Samsung SGH-E700 service manual
GSM TELEPHONE SGH-E700 SERVICE GSM TELEPHONE Manual CONTENTS 1. Specification 2. Circuit Description 3. Exploded Views and Parts List 4. Electrical Parts List 5. Block Diagrams 6. PCB Diagrams 7. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting ELECTRONICS ⓒ Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. June. 2003 Printed in Korea. This Service Manual is a property of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. Any unauthorized use of Manual can be punished under applicable International and/or domestic law. Code No.: GH68-04050A BASIC. 1. SGH-E700 Specification 1. GSM General Specification GS M9 0 0 Ph a se 1 E GS M 9 0 0 Ph a se 2 DC S 1 8 0 0 P h as e 1 F r eq . B a n d [M Hz ] Up l in k / Do w n li n k 8 9 0 ~9 1 5 9 3 5 ~9 6 0 8 8 0 ~9 1 5 9 2 5 ~9 6 0 1 7 1 0 ~1 7 8 5 1 8 0 5 ~1 8 8 0 A RF C N r a n g e 1 ~1 2 4 0~124 & 9 7 5 ~1 0 2 3 5 1 2 ~8 8 5 T x /R x s p ac in g 4 5 MHz 4 5 MHz 9 5 M Hz Mo d . B i t r at e/ Bi t Pe r i o d 270.833kbps 3.692us 2 7 0 .8 3 3 k b p s 3 .6 9 2 u s 270.833kbps 3.692us Ti me Sl o t P er io d / F r am e P er i o d 576.9us 4 .6 1 5 m s 5 7 6 .9 u s 4 .6 1 5 m s 576.9us 4 .6 1 5 m s Mo d u l a ti o n 0 .3 G MS K 0 .3 G MS K 0 .3 GM SK M S P o we r 3 3 d Bm ~1 3 d B m 3 3 d Bm ~5 d B m 3 0 d B m ~0 d B m Po w er C l as s 5 p cl ~ 1 5 p c l 5pcl ~ 19pcl 0pcl ~ 15pcl Se n si t iv i t y -102dBm - 1 0 2 d Bm -100dBm TDM A M u x 8 8 8 C el l Ra d iu s 3 5 Km 3 5 Km 2 Km 1-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Specification 2. GSM TX power class TX Power control level GSM900 TX Power DCS1800 control level 5 33±2 dBm 0 30±3 dBm 6 31±2 dBm 1 28±3 dBm 7 29±2 dBm 2 26±3 dBm 8 27±2 dBm 3 24±3 dBm 9 25±2 dBm 4 22±3 dBm 10 23±2 dBm 5 20±3 dBm 11 21±2 dBm 6 18±3 dBm 12 19±2 dBm 7 16±3 dBm 13 17±2 dBm 8 14±3 dBm 14 15±2 dBm 9 12±4 dBm 15 13±2 dBm 10 10±4 dBm 16 11±3 dBm 11 8±4dBm 17 9±3dBm 12 6±4 dBm 18 7±3 dBm 13 4±4 dBm 19 5±3 dBm 14 2±5 dBm 15 0±5 dBm 1-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 2. SGH-E700 Circuit Description 1. SGH-E700 RF Circuit Description 1) RX PART 1. ASM(F101) → Switching Tx, Rx path for GSM900, DCS1800 by logic controlling. 2. ASM Control Logic (U102, U103) → Truth Table VC_1 VC_2 GSM Tx Mode L H DCS Tx Mode H L GSM Rx Mode L L DCS Rx Mode L L 3. FILTER To convert Electromagnetic Field Wave to Acoustic Wave and then pass the specific frequency band. - GSM FILTER (C105,C107,L101) → For filtering the frequency band between 925 ~ 960 MHz - DCS FILTER (C110,C113,L103) → For filtering the frequency band 1805 and 1880 MHz. 4. TC-VCXO (OSC100) To generate the 13MHz reference clock to drive the logic and RF. After additional process, the reference clock applies to the U101 Rx IQ demodulator and Tx IQ modulator. The oscillator for RX IQ demodulator and Tx modulator are controlled by serial data to select channel and use fast lock mode for GPRS high class operation. 5. OM5178 (U100) This chip integrates two differential-input LNAs. The GSM input supports the E-GSM, DCS input supports the DCS1800. The LNA inputs are matched to the 200 ohm differential output SAW filters through eternal LC matching network. Image-reject mixer downconverts the RF signal to a 100 KHz intermediate frequency(IF) with the RFLO from VOL1861 frequency synthesizer. The RFLO frequency is between 1801 ~ 1921 MHz. The Mixer output is amplified with an analog programmable gain amplifier(PGA), which is controlled by AGAIN. The quadrature IF signal is digitized with high resolution A/D converts (ADC). 2) TX PART Baseband IQ signal fed into offset PLL, this function is included inside of U100 chip. OM5178 chip generates modulator signal which power level is about 1.5dBm and fed into Power Amplifier(PAM100). The PA output power and power ramping are well controlled by Auto Power Control circuit. We use offset PLL below table. 2-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Circuit Description 200kHz offset 30 kHz bandwidth Modulation Spectrum 400kHz offset 30 kHz bandwidth 600kHz ~ 1.8MHz offset 30 kHz bandwidth GSM -35dBc DCS -35dBc PCS -35dBc GSM -66dBc DCS -65dBc PCS -66dBc GSM -75dBc DCS -68dBc PCS -75dBc 2. Baseband Circuit description of SGH-E700 1. PCF50601 1.1. Power Management Ten low-dropout regulators designed specifically for GSM applications power the terminal and help ensure optimal system performance and long battery life. A programmable boost converter provides support for 1.8V, 3.0V, and 5.0V SIMs, while a self-resetting, electronically fused switch supplies power to external accessories. Ancillary support functions, such as RTC module and High Voltage Charge pump, Clock generator, aid in reducing both board area and system complexity. I2C BUS serial interface provides access to control and configuration registers. This interface gives a microprocessor full control of the PCF50601 and enables system designers to maximize both standby and talk times. Supervisory functions. including a reset generator, an input voltage monitor, and a temperature sensor, support reliable system design. These functions work together to ensure proper system behavior during start-up or in the event of a fault condition(low microprocessor voltage, insufficient battery energy, or excessive die temperature). 