June - Maryland State Music Teachers Association


June - Maryland State Music Teachers Association
Maryland State
Music Teachers
Affiliated with Music Teachers National Association
A bi-monthly publication of the Maryland State Music Teachers Association
From the President…
There comes a time when each President of MSMTA writes their
last message. After four and a half years, it’s my turn. The success
or failure of every President is truly dependent on the people
with whom he/she works. I believe what has been accomplished
during my tenure is truly attributable to the wonderful MSMTA
Board, and I wish to say a heartfelt “thank you” to each Board
member. I especially want to thank Claudette Horwitz, Richard
Hartzell and Junko Takahashi. These are the people that have
“lived” with me. They were there day in, day out, for whatever
was needed. And of course, I cannot forget my husband, John
Ralph, who tirelessly gives to the organization and to me. He
truly enjoys the teachers and his involvement with them. Thank
you, John.
Today’s technological advances have made it necessary for each
of us to become computer savvy, and MSMTA now offers online registration for most of our events. We are still working out
the “bugs,” but I am confident that we will continue to move
forward and eventually see on-line registration capabilities for all
MSMTA events. As members, I encourage you to try the website,
and as always, any helpful suggestions are encouraged.
We are pleased to continue the MSMTA annual conference
scheduled in January 2012. The past conferences have been
wonderfully successful. We have received positive comments
not only from our MSMTA members, but from nationallyknown “presenters,” who have commented on the quality of the
conference, and on the camaraderie of the Maryland teachers. At
the conclusion of each conference, I have heard, “This one has
been the best one yet!” We are currently working on next year’s
conference and hope you will make plans now to attend.
As my ankle slowly heals from my March horseback riding
accident, I find I am looking forward to crawling back on my
horses. After surgery, screws and metal plates, and crutches for
about 12 weeks, I am enjoying a very simple pleasure in life:
walking! I had to ask myself, “is horseback riding worth it?” …
the answer, a resounding YES! I can see myself at 75, sitting in my
living room on a carousel horse, listening to Ride of the Valkyrie.
Actually, I think I’ll just have to buy a slower, shorter, older horse!
My passion . . . it’s going to kill me . . . So I hope you have a
passion in your life . . . something to keep you energized and your
June 2011
teaching fresh.
we do is important. We
affect the lives of so
many, and teaching can
be so rewarding, and
yes, even exciting. But
always remember to
do something nice for
yourself. Life is short.
Finally, as I hand the
“reins” to Junko, I can
step back knowing that
MSMTA is in remarkable hands. Junko, you will be a wonderful
President, and you have a very strong supporter in me. I know
that the membership will be behind you. I look forward to
the professional growth that our organization will continue to
That being said, MSMTA is about its members. We are what we
are because of the members. We are diverse, talented, educated,
and yes, even fun! We are unstoppable!
Have a great summer.
My best to all of you!
News From the Board
Our last board meeting for the academic year was held on
Monday, June 20.
-- We have obtained a new legal advisor, Randy Reade, attorney
and musician, who has agreed to serve MSMTA pro bono to help
us clean up by-laws, rules and regulations, etc. It was moved,
seconded and passed to exempt him from paying state dues for
his services. A committee has been set up to work with Randy
and in turn, will make any recommendations regarding required
actions to the Board for approval.
-- A By-Laws change was proposed to Section 5.03(c) regarding
the needed quorum for Board meetings. It was moved, seconded
and passed that the required quorum be changed from twelve
to ten, as without a quorum, no business of the board can be
Continued on Page 2
Carol Wolfe-Ralph
6102 Gallery Street
Bowie, MD 20720
VP Student Activities
Richard L. Hartzell
1817 Arcola Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20902
VP Membership
News from the Board
Continued from Page 1
conducted. By the time this newsletter is published and in your hands, you will have received an
email requesting approval of this recommendation.
-- New finance committee members were appointed. The committee will meet in July to discuss
financial matters. The committee consists of Junko Takahashi, Carol Wolfe-Ralph, Faye Bonner,
Laurel Carroll, Yoon Huh and Claudette Horwitz, Chair.
Annie Hou
13927 Rockingham Road
Germantown, MD 20874
-- The ad hoc committee for theory/keyboard working requirement rules will be held either sometime
this summer or in September. If you wish to make comments, please contact Connie Fischel.
Junko Takahashi
10503 Redosier Court
Bethesda, MD 20814
-- The commissioned composer for 2013 is Dr. Andrew Earle Simpson, Chair of Theory and
Composition from Catholic University. For information and samples of his work visit: http://
VP Publications
VP Finance
Claudette Horwitz
5004 Barkwood Place
Rockville, MD 20853
VP Certification
Donna C. White
21815 Three Notch Rd Ste E
Lexington Park, MD 20653
Recording Secretary
A new edition of the MSMTA Membership Directory will be published in September, in time
for the new teaching season.
Corresponding Secretary
Members are invited to place their personal advertisements in this new directory at a special
25% discount from regular rates. Business cards, personal studio or educational course ads are
Kathryn P. Stansbery
16130 Patapsco Overlook Ct
Mt. Airy, MD 21771
Lori Davis
2848 Ridge Road
Waldorf, MD 20603
Kathryn P. Stansbery
16130 Patapsco Overlook Ct
Mt. Airy, MD 21771
Douglas Guiles
10359 Cullen Terrace
Columbia, MD 21044
Immediate Past President
Rates are as follows: Quarter page ads (4” wide by 2” high) are $75.00. Half page ads (4 1/2”
wide by 4” high) are $135.00. A full page ad (5 ½” wide by 8 ½” high) is $225.00. There is
no better way to bring your activities to the attention of our 600 members.
