Every Saturday Night at the Post
Every Saturday Night at the Post
Unit 848 312 E. Main Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583-4232 March 2013 *951-487-1664 American Legion Auxiliary Women are Women of ACTION. When We See a Need, We Step In to Meet It. WE CAN DO IT! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! We need 30 NEW Members before March 15— to take 1st place in our District for Membership! Indio Unit 739 will be left to eat our dust... YOUR AUXILIARY General Meengs begin at 10:00 A.M. Saturday, March 2 Saturday, April 6 w/1st Nominaons of Officers Saturday, May 4 w/2nd Nominaons & Elecons Saturday, June 1 YOU—bring in 3 New Members and we will pay for your Next Years Dues!!! See an Officer for more information. If you E-MAIL— please, please send me an e-mail at reneehta@yahoo.com and you will help us cut costs on the mailing of the newsletter AND you will receive the newsletter a few days earlier and up to the minute announcements that can not be mailed out in a timely manner. In the “subject line” please type in: “Unit 848 Auxiliary” otherwise, you could end up in my trash bin! BUNCO BUNCO BUNCO BUNCO Every 3rd Sunday at 1:00 P.M. at the Post. If you like to roll dice, make new friends and you don’t mind loud yelling of joy—then you need to stop in and check out the BUNCO Gang. Next Game: March 17 1:00 POPPIES ARE COMING! Blood Drive at the Post FRIDAY, March 8 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Every donor will receive a FREE Coupon to Jack in the Box Every Saturday Night at the Post 1st Vice President MEMBERSHIP Report by Renata Ladies—You Read It On The FRONT Page! Bring in 3 New Auxiliary Members and the Auxiliary will pay for YOUR next years dues!!! Any questions—call me at 951.927.5900 Send in your $25.00 for the 2013 membership dues to me: Renata Sigala 44921 Palm Ave. Hemet CA 92544 30 MORE BY MARCH 15!!! As Rosie the Riveter would say, WE CAN DO IT! is provided on... $1 Taco Nites Mondays from 5:00– 7:00 p.m. by the “Salsa Girls” and on A woman is standing nude in front of the bedroom mirror. She is not happy with what she sees and says, to her husband, “I feel horrible. I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a compliment.” The husband replies, “Your eyesight is damn near perfect.” The husband is now in intensive care hoping for a full recovery. Happy Birthday to the March Babies: Kathie Christensen, Sharon Detwiler, Glenda Gregory, Renee Johnson, Patricia Meixl, Kelly Oler, Bey Owings, Carol Raskiewiez, Susan Rudenick, Peggy Steele, Carolyn Taylor & Julie Worth. And to the February Babies that were not published: Becky Alderman-Daigle, Laura Anderson, Carol Barlow, Linda Candreva, Teresa Dahlquist, Jo Dube, Cheri Fuller, Florence Gariepy, Michalene Griffin, Karen King, Sharon Lowe, Fran McBride, Kay McClory, Patricia Megaro, Theresa Park, Marianne Payne, Kathy Perry, Carolyn Marie Pinon, Joan Pivovarnik, LaVerne Rourk, Janet Tirrito, Kay Vorhies & Verna Wade The military salute is a moon that evolved from medieval mes, when knights in armour raised their visors to reveal their identy. Kites were used in the American Civil War to deliver leers and newspapers. Soldiers do not march in step when going across bridges because they could set up a vibraon which could be sufficient to knock the bridge down. Page 2 American Legion Auxiliary Unit 848 of San Jacinto, CA We Can Do It! Unit 848 Presidents Message by Renee Ladies, PREZ Here we are in March and in the 3.5 months le of the last half of my “presidenal term” and we have Girls’ State, Poppies, Visit to Loma Linda VA, Bake Sale and End of the Year Awards to complete before the gavel goes to a new president. I’m already pooped out, just from typing all of that. BUNCO is the “buzz” word around the Post recently. We are supporng this acvity with the San Jacinto Chamber of Commerce. Every third Sunday at one o’clock, a group of at least 12 people come together to play the fast dice game. The past two games we have had 32 and 20 people respecvely and everyone had a LOUD FUN TIME!! Come on down and join in the fun. For more informaon, please see an Auxiliary Officer. Our Saturday