Program Highlights - Viterbo University
Program Highlights - Viterbo University
An occasional newsletter from the Viterbo University Undergraduate Social Work Program WINTER SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: 2013-14 Highlights 2013 I S S UE # 11 From the Director: Program Highlights Deb Daehn Zellmer, ACSW, CISW INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Fall has been a very busy semester for the Social Work Program, faculty and students. We are preparing to send 26 seniors into field education, which is the largest group in the history of our program! This year social work became a separate department within the School of Letters and Sciences, previously being part of the Department of Sociology, Social Work and Criminal Justice. The Social Work Department now also coordinates the Gerontology Minor and developed a Family Studies Minor providing wonderful opportunities for Letters and Science students to extend their learning in these two important areas. Faculty Updates 2 Alumni Spotlight 3 Field Updates 3 Spotlight on Students! 4-5 Chicago Trip 5 Social Work Club 5 A competent and committed social work faculty with many years of experience in social work practice and social work education. Alumni Updates 5-6 An active Social Work Club that provides service to the University and the community. What’s new— web info 6 Competent graduates who fill regional needs for professionally trained social workers and who experience success in graduate education. To prepare for our October 2014 reaccreditation review by the Council on Social Work Education the social work faculty just completed a Self-Study documenting our compliance with four accreditation standards including Program Mission and Goals, Explicit Curriculum, Implicit Curriculum (educational environment) and Program Assessment. This Self-Study is a comprehensive overview of our program discerning our accomplishments, successes, and strengths as well as provide opportunities for refinement of curriculum and policies based on program assessment results. The process of Self-Study has been very affirming for the faculty and students identifying the following program strengths: A strong commitment by Viterbo University, the School of Letters and Sciences, and the Social Work Department to undergraduate social work education. Engaged alumni who provide program support in the form of shadow experiences, classroom speakers, field instruction, advisory council membership and adjunct teaching. A well conceptualized competency based social work curriculum that builds upon the University’s core values and Franciscan heritage. Supportive individualized academic advising that guides students through the social work major and addresses student’s strengths and areas for improvement. A strong Field Education Program with a diverse range of generalist practice experiences, competent Agency Field Instructors and individualized field placement procedures. The implementation of a comprehensive and detailed assessment plan that directs decisions for curriculum and program improvement. This newsletter highlights the activities of our faculty, students, social service agency affiliates and alumni that demonstrates how these strengths are operationalized in our Social Work Program. We hope you will enjoy reading about the many wonderful things that are happening in our program! Viterbo University Social Work Program Mission Statement The mission of the Viterbo University Social Work Program is to prepare baccalaureate students for entry level generalist social work practice. In an atmosphere of integrity and respect, students will develop professional knowledge, values, and skills for service provision and social change. The program is guided by the Franciscan values of human dignity, social justice, strengths of diverse populations, and respect for disenfranchised members of our global society. PAGE 2 research at the Seven Rivers Undergraduate Research Conference in November. Jennie received the D.B. Reinhart Center Ethics Fellowship for 2013-2014 to support continued reJennie returned from sabbatical search on social work student learning to enlast spring and completed her hance research and critical thinking skills. Jennie Doctorate in Social Work. Her dissertation research The Epistemo- collaborated with Deb and Connie on a manulogical Beliefs of Social Work Students script being published in the Journal of Social was published and she will present Work Values and Ethics that addresses teaching on this research at the annual Baccalaureate Program values and ethics to undergraduate students. Jennie has been appointed as assessment coordiDirectors Conference in Spring 2014. Jennie was recently appointed by Governor Walker to the Mar- nator for the program and serves on the Institutional Review Board and riage and Family Therapy, Professional Counselor, Viterbo Board of Review. She mainand Social Work Examining Board. This board regutains a full time teaching appointment lates social work practice in the state and reviews ethics issues. Last summer Jennie mentored Hannah and has begun teaching research in the Johnson with her research project on children’s ser- graduate Masters of Servant Leadership program. vices in rural communities. Hannah presented her Jennifer Anderson-Meger, Associate Professor Connie Fossen, Associate Professor Janet Holter, Assistant Professor A manuscript, “Infusing a new ethical decision making model throughout a BSW Program curriculum,” was accepted by The Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics and will be published early in 2014. Connie took the lead on this paper co-written with Jennie Anderson-Meger and Deb Daehn Zellmer. The article describes the ETHICS-A decision making model taught throughout our Social Work Program. In June 2013, Connie traveled to Nicaragua as part of the Global Partners Program at Gundersen Health Care. With alumnae Irene TenEyck and Nicole Sundboom, the social work team mapped community assets in Santa Celia and La Corona in preparation for the move of 25 families to their new homes. Global Partners raised $100,000 to fund home ownership for these severely under resourced families. Janet continues a full-time teaching appointment and serves as Social Work Club advisor. Last summer she mentored Sara Severson’s research on “Social Worker’s Perceptions of Compassion Fatigue.” Sara presented her research at the Seven Rivers Undergraduate Research Conference. Janet serves on the Child Advocacy leadership team which is examining interdisciplinary opportunities at Viterbo related to child maltreatment and child advocacy. In July, she helped develop and presented at the Faith, Healing and Future Work Conference held at Viterbo. This multi-disciplinary conference examined ways to build bridges between the child maltreatment and faith communities to prevent and respond to child maltreatment. Janet also conducted trainings for Catholic Charities on case management and ethical decision making over the summer. Janet is currently developing new a course on sustainability and community development for the spring of 2014. In spring 2013 Deb presented at the Annual Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors meeting with faculty from two other social work Deb has been instrumental in programs on “Supporting Students as the Move through the Continuum of Social Work Educaleading the program through tion”. Deb has been appointed as interim Assoaccreditation activities and Self-Study in preparation for a ciate Dean for the Social Science Division for spring 2014 Council on Social spring 2014. She continues to enjoy teaching Work Education site visit and review for reaffir- social welfare policy courses in the social work curriculum and her work on the Social Policy mation next October. In addition to being the primary author of the 117 page Self-Study docu- Committee for the Wisconsin Chapter of the ment, Deb was a co-author with Connie Fossen National Association of Social Workers. and Jennie Anderson-Meger on a manuscript being published in the Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics “Infusing a new ethical decision making model throughout a BSW curriculum”. Deb Daehn Zellmer, Professor WINTER 2013 PAGE Alumni Spotlight Spotlight Alumni Codi Farmer ‘13 Viterbo gave me the confidence that I can get out and apply for a jobs and that I can do it! I think others should chose Viterbo because class sizes are small and the professors get to know you oneon-one. If you need something your professors will be there. 3 In summer of 2013 we caught up with a few Social Work Alumni for an update and thoughts on (watch for video clips of interviews on SOWK webpage) their experience at Viterbo. Alyssa Umberger ‘13 Viterbo gave a lot of great experiences working with a variety of populations. The practicum experience and foundations courses taught me to see that I am in the right field. My family received a tremendous amount of assistance from social workers in the school and community which inspired me to become a social worker. Keith Lease ‘12 I was a substance abuse counselor before becoming a social work student. Social work is absolutely the greatest thing that has happened to me. The valOne of my most memora- ues and different perspecble experiences while at tive that social work gives, Viterbo was the Chicago fits with everything I beTrip and learning about lieved and it assisted with My field diversity, culture and ethnic my work. It went hand-inpractifoods. hand, a perfect fit. Social cum work provided me with a helped While attending school, I wide ranges of experiences me to had a lot of family conincluding my field experifeel prepared to interview for jobs cerns, personal illness, and ence at Lugar de Reunion in financial difficulties. The Sparta, which included sumwhen I graduated. The mer resocial work program chal- professors helped me exsearch in I did my field education lenges you and makes you plore options and reexperience at Pigeon Falls feel confident that you can sources through that diffi- Mexico. cult time so I could perseHealth Care Center. go on to graduate school. vere and graduate. I went There I led groups doing through cognitive and depression I am going to UW– MadiViterbo prepared me for the UWassessments and a lot of son part-time MSW proemployment with the em- Madison one-on-one with families. gram on the UW-Eau phasis on how to communi- MSW I really enjoyed the experi- Claire campus. My focus ence! It taught me I was in will be on adolescent men- cate effectively with others. program We did a lot of group pro- and graduated with a emthe right field. It was neat tal health and I hope to jects which has helped me phasis in mental health to know that I could make become a therapist in an counseling. a difference in their day. adolescent treatment facili- work well with others. ty. In my current position as a I am really excited and very In my MSW program at Behavioral Counselor pub- grateful for my education at the UW-Madison partShao