

Fou n dation Pr ess
FA L L 2 012
The Core of Johnny Appleseed
The Unknown Story of a Spiritual Trailblazer
Ray Silverman
Illustrated by Nancy Poes
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) was a Swedish scientist, nobleman,
and theologian who spent his life investigating the mysteries of the soul.
Born in Stockholm to a staunchly Lutheran family, he graduated from
the University of Uppsala and then traveled to England, Holland, France,
and Germany to study the leading scientists of the time. He gained favor
with Sweden’s King Charles XII, who gave him a position on the board of
overseers of the Swedish mining industry. Later, he was granted a seat on
the Swedish House of Nobles by Charles XII’s successor, Queen Ulrika
Eleonora. Between 1743 and 1745 he began to have visions of heaven, hell,
and Jesus Christ which resulted in a stream of books about the nature of
God, the afterlife, and the inner meaning of the Bible. He devoted the last
decades of his life to studying Scripture and presenting his own unique
theology to the world.
New Books / 1-3, 5
New in Paperback / 4
Portable New Century Edition / 6
Deluxe New Century Edition / 7
The Mission of the Swedenborg Foundation, organized in 1849, is to foster
an affirmative, informed, and increasingly broad engagement with the
spiritual experiences and theological works of Emanuel Swedenborg. In
addition to publishing books by and about Swedenborg, the Foundation
supports research and translation projects, conferences, lectures, and a
library. The Swedenborg Foundation is a charitable, nonprofit corporation.
(See pages 17-18 for membership information.) Swedenborg Foundation
Press is the publishing imprint of the Swedenborg Foundation.
Redesigned Standard Edition / 8
DVD and Audio / 9
Recent biographies of John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, have
portrayed him as anything from a schizophrenic wandering ascetic to a hedonistic pleasure-seeker. But who was the real man behind the misconceptions?
In this spiritual biography, Ray Silverman explores three sides of Johnny
Appleseed: businessman, conservationist, and spiritual trailblazer. As a
businessman, Chapman owned nineteen nurseries and twenty other land
holdings throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana, brokering deals that
belie the popular image of him as a wandering nomad with a tin pot on his
head. As a conservationist, he worked to cooperate with the land, not only
growing trees but collecting and distributing the seeds for which he is so
well known. But it is only when we talk about Chapman’s spiritual convictions that we come to the core of who he was: a thoughtful and also joyful
Christian who was deeply moved by the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg.
The picture that emerges is of a lighthearted person whose convictions led him to seek harmony not only in nature, but also in the spiritual
realms—and to share his bounty with as many people as he could.
Ray Silverman is the author of Rise Above It: Spiritual Development through
the Ten Commandments (co-authored with his wife, Star) and the editor of
Helen Keller’s spiritual autobiography Light in My Darkness. More recently,
he authored the introduction for the stand-alone edition of Helen Keller’s
inspirational essay How I Would Help the World. Ray has a PhD from the
University of Michigan, an MAT from Wesleyan University, and an MDiv
from the Academy of the New Church Theological School. He currently
serves as college chaplain and assistant professor of English and religion at
Bryn Athyn College and is an adjunct instructor at Urbana University, the
home of the Johnny Appleseed Museum. He lives in Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania.
• Provides insights into
little-understood aspects of
Johnny Appleseed’s spirituality
• Corrects many popular
• Approachable writing style
makes it perfect for all ages
and venues
112 pages, 6 x 8
978-0-87785-345-9, pb, $14.95
6 black-and-white illustrations
October 2012
Nancy Poes was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, and received a BA in history
from the University of California, Berkeley. She studied illustration at Georgia
State University in Atlanta. Since 2006, she has lived and painted in Santa Fe
after twenty years in Hawaii and extensive time in Portugal. Her work is part
of many international public, corporate, and private collections.
Recently Released / 10-11
Best Sellers / 12
Backlist by Category / 13
About the Swedenborg Foundation / 17
Membership Form / 18
Visit our web site: www.swedenborg.com
Order Form / 19
for more information.
