nene thomas gathering storm
nene thomas gathering storm
41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 1 of 76 COLOUR PRINT AWARDS PSA Gold Medal The Hallway Table - Tim Pile MPAGB EFIAP/g AIPF - England FIAP Gold Medal A Sideways Glance - Barbara Hawthorne - England RPS Gold Medal Liberation - Kathryn J Scorah MPAGB FBPE - England UPI Gold Medal Trevose Head Lighthouse - George Atkins CPAGB LRPS - England PAGB Gold Medal Wishes - Dianne Owen FRPS - England SPS Gold Medal Elena and Jasmine - Mike Sharples MPAGB ARPS EFIAP BPE4* - England PSA Silver Medal Weightless - David Thomas ARPS - England FIAP Silver Medal Thoughts of Leaving - Ross McKelvey MPAGB EFIAP/b ABPE - Northern Ireland RPS Silver Medal Ladies That Lounge - Andrea Hargreaves EFIAP DPAGB BPE2* - England Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Romain Nero No U-Turn - Robert Bracher ARPS - England Selectors SPS Medal Awarded Steve Smith A Knowing Look - Dinah Jayes ARPS EFIAP MPAGB - England Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Terry Donnelly Young Horse Trader - Peter R Gennard MFIAP EFIAP/p - England PSA Ribbon Cooking Rice - Yu Pei Huang - Taiwan Birds of a Feather - Andrea Hargreaves EFIAP DPAGB BPE2* - England Plaining with the Calf - Muneer Al Najjar - Bahrain FIAP Ribbon At Home - Rod Wheelans FRPS MFIAP MPAGB FIPF - Scotland A Nostalgic Uncertainty - Kathryn J Scorah MPAGB FBPE - England A Wild Goose Chase - Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* - Wales RPS Ribbon Moorland Sky - Tony Thomas EFIAP - England Foggy Dawn ValDorcia - Vicki Moritz EFIAP FAPS - Australia Casey Eichfeld at the World Cup - John Bulpitt FRPS - England UPI Ribbon Jokulsarlon at Midnight 1 - Ian Wilson ARPS - England Captain Jack - Bernard Longley ARPS - England Black Pearl - Andrea Hargreaves EFIAP DPAGB BPE2* - England 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 2 of 76 PAGB Ribbon Tide Race at Coumeenole - Bob Underhill APAGB AIPF - England Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Hold the Line - Kathryn J Scorah MPAGB FBPE - England Dust Wings - Pauline Pentony ARPS BAHons - England SHHHHHH - Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* - Wales I Am the Walrus - Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* - Wales Water and Ice - Gillian Morgan ARPS DPAGB - England Watching - John Moore CPAGB - England Chasing Wishes - Adrian Moore CPAGB BPE3* - England Red Shawl - Ross McKelvey MPAGB EFIAP/b ABPE - Northern Ireland Walk on the Tideline - Bernard Longley ARPS - England Mon Amour - Janet Haines ARPS EFIAP DPAGB - England Smerwick Beach - Calvin Downes AFIAP - England Contemplative - Wendi Donaldson Laird AFIAP AAPS - Canada The Baker - David F Cooke FRPS EFIAP - England Angel Genesis - Marcin Ciesielski AFIAP - England Ruby - Najat Alfarsani - Bahrain Steam Punks - Lilliana Alani CPAGB BPE1* - England 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 3 of 76 MONOCHROME PRINT AWARDS PSA Gold Medal Aged Face - Sue Moore FRPS MPAGB FIPF - England FIAP Gold Medal Tour De France - Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* - Wales RPS Gold Medal Roadblock - Elek Papp MFIAP EFIAP/p - Hungary UPI Gold Medal Birthday - Nizamettin Duzgun - Turkey PAGB Gold Medal Mountain Tree - Volker Frenzel MFIAP EFIAP,p UPICr4 - Germany SPS Gold Medal Logs - Tim Pile MPAGB EFIAP/g AIPF - England PSA Silver Medal A Hard Ascent - Jon Bake MFIAP EFIAP/p FIAP: Silver Medal Waiting - Dianne Owen FRPS - England RPS Silver Medal The Begging Bowl - Peter R Gennard MFIAP EFIAP/p - England SelectorsSPS Medal Awarded by Romain Nero Three Ladies - Bob Moore HonFRPS MPAGB HonPAGB - England Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Steve Smith The Remnants of Hopel - Fedaa Khamis - Bahrain Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Terry Donnelly The Park Bench - Ross McKelvey MPAGB EFIAP/b ABPE - Northern Ireland PSA Ribbon Keeping Watch - Mike Sharples MPAGB ARPS EFIAP BPE4* - England Warrior 3 - Najat Alfarsani - Bahrain Little Lumberjack - Muneer Al Najjar - Bahrain FIAP Ribbon Feathers - Dianne Owen FRPS - England Hair Salon in Nepal - Heidi Ouyang - Hong Kong Autumn Trees - Gillian Morgan ARPS DPAGB - England RPS Ribbon The Tulip Staircase - Maureen Mundon LRPS - England Fond Memories - Philip Byrne - England Flatanger Fjord - Valter Bernardeschi - Italy 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 4 of 76 UPI Ribbon Long Tall Sally - Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* - Wales Doorway - Bob Moore HonFRPS MPAGB HonPAGB - England Master of Light - Mehmet Gokyigit - Cyprus PAGB Ribbon Smach No. 2 (BM) - Kwan-Leung Cheung PPSA - Hong Kong Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Arctic Fox - Michael Raymond Windle ARPS DPAGB - England Two Polar Bears on the Tundra - Michael Raymond Windle ARPS DPAGB - England Canary Wharf - Ian Thomson ARPS EFIAP - England Amish Transport - Jack Taylor DPAGB AFIAP - England Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* - Wales House on the Fjord - Ann Miles FRPS MPAGB FBPE EFIAP - England Hollie - Ross McKelvey MPAGB EFIAP/b ABPE - Northern Ireland Two Sisters - Cleeve Hill - Dave Hyett CPAGB AFIAP BPE2* - England Deep in Heart - Mehmet Gokyigit - Cyprus Animal Tracks to Gateway - Shirley Davis CPAGB - England The Oval - Marc Apers EFIAP - Belgium One , Two and Three - Warren Alani ARPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE2* - England 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 5 of 76 NATURE PRINT AWARDS PSA Gold Medal Black-Winged Stilts Embrace (0073) - Paul Keene FRPS EFIAP/p MFIAP MPAGB - England FIAP Gold Medal Relaxing on the Tundra - Michael Raymond Windle ARPS DPAGB - England UPI Gold Medal Kamtschatka No. 5 - Achim Koepf EFIAP/g - Germany RPS Gold Medal Hen Harrier - Richard Nicoll - England PAGB Gold Medal A Group of Mycena - Sheila Tester CPAGB SO322JN - England SPS Gold Medal Early Marsh Orchid - John Bulpitt FRPS - England PSA Silver Medal Long Horned Moth - Adrian Moore CPAGB BPE3* - England RPS Silver Medal Puss Moth Caterpillar - Stan Saunders ARPS - England FIAP Silver Medal Skylark with Caterpillars - Ian Mitchell ARPS - Scotland Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Sandy Cleland Cuckoo in Rain - Philippa Wheatcroft DPAGB - England Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Barry Mead Mountain Hare in Winter - Bill Terrance EFIAP/b DPAGB - Scotland Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Ian Whiston Grey Heron with Terrapins (9657) - Paul Keene FRPS EFIAP/p MFIAP MPAGB - England PSA Ribbon Turtle Eating Jellyfish - Spike Piddock DPAGB AFIAP - England Bittern - Richard Nicoll - England FIAP Ribbon Snowy Owl - Michael Raymond Windle ARPS DPAGB - England Tompot Blenny in Seaweed Portland - Spike Piddock DPAGB AFIAP - England RPS Ribbon Coot Aggression - Ann Miles FRPS MPAGB FBPE EFIAP - England Newly Emerged Silver-Studded Blue Butterflies - Francesca Bramall - England UPI Ribbon Dunnock Singing - Adrian Moore CPAGB BPE3* - England Kestral Landing - David Seaton ARPS CPAGB PAGB Ribbon Female Kestrel - Trevor Hunter EFIAP DPAGB - England Small Apollo Roosting on Purple Gentian - Gian-Piero Ferrari FRPS DPAGB FBPE - England 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 6 of 76 Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Nice Catch 2 - Eng Siong Yeo ARPS - Singapore Little Blue Heron, Caroni Swamp (w) - Graham Walton DPAGB - England Mycena Attacked by Slime Mould - Sheila Tester CPAGB SO322JN - England Woodpecker Feeding Young - David Seaton ARPS CPAGB - England Mountain Hare in Habitat - Gian-Piero Ferrari FRPS DPAGB FBPE - England 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 7 of 76 OPEN COLOUR PDI AWARDS PSA Gold Medal Damsel in Feathers - Marcin Ciesielski AFIAP - England FIAP Gold Medal King of the Gypsys - Phillip Barber - England UPI Gold Medal Butterfly Dreams - Marie Otero - United States RPS Gold Medal The Bedouin Boy - Habib Alzadjali AFIAP - Oman SPS Gold Medal Fluttering - Chih Sheng Huang EPSA - Taiwan PAGB Gold Medal Table Service - Jim Duncan ARPS AFIAP BPE3* - England PSA Silver Medal The Ice Queen - Joan Blease ARPS MPAGB BPE5* EFIAP/b - England FIAP Silver Medal Unknown Wonder - Kaushik Majumder EFIAP FFIP - India RPS Silver Medal Captured - Kam Chiu Tam - Canada Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Terry Donnelly The-Numismatist - Nicholas James Walton - England Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Romain Nero Jasmin Hella Austrian Gold Cup - Austin Thomas FBPE EFIAP MPAGB - England Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Steve Smith Golden Orchard - Robert Ellis - England SPS Members Medal The Look - Peter Siviter EFIAP DPAGB - England PSA Ribbon Mischkah in Black - Joseph Vize - Northern Ireland Big Brown - Phillip Barber - England Village Girl 2 - Habib Alzadjali AFIAP - Oman FIAP Ribbon Lone Tree - Neil Maughan ARPS EFIAP/s DPAGB - England Boulders and Pines, Taft Point, Yosemite - Tony Leech - Advanced - Anthony Leech - England Chess Mates - Charles Akerstrom LRPS BPE2* CPAGB - England RPS Ribbon Turmoil - Nicholas James Walton - England Arctic Fox - Nigel Spencer ARPS - England The Acolyte - Jacqui Jay Grafton ARPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* - England 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 8 of 76 PAGB Ribbon Connotations of Affluence - Ian Munro - Wales Angel in Chefchaoen - Muna Al Zaabi - United Arab Emirates UPI Ribbon Big Eyes - David Laronde ARPS AFIAP EPSA APSA - Canada Walking the Herd - David Byrne EFIAP DPAGB BPE3* - England Silence Passion - Hussam Alabdullatif AFIAP - Saudi Arabia Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Baby Learner - Rinki Sarkar - India The Great Escape - Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* - Wales Beauty in Decay - Ross McKelvey MPAGB EFIAP/b ABPE - Northern Ireland The Book Man - Matthew Jones BPE4* CPAGB AFIAP - Wales A Tight Turn - Graham Johnston ARPS DPAGB EFIAP - England Expression - Abhijit Banerjee - India 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 9 of 76 OPEN MONOCHROME PDI AWARDS PSA Gold Medal Concealment - Pauline Pentony ARPS BAHons - England FIAP Gold Medal Snowbird - Jacqui Jay Grafton ARPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* - England UPI Gold Medal Medieval Fantasy - Bill Power FIPF AFIAP - Ireland RPS Gold Medal Punch - Man-Kui, Wisely NG - Hong Kong PAGB Gold Medal Rural Billiards - Jianyong Zhou - China SPS Gold Medal Mist on the Lake - Jacqueline Daey - Australia FIAP Silver Medal Benares Kids - Jacky Panhuyzen AFIAP EPSA - Belgium RPS Silver Medal Nick Matthews - Ed Roper EFIAP - England Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Sandy Cleland Jess Airborn - Arthur Roy - Australia Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Barry Mead Power BW - Yong Zhi Li - China Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Ian Whiston Chun Yin Yu - Roger Hance FRPS AFIAP BPE5* - England SPS Members Medal Imagine - Trevor Swann - England PSA Ribbon Waiting for the Pop - Cheryl Wild AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* - Wales The Little Teacher - Trinh Thu Nguyet Mua Thu - Vietnam Black Portrait - Habib Alzadjali AFIAP - Oman FIAP Ribbon Dancer - Mark Charteris - Australia We Shall Overcome - Abhijit