For more information, please contact Claudette Horwitz at clhorwitz@gmail.com
If you have not already renewed your membership through MTNA,
please do so as soon as possible if you wish to be included in this new
Joselyn Cross Makowski
Local Association Presidents
Anne Arundel MTA
Helen Tarchalski
MTA Greater Baltimore
Betsy Stocksdale
MTA Bowie
Mary Parker
MTA Charles County
Michele Avrick
2012 MSMTA Conference Request for Proposals
Subject: 2012 MSMTA Conference Presenter
Deadline for Submission: Sept. 30 2011
Carroll County MTA
Notification of Acceptance: Oct. 30, 2011
Greater Columbia MTA
The conference committee would like to invite you to submit a presentation proposal for the
2012 MSMTA conference to be held in January 2012 (exact date and location TBA). The
presentation should be 55 minutes in length.
Jane McIlvain
Elaine Newhall
Eastern Shore MTA
Raymond Hobbs
Frederick County MTA
Laurel Carroll
Howard County MTA
David Kuperstein
Greater Laurel MTA
Constance Fischel
Montgomery County MTA
Lori McCarthy
Prince Georges MTA
Ann Matteson
MTA Southern Maryland
Patricia Blanchard
Please include following:
1. A description of the presentation - 100 words or less
2. Outline of your presentation
3. Your bio – 50 words or less
Please submit above information to:
Junko Takahashi
10503 Redosier Ct.
Bethesda, MD 20814
Jutaka@verizon.net (preferred)
student activities
MSMTA Theory Report
Claudette Horwitz
This year, we had 1,518 students registered from 102 teachers. The tests were held at 14 different
centers throughout Maryland.
Many thanks to everyone who was involved in producing successful events:
David Holmes
Donna C White
Test Writers: Claudette Horwitz, Carol Wolfe-Ralph, and Betty Guenther
College Faculty
Local Chairs: Diane Kinsley, Karen Mihalko, Janet Swaney, Janet Berg, Karen Skelly, Jeffrey Beaudry,
Pat Graham, Alla Merport, Olga Kuperstein, Kathy Stansbery, Christopher Hall, Ann Matteson,
Marina Ovtcharenko, Ellen Sakai and Mary Stevens
Special thanks to Claudette Horwitz for spending countless hours working out many aspects of this
program and Carol Wolfe-Ralph and John Ralph for producing ear training CDs.
The theory committee has already started working on the tests for next year and we hope to see
many students participate in this program again!
Junko Takahashi, Theory Coordinator
Matt Edwards
Community Outreach
and Education
Li-Ly Chang
Carol Wolfe-Ralph
Junko Takahashi
Claudette Horwitz
Fund Raising
Bowie MTA:
Amelia Liberati
Greater Laurel MTA:
Joshua Sharo
Independent Music
Carroll County MTA:
Danielle Angeloni
Howard County MTA:
Margaret Tian
Local and Student Associations
Charles County MTA:
Routh Alonzo
Montgomery County MTA:
Jessica Han
MTNA Foundation
Frederick County MTA:
Kaleryia Orlova
Prince Georges MTA:
Angella Lee
MSMTA Foundation/
Helen Smith Tarchalski
Kathy Stansbery
Michele Hobart Rohan
Greater Columbia MTA:
Jamei Wang
Annie Hou
Ina Nacev Allen
Elementary DMA award
In response to several requests from teachers who are interested in receiving the new MSMTA
Elementary Distinguished Musicianship Achievement award for their fifth grade students, eligibility
requirements will be amended for the 2011-2012 school year only. Students may take 2 levels of
both theory and keyboard exams in one year. They may also participate in 2 local association events
in this one year. One school event and a total of 350 points are still required.
These exceptions are for current 5th grade students only to enable them to qualify for the plaque
in the 2011-2012 season. All other students must follow the original rules. The application form is
posted on the MSMTA web site and will be in the new Student Activities Handbook.
Claudette Horwitz, Chair
Continued on Page 4
Richard Hartzell
Junko Takahashi
Joselyn Cross Makowski
Student Activities
Richard Hartzell
Talent Resource
Jeffery Beaudry
Helen Smith Tarchalski
Student Activities
Continued from Page 3
MSMTA’s newest award, the Elementary Distinguished Music Achievement Award, is already proving to be popular among our
younger students. Although it was only passed by the Board of Directors in May, and announced in our May newsletter, we
already have 16 winners.
The recipients and their teachers are:
Andrew Eastburg and David Neal, students of Patricia Blanchard;
Cara Lee and Morgan Oehler, students of Anne Hsueh Chen;
Katherine Strakna, student of Deborah White-Bondhus;
Aliya Moore, Ariel Uy, and Marla Varnado, students of Edwina Hunter.
Michelle Bao, Rachel Elkis, Katie Gao, Lisa Li, Matthew Mu, Sarah Yang, and
Arden Zhang, students of Olga Kuperstein.
Olya Kislovsky, student of Mei-Yu Lin.
The Elementary DMA award is a lovely plaque with a music inset, and engraved
with the student’s name as recipient of MSMTA’s only award specifically designed
for students in grades 1 through 5.
Claudette Horwitz, Chair
The Keyboard Musicianship Program had an enrollment of 933 students from the studios of 86 teachers from thirteen chapters.
With the exception of a few, all students played to receive the Gold Seal Certificate (4, 5, or 6 modules).
The Keyboard Musicianship Committee is grateful to the
dedicated chairpersons for arranging testing locations,
selecting the volunteer judges and monitors, scheduling
mailing, record keeping etc. Many teachers contributed freely
of their valuable time to make this a successful program.
