August 10, 2004 NOTICE OF MEETING FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT 7TH FLOOR, WM. B. TRAVIS BUILDING, RICHMOND, TEXAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 10,2004 1:00 O'CLOCK P.M. AGENDA L Call to Order. 2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Prestage, 3, Approve minutes of regular meeting of August 3, 2004, and Budget Workshops held on July 30, August 2, and August 3, 2004, 4, Announcements and Public Comments, 5, PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1:00 P.M.: Conduct Public Hearings and take all appropriate action on the following matters: A Acceptance of the traffic control plan for Lakemont, Section 2, Pet 3. B. Acceptance of the traffic control plan for Seven Meadows, Section 9, Pet 3. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 6 - 21: 6. OUT OF STATE TRAVEL: A. Enter into record the out-of-state travel requests for elected official: Commissioner, Pet. 2: 1) Ratify change in travel dates for Commissioner Prestage to Phoenix, Arizona from July 15 through July 21, 2004, to attend the National Association of Counties Annual Conference and Exposition. (Fund: 072-4014) 2) Commissioner Prestage to Washington, D.C., September 8-16, 2004, to attend the NACO Steering Committee, CBCF Annual Legislative Conference, and NACO Large Urban County Caucus meetings. (Funds: 072-4014 and 0454014) B. Approve out-of-state travel requests for County personnel: 1) Auditor: Ratify travel by Ed Sturdivant and Lawrence Holub (MIS) to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on August 9, 2004 for software site visit and demonstration. (Fund: 042-4014) 2) Emergency Management: Cbange in travel date for Jeff Braun to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from September 11-15, 2004, to attend the Urban Area Security Initiative Conference. (Fund: 046-4014) 3) Engineering: William (Bill) Petty to Miami, Florida, September 5-11, 2004, to attend the 19tb Hazardous Materials Management Conference (NAHMMA) on Household and Small Business Waste. (Fund: 043-4014) August 10, 2004 7. COMMISSIONER, PCT. 4: Approve transfer in the amount of $3,257 from Fees and Services (074-4010) into line items as detailed on Commissioner's form dated August 4, 2004, to allocate funds for part-time assistance for the Fort Bend County Fresh Water Supply District No.2. 8. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Approve transfer in the amount of $14,819 from Sales Proceeds into Program Income line items as detailed on Auditor's form dated August 4, 2004, to amend the budget pursuant to Local Government Code §111.0706 to allocate refunds received from program participants. 9. COUNTY ATTORNEY: Approve payment by Invoice Transmittal in the amount of $2,417.57 to Lewis Realty Advisors for services provided without a purchase order related to the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway matter. (Fund: 010-0540540-4010) 10. DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Approve the Amended Resolution Concerning the Violence Against Women Prosecutor Grant and Violence Against Women Investigator Grant to include an additional sentence requested by the Criminal Justice Division. 11. ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATION: Approve transfer in the amount of $3,654 from Fees and Services into line items as detailed on Administrator's form dated August 4, 2004, to allocate additional funds resulting from overtime required during 2004 primary and runoff elections. 12. ENGINEERING: A. Approve Pay Estimate No.7 in the amount of $6,615.80 to Conrad Construction Co., Inc. for the West Bellfort improvements from SH 6 to Burney Road, Mobility Bond Project #8, Pet. 3. B. Approve payment of Invoice No. 914 in the amount of $1,644.86 to PAS Property Acquisition Services, Inc. for various Right-of-Way acquisitions in Precincts 1, 2, 3, and 4. (Fund: 042-7009) C. Approve payment of Invoice No.6 in the amount of $162,981.00 to Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc. for Diagrammatic and Environmental Assessment Study regarding Fort Bend Parkway (SH 122), Segment B, Mobility Bond Project #82, Pets. 1 and 2. D. Approve payment of Invoice No. 30707 in the amount of $900 to Contract Land Staff, Inc. for work related to the West Bellfort Feasibility Study, Pet. 4. (Fund: 010-043-0430-4010) E. Approve application from Consolidated Communications to bore under and bury cable along Fry Rd., Pet. 3. 2 August 10, 2004 F. Approve application from Verizon to bore under and bury cable along RenfrowBurford, Ivy Lane and Cypress Avenue, Pet. 1. G. Approve application from Lone Star Construction to construct a driveway tie-in onto Bluebonnet Dr., Pet. 2. H. Approve application from SBC to bury cable along Vernon Frost Rd., Pet. 3. I. Approve application from Cypress E&P Corporation to construct a driveway tiein onto Evans, Pet. 1. J. Approve release of Performance Bond #104243237 in the amount of $5,000 to Teppco Crude Pipeline, LP for proposed driveway on Fulshear Katy not to be constructed, Permit #82791, Pet. 3. K Accept the streets in Grand Lakes Phase 4, Section 1 and release bond #6124025 in the amount of $655,600.00, Pet. 3. Grand Trace Lane 1,122.78 LF South Lakebluff Circle 613.34 LF North LakebluffCircle 856.93 LF Hollow Trace Lane 45.56 LF Briar Summit Lane 515.42 LF Cloverfalls Lane 253.46 LF Bell Hollow Lane 1,438.86 LF Arrowbrook Court 184.63 LF Alder Springs Court 103.05 LF Alder Springs Lane 826.97 LF Rivermoss Lane 683.97 LF Trailstone Lane 722.65 LF ShadowcliffLane 221.51 LF TOTAL: 7,589.13 LF L. Approve the plat for Canyon Fields Drive & Reese Lake Drive STD, Pet. 3. M. Approve the plat for Teal Run, Section 17, Pet. 1. N. Approve the plat for Lost Creek, Section 1, Pet. 3. O. Approve accepting a Cashier's Check #4867127188 (as a security), in the amount of $10,000.00 from Cypress E & P Corporation for damages that may be sustained to any roads (Evans Road), while operating equipment in Fort Bend County, Pet. 1. P. Set public hearing for acceptance of the traffic control plan for Grand Lakes Phase 4, Section 1, Pet. 3. (Tuesday, September 7, 2004, at 1:00 p.m.) Q. Set public hearing for Kingsbridge Estates Partial Replat being a replat of restricted reserve "A" of Kingsbridge Estates, Pet. 3. (Tuesday, September 14, 2004, at 1:00 p.m.) 13. FORT BEND COUNTY FRESH WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO.1: The Board of Directors of the Fort Bend County Fresh Water Supply District No.1 reviewed this item at their regular meeting on June 15, 2004 and made the following recommendations to Commissioners Court: Authorize payment of Invoice No.5 in the amount of $26,328.26 to Carter Burgess, Inc. for professional services rendered through May 28, 2004. (Fund: 010-042-M03A-2000-4010) 3 August 10. 2004 14. FORT BEND COUNTY FRESH WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO.2: The Board of Directors of the Fort Bend County Fresh Water Supply District No.2 reviewed this item at their regular meeting on July 20, 2004 and made the following recommendations to Commissioners Court: Authorize payment of Invoice No. 75939 in the amount of $30,756.81 to Pate Engineers, Inc. for professional services rendered through May 25, 2004. (Fund: 010-042-M03B-2000-4010) 15. FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY: The Board of Directors of the Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority reviewed these items at their regular meeting held on July 21, 2004 and makes the following recommendations to Commissioners Court: A. Approve utility relocation agreement with DOW Pipeline Company in an amount not to exceed $463,758 for the Westpark Corridor Project. B. Approve Change Order Number 2 for a 60-day time extension to contract AOOI with W.W. Webber, Inc. for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. C. Approve Change Order Numbers 2, 3, 4 (for a 60-day time extension) and 5 to contract A023 with W.W. Webber, Inc. for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. D. Approve Change Order Number 3 for a 90-day time extension to contract A045 with W.W. Webber, Inc. for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. E. Approve Change Order Number 1 with Jerdon Enterprise, L.P. in the amount of $9,758.76 for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. F. Approve Change Order Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 to contract with SpawGlass Civil Construction, Inc. for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. 16. FORT BEND FLOOD CONTROL WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION: The Board of Directors of the Fort Bend Flood Control Water Supply Corporation reviewed these items at their regular meeting on July 28, 2004, and made the following recommendation to Commissioners Court: Authorize payment for work performed by consultants and/or contractors listed on Board Report dated July 28, 2004, for an amount totaling $61,105.38 for Big Creek. (Fund: 265-006-4010) 17. HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES: A. Accept grant funds in the amount of $25,000 from the Texas Engineering Extension Service for FY 2004 Citizens CORPS Program (CERT) for use through September 30, 2005. B. Accept grant funds in the amount of $37,998 from the Department of State Health Services (formerly Texas Department of Health) for FY 2005 Triple 000 Grant Amendment, for use through August 31, 2005. 