Ergonomics Australia Journal - July 2007
Ergonomics Australia Journal - July 2007
ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA July 2007 The Official Journal of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society of Australia Inc Contents Editorial From the Internet 2 3 Article Overview Robin Burgess-Limerick 4 1. Equipment Related issues and Controls in the USA Underground Mining Industry Lisa Steiner, NIOSH, Pittsburgh Research Laboratory Robin Burgess-Limerick, Burgess-Limerick & Associates 4 2. Ergonomics in the Design Process Justin O’Sullivan, Ergonomics for Work 13 3. Ergonomics in Large Machinery Design Barbara McPhee, Jim Knowles Group 22 Book Review The Role of Mathematics on Human Structure Swapan Kumar Adhikari, India Reviewed by Anne Murphy, The University of Sydney 26 Noticeboard Obituary (Brian Shackel) 27 Conference Calendar 28 Information for Contributors 29 Information for Advertisers 29 Ergonomics Australia On-Line (EAOL) 30 Caveats 30 The Official Journal of the HFESA Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia Volume 21, Number 2 (July 2007), ISSN 1033-875 Editor Dr Shirleyann M Gibbs Email: National Secretariat The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia Inc. PO Box 7848 Balkham Hills BC NSW 2153 Tel: +612 9680 9026 Fax: +612 9680 9027 Email: Office Hours: 9.00am - 4.30 pm, Tues, Wed and Thursday HFESA Website: Design and Layout Acute Concepts Pty Ltd Tel: 03 9381 9696 Printer Impact Printing HFESA Mission Statement Promoting systems, space and designs for People ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA Editorial The articles in this edition have been sourced as a special mining issue collated by Robin BurgessLimerick. He has suggested this approach might be followed by other specialist area ergonomists in future editions of the journal. While the three articles included in this issue alert readers to many of the factors associated with safe or unsafe mining activity, they also highlight concepts that can be readily adapted to a broad spectrum of industrial ergonomics. Ergonomics and mine safety issues have been highlighted in recent news and public debates … notably prompted by controversial aspects of the findings in relation to the Gretley mine disaster in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales. The debate ranges far beyond the actual incident to include the legal ramifications of recent legislation in relation to remote foreseeability and responsibility on the part of corporate employers for ensuring a duty of care in their workplace(s). This investigation has highlighted the complexity of ensuring 100% safety in any given situation — something which is desirable — but in practice can only be a best intent rather than an absolute state. While most people would expect the goal of risk management to involve a comprehensive risk assessment and subsequent provision of maximum workplace security, hindsight can always illuminate the gaps following an unwanted incident. In the Gretley mine disaster, the argument has focused on the allocation of blame and the penalties that were imposed on the companies and selected management personnel as “the legal employer” … while avoiding the role of the Department of Mines and the Union (although the latter was the “legal employer” of some of the workers). From the outset, fellow miners regarded the incident as a terrible unforeseen accident — and did not blame their company management for the mistaken locations shown in the maps made available by the government department. Apparently post-incident investigations unearthed an original map which had been lost in the departmental archives for many years. Meanwhile, misread and redrawn early copies had been provided and approved for use in the application to reopen the mine. Various mine managers were subsequently blamed for not pursuing an adequate departmental search to discover these forgotten files prior to the incident. Other errors of omission which led to the disaster are (again with hindsight) contributed to the disaster. It would seem to represent a classic Reason’s “Swiss cheese” scenario of complex factors and also groupthink. Subsequent publications such as Ken Phillips’ The Politics of a Tragedy (Institute of Public Affairs Work Reform Unit) and Andrew Hancock’s Lessons from Gretley: Mindful leadership and the law 2 (Australian National University) have examined the various factors and the outcomes that will affect a wide industrial landscape. One group in the editor’s Master’s class in risk management, chose this scenario as their research project in Autumn semester. Earlier this year the editor was approached by a final year school student who was studying design technology for her Higher School Certificate. Since her email contained some strange concepts about the role of ergonomics in office design — and about associated research related to occupational injuries, the headmistress was contacted in an attempt to determine the basis of this misunderstanding — had it been ignorance … or a hoax email? The outcome was an invitation to give a presentation to the students and staff associated with this subject. It was received with enthusiasm and all appreciated being shown the video made by HFESA members Jonathan Talbot and Airdrie Long, Ergonomics and Design: Matching Products and Tasks with People, along with further discussion of issues presented in various slides taken from the editor’s own files. Finally a selection of past editions of Ergonomics Australia was donated for use in the school library with advice about obtaining a copy of the above video, and a list of recommended textbooks. Judging by the comments in the hand-written thankyou notes from staff and students, this is an approach that can be recommended to other ergonomists. It is a very simple promotional opportunity to enhance awareness of ergonomics and the HFESA at a precareer level. Think of the impact if all members visited their former secondary schools to give similar ergonomics information. The HFESA Board has been giving considerable attention to the future of the society and the strategic outcomes delivered from the workshops conducted around Australia by Andrea Shaw and Verna Blewett. While a full report will be made to members later this year, there is interim detail to be found on the HFESA website. The website is now offering considerably more information and the shift from hard copy to electronic news distribution is steadily escalating. This is a factor for consideration in future content inclusions and omissions in this journal. Fortunately there seems to be an increase in potential papers being reviewed for future issues. This is a welcome development but needs to be sustained over the long term if the membership hopes to support an Australian journal publication as well as a highly desirable electronic newsletter and website. The editor would be delighted to hear from any reader who would care to follow the example in this edition by undertaking to source articles for a particular topic and issue in the future. The Board is also considering ways and means to enhance state participation in this HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA effort. How many people source the national and international ergonomics information updates on the society’s website? Is it desirable or necessary to duplicate any of this information in the journal? Are the Noticeboard items, Standards Australia delegates’ updates and Conference Calendar still desirable components of the journal or can they be left to electronic media? The Talking Point Column depends on issues being discussed by readers. The editor would be grateful for feedback from the general membership on these matters. From the Internet This is just the beginning of a much broader transitional stage between paper copy and electronic provision being experienced by many community and professional societies. The issue of relative cost is significant; but just as important is the usage and preference of readers. At the dawn of the World Wide Web it was anticipated that all paper publications would eventually be superseded — the paperless office of the future — but many people claim they are inundated with more, not less, paper since electronic files often are (need to be?) printed by the end user. An early attempt to establish an IEA electronic research journal folded because of the lack of active involvement by sufficient authors and readers. Perhaps the international community was not yet ready for this technology … certainly the discrepancy between dialup and broadband access is still a significant factor — and still critical for off-campus access to the range of university online/library services. 1. For a considerable period, the oboe players had nothing to do. Their number should be reduced, and their work spread over the whole orchestra, thus avoiding peaks of inactivity. The book industry sale of books and journals so far has demonstrated a strong preference for continued hard copy material. Nevertheless there is an increasing tendency to use the internet for timely information distribution. The hard copy journal options involve a range of issues that will take time to resolve. This electronic world is in a state of general transition — but it is vitally important that users’ preferences are understood and subject to informed discussion on which to base decisions that will determine the future tipping point for any significant cultural change. Shann Gibbs PhD Editor Management Review Hits the Wrong Note A managed care company president was given a ticket for a performance of Schubert’s Unfinished Symphony. Since she was unable to go, she passed the invitation to one of her managed care reviewers. The next morning, the president asked how he enjoyed it, and, instead of a few plausible observations, she was handed a memorandum, which read as follows: 2. All 12 violins were playing identical notes. This seems unnecessary duplication, and the staff of this section should be drastically cut. If a large volume of sound is really required, this could be obtained through the use of an amplifier. 3. Much effort was involved in playing the 16th notes. This seems an excessive refinement, and it is recommended that all notes should be rounded up to the nearest 8th note. If this were done, it would be possible to use paraprofessionals instead of experienced musicians. 4. No useful purpose is served by repeating, with horns, the passage that has already been handled by the strings. If all such redundant passages were eliminated, the concert could be reduced from two hours to thirty minutes. 