1.2. Backlight Brightness Modulator The Backlight Brightness Modulator (BBM) contains a programmable Pulse-width modulator (PWM) and FET to modulate the intensity of a series of LED’s or to control a DC/DC converter that drives LCD backlight. This phone (SGH-E700) is not use PWM, but use DC CONTROL (BL_VDD) So "BL_VDD" voltage is high value, backlight brigtness is gloomy and "BL_VDD" voltage is low value, backlight is bright. 1.3. Clock Generator The Clock Generator (CG) generates all clocks for internal and external usage. The 32768 Hz crystal oscillator provides an accurate low clock frequency for the PCF50601 and other circuitry. 2. Connector 2-1. LCD Connector LCD is consisted of main LCD(color 65K TFT LCD) and small LCD(256 EL LCD). Chip select signals in the U302, LCD_MAIN_CS and LCD_SUB_CS, can enable Each LCD. LCD_MAIN_CS signal enables white LED of main LCD and LCD_SUB_CS signal enables EL of small LCD. These two signals are from IO part of the DSP in the U302(alpha chip). 2-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Circuit Description "RESET_2V8" signal initiates the Reset process of the LCD. 16-bit data lines(LD(0)~LD(15)) transfers data and commands to LCD through by pass capacitor. Data and commands use "RS" signal. If this signal is high, Inputs to LCD are commands. If it is low, Inputs to LCD are data. The signal which informs the input or output state to LCD, is required. But this system is not necessary this signal. So "L_WR" signal is used to write data or commands to LCD. Power signals for LCD are "VBAT" and "VDD2". "SPK_P" and "SPK_N" from OM6357 are used for audio speaker. And "VDD_VIB" from PCF50601 enables the motor. 2-3. IRDA This system uses IRDA module, HSDL_3208, Agilent's. This has signals, "IRDA_DOWN"(enable signal), "RXD0"(input data) and "TXD0"(output data). These signals are connected to OM6357. It uses two power signals. "VDD2" is used for circuit and "VBAT" is used for LED. 2-4. Key This is consisted of key interface pins among OM6357, KBIO(0:7). These signals compose the matrix. Result of matrix informs the key status to key interface in the OM6357. Power on/off key is seperated from the matrix. So power on/off signal is connected with PCF50601 to enable PCF50601. twelve key LED use the "VBAT" supply voltage. "VDD_KEY" signal enables LEDs with current control. "FLIP" informs the status of folder (open or closed) to the OM6357. This uses the hall effect IC, A3210ELH. A magnet under main LCD enables A3210ELH. 2-5. EMI ESD Filter This system uses the EMI ESD filter, EMIF09 to protect noise from IF CONNECTOR part. 2-6 IF connetor It is 18-pin connector. They are designed to use VBAT, V_EXT_CHARGE, TXD0, RXD0, RTS0, CTS0, JIG_REC, CHARGER_OK, RXD1, TXD1, AUX_MIC, AUX_SPK and GND. They connected to power supply IC, microprocessor and signal processor IC. 3. Battery Charge Management a complete constant-current/constant-voltage linear charger for single cell lithium-ion batteries. If ta connected to phone, "V_EXT_CHARGE" enable charger IC and supply current to battery. when fault condition caused, "CHG_ON" signal level change low to high and charger IC stop charging process. 4. Audio EARP_P and EARP_N from OM6357 are connected to the main speaker. AUXSP is connected to the Hands free kit. MIC_P and MIC_N are connected to the main MIC. And AUX_MIC_P and AUX_MIC_N are connected to the Hands free kit. YMU762MA3 is a LSI for portable telephone that is capable of playing high quality music by utilizing FM synthesizer and ADPCM decorder that are included in this device. As a synthesis, YMU762MA3 is equipped 32 voices with differenttones. Since the device is capable of simultaneously generating up to synchronous with the play of the FM synthesizer, various sampled voices can be used as sound effects. Since the play data of YMU762MA3 are interpreted at anytime through FIFO, the length of the data(playing period) is not limited, so the device can flexiblysupport application such as incoming call melody music distribution service. 2-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Circuit Description The hardware sequencer built in this device allows playing of the complex music without giving excessive load to the CPU of the portable telephones. Moreover, the registers of the FM synthesizer can be operated directly for real time sound generation, allowing, for example, utilization of various sound effects when using the game software installed in the portable telephone. YMU762 includes a speaker amplifier with high ripple removal rate whose maximum output is 550mW (SPVDD=3.6V). The device is also equipped with conventional function including a vibartor and a circuit for controlling LEDs synchornous with music. For the headphone, it is provided with a stereophonic output terminal. For the purpose of enabling YMU762MA3 to demonstarte its full capablities, Yamaha purpose to use "SMAF:Synthetic music Mobile Application Format" as a data distribution format that is compatible wiht multimedia. Since the SMAF takes a structure that sets importance on the synchronization between sound and images, various contents can be written into it including incoming call melody with words that can be used for traning karaoke, and commercial channel that combines texts, images and sounds, and others. The hardware sequencer of YMU762MA3 directly interprets and plays blocks relevant to systhesis (playing music and reproducing ADPCM with FM synthesizer) that are included in data distributed in SMAF. 5. Memory signals in the OM6357 enable