Books - Listening
Books - Listening
Books - Listening WORLD RADIO TV HANDBOOK 2016 This long established publication is filled with schedules, frequencies and addresses of shortwave broadcast stations. Organized primarily by country. Also includes a by-frequency listing of shortwave broadcast stations, radio club info., plus receiver reviews. WRTH Pub. 70TH Edition. ©2015 672 p. List $49.95. Order #6016 .......... $43.98 WORLD RADIO TV HANDBOOK 2017 This long established publication is filled with schedules, frequencies and addresses of shortwave broadcast stations. Organized primarily by country. Also includes a by-frequency listing of shortwave broadcast stations, plus receiver reviews. WRTH Pub. 71ST Edition. ©2016 672 p. List $49.95. Order #6017 .......... $44.95 2016 SHORTWAVE FREQUENCY GUIDE By J. Klingenfuss. This guide has 5,000 shortwave broadcast listings by frequency and includes 8,000 abbreviated entries from Guide to Utility Stations 2015-16. You get great coverage of broadcast and utility stations in one up-to-date book! 20th Ed. ©December 2015. 370 p. PIRATE RADIO (+ Audio CD!) Underground Illegal Broadcasting By Yoder. A behind the scenes look at the incredible saga of America's underground, illegal broadcasters. From early pirate broadcasting to today's pirates. It's all here. The included audio CD features segments from some of the most famous, infamous and notorious pirate stations. ©1995 HighText. 326 p. Order #3038 .......... $19.98 WORLDWIDE LISTENING GUIDE By J. Figliozzi. Modeled on the author’s popular Worldwide Shortwave Listening Guide, this new book covers all of today's formats: live ondemand, podcast, satellite, Internet, digital, analog, AM, FM, shortwave and wi-fi. Learn what can be heard how, where and when! Spiral bound 7th Ed. 160 p. ©2015. List $24.95. Order #2861 .......... $23.95 DISCOVER DXING! HOW TO HEAR DISTANT AM, FM & TV STATIONS By J. Zondlo. A great intro to DXing the AM, FM and TV bands. Topics include: propagation, seasonal conditions, equipment, antennas and reference materials. Chapters on: best bets for hearing 50 states on AM, clear channel AM stations and VHF TV stations by channel. Third Ed. ©2006 Universal Radio. 96 p. Order #0009 ............ $6.95 [CD version on pg. 103]. Order #1580 .......... $39.95 THE NEW SHORTWAVE PROPAGATION HANDBOOK By Jacobs, Cohen & Rose. A comprehensive review of the principles and theories of shortwave propagation prediction. Reviews: ionosphere, sunspot cycles, forecasting, unusual HF & VHF propagation, etc. Generous use of charts and diagrams makes it understandable for hams & SWLs. ©1995, 1997 CQ 150 p. Order #2053 .......... $17.95 Universal Radio 6830 Americana Pkwy. Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068 Quality Equipment Since 1942 Page 105 2015/2016 GUIDE TO UTILITY STATIONS By J. Klingenfuss. The world's biggest and best guide to non-broadcast stations in the range of 0 - 30 MHz. With 8,800 listings in aero, maritime, military, diplomatic, time stations and more. Covers SSB, CW, AM and exhaustive RTTY. Thousands of changes since last edition. Highly recommended. 28th Edition ©December 2014. 550 p. Order #6355 .......... $59.95 JUST THE FAX! - AN SWL GUIDE TO WEATHER FAX By Steven Handler. The shortwave bands are buzzing with the sounds of a fax machine. With the right equipment and this book you can see these interesting transmissions. Includes an introduction to fax transmissions FAX stations by frequency and time ordered list of scheduled fax transmissions. ©2012 40 pages. Order #3953 .......... $14.95 UTILITY DXer'S QSL ADDRESS HANDBOOK By Steven Handler. This well researched book contains the postal and e-mail addresses of many shortwave utility stations located on all seven continents. Most listings also show type of QSL they issue, preferred method of contact and verification signers. There are over 40 QSL images (half in color). ©2012 56 p. Order #5869 .......... $13.98 Info.: 614 866-4267 Orders: 800 431-3939 Books - Listening SHORTWAVE RECEIVERS PAST & PRESENT 1942-2013 By Fred Osterman. A comprehensive guide to over 1700 shortwave, amateur and commercial communications receivers (plus 1200 variants) made in the last 70 years. With 1800 photos and information including: coverage, circuit type, display, features, performance, new & used values (for most), reviews, etc. Over 360 domestic and international manufacturers are represented. Become an instant receiver expert. Hard bound Fourth Edition. ©2014 Universal Radio Research. 