5. This symphony has two movements. If Schubert didn’t achieve his musical goals by the end of the first movement, then he should have stopped there. The second movement is unnecessary and should be cut. 6. In light of the above, one can only conclude that had Schubert given attention to these matters, he would probably have had time to finish his symphony. Anonymous HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 3 Articles Applying ergonomics to underground coal mining equipment Robin Burgess-Limerick PhD CPE President, HFESA The three papers which comprise this special issue of Ergonomics Australia summarise presentations made at a seminar held in Pokolbin NSW on October 17, 2006. The seminar formed part of a research project funded by the Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP Project C14016 Reducing injury risks associated with underground coal mining equipment). The project began in 2004 with an approach from Xstrata Coal NSW for assistance with reducing injuries associated with equipment across the company’s underground sites. It became apparent that the issues were not confined to any one company, and a project involving the industry more widely was undertaken between April 2005 and March 2007. The project involved analyses of narratives describing injuries associated with underground equipment, review of relevant literature from international research agencies, and visits by project staff (Robin Burgess-Limerick, Gary Dennis, Suzanne Johnson & Jenny Legge) to 14 Australian underground coal mines. An aim of these visits was to document current best practices in the control of injury risks. Visits were also undertaken to equipment manufacturers in both Australia and the USA. The outcomes of the project include a Handbook for the Control of Injury Risks Associated with Underground Coal Mining Equipment, which incorporates the information gathered during the project, regarding risks and controls and contains a generic risk assessment tool. The handbook is available at The Pokolbin seminar aimed to communicate the results of the project to industry, and also brought together ergonomists with considerable experience in the area (Barbara McPhee, Justin O’Sullivan, and Lisa Steiner - NIOSH Pittsburgh) to share their views. The seminar also included brief presentations by mine staff and manufacturers, and was attended by 100 people from 8 manufacturers and 15 mines as well as regulators and others. It was a very successful day, particularly in giving the manufacturers motivation and direction for future improvements in equipment design. Much of the information has wider applicability than mining and will be of interest to Ergonomics Australia readers. 4 1) Equipment Related Issues and Controls in the USA Underground Mining Industry Lisa Steiner, NIOSH, Pittsburgh Research Laboratory Robin Burgess Limerick, Burgess-Limerick & Associates While the rate of lost-time injuries in the USA has steadily decreased over the past 10 years (from over 10 per 100 FTE in 1995, to 6 in 2004), underground coal mining remains a hazardous industry ( One of the contributors to this injury risk is working with or near underground coal mining equipment. Roof bolting machines, and to a lesser extent continuous mining machines, have been consistently identified as high risk equipment, collectively accounting for approximately 24% of all injuries to underground coal miners.(1) Load-Haul-Dump vehicles (LHD), shuttle cars (sc) and personnel transport are also associated with injuries in underground coal mines.(2) Continuous mining machines (CMM) consist of a rotating cutting head and a conveyer. The cutting head cuts coal and the conveyor loads and transfers coal. The SC transports the coal away to a conveyer, from where the coal is transported to the surface. After a section of the mine is cut, the CMM is removed and replaced with a bolting machine from which miners drill holes (using drill steels) and place bolts and/or some other type of permanent support in the roof to maintain its integrity. These machines are all electrically powered via a trailing cable. LHD and scoop vehicles are general purpose diesel or battery powered vehicles used for carrying materials, cleaning up mined areas and towing trailers underground. Personnel transport vehicles are predominantly used to transport miners underground. These injury results are consistent with previous observations(1,3) that roof bolting machines are the equipment most frequently involved in underground mining injuries, and that being struck by rock falling from supported roof as the most common mechanism. The proportion of injuries associated with bolting machines in USA underground coal mines appears to have remained unchanged since the 1970s (cf., 15%, in 1977(4); 17% in 1989(1); 16% in 1993(5); 17% in 2004). Similarly the proportion of injuries associated with continuous miners (8%) is consistent with that HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA previously reported for USA mines (7% in 1989(1)). The total percentage of injuries associated with the equipment considered (37%) is considerably higher than that reported recently for underground coal mines in New South Wales, Australia (23%).(6) The differences may be a consequence of different environmental conditions (higher roof heights in Australian mines) and differences in mining methods (in Australia, bolting is predominantly undertaken by bolters integrated onto continuous mining machines). Perhaps in part as a consequence of the higher roof heights, Australian mines have a much higher prevalence of the use of screen (wire mesh placed to the roof during the bolting process) to prevent minor rock fall injuries. An analysis of injury narratives for 2004 (MSHA database) suggests the following hazards as the highest priority for elimination or control (see Appendices A, B and C): • rock falling from supported roof; • rough road while driving or travelling in LHD/scoop, shuttle cars and personnel transport vehicles; • collisions while driving LHD/scoop, shuttle cars & personnel transport vehicles; • inadvertent or incorrect operation of bolting controls; and • handling continuous miner cable. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Pittsburgh Research Laboratory (PRL) located in Pittsburgh, PA, conducts research to reduce injuries, fatalities and illnesses in the mining industry. The facility is equipped with state of the art laboratories and technologies to study root causes and solutions to mining hazards. For each of the above priority problems, a discussion of root causes based on literature and field research will follow, along with the recent research results or, in some cases, a description of ongoing research studies to resolve the hazards. Rock falling from supported roof Rock fall data analyses are remarkably consistent with previous data, for example Klishis, Althouse & Stobbe et al(5) analysed 2685 bolting related injury narratives and found that 911 (34%) involved falls of roof material (cf. 33% this report). Similarly, Bise, Masutomi, & Chatterjee(7) determined that in 1987, 57 of 319 continuous miner related injuries (18%) were due to falling rock (cf. 21%, this report). The total number of injuries as a consequence of coal or rock falling from supported roof (477) is reduced from the 650 reported by Robertson, Molinda & Dolinar(8) as the annual average from 1995 to 2001, suggesting that there has been a reduction in overall injuries of this type in recent years. While this reduction reflects the overall reduction in injury rate occurring during this period, it is likely that the change is in part a consequence of the introduction of roof screening in some US mines, which has been demonstrated to virtually eliminate injuries of this type.(9) Indeed, injuries due to rock falling from a supported roof were almost non-existent in a similar analysis of equipment related injury narratives from Australian underground coal mines where screens are routinely put in place during bolting.(6) While screening is undoubtedly an effective control, the low seam heights in some USA coal mining areas make screen installation difficult. Additional hazards are also introduced with the use of a screen, particularly additional risks of musculoskeletal injury associated with handling the screen, as well as potential exposure to rock fall while setting the screen. However, of 959 Australian equipment related injury narratives, only 27 mentioned a screen,(6) suggesting that the additional risks of injury associated with handling and placing a screen are much less than the risk associated with the rock fall hazard being controlled, at least in the relatively high seam conditions which predominate in Australian mines. Improvements in the handling of a screen are also being developed at mines sites and have potential for further reducing the risk associated with handling and placing a screen. The importance of preventing rock fall injuries cannot be overstated. Where low seam heights make screening with steel mesh difficult, it may be necessary to develop alternative means of reducing the risk of minor rock falls such as the use of shotcrete or other membrane.(10) Preventing minor rock falls, whether through screening or other means, could prevent nearly 500 injuries per year or 13% of all injuries in US underground coal mines. One reason mine companies do not screen is due to the extra time and materials cost associated and the possible increased physical effort required. In an effort to encourage mines to increase the use of screens, a study to understand the physical requirements and time costs were conducted for the transporting and installation of roof screens. An intervention consisting of a dual rail mounted to the roof bolting machine was tested to determine its effectiveness in reducing physical effort and time to install. Muscle activity, and motion analysis when using two different lifting techniques (side and overhead) from two different locations (from the floor / while leaning against the rib) for two different seam heights (66” and 84”) were noted. HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 5 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA vehicle suspension, and improved seating have potential to reduce these acute injuries.(11,12) Such improvements will also reduce exposure to high amplitude whole body vibration which is strongly associated with the development of back pain through cumulative mechanisms.(13) Fig 1. Dual Rail Intervention for Screening Results showed that less muscle activity was required when the screen was lifted from the leaning rib condition. There was no difference when lifting from the side or overhead. This suggests that storing the materials against the rib would lessen the physical requirements of roof bolter operators. When transporting screens (carrying the screen overhead, to the side or dragging) in both 66” and 84” seam heights, it is not recommended to drag the screen as muscle activity was significantly greater than the other conditions. Muscle activity, using EMG technology and monitored trunk kinematics using the Lumbar Motion Monitor developed at The Ohio State University, was collected to determine effectiveness of screen installation with and without the dual rail intervention.(34) In both seam heights, muscle activity was found to be significantly lower when using the rails. This intervention allows the screen to be glided easily without materials getting “hung up” on the supplies and materials on the roof bolting machine. Fig 2. NIOSH Design Mid-Seam Shuttle Car Seat This intervention is undergoing small improvements and will be tested further. The specifications will be made available by the end of 2007. Rough Roads Injuries associated with driving or travelling in a vehicle that encounters a pot hole or other roadway abnormality accounted for 20% of injuries associated with scoop/LHD, Shuttle car or transport. This is somewhat lower than the 34% of injuries associated with this mechanism in recent Australian data,(6) which may reflect the greater use of rail transport in USA mines. Even so, improvements to roadway standards to avoid potholes and other abnormalities would be an effective means of preventing injuries of this type. Jarring and jolting often caused by these “potholes” or other abnormalities is a major contributor averaging 77% of back, neck and head injuries. Provision of 6 Fig 3. NIOSH Design Low-Seam Shuttle Car Seat HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA Laboratory studies of foam padding and seat suspension systems for underground low-seam and mid-seam shuttle car seats were conducted at PRL and at several participating coal mines. Accelerometer data was collected and analyzed both before and after the proposed seats were installed. The NIOSH developed seat with lumbar support was preferred by a large majority of users and quantitative analyses showed a significant reduction in whole body vibration. Joy Mining now includes this improved seat design as part of its product line and independently tested the new design and confirmed the results of the NIOSH study. To date, over 26% of the US low-seam mine shuttle cars are equipped with this new design and a total of over 510 seats have been sold. which projects a uniform magnetic field around the dangerous area or the equipment. A microprocessor in the receiver determines when a local alarm should be activated and when data need to be conveyed over a short-range radio link to enact the alarm and/or shut down the machine. This technology is commercially available. The system has been applied to CMMs, haul trucks and conveyor haulage systems but could be adapted to shuttle Vehicle collisions While vehicle collisions represented a relatively small proportion (15%) of the injuries associated with Scoop/LHD, Shuttle car and transport, the consequences of collisions are frequently severe, and include fatalities. This figure is also twice the proportion of “collision” related injuries for these vehicles found in recent Australian data.