lic speaking plays a big role. Viterbo! Today, I am the time program I plan to My social work education Executive Director and work with at-risk children. Vue ‘06 In 1985 prepared me well with the counselor for the nonHopefully, one day I can research, writing and tech- profit, out-patient subwork with military families my family nology skills taught. I atstance clinic, Coulee Counor in the schools as a fami- settled here as tended UW-Madison and cil on Addictions. ly advocate or school sorefugees graduated with my MSW in cial worker. from 2007. Thailand. Emily Aerts ‘13 I chose to study social work because of the variety of fields it offers. I knew I wanted to make a difference. My parents are both teachers so I knew I wanted to work with people and possibly kids. Social work allows career flexibility- such as starting with child protection and then moving to school social work or non-profit work. I like the variety the profession offers. I received the academic foundation necessary for graduate school. I applied to two MSW programs and was accepted at both. I was awarded a full ride scholarship for the U of Michigan as the recipient of the Jim Walberg Dean’s scholarship which is pretty impressive. It is given to only one person in the nation. However, I declined and opted to put graduate school off for a year to work in the AmeriCorps Program. Thank you to our featured alumni, and to all of our graduates for the work that you do everyday! Keep those updates coming! Field Education Update Connie Fossen, Field Director The field education year began in September with a continuing education session by our own Dr. Jennifer AndersonMeger. “Students Beliefs about Knowledge: Implications for Field Education,” a presentation based on Jennie’s dissertation research, followed the orientation for new agency field instructors. Nearly 30 agency social workers met with the upcoming class of 26 seniors in ‘speed’ interviews to learn about potential field agency sites. The largest class in the history of our Social Work Program precipitated a continued expansion of field education sites. We added units, programs or new instructors in existing Field Agencies, including Lars House of the Mayo Franciscan Health System, Lutheran Social Services Special Needs Adoption, Family and Children Center Residential Youth Home, La Crosse County Human Services Aging Unit, Vernon Memorial Hospital’s new Hospice Center, the YWCA CASA for Kids and Truancy Prevention Program. Newly certified field agencies include Coulee Council on Addictions and the Proven Project at Western Technical College. We welcome the following alumni to our Pro- gram as new Agency Field Instructors: Scott Grosskopf, Keith Lease, Emily Nolte, Desiree Parker, Va Thao. Thank you to social work professionals, alumni and human service organizations for their ongoing commitment to field education. PAGE 4 Spotlight on Students! Three senior social work students completed internships last summer. These internships were over and above the 450 hour social work Field Education experience they will complete in spring 2014. Internships provide students with opportunities to network with social service agencies, learn about community resources and agency policies and apply skills acquired through the classroom to real life social work practice situations. Alex Kent Alex Kent interned with the National Immigrant Justice Center in Chicago. He worked directly under the Associate Director of Policy for seven weeks to advance immigration reform legislation through Congress. He made hundreds of phone calls to the offices of Congressmen to verify the contact information of key staff within their offices who work on immigration issues. Alex also researched immigration detention facilities and the history of immigration, wrote representative briefs for the center’s lobbyists and categorized data for immigration attorneys. Alex found his internship to be “a wonderful, eye-opening opportunity that gave me a great learning experience and exposed me to interesting social networking related to policy and immigration.” Alex believes an internship is a great way to explore an area of social work that you are interested in to gain insight for career direction. Sara Meyer Sara Meyer interned 2-3 days a week with the St. Lawrence Community Services Department at the La Crosse office of Catholic Charities. In this role she conducted intakes with clients facing financial struggles with rent, utilities, security deposits and other payments. She completed client assessments, scheduled appointments, learned agency documentation procedures and made community service referrals. Sara also helped deliver financial education and services such as access to food pantries and clothing closets, bus tokens and tickets, vouchers and gas cards. Through this internship she increased her knowledge regarding poverty, homelessness and community resources for the poor. “I learned the art of patience and listening. I was able to practice the warmth, genuineness, and empathy skills taught in our interviewing course, and experience enhanced my interviewing skills greatly!” Tiffany Young Tiffany Young interned with the La Crosse County Juvenile Justice Unit. Her primary responsibility was to work with the CORE Academy, a court-ordered treatment program for juveniles with significant legal charges. She met daily with juveniles conducting intakes and monitoring compliance for ongoing cases. The majority of her time was spent completing necessary paperwork and