November - Congregation Sha`aray Shalom


November - Congregation Sha`aray Shalom
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Two opportunities to welcome our
Scholar in Residence, Rabbi Mary Zamore, editor of
The Sacred Table: Creating a Jewish Food Ethic
by Rabbi Shira Joseph
Nov. 17th, evening & Nov. 18th, morning
Join us for our continuing series on “FOOD FOR
THOUGHT” presented by our Scholar-inresidence, Rabbi Mary Zamore, editor and
contributor of The Sacred Table: Creating a
Jewish Food Ethic on Saturday evening,
November 17 beginning at 6:00 pm. Come a bit
early for appetizers, followed by a presentation,
“The Sacred Table: Choosing a Jewish Food
Ethic” and then enjoy a wonderful healthy
dinner as we continue the conversation. Our
dinner is prepared under the watchful eye of
Chef Sherry Westelman and her committee.
On Sunday, November 18th, beginning at 10am,
religious school families are welcome to join us
for an informal breakfast and conversation 10am
followed by a kid friendly presentation at
11:00am, “The Power of the Fork: Eat and
Change the World.” Students from grades 4th
through 7th will be participating in this unique
program and then will return to their classes.
Parents are encouraged to attend as we
continuing the dialogue on whether “We are
what we eat.”
Rabbi Zamore, who worked on the book for
over ten years, is a Westfield resident and
presently the associate rabbi at Temple B’nai Or
in Morristown. Rabbi Zamore has become an
authority on “the relationship with food and its
production which integrates values such as
ethics, community and spirituality into our
dietary practice.” Her talk will focus on her
anthology, The Sacred Table: Creating a Jewish
Food Ethic. Together, we will continue to
dialogue, listening to each other’s passion for
food and its production.
This Scholarship weekend is part of an ongoing
yearly program, “Food for Thought,” organized
by our food
chair, Sherry
and Adult
Chair, Penny
This program
is partially
by Combined
Cheshvan / Kislev 5773
November 2012
Shira H. Joseph, Rabbi
Steven I. Weiss, Cantor
Michael S. Teller, President
Celebrate the
Month of
‫ ִּכ ְסלֵו‬...
Sun., Nov 3. at 9:00 am — KIDushat
Sun., Nov. 4 at 10:00 am — Gold
Fundraiser with Bellestar Jewelry
Mon., Nov. 5 at 6:30 pm — In
Commemoration of Kristallnacht the
documentary Inside Hana’s Suitcase
Fri., Nov. 9 at 6:30 pm — Shabbat
Evening Honoring our Veterans
Sat., Nov. 17 & 18 — The Sacred
Table: Creating a Jewish Food Ethic
for its Scholar in Residence weekend
Sun., Nov. 18 at 10:00 am — Gold
Fundraiser with Bellestar Jewelry
Fri., Nov. 23 at 7:30 pm —
Grandparents Blessing
Sat., Dec. 8 at 5:00 pm — Chanukah
The cost for Saturday evening is $18 dollars, or
$55 dollars for the entire yearly series. Sunday
morning, there is a minimal charge of $10
dollars per family for those who would like to
join us for breakfast at 10am before Rabbi
Zamore’s presentation to the school at 11am.
Reservations are required to help us plan
The Sacred Table is available at the synagogue
for purchase ($16 dollars) which includes a book
signing by Rabbi Zamore.
Stayed tuned for our additional programs
throughout the year. The format will always
include a text study and discussion from the
book, a cooking project and of course, and
eating activity as well. B’ta’avon. To your
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom  1112 Main Street, Hingham, MA  (781) 749-8103  fax (781) 740-1480 
Sun., Dec. 16 at 4:00pm — “Food for
Thought” A program based on the
book The Sacred Table / Magic of Oil
Sat., Dec. 29 at 10:30 am — Shabbat
Morning Service & Brunch at the
home of Stephanie Gertz & Cantor
Steven Weiss
Sat., Jan. 12 at 7:00 pm — Broadway
& Bordeaux
Sun., Jan. 27 at 4:00pm — “Food for
Thought” A program based on the
book The Sacred Table / Spices of
the Bible
Sat., Mar. 16 at 7:00pm — “Food for
Thought” A program based on the
book The Sacred Table / Food
April 27 & 28, 2013 — Julie Silver in
For more details contact the office at
(781) 749-8103 or email
Kristallnacht 74 years
This month marks the
74th anniversary of
Kristallnacht. Though long in the planning,
Kristallnacht was the official beginning of
Hitler’s “Final Solution.” On that “Night of
Broken Glass,” synagogues were set on fire,
7,500 Jewish businesses and
homes were ransacked, and glass
from shattered windows covered
the streets. Thousands of Jews
were attacked and brutally beaten;
and more than 30,000 Jewish men
were arrested and sent to Dachau,
Sachsenhausen, and Buchenwald.
It was on that night of terror—
November 9th, 1938—that the fate
of six million Jews, and millions
of other “undesirables,” as the
Nazi machine euphemistically
labeled them, was sealed.
To commemorate this tragic
anniversary, on Monday night,
by Rabbi Shira Joseph
November 5th at 6:30 pm, we will showcase the
movie, “Inside Hana’s Suitcase.” This story is
how Fumiko Ishioka, the director of the
Holocaust Education Center in Tokyo, is given
charge of a child’s suitcase found in the rubble of
Auschwitz, a rarity indeed. She and her students
decide to find out who Hana
Brady- the name painted on the
suitcase- was. This 90 minute
documentary is told largely
through interviews and snippets of
photos and film. It is both heart
rending, and uplifting as we follow
the path of Hana’s suitcase. Let us
together pay tribute to all whose
lives were stolen as we celebrate
the power of the human spirit!
Adult Education Offerings 2012-2013
Moses and the Journey to Leadership: Timeless
Lessons of Effective Management from the
Bible and Today’s Leaders. (Dates in Boston
TBA.) Taught by Cantor Weiss.
Interfaith Study of the New Testament in Light of the
Jewish Bible (Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, on
Nov. 7, 14, 28 and Dec. 6.) Taught at St.
John’s Episcopal Church by Rabbi Joseph,
Rev. Paul Sprecher, and Mother Anne
Emry, with a concluding lecture by Dr. Joel
Year of the Torah. Scribe Rabbi Druin will “unpack”
and repair our Holocaust Torah. (Sundays
from 9 – 1 pm, on Dec. 9)
Torah 101 (Tuesdays at 7:30 pm on Dec. 11) Cotaught by Rabbi Joseph & Cantor Weiss.
Taste of Judaism (Tuesdays at 7:30 pm on Jan. 29,
Feb. 5, Feb. 12) Co-taught by Rabbi Joseph
& Cantor Weiss.