I congratulate and thank the following teachers who chaired
the thirteen chapters and with their hard work and expertise
made this program so successful:
Joanna Greenwood, Jeannine Case, Carole
Gauthier, Edwina Hunter, Mary G. Wolf, Kim
Roberts, Olga Kuperstein, Bonnie Kellert, HuiYen Chang, Mary Stevens, Christopher Hall,
Betsy Green and Constance Fischel.
I would also like to thank Bonnie Kellert and Mary Ann
Parker for their invaluable contribution.
During the 2010-11 academic year, 115 trophies were
awarded in the categories of ADVANCED HONORS,
The Advanced trophies were awarded to the following:
Benjamin Lao and Anna Mateo (Olga Kuperstein),
Joshua Sharo and Marjorie Desamito (Jeannine
Case), Ganesh Subramaniam (Luba Turkevich).
Congratulations to all teachers and their hard working
students. For more information about the trophies and how
the student may qualify, please consult the MSMTA Student
Activities Packet.
Level 11 of the MSMTA Keyboard Musicianship syllabus is
now ready to be sent upon request. Please get in touch with
Luba Turkevich, Chair
Continued on Page 5
Student Activities
Continued from Page 4
Distinguished Music Achievement Awards
This year’s Distinguished Music Achievement Awards were given to 40 students in the Junior division and 31 in the
Senior division, from the studios of 23 MSMTA teachers. As the chairperson of the DMA Awards, I would like to
express my gratitude to all the participating teachers, and my congratulations to all the recipients for their outstanding
accomplishments over the years.
2011 DMA Recipients:
Jannah Ryan (Patricia Blanchard)
Matthew Forbes (Dr. Hui-Yen Chang)
Bakari Lyles (Dr. Hui-Yen Chang)
Jessica Yao (Dr. Hui-Yen Chang)
Mina Sun (Christopher Hall)
Miranda Zeng (Christopher Hall)
Caryn Pasking (Claudette Horwitz)
Thaara Shankar (Claudette Horwitz)
Marissa Varnado (Edwina Hunter)
Chaoyang Wang (Cherie Jeng)
Jean Ahn (Dr. Bok Hwa Kim)
Alisa Hwang (Dr. Bok Hwa Kim)
Andrew Liu (Dr. Bok Hwa Kim)
Hannah Lee (Dr. Bok Hwa Kim)
Nicole Young (Dr. Bok Hwa Kim)
Kathy Wang (David Kuperstein)
Kristin Li (Olga Kuperstein)
Shakira Dineshkumar (Olga Kuperstein)
Hanna Jia (Hyun Park)
Janet Sun (Hyun Park)
Lili Sun (Hyun Park)
Dennis Zhao (Hyun Park)
Kiana Padash (Jamie Fan Pasho)
Steven Zhang (Ruth Peng)
Eric Jagde (Shisa Suskey)
David Gu (Luba Turkevich)
Michael Ha (Luba Turkevich)
Daniel Yook (Luba Turkevich)
Lindsay Gong (Chen-Li Tzeng)
Vicky Yu (Chen-Li Tzeng)
Joseph Antony (Dr. Svetlana Volkova)
Kelly Chen (Dr. Svetlana Volkova)
Jordan Czerwiec (Dr. Svetlana Volkova)
Helena Hanson (Dr. Svetlana Volkova)
Nathania Nah (Dr. Svetlana Volkova)
Ethan Santos (Dr. Svetlana Volkova)
Mathew Cherian (Helen R. Weems)
Catherine Jou (Dr. Tzi-Ming Yang)
Pei-Yi Lin (Dr. Tzi-Ming Yang)
Wilson Lin (Dr. Tzi-Ming Yang)
Stephanie Broussard (Patricia Blanchard)
Jessica Ryan (Patricia Blanchard)
Andrew Gordon (Jeannine Case)
Josephine Kim (Dr. Hui-Yen Chang)
David Yun (Dr. Hui-Yen Chang)
Timothy Cheng (Sima Elkis)
Sang-kyun Han (Constance Fischel)
Da An (Christopher Hall)
Allan Huang (Christopher Hall)
Zehao Sui (Christopher Hall)
Kevin Yu (Christopher Hall)
Radd Guarin (Claudette Horwitz)
Daniel Miller (Claudette Horwitz)
Wanida Suanpan (Claudette Horwitz)
Alice Chang (Cherie Jeng)
Qin Tan (Bonnie Kellert)
Jonathan Gao (David Kuperstein)
Margaret Tian (David Kuperstein)
Jeanny Wang (David Kuperstein)
Peter Chang (Dr. Dmitri Nazarenko)
Elizabeth Grace (Dr. Dmitri Nazarenko)
Le Qi (Hyun Park)
Andrea Yang (Hyun Park)
Julia Gao (Luba Turkevich)
Angela Qiu (Luba Turkevich)
Ganesh Subramaniam (Luba Turkevich)
Tony Tang (Luba Turkevich)
Grace Wang (Luba Turkevich)
Justin Chang (Chen-Li Tzeng)
Robert Chen (Chen-Li Tzeng)
Emily Yan (Chen-Li Tzeng)
Bok Hwa Kim, Chair
Continued on Page 6
Student Activities
The High School Piano Examination Program for School
Recognition/Credit was designed to encourage high school
piano students, give them an incentive to continue studying
and give them the recognition they deserve through their
school. This connectedness with the schools is a unique
way that private teachers and school professionals can work
together to promote this important aspect of our students
learning. This is the 32th year that the auditions have been
held in April and May.
The following statistics are based on the number of people
who enrolled to take the examinations in 2011. There is
usually about a 5-6 % of the students who elect not to take
the exam after they have enrolled.