4 August 10, 2004 18. HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES - ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: A. Approve Interlocal Agreement between .Fort Bend County and Houston Galveston Area Council to accept grant funding in the amount of $80,657 for local enforcement of solid waste implementation program for the term of September 1, 2004 through July 31,2005. B. Approve transfer in the amount of $6,800 from IT Hardware Purchases (010-0310312-1400-1012) into Capital Property & Equipment (010-031-0312-1400-1011) to allocate funds for purchase of equipment into proper line item. C. Approve transfer in the amount of $16,300 from Property and Equipment (010031-G04A-1400-1010) into Capital Property & Equipment (010-031-G04A-14001011) to allocate funds for purchase of equipment into proper line item. 19. LIBRARY: Approve final payment by Invoice Transmittal in the amount of $8,220.22 to Reliant Energy for electric utility services provided to the Cinco Ranch Branch Library from July 2 through July 27, 2004. (Fund: 010-030-2000) 20. SHERIFF'S OFFICE: A. Approve payment by Invoice Transmittal in the amount of $18.78 to Corporate Exchange Limited for replacement keys made without a purchase order. (Fund: 151-027-2703-3000) B. Approve transfer in the amount of $3,250 from Detention Communications Equipment (010-027-0271-6026) into IT Hardware (010-027-0271-1012) $3,000 and Software (010-027-0271-3040) $250 to allocate funds for purchase of computer equipment and software to attach to the new T-lline in the jail. C. Approve transfer in the amount of $2,112 from State Reimbursement (010-027G04C-STAT) into line items as detailed on Auditor's form dated August 4, 2004, to amend the budget pursuant to Local Government Code §111.0706 for additional reimbursement received on the Statewide Tobacco Education and Prevention (STEP) grant received from Southwest Texas State University, to be administered by the Sheriff's Office. 21. TAX ASSESSORlCOLLECTOR: A. Approve refunds over $500 as detailed on reports by Tax Assessor/Collector dated August 3, 2004, for an amount totaling $1,686.02. B. Approve transfer in the amount of $1,697 from Office Supplies (010-003-00301062) into IT Hardware (010-003-0030-1012) $1,465 and IT Software (010-0030030-3040) $232 to allocate funds for purchase of computer equipment and software for the Automobile Department in Richmond office. 5 August 10, 2004 22. COUNTY JUDGE: A. Take all appropriate action on Interlocal Agreement between Fort Bend County and Houston-Galveston Area Council for Regional Emergency/Trauma Care Planning and Coordinating Program in the amount of $3,000, for the term of January I-September 30,2005, (Fund FY 2005: 045-4010) B. Take all appropriate action on Resolution in support of Fort Bend County's project submittal to the 2006-2008 Transportation Improvement Program for the HoustonGalveston Area Council, and authorize application by the County for grant funds for the 5307 Program. C. Take all appropriate action to adopt a Resolution in support of Community Mental Health Mental Retardation Centers in the State of Texas. D. Take all appropriate action to expand the Fort Bend County Mobility Planning Committee by five members, each of which will be appointed by one member of the Commissioners Court. E. Take all appropriate action to appoint Dennis Parmer to the Fort Bend County Mobility Planning Committee by Judge Hebert, and other appointees by Commissioners. F. Take all appropriate action on Order to Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority establishing the toll rate schedule for the Fort Bend Parkway. G. Take all appropriate action to adopt the Resolution, Certificate of Resolution, and General Certificate of Governing Body Approving the Fort Bend County Housing Finance Corporation Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2004. 23. COMMISSIONER, PCT. 2: A. Take all appropriate action on request by Doris G. Henson to waive penalty and interest in the amount of $326.07 on property taxes for Account No. 4300-00-0040500-910 for tax year 2003, Pet. 2. B. Take all appropriate action on request by Marvin Schulman to waive penalty and interest in the amount of $79.69 on property taxes for Account No. 2775-00-002-0260910 for tax year 2003, Pet. 2. 24. AUDITOR: Take all appropriate action to approve the Engagement Letter to Sandersen Knox & Belt LLP to perform audit of Fort Bend County FY 2004 financial statements. (Fund: 045) 25. COUNTY ATTORNEY: Take all appropriate action on request to transfer the amount of $81,313 from Non-Departmental Contingency (045-4040) into County Attorney, Fees and Services (054-4010) to allocate funds for final payment of outside legal fees for Cause No. 17.181, as authorized by Commissioners Court on August 3, 2004. 6 August 10, 2004 26. DISTRICT CLERK: Take all appropriate action on request to transfer the amount of $28,060 as detailed on District Clerk's form dated August 4, 2004, to allocate funds into Overtime and Part-Time line items due to increased work load through September 30, 2004. 27. ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATION: A. Take all appropriate action to authorize pay rates for various categories of election workers as presented by Elections Administrator to become effective October 1,2004. B. Take all appropriate action on request to relocate county early voting site from Arcola City Hall to Hightower High School. C. Take all appropriate action to approve early voting locations and schedule as presented by Elections Administrator for the November 2, 2004 general election. 28. ENGINEERING: A. Take all appropriate action to accept the easement from Cinco Ranch Residential Property Association, Inc. (the "Association") to Fort Bend County, Texas for the construction of a noise wall by the Texas Department of Transportation along Texas FM 1093 at no expense to the County, Pct. 3. B. Take all appropriate action to approve the Advanced Funding Agreement between Fort Bend County and Texas Department of Transportation to perform preliminary engineering/environmental analysis regarding FM 723: north of Brazos River to FM 1093, for amount not to exceed $150,000, Mobility Bond Project #54, Pcts. 1 and 3. C. Take all appropriate action on the proposal to Fort Bend County by Traffic Engineers for traffic study for State Highway 36 at proposed Fairgrounds Boulevard, as required by Texas Department of Transportation, Pct. 1, and determine funding source. 29. HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES: Take all appropriate action to ratify preliminary application for FY 2005 Bioterrorism Preparedness Grant. 30. PURCHASING: Take all appropriate action to consider granting an exemption to the competitive bid process as authorized by Local Government Code §262.024(a)(7) fir the purchase of an item(s) available from a single source for the following: A. Agreement between Fort Bend County and VOTEC Corporation for an amount not to exceed $33,949 for software maintenance and support. (Funding: Elections 4010) B. Ambulance module remount from Frazer, LTD for an amount not to exceed $32,410. (Funding: EMS 1010 $10,895 and 4010 $21,515) C. Sublicense Agreement between Fort Bend County and EMSystem for an amount not to exceed $26,179. (Funding: HHS G04A-4010) 31. TREASURER: Take all appropriate action on request to transfer the amount of $28,000 from Non Departmental Contingency (045-4040) into Treasurer, Fees and Services (0064010) to allocate additional funds for services provided to the County by Southern National Bank through September 30, 2004. 32. Approve Bills. 7 August 10, 2004 33. Authorize County Auditor to pay and release time-sensitive bills on August 19,2004, to be ratified by Commissioners Court on August 24, 2004. 34. Meet in Closed Session to deliberate the following matters as authorized by the Texas Government Code: § 551.074. Personnel Matters. Commissioners Court will meet in Closed Session to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. County Librarian. 35. Reconvene Open Session and consider taking action on the following matters: § 551.074. Personnel Matters. County Librarian. 36. Adjournment. In the event any of the foregoing items are not covered in the time allocated on the date of this :r.:::.<ho Om,,,, m,y moo, ,omi""~"1m <h'"~ Robert E. i. oomp1""" 00 ebert, County Judge Notice of meeting/agenda posted at William B. Travis Building, Courthouse & Jane Long Annex, Richmond, Texas on Friday, August 6, 2004, by _---'!l"!1~~"___'~~~~----. ~ O~'" . ~OTICE Policy of Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Disability Fort Bend County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. ADA Coordinator, Risk/Management Insurance Dept., Fort Bend County-Rosenberg Annex, 4520 Reading Rd., Rosenberg, Texas 77471, phone 281-341-8618 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice regulations.'" Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA coordinator. NOTICE The County Commissioners Court of Fort Bend County reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations about Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations about Security Devices) and 551.086 (Economic Development). FILED FOR RECORD A.M. NO__ TIME~ AUG 062004 ~fJ-~ County Clerk Fort Bend Co. Tex. 8 August 10, 2004 NOTICE OF MEETING FORT BEND COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT - BOARD OF DIRECTORS 7TH FLOOR, WM. B. TRAVIS BUILDING, RICHMOND, TEXAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 10,2004 1:00 O'CLOCK P.M. AGENDA 1. Call to Order. 2. Accept Monthly Report for June, 2004. 3. Take all appropriate action on Engagement Letter to Sandersen Knox & Belt to perform audit of the Fort Bend County Drainage District 2004 financial statement. (Fund: 151) 4. Adjournment. In the event any of the foregoing items are not covered in the time allocated on the date of this agenda, the County may order a continuance for the next day until the discussion is completed on all items. .ohmE (b~----- Notice of meeting/agenda posted at William B. Travis B,lIilding, Courthouse & Jane Long Annex, Richmond, Texas on Friday, August 6, 2004, by -~~~'=--='-"1'''''''=>'~----' tJbrrvVt..A. O~", NOTICE Policy or Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Disability Fort Bend County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. ADA Coordinator, Risk/Management Insurance Dept., Fort Bend County-Rosenberg Annex, 4520 Reading Rd., Rosenberg 77471, phone 281-341-8618 has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice regulations.* Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA coordinator. NOTICE The County Commissioners Court of Fort Bend County reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations about Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations about Security Devices) and 551.086 (Economic Development). FILEDFORRECORD A.M NO_TIME_~~ AUG 0 6 2004 ~/tJw.,/ County Clerk rort Bene 9 (,C. Ie •. APPROVAL OF MINUTES COMMISSIONERS COURT FORT BEND COUNTY I, Dr. Dianne Wilson, duly elected County Clerk and Clerk or Court, Fort Bend County, Texas do hereby submit the OMclal Minutes or Commissionen Court held on the day or August th 10 , 2004. _---:...!