 Food For Thought, a course taught by chef
Sherry Westelman and Rabbi Joseph that
will include the following:
 The Sacred Table: Jewish Food Ethics, taught
by Rabbi Mary Zamore on Saturday, Nov.
17, at 6:00 pm and Sunday, Nov. 18, at 10
 The Magic of Oils, on Sunday, December 16,
at 4 pm
 Spices of the Bible, on Sunday, Jan. 27, at 4
 Let’s Celebrate: An Evening of Food, Wine &
Music, on Saturday, March 16, at 7 pm
 Build the CSS Biblical Garden, on Sun., Apr.
7, at 4 pm and Apr. 9-10, at 7 pm
Please call the Temple for more information on each
Monday, Nov. 5, at 6:30 pm, Hannah’s Suitcase
Sunday, Feb. 3, at 2 pm
Sunday, April 14, at 4 pm
In This Issue
A Word From The JCC Early Learning
Adult Education Upcoming Events 2
Brotherhood Notes
Cantor's Message
Celebrate the Month
CSS Leadership
From Ali’s Kitchen
Gift Cards Order Form
Gift Shop
High Holy Days Thank Yous
Kristallnacht 74 years
Office Observations
Presidents Message
Rabbi's Message
Sisterhood Notes
Social Action Corner
The Sisterhood Brings You: Bat Mitzvah
Torah Portions
Welcome to…
Yahrzeit List And Service Dates
You can now make payments
Wherever You Go, by Joan Leegant. Tuesday, April
23, at 7:30 pm, led by Penny Alschuler.
The Chosen (Lyric Stage Theatre), on Sunday, Nov.
11, at 3 pm
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom  (781) 749-8103   Cheshvan / Kislev 5773  November 2012
Page 2
A Special Lunch & Learn Program: “Red States, Blue States,
and the Jewish State: An insider's perspective from
Jerusalem on the US election's impact on Israel.”
by Cantor Steven I. Weiss
Thursday, November 8, 2012 – 12:00-1:30 pm
At the Law Offices of Steven Pohl, Brown Rudnick,
One Financial Center, Boston
RSVP Required
As we prepare to vote for a new president and
congress, please join me for a special lunch
program in Boston featuring award winning
journalist Gil Hoffman. His presentation will
focus on the US-Israel relationship and how the
president (whoever he is) will work together
with Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu in
facing the challenges that lie ahead. We'll talk
about the last four years and look ahead to
dealing with Iran and other challenges in our
region, hope for peace, and how Israel thrives
with so many questions left unanswered.
Gil Hoffman is the chief political correspondent
and analyst for The Jerusalem Post. Wellconnected to Israeli and Palestinian leaders,
Hoffman has interviewed every major figure
across the Israeli political spectrum, has been
interviewed by top media on six continents and
is a regular analyst on CNN, Al-Jazeera and
other news outlets. Called "The most optimistic
man in Israel" by Israel
Television, Hoffman's
writing and TV
appearances provide a
behind the scenes look at
the intrigue and humor in
the Israeli political arena.
Hoffman, who was raised
in Chicago, graduated
Magna Cum Laude from
Northwestern University's
School of Journalism and wrote for the Miami
Herald and Arizona Republic before moving to
Israel. A reserve soldier in the IDF Spokesman's
Unit, he has lectured in seven countries and 42
US states. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife
and 2 children.
Our host for the program is Steve Pohl and the
office of Brown Rudnick in Boston. Due to
space requirements, RSVP’s are required as we
can only accommodate 20 people. If you are
able to attend, please let me know
( as soon as possible.
Lunch will be served.
I hope you will join me for this special postelection program.
You can now make payments on-line!
No more postage
stamps or trips to
the office are needed to make certain payments
to the temple. In early September we added an
online payment processing service on our web
site as a convenience to all member families.
This capability has already been implemented
for all online donations to Restricted Funds or
the General Funds, as well as the Torah
Restoration Project. Just look for the "Click
Here To Donate" link to make your payment.
by David Alschuler
To make your first donation to a Fund, here is
the web page:
We expect to expand the online payment service
in the near future to enable sign-up for special
events (e.g. Shabbat Dinners, Special Events,
Adult Education events).
Because processing
credit payments
carries administrative
fees, the online
payment forms
include a strictly
voluntary check-box
authorizing a 2.5%
Note that online
payment on the
website it is not available for Dues, Tuition or
Fee payments (unless special arrangements have
been established with the Financial Secretary)
because of the extra administrative expense -- for
both the congregation and its members -- which
becomes significant in value.
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom  (781) 749-8103   Cheshvan / Kislev 5773  November 2012
Services & Torah
Friday, November 2
6:30pm 5th Grade Class Dinner
7:30pm Shabbat Service
5th Grade Kiddush
Birthday Blessings
Saturday, November 3
10:30am Shabbat Service
Friday, November 9
6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Dinner
7:30pm Shabbat Service
Veterans Blessings
Friday Night Live
Saturday, November 10
10:30am Shabbat Service
B'nai Mitzvah Kaylee & Michael Hill
Friday, November 16
6:30pm 4th Grade Class Dinner
7:30pm Shabbat Service
4th Grade Kiddush
Saturday, November 17
10:30am Shabbat Service
Bar Mitzvah Joshua DuBois
Friday, November 23
7:30pm Shabbat Service
Grandparents Blessing
Saturday, November 24
10:30am Shabbat Service
Friday, November 30
6:30pm 3rd Grade Class Dinner
7:30pm Shabbat Service
3rd Grade Kiddush
Parashat Vayera - ‫וירא‬
Oct. 28 - Nov. 3, 2012
12 - 18 Cheshvan 5773
Prediction of Isaac's birth, Abraham
argues with God, destruction of
Sodom and Gemorrah, Lot's wife
turned to salt, birth of Isaac, casting
our of Hagar and Ishmael, Binding of
Parashat Chayei Sara - ‫שרה‬
Nov. 4 - Nov. 10, 2012
19 - 25 Cheshvan 5773
Death of Sarah, purchase of Machpelah,
Rebekah brought to marry Isaac,
Abraham marries Keturah, death of
(Continued on page 6)
Page 3
Social Action Corner
I would like to begin by
thanking everyone who
helped make our Yom
Kippur food drive a
success. It is always
exciting to see so many
bags packed with food for
needy families. Special
thanks to the Preble, Block, Zieper, SegalCronin, Berkin, Stone and Elfman families for
their additional help. We appreciate all that you
do! This food goes to the Hingham and Scituate
food pantries.
by Brenda Elfman
I would like to remind everyone that we
continue to need food all year round, not just at
the High Holidays. The congregation is
responsible for providing 30 cans of salmon and
30 boxes of whole wheat pasta to the Jewish
Family and Children’s Services in Waltham.
Please consider adding these items to your
weekly shopping list. You can place them in the
bin as you enter the temple. A member of Social
Action will bring them to the JFCS each month.