800 p. See page 127 for more information. Order #0004 .......... $49.95 PIRATE RADIO ANNUAL 2015-16 By A. Yoder. Pirate radio is an interesting and controversial subject, but no one can debate that pirate radio is alive, well and offers a tremendous range of programming. The author introduces the topic, provides insights on tuning and QSLing pirates and provides an extensive review of pirate activity for the previous year, covering both domestic and international pirate stations heard in North America. This book includes an amazing audio CD of 92 different pirate stations! ©2016 Cabinet 230 p. Order #6555 .......... $16.95 For additional titles visit: Universal Radio 6830 Americana Pkwy. Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068 THE PRACTICAL ANTENNA HANDBOOK By Joe Carr & George Hippisley. This book covers all types of antennas. Includes: dipoles, verticals, multiband wire, long-wire directional, hidden, phased verticals, beams, shortwave, VHF/UHF, marine, microwave, mobile antennas and grounding. 5th Ed. ©2011 TAB 784 p. List $ 52.00. Order #5859 .......... $39.95 RADIO ON THE ROAD THE TRAVELER's COMPANION By W. Hutchings. This handy reference is designed for listeners on the go. It lists over 15,000 AM and FM stations in the U.S.A. It is organized by State, City with station format. Find the type of programming you want anywhere. Also lists for sports, talk radio and NPR. Eighth Edition. ©2006 Luce 283 p. Order #1676 .......... $16.95 JOE CARR'S LOOP ANTENNA HANDBOOK By Joe Carr. Here is a comprehensive, but readable guide to understanding and building loops for longwave, medium wave, shortwave and VHF. Loop antennas can be very effective, even if you have limited space and a tight budget. Many diagrams and illustrations. URR. ©1999 133 p. List $19.95. Order #0016 ..... $14.90 ON THE SHORTWAVES 1923-1945 By Jerome S. Berg. Here for the first time is the complete history of the pioneer days of shortwave broadcast, from the early concepts of Marconi & Armstrong, through the Golden Era of the 1930's and finally through World War II. A beautiful, fully illustrated reference for every SWL. Softcover. McFarland 272 p. Order #5031 .......... $34.95 BROADCASTING ON THE SHORTWAVES 1945 TO TODAY By Jerome S. Berg. The heart of the book, Shortwave Year-by-Year is a detailed account of the shortwave bands in each year from 1945 to present. It reviews what American listeners were hearing on the shortwave bands, describes the arrival and departure of stations, and recounts important SW events. ©2008 McFarland 488 p. Soft. List $35.00. Order #2558 .......... $32.95 LISTENING ON THE SHORTWAVES 1945 TO TODAY By Jerome S. Berg. Written from the standpoint of the serious shortwave enthusiast, this book examines the histories of the major North American shortwave clubs, DX programs, a chronology of the shortwave receivers, how receiver technology impacted listening plus PCs and shortwave listening. ©2008 McFarland 415 p. Soft. List $35.00. Order #5637 .......... $32.95 RADIO PROPAGATION FOR BEGINNERS By Carl Mann. An informative, nontechnical and readable introductory pamphlet covering the various modes of shortwave propagation. ©1994 16 p. Order #0027 ............ $1.95 Quality Equipment Since 1942 Page 106 THE EARLY SHORTWAVE STATIONS A Broadcasting History Through 1945 By Jerome S. Berg. This year-byyear account chronicles the birth and operation of the large international broadcasters, as well as the numerous smaller stations that were a great attraction to the DXers of the time. With more than 100 illustrations and extensive notes, bibliography and index. ©2013 Softcover. McFarland 340 p. List $45.00. Order #6141 .......... $39.95 Info.: 614 866-4267 Orders: 800 431-3939 Books - Listening LISTENING TO LONGWAVE - THE WORLD BELOW 500 KILOHERTZ By K. Carey. Your introduction to the fascinating basement band of the radio spectrum. Includes: who is on the air, LW reception equipment, listening tips, sounds of nature: Whistlers, Tweeks, Dawn Chorus and other radio atmospherics, navigation beacons, time stations, broadcasters, NAVTEX and Lowfer band. ©2007 Univ. Radio. 98 p. Order #0024 ............ $6.95 VLF RADIO THE SOUNDS OF LONGWAVE By K. Carey. This audio CD gives you an audio tour of the longwave band from natural radio to aviation beacons, to weather stations, LOWFERS, military transmissions, time stations, broadcasters and more! Even includes some historical signals such as submarine comms. With an information sheet, list of additional resources, basic LW spectrum chart, and blank logging page. ©2006 Kevin Carey. Order #0823 .......... $16.95 BUYING A USED SHORTWAVE RECEIVER By F. Osterman. Buying a used shortwave radio can provide great savings if you have the facts. This affordable market guide features the top 100 most sought after portables and tabletops produced in the last 20 years. Photo, specs, features, ratings, plus new and used values for each. Fourth Ed. ©1998 URR. 78 p. Order #0444 ............ $5.95 HAM & SHORTWAVE RADIO FOR THE ELECTRONIC HOBBYIST By Stan Gibilisco. Learn how to get up and running as a licensed ham radio operator or how listen in on the shortwave bands. He explains communications modes, frequency bands and provides tips for setting up fixed, mobile and portable stations plus gives examples of inexpensive, easy-to-install radio antennas. ©2014 Tab 299 p. List $25.00 Order #6428 .......... $23.98 INSIDE THE MISSION CONTROL CENTER By R. H. Nicholson. This book is your personal tour of the original Mission Control Center at the Johnson Space Center. A technical and comprehensive examination of NASA's nerve center prior to 1994. A great book for the space or communications enthusiast. ©1991 Universal Radio Res. 96 p. Close-out. Order #0030 ............ $4.98 SCANNERS & SECRET FREQUENCIES By Henry Eisenson. Here from A to Z is information about the fascinating scanning radio hobby. This book discusses scanner radio design, computer aided scanning, military, aviation, marine, law enforcement, federal and state laws plus much more. ©1993 Index 318 p. List $ 30.00. Order #2950 .......... $24.95 FM ATLAS AND STATION DIRECTORY By Bruce Elving. This unique book covers FM broadcast stations in North America. Maps are included for each state (and Canadian province) showing station call and location. It also includes station listings by location and frequency with formats indicated. ©2010 Twenty First Edition. FM Atlas Publishing. 288 p. Order #0000 Discontinued SATELLITES TODAY By Baylin. Here is a complete and understandable guide to satellite TV technology. Round out your knowledge of communications with this book. 2nd Ed. ©1986 UE 166 p. Order #1325 ............ $3.98 20TH Edition close-out sale. 264 p. Order #2329 ............ $9.98 Universal Radio 6830 Americana Pkwy. Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068 Quality Equipment Since 1942 Page 107 RACE SCANNING - EXPERIENCE HIGH SPEED SCANNER LISTENING By Richard Haas, Jr. Listening to a scanner radio at the track adds a dramatic new element to the race fan's experience. This book will help you to be properly equipped and informed to enjoy the race from a new perspective. Listen to and understand exciting real-time transmissions from the driver's seat and support communications from behind the scene. ©2003 Universal 40 p. Order #0031 ............ $4.95 TWO-WAY RADIOS & SCANNERS FOR DUMMIES By Ward Silver NØAX. Learn how to communicate using CB, HF, VHF marine and ham radios. It explains how to use scanners and other radios to monitor aviation, public service, sporting events, shortwave, distant AM/FM/TV stations, unlicensed services, and more. It covers operating conventions, licensing, and technical considerations for each type of radio plus installation of radios and antennas. Wiley 368 p. Order #0952 .......... $24.95 AMATEUR RADIO ASTRONOMY Explore the contributions of radio amateurs to the science of radio astronomy and how the average amateur can make and set up equipment to study the signals coming from space. 2nd Ed. ©2010 RSGB 320 p. Order #2930 .......... $32.95 Info.: 614 866-4267 Orders: 800 431-3939 Books - Listening RADIO DATA CODE MANUAL By J. Klingenfuss. Technical details of most HF protocols such as: ACARS, ALE, ALF-RDS, ALIS, ARQ-E/3, Clover-2, Coquelet, DUPARQ, NAVTEX, Pactor/2/3, Piccolo, POL-ARQ, PSK31/63/25F, RUMFEC, SITOR, TWINPLEX plus military modem standards and RTTY alphabets. 18th Ed. ©2008 600 p. Order #5104 .......... $59.95 U.S.S.R. MERCHANT SHIP LIST By J. Berri. Lists hundreds of monitored Soviet ships by callsign and name plus information on decoding the header. For the serious Russian RTTY enthusiast. ©1991 U.R.R. 72 p. Order #3012 ............ $4.98 RTTY TODAY By D. Ingram. An older title, but still a great way to understand how radioteletype works. Covers the theory and equipment of HAM and SWL radioteletype. ©1984 U.E. 112 p. Order #0826 ............ $4.98 THE RTTY LISTENER RL 1-25 By Fred Osterman. This specialized book contains hard-to-find information on advanced RTTY and FAX monitoring techniques and frequencies. An interesting historical secondary reference for the advanced radioteletype listener. Compiles Newsletters 1 to 25. ©1991 Univ. Radio Res. 222 p. 8½" x 11". Order #0943 .......... $18.98 THE RTTY LISTENER RL 26-30 Compiles RTTY Listener Newsletters 26 to 30. ©1992 U.R.R. 103 p. Order #2951 ............ $4.98 ➤ The Klingenfuss RTTY mode CD sets are on page 47. EASIER TO READ UNIDEN BCD436HP / BCD536HP Manual This book covers the operation of the Uniden BCD436HP and BCD536HP. ©2014. Order #6338 .......... $29.95 EASIER TO READ HOMEPATROL SCANNER MANUAL This book covers the operation of the popular Uniden HomePatrol I & II. ©2012. 56 p. Order #5969 .......... $24.95 Universal Radio 6830 Americana Pkwy. Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068 EASIER TO READ MANUAL PSR300/400 PRO97/163/164 This book covers the operation of the Pro-97, Pro-163, Pro-164 and Pro2025 plus GRE PSR300 and PSR400. ©2011 46 p. Order #1317 .......... $27.95 EASIER TO READ UNIDEN XT SCANNER MANUALS This book covers the operation of the Uniden BCT15X, BC346XT, BCD396XT and BCD996XT. ©2011 99 p. Order #3942 .......... $29.95 EASIER TO READ MANUAL PSR310/410/500/600 PRO106/197 This book covers the operation of the Realistic Pro-106 and Pro-197 plus GRE PSR310, PSR410, PSR500 and PSR600. This four color 80 page guide unlocks all the capabilities of your scanner in an easy to read format using pictures, charts and diagrams. ©2012 80 p. Order #5887 .......... $29.95 EASIER TO READ PRO-18/107 PSR700/800 SCAN MANUALS This book covers the operation of the Realistic Pro-18 and Pro-107 plus the GRE PSR700 and PSR800. ©2013. Order #6115 .......... $27.95 Quality Equipment Since 1942 Page 108 RADIO MONITORING GUIDE By N6FN. Condensed and practical guide to where the action is found on the SWL, HF, VHF and UHF bands. Includes background information on how the various shortwave and VHF/ UHF radio services operate. Use as a tuning guide and for programming the scanning capabilities of your radio. Includes background information useful for monitoring Civil and General Aviation, HF Marine Telephone, VHF Marine, GMRS, FRS and other radio services. Fourth Edition ©2015 Nifty 15 p. Order #6589 .......... $15.95 Info.: 614 866-4267 Orders: 800 431-3939 Books - Listening NATIONAL RADIO CLUB AM RADIO LOG By National Radio Club. The most accurate and comprehensive guide to American and Canadian medium wave (AM) stations. Organized by frequency, with callsign cross reference. Includes station addresses! A must for every medium wave DX'er. 2016-2017 37th Ed. ©2016 N.R.C. Unbound 3-hole punched. 