Of the total of 270 students who applied to take the High
School Examinations in 2011
263 applied to take the examination for recognition
7 applied to take the examination for credit
79 were in the 9th grade
95 were in the 10th grade
79 were in the 11th grade
17 were in the 12th grade
25 entered at the Intermediate I Level
63 entered at the Intermediate II Level
152 entered at the Advanced I Level
30 entered at the Advanced II Level
76 different high schools were represented by students
24 students were home-schooled
81 different piano teachers were represented.
We would like to thank all Center Chairs whose role is
absolutely essential for the running of this program. We
would also like to thank the schools, churches, etc. where
these 20 adjudication events took place.
Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts -- Annapolis Area –
Cecelia Wyatt
Anne Arundel Community College –
Donna Ervin/Helen Tarchalski
Jordan Kitts, Baltimore –
Ruth Peng
Churchill High I –
Mei-Yu Lin
Continued from Page 5
Churchill High II –
Jean Kim
Eleanor Roosevelt –
Hui-Yen Chang
Greater Columbia I and II – Constance Fischel Studio –
Constance Fischel
Howard County Community College I and II –
Christopher Hall/Kathy Stansbery
Laurel Presbyterian Church –
Wendy Dengler
Montgomery Blair High I –
Ziona Tuchler
Montgomery Blair High II –
Ae Ja Park
Quince Orchard High I –
Rosanne White
Quince Orchard High II –
Cherie Jeng
Richard Montgomery High –
Heesun Kim
Cornerstone Presbyterian Church (Southern Maryland) –
Patricia Blanchard
River Road Unitarian Church (Whitman area) –
Kristin Butler
Wootton High I and II –
Luba Turkevich
Special thanks go to Constance Fischel, again our registrar
extraordinaire, who spends many hours receiving and
recording the grades and sending out the critiques, reports
and certificates. Thanks also for the use of her studio for two
of the judging days in the Columbia area.
The adjudicators were: Deborah Bondhus, Lisa Bussing,
Carolyn Booth, Faye Bonner, Jeannine Case, Li-Ly Chang,
Joyce Crist, Wendy Dengler, Marilyn Dobson, Constance
Joanna Greenwood, Douglas Guiles, Nancy
Hallsted, Linda Head, David Holmes, Edwina Hunter,
Cherie Jeng, Mei-Yu Lin, Doris Mattingly, Ann Matteson,
Marina Ovtcharenko, Maxine Russell, Martha Sallet, Betsy
Stocksdale, Junko Takahashi, Chen-Li Tzeng, Thanh Vo,
Helen Weems, Carol Wolfe-Ralph, Cecelia Wyatt.
Congratulations to all of the teachers who entered students
in the High School Piano Examinations: Sylvie Beaudoin,
Leia Bennett, Maja Blagojevic, Patricia Blanchard, Deborah
Bondhus, Faye Bonner, Carolyn Booth, Donna Bridgland,
Lisa Bussing, Kristin Butler, Jeannine Case, Hui-Yen Chang,
Joyce Crist, Ariel DeChosa, Wendy Dengler, Judy Dalton,
Harvey Doster, Irina Dvoynoy, Sima Elkis, Constance Fischel,
Continued on Page 7
Student Activities
Continued from Page 6
Stephen L. Gibson, Barbara Goldberg, Immanuela Gruenberg,
Irina Gurevich, Christopher Hall, Nancy Hallsted, Linda
Head, Nan Hillman, David Holmes, Joyce Hongsermeier,
Karina Hou, Irene Hulbert, Conchita Jan, Cherie Jeng,
Lois Jones, Heesun Kim, Jean Kim, Donna Koh, David
Kuperstein, Olga Kuperstein, Elaine Lebar, Chia-Hsuan
Lee, Chieh-Ming Lee, Mei-Yu Lin, Ann Matteson, Doris
Mattingly, Hsien-Ann Meng, Alla Merport, Jamie Mitchell,
Care Nebbia, Cathy O’Donovan, Yevgenia Oleshkevich,
Colleen Oren, Marina Ovtcharenko, Ae Ja Park, Hyun Park,
Jin Park, Jamie Fan Pasho, Ruth Peng, Maxine Russell, Ellen
Sakai, Joan Spicknall, Betsy Stocksdale, Marilyn Stoughton,
Janet Swaney, Kristina Suter, Junko Takahashi, Helen
Tarchalski, Mary K. Traver, Luba Turkevich, Yie-Chien Tsau,
Ziona Tuchler, Chen-Li Tzeng, Thanh Vo, Helen Weems,
Rosanne White, Barbara Wing, Thomas Wright, Cecelia
Wyatt, Tzi-Ming Yang and Yaling Yeh.