Banerjee - India RPS Ribbon Barge Captain - Kuli Virdee DPAGB BPE2* - England Water Fun - Man-Kui, Wisely NG - Hong Kong Black Key White Key - Ian Herford AFIAP AAPS - Australia UPI Ribbon Loser - Chan Seng Tang PPSA EFIAP/s - Macao Huot Thuoc - Nguyen Khoi - Vietnam Neighbourhood Watch - Jim Duncan ARPS AFIAP BPE3* - England 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 10 of 76 PAGB Ribbon Lofty Sentiments - Yushan Li - China Fanning the Flames II - Wendi Donaldson Laird AFIAP AAPS - Canada Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Liv - Arthur Roy - Australia Pony Ride - Man-Kui, Wisely NG - Hong Kong Swan Lake...the Sequel - Lynne Morris AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* - Wales Goatherd - Istvan Kerekes - Hungary Take Me Home BW - Abdulla Al-Mushaifri - Qatar Yi Village Children - Xiaoqi Zhang - China 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 11 of 76 NATURE PDI AWARDS PSA Gold Medal Hexarthrius Buqueti - Alfred Preuss EFIAP/b - Germany FIAP Gold Medal Great Crested Grebe with Chick - Austin Thomas FBPE EFIAP MPAGB - England UPI Gold Medal Great Bustard in Flight - David Woodhead LRPS DPAGB BPE2* - England RPS Gold Medal Wild Grizzly Fishing in the Rain - Jo McIntyre MPAGB BPE2* - England PAGB Gold Medal Baby Water Vole Feeding on Blackberries - Jenny Hibbert MPAGB EFIAP AWPF - Wales SPS Gold Medal Black Grouse Lekking in the Snow - Nigel Spencer ARPS - England PSA Silver Medal Common Puffballs and Drone Fly - Dave Bowen MPAGB EFIAP FBPE - England FIAP Silver Medal Canary Shouldered Thorn Moths - Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE4* - England RPS Silver Medal Short-Eared Owl Hunting in a Meadow - Austin Thomas FBPE EFIAP MPAGB - England Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Ian Whiston Sunbathing - Beate Kulpa - Germany Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Sandy Cleland Bittern on Ice - Philip Kirk - England Selectors SPS Medal Awarded by Barry Mead Hoopoe with Centipede - Alan Grant DPAGB BPE3* - England SPS Members Medal Leaping Gentoo - Dawn Osborn FRPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* - England PSA Ribbon Flamingo Flock Taking Off - Francis King EPSA - Canada Goldfinchf Among Teasels - Gian-Piero Ferrari FRPS DPAGB FBPE - England Cheetah Cub Helps - Bob Devine ARPS DPAGB efiap/s - England FIAP Ribbon Little Owl Running with a Loose Feather - Austin Thomas FBPE EFIAP MPAGB - England Tabaniformis Sexta - Chih Sheng Huang EPSA - Taiwan Mountain Hares, Fighting - Jo McIntyre MPAGB BPE2* - England UPI Ribbon Chital - Kauko Keranen EFIAP/s - Finland The Hunter - Janette Hill LRPS CPAGB - Wales RPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 12 of 76 Predator in Action 8433 - Ngu Diksen - Malaysia Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Immature Heron with Crab - Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS AFIAP BPE5* - England Great Crested Grebes Performing Weed Dance - Ed Roper EFIAP - England Osprey with Trout - George Reekie DPAGB ABPE - England Green Violet-Ear - Alfred Preuss EFIAP/b - Germany Creobroter Gemmatus - Alfred Preuss EFIAP/b - Germany Wild Grizzly Bears Fighting - Jo McIntyre MPAGB BPE2* - England Lion with Dead Baby Giraffe - David Keith Jones FRPS EFIAP DPAGB - England 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 13 of 76 FULL AWARDS & ACCEPTANCE LIST COLOUR PRINT ACCEPTANCES AUSTRALIA Astrid Claase Vicki Moritz Black Sands Eildon Tranquility Kinloch Dawn Panorama Foggy Dawn ValDorcia RPS Ribbon BAHRAIN Muneer Al Najjar Najat Alfarsani Fedaa Khamis Sakeena Khamis Thekrayat Radhi Classy and Fabulous Fatima Girls Issue Plaining with the Calf Cottage Child Goat Boy Ruby Alone Grandma Will Back Look PSA Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon CANADA Wendi Donaldson Laird Contemplative Highly Commended SPS Ribbon DENMARK Bjarne Hyldgaard Pigs Handler 0065MCT EGYPT Malak Tarek Khamis Belal Yosry HAY.ICS Child's Simplicity Harmony Brother I Will Miss You ENGLAND Lilliana Alani Warren Alani Wendy Anne Allard George Atkins Jon Baker The Weaver Tough Guy Stem Punks Rough and Tough The Long Wait Faceless Trevose Head Lighthouse Botallack Tin Mine Cloud Break Highly Commended SPS Ribbon UPI Gold Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 14 of 76 Sue Baker Barbara Beauchamp Noel Bennett ARPS Garry Bisshopp Natalja Bluem Robert Bracher Ray Brammall Caroline Broom Lorna Brown John Bulpitt FRPS Keith Burgoyne Burgoyne David Byrne Philip Byrne Tony Capper Serkan Cetin Gerald Chamberlin Richard Cherry Marcin Ciesielski Gerry Coles Brian Collins John Cook David F Cooke Doug Crockett Stuart Daffin Free As a Bird Mountain Light The Printer Across Jokullsarlon Autumn Reflections Frozen Llyn Cwmffynnon Trees in the Mist Icelandic Beach Light on Sea Lonely Winter Solace Up to the Gallery Dreamy Autumn Sarah No U-Turn Bowled Off Stump A Day at the Seaside Creech Woods A Distance from Now Strawberry Whitby Windowscape Collision Course Rafa on Centre Court Casey Eichfeld at the World Cup Faded Glory In the Eye Lonely Cottage Arctic Winter Beach Preserving the Cod White Smoke Mersey Wave The Bothy Elphin The Kasbah The Patriot Hemsin Lady Lady with Hazelnuts My Village Mr Slater from 46 Roadmaster 75 Pedestrian Coco Time Catcher Angel Genesis Corn Dolly Lao Schoolgirl Tribes of Southern Ethiopia - Karo Chimp Talk The Baker Nosing Ahead Lucy SPS Medal: Romain Nero Award RPS Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 15 of 76 Brian Davis Shirley Davis Brian Dicks Judi Dicks ARPS DPAGB BPE4* Andy Fryer Ted Fussey Winter in Yellowstone Dead Trees in the Winter Anyone for Tea? Foxy Lady Treading Carefully The Shoeshiner Its a Tough Mudder Morayshire Leaving Wansford Station A Dingle View Motherly Love Smerwick Harbour Smerwick Beach Clearing Snow Shower Golden Beauty In a Snow Storm Eastern Shore Oop's Motogp 2015 World Champion Chasing Shadows Three Riders Overcoming Disability A Quiet Life Paris Commuter Autumn Sunrise Autumns Colour Palette Southwold Storm Coming and Going Chasing Hard Peter R Gennard Young Horse Trader Anne Greiner Grandma's Doorstep The Radio Man Tin Man Faith Mon Amour Seilebost Beach Harris A Tender Moment In the New Forest Langaholt Beach at Night The Milky Way over Mallaig A Cold Start Emotive Metamorphosis Ladies That Lounge Birds of a Feather Black Pearl Toltec Autumn Steam Valletta Wall Looking Out The Warped World of Charlie Chaplin Winters Seat A Sideways Glance Brooding Colin Dixon Steve Dormer Calvin Downes Ralph Duckett David Eaves Mike Edwards Rod Embley Alan Fackrell David Fletcher LRPS Irene Froy Alison J Fryer Janet Haines Allan Hale ARPS Sally Hammond Richard Harding Lorraine Hardy Andrea Hargreaves Colin Harrison Paul Hassell Barbara Hawthorne Highly Commended SPS Ribbon SPS Medal: Terry Donnelly Award Highly Commended SPS Ribbon RPS Silver Medal PSA Ribbon UPI Ribbon FIAP Gold Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 16 of 76 Paul Hayward Patrick Hickey John Holt John Howes Phil Jackson Dinah Jayes Barbara Jenkin Malcolm Jenkin Paul Keene Denise Kinch Laura Knowles Leon Kreel Valentina Kulagina Barbara Lander LRPS Malcolm Lander LRPS Andrew Leask Carole Lewis Chris Lewis Cheryl Leyser CPAGB BPE2* Bernard Longley David Lowe Japanese Anemone Snowberries Cornered Musing Screened The Tea is Cold Frost in the Forest An Eye for Art The Gurning Gull Amelia Escalator Southwark Tube Station Fairy Pools Skye Alone with Myself Followed Light on the Fairy Falls A Knowing Look Carla Musing Jane Alone Mersea Beach Faith Looking Out Worcester Cathedral Interior Hill Inlet Abstract (4765) Swan Squadron (0167) Val D'orcia Dawn (9017) Solitary Passenger Precision Calanais Standing Stones Storm - Newhaven Sunset Isle of Harris Sepoy The Glory of the Past Beauty Shadow Dancers Abandoned Lighthouse Folly View Bohemienne Wistful Old Bikes, Cambridge Black Dog Misty Rydal Water On the Beach Rydal Afterglow Aegean Chapel Brandon at Dusk Seljalandsfoss Waterfall Blown Away Private Captain Jack Walk on the Tideline Beauty in the Arch Burmese Girl SPS Medal: Steve Smith Award UPI Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 17 of 76 Christopher Maidens Steve Marriott Carl Mason Polly Mason LRPS AFIAP Sue McGilveray Ann Miles Arun Mohanraj Adrian Moore Bob Moore John Moore Sue Moore FRPS MPAGB FIPF Brian Morgan Gillian Morgan Bill Nicholson Dianne Owen Leo Palmer Judith Parry Pauline Pentony Penny Piddock Spike Piddock Tim Pile Polina Plotnikova Tony Potter Bad Hair Day Boxing Day Mist City Gent The Grinder Meeting Place The River Near Atcham Kenfig Tree Rye Marshes Blizzard Haukland Beach Moonrise over Flaksted Beach Myrvatn Cherena The Chain Maker Chasing Wishes The Old Kitchen Urban Playground Young Village Girl Steam Punk Trio Watching Classroom Portrait Chasewater Pier Lofoten Dawn Morning Glory Southwold Sunflowers Water and Ice A Letter Home The Corridor Wishes Purple Symmetry The Old Pier Alhambra Steps The Tate Ice Maiden Morning Light Purple Scarf The Girl with the Golden Earing Cascade Powder Dust Wings Integra The Underwater Bride The Hallway Table Curves and Curves Under the Stairs Deconstructed Lunch Lady Slipper Orchid Milkmaid Study in White and Blue Attendant Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon PAGB Gold Medal Highly Commended SPS Ribbon PSA Gold Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 18 of 76 Graham R Pritchard Peter Rees Tom Richardson Dave Robson Kathryn J Scorah Lloyd Scott Mike Sharples Ann Shaw John C B Shaw Pam Sherren Peter Siviter Peter Southwick Hugh Spence Peter Bryan Spring Sandra Dorothee Starke Peter Stevens Sheila Tester David Thomas Tony Thomas Ian Thomson Maureen Toft Bob Underhill Peter Walmsley Chanardaye Walton Des Ward Chrissie Westgate Colin Westgate Philippa Wheatcroft DPAGB Portrait of Tanya Tonia Figure Study Young Widow A Hint of Venice Lakeland Winter Mont Blanc Liberation Tomorrow is Another Day A Nostalgic Uncertainty Hold the Line Just One More Drink Elena and Jasmine The Evacuees Surveying the Top of the World Venice at Sunrise Dawn Mist Venice In the Clouds Lady in Red Pray for Me The Parish Boys Working Girl The Library Mermaid A Northern Light Werano Rebecca Buffet Car Watching Eyes Weightless Linen Forest Glow Glancing Light Moorland Sky Autumn at Scaleber Force Castle Stalker Vertigo Lion Portrait Tide Race at Coumeenole Mind the Gap Shopping in La Rochelle Vixen Break On the Step Night Riders Mosque Boys Rajasthan Barber Shop Simple Step Child Autumn, Glen Affric Beach Huts in the Snow Finley RPS Gold Medal FIAP Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon SPS Gold Medal PSA Silver Medal RPS Ribbon PAGB Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 19 of 76 Ian Wilson ARPS Michael Raymond Windle ARPS DPAGB Yin Wong One of the Few Rodeo Dreams Jokulsarlon at Midnight 1 Misty Sunrise, Lake Nakuru Dog Wash Platform 4 No. 20 Two Perkin Robins GERMANY Wolfgang Everding Volker Frenzel Achim Koepf Beate Kulpa Theo Muellers Wolfgang Schweden Spirale Jetty Stairway Lofoten No. 350 Lofoten No. 37 Fog Rhaphigaster Tub Splash 2 Cranehouse Cologne Pale Beauty HONG KONG Hung Chan Yue Yun Chan Banly Cheung Koon Keung Cheung Kwan-Leung Cheung Yiu Ka Chong Tsun Ip Patrick Chow Hoi-Yan Fong Man-Yu Alex Fung Siu-Hi Kwok Barry Lau Chung-Keung Mok Heidi Ouyang Xing Fang