4 December 2015 - Blackwood High School


4 December 2015 - Blackwood High School
No 12 – 4 December 2015
2015 School Year
Our calendar format in
the school newsletter has
changed. The calendar
dates that used to appear
here are now listed on the
We have changed the
format so that we can
include more dates which
will assist families in their
forward planning.
It just seems like yesterday when we were welcoming the new Year 8 students to Blackwood
High School. The last few weeks have been busy in finalising teaching and learning programs,
Semester 2 reports and planning for 2016. Our Year 11 Students had the opportunity to get a
head start on their Year 12 studies for 2016 with a week of introductory subject sessions. I
know many teachers provided students with work they can start during the school holidays.
The last two weeks of the school year are also busy with acknowledgements of student
achievements with the recent Year 11 presentation assembly and morning tea on 1 December
followed by the Year 10 Graduation on 2 December. This week will see the presentation
assemblies for Year 8 and 9. These events are always wonderful as we provide public
acknowledgement of the many achievements of our student; be they academic, service and/or
performance. It is always heartening to see the maturity with which our students participate in
these celebrations congratulating others and being confidently compered by students.
On 2 December the 2016 Class of Year 8 joined the school for the day. They worked with their
Care Group teachers and undertook lessons and in orientation program to assist with them
transition into the school. At the end of the day many of the parents and caregivers returned to
the school to see their children and visit the Middle School area where Year 8 students spend
their first year in our school.
On behalf of the staff of Blackwood High School I would like to wish all of our students and
families, along with our community partners, a safe and happy festive season. I hope that the
remainder of 2015 is filled with joy and the unfolding of 2016 brings all the very best.
To the students and families who are leaving our school, I wish you all the very best as you
travel the paths to unfolding futures.
Staff Changes at the End of 2015
The Staff at Blackwood
High School would like
to wish all of the School
Community and their
Season Greetings and
a safe and happy
The end of the school year brings with it the end of time for some staff due to retirement,
transfer or end of tenure.
This year we have five staff retiring. Collectively these staff have contributed 87 years to
Blackwood High School and 174 years to education.
 Mrs Lindy Bartlett has taught at Blackwood High School for 19 years. She
leaves us having contributed 44 years teaching across three states. During
her time at the school Lindy has taught Biology, Physics, Science and
Mathematics. She has been the Year 10 Leader mentoring, supporting and
cajoling many a student as they navigate their final year of the IBMYP, PLP
and Personal Project. Lindy’s commitment to each and every student who has been in her
class or for whom she has had responsibility have been the recipients of her love of
learning and her energy. Lindy will leave to pursue travel and time to relax.
 Mrs Sandy Dorshorst has been at Blackwood High School since 1996 contributing a total of
thirty two years in public education in South Australia including working at Roxby Downs
Area School. During Sandy’s time at Blackwood High she has provided support to seven
principals, undertaken the role to support the International Coordinator and assisted many
teachers particularly in her daily management of reliefs. Sandy has been a
main stay of the school being able to mentor and support teachers and
support staff through her expertise and knowledge about many of the
requirements of the Education Department. The recipients of her calm and
assuring manner have included not only the staff but also students, parents
and visitors to the school. Sandy will leave the school to pursue time with her
grandchildren, cooking and as her husband has said “Gone Fishing”.
NEWSLETTER NO. 12 – 4 December 2015
Mrs Robyn Fuller joined Blackwood High School in 1989. During that time she worked in the
Resource Centre and witnessed the burgeoning impact of technology in supporting education. She
has undertaken the vital role of electrical testing, endlessly tagging equipment across the school.
She has assisted students and teachers with the issuing of resources and managed the school’s
archives. When the Performing Arts Centre was opened in 2004, Robyn was responsible for hiring
the facilities to other schools, community members and local organisations. She has demonstrated
a calm manner and rapport with everyone she comes into contact with. Robyn will pursue her community
interest along with cycling and rowing.
 Mr Graham Hook leaves Blackwood High School having been the inaugural coordinator of the newly
established Autism Intervention Program in 2013. He has spent 38 years teaching in public schools
with a commitment to supporting students with specific education needs. Graham has a calm
approach to all situations which instills confidence in those who meet him and work with him. He has
had an unwaving commitment to students he works with developing independent living skills as part
of their academic program. He leaves us to pursue travel, photography and time with his family,
particularly his grandchildren.
