
Febrero 2016
AATSP-MN Workshop
for K–12 and college and university instructors of Spanish and Portuguese
Presented by Dr. Susana Pérez Castillejo & Dr. Sonia Rey-Montejo
In this hands-on workshop participants will add to their
repertoire of ideas to increase speaking practice, including
speaking portfolios, video journals, simulated conversations, and
voicemail tasks. Participants will identify their learning
objectives related to oral skills, design authentic speaking tasks
and assessment strategies that support those objectives, and fine
tune their evaluation criteria so that they are aligned with the
learning goals. Participants will also learn timesaving grading
tips for oral assessments and explore some technology tools they
can use to promote speaking outside of the classroom.
Sat., Feb. 20, 2016
9:00am –12:00pm
University of St. Thomas, St. Paul campus
McNeely Hall, Rm 229
$15 for members & students; $20 for non-members
(Limit of 30 participants; CEUs available)
For more information and to register visit
NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 2016 1 Carta de la Presidenta"
Happy New Year! Feliz anno! ¡Feliz año! El nuevo año nos trae una variedad de oportunidades como educadores del español y/o del portugués. El cambio del calendario también nos invita a reflexionar sobre las metas personales y profesionales que hemos establecido. Tu capítulo estatal de la AATSP quisiera ayudarte a poder llevar a cabo tus metas profesionales a lo largo de este año. El capítulo de Minnesota de la AATSP te invita a parVcipar en una manera acVva en la organización. Hay varias maneras de involucrarte—y también de animar a tus estudiantes que se involucren. Este año te invitamos a: 1) Par'cipar en el concurso de carteles: El año pasado fue el año de inauguración del concurso de carteles para estudiantes de K–12 de la MN‐AATSP, y animamos a más parVcipantes este año. Todos los estudiantes de español o portugués en las escuelas primarias y secundarias en Minnesota están invitados a parVcipar. El tema del concurso de esta año es “Abre puertas con el español—Abra portas com o portugués”. Los estudiantes pueden diseñar un cartel por mano o digitalmente. ¡Es fácil y diverVdo! Favor de ver el anuncio del concurso en este número del No#ciero y ponerse en contacto con Elizabeth Perona para más información: La fecha límite de entrega de carteles es el 01 de marzo, 2016. Se anunciaron los ganadores del concurso de carteles en el número del mayo 2015 del No#ciero. Les damos la enhorabuena otra vez a las ganadoras del primer lugar del año pasado: Alaina Mueller (Grado 7), InternaVonal School of Minnesota, Eden Prairie (Maestra: María Blanco); Julia Kobilka (Grado 10), SVllwater Area High School, SVllwater (Maestro: Donovan Williams); y Natalie Chevalier (Grado 12), Benilde‐St. Margaret’s High School, St. Louis Park (Maestra: Mary Murray). Todos los ganadores del concurso fueron galardonados durante la ceremonia de premios, el 16 de mayo 2015 en el Wellstone Center en San Pablo. ¡Felicidades de nuevo! 2) Asis'r a un taller pedagógico: El primer taller pedagógico del año de la MN‐AATSP Vtulado “Hablando por los codos: PromoVng Oral Skills in and Out of the Spanish Classroom” tomará lugar el sábado, 20 de febrero. 2016 de 9:00am –12:00pm en el campus de la Universidad de St. Thomas en St. Paul. Profesoras Susan Pérez‐CasVllejo y Sonia Rey‐Montejo presentarán el taller. 3) Par'cipar en el concurso del No#ciero: La Editora del No#ciero Michelle Sharp comienza un concurso este año en cada número del No#ciero. Favor de ver la página 10 de este número y parVcipar! NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 2016 2 Carta de la Presidenta 4) Nominarte como miembro de la Mesa Direc'va: Todavía buscamos varios miembros para llenar unas posiciones ejecuVvas vacías (ver abajo). Favor de escribir a Jennifer Brady si quisieras más información: • President‐Elect (President‐Elect en 2016 / Presidente en 2017 / Ex‐Presidente en 2018) • Vicepresident (2016–17) • Webmaster (2016–17) • Coordinador/a de los exámenes nacionales de español (NSE) (2016–ago. 2018) • Vocal (Member‐at‐Large) (2016–17) Es un placer anunciar a los miembros de 2016 de la Mesa DirecVva: • 
Jennifer Brady, Presidenta • 
Gwen Barnes‐Karol, Ex‐Presidenta • 
Maria Lecceardone‐Brown, Secretaria • 
Adele Munsterman & Shelly Pomonis, Treasurers • 
Historian, León Narváez • 
Editor of No#ciero, Michelle Sharp • 
Coordinator of NSE, Donovan Williams • 
