March 2012 - Widener University


March 2012 - Widener University
Volume 22, March 2012
Widener University
School of Business
Message from the Dean
Special Points of Interest:
Dean ’ s Message
SBA Awards Banquet
SBA Awards Recipients
I hope this message finds you all well.
Academic Workshop for Young Women
Clean Water Action
Honors Presentations
Honors Week
Beta Alpha Psi
Award Recipients
Sports Management Speaker Series
I would like to start with the announcement of two of our long time faculty
members’ retirements. One is Dr. Germaine Saad who has been teaching
operations management and other quantitative courses for us since 1986,
and the other is our former Dean Dr. Eric Brucker. We thank them for their
distinguished service to our students and to the university. We also wish
them success in their future projects. They will be missed.
Finance Workshop
Upcoming Events
Hot Topics
Graduate Business Association
Business Summer Camp
Calendar of Events
In this issue…
SBA News
High School Outreach
Undergraduate News
Upcoming Events
Graduate News
Our annual Awards Banquet was held on March 29th at Harrah’s Casino in
Chester. More than two hundred students, faculty, alumni, industry partners,
and parents attended this year’s event. Our speaker was Mr. David Debusschere who spoke on behalf of Mr. Nick Sakiewicz, the President of the
Philadelphia Union, our MLS team. This year’s winner for the John Sevier
Award for Distinguished Service was Anthony Pontello, alumnus and the
chair of the Sport Management Business Advisory Board. Congratulations
to Tony for this well deserved award. I also congratulate all of our student
awards winners. A complete listing student award winners is on page 3.
Four faculty members won faculty awards. Dr. Karen Leppel won the distinguished research faculty award, Professor Lisa Bussom won the William
Zahka Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Professor, Dr. Donna
McCloskey won the Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award, and Ms. Anne
Servin won the Distinguished Adjunct Faculty Award. I congratulate each
of them for their accomplishments.
Highlights and Upcoming Events
Best wishes.
Widener University
School of Business News
School of Business Administration Awards Banquet
On Thursday, March 29, 201, Dean Ozatalay welcomed over 200 guests to our annual Awards Banquet held at
Harrah’s Chester. This year our Distinguished Performance in Management Award was given to Nick
Sakiewicz who serves as CEO and Chief Operating Officer at Keystone Sports and Entertainment LLC. Accepting the award for Nick was Dave Debusschere. Dave gave a moving acceptance speech that detailed the path to
success Nick has taken with t he Philadelphia Union. Our alumni, industry partners as well as President Harris
mingled with the students and enjoyed the evening which honors our faculty and students as well.
Dean Ozatalay with Rose Patton
President Harris
Dean Ozatalay and Professor Bussom
Dean Ozatalay and Mark Gale
Alyssa McGill with her Mom and Valeri Boyle
Dean Ozatalay and Professor McCloskey
Gianna Bojazi and her mom
Kenneth and Nancy Miller with Dean and Tom
Professor Shoemaker with Bob Cavanagh and his
Lucia Piscoglio, Professor Servin and Ron Buckenmyer
Dean Ozatalay and Lindsay Krakower
To view more pictures from the SBA Banquet, check out the School of Business Administration Facebook page! 2
Widener University
School of Business News
School of Business Administration Award Recipients
SBA Undergraduate Award Recipients
Outstanding Accounting Student Award
APICS Outstanding Student Award
Outstanding Finance Student Award
Outstanding Human Resource Management Student Award
Outstanding International Business Student Award
Outstanding Junior Management Student Award
Outstanding Management Information Systems Student Award
Outstanding Marketing Student Award
Outstanding Sport Management Student Award
Outstanding Accounting Co-op Student Award
Outstanding University College Student Majoring in Business Award
Senior Comprehensive Business Exam—Top Performers
Beta Alpha Psi Award for Academic Excellence
Beta Alpha Psi Award for Outstanding Service
Pi Sigma Epsilon Award for Academic Excellence
Pi Sigma Epsilon Award for Outstanding Service
FEI Medallion Award
FEI Scholarship Awards
FEI Community Affairs Scholarship Award
BNY Mellon Asset Servicing/Hargadon Award
Becker CPA Review Course Award
Tax Executive Institute Award
Lindsay Krakower
Alison Lake
Mark Gale
Brittany Becker
Rachel Weller
Theodore Costa
Gareth Cooper
Simone Conner
Aimee Wilder
Edward Thomas Hunter
Anthony Bruno
Rachel Williamson
Robert Cavanagh
Jacqueline Beers
Jessica Capaldi
Alyssa McGill
Joseph Camacho
Mark Gale
Thomas Ervin
Amanda Luz
Thomas Ngateh
Lauren Sorbello
Carmen Imbalzano
Joseph Kirkwood
SBA Graduate Award Recipients
Outstanding Student in the Master of Business Administration Program
Outstanding Student in the Master of Business Administration—HCM Program