two memories. They use only one volt supply voltage, VDD3 in the PCF50601. This system uses Samsung's memory, KBB06A300M-T402. It is consisted of 128M bits flash NOR memory and 128M bits flash NAND memory and 32M bits UtRAM. It has 16 bit data line, HD[0~15] which is connected to OM6357 and MV317S. It has 23 bit address lines, HA[1~23]. CS_NAND and NCSRAM signals is chip select. Wrting process, HWR_N is low and it enables writing process to flash memory and SRAM. During reading process, HRD_N is low and it enables reading process to flash memory and SRAM. Each chip select signals in the OM6357 select memory among 2 flash memory and UtRAM. Reading or writing procedure is processed after HWR_N or HRD_N is enabled. Memories use reset, which is VDD3 delay from PCF50601. HA[22] signal enables lower byte of SRAM and HA[22] signal enables higher byte of SRAM. 6. OM6357 OM6357 is consisted of ARM core and DSP core. It has 8x1Kword on-chip program/data RAM, 55 Kwords on-chip program ROM in the DSP. It has 4K*32bits ROM and 2K*32bits RAM in the ARM core. DSP is consisted of KBS, JTAG, EMI and UART. ARM core is consisted of EMI, PIC(Programmable Interrupt Controller), reset/power/clock unit, DMA controller, TIC(Test Interface Controller), eripheral bridge, PPI, SSI(Synchronous Serial Interface), ACC(Asynchronous communications controllers), timer, ADC, RTC(Real-Time Clock) and keyboard interface. KBIO(0:7), address lines of DSP core and HD[0~15]. HA[1~23], address lines of ARM core and HD[0~15], data lines of ARM core are connected to memory, YMU759. MV317S(Camera DSP Chip) controls the communication between ARM core and DSP core. CS_NAND, NCSRAM, NCSFLASH in the ARM core are connected to each memory. HWR_N and HRD_N control the process of memory. External IRQ(Interrupt ReQuest) signals from each units, such as, PMU need the compatible process. KBIO[0~7] receive the status from key and RXD0/TXD0/irDA_DOWN are used for the communicatios using IRDA and data link cable(DEBUG_DTR/RTS/TXD/RXD/CTS/DSR). It has JTAG control pins(TDI/TDO/TCK) for ARM core and DSP core. It recieves 13MHz clock in CKI pin from external TCXO. ADC(Analog to Digital Convertor) part receives the status of temperature, battery type and battery voltage. 2-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Circuit Description 7. TCO-9141D(13MHz) This system uses the 13MHz TCXO, TCO-9141D, Toyocom. AFC control signal form OM6357 controls frequency from 13MHz x-tal. It generates the clock frequency. This clock is connected to OM6357, YMU762 and OM5178. 9.Camera DSP(MV317SA) Tiger is an Integrated circuit for mobile phone camera. This structure will allow effectiveness for large data management and significantly reduces main processor will get burden. In hence, Tiger will allow the user to be able to display to LCD direct without burdening the main processor. It also allows to have various kinds of display size on the LCD and snapshot for Jpeg. Digital effect will also be executed on real time base resulting Tiger as being a video co-processor in the mobile platform. Also,an i80 type processor’ s 16bit parallel interface of Tiger makes it available for the CPU to interchange the data with Tiger. As the additional 8Mbit is usable except 2Mbit buffer embedded in Tiger, the diverse UI data processing which is not a burden to the CPU is available. JPEG encoder and decoder are baseline ISO/IEC 10918-1 JPEG compliance (DCT-based). JPEG decoder supports YUV444, YUV422, YUV420 and YUV411 format standard JPEG image. 2-5 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 3. SGH-E700 Exploded View and its Parts list 1. Cellular phone Exploded View 1 13 14 7 6 16 15 2 17 5 3 4 18 19 20 8 24 21 10 22 11 9 12 26 23 25 27 3-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH- E700 Exploded view and its Part list 2. Cellular phone Parts list Location NO. Description SEC CODE 1 FOLDER UPPER GH75-03647A 2 DUAL LCD GH07-00397A 3 MOTOR 3101-001368 4 SPEAKER 3001-001444 5 MAIN LCD GH07-00190A 6 CAMERA FPCB GH59-00903A 7 CAMERA GH59-00900A 8 FOLDER LOWER GH75-02917A 9 WINDOW LCD GH75-02919A 10 SCREW 6001-001811 11 SCREW CAP(R) GH73-01890A 12 SCREW CAP(L) GH73-01891A 13 FRONT COVER GH75-02912A 14 KEYPAD GH75-03646A 15 MAIN PBA GH92-01568A 16 DOME SHEET GH59-00901A 17 VOLKEY FPCB GH59-00902A 18 CONNECTOR COVER GH73-01394A 19 MIC GH30-00045A 20 INTENNA GH42-00315A 21 SCREW 6001-001812 22 RF COVER GH73-01894A 23 CAMERA KEY GH75-02915A 24 SIDE KEY GH75-02914A 25 SCREW 6001-001635 26 REAR COVER GH75-02918A 27 BATTERY GH43-00987A 3-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Remark SGH-E700 Exploded view and its Part list 3. Test Jig (GH80-01909A) 3-1. RF Test Cable 3-2. Test Cable (GH39-00172A) 3-3. Serial Cable (GH39-00217A) 3-4. Power Supply Cable 3-5. DATA CABLE (GH39-00219A) 3-6. TA (GH44-00482A) 3-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 4. SGH-E700 MAIN Electrical Parts List SEC CODE Design LOC SEC CODE Design LOC 0405-001122 D101 1001-001253 U602 0406-001104 ZD600 1009-001010 U600 0406-001104 ZD601 1109-001280 UME300 0406-001104 ZD700 1201-001954 PAM100 0406-001104 ZD701 1202-001036 U604 0501-000225 TR100 1203-002076 U304 0504-001060 U102 1203-002824 U101 0504-001060 U103 1203-002980 U501 0504-001134 TR500 1204-001960 U301 0505-001332 TR501 1205-002264 U100 0505-001423 U601 1205-002276 UCP200 0506-000107 TR700 1205-002350 U400 0601-001647 LED600 1404-001221 