 Ms Sue Wilkinson leaves Blackwood High School having had a teaching career of 46 years of which a
combined 19 years have been at our school over two different times. Most recently Sue has worked
in the Resource Centre. During her teaching time her main area of responsibility was teaching music
including strings, piano and conducting the orchestra. Sue leaves to pursue travel, reading and her
love of horse riding.
On behalf of the education community I would like to acknowledge the outstanding commitment these
five staff have made to Blackwood High. Their impact on the lives of the students and their colleagues will be
Farewell to other staff
At this stage of the year we are farewelling a number of staff who have been at Blackwood High School for many
years, this year or part of the year. Some of these staff are moving to other schools or have won leadership positions.
They include:
Ms Chris Bourlioufas, Mr Liam Clarke, Ms Vanessa Crane, Ms Margaret Brockhoff, Mr Brad Cummins, Ms Rachelle de
Fazio, Ms Lee Ann Dunstall, Mr Nic Hurcombe, Mr Aaron Jacquier, Ms Adrienne Kajewski, Ms Laura Packard, Ms
Natalie Reinboth, Dr Rogan Tinsley, Ms Robyn Trebilcock Ms Michelle Zirngast, Mr Terry Patiniotis, Ms Hannah Knight
and Mr Hue Plumtree.
We wish these staff moving to a new school all the very best.
School Security
School holidays pose an increased risk to school property. If anyone sees suspicious behaviour on our school site it
can be reported to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or Police Emergency 131444.
Report & Cambium distribution
Semester 2, Term 4 reports will be distributed on Wednesday 9 December. Year 10 and 11 reports can be collected
from the Senior Learning Centre between 9am and 12noon. Year 8 and 9 reports will be distributed at the end of the
school day. Students are only able to collect their own reports. A reminder, that students cannot be given the reports
of others students.
Any reports not collected will be available from Student Services between 8.30am and 3.00pm on 10, 14 to 16
December. Student Services can be accessed via the Front Foyer area.
Forward Planning
The Governing Council approved the following Student Free Days for 2016 at the recent meeting on 1 December
The School Closure has been approved for FRIDAY 2 SEPTEMBER which coincides with the first day of the 2016 Royal
Adelaide Show.
Harassment and Bullying Policy and Procedures
At the recent Governing Council meeting the updated Harassment and Bullying Policy and Procedures was approved.
The updated documents have been reviewed and changed based on staff and student feedback. They will be
uploaded to the school’s website for the beginning of the 2016 school year.
NEWSLETTER NO. 12 – 4 December 2015
Cycling Opportunity
Cycling South Australia is offering Year 5 to 9 students the opportunity to undertake training and racing opportunities
at the Criterium Track in Victoria Park on Saturday mornings. Bikes are available for use during training and racing
sessions. Any student interested in this opportunity can email Susan Bassett on susan.bassett@cycling.org.au or ring
0410 336 983 or Peter MacDonald on sa.ceo@cylcing.org.au
Marion Coady, Principal
 Congratulations to Bethan Mounfield in Year 9 who competed in the Swimming at the Australian
Short Course National Championships in Sydney from 23 to 27 November 2015.
 Congratulations to Branden Penn in Year 9. Branden started learning karate at about 10 years of
age, achieving a brown belt (two below black) before his interest in kick boxing led him to Muay
Thai. He travelled to Thailand with his family during August this year to compete in the Muay Thai
World Titles, in which he achieved third place in his age category. He followed up with a second
place in the Australian National Titles in Queensland during October. Remarkable achievements
indeed! To compete so successfully at such a high level requires a great deal of discipline, hard work,
and talent. Branden estimates that he typically trains for about 10 hours each week.
Congratulations Branden and best wishes for all your future endeavours!
All of our 743 families were posted information and voting slips about making the 2016 Material and Services Charge
legally recoverable. Thank you to the 51 families who returned their votes.
The result was in favour of making our $800 Material and Services Charge 2016 legally recoverable.