Su Chasing Solumn 2 Catching Horse Jockey Mud Soccer Feeding First Net Cockfighting Concentrated Working Cooking Fish Busy Hot Spring Baptist Sailing Ascending Marble Sculptors Soccer Players Wrestling Misty Lake in Wunam Work Hard in the Field Horses Song Repair Taking Off Poor Student Look After Sister and Little Brother Prayer Spirit in Union Golden Buddies Horse Crossing UPI Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 20 of 76 Ming-Fai Tang Lung-Tsai Wang Sau Shun Wong Yvonne Wong Icecave's Eye Starry Northern Light Boring in Black Family Feeding Bull Catching Sorrow HUNGARY Elek Papp Istvan Peto Idyll Bohemian Cloud Forest IRELAND Judy Boyle Arthur Carron Anthony Demion Dick Doyle Gabriel Joseph O'Shaughnessy Bill Power Blue Door Baz Pamela Sky Train The Arch Vault of Heaven Wexford Night Ship to Shore Ibbs Pantry Shelf Blue Flame Burning Red Take Me You Rock My Socks ISRAEL Arik Kaneh 0359 Elegant Jump ITALY Valter Bernardeschi Face to Face Face to Face n.3 I Fratelli n 1 In the Snow LUXEMBOURG Jean-Luc Brausch Harry Daemen Jeanny Hostert-Marx Grey Heron with Catch Night Heron Chasing Fish E Gudde Maufel Eng Erfreschung Am Reen Poledance NETHERLANDS Chris Stenger Atacama Sunset 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 21 of 76 NORTHERN IRELAND Ross McKelvey Thoughts of Leaving Contemplation Red Shawl FIAP Silver Medal Highly Commended SPS Ribbon RUSSIAN FEDERATION Andrey Snegirev Reindeer Races SCOTLAND Eric Begbie Stan Farrow Eion Johnston Hunter Kennedy Terry Railley Janet Russell Neil Scott Bill Terrance Rod Wheelans Alistair Wright Cowgirl Escape from the Kelpies Misty Recessions Two Hinds in Highland Glen Fig and Spoon Sugar for My Coffee Arm Around Red Cloth Square Look Mist in the Valley Moorland Dawn At a Gallop The Cinema Thoughts Clowning Around The Scullery Maid Bamburgh Morning Breakfast Chapati No Fun Being Second 50 Years Married Man with Tea At Home Adele Amelia At the Window FIAP Ribbon SRI LANKA Wimal Amaratunge Not Too Hot TAIWAN Chih Sheng Huang Yu Pei Huang Bomb Shell Knives Making Pottery Making Golden the Autumn Cooking Rice TURKEY Murat Caloglu It is Mine PSA Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 22 of 76 Nizamettin Duzgun Levent Meric Comlekci Demirci Ustasi Meditasyon WALES Janet Davies Matthew Jones Lynne Morris Hector the Bull Parlour games at the Manor Puppet Master Storm Rage Who goes there Octopus's Garden A Wild Goose Chase I Am the Walrus SHHHHHH FIAP Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 23 of 76 MONOCHROME PRINT ACCEPTANCES AUSTRALIA Paul Andrew Thompson New Arrival BAHRAIN Muneer Al Najjar Najat Alfarsani S.baqer Alkamel AFIAP Hussain Almomen Hassan Altaif Hussain Fardan Fedaa Khamis Sakeena Khamis Thekrayat Radhi Little Lumberjack Flash Back The Poor Cleopatra Warrior 3 Captive of the Love Al Hussain Long Waiting O My Father The Remnants of Hopel Take Break Traneem PSA Ribbon PSA Ribbon SPS Medal Steve Smith Award BELGIUM Marc Apers Maurits De Groen Roger De Groof The Oval Art Class Into the Light Churchyard Visitor Stalker Highly Commended SPS Ribbon CANADA Wendi Donaldson Laird Piercing Pupils II CYPRUS Mustafa Evirgen Mehmet Gokyigit Ozzy Master of Light Deep in Heart UPI Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon ENGLAND Lilliana Alani Warren Alani Wendy Anne Allard Anticipation The Book Fayre Back Focus One , Two and Three Aspects of a Face in Mono Highly Commended SPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 24 of 76 Jon Baker Sue Baker Michael John Boyd Robert Bracher Ray Brammall Keith Burgoyne Burgoyne Philip Byrne Serkan Cetin Gerald Chamberlin Brian Collins John Cook Judith Cook Doug Crockett Bob Dallow Shirley Davis Judi Dicks ARPS DPAGB BPE4* Ralph Duckett David Eaves Mike Edwards David Fletcher LRPS Peter R Gennard Anne Greiner Janet Haines Allan Hale ARPS Sally Hammond Richard Harding Lorraine Hardy Colin Harrison Paul Hassell Faith in Reflective Mood A Hard Ascent Snowdonia Winter Twisted Tree Cloud over Crib Goch Early Morning, Middleham Moor Katharine and Audrey Indifference The Farmhand The Hooded Man The Bridge No Way Back Fond Memories Doorstep Chat Old Hunter Village Bakers This Way Gentlemen Apple for the Teacher The Old Monk Pianist Waiting for the Subway Keep Clear High Pasture Long Shadows Animal Tracks to Gateway Sheltering on the Pier The Loss Adjuster The Corridor Walking the Dog Early Morning, Charlecote Stilt Fisherman Living in the Past The Alcove Separate Tables Steamed Up The Passenger Keepers of the Abbey The Begging Bowl A Quiet Smoke How Long Did You Say Your Mother Was Staying? The Game, Elevit The Mechanic Medusa Transporter Bridge Rochfort Street Walking Storm Nearing St. Mary's Lighthouse The Old Pier, Swanage The Connection Laura A Dark Place PSA Silver Medal RPS Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon RPS Silver Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 25 of 76 Russell William Haynes Paul Hayward Patrick Hickey Graham Hodgkiss John Howes Dave Hyett CPAGB AFIAP BPE2* Phil Jackson Dinah Jayes Malcolm Jenkin Paul Keene Denise Kinch Leon Kreel Barbara Lander LRPS Bernard Longley David Lowe Steve Marriott Ann Miles Arun Mohanraj Adrian Moore Bob Moore John Moore Sue Moore FRPS MPAGB FIPF Gillian Morgan Eddie Morton Maureen Mundon Paul Murphy Bill Nicholson Dianne Owen Reg Running Free Curves Cally Again Under the Picture The Gate Work Station Botallack Mines Winter Storm Two Sisters - Cleeve Hill Natasha A Sudden Apprehension Dessicated Roses Early One Morning Mono Rose Olympic Velodrome 6-Day - Pursuit (2396) Three Generations Valley - Iceland Winchelsea Groynes Thoughtful American Airborne Lighthouse in the Storm Samuel Beckett Bridge Waiting Waiting in the Archway Dont Mess with Me Fairy Pools at Twilight Isolated Road House on the Fjord Bonding Show Off Turkish Schoolgirl Three Ladies Doorway Alex with Attitude Aged Face Class Mates Class Monitor My Home Before the Rain Lago Grey Sand Patterns Yttersand Three Seedheads Autumn Trees Refuge in Ladies Fashion Department The Couple The Tulip Staircase Morning Light City of Arts, Valencia The Busker Waiting Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon SPS Medal Romain Nero Award UPI Ribbon PSA Gold Medal FIAP Ribbon RPS Ribbon FIAP Silver Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 26 of 76 Leo Palmer Derwood Pamphilon Judith Parry Pauline Pentony Penny Piddock Tim Pile Malcolm Rapier Martin Rowe Lloyd Scott Mike Sharples John C B Shaw Pam Sherren Hugh Spence Peter Bryan Spring David Stubbs ARPS CPAGB Jack Taylor Tony Thomas Ian Thomson Bob Underhill Graham Walton Des Ward Chrissie Westgate Colin Westgate Philippa Wheatcroft DPAGB Ian Wilson ARPS Floral Impression Feathers Convict William Nash Guitar Girl Faith Seated Ballerina Black Gloves Private Dancer Touched by Sadness Ballerina Reflection Embrace Getting Ready The Salt Farmer Logs Rhomboid Vine The Descent Train Out of Barmouth My First Drink of the Day Old Issacc Keeping Watch Sinead After the Storm Tattooed Lady Cody Landscape Street Scene Valencia 1 Street Scene Valencia 2 The Crossing Amish Transport Gypsy Kids The Bench Victorian Escalator Platform 4 S Curve Canary Wharf If You Don't Behave! Winter Morning Winter Scene Chips with Grampa Tbilisi Boys Hamilton at Club Wishin' and Hopin' Scrap Man Varanasi Chef Wedding Day Eye of the Storm, Dingle Dappled Grey Not Without a Fight Gigjarfoss FIAP Ribbon SPS Gold:Medal PSA Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 27 of 76 Michael Raymond Windle ARPS DPAGB Yin Wong Going Down Ghost of the Forests Arctic Fox Two Polar Bears on the Tundra Behind the Cow How Do I Assemble Them Romano Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon GERMANY Wolfgang Everding Volker Frenzel Achim Koepf Wolfgang Schweden Am Boden Mountain Tree Bionda No. 50 Lofoten No. 45 Heartbeat PAGB Gold Medal HONG KONG Hung Chan Yue Yun Chan Banly Cheung Koon Keung Cheung Kwan-Leung Cheung Yiu Ka Chong Tsun Ip Patrick Chow Hoi-Wai Lau Heidi Ouyang Xing Fang Su Lung-Tsai Wang Sau Shun Wong Yvonne Wong Chi Wai Claude Yuen Falling Surfing 2 Side Kick Worship Waiting for Haircut Buffalo Racing Welding Cruises Diaoyang Game No. 2 (BM) Smach No. 2 (BM) Rainy Day Knockout Story Teller Surfing Paradise Dead Tree and Birds Caged Body, Free Spirit Hair Salon in Nepal Funny Day Grandma in Work Guilin Fishing Help to Cook Lost Winter Catcher Circles A Foggy Morning Chasing the Ball PAGB Ribbon FIAP Ribbon HUNGARY Elek Papp INDIA Roadblock Brazier Hesitation RPS Gold Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 28 of 76 Abani Paul Bathing Time IRELAND Judy Boyle Arthur Carron Anthony Demion Dick Doyle Gabriel Joseph O'Shaughnessy Bill Power Lady Minding Her Goats n03 The Three of Us No2 The Travellers No1 Varanasi Paint Seller Varanasi Shopkeeper Cell Cliff Top Light Aged Elegance Delicate in White Horses on a Foggy Morning ITALY Valter Bernardeschi Flatanger Fjord RPS: Ribbon LUXEMBOURG Jean-Luc Brausch Harry Daemen Jeanny Hostert-Marx Roe Deer De Schmatt Place D Europe NORTHERN IRELAND Ross McKelvey Beauty in Ruins Pearls a Swinger The Park Bench Hollie SCOTLAND Eric Begbie Stan Farrow Hunter Kennedy Ian Mitchell Terry Railley Neil Scott Bill Terrance Rod Wheelans Alistair Wright TAIWAN Girl in Goggles Landscape with Single Hind Old Bottles, Old Poppies Seedheads Three Teazels Mid Winter Hastings the Jacobite Contemplating Pilgrims Three Jersey Lighthouse Storm Lashed My Little Shop of Radios Doux The Athlete Veiled SPS Medal:Terry Donnelly Award Highly Commended SPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 29 of 76 Chih Sheng Huang Yu Pei Huang Fisherman at Rest Smoking 02 Stranded TURKEY Murat Caloglu Nizamettin Duzgun Chores Birthday Kucuk Anne UPI Gold Medal VIETNAM Tien Quang Nguyen On the Way to Market WALES Angela Bonner Janet Davies Richard Hainsworth Matthew Jones Lynne Morris Robert Owens Totally Unawares Liquid Heat Carry Me over Coming Storm Contented The Travelling Showman Tour De France Long Tall Sally Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Skywalk FIAP Gold Medal UPI Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 30 of 76 NATURE PRINT ACCEPTANCES AUSTRALIA Jim Thomson Robber Fly with Damsel Fly BRAZIL Paulo Guerra Yellow Fronted Woodpecker CANADA Phil Kwan Bear Eating Salmon Loon Feeding Chick ENGLAND David Adamson Michael John Boyd Francesca Bramall Joe Brennan John Bulpitt FRPS Doug Crockett Liz Cutting Bob Devine Alan Fackrell Gian-Piero Ferrari Richard Harding Trevor Hunter Koshy Johnson Paul Keene Grey Seal Shaggy Scalycaps, Pholiota Squarrosa Crested Tit Newly Emerged Silver-Studded Blue Butterflies Ladybird and Aphid on Fungi Southern Hawker in Latter Stage Emergence Spooked Juvenile Long Eared Owl Chalkhill Blues on Sainfoin Large Skippers Early Marsh Orchid Garden Spider with Prey Heath Fritillaries, Paired Tree Sparrow in Falling Snow Great Grey Owl Lands at Dusk Langur on Lookout Small Apollo Roosting on Purple Gentian Mountain Hare in Habitat Stag Beetle Dispute Red Fox Running on Snow Female Kestrel Mountain Hare Drongo and Spotted Deer Black-Winged Stilts Embrace (0073) Black-Winged Stilts Mating (0246) RPS Ribbon SPS Gold Medal PAGB Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon PAGB Ribbon PSA Gold Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 31 of 76 