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your newsletter here - Ohio Automobile Dealers Association
The Ohio Automobile Dealers Association’s Monthly Newsletter
September 2016
Ohio Motor Vehicle Dealer Franchise Law
Updates Effective September 14, 2016
In late spring the Ohio Legislature unanimously approved OADA-backed Senate Bill 242,
sponsored by State Senator Joe Uecker (R-Miami Township) & State Senator Bill Coley (RLiberty Township). This legislation, which was signed by Governor Kasich and is effective
on September 14, 2016, makes the following updates to Ohio’s Motor Vehicle Dealer Franchise Law:
• Creates a preamble that recognizes the importance of a cound system of distributing
and selling motor vehicles in the State of Ohio.
• Requires franchisors to consider “local market conditions” prior to taking adverse action against a franchisee.
• Creates a voluntary formula to set a minimum retail reimbursement rate for parts,
labor, or parts and labor. A dealer may submit a certain number of nonwarranty repair
orders to establish the rate. The formula excludes various repairs and parts from consideration, such as tires, accessories, and repairs for damage caused by collision. A
franchisor may not retaliate against a dealer who chooses to utilize the formula.
• Prohibits a franchisor from requiring a dealer to conduct research on a prospective
customer, especially with regard to the possible export of a vehicle, and clarifies that
dealers are presumed to have not known that a vehicle was purchased for export under certain circumstances.
Franchise Law Updates
continued on Page 2
Next Gen dealers from the Mahoning Valley joined OADA Chairman Russ
Banks from RD Banks Chevrolet in Warran and OADA President Zach Doran in
meeting with State Representatives Sean O’Brien & Michael O’Brien to urge
support of OADA - backed franchise legislation (Senate Bill 242) at OADA’s
Next Gen Statehouse Day earlier this year.
Page 1
Motor Vehicle Dealer Franchise Law Becomes Effective September 14, 2016
Succession Planning - Valuation Update
New Ohio Law Changes Municipal Income Tax Policies
Fall Meeting Round Up
Group-Rating Safety Accountability
Expanding BWC Program Gets Injured Ohio Workers Back on the Job Faster
How to Add Homegrown Talent to Your Workforce Strategy
FREE KPA Webinar: Would You Survive a Regulator Dumpster Dive?
Dealers Helping Dealers: The OADA Legal Defense Fund
LDF Pledge Form
Are Your Pay Plans Still Compliant?
OADA Services: Custom Water
Ohio Dealer Groups Donate $15,000 to NADA Foundation for Louisiana Flood Relief Efforts
Top Legal Reminders for September
2016 DIG Contributors
Safety Corner: Ohio’s EPA E3 Program
In Memoriam: Tom Ganley
2017 OADA Convention
KPA Webinar: Truck Dealership Compliance
2016 DIG Pledge Form
Webinar: Mastering the Inbound Sales Call
Webinar: Discover the OADA Difference in Workers’ Comp
Webinar: Current Legal Issues
Affecting Dealerships
Webinar: Navigating the
Environmental, Health, and Safety Training Web
AF Comply ACA Compliance
Publisher: Zach Doran
Editor: DeAnna Zahniser
All Rights Reserved
Succession Planning - Valuation Update
provided by Schneider Downs & Co., Inc.
On August 2, 2016, the Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) unveiled proposed regulations
under Section 2704 of the Internal Revenue
Code that threaten to restrict or eliminate the
use of valuation discounts in connection with
transfers of interests in certain family businesses. These proposed regulations, if and
when made final, will have sweeping ramifications on the estate planning for owners of
family-controlled entities.
By way of background, valuation discounts
play a crucial role in the estate planning playbook of high-net-worth families. Business owners who transfer interests in entities to family members can often save estate, gift and
generation-skipping transfer taxes by availing
themselves of lack-of-marketability and minority interest discounts that would not be available if the underlying assets were transferred
outright. The IRS has long disfavored these
discounts and now intends to crack down on
perceived abuses in the valuation of family
The mechanics of the proposed regulations
will be addressed in a separate writing. Generally speaking, the proposed regulations will
achieve their effect by first treating the lapse
of certain voting and liquidating rights as an
additional transfer. In addition, restrictions
imposed on the ownership of family-owned
entities that support valuation discounts will
be ignored.
It is important to remember that only transfers that occur after the proposed regulations
is scheduled for December 1, 2016, and the
new rules could take effect as early as the beginning of next year. This means that taxpayers have a very limited window of time in which
to initiate intrafamily transfers at a discounted
value. Taxpayers considering the transfer of an
interest in a family-=owned entity are well advised to act immediately to avoid forfeiting the
benefit of valuation discounts <
New Ohio Law Changes Municipal
Income Tax Policies
by Matt Chacey, Staff Counsel, OADA
The Ohio Legislature passed Sub. Senate
Bill 172, which changes the filing deadlines and reporting requirements for local
businesses as they file quarterly municipal
income withholding tax. The Bill makes the
following changes:
Extends the deadline for making quarterly
payments. The new deadline to file a business’ quarterly municipal tax withholdings
has been extended to the last day of the
month following the end of each calendar
quarter. The new deadlines for remitting a
company’s quarterly minicipal tax withholdings are: April 30, July 31, October 31, and
January 31. Previously, the tax was due on
the 15th day after the end of each calendar quarter. The law does not change the
thresholds for filing quarterly filings.
Modifies when the payments have been
made to the tax administrator. Under the
new law, a payment is considered to have
been made on the date that the payment
was postmarked. Previously, the law permitted local agencies to use the date the payment was received by the tax administrator.
If the municipal tax is paid electronically,
then the payment is deemed to be received
on the date of the timestamp assigned by
the first electronic system receiving the payment. Under the prior law, a payment was
generally considered to have been made on
the date the payment was credited to an account designated by the tax administrator.
These changes become effective on September 14, 2016.
For more information, please contact your
dealership’s accounting firm or Ryan Link
at Schneider Downs, OADA’s endorsed partner for accounting services. Ryan can be
reached at 614-586-7213. <
Page 2
Franchise Law Updates
continued from Page 1
• Sets a seven-year minimum restriction
on the amount of time between required facility alterations or upgrades
while maintaining the requirement that
the timing of any required alteration or
upgrade must be reasonable with limited exceptions.
• Prohibits a franchisor from using the
failure of a dealer to meet a performance standard as a justification for
denying the delaer the opportunity to
name a successor so long as the named
successor meets the uniformly applied
requirements to be a franchisee at the
time of succession.
• Prohibits a franchisor from excluding a
dealer from participating in a program
offered by a franchisor based on the
failure to sell enough vehicles is due to
the inability to obtain an adequate number of vehicles because of the actions
of the franchisor.