Michael Tlauka, Chair of Governing Council
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those families that have paid their school charges or are continuing to
make instalments.
At this time of year we have students getting ready to move on to different aspects of their lives whether university,
apprenticeship, hospitality or sales or other education.
All school fees and any other associated payments need to be finalised prior to the end of the year for students
completing their education at Blackwood High School.
You will receive a final statement for the year for any outstanding amounts due in the post in the coming week.
Please ensure that all your payments have been applied as I have one family that have been paying via our bank
account with no name attached. If you think this may be you, please contact Sharna on 8278 0929.
We would like to wish your child every success for the future and we hope they have enjoyed the experience of
attending Blackwood High school.
Have a fantastic Christmas and New Year.
Sharna Granpre-Moliere, Senior Finance Officer
Adelaide Metro has advised the school that if any students will be at school on Friday 11 December, buses will be
coming at 12 noon.
As part of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program at Blackwood High School, all Year 8 students
prepare a formal presentation about what, why and how they learn. We held this year’s presentations on Monday 7
Each panel includes a Care Group teacher, other Blackwood High School staff and students’ family members. This
year we have a wide range of guest panellists, including former staff members as well as representatives of Rotary,
local and state government.
NEWSLETTER NO. 12 – 4 December 2015
On Wednesday 25
November, the Year 9
Netball class had an
activity day at the
Woodhouse Activity
Centre in Piccadilly. It
was a fantastic day,
with great weather
and great spirits.
There were three
that the girls participated in across the day, all aiming to challenge or
engage them in different ways. Challenge Hill was a fun team obstacle course, where we had to move as a group
through some challenging obstacles such as the Mouse Trap and the
River Crossing. Laser Skirmish was an activity where the girls were
split into two teams and competed through a lush forest area with
lots of places to hide, while kitted out with laser guns fighting for
each team. The last activity was Frisnet Golf, which as the name
suggests was a combination of Frisbee and golf, which was a nice
activity to finish on as it wasn’t as fast a pace as the previous two. It
was a great day out doing a different style of team bonding and it
was a very enjoyable way to finish off the year in the netball
Laura Packard, Netball Program Manager
On 28 June 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie were murdered in Sarajevo, Austria by Gavrilo
Princip, one of the seven assassins who comprised the Serbian separatist group, “The Black Hand”. This triggered
World War I, a horrific war that lasted four years and caused over 38
million causalities, both military and civilian. On 11 November at 11 am,
the guns stopped firing. The war was over. People ran into the streets
dancing, drinking champagne and hailing the peace.
On 11 November 2015 Blackwood High School commemorated
Australia’s efforts in World War I, 100 years on. The Assembly was
hosted by Cooper Goss and Eleana Willmott. Students Emily Crump,
Charlotte Meldrum, Kabilan Venkatasalam, Adam Turner and Leia Glenn
talked about the causes of World War I, Australia’s commitment to the
Allied war effort and the
events around Armistice
Day. After the students Cooper and Eleana hosts of the Assembly
spoke of World War I, the
Last Post was played and
there was a minute’s silence to remember the fallen soldiers.
“I think that Remembrance Day is incredibly important as we
remember the fallen Australian soldiers and the history of World War
I,” said one student.
Another student noted that “The last post, which is played at every
Remembrance Day ceremony, has great significance to Australians as
it gives us time to reflect on the efforts of the soldiers who enlisted and
gave their lives to protect our country and to fight for what was right.”
Charlotte Thomson and Tayla Rosewarne-Reece, Year 10 Students
Charlotte spoke about the enthusiasm of
young Australian men to enlist
NEWSLETTER NO. 12 – 4 December 2015
In July Blackwood High School participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition, sponsored by the
Commonwealth Bank. This was a voluntary competition with 39 students participating, with excellent results from
our students. The students below received their certificates in Term 4 for achieving distinctions and credits, the
remaining students acquired proficiency and participation certificates.