~:....--- DIANNE WILSON Ph.D., COUNTY CLERK N_·_......m~1:oJ :·...... _ofC_~_ , by Commissioner duly put and carried, it is ordered to accept as presented ror record the attached minutes approved on this the August 24th , 2004. ROBERT E. HEB RT, COUNTY JUDGE ll00mmleem.doc day or ... August 10,2004 Approved MINUTES BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this I Oth DAY of AUGUST, 2004, Commissioners Court of Fort Bend County, Texas, met at a regular meeting with the following present: ROBERT E. HEBERT COUNTY JUDGE TOMD. STAVINOHA COMMISSIONER PRECINCT I GRADY PRESTAGE COMMISSIONER PRECINCT 2 ANDY MEYERS COMMISSIONER PRECINCT 3 JAMES PATIERSON COMMISSIONER PRECINCT 4 DIANNE WILSON COUNTY CLERK When the following were heard and the following orders were passed: 1. Call to Order. Call to Order at I :00 p.m. by Judge Hebert. 2. Invocation and Pledge or Allegiance by Commissioner Prestage. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Prestage. 3. Approve minntes of regnlar meeting or Angnst 3, 2004, and Bndget Workshops 30, Angost 2, and Angnst 3, 2004. held on Jnly Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Patterson, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to approve minutes of regular meeting of August 3, 2004, and Budget Workshops held on July 30, August 2, and August 3, 2004. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage 4. Annonneements yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes and Publle Comments. Rodrigo Carreon addressed 27B&C. James Early opposes high taxes and burden on property owners. Judge Hebert read a proclamation into the minutes which he will present personally to the B Company, 4th Battalion, 112th Armory of the Texas National Guard on August 17 proclaiming the week of August 17,2004 - Texas National Guard Week. August 10,2004 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1:00 P.M.: Conduct Public Hearings lmd take all appropriate action on the following matters: A. Acceptance of the tramc control plan for Lakemont, Section 2, Pct. 3. B. Aeeeptance of the traffic control plan for Seven Meadows, Section 9, Pet. 3. Public hearings held on items 5A&B. No public comments. Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Patterson, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to approve items 5A&B. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 6 - 21: 6. OUT OF STATE TRAVEL: A. Enter into record the ont-of-state travel reqnests for elected oflleial: Commissioner. Pet. 2: 1) Ratify change in travel dates for Commissioner Prestage to Phoeois, Arizona from July 15 through July 21, 2004, to attend the Natlolllll Association of Counties Annual Conference and Exposition. (Fund: 072-4014) 2) Commissioner Prestage to Washington, D.C., September 8-16, 2004, to attend the NACO Steering Committee, CBCF Annual Legislative Conference, alld NACO Large Urban County Caucus meetings. (Funds: 072-4014 and 045-4014) B. Approve out-of-state travel requests for County personnel: 1) Auditor: Ratify travel by Ed Sturdivant and Lawrence Holub (MIS) to OIdahoma City, Oklahoma on August 9, 2004 for software site visit and demonstration. (Fund: 042-4014) 2) EmergenCY Management: Change in travel date for Jeff' Braun to Milwaukee, Wlseoosin, from September 11-15,2004, to attend the Urban Area Security Initiative Conference. (Fund: 046-4014) 3) Engineering: WiUlam (Bill) Petty to Miami, Florida, September 5-11, 2004, to attelld the 19th Hazardous Materlals Management Conference (NABMMA) on Household and Small Business Waste. (Fund: 043-4014) 7. COMMISSIONER. PCT. 4: Approve transfer in the amount of $3,257 from Fees and Services (074-4010) into line items as detailed on Commissioner's form dated August 4, 2004, to aIIoeate fonds for part-time assistanee for the Fort Bend County Fresh Water Supply Distriet No.2. 8. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Approve transfer in the amount of $14.819 from Sales Proceeds into Program Income line items as detailed 00 Auditor's form dated Augast 4, 2004, to amend the budget porsuot to Local Government Code §111.0706 to allocate refuuds reeeived from program participants. 9. COUNTY ATTORNEY: Approve paymeot by Invoiee Trausmlttal in the amouot of Sl,417.57 to Lewis Realty Advisors for serviees provided without a purchase order related to the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway matter. (Fund: 0Ill-054-0540-4010) 2 August 10,2004 10. DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Approve the Amended Resoludon Coneerning the Violence AgaInst Women Prosecutor Grant and Violence Against Women Invesdgator Grant to include an addidonal sentence requested by the Criminal Justice Division. 11. ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATION: Approve transfer in the amount of 53,654 from Fees and Services into Une items as detailed on Administrator's form dated August 4, 2004, to allocate addidonal tUnds resuldng from overdme required during 2004 primary and ruDOfl' elecdons. 12. ENGINEERING: A. Approve Pay Esdmate No.7 in the amount of $6,615.80 to Conrad Construction Co., Inc. for the West BeMort improvements from SH 6 to Burney Road, Mobillty Dond Project 118,Pct. 3. B. Approve payment of Invoice No. 914 in the amount of 51,644.86 to PAS Property Acquisidon Services, Inc. for various Right-of-Way acquisidons in Precincts 1, 2, 3, and 4. (Fund: 042-7009) C. Approve payment of Invoice No. 6 in the amount of 5162,981.00 to Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc. for Diagrammatie and Environmental Assessment Study regarding Fort Bend Parkway (SH 122), Segment B, MobiUty Dond Project 1182,Pets. 1 and 2. D. Approve payment of Invoke No. 30707 in the amount of 5900 to Contrad Land Stall', Inc. for work related to the West BeUfort Feasibility Study, Pct. 4. (Fund: 0ICl-043-0430-4010) E. Approve applicadon from Consolidated Communlcadons to bore under and bury cable along Fry Rd., Pet. 3. F. Approve application from Verizon to bore under and bury cable along Renfrow-Burford, Ivy Lane and Cypress Avenue, Pct. 1. G. Approve applicadon from Lone Star Construction to construct a driveway de-in onto Bluebonnet Dr., Pet. 2. H. Approve applicadon from SBC to bury cable along Vernoa Frost Rd., Pct. 3. I. Approve applicadon from Cypress E&P Corporadon to construd a driveway de-in onto Evans, Pct. 1. J. Approve release of Perform&uce Doad #104243237 in the amount of 55,000 to Teppco Crude PipeUne, LP for proposed driveway on Fnlshear Katy not to be coastruded, Permit 1182791,Pet. 3. K. Aecept the streets In Grand Lakes Phase 4, Secdon 1 and release bond #6124025 in the amount of $655,600.00, Pct. 3. Grand Trace Lane 1,IU.78 LF South Lakeblnfl' Circle 613.34 LF North Lakeblufl'Cirele 856.93 LF Hollow Trace Lane 45.56 LF Briar Summit Lane 515.42 LF Cloverfalls Lane 253.46 LF BeDHollow Lane 1,438.86 LF Arrowbrook Court 184.63 LF Alder Springs Court 103.05 LF Alder Springs Lane 826.97 LF R1vermoss Lane 683.97 LF TraUstone Lane 7U.65 LF ShadowcUfl'Lane Ul,51 LF TOTAL: 7,589.13 LF 3 August 10,2004 Item 12 continued - Engineering; L. Approve the plat for Canyon Fields Drive 81: Reese Lake Drive STD, Pct. 3. M. Approve the plat for Teal RUB,SectiOB17, Pct. 1. N. Approve the plat for Lost Creek, Section 1, Pet. 3. O. Approve acceptiBg a ClIShier's Check #4867127188 (lIS a security), in the lIDIOuutof 510,000.00 from Cypress E 81: P Corporation for damages that may be sastained to any roads (EvaBSRoad), whUe operatiug equipment in Fort Bend Couuty, Pet. 1. P. Set public hearing for acceptance of the traftie control plan for Grand Lakes Phase 4, Section I, Pet. 3. (Tuesday, September 7, 2004, at 1:00 p.m.) Q. Set public bearing for Kingsbridge Estates Partial Replat being a replat of restricted reserve "A" of Kings bridge Estates, Pet. 3. (Tuesday, September 14,2004, at 1:00 p.m.) 13. FORT BEND COUNTY FRESH WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO.1: The Board of Directors of the Fort Bend County Fresh Water Supply District No. 1 reviewed this item at their regular meeting on Juue 15, 2004 and made the foUowiRg recommendatious to CommissioBel'll Court: Authorize payment of Invoice No. 5 in the lIDIount of 526,328.26 to Carter Burgess, Inc. for professional services rendered through May 28, 2004. (Fund: 010042-M03A-2000-4010) 14. FORT BEND COUNTY FRESH WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO.2: The Board of Directors of the Fort Bend County Fresh Water Supply District No.2 reviewed this item at their regular meeting on July 20, 2004 and made the foUowing recommeudatious to Commissionel'll Court: Authorize payment of Invoice No. 75939 in the amount of530,756.81 to Pate Engineers, Inc. for professional services rendered throngh May 25, 2004. (Fnnd: 010042-M03B-2000-4010) 15. FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY: The Board of Directors of the Fort Bend Connty Toll Road Authority reviewed these items at their regular meetiug held on July 21,2004 and makes the foUowing recommendatioas to Commissioners Court: A. Approve utiDty relocation agreement witll now Pipeline Company in an amonnt not to exceed $463,758 for the Westpark Corridor Project. B. Approve ChaBge Order Number 2 for a 6O-day time exteasioB to contract AOOIwith W.W. Webber, Ine. for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. C. Approve Chauge Order Numbel'll 2, 3, 4 (for a 6O-day time exteosiou) and 5 to contract A023 with W.W. Webber, Ine. for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. D. Approve Change Order Number 3 for a 9O-day time exteasion to contract A045 with W.W. Webber, InCofor the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. E. Approve Change Order Number 1 with Jerdon Enterprise, L.P. in the lIDIount of 59,758.76 for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. F. Approve Chauge Order Numbers I, 2, 3, and 4 to contract with SpawGlass CivU Construetion, InCofor the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. 16. FORT BEND FLOOD CONTROL WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION: The Board of Directors of the Fort Bend Flood Control Water Supply Corporation reviewed these items at their regular meeting on July 28, 2004, and made tile foUowing recommendation to Commissionel'll Court: Authorize payment for work performed by cousnltants and/or contractors listed on Board Report dated July 28, 2004, for an amount totaling 561,105.38 for Big Creek. (Fund: 265-006-4010) 4 August 10. 