V500 0601-001647 LED601 1405-001082 VR600 0601-001647 LED602 1405-001082 VR601 0601-001647 LED603 1405-001082 VR602 0601-001647 LED611 1405-001082 VR603 0601-001647 LED605 1405-001082 VR604 0601-001647 LED608 1405-001128 VR700 0601-001647 LED607 1405-001128 VR701 0601-001819 LED604 2007-000137 R504 0601-001819 LED606 2007-000140 R315 0601-001819 LED609 2007-000141 R205 0601-001819 LED610 2007-000141 R206 0604-001261 IRD600 2007-000141 R307 0801-002237 U300 2007-000142 R101 0801-002529 U411 2007-000142 R102 0801-002882 U305 2007-000142 R105 0801-002882 U202 2007-000142 R106 0801-002882 U201 2007-000142 R112 4-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Electrical Parts List SEC CODE Design LOC SEC CODE Design LOC 2007-000146 R306 2007-000162 R602 2007-000148 R130 2007-000162 R620 2007-000148 R131 2007-000162 R200 2007-000148 R201 2007-000171 R304 2007-000148 R212 2007-000171 R403 2007-000148 R400 2007-000171 R404 2007-000148 R605 2007-000171 R604 2007-000148 R621 2007-000171 R606 2007-000148 R700 2007-000171 R124 2007-000148 R701 2007-000172 R203 2007-000148 R119 2007-000172 R202 2007-000151 R115 2007-000242 R607 2007-000151 R110 2007-000242 R603 2007-000153 R309 2007-000636 R510 2007-000153 R114 2007-000636 R509 2007-000155 R122 2007-000775 R126 2007-000157 R208 2007-000775 R125 2007-000157 R209 2007-000932 R113 2007-000157 R207 2007-000982 R111 2007-000162 R308 2007-001288 R107 2007-000162 R310 2007-001290 R120 2007-000162 R311 2007-001290 R117 2007-000162 R313 2007-001292 R211 2007-000162 R317 2007-001301 R608 2007-000162 R318 2007-001301 R609 2007-000162 R500 2007-001301 R610 2007-000162 R501 2007-001301 R611 2007-000162 R502 2007-001301 R612 2007-000162 R503 2007-001301 R613 2007-000162 R601 2007-001301 R614 4-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Electrical Parts List SEC CODE Design LOC SEC CODE Design LOC 2007-001301 R615 2007-007480 R625 2007-001301 R616 2007-007573 R505 2007-001301 R617 2007-007588 R116 2007-001301 R618 2007-007588 R128 2007-001301 R619 2007-007588 R507 2007-001301 R600 2007-007981 R623 2007-001313 R301 2007-008312 R622 2007-001313 R127 2203-000233 C123 2007-001319 R305 2203-000233 C124 2007-001325 R402 2203-000233 C125 2007-001325 R303 2203-000233 C130 2007-001339 R512 2203-000233 C131 2007-001339 R511 2203-000233 C133 2007-002796 R312 2203-000233 C135 2007-002797 R118 2203-000233 C146 2007-003001 R100 2203-000233 C300 2007-003019 R104 2203-000254 C102 2007-003019 R103 2203-000254 C103 2007-003030 R121 2203-000254 C140 2007-007001 R204 2203-000254 C201 2007-007008 R109 2203-000254 C202 2007-007008 R108 2203-000254 C314 2007-007009 R123 2203-000254 C315 2007-007014 R302 2203-000254 C409 2007-007014 R300 2203-000278 C122 2007-007100 R401 2203-000278 C151 2007-007100 R314 2203-000278 C152 2007-007156 R506 2203-000278 C406 2007-007334 R624 2203-000278 C600 2007-007334 R508 2203-000278 C608 4-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Electrical Parts List SEC CODE Design LOC SEC CODE Design LOC 2203-000278 C612 2203-000812 C702 2203-000330 C114 2203-000812 C703 2203-000330 C317 2203-000812 C704 2203-000330 C318 2203-000812 C705 2203-000330 C407 2203-000812 C706 2203-000330 C413 2203-000812 C707 2203-000330 C602 2203-000812 C708 2203-000330 C614 2203-000812 C709 2203-000374 C137 2203-000812 C710 2203-000425 C107 2203-000812 C711 2203-000425 C105 2203-000812 C712 2203-000438 C302 2203-000812 C713 2203-000438 C319 2203-000812 C714 2203-000438 C621 2203-000812 C715 2203-000438 C622 2203-000812 C716 2203-000438 C108 2203-000812 C717 2203-000585 C118 2203-000836 C116 2203-000585 C119 2203-000836 C132 2203-000585 C120 2203-000854 C134 2203-000585 C117 2203-000885 C147 2203-000628 C136 2203-000885 C700 2203-000628 C143 2203-000995 C145 2203-000628 C144 2203-000995 C607 2203-000679 C301 2203-000995 C616 2203-000812 C100 2203-000995 C617 2203-000812 C106 2203-001017 C112 2203-000812 C121 2203-001072 C127 2203-000812 C203 2203-001178 C110 2203-000812 C208 2203-001178 C113 2203-000812 C626 2203-001383 C115 4-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Electrical Parts List SEC CODE Design LOC SEC CODE Design LOC 2203-001432 C316 2203-005061 C401 2203-001437 C601 2203-005061 C403 2203-001437 C613 2203-005061 C500 2203-001598 C416 2203-005061 C605 2203-001598 C419 2203-005061 C606 2203-001607 C126 2203-005061 C611 2203-001652 C414 2203-005061 C204 2203-001652 C425 2203-005061 C205 2203-002443 C138 2203-005061 C150 2203-002443 C604 2203-005065 C422 2203-002687 C308 2203-005065 C111 2203-005050 C609 2203-005065 C139 2203-005061 C206 2203-005148 C417 2203-005061 C207 2203-005481 C129 2203-005061 C209 2203-005482 C421 2203-005061 C210 2203-005482 C620 2203-005061 C211 2203-005482 C623 2203-005061 C212 2203-005482 C412 2203-005061 C213 2203-005482 C309 2203-005061 C214 2203-005496 C305 2203-005061 C215 2203-006053 C502 2203-005061 C216 2203-006053 C431 2203-005061 C217 2203-006053 C149 2203-005061 C218 2203-006053 C428 2203-005061 C219 2203-006053 C430 2203-005061 C303 2203-006053 C429 2203-005061 C304 2203-006053 C426 2203-005061 C307 2203-006053 C306 2203-005061 C313 2203-006053 C415 2203-005061 C400 2203-006090 C424 4-5 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Electrical Parts List SEC CODE Design LOC SEC CODE Design LOC 2203-006090 C423 2809-001271 OSC100 2203-006093 C310 2901-001246 U500 2203-006093 C312 2904-001417 F100 2203-006201 C603 2904-001424 F102 