The following High Schools were represented by those
students who enrolled in the examinations:
Academy of the Holy Cross, Annapolis, Archbishop Spalding,
Arundel, Atholton, Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy,
Bethesda-Chevy Chase, James Hubert Blake, Montgomery
Blair, The Calvert School, Centennial, Winston Churchill,
Damascus, DeMatha Catholic, Dulaney, Eastern Technical,
Albert Einstein, Frederick, Gaithersburg, Georgetown Day
School, German School, Gilman School, Glenelg, Glenelg
Country School, Good Counsel, Howard, Walter Johnson,
The Key School, Langley, Laurel, Leonardtown, Long Reach,
Loyola Blakefield, Magruder, The Maret School, Mariotts
Ridge, McDonough School, Richard Montgomery, Mount
de Sales Academy, Mount Hebron, North Point, Northwest,
Northwood, Oakland Mills, Old Mill, Paint Branch, Patuxent,
Poolesville, The Potomac School, Quince Orchard, River
Hill, Rockbridge Academy, Rockville, Eleanor Roosevelt,
Ryken, Sandy Springs Friends School, Severn School, Severna
Park, Sherwood, Sidwell Friends School, Charles E. Smith
Jewish Day School, South River, Springbrook, St. Albans
School, St. Andrews Episcopal School, St. James, St. Mary’s,
St. Timothy’s School, Seton Keough, Southern, Spencerville
Adventist Academy, Stone Ridge, Towson, Walt Whitman,
Wilde Lake, Thomas S. Wootton and Yeshiva of Greater
Ann Matteson and Ellen Sakai, Co-chairs
2011 MSMTA Elizabeth R. Davis
Memorial Competitions
The 2011 MSMTA Elizabeth R. Davis Memorial Competitions
were held at the Howard Community College, Columbia,
MD. There were eighteen contestants in the 9th-10th Grade
Division, sixteen in the 11th-12th Grade Division, and three
in the College Division. Twenty-one studios were represented.
Respectively, our judges were Nancy Breth, Li-Ly Chang, Nikita
Fitenko, Lura Johnson, Bonnie Kellert, and Mayron Tsong.
The Competitions ran smoothly because we had wonderful
volunteers. Our biggest thank you goes to Kristina Suter, the
Chair of the Piano Department at the HCC, who made it
possible for us to hold this special event at this beautiful facility.
Special thank you to our efficient timekeepers: Marjorie Lee,
Scott Beard, Hyun-Sook Park, Bok Hwa Kim and Deborah
Brown. Appreciations also goes to JeongEun Park Kang, Olga
Kuperstein, Daniel Lau, Marina Ovtcharenko, Jin Kyung Park,
Junko Takahashi and Hsiu-Hui Wang as the check-in monitors;
to Ya-Ting Chang for preparing the signs; to San-Qing LuBennaman and Yoon Huh for preparing such delicious lunch.
Lastly, we want to give our biggest thank you to Winifred
Hyson, who donated $1000.00 towards the scholarship for the
talented winners.
The winners in the 9th-10th Grade Division are:
First Place: Jidong Zhong (teacher: Daniel Lau)
Cynthia Liu (teacher: Elena Arseniev)
Third Place: Ryo Kaneko (teacher: Marjorie Lee)
Fourth Place: Bryan Ho (teacher: Marjorie Lee)
Fifth Place: Paul Li (teacher: Nancy Breth)
Honorable Mention: Motya Gershunskiy (Elena Arseniev)
Callie Deng (San-Qing Lu-Bennaman)
Anna Rimlinger (Bok Hwa Kim)
The winners in the 11th-12th Grade Division are:
First Place: Fifi Zhang (teacher: Marjorie Lee)
Second Place: Kimberly Hou (teacher: Marjorie Lee)
Third Place: Antonia Stabile (teacher: Nancy Breth)
Fourth Place: Sarah Barham (teacher: Rosita Mang)
Fifth Place: Jackie Song (teacher: Li-Ly Chang)
Honorable Mention: Joseph Zia (teacher: Mei-Yu Lin)
Daniel Yu (teacher: Hyun-Sook Park)
The winner in the College Division is
First Place: Sangmi Yoon (teacher: Hsiu-Hui Wang)
Mei-Yu Lin and Yoon Huh, Chairs
Continued on Page 8
Continued from Page 7
2011 winners in the miriam shields gottlieb Memorial/
doris and Larry Chase Sonata Competitions
2011 Winners in the Miriam Shields Gottlieb Memorial -- Doris and Larry Chase Sonata Competitions
First Place
Group A
Group B
Group C
Vivian Xiao
Second Place
Gloria Cai
Yu-Hua Gu
Jessica Wu
Yichi Zhang
Laura Yao
Yen-Feng Yang
Bonnie Kellert
Ethan Hsiao
Darius Truong
Mei-Yu Lin
Cheryl Zhang
Group E
Maria Mao
Douglas Guiles
Tiffany Zhang
Angela Wu
Mei-Yu Lin
Michael Liu
Group G
Philip Wang
Elena Arseniev
Lisa Li
Hyun Park
Michelle Bao
Group H Isabella Chang
Antonio Plumer
Sarah Yang
Christine Cho
Dina Fleming
Aaron Park
Melissa Klein
Isaac Huang
Annie Bao
Elena Arseniev
Micah Tsoi
Vivien Zhu
Group L
Scott Beard
Xiaolu Guo
Elise Lin
Group M
Dennis Zhao
Hyun Park
Albert Wang
Group I
Karina Aliyeva Elena Arseniev
Group J
Elissa Huang
Group K
Group N
Alisa Hwang
Bok Hwa Kim
Chao Yang
Group O
Paul Elhallal
Faye Bonner
Joshua Sharo
Jeannine Case
Group P
Cynthia Liu
Elena Arseniev Katherine Hao
Group Q
Elena Arseniev
Group R
Jeffrey Sul
Frances ChengEmily Zhang
Group S