Index / 20
Sales Information / 21
ORDERS: 800.621.2736
How I Would Help the World
Light in My Darkness
Helen Keller
Introduction by Ray Silverman
Helen Keller
Edited by Ray Silverman
“This glimpse into Helen Keller’s
spirituality is fascinating and shows
what an adventuresome person
she was!”
—Spirituality and Practice magazine
Helen Keller reveals her mystical side
and her Swedenborgianism in this
bestselling spiritual autobiography.
978-0-87785-336-7, pb, $11.95
“Keller herself was without conceit.
Her view of her life is motivated by joy
and gratitude.”—The Bloomsbury Review
978-0-87785-614-6, e-bk, $11.95
978-0-87785-398-5, pb, $13.95
Ghost Brother Angel
The History of New Thought
Grant Schnarr
From Mind Cure to Positive Thinking and the Prosperity Gospel
John S. Haller Jr.
“One night I was ‘watching television’ alone in the New Room with my girlfriend.
We were both juniors in high school at the time. My parents had told me to leave
the door open, so I had it ajar about an inch, and I kept my eye on it as we sat on
the couch. At one point I looked over at the door and saw a man standing there.
He appeared to be in his twenties, wearing dark blue pants and a red shirt. The
scary thing was that he had no face. Above his shoulders was simply a silhouette of
a head, and a faint blurry glow replaced any facial features. As soon as I saw him, he
slipped away through the one-inch crack in the door.”
•A true story of spiritual guidance
and healing from beyond our
•Shows how to face fear from the
perspective of a spiritual warrior
•Perfect for seekers
216 pages, 5.5 x 8.5
978-0-87785-346-6, pb, $15.95
October 2012
As a child, Grant Schnarr was haunted (as many children are) by a fear of
the dark, a fear of the unknown, of monsters in his closet. But more than
that, he was haunted by a real ghost—a dark presence that lingered in
his family’s house, occasionally moving objects, making noises, or even
appearing to unsuspecting family members and guests.
As an adult, Grant had almost forgotten about the ghost until a series
of brushes with death began to awaken old memories. Over the course of
several months, a series of “coincidences” led him to dig deeper and deeper
into a long-buried family tragedy. Forced to confront his deepest fears,
armed with the lessons he learned from the spiritual warriors in his life, he
finally learns the truth on a dark night in the woods of Wisconsin.
Anyone who has suffered a loss or struggled with fears will relate to this
real-life tale of facing your inner—and outer—demons, told from Grant’s
uniquely Swedenborgian perspective.
Grant Schnarr is the author of the novel The Guardian Angel Diary and also
several books about growth and spirituality, including Art of Spiritual
Warfare: A Guide to Lasting Inner Peace, which has been published in a variety
of languages by independent publishers on four continents. His book
You Can Believe! is a best-selling introduction to Swedenborgian thought.
more from this author
2 NEW BOOKS “Anything is yours, if you only want it hard enough. Just think of it. ANYTHING.
Try it. Try it in earnest and you will succeed. It is the operation of a mighty Law.”
Does that sound like something from the latest spin-off of The Secret? In
fact, those words were written in 1900 by William Walter Atkinson, who
authored one of the first books on the “Law of Attraction.”
Atkinson was only one of the many and varied personalities that make
up the movement known as New Thought. Composed of healers, priests,
psychologists, and ordinary people from all levels of society, the proponents of New Thought have one thing in common: a belief in the power
of the mind. In The History of New Thought, Haller examines the very
beginnings of the movement, its early influences (including Swedish seer
Emanuel Swedenborg), and how its initial emphasis on healing disease
morphed into a vision of the mind’s ability to bring us whatever we desire.
While most histories of New Thought tend to focus on formal church
organizations, Haller reveals the much broader impact that New Thought
has had on American culture. Bestselling authors from the late nineteenth
century and onward sold books in the millions of copies that were eagerly
read and quoted by powerful politicians and wealthy industrialists. The
idea that thoughts could become reality is so embedded in American culture that we tell each other to “be positive” without ever questioning why.