• Allows a dealer to choose a vendor for
construction or remodeling of a facility if
the product or service is of substantially
similar quality and general appearance
as that required by the franchisor.
• Requires a franchisor to indemnify a
dealer from all damages, attorney fees,
and expenses that arise directly from
the alleged improper use or disclosure
of nonpublic, personal, customer information by a manufacturer, distributor,
or any third party to whom the information was provided.
Dealers who were unable to participate in the
OADA webinars that provided an overview of
this legislation as well as discussed the warranty reimbursement provision in more detail may access them by contacting DeAnna
Zahniser at OADA at 614-923-2231 or
OADA would like to thank the dealers and
the metro auto association executives who
contacted legislators during debate on this
important legislation. Active participation in
our legislative grassroots program and the
Dealers Investment Group (DIG) remain key
to our success at the Statehouse.
Dealers may contact Zach Doran at zdoran@ or Joe Cannon at jcannon@oada.
com with any questions regarding Senate Bill
242, and how you can help our legislative advocacy efforts. <
2016 Fall Meeting Round Up
Last month OADA held their Fall
Board of Trustees Meeting in Cambridge at the Salt Fork Lodge and
Conference Center. The meeting was
the first board meeting for new President, Zach Doran, who took the reins
on August 1. Chairman Russ Banks
kicked off the meeting by welcoming
the trustees and past chairpersons.
The meeting wsa highlighted by the
guest speaker for the morning, Ohio
Secretary of State, Jon Husted.
Feel free to contact OADA or your
trustee with any concerns or questions. Trusteed listed by district below:
District 1- John Yark, Yark Automotive
District 2 - Wes Moats, Mark Moats Ford
District 3 - Jim Hunt, Buckeye Ford, Inc.
District 4 - Brad Voss, Voss Auto Network
District 5 - Bill DeLord, Bill DeLord Autocenter
District 6 - Robert Joseph, Joseph Automotive Group
District 7 - David Wyler, Jeff Wyler Automotive
District 8 - Jeff Brindley, Roush Honda
District 9 - Steve Germain, Germain Motor Company
District 10 - Tim Glockner, Glockner Family of Dealerships
District 11 - Mark Porter, Mark Porter Chevrolet Buick GMC
District 12 - Chuck Nicholson, Chuck Nicholson, Inc.
District 13 - Dan Reineke, Reineke Family Dealerships
District 14 - Joe Firment, Joe Firment Chevrolet, Inc.
District 15 - Jim Deacon, Deacon’s Chrysler, Inc.
District 16 - Mike VanDevere, VanDevere Chevrolet, Inc.
District 17 - Kirt Frye - Sunnyside Automotive
District 18 - Ed Babcock, Junction Auto Sales
District 19 - Vince Prindle, Wollam Chevrolet
District 20 - Dave Waikem, Waikem Honda
Pictured in the top photo, members of the OADA Executive Committee are, from the left: Jeff Brindley, Rhett Ricart, Secretary of
State Jon Husted, OADA President Zach Doran, Chairman Russ
Banks, and John Yark. The bottom photo features an address by
Secretary of State Jon Husted, with OADA President Zach Doran
looking on.
Page 3
Group-Rating Safety Accountability
information provided by the Bureau of
Workers’ Compensation
Dear Employer:
Each year Ohio employers have the opportunity to participate in BWC’s Group-Experience-Rating Program or Group-RetrospectiveRating Program. While these programs are
not required, they do provide you with an opportunity to significantly reduce your workers’
compensation premiums, while increasing
your awareness of safety and risk-management strategies.
The TPA may:
• Assist sponsoring organizations with
fulfilling the group-rating safety requirements;
• Assist an employer with its safety needs;
• Work in conjunction with sponsors to develop safety training and deliver safety
• Provide resources for claims handling.
BWC will:
Workplace safety is an important component
of these programs. To succeed in accident
prevention, we encourage you to use the
many resources available to you. We believe
a group-rating program is a partnership that
includes you and your employees, your sponsoring organization or third-party administrator (TPA) and BWC. Each has specific roles
and responsibilities, all designed to assist
in preventing workplace accidents. This letter outlines the safety services expectations
you should have as an employer enrolled in a
group-rating program.
• Monitor all group-rating safety activities
to confirm requirements are met;
The employer will:
• Offer publication and videos for safety
program support;
• Maintain a safe workplace;
• Attend safety training to enhance workplace safety;
• Use BWC’s safety services as needed;
• Fulfill the required two-hour training requirement and provide proof of attendance to sponsor for claim(s) occurring
within the last year
The certified primary and affiliated sponsoring organizations will:
• Sponsor eight hours of safety training
(this may be done at one time or may be
provided incrementally as long as the total is at least eight hours)
• Provide information regarding safety resources to group members;
• Remain in communication with sponsoring organizations to provide recommendations for fulfilling safety requirements;
• Provide safety training through Ohio’s
Center for Occupational Safety & Health;
• Offer on-site safety consultation (hazard
assessments, air and noise monitoring,
ergonomics evaluation, training) by a
BWC safety professional;
• Conduct employer visits to confirm the
employer is meeting group-rating requirements, when appropriate.
The goal of this collaborative effort is to make
sure all your safety needs are met. Using
these resources will assist you in preventing
accidents, reducing claims costs and achieving the highest discounts possible. Below
you’ll find contact information for various resources.
Expanding BWC
Program Gets
Injured Ohio
Workers Back on the
Job Faster
The state fund for injured workers is expanding a program meant to reduce workers’ compensation costs for employers
while helping injured workers return to
their jobs faster.
Before July 1, only employers that have
had at least one lost-time claim - a claim
in which an injured worker is off more
than seven days - were eligible for the
Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation’s
(BWC’s) Transitional Work Program.
Now, it’s open to any employer in good
standing with the bureau. The program
awards grants to employers that set up
programs to modify injured workers’ job
duties for a specified time to gradually return them to their original jobs.
A Transitional Work Program is a customized program that includes policies and
procedures to assist employers in safely
bringing injured employees with restrictions back to work by performing identified
jobs, tasks or functions as they transition
back to their original positions.
“The goal is to get injured workers, while
still recovering from their injury, doing what
they are able to,” said Tina Elliott, who
manages the program for the bureau. “It
has benefits to everyone, particularly the
employer saving money on premiums.”
Under the program, employers work with
a certified transitional work developer to
formulate a transitional work policy for
injured workers that meets the bureau’s
qualifications. The idea is to have the plan
ready in case someone is injured. <
Employers can benefit in two ways:
Group sponsor: OADA
TPA: CareWorksComp
• Once approved, the bureau will pay 75
percent of the costs of the plan.