attending court. Tiffany says an internship is “a great way to step outside of your comfort zone and SHINE without the stress of being graded. I felt my opinions were truly valued and that I was making a difference in the lives of individuals that much of society has given up on.” Summer Undergraduate Research Program Viterbo University has been actively promoting collaborative undergraduate research opportunities for several years. There is broad support among administration and faculty to encourage student research. Engaging in undergraduate research provides opportunities to build critical thinking, organizational, inquiry, and communication skills. All are valuable skills for a professional job or future graduate study. Students receive a stipend for their summer research work and can apply for part time or full time opportunities. The summer research program runs for seven weeks and students attend weekly seminars with faculty research mentors and other research students. Summer of 2013 there were four social work students who participated in faculty mentored research projects. Hannah Johnson worked with Jennie Anderson-Meger on a community based asset assessment that explored children’s services and developmental assets in rural communities. Hannah discovered how rich her community is with resources and where improvements can be made. She was able to network extensively with agencies in the process. Sara Severson worked with Janet Holter and examined compassion fatigue due to secondary trauma exposure in social workers. Her research helped others understand how important it is for agencies to address compassion fatigue issues. Kaitlyn Hamman is a double major in social work and religious studies and worked with Sr. Laura Nettles in her research. She completed a qualitative research project that explored the role of teaching social work in a Franciscan Catholic institution. She interviewed the social work faculty and wants to expand her research in the future to identify how Franciscan values can further inform social work practice. Finally, Tess Hostert worked with David Saunders -Scott to explore the role of “grit” in recovery from substance abuse. Tess determined that grit (a form of intrinsic motivation) is correlated with successful recovery. WINTER 2013 PAGE Chicago Trip This years’ senior social work trip was a great success! We travelled to Chicago to examine urban social work, and experience first-hand the different ethnic cultures and make-up of Chicago. Students visited the Jane Addams-Hull House and several other organizations including the Chinese Community Center in Chinatown where they were able to connect their social work knowledge to the culture of Chicago. The experiences on this trip expanded the students’ view of the scope of social work as well as the need for cultural competency. 5 Club Officers: Pres. Jennie Clark, VP Emily Morrison, Secretary Brienne Shaker, Treasurer Jack Rice, PR Erin Larson Social work club is busy as usual! This year’s club has been designing and selling club shirts, and working on service projects for the coming year. Club members organized and participated in a food donation ‘Trick or Treat’ just before Halloween; donations went to the Emerson Elementary food pantry. The Social Work Club won this year’s Honors Chili cook-off, thanks to junior Denise Kidd’s wonderful chicken Chili, with all proceeds going to The Place of Grace. For a second year, club is adopting a family from Emerson Elementary for the holidays. After gathering gift donations 2001 Melissa (Schneider) Christopherson received her MSW from U of Minnesota in May 2012. She is the lead social worker at Chippewa County Department of Human Services. from several generous community members, a bake sale was held during the first week of December to raise money for gifts. The club was able to provide all items on the family’s list including clothes, toys, fishing gear and bicycles for some well deserving children! Plans for spring include the annual chili sale and service projects with The Place of Grace. Faculty Advisor, Janet Holter Danielle (Olson) Puccetti is working at the Tomah Veterans Administrative Medical Center and is working on her PhD for Healthcare Administration at UW-Madison with expected graduation date in 2015. 2007 Nancy (Trautwein) Krueger and Brandon celebrated the birth of their fourth child, Lane Scott on December 18, 2012. He joins three Claire Murphy Sleaper married Alex sisters, Jillian, Raegan, and Ashlyn! Sleaper on September 14, 2013. She is working as a Rehabilitation Social Worker at St. Mary’s Care Center. They reside in Lake Mills, WI. 2004 Seven Rivers Symposium in November Left to right: Hannah Johnson, Kaitlin Hamman, Tess Hostert, Linda Landry, and Sara Severson. “I came into the program with a narrow lens and the program , through all the class I took allowed me to see everything in a broader plane. The program gave me the confidence I needed to search for other opportunities for further growth as a person.” Emily Aerts Angel Lee is a part of Gundersen Health Systems’ Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault Program. She is attending University of New England MSW Program and anticipates graduating in May 2014. Ashley Myhre married Nick Farley December 7, 2013. She is currently busy implementing new branding and marketing for Southview Acres Health Care Center. They reside in Eagan, MN. 2005 2008 Melissa (Reich) Dahlo is working as a Rehabilitation Social Worker at Good Samaritan Society. She and husband, Rickard reside in Waconia, MN. Jessica Wallace-Bialecki and husband Andy celebrated the birth of a son Drew Richard on August 19, 2013. 