Mary Elizabeth Kirkby Laura Knowles Barbara Lawton Ann Miles Adrian Moore Gillian Morgan John Nash Richard Nicoll Susan Pearmain Penny Piddock Spike Piddock Audrey Price Veronica Rice Stan Saunders David Seaton ARPS CPAGB Sheila Tester Maureen Toft Graham Walton Ronald Weaver Philippa Wheatcroft DPAGB Ian Wilson ARPS Michael Raymond Windle ARPS DPAGB Hawfinch Male on Sunflower (9389) Grey Heron with Terrapins (9657) Leopard with Oribi Kill Lioness with Playful Cubs Sparring Wildebeest Baby Orangutan Cheetah and Young Red Campion, Silene Dioica Coot Aggression Blue-Tailed Damselfly (Rufescens Form) Red Deer Dunnock Singing Long Horned Moth Rolling Male Common Hawker in Flight Bittern Hen Harrier Sparring Lion Cubs 02 Old Male Watervole Turtle Eating Jellyfish Tompot Blenny in Seaweed Portland Blueboxfish under Table Coral Unicornfish Hunting Tuition Royal Tern Landing Cheetah with Impala Kill Wild Dogs South Africa Puss Moth Caterpillar Woodpecker Feeding Young A Group of Mycena Mycena Attacked by Slime Mould Cortinarius Lion Dragging Zebra Kill Zebra Conflict Little Blue Heron, Caroni Swamp (w) Elegant Terns Snowy Egret Lucky Kingfisher Mountain Hare Cuckoo in Rain Golden Plover Calling Whimbrel in Flight, Iceland Relaxing on the Tundra Snowy Owl Three Raccoons in a Tree SPS Medal: Ian Whiston Award RPS Ribbon UPI Ribbon PSA Ribbon RPS Gold Medal PSA Ribbon FIAP Ribbon RPS Silver Medal Highly Commended SPS Ribbon PAGB Gold Medal Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon SPS Medal: Sandy Cleland Award FIAP Gold Medal FIAP Ribbon GERMANY Achim Koepf Beate Kulpa Kamtschatka No. 5 Calopteryx Splendens Togetherness UPI Gold Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 32 of 76 HONG KONG Koon Nam Cheung Osprey and Fish 31 ITALY Valter Bernardeschi Kuril Lake n 3 Kuril Lake n 4 RUSSIAN FEDERATION Vladimir Myagkov Sea Lions SCOTLAND Eion Johnston Ian Mitchell Bill Terrance David John Wolfenden Stepping Water Rail Feeding Time Nesting Grebe Skylark with Caterpillars Capercaille in Snowstorm Jumping Red Squirrel Squirrel with Nut Mountain Hare in Winter Crested Tit Ptarmigan FIAP Silver Medal SPS Medal: Barry Mead Award SINGAPORE Eng Siong Yeo Nice Catch 2 Courting Tanchos 3 TAIWAN Yun Feng Perng Fight TURKEY Alev Mehmet Ozgul Aurora WALES Jenny Hibbert Red Crowned Crane Scaring Off Eagle Two Baby Water Voles Highly Commended SPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 33 of 76 OPEN COLOUR PDI ACCEPTANCES ARGENTINA Daniel Rovagnati AFIAP El Guante El Vino Miguel Angel AUSTRALIA Mark Charteris Adrian Donoghue Jacqueline Hammer EFIAP/s GMAPS GPUCr2 Ian Herford AFIAP AAPS Lorraine Jones EFIAP/s GMAPS APSNZ Vicki Moritz Judith Anne Oldfield Jan Pudney AFIAP MAPS Janet Rogerson EFIAP FAPS Arthur Roy Paul Andrew Thompson Graeme Watson EFIAP/s EPSA GMAPS Linda Ky Wei Dennis Wetherley LAPS Waiting to Live 2 In Lonely Cities Live Lonely Men Number 8 to Lygon Street The Homecoming The Night Stalker Delicious Dunes 02 Hard Landing Last Ride Hamersley Gorge Waterfall Fixed Him! Blue Eyes Dog on a Leash Picture at an Exhibition The White Horse Junior Sleuth Sail Away Little Boat The Blacksmith at Work Winds of Change Tie That Calf Working Horse Beyond the Iris - a Self Portrait Viviane's Eye Black Shouldered Kite with Mouse 4 Gallery 1 Lake George Dawn 1 Lake George Dawn 2 Childhood Hometown The-Individual The-Peak Escalators 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 34 of 76 Kim Wormald AFIAP AAPS Grey Teal Sand Goanna Wingspan AUSTRIA Alois Bernkopf DR. EFIAP/b UPICR3 PSA3*PJ Susi in Action SAWIEP Kurt Ganglbauer EFIAP Arabian Girls Expressive Violin Player RTL 4078 Super G 7883 Wolfgang Habringer AFIAP MVOEAV Hongkong 25 Robert Kolbrich AFIAP Hradschin Winter Morning Albert Peer MVOEAV EIIWF Oia Before Sunset Barbara Seiberl-Stark Blue Art The Tree BAHRAIN Hussain Fardan Chosen by God God Has Acharhm Ya Hussain BELGIUM Dirk-Olaf Leimann AFIAP Claude Simon EFIAP/b Frederik Van Dessel Jhony Vandebroeck EFIAP/s EPSA Time Goes Deadvlei Evening Cat Gaai Op Boomstronk In Vliegende Vaart BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Branko Pejakovic Peyo EFIAP Deluge In the Jaws CANADA Francis King EPSA David Laronde ARPS AFIAP EPSA APSA Kam Chiu Tam Camels in Snow Take My Hand Big Eyes A Quiet Moment Ganges Boatman A Snowy Game Critical Moment Go 164 Captured CHANNEL ISLANDS Davide Agnelli AFIAP BPE2* Aldo UPI Ribbon RPS Silver Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 35 of 76 CHINA Jinghui Chen Junjie Chen Lanfeng Chen Xinxin Chen Quing Cui Yongan Gan Bo Gao Guangmin He Yun Sheng He Yunzhong Hu Ya Kuang Xi Lei Dehua Li Fang Li Peng Li Qilu Li Senliang Li Yushan Li Cheng Shi Hongwei Sun Yi Wan Changshu Wang Jianron Wang Ming Wang Fangru Wei Lei Yu Jianbo Yuan Jintao Zhang Tianming Zhang Beautiful Plain No.1 Ethiopian Girl Go Home Herding Back Peeking Oriental Bullfight Puppet Artists Silver Production Stone Village of Hope Golden Beaches Meadow National Beauty The Angel Construction Site Note Soybean Milk Workshop Weaving Dreams Iron Man Fisherman Toxic Dinner Expedition Trip Palying Water Sister and Brother in the Rain The Bangladesh Boy A Pious Kid Mother and Kid The Turning Scripture Herding Back I Want to Eat Lantern Pure In Desert The Desert Master Red The Bridge Weaving Baked Face Painting 1 Lonely Old Market Mother Smells Nice Hope Morning Running Horses Autumn Harvest Happy in Water No 1 Sculpture Rose Running Horses The Subway Track-Laying 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 36 of 76 Xiaoqi Zhang Yinao Zhang Gang Zhao Jianyong Zhou Hanju Zhu Fearless Smoke The Child of the Mountain Way Back Coastal Starry Sky The Charming Coast Lotus Diving Midsummer Tidal Flats Dawn Charming Light CROATIA (HRVATSKA) Miljenko Marotti EFIAP/p Foggy Ganges CYPRUS Mustafa Evirgen Mehmet Gokyigit Tevfik Ileri EFIAP/b Suleyman Kaplan Michalakis Ppalis EFIAP Tevfik Ulual EFIAP Hurdle Innocence Archer Pile of Copper The Anger Dans Engel Tanımaz 1 Lovely Hug Shepherd with His Folk DENMARK Bjarne Hyldgaard John Teglmand Louisa 3377BBT Soul Scars 2955CBB The Mechanic 4301BBC SL Bluewhite 1 DOMINICA Derek Galon FRPS FOPS Big Eater Blue Waters Wake Me Up ENGLAND Clare Acford FRPS David Adamson Charles Akerstrom LRPS BPE2* CPAGB Warren Alani Wendy Anne Allard Ray Allen On Reflection Take Me with You Ghoul's Night Out Chess Mates Illustration So Do I Dancer in Red Metal World Peruvian Landsacpe FIAP Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 37 of 76 George Atkins Les Ayres EFIAP EPSA MPAGB APAGB Sue Baker Phillip Barber Leslie Beardmore CPAGB BPE3* Barbara Beauchamp Michael Bews LRPS AFIAP Bob Bishop LRPS EFIAP BPE3* Joan Blease ARPS MPAGB BPE5* EFIAP/b Dave Bowen MPAGB EFIAP FBPE Kim Bowen EFIAP MPAGB BPE5* Michael John Boyd Steve Brabner William Bradley Joe Brennan Rob Bridge LRPS Raymond Bridges LRPS CPAGB ADPS BPE3* Sue Brock-Hollinshead ARPS CPAGB Lorna Brown Derek Buckett Rosemary Buckett David Butler MFIAP PPSA David Byrne Philip Byrne Gerald Chamberlin John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAP Final Lap Old Swansea Pier Green Point Steaming Stacks The Red Stone Arctic Twilight Big Brown King of the Gypsys Confession Keep Your Eyes on the Ball High Rider Winter Sheep in a Blizzard Mudpools Somerset Rebels in Second Place Swopping Tales Watching Every Move The Ice Queen Daughter of the Storm Solitude Incisive Maneouvre Teamwork Thundercats Fool for You Roker Pier Sunrise on Twistleton Scar Pippa Funnell with Pure Addiction Bethesda Terrace Central Park Katie As Night Falls Flight of Fancy Flypast Sturminster Mill PSA Ribbon FIAP Gold Medal PSA Silver Medal Grace, Beauty, Elegance Portrait of a King Casting at Sea Memento Mori First Train of the Day Sixties Living At the End of the Day Bathing Belles Walking the Herd Another Two Houses Arctic Stormfront Storm Loch Remembering the Departed Souls of the Departed First Light Spring Colour The Last Survivours Under the Plough UPI Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 38 of 76 Harish Chavda MPAGB ARPS Richard Cherry Marcin Ciesielski Stephen Clifford Colin Close LRPS AFIAP CPAGB Gerry Coles Colleen Colleen Donaldson WR141QT John Cook Malcolm Cook EFIAP BPE3* Martin Cook Martin Cooper LRPS Roger Creber ARPS EFIAP DPAGB Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE4* Philip Davies upI1STAR HonFWPF EFIAP Brian Davis Shirley Davis Michael Davison ARPS DPAGB Debbie Degge ARPS Gloria Dent AFIAP DPAGB BPE2* Brian Dicks Judi Dicks ARPS DPAGB BPE4* Julie Donovan LRPS ARPS DPAGB Steve Dormer Calvin Downes Janet Downes CPAGB AFIAP Ralph Duckett Jeanette Duncan EFIAP DPAGB Jim Duncan ARPS AFIAP BPE3* Rachel Dunsdon LRPS CPAGB Alan G Edwards LRPS BPE1* Mike Edwards Chanbers Celebrates Rutherford's Jump Art Exhibition Damsel in Feathers Flower Power Frosted Memories Into the Woods Freestyle Kayaker The Blacksmith Looking Good Radiance Alone The Stare Time & Tide Artemis Adam Burgess Airborne No Fear On the Rope A Cold Start Glasnakille 2 Small World Corbiere Lighthouse Misty Forest Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone Holy Men, Kathmandhu Waiting for Master Beach Walkers Frosted Trees Lake District Mist Guardian of Mother Russia Mountain Light Russian Fighter St. Petersburg The Mad Hatter Narcissi Dancing with Grace Underwater Dreams My Pet Dragon Land of the Red Dragon The Pie Seller Respect A Womans Work is Never Done Water Bed Fisher Girl Table Service Foggy Station, India Indian Wedding Clints & Grikes Watching, Waiting, Hoping Europa Fira PSA Gold Medal PAGB Gold Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 39 of 76 Robert Ellis Chris Ellison ARPS PPSA BPE3* David Evans Helen Franks LRPS Pat Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE3* Irene Froy Martin Fry FRPS EFIAP BPE3* APAGB Alison J Fryer Helen Gadd Peter R Gennard David Gibson DPAGB Aleks Gjika CPAGB AFIAP Barrie Glover Philip Charles Gott Joe Grabham EFIAP/s Jacqui Jay Grafton ARPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* Alan Grant DPAGB BPE3* Timothy Growcott Peter Guy BPE3* Janet Haines Roger Hance FRPS AFIAP BPE5* Richard Harding Lorraine Hardy Andrea Hargreaves Colin Harrison John Hartshorne LRPS DPAGB BPE3* Robert Harvey ARPS EFIAP Paul Hassell Heacham Groyne A Llittle Light Golden Orchard Casting the Net Lone Boy Four Runs The Farrier Its a Dogs Life Shades of the Sea The White Chair Twilight Zone Storm Brewing Storm Breaker Heather Carpet Winter Walkies Diesel Group Hark Evacuees Preparation Slum Kids Evening Encounter Midnight Encounter Three Cliffs Dad's Army Damselfly by Philip Gott (1) Hocus Pocus Last Dance The Acolyte Untouched by Time Race Leader Racing Sand Yachts Misty Dawn Gathering Storm at Ribblehead Rocky Outcrop Raindance Englands No1 Paul Drinkhall Poland`s Pawel Chmiel Night Opera Morning Flight The Soul Collector Bonito Deep Water Enchantment Owzat Stable Girls Crossing Garage Ford Best Ancient & Modern Ghost Tree, Dead Vlei Three Galaxies A Meeting Place SPS Medal: Steve Smith Award RPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 40 of 76 Barbara Hawthorne Malcolm Haynes Beryl Heaton EFIAP ARPS CPAGB Barbara Hill ARPS Rowland Hill ARPS Rebecca Hitchcock DPAGB Philip Hodges AFIAP CPAGB Nick Hodgson Shirley Hollis ARPS AFIAP John Holt John Hoskins ARPS AFIAP DPAGB John Howes Michael Hughes ARPS DPAGB