2203-006208 C311 2909-001197 F101 2203-006208 C402 3705-001242 RFS100 2203-006208 C410 3709-001250 SIM400 2203-006208 C418 3710-001611 IFC500 2203-006274 C148 3711-005159 HDC700 2301-001512 C128 3711-005445 BTC500 2404-001105 C408 3722-001715 EAR600 2404-001105 C427 4302-001119 C411 2404-001151 C141 GH13-00019A U302 2404-001151 C142 2703-001709 L108 2703-002198 L107 2703-002199 L100 2703-002201 L105 2703-002205 L106 2703-002370 L102 2703-002519 L101 2703-002586 L104 2703-002597 L702 2703-002597 L701 2703-002597 L700 2703-002608 L103 2801-004025 OSC400 2801-004285 OSC300 2806-001305 VCO100 2806-001310 VCO101 4-6 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 5. SGH-E700 Block Diagrams 1. RF Solution Block Diagram NTK Antenna Switch Philips Transceiver OM5178HN LMG002S-5047A Ipeak = 10 mA Freq (MHz ) 880 - 915 925 - 960 1710 -1785 1805 -1880 Atten 2xfo : 30dB 3xfo : 25dB Antenna GSM EPCOS EGSM RX SAW Filter B7820(2X1.4) IL=2.7dB typ 3.2dB max Ripple=0.9dB typ 1.6dB max Loss 1.3 dB 1.1 dB 1.5 dB 1.4 dB +I OUT -I OUT Balun (GSM,DCS) SAWTEK DCS RX SAW Filter 856079 (2X2.5) IL=3.0dB typ 3.5dB max Ripple=1.1dB typ 1.6dB max Vc_DCS DCS_MODE_SW VCC_RX_TX 100kHz+fmod QUAD +Q OUT -Q OUT Balun DCS EGSM_MODE_SW Pins IA,IB,QA and QB CM : 1.25V typ. , 1.15Vmin, 1.35Vmax 0.5Vpp Vc_EGSM 1:1/ 2 RFLOin=-2dBm max, -8dBm min Antenna swich control circuits pi -PAD DIV Vcc_RFVCO CP Discrete ? ? ? ? Dualband RF VCO 3rd Order VOL1861N27KRB(8.0X6.0) Loop Filter Freq = 1801MHz(Vt=0.6V ) to 1921MHz(Vt=2.3V ) Pout = -3 dBm to +3dBm , Ic = 8mA kV = 90 MHz/V Typ PFD RF_BBI_DATA RF_BBI_CLK RF_EN_SYNT 3 WIRE BUS CTL REG POWER ENABLE PON_TX PON_RX PON_SYNT fpd=200kHz 1:6 5 REFIN 1:1/2 VCTCXO 13 MHz PFD fpd=13MHz OFFSET Mixer in= -17dBm max, -23dBm min 1:7 pi -PAD Vcc_Tx_Burst ~ ~ GSM VAPC DCS VBAT MICRO DEVICE QUADBAND PAM RF3140(10X10) GSM: Pout = +36.0 dBm Eff = 45% DCS: Pout= + 34.5 dBm Eff = 40% Discrete 3rd Order Loop Filter fpd=91MHz CP I+ VCC_SYN VCC_CP VCC_RX_TX PFD I1:1/2 IFVCO Q+ Q- DCS GSM Murata TX VCO MQW291A GSM = 880 MHz(Vt=0.5V ) to 915 MHz(Vt=2.3V ) Pout = 7 dBm typ. , Ic = 35mA kV = 32 MHz/V Typ DCS = 1710 MHz(Vt=0.5V ) to 1785 MHz(Vt=2.3V ) Pout = 10 dBm typ. , Ic = 50mA kV = 70 MHz/V Typ Harmonics = 10dBc(up to 3rd ) Tank 1 2 VBAT (3.6V typ 3.0V min) 1 GSM Tx: 45.5MHz DCS Tx: 91 MHz VCC_SYN(2.7V , 100mA ) VCC_RX_TX (2.7V ,100mA ) VCC_RF_VCO(2.7V , 100mA ) VCC_TX_BURST(2.7V , 100mA ) VCC_CP(4.0V , 25mA ) RF1_VDD RF2_VDD RF1_VDDS PMU PON_TX PON_SYNT V_MODE RF2_VDDS HVS AVDD (1.35V min 2.65V max , 100mA ) VDD1 (1.35V min 2.95Vmax , 150mA ) VDD2 (1.35V min 3.45V max , 150mA ) VDD3 (1.35V min 3.45V max , 100mA ) VDD4 (1.35V min 3.45V max , 150mA ) 5-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Tank Circuit 2 Discrete 3rd Order Loop Filter SGH-E700 Block Diagrams 2. Base Band Solution Block Diagram MIC BB INTERFACE Serial Data Interface RECEIVER SPEAKER VIBRATOR OM6357 Battery Type Battery Voltage I/O Interface Battery Temperature A/D Interface VCC_CP VCC_SYN MELODY IC (40 Poly) VCC_RX_TX RF INTERFACE VCC_RF_VCO SYSTEM CLOCK (13MHz) AFC VCC_TX_BURST VDD1 MV317S MV317SA RAMP VDD2 FLASH (256M bit) VDD3 SRAM (32M bit) VDD_VIB Li-Ion Battery (Slim,Standard) MIC_BIAS PMU VDD_KEY KEY_BOARD VDD_AMP LCD Charging Circuit RTC_CLOCK (32.768KHz) AVDD SIM CARD AVDD_TEMP 5-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 6. SGH-E700 PCB Diagrams 1. Main PCB Top Diagram 6-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 6. SGH-E700 PCB Diagrams 2. Main PCB Bottom Diagram 6-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 7. SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 1. Power On ' Power On ' does not work Yes Check the Battery Voltage is more than 3.4V No Change the Battery Yes No C414(V_ISUP) = 2.7V? Check the PMU related to V_ISUP Yes Check the Clock at R401=32KHZ No Resolder OSC400 Yes No C431 (VDD1) = "H"? Check the VDD1 circuit Yes C430(VDD2) & C429(VDD3) = 2.8V? No Check the VDD2,VDD3 circuit Yes Check for the clock at C133 = 13MHz No Check the clock generation circuit (related to OSC101) Yes Check the initial operation Yes END 7-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 7-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 2V7 3V25 2V7 2V7 2V7 2V7 1V35 2V35 2V85 V_ISUP BL_VDD VCC_SYN VCC_RX_TX VCC_RF_VCO VCC_RX_BURST VDD1 VDD2 3V05 2V65 2V65 3V05 2V95 4V VDD_VIB AVDD AVDD_TEM P VDD_AM P VDD_KEY VCC_CP 3V 5V 2V85 VDD3 SIMVD D TYP SIGNAL 1UF 1UF 1UF 1UF G 2V1 VSS21 VSS20 VSS19 VSS18 VSS17 VSS16 VSS15 VSS14 VSS13 VSS12 VSS11 VSS10 VSS9 VSS8 VSS7 VSS6 VSS5 VSS4 VSS3 VSS2 VSS1 TYP ovdd MIC_BIAS T DVDD SIGNAL 1 C431 DVDD C430 (CHARGE PUMP+ LINREG ) DVDD4 DVDD4VBA DVDD4ON DVDD3 DVDD3 DVDD3VBA SEL3RB DVDD2 DVDD2 VCC C2 CLK C3 RST C1 IO D2 C425 470NF C427 10UF 6.3V NC 2 1 NC HVSVBATC8 HVSGNDB9 HVSSCPC9 HVSSCNA10 HVSO C B10 HVSVDDD8 CHRIVE1 CHRVBATD3 CHRREGE2 OSC32IK8 K9 OSC32O CPRESD1 SIMIO B8 SIMCLKC6 K10A5 B5 A6 B6B3 A3 V_ISUP G3G2G1 H4 H2H1J1 F8 B4 A4 J8 J9 J7 K7 AVDDS C429 2 HFAVD HFAVD HFAVBA HFAVBA C428 T DVDD F1 F3 E9 100NF HIGH VOLTAGE SUPPLY CHARGE CONTROL BATTERY VOLTAGE MONITOR 3 T VBAT VBAT 32KHz XTA L OSCILLATO R DVDD T12 T14 htmp E4 F5 F4 G4J3 G5K5 F6 G6G7G8F7 E6 E7 D7C7D6E5 D5D4C4 DVDD2VBAT 4 VPRO H7 SWITCH LINREG REAL-TIME CLOCK PLL SIMVBAT V_MODE VIB RF1SW S RF1VDD S RF2SW S RF2VDD S internal supply htmp CLOCK GENERATO R D VDD3 C421 100NF E8 F9 E10 J10 CONTROL SUPPLY & BACKLIGHT