スライド 1 - to R mansion


スライド 1 - to R mansion
“Do Done Bar”
Sales sheets
to R mansion
Ranked in top 20 among 1082 performances in Avignon OFF 2010!
(Word-of-Mouth Ranking in the newspaper ‘La Provance’ France)
You will be fascinated by its performance mostly based on mime, drama, dance, acrobat, and
magic, makes the most of its ability of the dynamic body movements and great humor.
The characters, such as a transparent man, a talkative bursting lady, a handstand man with a
spinning faces, introduce audience to the unique wonderland, with the comical movements
and good vibes in an exciting fantasy comedy.
to R mansion creates a great theatrical experiences with unique ideas and plenty of
expressions, a man flying up in the air, devises a dynamic spaces and various scenes brought
up with a chair, an umbrella, a bag, and an elastic string... By using the imagination, audience
gives a great cheer with a full of surprise and laughter in front of the spreading sequences of
exciting scenes which you cannot miss any moment!
The works have been loved by people from all nationalities, races, and generations and
opened to share the joy of the great imagination worldwide.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------La compagnie “to R mansion” a été fondée en 2004 par sa directrice artistique Hanabi
Uwanosora avec quatre artistes qui ont des différents techniques pour le but de créer des
spectacles basés sur le mimem, mais en y mélangeant le théâtre, la danse et l’acrobatie.
Ses spectacles sont réputés pour sa dynamisme, l’énergie, et la caractère unique. La
fantasie qu’elle offre aux spectateurs est apprécié à travers tout le Japon, pas seulement
dans les salles de théâre, mais aussi dans la rue.
En 2007, “to R mansion” a eu le Grand Prix à l’occasion de la Biennale des arts de rue de
Kobe .Elle est invitée continuellement par des festivals importants des arts de rue ou du
théâtre au Japon comme The 5th Tokyo international fool festival etc.
En 2009, “to R mansion” a créé, sur la commande du Théâtre Za-Koenji, une comédie
musicale destinée aux enfants en invitant des artistes de différents domaines, et ce
spectacle a fait venir plus de 1300 spectateurs.
En été 2010, “to R mansion” a joué dans les rues d’Avignon. Les applaudissements des
spectateurs leur ont encouragé à revenir à cette ville pour jouer dans une salle.
2007 Kobe Biennale 2007 Street Performance Competition: Grand Prize
2008 “Gei-wan” (Performance-King) Grand Prix 2008, Kanto: Grand Prize
2008 & 2009 Fukuyama Street Performance Grand Prix: Gold Prize
2011 Kobe Biennale 2011 Street Performance Competition: Grand Prize
This non-verbal, cross-genre physical comedy is colored with mime, acrobatics, magic and drama.
Cinematic techniques such as angle changes, zooming effects and speed manipulation create
unique 3-D experiences reminiscent of Japanese Anime. This omnibus performance, which has high
visual effects, leads everyone to the hilarious and unexpected multihued world. Anyone including
kids of all ages is very welcome.
Magical Mystery Tour
A beautiful and mysterious tale of this poetic physical comedy invites you to a dreamy journey that
brings you to a magical world. Ordinary objects, for instance, newspapers, umbrellas and red-strings
transform into the dynamic components of “Object Theatre”. The modern pulse of J-pop culture
blends with the ancient simplicity of traditional Japanese art to create a synergistic piece of visual
Festival AVIGNON OFF 2013
Date and Time: from 8th July to 30th July (Even-numbered days)
Title:Magical Mystery Tour
Date and Time: from 9th July to 31th July (Odd days)
Address of the theater: 14 place des Etudes 84000 Avignon
Telephone reservation: +33 (0)4 90 85 43 91
THEATRE DE L‘ETINCELLE website: www.latarasque.com
Fare:16euros Reduced fare:11euros Child fare: 8euros
Performance requirements for 「THE SHOW」&「Magical Mystery Tour」
Area: 7m x 5m x 3m (width, depth, height) at the minimum
Sound facility: Input: PC×2 (carry-in) Output: theatre equipments
4 Performers and 3 Staff (technical staff and Producer)
Price: 5,250 Euro + cost of transportation, hotel, food, interpreters and local staff
Email: to-r-m@kta.biglobe.ne.jp
TEL: +81-80-3410-8000
FAX: +81-3-5346-0516
5-6-16-204 Tsurumaki Setagaya-ku Tokyo 154-0016, Japan
Stage Pictures
Hanabi Uwanosora (chief)
The performance director of “to R mansion”. B.A. in Education,
Osaka Kyoiku University. Became a member of Shanghai Taro
Butou Koushi after working at a public elementary school.
Moved to Tokyo as a cast member and a choreographer of
the performance at Aoyama Round Theatre. Performs and
choreographs for other performance
groups and runs several workshops for physical expressions. Is Also
a member of the Komaba Agora Theatre Workshop Society.
Excellent at creating speedy and fantastic scenes by controlling dynamic space structures,
physical textures of actors, times, and visions. Her wide variety of works with full of ideas and
imagination are loved beyond generations.
Kayo Nozaki
Graduated from Ecole International de Theatre Jacques Lecoq in France.
Has been an active member of the to R mansion since its launch.
She takes audience to the world of fantasy with her transfiguring characters.
She has been taking an active part by many fields, also a lecturer of Drama at the
municipal high school and supporting theatre education for young students
at Setagaya Public Theatre.