Peter Humphrey ARPS Paul Jackson Martin Janes Dinah Jayes Graham Johnston ARPS DPAGB EFIAP John Jolliffe CPAGB AFIAP BPE1* David Keel Paul Keene Paul King Rose King Neil Kingsbury Ian Kippax DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP Mary Elizabeth Kirkby Malcolm Kitto ARPS DPAGB Michael Krier ARPS Paul Langshaw After the Curtain Falls Man of the House Lone Tree The Empty Feeder Cool Dude Discrimination The Preacher Butterfly Queen Prague Tram Rebecca Elizabeth Evita Joe Camargue Horses Dawn Run Selfoss Iceland Close Formation Determined to Win Leaving in a Hurry Masai Boys Storm Cloud Chasing A Bit of a Blow Colorado Twists Age Gap Accessorize Steam Punk Girl The Beach Hut Nautilus Digital Finger No.12 to Dulwich Gossip A Tight Turn Determination In Rough Water Kinderdijk Stairway to Heaven Racing at the Top of the Slope Surfer's Paradise (2770) The White Hart Behind Closed Doors The Tree Simplicity The Window Doing the Twist Hand Luggage Trick Cyclist Dunes at Dawn Amidst the Incoming Tide Baker Street Stunt Rider Moody Dixie Highly Commended SPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 41 of 76 Donald Lanstone LRPS AFIAP Scott Latham Dave Lavash Peter Lawrence Andrew Leask Anthony Leech Carole Lewis Clinton Lofthouse David Lowe Neil Malton DPAGB Steve Marriott Bill Martin Kylie-Ann Martin Carl Mason Neil Maughan ARPS EFIAP/s DPAGB S.B. Paul McCullagh ARPS AFIAP Anthony McDonnell LRPS Stephen McGuire Paul McKenzie Ann Miles Adrian Moore Alastair Moore CPAGB John Moore Sue Nash LRPS Spirit of Britian A Walk on the Beach Barn Owl Landing Broken The Tattooist Leaning Out at the Bend Daydreaming Snap! Boulders and Pines, Taft Point, Yosemite - Tony FIAP Ribbon Leech - Advanced Clearing Mist, Yosemite - Tony Leech Advanced Autumn Sunshine and Rain, Glencoe No Cycling Dark Tales and the Rose of Solitude Early Mourning The Dark Artist We All Become What We Pretend to Be Happy Travellers Splits on the Rings Waiting to Go Spotlight on the Storr Duck and Dive Eye Brush Skyfall Boho Chic Fields in Wishaw Time Warp Is This Our Train Dad Tommy's War Lone Tree FIAP Ribbon Red Door Smack Winter in Weardale Jet Ski Aerobatics Lionheart Close Hauled in a Rain Squall Extreme Clean That Autumn Feeling Lex The Queen Tuscan View Paris Acrobat Racing on Ice Powering Through Two for Joy Bang Eye on the Prize Misty Lakeland Morning Portia Pure Power Evening Light, Santorini 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 42 of 76 Andy Newman Tony Ng BPE3* Malcolm Ogden Erica Oram CPAGB AFIAP BPE2* Bryan Organ Geoff Owen EFIAP Leo Palmer Derwood Pamphilon Roger Paxton Susan Pearmain Pauline Pentony Penny Piddock Tim Pile Polina Plotnikova Reginald Poad AFIAP Malcolm Rapier Marion Rapier George Reekie DPAGB ABPE Peter Rees Christine Roe ARPS CPAGB Ed Roper EFIAP Ivan Rwatschew (Pronounced, Ravachov} Lorraine Saville ARPS Keith Sawyer ARPS Kathryn J Scorah Lloyd Scott Mosque Reflections Going for the Gap Kicking Up the Dust Clear For Those in Peril Guiding Light - 476 Looking for Inspiration The Meeting House Trooper a Comp Malvern Ponies Shaking Off the Flies Red Head Hanging Out the Washing Kolkata Lismore Lighthouse Blue Swallow Motel Reclining Nude Pouring the Metal Morning Reflections Cloud Dancer Memories In Limbo Ancient and Modern Door to Myself The Bunker The Waterfall Levitation Orchids Cloud Ray of Light Weightless Still Life Rene at Sunset on the Pier Thundercat Racing No 3 Out in Front Franshoek Vineyards Airborne Dirt Riders A Face in the Sand Poolside Here's One I Knitted Earlier Into the Blue Head on Powering Ahead Reaching Out A New Day Frosty Morning Mammoth Hot Springs Red Dress Age is Just a Number Frosted Birch The Scrap Man The Time Traveller 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 43 of 76 Peter Sharman DPAGB LRPS Gillian Sharp ARPS CPAGB Mike Sharples Pam Sherren Chris Sidney Peter Siviter Anthony Skidmore Gillian Smith Keith Snell LRPS AFIAP Hugh Spence Nigel Spencer ARPS John Spittle AFIAP CPAGB Clifford Spooner Hugh Stanton Ron Tear MPAGB ARPS BPE4* Jane Tearle Austin Thomas FBPE EFIAP MPAGB Tony Thomas Anthony Timmins Karen Townsend Mike Troth Bob Underhill Kuli Virdee DPAGB BPE2* Julie Walker ARPS DPAGB EFIAP EPSA Colin Walls CPAGB Graham Walton Nicholas James Walton Des Ward Sebastian Wasek Jannette Wassell Pauline Louise Watling CPAGB BPE3* Arragant in Dreamland Look No Handsc Seascape Memories Memories of Time Past On the Edge of Reason Stable Boy Oban Sunset Pastel Sunset Tearful The Pugilist The Look Dolly Birds The Guardian Blue Ice -Tsomoriri Across the Shires Jokulsarlon at Night Neptune's Handmaiden Arctic Fox Elephant Hawkmoth Jokulsarlon Ice Raging Storm Spring is Here Moving on The Crooked Passageway Ansels View Opulescent Pool 4 Copy With His Chickens Bhaktapur Huskys in the Snow Jasmin Hella Austrian Gold Cup Evening Murmurations Canadian Rockies Invidia (Goddess of Envy) Hard to Emulate with No Teeth Mis-Understood Portraits of Barbara Scarlet Lady Downhill Racer The Solitary Cyclist The Gallery Getting Directions It's My Turn Next Turmoil The-Numismatist Cornfield Tiptoe Mist Mountains Sea Fredau 1 Bursting Up SPS Members Medal RPS Ribbon SPS Medal: Romain Nero Award RPS Ribbon SPS Medal: Terry Donnelly Award 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 44 of 76 Chrissie Westgate Paul Weston BPE1* Philippa Wheatcroft DPAGB David Wheeler FRPS EFIAP/p MFIAP DPAGB Eileen R Wilkinson LRPS Richard Williams Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS AFIAP BPE5* Karin Wilson Yin Wong Keith Wood EFIAP/s DPAGB Sheila Wood Trevor Wood LRPS Trevor Woods EFIAP APAGB Alan Young FRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE2* David Young Grasstrack Sidecar Racing Speedway Beggar - Kolkata Waiting for a Storm Autumn Fruits I Had a Little Pony First Light Yellowstone Landscape Fading Beauty European Eagle Owl Golden Temple, Cleaning the Lake The White Veil Wind Blown Chapel Madonna Di Vitaleta First Light Lake Bled 1400 Golden Vineyards Becoming an Angel Greyhound Racing The Final Bend Two Together Two Together Two Together Caught in a Time Warp Its Only a Matter of Time Riding the Timeline Altered Reality - Scape 122 The Pipe Smoker The Poacher The Witness (2) Calcutta Child Morning Shadows Sossuviei FINLAND Jussi Helimaki EFIAP/b Kauko Keranen EFIAP/s Early Misty Morning 2 The Long Wait FRANCE Christian Boin Jean-Yves Louedec EFIAP/b Paul Martin EFIAP**** Guy B. Samoyault MFIAP APSA GMPSA Au Sommet Elodie 2 Lotus Les Harengs Diede De Groot 3 GERMANY Christina Baumann EFIAP/g Werner Baumann EFIAP/s Gerhard Boehm EFIAP GMPSA EKDVF Lost in Space Morgenwald Sprint 2015 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 45 of 76 Thomas Ebelt AFIAP GDT Holger Goehler Alexander Hochhaus AFIAP Wolfgang Kaeding EFIAP GMPSA Achim Koepf Beate Kulpa Theo Muellers Gunther Riehle APSA GMPSA Wolfgang Schweden Klaus Tesching Berlin Metro Station Muenchen-Westfriedhof Hundred Mark and Blue Jeans Shoetime Dreaming Mandrill Ist Die Luft Rein Fanny 12 Fanny 30 Lofoten 267 Fireball Tub Splash Cold Song Energy Producer Eye Contact Three Arctic Fox Pups 2 Two Arctic Fox Pups 11 Beautiful Smile Four Yellow And Orange One Olja HONG KONG Koon Nam Cheung Hoi Yan Fong PPSA AFIAP Wing Chung Kenneth Leung Man-Kui, Wisely NG Horses 03 Osprey and Fish 35 Praha Relaxing Under Mom's Protection Dancing Magic Bridge Cowboys Repairing Steer Westling 2 HUNGARY Istvan Kerekes Learning the Quran Orphanage Life INDIA Suman Adhikary Abhijit Banerjee Mrinal Basu Dinabandhu Bhattacharya Subrata Bysack AFIAP FFIP Sharmali Das Disguise Konyak Warrior Make Up Expression Livelihood Begins Madhuri Cow Wash Fishing The Barbar Flying High Friendship Highly Commended SPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 46 of 76 Pinku Dey AFIAP Kaushik Dolui AFIAP EFIAP Chinmoy Dutta Bhargav Harge AFIAP Hon.FARGUS Hon.APSG FSOF,PPSG/S Kaushik Majumder EFIAP FFIP Manas Mukherjee Arnab Nandi Aniket Paul AFIAP Chhanda Paul AFIAP Anupam Roy Chowdhury. Sudip Sahu Rinki Sarkar Sanghamitra Sarkar Color & Rhythm 1 Hope in Eye Absorbed Death and Decay Beauty in Red Incredible Scared Grading Noor2 Processing Unknown Wonder Annoyed Holi in Desert Sanjana 1 Sanjana 3 Sanjana 4 Look 2 Footpath Mother's Lap Dream of Freedom Hope Murgi Bou Baby Learner Co -Worker Lively Childhood Look Returning Home INDONESIA Hengki Lee A Hymn to Silence Urban Day Dream IRELAND Judy Boyle Catherine Bushe EFIAP Dick Doyle Cliff Hutchinson AIPF EFIAP Brian McDonald Bill Power Mark Taylor LIPF Blue Door No 2 My New Dress No4 Ready for Work No 1 Brewery Painters Palette Guard on the Yellow Square Kjeungskare Lighthouse Nyc Gallery 5X5 Aghla More 584 Errigal Autumn Dream Repartez Avec Moi Dans La Nuit You Tread on My Dreams Tranquility FIAP Silver Medal Highly Commended SPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 47 of 76 ISLE OF MAN David Paul Salter Balancing Act ISRAEL Leonid Goldin Arik Kaneh Greek Orthodoxes Junk Shop Morning Mail 2 Under the Bridge 2855 Grey Fox ITALY Massimo Cavalletti Giuseppe Falco Walter Gaberthuel EFIAP MPSA Francesca Salice Take the Ice War and Peace In Single File Tuscany Morning White Cloth Friends Grandfather & Grandson Turkish Farmer LUXEMBOURG Jean-Luc Brausch Jeanny Hostert-Marx Bee Eaters in Flight with Catch Martine Au Contre-Jour A1 Ech Kommen A4 Alles Gett Dokumentéiert MACAO Sherman Cheang Chan Seng Tang PPSA EFIAP/s Kai Lon Tang EFIAP/b PPSA Going to Market Fruit and Bottles Ribbon Dancing Kremlin Palace Rainy Mood The Joy of Violinist MALAYSIA Ngu Diksen Gordon Peng Boo Goh Predator in Action 6747 Predator in Action 7742 Predator in Action 8566 Predator in Action 8579 Praying Monks MALTA Louis Agius EFIAP FMPS PPSA Agostino Baldacchino ARPS EFIAP On the Move The Shave Zita 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 48 of 76 NETHERLANDS Daniel Lybaert EFIAP/p Chris Stenger Ik Wil Het Niet Zien Winterochtend Struggle for Life Sunrise over Ricefields NEW ZEALAND Liz Hardley LRPS FPSNZ EFIAP Bill Hodges EFIAP APSNZ Sebastien Krebs Andy Rae AFIAP Ron Willems ARPS AFIAP FPSNZ FAPS Ivanovic Forehand One Summer's Day Urban Vista Fully Stretched High and Dry at Caernafon Castle Motukiekie Sunset Aerobatics Firefighters Demon NORTHERN IRELAND Michael Maguire FRPS fipf Ross McKelvey Frances Price LRPS Joseph Vize The Catch Beauty in Decay Dance in the Doorway Fredaus Daydream Colourful Fun with Mum Mischkah in Black Jolly Gent Lookin` for Trouble Murlough Sunset NORWAY Henning Frode Dispen Roy Gudem EFIAP Irene S Osberg EFIAP BÅRD Ropstad Trond M. Skaret EFIAP/s Jorgen Skaug Daydreaming 2 with Elle Beth Diagonal Proximity In the Window Afterlife Silent-Island Flood 4 Lindesnes 2 Blue Lips Bearded Seal at Home Blowing at the Top OMAN Haitham Al Farsi Majid Alamri EFIAP Face and Lights 2 Souq Nizwa Spirit Kungfu Child Barabay Fisher7 Holy Quran School Highly Commended SPS Ribbon PSA Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 49 of 76 Mohd Alhadi EFIAP Habib Alzadjali AFIAP Latest News2 Buy and Sell Departure Village Girl 2 Haydar Hayder The Bedouin Boy PSA Ribbon RPS Gold Medal PORTUGAL Francisca Da Silva EFIAP Joao Taborda Dance in Blue and White Fredau 5 Beehive I´m Here QATAR Abdulla Al-Mushaifri My Lead Singer ROMANIA Tibor Jakab EFIAP/g FPSA EPSA Istvan Magdo Lajos Nagy EFIAP/p MPSA Laszlo Potozky