Neuroblastoma Battlefront News


Neuroblastoma Battlefront News
Neuroblastoma Battlefront News
Fitzgerald Cancer Fund (FCF) is Battling Neuroblastoma BETTER!
Fitzgerald Cancer
Fund (FCF)
Volume 1, Issue 1
November 21, 2012
Inside this issue:
Shop for gifts at Arts and Artifacts Auction
Find gifts for friends and family at our
first annual online Arts and Artifacts Auction December 4th thru December 8th.
All money raised will go to grants for families of children battling neuroblastoma.
We have collected unique items donated by
artists, collectors, businesses and individuals nationwide, including some from “4Miles
2Memphis” - a store owned by Danielle Col-
by Cushman of the History Channel’‛s
“American Pickers” and lovingly donated by
Danielle’‛s mom, Sue.
Shop for a cause this holiday season and
give twice with every gift. Visit our website—
aaa.html — for more information and to
link to the live auction on December 4th
thru December 8th.
Internal Revenue Service awards FCF 501c3 status
The Fitzgerald Cancer Fund, Inc. officially incorporated in Massachusetts on April 29th, 2012. FCF was accepted as a 501c3 publicly supported charity on August 7th, 2012
All donations made on or after the April 29th incorporation date are
tax deductible in accordance with section 170 of the IRS tax code.
FCF Launch Event
Pg. 2
Pg. 2
Child of Month
Pg. 3
Meet the Board
Pg. 3
December Calendar
Pg. 4
Upcoming Issues:
Learn about natural
treatment options for
Find out more information about the FCF
family grant program
FCF Today Show Launch Event in NYC
Standing in Rockefeller Plaza,
Fitzgerald Cancer Fund (FCF)
board members and supporters
officially announced its creation
on live television on June 28th
during the Today Show.
Volunteers lined the plaza with
photos of children battling neuroblastoma (NB Warriors), those
who had died from it (NB Angels), and survivors (NB Survivors). Viewers could see the
posters during the segments
filmed outside on the plaza.
Al Roker spoke with FCF President, Kezia Fitzgerald, and her
husband about their daughter’‛s
battle with neuroblastoma and
FCF’‛s mission to battle neuroblastoma better.
TOP PHOTO: Volunteers stand in Times Square with photos of children who have survived neuroblastoma, died from neuroblastoma or
are currently battling neuroblastoma.
BOTTOM PHOTO: Elmo rests on the boxes of supplies while Kezia
Fitzgerald prepares for volunteers to arrive. Kezia brings Saoirse’‛s
Elmo doll with her on trips, because he was one of Saoirse’‛s favorite
cartoon characters.
After the show, volunteers
marched from the Plaza to Times
Square holding the posters from
the show and handing out fliers
about neuroblastoma and FCF’‛s
first official fundraising campaign (Make Coffee, Make
Contribute stories and ideas for future monthly newsletters
Starting in January 2013, FCF will publish a
monthly newsletter on the 1st of each month.
Each newsletter will contain a biography of a
child battling neuroblastoma, ideas for how
readers can help, information about FCF activity during the past month, and upcoming
FCF events.
If you would like us to feature your child or
have suggestions for our newsletter, please
email us at
with a brief description of the information
and/or photo you would like to see included.
For more information about hosting a fundraising event for potential inclusion in the
newsletter, please contact us.
Page 2
Ways You Can Contribute to the FCF Newsletter
Child with Neuroblastoma:
If you have a child battling neuroblastoma who you would like to see
featured in the newsletter, please email their name, a brief description
of the child, and his/her legal guardian’‛s contact information.
Fundraising and Awareness Events:
If you have personally hosted, or will be hosting, a fundraising event to
raise awareness or funds for FCF, we would love to hear about it! Send
us photos and/or details from the event to feature in the newsletter to
inspire others. For more information about hosting a fundraising event
for FCF, please contact us.
