October 2013 newsletter
October 2013 newsletter
KIMBALL TOWNSHIP, 2160 Wadhams Road, Kimball, MI 48074 (810) 987-9797 Kimball Township News Issue 54 Kimball Township - WEBSITE: kimballtownship.org October 2013 KIMBALL TOWNSHIP LITTLE LEAGUE 2013 It’s that time again for all the little ghosts and goblins to show their faces. That’s right, HALLOWEEN is right around the corner and we want to make sure all your little ones will be safe while trick-or-treating. Here are a few tips for a safe Halloween: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Avoid trick-or-treating alone. Walk in groups. Wear well-fitting masks, costumes, and shoes to avoid blocked vision, trips, and falls. Fasten reflective tape to costumes and bags. Look both ways before crossing the street. Never walk near lit candles or luminaries. Have your candy checked by an adult before eating. Also, The Kimball Township Fire Department will be handing out treats and refreshments at both fire stations on Halloween night, October 31st from 5:00p.m.—9:00p.m. They will also check your child’s candy for safety reasons. ♦ ♦ Fire Station #1, 1970 Allen Road Fire Station #2, 400 Henry Street REMINDER There is no burning allowed in Kimball Township on October 30 and 31. Burn permits are required for burning leaves. You can purchase a burn permit at the Township office for $15.00. Starting the first of January, you can purchase a new burn permit for $15.00 which is good through December 2014. We would like to give a big “THANK YOU” to the following sponsors for your support of our Little League and the children in your community!!! F.O.P. Lodge #129 McDonald’s Flames Gymnastic Cargill Salt Ward Construction Dick’s Signs Kate’s Downtown Skate Port 2 Grace Performance Speedy Q Kimball Firefighters FC Simpson Lime Nature’s Living Bounty Walt’s Trucking Richard’s Construction Hammars Contracting Jody Smith Chiropractic Leverenz Family Chiropractic Our growth is showing with the new “Field of Dreams” t-ball field being in use for the first time in 2013. The improvements and expansion of our league and children is amazing with the support of the sponsors and community. It takes everyone to come together to fill the dreams of our children and we are grateful for all the support our league has received over the year. Sincerely, Kandie Morrison President Kimball Township Little League KIMBALL TOWNSHIP NEWS PAGE 2 ISSUE 54 HALLOWEEN FAMILY EMERGENCY SUPPLIES KIT Find and circle all of the words that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell an activity played on Halloween. If there is ever an emergency, your family should have a disaster kit which includes the following: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Flashlight and extra batteries. Battery operated radio and batteries. Special medications for three days. Non-electric can opener, utility knife. Shut-off wrench to turn off gas and water. First aid kit Ready to eat canned meats, fruits, and vegetables, especially for infants, elderly persons, and persons on special diets. One gallon of water per person, per day, keep at least a three day supply for each person in your family. Canned milk, juice, soups. Enough cash to last your family three days. Fresh change of clothes for your family. Blankets or sleeping bags. DON’T FORGET TO: APPLES, BATS, BLACK CAT, BROOMSTICK, CANDLE, CANDY, CEMETARY, COFFIN, COSTUME, DRACULA, FRIGHTENING, FULL MOON, GHOSTS, GHOULS, GOBLINS, GRAVEYARD, JACK-OLANTERN, MASK, MUMMY, NIGHT, PUMPKIN, SCARECROW, SCARY, SCREAM, SKELETON, SKULL, SPIDERS, TOMBSTONE, VAMPIRE, WEREWOLF, WITCHES, ZOMBIE ♦ Store your kit in a convenient place known to all family members. ♦ Change your stored water every six months so it stays fresh. ♦ Rotate you stored food every six months. ♦ Ask you physician or pharmacist about storing prescription medication. DISASTER KITS FOR PETS Answer: A pen THANKSGIVING FUN FACTS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ In the US, about 280 million turkeys are sold for the Thanksgiving celebrations. Each year, the average American eats somewhere between 16-18 pounds of turkey. Californians are the largest consumers of turkey in the United States. Although, Thanksgiving is widely considered an American holiday, it is also celebrated on the second Monday in October in Canada. Congress passed a law on December 26, 1941, ensuring that all Americans would celebrate a unified Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November every year. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Pet food/water, and bowls. Keep at least three days supply of food and water for your pets. Medicines and medical records. First Aid Kit Collar with ID tags, harness or leash. Crate or other pet carrier. Sanitation: Litter and litter box and/or newspapers, paper towel and plastic bags. A picture of you and your pet(s) together. Familiar items can reduce stress on your pet. ISSUE 54 KIMBALL TOWNSHIP NEWS NOW HIRING Kimball Township is looking to fill two openings. One is for our Fire Administrative Board and the other is for the Planning Commission. If you are interested in either of these positions, please contact Robert G. Hand, Clerk at 810-9879797, ext. 112. THANK YOU! We would like to send out a big “Thank You” to everyone who attended the Kimball Township Fall Extravaganza and to those who made it possible. We hope to see you all next year. PUZZLE SOLUTION FROM PAGE 2 The Hidden Message is: Bobbing for Apples PAGE 3 From The Desk of Supervisor Usakowski How would you like to give your thoughts and opinions to the township board on topics you care about? Well now you can. Over the next three months, Kimball Township will be hosting a series of workshops and issuing surveys to our residents on four key areas of the community. The Township Board selected the key areas after two four hour workshops, where they discussed topics they are concerned about, and issues that have been expressed to the board by Township residents. The four topic areas are: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Parks and Recreation Beautification of the Township Community Center Economic Development Four citizen driven workshops will take place on September 22. These will be idea generating workshops, and will assist in developing ideas within the four focus areas. Surveys will be generated to all residents from the workshop. Please watch your mailbox for these very important surveys. We will begin to send those out in the middle of October. Once all the information is gathered, we will put into place a plan of action on the focus areas. All the progress will be generated by your input. Please check the Township website for frequent updates. The web address is www.kimballtownship.org. We also have a Facebook page and Twitter account. Please follow us on both. If you have any questions, feel free to call the Township office at 810-987-9797. FUN TRIVIA What is the name given to a female swan? The answer is hidden somewhere in this newsletter. Last newsletter trivia question was “The name of what American tourist city means “The Meadows” in Spanish? Answer: Las Vegas. We are looking forward to your input. PAGE 4 KIMBALL TOWNSHIP NEWS Kimball Township Emergency Center DID YOU KNOW: Kimball Township Emergency Centers are there to assist residents when circumstances beyond their control occur. Excessive heat or cold weather conditions can be dangerous if you lose power or do not have air conditioning. Our Centers provide residents a safe environment to temporarily go to if needed. Centers are mobile and can be opened in a variety of locations. Books, magazines, puzzles and games are available for your use during your stay. ISSUE 54 ACCESS & FUNCTIONAL NEEDS FORM (Formally know as the Special Needs Form) The township is establishing a list of residents that would need help in the event that an emergency existed. If you live alone, are homebound, have special medical needs, are elderly and or infirm and do not have a caregiver or help in the event of an emergency or evacuation; you can register to be included on this list. Fill out the information on the reserve and mail or take it to the Township Offices. You will be contacted to see if you qualify to be included. Please Print All Information Residents with special needs or that need assistance in an emergency can fill out an “Access & Functional Needs Form” to register for the Township Assistant List. Name: ______________________________ Address: ____________________________ City:_________________ State:__________ ZIP:______ Phone #(___)_______________ Centers are available to be opened 24/7. Kimball was chosen as 1of 3 communities in St. Clair County as a “Ready Community” in 2012. Centers are staffed with a trained and dedicated team of volunteers. Special Need or Reason to be Included on List: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ For more information or to join our Center Team, contact: Pat (810) 479-2605, Beckie (586) 854-5715 or Sandy (810) 334-9243. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Helen Keller NEXT ISSUE JANUARY 2014 Postal Customer Kimball, MI 48074 Kimball Township 2160 Wadhams Road Kimball, MI 48074 Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Permit 005 Smiths Creek, MI 48074
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