New Thought has become our thought.
Anyone interested in psychology, popular culture, or history will be
fascinated by this exploration of a little-known facet of modern culture.
John S. Haller Jr. is an emeritus professor of history and medical humanities
at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He has written more than a
dozen books on subjects ranging from race to sexuality and the history
of medicine. His most recent books include The History of American
Homeopathy and Swedenborg, Mesmer, and the Mind/Body Connection. He is
former editor of Caduceus: A Humanities Journal for Medicine and the Health
Sciences and, until his retirement in 2008, served for eighteen years as vice
president for academic affairs for Southern Illinois University.
•Complete history of New
Thought traces the movement’s
beginnings up to the modern day
•Reveals New Thought’s broad
cultural impact
•Perfect for readers who are
interested in healing, psychology,
popular culture, and history
320 pages, 6 x 9
978-0-87785-348-0, hc, $29.95
November 2012
Swedenborg Studies Series #21
Also available
The Guardian Angel Diary
You Can Believe!
Grant Schnarr
Grant Schnarr
“Speaking with your guardian angel
is just the kind of medicine we
should be prescribing.”
—Dr. Mehmet Oz
978-0-87785-335-0, pb, $15.95
“You Can Believe! is a delight, a door you
can walk through and enter into a new
or remodeled relationship with a God
who makes sense.”
—John Lee, author of The Flying Boy
978-0-87785-613-9, e-bk, $15.95
978-0-87785-318-3, pb, $12.95
Swedenborg Foundation Press / www.swedenborg.com
Swedenborg, Mesmer,
and the Mind/Body Connection
The Covert Enlightenment
The Roots of Complementary Medicine
Counterculture and Its Aftermath
John S.Haller Jr.
Alfred J. Gabay
“Swedenborg, Mesmer, and the Mind/Body
Connection is a riveting read of the pioneers
of this train of medicine thought.”
—Wisconsin Bookwatch
978-0-87785-331-2, hc, $29.95
978-0-87785-330-5, pb, $19.95
978-0-87785-608-5, e-bk, $19.95
Swedenborg Studies #19
ORDERS: 800.621.2736
“This book will appeal to anyone interested
in . . . the complex forces that created the
modern secular world.”—Allison P. Coudert,
Chair in Religious Studies, University of
California at Davis
978-0-87785-314-5, pb, $19.95
Swedenborg Studies #17
Emanuel Swedenborg:
Scientist and Mystic
Signe Toksvig
• This classic biography is still a
standard reference on the life of
• Literary style brings the Swedish
seer’s story to life
• Emphasizes scientific as well as
theological thought
408 pages, 6 x 9
978-0-87785-170-7, pb, $24.95
September 2012
This classic biography of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772), first published
in 1948, and now available in paperback, gives us a sharp, witty, personal
insight into the life of the Swedish scientist and theologian.
Toksvig uses meticulous research to paint a vivid picture not only of
Swedenborg’s life, but of the people and places that surrounded him.
While most biographies of Swedenborg tend to focus on his later theological period, Toksvig takes care to examine his childhood and early
scientific training, providing details found in few other places. When
she discusses the spiritual crisis that launched Swedenborg’s visionary
writings, Toksvig devotes several chapters to putting his experience in
the context of both psychology and parapsychology before systematically
examining his theology in the context of his life.
An introduction by the Reverend Brian Kingslake, added to a 1983
edition, provides a Swedenborgian perspective and retrospective on a work
that remains a fascinating, informative look at Swedenborg’s world.
Signe Toksvig (1892–1983) was a Danish-born writer who wrote exclusively in English. Her family emigrated to the United States when she was
fifteen, and she graduated from Cornell University in 1916. She married
writer Francis Hackett in 1918, and the two moved to Ireland, later
returning to the United States and then relocating to Denmark, where
they spent the remainder of their lives. Toksvig was perhaps best known
for The Last Devil; the biographical Life of Hans Christian Andersen; and
her novel Eve’s Doctor.