Article Ideas:
Email us with your suggestions for articles to include in the newsletter.
Neuroblastoma Battlefront News
Saoirse Fitzgerald: November’‛s child of the month
Saoirse is the inspiration for this foundation. The photos, videos,
and information her parents shared during her journey inspired
thousands to do something about childhood cancer.
In April 2011, Saoirse mysteriously developed two black eyes, was
vomiting, and not acting like herself. Her parents rushed her to
the emergency room. After weeks of misdiagnosis, Saoirse was
diagnosed with neuroblastoma at 11-months-old.
Saoirse was declared NED (no evidence of disease) after her induction therapy. Just two weeks later, the doctors discovered
neuroblastoma had returned to her bone marrow. Although they
hoped a high-dose round of chemotherapy would clear her marrow, the relapsed disease spread rapidly. Sadly, Saoirse died
from neuroblastoma on December 13, 2011.
Saoirse’‛s spirit will live on in those who remember her, and FCF
will continue to Battle Neuroblastoma BETTER in her memory.
FCF will feature a child who is or has battled neuroblastoma in
each newsletter. If you have a child you would like to see featured, please email FCF at
Meet and greet with Fitzgerald Cancer Fund board members
Q: How did you learn about neuroblastoma?
than a year older than Saoirse, so it really affected me.
Kezia: I heard the word “neuroblastoma” for the first time Audra: My brother died from neuroblastoma 42 years beon May 5, 2011—the day Saoirse was diagnosed. Paul and
Emily are close friends of mine, and both were incredibly
helpful throughout Saoirse’‛s and our journey with NB.
Paul: I had heard about NB for years and only knew it was
fore Saoirse, just after his third birthday. Once NB impacts your life, it never leaves you.
Q: What do you personally hope to accomplish?
Kezia: My dream is to find a cure for NB that allows chila rare childhood cancer. I didn’‛t realize the devastation of dren who have been treated to live long, normal lives withthe disease until Saoirse was diagnosed.
out lasting side effects from toxic treatment.
Courtney: I saw an article on CNN about Kezia and Saoirse Audra: Me too. Also, as my mother once recalled to me
battling cancer at the same time. I have a daughter less
that thanks to neuroblastoma ’‛we had no home, no money
and no hope’‛ at the time, I would like to help ease some of
the burden that neuroblastoma families face.
Emily: Watching Kezia and her family through every step
of Saoirse’‛s battle was one of the most painful things I
have ever experienced. There are so many families who do
not have a strong support system and who are terrified,
heartbroken, and confused by the world they are suddenly
thrown into when their child is diagnosed, so in addition to
a cure, I hope to show as many families as I can that someone is caring about them and fighting for them.
Paul: I want to ease the burden on families dealing with
NB, teach others about this disease, find a cure, and make
a positive difference in the lives of those affected by NB.
Board members (left to right): Emily Reynolds, Paul Franklin,
Audra Boudreau, Kezia Fitzgerald, Courtney Rasey
Volume 1, Issue 1
Courtney: I just want to know that I’‛ve done what I can to
make a difference for NB children and families.
Page 3
Fitzgerald Cancer Fund
Fitzgerald Cancer Fund
P.O. Box 61
Danvers, MA 01923
We are a recognized 501c(3) publicly supported charity. Our goal is to Battle Neuroblastoma BETTER!
Money raised will be allocated to four different aspects of support:
Battling Neuroblastoma BETTER!
Monetary grants to neuroblastoma patients and families who
need funds to assist with medical and living expenses.
Contributions to research trials and new treatments and therapies for neuroblastoma that are less toxic and focused on
high quality of life for patients.
Develop programs that educate doctors about the early signs
of the disease and how to detect it at earlier stages.
Help families through the process of treatment by developing
and providing parent advocates to answer questions, assist
with understanding and assessing treatment options, and provide information and support.
he web!
We’‛re on t
December 2012
FCF Online
FCF Online
Auction Ends