We give a shout-out to the members of the board
for their generosity in overflowing our bin this
month. There was not enough room in our bin
for all of the donations. I would love to see that
each and every month.
During the month of November, we will have
two mitzvahs for those who wish to participate.
The first one is our annual trip to Father Bill’s in
Quincy. We need volunteers to contribute
lasagna (not frozen, please) as well as salad and
dessert. We also need volunteers to go to the
shelter and serve the lunch meal. This has been
very popular in the past so if you are interested,
please contact Lisa Berkin or Brenda Elfman.
Date to be announced. This is appropriate for
adults and older children (12 and up).
The second mitzvah of the month is a sock
drive. We will be placing boxes in each
classroom for contributions of socks. The class
with the most socks at the end of the month will
receive an ice cream sundae party. Just like last
year, socks will be donated to a shelter.
Social Action meets once/month and we are
always happy to see new faces and are open to
more suggestions. If you would like to become
more involved in your synagogue, this venue
may be for you.
From Ali’s Kitchen: Butternut Squash Soup
1 butternut squash peeled and cut into cubes
3 green apples peeled and cut into cubes
1 leek, white part only, diced
2 gloves of garlic, diced
1 TB of olive oil
6 ½ cups chicken stock or 2 (14 ½ ounces) cans
low sodium chicken broth mixed with 3 cups
Pine nuts
Chili powder
Heat 1 TB olive oil in a large pot and sauté the
leeks until slightly golden. Add the diced garlic.
Continue to sauté for another 2 minutes. Then
add the butternut squash cubes and the apple
cubes. Cook for about 5 minutes on high flame.
Add the salt, coriander, chili powder and
cinnamon and cook for a few minutes. Then add
the stock and simmer on low flame until the
butternut squash cubes and the apples
cubes are tender, about 40 minutes.
Once it has cooked, transfer to a
blender or food processor and blend
until smooth. Return to the pot and
season with salt. Garnish each portion
with some of the pine nuts.
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom  (781) 749-8103   Cheshvan / Kislev 5773  November 2012
Important School
Family Education Programs:
Sun Dec 2, 9:00am - 2nd Grade Family
Ed Program
Sun Dec 2, 11:00am - 4th Grade Family
Ed Program
Sun Dec 16, 9:00am - 3rd Grade Family
Ed Program
KID'ushat Shabbat Services:
Saturdays at 9:00am - Nov 3, Jan 5, &
Mar 2
Saturday Havdalah at 5pm - Jun 1
Shabbat L’Kulam Services
10:30am, followed by a Kiddush Luncheon
(except Feb. 8 service)
Dec 15, 2012 - 7th Grade leading 6th
Grade assisting
Jan 12, 2013 - 6th Grade leading 5th
Grade assisting
Feb 2, 2013 - 5th Grade leading 4th
Grade assisting
*Feb 8, 2013 - 8th-10th Grades leading
7th Grade assisting,
Friday Evening Service @ 7:30pm*
Mar 2, 2013 - 4th Grade leading 3rd
Grade assisting
Mar 16, 2013 - 3rd Grade leading 2nd
Grade assisting
Mar 30, 2013 - PT- 2nd Grade leading
1st, K, Pre-K and Pre-School
Classes assisting
Page 4
President’s Message
by Michael S. Teller The idea for the Library
came about at an Oneg,
about five years ago, after a Friday night
Shabbat Service. Lauren and I were sitting with
the Cantor, enjoying a delicious dessert. I was
lamenting how no one could hear anything in
the Board meetings that were being held in the
middle of the Social Hall. The Cantor was
noting that classroom space was getting scarce
and that the room that was now the Library, so
near the school wing, was too small for all the
books in the collection.
I was looking at the stage area and noting how it
was under-used and it just clicked that this was a
potential space for a new Library that could also
function as a Board Room / Meeting Space,
Children’s Library, and Chapel. The potential
for the real estate at the end of the Social Hall
solved numerous problems with the bonus of
providing direct access to the David Carr Sukkat
Cantor Weiss began applying for grants to build
the space. One source was the Henry and Sylvia
Yaschik Foundation which is Bonnie
Friedman’s parent’s foundation. Their mission is
to support and build Jewish Libraries. Our needs
and their abilities came together in a series of
small grants, throughout the years, that began to
accumulate and they brought us about halfway
to our goal. This year however, in a surprise
move, the Yaschik Foundation completed the
gift with a very large check which spurred us to
proceed immediately to construction.
I already had the plans drawn ( as they had
always been included in the grant applications ).
We were lucky that the contractor that recently
completed the Golden Family Youth Room,
downstairs, was available and he did an
exceptional job in a very tight time frame. It was
truly a team effort to make this happen. Thank
you to Ellen Bernstein for putting up with the
construction over the summer and to Suzanne
Rubenstein for helping make color and finish
selections. Thank you to our IT brain trust,
Rusty Preble and Scott Elfman, for their
assistance setting up the equipment, as well.
There will soon be a movable partition installed
to create two individual spaces for even more
flexibility; a large library and meeting space,
with a children’s library and chapel. The lighting
is designed to support all the different functions
from study and research, meetings and classes,
to presentations and movies. The new glass
allows light from the Social Hall to flow in and,
because the glass is double pane, it makes the
room extremely quiet.
We will soon have the software and scanners to
implement a tracking system so we can
catalogue, move, and check out books. After all,
we are the “Children of the Book”.
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom now has the
only Jewish Library on the South Shore and we
are so proud that this will become such an
important part of our community. We hope that
you will enjoy it.
by Arnie Goldie for the Committee As the fall
takes firm
hold and the leaves are falling your Brotherhood
is actively planning for future activities. We are
planning fall and winter activities, including a
splendid array of guest speakers and other activities that will support the needs of our congregation. When we all work together we add to the
perpetuation of our culture.
Most of our Sunday morning activities are included in the modest membership fee.
The Brotherhood is open to all male members of
our congregation. All are welcome and all are
needed. The membership fee of $36 is very low,
particularly knowing that $18 of which is our
membership fee in the national organization.
Brotherhood committee:
Michael Teller Rusty Preble
Scott Elfman
Harry Bemis
Jim Charam
Cantor Steven Weiss
We also want to respond to the needs and suggestions of the entire congregation so please
communicate those to any of our committee
Also, watch for the upcoming announcement of
our November breakfast and speaker.
