Bring ing S tudents Face-to-Face with Alcohol Research and Physiolo g y MS 1 Martinez , 1Department RESEARCH PROPOSAL This study consists of a 2 day demonstration and is based on the research of the graduate student Manny Martinez. High school students complete a pre-test survey to assess their current alcohol knowledge the day prior to the start of the demonstration. During day 1, students are given a 25 minute in-depth alcohol presentation that includes topics such as number of drinks/blood alcohol content, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), physiology of alcohol use, alcohol laws and policies, breathalyzer overview, and hard truths of alcohol through graphic pictures approved by high school administration. Following the presentation, high school students are given time to ask questions pertaining to the presentation as well as partake in a discussion that is facilitated by the graduate student that encompasses current alcohol research and negative consequences to use/abuse of alcohol. During day 2, students are given an opportunity to observe face-to-face the effects of alcohol on the visual field/cerebellum and to test a breathalyzer using water, soda, juice, or mouth wash to determine any alcohol traces on breath. Alcohol simulated “beer goggles” are brought into the classroom to demonstrate three different levels of drunkenness on the visual field/cerebellum by use of prisms. The goggles are a campus resource that is available for undergraduate alcohol awareness education. Students are asked to toss a ball at a target about 6-8 ft away from subject to show the degree of difficulty to complete such a task while intoxicated. The breathalyzer demonstration asks students beforehand about which, if any, liquid (water, soda, juice, or mouthwash) will cause any detectable trace of alcohol using a breathalyzer provided by the graduate student that is used in lab for Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) detection. For homework, students are asked to write up a research summary/synopsis on either one of the two demonstrations that include their initial thoughts as well as observations and conclusions they have drawn from the demonstration. Finally, students are asked to complete a post-test survey to assess knowledge gained about the subject material following the 2 day demonstration. E 2 Sanders , FC 1 Zhou , M 3 Judd , and K A 3 Marrs of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Indiana University School of Medicine, 2Soutport High School, Indianapolis, IN, 3School of Science, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN USA 46202 LAB to CLASSROOM FIGURE 1 FIGURE 3 FIGURE 2 Fig 2. Students were informed on anatomical brain regions that control certain behaviors which are effected by alcohol use. Brain scan of a normal 13 year old female. The arrow points to the CORPUS CALLOSUM FIGURE 4 Brain scan of a normal 14 year old male. The CORPUS CALLOSUM is absent Fig 3, 4. An example MRI scan and common craniofacial characteristics of FASD were displayed to students. Fig 1. Long term physiological effects of alcohol use were presented to high school students. SURVEY Figure 7 FIGURE 6 The survey was 8 pages in length and covered a range of questions from their understanding of basic alcohol knowledge to the anatomy and physiology of alcohol. FIGURE 5 Fig 5,6. Images from the Breathalyzer demonstration in which students tested various mouthwashes to determine, if any, different BAC readings. Fig 7. Results have been collected and are under further investigation to determine any significant findings. LESSONS LEARNED My research has the power to expose high school students to the importance of research in the field of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) as well as the many negative physiological consequences to the use and abuse of alcohol. F NSF-DGE # 0742475
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