AUSTIN - Infinity Homes
AUSTIN - Infinity Homes
THE AUSTIN 4 - 6 Bedrooms 2 - 4 Car Garage 3.5 - 5.5 Baths 3,900 - 6,000 SF HOMES FOR A LIFETIME™ ELEVATION A Optional Brick ELEVATION B Optional Brick ELEVATION C ELEVATION D Optional Gourmet Kitchen Fireplace Alternate Side Fireplace with Optional French Patio Doors and Optional Built-ins Optional Sunroom with Optional Angled Island Optional Sunroom with Angled Island Dbl. Ptry Optional Great Room Ref. Oven Optional Sunroom with 17'-7" x 21'-8" Study Island Optional Angled Kitchen 24'-10" x 15'-1" 11'-0" x 15'-10" Optional Window (Cathedral Ceiling) Ptry Cooktop 17'-7" 19'-9" xx 21'-8" 21'-10" Ptry 24'-10" x 15'-1" 11'-0" x 15'-10" Dbl. Ref. Oven Ref. 19'-11" x 20'-3" 13'-0" Ovenx 16'-8" Ptry Dbl. Oven Ref. Sunroom 19'-0" x 12'-0" Optional Window Seat Optional Window WIC WIC Ptry Great Room 17'-7" x 21'-8" Great Room (Cathedral Ceiling) 17'-7" x 21'-8" Dbl. Oven Optional Window Optional Window 2' Overhang Above Optional Window Optional Window Fireplace Optional Door 17'-7" x 21'-8" Study 13'-1" x 17'-10" 11'-0" x 15'-10" (Cathedral Ceiling) Optional Window Optional Window WIC 12'-1" x 6'-8" Pwdr. Laundry 10'-2" x 6'-8" 8'-0" x 6'-8" Optional Cabinets Ptry Optional One Car Optional Garage One Car 13'-6" x 20'-0" Optional GarageTwo Optional Optional Walk-in Pantry 13'-6" 20'-0" Car xGarage One Car Ptry Ref. Dbl. Dbl. Garage Oven Dbl. Oven Oven Ref. Dbl. 12'-1" x 6'-8" Oven Optional12'-1" x 6'-8" Washer and Dryer Optional Washer and Dryer Foyer Laundry Optional Cabinets (Cathedral Ceiling) Dining Room 24'-10" x 15'-1" 13'-0" x 16'-8" Dining Room al Optional Window Seat Optional Washer and Dryer Optional Two Car One Car Garage Garage Garage Optional Two 19'-11" x 20'-3" Car Garage Ref. Ptry Dbl. Oven Dbl. Oven Optional Three Car Garage Optional Three Car Alternate Corner Pantry Garage Dining Room Two Car Garage Dbl. Oven 18'-7" x 6'-8" Optional Cabinets Optional Washer and Drye Ptry Dbl. Oven Ptry Ptry 12'-1" x 6'-8" Ref. Mudr Dbl. 10'-2" x Oven Mud Laundry Ptry 12'-1" x 6'-8" 10'-2" Laundry Mudroom Laund 12'-1" x 6'-8" 10'-2" x 6'-8" 8'-0" x 6 Optional Extended Laundry Configutations Austin 2014 Austin 2014 Austin 2014-07-02 Ptry Dbl. Oven Ref. Mudroom/ Laundry 18'-7" x 6'-8" 19'-11" x 20'-3" Optional Cabinets 13'-0" x 16'-8" Optional Washer and Dryer Optional Walk-in Pantry Dbl. Oven Dbl. Oven Optional Cab Ref. Ca Mudroom/ Optional Laundr Dbl. Oven Ptry Ref. Ptry Optional Walk-in Pantry Optional Walk-in Pantry Optional Three Car Garage Optional Glass Doors Optional Window 11'-0" x 14'-0" (Cathedral Ceiling) Ptry Dbl. 15'-0" x 14'-5" Laundry Foyer Dbl. Oven Ref. Optional Cabinets Optional Fireplace Living Room Ref. Optional Ptry Extended Laundry Confi Breakfast Oven Room Optional Walk-in Pantry Pwdr. UP Optional Ex Austin 2014-07-02 Two Car Garage Twox 20'-3" Car 19'-11" Dbl. Oven Optional Window Optional WrapAround Porch Optional Sink DN Optional Ext Alternate Corner Pantry Laundry 12'-1" x 6'-8" 8'-0" x Alternate Corner Pantry 19'-11" x 20'-3" 13'-6" x 20'-0" Ref. Laun 10'-2" x 6'-8" Optional Breakfast Room 13'-0" x 16'-8" Ptry Mudroom 12'-1" x 6'-8" Car Foyer Dbl. Oven Ref. Ptry Alternate Corner Pantry 13'-0" x 16'-8" 15'-0" x 14'-5" Ptry Dbl. Oven Optional Cabinets Foyer Kitchen Optional Two 18'-7" x 6'-8" Car Garage