Emanuel Swedenborg
Emanuel Swedenborg
Visionary Savant in the Age of Reason
The Development of His Thought
Ernst Benz
Trans. by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
By Martin Lamm
Trans. by Tomas Spiers and Anders Hallengren
“Ernst Benz’s book offers the best access
to Swedenborg’s thought.”
—Prof. Antoine Faivre, Sorbonne, Paris
“A treasure for the historian of early modern
thought, as well as for anyone trying to understand the intricacies of Swedenborg himself.”
—Prof. Tamar Frankiel,
University of California (Riverside)
978-0-87785-196-7, pb, $29.95
978-0-87785-623-8, e-bk, $29.95
Swedenborg Studies Series #14
4 NEW in paperback
978-0-87785-194-3, pb, $18.95
Swedenborg Studies Series #9
Swedenborg Foundation Press / www.swedenborg.com
True Christianity, Volume 2
Emanuel Swedenborg
Translated by Jonathan S. Rose
“For human beings, there is a constant correspondence between the stages a
person goes through physically and the stages a person goes through spiritually, or
developments in the body and developments in the spirit. The reason is that at the
level of our souls we are born spiritual, but we are clothed with earthly material that
constitutes our physical body. When our physical body is laid aside, our soul, which
has its own spiritual body, enters a world in which all things are spiritual. There we
associate with other spiritual beings like ourselves.
Our spiritual body has to be formed within our physical body. The spiritual
body is made out of truth and goodness that flow into us from the Lord through
the spiritual world. We find a home within ourselves for that goodness and truth
in things that parallel them in the physical world, which are called civic and moral
forms of goodness and truth. This makes clear, then, the nature of the process that
forms our spiritual body.”—True Christianity, Volume 2, §583
In the final years of his life, Emanuel Swedenborg wrote True Christianity,
an opus that served both to contextualize his theology within contemporary Christianity and to serve as a road map for the new spiritual age that
would follow. This second volume covers topics such as freedom of choice,
repentance, the transformation of a person’s inner being during spiritual
awakening, the rites of baptism and the Holy Supper (communion), and
the second coming of the Lord.
This new translation is part of the New Century Edition of the Works
of Emanuel Swedenborg, an ongoing project to render Swedenborg’s theological works in clear, contemporary language that reflects the simple and
engaging style of the original Latin. The deluxe hardcover and paperback
editions include extensive notes on historical aspects of the text and reference tables; they also have an index to both volumes.
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) was a Swedish scientist, nobleman,
and theologian who spent his life investigating the mysteries of the soul.
Born in Stockholm to a staunchly Lutheran family, he graduated from
the University of Uppsala and then traveled to England, Holland, France,
and Germany to study the leading scientists of the time. He gained favor
with Sweden’s King Charles XII, who gave him a position on the board of
overseers of the Swedish mining industry. Between 1743 and 1745 he began
to have visions of heaven, hell, and Jesus Christ which resulted in a stream
of books about the nature of God, the afterlife, and the inner meaning of
the Bible. He devoted the last decades of his life to studying Scripture and
presenting his own unique theology to the world.
•One of Swedenborg’s most
important theological works
•Discusses many of Swedenborg’s
key ideas
•Includes descriptions of his
encounters with angels, demons,
and spirits
784 pages, 7 x 10
978-0-87785-501-9, hc, $80.00
978-0-87785-502-6, pb, $29.95
November 2012
See pages 6-7 for more volumes
in the New Century Edition series.
Jonathan S. Rose is the series editor of the New Century Edition. Holder
of a BA and a MDiv in religion and a MA and a PhD in Latin, he has
worked for years in the study of Neo-Latin and in Swedenborgian research.
He was both chaplain and a tenured professor of religion and sacred
languages at Bryn Athyn College before taking on his current position.