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom  (781) 749-8103   Cheshvan / Kislev 5773  November 2012
Fri., Nov. 2
(5th Grade Shabbat Service)
Mr. Matthew Kenigsberg &
Ms. Lisa Gelman*
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Whelan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Feit
Mrs. Janna Kahn
Sat., Nov. 3
9:00am (KID’ushat)
Mr. David Coppola & Dr. Karen
Mr. & Mrs. Avi Chiat
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Hoch
10:30am (Morning Service)
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tesler*
Mrs. Marilyn Belson
Ms. Janet Damelin
Fri., Nov. 9 (Veterans Blessing &
Friday Night Live)
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Snyder*
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Block
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Winikoff
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Carter
Fri., Nov. 16
(4th Grade Shabbat Service)
Dr. Joe Leibovici & Dr. Liat Moore*
Dr. & Mrs. Jeremy Warhaftig
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Harris
Ms. Jenny Fischer
Fri., Nov. 23
(Grandparents Blessing)
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Siegel*
Mrs. Leila Siegel
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dannison
Sat., Nov. 24
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Jensen*
Ms. Tania Gad
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Grossman
Fri., Nov. 30
(3rd Grade Shabbat Service)
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Ader*
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Chaskes
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Freedman
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bracken
* Lead Family
Page 5
A Word Of Thanks….
The High Holy Days and Festivals have come and gone
and their beauty was enhanced by all of the members of
the congregation who participated throughout the
services. Listed below are the nearly 100 individuals who
played a role in the success of our holy day and festival
services. From erecting the Sukkah, blowing the Shofar,
chanting Torah, or playing on the piano, guitar, viola or
flute, each person played a special role in making our
congregation come to life and made the services special
for all of us.
Torah Portions
(Continued from page 3)
THANK YOU……………….
Parashat Toldot -
Torah Readers
Shellee Golden
Jonathan Fox
Dick Golder
Rich Rein
Richard Westelman
Hank Wolfson
Brian Skulsky
Barbara Lobosco
Adam Brodsky
Jon Salon
Bryan Carter
Jack Tolman
Haftarah Readers
Ben Weintraub
Richard Westelman
Michael Katz
Dassie Abelson
Service Honors
Toby & Hal Shainwald
Rosalie Gabel
Steven & Lisa Dehner
Lisa Berkin
Brenda Elfman
Janet Damelin
Michael & Lauren Teller
Grace & Michael Strake
David & Penny Alschuler
Dick & Shirley Golder
David & Nancy Heller
Ed & Ellen Jacobs
Josh Hoch
Rusty & Naomi Preble
Herb Morse &
Ellenjoy Fields
Jim & Linda Charam
Marty Baron
Diane Fischer
Phil & Miriam Greenspan
Alan Greenstein
Helene Lieb
Beryl Skulsky
Jennifer & Maura Ellett
Ben & Stephanie Gordon
Ronit Goldstein
Ken & Marne Goldman
Henry & Minna Levin
Joe & Susan Stone
2012 Confirmation Class
Aaron Skulsky
Mark Lobosco
Maxine Bergstein
Chloe Tolman
Jessica & Emily Sullivan
Jared Garland
Miranda Lan
Tom & Shellee Golden
Doug Jensen
Flo Jensen
Hank Wolfson
Scott Garland
Deborah Farber
David & Renee Rudolph
Adam & Athena Brodsky
Arnie Goldie
Phyllis Koch
Judy Chaskes
Brian Lipka
Richard & Linda Hill
Afternoon Service Readers
Laurie Dannison
Lisa Flashenberg
Ellen Bernstein
Barbara Carlin
Carole Brown
Ann Tolbert
Marylyn Schultz
George & Harriet Goldstein
Gary Gomes
Neal Satran
Joan Carr
Annette L’Heureux
Shofar Blower
Damon Constantanides
Synagogue Musicians
Richard Westelman
Barbara Lobosco
Grace Strake
Nov. 11 - Nov. 17, 2012
26 Cheshvan - 3 Kislev 5773
Rebekah bears twins, Jacob and Esau,
Esau sells birthright, deception by
Rebekah and Jacob for Isaac's
blessing, Jacob flees to Laban in
Parashat Vayetzei - ‫ויצא‬
Nov. 18 - Nov. 24, 2012
4 - 10 Kislev 5773
Jacob dreams of ladder to heaven, Jacob
works for Laban seven years for
Rachel; is deceived with Leah,
marries Rachel also and works seven
more years, Leah bears several
children, Rachel finally bears Joseph
Parashat Vayishlach - ‫וישלח‬
Sukkah Erectors & Decorators
Renee Rudolph
Hank Wolfson
Michael Teller
The Koplovsky Family
Special Thanks to:
 The ushers under the
leadership of Rusty Preble
who made sure all of the
services went smoothly
 All those who contributed
food to this year’s Yom
Kippur Food Drive
 Renee Rudolph for
organizing the Rosh Hashana
Evening Oneg and the Yom
Kippur Break the Fast
 Phyllis Koch for polishing the
Rhimonim and breast plates.
 Kathleen Boise for her
leadership in swapping over
prayer books and sprucing
up the lobby and social hall
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom  (781) 749-8103   Cheshvan / Kislev 5773  November 2012
Nov. 25 - Dec. 1, 2012
11 - 17 Kislev 5773
Jacob wrestles with a “man" at the
Jabbok river before reconciling with
Esau, the rape of Dinah, destruction
of Shechem, Rachel dies bearing
Benjamin, death of Isaac
Welcome To...
Brian & Karen Uretzky, Hingham
Michael & Ellen Kauf, Plymouth
Gary & Melissa Cohen, Cohasset
Brian Cavanaugh & Valerie Robin,
Dan & Eva Schwall, Hingham
Deb Conley, Duxbury
Ken & Marne Goldman, Scituate
Cheryl Kaufman, Cohasset
Sheila & Paul Bracy, Bridgewater
Kevin & Kristin Brown, Quincy
Josh & Kristen Grossman,
Ira & Rhoda Silverlieb, Hingham
Welcome back to Karl Katzeff &
Susan Kestler
Page 6
Office Observations
by Ellen Bernstein
“Park your gum at the door and keep your feet
off the floor.” This was my mom’s greeting for
years as we came in the back door after having
had our wood floors refinished. Oh how she
tried to keep the floors like new. With eight
children it is a hard thing to do. Now take that
up a few notches and think about all the
wonderful new spaces we have here at 1112
Main Street. Our Golden Family Youth
Lounge, the Henry and Sylvia Yaschik Library
and Conference Center, it was not too long ago
that we had our social hall repainted and new
covering on the wall and new classroom layouts
with new furniture. Spaces to come together to
worship, to study, to share a meal, to celebrate a
simcha, create keepsakes during family
education programs… The list is endless and the
need to care and respect the wonderful spaces
that are Congregation Sha’aray Shalom is
constant. As you come together to share in the
community that is all of ours remember we are
responsible for its care and upkeep. Lend a
helping hand to pick up something that has been
dropped, wipe up a spill, clean up after your
child has worked at the craft table, help clear up
after Oneg, Kiddush, dinner or class, don’t let
your children run around the social hall, offer to
take a load of table cloths to launder, bring a bag
of recycling to your recycling center, help your
children put away their work or remember to
take it home, and share your pride in your
congregation. Or as my mom always said,
“Hello, park your gum at the door and keep
your feet off the floor.” We welcome you into
our home.