(6) The probability of vehicle collisions is increased considerably by the restricted visibility inherent in LHD and shuttle cars, and this is likely to be exacerbated by the low seam heights in many USA coal mines. This is not a new observation. Reports by Kingsley, Mason & Pethick,(14) then Pethick and Mason(15) described the visibility difficulties associated with the design of freesteered vehicles. Simpson, Rushworth & von Glehn(16) suggested that many underground vehicle collisions are at least in part a consequence of restricted driver visibility. The visibility restrictions while driving LHD vehicles is one of the few aspects of mining equipment design which has been the subject of formal research. The research has largely been limited to documenting the extent of the problem and providing methods for assessing the lack of visibility associated with current designs.(eg.,14,17,18) Recommendations for LHD redesign arising from the research include raising the sitting position where possible and cab redesign to remove visual obstructions. Physical separation of pedestrians and vehicles as far as practicable, and vehicle mounted proximity sensors and cap lamp battery mounted emitters may also be beneficial in preventing potentially serious injuries. Fig 4. Hazard transmitter detail cars and other underground vehicles. NIOSH PRL has conducted studies of proximity detection systems in an effort to reduce collisions while operating machinery.(19) This system warns operators or other mine workers when they are close to equipment. This magnetic field based system named HASARD (Hazardous Area Signalling and Ranging Device) provides remote alerts or machine shut down functions. The HASARD transmitter signal feeds into a wire loop HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 7 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA Inadvertent or incorrect operation of bolting controls 1. two-handed fast feed; The hazards associated with inadvertent operation of controls, operation of incorrect controls, operating controls in an incorrect direction, or whilst a person is located in a pinch point, have long been recognized. Miller and McLellan(20) commented on the “obvious need” to redesign roof bolting machines, suggesting, for example, that of 759 bolting machine related injuries, 72 involved operating the wrong control, while Helander, Krohn & Curtin(3) determined that 5% of bolting machine accidents were caused by control activation errors. 3. auxiliary controls; Improvements to guarding to prevent accidental control operation, standardization of mining equipment controls, especially drilling and bolting controls, and the use of shape and length coding has been suggested on numerous occasions over the past 40 years. (3, 5, 21-27) Hedling and Folley(21) noted (in the context of continuous miner controls) that the widespread use of traditional round control knobs regardless of function being controlled is another source of error in operation and proposed that Each control knob is designed to resemble (at least symbolically) the equipment it represents. Other suggestions included in this report included: Similarly, Helander, Conway, and Elliott et al(23) suggested that poor human factors principles in the design and placement of controls and inappropriately designed workstations contribute to a large percentage of the reported injuries (p. 18). In particular, a lack of standardization of controls was noted, with more than 25 different control sequences being identified, differences existing even on similar machines produced by same manufacturer. Helander, Conway & Elliott et al also noted the lack of control coding, violation of direction stereotypes, a mixture mirror image and left/right arrangements, and the possibility of inadvertent operation. Klishis, Althouse & Stobbe et al(5) in 1993 again noted a lack of standardization of bolting machine controls, even among machines from the same manufacturer, and commented on the potential for injuries due to incorrect control operation. In a six week period in 1994, three operators of roof-bolting machines in the USA were killed. Two were crushed between the drill head and machine frame while bolting; the third was crushed between the drill head and canopy. A Coal Mine Safety and Health Roof-Bolting-Machine Committee was formed by MSHA to investigate, and a report released(24) which determined the causes to be the unintentional operation of controls. The solutions proposed in this report were: 8 2. drill head raise shutoff; 4. guarding; 5. pinch point identification; 6. self-centering controls; 7. hands-off drilling; 8. insertion/retrieval devices; 9. standardized control layouts; and 10. pre-operational inspection. • provide industry-wide accepted distinct and consistent knob shapes and relative handle lengths to identify corresponding control function. • standardize machine control lever movement and corresponding machine function movement. MSHA subsequently called for industry comment on an advance notice of proposed rulemaking titled Safety standards for the use of roof-bolting machines in underground mines.(25) that suggested that MSHA was developing design criteria for underground bolting machines. On February 12, 1998 the comment period was extended to March 9, 1998, however no related rule or design criteria were subsequently released. On June 10, 1999, MSHA released a program information bulletin(26) that reported an investigation of a subsequent fatal accident as having revealed that a potential hazard exists on roof bolting machines with machine controls that are not protected against inadvertent operation. This bulletin recommended mines: • relocate controls to a protected position; • guard controls; • redesign controls to prevent operation while the operator is in a pinch point; and • ensure proper storage of supplies and materials to prevent falling on controls. Analysis of the injury narratives reported to MSHA in 2004 also revealed that the design shortcomings, previously identified as increasing the likelihood of inadvertent and incorrect operation of bolting controls, remain, at least to some extent. Bolting machine controls require guarding to prevent inadvertent operation (while still allowing access for intentional operation). Improvements to bolting machine design are required to guard pinch points and provide interlocks to reduce the probability and consequences of intentional or unintentional control operation whilst the operator or other person is in a hazardous location. HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA Bolting machine controls also require standardization to an appropriate layout (including shape and length coding) to reduce the probability of operation of the wrong control, although open questions remain regarding whether control layouts should be mirrored, and the relative importance of shape, location and length coding for the prevention of “wrong control” type errors. For example, while Helander, Conway & Elliott et al(23) noted that the mirror arrangement question was controversial and drew on the results of Pigg(28) to conclude that a mirrored control layout was preferable, a contrary recommendation was made by Muldoon, Ruggieri, & Gore et al.(27) Control standardization must also consider carefully the question of directional control response compatibility principles to reduce the probability of operation of controls in the wrong direction. Further research is required to determine the most appropriate layout and directional control-response relationships specific to bolting machines. Chan, Pethick & Collier et al(29) suggested that conflicting recommendations and gaps in the literature would need to be resolved before any standardization of control-response relationships for mining machines was possible. (see also Simpson & Chan (31)) This statement remains true and is the reason for further investigation to clarify the consequences of standardization of controls, control orientation and control response expectations. NIOSH and the University of Queensland along with ACARP (Australian Coal Association Research Program) and in collaboration with roof bolter manufacturers plan to conduct laboratory and field studies to address the inadvertent or incorrect activation of bolter controls issues. The studies will help to determine: • consequences of mirror versus non-mirrored control layouts on error and reaction time; • relative importance of location coding, shape coding and length coding; • relative strengths of direction control-response compatibility relationships in different planes; • consequences for new operators when using different designs and layouts; and • consequences for current operators of changing to a new design and/or layout. These studies will be conducted beginning in April 2007. In response to the crushing and pinning injuries, regardless of the root cause, NIOSH is currently conducting studies regarding reaction time of operators when operating the vertical boom arm, the swing arm and the tramming functions of the roof bolting machine. These studies have used roof bolter operator reaction times obtained from mock up laboratory studies and then placed into a virtual human simulation package called JACK to determine appendage speeds that would not allow operators to get out of the way. These results are currently being validated and will provide recommendations for maximum speeds for appendage movement.(33) Cable Handling The injury narratives suggest that, in 2004, handling cable accounted for 76 of the 283 continuous miner related injuries (27%), somewhat more than the 11% noted previously(7), but consistent with recent Australian data in which 23% of continuous miner related injuries were associated with handling cable.(14) Technological changes over the last 10 years have resulted in longer cuts. It may be speculated that increases in the length of cable being handled, combined with reduction in the number of miner workers and increases in the average age of miners, may in part account for the increased proportion of cable handling injuries. The severity of injuries associated with handling cable varies from relatively minor shoulder strains to serious back injuries. While the cumulative nature of most musculoskeletal injuries implies that other manual tasks are likely to also have contributed to these injuries, there is no doubt that handling continuous miner cable represents a high risk of injury and is consistent with biomechanical analysis of the task.(30,31) Engineering controls are required to eliminate or reduce manual cable handling. Integration of cable and other services with continuous haulage has been suggested in the context of remote control.