hussmann display case
hussmann display case
Design & Engineering Services Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06-07 Prepared by: Design & Engineering Services Customer Service Business Unit Southern California Edison June 22, 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Acknowledgements Southern California Edison’s Design & Engineering Services (D&ES) group is responsible for this project. It was developed as part of Southern California Edison’s Emerging Technologies program under internal project number ET 06.07. D&ES project manager Rafik Sarhadian in collaboration with Devin Rauss, Bruce Coburn, John Lutton, and Scott Mitchell conducted this technology evaluation with overall guidance and management from Paul Delaney, and Ramin Faramarzi. For more information on this project, contact Disclaimer This report was prepared by Southern California Edison (SCE) and funded by California utility customers under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. Reproduction or distribution of the whole or any part of the contents of this document without the express written permission of SCE is prohibited. This work was performed with reasonable care and in accordance with professional standards. However, neither SCE nor any entity performing the work pursuant to SCE’s authority make any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with regard to this report, the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the results of the work, or any analyses, or conclusions contained in this report. The results reflected in the work are generally representative of operating conditions; however, the results in any other situation may vary depending upon particular operating conditions. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services March 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS A Surface Area, square-feet (ft2) A/C Air Conditioning AHU Air Handling Unit ANN Artificial Neural Network Cfm Cubic feet per minute CTAC Customer Technology Application Center DAG Discharge Air Grille DAT Discharge Air Temperature D&ES Design and Engineering Services DB Dry-Bulb Temperature, oF DC Direct Current DX Direct Expansion EFLH Equivalent Full Load Hours EXV Electronic Expansion Valve hp Horsepower kW Kilowatt kWh Kilowatt hour LMTD Low-Mean Temperature Difference LT Low Temperature MT Medium Temperature RAG Return Air Grille RAT Return Air Temperature RH Relative Humidity, % RTTC Refrigeration and Thermal Test Center Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page i June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases SET Saturated Evaporating Temperature SCE Southern California Edison SCT Saturated Condensing Temperature, oF TD Temperature Difference, oF TXV Thermostatic Expansion Valve U Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, Btu/hr-ft2-oF VAV Variable Air Volume VFD Variable Frequency Drive VSD Variable Speed Drive WB Wet-Bulb Temperature, oF T Temperature Differential, oF Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services ET 06.07 Page ii June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 FIGURES Figure 1. Percentage Breakdown of Display Cases by Type in a Typical Supermarket [Ref 2] ......................................... 4 Figure 2. Schematics of a Typical Open Vertical Refrigerated Display Case and Air Circulation Pattern (Side View) ......... 6 Figure 3. Refrigeration Load for for Typical Medium-Temperature Open Vertical Refrigerated Display Case at 75oF Dry Bulb and 55% Relative Humidity [Ref 1] ......................... 7 Figure 4. Schematic Diagram of the Air Conditioning and Heating System of the RTTC’s Controlled Environment Room ........ 9 Figure 5. Custom Raised Frame Assembly and Special Drain Piping/Valve Arrangement .......................................... 11 Figure 6. Simulated and Dummy Products Used in the Display Case ........................................................................ 11 Figure 7. Location of Product Simulators Inside the Display Case ... 12 Figure 8. Location of Sensors for Open Vertical Multi-Deck Display Cases ...................................................................... 14 Figure 9. High Precision Digital Scale Used to Measure the Weight of condensate Collected.............................................. 15 Figure 10. Schematics of Inner and Outer Shell of the Case and Insulation Between Them ........................................... 25 Figure 11. Surfaces Participating in Display Case Radiation Heat Transfer ................................................................... 27 Figure 12. Photograph of Hill Phoenix’s 8-foot, 5-deck Display Case . 31 Figure 13. Schematic of the 8-foot, 5-Deck Display Hill Phoenix Case (Courtesy of Hill Phoenix) ................................... 31 Figure 14. Photograph of Hussmann’s 8-foot, 4-deck Display Case .. 33 Figure 15. Schematic of the 8-foot, 4-Deck Hussmann Display Case (Courtesy of Hussmann) ..................................... 33 Figure 16. Photograph of Tyler’s 8-foot, 5-deck Display Case .......... 35 Figure 17. Schematic of the 8-foot, 5-Deck Tyler Display Case (Courtesy of Tyler) .................................................... 35 Figure 18. Two-minute Profile of the Controlled Environment Room Dry Bulb and Relative Humidity Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ................................................. 36 Figure 19. Two-minute Profile of Suction and Discharge Pressures Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case .................... 37 Figure 20. Two-minute Profile of Average Discharge and Return Air Temperatures Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display case ........................................................................ 37 Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page iii June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Figure 21. Two-minute Profile of Collected Condensate Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ................................ 38 Figure 22. Breakdown of Condensate Collected Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ............................................ 38 Figure 23. Two-minute Profile of Display Case Temperature and Relative Humidity Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ........................................................................ 39 Figure 24. Hourly Profile of Total Cooling Load per Linear Foot of the Display Case Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ........................................................................ 39 Figure 25. Cooling Load by Component Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ................................................. 40 Figure 26. Percentage Breakdown of the Cooling Load Components Over 24 hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case .................... 40 Figure 27. Reduced Cooling Load, and Average Cooling Load Over 24 Hours and ¾ of Running Cycle – Hill Phoenix Display Case ........................................................................ 41 Figure 28. Two-minute Profile of Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ............................ 41 Figure 29. Two-minute Profile of Compressor Power and Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ................................................. 42 Figure 30. Hourly Profile of Evaporator Coil Temperature Difference (TD) Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ........................................................................ 42 Figure 31. Hourly Profile of Evaporator Coil Superheat and Total System Sub-cooling Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ............................................................. 43 Figure 32. Two-minute Profile of Case Lighting and Evaporator Fan Motor Power Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case .. 43 Figure 33. Average Total and End-use Power Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ................................................. 44 Figure 34. Two-minute Profile of Product Temperature at Six Different Locations for Bottom Shelf Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ............................................ 44 Figure 35. Two-minute Profile of Product Temperature at Six Different Locations for Second Shelf Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ............................................ 45 Figure 36. Two-minute Profile of Product Temperature at Six Different Locations for Third Shelf Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ................................................. 45 Figure 37. Two-minute Profile of Product Temperature at Six Different Locations for Fourth Shelf Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ................................................. 46 Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page iv June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Figure 38. Two-minute Profile of Product Temperature at Six Different Locations for Top Shelf Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ................................................. 46 Figure 39. Average Product Temperatures for Each Shelf Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case ................................ 47 Figure 40. Average, Coldest and Warmest Product Temperatures Over 24 Hours – Hill Phoenix Display Case .................... 47 Figure 41. Two-minute Profile of the Controlled Environment Room Dry Bulb and Relative Humidity Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ............................................. 49 Figure 42. Two-minute Profile of Suction and Discharge Pressures Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ...................... 49 Figure 43. Two-minute Profile of Average Discharge and Return Air Temperatures Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display case .. 50 Figure 44. Two-minute Profile of Collected Condensate Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case .................................. 50 Figure 45. Breakdown of Condensate Collected Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ............................................. 51 Figure 46. Two-minute Profile of Display Case Temperature and Relative Humidity Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ........................................................................ 51 Figure 47. Hourly Profile of Total Cooling Load per Linear Foot of the Display Case Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ........................................................................ 52 Figure 48. Cooling Load by Component Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ............................................................. 52 Figure 49. Percentage Breakdown of the Cooling Load Components Over 24 hours – Hussmann Display Case ...................... 53 Figure 50. Reduced Cooling Load, and Average Cooling Load Over 24 Hours and ¾ of Running Cycle – Hussmann Display Case ........................................................................ 53 Figure 51. Two-minute Profile of Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ............................. 54 Figure 52. Two-minute Profile of Compressor Power and Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ............................................................. 54 Figure 53. Hourly Profile of Evaporator Coil Temperature Difference (TD) Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ........................................................................ 55 Figure 54. Hourly Profile of Evaporator Coil Superheat and Total System Subcooling Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ........................................................................ 55 Figure 55. Two-minute Profile of Case Lighting and Evaporator Fan Motor Power Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case.... 56 Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page v June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Figure 56. Average Total and End-use Power Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ............................................. 56 Figure 57. Two-minute Profile of Product Temperature at Six Different Locations for Bottom Shelf Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ............................................. 57 Figure 58. Two-minute Profile of Product Temperature at Six Different Locations for Second Shelf Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ............................................. 57 Figure 59. Two-minute Profile of Product Temperature at Six Different Locations for Third Shelf Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ............................................. 58 Figure 60. Two-minute Profile of Product Temperature at Six Different Locations for Top Shelf Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ............................................. 58 Figure 61. Average Product Temperatures for Each Shelf Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case .................................. 59 Figure 62. Average, Coldest and Warmest Product Temperatures Over 24 Hours – Hussmann Display Case ...................... 59 Figure 63. Two-minute Profile of the Controlled Environment Room Dry Bulb and Relative Humidity Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ............................................................. 61 Figure 64. Two-minute Profile of Suction and Discharge Pressures Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ............................. 61 Figure 65. Two-minute Profile of Average Discharge and Return Air Temperatures Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display case .......... 62 Figure 66. Individual and Average Discharge Air Temperature Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display case ..................................... 62 Figure 67. Two-minute Profile of Collected Condensate Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ......................................... 63 Figure 68. Breakdown of Condensate Collected Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ..................................................... 63 Figure 69. Two-minute Profile of Display Case Temperature and Relative Humidity Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case .... 64 Figure 70. Hourly Profile of Total Cooling Load per Linear Foot of the Display Case Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ..... 64 Figure 71. Cooling Load by Component Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ............................................................. 65 Figure 72. Percentage Breakdown of the Cooling Load Components Over 24 hours – Tyler Display Case.............................. 65 Figure 73. Reduced Cooling Load, and Average Cooling Load Over 24 Hours and ¾ of Running Cycle – Tyler Display Case ... 66 Figure 74. Two-minute Profile of Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ..................................... 66 Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page vi June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Figure 75. Two-minute Profiles of Compressor Power and Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ............................................................. 67 Figure 76. Hourly Profile of Evaporator Coil Temperature Difference (TD) Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ....... 67 Figure 77. Hourly Profile of Evaporator Coil Superheat and Total System Subcooling Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case .. 68 Figure 78. Hourly Profile of Case Lighting and Evaporator Fan Motor Power Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ........... 68 Figure 79. Average Total and End-use Power Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ..................................................... 69 Figure 80. Two-minute Profile of Product Temperature at Six Different Locations for Bottom Shelf Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ..................................................... 69 Figure 81. Two-minute Profile of Product Temperature at Six Different Locations for Second Shelf Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ..................................................... 70 Figure 82. Two-minute Profile of Product Temperature at Six Different Locations for Third Shelf Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ..................................................... 70 Figure 83. Two-minute Profile of Product Temperature at Six Different Locations for Fourth Shelf Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ..................................................... 71 Figure 84. Two-minute Profile of Product Temperature at Six Different Locations for Top Shelf Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ............................................................. 71 Figure 85. Average Product Temperatures for Each Shelf Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ......................................... 72 Figure 86. Average, Coldest and Warmest Product Temperatures Over 24 Hours – Tyler Display Case ............................. 72 Figure 87. Comparison of Two-minute Profiles of the Controlled Environment Room Dry Bulb and Relative Humidity Over 24 Hours – All Three Test Scenarios ..................... 74 Figure 88. Comparison of Two-minute Profiles of Suction and Discharge Pressures Over 24 Hours – All Three Test Scenarios ................................................................. 74 Figure 89. Comparison of Two-minute Profiles of Average Discharge and Return Air Temperatures Over 24 Hours – All Three Test Scenarios .......................................... 75 Figure 90. Comparison of Two-minute Profiles of Average Discharge Air Temperature and Product Temperature Over 24 Hours – All Three Test Scenarios ..................... 76 Figure 91. Comparison of Coldest and Warmest Product Temperatures Over 24 Hours – All Three Test Scenarios . 77 Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page vii June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Figure 92. Comparison of Two-minute Profiles of Refrigeration Effect and Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate Over 24 Hours – All Three Test Scenarios ............................................. 77 Figure 93. Comparison of Two-minute Profiles of Compressor Power and Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate Over 24 Hours – All Three Test Scenarios ............................................. 78 Figure 94. Comparison of Two-minute Profiles of Mass of Collected Condensate Over 24 Hours – All Three Test Scenarios .... 79 Figure 95. Comparison of Total Cooling Load and Its Components Over 24 Hours – All Three Test Scenarios ..................... 80 Figure 96. Comparison of Test Data and Manufacturer’s Reported Cooling Load per Linear-feet of the Display Case – All Three Test Scenarios ................................................. 80 Figure 97. Comparison of Total and End-use Power Over 24 Hours – All Three Test Scenarios .......................................... 81 Figure 98. Comparison of Total Daily Defrost Periods and Refrigeration (compressor) Run Time Over 24 Hours – All Three Test Scenarios ............................................. 82 Figure 99. Comparison of Total and End-use Daily Energy Over 24 Hours – All Three Test Scenarios ................................. 83 Figure 100.Comparison of Total Cooling Load and Power per Refrigerated Volume – All Three Test Scenarios ............. 83 TABLES Table 1. Lineup Length, Suction Temperature Group, and Cooling Load by Type of Open Vertical Multi-deck Refrigerated Display Case in a Typical Supermarket ......... 5 Table 2. Specification Summary of Tested Display Cases ............. 10 Table 3. Specifications of Sensors Used .................................... 13 Table 4. Comparative Summary of Test Data and Manufacturer’s Published Data – Hill Phoenix Display Case.................... 48 Table 5. Comparative Summary of Test Data and Manufacturer’s Published Data – Hussmann Display Case ..................... 60 Table 6. Comparative Summary of Test Data and Manufacturer’s Published Data – Tyler Display Case ............................. 73 Table 7. Summary of Key System Parameters and Measured Condensate for All Three Test Scenarios ....................... 84 Table 8. Summary of Key Refrigeration Parameters and Cooling Load for All Three Test Scenarios ................................. 84 Table 9. Summary of Power Demand and Daily Energy Usage for All Three Test Scenarios ............................................. 85 Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page viii June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 EQUATIONS Equation 1.Refrigeration Effect .................................................... 17 Equation 2.Total Refrigeration Load of the Display Case (in btu/hr) .. 17 Equation 3.Total Refrigeration Load of the Display Case (in cooling tons) ....................................................................... 17 Equation 4.Volumetric Flow Rate of Air Into the Display Case .......... 18 Equation 5.Mass Flow Rate of Air ................................................. 18 Equation 6.Mass of Condensate Collected From Air During Defrost Period ...................................................................... 18 Equation 7.Mass of Melted Frost During Defrost Period ................... 19 Equation 8.Sensible Load of Refrigeration ..................................... 19 Equation 9.Latent Load of Refrigeration ........................................ 20 Equation 10. Cooling Load During the Last Three-Quarters of the Refrigeration Run Cycle .............................................. 20 Equation 11. Reduction Factor for Refrigeration Run Cycle ............ 20 Equation 12. Cooling Load for one Refrigeration Run Cycle............ 21 Equation 13. Temperature Differential (T) Across the Evaporator Coil ......................................................................... 21 Equation 14. Temperature Difference (TD) Across the Evaporator Coil ......................................................................... 21 Equation 15. Evaporator Coil Superheat ..................................... 21 Equation 16. Evaporator Coil Moisture Removal Rate ................... 22 Equation 17. Evaporator Coil Log-Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) .................................................................... 22 Equation 18. Evaporator Coil Effective Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (UA) ........................................................ 