Outstanding Student in the Master of Science in Business Process Innovation Award
Outstanding Student in the Master of Science in
Taxation and Financial Planning Program
William Truitt
Debra DeMasi
Michael Siegel
Daphne Hu
SBA Teaching Awards
Distinguished Graduate Teaching Award
William J. Zahka Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award
Distinguished Adjunct Faculty Award
Distinguished Research Professor Award
Donna W. McCloskey
Lisa B. Bussom
Anne C. Servin
Karen Leppel
Widener University
Spotlight on High School Outreach
Academic Workshop for Young Women
Widener’s School of Business Administration hosted 2 free academic workshops for high school girls on
March 1 and 2. The first day attracted 45 participants, while the second day had 120. The workshop has grown
in size over the years, now requiring two days of workshops.
Workshop participants had opportunities to interact with School of Business Administration faculty, students,
and successful alumni. Jada Poller, ’96, attended both days to give the girls insight into her SBA experience. A
native of Chester, Poller spoke of the “engaging professors” who helped motivate her to succeed as an undergraduate and as a professional. She today works at The Boeing Company as a supplier diversity specialist.
Marcia O’Connor, ‘90, used her exceptional networking skills to connect with the high school students and
made them feel welcome and shared her path to success.
In addition to networking, workshop participants enjoyed collegiate-style lectures that addressed different concentrations within business and took part in interactive activities focused on networking, overcoming adversity
in the workplace, and honing leadership skills.
Thursdays panelists: Andrea Ferry, Marcia O’Connor,
Roseanne Romeo and Jada Poller
Kathleen Hennelly from Cinnaminson with two of her
Two students enjoying the
day’s activities
Professor Porter working with the Talluto’s Team
Dean Greenberg, Dean Ozatalay, Professor
McCloskey, Marcia O’Connor and Roseanne Romeo
Thursday’s panelists: Donna Marchese, Jada
Poller, Lindsey Isler and Jennifer Phillips
Two students posing for a picture during the
networking activity
Professor Brannen helping students with a leadership
and team building activity
Jan Moppert and Andrea Ferry
Julie Tacchino and Dean Hoopes
To view more pictures from the camp, check out the School of Business Administration Facebook page!
Widener University
Undergraduate News
Clean Water Action
On February 25, Professor Miller invited Colleen Meehan, Program Organizer at Clean Water Action to speak
about the importance of keeping the environment a priority. The discussion centered around the up and coming
threats that the Marcellus Shale is causing to the residents of Pennsylvania. This large rock formation is 600
miles long and ranges from New York to West Virginia. It contains the largest deposit of natural gas in the
country. Consequently, the governor as well as other politicians have been acutely aware of both the economic
benefits as well as the environmental danger. In order to extract the gas from the rock, 1,000 truckloads of water and chemicals are needed to fracture the rock to reach the natural gas. According to the Clean Water Action
group fracking pollutes the land, water and air. Fracking is a very political issue. It has been reported that over
the past 10 years $747 million went to elected officials through lobbying from the fracking industry. While
boom towns can arise when natural gas is taken out, often the towns dissolve as the crews move on. The dilemma is to not harm the environment and yet take advantage of this natural gas found in Pennsylvania. For
more information and to see how you can help, please visit
Professor Miller and Colleen Meehan
Students from Professor Miller’s Business Law class
Honors Presentations
On March 20, 2012 three Widener University School of Business Administration students represented us at the
Honor’s Week presentations. Nick Beaton’s presentation, Statistical Analysis of UFO Sightings, showed the
value of data mining. Nick demonstrated using statistics on UFO sightings around the United States how to
take a large volume of data and pinpoint an important fact, or statistic. Cassandra Latsios presented on the affects of alcohol to Native American tribes. Cassandra spoke about genetic dispositions to alcoholism and the
effects alcoholism has on Native American tribes including poverty, suicide and loss of culture. Anna Geeter
presented on leadership and how anyone can be a leader. Anna spoke about how leaders don’t need to have an
“it” factor, they have to believe in themselves and be willing to keep growing. Anna, who started Northern
Star Sports Program, has inspired others to be leaders and become actively involved in programs such as Big
Brother Big Sister. All three students did a great job on their presentations and made the School of Business
Administration proud.