Optional Two Optional Cabinets Optiona Breakfast Washer Car Garage Room and Drye 13'-6" x 20'-0" Dbl. Oven Optional Fireplace Dining Room Mudroom/ Laundr Austin 2014-07-02 Ref. Dbl. Oven Ref. Ptry Ref. Garage Pwdr. (Cathedral Ceiling) 11'-0" x 14'-0" Optional Breakfast Optional ExtendedRoom Laundry Conf Kitchen Laundry Optional Washer Pwdr. and Dryer Optional Three Optional Door UP Living Great Room Room 17'-7" x 21'-8" 11'-0" x 14'-0" Ref. Laundry Sink Optional Sink 2' Overhang Above O Mudroom 26'-10" x 17'-1" Ptry Optional Optional Fireplace Great Room 24'-10" x 15'-1" Ptry Dbl. Oven DN Living Room Living 11'-0" x 14'-0" Room Dbl. Oven Dbl. Oven Ref. Ptry 24'-10" x 15'-1" Optional Fireplace Bath In-Law Suite Two Car Kitchen Garage 24'-10" x 15'-1" 19'-11" x 20'-3" Kitchen Ptry Optional Sink UP Dbl. Oven Ref. Optional Door DN Optional Optional Window Window Seat Seat Optional Window Ptry Optional Washer and DryerDbl. Ref. Oven AlternateOptional Corner Pantry Door Ptry Laundry Optional Optional Window Window al w 15'-0" x 14'-5" Ref. 18'-7" x 6'-8" Optional Cabinets Ptry Optional Gourmet Kitchen Dbl. Oven 2' Overhang Above Kitchen Ref. UP Breakfast Room Mudroom/ LaundryPtry Ptry Optional Cabinets 17'-7" x 21'-8" 17'-7" x 21'-8" Fireplace DN Optional Optional Window Window Optional In-Law Suite Alternate Side Fireplace with Optional French Patio Doors and Optional Built-ins Optional WrapAround Porch Optional WrapAround Porch Optional WrapAround Porch Optional Window Seat Optional Door 13'-0" x 16'-8" Study Great Room WIC Optional Door Study 11'-0" x 15'-10" Study 11'-0" x 15'-10" Optional Door Foyer 11'-0" x 15'-10" 17'-7" x 21'-8" Great Room Ref. 19'-9" x 21'-10" 11'-0" x 14'-0" 26'-10" x 17'-1" Dbl. Oven Optional Ptry Two KitchenCar Garage Ref. 26'-10" x 17'-1" Ptry Dbl. Oven Laundry 2' Overhang Above Cooktop 13'-1" x 17'-10" Ref. Dbl. Oven Ptry Ref. Dbl. Optional Walk-in Pantry Oven 2' Overhang Above Optional Optional Glass Glass Doors Doors In-Law Suite 13'-1" x 17'-10" Living Great Room Room Optional Glass Doors Optional Sink In-Law BathSuite In-Law 13'-1" x 17'-10" Suite Fireplace Optional Glass Doors 19'-0" x 15'-10" Dbl. Oven Ref. Fireplace Entertainer's Optional Three Car Kitchen 22'-10" x 19'-1" Garage Great Room 17'-7" x 21'-8" Dining Room Great Room 2' Overhang Above Optional Optional Window Window Kitchen Bath Optional Optional Window Window Optional Window Ref. 12'-1" x 6'-8" Bath Optional Optional Glass Glass Doors Doors 19'-0" x 15'-10" Conservatory Pwdr. 2' Overhang Above 2' Overhang AboveFireplace 24'-10" x 15'-1" Conservatory UP Optional Fireplace Optional Glass Doors Optional Window Optional Washer and Dryer Fireplace Optional Window Optional Window Optional Window Fireplace Ptry Cooktop Optional Optional In-LawWindow Suite Optional Optional Window Window 2' Overhang Above y Above Cooktop Optional Conservatory Fireplace Fireplace 2' Overhang Above Optional Sink DN Dbl. Oven Optional One Car Garage Ptry 13'-6" x 20'-0" Laundry 12'-1" x 6'-8" 19'-0" x 11'-9" Optional Conservatory Ref. Two Car Garage Dining Room Dbl. Ptry Kitchen Optional Extended Laundry 26'-10"Configutations x 17'-1" Kitchen 22'-10" x 19'-1" Cooktop Cooktop Great Room Entertainer's 19'-9" x 21'-10" Optional Entertainer's Kitchen with RearKitchen Great Room Kitchen Kitchen Extension