dinner for the month of March will be Bar-b-que RIB EYE Steaks and Bread Pudding made by La Renata and in April will be LIVER & ONIONS (with choice of MEATLOAF). Elecons are coming!!! Elecons are coming!!! The General meeng on April 6th will be the 1st Nominaons. Come on and get your feet wet by learning something new. My feet are soaked and red! Now is the me for new blood, new ideas, make changes—get acve and be a part and jump into the pool to swim for an officer posion. Hope to see you on Saturday, March 2 at the General meeng. We will be announcing our Girl State Delegates and vong on calendar dates. How SMART R U?? Answers at the bottom of page 4 1. In which battle did Napoleon die? 2. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? 3. River Ravi flows in which state? 4. What is the main reason for divorce? 5. What is the main reason for failure? 6. What can you never eat for breakfast? 7. What looks like half an apple? 8. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what will it become? 9. How can a man go eight days without sleeping? 10. How can you lift an elephant with one hand? 11. If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in other hand, what would you have? 12. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men to build it? 13. How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it? Unit 848 We Can Do It! “We stand on the shoulders of all women who have served in America’s military. They changed the military and changed life in America for women because they stepped out and did things women hadn’t done before.” -Brig. Gen. Wilma L. Vaught (Ret.), USAF In 2008, President George W. Bush issued Presidenal Proclamaon 8225 declaring March as Women’s History Month. In his proclamaon, the President stated, “Women’s History Month provides a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the myriad contribuons and achievements of American women—from the millions of unsung heroines who have strengthened our naon through their homes, families, and communies to the many celebrated women who have enjoyed more widespread recognion and fame. While this occasion helps to bring honor where it is due, we must nevertheless resist the noon the “women’s history” is somehow separate from the rest of history. In fact, they are thoroughly entwined.” During the month of March, we especially honor the women who have bravely served in America’s military. In Post 848 we have 9 Women Legion Members. Veteran’s are—Grace David, Mary Nokielski, Melody Morris, Nancy Cole and Paulette Costa—and 4 women CURRENTLY serving in the Armed Forces! American Legion Auxiliary Unit 848 of San Jacinto, CA Page 3 The Tomb of The Unknown Almost everyone on the East Coast had taken refuge during Hurricane Sandy, almost. The soldiers guarding the Tomb of The Unknown are still outside, even though the storm was expected to reach winds of 80 mph. The soldiers also stood guard during Tropical Storm Irene last year and even though they were told they could seek shelter, they refused to as reported by the NPR. There is perhaps no more potent symbol of the ultimate sacrifice than the “unknown soldier,” the serviceman who has died in combat but whose remains are not identifiable. He cannot be returned to his home, his friends and loved ones cannot know for certain how or when (or even if) he died, he cannot be placed to rest in a site of his own choosing. He remains, perpetually, a soldier who not only gave up his life for his country, but his very identity as well. That loss of identity makes the unknown soldier a powerful symbol, however—because he is no longer an individual, he stands for the purest ideals of courage, valor, and sacrifice and serves as a noble and selfless representation of service to one’s country. We acknowledge our unidentified fallen heroes with a special place of reverence in our most honored of burial grounds: the Tomb of the Unknowns (also known as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier) in Arlington National Cemetery, where in 1921 we first laid to rest “In Honored Glory An American Soldier Known But To God.” Although we cannot inter all of our unidentified war