Tiffany Hu
Group T
Clara Guo
Group U
Group V
Group W
San-Qing LuBennaman
Kaleryia Orlova
Carole Kriewaldt
Audrey Lin
Elena Arseniev
Sima Elkis
Carole Kriewaldt
Sharon Sun
Douglas Guiles
Emily Chow
Hyun Park
Roman Kasparian
Emma Guo
Rosita Mang
Jeffrey Chang
Chen-Li Tzeng
Yujing Wang
Yen-Feng Yang
Nancy Qin
Ryan Park
Sasha Mrose- Frances ChengRosa Choe
Samuel Myung
Sandy Yang
Andrea Dai
Lili Sun
Sophia Eliseeva
Paydor Liu
Erica Lee
Hyun-Sook Park
Elena Arseniev
Aglaia Koras
Douglas Guiles
Hyun Park
Elena Eliseeva
JeongEun Kang
Michelle Kim
Bok Hwa Kim
Sima Elkis
Jamei Wang
Kevin Hwang
Bok Hwa Kim
Jamie Park
Bok Hwa Kim
Rebecca Fan
Sunho Chang
Michelle He
Chieh-Ming Lee
Heesun Kim
Chen-Li Tzeng
Nakisa Sadeghi
Rosita Kerr Mang
Rosita Kerr
Jessica Liu
Hyun Park
Sarah Barham
Elaine Chen
Rosita Kerr
Lillian Gao
Douglas Guiles
Margaret Tian
Jonathan Gao
Kelly Kim
Darwin Yang
Scott Beard
Yeji Lee
Elaine Chen
Rosita Kerr
Kelly Kim
Maja Blagojevic
Christopher Wong
Gabriela Taginya Junko Takahashi
Chen-Li Tzeng
Barbara Kim
Timothy Hyon
JeongEun Kang
Le Qi
Hyun Park
Eun-Ji Park
Christopher Liu
Daniel Yu
Hyun-Sook Park
Caroloine Diehl
Gloria Youn
Christopher Wong
Miyabi Saito
Dmitri Nazarenko
Hsiu-Hui Wang
Rosita Kerr
Isabella Chang Hyun Park
None Awarded
Jeannine Case
Maya Cooper
Arnan Huang
Kevin Lige
Katherine Wu
Seth Schultheis
Franklin Sun
Noah Strand
Chen-Li Tzeng
Olga Kuperstein
Xinlu Huang
Elena Arseniev
Elena Arseniev
Frances Cheng
Bonnie Kellert
Rosita Mang
Douglas Guiles
Faye Bonner
Carole Kriewaldt
Elena Arseniev
Junko Takahashi
Douglas Guiles
Michael Xie
Ishana Shastri
Teddi Yoo
Qiu Jessica
Evelyn Mo
Callie Deng
Rosita Kerr Mang
Julia Li
Flora Li
Zachary Peng
Matthew Zhou
San-Qing LuBennaman
Sima Elkis
Rosita Kerr Mang
Michelle Tang
Alexis Feng
Lucy Chen
Rosita Kerr
Group D
Group F
Honorable Mention
Yen-Feng Yang Hannah Wang Yen-Feng Yang
Kevin Huang Yen-Feng Yang Hannah Zhang
Third Place
None Awarded
Li-ly Chang
Mei-Yu Lin
Gianne Ge Zhu
Elena Arseniev
Gianne Ge Zhu
Xinlu Huang
Chen-Li Tzeng
Hsiu-Hui Wang
Rosita Kerr Mang
Hyun-Sook Park
David Holmes
Bonnie Kellert
Scott Beard
Alice Maxfield
Mark DiPinto
Bok Hwa Kim
Rosita Kerr Mang
Faye Bonner
Douglas Guiles, Chair
Continued on Page 9
Continued from Page 8
Gertrude S. Brown Memorial
Piano Concerto Competition
Competition repertoires
Junior Level (8th grade or under)
Concertino in C Major Hob. XIV:11 by Haydn
(Henle edition)
Concerto in D Major by Haydn
(International edition)
Intermediate Level (10th grade or under)
Concerto in C Major K. 467, No. 21 by Mozart
(Schirmer edition)
Senior Level (12th grade or under)
Concert in d minor, Op. 40 by Mendelssohn
(Schirmer edition)
If you have any questions, please contact, Hyun Park at (301)
983-0156 or hparkstudio@gmail.com
Hyun Park, Chair
2011 Jack Weaver
Memorial Competition
The 2011 Jack Weaver Memorial Competition took place
on Saturday, April 30th at Jordan Kitts in Rockville, MD.
This year’s competition was made very successful from the
generous contribution of Bill Weaver. In past years, both the
Potter Violin Company and Violin House of Weaver had
provided the prizes. This year Bill Weaver provided all prizes
and exceeded the last year’s prize amounts. The studios that
were represented included: Richard Chang (violin), Ruping
Liu (violin), Laurien Laufman (cello), Rebecca Henry (violin),
and Clara Berkovich (violin). The winners were:
First Prize $700: Alan Zhang, violin (Rebecca Henry)
Second Prize $400: Isabella Nogues, violin (Rebecca Henry)
Third Prize $300: Tingrui Zhao, violin (Richard Chang)
Fourth Prize $200: Skye Kinlaw, violin (Rebecca Henry)
Fifth Prize $100: Julie LeDuc, violin (Rebecca Henry)
The judges for this competition were violinist Leonid
Shushansky and cellist Lukasz Szyrner. Special thanks to
Jordan Kitts of Rockville for providing the venue and to Vie
de France for providing the catering for our judges.
Shelley Mathews, Chair
The Adult Music Student Forum will present
a master class for beginning and intermediate
students on November 6 given by Matthew Harre.
For more information go to http://amsf.us/.
HCMTA has completed another very successful year. We
have been so fortunate to be able to use the lovely facilities at
Howard Community College.
We held our Spring Recital, which was actually a full day
of four recitals, on May 8th. In addition to this being a
“regular” recital, it was also an opportunity for our students
to play the pieces they were preparing for the High School
Recognition Exams, which were held on May 11-12, and for
our competitions held later in the month. It was very helpful
for them to have this added “rehearsal” available to them.