Coordinator of the Poster Contest, Liz Perona Reconocemos las múlVples aportaciones de los miembros de la Mesa DirecVva que se despidieron de sus posiciones en 2015. Gracias a Charlie Jordan (Vicepresidente) y a Katy Eiden (Editora de No#ciero) por su dedicación a la organización. Tenemos ganas de poder colaborar con ellos otra vez en el futuro. ¡Gracias a los dos! 5) Estar en contacto: En este número del No#ciero leerás sobre las varias posibilidades de involucrarte en tu capítulo de la organización nacional. Esperamos verte en un taller, en la ceremonia de premios o en otro evento este año. Hasta entonces, te vamos a estar enviando correos electrónico con anuncios e información importante. No dudes en enviarme un mensaje si Venes preguntas o sugerencias: ¡Gracias por tu apoyo! Saludos cordiales, Jennifer Brady NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 2016 3 National Spanish Exam
(NSE) Na'onal Spanish Exam allows students to shine Each year over 2000 Minnesota Spanish students are given the opportunity to demonstrate their capabiliVes in communicaVon using one of the world’s top 5 languages. Spanish teachers from around the state take Vme out of their busy schedules to administer the NSE (NaVonal Spanish Exam) during March and April. By early May, these students have had their talents compared with their peers around the state and across the country. They are recognized for their achievements at the MN‐AATSP Annual Awards Ceremony. High scoring students are presented with a cerVficate from the governor, a pin for their lewer jacket, and either a ribbon or medal. For many students—both non‐naVve and naVve speakers—this is the first Vme to be recognized for their abiliVes. The joy from these beaming students is blinding and the pride of their families is palpable. There is a reason and a benefit for language study! MN‐AATSP sponsors this event annual to support its members in promoVng language study. If you haven’t enrolled your students for this year’s compeVVon, there is sVll Vme. The late registraVon period is open from Feb. 15 to Feb. 25. Teachers can submit new or addiVonal students for $6 plus a $2 late fee ($8 total per entrant). If you have any quesVons, you can visit the MN‐AATSP web site (‐ or contact Donovan (nse‐coordinator@mn‐ Good luck to your students as they compete in the assessment next month. We look forward to honoring your students at the ceremony in May. ribbons and Parents and teachers proudly snap photos of their sons, daughters, and students. Students from a variety of backgrounds and levels earn ribbons and medals for their ability to communicate in Spanish. NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 2016 4 • 
2016 Poster Contest"
Please encourage your students to parVcipate in our 2016 Poster Contest! It is open to K‐12 Spanish and Portuguese students whose teachers are current AATSP members. Categories include hand drawn (K‐12) or digital format (gr9‐12) and must integrate this year’s theme of “Abre puertas con el español – Abra portas com o portugués”. Use this contest to promote “NaVonal Foreign Language Week” in your school, as a language club project or an enrichment acVvity in your classes. The contest: Encourages cross‐curriculum collaboraVon (social studies, art, and technology) Encourages discussion of language study Promotes creaVve thinking Celebrates visual learners Celebrates arVsVc expression Verbalizes appreciaVon for other languages Is a great program advocacy tool Provides student recogniVon Is an excellent way to engage the enthusiasm of our students! (taken from hwp:// Please refer to the important details and registraVon forms found on the MN‐AATSP website (hwp://‐‐MN/
Student_Involvement.html) and submit all entries and student info forms to Liz Perona by March 1st, 2016!!! We will be then judging them for winners in each category that will be invited to our Awards Ceremony on May 21st as well as represent Minnesota in the NaVonal Contest. QuesVons? or We look forward to seeing your students’ talents and creaVvity shine! NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 2016 5 MCTLC, Fall 2015 KrisVna Vilarino‐Medina, presenter of our MN‐
AATSP session, "Top Apps for the Spanish Classroom ‐ An IntroducVon," answers quesVons about technology at the MN‐AATSP table. Three past MN‐AATSP Presidents: Gwen Barnes‐Karol, Jen Duronio, Mary Lynn Montgomery. Leon Narvaez reads citaVon to present the Emma Birkmaier Award to Bewy Lowerman. Adele Munsterman and Bewy Lowerman, recipient of the Emma Birkmaier Award NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 2016 6 Recipe Corner