(32) There is a Monorail cable handling system used in Australia for the higher seam conditions developed by Macquarie Manufacturing in Australia; it is a monorail system and has been installed in Centennial Coal’s Newstan Mine in New South Wales. This monorail supply system encompasses all services-related equipment from the face area out-by, to the incoming services cut-through. At the face, cables directly interface with the continuous miner, with no detachment required during the tramming process, making it no longer necessary to install or manage cables. The main requirement to use this system is the installation of an easily-managed monorail beam adjacent to the miner, with a series of traction drive units located throughout the system, which provide an integrated means of cable management. Macquarie Manufacturing stated that manual handling of equipment has been reduced significantly when using this monorail system. This system or a similar system may be investigated to be used in the USA and adapted for lower seam conditions. The system is capable of handling cable and could potentially be engineered to move other supplies and materials. This system and other systems are being investigated in both Australia and the USA.(2) HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 9 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA Summary In general, the 2004 data analysis showed many equipment related issues of which the top priorities are either already being addressed and have preliminary results or are slated for research in the near future. NIOSH is currently addressing issues associated with small falls of rock through the screening studies and the dual rail intervention; rough roads through the whole body vibration studies; and the new shuttle car seat design, and collision with machinery through the HASARD system research. Future studies include the inadvertent and incorrect operation of bolting controls through a joint study with University of Queensland. NIOSH will continue to study these and other issues related to the safety and human factors of machine design to reduce both acute and cumulative type injuries. In addition, research to prevent these issues also points to the need for equipment manufacturers to design for a human interface — to consider the limitations and capabilities of workers when designing. In this effort, NIOSH is planning to provide original equipment manufacturers with the training and education to integrate human factors principles into their design and to their distributors. A new project is planned for 2007 which aims to provide this training for OEMs. It should enhance communication between mining operations and OEMs regarding better equipment design and educated ordering and retrofitting decisions, and thus introduce human interface problem solving techniques. References 1) Sanders, M.S., & Shaw, B.E. (1989). Research to determine the contribution of system factors in the occurrence of underground injury accidents. USBM OFR 26-89. 2) Burgess-Limerick, R. (2005). Reducing injury risks associated with underground coal mining equipment. Ergonomics Australia, 19(2), 14-20. 3) Klishis, M.J., Althouse, R.C., Stobbe, T.J., Plummer, R.W., Grayson, R.L., Layne, L.A., and Lies, G.M. (1993). Coal Mine Injury Analysis: A Model for Reduction Through Training. Volume VIII – Accident Risks During the Roof Bolting Cycle: Analysis of Problems and Potential Solutions. USBM Cooperative agreements C0167023 & C0178052. 4) Robertson, S.B., Molinda, G.M., Dolinar, D.R., Pappas, D.M., & Hinshaw, G.E. (2003). Best practices and bolting machine innovations for roof screening. 2003 SME Annual Meeting, Feb 24-26, Cincinnati, Ohio, preprint 03-158. Littleton, CO: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc. pp.1-8. 10 5) Robertson, S.B. & Hinshaw, G.E. (2002) Roof screening: Best practices and Roof Bolting Machines. In: Peng SS, Mark C, Khair AW, Heasley KA, eds. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Ground Control in Mining. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University, pp. 189-194 6) Pappas, D.M., Barton, T.M. & Weiss, E.S. (2002) Developments in Sealant Support Systems for Ground Control. In: Peng SS, Mark C, Khair AW, Heasley KA, eds. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Ground Control in Mining. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University. pp. 344-353. 7) Mark, C. (2002). The introduction of roof-bolting to U.S. underground coal mines (1948-1960): A cautionary tale. 21st International Conference on Ground Control in Mining. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University, pp 150-160. 8) Miller, W.K. & McLellan, R.R. (1973). Analysis of disabling injuries related to roof bolting in underground bituminous coal mines – 1973. US Dept of the Interior Informational report 1107. 9) Hedling, W.G., & Folley, J.D., Jr (1972). Standardization of Continuous Miner Control Configurations. USBM report OFR 25-72. 10) Grayson, R.L., Layne, L.A., Althouse, R.C., & Klishis, M.J. (1992). Risk indices for roof bolter injuries. Mining Engineering, 44(2) 164-166. 11) Mayton, A.G., Gallagher, S., & Merkel, R. (1997). Ergonomic Seat With Viscoelastic Foam Reduces Shock on Underground Mobile Equipment. Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety II, IOS Press. pp. 177-180. 12) Mayton, A.G., Merkel, R. & Gallagher, S. (1999). Improved Seat Reduces Jarring/Jolting for Operators of Low-Coal Shuttle Cars. Mining Eng 51(12), 52- 56 13) McPhee, B. (2001). Bad vibrations. A handbook on whole body vibration exposure in mining. Sydney: NSW Joint Coal Board Health and Safety Trust. 14) Eger, T., Salmoni, A., & Whissell, R. (2004). Factors influencing load-haul-dump operator line of sight in underground mining. Applied Ergonomics, 35, 93-103. 15) Tyson, J. (1997). To see or not to see … that is the question! Designing to maximize operator visibility in LHD equipment. Ergonomics Australia On-Line ( HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA 16) Gill, P. (2005). LHD operator cab and load monitoring innovations. XCN Health & Safety Forum, 11th November, Pokolbin, NSW. 17) Schiffbauer, W.H. (2001) An Active Proximity Warning System for Surface and Underground Mining Applications. SME Annual Meeting (Denver, CO; Feb 26- 28, 2001), Preprint No. 01-117, SME, Inc., pp. 1-8. 18) Grant, D., Dayawansa, D., & Curcio, P. (2005). Confronting a real underground safety issue — Improving safety and comfort in underground personnel transport. In Proceedings of the Queensland Mining Industry Health and Safety Conference, Townsville. pp. 149-158. ( 19) Pendlebury, W. (2003). Shuttle car cab modification. Queensland mining industry safety and health innovation awards. 20) Mason, S., Simpson, G.C., Chan, W.L., Graves, R.J., Mabey, M.H., Rhodes, R.C. & Leamon, T.B. (1980). An investigation of face end equipment and the resultant effects on work organization. Final report on CEC contract 6245-12/8/047. Edinburgh: Institute of Occupational Medicine. TM/80/11. 27) Chan, W.L., Pethick, A.J., Collier, S.G., Mason, S., Graveling, R.A., Rushworth, A.M., & Simpson, G.C. (1985). Ergonomic principles in the design of underground development machines. Edinburgh: Institute of Occupational Medicine TM 85/11. 28) Gallagher, S., Marras, W.S., Davis, K.G., & Kovacs, K. (2002). Effects of posture on dynamic back loading during a cable lifting task, Ergonomics, 45, 380-398. 29) Gallagher, S., Hamrick, C.A., Cornelius, K.M. & Redfern, M.S. (2001) The Effects of Restricted Workspace on Lumbar Spine Loading. Occupational Ergonomics, 2, 201-213. 30) Kingsley, E.C., Mason, S., Pethick, A.J., Simpson, G.C., Sims, M.T., & Leamon, T.B. (1980). An investigation of underground haulage and transport systems. Edinburgh: Institute of Occupational Medicine TM/80/10. 31) Pethick, A.J. & Mason, S. (1985). Ergonomic principles in the design of underground freesteered vehicles. Endinburgh: Institute of Occupational Medicince TM/85/5. 21) MSHA (1994) Coal Mine Safety and Health RoofBolting-Machine Committee. Report of Findings. July 8, 1994. 32) Simpson, G.C., Rushworth, A.M., Von Glehn, F.H., & Lomas, R.H. (1996). Investigation of the causes of transport and tramming accidents on mines other than coal, gold and platinum. Vol 1. SIMRAC project report: OTH 202. 22) MSHA (1997). Safety Standards for the Use of Roof-Bolting Machines in Underground Coal Mines. Advance notice of proposed rulemaking. Federal Register: Dec 9, 1997 (Vol 62, number 236, pp 64789-64790). 12/14/2005 P/97-32203.HTM accessed 33) Ambrose, D.H., Bartels, J.R., Kwitowski, A.J., Helinski, R.F., Gallagher, S., McWilliams, L.J., and Battenhouse, T.R. (2005). Mining Roof Bolting Machine Safety: A Study of the Drill Boom Vertical Velocity. Information Circular 9477, Department of Health and Human Services, CDC, NIOSH, PRL. 23) MSHA (1999) Potential hazard to roof bolting machine operators due to inadvertent control actuation. Program information bulletin No. P99-10. accessed 2/16/2005 34) Kotowski S, Gallagher S, Davis K, Baron K, Compton C (2006). Musculoskeletal Stress on Miners Performing Roof Screening Operations. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Francisco CA (October 16-20, 2006), pp. 1370-1374. 24) Muldoon, T.L., Ruggieri, S., Gore, T., & McDonald, L.B. (1980). Design and develop standardized controls in roof bolting machines – preliminary design. USBM OFR 107-80. 25) Gilbert, V.A. (1990). Research support for the development of SAE guidelines for underground operator compartments. USBM OFR 8-91. 26) Pigg, L.D. (1954). Orientation of controls in bilateral transfer of learning. MA Thesis. Ohio State University. HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 11 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C 12 HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA 2) Ergonomics in the Design Process In my experience ergonomists also have other goals, particularly in regard to assisting with design: • find and apply data on human performance relevant to the design and demands; Justin O'Sullivan CPE Principal, Ergonomics for Work • assist the designer/engineer by way of ergonomics specifications; • assess risk quantitatively, comparing current and intended designs; Introduction Given the type and nature of injuries in underground mining, the key roles and necessary independence of operators and the very difficult environment, ergonomics plays a fundamental role in the design of underground mining equipment. It is clear that optimal performance, minimal fatigue and minimisation of errors are crucial to a productive and safe process. Ergonomics plays a key role in all of these areas by ensuring that the dimensions, clearances, space, layout, efforts, visibility and other factors, incorporated in the equipment design, are matched to human capabilities and limitations. Engineers work hard to ensure that the equipment is designed for the purpose, is capable of withstanding the stresses, and is productive and cost effective. However, in many cases, the design is a slight modification or progression of existing designs and without a significant focus on the human factor. In my experience engineers often see the human as the weak link in a good design and an element which is difficult to control and can involve unpredictable outcomes. • set clear solution goals and specifications which can act as a design standard; and • often provide a neutral or objective opinion utilizing ergonomics data. Examples of ergonomics data and their application are discussed below. Anthropometry Anthropometry is the science which deals with the size and shape of people within a population (Standards Australia Handbook 59-1994). The