A Word From The JCC Early Learning Center
The JCC Early
Learning Center
children have been
exploring fall! Trees
especially have been
growing through the school! Each classroom has
created their own trees using natural materials
from outside as well as recycle materials to
create some unique trees. We have read many
books to learn about trees and leaves as well as
songs. The children loved walking in the Sukkah
and even had a special snack in the Sukkah
during Sukkot!
by Myra Perlis
We are fortunate to have the My Gym program
visit our school several times a month. This
provides children with physical activity focused
on balancing skills, directions, and movement
and music. It is always the highlight of our day!
Friday's Shabbat continues to be apart of the
week everyone enjoys. Cantor Weiss joins us in
the Sanctuary to sing our favorite Shabbat songs,
make pretend chicken soup, Then we march
around the synagogue with our pretend Torahs
and proceed to the Bimah to look at the real
Torahs. The children love counting the number
of Torahs in Hebrew!
We will soon begin our re-enrollment process for
Fall 2013. There will be two Open Houses for
prospective families to visit the school and learn
about our program. The dates are: Sunday,
October 28th 11:00-12:30 pm and Sunday,
November 18th 11:12:30 pm . We welcome
Temple members to visit with us. Please feel free
to invite friends from the community.
CONNECTIONS thanks the
following families for supporting
Debra, Matt, Ellie & Joshua
Zieper as they mourned the
passing of their beloved Lettie
 Laurie & Charles Dannison
Chana & Michael Snyder
Naomi & Rusty Preble
Diana & Marty Block
Renee & Joe McDonald
Renee Rudolph
Deborah Keating
Kathleen Linnehan & Joel
Jennifer & Jason Tribush
Michael & Kris Goldberg
Ken & Dassie Abelson
CONNECTIONS thanks the
following families for supporting
a fellow member on bed rest:
 Liat Leibovici
Naomi Preble
Renee McDonald
Laurie Dannison
Julie Quinlivan
Karen Zemel
Ronit Goldstein
Elise Warhaftig
CONNECTIONS thanks the
following families for supporting
a fellow member:
 Addy Press
Jennifer Keating
Torah &
Consecration Service
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom  (781) 749-8103   Cheshvan / Kislev 5773  November 2012
Page 7
Sisterhood Notes - “Stronger Together”
The Sisterhood
had a great kickoff event on September 11th. Forty women
attended and enjoyed meeting new friends
and catching up with previous
acquaintances while sampling foods from
around the globe! A great time was had by
all!!! Next on the calendar Sisterhood is
hosting the second annual Crafts Fair on
Sunday December 2nd. Thank you to all
who have volunteered already and you
will be hearing from us. Additional
volunteers are needed to help on that day
and to provide goodies for the bake sale.
Please contact Leslie Wentworth, chair of
by Deborah Farber
the event, if you are able to participate in
any capacity or with any questions. She
can be reached at
Looking ahead into early 2013, Fitness
Day will be held on Sunday January 13th
chaired by Jen Reidy,, and Debbie Farber, Volunteers are also
welcomed for this event, to either assist in
the planning or help on that day and if
interested contact either Jen or Debbie.
Two date changes for upcoming events-the
Shabbaton has been changed to March 9th
chaired by Rene Katersky and planning is
already underway for this special event of
“Renewal-Rebirth-Rejuvenation” . The
Sisterhood Shabbat service date has been
moved from October 19th to May 3rd and
any member interested in participating
should contact Judith Chaskes at We hope to see
many of you at these wonderful events!
The Sisterhood Brings You: Bat Mitzvah Happenings
by Linda Rotman
Melaney and Gregory Jenkins
Mazel Tov to the Jenkins family as they
celebrate the B’nai Mitzvah of their
children Melaney and Gregory on October
20th! Their Torah portion is about Noah
and how G-d commanded him to build an
ark and bring two of every animal on
board. For the past year, Melaney has
been helping out in the first grade Sunday
school class at Sha’aray Shalom. Melaney
chose this as her Mitzvah project because
she wanted to celebrate her grandfather’s
life as a teacher. She further added that she
loves being there and that the kids are
amazing and very cooperative. She feels
that the most challenging aspect of
becoming a B’nai Mitzvah is having to get
up in front of all the guests and “trying not
to mess up in front of them.” When she is
not busy with school, Melaney enjoys
theatre. She is currently involved in a
production of The Wizard of Oz at Hull
High School which will be playing
December 7th, 8th, and 9th! She has
several parts in the show, including: a
munchkin, an Oz worker, flying monkey,
and more! Additionally, Melaney enjoys
playing softball in the spring. In the future,
she hopes to be looking at good colleges,
getting into college, and “staying on track”
with her life. She has entertained the
thought of possibly becoming a teacher
one day. She looks up to her two sisters
Ashely (19) and Brittany (18) whom she
really admires. Melaney is looking
forward to seeing all of her family and
welcoming their support on her big day.
She recommends that future Bar/Bat
Mitzvah students practice hard in their
free time and definitely go over their
Torah portion and prayers. Additionally,
Melaney wanted to cite her late
grandmother and grandfather as the
“greatest inspiration” in her life. She
passionately spoke about how good they
were to her and how much they had
taught her.
Greg stated that they helped him learn a
great deal in his life. He looks forward to
seeing his family—some of whom are
traveling far to attend the event, including
Ohio and Florida! As for advice to future
Bar/Bat Mitzvah students, Greg stated:
“Don’t wait till the last week to get
everything done!”
After speaking to Melaney, I had the
pleasure of interviewing her brother Greg
who is also looking forward to their big
day! Greg told me that he is also helping
to teach Sunday school at Sha’aray
Shalom. He is helping in the pre-school
class and enjoying it. Greg felt that the
most challenging part of becoming a B’nai
Mitzvah was learning the Torah portion
and all of the prayers. When he is not in
school, Greg is a passionate athlete who is
engaged in numerous sports, including:
hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball!
He cited hockey as his favorite sport! Greg
also loves to surf which he learned from
his neighbors. In the future, he envisions
himself looking at colleges and studying as
hard as he can. He looks up to his late
Grammy and Papa as his role models.
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom  (781) 749-8103   Cheshvan / Kislev 5773  November 2012
Page 8
Michael and Ellen Kauff.
Sheila Bracy & husband Paul
As kids they both grew up in the same
town on Long Island, but Time Marches
On and during the 50 years of their
marriage they have lived in NYC, NY
Metro area, 23 years in Poughkeepsie,
NY, moved to Salisbury, Ct for eleven
years of semi-retirement and are now
permanently retired in Pinehills,Plymouth.