INTERNAL SUPPLY MODULE TEMP HIGH SENSOR internal clocks T T VIBVD VIBVBA VDD_VIB C420 NC BLVBAT BLVDD BBMSW BBMGN D G9 RFVBAT G10 RF1VDD F10 RF1SNS H10 RF2VDD RF2SNS H9 B7 A7 C5 A8 ISUPA ISUPD VBACK VBAT calibration bias currents reference voltage AVDD D VDD2 10UF C424 VBAT H6 J4 K4 J5 VBAT refgnd INTERFACE SIM SIM CHARGE PUMP C400 A HF D D T T VDD1 10UF C423 1UF C412 100NF MICBIAS B2 A2 B1A1 D T Baseband power supply 2.2UF C416 470NF C414 V_ISU P J6 C10 VIB RF power supply PON_TX VCC_TX_BURST PON_SYN T VCC_RF_VCO VCC_RX_TX VCC_SYN VBAT C415 10NF R402 3.3K C411 RB414II06N CONTROL ON/OFF T IN 10PF C410 4.7UF control status data RSTO ONKEY AUXO ON-CHIP REFERENCE & MIC BIAS K3 H3D9 A9 J2K1 K2 GENERATO INTERRUPT C409 REFC REFGND H8 K6 12C INTERFACE SLPMOD SCL SDA D10 REC3 REC1 REC2 CLK32 E3 F2 TM H5 R C406 SCL SDA PCF50601ET1-N5 U400 PMU (IC) VBAT SIM SIMSCN SIMSC SIMGND 10UF C408 100NF C401 N MIC_BIAS T16 Baseband power supply P BACKLIGH T IT_PMU JIG_REC RECO 1 JACK_IN 32K RSTO N ONKEY_N CHARGER_O K REF_O N 10K R400 VDD1 VBAT 1UF C426 C417 1UF C422 100NF R401 10M T17 T11 0 2.2UF 0,5% C413 12PF VBAT 32K 1 2 3 AVDD_TEM P G G G G 10 9 8 7 SIM400 0-0292123-1 AVDD VCC_CP RF power supply NC C405 VDD_KEY VDD_AMP 0 R403 C418 4.7UF C419 R404 1 2 NC C404 SIMIO SIMCLK C407 12PF 100NF 4.7UF OSC400 FC-255 C403 C402 SIM_VCC SIM_RST SIM_CLK SIM_IO 4 5 6 SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting Power On AVD AVD AVDDVBA AVDDVBA SEL12RB DVDD1VBA DVDD1 SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 2. Initial Initial Failure Yes No R200 (RSTON) ="H"? Check the circuit related to reset Yes No Is U305 pin 4,6 (memory CE) OK? Check the U305 Yes Check the circuit around LCD & U305 (Short or not solder) Yes END 7-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization CS_NAND 7-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization pin L3 pin G2 F 100N C218 pin M6 F 100N C217 pin P4 VDD3 100N C219 F 100N C216 pin C1 VDD3 F F 100N C215 pin P8 VDD3 SC TXDA4 RXD D4 1 1 TXD RXD RXD C4 TXD C5 RXT0_N A5 CTS0_N B5 0 0 RXD TXD RTS0 CTS0 J_SEL TDI TMS TCK TDO TRST_N HWR_N IIC JTAG PWM SIMU 2 JT 5 JT 3 JT SIM_BOOT B_WR GROUND J_SEL B_TDI B_TMS B_TCK B_TDO B_TRST KBS 0 0 F 100N C214 pin H11 VDD3 KBIO7 KBIO6 KBIO5 KBIO4 KBIO3 KBIO2 KBIO1 KBIO0 GPIO UART0 VDD2 L14 L12 L13 L11 J11 K13 J10 K11 GPIO0 GPIO1 GPIO2 GPIO3 GPIO4 GPIO5 GPIO6 GPIO7 GPIO8 GPIO9 GPIO10 1 VDD2 KBIO(7) KBIO(6) KBIO(5) KBIO(4) KBIO(3) KBIO(2) KBIO(1) KBIO(0) M12 K9 L8 M9 P7 L7 L9 N7 P6 N8 K8 UART1 F 100N C213 pin P9 pin M8 VDD1 KBIO(0:7) T62 T40 G3 CS_N 3 M5 CS_N 2 G5 CS_N 1 N4 CS_N 0 SIOY J_SEL B4 TRST_N A1 O TD D3 TCK A3 S TM A2 I TD D2 VDD1 X 0 CS_N 3 NCSRAM M_RST irDA_DOW N A CHG_O N EL_EN IMAGE_RESET B FLIP END_OF_CHARGE CTS0 IMAGE_INT NCSFLASH JT6 AVD TRST_N TDI TMS TCK TDO R207 47K R208 47K C220 NC R209 47K VSS_P N5 VSS_O P1 VSS_N K1 VSS_M G1 VSS_K C3 VSS_I E8 VSS_H 3 G1 VSS_G 1 N1 VSS_F 4 N1 VSS_E 0 N1 VSS_C M7 VSS_B J1 VSS_A K7 AVSS P10 VDD1 X 00 1 HA(20) 1 2 HWR_N HRD_N HA(20) ASI F 100N C212 pin N12 pin N13 VDD1 0 X X A GND _E 3 1 SIOX VDD1 AVDD VDD2 R210 NC D A D D PCF50732 A D A A D A D A D A D A D A R211 33 J_SEL SIMIO M13 SIMCLK M14 SIMERRM11 PWM1 E6 PWM0 F4 SCK C2 SDA B3 ADI A8 AFS B9 ACLK B8 ADO A9 BOEN G11 BDIO E11 BIEN F10 BIOCLK F11 MCLK D10 A13 B13 B14 A14 EARP B10 EARN A11 AUXSP A10 BUZ B11 QP H13 QN H14 IP J13 IN J14 AUXADC1F14 AUXADC2G14 AUXADC3E14 AUXADC4F13 AUXDAC1E12 AUXDAC2D13 AUXDAC3D12 100NF R212 10K RFE_N 0 J12 RFE_N 2 K12 VREF C14 C209 D5 RFSIG0 A6 RFSIG1 D6 RFSIG2 B6 RFSIG3 A7 RFSIG4 C7 RFSIG5 B7 RFSIG6 RFSIG7 C6 E7 RFSIG8 K10 RFSIG9 RFSIG10D7 H12 RXON G12 TXON E10 CCLK CDO E9 CDI D8 D9 CEN N9 GPON2 L10 GPON1 G10 AUXST TP202 VDD2 R202 R203 R201 10K C201 AVDD 100NF C206 pin F12 R206 2.2K R205 2.2K 3.9K C202 10NF C207 pin C12 pin B12 100NF VDD1 DD FSC DCL DU BOEN BDIO BIEN BIOCLK MIC_P MIC_N AUX_MIC_P AUX_MIC_N AUXSP EARP_HF EARP_P EARP_N TEMP_PRODUCT VF QRX_TX_P QRX_TX_N IRX_TX_P IRX_TX_N MES_BATT AVDD_TEM P 10NF VDD2 R204 T57 T58 T59 T60 10 10 C208 33PF C205 100NF C204 pin D14 AVDD 100NF pin C9 pin C8 VDD1 MICP MICN AUXMICP AUXMICN 2 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 2 CN200 CON14 1 34 56 78 9 11 13 13 1 3 5 7 9 11 VSS_VBOUT C11 VSS_VB A12 VSS_REF C13 VSS_D 1 D1 VSS_BB E13 F 100N C211 pin F5 1 X X CS_N 2 Y0 VCC Y1 A GND 2 _E VDDE1_D VDDE1_C VDDE1_B VDDE1_A IMAGE_CS CS_N0 6 5 4 U202 NC7SZ19L6X Y0 VCC Y1 DSP I BS MELODY_CS CS_NAND VDD3 6 5 43 EMI I CS IMAGE_CS MELODY_CS U201 NC7SZ19L6X VDDE2_E VDDE2_C RFCU VDDE3_G VDDE3_F VDDE3_B VDDE3_A VDD3 OOL C200 NC VDD_VBOUT VDD_VB VDD_REF VDD_ VDD_BB HA(1:23) HD0 HD1 HD2 HD3 HD4 HD5 HD6 HD7 HD8 HD9 HD10 HD11 HD12 HD13 HD14 HD15 HA1 HA2 HA3 HA4 HA5 HA6 HA7 HA8 HA9 HA10 HA11 HA12 HA13 HA14 HA15 HA16 HA17 HA18 HA19 HA20 HA21 HA22 HA23 HWR_N HRD_N VDDC_ VDDC_ VDDC_ VDDC_ H4 H3 H2 J3 E5 H1 B1 E4 F3 F2 F1 E1 D1 E3 E2 B2 M4 P3 L4 N3 K5 M3 P2 N2 M1 N1 L2 L1 M2 J2 J5 K3 J4 K4 K2 G4 P5 N6 L6 L5 H5 H11 HD(0) HD(1) HD(2) HD(3) HD(4) HD(5) HD(6) HD(7) HD(8) HD(9) HD(10) HD(11) HD(12) HD(13) HD(14) HD(15) HA(1) HA(2) HA(3) HA(4) HA(5) HA(6) HA(7) HA(8) HA(9) HA(10) HA(11) HA(12) HA(13) HA(14) HA(15) HA(16) HA(17) HA(18) HA(19) HA(20) HA(21) HA(22) HA(23) C8 2 N1 P9 PCF50874 C1 P8 PDCU G2 M6 P4 HD(0:15) K6 D M8 C 3 N1 B F5 A CGU L3 C10 RESETN M10 RSTO_N H10 RST_N K14 AUXON P11 CKI P13 CKI32I P14 CKI32O AVDD D 100K VDD3 2 P1 D R200 VDD2 C9 F12 RSTO N VDD1 2 C1 B12 4 D1 D_REF_13M 32K