• Possibly assist an employer in achieving
its safety needs;
• And, when a worker suffers an injury
and the plan is implemented, employers may be eligible for bonuses.
• Manage employer fulfillment of the twohour training requirement, where applicable;
• Publish this letter to group members
Injured Workers
Page 4
continued on Page 5
How to Add Homegrown Talent to Your Workforce Strategy
provided by Career Co.
There’s no doubt that going outside of your
dealership to bring in people with fresh
ideas is essential for growth. But isn’t it
time you began cultivating and “homegrowning” your own talent? When you focus on attracting entry-level hires that are
eager to learn the ropes and ambitious
about possible advancement opportunities, you’re leveraging a tactic that will set
you apart from your competitors and significantly grow your dealership’s talent pool.
Take a look at some reasons why cultivating homegrown talent is an important HR
initiative, along with some tips on how to
do it effectively so that you can successfully develop a winning team of automotive
sales, service, parts and administrative
Benefit: Home-growing talent decreases
your hiring costs overall.
Think about it: If you don’t have to continually post jobs, offer sign-on bonuses, or let
positions remain vacant to the point where
it’s negatively affecting productivity, you
can maximize your budget. It’s far less expensive to promote from within your dealership, even with the offer of a substantial
raise, assuming you make that decision
What to do: Having a company culture that
allows for leadership development and rewards top performers is the perfect recipe
for homegrown talent.
Injured Workers
continued from Page 4
Interested employers enrolled with
CareWorks as their MCO, should contact their individually assigned CareWorks Account Executive for assistance
at 1-888-627-7586. They will guide the
employer through the program and assist with the selection of a qualified transitional work developer. Employers not
enrolled with CareWorks as their MCO,
should contact their selected MCO for
more information. <
Benefit: Less employee turnover.
From an employee point of view, iot’s easy to
become disenchanted if your job appears to
have no real opportunity for advancement. If
the position is just a job and not a path to a
career, eventually they will look to move on
and possibly leave you blindsided.
What to do: Keeping the lines of communication open with regular employee reviews and
check-ins with supervisors is the best way to
identify if someone becomes unhappy with
their job. This gives you the opportunity to
work out a solution before employees start
jumping ship.
Benefit: Unearth hidden gems.
ends. Similarly, consider recruiting recent
trade school graduates to groom for technician positions.
Benefit: A more passionate workforce.
Knowing that advancement is possible can
be just the nudge your dealership staff needs
to take more more chances, volunteer for
more responsibility, and embrace opportunities that come along, From the HR side, promoting from within is usually less risky than
bringing in outsiders, since those who have
been with your company are already a good
fit. Plus, it’s likely that he or she will have the
support of their co-workers from the get-go,
whereas someone hired from elsewhere
might have more of a transition period.
By devising a strategy that expands your
personnel base to include those with experience outside the automotive industry but in
complementary fields, such as hospitality,
big-ticket retail sales, and even health care,
you can begin to grow a strong team. Such
candidates possess traits that transition well
into the dales or BDC departments, providing
an exceptional customer experience. They will
thrive upon opportunities to flourish as they
grow with your dealership and the industry.
What to do: Keep ALL employees in the loop
regarding the big-picture goals of the dealership. Get them invested in the success of the
business. Recognize and celebrate achievements - large and small - so people feel like
what they do matters.
What to do: Invite unlikely candidates like
restaurant servers, bartenders, and medical
assistants to apply for your open positions.
More often than not, these workers are ambitious, adept at working with the public, and
accustomed to working evenings and week-
To find out how to find candidates that you
can cultivate to expand your dealership’s
workforce, contact <
Developing homegrown talent by actively recruiting entry-level employees who can grow
with you will have a positive effect on the entire dealership.
FREE Webinar—Would You Survive A Regulator
Dumpster Dive?
Thursday, September 8, 12:00pm EST
Universal Waste and Hazardous Waste Regulations to Know—Used oil containers, solvent-based paint, and
aerosol cans are considered by many as items that can be thrown in a single trash can. But as both state and
federal laws are gradually becoming more strict, it is important to know the difference between what is considered hazardous waste, universal waste, or general trash. Any materials that are considered a violation in a
dumpster can incur a penalty. This only multiplies with the number of dumpsters, as well as company sites.
Join KPA for this webinar with KPA’s District Manager, Jennifer Blake, as she reviews current waste management laws on both state and federal levels as well as the importance of having a universal hazardous waste
program in place. Jennifer began as an environmental health and safety engineer in Northern California in
2004 and has specialized in loss control and risk management for KPA, in addition to working with dealers on
OSHA and EPA migration efforts. She holds a B.S. in Life Sciences from the University of Portland.
To register, please visit the KPA webinars website,
Note: This is a KPA webinar, and will not be recorded by OADA. Dealers should be able to access this webinar
after September 8 on the KPA website.
Page 5
Dealers Helping Dealers: The OADA Legal Defense Fund
by Matt Chacey, Staff Counsel, OADA
In this highly regulated industry, dealers are
often faced with issues in which they are at
a financial disadvantage compared to their
adversaries. Whether dealing with regulators
or manufacturers the resources necessary to
protect a dealer’s interests are dwarfed by the
resources available to the state of Ohio, the
federal government, or a manufacturer. Fortunately, the OADA Legal Defense Fund (“LDF”) is
available to assist in the event that a dealer is
left with no choice but to pursue help through
the administrative or legal proceedings.
Each year, dealers around the state apply for
Legal Defense Fund assistance seeking support with issues that have an impact on the
Ohio dealership community. Funds are available to help defray the costs of litigating an issue on your own.
For example, recently LDF funded a case where
the consumer was arguing that the class action waiver in their arbitration agreement violated the Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act.
As you most likely know, a waiver provision is
an essential term in most of your arbitration
agreements. Thanks to LDF’s actions, the consumer was barred from raising his/her claims
as a class action against the defendant and as
a result the class action waiver is still enforceable in dealer’s arbitration agreements.
Additionally, LDF funds were used to support
OADA’s position which urged the Ohio Department of Taxation to reverse its 2015 directive
that digigal advertising components are considered Electronic Information Systems (“EIS”)
and therefore are subject to Ohio Sales Tax.
Many dealers use online platforms, such as
AutoTrader, which would dramatically affect
dealership’s marketing budgets. LDF’s work
led to the drafting of House Bill 466, which
specifically provides that digital advertising is
not EIS.