Nick Beaton
Cassandra Latsios
Anna Geeter
Undergraduate News
Widener University
Honors Week
On Wednesday, March 21, 2012 faculty members, Professors Hargadon and Lordi as well as Associate Dean Greenberg welcomed the new members to the following Honor Societies:
Beta Alpha Psi, International Honors Fraternity for Financial Information Professionals;
Justin Blackwell, Jordan Goldstein, Sean Huff, Erika Rosado, and Samuel Wilson.
Beta Gamma Sigma, The International Honor Society for Recognizing Business Excellence; Ali Mefger Alyami,
Brittney Becker, Anthony Bruno, Chad Gravinese, Edward Thomas Hunter, Lindsay Krakower, Amanda Luz, Betsy
Philip, Marc Royo, and Rachel Weller.
The highlight of the evening was the Distinguished Service award that was bestowed on Charles Waldauer who spent
37 years at Widener University. His research, publications, teaching and service were recognized as exemplary and
his fellow faculty members applauded him for all his contributions and dedication to Widener University. We congratulate everyone for their awards.
Faculty and alumni faculty
Brittney Becker, Lindsay Krakower, and
Chad Grabinese
Some of the Beta Alpha Psi inductees
Charles Waldauer
Beta Alpha Psi
Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) and the Accounting Society hosted the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of
the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) Annual Student Night on March 15, 2012 in
the Webb Room. BAP and Accounting Society officers Jackie Beers and Jessica Capladi did an
outstanding job organizing and coordinating the event. There were over 30 students in attendance to hear retired DuPont executive and IMA officer Jim Romesberg talk about identity theft
and social media implications for businesses. The Greater Philadelphia Chapter graciously donated $500.00 to BAP to be used to assist student members in the future.
Award Recipients
On March 27, Professor Hargadon accompanied three juniors to the Institute of Management Accountants student
night in Christiana, Delaware. The Delaware Chapter of the IMA awarded the following awards to Widener students:
IMA Scholarship
Michael Quinn
IMA Outstanding Student Award
Lindsay Krakower
IMA Special Recognition Award
Samuel Wilson
Congratulations to all of the students on their great honors!
Michael Quinn, Lindsay Krakower, Professor
Hargadon, and Samuel Wilson
Undergraduate News
Widener University
Sports Management Speaker Series
On Monday, March 26, the Sports Management Network hosted a mini career fair followed by the Sport Management Spring Speaker Series. The topic at the speaker series was Sports and the Law. The speakers included Bill Mattis, Founder, CEO, Agent at AllStarInc; Alexander Murphy, Jr., Esq.; and Anthony D. Jackson,
Esq. Each speaker gave great insight about working in sports management. Bill Mattis talked about how difficult it is to break into the industry. He said, “To be really successful, you need to fail so you can learn from
your failures.” Alexander Murphy spoke about his work in the entertainment industry on movies such as “The
Mighty Macs.” Anthony Jackson, who works in employment discrimination law, sets up sports programs for
children. The speakers were very knowledgeable and provided great advice for those who are looking to work
in the sports management industry. Their message to the students was to network, network and network!
