Wisewomen PowerPoint Presentation - Magee


Wisewomen PowerPoint Presentation - Magee
Wisewomen Ministries/Teams:
Trained Peers Providing
Culturally Appropriate
Breast Health Education,
Support, & Navigation to
Targeted Communities
Funded by Susan G. Komen Pittsburgh
Susan G. Komen Pittsburgh
• Wisewomen Program funder
• Established in 2005
• 1 of 121 local Affiliate offices
• Serves 30 counties in PA
• First Komen Pittsburgh Race for
the Cure held in 1993
• Promises to save lives & end
breast cancer forever by
empowering people, ensuring
quality of care for all &
energizing science to find cures
Where does the money go?
Recipient of hundreds of
thousands of dollars in
donations from
individuals, corporations,
& foundations
Provides funding for
Mammogram Voucher
Programs, education &
outreach, fellowships &
scholarships, & national
2014 Large Grant Recipients
Adagio Health
Mammogram Voucher Program
Cornerstone Care, Inc.
Dancing with a Pink Ribbon Breast Health
YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh
ENCOREplus – Bilingual Breast Health Program
J.C. Blair Memorial Hospital Foundation
Breast Health Coordinator
Magee Womencare International
Wisewomen Ministries
Allegheny General Hospital
Breast Imaging Fellowship
Interdisciplinary Breast Surgical
Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC
Breast Imaging Fellowship
Interdisciplinary Breast Surgical Fellowship
Indiana Regional Medical Center
Small Choices – Big Change
UPMC Hamot
Telemedicine Caner Risk Genetic Counseling
Allied Coordinated Transportation Services
Transportation Program for Breast Health Care
Importance of the Program
• Pennsylvania has 1 of the highest breast
cancer mortality rates in the country
▫ Allegheny county & Pittsburgh have lower
levels of breast health screenings for early
▫ Exceed state average in breast cancer
• Primary focus needs be on improving socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities in
early diagnosis, morbidity, & mortality rates
Purpose of the Program
This program aims to:
1. Establish networks or “ministries” of Wisewomen in
African American and International communities to
serve as breast health resources for women and
families in need.
2. Identify barriers to breast health education and
services for African American and International
populations of Pittsburgh.
3. Increase access to culturally-appropriate breast
health education & services.
4. Provide navigation to breast health services.
5. Increase interfaith collaboration on addressing
breast health care in underserved populations.
Our Community Partners
Bethlehem Baptist
(East Liberty
Presbyterian & St.
Catherine of Siena)
5 Goals of the Program
• Create and support 6 networks/ministries of community
Wisewomen who will develop or enhance health
ministries/networks within their communities
• In partnership with the Wisewomen, create culturallyappropriate surveys that will assess barriers to accessing breast
health care services in the Wisewomen’s communities.
Wisewomen to distribute surveys.
• Deliver specialized training in breast health awareness
education and services navigation to all Wisewomen, arming
them with a specialized breast health “tool kit” with which to
educate their communities.
• Assist and support Wisewomen in implementing communitybased breast health education outreach & activities
• Interfaith collaboration between the 6 Wisewomen
ministries/networks to address breast health care.
Outcomes of the Program
• Increased awareness of breast health care in 6
underserved communities of Pittsburgh.
• Effectively address cultural & logistical barriers
to healthcare for underserved populations.
• Improved access to breast health screenings.
• Improved rates of early detection among
underserved populations.
• Lasting breast care behavioral changes.
• Interfaith collaboration in addressing breast
health for women and their families.
• Create sustainable ministries/networks that
address breast health among diverse
populations in the Greater Pittsburgh Area.
Duration of the Program
• Funded by Susan G. Komen
Pittsburgh’s large
community grant program
• Grant will run from July 1st,
2014 through June 30th,
July – October  Goal 1: Initiate 6 Wisewomen
Health Ministries/Networks
November – February  Goal 2: Barriers to Care
Created and Dispersed in
November – January  Goal 3: Specialized
Breast Health Trainings for Wisewomen
February – June  Goal 4: Wisewomen
Ministries/Networks conduct community-based
breast health education outreach & activities
March & July  Goal 5: Interfaith Collaboration –
2 meetings
• Barriers to Breast Health Care Surveys (Nov –Feb)
Each Wisewomen Ministry will survey 100 women,
20-25 women surveyed per Wisewoman.
• Community Based Breast Health Education (Feb - June)
Each Wisewomen Ministry will educate 200 women,
35-40 women educated per Wisewoman.
• Breast Health Care Services Navigation (Feb – June)
Each Wisewomen Ministry will navigate 30 women,
5-6 women navigated to services per Wisewoman.
Goal 1: Initiate Health Ministries
• Develop or enhance health ministries in 6
diverse place of worship and/or cultural
centers to deliver culturally appropriate BH
education and referral services to
underserved minority women
• Activities
• Recruit staff
• 1 ministry staff
• 4-5 Wisewomen
• Commitment meetings
• Strategic planning meeting- in June
Goal 2: Breast Health Training
• MWI, RN health educators, and community
outreach workers conduct breast health
and resource referral trainings for each
• Training Activities
▫ Module 1 Breast health education,
awareness, cancer prevention,
signs/symptoms, screenings
▫ Module 2  Resources, support, referral
Goal 3: CBPR Survey
• CBPR= Community-Based Participatory Research
• MWI, with input from Wisewomen, will develop
surveys to identify primary barriers to breast health
care; surveys will be distributed and collected by
the ministries; analyzed data generated by MWI will
be used by Wisewomen to develop culturally
appropriate breast health outreach activities;
Results from survey will be shared with other breast
health care providers and coalitions in Pittsburgh
• Activities
▫ Discuss current understandings of disparities and
develop culturally appropriate surveys
▫ Distribute, collect, analyze
Goal 4: Wisewomen Ministries’
Breast Health Outreach
• Wisewomen ministries will design and implement
breast health outreach activities that are culturally
appropriate and address barriers to breast
healthcare for targeted populations
(Nepali speaking Bhutanese community)
• Activities
▫ Implement breast health initiatives through culturallyappropriate breast health education, based on CBPR,
& provide events/activities for 1,200 women (200 per
wisewomen ministry/team)
▫ Ministries provide support & referral services for
screenings & follow-ups to180 women (30 per
Goal 5: Attendance of Interfaith
• Interfaith collaboration among 6 Wisewomen
ministries to develop cross cultural-sensitivity,
deeper understanding of shared barriers to
health care, and lessons learned initiating health
ministries and community breast health outreach
• Activities
▫ 1st meeting in March  Discussion of CBPR findings;
share successes & ideas
▫ 2nd meeting in July  Program evaluation &