While past successes are important, LDF has
to also look to the future to be sure that when
major issues that impact the Ohio dealer com-
munity arise, LDF is there to assist dealers
with the overshelming cost of litigation. We’re
proud to be able to offer LDF assistance and
so thankful for the contributions of dealers
who understand the significance of an LDF
donation. We want to sincerely thank the 311
dealers who have already contributed for the
2016 contribution year.
For those who have not yet contributed, we
hope that you will consider contributing by
completing the contribution form below, and
sending it to the OADA Legal Defense Fund.
Your contributions will help ensure that the
Ohio dealer community has ample resources
to fight the issues that impact our businesses.
Remember, you can use corporate funds for
LDF contributions.
For any questions about the Legal Defanse
Fund, please contact Kevin Shoemaker at
(614) 923-2243 or at kshoemaker@oada.
com. <
Legal Defense Fund Pledge Form 2016
Make a contribution to LDF
Return Contributions To: OADA · 655 Metro Place S., Ste. 270 · Dublin, Ohio 43017 fax to 614-766-9600
Legal Defense Fund 2016
Please Check To Indicate Your Contribution Level
$250 (1-375 vehicles sold)
$750 (541-750 vehicles sold)
$450 (376-540 vehicles sold)
$1,200 (751+ vehicles sold)
$_____ (other)
Remember that LDF contributions can be made with corporate funds.
Checks should be made payable to OADA Legal Defense Fund.
Check #
VISA/Mastercard/American Express #:
Page 6
Exp. Date
Are Your Pay Practices Still Compliant?
by Tillman Coffey and Matt Simpson, Fisher Phillips Atlanta Office
By now you have likely heard about a recent
Supreme Court decision and a change in federal wage and hour regulations that have a
direct impact on the retail automotive industry. The good news is that the Supreme Court
decision is a win for those in the industry (at
least for now) and that compliance with the
changes in the wage and hour regulations
should not be difficult, relatively speaking.
Service Advisors And The Sales Exemption
This year, the U.S. Supreme Court was asked
to decide whether service advisors were exempt from overtime under federal law based
on the same overtime exemption that applies
to salespersons (and techs and parts persons). Last year, the federal appeals court for
the 9th Circuit ruled that the “sales” exemption did not apply to advisors. Other federal
appeals courts had already ruled that it did.
In part to resolve this conflict and create a
consistent interpretation of the law, the Su-
preme Court agreed to hear the case and
break the tie, so to speak.
Department of Labor’s (USDOL’s) position on
this issue.
In its June 20, 2016 opinion, the Court vacated the 9th Circuit’s ruling, rendering the
appeals court decision enforceable. Consequently, dealerships can again rely upon
the sales exemption as a basis for treating
service advisors as overtime exempt under
federal law, assuming that all other requirements are met, including the collection and
maintenance of accurate time records.
For the time being, you may continue to rely
upon this exemption for purposes of federal
wage and hour law compliance. As in all situations, you must also ensure compliance with
state law. As a safety net, dealerships that
have not already taken this step may want to
pay their advisors in a manner that qualifies
their advisors for the “commission-paid” exemption to overtime.
Unfortunately, the Supreme Court’s decision
may not be the end of this controversy. The
Court did not conclude the exemption absolutely applies to advisors. Instead, the Court
vacated the decision because it disagreed
with the basis on which the 9th Circuit made
its decision. The Court remanded the case
back to the appeals court for a second review with specific instructions to consider
the issue without giving deference to the U.S.
The White Collar Exemptions
In May 2016, the USDOL released a new rule
that will significantly increase the minimum
salary requirement for those workers who
qualify for the “white collar” exemptions from
overtime. Currently, “executive,” “administrative,” and “professional” employees are
exempt from overtime if they are paid a salary or guarantee of at least $455 per week,
which annualizes to $23,660. Under the new
rule, which will take effect on December 1,
2016, this amount will increase to $913 per
week, or $47,476 per year.
The good news is that, at most dealerships,
the only “white collar” employees are department managers and some office or staff
employees who are also paid a salary and
treated as exempt from overtime. For most
delaers, these are the only employees who
will be affected by the USDOL’s revised rules.
Between now and December 1, every dealership will need to review the compensation of
each of its employees who are paid a salary
and treated as exempt from overtime. You
should analyze each employee’s pay plan including each of its components: salary, draw,
commissions, and bonuses. Then you should
determine if any changes will be necessary
and, if so, how those changes can be made.
While most changes will involve little or no increase in labor costs, they could be critical to
avoiding legal liability and attorneys’ fees.
For more information, contact Rich Millisor at
Fisher Phillips Cleveland Office, at 440-8388800, or
This article is not intended to be, and should
not be construed as, legal advice for any
particular fact situation. The contents are
intended for general information purposes
only, and you are urged to consult counsel
concerning your own situation and any specific legal questions you may have. <
Page 7
NADA News: Ohio Dealer Groups Donate $15,000 to NADA
Foundation for Louisiana Flood Relief Efforts
New-car dealership groups in Ohio and Greater Cleveland on Thursday announced a collective $15,000 donation to an NADA Foundation fund that is providing financial assistance to dealership families impacted by
the flooding in southern Louisiana. OADA donated $10,000; and the Greater Cleveland Automobile Dealers
Association donated $5,000.
“We’re grateful for NADA spearheading this effort and are fortunate to be in a position to help,” said Zach
Doran, OADA President. “Our thoughts and prayers are with those employees in need at dealerships in the
affected areas, and we hope that our contribution makes a difference in helping get people back on their
Dealership families displaced by the flooding can apply for financial assistance through the National Auotmobile Dealers Charitable Foundation’s Emergency Relief Fund, which provides funds immediately after
natural disasters.
“When others are in need, auto dealers are always there to lend a hand,” said Lou Vitantonio, GCADA
President. “We feel there is no better way to show support for dealership families affected by the flooding in
Louisiana then by donating to the NADA Foundation’s Emergency Relief Fund.”
Rhett Ricart, Ohio NADA Director
In an NADA video released yesterday, NADA President Peter Welch described the damage to homes in the
flood-ravaged areas of Baton Rouge and urged auto dealers to support the flood victims. That video can be
viewed at the following link:
“We are asking every dealership in the United States to donate $1,000 to adopt a dealership family affected by the flooding. Our dealerships are one big family. When a member of our family hurts, we all hurt,” Welsh said. “We are extremely grateful for the generous donations
from the dealer groups in Ohio, but we are a long way from reaching our $2 million goal. We are urging all dealer associations and dealers
throughout the country to donate to the fund.”