22 Equation 19. Total Refrigeration Power Usage, Excluding Condenser ................................................................ 22 Equation 20. Energy Usage by the Evaporator Fan Motors............. 23 Equation 21. Energy Usage by the Secondary Fan Motors ............. 23 Equation 22. Energy Usage by the Light Fixtures in the Display Case ........................................................................ 23 Equation 23. Energy Usage by the Compressor ........................... 24 Equation 24. Total Refrigeration Energy Usage, Excluding Condenser ................................................................ 24 Equation 25. Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient for the Display Case Walls ............................................................... 25 Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page ix June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Equation 26. Transmission or Conduction Load of the Display Case ........................................................................ 25 Equation 27. Radiation Load of the Display Case ......................... 27 Equation 28. Display Case Load due to Evaporator Fan Motors ...... 28 Equation 29. Display Case Load due to Lighting........................... 28 Equation 30. Infiltration Load of the Display Case ........................ 28 Equation 31. Volumetric Flow Rate of Infiltrated Air From Room Into the Display Case ................................................. 29 Equation 32. Sensible Portion of the Infiltration Load of the Display Case ............................................................. 29 Equation 33. Latent Portion of the Infiltration Load of the Display Case ........................................................................ 29 Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page x June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY _______________________________________________ 1 INTRODUCTION ____________________________________________________ 3 Background ...........................................................................3 Goals and Objectives .............................................................. 7 TECHNICAL APPROACH _____________________________________________ 8 TEST FACILITY _____________________________________________________ 9 TEST DESIGN AND INSTRUMENTATION ___________________________________ 10 Test Design ......................................................................... 10 Instrumentation ................................................................... 12 DATA ACQUISITION, DATA COLLECTION AND SCREENING PROCEDURE ________ 15 Data Acquisition ................................................................... 15 Data Collection and Screening Procedure ................................. 16 DATA ANALYSIS __________________________________________________ 16 Refrigeration Cycle Analysis ................................................... 16 Refrigeration Effect .......................................................... 17 Refrigeration Load ........................................................... 17 Airflow Rate.................................................................... 17 Mass of Condensate ......................................................... 18 Sensible and Latent Loads ................................................ 19 Cooling Load Based on One Running Cycle .......................... 20 Evaporator Coil Characteristic Performance ......................... 21 Total System Power and Energy ........................................ 22 Display Case Heat Transfer Analysis ........................................ 24 Transmission (or Conduction) Load .................................... 24 Radiation Load ................................................................ 26 Internal Load .................................................................. 27 Infiltration Load .............................................................. 28 DESCRIPTION OF DISPLAY CASES _____________________________________ 30 Hill Phoenix Display Case – O5DM ........................................... 30 Hussmann Display Case – M5X-GEP ........................................ 32 Tyler Display Case – N6DHPACLA ........................................... 34 RESULTS ________________________________________________________ 36 Hill Phoenix Display Case (O5DM) ........................................... 36 Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page xi June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Hussmann Display Case (M5X-GEP) ........................................ 48 Tyler Display Case (N6DHPACLA)............................................ 60 COMPARISON OF RESULTS __________________________________________ 73 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ______________________________ 86 REFERENCES _____________________________________________________ 87 Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page xii June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Emerging Technology project was conducted to quantify and compare the key performance attributes of a new generation of high efficiency medium-temperature open vertical refrigerated display cases. The objective of this laboratory assessment was to determine the power and energy implications of using the latest commercially available energy efficient medium-temperature display cases. The benefits of using these high efficiency display cases was evaluated by measuring key performance parameters such as cooling load, product temperatures, and compressor power and energy requirements. This project evaluated three high efficiency medium-temperature open vertical refrigerated display cases from three leading U.S. display case manufacturers, namely Hill Phoenix, Hussmann, and Tyler. The primary selection criterion was the classification, the similarities in physical characteristics, and the application of these cases. All three acquired display cases were standard high efficiency models without any extra options or features. The tested display case manufacturers and their corresponding product specifications are detailed in this report. A comprehensive monitoring plan was developed to ensure all critical data points were captured. The monitoring involved measuring cooling load, product temperatures, and power and energy usage of end-use components, to name a few. The monitoring also involved measuring and tracking control variables like discharge air temperature, saturated evaporating temperature, and saturated condensing temperature. After data was screened and sanitized, data analysis took place. Data analysis included refrigeration cycle and heat transfer analysis. After the collected data was analyzed, the findings were shared and discussed with the manufacturer representatives. This was an important step in the project to ensure the findings were in line with the manufacturer’s expectations. The results of this study indicated that the total cooling load of the open vertical refrigerated display case with the lowest vertical distance between the discharge and return air grille was 22% lower than the other two display cases. Because the infiltration load contributed to more than 80% of the total cooling load of these cases, the variations in total cooling load was attributed to variations in infiltration load. In fact, the infiltration load of the Hussmann case was 26% lower than the Hill Phoenix case and 12% lower than the Tyler case. Due to a larger surface area of the case walls, the Hill Phoenix case had the highest conduction load (637 Btu/hr) when compared to the Hussmann (551 Btu/hr) and Tyler case (496 Btu/hr). The radiation load, however, remained fairly unchanged around 1,000 Btu/hr for all three display cases. The internal load, which was comprised of heat generated by the case lighting system and evaporator fan motors, was higher for the Hussmann case (730 Btu/hr) when compared to the Hill Phoenix (592 Btu/hr) and Tyler case (476 Btu/hr). This was attributed mainly to an increase in evaporator fan motor power of the Hussmann case prior to initiation of defrosts. Due to lower cooling load requirements of the Hussmann case, the refrigeration compressor required less power to provide or satisfy the cooling load of this case. The compressor power demand for the Hussmann case was 14% lower than the Hill Phoenix case and 9% lower than the Tyler case. Since the compressor was turned off during defrost periods, the compressor run time was a function of defrost frequency and duration. The compressor daily run time was about 22 hours for both the Hussmann and Tyler display case test scenarios, and about 21 hours for the Hill Phoenix display case test scenario. As expected, the compressor daily energy usage followed a similar pattern as the power demand because the Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 1 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 run times were not significantly different for all three tested display cases. The compressor consumed about 11% to 12% less energy per day during Hussmann display case test scenario when compared to the other two test scenarios or display cases. Comparison of cooling load and power demand per refrigerated volume of display cases showed that the Hill Phoenix case had the highest cooling load requirement per refrigerated volume (175 Btu/hr/ft3) followed by the Hussmann (150 Btu/hr/ft3) and Tyler (147 Btu/hr/ft3) cases. Similar observations were made regarding the total power demand per refrigerated volume. In other words, per refrigerated volume of the case, the Tyler display case had the lowest cooling load and power demand requirements whereas the Hill Phoenix case had the highest cooling load and power demand requirements. Finally, comparing the coldest and warmest product temperatures revealed that the coldest product temperature for all three tested display cases was between 27oF and 34oF. More importantly, the warmest product temperature for both Hill Phoenix and Tyler cases was above the Food and Drug Administration’s food code requirement of 41oF. This difference was more pronounced for the Tyler case, with a 7oF difference, than for the Hill Phoenix case, with less than 1oF difference. Nonetheless, the warmest product temperature for the Hussmann case was about 40oF, which was 1oF lower than the Food and Drug Administration’s food code requirement. In summary, the Hussmann display case had the lowest cooling load requirement, and specifically infiltration load. This in turn, resulted in lower power demand and energy usage. More importantly, lower power and energy usage were achieved while maintaining the warmest product temperatures below 41oF. Based on these findings, it was recommended to select open vertical refrigerated display cases with following characteristics, while maintaining the warmest product temperature equal to or below 41oF: Lowest temperature difference between the discharge and return air (below 10oF) Lowest vertical distance between the discharge and return air grille Least amount of daily collected condensate or defrost water (below 9.5 lb/ft/day) Lowest infiltration load per refrigerated volume (below 120 Btu/hr/ft3) Lowest total cooling load per refrigerated volume (below 145 Btu/hr/ft3) Lowest evaporator fan motor power (below 20 watts/fan motor) Lowest display case lighting power (below 55 watts/canopy row) Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 2 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 INTRODUCTION This technology assessment investigated the demand and energy usage of a new generation of high efficiency medium-temperature (MT) open vertical refrigerated display cases (OVRDCs). Three new generation high efficiency OVRDCs were evaluated from three of the leading U.S. manufacturers, namely Hill Phoenix, Hussmann, and Tyler. The evaluation involved measuring key performance parameters such as cooling load, product temperatures, and compressor power and energy requirements. Medium-temperature OVRDCs have a large presence in supermarkets and account for more than 50% of total display case lineups. Since these display cases are commonly used to merchandise meat, dairy, deli, produce and fish, their operation is especially critical because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) strictly regulates the temperature of these products. These cases contribute to roughly 60% of refrigeration energy use in a typical supermarket. BACKGROUND Supermarkets and grocery stores represent one of the largest electric energyintensive building groups in the commercial sector, at 43 to 70 kWh/ft2 per year [Ref. 1]. A typical 50,000 ft2 supermarket, which is classified as large supermarket, consumes somewhere between 2 to 3 million kWh per year [Ref. 2]. About 50% of this energy use, however, is for the refrigeration of food display cases and storage coolers [Ref. 1]. Based on commercial end-use survey data, it is estimated that there are roughly 6,900 and 2,800 supermarkets with annual energy consumption of greater than 1.6 million kWh in the State of California and Southern California Edison’s (SCE’s) service territory, respectively [Ref. 3]. Display cases are widely used in supermarkets and grocery stores for merchandising of perishable food products. Depending upon the type of product stored, hence temperature requirements, display cases can be categorized as either medium- or low-temperature. To maintain proper and desired product temperatures, display cases rely heavily on the temperature of air discharged into the case or the discharge air temperature (DAT). For example, MT display cases are used to merchandise meat, deli, dairy, produce and beverages. The DAT of these types of display cases can range from +24oF to +38oF [Ref. 1]. Low-temperature (LT) display cases, on the other hand, are used to merchandise frozen food and ice cream. The DAT for LT display cases can range from -24oF to -5oF [Ref. 1]. Figure 1 illustrates the distribution of display cases by type in a typical supermarket. As shown, about half of the total refrigerated display cases in a supermarket are MT open vertical multideck [Refs. 1, 2]. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 3 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases Medium -Tem p Island Cases Medium -Tem p 11% Single-Deck Open Cases 3% Medium -Tem p Multi-Deck Open Vertical 50% FIGURE 1. Medium -Tem p Service Cases 4% ET 06.07 Low Tem p Reach-ins 33% Medium -Tem p Reach-ins 1% PERCENTAGE BREAKDOWN OF DISPLAY CASES BY TYPE IN A TYPICAL SUPERMARKET [REF 2] Table 1 shows the lineup length (in linear-feet), the corresponding suction temperature group (in oF), and the refrigeration or cooling load (in Btu/hr) for each type of OVRDC. Specifically, Table 1 shows that there are about 330 linear-feet of OVRDCs in a typical 50,000 ft2 supermarket totaling over 490,000 Btu/hr, or 41 tons of refrigeration load. It is common practice to select refrigeration compressors using a 15% over-sizing factor. Therefore, the required compressor capacity for the MT refrigeration system will yield 565,041 Btu/hr, or 47 tons of refrigeration load. To satisfy this cooling load, the equivalent-full-load-hours (EFLH) of operation of refrigeration compressors serving OVRDCs is 6,398 hours per year, which was established based on the electric billing data for a typical supermarket. Further, using compressor manufacturers catalog data and design saturated condensing temperature (SCT) of 90oF for refrigerant R-404A, the energy-efficiency ratio (EER) of these compressors is estimated to be around 12.5 Btu/hr/watt. Accordingly, it can be estimated that the refrigeration compressors of a typical supermarket require about 46 kW and 290,000 kWh per year to remove 565,041 Btu/hr or 47 tons of refrigeration load. Subsequently, the power demand and energy usage of MT refrigeration compressors of 2,800 large supermarkets in the SCE’s service territory can be estimated to be about 128 MW and 812 GWh, respectively. Similarly, the power demand and energy usage of MT refrigeration compressors of 6,900 large supermarkets in the State of California can be estimated to be about 317 MW and 2,001 GWh, respectively. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 4 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases TABLE 1. ET 06.07 LINEUP LENGTH, SUCTION TEMPERATURE GROUP, AND COOLING LOAD BY TYPE OF OPEN VERTICAL MULTI-DECK REFRIGERATED DISPLAY CASE IN A TYPICAL SUPERMARKET MEDIUM-TEMPERATURE OPEN VERTICAL MULTI-DECK DISPLAY CASE TYPES LINEUP LENGTH (LINEAR-FEET) SUCTION TEMPERATURE GROUP (OF) REFRIGERATION OR COOLING LOAD (BTU/HR) Fresh Meat 59 +15 78,175 Dairy 62 +20 92,690 Deli 56 +15 83,720 Beverage 55 +20 82,225 Produce 102 +20 154,530 Total 334 491,340 The schematics of a typical OVRDC (side view) and the air circulation pattern for these display cases is shown in Figure 2. As shown, cold air is provided through an inlet jet called the discharge air grille (DAG) located at the top front of the case, and through a group of slots located on the back panel of the case. The air is recirculated to the evaporator for cooling through an outlet located at the bottom front of the case called the return air grille (RAG). This top-down flow of cold air creates an invisible barrier between the refrigerated space and the warm and moist adjacent space, and is called the air curtain. However, the mixing between the cold and warm air cannot be avoided when part of the cold air spills over the display case and is replaced by warm air. The continuous flow of warm air into the air curtain and its subsequent mixing with cold air is called entrainment. A portion of the entrained air spills over after some mixing with the cold air, and the rest is infiltrated into the RAG. The amount of warm and moist air that moves into the thermodynamic cooling cycle of the display case through the RAG is called the infiltration rate, and it is responsible for the infiltration load of an OVRDC. The infiltration load accounts for most of the cooling load of an OVRDC and thereby power consumption. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 5 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases FIGURE 2. ET 06.07 SCHEMATICS OF A TYPICAL OPEN VERTICAL REFRIGERATED DISPLAY CASE AND AIR CIRCULATION PATTERN (SIDE VIEW) The total cooling load of an OVRDC is comprised of four distinct sources: (1) heat conduction through the case panels, (2) thermal radiation from the adjacent space to the display case interior, (3) internal thermal loads such as case lighting, evaporator fan motors, and period defrosts, and (4) infiltration of warm and moist air from the adjacent space into the display case through the RAG. As shown in Figure 3, infiltration through the air curtain plays a significant role in the cooling load of OVRDCs and constitutes roughly 80% of the total cooling load [Refs. 1, 2]. The remaining 20% of the total cooling load is comprised of conduction, radiation, and thermal loads due to case lighting and evaporator fan motors [Refs. 1, 2]. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 6 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases Evaporator Fans 3% Case Lighting 6% Conduction 3% ET 06.07 Radiation 8% Infiltration 81% FIGURE 3. REFRIGERATION LOAD FOR FOR TYPICAL MEDIUM-TEMPERATURE OPEN VERTICAL REFRIGERATED DISPLAY CASE AT 75OF DRY BULB AND 55% RELATIVE HUMIDITY [REF 1] GOALS AND OBJECTIVES This laboratory assessment project determined the power and energy implications of using the latest commercially available energy efficient MT OVRDCs. The benefits of using energy efficient display cases were evaluated by measuring key performance components such as cooling load, product temperature, and compressor power and energy requirements. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 7 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 TECHNICAL APPROACH The following lists the necessary steps taken from the start to the conclusion of the project. A brief discussion on each of these milestones is presented in this section. 1. Select three MT OVRDCs 2. Develop monitoring plan 3. Install sensors and data acquisition equipment 4. Collect monitoring data 5. Reduce and screen data 6. Develop engineering analysis tool and analyze data 7. Share findings with all three case manufacturers 8. Prepare and finalize report The high efficiency MT OVRDCs from three leading display case manufacturers were selected. All three acquired display cases were standard high efficiency models without any added options or features. The primary selection criterion was the classification, the similarities in physical characteristics, and the application of these cases. Evaluating three different cases will enhance understanding about the variation in design and performance of these cases. A comprehensive monitoring plan was developed to ensure all critical data points were captured. The monitoring involved measuring key performance components such as cooling load, product temperature, and compressor power and energy requirements. The monitoring also involved measuring and tracking control variables such as discharge air temperature (DAT), saturated evaporating temperature (SET) and saturated condensing temperature (SCT). After data was screened and sanitized, data analysis took place. Data analysis included comparing cooling load, power and energy consumption of the high efficiency MT OVRDCs. Data analysis also included comparing power and energy as a function of total refrigerated volume. After the collected data was analyzed, the findings were shared and discussed with the manufacturer’s representatives. This was an important step in the project to ensure the findings were in line with the manufacturer’s expectations. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 8 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 TEST FACILITY This laboratory test project was conducted at Southern California Edison’s (SCE’s) Technology Test Centers (TTC). The TTC is a 7,500 square-feet testing facility located in Irwindale, California. The TTC is comprised of two main centers: 1. Southern California Lighting Technology Center (SCLTC) – focusing on lighting technologies and applications 2. Refrigeration and Thermal Test Center (RTTC) – focusing on refrigeration and HVAC related technologies and applications The display cases were tested in the controlled environment room of the RTTC. This room is an isolated thermal zone served by independent cooling, heating and humidification systems. This allows simulation of various indoor conditions of a supermarket. The sensible cooling load representing people and other heat gain sources is provided by a constant volume direct expansion system reclaiming the waste refrigeration heat via a six-row coil. Auxiliary electric heaters located downstream of the heat reclaim coils provide additional heating, when required. While the air is conditioned to a desired thermostatic set point, an advanced ultrasonic humidification unit introduces precise amounts of moisture to the air surrounding the display cases, representing the latent load due to outside air and people. Figure 4 shows a schematic diagram of the air conditioning and heating system of the RTTC’s controlled environment. FIGURE 4. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF THE AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING SYSTEM OF THE RTTC’S CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT ROOM There are three laminar diffusers in the room, each supplying air at approximately 370 cubic feet per minute (cfm). The intensity of ambient lighting in the controlled environment room, as measured from the center of the test fixture opening at a distance of 1 foot from the air curtain, is 115 foot-candles. This meets American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and AirConditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 72-05, which requires the lighting intensity not be less than 75 foot-candles at this location. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 9 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 TEST DESIGN AND INSTRUMENTATION Thermal testing and analysis was carried out to quantify the performance of three standard high efficiency MT OVRDCs. In this context, display case performance refers to the total refrigeration or cooling load, cooling load components, power and energy usage, and product temperatures. Thermal testing followed test procedures and guidelines specified in ASHRAE Standard 72-05. Based on manufacturers’ data, a specific summary of three tested display cases is provided in Table 2. TABLE 2. SPECIFICATION SUMMARY OF TESTED DISPLAY CASES DISPLAY CASE TYPE MAKE MODEL APPLICATION DISCHARGE AIR TEMP. (OF) CAPACITY (BTU/HR/FT)* LENGTH (FOOT) Open 5-Deck Front Loading Hill Phoenix O5DM Deli (MT) 30.0 1,570 8 Open 4-Deck Front Loading Hussmann M5X-GEP Meat and Deli (MT) 30.0 1,370 8 Open 5-Deck Front Loading Tyler N6DHPACLA Dairy (MT) 34.5 1,059 8 * Btu/hr/ft listed conventional ratings. TEST DESIGN All tests were performed under steady-state conditions following ASHRAE Standard 72-05. The refrigeration system was charged with a hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant (R-404A). The refrigeration system controller maintained a fixed saturated condensing temperature (SCT) of 95oF + 0.5oF for all tests. To comply with manufacturers’ specifications for performance evaluations, the average discharge air temperature (DAT), which was the critical control point, was maintained at their specified temperatures (see Table 2). The controlled environment chamber was maintained at a constant dry bulb (DB) temperature of 75.2oF + 2oF and wet bulb of 64.4oF + 2oF, corresponding to 55% relative humidity (RH), throughout the entire 24-hour test period. The intensity of ambient lighting in the controlled environment room was 115 foot-candles and was in compliance with the ASHRAE standard, which requires a minimum of 74.4 footcandles. The foot-candle measurement was taken at a distance of one foot from the air curtain. The entering liquid refrigerant temperature and pressure, measured at 6.1 feet of pipe length from the display case, were maintained at 80oF and 214 psig (corresponding to an SCT of ~94oF). These parameters meet the ASHRAE standard, which requires the entering liquid temperature be 80.6oF + 5oF and SCT be maintained between 89.6oF and 120.2oF. The display case was mounted on a special platform to allow installation of a customized condensate pipe/valve arrangement. The piping and valve assembly transferred condensate from the fixture into the container placed on the digital scale. Figure 5 shows the fixture with this custom drainage assembly. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 10 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases FIGURE 5. ET 06.07 CUSTOM RAISED FRAME ASSEMBLY AND SPECIAL DRAIN PIPING/VALVE ARRANGEMENT ASHRAE 72-05 also requires food product zones be filled with test packages and dummy products to simulate the presence of food product in the display cases (Figure 6). According to ASHRAE standard, food products are comprised of 80% to 90% water, fibrous materials, and salt. Therefore, plastic containers completely filled with a sponge material soaked in a 50% + 2% by volume solution of propylene glycol and distilled water were used to simulate the product during the tests. The spaces in the test display case where temperature measurement was not required were stocked with dummy products to stabilize the temperature in the case and account for transient heat transfer effects. product simulator FIGURE 6. dummy products SIMULATED AND DUMMY PRODUCTS USED IN THE DISPLAY CASE For each display shelf, six product simulators were used to monitor the product temperatures (Figure 7). Two product simulators were located at the left end, the right end and the center. At each left, right, and center location, one product simulator was placed on the shelf surface at the front of the shelf and one at the rear edge of the shelf. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 11 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 MAIN CHANNELS DESCRIPTION FIGURE 7. E FRONT PRODUCT TEMPERATURES F BACK PRODUCT TEMPERATURES LOCATION OF PRODUCT SIMULATORS INSIDE THE DISPLAY CASE The test was designed with a strong emphasis on proper equipment set up, instrumentation, and data acquisition of the test scenarios. Results obtained from all tests addressed the following key parameters: Compressor power and energy, (kW, kWh) Total system power and energy (less condenser), (kW, kWh) Evaporator fan motors power and energy, (kW, kWh) Display case lighting power and energy, (kW, kWh) Refrigeration energy, (Btu) Case total cooling load, (Btu/hr) Condensate quantity, (lbs/hr, lbs) Product temperatures, (oF) INSTRUMENTATION All temperature and pressure instruments were calibrated before the test. Careful attention was paid to the design of the monitoring system, with the objective of minimizing instrument error and maintaining a high level of repeatability and accuracy in the data. The monitoring plan was developed based on these guidelines: Use of sensors with the highest accuracy available Minimization of sensor drift errors by use of redundant sensors Use of calibration standard instruments of the highest accuracy Elimination of interference from power conductors and high frequency signals by double-shielding sensor leads The instrumentation system includes these items: Special grade type-T thermocouples accurate to + 0.1oC Precision 100 platinum resistance temperature device (RTD) inputs accurate to 0.01C Analog inputs from pressure transducers Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 12 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases Dew point sensors Flow meters CT-transducers ET 06.07 A USB communication link was used to send one data report including instantaneous values of all data points every 10 seconds. Table 3 provides the specifications of the various sensors used in the RTTC’s refrigeration system for this test. Figure 8 shows the location of sensors within the test fixtures. The RTTC data acquisition system was set up to scan and log 99 data channels in 10second intervals. Collected data was screened closely to ensure the key control parameters were within acceptable ranges. In the event that any of the control parameters fell outside acceptable limits, the problem was flagged and a series of diagnostic investigations were carried out. Corrections were then made and tests were repeated as necessary. After the data passed the initial screening process, it was imported to RTTC’s customized refrigeration analysis model where detailed calculations were performed. The collected data points from the 10-second intervals were averaged into 2-minute and hourly values, where necessary, and used for a secondary screening of the results. TABLE 3. SPECIFICATIONS OF SENSORS USED SENSOR TYPE MAKE/MODEL ACCURACY [NIST TRACEABLE] Humidity Vaisala HMP247 + (0.5 + 2.5% of the reading) %RH Dew Point EDGETECH Model 2000 Dew Prime DF Dew Point Hygrometer – S2 Sensor + 0.2oC (+ 0.36oF) Refrigerant Mass Flow Micro Motion Model DS065S + 0.2% Power Ohio Semitronics Model PC5062BX680 + 0.5% F.S. (0.04 kW) Power Ohio Semitronics Model P-143B + 1.0% F.S. (0.08 kW) Pressure Setra Transducers Model C207100 & 500 PSIG Pressure Ranges + 0.13% Pressure Danfoss Transducers Model AKS32 0-500 PSIG + 0.2% F.S. Temperature (RTD) Hy-Cal Engineering Model RTS37-A-100 + 0.01oC Temperature (TC) Kaye Instruments T/W 50 through 80; Melt # 8032 + 0.1oC Scale HP-30K + 0.1 gram Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 13 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 MAIN CHANNELS DESCRIPTION A DISCHARGE AIR B RETURN AIR C AIR ENTERING EVAPORATOR [After Fans] D AIR LEAVING EVAPORATOR E FRONT PRODUCT TEMPERATURES F BACK PRODUCT TEMPERATURES G REFRIGERANT AT COIL EXIT H AIR INSIDE CASE CAVITY I REFRIGERANT AT EXPANSION VALVE EXIT J REFRIGERANT AT EXPANSION VALVE INLET K CASE LIGHT - POWER L CASE FAN MOTORS - POWER SUBSCRIPTS (numerical) 1 TEMPERATURE 2 RELATIVE HUMIDITY 3 PRESSURE 4 DEWPOINT TEMPERATURE SUBSCRIPTS (roman) FIGURE 8. i LEFT j MIDDLE k RIGHT ik BETWEEN RIGHT AND MIDDLE jk BETWEEN LEFT AND MIDDLE ijk COMBINATION OF RIGHT, MIDDLE, AND LEFT LOCATION OF SENSORS FOR OPEN VERTICAL MULTI-DECK DISPLAY CASES Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 14 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 DATA ACQUISITION, DATA COLLECTION AND SCREENING PROCEDURE DATA ACQUISITION The National Instruments’ SCXI data acquisition system was used to log the test data. The data acquisition system was set up to process 99 data channels in 10second intervals. The data acquisition system was calibrated at the factory, and is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) standards. As part of the RTTC’s quality control protocol, the data acquisition system for the project was designed to be completely independent of the supervisory control computer. This approach was taken to ensure that the data collection was not compromised by the control sequence’s priority over data acquisition. The data acquisition system sampled the scanned data every 10 seconds. The 10second data was then saved to a file, which was closed at the end of each 24-hour period. The initial data was reviewed on site at the RTTC to ensure that the key control parameters were within acceptable ranges. In the event that any of the control parameters fell outside acceptable limits, the problem was flagged. In these cases, test runs were repeated until the problem was corrected. After the data passed the initial screening process, it was downloaded for further screening and processing. The weight of condensate during each test scenario was measured using a high precision digital scale with + 0.1 gram accuracy (Figure 9). The data acquisition system received the exact condensate weight measurements from the digital scale every 10 seconds. In this way it was possible to closely monitor and distinguish between the moisture removal from the air during the refrigeration cycle and defrost periods. At the end of each test period, the condensate data was also aggregated into 2-minute, hourly and daily values. FIGURE 9. HIGH PRECISION DIGITAL SCALE USED TO MEASURE THE WEIGHT OF CONDENSATE COLLECTED Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 15 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 DATA COLLECTION AND SCREENING PROCEDURE The RTTC’s sophisticated data acquisition system scanned 99 data channels 100 times and logged their averages in 10-second intervals. Every 24 hours during the test, the data was checked for consistency and accuracy. Consistently, the key operating parameters were also checked and deemed to be within acceptable limits before the next run was started. The data was then downloaded and detailed calculations were performed. The collected data points from the 10-second intervals were averaged into 2-minute and hourly values, where necessary, and used for further screening of the results. The advantage of using hourly averages is that the data trends can still be displayed with an acceptable resolution while enabling the engineering model to generate relevant calculated hourly results (e.g., cooling load). After the hourly data was developed, it was imported to RTTC’s customized refrigeration analysis tool. After the data was compiled into 2-minute and hourly averages within the engineering model, tabular and graphical representations of various correlations and calculated parameters were produced. Several graphs were created to initially screen the calculated results. All critical raw data was screened and validated at the end of each 24-hour test, prior to importing it to RTTC’s engineering model. After careful examination and upon validation of the initial screening plots, the informational plots were produced. This set provided relationships between calculated quantities. In cases where data flaws were detected, a series of diagnostic investigations were conducted, and through this process, corrections were made, and tests were repeated when necessary. DATA ANALYSIS The data analysis included refrigeration cycle and heat transfer analysis. Refrigeration cycle analysis provided key refrigeration parameters such as refrigeration effect and cooling load. Heat transfer analysis quantified incoming heat from the surrounding area into the display case. REFRIGERATION CYCLE ANALYSIS Using refrigeration data, a series of calculations were performed to obtain the key refrigeration parameters. Next, the data was downloaded from the data logger and the data of interest was extracted, followed by preliminary reductions and calculations. These calculations included averaging of temperature, pressure, refrigerant mass flow, and condensate weight. The total cooling load of the display case can be determined based on the refrigeration effect and mass flow rate of refrigerant. Determination of refrigeration effect and other quantities, such as heat of compression and sub-cooling quantities depend on the refrigerant enthalpies at specific locations within the refrigerant lines. Enthalpies can be obtained either from the refrigerant manufacturer’s data at various temperatures and pressures, or calculated with respect to specific heat capacities and temperatures. In this analysis, the refrigerant enthalpies were obtained using XPropsTM refrigerant property program, version 1.5. XPropsTM and was also used to determine the saturated refrigerant temperatures based on collected temperature and pressure data. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 16 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 REFRIGERATION EFFECT The refrigeration effect is the quantity of heat that each unit of mass of refrigerant (in this case pound of refrigerant) absorbs to cool the refrigerated space. It simply represents the capacity of the evaporator per pound of refrigerant. This quantity was derived by subtracting the refrigerant enthalpy at the evaporator inlet (before the expansion valve) from the slightly superheated refrigerant enthalpy at the outlet of the evaporator (Equation 1). EQUATION 1. REFRIGERATION EFFECT RE = hevap-out – hevap-in where, RE = Refrigeration effect of the refrigerant in the evaporator, (Btu/lb) hevap-out = Superheated refrigerant enthalpy at the evaporator exit, (Btu/lb) hevap-in = Sub-cooled liquid refrigerant enthalpy at expansion valve inlet, (Btu/lb) REFRIGERATION LOAD The refrigeration load of the case is the rate of cooling or heat removal (in BTU) that takes place at the evaporator of the display case per hour (Equation 6). This quantity is obtained by multiplying the refrigeration effect by refrigerant mass flow rate, which is extracted from the data acquisition system. The total case load for the display case was determined by using Equation 2. EQUATION 2. TOTAL REFRIGERATION LOAD OF THE DISPLAY CASE (IN BTU/HR) Q caseref m ref RE k where, Q caseref = Total refrigeration load of the case, sensible and latent, (Btu/hr) m ref = Mass flow rate of refrigerant, (lb/min) k = Conversion factor, (60 min/hr) To determine the refrigeration load of the case in tons, it can be divided by 12,000, a conversion factor for Btu/hr to tons (Equation 3). EQUATION 3. TOTAL REFRIGERATION LOAD OF THE DISPLAY CASE (IN COOLING TONS) Q caseref Q caseref (tons ) 12,000 where, Q caseref (tons ) = Refrigeration load, (tons) AIRFLOW RATE The psychrometric analysis relies heavily on the mass flow rate of the air within the thermodynamic boundary of the refrigerated fixture. The volume flow rate of air Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 17 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 circulated throughout the fixture is a required parameter for conducting psychrometric calculations. This parameter was obtained using an approximation approach. This approximation relied on the discharge air velocity, free area available at the discharge air grille, and perforations in the back panel of the display case (Equation 4). EQUATION 4. VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE OF AIR INTO THE DISPLAY CASE cfmcase Aback panel ADAG DAVavg where, cfmcase = Volumetric flow rate of air into the display case, (ft3/min) Aback panel = Total area of openings in the back panel, (ft2) ADAG = Total free area available through discharge air grille, (ft2) DAVavg = Average discharge air velocity through discharge air grille, (ft/min) After the volumetric flow rate of air into the display case was determined, the mass flow rate of air was obtained (Equation 5). EQUATION 5. MASS FLOW RATE OF AIR m air cfmcase airin k where, m air = Mass flow rate of air, (lb/hr) airin = Density of air at the inlet of the evaporator coil, (lb/ft3) k = Conversion factor, (60 min/hr) MASS OF CONDENSATE Mass of condensate can be comprised of the following constituents: 1. Mass of water vapor condensed from air during the defrost period 2. Mass of water vapor condensed from air during the refrigeration period 3. Mass of melted frost during defrost The different components of condensate mass were obtained using the following equations. The total mass and the portion of condensate collected during refrigeration were obtained directly from scale readings. Equation 6 used psychrometric data to differentiate the defrost portion from the rest of the condensate mass. EQUATION 6. m conddef MASS OF CONDENSATE COLLECTED FROM AIR DURING DEFROST PERIOD airin- airout m air tdefrost trefrig where, Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 18 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 m conddef = Mass of water vapor condensed from air during defrost period, (lb/hr) airin = Absolute humidity of air at the evaporator inlet, (lbw/lba) airout = Absolute humidity of air at the evaporator outlet, (lbw/lba) tdefrost = Defrost period, (hours) trefrig = Refrigeration period, (hours) Next, the mass of melted frost was determined. This quantity was determined by subtracting the sum of the mass of water vapor condensed during refrigeration and the defrost period from the total mass of collected condensate during total refrigeration run time (Equation 7). EQUATION 7. MASS OF MELTED FROST DURING DEFROST PERIOD m frost m totalcond m condrefrig m conddef where, m frost m totalcond = Mass of melted frost during defrost, (lb/hr) = Total mass of condensate collected at the end of 24-hour test, (lb/hr) m cond refrig = Mass of water condensed from air during refrigeration period, (lb/hr) SENSIBLE AND LATENT LOADS After the mass flow rate of air was determined, the sensible load was calculated using Equation 8. EQUATION 8. SENSIBLE LOAD OF REFRIGERATION Q sensibleref m air Cpair Tairin Tairout where, Q sensibleref = Sensible load of refrigeration, (Btu/hr) Cpair = Specific heat of air, (Btu/lb-oF) Tairin = Temperature of entering air at the evaporator coil, (oF) Tairout = Temperature of existing air at the evaporator coil, (oF) Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 19 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 The latent load, on the other hand, was obtained by subtracting the sensible load from the total refrigeration load (Equation 9). EQUATION 9. LATENT LOAD OF REFRIGERATION Q latentref Q caseref Q sensibleref where, Q latentref = Latent load of refrigeration, (Btu/hr) COOLING LOAD BASED ON ONE RUNNING CYCLE Based on ASHRAE Standard 72-05, the cooling load of the display case must be determined from one run cycle of data within the test. A running cycle refers to the refrigeration period between two defrost periods. This calculation is primarily based on refrigerant properties during the last three quarters of the running cycle. Equation 10 was used to calculate the cooling load during the last three quarters of the running cycle. EQUATION 10. COOLING LOAD DURING THE LAST THREE-QUARTERS OF THE REFRIGERATION RUN CYCLE Q runningcycle hvap hliq mrunningcycle trunningcycle where, Q runningcycle = Average cooling load for the running cycle, (Btu/hr) hvap = Enthalpy of leaving refrigerant vapor during the last ¾ of the running cycle, (Btu/lb) hliq = Enthalpy of entering liquid refrigerant during the entire running cycle, (Btu/lb) mrunningcycle = Total refrigerant mass flow for the running cycle, (lb) trunningcycle = Refrigeration time period for the running cycle, (hrs) The reduction factor is the ratio of refrigeration time period for the running cycle to overall time for one running cycle plus one defrost period (Equation 11). Multiplying the resulting reduction factor by the average cooling load for the running cycle is a reduced average cooling load for the overall time period (Equation 12). EQUATION 11. RF REDUCTION FACTOR FOR REFRIGERATION RUN CYCLE trunningcycle toverallcycle where, RF = Reduction factor, (unit-less) toverallcycle = Overall time for one running cycle plus one defrost period, (hrs) Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 20 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases EQUATION 12. ET 06.07 COOLING LOAD FOR ONE REFRIGERATION RUN CYCLE Q overallcycle Q runningcycle RF where, Q overallcycle = Reduced average cooling load for the overall time period, (Btu/hr) EVAPORATOR COIL CHARACTERISTIC PERFORMANCE One indication of coil performance is