2006 Lindsay (Weber) Weibel was married to Cory Weibel September 15, 2012. She is Social Services Director at Morrow Memorial Home in Sparta, WI. Sara Eckland received her MSW from UW-Madison in May. She is working at RAVE (Recovery Avenue), a mental health drop in center in La Crosse as Program Coordinator, Jessica Andre is working at Trempealeau County Health Care Center and started her in addition to other duties at Independent MSW in spring through UW-Madison. Living Resources. Jessica’s concentration is mental health. 2009 Cont. from p.5 Emily Nolte is a Chemical Dependency Counselor at Mayo Clinic Health System-Franciscan Healthcare in La Crosse. Tiffany (Tubbs) Dolesy and spouse Alex Dolesy welcomed the birth of twin boys Carson and Chase on August 23, 2013. Jennifer (Danielson) Scaccio celebrated her four year anniversary at New Horizons Shelter and Outreach Centers by changing positions. She is currently the Youth and Family Advocate and is developing curriculum for educators to use when discussing healthy relationships with youth. Ashley (Wagner) Trautsch and Brian celebrated the birth of a son Braxton, into their family in July. He joins big sister, Breileigh. 2010 Brooke Murdock is working at the Tomah Veterans Administration Medical Center and plans to graduate from UW-Madison with her MSW in December. Breanna Schell graduated from the University of Michigan’s MSW program. She is working as a Street Outreach Worker at St. Stephen’s Human in Services in Minneapolis, MN. Tiffany Smith is currently a case manager at Western Wisconsin Cares in La Crosse. Samantha Young and Brandon Brye will celebrate their wedding October 25, 2014. She is at Medical Receptionist at Tri Valley Medical. They reside in Pleasanton, CA. Bethany (Zellmer) Meiners is working as a School Social Worker at Caledonia Public Schools. 2012 Heidi (Arbuckle) Ballwahn is working for the Ho-Chunk Nation Social Services in Black River Falls, WI. Jaime (Sontag) Dayton and Tom celebrated the birth of a son, Tommy, born on June 1, Nicole (Emberson) Johnson married Karl 2013. Johnson August 31, 2013 at Riverside Park in Susan (Carson) Haggard is working at La Crosse. She is currently working as ProGundersen Lutheran as a Counseling Service gram Manager at Creative Community Living Technician. Services. Kelly Jessen is engaged to Derek Zumbrunnen with the wedding date set for July 19, 2014. She is also working as a Care Coordinator at the highly ranked Bluestone Physician Services. Anastasia Jensen and Rob Murray celebrated their wedding August 31, 2013 in Blaine MN. Keith Lease is Executive Director at Coulee Council on Addictions. He earned his MSSW from UW-Madison May 2013. Betsy (Jandt) Parr and Jeff celebrated the birth of a son, Isaac on March 19, 2013. She is the Director of Social Services at Pine View Kristen Pavela is working on her MSW at Aurora University and expects to graduate Care Center in Black River Falls, WI. in 2015. 2011 Vanessa (Weisbrod) Bablitch just graduated with her MSW and passed her exam. She is co-facilitating ACT and DBT groups as a Crime Victim Specialist/Social Worker working with crisis and mental health patients at the Department of Behavioral Health at Gundersen. In a second role, she works with a grant funded program for victims of crime. Sara (Schaller) Carter and husband Shawn welcomed their first child into the world in June. She is working at Western Wisconsin Cares. 2013 Emily Aerts is in New Orleans working for AmeriCorps at Langston Hughes Academy as an interventionist for grades 1-4. She is teaching math and reading to 100 students and running social groups. Ali Behringer was recently hired as a Case Manager at CouleeCap’s Transitional Housing Program. Sayde (Birkholz) Holbach and Matthew Holbach celebrated their wedding October 19, 2013 in Beaver Dam, WI. They have moved to Houston, TX for Matt’s new position! Tatiana (Bueno) Wolf is working as a Social Worker at Mayo Clinic Health System in La Crosse. Codi Farmer currently works at Marinuka Manor in Galesville, WI. She is working on her Masters in Social Work and will graduate in May 2015. Megan (Lambert) Wilmot is working at Oneida County Department of Social Services and was married in 2011 to Brent Wilmot in Manitowish Waters, WI. Rosemary Loken is working at Gundersen Health Tri-County in Whitehall, WI. She stayed on after doing her internship and is now employed full-time! Kyra Lollis is working as an Economic Support Specialist at La Crosse County. Megan Lewis is working at REM-The Mentor Network. She is working as direct professional support and resides in Kasson, MN. Ashley (Odegard) Vogel and Riley Vogel celebrated their wedding August 4, 2012. She is currently working on her master’s degree through the UW-Madison, expecting to graduate May 2015. She is currently a Help Team Member at Scenic Bluffs Community Health Centers. Alyssa Umberger works for Richland County as a Juvenile Justice Social worker and is working on her Masters in Social Work and will graduate in May 2015. Update Alumni Records — stay in touch! Marriage, birth, address/phone changes, employment, awards Field Agencies — linked Photo Gallery — watch throughout the year for new photos Social Work—webpage Viterbo University 900 Viterbo Drive La Crosse, WI 54601 Phone: 608-796-3097 Fax: 608-796-3050 Email:
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