Alina Tairli – Year 8
Noah Osmond – Year 8
Cameron O’Connell – Year 9
Year 8
Joshua Campbell-Rage
Jude Hunter
Alexander Lauritsen
Cameron Rowley
Year 9
Jai Brown
Allaina-Jean Chadwick
Misa Hirahara
Jing Zhan Lim
Tyler Petersen-Dix
Kingsley Rosman
Cassandra Shannon
Amilga Sunarko
Fedor Tairli
Yaqi Wei
Year 10
William Bae
Natsu Endo
Hugh Limbert
Year 11
Jaimee Bruer
Ian Douglas
Emily Lauritsen
Proficient Certificate
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Renjana Al-Haq
Toby Edwards
Michael Bes
Nathaniel Ramesh
Muhammaad Hamiludin
Jaidyn Maidment
Martin Nachazel
Jules Marjanac
Aishwarya Manumari
Zane Millington
Eddy Tse
Giordan Staines
Anna Tulloch
Olivia Wheeler
An achievement by all the students who participated was to demonstrate great
understanding with many problem solving situations that were required to test a
high-order of thinking.
Congratulations to Alina Tairli for receiving the highest award for Blackwood High
School that was presented at Glenunga High School in November. Well done
Rachelle De Fazio, Mathematics teacher and Amanda Aulert, Leader Mathematics
Year 8/9 and Year 10 Beach Volleyball Carnival
On Monday 16 November and Wednesday 18
November Blackwood High School went to Glenelg
Beach for the annual Year 8/9 and Year 10 Beach
Volleyball Carnivals respectively. Over the two days
we were represented by a total of 12 teams and 75
students who competed in a round robin competition
leading to finals. We had some great success with a
lot of our teams making it deep into the finals of their
competition. Our students represented the school
with outstanding sportsmanship and overall both
days were a success and all staff and students
involved had a fantastic time.
Liam Clarke, Sports Officer
Year 12
James Herriman
Lachlan Hunt
NEWSLETTER NO. 12 – 4 December 2015
On Wednesday evening 2 December at Blackwood Hills Baptist Church, approximately three hundred students,
parents and families, invited guests and staff celebrated the Year 10 Graduation.
At Blackwood High School Year 10 Graduation marks the transition from the IBMYP to the SACE, from adolescence to
young adulthood, and from school based to SACE and VET accredited learning and assessment. The program
commenced with Kobe Cavouras reading the Acknowledgement of Country and showcased the achievements and
talents of our Year 10 cohort. Student presenters Ethan Keen, Kaitie Harris, Yoshua Aranibar Sabag, Kelly Whitehead,
Ryan Williams and Imogen Deller-Evans brilliantly hosted the evening. Musical items were performances by Yoshua
Aranibar Sabag, Natalie Macarthur and Amelia Watson; Hot Coffee – Cooper Goss, Dylan Stewart and Cameron
Crawshaw accompanied by Mr Ben Dening; and Artisan Rabbits Ryan Williams, Jackson Pagett and Chris Williams a
Year 12. Valedictory speeches, which shared some amusing insights into student life as a Year 10 student at
Blackwood High School, were given by River Moore and Hiromi Hill.
Dozens of students had their opportunity to be in the spotlight as they were awarded Subject Awards, IBMYP
Recognition Certificates and Personal Project Merit Awards. Every student was presented with a Graduation
Certificate by Care Group teachers. The evening culminated with the announcement of the special award winners
listed below.
Wednesday evening also provided an opportunity for the Year 10 students to officially
farewell me (Lindy Bartlett, the Year 10 Leader) as I retire from teaching this year, and
for this, I sincerely thank you.
We were pleased to be joined by so many family members to celebrate the emerging
skills, talents and achievements of this wonderful group of young people.
Finally, I would like to say THANK YOU to the Blackwood High School community – past
and present over these last 19 years. It has been both a privilege and pleasure as a
teacher to have accompanied so very many students on part of their lifelong learning journey. All the very best in
your future endeavours.