application of anthropometry, in design, is to incorporate the relevant human dimensions, aiming to accommodate at least 90% of potential users, taking account of both static and dynamic factors. Static factors are such things as height of a lumbar support on a seat backrest, the seat pan depth, the doorway size for access. Dynamic factors relate to movements of the body, reach distances, movement patterns, viewing angles (where a person has to move their head to view from one point to another as part of the process). Ergonomics data, about humans and their interactions with tasks, can help take some of the mystery out of the human factor and provide engineers with useful specifications to be incorporated in the equipment design. This presentation discusses the types of contributions ergonomics can make to the design of underground equipment, along with some examples. Ergonomists and Ergonomics Data According to the International Ergonomics Association ergonomists contribute to the design and evaluation of tasks, jobs, products, environments and systems in order to make them compatible with the needs, abilities and limitations of people. Ergonomists, in practice, have to address real world problems and seek the best compromise under difficult circumstances while aiming to provide cost effective solutions, according to Stanton et al. Photo 1: Roof Bolting HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 13 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA A critical example of anthropometry, in this case, is viewing and reaching angles in roof bolting. In this case a miner was suffering chronic neck pain (Photo 1). Analysis of the work revealed typical neck extension in the order of 40-45° as well as maximum reaching to insert the bolt and resin. The height of the floor of the continuous miner was found to be such that most people would need to adopt near to 40° neck extension to view the bolt hole as well as significant reach in order to reach forwards and upwards when inserting bolts and resin. The solution involved determining the appropriate floor heights, and forward reach distances to the bolters, in order achieve a suitable degree of neck extension based on typical frequency and duration. The ergonomics data included eye movements v neck movements, the part of the neck involved in the neck extension, human dimensions for eye height and reach capacity, likely forces applied, and other factors. The result was a recommendation to raise the floor of the miner 100-200mm and extend the floor forwards 200mm toward the bolters (Photo 2). An example of a particularly non-ergonomics situation, where there appears to be little account taken of biomechanical stresses, is the changing of rollers on gate road conveyors (Photo 3). Here the problems relate to limited space, unpredictable forces, tight deadlines, awkward postures, poor visibility and inability to use both hands comfortably in the circumstances. Photo 3: Changing rollers A further example is shuttle car design where there are common problems with seat heights, pedal reach distances, viewing angles and other factors (Photo 4-6). Shorter workers may be required to half stand up whilst driving or lean outside the confines of the vehicle to see. Even tall workers can have problems with the viewing angles as well as problems fitting their knees between the two opposing seats. Photo 2: Refurbished Miner – raised and extended floor to assist roof bolting Biomechanical Stress Analysis Biomechanical factors take in all factors related to musculoskeletal stress, including postures, movements, forces, durations and frequencies. There is relevance to all aspects of underground mining even the walking demands placed on Deputies. Ergonomics data is available in relation to muscle strength, joint range of motion, movement patterns, endurance, repetition and speed; for example, a rapid movement can be perhaps 30% weaker than a slow movement. 14 Photo 4: Shorter worker operating the shuttle car HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA Figure 1: Shuttle car layout Photo 5: Shorter worker leaning out to see ahead Figure 2: Shuttle car steering wheel position Photo 6: Taller worker operating a shuttle car still with obstructed viewing angles and limited knee room The ergonomics advice given, included detailed dimensional specifications, with an adjustment range to accommodate 90% of operators and to allow for appropriate viewing angles, good lumbar support (most T backrests available do not have a good lumbar support), raising of the floor to improve heights of the seat, and repositioning the seat relative to the pedals (Figures 1, 2, 3). Figure 3: Shuttle car seat profile HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 15 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA A new miner being constructed is being designed to include a swivel seat, swivel through 180°, with toggle controls on the armrests which would have a switching mechanism built in so that tilting the toggle lever to the left steers the machine left while tilting to the right steers the machine to the right no matter which way the operator is facing. An important ergonomic factor here is the armrests must move up and down with the suspension seat so that support of the forearms is maintained in order to maintain control of the toggle levers and prevent sudden and uncontrolled movements during operation. Slip and Fall Prevention A significant area of ergonomics is the analysis and control of slip/fall risks including slips and falls on a level surface and the design of access ways and ladders etc. An example is the access on a continuous miner where the analysis found significant problems related to the step heights, lack of poor slip resistance, a significant step across distance to the tail and lack of slip resistance on the platform around the edge of the tail (Photo 7). Photo 8: Refurbished CM access steps prior to fitting of slip-resistant nosing strips Analysis of incident data among the development crews found that 20% of incidents arose from access/egress on and off the miner. A more detailed analysis by Burgess-Limerick has found an even greater percentage of the incidents are related to access and egress. The ergonomics specifications for a refurbished miner included altered dimensions on the access steps, a lower bottom step height, and application of slip-resistant nosing strips on the steps and on the tail. Control Room Ergonomics Photo 7: CM access/egress 16 In the control room situation there is a mixture of office and visual ergonomics as well as cognitive and computer-human interaction. The ergonomist has the role of assessing and providing specifications for the layout, the heights, the viewing angles and distances, character heights and contrasts on the screen as well as various other factors. An important issue, shown by research, is the need to support the whole forearm when using the mouse in order to greatly reduce musculoskeletal efforts in the forearm, shoulder and neck. In this example, at a hard rock mining situation (Photo 9), the control room had been designed in a rudimentary fashion resulting quite inappropriate dimensions, poor postures, poor viewing angles and other problems. Solution specifications included the designing of a new three-person console, a new layout for the existing room, a layout allowing easy viewing to the outside to rest the eyes and full forearm support (Figure 4, Photos 10, 11). HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA Figure 4: Drawing of new control console Photo 11: Secondary controllers Position Photo 9: Old Control Room Photo 10: Main controllers Position (prior to completion) HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 17 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA New Miner Project • roof bolting; Ergonomics specifications were requested for a new ABM 25 Miner for BMA Crinum Mine with the aim of assisting the engineer, Alan Bruce, in determining suitable dimensions, forces, layout factors and other aspects of the design. Specifications were provided in regard to the following: • rib bolting; • floor height; • monorail storage and handling; • mesh handling; • cassette storage and handling; • access/egress; and • guarding and mechanical safety issues. In regard to working height, the intended floor height was 993mm, with the floor to roof height being 2300mm. Analysis of various tasks, such as roof bolt insertion, viewing angles for roof bolts, and monorail installation indicated that most males would find the reach distance difficult and neck extension would be excessive. Basic arthrometry data was extrapolated to allow consideration of the effect of the roof height. Some examples are shown in the figures below. Vertical Reach Capacity for Gripping Standing on Tip-Toes Vertical Height of Males with Shoes and Helmet Worn Vertical Reach Capacity for Gripping 5th percentile: 2055mm 50th percentile: 2185mm 95th percentile: 2315mm 5th percentile: 1720mm 50th percentile: 1835mm 95th percentile: 1950mm 5th percentile: 1980mm 50th percentile: 2110mm 95th percentile: 2240mm Figs. 5–7: Examples of basic anthropometry data Conclusions reached included the fact that the roof would be out of reach of 5th and 50th percentile males (if having to reach to the mesh itself in order to hook on monorail brackets), the method for monorails needed to extend reach by 250mm for small males. The force applied would determine the actual reach distance limitations. Practical guidelines given included the capacity to reach forwards from the chest and to reach forwards in front of the toes (allowing for the front edge of the platform for roof bolting). In regard to roof bolting, the original design included a 550mm forward reach to the bolters which was taken into account in determining the reach capacity for males at 550mm forwards of the shoulders. This showed a reach capacity (vertically) of 1635mm for 5th percentile and 2052mm for 95th percentile (tall) males. The required reach was a nominal 2000mm, allowing for a need to reach to 300mm the roof for easy insertion for bolts and resin etc. 18 Viewing angles were also considered, allowing for bolt holes to be 500mm forwards of the eyes and the 2300mm height resulting in 39-53° upward viewing angles for small to large males. In allowing for some upward movement of the eyes themselves it was considered that neck extension would be 38° or more for small males. The specification given was to limit neck extension to 25° maximum for all workers. The overall result was a recommendation to raise the floor height by 200mm which was achieved by installing the first adjustable floor on a continuous miner. Installation of monorail was examined to consider the force to slide one piece of monorail into another at a maximum reach distance. The strength capacities were provided for movements across overhead or in a fore — aft direction for this type of action, using one arm as well as considering the weight of the monorail sections themselves. HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA Another key issue was the need to slide mesh from a pack on top of the machine forwards and over above the roof bolters. (Figure 8) On the original design it was found that the height of the top of the pack would be 1925mm which exceeded the reach capacity of small males at 300mm forwards of the shoulders, and was near to the reach capacity of average males. Figure 8: Continuous Miner (ABM25) with pack of mesh on top The forward reach distance was also found to be a problem. The recommendation included raising the floor height 200mm and limiting any sliding force to 10kg. A further improvement was achieved by having the platform for the mesh designed to swivel toward the right side of the machine