Charcoal-Burner 3 Frozen Family Jigsaw White Balance Winter Stillness Forms in Secret Canyon04 Opera House RUSSIAN FEDERATION Ekaterina Zagustina A Nameless Train to Baseless Wonders Noise the Game of Silent Quivers SAUDI ARABIA Hussam Alabdullatif AFIAP Silence Passion Fisherman 2 Fisherman 6 Pretty Woman SCOTLAND James Black AFIAP Al Buntin ARPS MPAGB Pat Copner EFIAP CPAGB Robert Fulton MFIAP MPAGB BPE5* Gaille Gray James Gunn Evening Calm The Green Crystal Toxic In Through the Haar Snowy Beach Festival Frenzy The Black Cuillins The Blue Bowler Hat The Wash Hoose Final Bend Charge UPI Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 50 of 76 Eion Johnston Matt Johnston ARPS EFIAP BPE4* James Main CPAGB Shahbaz Majeed Norma McDowall AFIAP Gerry Priest David Sadler ARPS CPAGB Cameron Scott Roy Smith DPAGB AFIAP Alistair Wright Table Tennis Winner Arms Through Kneeling Forward Swirl Cover Expressions Heads Culture VS Barbarism Lagangarbh Storm, Glencoe Loch Rusky Dawn Rannoch Moor Winter Dawn Beach Walk Blue Poppy with Buds Girl with Green Eyes Bacon Sandwich Balancing Act Colourful Display +graceful in Green The Dress The Godess SINGAPORE Thiam Siong Tan David Poey Cher Tay FRPS MFIAP Yeok Ling David Tham Active Street Painter Airborne Cock Fighting Fantasy Land Incense Offering Bronze Hair Lady SOUTH AFRICA Carolyn Kewley Rashid Latiff Leon Pelser AFIAP Abundant Horns Hangklip Stairways to Heaven Dandelion SRI LANKA Mohan Gurusinghe Fashion My Window Thalappa SWEDEN Nils-Erik Jerlemar Stormy Weather No 2 TAIWAN Chih Sheng Huang Sand Sliding Race Sharing 02 Fluttering SPS Gold Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 51 of 76 TURKEY Semih Akca Aysu Bilgic AFIAP Emir Nedim Dövencioğlu Nizamettin Duzgun Cemil Guven EFIAP/b Levent Meric Alev Mehmet Ozgul Ahmet Yenmez Children Spas Kapadokya Making Molasses Anatolian Shepherd Homeward Bound Water Buffalo Riders Leather Master Leather Masters Bekleyis Hatice Nene 2 Agir Agir Sari Carsafli Kadin Six Brothers Mevlana 1 Taskale Cocuklari Tras UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Muna Al Zaabi Angel in Chefchaoen Mirror Ramadan PAGB Ribbons UNITED STATES Huzhong Cai Brian Grant Jeffrey Klug Wenyuan Li Huong Hoa Nguyen Marie Otero Dilip Patel Rosalie Wang Sunrise in Vermont 03 Circle B Dawn Emden Goose Misty Dawn Path to Grand Prismatic Lights in Morning Wheat Field Beautiful Butterfly 01 Girl with Pearls Speak No Lies Butterfly Dreams Beauty of Shadow Czech Nude Girl Higgledy Piggledy Herds Back Home at Dusk Collect Seafood Petrified Trees VIETNAM Bui Huy Hieu Bui Huy Hieu Le Chau Dao EFIAP/b Nguyen Khoi Terraces 01 Tham Luoi 2 Tung Chai 3 Bac Ca -2 UPI Gold Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 52 of 76 Thach Nguyen Ngoc Kien Nguyen Trung Toan Tran AVAPA Cau Nguyen Trong Suong Mai Love Story in the Rocky Plateau Muu Sinh Nhung Nguoi Me Hanh Phuc Thang Hoa Sea Clinging Sunset at Sea WALES John Cooke ARPS EFIAP/b DPAGB AWPF Janet Davies Tom Dee Penny Dewhurst LRPS CPAGB Richard Hainsworth Lyndon Hatherall Michael Hunt Gareth Jenkins ARPS DPAGB Matthew Jones Robert Jones Coltrane Koh Ron Lines Lynne Morris Ian Munro Sharon Prenton Jones Colin John Price Price Johnnie Rogers ARPS AFIAP Cheryl Wild AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* Eric Williams AWPF Gerwyn Williams The Seeker Beths Lamb The Loneliest Hobo Dog on the Run Mirrors of the Soul Fog of War Airbourne Back to the Drawing Board Rhys Webb Double Tackled Washing the Patches The Bookman A Journeys Beginning Mystery Case Soul Taker In Detention Again A King's Last Supper Survivors To Have and to Hold Wall St. Evening Lavender Speed Steam on Fire The Great Escape The Long and Winding Road Connotations of Affluence 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover Maundy Thursday Reminiscing Ethereal Ghoulish Bride The Addam's Family Nursery The Snooty Waiter Florence Skyline Autumn Flight Forever Friends The Fallen Fish Market All in Hunter or Protector Made in Chelsea Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon PAGB Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 53 of 76 Oculus OPEN MONOCHROME PDI ACCEPTANCES ARGENTINA Daniel Rovagnati AFIAP Raices II Rebeldia AUSTRALIA Mark Charteris Jacqueline Daey Adrian Donoghue Dale Gaylard Ian Herford AFIAP AAPS Lorraine Jones EFIAP/s GMAPS APSNZ Rose Meddings Vicki Moritz Janet Rogerson EFIAP FAPS Arthur Roy Judith Thies LRPS Graeme Watson EFIAP/s EPSA GMAPS Linda Ky Wei Dancer Reed Reflection Mist on the Lake Exit from Middle Earth Manchester Unity The Station Giggles The Pram Black Key White Key Cook Island Got You Deep in Thought Urban Motion2 Little Boy Who Lives Down the Lane Liv Red Boots Jess Airborn Just Two Fingers Beautiful Music Kathmandu-Girl Motherhood FIAP Ribbon SPS Gold Medal RPS Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon SPS Medal: Sandy Cleland Award AUSTRIA Alois Bernkopf DR. EFIAP/b UPICR3 PSA3*PJ Fascinating TT SAWIEP BELGIUM Jacky Panhuyzen AFIAP EPSA Chitrani Train Passenger Benares Kids FIAP Silver Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 54 of 76 CANADA Wendi Donaldson Laird Francis King EPSA Phil Kwan David Laronde ARPS AFIAP EPSA APSA Kam Chiu Tam Fanning the Flames II The Tutu At Peace Mono Sailing in Fog Mono Long Jumper 529 Arms and Legs Cambodian Monk Group Fly Right Lonely Dancer Bull in Air Dogsled 173 PAGB Ribbon CHANNEL ISLANDS Davide Agnelli AFIAP BPE2* Tony Wills ARPS EFIAP/b A Quiet Moment The Pier Macaque Mother's Protection CHINA Jinghui Chen Junjie Chen Lanfeng Chen Weiguo Chen Yongan Gan Yun Sheng He Zhouxiong Huang Xi Lei Dongping Li Peng Li Senliang Li Yong Zhi Li Yushan Li Xiangjun Liu Make to Springfield No.2 Miaos Folks Family National Feature Desire in Desert 2 Tea Gust Helps One Another Hurry Vicissitudes Yearn B2-Dongjiang Yanyu B3- Maternal Love B4-Uncle Mountain Fog Lock Herdsman Memory Nine Spaces Net Cooking Tibetan is One of Life 2 Mountain Children Rainy Season Cowboy1bw Listen2bw Power BW Lofty Sentiments Camel Running in Desert From Ancient to Today SPS Medal: Barry Mead Award PAGB Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 55 of 76 Yanzhong Ma Yi Wan Fangru Wei Xuejun Xia Quing Xiang Jianbo Yuan Xiaoqi Zhang Jianyong Zhou Stare Mother and Daughter Feeling Whisper Morning Fishing Cattle Race Warrior India Face 2 Happy Mother and Son Yi Village Children Grow Up Backing Home After Grazing Old Yi People The Curious Children Rural Billiards CYPRUS Anthi Alexandrou EFIAP/b RISF2 A.ISF FICS Andreas L Andreou EFIAP/p HonEFIAP PISF ICS/Safiiri Mustafa Evirgen Mehmet Gokyigit Suleyman Kaplan Michalakis Ppalis EFIAP Tevfik Ulual EFIAP Old Friends Crying Eyes Life is Music Time for Ravioli Dans Engel Tanimaz4 Nothing Can Restrict Dancing 2 Last-Light Life Goes on CZECH REPUBLIC Antonin Valek Kysuce ENGLAND Laurie Abraham Frank Adams ARPS Lilliana Alani Warren Alani Wendy Anne Allard George Atkins Phillip Barber Leslie Beardmore CPAGB BPE3* Barbara Beauchamp Bob Bishop LRPS EFIAP BPE3* Joan Blease ARPS MPAGB BPE5* EFIAP/b Joe Brennan The Girl in the Dinosaur Egg Wet Road Home Comfort Total Focus Beautiful Shapes Dancing on Cloud Nine The Last Hurdle Along Came a Spider Full Stretch Iron Man The Weight Lifter Splash Beach Walker Subway Fun After the Storm Lost Soul The Mad Fiddler The Shiner The Look Highly Commended SPS Ribbon PAGB Gold Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 56 of 76 Tormented Raymond Bridges LRPS CPAGB ADPS BPE3* Poise and Balance Andrew Brochwicz-Lewinski ARPS Unhappiness Sue Brock-Hollinshead ARPS CPAGB Following on Lorna Brown and over Here Christine Ann Bulpitt ARPS At Home ~ Rural India Early Morning on the Irrawaddy Point and Shoot Stonemason ~ Mandalay David Butler MFIAP PPSA Scrum Break David Byrne Frontier Man Shifts End Waiting for the Tram Wandering Mist Philip Byrne Horsey Talk Thermal Plant John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAP Falling Down Road to the Sky Sand Lines Harish Chavda MPAGB ARPS Chasing the Hare Lennox's Right Punch Janice Susan Clark Fringe Benefits Peter Clark FRPS EFIAP/p APSA MPSA Black Church at Budir Sea Stacks Snaefellsnes Neil Clarke ARPS BPE3* Isolation The Descent Winter Trees Stephen Clifford Goosed! Grandads Pride Colin Close LRPS AFIAP CPAGB Diva Shadow Dancing Malcolm Cook EFIAP BPE3* Depair Look Martin Cook Watching Stephanie Cook LRPS DPAGB EFIAP The Confessional Mike Cowdrey ARPS EFIAP MPSA MPAGB A Day in the Life Roger Creber ARPS EFIAP DPAGB Looking Urban Girl Sandra Crook LRPS AFIAP Bird Food Seller Chris Davies ARPS DPAGB Divided Interest Brian Davis Lone Tree Brian Dicks Barmaid at the Cosy Club Bar Judi Dicks ARPS DPAGB BPE4* Commuter Time The Last Man to Leave Julie Donovan LRPS ARPS DPAGB Reflected Black Magic The King's Throne BRIAN DOWDALL AFIAP BPE2* DPAGB Geogia The Keeper Calvin Downes Tide Flow Jeanette Duncan EFIAP DPAGB Caught Red-Handed Danger in the Night 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 57 of 76 Jim Duncan ARPS AFIAP BPE3* Rachel Dunsdon LRPS CPAGB Mike Edwards Robert Ellis Chris Ellison ARPS PPSA BPE3* Pat Frewin LRPS DPAGB BPE3* Martin Fry FRPS EFIAP BPE3* APAGB Alison J Fryer Andy Fryer Brian Galbraith CPAGB APAGB Peter R Gennard David Gibbins ARPS EFIAP APAGB BPE4* David Gibson DPAGB Jacqui Jay Grafton ARPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* Peter Guy BPE3* Roger Hance FRPS AFIAP BPE5* Lorraine Hardy Colin Harrison John Hartshorne LRPS DPAGB BPE3* Robert Harvey ARPS EFIAP Paul Hassell Malcolm Haynes Patrick Hickey Tony Hill Margaret Hocking ARPS Shirley Hollis ARPS AFIAP John Holt John Howes Peter Humphrey ARPS Paul Jackson Dressing Up Day Neighbourhood Watch Another Mouth to Feed Important News The Horse Jester Different Directions Av De Riusi In an English Pub Hair Twiddle Circle of Friends Joseph Standing Firm Boscombe Pier at Dusk Chainmaker West Stonesdale Barn Get Off My Land Crippled and Poor Suspicion Vincent Worried Concentration Reichstag Dome Just Five Minutes More Midnight Knotty Snowbird Crowning Glory Despair Face Off! Elgol Englands Gavin Evans Serving Louise Peake -Pendulum Serve Chun Yin Yu Bad Driving Conditions Shy Girl Departure 484 The Great Escape The Cloak Cold War Monument, Orfordness Porthcawl in Storm Lola Lamour-2 The Dinner Break Beauty Ambre Morning Assembly, the Gambia Hide and Seek The Locker Room Force 10 Art Critique Tate Britain Staircase Bridport Coven UPI Ribbon FIAP Gold Medal SPS Medal: Ian Whiston Award 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 58 of 76 Martin Janes Dinah Jayes Malcolm Jenkin Barbara Jones David Keel Paul Keene Ian Kippax DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP Philip Kirk Michael Krier ARPS Valentina Kulagina Barbara Lander LRPS Donald Lanstone LRPS AFIAP John Larry EFIAP/g ARPS DPAGB Jim Laws LRPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE3* John Lewis Cheryl Leyser CPAGB BPE2* Chris Lloyd Jo Longmire David Lowe Richard Luxton ARPS Christopher Maidens Steve Marriott Kylie-Ann Martin Carl Mason Neil Maughan ARPS EFIAP/s DPAGB S.B. Paul McCullagh ARPS AFIAP Anthony McDonnell LRPS Stephen McGuire Carol McNiven Young Timothy Merrick Ann Miles Arun Mohanraj Chris Mowatt LRPS DPAGB BPE4* EFIAP Text Time Coming Home Phantom Figure Nigerian Lady Window Chains Let Me Out Full Circle No Hands The Duck Seller of