The Miriam Thomann Piano Solo Competition, our annual
two-piece competition, was held on May 14-15. We had 108
students entered, which were divided into eleven groups.
Thanks to Bok Hwa Kim and Kathy Stansbery for chairing
this event. Our last competitions were the HCMTA High
School Award Competition, and the MSMTA High School
Award/Scholarship for Performance Award Competition,
which took place on May 28th. David Kuperstein was the
chair and teacher of this year’s scholarship winner, Margaret
Tian. As always, our competitions were adjudicated by two
judges, which worked out wonderfully for us! Once again,
our judges were impressed by the fairness of our decision
Many thanks to all of our diligent and dedicated chairs,
without whom we would not be able to make available the
many diverse events for our equally hard-working students.
Thanks, too, for our Board members for the next two years:
President - David Kuperstein, Vice-President and Director
of Student Activities - Kathy Stansbery, Treasurer - Karen
England, and Secretary - Kathy Stansbery.
Kathy Stansbery, Vice President
Continued on Page 10
Many thanks to all the dedicated chairmen of our MCMTA
events for another great year. It has been a busy spring for
MCMTA events for both students and teacher. MCMTA has
had many terrific presentations this year at our general meetings.
I know I speak for all our members when I express our gratitude
to our Program Chair, Immanuela Gruenberg, for her excellent
choice of presenters.
Six MCMTA Judged Recitals were held at
Montgomery College in Rockville on April
17, 2011. Fifty-seven students participated
in the recitals. The level of performance was
very high. Twenty-four trophies and twenty
honorable mentions were given out. Many
thanks to chairmen Mei Yu Lin and Yoon Huh for their fantastic
planning of these events. Intermediate/Advanced recitals were
held on April 30th/May 1st at Montgomery College. Many
thanks to chairmen Annie Hou and Karina Hou for arranging
this popular event.
The MCMTA Elementary “Spring Fling” Recital was held on
April 9th with four piano elementary recitals consisting of 71
students from 21 studios. Congratulations to chairman Olga
Soukhoveeva for planning such a successful event.
Continued from Page 9
The Stevens Brewster String Competition took place on April
24th The following teachers entered students: L a u r i e n
Laufman, cello, Cathy Stewart and Lya
violin. The distinguished judges
w e r e :
Dr Gerald Fischbach, violin
Vasily Popov, cello. They
were particularly impressed with the high level
of preparation and musicianship demonstrated by the students
and felt that they had to split the First Place award. The winners
were: 1st Place: Jessica Hu (cello) Laurien Laufman, teacher;
TJ Vongkovit (violin) Lya Stern, teacher; 2nd Place Rachel Ki
(cello) Laurien Laufman, teacher. MCMTA is very grateful for
the significant contribution made by Gailes Violin Shop, Lashof
Violins and Prodigy Instruments as well as chairman Lya Stern.
The Evelyn Swarthout/Patrick Hayes Piano Competition was
held on April 25th.The judges Shaun Tirrell and Alla Merport
were very impressed with the level of the
1st place: Christopher Wong (Jane
Oleshkevich); 2nd place: Joseph Zia (Mei-Yu
Lin); Paul Elhallal (Faye Bonner). American
Composer Prize: Jessica Han (JeongEun Park
Kang); Honorable Mention: Jessica Han
(JeongEun Park Kang); Yeji Lee (Eun-Ji Park/
JeongEun ParKang. Thanks to our chairmen,
Junko Takahashi and Faye Bonner.
The Senior Recognition Awards Day was
held on May 14th at Stone Ridge School
of the Sacred Heart with performances by
the Swarthout Hayes and Brewster String
Competition winners.. Many thanks to
chairman Luba Turkevich for organizing
the day. The afternoon festivities concluded
with the Eleventh Annual Adult Recital with
ten performers sharing their music with the
group. Many thanks to Suzanne Ferrall, the
Recital Chair, for her hard work in organizing
a lovely afternoon of music.
MCMTA Executive Board Members
Lori McCarthy, Sharon Carr, Immanuela Gruenberg, Bonny Miller, Cynthia Cathcart, Ingrid
Mongini, Kris Butler, Junko Takahashi, Carol Edison, Helen Smith Tarchalski
Lori McCarthy, President
Continued on Page 11
Continued from Page 10
Greater Columbia
Music Teachers Association
Douglas Guiles, Li Ly Chang, Phillip Kawin, Constance Fischel, Anne Chen
This spring, Greater Columbia Music Teachers Association, hosted
Phillip Kawin (Manhattan School of Music) for a master class. The
class was held at the studio of Constance Fischel, chair for the event.
An informative and enjoyable time was had by all. In attendance were
Constance Fischel, Anne Chen, Douglas Guiles, Alla Merport, David
Holmes, Helen Weems, Deborah White-Bondhus, Olga Kuperstein,
David Kuperstien, Li-Ly Chang, Mei-Yu Lin, and Edwina Hunter. A
delicious potluck dinner was enjoyed by all after the class, with time
to visit with Mr. Kawin.