Yujiro Marumoto
B.A. in Tokushima Bunri University, School of Science and a graduate of Japan
Mime Studio. Has performed at stages in Japan and overseas.
Is strong in Japanese classical dance and animation movements.
-Cast in The National Theatre Radu Stanca in Sibiu, Romania, October 2005
-Cast in Bucharest Cassandra Theatre, Romania
-Participated in International Puppet Theatre and Mime Festival of Kilkis, Greece
Daisuke Ito
Graduated from Tokyo University of Science. Has been taking part in various performances
such as drama, classic Chinese opera, the Terpsichorean art, Kung Fu, dance, comedy,
power mime, etc. including performances in Tokyo underground scenes.
Especially great at physical performances and also has trained jazz dance for
a long time. Appearing in the number of films, TV, and stages; e.g.
"20th Century Boys"(film), "Taitei no Ken"(film), "Sushi Ouji"(TV-asahi),
"Shimokita Sandeizu"(TV-asahi),
”Saiyu-ki ”(stage at Melparque Tokyo Concert Hall),
“Wether Report”(stage at Honda theater Simokitazawa)
Lighting and Sound Design Takehiko Maruyama
Stage lighting designer with active career in stages and festivals in Japan and overseas
2008 Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival(America)
2009 Japan Dance Now(America)
2009 Yokohama Dance Collection Grand Prize Product that created by Maki Tabata(Japan)
2009 「ESPRIT~Les Ballets de Roland Petit~」 Tamiyo Kusakari
2009 Antonio Gades Japan tour
2005,2007 monaco monte carlo Ballet Japan tour
Stage Art Aoi Noguchi
Designer, Scenographer
Aoi studied Art and Theatre in Canada and trained in BA (Hons) Theatre Design, Rose Bruford College,
Has career as a theatre designer, a prop and scenic artist, a costume designer and maker, in various
theatre productions, festivals, events, and clubs in Japan and UK.
Since joined to R mansion in 2006, has designed sets and props for both theatre productions and
street performances.
Producer Phoenix Kojima
Superviser, Producer,Director, Playwright, Film Editor, supervises all to R mansion works.
After graduated from Yokohama National University where he started taking part in theatre, learned
techniques in editing and making Film and TV.
Has succeeded career as a producer in various field and also produced comedians 'Twintel' from his
own theatre company.
*Supported by Suginami-ku Culture Association
*Supported by Suginami-ku Culture Association
*Suginami Theatre Festival
Dec 2009 at ZA-KOENJI
*Japan Playwrights Association Program
Break ”O”
Jul 2010 at THEATRE DE L’ETINCELLE(France)
*Festival Avignon d’OFF 2010
Jan 2011 at ZA-KOENJI
* Supported by Suginami-ku Culture Association
Jul 2011 at OTO-ICHIBA(Okinawa)
*Kijimuna Festa 2011
Aug 2011 at (Seul)
*ASSITEJ Korea Summer Festival
Jan 2012 at GEIJYUTSU SOZOKAN(Osaka)
*GEISO Selection
Jan 2014 (France and Belgium)
Break ”O”
Flying Shuwa-Shuwa Carnival
*Sponsor Tama Culture Promotion Foundation
Sep 2012 at MIRUME THEATER(Shizuoka)
Flying Shuwa-Shuwa Carnival
Mar 2013 at HOKUSAI HALL(Nagano)
*North Sinsyu Theatre Festival
Be My Baby
Jul 2012 at ASHIBINA THEATER (Okinawa)
*Kijimuna Festa 2012
Do Done Bar
Do Done Bar
Leur principale motivation c'est d'offrir au public du vrai spectacle. Armés de leurs seuls
costumes et accessoires, ils construisent leurs décors au besoin des différentes scènes qui
s'enchaînent pendant une petite heure. Une surprise nippone rafraîchissante destinée à
tout public, quel que soit sa langue ou son âge.
- La Provence
Quatre personnages charmants envahissent la scène, mimant, dansant, jouant la comédie,
mais ce qui transcende tout cela, c'est la poésie qui les enveloppe, qui nous enveloppe,
nous faisant entrer avec douceur dans un monde imaginaire, peuplé d'objets quotidiens qui
prennent un air enchanteur, et dans une notion d'espace intemporel rempli de grace.
Quel trip ! On sent dès l'entrée au théâtre de l'Etincelle que ce "Break'O" n'aura pas grand
chose à voir avec ce qu'on peut voir habituellement au théâtre. Est-ce de la danse ? De la
performance ? Du mime ? Des sketches ? On ne sait pas trop et à vrai dire on s'en moque
un peu tant l'enthousiasme des cinq interprètes est communicatif.
L’ensemble est toujours empreint de beaucoup d’humour et de légèreté. Le talent de la
troupe tient en son inventivité. Cela rappelle la concaténation – vous savez, la chanson
Chapeau de paille . Toute image première est transformée pour dériver sur une nouvelle,
inattendue, poétique et juste. On l’aura compris, le spectacle est fort sympathique. Il y a un
côté juvénile et jovial. De la gaieté, tout simplement.
- Le Monde
Email: to-r-m@kta.biglobe.ne.jp
TEL: +81-80-3410-8000
FAX: +81-3-5346-0516
5-6-16-204 Tsurumaki Setagaya-ku,
Tokyo 154-0016, Japan