Bill Mattis
Alexander Murphy
Anthony Jackson
The speakers answering audience questions
Finance Workshop
On April 2, the School of Business Administration held a Finance Workshop to launch the new major. Dean
Ozatalay made opening remarks, followed by Professor Mansur who introduced and outlined the new program and led a panel discussion about finance. The panelists included Steve Wynne, of BNY Mellon; Paul
Adolf, of Vanguard; Maggie Creed, of Wilmington Trust; Mark Lydon, of Merrill Lynch and Tom McKeon,
who owns his own firm. They had great insights about the landscape of the finance industry and how students should position themselves in order to break into the field. Tom McKeon reminded the group that as a
financial planner, it is important to remember who you are serving, and not to lose sight of that. After the discussion, Mark Gale spoke about the Money Club and the activities the students are involved in. These include taking a tour of Vanguard and touring the New York Stock Exchange, and managing a student-run investment fund. The rest of the event was designated for networking, which allowed students to gain further
insight about finance from the panelists and finance professors.
Top Row: Paul Adolf, Professor Mansur and Steve Wynne;
Bottom Row: Tom McKeon, Mark Lydon and Maggie Creed
Professor Mansur, Steve Wynne, and Mark Gale networking
Upcoming Events
Widener University
Upcoming Events
Senior Lunch
When: April 23, 2012
Where: Quick Center 108
 Enjoy a free lunch
 Taco bar!
 Mingle with classmates and faculty
 Learn about graduate school
 Let us help you with your career
Senior Lunch, 2011
Business Summer Camp
For High School Students
When: July 9-12 or
July 16-19
Where: Widener University
 Trip to TD Bank to learn about banking
 Shop and sell products at the University Center
 Bowling recreation trip
 Tour of PPL Park
 Closing ceremony with presentations to parents and guests
Business summer camp, 2011
Graduate News
Widener University
Hot Topics: Adjusting to a Transitional Market
Hot Topics has become an annual event for the GBA and our graduate students. This year our goal was to
provide our students with a more relaxed approach to networking and have them meet with executives from
area companies to discuss opportunities. Frank Naylor, executive vice president from TD Bank shared with
the group the qualities he looks for in a new hire. Neeti Dewan, Vice President of Tax at Aramark looks for
students that can go above and beyond the expected performance. She has hired Widener students and likes
their work ethic. Tom Toner, was recently hired by Wawa, and shared with the students how to continue to
network and progress in your career. Craig Loundas, from University of Pa Health System, who also teaches
our Professional Development courses, is always on the look out for opportunities for our students and has
helped many connect with employers on Linked In.
Lindsey Isler and Frank Naylor Jr.
Dave Douglas, Neeti Dewan and Chris
Tom Toner, Frank Naylor Jr., and
Michael Bivens
Yoana Koleva, Chao Wang, Craig Loundas and Caitlin Singer
Graduate Business Association
Inventory Sale
The Graduate Business Association
is selling hoodies, long-sleeve and
short sleeve t-shirts!
The GBA will only keep 40% of
the profits. The other 60% will be
divided between 2 charities: Clean
Water Action and Chester Alliance.
Professor Miller and John Ksionska
modeling the hoodies
For pricing information or to make
an order stop by the graduate office
or email John Ksionska at
Widener University
Highlights and Upcoming Events
Business Summer Camp
For High School Students
When: July 9-12 or
July 16-19
8:30a.m. to 3:30p.m.
Where: Widener University
Summer camp, 2011, bowling
Date Apr. 23 May. 12 A
Summer camp, 2011, at PPL Park
Event Senior Lunch Commencement Breakfast July 9‐12 and Summer Camp July 16‐19 E
Summer camp, 2011, learning business
Location QC 108 QC Atrium Group(s) Attending Event Seniors Seniors and families Quick Center High School students Quick Takes is the Widener University School of Business Administration Newsletter. The School of Business Administration sends Quick Takes to
Widener University School of Business alumni, students, faculty, staff, and other friends of our community. If you know someone who would like to begin
receiving Quick Takes or would like to change your contact information with us, please e-mail:
Editor, Jessica Hoopes
Layout and Design, Julie Tacchino