The following recipes were used as part of a marinade, making sure marinade is evenly cultural unit on ArgenVna. Students were distributed. Zip bag and refrigerate for 30 encouraged to prepare the dishes at home for minutes to 4 hours. their families, write a paragraph that described 3.  Prepare grill or stove for medium‐heat the process, the result, and the family’s opinions grilling. Remove chicken from marinade and about the meal. Listed in the instrucVon was the grill about 3 inches from flame or on a grill fact that the student was responsible for clean up pan on stove for 7‐10 minutes per side or as well. Students included a picture of the final unVl no pink color is showing. results (that had the student in the picture). 4.  Place on plawer and serve with sauce on the Turning in all of these items earned the student side. extra credit for the unit. 5.  Tip: The sauce can be made up to 6 days ahead, covered and refrigerated. Remove Grilled Chicken Breasts with Chimichurri Sauce from fridge one half hour before serving. 30 min total/10 min prep Serves 6 Ingredients: Arroz con leche 10 medium garlic bulbs 1 hora total/15 minutos preparación Para 6 1 bunch Italian parsley, stems removed personas ¾ c. olive oil, plus 2 tsp. olive oil Ingredientes: ¼ c. water or chicken broth 1 cuarto de galón de leche ¼ c. white balsamic vinegar or white wine vinegar ½ libra de arroz ¾ tsp. dried oregano 1 ½ tazas de azúcar ¾ tsp. dried basil Corteza de limón al gusto ¼ tsp. crushed hot pepper flakes (to taste) 1 varita de canela en rama Salt and freshly ground pepper (to taste) Canela en polvo al gusto 3 whole boneless chicken breasts, halved and ½ taza de pasa flawened Hierva en una cazuela la leche con la corteza de 1.  To make chimichurri sauce: In food processor limón y la canela en rama. Añada el arroz. Antes de finalizar la cocción, en unos 30 minutos, añada fiwed with metal blade, puree garlic. Add parsley and process unVl finely chopped. Add el azúcar y las pasas. Sirva frío con canela en ¾ c. oil, vinegar, water or chicken broth, and polvo. seasonings and process. Taste for seasoning and adjust if necessary. It should be very **If you have a recipe that you’ve used as a class flavorful. project or is a family favorite, please share it with 2.  For marinade: In small mixing bowl, combine us for a future issue of the No#ciero. Please send 3 tbsp. of the chimichurri sauce with your recipes to Michelle Sharp at remaining 2 tsp. olive oil and mix unVl smooth. Taste for seasoning. Place chicken breasts in a sealable bag and pour in NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 7 2016 Calendario de Eventos
Coming ARrac'ons this Spring • February 20, 2016: Teacher Workshop, "Hablando por los codos: PromoVng Oral Skills in and Out of the Spanish Classroom" – University of St. Thomas, St. Paul Campus *Interna'onal Spanish Music Fes'val Presented by Casa de España. hwp://‐List/ , five concerts Feb 25‐26 and March 3‐5 throughout the Twin CiVes. Discount Vckets available for students and teachers. • March 1, 2016 ‐ deadline for submission of posters for Minnesota AATSP Poster Contest ‐ for informaVon, please contact Liz Perona, *DJ LATINIDAD'S La'n Dance Party MaVnee performances begin at 10:00 a.m. most weekdays between March 9 and March 25. Early a„ernoon performances are also possible, especially during the week of March 21‐25. The juxtaposiVon of stories and performances is someVmes contradictory, someVmes funny, and always reflecVve of the diversity that is la#nidad. West Bank in Minneapolis. Contact Charlie Moore 888‐338‐0937 or . • Na'onal Spanish Exam ‐ watch for periodic updates from our Coordinator, Donovan Williams *May 7, 2016 – Cinco de Mayo, West Side St. Paul, Parade, Live DemonstraVons, History Zone, Jalapeño eaVng contest hwp:// *May 8, 2016 Tía Tula Spanish School, in collabora'on with the Government of Spain (Junta de CasVlla y León), offers 10 scholarships of one week for Spanish teachers in the US at high school, college or university level, with Spanish teacher training/ refresher course, accommodaVon, cultural acVviVes, transfers from Madrid to Salamanca and travel insurance included.hwp://‐
for‐teachers/usa‐canada/index.php *Na'onal Foreign Languages Week, March 7‐13 Theme: Languages Enrich Your Mind, possible school acVviVes include: Have a daily trivia quesVon with prizes for • 
correct answers. Take your students to elementary classes • 
to teach a short lesson, read a story, teach a song or perform a play. Use school publicaVons to promote • 
foreign language study. • 
Have a food day. • 
Hold poster, poetry or artwork contests (See chapter poster contest). • May 21, 2016 ‐ Awards Ceremony for NSE / • 
Sell internaVonal candy. Poster Contest Winners (Wellstone Center, St. • 