dead in Arlington, we nonetheless honor them all by including the remains of three representative soldiers of unknown identity who died in foreign wars (World War I, World War II, and the Korean War) there. (Beginning in 1984 the tomb also held the remains of a serviceman killed in the Vietnam War, but after DNA testing confirmed his identity in 1998, his remains were disinterred and returned to his family. The crypt of the Vietnam Unknown has remained empty ever since.) The most visible honorific symbol associated with the Tomb of the Unknowns is that the site is guarded around the clock, every day of the year, by specially trained members of the Third United States Infantry Regiment (also known as the “Old Guard”). The Sentinels who guard the Tomb must be exemplary in discipline, dress, and bearing; thoroughly knowledgeable with the history of their unit, the Tomb of the Unknowns, Arlington National Cemetery (and those interred there), and the U.S. Army; and be able to execute a variety of ceremonial rites flawlessly and with precision. Among the most notables buried in the Arlington National Cemetery are: Former Presidents—William Howard Taft and John F. Kennedy, Joe E. Lewis (the boxer) and Medal of honor winner Audie Murphy (the most decorated soldier of WWII) of Hollywood fame. Although Joe Louis served in the Army during World War II he did not meet the technical requirements for burial at Arlington, but he is interred there because President Ronald Reagan waived the requirements when Louis died in 1981. Exam Answers from pg 2... 1. His last bale 2. At the boom of the page 3. Liquid 4. Marriage 5. Exams 6. Lunch & dinner 7. The other half 8. It will simply become wet. 9. No problem, he sleeps at night. 10. You will never find an elephant that has only one hand 11. Very large hands 12. No me at all, the wall is already built. 13. Any way you want, concrete floors are very hard to crack. Unit 848 Page 4 American Legion Auxiliary Unit 848 of San Jacinto, CA We Can Do It! We are looking for Blue Star, Gold Star and Silver Star Women! P . Please PRINT legibly: 1. YOUR Name: _________________________________________________________________ 2. YOUR E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________ (If Applicable) 3. YOUR Phone #: __________________________________________________________ 4. YOUR MONTH of Birthday: __________________________ 5. Are you a MOM/WIFE that has a child/husband CURRENTLY in the Armed Forces? YES NO 6. Are you a MOM/WIFE, that has a child/husband that was Disabled while serving in the Armed Forces? YES NO 7. Are you a MOM/WIFE, that has a child/husband that was Killed while serving in the Armed Forces? YES NO Please circle one If you answered “YES” to any/all of the quesons from #5 through #7, please fill out the informaon below. Spouse/Son/Daughter: Branch: Date of Service: ___________________________ ________________________ __________________________ ___________________________ ________________________ __________________________ ___________________________ ________________________ __________________________ ___________________________ ________________________ __________________________ OR…… If you know of a friend/neighbor or another family member, please fill out for them. **Please know that we will not distribute/sell this informaon to the Public. This is for OUR records only, so we may SUPPORT YOU beer! Thank you for your connuous support of membership in our Auxiliary Unit 848, San Jacinto, California. Please Mail Back to: Unit 848 We Can Do It! American Legion Auxiliary UNIT 848 P.O. Box 848 San Jacinto, CA 92581 or drop off at the Post for the Auxiliary. Page 5 Our Christmas Party with Families from San Jacinto Elementary School Around the Post American Legion Auxiliary Unit 848 P.O. Box 848 San Jacinto, CA 92581-0848 Auxiliary Officers for 2012-2013: American Legion Post 848 312 E. Main Street San Jacinto, CA 92583-4232 951-487-1664 Mailing Address: Box 848, San Jacinto, CA 92581-0848 We Are Family! President 1st Vice 2nd Vice Secretary Treasurer Chaplain Sgt-at-Arms Historian Marshall Vice Marshall Exec. Bd. Parliamentarian Renee Johnson Renata Sigala