Mike practiced Radiology and Ellen was
an Interior Designer after teaching art on
the elementary level.
Sheila Bracy who, along with her husband
Paul, now reside in Bridgewater, MA,
having recently relocated from Martha’s
Vineyard, where they lived for seven
years. Between them they have seven
children and six grandchildren and take
great pride in their large, multiracial
They have three children, Maurice, 44,
better known as Mo, is a Bond trader for a
money management firm, is Head Coach
of Tufts Rugby and resides in
Newburyport, MA. Russ, 43, is the
Director of Sugarbush Ski and Ride
School in Warren, VT and spends his
summers teaching skiing in Wanaka, New
Zealand on the South Island. Amanda, 40,
has enjoyed a break from the Publishing
business and lives in London raising her
two little children. She has been training
for a Triathlon and other races in London
and Cape Cod. Mike and Ellen head to
London often to be with her family.
Mike and Ellen enjoy a wide variety of
interests including Visual Arts, Crafts,
Modern Architecture and music from
many periods, including Jazz, all of which
they can continue to enjoy in their new
surroundings. Mike likes to swim laps,
hike and plant the gardens that Ellen
designs, and both read a lot!
Along with their many activities, Ellen
and Mike have been involved with
Planned Parenthood for many years. Mike
served on the Board of the Dutchess
County, NY Affiliate for ten years and
was President of that board for two years.
Ellen served on the Board of the Dutchess
County Council on the Arts, the Bard
College Summer Music Festival and the
Hudson Valley Philharmonic Boards, and
raised money for the Arts while residing in
Salisbury, Ct.
For most of her personal and professional
life Sheila has been involved with helping
individuals, groups and organizations. She
is currently volunteering with Crittenton
Women’s Union on their Program and
Fund Raising Committees, and also
provides free coaching and mentoring
services to local women owned businesses.
She was the Executive Director of Women
Empowered, whose mission is to empower
women of Martha’s Vineyard to make
positive choices by developing and
fostering like skills to facilitate change in
their lives. She also chaired the Social
Action and Personnel Committees of the
Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center and
facilitated the strategic planning for the
center. She was a member of various
community advisory boards in the town of
Oak bluffs.
Sheila also held two positions in the
corporate world as the Principal Diversity
consultant to the Gillette Company and
the corporate Ombudsman to Fleet Bank.
Previously, she held positions as Human
Resources Manager for four state agencies
during her tenure with the MA
Along with her husband, Sheila is a
principal of Collaborative Strategies, a
consulting and training firm providing
diversity management, sexual harassment
consulting and training, executive
coaching, organizational development and
change management services to the private
and public sectors throughout the United
States. Paul’s particular interest/passion is
in the area of conflict resolution and
violence prevention. They both enjoy
traveling and spending time with their
many grandkids.
The Uretzky family
The Uretzky family, Brian, Karen and
Nathan (3) and Caleb (1). Brian originally
hails from Long Island, NY and Karen
from Palos Verdes in Southern California,
now living in Hingham for about three
months and loving it!
Brian is a Bond trader for Loomis Sayles
and Karen works part-time as a Human
Resource Manager at Numeric Investors.
For recreation they are into all sports
(especially three teams from NY – be kind
to them) and outdoor activities. Brian runs
marathons…many of them. He ran the
Boston Marathon last year, has also run
the New York, Big Sur, Bar Harbor, Philly
and Quebec and by the time you read this,
he will have run the Chicago Marathon!
Karen spends a lot of time with laundry,
dishes, diapers, diapers, laundry, etc….but
is very excited to get involved in the
community and make new friends in
Brian and Karen heard about Sha’aray
Shalom from a family member of Karen’s
who know Myra Perlis, head of the JCC
Early Learning Center, was told how
fabulous the program is and enrolled
Nathan as soon as they bought their
house. Nathan enjoys being with his little
friends on Monday, Tuesday and
Brian and Karen are looking forward to
meeting more families with young
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom  (781) 749-8103   Cheshvan / Kislev 5773  November 2012
Page 9
Our contributions support the work of the Temple.
They are promptly acknowledged & those
remembered are informed of your thoughtfulness.
Donations should be mailed to the Temple attention
Kathleen Vasa, Corresponding Secretary or can be
made online through Acceptiva.
While we will do our best to get everything in. Please not that
donations received after the 15th may not appear until
the next months issue.
GENERAL FUND - unearmarked assistance for
Congregational activities
In memory of Rebecca Warner L'Heureux, beloved niece
of Annette L'Heureux
In memory of Barbara Rubenstein, beloved mother of
Lisa Jenkins
~ Peter Mc Donough and Shari Lobe
In memory of Jack Ostrowsky on his yahrzeit
~ Michael and Susan Ostrowsky
In memory of Denise Kramer, beloved mother of Lauren
~ Judy & Jeff Kalla
In memory of Rebecca Stetz beloved daughter of Estelle
Stetz Marcus on her yahrzeit
~ Estelle and Albert Marcus
For the High Holiday Honor
~ Brenda Elfman
In memory of Letty Wein, beloved mother of Debra
In memory of Nathalie Redfield, beloved aunt of Penny
~ David and Penny Alschuler
In memory of Letty Wein, beloved mother of Debra
~ Sheldon and Irma Zieper
In memory of Gregg Murray, beloved husband of Lois
~ Lois Murray
In memory of Sol Lobe, beloved husband of Shari Lobe
~ Shari Lobe
In memory of Letty Wein, beloved mother of Debra
~ Carolyn S. Weinstein
In honor of Bryan chanting Torah during Yom Kippur
~ Heather and Bryan Skulsky
Thank you for having for having us for High Holy Day
~ John and Lisa Cloherty
In memory of Letty Wein, beloved mother of Debra