Great Room and Expanded Great Room 22'-10" x 19'-1" Study Alternate Side Fireplace with Optional French Patio Doors and Alternate SideBuilt-ins Fireplace with Optional Optional French Patio Doors and Optional Built-ins Optional In-Law Suite Alternate Side Fireplace with Optional WrapOptional French Patio Doors and Optional Optional AroundOptional Porch Optional Built-ins Window Optional In-Law Window SuiteWindow Sunroom 19'-9" x 21'-10" Cooktop Optional Door Optional Sink Optional Window 11'-0" x 14'-0" Foyer Optional Window Optional Sunroom with WICOptional Angled Island 24'-10" x 15'-1" Optional Glass Doors Fireplace Optional Window Optional Glass Doors Optional Fireplace Kitchen Great Room 17'-7" x 21'-8" Living Room Entertainer's Kitchen Entertainer's 22'-10" x 19'-1" Kitchen Alternate Corner Pantry Great Room Optional Optional Sink Sink Kitchen 24'-10" x 15'-1" In-Law Suite 13'-1" x 17'-10" Pwdr. 24'-10" x 15'-1" UP Bath Optional Gourmet Kitchen Optional Door Cooktop 2' Overhang Above Kitchen 2' Overhang Above Optional Cabinets Optional Sink DN Cooktop Cooktop Optional WrapAround Porch Optional Gourmet Kitchen Optional Breakfast Room Fireplace Laundry 12'-1" x 6'-8" Fireplace Optional Washer and Dryer Optional Sink Optional Optional Sink Sink Optional Window Optional Window Seat Optional Window Optional Gourmet Kitchen 19'-0" x 12'-0" Ptry Ref. Dbl. Oven Ptry Laundry Mudroom Laundry 12'-1" x 6'-8" 10'-2" x 6'-8" 8'-0" x 6'-8" Optional Three Car Garage Austin 2014-07-02 LUXURY FOR A LIFETIME™ Optional Washer and Dryer Ptry Fireplace Sunroom Dbl. Ref. Oven Fireplace Cooktop Cooktop Optional Window 19'-0" x 11'-9" Optional In-Law Suite Optional Window Cooktop 19'-0" x 12'-0" Sunroom 19'-0" x 11'-9" Above Optional Sink Cooktop Sunroom 19'-0" x 11'-9" y Dbl. Oven 15'-0" x 14'-5" 19'-0" x 12'-0" 13'-6" x 20'-0" Sunroom Alternate Side Fireplace with Optional French Patio Doors and Sunroom Optional Built-ins Breakfast Ptry Room Ref. Optional Washer and Dryer WIC Kitchen 26'-10" x 17'-1" Cooktop -1" x 17'-10" 19'-9" x 21'-10" Optional Sink 17'-7" x 21'-8" Great Room Cooktop Cooktop Great Room 24'-10" x 15'-1" 2' Overhang Above Optional Breakfast Room Entertainer's Kitchen Optional Door 22'-10" x 19'-1" Optional Entertainer's Kitchen with Rear Kitchen Extension and Expanded Great Room Optional Entertainer's Kitchen with Rear Kitchen Extension and Expanded Great Room Optional Entertainer's Kitchen with Rear Kitchen Extension and Expanded Great Room Ptry Ref. Dbl. Optional Two Optional Oven Car Garage One Car Garage Sunroom Cooktop Cooktop n-Law Suite Optional Window Fireplace Bath 2' Overhang Above Cooktop Optional Window Optional Sink Optional Window Fireplace Kitchen Cooktop FIRST FLOOR ional In-Law Suite SECOND FLOOR Optional Transom Master Bedroom Seat 13'-0" x 16'-11" Master Bath Optional Cathedral Master Bath 11'-6" x 15'-5" Master Bathroom 12'-5" x 17'-11" WIC Walk-in Shower 8'-8" x 4'-8" Seat 12'-5" x 17'-11" O Fir pt ep ion la al ce 8'-4" x 5'-0" Built-in Cabinets Bedroom #4 17'-7" x 21'-10" Optional Cabinet WIC Optional Window Seat Optional Window 10'-11" x 17'-11" d tte Je Walk-In Closet Optional Second Floor Laundry Laundry Room Optional Window Optional Upgraded Master Bath Configurations Optional Bonus Room Optional Second Floor Laundry Optional Window Seat Optional