Zhuozuang Aphrodite II Salome After the Storm Mono Lake Damping Down Before the Attack Gone over The Dealer Shadows Living with Memories Pygmy Scared Woman, Goma, Zaire Siesta The Chair Fish and Chips The Gossipers Ayla Camilla Ella On Reflection Light on the Rocks Awakening Happy Days Bringer of Storms Johnsons Baby Remembering The Ballet Dancer One Man and His Dog Whats the Hurry Far Right Supporters In Need of TLC Bring It on Mother in Law Coco Reflections Hartland Quay, Devon Keep Away Quirang Ballerina How to Kiss a Giraffe Land of the Flying Dead From the Dark Side 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 59 of 76 Andy Newman Tony Ng BPE3* Bill Nicholson Malcolm Ogden Erica Oram CPAGB AFIAP BPE2* Lewis Outing Leo Palmer Pauline Pentony Penny Piddock Tony Potter Audrey Price Stephen Pritchard Nigel Reader George Reekie DPAGB ABPE Peter Rees Christine Roe ARPS CPAGB Christopher Rogers Ed Roper EFIAP Pauline Rumsey Lloyd Scott Peter Sharman DPAGB LRPS Mike Sharples Roy Smart Gillian Smith Keith Snell LRPS AFIAP Graham Snowden Hugh Spence John Spittle AFIAP CPAGB David Stubbs ARPS CPAGB Wheel to Wheel Mudmonster Ghost Story Going Up Home from School Contemplation Take That The Power in Grey The Widow in Black Despair Looky Likey Rugby Coco Cola Drinker The Mechanic Concealment Boots Castle Ephemera Oregon Rocks 2 A Pieceof Carbolic Bottles and a Bullet Scotty Wide Awake Gerald Cheeky Drink You Looking at Me A Good Clean Contest Grit and Determination Estuary Crossing Winter Woolies Missing Him Number 37 at Full Power At Full Stretch Face Off Tom Nicolaou Nick Matthews Girl Talk Street Fighter No. 2 Beach Huts on a Misty Shoreline Best Feet Forward Black Beauty in the Mist Storm Keeper Museum of Liverpool The Black Country Dubmill Evening Luskintyre Storm Coming Ethereal Annie Pole Position Scream Freedom A Foggy Day in London Town Towards the Light 2 PSA Gold Medal RPS Silver Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 60 of 76 Trevor Swann John Swannick ARPS AFIAP Ron Tear MPAGB ARPS BPE4* Sheila Tester Phil Thompson PPSA AFIAP Ian Thomson Maureen Toft Mike Troth Sandra Ulfig Panta Sandra Ulfig-Panta Bob Underhill Kuli Virdee DPAGB BPE2* Alan Walker ARPS DPAGB EPSA EFIAP Colin Walls CPAGB Chanardaye Walton Graham Walton Nicholas James Walton Des Ward Anna Kristine Warrington LRPS BPE2* Jannette Wassell Chrissie Westgate Philippa Wheatcroft DPAGB Richard Williams Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS AFIAP BPE5* Karin Wilson Yin Wong Alan Young FRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE2* Imagine Sleepy Time Girl Escape Reichstag Side Lit The Jetty Grounded Undertaker Rooflight 2 Trees in Mist Woodland Walk Wild In Blue Rain Re-Visiting Her Past Barge Captain Cold Hard Cash The She Warrior Dinner is over Alone on the Street Dawn Start Dr Death The Great Lament The Hermetic Alchemist Follow the Leader Speedway 1 Surely That's Cheating Just Another Monday Stay! Ayla Fredau Mono Barrow Boys Gypsy Boy My Brother The Carer Sight Hound Wildlife Photography Blues Ice, Snow and Steam, Yellowstone White Dome Erupting Tuscan Waves Phone Call from 1920 The Floating Tree Bevin Boy Should I FINLAND Kauko Keranen EFIAP/s Eero Siltanen FRANCE An Empty Bench Traveller SPS Members Medal RPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 61 of 76 Christian Boin Francois Texier EFIAP Le Voltigeur Ophelie Boudeuse GERMANY Gerhard Boehm EFIAP GMPSA EKDVF Volker Frenzel Alexander Hochhaus AFIAP Wolfgang Kaeding EFIAP GMPSA Bernd Mai MFIAP EFIAP/P MPSA MDVF Theo Muellers Gunther Riehle APSA GMPSA Wolfgang Schweden Klaus Tesching Table Top - SW Looking Out On the Stairs Working Faraway Falling Tomatoes in Black Baertiger 2 Walk This Way Calatrava Liege HSP Blue 3 BW HSP in Snow Fall 1 bw Red Fox 2 BW Blonde Angel No Three Anacaro Kinga HONG KONG Ka Yee Ida Chan Hoi Yan Fong PPSA AFIAP Man-Kui, Wisely NG Fishing Net Go to Work Water Fun Pony Ride Elephant Festival Punch RPS Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon RPS Gold Medal HUNGARY Istvan Kerekes Goatherd The Voivode Highly Commended SPS Ribbon INDIA Suman Adhikary Abhijit Banerjee Mrinal Basu Subrata Bysack AFIAP FFIP Sharmali Das Pinku Dey AFIAP Kaushik Dolui AFIAP EFIAP Love The Returning We Shall Overcome Journey Begins Net Work Last Symphony Little Hands Caged 2 Reminiscence Siblings 1 Joy Portrait 32 Portrait 64 Tabletop FIAP Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 62 of 76 Chinmoy Dutta Bhargav Harge AFIAP Hon.FARGUS Hon.APSG FSOF,PPSG/S Kaushik Majumder EFIAP FFIP Manas Mukherjee Bedashree Patitundu Aniket Paul AFIAP Chhanda Paul AFIAP Anupam Roy Chowdhury. Sudip Sahu Rinki Sarkar Sanghamitra Sarkar Time of Departure On Looker Happy Mood Phakir Grandmaa Morning Tea Speed Happiness Potter Hope Thoughtful Farida Look Melancholia Moody Portrait 4 The Wet Haired Girl Behind the Ring Cheerfully In Between Imprisoned Childhood Sailors Life Under the Row Chatting Get Together Grand Ma and Grand Son Black and White Mother's Lap The Little Performers Welcome First Light INDONESIA Hengki Lee Over the Horizon IRELAND Judy Boyle Brian McDonald Bill Power Me and My Pony Minding the Horse The Smokers Traveller Kid Nimbostratus Lucy Blue Medieval Fantasy ISLE OF MAN David Paul Salter Focus On the Wild Side Wave Goodbye UPI Gold Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 63 of 76 ISRAEL Leonid Goldin Arik Kaneh Prayer on the Edge Warm Rain Img 1811 a Hard Day B&W ITALY Massimo Cavalletti Francesca Salice Venice Berlin Underground Under the Bridge LUXEMBOURG Jean-Luc Brausch Jeanny Hostert-Marx Glen Eitive Sublind (BW) B4 Die Wahrsagerin MACAO Sherman Cheang Chan Seng Tang PPSA EFIAP/s Kai Lon Tang EFIAP/b PPSA Misty Sailing Loser Beautiful Eyes Break Through 2 Heavy Tackle MALAYSIA Gordon Peng Boo Goh Blacksmith MALTA Louis Agius EFIAP FMPS PPSA Agostino Baldacchino ARPS EFIAP Johann Debono AFIAP FMPS Worry Puff Nahiad MOLDOVA Anatolie Poiata AFIAP Hunter with Bird Padre NETHERLANDS Daniel Lybaert EFIAP/p Treinmachinist Verdriet in Doel in ZWW NEW ZEALAND Bill Hodges EFIAP APSNZ Andy Rae AFIAP Ron Willems ARPS AFIAP FPSNZ FAPS I've Got You Taking the Corner Pennyfarthing Meet Umbrella Worker UPI Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 64 of 76 NORTHERN IRELAND Ross McKelvey Joseph Vize Geordie Like a Mannequin These Boots Were Made for Walking Through Veiled Eyes Crumlin Weir NORWAY BJØRN Ole Nyborg EFIAP/s Irene S Osberg EFIAP Trond M. Skaret EFIAP/s Jorgen Skaug Spitsbergen Winter Dreaming Guitarhero Stormbringer A Rose Double Box II Joelle on the Sofa Early Morning OMAN Haitham Al Farsi Majid Alamri EFIAP Mohd Alhadi EFIAP Habib Alzadjali AFIAP Bangali Women Story of Class Water Girl 2 Fisher10 Sad Look2 Start 06 Deep Sorrow Deep Sorrow 2 Look Black Portrait African Girl Boy in Train Hands N Faces PSA Ribbon PORTUGAL Francisca Da Silva EFIAP Swan Lake QATAR Abdulla Al-Mushaifri Take Me Home BW Send Me Free ROMANIA Istvan Magdo Lajos Nagy EFIAP/p MPSA Going Home In the Teahouse05 RUSSIAN FEDERATION Vladimir Myagkov One of Elders Highly Commended SPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 65 of 76 SAUDI ARABIA Hussam Alabdullatif AFIAP Beard I See You The Woman is the First Teacher SCOTLAND Eric Begbie James Black AFIAP Pat Copner EFIAP CPAGB Phil Downie Eion Johnston James Main CPAGB Shahbaz Majeed Ian Mitchell Gerry Priest Terry Railley Cameron Scott Neil Scott Alistair Wright Dancing in the Moonlight Mixing the Dyes Thinking of You Lonely Vintage Lagonda 1400 Aqua Ceilidh The Scream Square Muscle Touching Hands Estocada - the Final Strike Burst of Light, Glencoe Generations Quiraing Dawn, Isle of Skye Big Ed Beach-Walker Driftwood Poise Loch Achtriochtan The Grave Digger The Man on the Stairs Black Beach The Rock SINGAPORE Leong Kiat Lim David Poey Cher Tay FRPS MFIAP Yeok Ling David Tham Seaside of Xia Pu bw Drink with Me Full Load BW In the Dessert bw Someone is Here BW White Beard SOUTH AFRICA Evelyn Gibson FPSSA EPSSA AFIAP ARPS Carolyn Kewley Leon Pelser AFIAP SPAIN Cheers Samanera - a Buddist Novice Flood Victim Hostage Drama Last Puff Reflexions 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 66 of 76 Jordi Egea Torrent Cala Es Frares Cami Dins El Delta Dona I Radio Pastora SRI LANKA Mohan Gurusinghe Beauty Fisherman SWEDEN Olle Robin dsf1121 dsf2284 SWITZERLAND Roland Imi LRPS BPE1* The Decisive Moment The Reader TAIWAN Chih Sheng Huang Shaving Face 2B TURKEY Semih Akca Emir Nedim Dövencioğlu Nizamettin Duzgun Ahmet Yenmez Women and Pot Fishermen at Cıldır Lake Bakır Ustasi Kendirci Sisci Cocuk Yaşli Adam UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Muna Al Zaabi Finished Pottery 2 Pipe Games UNITED STATES Jeffrey Klug Wenyuan Li Marie Otero Rosalie Wang St Augustine Beach Pier 3 Waiting for Next Train Alone Blessing Have a Drink VIETNAM Le Chau Dao EFIAP/b Nguyen Khoi Co Don 5 Duong Phen 1 So Dua Xuat Khau-2 Huot Thuoc UPI Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 67 of 76 Trinh Thu Nguyet Mua Thu Thach Nguyen Ngoc Kien Nguyen Trung Toan Tran AVAPA Thanh VŨ No Dua Ong Va Chau The Little Teacher Happiness 01 Sulking The Bana Boy No1 Nguon Tri Thuc Tranh Tai Tren Lung Me Buffalo Market - Can Cau Sea Sketch Khuc Ca Xua PSA Ribbon WALES Susan Ashford AWPF AFIAP Andrew Baxter Richard Hainsworth Lynford Hallett Jefferson Hammond LRPS Gareth Jenkins ARPS DPAGB Matthew Jones Robert Jones Ron Lines Lynne Morris Andy Polakowski AWPF CPAGB GPU-Cr2 BPE3* Sharon Prenton Jones Colin John Price Price Johnnie Rogers ARPS AFIAP Cheryl Wild AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* Eric Williams AWPF Face in Feathers Fritillary Porthgain Harbour Entrance Come on Grandad Faith Pondering 'quiet Contemplation' Solitary Tree in Winter Landscape Midnight Express Happy Smiley Thoughts The Great Hunger Evening Steam at Bridgnorth Swan Lake...the Sequel Day Tripper It's a Trap Snap Highly Commended SPS Ribbon A Certain Look The Archer Jane Seymour A View from the Shard Sound of Music Father and Son Waiting for the Pop A Wee Tipple Back 2 Back Common Prayer . Penal Reform PSA Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 68 of 76 NATURE PDI ACCEPTANCES AUSTRALIA Fay Braunisch John Chapman EFIAP/s ARPS EPSA Ian Herford AFIAP AAPS Jenni Horsnell EFIAP GMPSA Lorraine Jones EFIAP/s GMAPS APSNZ Arthur Roy Jim Thomson Graeme Watson EFIAP/s EPSA GMAPS Long Legged Fly Garter Snake and Fish Black Cockatoo 01 Jewel Bugs 02 Dragonfly Drying Out Jenny Wren with Moth 7 Mating Grebes 3 White Winged Chough Display Osprey with Fish for Juvenile Angler Extraordinaire Competition Fresh Fish Kestrel Landing with Small Bird Welcome Swallow 1a Reflected Tern AUSTRIA Albert Peer MVOEAV EIIWF Marmot 2 BELGIUM Jean Georges Mortier EFIAP/b Jacky Panhuyzen AFIAP EPSA Jhony Vandebroeck EFIAP/s EPSA Fighting 1 My Bath Koekoeksbloem Little Jumper Buizerd Met Gele Poten CANADA Nanciellen Davis PPSA Wendi Donaldson Laird Suzanne Huot Gelada Baboon on a Ledge Whale Tail The Clean Up Crew 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 69 of 76 Francis King EPSA Mike Wooding Flamingo Flock Taking Off First Come First Served Grizzly in Pursuit California Quail Emma's Dancers Mating PSA Ribbon CYPRUS Mehmet Gokyigit Suleyman Kaplan Whirlwind at Sea Dencer Life in Nature Life in Nature 2 ENGLAND David Adamson Phillip