UCP200 OM6357 VDD1 C203 IT_PMU SCL SDA SIMIO SIMCLK AFC RAMP RF_EN_SYN T RF_BBI_DATA RF_BBI_CLK D_REF_13M DCS EGSM_MODE_SW DCS_MODE_SW EGSM PON_SYN T PON_TX PON_RX EL_LIGHT_CO N V_MODE REF_O N 33PF AVDD SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting Initial 1 JT 4 JT J_SEL TRST_N O TD TCK S TM I TD F 100N C210 SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 3. Charging Part Abnormal charging part Yes No Check the U501 pin 4 > 4.9V Check the the circuit related to V_EXT_CHARGE Yes No U501 pin 5 = "H"? Resolder or replace U501 Yes No TR500 pin 1 (CHG_ON) = "L"? Check the circuit related to CHG_ON signal Yes No Check the U501 pin 3 ≒ 4.2V Resolder or replace U501 Yes END 7-5 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting Charging VDD2 V_EXT_CHARGE U501 LTC4054XES5-4.2 4 R506 1 R507 1.8K,1% TR501 FDG6301N R509 270K C502 1UF 10V 4 TR500 BCR133T CHG_ON 1 5 3 R512 180K CHARGER_O K 6 S2 D2 3 G2 G1 2 D1 VCC BAT GND R504 2K R505 330K,1% MES_BATT 3 2 PROG 5 VBAT _CHRG1 R508 200K,1% END_OF_CHARGE R510 270K S1 1 R511 180K 2 7-6 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization C501 NC SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 4. Sim Part Phone can't access SIM Card Yes No SIM400 pin 1,5 = "H"? Check the sim charge pump Yes No After Power ON, Check SIMCLK Signal on SIM400 pin3 in a few second Check the 32k OSC Yes No After SIM card insert, SIM400 pin 2 = "H(SIM_RST)"? Replace PBA Yes Check the SIM Card Yes END 7-7 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 5. Microphone Part Microphone does not work Yes No Check the connection from MIC Resolder MIC Yes No Check the circuit from UCP200 to MIC Resolder the R604, R606, R603, R607, C606 and C611 Yes No Check the MIC Replace the MIC Yes END 7-8 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting Microphone Close to MCP Close to microphone MIC_BIAS VR600 C600 C601 C602 10PF R603 12PF R604 0 1.5K 5PF C606 100NF MIC_P 2 MIC600 MIC C609 1.8PF 1 C607 C608 C610 NC C611 100NF R606 0 47PF R605 10K 10PF MIC_N MICROPHONE C614 C612 12PF R607 1.5K 10PF C613 5PF 7-9 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 6. Speaker Part(Melody) Speaker does not work Yes No U300 pin 5 = 2.85V? Resolder or replace U300 Yes No Check the Clock signal at Pin 1 of U301 (13MHz) Check the clock generation circuit (related to OSC100 and U300) Yes No U301 pin 17,18 ≒ 1.8V? (When U301 operate) Resolder U301 Yes No HDC700 pin 40,42 ≒ 1.8V? Check the circuit related to "SPK_P/SPK_N" signal Yes No Is Speaker working? Change the Speaker Yes END 7-10 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting Speaker HRD_N VDD3 VDD2 HA(1) MELODY_C S VDD2 VDD2 HWR_N HD(0) U300 HD(1) 5 TC7SH04FU-TE85L 1 2 M_LED 3 4 M_RST 5 6 7 R303 3.3K 8 9 C302 1NF C303 100NF CLKI D1 D0 /WR R301 330 4 26 25 HD(2) D2 24 LED D3 /IRQ D4 /RST D5 HD(3) 23 HD(4) 22 U301 YMU762 MA-3 NC HD(5) 21 HD(6) D6 20 PLLC D7 VDD MTR HD(7) 19 VSS VREF C304 100NF MELODY IC 10 VIB 18 SPOUT 2 11 12 13 14 15 SPOUT 1 SPVSS OUT A0 IN GND 27 SPVDD 3 28 EQ3 R302 51K 29 /CS 2 MEL_13M 30 31 IOVDD 32 EQ2 VCC /RD NC EQ1 1 HPOUT-R R300 51K HPOUT-L/MONO C300 100PF AMP_N 17 C301 27PF AMP_P 16 VDD_AMP C305 220NF R304 0 C306 1UF 10V R305 1.2K R306 6.8K C307 100NF C308 1.2NF R307 2.2K C309 100NF EARP_H F 7-11 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 7. Key Data Input Check Initial Operation Yes No When one of the keys is pushed, is it displayed on LCD? Check the Dome sheet & Key Pad Yes No When one of the keys is pushed, KBIO signal is OK? Replace the PBA Yes END 7-12 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 8. Receiver Part Receiver does not work Yes No Resolder or replace U602 U602 pin 3,4 = 1.5V? Yes No Resolder or replace U602 U602 pin 12,15 = 1.5V? Yes No Resolder EAR600 EAR600 pin 2,3 = short? Yes No Resolder EAR600 EAR600 pin 2,3,6 = 1.5V? Yes No Replace the HDC700 HDC700 pin 40,42 = 1.5V? Yes No Check the soldering of the spaeaker wire Modufy the speaker wire soldering Yes No Replace the Receiver Is Receiver working? Yes END 7-13 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 9. Back Light (for Color Main LCD) Backlight does not work Yes No Is LCD Contrast set on high level in the Menu? Set LCD Contrast on high level Yes No Check the R309, C316 HDC700 pin 24 = 2.8V? Yes No HDC700 pin 19 (L_WR) is OK? Check the U302 Yes Replace the LCD Module Yes END 7-14 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 10. Key Back Light Key Backlight does not work Yes No Check the PMU related to "VDD_KEY" U601 pin 5 = "H"? Yes No Resolder or replace U601 U601 pin 2,3 = "H"? Yes END 7-15 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 11. Camera part "Camera" function does not work Yes No Check the Camera connector on LCD module Connect the camera module Yes No HDC700 pin 48, 50 = 2.8V? Check LCD and HDC700 Yes No OSC300 Pin 3 = 27MHz? Check OSC300 and R314 Yes No HDC700 pin 24 = 2.8V? Check the R309, C316 Yes Is there another problem? Yes Replace the camera module END 7-16 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 12. GSM Receiver RX ON RF input : CH center freq : +67.7kHz Amp : -50dBm Yes No F101 Pin8 >= -65dBm Resolder RFS100, C100 Yes No F101 pin10 >= -65dBm Check F101 pin11 = L, pin2 = L No Check ANT Switch control circuit Yes Yes Resoder F101 No F100 pin1 >= -70dBm Resolder F100, C106, L102 Yes U100 pin33 >= -70dBm pin34 >= -70dBm No Resolder L101, C105, C107 Yes U100 pin5, 6, 7, 8 >= 1V No Check U100 pin26 (RF freq.