To contribute to the fund, visit or call 703-821-7102. Checks can be made payable to NADCF Emergency Fund,
c/o NADACF, 8400 Westpark Drive, MS 7, Tysons, VA 22102. Remember, your donation is tax-deductible. The NADA Foundation’s Emergency
Relief Fund helps dealership employees after natural disasters.
About the Fund
Established in 1992, almost $5 million has been distributed to more than 8,700 dealership employees in need.
When a disaster strikes, the Foundation:
• Immediately informs the state dealer association that the Foundation is prepared to help;
• The state association gets the message to its dealers;
• Dealers can apply for aid on behalf of their employees;
• NADA picks up all administrative costs for this fund; and
• All money donated to the Emergency Relief Fund goes directly to the dealership employees.
The need for financial assistance is great and will last for many weeks. Consider making a donation today. <
Top Legal Reminders for September
1. GAP is a product, not insurance.
In Ohio, GAP is considered a product and not
a type of insurance regulated by the Ohio Department of Insurance. Because of this, GAP
is taxed and should be included in the taxable
price of the vehicle.
2. Dealerships should incorporate Employment Applications into their hiring
As Melanie Webber, Partner at Fisher Phillips
said in her webinar last week, Hiring 101, Employment Applications are essential to provide
additional information about the candidate
that they would not have otherwise obtained
through a cover letter or resume. Many employment applications ask questions that no
candidate would put on their resume as well
as a series of disclosures the candidate must
sign and acknowledge that provide some adPage 8
ditional protection to employers. Some dealers have gone away from using employment
applications in favor of just accepting a cover
letter and resume. However, keep this in
mind: a resume only reflects the information
that the candidate wants you to see, and may
fall short of the information you want to have.
Top Legal Reminders
continued on Page 9
Top Legal Reminders
continued from Page 8
Employment applications provide additional
benefits in the hiring process. At a minimum,
candidates who are being interviewed for the
position should be required to complete an
employment application. For more information about how to get access to the Hiring 101
webinar, please contact DeAnna Zahniser at
(614) 923-2231, or
3. Don’t sell an “as-is” vehicle with known
safety issues. If a vehicle has issues which
would be considered safety issues these vehicles should not be sold until the vehicle
is repaired. Safety issues include, but are
not limited to, bald tires, brake problems,
cracked or bent frame, etc., and cannot
be disclaimed through selling the vehicle
“as-is” or buyer beware. Any safety issues
should be repaired before the retail sale or
the vehicle should be wholesaled.
4. When is a former employee entitled to
their last paycheck.
Under Ohio law, an employee is entitled to
their final paycheck either at the next regularly scheduled pay day or 15-days, whichever is earlier. Commissioned employees
are entitled to their final commission check
at the regularly scheduled pay day consistent with industry practice or an established
pay plan. When wages remain unpaid for
30-days beyond the regularly scheduled
pay day, the employer is subject to liquidated damages in the amount of 6% of the
undisputed amount or $200, whichever is
greater. Employers should also review their
employee handbook or company policy to
determine whether or not the employee is
entitled to additional compensation for any
paid time off accumulated, but not used.
5. CFPB has a new interest in ancillary
Based on reports in the automotive industry,
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
(“CFPB”) has shown an increased concern
over ancillary products or as they call it, “addon products” sold contemporaneously with
the purchase of a new or used vehicle. The
CFPB has adopted consumer advocates’ hostility toward these products, arguing that consumers have a fundamental misunderstanding of the total cost and value of the ancillary
products. In a recent request for information,
the CFPB stated, “... the Bureau has found
or alleged that some companies offering ancillary products failed to accurately describe
those products...” With this added attention,
Dealerships should strive to assist consumers in understanding the ancillary products
being offered at the time of sale and work
with the consumer to determine which products are in their best interest. <
2016 Dealers Investment Group (DIG) Contributors
President’s Club Platinum $5,000 & Above
Keith McCluskey, McCluskey Chevrolet at
Kings Automall, $5,000
Robert Reichert, Kings Toyota, $5,000
President’s Club Gold - $1,500 $4,999
Nick Abraham, Abraham Automall,
Robert Masheter, Dick Masheter Ford,
Inc., $1,500
Russell Banks, R.D. Banks Chevrolet
Tim McHugh, McHugh, Inc., $1,500
Ruth Ann Caldwell, Bob Caldwell Automotive, $1,500
Richard Nourse, Nourse Chillicothe Ford
Lincoln, $1,500
Jason Dennis, Dave Dennis, Inc., $1,500
Mike Dever, Performance Automotive
Network, $1,500
O. Glenn Mears, Parkway Honda, $1,500
Patrick Preston, Preston Chevrolet Cadillac Kia, Inc., $1,500
Gene Reichard, Reichard Buick GMC, Inc.,
William Woeste, Beechmont Motors,
Shane Dever, Performance Automotive
Network, $1,500
Rick Germain, Germain Luxury Imports,
Bill Ferris, Ferris Chevrolet, $1,500
Jenell Ross, Bob Ross Auto Group,
Tim Fyda, Fyda Freightliner Columbus,
Inc., $1,500
Doug Sweeney, Sweeney Chevrolet,
Ken Ganley, Ganley Akron, Inc., $1,500
Brad Voss, Voss Village Cadillac, $1,500
Steve Germain, Germain Motor Company,
DJ Yark, Yark Automotive Group, Inc.,
Andrew Glockner, The Glockner Chevrolet
Company, $1,500
John Yark, Yark Automotive Group, Inc.,
Bill Lavery, Lavery Automotive Sales &
Service, $2,500
Kerry Mitchell, Reineke Family Dealerships, $2,500
Peter Pannier, Northgate Chrysler Dodge
Jeep, $2,500
Daniel Reineke, Reineke Family Dealerships, $2,500
Tom Reineke, Reineke Family Dealerships, $2,500
Mark Porter, Mark Porter Chevrolet Buick
GMC, $2,250
Edward Babcock, Junction Auto Sales,
Inc., $2,000
Gary Panteck, Brunswick Auto Mart,
Greg Greenwood, Greenwood Chevrolet,
Inc., $1,500
Michael Klaben, Klaben Ford Lincoln of
Warren, Inc., $1,500
Richard Klaben, Klaben Ford Lincoln, Inc.,
Ronald Marhofer, Ron Marhofer Chevrolet, $1,500
Fred Martin, Fred Martin Ford, Inc.,
Page 9
President’s Club Silver - $750 $1,499
Mike Iemma, Park Ford, $1,250
Kevin Joyce, Joyce Buick GMC, Inc.,
August Marcellino, Motorcars Acura Volvo,
DIG Contributors
continued on Page 12
brought to you by KPA, OADA’s Endorsed Provider of Safety & Environmental Compliance Services
In Memoriam Thomas D. Ganley
Ohio’s EPA Encouraging Environmental
Excellence (E3) Program
information provided by the Ohio EPA
“If you’re doing something great for the
environment, we want to know about
it. By recognizing Ohio businesses and
other organizations, we can create more
momentum for improving Ohio's environment through innovation and efficiency."