Barber Leslie Beardmore CPAGB BPE3* Joan Blease ARPS MPAGB BPE5* EFIAP/b Dave Bowen MPAGB EFIAP FBPE Kim Bowen EFIAP MPAGB BPE5* Keith Bowser Michael John Boyd Francesca Bramall Gordon Bramham ARPS EFIAP/p MPAGB EPSA Joe Brennan Christine Ann Bulpitt ARPS John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAP Mark Chambers ARPS CPAGB BPE2* Janice Susan Clark Mike Cowdrey ARPS EFIAP MPSA MPAGB Liz Cutting Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE4* Carl Day Wild Yellow Bellied Marmot Wren's Dawn Chorus Jay with Acorn Blue Tit Short Eared Owl Hunting Whitethroat with Rustic Moth Larvae Little Blue Heron Striped Shield Bug on Wild Elephant Garlic Common Puffballs and Drone Fly Mycena Rosea Red Legged Shield Bug on File Thistle Robber Fly Attacking Juveneille Grasshopper Osprey Taking a Trout The Dipper Black Garden Ants Dipper with Food for Young Tandem Pair of Emerald Damselflies PSA Silver Medal Dalmation Pelican 4316 Goshawk Born to Kill Black-Headed Gull Marble Whites on Field Scabious Shield Bug Crow Pulling White Tailed Eagles Feathers Hawfinch Drinking Hoopoe in Flight Giant Peacock Moth Woodland Frog Grey Heron with Eel Barn Owl on Barn Shetland Wren Skylark Glanville Fritillary Canary Shouldered Thorn Moths Lone Stag Short Eared Owl FIAP Silver Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 70 of 76 Bob Devine John E Donlon Tim Downton LRPS DPAGB Dickie Duckett FRPS Rod Embley Gian-Piero Ferrari Pauline Fiddian Gordon Follows ARPS EFIAP/p MPAGB Andy Fryer Barrie Glover Jacqui Jay Grafton ARPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE3* Alan Grant DPAGB BPE3* Van Greaves Bill Hall AFIAP DPAGB ABPE Roger Hance FRPS AFIAP BPE5* Andrea Hargreaves Robert Harvey ARPS EFIAP Beryl Heaton EFIAP ARPS CPAGB John Henwood Rebecca Hitchcock DPAGB Alexander Holden LRPS Dave Hyett CPAGB AFIAP BPE2* Graham Johnston ARPS DPAGB EFIAP David Keith Jones Robert Jones Paul Keene Philip Kirk Cheetah Cub Helps Lion Aggression A Scratching Post for Acrinoyx Jubatus Eye Contact in the Mara Hawfinch Short-Eared Owl Black Grouse Displaying Black Grouse Fighting Osprey in Flight (Pandion Haliaetus) Goldfinchf Among Teasels Chequered Blue on Trifolium Grey Partridge Dispute Young Olive Baboon Black-Headed Gull Plunge Diving Shelducks Fighting Common Blue Damselfly Kingfisher Pair Waxwing on Rowan PSA Ribbon PSA Ribbon Snipe Fly Spiders in Mating Dance Wild Kestrel on Prey Hoopoe with Centipede Painted Lady (Underside) Nectaring Paired Silver Spotted Skippers Goldfinch Male Purple Emperor Male Stag Beetle Brown Hare Gannet with Fish Long Tailed Tit Lions Greeting Common Puffballs Desperate for Food A Slither of Grass Snakes Hawfinch Not Stopping Chaos Ensues Tunnel Vision Hare in Evening Sun Barn Owl Barn Owl Landing Lion with Dead Baby Giraffe Vulture Alighting Male Wildebeest in Combat Greenfinches Fighting (8659) Grey Heron Landing (9639) Heron with Roach Kestrels Mating Short Eared Owl Hunting Bittern on Ice SPS Medal: Barry Mead Award Highly Commended SPS Ribbon SPS Medal: Sandy Cleland Award 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 71 of 76 Mary Elizabeth Kirkby Mike Lane FRPS Scott Latham Carole Lewis Christopher Maidens Christine Mallett Neil Malton DPAGB Gary Margetts LRPS Neil Maughan ARPS EFIAP/s DPAGB Stephen McGuire Jo McIntyre MPAGB BPE2* Arun Mohanraj Mike Muddiman BPE4* David Neale AFIAP BPE1* Richard Nicoll Pete Norwood MPAGB Norman O'Neill CPAGB BPE3* Dawn Osborn FRPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* Susan Pearmain Spike Piddock Reginald Poad AFIAP Audrey Price Barbara J Ranner CPAGB AFIAP David Rayner EFIAP CPAGB George Reekie DPAGB ABPE Singing African Lark Bullfinch Collared Pratincole Crowned Plover Display Wood Pigeon Female Kingfisher Portrait (Alcedo Atthis) Bull Elk Feeding Silver Spotted Skipper Harvest Mouse Mating Duke of Burgundy Fritillaries Mating Marbled Whites on Scabious Newly Emerged 4 Spotted Chaser Siskin Harefield Shag at Nest Crystal Dragon Mountain Hares, Fighting Wild Grizzly Bears Fighting Wild Grizzly Fishing in the Rain Black Grouse Lekking at Dawn Chameleon with the Catch Wildebeests Migration Kenya Emperor Dragonfly Oviposting Little Egret Taking Off Male Brown Argus Polar Bear with Cubs Polar Bears2 Great Egret Landing Hen Harrier Hunting Stonechat on Barbed Wire Broad Bodied Chaser Teneral Migrant Hawker White Admiral & Fritillary Argiope Lobata Male Orange Tip Leaping Gentoo Black-Browed Albatross with Young Chick Falkland Skua with Upland Goose Carcass Harvest Mouse on Catkins Hooded Vulture with Fish Carcass Squat Lobster Indonesia Squat Lobster Portland Bill Little Owl Resting in Tree African Fish Eagle Fishing Dustbathing Elephants Heron with Frog Merganser on Plym Osprey with Trout Caspian Gull Squabble Little Owl and Young RPS Ribbon Highly Commended RPS Ribbon RPS Gold Medal SPS Members: Medal Highly Commended SPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 72 of 76 Jane Rees ARPS Ed Roper EFIAP David Seaton ARPS CPAGB Mike Sharples Keith Snell LRPS AFIAP Nigel Spencer ARPS Brian Sugden Margaret Tabner DPAGB BPE1* Ron Tear MPAGB ARPS BPE4* Sheila Tester Austin Thomas FBPE EFIAP MPAGB Maureen Toft Robert Tunstall DPAGB BPE4* Monique Vanstone LRPS PPSA Alan Walker ARPS DPAGB EPSA EFIAP Julie Walker ARPS DPAGB EFIAP EPSA Terry Wall EFIAP/p DPAGB Chanardaye Walton David Wessely ARPS Charles Whitfield King DPAGB BPE4* Richard Williams Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS AFIAP BPE5* Sue Wilson DPAGB Yin Wong David Woodhead LRPS DPAGB BPE2* Trevor Woods EFIAP APAGB Coyote Howling Pebble Prominent Larva Great Crested Grebes Performing Weed Dance Short Eared Owl Hunting Female Kestrel Kestrel on Gate Kestret with Kill Polar Bear on Ice Common Snipe Black Grouse Lekking in the Snow Great Crested Grebe Marbled Godwit Elephants Testing Their Strenth Red Eyed Tree Frogs in Rain Forest Thirsty Warthogs Calving Glacier and Kittywakes Red Grouse in Long Grass Great Crested Grebe with Chick Little Owl Running with a Loose Feather Kestrel in Flight Short-Eared Owl Hunting in a Meadow Jackal Scavenging Leopard with Kill Amythist Deceivers Fox Cub Avocet No Catch Spoonbill Catch Prey Kingfisher with Catch North American Red Fox Wolf Attack Egret Family Ground Squirrel with Grass Bee Eater Catching Bee Goldfinch Fungi on Tree Trunk European Rollers Mating Sedge Warbler with Demoiselle Black Grouse Ready to Rumble Dipper Immature Heron with Crab Mountain Chickadee Red Fox Hunting Pounce, Yellowstone Willet with Food Elephant Eating Tree Copperband Butterfly Fish Bee-Eater with Painted Lady Kestrel with Food Sparrow Hawk Great Bustard in Flight Moorhen Dispute 820 Highly Commended SPS Ribbon SPS Gold Medal FIAP Gold Medal FIAP: Ribbon RPS Silver Medal Highly Commended SPS Ribbon UPI Gold Medal 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 73 of 76 Alan Young FRPS EFIAP CPAGB BPE2* David Young Common Green Grasshopper Soldier Beetles Mating (2) Fire Bellied Toads FINLAND Jussi Helimaki EFIAP/b Kauko Keranen EFIAP/s Seppo Peltonen EFIAP Amanita Muscaria in Early Autumn Chital Pholiota Squarrosa Strap Coral UPI Ribbon FRANCE Marc Anagnostidis EFIAP APSA GMPSA Jean-claude Bacle MFIAP GMPSA EFIAP/p Christian Boin Roger Jourdain Guy B. Samoyault MFIAP APSA GMPSA Arboreal Frog Majuscula Et Calopteryx Ponte De Paradoxa Lyrurus Tetris Pair Allez, Ouste ! Mating Pink Flamingos 2015 Cheetah Two GERMANY Thomas Ebelt AFIAP GDT Wolfgang Kaeding EFIAP GMPSA Achim Koepf Beate Kulpa Alfred Preuss EFIAP/b Gunther Riehle APSA GMPSA Josef Sauter EFIAP Strandkrabbe Eastern Yellow-Billed Hornbill End of the Day Sleep Giraffe Fighting Outlook for Prey Kamtschatka 29 Kamtschatka-30 South Polar 655 Almost Done! Freshly Slipped Sunbathing Hexarthrius Buqueti Creobroter Gemmatus Green Violet-Ear Arctic Fox Pup 9 Two Arctic Fox Pups 23 N Blaeuling Im Tau HONG KONG Koon Nam Cheung Man Yu, Alex Fung FRPS EFIAP EPSA PSAGALAXY Osprey and Fish 13 Danger River Snowy Day INDIA Narasimhan K Flight of Peacock Lion Cubs SPS Medal: Ian Whiston Award PSA Gold Medal Highly Commended SPS Ribbon Highly Commended SPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 74 of 76 Sudheendra K P Brothers Fight IRELAND Cliff Hutchinson AIPF EFIAP Bill Power Razorbills Galtee Amethysts Toadstool and Oakleaf Woodland Wonders ISRAEL Arik Kaneh No. Img 2024 Catch Them Coming(2) ITALY Franco Marchi AFIAP PPSA Giovanni Morina Flamingos in Love Spoonbill Lame Hunting Autumn Drops Colias on Silene Vulgaris Issoria Lathonia Duo KOREA (SOUTH) Suk Young Song Airfight Power of Life - Spurt of Mushroom Spores LUXEMBOURG Jean-Luc Brausch Harry Daemen Jeanny Hostert-Marx Night Heron at Dusk Le Renard C2 Gottesanbeterin MALAYSIA Ngu Diksen Predator in Action 8433 Predator in Action 8258 Predator in Action 8327 Predator in Action 8458 MALTA Johann Debono AFIAP FMPS Should I Fly NETHERLANDS Daniel Lybaert EFIAP/p Chris Stenger Groep Kuifmakaken Kuifmakaakportret Hippopotamus NEW ZEALAND Elizabeth Passuello FPSNZ FNPSNZ AAPS Danaus Plexippus Expanding Wings RPS Ribbon 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 75 of 76 EFIAP Andy Rae AFIAP Mycena Parsonsiae 4 Kotuku with Chick NORWAY Jorgen Skaug Bearded Seal 3 in Kongsfjorde Beautiful Svalbard OMAN Majid Alamri EFIAP Habib Alzadjali AFIAP Sad Dunes Eq2 ROMANIA Lajos Nagy EFIAP/p MPSA Laszlo Potozky Cormorant with Fish 06 The Observer SCOTLAND James Black AFIAP Matt Johnston ARPS EFIAP BPE4* Norma McDowall AFIAP Ian Mitchell Gordon Rae DPAGB Terry Railley John Simpson Lesley Simpson ARPS Stephanie Wilkie David John Wolfenden Amanda's Blues Mating Red Underwing Skippers Mating Arctic Tern Feeding Young Corncrake Feeding Chicks Feathers Nice Place for Lunch Roaring Stag Alaskan Grizzly with Salmon Black Cocks Displaying Taking a Dip Eels Aloft Jewel Beetles Misumena and Bee Blue-Spot Hairstreak Nectaring Bar-Tailed Godwits Rock Pipit Stoat with Kill Male Cuckoo Calling Male Sparrowhawk Feeding Red Deer in Falling Snow Woodpecker on Birch SOUTH AFRICA Willem Kruger ARPS EFIAP PPSA Leon Pelser AFIAP TAIWAN Meerkat Love Three Ostrich in Dust Weaver VS Sparrow The Call of Nature 41st Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2016 Awards & Acceptances List Last Updated 20/03/2016 18:06 Page 76 of 76 Chih Sheng Huang Tabaniformis Sexta FIAP Ribbon TURKEY Semih Akca Emir Nedim Dövencioğlu Nizamettin Duzgun Ahmet Yenmez Spider Colors of Nature Sultan Grasshopper UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Yousef Al Habshi Rashed Al Sumaiti Oryx Saw Scaled Viper Tasting Observing UNITED STATES Huzhong Cai Jeffrey Klug Ira Nemeroff EPSA Huong Hoa Nguyen Dilip Patel Tom Savage APSA MPSA Bald Eagle Catching a Fish Cranes Taking Off in Sync Loving Family Early Morning Bison Sea Nettle 23 Butterfly Mating 01 Greater Flamingo Cub Hugging a Fish Grizzly Attacking a Salmon Spoonbill Carrying a Stick WALES Andrew Baxter Tommy Evans AWPF Lyndon Hatherall Jenny Hibbert Janette Hill Johnnie Rogers ARPS AFIAP Derek Terry Crimson Dragonfly Scent Marking Deer Curlew Coming This Way Twins Baby Water Vole Feeding on Blackberries Pine Marten Kitten on Branch Squabbling Whooper Swans Steller Sea Eagle in Flight The Hunter Arctic Wolves Bison Charge in Snow Emerald Damselfly Scotish Wild Cat 2 PAGB Gold Medal UPI Ribbon
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