~ John and Beth Gamel
In memory of Letty Wein, beloved mother of Debra
~ Emily Antell
In memory of Letty Wein, beloved mother of Debra
~ Shelia and Alan Levine
In memory of Leonard Block, beloved father of Marty
In memory of Judith Lee Serin, beloved mother of
Michael Goldberg
In memory of Theodora Augenstern, beloved mother of
Augie Augenstern
In memory of Mynne Englander, beloved mother of
Nancy Small
In honor of the birth of Hunter Edward Small, grandson
of Rick and Nancy Small
~ Dick and Shirley Golder
In memory of Theodora Augenstern, beloved mother of
Arthur Augenstern
~ Ben and Sue Barclay
In memory of Lorraine Goren, beloved sister of Bev
Levine and aunt of Amy Hildreth
In memory of Rebecca Warner L'Heureux, beloved niece
of Annette L"Heureux
~ Bev and Bob Levine
In memory of Marie Blumenthal on her Yahrzeit
~ Scott and Brenda Elfman
RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND - enables the Rabbi to
provide assistance as needed
In appreciation for your counsel and sponsorship of my
~ Bill Barrett
A warm New Year wish and thank you for a wonderful
baby naming
~ Dick and Shirley Golder
Shanah Tovah Umetukah to my Rabbi and Temple
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers this summer
~ Judy Nichols
In memory of Judith Lee Serin, beloved mother of
Michael Goldberg
~ The Kellem Asbrand Family
Thank you for your wisdom and support
~ Christina Grossman
In memory of Geraldine Blumberg on her yahrzeit,
beloved mother of Robert Blumberg
~ Robert Blumberg
In memory of Letty Wein, beloved mother of Debra
~ Jessie Ring
~ Stuart Saginor and Family
In memory of Murray Hannellin on his yahrzeit, beloved
father of Leila Siegel
~ Leila Siegal
Thank you for the opportunity to welcome in 5773 with
the congregation
~ Emma and Allen Swartz
Thank you for the welcoming me, Justin and Deborah at
your home for the holidays
~ Kate Golder
With appreciation for the Rabbi's support and guidance
to us and our congregation
~ Dick and Shirley Golder
In memory of Harold Bloom on his yahrzeit
In memory of Nathan Sacon on his yahrzeit
~ Carol and Stan Sacon
In honor of the naming of Felix Truebswasser Friedman
~ Carol and Dennis Friedman
~ Ursula Truebswasser and Josh Freidman
support for members with special needs
and cantorial functions as Cantor sees fit
In appreciation of your time and participation in my
conversion ceremony
~ Bill Barrett
Shanah Tovah Umetukah to my Cantor and Temple
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers this summer
~ Judy Nichols
In memory of Denise Kramer, beloved mother of Lauren
~ The Kellem Asbrand Family
Thank you for all your kind words
~ Christina Grossman
In memory of Frieda Rucklin on her yahrzeit, beloved
great aunt of Heather Skulsky
~ Heather Skulsky
With appreciation for the Cantor's support and guidance
to us and our congregation
~ Dick and Shirley Golder
RELIGIOUS LIFE FUND - for purchase and repair of ritual
education and activities
YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND - scholarships for youth
events, trips and summer camps
In memory of Roslyn Trager, beloved mother of Ali
~ Ali Trager
Donation from Sara and Jason Ader
~ Sara and Jason Ader
In honor of Aaron Skulsky and the 2011 confirmation
class Aliyah
~ Heather and Bryan Skulsky
Thank you for a warm and welcoming Yom Kippur
~ Bree Robin
JOAN CARR SCHOOL FUND - for unbudgeted school
In memory of Gilberte Mahany, beloved mother of
Sandra Suchoff
In memory of Barbara Rubenstein, beloved mother of
Lisa Jenkins
In memory of Rebecca Warner L'Heureux, beloved niece
of Annette L'Heureux
~ Athena and Adam Brodsky
In memory of Letty Wein, beloved mother of Debra
~ Harvey and Arlene Kurr
Shanah Tovah Umetukah to the faculty, whose thoughts
and get well wishes have meant so much.
~ Judy Nichols
GROWTH - Growth: supports adult learning programs
In memory of Nathalie Redfield on her yahrzeit
~ Barbara Benbassett
In honor of Ellen Bernstein for all she does for our
In honor of Annette L'Heureux for all she does for our
In honor of the conversion of William Barrett
In honor of the conversion of Christina Grossman
With appreciation for the honor of an Aliyah at Rosh
~ Dick and Shirley Golder
With appreciation for the honor of chanting Torah at
Rosh Hashanah
~ Dick Golder
(Continued on page 11)
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom  (781) 749-8103   Cheshvan / Kislev 5773  November 2012
Page 10
Yahrzeit List And Service Dates
Yahrzeit Plaque Dedications
Observe / Read
Anne Baron
11/12 11/16 & 11/17
Frank E. Berman
11/6 11/9 & 11/10
Alexander Billincoff
11/21 11/23 & 11/24
Anne B. Brodsky
11/17 11/23 & 11/24
Jacob Feingold
11/22 11/23 & 11/24
Seymour Feldman
11/23 11/23 & 11/24
Rose Friedman
11/21 11/23 & 11/24
Arthur Gabel
11/11 11/16 & 11/17
Mildred Isabel Golder
11/14 11/16 & 11/17
Herbert Greenstein
11/2 11/2 & 11/3
Goldie Herman
11/28 11/30 & 12/1
Max Hurwitch
11/17 11/23 & 11/24
Cecelia Hyman
11/18 11/23 & 11/24
Michael Jacobs
11/12 11/16 & 11/17
Gail Cynthia Joseph
11/6 11/9 & 11/10
Dennis Charles Kauff
11/8 11/9 & 11/10
Coleman Kaufman
11/20 11/23 & 11/24
Leonard Lan
11/5 11/9 & 11/10
Nathan Learner
11/15 11/16 & 11/17
Helen Leonard
11/21 11/23 & 11/24
Samuel William Levin
Harry Levine
Aleck Albert Loftus
Lawrence Maisel
Irene McDonald
Helen Levin Moskow
Irving Perlman
Albert Rothberg
Louis Barry Russell
Abraham Sakalove
Samuel Abraham Schneider
Sylvia C. Shulman
Gladys R. Silverman
Cora Virginia Stewart
11/9 & 11/10
11/2 & 11/3
11/16 & 11/17
11/9 & 11/10
11/2 & 11/3
11/30 & 12/1
11/23 & 11/24
11/23 & 11/24
11/16 & 11/17
11/9 & 11/10
11/9 & 11/10
11/9 & 11/10
11/30 & 12/1
11/16 & 11/17
mother of Martin Baron
father-in-law of Selma Berman
brother of Sylvia Sheftelz'l
mother of Adam Brodsky
father of Harriet Carpenter
father of Carol Friedman
mother of Richard Friedman
husband of Rosalie Gabel
mother of Richard Golder
father of Alan Greenstein
grandmother of Bonnie Bycoff
father of Lois Murray
grandmother of Laura Fisher
father-in-law of Shirley Jacobs
sister of Saul Joseph
brother of Richard Kauff
uncle of Susan Chessler
father of Russell Lan
father of Judy Nichols
grandmother of Joel Leonard