- Ohio EPA Director Craig W. Butler
The Encouraging Environmental Excellence (E3) Achievement Award recognizes
any applicants completing environmentally beneficial activities. The Achievement Award is open to any business,
industry, trade association, professional
organization or local government of Ohio.
Applications are evaluated using environmental stewardship criteria developed by
Ohio EPA. Applications will be accepted
on a continual basis throughout the year.
Applicants must be in compliance with
environmental laws and regulations.
Achievement level participants must describe activities completed in one of the
following environmental stewardship criteria:
Impact to the environment
Pollution prevention
Energy efficiency
Renewable energy
Renewable, recovered or recycled
• Green building
• Recycling programs, or
• Organics diversion
Achievement level participants must also
describe how the applicant has made
some level of progress in at least six of
the additional criteria below and submit
a general statement indicating the applicant is in compliance with environmental
laws and regulations:
• Impact to the environment (if not addressed as main criteria)
• Life cycle analysis
• Pollution prevention
• Energy efficiency
• Renewable energy
• Renewable, recovered or recycled
• Green building
• Stormwater best management practices
• Environmentally preferable purchasing
• Recycling programs
• Organics diversion
• Economic benefits
• Environmental management accounting
Achievement Level Benefits
• A certificate of recognition signed by
the Director
• A listing on the Ohio EPA website
• Program highlights included in Ohio
EPA publications; and
• A decal with the E3 logo to display at
the applicant’s location
Applications will be accepted on a continual basis and recognition will be provided
through the mail. Exceptional Achievement Level applicants may be asked to
apply for Silver, Gold or Platinum Level
December 11, 1942 - August 24, 2016.
Thomas D. Ganley, age 73, passed away
on August 24. Beloved husband of Lois
(nee Lisy); loving father of Denise Stease
(Ron), Thomas P. (Tony), Robert (Kimberly,
nee Zemba) and Kenneth (Nicole); cherished grandfather of Connor, Mackenzie
and Corey Stease, and Alexa, Brian, Kenny
Jr., Tyler and Brady; devoted son of Thomas F. and Katherine (both deceased); dear
brother-in-law of Jacquelyn Conn and William J. Lisy (deceased); dear uncle, cousin
and friend of many.
Tom was the founder of the Ganley Automotive Group, on the board of directors
for the Independence Bank, F.B.I. Man of
the Year, director for the National Automobile Dealers Association, former head of
Crime Stoppers and Brecksville Chamber
of Commerce Business of the Year. <
Contact Mike Kelley in the Division of
Environmental and Financial Assistance
at (614) 644-2930 (michael.kelley@epa. or the hotline at (800) 3297518 if you have any questions. <
Note: The DIG Contributor’s list found on
pages 9 and 12 of this issue is current
through August 31, 2016. If you believe
there is an error, please contact Joe Cannon at OADA, at 614-923-2237, and accept
our apologies.
Management commitment
Employee involvement
Continuous improvement
Environmental management system
Promotion and dissemination
Page 10
Registration Now
Open for the 84th
Annual Convention!
April 21 - 24, 2017
OADA Convention
The Greenbrier
April 21-24, 2017
White Sulphur Springs, WV
The Convention package includes:
4 days, 3 nights at The Greenbrier
2 general business sessions (speakers TBA)
Afternoon breakout sessions
3 breakfasts
Welcome reception & dinner
Cocktails & dessert reception
Cocktail reception & farewell dinner
OADA has a fantastic group rate starting
at $259 per night (includes taxes & resort
fees) which will be honored for 3 days
prior to & 3 days at the conclusion of
the Convention.
Register online at WWW.OADA.COM
Contact Kelly Danison at 614.923.2228 or with any questions.
FREE Webinar—Truck Dealership Compliance
Thursday, September 15, 2:00pm EST
Truck Dealership Compliance—Truck dealerships face their own unique set of challenges when staying compliant
with OSHA, EPA, and DOT regulations. In this webinar, Glorianna Corman will analyze regulations specific to truck
dealerships and provide tactical advice on how to mitigate the risk of non-compliance. This webinar will cover:
OSHA 300 Logs
Key Lockout Rules
Tier II Reports
GHS HazCom Requirements
SPCC Plans
Forklift Requirements
AC and DOT Compliance
Fall Protection
Alternative Fuel Service Facilities
Common Violations in Truck Shops
Glorianna Corman came to KPA in 2008 and is a Registered Environmental Manager (REM) and Certified Safety Professional
(CSP). Prior to KPA, she worked in the Environmental and Safety
role for various companies around Columbus, Ohio. She has an
excellent rapport with her client base and has won company
awards for her commitment to excellence.
To register, please visit the KPA webinars website,
Note: This is a KPA webinar, and will not be recorded by OADA. Dealers should be able to access this webinar after
September 15 on the KPA website.