Victor Shen (student of Li Ly Chang) ,
Phillip Kawin, & Li Ly
Performing students
for the master class
students were Katie
Shen (Li- Ly Chang),
Michelle Bao (Olga
Kuperstein), Emily
Pung and Martin
In March, Frederick County MTA
sponsored our 5th Annual Sonatina/Sonata
Festival. We are grateful to Susan Carpenter
for her time and expertise in judging for
us, and to Downtown Piano Works for the
use of their fine piano and facilities. The
advanced level winner, Kaleryia Orlova,
student of Carole Kriewaldt, also received our local association
MSMTA Student Scholarship for Performance. In March the
topic of our meeting topic was "Composition," and was led by
Theresa Shykind and Rodrigo Pincheira. We were all inspired
to work more on helping our students begin or continue
composing, as it gives them such a personal way to express the
music they feel. In May we enjoyed a meeting talking about
"Best Business Practices," led by Belinda Rich, in which we each
shared ideas for ways to be most effective in our line of work
Finally, I want to thank all of the FCMTA officers and teachers
who have helped and supported me through the last four years
as President. I am excited to pass the baton to Theresa Shykind,
who is full of great ideas and enthusiasm! We are lucky to have
Bobbie Rastall take over as Vice-President, so we have much to
look forward to!
Laurel Carroll, President
The PGMTA held their last meeting of the 2010-2011 year at
the home of president, Ann Matteson.
Ann thanked her officers, June Miller, Linda Head, Shirley
Smith, Ellen Sakai, Mei-Yu Lin and chairpersons, Hui-Yen
Chang, Gary Dinn, Ellen Sakai and Mary Dumm for the
wonderful support and assistance they gave over the past four
years. Reports were given and a review and of past events took
place. Election of officers was held and the following slate was
unanimously voted into office:
President: June Miller
Vice President: Janet Swaney
Recording Secretary: Linda Head
Corresponding Secretary: Mei-Yu Lin
Treasurer: Shirley Smith
Historian: Gary Dinn
Greater Columbia Music Teachers Association ended the 2010 –
2011 year with an enjoyable meeting at the historic home of former
president Elaine Newhall. New officers, David Holmes, President;
Constance Fischel, Vice-President; Helen Weems, Secretary; and
Deborah Whtie-Bondhus Treasurer were installed. A full round of
events is planned for the coming year. All the teachers are looking
forward to relaxing summer to be ready for a busy fall and spring.
Gary Dinn, Chair of the Piano Literature
Selection for the 2012 Broad Creek Festival test pieces, had
the list of literature ready for members and June Miller, with
assistance from Linda Head, presented and performed the new
Latin pieces for the 2012 Saul Roas Memorial Competition
Deborah White-Bondhus, for David Holmes, President
Ann Matteson, President
This was followed by a delicious pot-luck luncheon.
Continued on Page 12
Continued from Page 11
chaired by Douglas Guiles and Deborah White-Bondhus.
GLMTA held the 38th Annual Young Musicians
Competition on March 19. This is the oldest competition in
this organization’s history. Around 60 students participated
in a recital format competition by their age. The event was
chaired by Wendy Dengler and the judge for the event was
Mr. Thomas Hunter, a “piano performance” graduate of the
University of Maryland. He actually grew up participating in
GLMTA events and explained at the end of each group that
he had sat in the very same seats that they were occupying.
This event also includes a Wendy G. Dengler Romantic
Award which is given to an outstanding performance by a
high school student of a piece from this period of time. This
award has been given for more than 20 years.
Chamber music Winners
First Place Tie
Evelyn Chen (Violin), Celina Shih (Cello) and
Sandy Yangh (Piano)
Yaeji Shin (Flute), Danny Shin (Oboe) and
Susanna Conrad (Piano)
Second Place Tie
Julie Wang and Nick Zou (piano duet)
Simon Fines (Flute) and John Lund (Piano)
Third Place Tie
Darren Yang (Violin) and Vienna Wang (Piano)
Susanna Conrad (Violin) and Miranda Powell
Teachers of winning students:
Elaine Newhall and Gina Eichman (Winds)
Ronald Mutchnik and Sheng Tsung-Wang
Douglas Guiles (Piano)
GCMTA/ GLMTA Joint Flute Competition was held on
March 19th at Howard County Center for the Arts.
Deborah White-Bondhus, for Constance Fischel, President
23 Students in 4 divisions, Grades 5-12
Four participating flute teachers from GCMTA and GLMTA
– David Holmes, Elaine Newhall, Beverly Rajnes, Gina
The Judge was Sarah Eckman of the US Army Field Band.
MSMTA is now accepting advertisements in its newsletter. Space
is limited to two pages total, so ads will be accepted on a first
come, first served basis. Rates are:
1/8 page
1/4 page
1/2 page $80.00
Full page
For more information, contact Kathy Stansbery at:
Winners were:
Junior Division
1-Ashley Chu(Newhall)
2-Natalie Cross (Eichman)
Intermediate Division
1-Olivia Mayerle (Rajnes)
2-Lynette Lee (Eichman)
3-Felicia Wang (Newhall)
HM-Bahar Lakeh (Newhall)
Senior A Division
1-Christine Shen (Eichman)
2-Abigail Yang (Holmes)
Senior B Division
1-Katie Skinner (Rajnes)
2-Amber Ward (Rajnes)
3-Simon Fines (Eichman/Holmes)
HM-Clarissa Rous (Holmes)
Please email all notices and copy for inclusion
in the October 2011 MSMTA newsletter by
October 3, 2011, to:
Joint GCMTA/ GLMTA Ensemble/Chamber festival was
held on Saturday March 5, 2011
The MSMTA Newsletter is published five times per year
by the Maryland State Music Teachers Association, Inc.
18 groups of trios, duets, duos performed from 7 teachers,
Anne Chen, Constance Fischel, Douglas Guiles, Olga
Kuperstein, Janice Puckett, and Deborah White-Bondhus,
Claudette Horwitz and
Elizabeth White, contributing editors
Circulation: 725
kathy.stansbery@gmail.com or mail to:
Kathy Stansbery
MSMTA Newsletter Editor
16130 Patapsco Overlook Court
Mt Airy, MD 21771-3341
Tel: 443-226-58013