ORDERS: 800.621.2736
The Portable New Century Edition
New Century Edition
Emanuel Swedenborg
Jonathan S. Rose, Series Editor
of the Works of Emanuel Swedenborg
The Portable Editions of the New Century Edition of the Works
of Emanuel Swedenborg contain the complete translation of the
corresponding deluxe version of the title, but does not include the
introduction, endnotes, or other supplemental materials. The Portable
Editions approximate the look of the New Century Edition, but with
slightly smaller type and margins.
The New Century Edition of the Works of Emanuel Swedenborg presents a modern-language, scholarly translation
of Swedenborg’s theological works. The series’ easy-to-read style retains the dignity, variety, clarity, and gender-inclusive
language of Swedenborg’s original Latin, bringing his thought to life. Introductions and annotations by eminent,
international scholars place Swedenborg’s writings in their historical context and illuminate obscure references
within the text, enabling readers to understand and trace Swedenborg’s influence as never before.
Subscribing to the New Century Edition
You may subscribe to the New Century Edition in hardcover and receive all current and future volumes for a 30% discount off
the cover price ($56) or, for members of the Swedenborg Foundation, a 50% discount ($40). Shipping and handling is additional.
Subscribers are requested to keep current credit card information on file; new releases will be shipped automatically, and you
will be charged for each new edition at the time of shipment. Subscriptions may be started or canceled at any time.
For more information, call 610-430-3222, ext. 19, or e-mail info@swedenborg.com.
Divine Love and Wisdom
Describes a loving God who is equally present
with all people on earth.
978-0-87785-404-3, pb, $14.95
978-0-87785-601-6, e-bk, $14.95
Divine Providence
Divine Love and Wisdom
Divine Providence
Explores the classic problem of why evil exists.
Emanuel Swedenborg
Trans. by George F. Dole
Introduction by Gregory R. Johnson
978-0-87785-405-0, pb, $14.95
978-0-87785-602-3, e-bk, $14.95
Heaven and Hell
978-0-87785-480-7, hc, $80
A powerful affirmation that we are all born for heaven,
regardless of background or religion.
Divine Love and Wisdom
978-0-87785-406-7, pb, $14.95
978-0-87785-600-9, e-bk, $14.95
in deluxe paperback
Secrets of Heaven, Volume 1
Divine Providence
978-0-87785-481-4, pb, $29.95
Provides the model for a new way to understand the Bible.
in deluxe paperback
978-0-87785-505-7, pb, $29.95
978-0-87785-408-1, pb, $14.95
978-0-87785-606-1, e-bk, $14.95
Heaven and Hell
Secrets of Heaven, Volume 2
Emanuel Swedenborg
Trans. by George F. Dole
Introduction by Bernhard Lang
Discusses regeneration and the nature of heaven and hell.
978-0-87785-411-1, pb, $14.95
978-0-87785-607-8, e-bk, $14.95
978-0-87785-475-3, hc, $80
978-0-87785-476-0, pb, $29.95
True Christianity, Volume 1
True Christianity, Volume 1
Trans. by Jonathan S. Rose
Introduction by R. Guy Erwin
978-0-87785-484-5, hc, $80
978-0-87785-485-2, pb, $29.95
True Christianity, Volume 2
Trans. by Jonathan S. Rose
978-0-87785-501-9, hc, $80.00
978-0-87785-502-6, pb, $29.95
Available in Deluxe Editions only
Emanuel Swedenborg
Essays for the New Century Edition
on His Life, Work, and Impact
Ed. by Jonathan S. Rose, et al.
978-0-87785-473-9, hc, $80
Scribe of Heaven
Swedenborg’s Life, Work, and Impact
A powerful vision of Swedenborg’s hope for the future
of the church and humanity.
978-0-87785-407-4, pb, $14.95
978-0-87785-603-0, e-bk, $14.95
Secrets of Heaven, Volume 1
Ed. by Jonathan S. Rose, et al.
Emanuel Swedenborg
Trans. by Lisa Hyatt Cooper
Introduction by Wouter J. Hanegraaff
978-0-87785-605-4, e-bk, $29.95
978-0-87785-474-6, pb, $29.95
978-0-87785-486-9, hc, $80
978-0-87785-504-0, pb, $29.95
True Christianity, Volume 2
Includes descriptions of Emanuel Swedenborg’s encounters
with angels, demons, and spirits.