DIG Contributors
Mike VanDevere, VanDevere, Inc., $1,000
Jeff Brindley, Roush Honda, $750
Joe Caranfa, Caranfa Ford, $750
Joe Carson, Joe Carson Honda & HarleyDavidson, $750
Patrick Cronin, Cronin Ford Kia, Inc.,
Bill Dawes, Bob-Boyd Lincoln of Columbus, $750
Bobby Dawes, Bob-Boyd Ford Mazda, Inc.,
John Dunning, Dunning Motor Sales,
Adam Huff, Fred Martin Motor Co., $750
Doug Krieger, Krieger Ford, Inc., $750
Jeff Krieger, Krieger Ford, Inc., $750
Roosevelt Robinson, Middletown Ford,
Diane Sauer, Diane Sauer Chevrolet, Inc.,
Vernon Smedley, Smedley Chevrolet
Sales, $750
Joe Stykemain, Stykemain Buick GMC,
Terri Stykemain, Stykemain Buick GMC,
continued from Page 9
Robert Mathews, Mathews Ford-Lincoln,
Inc., $500
Joseph Johnson, Joe Johnson Chevrolet,
Inc., $250
Jack Matia, Jack Matia Honda, $500
Robert Kelley, Bob Kelley, Inc., $250
Barry McFarland, Barry’s Chevrolet Buick,
Inc., $500
Mike Kerns, Kerns Ford Lincoln, Inc.,
Edward Neyra, Jaguar Land Rover Cincinnati, $500
Jason Kos, McNeill Chevrolet Buick, $250
Bryan Panteck, Brunswick Auto Mart,
Terry Poulton, Columbiana Ford, Inc.,
Vince Prindle, Wollam Chevrolet, Inc.,
Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Ford, $500
Milton Taylor, Taylor Chevrolet, $500
Beau Townsend, Beau Townsend Ford
Lincoln, $500
James Troutwine, Troutwine Auto Sales,
Inc., $500
Dewayne Vaught, Kenwood Dealer Group,
Matthew Weekley, Weekley Chrysler
Dodge Jeep, $500
John Whiteside, Tom Whiteside Auto
Sales, Inc., $500
Martin Taylor, Taylor Buick Nissan, $750
Capital Club - $250
Ralph Wilson, Classic Buick GMC, $750
Bob Althoff, A.D. Farrow LLC, $250
Craig Young, Young Truck Sales, Inc.,
John Apostolakis, Apostolakis Honda &
Mazda, $250
Barry Axelrod, Axelrod Buick GMC, $250
John LaRiche, LaRiche Chevrolet Cadillac,
Rodger McClain, Lima Auto Mall, Inc.,
Wesley Moats, Mark Moats Ford, $250
Michael Molzberger, Kings Chrysler Jeep
Dodge, $250
Steve Myers, Myers Auto Center LLC,
Frank Porter, Central Cadillac, $250
Bruce Ridenour, Ridenour Auto Group,
Darryl Russell, Subaru of Kings Automall,
Inc., $250
Gary Scherz, Midway, Inc., $250
Rob Schoenhoft, Northgate Ford, $250
Alan Steinberg, Mentor Kia, $250
James Wood, Bryan Ford Lincoln, Inc.,
Employee Level
Casey Brindley, Roush Honda, $150
Austin Germain, Germain Imports of
Columbus, LLC, $150
Patrick DiCesare, Eastside Volkswagen
Mazda, $125
President’s Club Bronze - $500
Robb Brown, Brown Honda, $250
Tom Ahl, Tom Ahl Chrysler Dodge Jeep,
Andrew Buck, Montgomery Lincoln, $250
Brian Cain, Cain Toyota, $250
Robert Bressi, College Hills Honda, $500
John Connelly, Acura Columbus, $250
Mark Blankenship, Kenwood Dealer
Group, $100
Phil Brondes, Brondes Ford, Inc., $500
John Coppus, Coppus Motors, Inc., $250
Tom Casto, Premier GMC Ltd., $100
J. Andrew Czajkowski, Statewide Ford
Lincoln, Inc., $500
William DeLord, Bill DeLord Autocenter,
Inc., $250
Alex Ertel, Montgomery Lincoln, $100
James Dunn, Dunn Chevrolet, $500
Ron Erwin, Erwin Chrysler Dodge Jeep,
Inc., $250
Jeffrie Greenberg, Bedford Nissan, $500
Jack Hill, Hill International Trucks, LLC,
Marc Jacobson, Jay Buick GMC, $500
F. Michael Joyce, Joyce Buick GMC, Inc.,
Bryan Kasper, Kasper Toyota, $500
Nathan Lancry, Jay Buick GMC, $500
Henry Falk, Casebere Motor Sales, $120
Cheryll Hendrickson, Northgate Ford,
Tomas Fiehrer, Fiehrer Motor, Inc., $250
Cody Jones, Subaru of Kings Automall,
Inc., $100
James Gusweiler, Gusweiler GM Center,
Jorge Osorio, Subaru of Kings Automall,
Inc., $100
Mark Hanlon, Schoner Chevrolet, Inc.,
Rick Royer, Subaru of Kings Automall,
Inc., $100
Lad Harrison, Brother’s Chevrolet, $250
Don Smith, Hugh White Honda, Inc., $100
James Hunt, Buckeye Ford, Inc., $250
W. Douglas Weldy, Kings Toyota, Inc.,
Jason Hunt, Buckeye Ford, Inc., $250
Page 12
Support DIG 2016
Dealers Investment Group
Please check to indicate your Contribution Level
DIG 2016
President’s Club Platinum—$5,000 and Above (individual dealers may contribute up to $12,532.34 to DIG)
President’s Club Gold—$1,500
President’s Club Silver—$750
President’s Club Bronze—$500
Capital Club—$250
Employee Level—$100
Please pay the indicated amount by personal VISA, Mastercard, American Express or personal check payable to: “Dealers Investment Group”.
Corporate contributions are not permitted by law.
Visa/Mastercard/American Express # ____________________________________________________________________________
Exp. Date _____________________________________________ sec. code _____________________________________________
Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Dealership __________________________________________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________________________________ County _______________________________________
As a reminder, contributions must come from personal funds—corporate contributions are prohibited
For more information regarding legislative issues, and/or DIG, please contact Joe Cannon at OADA, 614-923-2237, or
800-686-9100 x116. You can also email Joe at Pledge forms can also be mailed to:
655 Metro Place South, Suite 270
Dublin, Ohio 43017
Or faxed to 614-766-9600
Page 13
Mastering the
Inbound Sales Call
September 8, 2016
Tel: 614-923-2231
614-766-9100 x109
There is a $25 connection fee for OADA
member dealers. Nonmembers will be charged
a $50 connection fee.
OADA Brown Bag Lunch Webinar Series
Do you wonder if you are losing sales appointments through an improperly handled
phone call? Are you looking for tips to improve in this vital area of your sales process? If
you are looking for assistance, tune in for this OADA webinar on September 8, presented by OADA with CallRevu.
In this fast-paced, data driven webinar, National Director of Training, Cory Wright, will
show you the ins and outs to providing your customers with the best possible experience on the telephone. CallRevu, an industry leading call monitoring company used by
dealers across the nation, including several in Ohio, listens to over 2 million calls per
quarter. Through this experience, attendees of this webinar will learn:
 What has today’s millennial and 5th generation car buyer come to expect?
 How to prepare yourself to have an awesome conversation with a prospect
 10 steps to mastering the inbound phone call
 Differentiation via digitalization of communication and information
 Listen to actual monitored calls to determine where the employee went
wrong, and what needed improved
This presentation will swiftly influence your sales by dramatically increasing the number
of customers who choose to visit you. Tune in to see the impact these strategies can
have on your bottom line.