Have a language club fun night or cinema Paul) night. • 
Emphasize in all the acVviVes the need for foreign language study and the benefits to individual students. NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 2016 8 Recordatorios
Posi'ons Open on the Mesa Direc'va ‐ Annual Dues We need you! Please renew your annual dues at We invite you to help us promote the study of hwp:// Our local chapter receives a percentage of these funds in order Spanish and Portuguese in the state of to carry out our enrichment acVviVes including Minnesota by joining the Mesa DirecVva in the spring and fall workshops and our spring 2016. PosiVons sVll open include: awards ceremony. This tax deducVble professional expense allows you to earn CEUs, • President‐Elect (part of a three‐year term: to meet other instructors of Spanish and President‐Elect in 2016 / President in 2017 / Portuguese, to awend workshops and Past President in 2018) conferences at a discount, and to access a • Vice‐President (two‐year term, 2016‐2017; wealth of pedagogical informaVon. Please does not become president) encourage your colleagues to consider joining • Webmaster (two‐year term) as well. • Coordinator, NaVonal Spanish Exam (two‐
year term: September 1, 2016 ‐ August 31, NSE Award Checks 2018) ‐ Persons interested in coordinaVng the NSE are invited to "shadow" our current Please remind your past NSE award recipients coordinator, Donovan Williams, this spring. to deposit their checks. The chapter has a few • Member‐at‐Large (two‐year term, award checks that have never been redeemed. 2016‐2017) In order to most efficiently manage our budget, we are in the process of changing banks and • 
Board members receive CEU ́s for their these checks will soon become invalid. service, as well as the opportunity to work and network with other teachers from across the state. Inquiries and expressions of interest can be directed to President, Jennifer Brady, at NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 2016 9 Concurso
This is a new feature in the No#ciero that requires audience parVcipaVon. Each issue will include a Concurso for our members. These are topics that you can also incorporate in your classes, but the compleVon of the Concurso is to be done by the member alone and without the use of the internet. Please submit your answers to the editora, Michelle Sharp, at by March 15. A drawing will be held from all correct entries and the winners will receive Caribou Coffee gi„ cards. ¡Buena suerte! There are 21 Spanish‐speaking countries in the world and 22 capital ciVes. IdenVfy which country each of these capital ciVes belong to: Asunción Bogotá Buenos Aires Caracas Ciudad de Guatemala Ciudad de México Ciudad de Panamá
La Habana Lima Madrid Malabo Managua Montevideo La Paz Quito Santo Domingo Sucre San José
San Juan San Salvador SanVago
Tegucigalpa NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 2016 10 ¿Te cuento un chiste? The link to these jokes was recently featured on the MN‐
AATSP Facebook page. Please “like” the page in order to receive regular updates of current events and teaching materials. •  ¿Qué le dice un pez a otro pez? ‐ Nada. •  Un pececito le pregunta a otro pececito: ‐ ¿Qué hace tu papá? ‐ Nada. •  ¿Qué le dice una pared a otra? ‐ Nos encontramos en la esquina. •  ¿Qué le dijo la cucharita al azúcar? ‐Te espero en el café. •  Repítelo. ‐ Lo, lo, lo. •  Dime. ‐ Me. •  Un paciente llega a ver al doctor con una zanahoria en un oído y una cebolla en la nariz. Preocupado, le pregunta al médico: ‐ Doctor, ¿Qué me pasa?, ¿Qué me pasa?. El doctor le responde: ‐Yo creo que no estás comiendo bien. •  Un paciente le dice al doctor: ‐Doctor, si me toco la oreja me duele. Si me toco la boca, me duele. Si me toco la nariz, me duele. Si me toco el brazo, me duele. Si me toco la rodilla, me duele. ¿Qué puede ser, doctor? El doctor le responde: ‐ Pues, que Vene el dedo roto. • NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 2016 11 Entrevista