978-0-87785-409-8, pb, $14.95
978-0-87785-604-7, e-bk, $14.95
Swedenborg Foundation Press / www.swedenborg.com
ORDERS: 800.621.2736
Redesigned Standard Edition
DVD and Audio
Helen Keller: My Religion
The Redesigned Standard Edition is a thirty-volume collection of the
only complete edition of Swedenborg’s theological writings currently
available from the Swedenborg Foundation. Originally translated and
published in the early 1900s, the RSE casebound set was redesigned
and printed in a more readable format under the direction of
William R. Woofenden.
Each volume of the series is $25.
The entire set of the Redesigned
Standard Edition is available for $750,
or $600 for members.
The order number for entire 30-volume
set is 978-0-87785-097-7.
This digitally remastered recording of the 1960 original features wellknown actress Lillian Gish reading Helen Keller’s dynamic description
of the spiritual odyssey that brought her to a faith that opened her
spiritual sight.
Arcana Coelestia
Theological Works
Shining Soul: Helen Keller’s Spiritual Life and Legacy
Trans. by John Clowes
Ed. by John F. Potts
Volume 1 Genesis 1-9
978-0-87785-213-1, 690 pp
Volume 2 Genesis 10-17
978-0-87785-215-5, 688 pp
Volume 3 Genesis 18-22
978-0-87785-217-9, 656 pp
Volume 4 Genesis 23-27
978-0-87785-219-3, 616 pp
Volume 5 Genesis 28-31
978-0-87785-221-6, 576 pp
Volume 6 Genesis 32-38
978-0-87785-223-0, 664 pp
Volume 7 Genesis 39-43
978-0-87785-250-6, 608 pp
Volume 8 Genesis 44-50
978-0-87785-252-0, 576 pp
Volume 9 Exodus 1-12
978-0-87785-254-4, 824 pp
Volume 10 Exodus 13-21
978-0-87785-256-8, 760 pp
Volume 11 Exodus 22-28
978-0-87785-258-2, 896 pp
Volume 12 Exodus 29-40
978-0-87785-260-5, 848 pp
Heaven and Hell
Trans. by John C. Ager
3-disk set,* Running time: 5 hours, 978-0-87785-463-0, $24.95
*MP3 technology. The CDs contained in this item will play on MP3-compatible devices only.
Shining Soul explores the specific ideas and visionary theology that fired
Helen Keller’s long and productive life of triumphant accomplishment in
the face of all odds to improve the lives of the less fortunate.
Trans. by John Whitehead
978-0-87785-273-5, 584 pp
Apocalypse Explained
Trans. by John Whitehead
Volume 1 Revelation 1-4
978-0-87785-200-1, 680 pp
978-0-87785-283-4, 720 pp
57 minutes, $24.95 with open captioning option
DVD ISBN: 978-0-87785-460-9, VHS ISBN: 978-0-87785-459-3
Theological Works
Trans. by John Whitehead
Volume 2 Revelation 5-6
978-0-87785-202-5, 696 pp
Volume 1
978-0-87785-287-2, 584 pp
Volume 3 Revelation 7-10
978-0-87785-204-9, 768 pp
Volume 2
978-0-87785-289-6, 624 pp
Volume 4 Revelation 11-12
978-0-87785-206-3, 752 pp
True Christian Religion
Volume 5 Revelation 13-16
978-0-87785-208-7, 608 pp
Volume 1
978-0-87785-291-9, 704 pp
Volume 6 Revelation 17-19
978-0-87785-210-0, 664 pp
Volume 2
978-0-87785-293-3, 640 pp
Splendors of the Spirit: Swedenborg’s Quest for Insight
Interweaving nature photography, expert interviews, computer animation,
rare archival stills, and contemporary documentary footage, this program
conveys the essential and ever-relevant insights brought back by Swedenborg from his unprecedented explorations of the spiritual worlds.
