
Richard Greenthal
Kenneth and Carla Greiber
Kevin Greiber
Laura Griffiths
Susan and Robert Halonen
Elizabeth Hancock
James and Kristen Hancock
Craig and Karen Hansen
Jay and Nicole Hansen
Pete Hansen and Heather Rigert
Todd and Midi Hansen
Ian Harmon
Debbie Hauserman
Inna Hays
Chip and Helen Hayssen
Christopher and Heidi Hedberg
Julie and Martin Hignell
Timothy and Glenda Hoogland
Alisa Hoven
Fran Howard
Dr. Mark and Ruth Hroncich
Douglas Humes
Melissa Hurtt
Eileen Huston
Alan Hyman
Megan Ihlenfeld
Carrie James
Jeanne Johnson
M. C. Jones
Patricia Jones
Marianne and Philip Kanning
Susan Kaufman
and John Sullivan
Dennis Kearney
Phil and Sally Kellogg
Keith Kenny
Carl and Mary King
Kirk Kellogg Foundation
Beth Kirschner
Sally Koering Zimney
and Andy Zimney
Max and Eve Koltuv
Kent Koshkarian
Leslie Kreofsky
Kevin Kucik
Duane Kullberg
Jane Kunz
David Lagasse
Eleanor Lahr
Ruth Landsberg Suzman
Mary Langer
Rob and Karen Laughlin
Tom and Kate Law
Elizabeth Leach
Jeffrey Lee and Esther Derby
Tamara Lee Kaplan
George and Beverly Levy
Andrew Lewis and Denise Lewis
Philip Li
Rev. John and Jane Lionberger
Lawrence Litchfield
Jesse Littleton
Christopher Loar
and Catherine Palmer-Loar
Steven Loscheider
Cathy and Tim Maes
Kimberley Marshall
Donald and Elizabeth Maruska
Ann Mavis
Steve May
Karin McDonald
Terry McEnany
Maureen McGraw
and Daniel Reisenfeld
James and Sally McLaughlin
Tim Mihalko
David Miley
Kent Miller
Mark Moeller
Kim Moore Bailey
Kristine Mosher
and Evan Faltesek
Denis and Carol Nagan
Dr. and Mrs. David Nahrwold
Beverly Napieracz
Joanne Neri
Philip and Marriane Nielsen
Jessica Noglows
Elinor and William Ogden
Hans and Evern Olsen
Mary O’Neil
Edward and Susan
John G. Ordway III
Derry Patterson
Thomas and Liane Petersen
Jason Peterson
Carlton Pierce
Carol Pine
Deborah W. Pinkerton
Melinda Pobanz
Chris and Veronica Polston
Randolph and Carolyn Powell
Nancy Powers
Laurelyn Pratt
Mandy Prorok
Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Bill Pye
Joyce Quigley
Jody Radtke
Dean Rau and Sarah Lund
Jim and Brenda Reidt
Roger and Gladys Reiling
Alison and Peter Reynolds
Wint Ritchie
Peter and Mary Ritten
C. B. Robertson
Donald Rubovits
William and Judy Rummler
Alexandra Ryan
Martha Ryan
Mary and Daniel Ryan
Robin Ryan
Betty Salzberg
and Lawrence Morris
James Sampson
Martin and Ellen Sampson
John Sandahl
Christine Sawyer
Stephen Schreader
Terrence Shaughnessy
Lacy Shelby
John and Lucy Shonyo
Rebecca Shuford
David Siegel
Beth Silverwater
William Simmonds
Lacie Sims
Christina Smith
Jessie and Frank Snyder
Nancy Sohn
Allen Spivack
and Sherry Grossman
Robert and Barbara Stahl
Kim Stiles
Barbara Strock
Michael Strutzel
Shelley Supplee
Shiela Susick
James Suttie
Scott Swenson
Brion and Ladelia Szwed
Mollie Thompson
and Alex Vollmer
Don Tucker
Marc and Rene Usem
Jesus Vega
and Aloida Zaragoza
Kathie Velazquez
Harold and Paula Vestermark
Dana and Thomas Vogen
Jessica Warmby
Deke and Hope Welles
Ryan Welty
Mark Wendt and Michele
Barbara Wessel
Marcia Whelen
Mary White
Barbara Wiese
Jack and Kathleen Willis
Bob Winchell
My Yang
John Young
Frank and Jacquline
Tamar Zick and Maureen
Daniel and Peggy Zimmerman
Jennifer Zimmerman Bronder
Nicole Abramson
Dorothy Ahern
Mike and Janet Allen
James and Carol Anderson
Leif Anderson
Marc Anderson
Mike Anderson
and Jane Delehanty
Scott Antin
Olivia Arakawa
Jim Arnfelt
Mary Augustiny
Averill Babson
Kate Bailey
Jack and Ronda Bandy
Joan Baruffi
Robert C. Bassett
Joshua Baxter
Brian Beatty
Raquel Beechner
Martha Beery Milbery
Kathleen and Brady Benson
Megan Bierman
Deborah Billings
and Roger Billings, Jr.
Micah Blum
Sara Blumenthal
Allison Brandenburg
Paul and Denise Brodeur
Jacquelyn Brooks
Elton Brown
Phil Brown
Alexander Browning
Robert and Shirley Buehler
Catherine Buffaloe
Katherine Cairns
Lucius Caldwell
Diane and Bruce Carleton
David Carter
Fred Cashner
James Clark
Paula Cohen
Gary Comins
Jason Corsi
Merle Cosgrove
Denise Crawford
Daughters of the American
Revolution Crater Lake
Rita Davern
David Dewan, M.D.