the temperature differential across the evaporator coil. The temperature differential across the evaporator coil was determined based on measured air temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the evaporator coil, Equation 13. EQUATION 13. TEMPERATURE DIFFERENTIAL (T) ACROSS THE EVAPORATOR COIL ΔTevap Tairin Tairout where, ΔTevap = Temperature differential across the evaporator coil, (oF) Another indication of coil performance is the evaporator temperature difference (TD). It is defined as the difference in temperature between the temperature of the air leaving the evaporator and the saturation temperature of the refrigerant corresponding to the pressure at the evaporator coil outlet (Equation 14). EQUATION 14. TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE (TD) ACROSS THE EVAPORATOR COIL TDevap Tairout SET where, TDevap = Temperature difference across the evaporator coil, (oF) SET = Saturated evaporator temperature based on evaporator coil outlet pressure, (oF) The evaporator coil superheat, which was one of the system parameters, was determined as well. This parameter was obtained based on vapor refrigerant temperature at the outlet of the evaporator coil and the saturation temperature of the refrigerant corresponding to the pressure at the outlet of the evaporator coil (Equation 15). EQUATION 15. EVAPORATOR COIL SUPERHEAT SHevap Tvap SET where, SHevap = Evaporator coil superheat, (oF) Tvap = Vapor refrigerant temperature at the outlet of the evaporator coil, (oF) Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 21 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Another important indication of coil performance is the ability of the coil to remove moisture from the air. This value is determined by multiplying the mass flow rate of air through the coil by the difference between the air’s absolute humidity at the coil inlet and outlet (Equation 16). EQUATION 16. EVAPORATOR COIL MOISTURE REMOVAL RATE MRR m air ωairin ωairout k where, MRR = Moisture removal rate of the evaporator, (lb/hr) k = Conversion factor, (60 min/hr) The evaporator heat exchange effectiveness is dependent on its log-mean temperature difference (LMTD) and its effective overall heat transfer coefficient, UA. The LMTD is determined using the refrigerant and air temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the evaporator coil according to Equation 17. EQUATION 17. LMTD EVAPORATOR COIL LOG-MEAN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE (LMTD) Tair‐in Tair‐out Tair‐in SET ln Tair‐out SET where, LMTD = Evaporator coil log-mean temperature difference, oF After the evaporator coil LMTD was determined, the effective overall heat transfer coefficient, UA, of the coil can be determined by the ratio of total refrigeration load to the coil LMTD (Equation 18). The UA of the evaporator coil is a function of coil material and its effective surface area. EQUATION 18. EVAPORATOR COIL EFFECTIVE OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT (UA) UA Q caseref LMTD where, UA = Effective overall heat transfer coefficient of the coil, (Btu/hr-oF) TOTAL SYSTEM POWER AND ENERGY Total system power and energy use for the tests excluded condenser power. The total system power of the fixture was obtained using Equation 19. The power usage associated with the evaporator and auxiliary or ambient fan motors, lighting system, and compressor was read directly from the data acquisition system. EQUATION 19. TOTAL REFRIGERATION POWER USAGE, EXCLUDING CONDENSER kWTotal = kWEvapFans + kWSecondaryFans + kWCaseLights + kWComp where, Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 22 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 kWTotal = Power usage by the refrigeration system, excluding condenser, (kW) kWEvapFans = Power usage by the evaporator fan motors, (kW) kWSecondaryFans = Power usage by the secondary fan motors, if applicable, (kW) kWCaseLights = Power usage by the light fixtures in the case, (kW) kWComp = Power usage by the compressor, (kW) The energy consumption of the lights, evaporator fan motors, secondary or auxiliary fan motors, and the compressor is defined as the product of supplied power and total hours of power usage. Lights and evaporator fan motors stayed on continuously; hence, their total hours of power usage was equal to the total test hours (Equation 20 and Equation 22). Similarly, for the display case that was equipped with a secondary fan system, the fans operated continuously and their total hours of power usage was equal to the total test hours (Equation 21). The compressor run time, however, was a function of frequency and duration of defrost periods. The energy consumed by the compressor was determined using Equation 23. EQUATION 20. ENERGY USAGE BY THE EVAPORATOR FAN MOTORS kWhEvapFans = kWEvapFans × tEvapFans where, kWhEvapFans = Energy consumed by the evaporator fan motors, (kWh) tEvapFans EQUATION 21. = Total time of power usage by the evaporator fan motors, (hours) ENERGY USAGE BY THE SECONDARY FAN MOTORS kWhSecondaryFans = kWSecondaryFans × tSecondaryFans where, kWhEvapFans = Energy consumed by the secondary fan motors, (kWh) tEvapFans EQUATION 22. = Total time of power usage by the secondary fan motors, (hours) ENERGY USAGE BY THE LIGHT FIXTURES IN THE DISPLAY CASE kWhCaseLights = kWCaseLights × tCaseLights where, kWhCaseLights = Energy consumed by the light fixtures in the case, (kWh) tCaseLights = Total time of power usage by the light fixtures in the case, (hours) Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 23 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases EQUATION 23. ET 06.07 ENERGY USAGE BY THE COMPRESSOR kWhComp = kWComp × tComp where, kWhComp = Energy consumed by the compressor, (kWh) tComp = Total time of power usage by the compressor, (hours) After energy consumed by each individual component was determined, the total energy consumption for the display case was obtained using Equation 24. EQUATION 24. TOTAL REFRIGERATION ENERGY USAGE, EXCLUDING CONDENSER kWhTotal = kWhEvapFans + kWhSecondaryFans + kWhCaseLights + kWhComp where, kWhTotal = Energy usage by the refrigeration system, excluding condenser, (kWh) DISPLAY CASE HEAT TRANSFER ANALYSIS The heat transfer within a display case involves interactions between the product and the internal environment of the case, as well as incoming heat from the surroundings into the case. The constituents of incoming heat from the surrounding environment include transmission (or conduction), infiltration and radiation. The heat from the internal sources include case lighting and evaporator fan motor(s). Conduction and radiation loads depend on the temperatures within the case and that of ambient air. Open display cases rely on the effectiveness of their air curtains to prevent the penetration of warm and moist ambient air into the cold environment inside the case. The air curtain plays a significant role in the thermal interaction of a vertical display case and surrounding ambient air. The following sections provide a detailed discussion of the display case cooling load components, as well as methodologies employed in this project to quantify them. TRANSMISSION (OR CONDUCTION) LOAD The transmission load refers to the conduction of heat through the display case shell. The temperature difference between the air in the room and the inside surfaces of the case is the driving force for this transfer of heat. The first task in determining the transmission load was to determine the overall coefficient of heat transfer of the case walls. This involves determining all outside and inside air film convective coefficients, thermal conductivity of the outer and inner walls of the case, and thermal conductivity of the insulation between the inner and outer walls. A simplified schematic of the display case wall assembly layers is shown in Figure 10. Equation 25 describes the approach used to determine the overall coefficient of heat transfer for the display case. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 24 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Inner Shell of Case Insulation Between the Inner and Outer Shell of Case Outer Shell of Case FIGURE 10. SCHEMATICS OF INNER AND OUTER SHELL OF THE CASE AND INSULATION BETWEEN THEM EQUATION 25. U OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT FOR THE DISPLAY CASE WALLS 1 1 L1 L2 L3 1 hi k1 k2 k3 ho where, U = Overall coefficient of heat transfer for the case walls, (Btu/hr-ft2-F) hi = Convective coefficient for inside case air film against case inner wall, (Btu/hr-ft2-F) L1 = Thickness of outer shell of the case, (in) k1 = Thermal conductivity of outer shell of case, (Btu-in/hr-ft2-F) L2 = Thickness of insulation within the case walls, (in) k2 = Thermal conductivity of insulation within the case walls, (Btu-in/hr-ft2-F) L3 = Thickness of inner shell of the case, (in) k3 = Thermal conductivity of inner shell of case, (Btu-in/hr-ft2-F) ho = Convective coefficient for outside/room air film against case outer shell, (Btu/hr-ft2-F) After the overall coefficient of heat transfer was determined, the transmission load was determined using Equation 26. The inside temperature of various surfaces inside the case was assumed to be in equilibrium with the air temperature inside the case. EQUATION 26. TRANSMISSION OR CONDUCTION LOAD OF THE DISPLAY CASE Q cond U A (Troom Tcase) where, Q cond = Transmission, or conduction, load of the case, (Btu/hr) Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 25 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases A = Total surface area of case walls that are conducting heat, (ft2) Troom = Dry bulb temperature of the air in the room, (F) Tcase = Dry bulb temperature of the air inside the case, (F) ET 06.07 RADIATION LOAD The temperature of walls inside the controlled environment room was assumed to be equal to the temperature of air inside the room. Similar to the conduction analysis, the inside temperature of various surfaces inside the case was assumed to be equal to the air temperature inside the case. This assumption was later verified and accepted after the subject temperatures were measured individually and were found to be equal to the air temperature adjacent to them. The case load, due to radiation heat transfer, was determined by simply modeling the system as two gray surfaces, one surface representing the total surface area of the room (walls, floor, ceiling), and the other being an imaginary plane covering the opening of the display case. All of the radiation leaving the room surfaces will arrive at the imaginary plane. The imaginary plane at the case opening will, in turn, exchange all of its radiation with the interior surfaces of the display case. A series of calculations were performed to develop the effective view factor between the room and inside of the case using Kirchoff’s Law and the reciprocity relation. Figure 11 shows a simplified plan view of the controlled environment room and the surfaces exchanging heat through radiation with the display case. The surfaces inside of the display case (back, top, bottom, and sides) were all designated as surface 1, the room surfaces were designated as surface 2, and the imaginary plane covering the case opening was designated as surface 3. From the reciprocity relation, A1F1-3 = A3F3-1. In this case, F3-1 is 1, and F1-3 = F1-2, therefore, F1-2 = A3/A1. After this view factor was determined, Equation 27 was used to calculate the radiation load of the cases. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 26 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Surface 3 (Imag. Plane) T3 3 A3 Surface 2 (Room) T2 2 A2 Surface 1 (Case Interior) T1 1 A1 FIGURE 11. SURFACES PARTICIPATING IN DISPLAY CASE RADIATION HEAT TRANSFER EQUATION 27. RADIATION LOAD OF THE DISPLAY CASE σ Tw Tc Q rad 1 εw 1 1 εc εw Aw Aw Fcw εc Ac 4 4 where, Q rad = Radiation heat transfer between room walls and display case, (Btu/hr) = Stefan-Boltzmann Constant, (0.1714 * 10-8 Btu/hr-ft2-R4) Tw = Surface temperature of the room walls, (R) Tc = Surface temperature of the display case inner walls, (R) w = Emissivity of the room walls Aw = Total area of room surfaces, (ft2) Fcw = View factor from case to surfaces of the room c = Emissivity of the inside walls of the case Ac = Total area of the inside walls of the case, (ft2) INTERNAL LOAD The internal load of the display case refers to the heat introduced and dissipated by its internal components. The internal load for the display cases under consideration includes the heat introduced by the case lighting and by the evaporator fan motors. The fan motors, lamps, and ballasts are located inside the thermodynamic boundary of each case. Hence, their total heat dissipation was considered part of the case load. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 27 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 For the display case with secondary fan assembly, the heat dissipated from the fans was not considered part of the case load since they were located outside the thermodynamic boundary of the case. The power consumed by these devices was recorded directly by the data logger, which was then converted to a cooling load according to Equation 28 and Equation 29. EQUATION 28. DISPLAY CASE LOAD DUE TO EVAPORATOR FAN MOTORS Q EvapFans kWEvapFans K where, Q EvapFans = Case load due to fan motors, (Btu/hr) kWEvapFans = Power consumed by the evaporator fan motors, (kW) K EQUATION 29. = Conversion factor, (3,413 Btu/hr/kW) DISPLAY CASE LOAD DUE TO LIGHTING Q CaseLights kWCaseLights K where, Q CaseLights = Case load due to lighting, (Btu/hr) kWCaseLights = Power consumed by the light fixtures in the case, (kW) K = Conversion factor, (3,413 Btu/hr/kW) INFILTRATION LOAD The infiltration load of the display case refers to the entrainment of warm and moist air from the room, across the case air curtain, into the refrigerated space. The infiltration load has two components—sensible and latent. The sensible portion refers to the temperature-driven heat penetrating into the display case, whereas the latent portion refers to the heat content of moisture within the infiltrating air. As air passes through the evaporator, it loses its sensible heat and dehumidifies. A reverse calculation approach was used to determine the infiltration load of the display cases. After obtaining the total case load along with all other cooling components, Equation 30 was used to obtain the total infiltration load. EQUATION 30. INFILTRATION LOAD OF THE DISPLAY CASE Q inf Q caseref Q EvapFans Q CaseLights Q cond Qrad where, Q inf Q caseref = Total load added to the case due to infiltration of room air, (Btu/hr) = Total refrigeration load of the case determined by refrigerant properties, (Btu/hr) Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 28 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 This approach relies on a mass energy balance solution, which cannot be directly influenced by the airflow characteristics of the air curtain. Consequently, the effects of discharge air velocity, discharge grille dimensions, and other geometry related characteristics of each case did not play a direct role in determining the mass of warm and moist air entrained into the cases. The flow rate of air into the display case was determined using Equation 31. EQUATION 31. cfminf VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE OF INFILTRATED AIR FROM ROOM INTO THE DISPLAY CASE mtotal‐cond mcond‐def ωair‐room ωair‐case ρair‐room trefrig where, cfminf = Amount of infiltrated air from the room into the display case, (ft3/min) mtotalcond = Total mass of condensate collected over 24-hour test, (lb) mconddef = Total mass of water vapor condensed from air during defrost periods, (lb) ωair‐room = Absolute humidity of air in the room, (lbw/lba) ωair‐case = Absolute humidity of air in the case, (lbw/lba) ρair‐room = Density of air in the room, (lb/ft3) trefrig = Refrigeration period, (minutes) Additionally, the sensible and latent load components of the total infiltration load were obtained. The sensible portion of the infiltration load was determined using Equation 32. EQUATION 32. SENSIBLE PORTION OF THE INFILTRATION LOAD OF THE DISPLAY CASE Q sensible‐inf cmfinf ρair Cpair Troom Tcase k where, Q sensible‐inf = Sensible part of the infiltration load, (Btu/hr) ρair = Density of air, lb/ft3 Cpair = Specific heat of air, (Btu/lb) k = Conversion factor, (60 min/hr) The latent portion of the infiltration, however, was obtained by subtracting the sensible load from the total infiltration load as shown in Equation 33. EQUATION 33. LATENT PORTION OF THE INFILTRATION LOAD OF THE DISPLAY CASE Q latentinf Q inf Q sensibleinf where, Q latent‐inf = Latent part of the infiltration load, (Btu/hr) Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 29 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 DESCRIPTION OF DISPLAY CASES This section describes all three tested new-generation high efficiency MT OVRDCs. All three acquired cases were standard high efficiency models without any extra options or features. The display case manufacturers and their corresponding model numbers are: 1. Hill Phoenix – O5DM 2. Hussmann – M5X-GEP 3. Tyler – N6DHPACLA HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE – O5DM The following are the specifications for the Hill Phoenix eight-foot five-deck display case tested in this project. Figure 12 and Figure 13 depict the photograph and the schematic diagram of the case with all the important dimensions shown. As a standard feature and integral part of the case, the O5DM deli case was manufactured with two-and-a-half inch extended front or front sill height without nose light. Evaporator: Evaporator fan motor: Evaporator fan blade: Air curtain: Honeycomb: Number of Shelves: Expansion valve: Defrost type: Defrost frequency: Defrost length: Defrost termination temp: Refrigerated volume: One coil per case 8.66” deep x 7.5” tall x 129” wide 6 circuits 8 tubes per circuit, smooth copper tube, 0.016” tube wall thickness 0.375” tube nominal outside diameter Corrugated fins, 0.0075” fin thickness, 4 fins/inch Three high-efficiency fans (ECM), 9 watt 8” diameter, 5 blades, 37° pitch Single band 4” wide, 1” deep, 1/8” holes Five Sporlan ESX electronic expansion valve Off-cycle Four times per day 42 minutes (fail-safe) 47oF 92.11 ft3 Refrigeration Data Refrigerant: Discharge air: Discharge air velocity: Return air: Evaporator: Conventional capacity: Superheat set point: R-404A 30oF 270 fpm 44oF 22oF 1,570 BTUH @ 22oF 6-8oF Electrical Data Fans: Lighting: Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services 120 volts, 0.70 amps (high-efficiency fans, ECM) 120 volts, 0.47 amps per light row (two 4-foot T8s with electronic ballast per light row) Page 30 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 FIGURE 12. PHOTOGRAPH OF HILL PHOENIX’S 8-FOOT, 5-DECK DISPLAY CASE FIGURE 13. SCHEMATIC OF THE 8-FOOT, 5-DECK DISPLAY HILL PHOENIX CASE (COURTESY OF HILL PHOENIX) Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 31 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE – M5X-GEP The following are the specifications for the Hussmann’s eight-foot four-deck display case tested in this project. Figure 14 and Figure 15 depict the photograph and the schematic diagram of the case with all the important dimensions shown. As a standard feature, the M5X-GEP deli/meat case was equipped with a seven-and-a-half inch glass-front extension. Evaporator: Evaporator fan motor: Evaporator fan blade: Air curtain: Honeycomb: Number of Shelves: Expansion valve: Defrost type: Defrost frequency: Defrost length: Defrost termination temp: Refrigerated volume: 60 pass, 42.5” tubes 4.800” x 21.150” Flat fins, 4.5 fins/inch 39.333” finned length Two coils per case 2 circuits Tube on tube Four high efficiency fans (ECM: 72 watts) 10” diameter, 30° pitch Single band 5” wide, 1” to 2” tapered thick, 0.157” dia. cell Four TXV-R404A Hussmann TD1 SWT Off-cycle Four times per day 35 minutes (fail-safe) 48oF 83.92 ft3 Refrigeration Data Refrigerant: Discharge air: Evaporator: Conventional capacity: R-404A 30oF 26oF 1,380 BTUH @ 26oF, Lit Electrical Data Fans: Lighting: Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services 120 volts, 1.20 amps (high-efficiency fans, ECM) 120 volts, 0.51 amps per light row (two 4-foot F32 T8s with electronic ballast per light row) Page 32 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 FIGURE 14. PHOTOGRAPH OF HUSSMANN’S 8-FOOT, 4-DECK DISPLAY CASE FIGURE 15. SCHEMATIC OF THE 8-FOOT, 4-DECK HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE (COURTESY OF HUSSMANN) Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 33 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 TYLER DISPLAY CASE – N6DHPACLA The following are the specifications for the Tyler eight-foot five-deck display case tested in this project. Figure 16 and Figure 17 depict the photograph and the schematic diagram of the case with all the important dimensions shown. As a standard feature, this display case was not equipped with any front extension. Evaporator: Evaporator (primary) fan: Secondary Air Curtain fan: Air curtain: Honeycomb: Number of Shelves: Defrost type: Defrost frequency: Defrost length: Refrigerated volume: One coil per case 9.5” deep x 6.25” tall x 80” wide 4 circuits 8 tubes per circuit, smooth copper tube 0.016” tube wall thickness 0.375” tube nominal outside diameter Corrugated fins, 0.0095” fin thickness, 6 fins/inch Two high-efficiency fans (ECM: 34 watts) Two high-efficiency fans (ECM: 22 watts) Dual band 9” wide, 1” deep, 1/8” holes Five Off-cycle Six times per day 18 minutes (fail-safe) 93.00 ft3 (estimated) Refrigeration Data Refrigerant: Discharge air: Discharge air velocity: Evaporator: Conventional capacity: R-404A 34.5oF 110 fpm (primary/evaporator fans) 28oF 1,059 Btu/h @ 28oF, Lit Electrical Data Fans: Lighting: Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services 120 volts, 0.64 amps (high-efficiency fans, ECM) 120 volts, 0.95 amps per light row (two 4-foot T8s with electronic ballast per light row) Page 34 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 FIGURE 16. PHOTOGRAPH OF TYLER’S 8-FOOT, 5-DECK DISPLAY CASE FIGURE 17. SCHEMATIC OF THE 8-FOOT, 5-DECK TYLER DISPLAY CASE (COURTESY OF TYLER) Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 35 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 RESULTS The thermal analysis for all three new-generation high efficiency MT OVRDCs was performed. The analysis was conducted in accordance with manufacturers’ specified DAT. In addition, all tests were performed under American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Airconditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 72-05. Subsequent sections provide thermal test results for all three display cases. HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE (O5DM) 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 85 65 55 45 35 25 Room RH (%) 75 15 2:30:39 1:28:39 0:26:39 23:24:39 22:22:39 21:20:39 20:18:39 19:16:39 18:14:39 17:12:39 16:10:39 15:08:39 14:06:39 13:04:39 12:02:39 9:58:39 11:00:39 8:56:39 7:54:39 6:52:39 5:50:39 4:48:39 3:46:39 5 2:44:39 Room Temp (F) The performance of the Hill Phoenix display case was evaluated under ASHRAE 72-05 conditions, 75oF DB and 55% RH. The test ran for a period of 24 hours. Prior to initiating the test run, however, the controlled environment room was allowed to reach a steady-state equilibrium condition. Figure 18 illustrates the two-minute profile of the controlled environment room DB and RH during the entire test period. As illustrated, the indoor conditions remained fairly unchanged. The average room DB and RH was 75oF and 55.3%, respectively, which corresponded to a wet bulb (WB) of 64oF. Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Room Temp Room RH FIGURE 18. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF THE CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT ROOM DRY BULB AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE In order to maintain a DAT of 30oF or an evaporator temperature of 22oF, as specified by the manufacturer, the test rack controller was programmed to run at a fixed suction pressure of 58 psig (Figure 19). The rack controller was also programmed to run at a fixed discharge pressure of 220 psig or 95oF SCT. Figure 19 illustrates the two-minute profile of suction and discharge pressures over the entire test period. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 36 June 2009 ET 06.07 230 Suction Pressure (psig) 66 64 220 62 210 60 200 58 56 190 54 180 52 2:30:39 1:28:39 0:26:39 23:24:39 22:22:39 21:20:39 20:18:39 19:16:39 18:14:39 17:12:39 16:10:39 15:08:39 14:06:39 13:04:39 12:02:39 9:58:39 11:00:39 8:56:39 7:54:39 6:52:39 5:50:39 4:48:39 50 3:46:39 170 2:44:39 Discharge pressure (psig) Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Discharge Pressure Suction Pressure FIGURE 19. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF SUCTION AND DISCHARGE PRESSURES OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE Figure 20 illustrates the two-minute profile of the average DAT and return air temperature. As shown, the refrigeration system maintained a relatively constant average DAT of 30oF during the entire test period. In addition, the average return air temperature was 44.6oF, which was in close agreement with the manufacturer’s data of 44oF. 60 Average Discharge & Return Air Temp (F) 55 50 45 40 35 30 2:30:39 1:28:39 0:26:39 23:24:39 22:22:39 21:20:39 20:18:39 19:16:39 18:14:39 17:12:39 16:10:39 15:08:39 14:06:39 13:04:39 12:02:39 11:00:39 9:58:39 8:56:39 7:54:39 6:52:39 5:50:39 4:48:39 3:46:39 2:44:39 25 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Discharge Air Temp Return Air Temp FIGURE 20. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF AVERAGE DISCHARGE AND RETURN AIR TEMPERATURES OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE Figure 21 depicts the two-minute profile of the mass of condensate collected over the entire test period. The condensate mass was comprised of moisture collected from the moist air stream during refrigeration run time and melted ice (or frost) during off-cycle defrost periods. The stepped (horizontal) profiles indicate the moisture collected during the refrigeration run time between each of the six defrost periods. The vertical (or sloped) profiles, on the other hand, indicate the melted ice during each defrost period. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 37 June 2009 ET 06.07 2:30:39 1:28:39 0:26:39 23:24:39 22:22:39 21:20:39 20:18:39 19:16:39 18:14:39 17:12:39 16:10:39 15:08:39 14:06:39 13:04:39 12:02:39 11:00:39 9:58:39 8:56:39 7:54:39 6:52:39 5:50:39 4:48:39 3:46:39 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2:44:39 Mass of Collected Condensate (lbs) Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) FIGURE 21. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF COLLECTED CONDENSATE OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE In addition to condensate collected during refrigeration and defrosts’ ice melting, further moisture was detected to escape from the air during defrost. During off-cycle defrost periods, the compressor stops running while the evaporator fan motors continue to operate, thereby bringing relatively warm and humid air into the display case. As a result, the room’s warm and moist air was the main factor responsible for melting the ice on the coil. Figure 22 shows the sub-components of condensation. Clearly, the most condensate removal took place during the ice melting stages of the defrost period (79.18 pounds). Mass of Collected Condensate Over 24-hours (lbs) 120 95.46 100 79.18 80 60 40 20 7.43 8.80 Mass of water vapor condensed from air during defrosts Mass of water vapor condensated from air during refrigeration periods 0 Mass of melted frost during defrosts Total measured condensate Breakdown of Condensate Components FIGURE 22. BREAKDOWN OF CONDENSATE COLLECTED OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE Bringing warm and humid indoor air into the case to melt frost on the coil caused the temperature and RH inside the fixture to increase and reach maximum levels during defrost periods (Figure 23). After the refrigeration period was initiated, the temperature and humidity inside the case were lowered. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 38 June 2009 ET 06.07 95 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 Inside Case RH (%) 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 2:30:39 1:28:39 0:26:39 23:24:39 22:22:39 21:20:39 20:18:39 19:16:39 18:14:39 17:12:39 16:10:39 15:08:39 14:06:39 13:04:39 12:02:39 9:58:39 11:00:39 8:56:39 7:54:39 6:52:39 5:50:39 4:48:39 3:46:39 15 2:44:39 Inside Case Temp (F) Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Inside Case Temp Inside Case RH FIGURE 23. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF DISPLAY CASE TEMPERATURE AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE Figure 24 depicts the total cooling load per linear foot of the case. The highest cooling load was observed at the end of each defrost period due to bringing relatively warm and humid air into the case during defrosts. The lowest cooling load was observed prior to initiating defrost. The average cooling load was 2,015 Btu/hr/ft. 2,500 Cooling Load (Btu/hr/ft) [using refrigeration data] 2,400 2,300 2,200 2,100 2,000 1,900 1,800 1,700 1,600 1,500 1,400 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Test Period (24-hours, excluding defrost) FIGURE 24. HOURLY PROFILE OF TOTAL COOLING LOAD PER LINEAR FOOT OF THE DISPLAY CASE OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE As illustrated in Figure 25 and Figure 26, the total cooling load of the display case consisted of the infiltration, radiation, conduction, and internal loads (lights and evaporator fans). The largest component of the cooling load was infiltration, 13,881 Btu/hr, corresponding to 86% of the total cooling load. The smallest component was the display case’s lighting system and evaporator fan motors (internal load), 592 Btu/hr, corresponding to about 4% of the total cooling load. The conduction accounted for roughly 4% and radiation for about 6% of the total cooling load. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 39 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 16,000 13,881 Cooling Load (Btu/hr) [using refrigeration data] 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 637 1,010 Conduction Radiation 592 0 Infiltration Internal (lights & evap fans) Cooling Load Components FIGURE 25. COOLING LOAD BY COMPONENT OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE Internal (lights & evap fans) 3.7% Conduction 4.0% Radiation 6.3% Infiltration 86.1% FIGURE 26. PERCENTAGE BREAKDOWN OF THE COOLING LOAD COMPONENTS OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE Additionally, the reduced cooling load, and average cooling load over the entire test period and during the last three-fourths (3/4) of the running cycle were determined according to ASHRAE Standard 72-05 (Figure 27). The running cycle refers to the refrigeration period between two defrost periods. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 40 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 18,000 16,119 16,016 16,000 14,173 Cooling Load (Btu/hr) [using refrigeration data] 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Average Cooling Load (over 24hours) Average Cooling Load (3/4 of running cycle) Reduced Average Cooling Load FIGURE 27. REDUCED COOLING LOAD, AND AVERAGE COOLING LOAD OVER 24 HOURS AND ¾ OF RUNNING CYCLE – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE The mass flow rate of refrigerant was observed to decline during each running cycle (Figure 28). The flow rate was highest at the end of the defrost period and lowest prior to initiation of the defrost period. This observed profile in refrigerant mass flow rate was attributed to the change in total cooling load of the case coupled with maintaining a fixed suction pressure during the entire test period. 8 Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate (lb/min) 7 6 5 4 3 y = -0.0004x + 4.6902 R2 = 0.0085 2 1 2:12:39 1:22:39 0:32:39 23:42:39 22:52:39 21:30:39 20:40:39 19:50:39 19:00:39 17:38:39 16:48:39 15:58:39 15:08:39 13:46:39 12:56:39 12:06:39 9:56:39 11:16:39 9:06:39 8:16:39 7:26:39 6:06:39 5:16:39 4:26:39 3:36:39 2:46:39 0 Test Period (24-hours, excluding defrost) FIGURE 28. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF REFRIGERANT MASS FLOW RATE OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE Comparing 2-minute compressor power and refrigerant mass flow rate profiles revealed a close similarity in behavior between the two parameters (Figure 29), as expected. That is, maintaining fixed suction and discharge pressure resulted in the compressor power being entirely dependent on variations in the refrigerant mass flow rate. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 41 June 2009 ET 06.07 6 y = -0.0004x + 4.6902 R2 = 0.0085 5 4 4 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 2:12:39 1:22:39 0:32:39 23:42:39 22:52:39 21:30:39 20:40:39 19:50:39 19:00:39 17:38:39 16:48:39 15:58:39 15:08:39 13:46:39 12:56:39 12:06:39 9:56:39 11:16:39 0 9:06:39 8:16:39 7:26:39 6:06:39 5:16:39 4:26:39 3:36:39 y = -0.0001x + 2.2505 R2 = 0.0239 Compressor Power (kW) 8 7 6 5 2:46:39 Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate (lb/min) Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases Test Period (24-hours, excluding defrost) Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate Linear (Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate) Compressor Power Linear (Compressor Power) FIGURE 29. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF COMPRESSOR POWER AND REFRIGERANT MASS FLOW RATE OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE Figure 30 depicts the hourly profile of temperature differential (TD) between the saturated evaporating temperature and DAT. As depicted, the coil TD was highest at the end of defrost periods, and started to decline as the refrigeration period began. The average coil TD over 24-hours of testing remained around 4oF. The observed coil TD profile is attributed to maintaining a fixed suction pressure, which resulted in maintaining a constant evaporator temperature of 22oF, coupled with variations in DAT. 10 9 Evap Coil TD (F) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Test Period (24-hours, excluding defrost) FIGURE 30. HOURLY PROFILE OF EVAPORATOR COIL TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE (TD) OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE The evaporator coil superheat and total system sub-cooling remained relatively constant during the refrigeration periods (Figure 31). However, some variations were observed when the system was approaching defrost and after defrost periods. The Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 42 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Evap Coil Superheat & Total Subcooling (F) average evaporator superheat remained around 5oF, and average total system subcooling remained around 30oF. 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Test Period (24-hours, excluding defrost) Evap Coil Superheat Total Subcooling FIGURE 31. HOURLY PROFILE OF EVAPORATOR COIL SUPERHEAT AND TOTAL SYSTEM SUB-COOLING OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE The hourly profile for the display case’s evaporator fan motors and lighting system power usage is shown in Figure 32. As shown, the evaporator fan motors and lighting system power consumption remained unchanged over the entire test period. 140 120 Power (W) 100 80 60 40 20 2:30:39 1:28:39 0:26:39 23:24:39 22:22:39 21:20:39 20:18:39 19:16:39 18:14:39 17:12:39 16:10:39 15:08:39 14:06:39 13:04:39 12:02:39 11:00:39 9:58:39 8:56:39 7:54:39 6:52:39 5:50:39 4:48:39 3:46:39 2:44:39 0 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Case Fans Case Lighting FIGURE 32. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF CASE LIGHTING AND EVAPORATOR FAN MOTOR POWER OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE Figure 33 depicts the total system power and the total power usage by end-use over the entire test period. The case’s evaporator fan motors power and lighting system power were approximately 0.06 kW and 0.11 kW, respectively. The largest contributor to the total system power was the refrigeration system compressor with 2.24 kW. The total power usage over the entire test period equaled 2.44 kW. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 43 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 3.0 2.44 Average Power (kW) [over 24-hours] 2.5 2.24 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.06 0.11 Evap. Fan Lighting 0.0 Compressor Total System End-Use FIGURE 33. AVERAGE TOTAL AND END-USE POWER OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE Left Front 2:30:39 1:28:39 0:26:39 23:24:39 22:22:39 21:20:39 20:18:39 18:14:39 Center Rear 17:12:39 16:10:39 14:06:39 13:04:39 12:02:39 Right Rear 11:00:39 9:58:39 8:56:39 7:54:39 6:52:39 5:50:39 4:48:39 3:46:39 Left Rear Right Front 19:16:39 Center Front 15:08:39 45 43 41 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 2:44:39 Bottom Shelf (shelf #1) Product Temp (F) Additionally, the 2-minute profile of product temperatures at six locations inside the display case for each shelf was monitored (Figure 34 through Figure 38). A review of these figures reveals that there was a variation in product temperature profiles depending on the product location, and it varied among shelves. However, the rear products were lower in temperature than the front products, as expected. Also, products located at the left side inside the case were always lower in temperature than those located at the right and center locations. Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Left Rear Left Front Center Rear Center Front Right Rear Right Front FIGURE 34. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF PRODUCT TEMPERATURE AT SIX DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR BOTTOM SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 44 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases Left Front Center Front 39 37 35 Right Front 33 31 2:30:39 1:28:39 0:26:39 23:24:39 22:22:39 21:20:39 20:18:39 19:16:39 18:14:39 Center Rear 17:12:39 16:10:39 14:06:39 13:04:39 12:02:39 11:00:39 Right Rear 9:58:39 8:56:39 7:54:39 6:52:39 5:50:39 4:48:39 3:46:39 Left Rear 15:08:39 29 27 25 2:44:39 Shelf #2 Product Temp (F) 45 43 41 ET 06.07 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Left Rear Left Front Center Rear Center Front Right Rear Right Front FIGURE 35. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF PRODUCT TEMPERATURE AT SIX DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR SECOND SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE Left Front Center Front 39 37 35 Right Front 33 31 2:30:39 1:28:39 0:26:39 23:24:39 22:22:39 21:20:39 20:18:39 19:16:39 18:14:39 Center Rear 17:12:39 16:10:39 14:06:39 13:04:39 12:02:39 11:00:39 Right Rear 9:58:39 8:56:39 7:54:39 6:52:39 5:50:39 4:48:39 3:46:39 Left Rear 15:08:39 29 27 25 2:44:39 Shelf #3 Product Temp (F) 45 43 41 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Left Rear Left Front Center Rear Center Front Right Rear Right Front FIGURE 36. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF PRODUCT TEMPERATURE AT SIX DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR THIRD SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 45 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases 45 39 37 Left Front 35 33 2:30:39 1:28:39 0:26:39 23:24:39 22:22:39 21:20:39 20:18:39 19:16:39 18:14:39 Center Rear 17:12:39 16:10:39 14:06:39 13:04:39 12:02:39 11:00:39 Right Rear 9:58:39 8:56:39 7:54:39 6:52:39 5:50:39 4:48:39 3:46:39 Left Rear 15:08:39 31 29 27 25 2:44:39 Shelf #4 Product Temp (F) Right Front Center Front 43 41 ET 06.07 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Left Rear Left Front Center Rear Center Front Right Rear Right Front FIGURE 37. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF PRODUCT TEMPERATURE AT SIX DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR FOURTH SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE 43 Right Front Left Front Top Shelf (shelf #5) Product Temp (F) 41 39 37 Center Front 35 33 31 29 2:30:39 1:28:39 0:26:39 23:24:39 22:22:39 21:20:39 20:18:39 19:16:39 18:14:39 Center Rear 17:12:39 16:10:39 15:08:39 14:06:39 13:04:39 12:02:39 11:00:39 Right Rear 9:58:39 8:56:39 6:52:39 5:50:39 4:48:39 3:46:39 2:44:39 7:54:39 Left Rear 27 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Left Rear Left Front Center Rear Center Front Right Rear Right Front FIGURE 38. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF PRODUCT TEMPERATURE AT SIX DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR TOP SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE Figure 39 depicts the average of all six product temperatures for each shelf. As illustrated, the product temperatures were lowest for the top shelf and highest for the fourth shelf (one shelf below the top shelf). Figure 39 also shows that the average product temperatures had similar profiles regardless of variations in temperature magnitudes. The variations in temperature magnitude are attributed to defrost periods, and, in fact, the products experienced a temperature swing of 2oF to 3oF as a result of the defrost periods. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 46 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Shelf #4 Shelf #3 4:36:39 7:24:39 Average Product Temperatures (F) 36.5 Shelf #2 Bottom Shelf Top Shelf 35.5 34.5 2:04:39 1:08:39 0:12:39 23:16:39 22:20:39 21:24:39 20:28:39 19:32:39 18:36:39 17:40:39 16:44:39 15:48:39 14:52:39 13:56:39 13:00:39 12:04:39 11:08:39 9:16:39 10:12:39 8:20:39 6:28:39 5:32:39 3:40:39 2:44:39 33.5 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Top Shelf Shelf #2 Shelf #3 Shelf #4 Bottom Shelf FIGURE 39. AVERAGE PRODUCT TEMPERATURES FOR EACH SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE The coldest product temperature was 27.6oF, and the warmest was about 41.8oF (Figure 40). Average coldest and warmest product temperatures were 28.7oF and 41.2oF, respectively. Averaging all of the product simulators yielded an average product temperature of 34.9oF. 45 41.2 41.8 Warmest Test Simulator Average Temp. Warmest Test Simulator Temp. Product Temp (F) [including defrost periods] 40 34.9 35 28.7 30 27.6 25 20 15 10 5 0 Average Product Temp. of All Test Simulators Coldest Test Simulator Average Temp. Coldest Test Simulator Temp. FIGURE 40. AVERAGE, COLDEST AND WARMEST PRODUCT TEMPERATURES OVER 24 HOURS – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 47 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Additionally, the collected test data was compared to the manufacturer’s published data. The results are summarized in Table 4. Although the manufacturer’s recommended defrost frequency was four times per day, during preliminary testing it was evident that due to heavy frost formation on the evaporator coil, the case operation was hampered. Accordingly, the manufacturer recommended increasing the defrost frequency from four to six times per day. As a result, the cooling load was higher than manufacturer’s data. TABLE 4. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF TEST DATA AND MANUFACTURER’S PUBLISHED DATA – HILL PHOENIX DISPLAY CASE KEY PARAMETERS MANUFACTURER DATA TEST DATA (AVERAGE) 1,570 2,015 22 23 6–8 5 Discharge Air Temperature (oF) 30 30 Return Air Temperature (oF) 44 45 4 6 42 28 Cooling Load per Linear-feet (Btu/hr/ft) Saturated Evaporating Temperature (oF) Superheat Set Point (oF) Defrost per Day Defrost Duration (minutes) As described earlier (see Figure 13), this Hill Phoenix display case model can be manufactured with different optional front extensions. Again, the one that was tested in this project was a standard model that had two-and-a-half inch front extension. Therefore, the effects of the highest available optional front extension, which was seven-and-a-half inch (see Figure 13), on the infiltration load for this display case model was investigated. The investigation involved using an artificial neural network (ANN) program that was newly developed, and validated by numerical and experimental data [Ref .4]. This analysis was conducted by collaborating with Kettering University. The results of this analysis indicated that when the vertical distance between the discharge and return air grille was reduced by 5-inch, from 2.5-inch to 7.5-inch, the infiltration was estimated to decrease between 2.5% to 3%. Subsequently, a reduction in compressor power can be expected. HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE (M5X-GEP) The performance of the Hussmann display case was evaluated under ASHRAE 72-05 conditions, 75oF DB and 55% RH. The test ran for a period of 24 hours. Prior to initiating the test run, however, the controlled environment room was allowed to reach a steady-state equilibrium condition. Figure 41 illustrates the two-minute profile of the controlled environment room DB and RH during the entire test period. As illustrated, the indoor conditions remained fairly unchanged. The average room DB and RH was 75oF and 55.1%, respectively, which corresponded to a WB of 64oF. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 48 June 2009 ET 06.07 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 85 75 Room RH (%) 65 55 45 35 13:51:25 12:47:25 11:43:25 9:35:25 10:39:25 8:31:25 7:27:25 6:23:25 5:19:25 4:15:25 3:11:25 2:07:25 1:03:25 23:59:25 22:55:25 21:51:25 20:47:25 19:43:25 18:39:25 17:35:25 16:31:25 15:27:25 25 15 5 14:23:25 Room Temp (F) Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Room Temp Room RH FIGURE 41. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF THE CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT ROOM DRY BULB AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE 66 64 220 62 60 210 200 58 56 54 190 180 52 50 14:09:25 13:07:25 12:05:25 11:03:25 10:01:25 8:59:25 7:57:25 6:55:25 5:53:25 4:51:25 3:49:25 2:47:25 1:45:25 0:43:25 23:41:25 22:39:25 21:37:25 20:35:25 19:33:25 18:31:25 17:29:25 16:27:25 15:25:25 170 Suction Pressure (psig) 230 14:23:25 Discharge pressure (psig) In order to maintain a DAT of 30oF or an evaporator temperature of 26oF, as specified by the manufacturer, the test rack controller was programmed to run at a fixed suction pressure of 61 psig (Figure 42). The rack controller was also programmed to run at a fixed discharge pressure of 220 psig or 95oF SCT. Figure 42 illustrates the two-minute profile of suction and discharge pressures over the entire test period. Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Discharge Pressure Suction Pressure FIGURE 42. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF SUCTION AND DISCHARGE PRESSURES OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE Figure 43 illustrates the two-minute profile of the average DAT and return air temperature. As shown, the refrigeration system maintained a relatively constant average DAT of 30oF during the entire test period. In addition, the average return air temperature was 38.5oF. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 49 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 57 Average Discharge & Return Air Temp (F) 53 49 45 41 37 33 29 14:09:25 13:07:25 12:05:25 11:03:25 10:01:25 8:59:25 7:57:25 6:55:25 5:53:25 4:51:25 3:49:25 2:47:25 1:45:25 0:43:25 23:41:25 22:39:25 21:37:25 20:35:25 19:33:25 18:31:25 17:29:25 16:27:25 15:25:25 14:23:25 25 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Discharge Air Temp Return Air Temp FIGURE 43. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF AVERAGE DISCHARGE AND RETURN AIR TEMPERATURES OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE 14:09:25 13:07:25 12:05:25 11:03:25 10:01:25 8:59:25 7:57:25 6:55:25 5:53:25 4:51:25 3:49:25 2:47:25 1:45:25 0:43:25 23:41:25 22:39:25 21:37:25 20:35:25 19:33:25 18:31:25 17:29:25 16:27:25 15:25:25 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 14:23:25 Mass of Collected Condensate (lbs) Figure 44 depicts the two-minute profile of the mass of condensate collected over the entire test period. The condensate mass was comprised of moisture collected from the moist air stream during refrigeration run time and melted ice (or frost) during off-cycle defrost periods. The stepped (horizontal) profiles indicate the moisture collected during the refrigeration run time between each of the four defrost periods. The vertical (or sloped) profiles, on the other hand, indicate the melted ice during each defrost period. Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) FIGURE 44. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF COLLECTED CONDENSATE OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE In addition to condensate collected during refrigeration and defrosts’ ice melting, further moisture was detected to escape from the air during defrost. During off-cycle defrost periods, the compressor stops running while the evaporator fan motors continue to operate, thereby bringing relatively warm and humid air into the display case. As a result, the room’s warm and moist air was the main factor responsible for melting the ice on the coil. Figure 45 shows the sub-components of condensation. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 50 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Clearly, the most condensate removal took place during the ice melting stages of the defrost period (46.37 pounds). Mass of Collected Condensate Over 24-hours (lbs) 100 90 75.95 80 70 60 46.37 50 40 24.72 30 20 4.81 10 0 Mass of melted frost during defrosts Mass of water vapor condensed from air during defrosts Mass of water vapor condensated from air during refrigeration periods Total measured condensate Breakdown of Condensate Components FIGURE 45. BREAKDOWN OF CONDENSATE COLLECTED OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 Inside Case RH (%) 95 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 13:51:25 12:47:25 11:43:25 9:35:25 10:39:25 8:31:25 7:27:25 6:23:25 5:19:25 4:15:25 3:11:25 2:07:25 1:03:25 23:59:25 22:55:25 21:51:25 20:47:25 19:43:25 18:39:25 17:35:25 16:31:25 15:27:25 15 14:23:25 Inside Case Temp (F) Bringing warm and humid indoor air into the case to melt frost on the coil caused the temperature and RH inside the fixture to increase and reach maximum levels during defrost periods (Figure 46). After the refrigeration period was initiated, the temperature and humidity inside the case were lowered. Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Inside Case Temp Inside Case RH FIGURE 46. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF DISPLAY CASE TEMPERATURE AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE Figure 47 depicts the total cooling load per linear foot of the case. The highest cooling load was observed at the end of each defrost period due to bringing relatively warm and humid air into the case during defrost periods. The lowest cooling load was observed prior to initiating a defrost period. The average cooling load was 1,578 Btu/hr/ft. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 51 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 2,500 Cooling Load (Btu/hr/ft) [using refrigeration data] 2,400 2,300 2,200 2,100 2,000 1,900 1,800 1,700 1,600 1,500 1,400 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Test Period (24-hours, excluding defrost) FIGURE 47. HOURLY PROFILE OF TOTAL COOLING LOAD PER LINEAR FOOT OF THE DISPLAY CASE OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE As illustrated in Figure 48 and Figure 49, the total cooling load of the display case consisted of the infiltration, radiation, conduction, and internal loads (lights and evaporator fans). The largest component of the cooling load was infiltration, 10,339 Btu/hr, corresponding to 82% of the total cooling load. The smallest component was the conduction, 551 Btu/hr, corresponding to 4% of the total cooling load. The internal load that consisted of the display case’s lighting system and the evaporator fan motors accounted for roughly 6% and radiation for about 8% of the total cooling load. 16,000 Cooling Load (Btu/hr) [using refrigeration data] 14,000 12,000 10,339 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 551 1,001 Conduction Radiation 730 0 Infiltration Internal (lights & evap fans) Cooling Load Components FIGURE 48. COOLING LOAD BY COMPONENT OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 52 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases Internal (lights & evap fans) 5.8% Conduction 4.4% ET 06.07 Radiation 8.0% Infiltration 81.9% FIGURE 49. PERCENTAGE BREAKDOWN OF THE COOLING LOAD COMPONENTS OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE Additionally, the reduced cooling load, and average cooling load over the entire test period and during the last three-fourths (3/4) of the running cycle were determined according to ASHRAE Standard 72-05 (Figure 50). The running cycle refers to the refrigeration period between two defrost periods. 18,000 Cooling Load (Btu/hr) [using refrigeration data] 16,000 14,000 12,621 12,622 11,371 Average Cooling Load (over 24hours) Average Cooling Load (3/4 of running cycle) Reduced Average Cooling Load 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 FIGURE 50. REDUCED COOLING LOAD, AND AVERAGE COOLING LOAD OVER 24 HOURS AND ¾ OF RUNNING CYCLE – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE The mass flow rate of refrigerant was observed to decline slightly during each running cycle (Figure 51). The flow rate was highest at the end of defrost and lowest prior to initiation of defrost. This observed profile in refrigerant mass flow rate was attributed to the change in total cooling load of the case coupled with maintaining a fixed suction pressure during the entire test period. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 53 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 7 Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate (lb/min) 6 5 4 3 2 y = -0.0003x + 3.6836 R2 = 0.0127 1 13:05:25 12:15:25 10:35:25 11:25:25 8:55:25 9:45:25 7:27:25 5:47:25 6:37:25 4:07:25 4:57:25 3:17:25 0:59:25 2:27:25 23:19:25 0:09:25 22:29:25 20:49:25 21:39:25 19:23:25 17:43:25 18:33:25 16:03:25 16:53:25 15:13:25 14:23:25 0 Test Period (24-hours, excluding defrost) FIGURE 51. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF REFRIGERANT MASS FLOW RATE OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE Comparing 2-minute compressor power and refrigerant mass flow rate profiles revealed a close similarity in behavior between the two parameters (Figure 52), as expected. That is, maintaining fixed suction and discharge pressure resulted in the compressor power being entirely dependent on variations in the refrigerant mass flow rate. Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate (lb/min) y = -0.0003x + 3.6836 R2 = 0.0127 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 y = -1E-04x + 1.9593 R2 = 0.0282 1 1 0 10:35:25 11:25:25 12:15:25 13:05:25 4:07:25 4:57:25 5:47:25 6:37:25 7:27:25 8:55:25 9:45:25 21:39:25 22:29:25 23:19:25 0:09:25 0:59:25 2:27:25 3:17:25 15:13:25 16:03:25 16:53:25 17:43:25 18:33:25 19:23:25 20:49:25 14:23:25 0 Compressor Power (kW) 6 7 Test Period (24-hours, excluding defrost) Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate Linear (Compressor Power) Compressor Power Linear (Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate) FIGURE 52. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF COMPRESSOR POWER AND REFRIGERANT MASS FLOW RATE OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE Figure 53 depicts the hourly profile of temperature differential (TD) between the saturated evaporating temperature and DAT. As depicted, the coil TD was highest at the end of defrost periods, and started to decline as the refrigeration period began. The average coil TD over 24-hours of testing remained around 3oF. The observed coil TD profile is attributed to maintaining a fixed suction pressure, which resulted in maintaining a constant evaporator temperature of 26oF, coupled with variations in DAT. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 54 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 10 Evap Coil TD (F) 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Test Period (24-hours, excluding defrost) FIGURE 53. HOURLY PROFILE OF EVAPORATOR COIL TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE (TD) OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE Evap Coil Superheat & Total Subcooling (F) The evaporator coil superheat and total system subcooling remained relatively constant during the refrigeration periods (Figure 54). However, some variations were observed when the system was approaching defrost and after defrost periods. The average evaporator superheat remained around 6oF, and average total system subcooling remained around 31oF. 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Test Period (24-hours, excluding defrost) Evap Coil Superheat Total Subcooling FIGURE 54. HOURLY PROFILE OF EVAPORATOR COIL SUPERHEAT AND TOTAL SYSTEM SUBCOOLING OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE The hourly profile for the display case’s evaporator fan motors and lighting system power usage is shown in Figure 55. As shown, the lighting system power consumption remained unchanged over the entire test period. The evaporator fan Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 55 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 motors power consumption, however, was increased prior to initiation of defrost due to frost build up on the evaporator coils. 140 120 Power (W) 100 80 60 40 20 14:09:25 13:07:25 12:05:25 11:03:25 10:01:25 8:59:25 7:57:25 6:55:25 5:53:25 4:51:25 3:49:25 2:47:25 1:45:25 0:43:25 23:41:25 22:39:25 21:37:25 20:35:25 19:33:25 18:31:25 17:29:25 16:27:25 15:25:25 14:23:25 0 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Case Fans Case Lighting FIGURE 55. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF CASE LIGHTING AND EVAPORATOR FAN MOTOR POWER OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE Figure 56 depicts the total system power and the total power usage by end-use over the entire test period. The case’s evaporator fan motors power and lighting system power were approximately 0.09 kW and 0.12 kW, respectively. The largest contributor to the total system power was the refrigeration system compressor with 1.93 kW. The total power usage over the entire test period equaled 2.15 kW. 2.5 2.15 1.93 Average Power (kW) [over 24-hours] 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.09 0.12 0.0 Evap. Fan Lighting Compressor Total System End-Use FIGURE 56. AVERAGE TOTAL AND END-USE POWER OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE Additionally, the 2-minute profile of product temperatures at six locations inside the display case for each shelf was monitored (Figure 57 through Figure 60). A review of Figure 57 through Figure 60 revealed that there was a variation in product temperature profiles depending on the product location, and it varied among shelves. However, the rear products were lower in temperature than the front products, as expected. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 56 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases 43 Bottom Shelf (shelf #1) Product Temp (F) Left Front Center Front 41 ET 06.07 Right Front 39 37 35 33 31 Left Rear 29 Center Rear Right Rear 27 14:09:25 13:07:25 12:05:25 11:03:25 10:01:25 8:59:25 7:57:25 6:55:25 5:53:25 4:51:25 3:49:25 2:47:25 1:45:25 0:43:25 23:41:25 22:39:25 21:37:25 20:35:25 19:33:25 18:31:25 17:29:25 16:27:25 15:25:25 14:23:25 25 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Left Rear Left Front Center Rear Center Front Right Rear Right Front FIGURE 57. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF PRODUCT TEMPERATURE AT SIX DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR BOTTOM SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE 43 Center Front 41 Left Front Right Front Shelf #2 Product Temp (F) 39 37 35 33 31 29 Right Rear Center Rear 27 Left Rear 14:09:25 13:07:25 12:05:25 11:03:25 10:01:25 8:59:25 7:57:25 6:55:25 5:53:25 4:51:25 3:49:25 2:47:25 1:45:25 0:43:25 23:41:25 22:39:25 21:37:25 20:35:25 19:33:25 18:31:25 17:29:25 16:27:25 15:25:25 14:23:25 25 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Left Rear Left Front Center Rear Center Front Right Rear Right Front FIGURE 58. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF PRODUCT TEMPERATURE AT SIX DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR SECOND SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 57 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases 43 Shelf #3 Product Temp (F) Left Front Center Front 41 ET 06.07 Right Front 39 37 35 33 31 29 Center Rear Left Rear Right Rear 27 14:09:25 13:07:25 12:05:25 11:03:25 10:01:25 8:59:25 7:57:25 6:55:25 5:53:25 4:51:25 3:49:25 2:47:25 1:45:25 0:43:25 23:41:25 22:39:25 21:37:25 20:35:25 19:33:25 18:31:25 17:29:25 16:27:25 15:25:25 14:23:25 25 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Left Rear Left Front Center Rear Center Front Right Rear Right Front FIGURE 59. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF PRODUCT TEMPERATURE AT SIX DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR THIRD SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE 43 Center Front Top Shelf (shelf #4) Product Temp (F) 41 Right Front Left Front 39 37 35 33 31 29 Left Rear Right Rear 27 Center Rear 14:09:25 13:07:25 12:05:25 11:03:25 10:01:25 8:59:25 7:57:25 6:55:25 5:53:25 4:51:25 3:49:25 2:47:25 1:45:25 0:43:25 23:41:25 22:39:25 21:37:25 20:35:25 19:33:25 18:31:25 17:29:25 16:27:25 15:25:25 14:23:25 25 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Left Rear Left Front Center Rear Center Front Right Rear Right Front FIGURE 60. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF PRODUCT TEMPERATURE AT SIX DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR TOP SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE Figure 61 depicts the average of all six product temperatures for each shelf. As illustrated, the product temperatures were lowest for the third shelf (one shelf below the top shelf) and highest for the bottom shelf. Figure 61 also shows that the average product temperatures had similar profiles regardless of variations in temperature magnitudes. The variations in temperature magnitude are attributed to defrost periods, and, in fact, the products experienced a temperature swing of 6oF to 7oF as a result of the defrost periods. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 58 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases 39.5 Top Shelf Shelf #2 Bottom Shelf ET 06.07 Shelf #3 Average Product Temperatures (F) 38.5 37.5 36.5 35.5 34.5 33.5 13:43:25 12:47:25 11:51:25 10:55:25 9:59:25 9:03:25 8:07:25 7:11:25 6:15:25 5:19:25 4:23:25 3:27:25 2:31:25 1:35:25 0:39:25 23:43:25 22:47:25 21:51:25 20:55:25 19:59:25 19:03:25 18:07:25 17:11:25 16:15:25 15:19:25 14:23:25 32.5 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Top Shelf Shelf #2 Shelf #3 Bottom Shelf FIGURE 61. AVERAGE PRODUCT TEMPERATURES FOR EACH SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE The coldest product temperature was 29.3oF, and the warmest was about 39.8oF (Figure 62). Average coldest and warmest product temperatures were 30.9oF and 38.3oF, respectively. Averaging all of the product simulators yielded an average product temperature of 35.2oF. 45 40 38.3 39.8 Warmest Test Simulator Average Temp. Warmest Test Simulator Temp. Product Temp (F) [including defrost periods] 35.2 35 30.9 30 29.3 25 20 15 10 5 0 Average Product Temp. of All Test Simulators Coldest Test Simulator Average Temp. Coldest Test Simulator Temp. FIGURE 62. AVERAGE, COLDEST AND WARMEST PRODUCT TEMPERATURES OVER 24 HOURS – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE Additionally, the collected test data was compared to the manufacturer’s published data. The results are summarized in Table 5. Overall, the obtained test results were in close agreement with the manufacturer’s published data. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 59 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases TABLE 5. ET 06.07 COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF TEST DATA AND MANUFACTURER’S PUBLISHED DATA – HUSSMANN DISPLAY CASE KEY PARAMETERS MANUFACTURER DATA TEST DATA (AVERAGE) 1,370 1,578 Saturated Evaporating Temperature (oF) 26 26 Discharge Air Temperature (oF) 30 30 4 4 Defrost Duration (minutes) 35 35 Mass of Collected Condensate (lb/ft/day) 9.0 9.5 Cooling Load per Linear-feet (Btu/hr/ft) Defrost per Day Since it was possible to remove the glass-front extension, additional test run was initiated to better understand and quantify the benefits of the glass-front extension. The display case was tested without the glass-front extension for a 24-hour period while maintaining the test chamber at 75oF DB and 55% RH during the entire test period. Additionally, the refrigeration system was set to provide a DAT of 30oF as specified by the manufacturer while keeping an SCT of 95oF. The results indicated that the infiltration load increased from 10,359 Btu/hr to 13,326 Btu/hr, or by 2,967 Btu/hr, while other cooling load components remained fairly unchanged. Accordingly, the compressor power demand increased from 1.93 kW to 2.27 kW, or by 0.33 kW. In other words, removing the 7.5-inch glass-front extension resulted in a 28% increase in infiltration load and an 18% increase in compressor power demand. This finding also verified and supported a previous study that revealed reducing the vertical distance between the discharge and the return air grille reduces the infiltration rate or load of the display case [Ref. 4]. TYLER DISPLAY CASE (N6DHPACLA) The performance of the Tyler display case was evaluated under ASHRAE 72-05 conditions, 75oF DB and 55% RH. The test ran for a period of 24 hours. Prior to initiating the test run, however, the controlled environment room was allowed to reach a steady-state equilibrium condition. Figure 63 illustrates the two-minute profile of the controlled environment room DB and RH during the entire test period. As illustrated, the indoor conditions remained fairly unchanged. The average room DB and RH was 75oF and 54.8%, respectively, which corresponded to a WB of 63.9oF. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 60 June 2009 ET 06.07 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 85 65 55 45 35 25 Room RH (%) 75 15 19:48:38 18:46:38 17:44:38 16:42:38 15:40:38 14:38:38 13:36:38 12:34:38 11:32:38 10:30:38 9:28:38 8:26:38 7:24:38 6:22:38 5:20:38 4:18:38 3:16:38 2:14:38 1:12:38 0:10:38 23:08:38 22:06:38 21:04:38 5 20:02:38 Room Temp (F) Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Room Temp Room RH FIGURE 63. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF THE CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT ROOM DRY BULB AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE 230 64 220 62 210 60 200 58 56 190 54 180 52 19:48:38 18:46:38 17:44:38 16:42:38 15:40:38 14:38:38 13:36:38 12:34:38 11:32:38 10:30:38 9:28:38 8:26:38 7:24:38 6:22:38 5:20:38 4:18:38 3:16:38 2:14:38 1:12:38 0:10:38 23:08:38 22:06:38 50 21:04:38 170 Suction Pressure (psig) 66 20:02:38 Discharge pressure (psig) In order to maintain a DAT of 34.5oF as specified by the manufacturer, the test rack controller was programmed to run at a fixed suction pressure of 59 psig (Figure 64). The rack controller was also programmed to run at a fixed discharge pressure of 220 psig or 95oF SCT. Figure 64 illustrates the two-minute profile of suction and discharge pressures over the entire test period. Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Discharge Pressure Suction Pressure FIGURE 64. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF SUCTION AND DISCHARGE PRESSURES OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE Figure 65 illustrates the two-minute profile of the average DAT and return air temperature (RAT). It can be noted that as the refrigeration period continued, the DAT as well as the RAT started to increase until the next defrost period was initiated. Nonetheless, the average DAT was around 35.5oF, which was 1oF above the manufacturer’s specified DAT. In addition, the average RAT was 51.5oF. Figure 66 shows that the average DAT at five different locations along the discharge air grille varied from 34oF to 37oF. Therefore, maintaining an average DAT of 34.5oF Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 61 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 could not be achieved. However, an average DAT of 34.8oF was achieved at the center location, which was very close to the manufacturer’s specified DAT of 34.5oF. 60 Average Discharge & Return Air Temp (F) 55 50 45 40 35 30 19:48:38 18:46:38 17:44:38 16:42:38 15:40:38 14:38:38 13:36:38 12:34:38 11:32:38 10:30:38 9:28:38 8:26:38 7:24:38 6:22:38 5:20:38 4:18:38 3:16:38 2:14:38 1:12:38 0:10:38 23:08:38 22:06:38 21:04:38 20:02:38 25 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Discharge Air Temp Return Air Temp FIGURE 65. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF AVERAGE DISCHARGE AND RETURN AIR TEMPERATURES OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE Discharge Air Temperatures (F) 38 37 37.0 36.3 36 35.5 35.5 34.8 35 33.8 34 33 32 Left Location Left Center Location Center Location Right Center Location Right Location Average of all Five Locations FIGURE 66. INDIVIDUAL AND AVERAGE DISCHARGE AIR TEMPERATURE OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE Figure 67 depicts the two-minute profile of the mass of condensate collected over the entire test period. The condensate mass was comprised of moisture collected from the moist air stream during refrigeration run time and melted ice (or frost) during off-cycle defrost periods. The sloped horizontal profiles indicate the moisture collected during the refrigeration run time between each of the six defrost periods. The sloped vertical profiles, on the other hand, indicate the melted ice during each defrost period. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 62 June 2009 ET 06.07 19:48:38 18:46:38 17:44:38 16:42:38 15:40:38 14:38:38 13:36:38 12:34:38 11:32:38 9:28:38 10:30:38 8:26:38 7:24:38 6:22:38 5:20:38 4:18:38 3:16:38 2:14:38 1:12:38 0:10:38 23:08:38 22:06:38 21:04:38 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 20:02:38 Mass of Collected Condensate (lbs) Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) FIGURE 67. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF COLLECTED CONDENSATE OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE Mass of Collected Condensate Over 24-hours (lbs) In addition to condensate collected during refrigeration and defrosts’ ice melting, further moisture was detected to escape from the air during defrost. During off-cycle defrost periods, the compressor stops running while the evaporator fan motors continue to operate, thereby bringing relatively warm and humid air into the display case. As a result, the room’s warm and moist air was the main factor responsible for melting the ice on the coil. Figure 68 shows the sub-components of condensation. Clearly, the most condensate removal took place during the ice melting stages of the defrost period (54.51 pounds). 100 90.36 90 80 70 60 54.51 50 40 32.33 30 20 10 3.52 0 Mass of melted frost during defrosts Mass of water vapor condensed from air during defrosts Mass of water vapor condensated from air during refrigeration periods Total measured condensate Breakdown of Condensate Components FIGURE 68. BREAKDOWN OF CONDENSATE COLLECTED OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE Bringing warm and humid indoor air into the case to melt frost on the coil caused the temperature and RH inside the fixture to increase and reach maximum levels during defrost periods (Figure 69). After the refrigeration period was initiated, the temperature and humidity inside the case were lowered. However, as the refrigeration period continued, the temperature and humidity levels started to Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 63 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Inside Case RH (%) 19:48:38 18:46:38 17:44:38 16:42:38 15:40:38 14:38:38 13:36:38 12:34:38 11:32:38 9:28:38 10:30:38 8:26:38 7:24:38 6:22:38 5:20:38 4:18:38 3:16:38 2:14:38 1:12:38 0:10:38 23:08:38 22:06:38 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 21:04:38 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 20:02:38 Inside Case Temp (F) increase until the next defrost period was initiated. This observation is attributed to a decrease in evaporator coil capacity over time as a result of frost formation on the coil. Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Inside Case Temp Inside Case RH FIGURE 69. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF DISPLAY CASE TEMPERATURE AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE Figure 70 depicts the total cooling load per linear foot of the case. The highest cooling load was observed at the end of each defrost period due to bringing relatively warm and humid air into the case during defrost periods. The lowest cooling load was observed prior to initiating defrost periods. The average cooling load was 1,708 Btu/hr/ft. 2,500 Cooling Load (Btu/hr/ft) [using refrigeration data] 2,400 2,300 2,200 2,100 2,000 1,900 1,800 1,700 1,600 1,500 1,400 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Test Period (24-hours, excluding defrost) FIGURE 70. HOURLY PROFILE OF TOTAL COOLING LOAD PER LINEAR FOOT OF THE DISPLAY CASE OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE As illustrated in Figure 71 and Figure 72, the total cooling load of the display case consisted of the infiltration, radiation, conduction, and internal loads (lights and evaporator fans). The largest component of the cooling load was infiltration, 11,716 Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 64 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Btu/hr, corresponding to 86% of the total cooling load. The smallest component was the display case’s lighting system and evaporator fan motors (internal load), 476 Btu/hr, corresponding to about 4% of the total cooling load. The conduction accounted for roughly 4% and radiation for about 7% of the total cooling load. 16,000 Cooling Load (Btu/hr) [using refrigeration data] 14,000 11,716 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 496 973 Conduction Radiation 476 0 Infiltration Internal (lights & evap fans) Cooling Load Components FIGURE 71. COOLING LOAD BY COMPONENT OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE Internal (lights & evap fans) 3.5% Conduction 3.6% Radiation 7.1% Infiltration 85.8% FIGURE 72. PERCENTAGE BREAKDOWN OF THE COOLING LOAD COMPONENTS OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE Additionally, the reduced cooling load, and average cooling load over the entire test period and during the last three-fourths (3/4) of the running cycle were determined according to ASHRAE Standard 72-05 (Figure 73). The running cycle refers to the refrigeration period between two defrost periods. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 65 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 18,000 16,000 Cooling Load (Btu/hr) [using refrigeration data] 13,662 13,662 14,000 12,596 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Average Cooling Load (over 24hours) Average Cooling Load (3/4 of running cycle) Reduced Average Cooling Load FIGURE 73. REDUCED COOLING LOAD, AND AVERAGE COOLING LOAD OVER 24 HOURS AND ¾ OF RUNNING CYCLE – TYLER DISPLAY CASE The mass flow rate of refrigerant was observed to decline during each running cycle (Figure 74). The flow rate was highest at the end of defrost and lowest prior to initiation of defrost periods. This observed profile in refrigerant mass flow rate was attributed to the change in total cooling load of the case coupled with maintaining a fixed suction pressure during the entire test period. 8 Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate (lb/min) 7 6 5 4 3 y = -0.0003x + 3.8984 R2 = 0.0126 2 1 19:40:38 18:50:38 18:00:38 17:10:38 16:20:38 15:08:38 14:18:38 13:28:38 12:38:38 11:26:38 9:46:38 10:36:38 8:56:38 8:06:38 6:52:38 6:02:38 5:12:38 4:22:38 3:08:38 2:18:38 1:28:38 0:38:38 23:24:38 22:34:38 21:44:38 20:54:38 20:04:38 0 Test Period (24-hours, excluding defrost) FIGURE 74. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF REFRIGERANT MASS FLOW RATE OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE Comparing 2-minute compressor power and refrigerant mass flow rate profiles revealed a close similarity in behavior between the two parameters (Figure 75), as expected. That is, maintaining fixed suction and discharge pressure resulted in the compressor power being entirely dependent on variations in the refrigerant mass flow rate. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 66 June 2009 ET 06.07 7 y = -0.0003x + 3.8984 R2 = 0.0126 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 y = 4E-05x + 2.0698 R2 = 0.0035 19:40:38 17:10:38 18:00:38 18:50:38 14:18:38 15:08:38 16:20:38 11:26:38 12:38:38 13:28:38 8:06:38 8:56:38 9:46:38 10:36:38 0 5:12:38 6:02:38 6:52:38 20:54:38 21:44:38 22:34:38 20:04:38 0 1 2:18:38 3:08:38 4:22:38 1 23:24:38 0:38:38 1:28:38 Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate (lb/min) 7 Compressor Power (kW) Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases Test Period (24-hours, excluding defrost) Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate Linear (Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate) Compressor Power Linear (Compressor Power) FIGURE 75. TWO-MINUTE PROFILES OF COMPRESSOR POWER AND REFRIGERANT MASS FLOW RATE OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE Figure 76 depicts the hourly profile of temperature differential (TD) between the saturated evaporating temperature and DAT. As depicted, the coil TD was highest at the end of defrost periods, and started to decline as the refrigeration period began. The average coil TD over 24-hours of testing remained around 7oF. The observed coil TD profile is attributed to maintaining a fixed suction pressure, which resulted in maintaining a constant evaporator temperature of 23oF, coupled with variations in DAT. 10 9 Evap Coil TD (F) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Test Period (24-hours, excluding defrost) FIGURE 76. HOURLY PROFILE OF EVAPORATOR COIL TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE (TD) OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE The evaporator coil superheat and total system subcooling remained relatively constant during the refrigeration periods (Figure 77). However, some variations were observed when the system was approaching defrost and after defrost periods. The Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 67 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 average evaporator superheat remained around 14oF, and the average total system subcooling remained around 62oF. Evap Coil Superheat & Total Subcooling (F) 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Test Period (24-hours, excluding defrost) Evap Coil Superheat Total Subcooling FIGURE 77. HOURLY PROFILE OF EVAPORATOR COIL SUPERHEAT AND TOTAL SYSTEM SUBCOOLING OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE The hourly profile for the display case’s evaporator fan motors, secondary or ambient fan motors, and lighting system power usage is shown in Figure 78. As shown, the evaporator fan motors, secondary or ambient fan motors, and lighting system power consumption remained unchanged over the entire test period. 120 100 Case Lighting Power (W) 80 60 Evaporator Fans 40 20 Ambient Fans 19:48:38 18:46:38 17:44:38 16:42:38 15:40:38 14:38:38 13:36:38 12:34:38 11:32:38 10:30:38 9:28:38 8:26:38 7:24:38 6:22:38 5:20:38 4:18:38 3:16:38 2:14:38 1:12:38 0:10:38 23:08:38 22:06:38 21:04:38 20:02:38 0 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Evaporator Fans Case Lighting Ambient Fans FIGURE 78. HOURLY PROFILE OF CASE LIGHTING AND EVAPORATOR FAN MOTOR POWER OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE Figure 79 depicts the total system power and the total power usage by end-use over the entire test period. The case’s evaporator fan motors power and lighting system power were approximately 0.03 kW and 0.11 kW, respectively. The secondary or ambient fan motors power was about 0.02 kW. The largest contributor to the total Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 68 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 system power was the refrigeration system compressor with 2.12 kW. The total power usage over the entire test period equaled 2.28 kW. 2.5 2.28 2.12 Average Power (kW) [over 24-hours] 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.03 0.02 0.11 Evap. Fans Ambient Fans Lighting 0.0 Compressor Total System End-Use FIGURE 79. AVERAGE TOTAL AND END-USE POWER OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 Center Front Left Front Right Front Center Rear 19:48:38 18:46:38 17:44:38 16:42:38 15:40:38 14:38:38 13:36:38 12:34:38 11:32:38 10:30:38 9:28:38 8:26:38 7:24:38 6:22:38 5:20:38 4:18:38 3:16:38 2:14:38 1:12:38 Right Rear 0:10:38 23:08:38 22:06:38 21:04:38 Left Rear 20:02:38 Bottom Shelf (shelf #1) Product Temp (F) Additionally, the 2-minute profile of product temperatures at six locations inside the display case for each shelf was monitored (Figure 80 through Figure 84). A review of these figures revealed that there was a variation in product temperature profiles depending on the product location, and it varied among shelves. However, the rear products were lower in temperature than the front products, as expected. Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Left Rear Left Front Center Rear Center Front Right Rear Right Front FIGURE 80. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF PRODUCT TEMPERATURE AT SIX DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR BOTTOM SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 69 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases 46 Left Front Center Front ET 06.07 Right Front 42 40 38 36 34 19:48:38 18:46:38 17:44:38 16:42:38 15:40:38 14:38:38 13:36:38 12:34:38 11:32:38 9:28:38 8:26:38 Right Rear 7:24:38 6:22:38 3:16:38 2:14:38 1:12:38 0:10:38 23:08:38 22:06:38 21:04:38 20:02:38 5:20:38 Center Rear Left Rear 30 10:30:38 32 4:18:38 Shelf #2 Product Temp (F) 44 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Left Rear Left Front Center Rear Center Front Right Rear Right Front FIGURE 81. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF PRODUCT TEMPERATURE AT SIX DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR SECOND SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE 46 Right Front Center Front Shelf #3 Product Temp (F) 44 42 40 Left Front 38 36 34 32 19:48:38 18:46:38 17:44:38 16:42:38 15:40:38 14:38:38 13:36:38 12:34:38 11:32:38 Center Rear 10:30:38 9:28:38 8:26:38 7:24:38 6:22:38 5:20:38 4:18:38 3:16:38 Right Rear 2:14:38 1:12:38 23:08:38 22:06:38 21:04:38 20:02:38 0:10:38 Left Rear 30 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Left Rear Left Front Center Rear Center Front Right Rear Right Front FIGURE 82. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF PRODUCT TEMPERATURE AT SIX DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR THIRD SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 70 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases 44 ET 06.07 Left Front Center Front Shelf #4 Product Temp (F) 42 40 Right Front 38 36 34 32 19:48:38 18:46:38 17:44:38 16:42:38 15:40:38 14:38:38 13:36:38 12:34:38 11:32:38 Center Rear 10:30:38 9:28:38 8:26:38 7:24:38 6:22:38 5:20:38 4:18:38 Right Rear 3:16:38 2:14:38 0:10:38 23:08:38 22:06:38 21:04:38 20:02:38 1:12:38 Left Rear 30 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Left Rear Left Front Center Rear Center Front Right Rear Right Front FIGURE 83. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF PRODUCT TEMPERATURE AT SIX DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR FOURTH SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE 50 Right Front Left Front 44 42 40 38 Center Front 36 34 19:48:38 18:46:38 17:44:38 16:42:38 15:40:38 14:38:38 13:36:38 12:34:38 11:32:38 Center Rear 10:30:38 9:28:38 7:24:38 6:22:38 5:20:38 4:18:38 Right Rear 3:16:38 2:14:38 0:10:38 23:08:38 22:06:38 21:04:38 20:02:38 Left Rear 8:26:38 32 30 1:12:38 Top Shelf Product Temp (F) 48 46 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Left Rear Left Front Center Rear Center Front Right Rear Right Front FIGURE 84. TWO-MINUTE PROFILE OF PRODUCT TEMPERATURE AT SIX DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR TOP SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE Figure 85 depicts the average of all six product temperatures for each shelf. As illustrated, the product temperatures were lowest for the fourth shelf (one shelf below the top shelf) and highest for the bottom shelf. Figure 85 also shows that the average product temperatures had similar profiles regardless of variations in temperature magnitudes. The variations in temperature magnitude are attributed to defrost periods, and, in fact, the products experienced a temperature swing of 1oF to 2oF as a result of the defrost periods. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 71 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 44 Average Product Temperatures (F) Top Shelf Bottom Shelf 42 40 Shelf #2 38 Shelf #3 Shelf #4 19:22:38 18:26:38 17:30:38 16:34:38 15:38:38 14:42:38 13:46:38 12:50:38 11:54:38 10:58:38 9:06:38 10:02:38 8:10:38 7:14:38 6:18:38 5:22:38 4:26:38 3:30:38 2:34:38 1:38:38 0:42:38 23:46:38 22:50:38 21:54:38 20:58:38 20:02:38 36 Test Period (24-hours, including defrost) Bottom Shelf Shelf #2 Shelf #3 Shelf #4 Top Shelf FIGURE 85. AVERAGE PRODUCT TEMPERATURES FOR EACH SHELF OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE The coldest product temperature was 33.2oF, and the warmest was 48.4oF (Figure 86). Average coldest and warmest product temperatures were 33.8oF and 46.6oF, respectively. Averaging all of the product simulators yielded an average product temperature of 39.0oF. 60 48.4 Product Temp (F) [including defrost periods] 50 46.6 39.0 40 33.8 33.2 Coldest Test Simulator Average Temp. Coldest Test Simulator Temp. 30 20 10 0 Average Product Temp. of All Test Simulators Warmest Test Simulator Average Temp. Warmest Test Simulator Temp. FIGURE 86. AVERAGE, COLDEST AND WARMEST PRODUCT TEMPERATURES OVER 24 HOURS – TYLER DISPLAY CASE Additionally, the collected test data was compared to the manufacturer’s published data. The results are summarized in Table 6. The obtained cooling load was about 61% higher than that specified by the manufacturer. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 72 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases TABLE 6. ET 06.07 COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF TEST DATA AND MANUFACTURER’S PUBLISHED DATA – TYLER DISPLAY CASE KEY PARAMETERS MANUFACTURER DATA TEST DATA (AVERAGE) 1,059 1,708 28 23 34.5 35.5 6 6 18 18 Cooling Load per Linear-feet (Btu/hr/ft) Saturated Evaporating Temperature (oF) Discharge Air Temperature (oF) Defrost per Day Defrost Duration (minutes) Additionally, in an attempt to lower the warmest product temperature to a desirable level (equal to or below 41oF), additional test runs were initiated. These test runs were initiated while maintaining the controlled environment room at 75oF DB and 55% RH. The test runs involved lowering the suction pressure by increments of 2 to 3 psig while monitoring the warmest product temperature inside the display case. However, after lowering the suction pressure by about 10 psig, the warmest product temperature was still higher than 41oF. In fact, lowering the suction pressure from roughly 60 psig to 50 psig increased the warmest product temperature from 48oF to 55oF. COMPARISON OF RESULTS This section compares results obtained from testing all three standard high efficiency display cases. These display cases were tested according to manufacturers’ specified DAT. The comparison will establish and quantify key performance components such as cooling load, product temperature, and compressor power and energy requirements for each of the three tested display cases. Figure 87 illustrates that the test chamber maintained relatively non-varying DB and RH during the entire test period for all three tested display cases. As shown, the DB and RH remained around 75oF and 55%, respectively, for all three tests. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 73 June 2009 Room Dry Bulb Temp (F) & Relative Humidity (%) Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 ET 06.07 Avg Room Temp = 75.0 F Avg Room Temp = 75.0 F Avg Room Temp = 75.0 F Avg Room RH = 55.3% Avg Room RH = 55.1% Avg Room RH = 54.8% Hill Phoenix O5DM Hussmann M5X-GEP Tyler N6DHPACLA Test Scenarios (tested display cases, including defrost) FIGURE 87. COMPARISON OF TWO-MINUTE PROFILES OF THE CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT ROOM DRY BULB AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY OVER 24 HOURS – ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS Figure 88 depicts the discharge and suction pressures for all three tested display cases. The refrigeration system maintained a fixed discharge pressure of about 220 psig or 95oF SCT during all three test runs. The suction pressures were set to provide the case manufacturers’ specified DAT. As shown in Figure 88, the refrigeration system maintained fixed suction pressures during the entire test periods. In Figure 88, the SET and DAT are also shown that correspond to the suction pressures. Although both Hill Phoenix and Hussmann specified a DAT of 30oF for their cases, the Hussmann display case provided a DAT of 30oF at 3 psig higher suction pressure than the Hill Phoenix display case. 140 260 Avg Discharge = 218.6 psig Avg Discharge = 217.9 psig Avg Discharge = 218.2 psig (SCT = 94.5 F) (SCT = 94.9 F) (SCT = 95.0 F) 120 220 100 200 80 180 160 60 140 Avg Suction = 57.7 psig Avg Suction = 61.4 psig Avg Suction = 58.9 psig 120 Suction Pressure (psig) Discharge Pressure (psig) 240 40 (SET = 23.0 F, DAT = 30.1 F) (SET = 26.5 F, DAT = 29.9 F) (SET = 23.3 F, DAT = 35.5 F) 100 20 Hill Phoenix O5DM Hussmann M5X-GEP Tyler N6DHPACLA Test Scenarios (tested display cases, excluding defrost) FIGURE 88. COMPARISON OF TWO-MINUTE PROFILES OF SUCTION AND DISCHARGE PRESSURES OVER 24 HOURS – ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 74 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 The average DAT and return air temperature (RAT) for all three tested display cases are shown in Figure 89. The average DATs were maintained according to manufacturers’ specifications, expect for some minor deviations in the Tyler case. For the Tyler case, an average DAT of 35.5oF was achieved, which was only 1oF higher than the specifications. The difference between DAT and RAT was more significant for Hill Phoenix and Tyler display cases. Specifically, both the Hill Phoenix and Tyler case experienced a 15oF to 16oF increase in RAT. However, the Hussmann display case experienced only a 9oF increase in RAT. 90 70 Avg RAT = 38.5 F Avg RAT = 51.1 F 80 65 60 70 55 50 60 45 50 40 35 40 30 30 20 Average Return Air Temp (F) Average Discharge Air Temp (F) Avg RAT = 44.6 F 25 Avg DAT = 30.1 F Avg DAT = 29.9 F Avg DAT = 35.5 F Hill Phoenix O5DM Hussmann M5X-GEP Tyler N6DHPACLA 20 Test Scenarios (tested display cases, including defrost) FIGURE 89. COMPARISON OF TWO-MINUTE PROFILES OF AVERAGE DISCHARGE AND RETURN AIR TEMPERATURES OVER 24 HOURS – ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS The average DAT and product temperature for all three tested display cases are shown in Figure 90. The average DAT and product temperature for both Hill Phoenix and Hussmann display cases was 30oF and 35oF, respectively. Although both display cases maintained an average product temperature of about 35oF, product temperature swing was slightly higher for the Hussmann case than the Hill Phoenix case. For the Tyler display case, the average DAT was 35oF and average product temperature was 39oF. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 75 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases Avg Prod Temp = 34.9 F Avg Prod Temp = 35.2 F Avg Prod Temp = 39.0 F 80 46 44 42 40 70 Temperature Sw ing 60 38 36 34 40 32 30 28 30 26 24 50 20 Avg DAT = 30.1 F Avg DAT = 29.9 F Avg DAT = 35.5 F Hill Phoenix O5DM Hussmann M5X-GEP Tyler N6DHPACLA Average Product Temp (F) Average Discharge Air Temp (F) 90 ET 06.07 22 20 Test Scenarios (tested display cases, including defrost) FIGURE 90. COMPARISON OF TWO-MINUTE PROFILES OF AVERAGE DISCHARGE AIR TEMPERATURE AND PRODUCT TEMPERATURE OVER 24 HOURS – ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS Figure 91 illustrates the coldest and warmest product temperature for all three tested display cases over a 24-hour period. The coldest product temperature for all three display cases was between 27oF and 34oF. The warmest product temperature for the Hussmann case was about 40oF, which was 1oF lower than the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) food code requirement of 41oF. The warmest product temperature for both Hill Phoenix and Tyler cases, however, was above the FDAs food code requirement of 41oF. This difference was more significant for the Tyler case, 7oF difference, than for the Hill Phoenix case, less than 1oF difference. In other words, although the average product temperatures for both Hill Phoenix and Tyler display cases were below 40oF (see Figure 90), the warmest product temperatures were above 41oF (Figure 91). Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 76 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 60 Coldest and Warmest Product Temperature (F) Coldest Product Temp 50 Warmest Product Temp 40 48.4 41.8 39.8 30 33.2 29.3 27.6 20 10 0 Hill Phoenix O5DM Hussmann M5X-GEP Tyler N6DHPACLA Test Scnearios (tested display cases, including defrost) FIGURE 91. COMPARISON OF COLDEST AND WARMEST PRODUCT TEMPERATURES OVER 24 HOURS – ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS 70 65 Avg Refrig Effect = 57.6 Btu/lb Avg Refrig Effect = 58.5 Btu/lb Avg Refrig Effect = 58.4 Btu/lb Avg Flow Rate = 4.7 lb/min Avg Flow Rate = 3.6 lb/min Avg Flow Rate = 3.9 lb/min Hill Phoenix O5DM Hussmann M5X-GEP Tyler N6DHPACLA Refrigeration Effect (Btu/lb) 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate (lb/min) Figure 92 depicts the refrigeration effect and refrigerant mass flow rate for all three tested display cases. As described in the Data Analysis section, the refrigeration effect represents the cooling capacity of the evaporator per pound of refrigerant flow. As shown in Figure 92, despite slight variations, the refrigerant effect for all three display cases was around 58 Btu/lb. The lowest refrigerant mass flow rate (3.6 lb/min), however, was observed for the Hussmann display case. This was mainly due to low cooling load requirements for this case. The refrigerant mass flow rate of Hussmann was 23% (3.6 lb/min vs. 4.7 lb/min) lower than the Hill Phoenix case and 8% (3.6 lb/min vs. 3.9 lb/min) lower than the Tyler case. Test Scenarios (tested display cases, excluding defrost) FIGURE 92. COMPARISON OF TWO-MINUTE PROFILES OF REFRIGERATION EFFECT AND REFRIGERANT MASS FLOW RATE OVER 24 HOURS – ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 77 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 As discussed earlier, the compressor power use was entirely dependent on the refrigerant mass flow rate variations due to maintaining a fixed suction and discharge pressures. The dependency of the compressor power to the refrigerant mass flow rate is evident in Figure 93. Accordingly, the compressor power use decreased as the refrigerant mass flow rate decreased (Figure 93). 8 8 Avg Flow Rate = 3.6 lb/min Avg Flow Rate = 3.9 lb/min 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 Compressor Power (kW) Refrigerant Mass Flow Rate (lb/min) Avg Flow Rate = 4.7 lb/min 1 Avg Power = 2.24 kW Avg Power = 1.93 kW Avg Power = 2.12 kW Hill Phoenix O5DM Hussmann M5X-GEP Tyler N6DHPACLA 0 0 Test Scenarios (tested display cases, excluding defrost) FIGURE 93. COMPARISON OF TWO-MINUTE PROFILES OF COMPRESSOR POWER AND REFRIGERANT MASS FLOW RATE OVER 24 HOURS – ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS Figure 94 depicts the 2-minute profile of condensate mass collected over the entire test period for all three tested display cases. In Figure 94, the vertical lines indicate the mass of melted frost during each defrost period and horizontal lines indicate the amount of moisture collected during refrigeration periods. For the Hill Phoenix case, relatively flat horizontal lines indicated an insignificant amount of collected moisture during refrigeration periods. For the Hussmann and Tyler cases, on the other hand, the sloped horizontal lines indicate a slightly higher amount of collected moisture during refrigeration periods. More importantly, Figure 94 shows that the highest total mass of collected condensate over a 24-hour period was for the Hill Phoenix case with 95.5 lbs. The lowest total mass of collected condensate over a 24-hour period, however, was the Hussmann case with 76 lbs. In other words, the amount of condensate collected over a 24-hour test period for the Hussmann case was 20% less than the Hill Phoenix case and about 16% (76 lbs vs. 90.4 lbs) less than the Tyler case. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 78 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 100 90 Mass of Collected Condensate (lbs) 80 Total Condensate = 95.5 lbs Total Condensate = 76.0 lbs Total Condensate = 90.4 lbs Refrigeration Period Refrigeration Period Refrigeration Period 70 60 Defrost Period 50 Defrost Period Defrost Period 40 30 20 10 0 Hill Phoenix O5DM Hussmann M5X-GEP Tyler N6DHPACLA Test Scenarios (tested display cases, including defrost) FIGURE 94. COMPARISON OF TWO-MINUTE PROFILES OF MASS OF COLLECTED CONDENSATE OVER 24 HOURS – ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS In general, the reduction in mass of collected condensate and RAT can be directly translated to the reduction in infiltration load of the display cases. Figure 95 depicts that the infiltration load was the lowest for the Hussmann display case (10,339 Btu/hr), and highest for the Hill Phoenix case (13,881 Btu/hr) followed by the Tyler case (11,716 Btu/hr). This indicated that the infiltration load of the Hussmann case was 26% lower than the Hill Phoenix case and 12% lower than the Tyler case. Subsequently, since the infiltration load contributed to about 80% of the total cooling load of these display cases, the total cooling load varied according to variations in infiltration load. Figure 95 also depicts the conduction, radiation, and internal load for all three display cases. As shown, the conduction load was slightly higher for the Hill Phoenix case (637 Btu/hr) when compared to the other two display cases (551 Btu/hr and 496 Btu/hr). This can be attributed mainly to a slightly larger surface area of the case walls that are conducting heat. The radiation load, however, remained fairly unchanged around 1,000 Btu/hr for all three display cases. The internal load, which was comprised of heat generated by the lighting system and evaporator fan motors, was slightly higher for the Hussmann case (730 Btu/hr) when compared to the other two display cases (592 Btu/hr and 476 Btu/hr). This was attributed mainly to an increase in evaporator fan motors power consumption for the Hussmann case prior to initiation of defrost periods. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 79 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases 18,000 Conduction Radiation Internal (lights and evap fans) Infiltration 12,621 Total 10,339 16,119 Cooling Load (Btu/hr) [using refrigeration data] 16,000 13,881 14,000 12,000 ET 06.07 13,662 11,716 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 1,010 637 1,001 592 973 730 551 496 476 0 Hill Phoenix O5DM Hussmann M5X-GEP Tyler N6DHPACLA Test Scenarios (tested display cases) FIGURE 95. COMPARISON OF TOTAL COOLING LOAD AND ITS COMPONENTS OVER 24 HOURS – ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS Figure 96 compares the manufacturers published cooling load data with obtained test results. The cooling loads shown are based on the linear-feet of the display case length. As shown, in all instances the obtained cooling loads were higher than that specified by the manufacturers. The highest percentage difference in the cooling load between the test and published data was for the Tyler display case with 61%, and the lowest was for the Hussmann display case with 15%. 2,500 Manufacturer Data Total Cooling Load per Linear-feet (Btu/hr/ft) % = 28% 2,000 Test Data % = 61% 2,015 % = 15% 1,708 1,500 1,578 1,570 1,370 1,000 1,059 500 0 Hill Phoenix O5DM Hussmann M5X-GEP Tyler N6DHPACLA Test Scnearios (tested display cases) FIGURE 96. COMPARISON OF TEST DATA AND MANUFACTURER’S REPORTED COOLING LOAD PER LINEAR-FEET OF THE DISPLAY CASE – ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS Figure 97 depicts the power usage by end-use and the total power for all three display cases over the entire 24-hour test period. The case lighting power usage was similar for all three display cases (0.11 kW to 0.12 kW). The evaporator fan power usage was highest for the Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 80 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Hussmann case (0.09 kW), and lowest for the Tyler case (0.03 kW). The Tyler display case was the only case that was equipped with secondary or ambient fans that consumed about 0.02 kW. The lowest compressor power demand was observed for the Hussmann case with 1.93 kW, and the highest for the Hill Phoenix case with 2.24 kW followed by the Tyler case with 2.12 kW. In other words, the compressor power demand for the Hussmann case was 14% less than the Hill Phoenix case and 9% less than the Tyler case. Subsequently, since the compressor was the major contributor to the total display case power usage, the total power varied according to variations in compressor power. 3.0 Evap. Fans 2.5 2.44 2.24 Power (kW) 2.0 Secondary Fans Lighting System Compressor 1.5 2.15 2.12 2.28 1.93 Total 1.0 0.5 0.06 0.0 0.11 n/a Hill Phoenix O5DM 0.09 0.12 n/a Hussmann M5X-GEP 0.03 0.02 0.11 Tyler N6DHPACLA Test Scenarios (tested display cases) FIGURE 97. COMPARISON OF TOTAL AND END-USE POWER OVER 24 HOURS – ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS Figure 98 illustrates the total daily defrost duration and the refrigeration compressor run time in terms of hours. Again, the defrost frequency and duration, as well as the defrost method was in accordance with the case manufacturers specifications. The defrost duration for the Hill Phoenix case was 2.8 hours, for the Hussmann case was 2.4 hours, and for the Tyler case was 1.9 hours over a 24-hour period. Since the defrost method was off-cycle where the compressor stops running, the refrigeration compressor run time or operation hours was a function of defrost duration. Subsequently, when the defrost duration was low, the compressor run time was high, and vice versa. The compressor operation hours for the Hill Phoenix case was 21.2 hours, for the Hussmann case was 21.6 hours, and for the Tyler case was 22.1 hours over a 24-hour period. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 81 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 28 Total Daily Defrost Duration and Compressor Run Time (hours) Daily Defrost Duration 24 Daily Compressor Run Time 20 22.1 21.6 21.2 16 12 8 4 0 2.8 Hill Phoenix O5DM 2.4 Hussmann M5X-GEP 1.9 Tyler N6DHPACLA Test Scnearios (tested display cases) FIGURE 98. COMPARISON OF TOTAL DAILY DEFROST PERIODS AND REFRIGERATION (COMPRESSOR) RUN TIME OVER 24 HOURS – ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS The total daily energy and energy usage by end-use for all three display cases was captured as well (Figure 99). It is important to note that over a 24-hour period of test runs the case lighting system, evaporator fans, and the secondary fans were continuously on. The refrigeration compressor was the only end-use component that its operation or run time varied for each of the three tested display cases. The case lighting daily energy usage for both the Hill Phoenix and Tyler cases was 3.0 kWh, and for the Hussmann case was 2.7 kWh. The evaporator fans daily energy usage was lowest for the Tyler case, 0.7 kWh, and highest for the Hussmann case, 2.2 kWh. The daily energy usage of the secondary or ambient fans of the Tyler case was about 0.4 kWh. The lowest compressor daily energy usage was observed for the Hussmann case, 41.8 kWh, and the highest for the Hill Phoenix case, 47.5 kWh, followed by the Tyler case, 46.9 kWh. Again, since the compressor was the major contributor to the total display case energy usage, the total daily energy consumption followed a similar pattern as the compressor daily energy usage. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 82 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 60 Evap. Fans Daily Energy (kWh/day) 50 51.7 47.5 40 Secondary Fans 50.7 47.0 Lighting System Compressor 46.9 41.8 Total 30 20 10 1.4 0 2.7 3.0 2.2 n/a 0.7 n/a Hill Phoenix O5DM Hussmann M5X-GEP 0.4 2.7 Tyler N6DHPACLA Test Scenarios (tested display cases) FIGURE 99. COMPARISON OF TOTAL AND END-USE DAILY ENERGY OVER 24 HOURS – ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS Figure 100 illustrates the total cooling load and total power usage per refrigerated volume of each display case. The refrigerated volume for each of the three display cases is also shown in Figure 100. As shown, the Hill Phoenix case had the highest cooling load requirement per refrigerated volume (175 Btu/hr/ft3) followed by the Hussmann (150 Btu/hr/ft3) and Tyler (147 Btu/hr/ft3) cases. A similar observation was made regarding the total power demand per refrigerated volume. That is, per refrigerated volume of the case, the Tyler display case had the lowest cooling load and power demand requirements whereas the Hill Phoenix case had the highest cooling load and power demand requirements. 200 Total Cooling Load per Refrigerated Volume (Btu/hr/ft³) Total Cooling Load and Power per Refrigerated Volume 180 160 175 Total Power per Refrigerated Volume (Watts/ft³) 150 140 147 120 100 80 60 Refrigerated Vol. = 92.11 ft 3 Refrigerated Vol. = 83.92 ft 3 Refrigerated Vol. = 93.00 ft3 40 20 26.5 25.6 24.5 0 Hill Phoenix O5DM Hussmann M5X-GEP Tyler N6DHPACLA Test Scenarios (tested display cases) FIGURE 100. COMPARISON OF TOTAL COOLING LOAD AND POWER PER REFRIGERATED VOLUME – ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 83 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 Table 7 through Table 9 summarize and compare the key performance attributes of the Hill Phoenix, Hussmann, and the Tyler display case. Table 7 summarizes and compares the key system parameters and measured condensate mass for all three tested display cases. Table 8 summarizes and compares the key refrigeration parameters and cooling load for all three display cases. Table 9 summarizes and compares power demand and energy consumption for all three display cases. TABLE 7. SUMMARY OF KEY SYSTEM PARAMETERS AND MEASURED CONDENSATE FOR ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS KEY PERFORMANCE ATTRIBUTES HILL PHOENIX (O5DM) HUSSMANN (M5X-GEP) TYLER (N6DHPACLA) Discharge air temperature (oF) 30.1 29.9 35.5 Return air temperature (oF) 44.6 38.5 51.5 Suction pressure (psig) 57.7 61.4 58.9 Saturated evaporating temperature (oF) 23.0 26.5 23.3 5.2 5.7 14.4 218.6 217.9 218.2 Saturated condensing temperature (oF) 94.5 94.9 95.0 Total sub-cooling (oF) 29.9 31.4 62.1 Warmest product temperature (oF) 41.8 39.8 48.4 Total measured condensate over 24 hours (lbs) 95.5 76.0 90.4 Evaporator coil superheat (oF) Discharge pressure (psig) TABLE 8. SUMMARY OF KEY REFRIGERATION PARAMETERS AND COOLING LOAD FOR ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS KEY PERFORMANCE ATTRIBUTES HILL PHOENIX (O5DM) HUSSMANN (M5X-GEP) TYLER (N6DHPACLA) Refrigeration effect (Btu/lb) 57.6 58.5 58.4 Refrigerant mass flow rate (lb/hr) 280 216 234 16,119 12,621 13,662 Total cooling load per linear-feet (Btu/hr/ft) 2,015 1,578 1,708 Total cooling load per refrigerated volume (Btu/hr/ft3) 175 150 147 Conduction load (Btu/hr) 637 551 496 1,010 1,001 973 592 730 476 Total cooling load (Btu/hr) Radiation load (Btu/hr) Internal load – case lighting system and evaporator fans (Btu/hr) Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 84 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 KEY PERFORMANCE ATTRIBUTES HILL PHOENIX (O5DM) HUSSMANN (M5X-GEP) TYLER (N6DHPACLA) Infiltration load (Btu/hr) 13,881 10,339 11,716 21.2 21.6 22.1 2.8 2.4 1.9 Refrigeration run time over 24 hours – excluding defrost (hrs/day) Defrost duration over 24 hours (hrs/day) TABLE 9. SUMMARY OF POWER DEMAND AND DAILY ENERGY USAGE FOR ALL THREE TEST SCENARIOS KEY PERFORMANCE ATTRIBUTES HILL PHOENIX (O5DM) HUSSMANN (M5X-GEP) TYLER (N6DHPACLA) Compressor power (kW) 2.24 1.93 2.12 Compressor daily energy (kWh/day) 47.5 41.8 46.9 Evaporator fan motors power (kW) 0.06 0.09 0.03 Evaporator fan motors daily energy (kWh/day) 1.4 2.2 0.7 Secondary or ambient fan motors power (kW) n/a n/a 0.02 Secondary or ambient fan motors daily energy (kWh/day) n/a n/a 0.4 Case lighting system power (kW) 0.11 0.12 0.11 2.7 3.0 2.7 Total system power (kW) 2.44 2.15 2.28 Total system daily energy (kWh/day) 51.7 47.0 50.7 Case lighting system daily energy (kWh/day) Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 85 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The results of this study indicated that the Hussmann display case had the lowest cooling load requirement, and specifically infiltration load, when compared to the Hill Phoenix and the Tyler display cases. This fact was traceable by low mass of condensate collected over a 24-hour period, and low temperature difference between the discharge and return air. Due to low cooling load requirements, the refrigeration compressor power demand and daily energy usage was the lowest for the Hussmann display case test scenario. This accordingly resulted in lowering overall display case power demand and daily energy usage. Normalizing the cooling load and power demand based on the refrigerated volume of the display cases revealed that the performance of the Hussmann display case was better than the Hill Phoenix case and to some extent comparable to, but not better than, the Tyler case. One of the main reasons that the Hussmann display case had the lowest infiltration load was attributed to its glass-front extension. The results revealed that by removing the glass-front extension, the infiltration load increased by 28% and the compressor power increased by 18%. This finding was in line with a recent study that has identified the vertical distance between the discharge and the return air grille to be one of the key geometric variables impacting the infiltration load of open vertical refrigerated display cases [Ref. 4]. The results of this study also indicated that both the Tyler and the Hill Phoenix display cases could not maintain the warmest product temperatures equal to or below 41oF, as required by the Food and Drug Administrations’ (FDA) food code. The warmest product temperature for the Tyler display case test scenario was around 48oF and for the Hill Phoenix case was slightly below 42oF. The warmest product temperature for the Hussmann display case test scenario, however, was slightly below 40oF. Therefore, when selecting an open vertical refrigerated display case, it is recommended to select a display case with following characteristics, while maintaining the warmest product temperature equal to or below 41oF: Lowest temperature difference between the discharge and return air (below 10oF) Lowest vertical distance between the discharge and return air grille Least amount of daily collected condensate or defrost water (below 9.5 lb/ft/day) Lowest infiltration load per refrigerated volume (below 120 Btu/hr/ft3) Lowest total cooling load per refrigerated volume (below 145 Btu/hr/ft3) Lowest evaporator fan motor power (below 20 watts/fan motor) Lowest display case lighting power (below 55 watts/canopy row) Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 86 June 2009 Performance Comparison of Three High Efficiency Medium-Temperature Display Cases ET 06.07 REFERENCES [1] American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Refrigeration Handbook, Chapter 46 – “Retail Food Store Refrigeration and Equipment,” 2006. [2] Baxter, V. D., “Investigation of Energy Efficient Supermarket Display Cases,” ORNL/TM-2004/292. Oak Ridge national Lab, December 2004. [3] Itron. “California Commercial End-Use Survey: Consultant Report,” CEC-400-2006005. March 2006. [4] Southern California Edison. “Air Curtain Stability and Effectiveness in Open Vertical Refrigerated Display Cases,” CEC 500-05-012. September 2008. Southern California Edison Design & Engineering Services Page 87 June 2009