Lindy Bartlett, Year 10 Level Leader - Physics, Biology, IBMYP Science Teacher
Student Name
Ella Burton
Isobel Stolinski
James La Vanda
River Moore
Hiromi Hill
Hiromi Hill
Magarey Shield
Australian Defence Force – Long Tan
Year 10 Dux 2015
Student Name
Martin Nachazel
Advanced Production Technology
Grace Williams
Child Studies
Rosalind Stafford
Yoshua Aranibar Sabag Design
Martin Nachazel
Amelia Watson
Charlotte Thomson
Food Technology
Thomas Brown
Hattie Waters
Ella Burton
Girls and Physical Activity
River Moore
Health and Physical Education
Molly McCarthy
Phan Min Duc Nguyen
Intensive Secondary English Course (ISEC)
Amelia Needs
Cameron Crawshaw
Materials Technology
Martin Nachazel
Martin Nachazel
Mathematics Extension
Lindy Bartlett collected for James La Vanda who
was in Africa with the World Challenge team
NEWSLETTER NO. 12 – 4 December 2015
Yoshua Aranibar Sabag
Kelly Whitehead
Natsu Endo
Hiromi Hill
Martin Nachazel
Matthew Walton
Daniel Elliott
Thomas Brown
Ella Burton
Bailey Dyer
Craig Meharry
Hiromi Hill
Jaehoon Bae
Taaid Falah
Jackson Pagett
Ryan Williams
Science Extension
Specialist Physical Education
Sports Studies
Visual Art - 2D
Visual Art - Craft
World Challenge
2015 Vocational Education and Training
Stage 1 English Communications
Stage 1 Mathematical Studies
Arts Factor 1st Prize
Arts Factor 1st Prize
Arts Factor 1st Prize
Mitcham Hills College IBMYP Graduates
Emily Coleman
Cooper Goss
Olivia Jaensch
Robyn Meyer
IB Personal Project Merit Awards
Thomas Brown
Imogen Deller-Evans
Nina Lombardi
Hayley Sutter
Lindsey Green
Amelia Needs
Bailey Dyer
Hattie Waters
Ainal Hasna
Hattie Waters
Hiromi Hill
Hiromi Hill
NEWSLETTER NO. 12 – 4 December 2015
It was wonderful to see all our talented and enthusiastic students congregate in the Performing Arts Centre to
celebrate the achievements of 2015. This year’s Presentation Assembly was hosted by our Student Representatives
Kate Westphalen, Nathaniel Ramesh and Maya Tlauka. The assembly began with a recount of the SRC’s achievements
and focus on school improvement, building leadership skills and participating in action research into positive
education and what it can mean for students. Our SRC, with the support of Ms Buesnel, raised funds for various
organisations that raise awareness for Salvation Army, Oxfam, Brain Cancer research and World Vision, with the
assistance of Sam Thomson.
We would like to congratulate all our award recipients and thank the various community groups including The Lions
Club and The Rotary Club of Blackwood who have supported Blackwood High School. This year The Lions Bursary
Awards were presented to Shahin Javadifar and India Plummer. Both of these students have shown perseverance and
dedication to their studies and other aspects of their school life.
The Rotary Award was presented to Kate Westphalen in recognition of her dedication and active role as the Vice
President of the SRC and academic achievements.
A long standing award at our school is The Winn Award and was presented to Nathaniel Ramesh for his academic
achievements and service to both the school and the community.
Congratulations to Maya Tlauka the Year 11 Dux of 2015, who achieved the highest outstanding level of academic
achievements on all subjects assessed over the four terms in Biology, Chemistry, English Studies, German, History and
Research Project.
Congratulations to the following students who have shown outstanding Academic Achievement in the subject areas.
Mary Hodson, Assistant Principal Senior School
Student Name
Major Awards
Hinako Igarashi
International Student farewell
Yuya Suzuki
International Student farewell
Isaac Jurecky
Victoria Nicholls
Nikki Schwarz
Vocational Student of the Year
Kai Bain
ASBA Student of the Year
Shahin Javadifar
Lions Bursary
India Plummer
Lions Bursary
Kate Westphalen
Nathaniel Ramesh
Winn Medal
Maya Tlauka
Year 11 Dux 2015
Year 11 Subject Awards
Student Name
Jordan Kervers
Advanced Technologies
Tahlia Harrison
Child Studies
Chantelle Fey
Aimee Magallon
Brenda Chigwidden
Haiying Liang
English as a Second Language
Hiromi Hill
English Communications
Chloe Shearer
Food & Hospitality
Josh Buckney
Furniture Construction
Melissa Pisano
Kynan Saurbrey
IPP Electro-Technology
Jarred Clarke
Mathematical Applications
Jaehoon Bae
Mathematical Studies
Nicholas Congedi
Erin Hegarty
Erin Hegarty
Student Name
Skye Jepps
Adrian Hammer
Abbey Hutton
Abbey Hutton
Emily Lauritsen
Emily Lauritsen
Nathaniel Ramesh
Nathaniel Ramesh
Mitchell Smith
Mitchell Smith
Maya Tlauka
Maya Tlauka
Maya Tlauka
Maya Tlauka
Maya Tlauka
Maya Tlauka
Visual Art
Workplace Practices
Specialist Maths
Business & Enterprise
Legal Studies
Physical Education
English Studies
Research Project
NEWSLETTER NO. 12 – 4 December 2015
This past year may have caused sleepless nights, high stress levels and a few tears.