en cada siVo, una en una escuela pública y la Tuve la oportunidad de conocer a Miriam Machado, la directora del Liceo Punta del Este, otra privada. quien pasa dos semanas en el Colegio Eastview con Elizabeth Perona (foto), miembro de una ¿Qué es el papel de la tecnología en la delegación de 40 maestr@s y director@s de educación uruguaya? Uruguay con el programa Fulbright. El estado le a cada estudiante en la escuela pública una computadora desde el principio. Empezando este año, todos los jubilados reciben un tablet para mejorar su conexión. Hay wifi por todas partes del país. En el liceo la robóVca es una moVvación popular para los estudiantes. Buscamos aplicaciones de la tecnología además de los celulares. Hay mucho enfoque en los estudios STEM también. El estudio de filmar, el diseño de videojuegos, y las impresoras 3‐D son aspectos que incluimos. ¿Cómo es la instrucción de idiomas extranjeros? Todos alumnos empiezan a estudiar lenguas extranjeras cuando Venen 5 o 6 años, o sea su primer año de la escuela. El inglés es la lengua obligatoria en las escuelas públicas. También hay Centros de Lengua para estudiar otros idiomas: francés, portugués, italiano. ¿Cuál es el propósito de su visita? Estamos aquí para conocer la educación norteamericana, la que es eficiente, un sistema ¿Cuáles semejanzas y diferencias ha observado? exitoso. Es un intercambio de educación. Estamos aquí para comparar los dos sistemas. Nuestro sistema es centralizado. Hay siempre Deseamos contestar la pregunta ¿qué es lo cooperación con el gobierno. Toda la educación mejor para el alumno del siglo XXI?. Por eso, es estatal. Buscamos una educación que sea hay profesionales aquí por todo el país, todos laica, obligatoria, y gratuita. Hay escuelas de escuelas públicas, que asisVeron a una privadas, pero Venen un plan de estudio igual a semana de clases en Washington DC y ahora las públicas. Suelen tener más deportes y pasamos dos semanas en escuelas públicas y ofrecen más lenguas. privadas por los EEUU. Mi compañera aquí pasa dos semanas a la escuela Blake. Hay Tenemos el mismo problema con los personas en Florida, Georgia, Chicago, estudiantes y sus celulares. California, y más. Un mínimo de dos personas NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 12 2016 Entrevista II
Los estudiantes del liceo están en el mismo salón todo el día con la excepción de los laboratorios o las clases de arte. Los maestros Venen que mover entres los salones. Me encanta que Liz tenga su propio salón, un lugar suyo. Nuestro nuevo año escolar empieza el 1 de marzo. ¿Nos puede decir un poco sobre Uruguay? Por supuesto. Yo soy del sur. Tenemos un clima bien disVnto que el norte del país. Deben visitar. Es muy bonito. Tenemos playas bonitas y muchas exhibiciones de arte. Somos un desVno bien popular para los turistas americanos. SenVmos mucho el efecto de la deforestación de las Amazonas y la pérdida de la capa del ozono. Vivimos el calentamiento global y todos los cambios que lo acompañan. Nuestra comida parece similar a la moda argenVna. El mate es muy popular por ArgenVna, Paraguay, el sur de Brasil y Uruguay. Es algo que echo de menos. Hay un video que pueden mirar que está disponible en inglés y español para aprender más sobre el Uruguay digital: hwp://
noVcias/insVtucionales/Uruguay‐Digital Punta del Este Escultura de la playa de Punta del Este NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 2016 13 La mesa directiva
Jennifer Brady (PhD, Colorado) is Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies at University of Minnesota Duluth and Managing Editor of Hispania, the scholarly journal of the AATSP. At UMD, she teaches a variety of courses and carries out research on contemporary Spanish Peninsular culture, literature, language, and film. Jennifer is looking forward to serving the Minnesota chapter of AATSP as President this year and is dedicated to the mission of the AATSP of furthering the instrucVon of Spanish and Portuguese across the globe and in Minnesota. She has been involved with the AATSP since graduate school when she was the Assistant to the Book/Media Reviewer of Hispania. Jennifer brings to the MN‐AATSP several years of ExecuVve Board experience (she served on the Rocky Mountain Modern Language AssociaVon ExecuVve Board twice) and organizaVonal and leadership experience from her work on Hispania. Gwen Barnes‐Karol (Ph.D., University of Minnesota), Past‐President in 2016, is Professor of Spanish at St. Olaf College where she teaches a wide range of courses in Spanish language and Peninsular culture and literature. She has taught St. Olaf interims abroad in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, and Spain and graduate courses for U.S. high school teachers of Spanish through the University of Minnesota / Fundación Ortega and Gasset. Her contact with AATSP started back in high school, when she parVcipated in the NaVonal Spanish ExaminaVon (and won the first place medal for 4th‐year Spanish in Iowa). In 1997, she was awarded the Ricardo A. Narváez Award for excellence in the teaching of teaching of Spanish from the Minnesota Chapter. My name is Maria Lecceardone‐Brown, and I am a Spanish teacher at Prior Lake High School. I completed my bachelor’s degree in Spanish at Minnesota State University, Mankato and my master’s degree in Second Languages and Cultures at the University of Minnesota. I have been teaching at Prior Lake for 13 years now. I currently teach Spanish 4 and Spanish 5 at Prior Lake High School. In addiVon to teaching, I am also the NaVonal Honor Society advisor. I enjoy traveling (what language teacher doesn’t), gardening, and spending Vme with my family. This is my second year as secretary on the Mesa DirecVva Board and I looking forward to another year ahead. NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 2016 14 La mesa directiva