*2)+100kHz >=-30dBm Yes No Check & Resolder U100, C121, R110 RF13MHz, RF PSU Part Yes Resolder U100 R101, R102, R105, R106 >= 1V Yes Check UCP200 END 7-17 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 13. GSM Transmitter TX ON (5Level) Yes Yes F101 Pin8 >= 20dBm Resolder RFS100, C100 No Yes F101 pin5 >= 20dBm Check F101 pin11 = H (2.68V), pin2 = L Yes Change or Resolder F101 No No PAM100 pin9 >= 20dBm Yes Check ANT Switch control circuit Resolder L105, C114 No PAM100 pin7 >= -11dBm Yes Check PAM100 +VBATT, pin4, 7 OK? Yes Resolder or Change PAM100 No Check +VBATT or PAM control signal No VCO101 pin1 >= -8dBm Yes Resolder R107, R108, R109 No U100 pin5, 6, 7, 8 >= 500mV Yes Check U100 pin 26>=-20dB & pin11>=2V OK? Yes Check & Resolder RFLO signal, RF13MHz, RF PSU Part No Check UCP200 Check U100 pin 2,12,4,23>=2.7V OK? END Yes Resolder U100 7-18 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 14. DCS Receiver RX ON RF input : CH center freq : +67.7kHz Amp : -50dBm Yes No F101 Pin8 >= -65dBm Resolder RFS100, C100 Yes No F101 pin1 >= -65dBm Check F101 pin11 = L, pin2 = L No Check ANT Switch control circuit Yes Yes Resoder F101 No F102 pin1 >= -70dBm Resolder F102, C112, L104 Yes U100 pin35 >= -70dBm pin36 >= -70dBm No Resolder L103, C110, C113 Yes U100 pin5, 6, 7, 8 >= 1V No Check U100 pin26 (RF freq.*2)+100kHz >=-30dBm No Check & Resolder U100, C121, R110 RF13MHz, RF PSU Part Yes Yes Resolder U100 R101, R102, R105, R106 >= 1V Yes Check UCP200 END 7-19 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 15. DCS Transmitter TX ON (5Level) Yes Yes F101 Pin8 >= 13dBm Resolder RFS100, C100 No Yes F101 pin3 >= 13dBm Check F101 pin11 = L, pin2 = H (2.68V) Yes Change or Resolder F101 No No PAM100 pin11 >= 13dBm Yes Check ANT Switch control circuit Resolder L106, C115 No PAM100 pin1 >= 15dBm Yes Check PAM100 +VBATT, pin4, 7 OK? Yes Resolder or Change PAM100 No Check +VBATT or PAM control signal No VCO101 pin5 >= 12dBm Yes Resolder R100, R103, R104 No U101 pin5, 6, 7, 8 >= 500mV Yes Check U100 pin 26>=-20dB & pin11>=2V No Yes heck & Resolder RFLO signal, RF13MHz, RF PSU Part No Check UCP200 Check U100 pin 2,12,4,23>=2.7V OK? END Yes Resolder U100 7-20 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization VC_DCS 2 F101 8 ANT 4 67 33uF 7-21 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 10K R131 C1 C152 10PF E2 B2 3 C2 2 B1 4 5 6 VC_DCS VCC_RX_TX EGSM_MODE_SW 10K R130 10PF C151 3 C2 2 B1 1 E1 E2 B2 C1 U103 BCR08PN 4 5 6 VC_EGSM VCC_RX_TX 2 VB 2 SW2 10 G NC 4 REF_ON C150 100NF VCC_RX_TX VCO_TX_POWER 91 GG 1 VB G SW1 2 3 2 1 VCO101 MQW291A897MR6 C143 22PF ON/OFF GND VIN NC VOUT 4 5 U101 NCP500SN25T1 R129 NC C144 22PF EGSM DCS C149 1UF VCC_RE F R126 33K R125 33K TSTO DETECTOR AND CP PHASE Frequency 13 ground 24 3 WIRE BU S CTL RE G 1:1/2 POWER E ENABL 28 PHASE Frequency 1:6/7 32 23 37 TXCPGND 40 41 1:1/2 31 43 44 7 QA 1.8K,1% R128 C145 47PF 30 NC2 29 NC1 IFTUNE 11 IFCPO 18 RFFIN19 SYNON 21 RXON 9 10 TXON 8 DATA 14 CLK 15 EN 16 6 IB QB 5 IA C147 4.7NF pin_23_SYNVCC D101 VCC_RX_TX L108 12nH 100PF C146 42 DETECTOR AND CP VCO_IF 25 DIV RFLOGND 36 11 3 S 39 EXTRE 1 TXCPO TXRFI DIV RFGND1 OUT2 7 1.8K,1% 38 PHASE Frequency DETECTOR AND CP RFGND3 1 8 VCC_TX_BURST FILM (0805) 15nF C137 R121 91 ground R116 RFLOIB 20 RFCPO 27 22 GND 1 E1 U102 BCR08PN VC 5 OUT1 C135 100PF 560 C12210PF 17 VCC_SYN GND DCS_MODE_SW C142 (0603 NPO) 33uF C139 1UF (0603) R118 ground 1:1/2 SYNGND 330PF C138 C136 22PF R111 5.6K 4 26 RFLOIA DCSPCSI B DCSPCSI A IFGND2 C141 RAMP R120 24 R117 24 3.3NF C128 OUT (0805) CPPS VBAT R124 0 DCSI VRAMP 6 GSM850/900OUT VREG 5 PCSOUT T VBAT 4 TXEN GSM850/900I 3 BAND 2 4 Y PAM_VCC C132 390PF 6 7 8 G1G2 G3G4G5 25 C126 220PF R110 15K VT 33PF 36 35 QUAD 4 (pin_4) VCC_I F RFVC 3 N N 100PF C125 1 C121 VOL1861N27KRB VCC VCO100 3 VCO_RF GSMIB TXCPVC R119 10K C116 390PF 34 33 GSMIA 12 IFVCC2 L107 10nH R109 300 430 430 VCC_RF_VCO 2 IFVC R108 300 R104 R107 18 R100 12 U100 OM5178HN HN/C3 (MLF package) 1NF C108 C R103 C109 NC VCCCP (pin_2) (pin_17) VCC_I F IFCPVC C129 47NF R114 22K C127 56PF 4 C113 6PF 6PF C110 C107 18PF 10NF C103 RFCPVC C GND 13 5 G OUT L103 6.8nH Coilcraft L101 15nH Coilcraft 10NF C102 SYNVC PAM_VCC 1 7 11 9 G 2 OUT 3 4 VCCCP (pin_22) 1 RFLOVC VCC2 8 VCC2 10 VCC 12 Coilcraft IN G OUT F102 856079 G 25 C104 NC C PAM100 RF3140 L105 33nH 1 IN 3 C105 18PF VCC_SYN VCC_RX_TX pin_12_IFVCC2 C C115 0.5PF C114 12PF 5.6nH L104 C112 4PF 1 OUT F100 B7820 C101 NC VCC_CP C ground L106 3.9nH 5 3 10 EGSM_RX 1 DCS_RX G GG DCS_TX EGSM_TX LMG002S-5047A 9 12 13 14 G G GG VC2 VC1 L102 10nH Coilcraft C106 33PF L100 12nH ANT101 C DCS_MODE_SW 11 ANT100 CPPS (0805) C148 10NF 330 R127 R112 560,1% C123 100PF C130 100PF 100PF C124 VCC_SYN C111 F 1U U411 TC7SH32FU(TE85L) 5 1 EGSM_MODE_SW B VCC 2 DCS_MODE_SW A GND VC_EGSM C100 33PF IN 1 6 5 4 3 2 OUT RFS100 MBO-145 C131 100PF 3 1 3 OUT 220PF 220PF 220PF R113 470 GND CTRL 4 VCC R123 75 1 39PF C133 C134 100PF 2 C119 C118 C117 VCC_REF OSC100 TCO-9141 2SC4617 TR100 R122 27K 2 R115 15K PON_SYNT PON_RX PON_TX RF_BBI_DAT A RF_BBI_CLK RF_EN_SYNT 2.7K 2.7K 2.7K 2.7K AFC D_REF_13M MEL_13M R106 R105 C140 10NF VCC_RE F 220PF C120 R101 R102 QRX_TX_N QRX_TX_P IRX_TX_N IRX_TX_P SGH-E700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting Transmitter GND GND HVC376B 2% Coilcraft
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