in the most forward position to allow the right side worker easier reach to commence the sliding motion and slide the mesh across to the right side first with assistance then provided by the worker on the left side. In summary, some of the particularly helpful features of the miner are as follows: Access/egress issues were also considered where it was recommended that the miner have a stairway style configuration with a handrail and slip-resistant nosings, ensuring that the rises were consistent and within a suitable range, based on AS1657, and the bottom step height would be no more than 400mm above ground level. The latter specification was achieved by having the steps able to be folded up for the flitting phase. • rib mesh holders, just outside the guardrail; • an adjustable floor height to accommodate a larger range of users; • handrails to minimise the risk off falling of the side; • a stairway style access way with good dimensions for easy access/egress and slip-resistant nosings; • a mesh tray which swivels around to the right for easier reach, also assisted by the raised floor; • a 450mm forward distance between the platform and roof bolters; • push button miner bolter controls; and • improved space in and around the bolter console. Photo 12. The new specifications HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 19 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA The Design Process and System • perform in depth task analysis and workflow; In order to effectively apply ergonomic specifications to the design of equipment underground or in any situation, it is necessary to have good consultation with users and operators, a good working relationship with engineering personnel and an effective process. Such a process can be simplified as below: • identify relevant human performance data, outlining specific limitations and capacities; • determine Objectives/Purpose; • reallocate functions and revise design. • determine all functions to be performed (by machine, human software); Various parties have a role in the process which is illustrated in the ergonomics loop, including an Ergonomics Task Force made up of operators and hopefully engineering and safety personnel (ETF). • identify functions to be allocated to humans; • lay down design specifications based on human performance and Ergonomics Criteria; • determine the viability or feasibility of ensuring design meets specifications; if not The Ergonomics Loop Acknowledgments: Alan Bruce, Engineer, BMA Crinum and the design team at ABM/Sandvik. 20 HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA 3) Ergonomics in large Machinery Design Barbara McPhee Jim Knowles Group Kurri Kurri, NSW, Australia Abstract Until recently in Australia it has been difficult to convince machinery manufacturers that ergonomics was worthy of their attention and action. Ergonomics evaluation of a range of machinery has been hampered by a lack of accessible, useable design criteria. Formal Standards, such as the new Australian Standard on Safety of Machinery give design guidelines on safety, design parameters and ergonomics but do not cover the full range of issues associated with useability and design of large mobile machines. Most other Standards are out-of-date or are inconsistent with current practice in Australia. By necessity most occupational health and safety regulations and standards for heavy equipment define their design in terms of broad principles to reduce risks to health and safety. To assist designers, purchasers and users of heavy machinery in the application of ergonomics principles it may be worth developing useability standards such as those used for computer systems. These may be applied to generate more specific design and performance specifications using the consultative risk assessment process. Introduction The safe design and operation of industrial plant has been the focus of Standards and Regulations in Australia for the past five to ten years. In that time a National Standard for Plant (1994, 1995a, 1995b) has been developed and is an integral part of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) legislation throughout Australia. The National Standard provides for a process of health and safety risk management including the process of identification, assessment and control of risks. However, it gives no material guidance with respect to general design. For instance, the Standard specifies that design for high-risk plant such as boilers, cranes, lifts, escalators and moving walkways must comply with strict design criteria to prevent catastrophic injuries. However, it is far less helpful on design for large mobile machinery to reduce the risks of lesser injuries (especially sprains and strains) and operator errors. 22 In New South Wales the Mine Safety Division of the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has developed a number of Mining Design Guidelines (MDGs) that contain specific design guidance for underground machinery and these are currently being updated (MDG 1 1995). Purchasers are now asking for improved guidance because OHS legislation requires that they be more accountable for the purchase and design of equipment. The new Australian Standard on Safety of Machinery (AS AS4024.1 2006) has gone a long way in addressing the deficiencies of previous Standards. It specifies such aspects as safety principles, design parameters and ergonomics in line with the National Standard. However, it is too early to determine how influential it will be in reducing accidents, injuries and errors. Another issue is the manufacturers’ willingness and ability to comply with the Standard and the purchasers’ ability to make informed choices with respect to the Standard. Current Design and Purchasing Criteria Many large international machinery manufacturers have developed sets of design criteria and these are jealously guarded as commercially sensitive material. The better their designs, the greater their market edge. However, this does not provide guidance for purchasers who are often left with a confusing array of conflicting design features when trying to select a machine suitable for their needs and budgets. The machine’s price; its capabilities in terms of power; running costs; availability/costs of spares and replacement parts; and its reliability are the most important features to most purchasers. In some cases brand loyalty may be a factor. Rarely is ergonomics included in the list of criteria. Even when ergonomics is considered important finding the general criteria by which a machine should be selected is complex and confusing. Some information relevant to the ergonomics design of machinery is contained in a variety of large ergonomics textbooks, Standards, codes and guidance notes. However, the information is incomplete and some specifications must be interpolated from this range of sources. Other information may be contradictory or in a form that makes it difficult for engineers to interpret. While it is difficult to specify detailed design for each piece of equipment there is a range of questions that could be asked and there are some generic guidelines that could be applied. HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA Operator performance as the basic for better machinery design Are there handrails and handholds where necessary? Useability standards 2. Does the equipment allow safe and efficient operation? Are doorways wide and high enough? For the last 15 to 20 years ergonomists have been determining design standards through useability trials. A good case in point was the development of standards for computer equipment (Lindgaard 1991, Stewart 1991). The user performance standards that are derived from these trials have lead to the design of more userfriendly computer systems and have become a method for re-evaluating the design as needs and technologies changes. They allow some flexibility in the development of a product and take into account variables such as age, experience, education and stereotypical behaviours in users. Useability standards for large vehicles To apply user performance standards to the design of large pieces of equipment we need to understand something about the range of people who would be operating the machine, where they will be working and what they would be doing with it. If these questions are not answered correctly the design is likely to fail. Can the operator see and hear? Can s/he understand and act appropriately when given information? Can s/he manipulate controls easily and without confusion? Cans/he work in reasonable comfort without unnecessary or excessive physical and/or mental stress or fatigue? 3 Do the environmental conditions in the cab allow for comfort, communication and adequate protection from noise, vibration, dust and other risks to health? Can the cab be kept at a reasonable temperature for sedentary work (20 –25o C) i.e. is adequate heating, cooling or air conditioning provided where necessary? In any user trial the following questions should be asked: Can the operator communicate easily and without misunderstanding with people outside the cab? What is the age range of the users/operators? Can doors and windows be closed and are seals adequate to prevent the ingress of unwanted, distracting or dangerous noise, dust, fumes or other environmental contaminants? How big, how strong are they? What are they expected to do with the machine? i.e. what is the nature of the work? Where will they be working? i.e. type of industry, country, climate When do they do the work? i.e. time of day, seasons, weather etc What is their experience with similar machines? In addition to these questions about the operator and job requirements the designer needs to know about the operator/maintenance personnel interface with the machine. 1. Is there safe and easy access to the machine by the operator? Are steps, stairs ladders, walkways and access platforms provided where necessary and are they safe to use under all foreseeable conditions? i.e. the risks of slips, trips and falls are minimised Is whole-body vibration reduced to an acceptable level? Does it meet the Australian Standard for WBV (AS 2670-2001: Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration – General requirements)? (McPhee, Foster & Long 2001) 4. Are operators aware of all features on the vehicle, how to use them optimally and why it is important that they do? 5. Is there suitable competency training available for operators and maintenance personnel? 6. Is there easy access to machine parts or areas requiring attention, and are there suitable tools readily available in maintenance and servicing of equipment? 