Cory Wright was in automotive retail for eight years, filling various roles, including Assistant Sales Manager and BDC Manager. Cory is now the Director of Training for
CallRevu. Compiled of industry veterans and exclusive to only automotive, CallRevu is
the industry standard for phone performance in dealerships. Tracking and monitoring
over 10 million calls a year, on over 100,000 lines, CallRevu offers services to over 1,400
dealerships in North America. CallRevu helps dealers fix their phones by measuring
phone handling processes and skills, while providing real-time interactive text and email
alerts on calls gone wrong.
Mastering the Inbound Sales Call
Name (s)
Link to Electronic Recording
DVD Recording
Email (s)
Method of Payment
Bill Me
American Express
Credit Card #
Exp. date
sec code.
Discover the OADA
Difference in Workers’
September 14, 2016
Tel: 614-923-2231
614-766-9100 x109
There is no connection
fee for OADA member
dealers. Non-members
will be charged a $50
connection fee.
OADA Brown Bag Lunch Webinar Series
As we enter the final stretch of summer, we are beginning to see signs of
“normal” life returning such as back-to-school shopping and fall sports activities.
For employers, that also means it is time to review your workers’ compensation program and make decisions for the 2017 policy year. With that in mind,
OADA and CareWorksComp are hosting a webinar to share how OADA is
making a difference for dealers both in terms of premium savings as well as a
focused, customized service approach unmatched in the marketplace. OADA’s
traditional group rating program and group retrospective rating program are
boosting dealers’ bottom lines by creating premium savings of over $6 million
for the current policy year alone! Regardless of your circumstances, the OADA
team works with dealers to evaluate ALL of your options and help you find the
best fit.
Join us on September 14 to learn about OADA’s programs and key dates to
keep in mind as we move through the enrollment calendar this year. We will
also update attendees on other relevant workers’ compensation issues, including:
Impact of medical marijuana legalization on workers’ compensation;
Changes to workers’ compensation subrogation law;
Successor liability; and
Other States’ Coverage
This webinar is great for human resources staff, financial officers, safety coordinators and any other personnel who is involved in managing your workers’
compensation program for your dealership.
Discover the OADA Difference in Workers’ Comp
Name (s)
Email (s)
Bill Me
American Express
Link to Electronic Recording
DVD Recording
Method of Payment
Credit Card #
Exp. date
sec code.
Current Legal Issues
Affecting Dealerships
Tuesday, September
27, 2016
OADA Brown Bag Lunch Webinar Series
The retail automotive industry is the most regulated retail business in America.
While dealers are constantly committed to serving the needs of its customers and
are focused on trying to operate a profitable dealership, it is always important to
be mindful of current legal trends in the industry.
Join OADA as we welcome David Brown, Partner at Stockamp & Brown, OADA’s
outside counsel, to present this information to you. This webinar will provide dealers with a concise update on dozens of legal issues that impact your dealership.
The comprehensive list of topics that will be addressed includes:
Tel: 614-923-2231
614-766-9100 x109
There is a $25 connection fee for OADA
members. Non-members
will be charged a $50
connection fee.
Spot delivery “no-nos”
Event sale nightmares
CFPB— “wait, that doesn’t apply to new car dealers, right?
FTC is watching your advertising, so should you
Here come the flood cars
Trends in consumer lawsuits
Addressing customer complaints
Considerations for buying or selling a dealership
How to respond when the Factory gives you a poor grade
This webinar is designed for dealer principals and general managers, and will provide dealers with an opportunity to ask questions related to the numerous issues
addressed in the webinar. Register today!
Current Legal Issues Affecting Dealerships
Name (s)
Email (s)
Method of Payment
Bill Me
American Express
Link to Electronic Recording
DVD Recording
Credit Card #
Exp. date
sec code.
Navigating the
Environmental, Health,
and Safety Training Web
Tuesday, October
25, 2016
OADA Brown Bag Lunch Webinar Series
The environmental health and safety (EHS) world is complex and there
is a vast amount of employee training adding to the complexity. All EHS
training courses are important and should be taught to employees, but
what are the employee’s priorities? It is difficult to pull employees off of
a productive floor for training, so what should you teach with the limited amount of time you have? Who should be completing what training? What are the regulating agency requirements? When do these
courses need to be taught and when do they need refreshed?
Join KPA Mid-Atlantic lead Zach Pucillo as he reviews environmental
and safety related training subjects. He will review some basic requirements, who should complete those courses, what should be taught, and
how often they should be refreshed.
Tel: 614-923-2231
614-766-9100 x109
There is a $20 connection fee for OADA
member dealers. Nonmembers will be charged
a $50 connection fee.
Since 2006, Zach has been providing KPA clients with expert guidance
as a Risk Management Consultant. Zach is a Certified Safety Professional, a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager, and is an authorized OSHA
Outreach Trainer. As a Risk Management Consultant for KPA, he has
assisted automotive dealerships, manufacturing plants, and warehouses
with compliance and accident reduction.
This course will provide one hour of safety training credit for those
dealers that are required to complete two hours of safety training prior
to July 1, 2017. If you are unsure if you need the credit, please contact
DeAnna Zahniser at OADA, 614-923-2231, or
Navigating the Environmental, Health, and Safety Training Web
Name (s)
Email (s)
Method of Payment
Bill Me
American Express
Link to Electronic Recording
DVD Recording
Credit Card #
Exp. date
sec code.
AF Comply
ACA Compliance Software
Employee Eligibility Tracking and Reporting - Simplified
Complying with the requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is complex, time
consuming, and often confusing. This includes the new ACA Tracking and Reporting responsibilities, which
recently added to your workload.
ACA Tracking Responsibilities
Large employers (with 50+ full-time equivalent
employees) that fail to offer adequate and affordable
coverage to substantially all full-time employees
could trigger an ACA Employer Mandate Penalty. This
requires you to know who is deemed to be a full-time
employee as defined by the ACA, and how many of
them are eligible for coverage during any given month.
ACA Reporting Responsibilities
These same employers also have reporting
requirements to provide information to employees
and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regarding
their access to Minimal Essential Coverage (MEC)
under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 6055 and
information of an offer of adequate and affordable
coverage under IRC Section 6056, with respect to fulltime employees as defined by the ACA.
9000 Cameron Pkwy, Oklahoma City, OK 73114
Technology and Personalized Consulting
Provide You with Peace of Mind
AF Comply is a service offered through American
Fidelity Administrative Services (AFAS) that
combines tracking and reporting software with
a dedicated ACA Compliance Support Team.
ACA Consultant Role
• Initial session to review ACA requirements
and your specific needs;
• Training and ongoing support on
the AF Comply system;
• Expert guidance tailored to the unique
needs of the workplace; and
• Hands-on support year round to assist
with any questions you may have.

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