Adele Munsterman es una profe de español muy conocida en el campo de enseñar idiomas. Ha pasado la mayoría de su carrera como maestra en el colegio de Fridley. Pero, después de jubilarse de ese distrito hace siete años, ella diría que ha empezado una nueva vida. Ha trabajado donde la necesitaban, desde Anoka‐Hennepin y Wayzata, SVllwater y Sartell, hasta la Universidad de Bethel y este año, en Princeton. ¡Dice que conoce a todo el mundo! Lo más diverVdo para ella ha sido la variedad entre los varios sistemas escolares y los estudiantes desde el quinto grado hasta los graduados de la Universidad. Ella sigue aprendiendo, especialmente los programas de la computadora. Adele es la ex‐presidenta de la AATSP‐MN y la MCTLC, y ha ganado el Premio Narváez y el Premio Emma Birkmaier. ¡Saludos a todos! My name is Shelly Pomonis and I will be serving as co‐
treasurer on the Mesa DirecVva del AATSP‐ Minnesota. I graduated from The College of St. Benedict with a B.A. in Spanish and EducaVon and earned my Master's in Second Languages and Cultures EducaVon from the U of MN. I have been teaching Spanish for over twenty years, starVng as a Kindergarten teacher at Robbinsdale Spanish Immersion, switching to Mound‐Westonka High School and then to Edina Public Schools where I pioneered a FLES program before teaching at the middle school level. I have been teaching grades six‐eight at Blake Middle School in Hopkins for the past ten years and have a daughter who is currently a senior and a son who is in seventh grade. We are all on the same school calendar!! I very much look forward to becoming more involved in this professional organizaVon and sincerely hope that you will sign up for a workshop or awend another event sponsored by AATSP‐MN so that I can meet you in person! ¡Gracias y nos vemos! León Narváez es profesor de español y de estudios laVnoamericanos en la Universidad de San Olaf. Su primera experiencia como maestro fue en el primer campamento de español de Concordia College. Trabajó por cuatro veranos como maestro y consejero en lo que hoy se llama la Concordia Spanish Village. Narváez ha vivido en Puerto Rico, México, Colombia, España y Costa Rica, además de haber pasado Vempo en zonas hispanas de Chicago, Miami y AusVn (TX). Actualmente su hermano Eric enseña español en Normandale Community College. Antes su hermana Darcia daba clases de español en The Blake School pero ahora es profesora de psicología en Notre Dame. NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 2016 15 La mesa directiva
The NaVonal Spanish Exam is coordinated by Donovan Williams, a Spanish teacher at SVllwater Area High School. He has overseen this event since 2013. Donovan is originally from WI and has taught in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. He started his tenure in Minnesota in 2000. Travel is one of his favorite pasVmes and he has been to various Spanish‐speaking locales including Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, and Puerto Rico. This year he plans to complete his Masters degree in Spanish at Middlebury College in Vermont Michelle Sharp is the editor of the No#ciero, the quarterly newslewer of the MN‐AATSP. She has taught Spanish at the college level in Wisconsin, Massachusews, and currently at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul. Her research in cultural studies focuses on Spanish women writers and food. She recently discovered the wonderful collecVon of historical cookbooks books at the University of Minnesota Wangensteen Library. She loves teaching Spanish and watching for that moment when a student starts to own the language and recognize what he or she can do with it. I look forward to receiving your suggesVons about what you’d like to see in this newslewer. I want to make it useful for you both in terms of the events of our chapter and for informaVon that you can use in your classroom. Please send your feedback and ideas to me at NOTICIERO, MN‐AATSP Febrero 2016 16