2004 17. HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES: A. Accept grant funds in tbe amount of $15,000 from tbe Texas Engineering Extension Serviee for FY 2004 Citizens CORPS Program (CERT) for use tbrougb September 30, 2005. B. Accept grant funds in the amount of 537,998 from the Department of State Healtb Services (formerly Texas Department of Healtb) for FY 2005 Triple 000 Grant Amendment, for use tbrougb August 31, 2005. 18. HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES - ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: A. Approve Interlocal Agreement between Fort Bend County and Houston Galveston Area CouncD to accept grant funding in tbe amount of $80,657 for local enforcement of solid wll8te implementation program for tbe term of September 1,2004 through July 31, 2005. B. Approve transfer In tbe amount of $6,800 from IT Hardware Purchases (010-031-03121400-1012) into Capital Property & Equipment (010-031-0312.1400-1011) to aUocate fnnds for purcbase of equipment into proper line item. C. Approve trausfer in tbe amount of $16,300 from Property and Equipment (010-031G04A.I400-1010) Into Capital Property & Eqnipment (010-031-G04A.I400-1011) to allocate funds for purcbase of equipment into proper line item. 19. LffiRARY: Approve final payment by Invoice Transmittal in the amount of $8,220.22 to Reliant Energy for electric utility services provided to tbe Cinco Rancb Brancb Library from July 2 tbrougb Jnly 27, 2004. (Fund: 010-030-2000) 20. SHERIFF'S OFFICE: A. Approve payment by Invoice Transmittal In tbe amount of $18.78 to Corporate Exchange Limited for replacement keys made witbout a purchase order. (Fnnd: 151-027·27033000) B. Approve transfer In the amount of 53,250 from Detention Communications Equipment (010-027-6271-6026) Into IT Hardware (010-027-0271-1012) 53,000 and Software (010027-0271-3040) $250 to allocate funds for purcbase of computer equipment and software to attacb to tbe new T-1 line In tbe jalL C. Approve transfer in tbe amonnt of $1,112 from State Reimbursement (010-027-G04CSTAT) Into line items as detailed on Auditor's form dated August 4, 2004, to amend tbe budget punuant to Local Government Code §111.0706 for additional reimbursement received on tbe Statewide Tobacco Education and Prevention (STEP) grant received from Sontbwest Texas State Unlvenlty, to be administered by tbe Sberiff's Oftlee. 21. TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR: A. Approve refunds over $500 as detaDed on reports by Tax Assessor/CoUeetor dated August 3, 2004, for an amonnt totaling $1,686.02. B. Approve transfer In the amount of $1,697 from 0fIIee Supplies (010-003-0030-1062) Into IT Hardware (010-003-0030-1012) $1,465 and IT Software (010-003-0030-3040) $232 to allocate funds for purchase of computer equipment and software for tbe Automobile Department in Ricbmond oftiee. Moved by Commissioner Meyers. Seconded by Commissioner Stavinoha, duly put and unanimously carried (5.0), it is ordered to approve consent agenda items 6-21. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes yes 5 yes yes August 10.2004 22. COUNTY JUDGE: A. Take aU appropriate al:don on InterlOl:8l Agreement between Fort Bend County and Houston-Galveston Area Counl:ll for Regional Emergen\:yfI'rauma Care Planning and Coordinating Program in the amount of $3,000, for the term of January I-September 30, 200s. (Fund FY 200s: 045-4010) Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Patterson, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to approve Interlocal Agreement between Fort Bend County and Houston-Galveston Area Council for Regional Emergencyfl'rauma Care Planning and Coordinating Program in the amount of $3,000, for the term of January I-SePtember 30, 2005. (Fund FY 2005: 045-4010) Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes B. Take aD appropriate Kdon on Resoludon iD support of Fort Bend County's projed submittal to the 2006-2008 Transportadon Improvement Program for the HoustonGalveston Area ConKD, and authorize applkadon by the County for grant funds for the 5307 Program. Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Patterson. duly unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to approve Resolution in support of Fort Bend project submittal to the 2006-2008 Transportation Improvement Program for the Galveston Area Council, and authorize application by the County for grant funds for Program. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson put and County's Houstonthe 5307 yes yes C. Take all appropriate 8I:don to adopt a Resoludon iu support of Community Mental Health Mental Retardadon Centers in the State of Texas. Moved by Commissioner Patterson, Seconded by Commissioner Stavinoha, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to adopt a Resolution in support of Community Mental Health Mental Retardation Centers in the State of Texas as presented by J.C. Whitten, Texana MHMR Board Member. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson 6 yes yes August 10.2004 Item 21 continued - County Judge; D. Take all appropriate action to expand the Fort Bend County Mobility Planning Committee by five members, eacb of wbich wiD be appointed by ODe member of the Commissioners Court. Moved by Commissioner Patterson, Seconded by Commissioner Meyers, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to expand the Fort Bend County Mobility Planning Committee by five members, each of which will be appointed by one member of the Commissioners Court. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes yes yes yes E. Take all appropriate action to appoint Dennis Parmer to the Fort Bend County Mobility Planning Committee by Judge Hebert, and other appointees by Commissioners. Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Patterson, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to appoint Dennis Parmer to the Fort Bend County Mobility Planning Committee by Judge Hebert and other appointees by Commissioners. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes F. Take all appropriate action on Order to Fort Bend County ToO Road Authority establishing the toll rate schedule for the Fort Bend Parkway. Judge Hebert reported his findings regarding the ability of school buses to use EZ TAG. G. Take all appropriate action to adopt the Resolution, Certificate of Resolution. and General Certificate of Governiug Body Approving the Fort Bend Couuty Honsing Finance Corporation Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2004. Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Patterson, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to adopt the Resolution, Certificate of Resolution, and General Certificate of Governing Body Approving the Fort Bend County Housing Finance Corporation Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2004 (no fmancial liability to the county). Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson 7 yes yes August 10, 2004 23. COMMISSIONER, PCT. 2: A. Take all appropriate aetion on request by Doris G. Henson to waive penalty and interest in the amount of 5326.07 on property taxes for Account No. 4300-0D-004-0S00-910 for tax year 2003, Pet. 2. Postpone until August 24. B. Take aU appropriate aedon on request by Marvin SebulmaR to waive penalty aRd interest in tbe amount of $79.69 on property taxes for ACCoRntNo. 2775-00-002-9260-910 for tax year 2003, Pet. 2. Moved by Commissioner Prestage, Seconded by Commissioner Stavinoha, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to approve request by Marvin Schulman to waive penalty and interest in the amount of $79.69 on property taxes for Account No. 2775-00-002-0260-910 for tax year 2003. Pet. 2. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage 24. yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes AUDITOR: Take all appropriate aedon to approve the Engagement Letter to Sandenen Knox & Belt LLP to perform audit of Fort Bend County FY 2004 financlal statemenu. (Fund: 045) Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Patterson, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to approve the Engagement Letter to Sandersen Knox & Belt LLP to perform audit of Fort Bend County FY 2004 financial statements. (Fund: 045). Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage 25. yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes COUNTY ATTORNEY: Take aU appropriate aetIon on reqnest to transfer the amount of $81,313 from Non-Departmental CORtingeney (045-4040) into County Attorney, Fees and Serviees (054-4010) to allocate fURds for final payment of ouulde legal fees for Cause No. 17.181, as authorized by Commissioners Court on August 3, 2004. Moved by Commissioner Stavinoha, Seconded by Commissioner Meyers, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to approve request to transfer the amount of $81,313 from Non-Departmental Contingeney (045-4040) into County Attorney, Fees and Services (054-4010) to allocate funds for final payment of outside legal fees for Cause No. 17.181, as authorized by Commissioners Court on August 3, 2004. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes 8 yes yes August 10, 2004 26. DISTRICT CLERK: Take all appropriate action on request to transfer the amouut of $28,060 as detailed on Dlstriet Clerk's form dated August 4, 2004, to allocate funds into Overtime and Part-Time line items due to increased work load through September 30, 2004. Moved by Commissioner Patterson, Seconded by Commissioner Stavinoha, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to approve request to transfer the amount of $16,755 from District Clerk Budget and $11,305 from Contingency to allocate funds into Overtime and PartTime line items due to increased work load through September 30, 2004. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage 27. yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATION: A. Take an appropriate workers as presented aetlon to authorize pay rates for various categories of election by Elections Administrator to become effective October I, 2004. Moved by Commissioner Stavinoha, Seconded by Commissioner Patterson, duly put and carried (3-0.2), it is ordered to authorize pay rates for various categories of election workers as presented by Elections Administrator to become effective October I, 2004. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes abstain yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson abstain yes B. Take all appropriate action on reqnest to re10eate county eariy voting site from Areola City Hall to mghtower mgh Sehool. Moved by Commissioner Stavinoha, Seconded by Commissioner Meyers, duly put and carried (4-1), it is ordered to approve request to relocate county early voting site from Arcola City Hall to Hightower High School. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes no Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes C. Take all appropriate aetlon to approve early voting locations and sehedule as presented by Elections Administrator for the November 2, 2004 general election. Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Stavinoha, duly put and carried (4-1), it is ordered to approve early voting locations and schedule as presented by Elections Administrator for the November 2, 2004 general election. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes no Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson 9 yes yes August 10.2004 28. ENGINEERING: A. Take aU appropriate action to ac:c:ept the easement from Cinco Ranch Residential Property A8s0c:iation, Inc. (the "A8soc:iation") to Fort Bend County, Texas for the construction of a noise waD by the Texas Department of Transportation along Teus FM 1093 at no expense to the County, Pet. 3. Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Patterson, duly put and unanimously carried (S-O), it is ordered to accept the easement from Cinco Ranch Residential Property Association, Inc. (the "Association") to Fort Bend County, Texas for the construction of a noise wall by the Texas Department of Transportation along Texas FM 1093 at no expense to the County, Pet. 3. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes yes yes yes B. Take aU appropriate action to approve the Advanced Funding Agreement between Fort Bend County and Texas Department of Transportation to perform preliminary engineering/environmental analysis regarding FM 723: north of Brazos River to FM 1093, for amount not to exceed 5150,000, MoblUty Bond Project #54, Pets. 1 and 3. Moved by Commissioner Stavinoha, Seconded by Commissioner Meyers, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to approve the Advanced Funding Agreement between Fort Bend County and Texas Department of Transportation to perform preliminary engineering/environmental analysis regarding FM 723: north of Brazos River to PM 1093, for amount not to exceed SISO,ooO, Mobility Bond Project #54, Pets. 1 and 3. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes C. Take aU appropriate aetlon on the proposal to Fort Bend County by Trame Engineers for trame study for State Highway 36 at proposed Fairgrounds Boulevard, as required by Texas Department of Transportation, Pet. 1, and determine funding source. Moved by Commissioner Stavinoha, Seconded by Commissioner Prestage, duly put and unanimously carried (S"(), it is ordered to accept the proposal to Fort Bend County by Traffic Engineers for traffic stody for State Highway 36 at proposed Fairgrounds Boulevard, as required by Texas Department of Transportation, Pet. I. (Funding: 010-04S-0456-1200-4010) Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson 10 yes yes August 10.1004 29. HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES: Take all appropriate applleatioD for FY 100s Bioterrorism PreparedDess GraDt. actioD to ratify prelimlDary Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Patterson, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to ratifY preliminary application for FY 2005 Bioterrorism Preparedness Grant. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage 30. yes yes yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson PURCHASING: Take all appropriate actiOD to consider grantiDg aD esemptioD to the competitive hid process as aDthorized by Local GovernmeDt Code §161.O:Z4(a)(7) fir the purchase of aD ltem(s) available from a slDgle source for the followiDg: A. AgreemeDt betweeD Fort BeDd COUDty and VOTEC CorporatioD for aD amouDt Dot to exceed 533,949 for software malDtenaDce aDd support. (FuDding: Elections 4010) Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Patterson, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to grant an exemption to the competitive bid process as authorized by Local Government Code §262.024(aX7) and approve Agreement between Fort Bend County and VOTEC Corporation for an amount not to exceed $33,949 for software maintenance and support. (Funding: Elections 4010) Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes B. AmbulaDce module remouDt from Frazer, LTD for an amount Dot to exceed 531,410. (FundiDg: EMS 1010510,895 aDd 4010 511,515) Moved by Commissioner Patterson, Seconded by Commissioner Meyers, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to grant an exemption to the competitive bid process as authorized by Local Government Code §262.024(aX7) for the purchase of an ambulance module remount from Frazer, LTD for an amount not to exceed $32,410. (Funding: EMS 1010 $10,895 and 4010 $21,515) Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes yes C. SUbUceDse Agreement between Fort BeDd COUDty aDd EMSystem exceed $26,179. (FuDdiDg: HHS G04A-4010) for au amount Dot to Moved by Commissioner Stavinoha, Seconded by Commissioner Prestage, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to grant an exemption to the competitive bid process as authorized by Local Government Code §262.024(aX7) and renew Sublicense Agreement between Fort Bend County and EMSystem for an amount not to exceed $26,179. (Funding: HHS G04A4010) Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson II yes yes August 10, 2004 31. TREASURER: Take all appropriate action on request to transfer the amount of $28,000 from Non Departmental Contingeney (045-4040) into Treasurer, Fees and Services (0064010) to allocate additional funds for services provided to the County by Southern National Bank through September 30, 2004. Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Patterson, duly out and unanimously carried (5.0), it is ordered to approve request to transfer the amount of 528,000 from Non Departmental Contingency (045-4040) into Treasurer, Fees and Services (006-4010) to allocate additional funds for services provided to the County by Southern National Bank through September 30. 2004. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage 32. Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes yes yes yes Approve Bills. Moved by Commissioner Stavinoha, Seconded by Commissioner Prestage, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to approve bills in the amount ofSl,605,672.70. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage 33. yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson Authorize County Auditor to pay and release time-setlSltive ratified by Commissioners Court on August 24, 2004. yes yes bills on August 19, 2004, to be Moved by Commissioner Stavinoha, Seconded by Commissioner Prestage, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to authorize County Auditor to pay and release timesensitive bills on August 19, 2004, to be ratified by Commissioners Court on August 24, 2004. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes Recess. Recessed at 1:44 p.m. 34. Meet in Closed Session to deliberate the following matters as autborlzed by the Texas Government Code: § 551.074. Personnel Matters. Commissioners Conrt will meet In Closed Session to deliberate tbe appointment, employment, evaluation, reassigument, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public oftleer or employee; or to bear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. County Librarian. Closed Session. Convened at 2:00 p.m. Adjourned at 2:43 p.m. 12 August 10,2004 Reconvene. Reconvened at 2:45 p.m. 35. Reeonvene Open Session and consider taking action on the following matters: § 551.074. Personaei Matters. County Librarian. Completed annual perfonnance review of County Librarian. 36. Adjournment. Commissioners Court adjourned at 2:45 p.m. on Tuesday, August II, 2004. 13 August 10. 2004 DRAINAGE DISTRICT BOARD MINUTES BE IT REMEMBERED. That on this 10th day of AUGUST, 2004, The Drainage District Board ofFort Bend County, Texas, met at a scheduled meeting with the following present: ROBERT E. HEBERT COUNTY JUDGE TOMD. STAVINOHA COMMISSIONER PRECINCT # 1 GRADY PRESTAGE COMMISSIONER PRECINCT #2 ANDY MEYERS COMMISSIONER PRECINCT #3 JAMES PATTERSON COMMISSIONER PRECINCT #4 DIANNE WILSON COUNTY CLERK DAN GERKEN DRAINAGE DISTRICT MANAGER When the following were heard and the following orders were passed: J. Catlto Order. Call to Order at 1:10 p.m. by Judge Hebert. 2. Aeeept Monthly Report for June, 2004. Moved by Commissioner Stavinoha, Seconded by Commissioner Prestage, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to accept monthly report for June, 2004. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage 3. Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes yes yes yes Take aU appropriate aetion on Engagement Letter to Sandenen KBox & Belt to perform audit of the Fort Bend County Drainage DIstrict 2004 finaneial statement. (Fund: 151) Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Patterson, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to approve Engagement Letter with Sandersen Knox & Belt to perform audit of the Fort Bend County Drainage District 2004 financial statement. (Fund: 151) Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage 4. Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes yes yes yes Adjournment. Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Stavinoha, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to adjourn the Drainage District Board at 1:11 p.m. on Tuesday, August 10,2004. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson I yes yes AS PER ORIGINAL th seventy-four soldiers of the B Company, 4th Battalion, 112 Armory of the Texas National Guard based in Rosenberg have been called up to take part in Operation Freedom Iraq and WllEREAS, m; WHEREAS, twenty-one of these seventy-foU! soldiers are from Fort Bend County; and WHEREAS, this Unit makes up about 90% of the soldiers at the Rosenberg Annory and will be a part of the 56th Brigade, 3~ Infantry; and WHEREAS, the Texas Unit will be among the third rotation of troops to be deployed to this Middle Eastern country since the Iraq War began; and WHEREAS, members of the Rosenberg Unit will ship out at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 19,2004, for Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas, where they will get special training for four to six months before they are sent to Iraq. NOW, THEREFORE,1, Robert E. Hebert., County Judge of Fort Bend County, do honor the patriotic service of these soldiers, and further proclaim the week of August 17, 2004 And urge all citizens to honor the dedication of these young men and women who are committed to serve and defend our country, and to pray for their safe i'etUI1l to our shores, and to their loved ones. Robert E. Hebert, County Judge 390nr OJ FORT BEND COUNTY ENGINEERING Fort Bend County. Texas July 20, 2004 Commissioner W. A. "Andy" Meyers Fort Bend County Precinct 3 1809 Eldridge Road Sugar Land, Texas 77478 RE: Lakemont, Section 2 .Tramc Control Plan Dear Commissioner: Fort Bend County Engineering has completed and recommends approval of the traffic control plan for the above referenced subdivisions. The public hearing date for acceptance of the plans is scheduled for August 10, 2004. A copy of the traffic control plan is attached for your review. If you should have any questions, please gi ve me a call. Sincerely, ~>(~ Steven L. Evans Assistant to County Engineer SLElmjs cc: Judge Robert E. Hebert, County Judge Marc Grant - FBC Road & Bridge Marc Grant - Signage Department File P.O. Box 1449 • 1124 Blume Road, 1:\ WPDAT A\LElTERS\TRAFSTU Rosenberg. Texas 7747 t • (28 t) 633-7500 0\0202607 ~ _to 1.wpd • Fax (28 t) 342-7366 ,",os J8 " " ,. " " " " .. " " " .. " " Il(STRICTCD Il(S(Rvt .. J3 .. " -",. (f/($TllICT£D TO IJS(S CJI. Yl IZ.z4J "tIlES 533.325 so. rT. ClJI(llC]AL " 53 " "" UK( Fort Bend County Engineering Dept. 1124 Blume Road Rosenberg, Texas 77471 STOP SIGN (RI-I) STR[[T 'JITH NAME SIGN (OJ-I) 35 M.P.H. SPEE:D LIMIT SIGN (RZ-I) 30 M.P.H. SPEED LIMIT SIGN (R2-1) Name on" ProjKI RIGHT LANE (NOS LAN( (NOS AcId.... SIQN (\o'9-IR) Lakemont Subd. Control Map and Street Sign Layout MERGE LErT SIGN (W9-2U ADVANCE TO CROSS'JALK SiGN (\1110-2) CROSS\iALK SIGN (\llIo-i!) The purpose of this traffic Drown By:L. Brdecko contro( plan is to establish traffic LakeMont, section 2. control Sheet Dote: 7-20-04 STREET NAME SIUN <OJ-I) for Approved By:S. Evans Dote: 7-20-04 Scole 1" = 200'-0" Sec. 2 FORT BEND COUNTY ENGINEERING Fort Bend County, Texas July 22, 2004 Commissioner W, A, "Andy" Meyers Fort Bend County Precinct 3 1809 Eldridge Road Sugar Land, Texas 77478 RE: Seven Meadows, Section 9 .Traffic Control Plan Dear Commissioner: Fort Bend County Engineering has completed and recommends approval of the traffic control plan for the above referenced subdi visions, The public hearing date for acceptance of the plans is scheduled for August 10, 2004, A copy of the traffic control plan is attached for your review. If you should have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Steven L. Evans Assistant to County Engineer SLElmjs cc: Judge Robert E. Hebert, County Judge Marc Grant - FBC Road & Bridge Marc Grant - Signage Department File P.O. Box 1449 • 1124 Blume Road • Rosenberg. T ~.\as 77471 1:\WPDATA\LETfER~'\TRAFSTUD\02157074_tOl. wpJ • (~81) 633-7500 • Fax ('~8J ) 342-7366 .... -$[V(N IOIIIIIS, LP. A l(XAS L1NIT£) PMIILIlSHIP l4~~S Fort Bend County Engineering Dept. 1124 Blume Road Rosenberg, Texas 77471 LEGEND STDP SIGN (Rl~l> \11TH STlKEY NAME SIGN (D3-1> ST~ SIGN CRH) Seven Meadows Subd. Control Map and Street Sign Layout KEEP RICiHT SIGH C124-7a) DO NOt ENtER SlGl tR!l-» The pUl"pose of this trnffic control Drown By:L. Brdecko Sheet Date: 7-21-04 plan is to establish traffic for Seven control Meaalows.section 9. Approved By:S. Evans Dote: 7-21-04 Scale 1" = 200'-0" Sec. 9 88/82/21'l1'l4 . "; 18: 38 2814838889 CO.'SS,ONERS , , '~~"~1 COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RE'11lRN TO: AQENCA ccalUNA1'ClR OATE 9lJI!III'T"I'm #~\::: 1\1U A COMMISSIONER FORT BEND COUNTY • CGUHTT JUDGE'S QFFIC:i; ""8_' IEDBY'Pamela =11',,*1...,.: 072 0 2/2 4/ 04 281-403-8000 PHaNE~ COURT AGI!!NDA DAn:: 1'0019 liD '.RY0"11'&11, ll.eeol:Cl in~o tne m1nU1:elil, out.-Qf-stat.e travel fOr Commissioner prestaq~ to att:end the NACo Annual conference & Exposition in Phoenix. ~izona 07/16-20/2004. WdDlAL <:oN1'R'\Cl1...... l.I8T SuPPORTiNG COe:.; "'iT. Fund 072-4014 V. () Ng ( ) PLEASE RATIFY 07/15 - 07/21- ns ATTN::' .... TRAVEL TO . FINANCIAL': Y_( I No( I NtA(1 OM''- (I As lill. () NtA I ) 0I'!pI!!!1 Form Submm.d wlttI bllck "p to Coun~ JWp'. otIlcII: I CC WIth Nck ul': I I Audnar ( t fJUdgE t ) County ( I ..... iCl I ICounty 1. 2. I •d O~j"'Iic:w"'" AUDrney Ing AQent CI.rIt (281-341.37741 (281· 3" 3'51) (281-341-4517) (281-341 ..... ) (2111-341~ ) (.; when com.... ( 1 C-. ( ) CoInm- Pet. 2 Pet. 1 t Ic_Pct.3 ( ) Ccmm. Pet ... 1 (21103012..01117) (2tH .... IIIDII 12l1-:M2'9lI'lI) (21'1 1110-8077) COMMISSIONER j~T?-2~ 08/04/2004 15:05 ~~ 1"',ucNOA \TF~JI 01/01 FOfU BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENOA REQUEST FORM I RETlJRN TO~ AGeNDA COORPINATOR - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE I DAn:SUBMmeD: SUBMITTED BY: Pamela 08/04/04 Poole DEPARTMENT: 072 PHONENQ.: 281.403.8000 COlJRTAGI!I'lPA DATI:: 08/ 10/04 Record into the minutes, out-of-state travel for 'Commissioner Pre$taqe to attend NACO Steering Committee Chair Retreat, CBCF Annual Legislative Conferenc and NACO Large Ve" () No (X) urban county Caucus Retreat in RaNewALCONTRACTMGREEMENT: washington, DC. 09/08-09/16/04. Funds 072-4014 & 045-4014 UST SUPPORnNG DOCUMSITS ATTACHED: SUMMARY OF ITEM: REVISED. FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes ( ) No I I ANNUALIZED gaLLARS: N/A ( ) Fund Funding Sou"'il: AgellCly Object Orialnal Eor;m Submitted One Time COMMENTS: () Recun'l"ll NlA () ( wlUl back up tD County Judge's CC with back up: ( ) Auditor ( ) Budget Officer ( ) County Attamey ( ) Purchasing Allent ( ) County Clerk (281-341-3774) (281-344-31154) (281-341-4557) (281-341-eKa) (2111.341~17) ) offl"", ( ) ('; ( when completed) ) Comm. Pet. 1 { I Comm. Pe:t. 2 ( ) CQIML Pet. 3 ( ) Corom. Pet 4 (281-342-8587) (;2111-403-11009) (281.242·9060) (281-ll80-9077) InstrUctlolllt for 8Ubmlltinljl "'" Agillnda ReQIU!5t: 2. Compltaly 1111 out .. elide form, Incomp1l!M torme will not be proc_-d, p"" or lnter-offlce CDpies of e""ltde to,,", wIlli 1I1111SClcup Jnfarm8t1on by We<!lIetoday at 2:0D p.m. lA 3. the dep,utmenlill liSted II!llW"'· Alf OtIglnlll ","k-up must be rmoelved In IIle Collllty JUdg- 1. OfI'leelly 2:110p.m. on Wednellldllly. RECOMMENDATION I ACTION REQUESTED: ess'l! eo sa unr FORT BEND COUNTY.''', '.," (,_! COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE DATE SUBMITTED: SUBMITTED BY: Ed Sturdivant DEPARTMENT: Auditors Office PHONE NO.: 281-341-3769 07-21-04 COURT AGENDA DATE: 07-27-04 AGENDA #G,Bi SUMMARY OF ITEM: Approve out of state travel for Ed Sturdivant (Auditor's Office) and Lawrence Holub (MIS) August 9, 2004 to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma for software site visit and demonstration. RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: Yes () No (X) LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATT ACHED: FINANCIAL SUMMARY: Yes (X) No() N/A ( ) Funding Source: Fund 010 Agency 042 Org M04A Object 4014 Original Form Submitted COMMENTS: ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: BUDGETED ITEM: OneTime ( ) Recurring () N/A ( ) with back up to County Judge's Office: [gJ ( ".. when completed) CC with back up: [gJAuditor [gJBudget Officer [gJCounty Attorney DPurchasing Agent [gJCounty Clerk (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) [gJComm. [gJComm. [gJComm. [gJComm. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. 1 2 3 4 (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: FORT BEND COUNTY /.i,(Jl:i\lOA COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR COURT AGENDA DATE: August 10, 2004 -- OFFICE SUBMITTED BY: Jeff D. Braun DEPARTMENT: Emergency Management PHONE NO.: (281) 342-6185 August 4, 2004 DATE SUBMITTED: - COUNTY JUDGE'S ITF~tf >/3 #046 (p ~ SUMMARY OF ITEM: Add one day for flight schedule September 11-15,20004. Request by Emergency Management Coordinator to attend tbe (UASI) Urban Area Security Initiative conference in Milwaukee Wisconsin on September 11-15,2004. This conference will bring together UASI Program participants from the federal, state, and local levels. This conference offers urban area, port, mass transit, and officials the opportunity to discuss national programs and emergency preparedness efforts in the areas of prevention, response, and recovery. This item was Approved at Commissioners Court July 27, 2004 with the dates being September 12-15, 2004. RENEWAL LIST SUPPORTING FINANCIAL See attachment ATTACHED: SUMMARY: BUDGETED Yes (X) DOCUMENTS No ( x) Yes ( ) CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: ANNUALIZED ITEM: No() N/A( Funding Source: Agency 046 Fund 010 OneTime ) Object DOLLARS: 4014 Recurring N/A COMMENTS: ( ) ( ( ) ) Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: (,I) CC with back up: (281-341-3774) (-/) Auditor (281-344-3954) (-/) Budget Officer (-/) County Attorney(281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (-/) Purchasing Agent (281-341-8697) (-/) County Clerk Instructions 1. 2. 