Susan Diamond
Deborah Dickison Whidden
Barbara M. Diederichs
Peter Dill
Clark Donnelly
James Durfey
Elizabeth Dussol
Marit Dvorak
and Derek Shanahan
Eric Eaton
Nancy Ebler
Michelle Enciso
Judy Erdahl
Jane Ernst
Sandra Esene
Thomas and Anne Fahey
James Feerst
and Judith Miller Feerst
Abby Fenton
Nancy Fesler
Venessa and Dave Fiedler
Dewayne and Debbie Fields
Jeffrey Fish
Benjamin Folk
Elizabeth Fredrick
Susan Freeman
Shawn Friberg
Bernard Friel
Alan and Barbara Fritsche
Monte Fronk
Rachel Garwin
Jennifer Gasperini
Derek Gavelis
Adam Gerber
Corrine Gilbertson
Cheryl Giles
Carrie Gingras
Joan Glennon
John Golden
June Goodnature
Kathleen Graham
James Gratzek
Greater Twin Cities United Way
Joseph Green
John Gundale
Cindy Hacker
Robert Hackney
Leslie and Gregg Hague
Dave Hakanson
Christopher Hancock
John and Tania Hanisee
Dawn Hansen
Joanne Hanson
Shari Harrison
Nathaniel Hausman
John and Jane Hawkins
Barbara Held
and Jeremy Molson
Victoria Hepperlen
Kedar Hickman
Emily Hjelm
Tim and Lisa Hofmann
Eric and Gina Howden
Yeewen Huang
Barbara Hughes
Taylor Huntley
Georgia and John Jeffers
Valerie Jeffries
Thomas and Christine Jensen
Joan Johnson
Laura L. Johnson
Jerritt Johnston
Eric and Joan Kallas
Robert Katz
Marge and Richard Kellor
Susan Kerry
Connor Klein
Jennifer Kramm
Tealie Krugerud
Alex Kulisek
Louis Lacagnina
Marita Larson
MaryBridget Leba
Jozef Lechanski
Robert Lecky
Christopher Leeming
Suzanne Levin
Sally Lightner
Caryn Lindsay
Tammy Lindsley
Katherine Linge
Elizabeth Lingle
Ellen Litle
Brad Little
Daniel Little
Janet Llewellyn
Dr. Gary Long
and Margot Cusack Long
Patricia Lueck
Eric Lunde
Lindsey Lyford
Jennifer Madden
Jolene Maes
Raymond Maguire
Brian Mahaffy
Kathleen Mallery
Dr. David Martin
Scott Masini
Dennis McGrath
David and Elizabeth McNab
Rose Meier
Todd Mercural-Chapman
Stephanie and Adrien Meriaux
Gregory Mertz
Jessica Merwin
Carol Meverden
Mary Lou Meyer
Denise Michaels
Karen Mjolness
Donald Modder
Maria Moeller
Matthew Moen
Madeleine Monat
Norman Moody
Siglinde Moore
Stephanie Morey
Karen Morgan
Julia Morton
Andrew Mott
Mark and Barbara Muehlhausen
Dana Muldoon
James Mullin
Ryszarda Murphy
Dotty Nelson
Jeffrey and Marja Nelson
Larry and Marilyn Nelson
Toni Nemanick
Jackie Niemand
Jayne Nucete and Diane Tolis
Mary O’Brien
Susan and Bryan O’Connor
Bruce and Robbin Oehler
Sally Oestreich
Sarah Olson
Traci Ordonez
Beth Parrott
Janet Pate
Kelly Pennington
Lili Perski
Todd Polucha
Mark Pridgeon
Robert Prieb
Edward and Ann Probert
Alyson Quinn
Katherine Raadt
Charles Radlo
Donna Raftery
Scott Renstrom
Jon Reynolds
Andrew Rinzler
William and Kathleen Riordan
Tom Risor
Christopher Rooney
Michael Roseman
Kate and Tim Rosok
Ned Rukavina
and Leslie Pilgrim
Timothy Ryan
Jeff Salman
Rae Sanders
Nicholas Santrizos
Dan Sassenberg
Kenneth Schroepfer
Philip Sciabarrasi
Mary Sellers
Joseph Seltz
Kelsey Semrod
Kathryn Sharpe
Robert and Ann Shedden
Gail Shore
James and Cindy Shorris
Susan Simmons
Kristin Simonson
Patti Sinykin
Barbara Sipp
Karna Sjoberg
Charles Slavin
Jim Sovada
Daniel Stark
Janet Stark
Kevin Stark
Lynn Starkovich
Andy Steele
Dane Stevens
Kimberly Stout
Kai Strandskov
Wade Strauss
Barbara Strickland
Anna Swarts
Norman and Margaret Swicker
Ruth and John Teeple
Kevin Thies
Jane Thrash
Mark Todd
James and Jennie Tomhave
Davis Tracy
Matt Tronnier
Karen Van Linge
Rebecca Vanderwerf
Leah Villa
Daniel Voye
Jacqueline Wegwerth
Pamela Wehr
Margaret Wessel
George West
Deborah White
Noam Wiggs and Kristin Bugbee
Priyanka Wilkins
Molly Willmott
Jeffrey Wilt
Gretchin M. Witman
Darlene Wnek
Diane Wold
Claudia Woodard
Kevin and Marsha Wylie
Rudell Wynder
Lee Yowell
Deborah Zilverberg
donations received 1/1/20141/31/2015
The Paul and Sheila Wellstone Center in Saint Paul,
home of the VOBS Twin Cities Center.
Voyageur Outward Bound School
Twin Cities Center (main office): 179 Robie Street East, Ste 295
Saint Paul, MN 55107
Homeplace: PO Box 450, Ely, MN 55731
:: 50th Anniversary Staff Reunion ::
Photo by David Owen