mother of Paul Leonard
father of Larry Levin
father-in-law of Joyce Levine
father of Irene Smith
father of Barbara Marcus
mother of Edward McDonald
mother of Henry Levin
husband of Rose Perlmanz'l
father of Jane Needel
father of Amy Greene
father of Roger Sakalove
husband of Amy Schneider
former wife of Philip Shulmanz'l
mother of Betty Saunders
aunt of Shirley Golder
Anne Abelson
Observe / Read
11/15 11/16 & 11/17 mother of Kenneth Abelson
grandmother of Laurie Dannison
Lena Bayme
10/30 11/2 & 11/3
grandmother of Wendy Barrett
Philip Belson
11/27 11/30 & 12/1 husband of Marilyn Belson
Robert Briskin
11/7 11/9 & 11/10 friend of Joseph Fisher
Dr. G. Stephen Brown
11/29 11/30 & 12/1 husband of Carole Brown
Hattie Caplain
11/23 11/23 & 11/24 grandmother of Judd Caplain
Neil Caplain
11/19 11/23 & 11/24 grandfather of Judd Caplain
Claire Dillon
11/8 11/9 & 11/10 sister of Kathleen Linnehan
Jane Mallas Fischer
11/21 11/23 & 11/24 mother of Diane Fischer
grandmother of Jenny Fischer
Ralph Freedman
11/13 11/16 & 11/17 father of Robert Freedman
Hilda Freedman
11/3 11/9 & 11/10 mother of Robert Freedman
Murray Garber
11/17 11/23 & 11/24 former father-in-law of
Helene Garber
Mildred Jacobs
11/26 11/30 & 12/1 mother of Miriam Greenspan
Miriam Jedlicki
11/16 11/16 & 11/17 great aunt of Michael Katz
Ralph Johnston
11/18 11/23 & 11/24 husband of Phyllis Springer
father of Rachel Johnston
Sadie Katersky
11/25 11/30 & 12/1 grandmother of Edward Katersky
Louis Levine
11/29 11/30 & 12/1 father of Robert Levine
grandfather of Amy Hildreth
Jennie Lobosco
11/26 11/30 & 12/1 mother of Angelo Lobosco
Josephine Landaner Menkus 11/11 11/16 & 11/17 mother of Cecille Friedler
Morris Mines
11/29 11/30 & 12/1 grandfather of Edward Katersky
John Osterman
10/31 11/2 & 11/3
father of Karen Augenstern
King Rich
11/1 11/2 & 11/3
brother of Barbara Benbassat
uncle of Penny Alschuler
Bea Russotto
11/21 11/23 & 11/24 mother of Cecile Arnold
Reba Sacher
11/27 11/30 & 12/1 mother of Andrea McCarthy
Emma Shaffer
11/3 11/9 & 11/10 mother of Marylyn Schultz
and Edward Shaffer
Abraham Shaffer
11/20 11/23 & 11/24 father of Marylyn Schultz
and Edward Shaffer
Henry Shapiro
11/11 11/16 & 11/17 cousin of Jim Charam
Robin Silverman
11/14 11/16 & 11/17 cousin of Janet Damelin
Isadore Singer
11/19 11/23 & 11/24 father of Jay Singer
David Somer
11/2 11/2 & 11/3
father of Ellen Jacobs
Lawrence D. Thornton
11/8 11/9 & 11/10 father of Marni Blauer
Miriam Toabe
10/31 11/2 & 11/3
mother of Nelson Ross
Ernest Tucker
11/18 11/23 & 11/24 father of Tena Tanderes
Beatrice Yaffa
11/20 11/23 & 11/24 aunt of Margery Milmore
Louis Yaffa
11/16 11/16 & 11/17 uncle of Margery Milmore
Michael Yaffa
11/17 11/23 & 11/24 cousin of Margery Milmore
Donations (cont.)
JENNIFER SANSONETTI PASSPORT TO ISRAEL FUND assistance for participants in Israel programs
In memory of Letty Wein, beloved mother of Debra
~ Andrew and Ruth duMolin
Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Leon Ettin
~ Bonney and David Solomon
In memory of Constantine George Demopulos, beloved
father of Athena Brodsky
~ Athena Brodsky
In memory of Isabelle Gordon, beloved mother of Diane
~ Diane Snyder
expenses, repair and maintenance
for Confirmation trip participants
LIBRARY FUND - books and materials for library
SOCIAL ACTION FUND - supports acts of tikkun olam
In memory of Rosaline Harrison, beloved mother of
Barbara Dine
~ Michael and Lauren Teller
Rabbi Rudavsky and Kathleen Townsend on their new
Steve and Sally Goldman on their new twin grandbabies
Barbara Dine on the passing of her beloved mother
Rosaline Harrison
Dr. Albert Marcus on the passing of his beloved cousin,
Leo Knoff
Lisa Jenkins on the passing of her beloved mother,
Barbara Rubenstein
Debra Zieper on the passing of her beloved mother
Letty Wein
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom  (781) 749-8103   Cheshvan / Kislev 5773  November 2012
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Congregation Sha’aray Shalom  (781) 749-8103   Cheshvan / Kislev 5773  November 2012
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something, CSS gets a percentage of your purchase. The more buyers, the
more CSS gets! This is a great way to support the Temple - from the
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Rabbi Shira H. Joseph
Cantor Steven I. Weiss
Michael Teller
Ellen Bernstein
Annette L'Heureux
Sara Metzger
Katelyn Gosselin
CSS Leadership
Michael Teller
Grace Strake
Richard Golder
David Alschuler
Stephen Dehner
Bryan Carter
Diane Fischer
Janet Damelin
Hank Wolfson
Kathleen Vasa
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
3rd Vice President
Assistant Treasurer
Financial Secretary
Assistant Financial Secretary
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Hal Shainwald
Immediate Past President
Ellen Bernardi & Deb Farber
Sisterhood Co-Presidents
Executive Director
School Administrator
SHASTY Advisor
HEKTY Advisor
Martin Baron
Ellen Bernardi
Kathleen Boise
Adam Brodsky
Jennifer Ellett
Debbie Farber
Gerald Friedler
Scott Garland
Arnold Goldie
Shellee Golden
Christina Grossman
Nancy Heller
Douglas Jensen
Ronit Goldstein
Helene Lieb
Robert Preble
Hal Shainwald
Chana Snyder
Joseph Stone
Jay Tolman
Adult Education: Penny Alschuler
Bulletin: Jennifer Ellett
Cemetery: Cathy Rein & Nancy Heller
Connections: Laurie Dannison
Chavurah 2.0: Scott Garland
Education/Youth: Lisa Veldran &
Karen Maravel
Endowment & Planned Giving: Joe Stone
Finance: David Alschuler
Fundraising: Jay Tolman & Doug Jensen
Gift Card: Mitch Marcus
Holy Rollers: Rusty Preble & Phyllis
House: Hank Wolfson
Membership: Grace Strake
Mitzvah Committee: Laurie Dannison &
Renee Rudolph
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom  (781) 749-8103   Cheshvan / Kislev 5773  November 2012
Nominating: Hal Shainwald
Oneg: Laurie Dannison
Passport to Israel: Grace Strake
Publicity: Brian Lipka
Religious Practices: Michael Katz
Social Action/Environmental Efficiency:
Lisa Berkin, Brenda Elfman, &
Scott Garland
Social Networking: Chana Snyder
Page 27
Reasons to Review Your Existing Life
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