Wet Bar Hallway WIC Optional Cabinets Optional Linen Hutch Bath DN Storage 7'-7" x 4'-10" Optional Hollywood Bath Open to Below Bedroom #3 13'-0" x 14'-7" Bonus Room Laundry 8'-6" x 14'-0" Optional Washer and Dryer 8'-6" x 14'-0" Bedroom #2 13'-1" x 15'-0" Bath Bath WIC Austin 2014-07-02 STYLE FOR A LIFETIME™ Optional Mirrored Make-up Area BASEMENT Optional Windows Optional Windows Optional Windows Extended Basement with Optional Sunroom Extended Basement with Optional Breakfast Room 19'-0" x 12'-0" 13'-0" x 12'-1" Optional Slider Optional Windows Optional Windows Multi-Purpose Area Extended Basement with Optional Conservatory 53'-9" x 21'-9" Optional Bar Furn. Stor. Bath UP Optional Utility Sink Exercise Room Storage Area 17'-10" x 13'-6" 14'-5" x 16'-11" Austin 2014-07-02 THIRD FLOOR Optional Third Floor Area Optional Third Floor Area with Bedroom, Loft and Dormer Dormers may vary depending on elevation Dormers may vary depending on elevation 6' high wall Bedroom Finished or Unfinished 11'-4" x 12'-10" Loft 30'-2" x 18'-2" 6' high wall 16'-1" x 18'-2" Furn. Furn. DN DN 6' high wall 6' high wall 6' high wall 6' high wall Optional Bathroom Rough-in Bath 6' high wall 6' high wall Austin 2014-07-02 QUALITY FOR A LIFETIME™ THE INFINITY ADVANTAGE uses only the best materials and building techniques to build your new home. When you build with Inifinity, you can be assured that your home will be a HOME FOR A LIFETIME.™ VENDORS 1. ANDERSON WINDOW & DOORS 2. BOISE CASCADE 1 2 3 4 3. DUPONT TYVEK 4. CERTAINTEED SHINGLES 5. ELKAY CABINETS 6. GUARDIAN PROTECTION SERVICES 5 6 7 8 7. HARDIEPLANK SIDING 8. HEAT & GLO FIREPLACES 9. KOHLER KITCHEN & BATH 10. LENNOX HEATING & COOLING 11. PPG PITTSBURGH PAINTS 9 10 11 12 12. TREX DECK 13. SHAW FLOORING 14. KICHLER LIGHTING 15. WAYNE DALTON GARAGE DOORS 13 14 15 16 16. WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES ALL NEW HOMES INCLUDE • GRANITE COUNTERTOPS IN KITCHEN & MASTER BATH • CROWN MOULDING IN FOYER AND DINING ROOM • WHIRLPOOL STAINLESS STEEL BUILT IN APPLIANCES • GAS FIREPLACE • MAPLE OR CHERRY KITCHEN & BATHROOM CABINETS • KITCHEN ISLAND • HARDWOOD IN FOYER, POWDER ROOM, 1ST FLOOR HALL, KITCHEN, BREAKFAST AREA & HARDWOOD STAIRCASE • CERAMIC IN ALL BATHROOMS AND LAUNDRY ROOM • CERAMIC SHOWER WITH FRAMELESS HEAVY GLASS SHOWER DOOR IN MASTER BATH • HARDI PLANK SIDING WITH BRICK/STONE • SIDE ENTRY GARAGE & CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS • DELUXE LANDSCAPING AND LAWN SEEDING • 100% ENERGY STAR CERTIFICATION Disclaimer: Included home features may vary by community depending on community specific included features. HOMES FOR A LIFETIME™ At Infinity Custom Homes, helping families build the home of their dreams is our privilege. We pride ourselves on building custom luxury homes with the highest quality materials and craftsmanship. Call us today to get started building your HOME FOR A LIFETIME™. Thank you for your interest in Infinity Custom Homes. Scott A. Blodgett, President 888.424.9424 DISCLAIMER: Infinity Custom Homes’ selection of floor plans and exterior elevations continually evolve to provide beautiful and functional options. The floor plans and exterior elevations shown in this brochure may change. Availability is dependent on location.
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