Julie Worth Janet Tirrito Kyra Schneider Toni Lou Gordon Mary Lou Schnittker Peggy Gilbert Kathy Dipple Lydia Hengerer Kathy Tuthill LaVerne Rourk Sonia Lee DawnD Nye Cheryl Hathway The San Jacinto AMERICAN LEGION Post 848 March 2013 Dinners are 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. EVERY Saturday Night with MICHAEL for Karaoke Happy Hours—4 pm. to 6 pm., Mon thru Fri. Notice : Time Change Sun Mon EVERY Sunday EVERY Monday 5:00—7:00-Dollar Tacos by Auxiliary 5:30—9pm Karaoke by Brian Bloody Marys $1.75 3 9 am —District Mtg at Post 79-Riverside 10 WARD! Spring FOR 17 1pm 24 4 5:00—7:00-Dollar Tacos by Salsa Girls 5:30—9pm—Karaoke by Brian 11 Tue 5:00—7:00-Dollar Tacos by Salsa Girls 5:30—9pm—Karaoke by Brian 25 Fri C whiteboard for menu & $$$ 5 6 6 pm—8-Ball Pool 6pm—9-Ball Pool bring your own towel! no lifeguard on duty! 7 8 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” C whiteboard for menu & $$$ 10-2pm Blood Drive 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” Sat 2 10 am—Legion & Aux. General Mtgs. 5—7 pm—Rib Eye Steak $13 by Auxiliary 9 5—7 pm—RIBS $12 by SONS C whiteboard for menu & $$$ 12 13 14 15 6pm—SONS Mtg 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” C whiteboard for menu & $$$ C whiteboard for menu & $$$ 21 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” 22 23 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” 3—7 pm—Spaghetti $9 by Riders 6 pm—9-Ball Pool no lifeguard on duty! 19 20 6 pm—Post Pool 6pm—9-Ball Pool C whiteboard for menu & $$$ 16 8am—Riders General Mtg. 5—7 pm.—St. Pat’s Grub $10 by Legion bring your own towel! no lifeguard on duty! 6pm—Cabinet Mtg. C whiteboard for menu & $$$ 26 27 28 29 30 6pm—9-Ball Pool 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” 5—7 pm—TBA C whiteboard for menu & $$$ C whiteboard for menu & $$$ 5:00—7:00-Dollar Tacos by Salsa Girls 6 pm—8-Ball Pool 5:30—9pm—Karaoke bring your own towel! by Brian 31 Thu 1 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” 5:00—7:00-Dollar Tacos 6pm—Calendar Mtg. by Salsa Girls 6 pm—8-Ball Pool 5:30—9pm—Karaoke bring your own towel! by Brian 18 Wed (unless otherwise noted) **************************************** no lifeguard on duty! Brian Bell on Monday Nites & Michael Huerta on Saturday Nites The San Jacinto AMERICAN LEGION Post 848 Sun EVERY Sunday Bloody Mary's $1.75 7 14 Mon 1pm 28 Tue 1 EVERY Monday 2 5:00—7:00-Dollar Tacos by Auxiliary 5:30—9pm Karaoke 6 pm—8-Ball Pool by Brian 8 Wed 3 6pm—9-Ball Pool bring your own towel! no lifeguard on duty! 9 10 6pm—SONS Mtg 6pm—Calendar Mtg. 5:00—7:00-Dollar Tacos by Salsa Girls 6 pm—8-Ball Pool 5:30—9pm—Karaoke bring your own towel! by Brian 6pm—9-Ball Pool 15 17 Pa 21 April 2013 ax eT y th Ma n 16 6pm—9-Ball Pool 22 24 5:00—7:00-Dollar Tacos by Salsa Girls 6 pm—8-Ball Pool 5:30—9pm—Karaoke bring your own towel! by Brian 29 (unless otherwise noted) VIM = Very Important Meeting FIRST Nominations for NEW Officers for 2013-2014 Thu Fri Sat 4 5 6 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” 10 am—Legion & Aux. General Mtgs. C whiteboard for menu & $$$ C whiteboard for menu & $$$ 6pm—Ex. Bd Mtg. 11 12 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” 5—7 pm—Liver & Onions or Meatloaf $8 by Aux. 13 C whiteboard for menu & $$$ C whiteboard for menu & $$$ 5—7 pm—Steak Dinner $11 by SONS 18 19 20 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” 8am—Riders General Mtg. C whiteboard for menu & $$$ C whiteboard for menu & $$$ no lifeguard on duty! 5:00—7:00-Dollar Tacos 6 pm—8-Ball Pool bring your own towel! by Salsa Girls 23 Dinners are 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. EVERY Saturday Night with MICHAEL for Karaoke no lifeguard on duty! 6pm—9-Ball Pool no lifeguard on duty! 6pm—Cabinet Mtg. 25 26 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” C whiteboard for menu & $$$ 5—7 pm.—1/2 Chicken $8 by Honor Guard 27 11—2pm Lunches by “Tricky Dick” C whiteboard for menu & $$$ 5—7 pm.—Beef Stroganoff $8 by Legion 30 5:00—7:00-Dollar Tacos by Salsa Girls 6 pm—8-Ball Pool 5:30—9pm—Karaoke bring your own towel! by Brian Brian Bell on Monday Nites & Michael Huerta on Saturday Nites