7. Are the demands of maintenance tasks within the capabilities of all maintenance personnel? Maintenance does not require undue force, awkward postures or dangerous practices. HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 23 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA If the answers to questions 1 to 7 are ‘yes’ then the machine can be said to be well designed from an ergonomics point of view. or repaired. Recommendations on regular and timely maintenance of the seat should be provided. Seat belts should be provided where required However, rarely, if ever, is this, the case. Some machines are designed for a particular task with little input about its operator’s capabilities and limitations or for ease of maintenance. Some are designed for abilities quite different from those of the average operator and for conditions that bear no relationship to those that may be encountered. Controls. These should be laid out and designed for easy and safe operation. Their location, layout, spacing and grouping, shape, type, size, feel and feedback, force and resistance, and direction of movement and travel should enhance the operators’ abilities to do their job. There should be safeguards against accidental operation of controls. Where appropriate control force and function need to comply with conventions, and movements should be consistent with the natural movements of the arms or legs. Controls should be labelled or be identifiable in some other way. Maintenance personnel often have problems particularly with access to the machine itself and to specific parts. Developing generic useability standards for large vehicles These generic questions may then be used in conjunction with consultative/participative risk assessments to generate a set of machine-specific design guidelines (McPhee 2005). The generic areas requiring consideration should include: Ingress/egress from the cabin. This includes the design of steps, stairs walkways, handholds and doorways. Operator’s space. This must allow for freedom of movement and comfortable operating postures for the operator. Any manoeuvres necessary for the operation of the machine should be able to be performed safely and without unnecessary fatigue or discomfort. There should be adequate headroom especially if occupants are wearing protective headgear. Controls should be within a 1800 radius of the operator and within easy reach. There should be good access to the seat and tripping hazards and obstructions should be eliminated or modified. Corners should be rounded, protrusions padded and/or recessed where appropriate. Seating. Unimpeded access in and out of the seat is required. The operator must be able to sit at the right height for comfort, visibility and operation of the controls. Height adjustment of the seat may be necessary so operators can reach controls and see displays comfortably and easily. The seat should be able to accommodate about 97% of all operators and it should be designed for the job and conditions, as well as the type of machine being operated. The longer an operator is required to sit without a break the more closely the seat should meet sound ergonomics specifications. Adjustments should be easy to achieve from the seated position and recommendations for adjustment should be provided, preferably attached to seat. The seat should be robust and not have components that are easily broken, torn or damaged. Seat and backrest covers should be easily changed 24 Instruments and displays. The design of information displays and instruments should enhance the operator’s capacity to determine the state of the machine accurately, easily and when it is needed. The aim is to minimise errors, operator fatigue and wear and tear on machinery. The location and layout of displayed information should allow easy reading and interpretation. Displays should be grouped and/or located according to their function, the critical nature of the information and the frequency of usage. Displays that are used infrequently may be out of the direct line of sight but all information needs to be large and clear enough to be seen under sub-optimal conditions. Do not provide unnecessary information that may clutter the visual field and/or confuse. The purpose and location of all displays should be clear. The design of warning lights should be consistent with ergonomics guidelines and/or convention. They should be located directly in front of the operator and should be clearly visible. Redundancy should be provided when further information on the status of the system is required. Other warning signals. Auditory alarms may be used to bring the operator’s attention to a problem immediately. They should not be used simply to indicate the status of the system. Auditory alarms should be able to be heard and identified either through pitch or frequency or both. Extremely loud signals are not acceptable. They may startle listeners, may distract them in an emergency or a critical task and may cause temporary deafness. The cab environment. Noise generated by the vehicle should not expose the driver or passengers to levels that exceed 85dB(A) for an eight-hour equivalent. Noise generated by the vehicle shall not expose the driver to peak levels that exceed relevant Standards. Whole-body vibration levels transmitted to the operator should not exceed relevant Standards. Cabin temperature should be in the range of 20 to 25oC. Controls for air conditioning should be located with HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA primary or secondary controls. The function of each control should be identified in some way and should be easy and simple to use. Displays of information on the status of the air conditioning unit should be clear and unambiguous requiring minimum instruction to understand. Noise from air conditioning units should be minimal. Airflow should be adjustable and able to be directed away from the operator. Outlets should be spread around the cab to ensure an even temperature in all areas. Temperature of the air flowing into the cabin should be able to be controlled by the operator. Visibility inside and from the cab. Specular reflections should be reduced by ensuring that all surfaces are matt and non-reflective. Blind spots should be reduced to a minimum and brought to the attention of the operator and others in the area. Line of sight should not be blocked in any critical function by controls, displays or other parts of the cab. Mirrors must be large enough and correctly positioned to enable the operator to see behind and to the sides of the vehicle. Distortions created by curved mirrors should be brought to the attention of the operator. Extremities of the vehicle should be visible at all times from the cab. Mirrors and other methods may be used to enhance visibility for difficult areas. Accessibility of fluid level gauges/sight glasses for operators. Ease of viewing enables regular checks to be made without difficulty or error. Each glass or gauge should be easily visible by the operator from the ground or in the cab. Misinterpretation of information should be minimised by the design of the sight glass/gauge. Cleaning the sight glass or gauge should be easy. Accessibility for servicing by operators. Access to filling and grease lubrication points, batteries and the toolbox should be from the ground. The toolbox should be lockable. Accessibility to regularly replaced or serviced components for maintenance personnel. Access to components for regular repair and maintenance should require minimal equipment and effort. Training. Programs are needed to raise awareness of safety and health issues in design; and to communicate the why as well as the what of good design. Conclusions While the new Safety of Machinery Standard covers a range of safety, design and ergonomics issues there is still a lack of detailed, useable ergonomics guidelines for designers, purchasers and operators of mobile heavy machinery in mining in Australia. User performance standards, in conjunction with the consultative risk assessment process, may be valuable in generating these useable ergonomics machinespecific design specifications. References Australian Standard AS 2670-2001: Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration – General requirements Australian Standard AS4024.1- 2006: Safety of machinery. Lindgaard G. (1991). Adapting your tools to fit the task. The HCI business case. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Australia (Popovic V and Walker M eds). Coolum, pp21-30. McPhee B, Foster G and Long A. (2001). Bad Vibrations. A Handbook of Whole-body Vibration Exposure in Mining. Coal Services (formerly Joint Coal Board) Health and Safety Trust, Sydney. McPhee B. (2005), Practical Ergonomics: Application of ergonomics principles in the workplace. Coal Services Health and Safety Trust, Sydney. Stewart T. (1991). Who sets the video in your house? or Why do older have problems with machines? Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Australia (Popovic Barbara McPhee V and Walker M eds). Coolum, pp1120. NSW Department of Primary Industries (1995). MDG 1 Free-steered vehicles. Worksafe Australia (1994). National Standard for Plant. Canberra. Worksafe Australia (1995). Plant Design. Making It Safe. Canberra. Worksafe Australia (1995). Plant in the Workplace. Making It Safe Canberra. HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 25 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA Book Review The Role of Mathematics on Human Structure Swapan Kumar Adhikari Dipali Publication, West Bengal, India, 2003, 156 pages, paperback, ISBN 8190164309. Many Australian undergraduates studying Functional Anatomy in the 1970s were mesmerised by Dr. I.A. Kapandji’s three-volume work: The Physiology of the Joints. The interrelationship between form, function and mathematics was so elegantly demonstrated in its text and illustrations that young minds grasped it with eagerness and acclamation. More than three decades later, Professor Adhikari’s book explores the same significant nexus with enthusiasm and awe, and often cites Kapandji’s work. It was reassuring to this reviewer that the Preface contained Leonardo da Vinci’s famous statement: An investigation cannot be strictly called scientific unless it admits mathematical deductions. This book contains 14 Chapters (including a Preface and an Index), each of which considers a specific topic. Chapter 2 examines some of da Vinci’s contributions to anatomical knowledge. Given that this legacy has been the subject of several touring art exhibitions (Australia and Britain) in recent years, it is disappointing that this chapter consists almost entirely of quotations from da Vinci himself and his contemporaries. Chapter 3 covers the contributions of René Descartes to Anatomy and Physiology in a similar manner. In Chapter 4, the author presents a mathematical explanation of Descartes’ views on the embryological development of the pineal gland. Chapter 5 covers the mathematics of the cardiac cycle. In Chapter 6, the biomechanics of the cervical vertebral column is considered, as are injuries to the region. This chapter concludes with a useful tabulation of recommended traction weights for injuries at each level of the cervical column. Mathematical analysis of movements of the shoulder joint is undertaken in Chapter 7. One of the issues discussed is the optimal position for arthrodesis of the joint, with the author defining different positions for males and females. Further biomechanics is presented in Chapters 9 and 11. The former examines the transmission of forces through the bony pelvis. The latter considers weight distribution through the femur. Chapter 10 discusses the trabecular geometry of the proximal femur in relation to weight distribution. There is an error in line 27 on page 104 — “osteoblasts” should read “osteocytes”. Chapter 12 examines the geometry of the femoral head and the acetabulum. The role of the ligaments of the hip joint is considered in Chapter 13. In an examination of articular cartilage (pages 146 to 149), it is surprising to this reviewer that the author did not mention the difference in arrangement of collagen fibres in the lamina splendens and the transitional zone of the cartilage, given its importance in load-bearing. It is disappointing that the prose was often difficult to interpret. Unless readers are already acolytes of the interrelationship between form, function and Mathematics, they will remain unmoved by the author’s enthusiasm. The fonts utilised are not always effective and would have benefited from editorial intervention. The abundant artwork throughout this book is rendered in black line or halftone. The majority of the illustrations are from other sources. Unfortunately, many of these have not reproduced well, particularly those which were colour originals, radiographic images or clinical photographs. Overall, this volume offers detailed content to a select audience with a strong background in both Mathematics and Anatomy. Ann Murphy PhD Anatomist Discipline of Biomedical Science Faculty of Medicine The University of Sydney Correspondence to: Dr. Ann Murphy, Discipline of Biomedical Sciences, Cumberland Campus, The University of Sydney, PO Box 170, Lidcombe, NSW 1825 Email: Chapter 8 considers the biomechanics of the vertebral column as a whole. There is an error in the label of Figure 7.14 on page 91 - “Circulation” should read “Circumduction”. There is a similar error in line 16 on page 92. 