Topic: Video Drivers - Ice Edge Business Solutions
Topic: Video Drivers - Ice Edge Business Solutions
Topic: Video Drivers What is a video driver? The video driver is a downloadable computer program that allows your software to interact with your physical video card. This document will take you through the process of identifying and upgrading your video driver. Note: Upgrading your video driver is a significant change to one of the most vital devices on your computer. Please follow these instructions carefully. Last Updated: January 2010 • > Training & Support 1 of 7 Topic: Video Drivers Identifying your video driver Identifying your video driver 1. Locate the My Computer icon on your computer. This is typically found on your desktop. You can also access My Computer through the Start menu. Right click on My Computer and go to Properties. or 2. This will open the System Properties menu. Go to the Hardware tab and select Device Manager. • > Training & Support 2 of 7 Topic: Video Drivers Identifying your video driver Identifying your video driver (cont.) 3. Expand the Display adapters list to reveal your video adapter. In the screen shot below, the video adapter is the NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT. Double-click on the video adapter listed. 4. Within the video driver Properties menu, go to the Driver tab. This displays important information about your video driver and the latest driver software installed. Make note of the driver name, version number and date. In the screen shot below, this information is NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT, version, November 2009. • > Training & Support 3 of 7 Topic: Video Drivers Updating your video driver Updating your video driver 1. Go to the manufacturers website and locate the download section. This may be found under “Support”, or “Drivers” or “Downloads” depending on the manufacturer. Here are some examples of typical driver download areas: Do you really need to update? If the version and date of the driver offered on the manufacturers website is the same as the version and date of your current driver, there is no need to update. • > Training & Support 4 of 7 Topic: Video Drivers Updating your video driver (cont.) Updating your video driver In many cases, especially with prebuilt computers from major manufacturers, you can go directly to your computer’s brand website to find and update your driver. Some video card manufacturers develop partnerships with computer companies and will build specific cards for certain computer models. Whenever possible, use the automatic detection option. This makes the process simpler and the choice of driver upgrades more accurate. No automatic detection? If your computer manufacturer does not offer automatic detection for updates, you may need to identify the model number (or serial number) of your computer manually. If you have a laptop, this is typically found on the bottom of your machine. For PC’s, it is found on the back of the machine. • > Training & Support 5 of 7 Topic: Video Drivers Updating your video driver Updating your video driver (cont.) 2. Once you locate the driver you need, follow the instructions on the manufacturer’s website for download. If presented with the option to “Run” versus “Save” the file, it is always better to Save. Choose a location to save the file to that will be easy to access again, like your Desktop. Once the file has finished downloading, make sure all other applications are closed and then double-click the file to run it. You will likely have the option of using an installation wizard. Follow the instructions in the wizard and keep the default selections for set-up options. When finished, you will need to restart your computer for the new driver to take effect. You are now finished updating your video driver. If you have questions, please contact ICE Support: • > Training & Support 6 of 7 © 2010 Ice Edge Business Solutions 7303 30th Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 1N6 403-450-3600 Terms and conditions For licensed users: This document may only be used under the terms of the license and services agreement from Ice Edge Business Solutions. Notice of Rights No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Ice Edge Business Solutions. • > Training & Support Notice of Liability The information in this courseware title is distributed on an ‘as is’ basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this course, neither the authors nor Ice Edge Business Solutions shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions contained in this book or by the computer software and hardware products described in it. 7 of 7