274 p. Order #1435 .......... $28.95 NRC ANTENNA REFERENCE MANUAL VOLUME I By the National Radio Club. Technical reprints from the pages of the DX News. This volume deals mostly with various loops for medium wave DXing. Includes: Two Foot Loop, Hawk Loop, FET Altazimuth Loop, etc. ©1975-1995 N.R.C . 50 p. Order #3844 .......... $11.95 MANUAL VOLUME II More reprints covering Wedge Loop, Harley Loop and phased beverages. Order #3845 .......... $11.95 MANUAL VOLUME III National Radio Club. ©2004. 123 p Order #1638 .......... $16.95 Flat-Rate Shipping Up to $50.00 $ 50.01 to $100.00 $ 100.01 to $500.00 $ 500.01 to $1000.00 (48 states) NATIONAL RADIO CLUB ANTENNA PATTERN BOOK By Paul Swearingen. Totally redone, 230 pages with both daytime and nighttime patterns for AM stations in the U.S. and Canada! Three hole punched and updated through July 15, 2013. This book is a great companion to the NRC AM Radio Log. Fits in a 1 inch three-ring binder (not supplied). 7th Ed. N.R.C. 2013. Order #6105 .......... $28.95 LOOP ANTENNAS DESIGN & THEORY By the National Radio Club. Every serious medium wave DXer will eventually want a loop antenna. This compendium of studious articles by Gordon P. Nelson, Dallas Lankford and others, covers most aspects of medium wave loop design. Hard to find info for the MW DXer. ©1995 NRC 79 p. Order #1254 .......... $13.95 THE DX'PEDITION HANDBOOK By S. Axelrod. This book will be of keen interest to MW DXer's. It details the preparation, execution and amazing results of the '91 & '93 Newfoundland AM-band DX'Peditions. Rare, exotic AM DX is possible! Informative and entertaining. (Does not deal with ham DX'Peditions) ©1994. National Radio Club 80 p. Order #3373 .......... $11.98 A DXER'S TECHNICAL GUIDE By N. Hall-Patch. Here is a unique compilation of technical information expressly for the medium wave DXer. Extensive coverage of receivers, accessories, antennas (including loops) and circuit mods. This is a must have book if you are a serious AM band DXer. ©2004 188 pages, spiral bound. I.R.C.A. Fourth Ed. Order #2598 .......... $16.95 BEVERAGE AND LONGWIRE ANTENNA DESIGN & THEORY By the National Radio Club. This small but scholarly book examines the ultimate wire antenna for the serious long wave and medium wave DXer. ©1991-2000 National Radio Club. 61 p. Order #0533 .......... $12.95 $ 6.95 8.95 $ 9.95 $ 14.95 $ Universal Radio 6830 Americana Pkwy. Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068 For additional titles visit: Quality Equipment Since 1942 Page 109 POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS YEAR SETS Years not shown are discontinued. Receive all 12 back-issues for 1995. Order #3161 ............ $9.98 Receive all 12 back-issues for 1999. Order #4136 ............ $9.98 Receive all 12 back-issues for 2000. Order #3055 ............ $9.98 Receive all 12 back-issues for 2001. Order #4362 ............ $9.98 Receive all 12 back-issues for 2002. Order #1637 ............ $9.98 Receive all 12 back-issues for 2003. Order #2792 ............ $9.98 Receive all 12 back-issues for 2004. Order #3819 ............ $9.98 Receive all 12 back-issues for 2005. Order #4638 ............ $9.98 Receive all 12 back-issues for 2006. Order #4796 ............ $9.98 Receive all 12 back-issues for 2007. Order #4222 ............ $9.98 R.D.I. WHITEPAPER REVIEWS By Larry Magne. These exhaustive reports (usually 12 to 20 pages) offer complete and unbiased evaluations and ratings on major receivers and topics. Magne pulls no punches as he meticulously analyzes and reports his findings. RDI. The following reports are available at $6.95 each: ❖ AOR AR3030 ❖ AOR AR7030 ❖ Drake R8 ❖ Drake SW8 ❖ Grundig Satellit 650 ❖ Icom R9000 ❖ Japan Radio NRD-93 ❖ Japan Radio NRD-535 ❖ Lowe HF-125 ❖ Lowe HF-150 ❖ Lowe HF-225 ❖ Sony CRF-V21 ❖ Ten-Tec RX325 ❖ Yaesu FRG-100 ❖ Yaesu FRG-8800 #2513 #3592 #2085 #0411 #1709 #0702 #0959 #0772 #5711 #0574 #1803 #1012 #5341 #2648 #0141 ❖ How to Interpret and Understand Receiver Specs. #2271 Info.: 614 866-4267 Orders: 800 431-3939
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