26 HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA Noticeboard Obituary (Brian Shackel 1927-2007) Roger Hall writes: I was advised of the death of Brian Shackel on 9 May by his daughter Francesca. Brian was an internationally, highly esteemed and influential ergonomist and hci academic and professional. I had the privilege of being his friend and colleague for 30 years, having first met in the late 70s and worked together on the International Ergonomics Association Council in 80s, and later when I was on two sabbaticals in the Department of Human Sciences at Loughborough University. Brian was well ahead of his time - he was doing paper prototyping (of display & control panels) as early as 1959. His ergonomics research on problems users had with computer systems, mostly mainframes, covered design, implementation and usability aspects. The substance of his operational definitions of usability and user-centred design can be seen in International Standards like ISO Standard 9241 - Ergonomics Requirements for Office Work with VDTs. Brian was a gentleman and mentor to me both in the ways of international diplomacy (on the IEA Council) and human-computer interaction research. However the many other outstanding things about Brian are best said by his friend and colleague Ken Eason from Loughborough University. Ken writes on The Ergonomics Society website: Brian Shackel, who died on May 9th at the age of 80, was one of the most important figures in the shaping of ergonomics and human-computer interaction in the second half of the twentieth century. Born in 1927, he was educated in classics and, after service in the Navy and the completion of a MA, degree he joined the MRC Applied Psychology Unit in Cambridge. In 1954 he started the Ergonomics Laboratory at EMI Electronics, a laboratory that still exists today as part of Quintec which celebrated the 50th anniversary of its founding in 2004. In 1970 Brian moved to Loughborough University as Professor of Applied Ergonomics and set up the HUSAT (Human Sciences and Advanced Technology) Research Institute which for over three decades, was at the centre of the development of human-computer interaction. Department of Human Sciences and, in a 10 year tenure, oversaw its growth to include major undergraduate programmes in Ergonomics, Human Biology and Psychology in addition to the well established MSc in Ergonomics. During this time Brian also became the Dean of the School of Human and Environmental Studies. Brian was a true English gentleman with a mission to establish solid foundations for ergonomics and humancomputer interaction so they could be successful and lasting disciplines. He possessed enormous energy, great tenacity and a capacity for attention to detail and these enabled him to help create many of the institutional forms for these disciplines that are so important to us as professionals today. In addition to developing HUSAT and the Department of Human Sciences at Loughborough and the EMIE Ergonomics Laboratory, he helped launch Applied Ergonomics and was its first editor. He was the Chairman of the Council of the Ergonomics Society, Treasurer of the International Ergonomics Association and instrumental in the early development of ergonomic standards. In the development of human-computer interaction he created IFIP (the International Federation of Information Processing) Technical Committee 13 in Human-Computer Interaction and he chaired the committee for many years. Under the auspices of IFIP, in 1984, he launched the INTERACT series of international conferences on human-computer interaction, and this conference, a major, international feature of the human-computer interaction calendar, now offers the Brian Shackel Award for the best paper in the conference. Brian‚s vision and energy has left a legacy that will last for many years and an indelible mark on the careers of the many of us he helped along the way. We send our deepest sympathy to his wife Penni and to their three children Nick, Julian and Francesca. Ken Eason 11 May 2007 In the process Brian became a father figure in the emergence of usability and user-centred design and, amongst many pioneering ventures, led BLEND one of the first major projects to evaluate the promise of electronic journals. Within a few years of arriving in Loughborough he was Head of what is now the HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 27 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA Conference Calendar 2007 23–24 August 2007 — International conference on slips, trips, and falls 2007: from research to practice at Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, Hopkinton, MA, USA. sponsored by: International Ergonomics Association, The Ergonomics Society, U.K., and Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, USA. Detailed conference information will be posted at Contact: Dr. Chien-Chi (Max) Chang, Communication, IEA Technical Committee on Slips, Trips and Falls, E-mail: Tel: 1-508-497-0260 Fax: 1-508-435-8136 27–30 August 2007 — Sixth International Scientific Conference on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (PREMUS 2007) Boston, USA Pre-Conference Workshops: 26 August 2007 PREMUS 2007 is the first time the conference will be held in the United States. For more information about this program, visit: or Email: 17–19 October, 2007 — Eighth Pan-Pacific Conference on Occupational Ergonomics (PPCOE 2007) Sofitel Central Plaza Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand Hosted by the Ergonomics Society of Thailand (EST) For more information on PPCOE 2007 and the abstract submission, please visit the conference web site: Abstracts can be submitted to the Conference Secretariat at 11–14 November 2007 — International Graphonomics Society 13th biennial conference, Melbourne, Australia Contact: Dr Jim Phillips Conference Co-Chair & Organizer IGS 2007 Email: Contact: Conference Secretariat Damai Sciences Sdn Bhd Email: Tel: +603 2282 9005 Fax:+603 2282 9004 2008 19–21 March 2008 — Organizational Design and Management Symposium IEA Technical Committee on Organisational Design and Management (ODAM) Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil (a top spot by the beach!) The website for the symposium is: Contact: Patricia Monteiro Depto. de Engenharia de Produção - POLI/USP Tel: (11) 3091-5363 - Ramal 434 Fax: (11) 3091-5399 Horário: 08h00 às 14h00 Email: 14–17 July 2008 —2nd International Conference on Applied Ergonomics (AE International 2008) Jointly with 12th International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing (HAAMAHA) Caesars Palace • Las Vegas, Nevada USA Under the auspices of 7 distinguished international boards of 167 members from 29 countries Conference Chair: Gavriel Salvendy Program Chair: Waldemar Karwowski Conference Administrator: Laura Abell Fax: + 1 502 852 7397 Communication & Exhibition Chair : Abbas Moallem URL: 26–28 November 2007— 43rd Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia A Healthy Society: Safe, Satisfied and Productive Perth, Western Australia Please register your interest with the secretariat at Jenni Miller and Ian Gibson Co-chairs 26-29 November 2007 - AEDeC 2007 International Conference on Agriculture Ergonomics in Developing Countries 28 HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA Information for Contributors Information for Advertisers Articles published in Ergonomics Australia are subject to peer review. Inquiries Editor Dr Shirleyann M Gibbs Gibbs + Associates Pty Ltd 25 Melaleuca Drive St Ives NSW 2075 Australia Tel: +612 9983 9855 Fax: +612 9402 5295 E-mail: The intended deadline for issues in 2007: March edition June edition September edition December edition February 1 May 1 August 1 November 1 All advertising inquiries should be directed to the National Secretariat of the Society. Contact The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia Inc PO Box 7848 Balkham Hills BC NSW 2153 Tel: +612 9680 9026 Fax: +612 9680 9027 Email: secretariat@ Size The finished page size of the Newsletter is A4 (210mm x 297mm) Contributions Printed column sizes are 165mm x 225mm (double) or 80mm x 225mm (single) Any inquiries about contributions should be directed in the first instance to the Editor. Advertising Copy Must be camera ready and must arrive at the HFESA Federal Office by the Copy Deadline Submission Date for the Edition in question. A professional advertising service is available for producing camera ready copy if required. For further inquiries regarding this service contact: Mr Goro Jankulovski, Acute Concepts Pty Ltd Tel: 03 9381 9696 Mobile: 0414 605 414 E-mail: Rates for Advertising These rates are inclusive of GST Single issue 2 issues 3 issues 4 or more Full page $ 330.00 $ 297.00 $ 264.00 $ 231.00 1/2 page 165.00 148.50 132.00 115.50 1/4 page 82.50 74.80 66.00 58.30 1/8 page 41.80 37.40 33.00 29.70 Enclosures Pre-printed enclosures (leaflets, brochures) etc are welcome for inclusion with the Journal. Enclosures should be pre-folded to fit inside the finished Journal. Rates for enclosures Enclosure not requiring folding Enclosure requiring folding $ 412.50 $ 462.00 HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 29 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA These rates may increase if the enclosure weighs more than the equivalent of 2 standard weight A4 pages. These rates are inclusive of GST 640 copies should be sent to arrive at the ESA Federal Office by the Copy Deadline Submission Date for the Edition in question. Address for mailing Advertising copy and/or enclosures National Secretariat The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia Inc. PO Box 7848 Balkham Hills BC NSW 2153 Advertising copy and enclosure submission deadlines for 2007 are the same as for Contributions — 1st of month prior to publication Edition Submission Deadline March June September December February 1 May 1 August 1 November 1 Circulation The Journal is published four times a year and is received by approximately 620 professional’s Australia wide working in the areas of ergonomics, occupational health and safety, and design. Ergonomics Australia On-Line (EAOL) Advertising and sponsorship opportunities also exist in the electronic version of this journal (EAOL) which is managed by Dr Robin Burgess-Limerick at Department of Human Movement at Queensland University. It is downloaded by more than 100 Australian and International readers each week. To view EAOL: or enter via the HFESA website. Caveats The views expressed in the Journal are those of the individual authors and contributors and are not necessarily those of the Society. The HFESA Inc reserves the right to refuse any advertising inconsistent with the Aims and Objectives of the Society and Journal Editorial Policy. The appearance of an advertisement in the Journal does not imply endorsement by the Society of the product and or service advertised. The Society takes no responsibility for products or services advertised therein. Editor Shirleyann M Gibbs PhD E-mail: 30 HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA Notes HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007 31 ERGONOMICS AUSTRALIA 32 HFESA Journal, Ergonomics Australia Vol 21, Number 2, July 2007