3. for submitting ( -/ when completed) (-/) Comm. Pet. 1(281-342-0587) (-/) Comm. Pet. 2(281-403-8009) (-/) Comm. Pet. 3(281-242-9060) (-/) Comm. Pet. 4(281-980-9077) an Agenda Request: Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: Add one day for flight schedule September 11-15, 2004 for Jeff D. Braun. Approve out-of-state travel requested by Jeff D. Braun to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 11 - 15, 2004 to attend the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) 2004 Conference. (Fund 010-046-0460-4014) , FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR DATE SUBMITTED: SUMMARY OF ITEM: OFFICE SUBMITTED BY:p.IlATl'S(AGENDACOORDINATOR) DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING PHONE NO.: (281) 633-7507 8/3/04 COURT AGENDA DATE: - COUNTY JUDGE'S 8/10/04 AGENDA #~B3 APPROVETRAVELfOR ENGINEERING(BBII FACILITATORlTO TRAVELTO '1'IIE 19T11IIAZARDOIlS IIAIIAGl'2If2ft CfJIFEllllIK:E ON IIOUSEIIOW AHD SIIALL BUSIII&SS IIASTE (HABllllAI BELIl IH IlIAIIl,FLORIDA,SE£>tEIIBER 5-11,2004. (FOHDIIIG SOURCE: 010-1143-0436-4014) IIArERIALS Yes ( ) RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS TO BE No() ATTACHED: FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes ( ) No () Fund N/A ( ) Funding Source: Agency Object ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: One Time ( ) Recurring N/A () ( ) COMMENTS: Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: ( ) ( ./ when completed) If by E-Mail to If by Fax to (281) 341-8609 Copies with back-up to: (281-342-0587) ( ) Comm. Pet. 1 (281-341-3774) ( ) Auditor (281-403-8009) ( ) Comm. Pet. 2 (281-344-3954) ( ) Budget Officer (281-242-9060) ( ) Comm. Pet. 3 (281-341-4557) ( ) County Attorney (281-980-9077) ( ) Comm. Pet. 4 (281-341-8642) ( ) Purchasing Agent (281-341-8697) ( ) County Clerk Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Agenda Request Forms may be submitted bye-mail, fax, or inter-office mail, and all information Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judge's Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: must be provided by Page 1 Shirtey Kotzur - 2004 Line-item Transfer Forms.xls IN THE MAnER 10th On tIlis the dayol August 2004 Coonty Judge Tom Stavinoha Commissioner Pr1Cincl #1 Grady Prestage Commissioner Precinclll2 An<ty proceedings THAT WHEREAS, Fort Bend ,the Commission8fS'Court,witI1thefolk>Ning Robert E. Hebert were members belng present: Commissioner Precincll3 Meyers Commissioner James Pall"""'" The following 1 OF TRANSFERRING OF BUDGET SURPLUS OF FORT BEND COUNTY FOR TliE YEAR 2004 Pr1Cincl #4 had, to-wril, tIll!ll!tofOfO, on September 9, 2003, the Coort heard and approved tile budget for the ~ 2004 for County; and WHEREAS, tile Commissioners' The transfer does not increne on propel' appllcalion, of a similar kind and fund. Court has transferred an existing budget surplus 10a budget the total r:J the budget. The foilowing transfers to said budget are hen!by a_: 074 Commissioner, Pct.4 TRANSFER TO: UNE.fTCM NAME Temp/Part Social Sec Workers Comp NUMBER AMOUNT 0201 0300 0600 $3,000 230 27 TOTALTRANSFERREDTO:~$ -L~L3,257 _ TRANSFER FROM: 3,257 4010 Fees/Svcs 3,257 ~~~ TOTALTRANSFERREDFROM:~$ EXPLANATION: Department Head: Part time work for FBC Fresh Water Supply District #2 _----:..::.::..::......::.;=...:;..;:..:..::.....:..::..::.....:.:::.::....:..:..::.:..::.....:.:.::.=..::..::=:::e-..:==c::..:.....::..:..--- ~:::t-=~~:=:----<l!.~ 8-4-04 USE WHOLE DOLLARS ONLY Robert E. Hebert, County Judge _ FORM B01 IN THE MATTER OF TRANSFERRING :<0 OF BUDGET SURPLUS OF FORT BEND COUNTY f) FOR THE YEAR 2004 On this the 10th dayof August , 2004, the Commissioners' Court, with the following members being present: CountyJudge RobertE. Hebert Tom Stavinoha Commissioner Precinct #1 Grady Prestage Commissioner Precinct #2 AndyMeyers Commissioner Precinct #3 James Patterson Commissioner Precinct #4 The following proceedings were had, to-writ, THAT WHEREAS, theretofore, on September 9,2003, the Court heard and approved the budget for the year 2004 for Fort Bend County; and WHEREAS, on proper application, the Commissioners' Court has transferred an existing bUdget surplus to a bUdget of a similar kind and fund. The transfer does not increase the total of the bUdget. The following transfers to said budget are hereby authorized: Department Name: Community Department #: Development 101 TRANSFER TO: LINE-ITEM AMOUNT NUMBER NAME Program Income 826-101-9627-1400-8071 Program Income 813-101-3003-1400-8071 $ 10,319 4,500 TOTAL TRANSFERRED TO: $ 14,819 TRANSFER FROM: Sales Proceeds 826-999-00SP $ 10,319 Sales Proceeds 813-999-00SP $ 4,500 $ 14,819 TOTAL TRANSFERRED FROM: EXPLANATION: received from Amend program the budget pursuant to LGC §111,0706 to allocate refunds participants. , Date: __ Department Head: BY: ----b.e-:...::..:c~-..!..--=---- Original to Budget Officer ee: Commissioners Court q,--'liJ..:..O'1--'- _ FORT BEND COUNTY 117/03 COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORt'\1 RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE SUBMITTED BY: Laura Johnson DEPARTMENT: County Attorney PHONE NO.: 4556 DATE SUBMITTED: 08/02/04 COURT AGENDA DATE: 8/10/04 Approve payment in the amount of $2417.57 to Lewis Realty Advisors in the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway matter; Cause No. 17,181 without a purchase order. Fund 01005405404010. Yes () No (X) RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: Yes( ) No() N/A() OneTime Recurring () Fund Agency Object N/A COMMENTS: Funding Source: () ( ) Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: ( CC with back up: ( ) Auditor ( ) Budget Officer ( ) County Attorney ( ) Purchasing Agent ( ) County Clerk (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) ( ( ( ( ( ) ) Comm. ) Comm. ) Comm. ) Comm. ( ./ when completed) Pet. 1 Pet. 2 Pet. 3 Pet. 4 (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) ) Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: INVOICE TRANSMITTAL FORT BEND COUNTY AUDITOR ACCOUNTS PAYABLE COUNTY AUDITOR FROM 1016 (Rev 6/&7) 12 Digit Distribution Vendor Number '/ tR tJ I!J. 5' A~ Cf-I? ~ Purchase Order Number(s) Zip Code State City f·tjiJt./ Date List Invoice Number:tt:: 11_----":sLLf7--J(,""/J'-'O"--~/L_ _ Invoice Amounts _ It --------,------"-----------,------"-----------,------"---------,------"---- --------,-----_._--- County Auditor's Use Only IAN Received: _ Check Type: Commissioners Audited By: Posted By: Checked By: Received: Paid: _ Court Date: - ;)..'.J.--L..2-"~-.J. _ _ _ _ Treasurer's Register Stamp and Number LEWIS REALTY ADVISORS CONSULTANTS APPRAISERS 952 Echo Lane Suite 315 Houston, Texas 77024-2758 e-mail: Ira@/ewis-rea/ 713461-1466 Fax713468-8160 July 08, 2004 Mr. Ben W. Childers, County Attorney Fort Bend County 301 Jackson Suite 728 Richmond TX 77469 Re: Case No. 17181; Fort Bend County vs. The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company and the unknown heirs and legal representatives of Earnest Jones in the County Court of Law No.3, Fort Bend County, Texas Invoice # 98-3460-1 6/30/2004 Name D - Mark Sikes L - Andrea Felt Hours 11.75 0.50 Rate 190.00 75.00 Amount $2,232.50 $37.50 Amount Subtotal Expenses $2,270.00 . $147.57 Total amount of this bill $2,417.57 BALANCE DUE $2,417.57 A~I=I\IDA ITE'M FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST •. - ~''1 "rdRM'W , RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE 08- 10-04 COURT AGENDA DATE: AGENDA SUBMmED BY: John Healey DEPARTMENT: District Atto=ev PHONE NO.: 281-341-4469 08':'03-04 DATE SUBMITTED: #10 ' To Amend the Resolution Concerning the ViolS':nceAgainst Women Prosecutor Grant and Violence Against Women Investi~ator Grant to Include, an Additional Sentence Requested by the Criminal Justice Division. SUMMARY OF ITEM: RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: Yes f) No ( ) Resolutions LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: FINANCIAL SUMMARY: Yes (x)t No () N/A ( ) Funding Source: 010 Agency Object Fund 010 COMMENTS: ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: BUDGETED ITEM: One Time () Recurring N/A ( h) ) 012 Original . ' , " Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's CC with back up: Auditor < X) Budget Officer ( ) County Attorney ( ) Purchasing Agent County Clerk <')0 yc ) (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) , Office: < ,) , <.r when P<') Comm. 1 Pd 2 3 4 Pet. 0(") Comm. Pet. Comm. Pet. ~ Comm. Pet. ' ,- ',- ,,',' completed) (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) " ' , Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. ., Completely fill out agenda form. Incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-Up must be received In the County JUdges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: I1I:COROI;OON ~~V\ -\)L\ IN THE COMMJSS~COgeT MINUTES OF: ~ .0 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Fort Bend County Commissioners Court finds it in the best interest of the citizens ofFort Bend County, that the VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMENIDOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROSECUTOR GRANT be continued for the 2005 fiscal year; and WHEREAS, Fort Bend County Commissioners Court agrees to provide applicable . matching funds of25% for the said project as requested by the VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMENIDOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROSECUTOR GRANT application; and . WHEREAS, Fort Bend County Commissioners Court designates the County Judge as the grantee's authorized official. The authorized official is given the powers to apply for, accept, reject, alter or terminate the grant on behalf of the applicant agency. :::: . NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Fort Bend County Commissioners Court approves submission of the grant application for the VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMENIDOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROSECUTOR to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division. !\:s-:~ENDJED, APPROVED AND RESOLVED on this ROBERT~Y JUDGE ATTEST DIANNE wn..SON, COUNTY CLERK 10 • day of RECORDEDON ~ ,\ C\ -D~ IN tHE COMMISSI'Ef~T MINUTESOF. " v- . RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Fort Bend County Commissioners Court finds it in the best interest of the citizens of Fort Bend County, that the VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMENIDOMESTIC VIOLENCE INVESTIGATOR GRANT be continued for the 2005 fiscal year; and ";',);:', .WHEREAS, Fort Bend County Co~~~ioners Court agrees to provid~a~plid~ble .matching funds of25% forthe said project as r~quested by the VIOLENCE " ,AGAINST WOMENIDOMESTIC VIOLENCE INVESTIGATOR GRANT application; and WHEREAS, Fort Bend County Commissioners Court designates the County Judge as the grantee's authorized official. The authorized official is given the powers to apply for"ac:e~t, reject, alter or terminate the grant on behalf of the applicant,." ,;>. agencY~;'f;':;~;;,/'/')' , , ,; ,c' , "".\ <'J' ' :,•.'