57 minutes, $24.95
DVD ISBN: 978-0-87785-458-6, VHS ISBN: 978-0-87785-457-9
Trans. by John C. Ager
Blake: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
Enter the rich, visionary realm of artist/poet William Blake (1757–1827).
Highlighting Blake’s most powerful pictures and poems, this docudrama
portrays Blake’s triumphant struggle to capture “an eternal world . . .
of the permanent realities of everything we see in the vegetable glass
of nature.”
Apocalypse Revealed
Trans. by John Whitehead
Note: This volume is not part
of the RSE set.
Volume 1 Revelation 1-13
978-0-87785-299-5, 712 pp
Conjugial Love
29 minutes, $19.95
DVD ISBN: 978-0-87785-461-6, VHS ISBN: 978-0-87785-450-0
The Worship and Love of God
Trans. by Alfred H. Stroh
and Frank Sewall
Volume 2 Revelation 14-22
978-0-87785-279-7, 672 pp
978-0-87785-297-9, 300 pp
Double Feature DVD!
Trans. by Samuel M. Warren
Ed. by Louis H. Tafel
Divine Love and Wisdom
978-0-87785-174-5, 766 pp
978-0-87785-274-2, 336 pp
Four Doctrines
Divine Providence
978-0-87785-280-3, 480 pp
Trans. by John C. Ager
Read by Lillian Gish
Images of Knowing / The Other Side of Life
Images of Knowing is a stunning visual poem exploring our place in the
universe, inspired by the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg. The Other
Side of Life is not so much an argument for immortality as an exploration of our spiritual being here and now, a confirmation that our souls
are far more significant and durable than our transient bodies.
Trans. by John F. Potts
45 minutes, $24.95
DVD ISBN: 978-0-87785-462-3
Trans. by William F. Wunsch
978-0-87785-275-9, 464 pp
8 REDESIGNED STANDARD EDITION Swedenborg Foundation Press / www.swedenborg.com
ORDERS: 800.621.2736
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Getting into Heaven—and Out Again
Paradise Misplaced
Albrecht Gralle
Trans. by Friederike Gralle
Illust. by Sally Blakemore
Sylvia Montgomery Shaw
Book 1 of the Mexican Eden Trilogy
“This is a fascinating, spiritually grounded look into the
afterlife filled with beautiful insights of the Swedish mystic
and visionary Emanuel Swedenborg.”—Andrea R. Garrison,
producer and host of Online with Andrea
“Paradise Misplaced has a lyrical quality to the writing,
leading the reader into the depths of each character’s life
and retelling rich Mexican history through the eyes of
Benjamin, a bold, cocky character who risks all for the
love of his life.”—Allyson Gracie, Retailing Insight
978-0-87785-344-2, pb, $11.95
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978-0-87785-341-1, pb, $15.95
978-0-87785-620-7, e-bk, $15.95
The Swedish Prophet
Reflections on the Visionary Philosophy
of Emanuel Swedenborg
José Antonio Antón-Pacheco
Trans. by Steven Skattebo
“An important accomplishment that sets Swedenborg in his proper
context of esoteric Christianity and reveals his unprecedented and
surprising influence on famous authors.”—Eugene Taylor, PhD,
author of Shadow Culture: Psychology and Spirituality in America
978-0-87785-342-8, pb, $19.95
978-0-87785-626-9, e-bk, $19.95
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Swedenborg Studies Series #1
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Emanuel Swedenborg
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ORDERS: 800.621.2736
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Susan Flagg Poole
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N E W T I T L E S F O R FA L L 2 012
The Core of Johnny Appleseed
The Unknown Story of a Spiritual Trailblazer
Ray Silverman
Ghost Brother Angel
Grant Schnarr
The History of New Thought
From Mind Cure to Positive Thinking and the Prosperity Gospel
John S. Haller Jr.
Emanuel Swedenborg: Scientist and Mystic
Signe Toksvig
True Christianity, Volume 2
Emanuel Swedenborg
Trans. by Jonathan S. Rose
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