Year 11 has been a big step up from Year 10, some people even say that this is the
biggest leap we will have to take in high school. But in my opinion Year 11 has
definitely been the best year so far.
We started off this year by making our way for an Orientation Day at Flinders
University which would begin the stream of many conversations regarding our
futures. A future which is getting closer, but for now let us focus on this year brought
the introduction of the study line; a novelty which I don’t think wore off. Of course for
many it was a time that we told ourselves we were going to use for studying and
staying on top of our work. Congratulations to
anyone who achieved this consistently throughout
the year. This year also brought about our first taste
of proper exams, which I’m not going to talk about any further due to not wanting to
trigger any possible Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. So while this year has come with
its ups and downs, it’s important to remember what we have achieved, no matter
how small.
It’s at this time I’m supposed to share a cute anecdote about the year we are about
to embark on, after some well needed holidays of course. Some quote that will
summarise the stress, pressure and excitement we will feel throughout the year. The
harsh truth there is no quote. Nothing will summarise next year, until we finish next
year. For some of you, next year will be your final year of formal education, for some
it will be the last puzzle piece before going to university. Next year will be a time of many lasts, but many firsts. For
some it will be the first formal we attend, or for some it will be their last. We finally get to become the big kids of the
school again, for the first time in five years. We’ll experience the last day of high school, which will be overly
celebrated until we realise we have some major studying to do. The truth of the
matter is there will be nothing quite like Year 12, so breathe in and enjoy every last
Despite how often we blame our teachers for all the work we receive, and how many
times we are convinced they are all working together to make that sure all pieces of
work are due in the same week, it is important that we thank them putting up with us.
So thank you to all the teachers who helped us through this year and helped us to
start preparing for the next. But I think the most important people to acknowledge
today is us, the students, because we did it. We made it through another year, we
may have shed some tears and lost our minds at times along the way, but now it is
over and we can look forward to a nice long holidays.
So enjoy your holidays, have a good Christmas and we will see you next year.
Emma Roberts, Eleana Willmott and Emily Lauritsen, Year 11 students
NEWSLETTER NO. 12 – 4 December 2015
On Friday 20 November Blackwood High School hosted
the annual Year 6 Cluster Sports Day. A total of 260
Year 6 students from our feeder schools, Belair,
Coromandel Valley and Eden Hills Primary School,
attended the day. The day was run by the Blackwood
High School Physical Education staff and Blackwood
High School students who showed outstanding
leadership in their roles. A number of sporting activities
were conducted with students from the Specialist Football and Netball programs hosting
stations as well as a number of other activities including badminton, table tennis, World
Challenge, Ultimate Frisbee, Tennis, T-ball, Volleyball and Dance. The focus for the day was
for students to have fun while being physically active in a range of sporting and
recreational activities. The 100 Blackwood High School students who volunteered their
time to help out on the day were a credit to themselves and great ambassadors for
Blackwood High School. The day provided a fantastic opportunity for the primary students
to work in a different setting with peers
from a variety of schools. We look forward
to hosting the event again in 2016.
Glen Little and Liam Clarke
The Seven Deadly Teenage Sins, performed by the Year 9 Drama class on Wednesday 25 November, was conceived
after discussion with students about the ‘original’ seven deadly sins as part of our research into Medieval Theatre.
