Quintillion Network Information
Quintillion Network Information
Cover QUINTILLION SUBSEA CABLE SYSTEM ABOUT THE NETWORK MONGOLI A »» Trunk and branch configuration Yellow Sea N ORfiber T H pair »» 3 Pair System – initially 100 GbpsS x O U100 T H λ per KORE A KORE A CHIN A »» Phase 1 in-service Q1 2017 Barents Sea RUS SI A »» Resilient network design – double armored and buried in Sea of Japan shallow waters JA PA N »» Initial revenue contracts secured Tokyo »» Turn-key supply contractor for subsea systems Alcatel- Laptev Sea Lucent Submarine Networks »» Increase capacity with change of equipment in the community-based cable landing station »» Robust supply and redundant terminal Sea of Okhotsk ARCTIC OCEAN »» 25+ year life, high-quality glass and programmable repeater »» Provide true broadbandPatAsubstantially C I F I C lower cost than existing satellite and microwave backhaul ABOUT THE ROUTE OCEAN Wainwright Barrow Chukchi Sea Point Hope Beaufort Sea »» Opening of the Arctic: stimulating resource development, expanding tourism, emergency response capabilities and national security requirements »» Ideal environment for Arctic data and technology centers: Bering Sea abundance of natural gas = low cost power »» Quintillion system will eventually provide triple diversity on Kotzebue Nome A laska Anchorage Prudhoe Bay Quintillion Terrestrial Line Fairbanks Existing System communications route »» Arctic environment provides natural security »» Enable 21st century technology in the Arctic »» System provides carriers and clients more route diversity to respond to increasing natural and man-made threats »» Completed system meets demand for direct, secure, low latency routes between Asia and Europe »» Substantially expands high-speed broadband in the North American Arctic – new and emerging markets Gulf of Alaska CA N ABOUT QUINTILLION »» Privately funded operator selling capacity on a »» Private operator headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska wholesale basis »» Wholesale capacity provider »» Bringing fiber to the North American Arctic serving new »» Management team, led by CEO Elizabeth Pierce, has and emerging markets, eventually connecting to Asian and decades of Arctic telecommunications experience European markets MO NGOLI A FINL A ND Yellow Sea NOR T H KORE A SOUTH KORE A DENMARK SW EDE N CHIN A Barents Sea RUS SI A Sea of Japan BE L G I U M NETH. SPA IN F R A NCE P O R T UG A L London N ORWAY U NIT ED K INGDOM IRE L A ND Norwegian Sea JA PA N Tokyo Greenland Sea Laptev Sea Sea of Okhotsk PACIFIC OCEAN ICEL A ND GREENL A ND ARCTIC OCEAN Baffin Bay ARCTIC OCEAN Chukchi Sea Point Hope Labrador Sea Beaufort Sea Beaufort Sea Bering Sea Davis Strait Wainwright Barrow Chukchi Sea AT L A N T I C OCEAN Denmark Strait Kotzebue Nome A laska Anchorage Prudhoe Bay Quintillion Terrestrial Line Fairbanks Hudson Bay Existing System Gulf of Alaska CA N A DA Quintillion Phase One Subsea Line Quintillion Phase Two Subsea Line Quintillion Phase Three Subsea line Quintillion Terrestrial Line Existing Systems U NIT ED S TAT E S Gulf of Alaska P A Phase CIFIC OCEAN 1 Nome to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska with spurs to Kotzebue, Point Hope, Wainwright and Barrow. Prudhoe Bay connects to new fiber extending to Fairbanks. Fairbanks connects to existing fiber optic cable systems to Anchorage and the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Phase 2 Phase 3 Additional subsea fiber would extend from Phase 1 by starting at Nome, Alaska to Japan, with options for This phase would lay additional subsea additional Alaska spurs. fiber starting from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Canada and Europe, with planned spurs into the Canadian Arctic. Qexpressnet.com 800.673.4394 201 East 56th Ave. Suite 300 Anchorage, AK 99503 info@Qexpressnet.com
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