Students devised and polished scenes that were the most popular in the group and deemed to be the most ‘sinful’,
much to the amusement of their teenage audience. Congratulations to the cast for their fine ideas, amazing ensemble
work and skilful performances.
Brigitte Esvelt, Drama Teacher
NEWSLETTER NO. 12 – 4 December 2015
When: Tues 15, Wed 16 and Thur17 Dec
From: 9:30 - 11:30am
Priceline Stadium 155 Railway Tce,
Mile End SA
Netball SA is running School Holiday Clinics
When: 19 & 20 January
Priceline Stadium 155 Railway Tce,
Mile End SA
Time and date vary dependant upon the
participants age.
Weblink: http://sa.netball.com.au/netball-saschool-holiday-clinics/
Are you the parent of a school aged child with a
Minda is looking for participants to be involved in
a market research project to understand more
about the needs and desires of people with a
disability and their families and to inform the
design of future services under the National
Disability Insurance Scheme.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
aims to support Australians with a significant and
permanent disability. The NDIS will mean access to
supports for anyone who has, or might acquire, a
The NDIS gives people with a disability more choice
and control over how, when and where their
supports are provided, and gives them certainty
they’ll receive the support they need over their
Developing services for the future is a critical goal
to ensure that people with disability can access
supports that enable them to fulfil their goals and
aspirations and the outcomes they require to live
full and valued lives within their communities.
At Minda we are transitioning to the NDIS and to
do this successfully, we want to better understand
the support needs of various groups, what these
groups are looking for from a service provider and
what new services might be required.
All interviews will be conducted by an external
research provider and you will not be identified in
the research report. All responses will be kept
If you are interested and available to be involved
during the week commencing 7 December 2015,
please get in touch with Disability Choices on
84666244 to register your interest.
NEWSLETTER NO. 12 – 4 December 2015
Term 4 2015 Diary Dates
Dec 7
Dec 7
Dec 8
Dec 9
Dec 11
Year 8 Panel Presentations (by appointment)
Year 9 Curriculum Activities
Year 8 & 9 Curriculum Activities
Year 8 & 9 Curriculum Activities & Presentation Assemblies
Year 8 & 9 students dismissed at 12:00 noon
8:00am - 4:15pm
8.40am – 3.10pm
8.40am – 3.10pm
8.40am – 3.10pm
Term 1 2016 Diary Dates
Feb 1
Feb 5
Feb 8
Feb 10
Feb 16
Feb 16
Feb 18
Feb 23
Feb 22
Feb 24
Mar 4
Mar 8
Mar 14
Mar 15
Mar 21
Mar 25
Mar 28
Apr 13
Apr 15
School commences
Whole School Orientation Day
Year 8 Pool Day (Unley Pool)
SACE (Year 11 & 12) Parent Information Evening
Year 9 & 10 Parent Information Evening
Finance Advisory Committee Meeting
Year 8 Sports Day
Governing Council Meeting
Whole School Assembly (Student Leaders Induction)
Year 8 Acquaintance & Information Evening
Whole School Athletics Carnival
Governing Council Annual General Meeting
Student Free Day
Open Night
PUBLIC HOLIDAY – Easter Monday
Parent / Teacher Interviews & report distribution
Last day Term 1
New arrangements for 16 and 17 year old
4:30 – 7:30pm
1:30 – 8:00pm
Living Well with Asthma
This session provides information on What is
Asthma? Learn about the symptoms and triggers,
assessing asthma control, how to manage asthma
with an Asthma Action Plan, medications and
devices and how to use them and what to do in an
asthma emergency. Presented by the Asthma
Foundation SA.
The Australian Government recently introduced
legislation that affects 16 and 17 year old passport
From 1 January 2016, child applicants aged 16 and 17
will be issued with 10 year passports instead of the 5
year ones currently issued to children under 18.
Parental consent will still be required.
16 and 17 year old applicants must still be accompanied
by their parent or a person with parental responsibility
when lodging passport applications. The application fee
will be the same as for adults, reflecting the longer
validity of the passport to be issued.
Contact: The Australian Passport Information Service
on: 131 232.
Wednesday 20 January 2016
10.00 – 11.30am
Where: Marion Cultural Centre – Sturt Room
Bookings essential 8375 6785 or online at