.," .. :, ..... ':;:' ",.~ <n;._ ..,~-"~-,,.,;~.:> '":. .."_',:.>. ,.--_ ..-: ..'" :.', .';;': -.> -,:,f:::)./>',,;f; ::,:.-:"".~';\:, ':~c-> ,;- ..; WHEREAS, Fort Bend County Cominissioners Court has agreed that in the event of loss ornususe of the Criminal JiIstice Division funds, Fort Bend County , Commissioners Court assures that the funds will be returned to the Criminal Justice Division in full. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Fort Bend County Commissione,rs Court approves submission of the grant application for the VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMENIDOMESTIC VIOLENCE INVESTIGATOR to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division. /0 ATTEST DIANNE WILSON, COUNTY CLERK day of FORM r01 IN THE MATIER OF TRANSFERRING OF BUDGET SURPLUS OF FORT BEND COUNTY FOR THE YEAR On this the 10th August day of ,2004, 2004 the Commissioners' Court, with the following members being present: County Judge Robert E. Hebert Tom Stavinoha Commissioner Precinct #1 Grady Prestage Commissioner Precinct #2 Andy Meyers Commissioner Precinct #3 James Patterson Commissioner Precinct #4 The following proceedings were had, to-wrIT, THAT WHEREAS, theretofore, on September 9, 2003, the Court heard and approved the budget for the year 2004 for Fort Bend County; and WHEREAS, on proper application, the Commissioners' Court has transferred an existing budget surplus to a budget of a similar kind and fund. The transfer does not increase the total of the budget. The following transfers to said budget are hereby authorized: Department Name: TRANSFER Elections Administration 069 Department #: TO: AMOUNT NUMBER LINE~TEM NAME Overtime Social Security Retirement Workers Comp/Unemployment 010-069-0690-0202 010-069-0690-0300 010-069-0690-0400 010-069-0690-0600 TOTAL TRANSFERRED TO: ~$:-- TRANSFER FROM: Fees & SefVices $3,065 $235 $326 $28 $3,654 ---===::::-. $3,654 010-069-0690-4010 TOTAL TRANSFERRED FROM: -=$~ $3,654 ----=.==- EXPLANATION: This transfer is requested to correct an overage resulting from unavoidable staff overtime during the 2004 primary and runoff elections. Aggressive efforts this summer to reduce comp time balances should prevent a repeat of this situation in the upcoming general election. Department Head: ~~ Date: August 4, 2004 USE WHOLE DOLLARS ONLY Robert E. Hebert, County Judge \ I FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR DATE SUBMITTED: SUMMARY OF ITEM: 8/10/04 APPRllVE PAY ESTIBM'E THE IlEST IlELLFORl' DOCUMENTS AGENDA # I~A 110.7 IH THE AIDJIlT OF $6,615.80 TO COIlRAD CllIISTRllC'fIOIl CO.IHC. FROII SB6 TO BURNEY ROAD,MllBlLITY BOIlD PROJEC'1'#8,l'CT.3. lOR IIIl'RllVflIf2l Yes() RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING OFFICE SUBMITTED BY:p .BAn'S (AGENDA COORDINATOR) DEPARTMENT: EllGIIIEERllIG PHONE NO.: (281) 633-7507 8/2104 COURT AGENDA DATE: - COUNTY JUDGE'S No() ATTACHED: FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes( Fund ) No() N/A() Funding Source: Agency Object COMMENTS: ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: One Time ( ) Recurring N/A () ( ) Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: ( ) ( y" when completed) If by E-Mail to If by Fax to (281) 341-8609 Copies with back-up to: (281-342·0587) ( ) Comm. Pet. 1 (281·341-3774) ( ) Auditor (281-403-8009) ( ) Comm. Pet. 2 (281·344-3954) ( ) Budget Officer (281-242·9060) ( ) Comm. Pet. 3 (281-341-4557) ( ) County Attorney (281-980-9077) ( ) Comm. Pet. 4 (281-341-8642) ( ) Purchasing Agent (281-341-8697) ( ) County Clerk Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Agenda Request Forms may be submitted bye-mail, fax, or inter 0ffice mail, and all information must be provided by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judge's Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. 4 RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: CONRAD CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. P.O.BOX 841134 HOUSTON,TEXAS 77284 (713)937-3081 ESTIMATE AND CERTIFICATION OF PAYMENT WEST BELLFORT FROM S.H.6 TO BURNEY ROAD· PURCHASE ORDER # PC 04300002533 PROJECT: BID #04-002 FT. BEND COUNTY OWNER: 1124 BLUME RD. ADDRESS: ROSENBERG,TEXAS MR. LOUIS E. HOOD, P.E. ATTN: ESTIMATE DATE: ESTIMATE NO.' EST. COVERING PERIOD: START DATE: COMPLETION DATE: 210 82 292 254 38 CONTRACT TIME: TIME EXTENSIONS: REVISED CONTRACT TIME: DAYS USED: DAYS REMAINING: 77471 812104 7 711/04 thru 7/31/104 11/21/03 9m04 A. CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE: 1. CONTRACT AMOUNT: 2. APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS: $830,665.45 $19,408.01 $ $ $19,408.01 TOTAL CHANGES TO DATE: TOTALCONTRACTAMOUNT: B. EARNINGS TO DATE: 1. PREVIOUS WORK COMPLETED: 80.60% 2. WORK COMPLETE THIS PERIOD 0.0082% 3. MATERIALS ON SITE: C. REDUCTIONS: 1. RETAINAGE: 5% OF PREVIOUS EARNINGS: EARNINGS THIS PERIOD: $687,422.30 $6,964.00 TOTAL EARNINGS: $694,386.30 $34,719.32 $694,386.30 TOTAL PAYMENTS DUE: LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE CONTRACTOR THIS PERIOD: THE UNDERSIGNED CONTRACTOR CERTIFIES THAT TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE, AND BELIEF THAT THE WORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE IS TRUE AND CORRECT THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. OATE$ik OATE6AG;j ENGINEER: $653,051.18 $6,615.80 INFORMATION, DATE: ESTIMATE OF WORK COMPLETED $659,666.98 WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE CURRENT PAYMENT SHOWN ON THIS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT 15 NOW DUE. THE FOREGOI $850,073.46 DAYS DAYS DAYS DAYS DAYS i ~~ ... H H 11 .. wI' li 8888888888888m88888~~~888g88888888888888~88888 n ooo~~OOO~OQOO~~O~oo~~~o~~~o~~~~~oo~~~o~o~~ooo~ , '? -; ~i ~8 8 ll : ~i! ..~8° ~ ~ 88S88g888g888~~8888~greag88g88888g8a888g8~88888 ---q~~_~~N~~~~Sq-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .... ... 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CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID I LIEN RELEASE /:./1 OWNER: PROJECT: w«f J..vd C,viV1t <!<-L(,{;/t' - ~""" J;' <I. ~ 10 !,J,;,.<'<'I L.Ad tf,J NO. 0'1-0<12- I CONTRACTOR ==~=2!.-~~~~~=-=- : I certify that all just and lawful bills against the above-named Contractor for labor, material and expendable equipment employed in the performance of said Contract have been paid in full prior to acceptance of final payment from the Owner to complete the Contract requirements. This is to further certify that Iam relieving (-;,1'1" 4wl c:.v.vfv from any further claims from debts occurring in connection with this project pn6r 10 ... -I_a '-( FIRM : __ .---:==~=!..!.!-~=-=~~ BY: DATE: __ TITLE: .::..-C-:.--=----__ Signed and sworn 10 before me a Notary Public in and for this 2,.1 day of ~v;{'f 20 0'1. JAMES R. BOLIN Notary Public. State of Texas My Commission Expires May 20, 2008 ~~=~ tk,.r/o[ County, _ Te~Af , COMMISSIONERS FORT BEND COUNTY COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR DATE SUBMITTED: SUMMARY OF ITEM: 8/10/04 AGENDA #/d.B APPROVE PADIElIT OP IHV01CE 1«).914 IN 'I:IIE JlSlOIlT OF $1,644.86 oro PAS PROPERTY ACQOISITlal SERVICES,IIIC. FOR VARIOUS RIGHT OF llAY ACQOISITIOIlS,PCTS. 1,2,3&4. lFUND:042-7009) RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING OFFICE SUBMITTED BY:P.BArIS (AGDlDA COORDIIlAl'OR) DEPARTMENT: EIlGDlEERIIlG PHONE NO.: (281) 633-7507 8/3/04 COURT AGENDA DATE: - COUNTY JUDGE'S DOCUMENTS Yes () No ( ) ATTACHED: FINANCIAL SUlVIMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes( Fund )No() N/A() Funding Source: Agency Object ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: One Time () Recurring N/A () ( ) COMMENTS: Original Form Submitted with back up to County judge's Office: ( ) ( ./ when completed) If by E-Mail to ospindon(ii) If by Fax to (281) 341-8609 Copies with back-up to: (281-342-0587) ( ) Comm. Pet. 1 (281-341-3774) ( ) Auditor (281-403-8009) ( ) Comm. Pet. 2 (281-344-3954) ( ) Budget Officer (281-242-9060) ( ) Comm. Pet. 3 (281-341-4557) ( ) County Attorney (281-980-9077) ( ) Comm. Pet. 4 (281-341-8642) ( ) Purchasing Agent (281-341-8697) ( ) County Clerk Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: I. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda fnrm, incomplete forms will not be processed. Agenda Request Forms may be submitted bye-mail, fax, or inter-office mail, and all information must be provided by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judge's Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: PAS PROPERTY ACQUISITION SERVICES. INC. 30-Jul-04 Invoice No. 914 Bill to Mr. D. Jesse Hegemier, P.E. Fort Bend County Engineering 1124-52 Blume Rd. Rosenberg, TX 77471-1149 Remit to: PAS Property Acquisition Services, Inc. 19855 Southwest Freeway, Suite 320 Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 343-7171 Project Name: Fort Bend County Locations: Greenbush Work Requested: Performed Right-of-Way Services for Fort Bend County Right-of- Way Agent Right-of- Way Assistant Totals 1,593.75 30.00 21.25 0.75 22.00 75.00 40.00 Expense See Expense Summary Sheet Total Expenses $ Totall $ CONTRACTOR BILLING Sl:MMARY Estimated Cost Previous Amount Invoiced Previous Funds Available Current Amount Invoiced Remaining Funds Available Terms: Total due upon receipt S S S $ S 250,000.00 25,034.24 224,965.76 1,644.86 223,320.90 Amount ($) 21.11 21.11 1,644.86 I PAS Property Acquisition Services, Inc. ~sPER OR\G\N~L Job Detail Location: Greenbush Work Requested: Acquire Right-of-Way for Road Realignment Rate ($) Acquisition Right-of-Way Agent Right-of-Way Assistant Totals 75.00 40.00 Hours Amount ($) 1,593.75 30.00 21.25 0.75 22.00 Amount ($) Expense See Expense Summary Sheet Total Expenses $ 21.11 21.11 Totall $ 1,644.86 I l!! :z: -~ '" ,; - 11• :2 E ::;; :2 13 "? ~"£ - 0 0 "-c. -;;; ~ .s " u 0 c -;;; E '"- u 0 u u U ~~ •i ~u U "0 "• ~ '"0 '6 ~ ~oS ~ "? 0 8 "? ~ 50 ~0 c~ ~ ~ 0 u u § " ~., 0 0 or, 0 ::;; .,; u .L ." 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"'c( 0 0 =- ~ ~ ;; u v. •u 0>1;; .~ ~ '; ~ •~ -" 1;; "E CC 0 §~ g U u ~ "'" ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ lSg '~ ~ ~ ~ 0 OJ > 0 "" :== 0 0 0 0 • ~ -;," '" " 0 0 0 '5 § '"• -=;; ~ 0~ -=;; -= § ~ 0 -="0 "0 -== .~ ~ = "" -" ~ " => 0 0 J:J: j! ~ ~ 0 I!? I!? " •"""= "" ] §=-" -= = " • -= ti "'" c -= ] 0", "! .... 0 I III a:: ::> 0 :J: -' c( ...0 ... "tu ~ ~ ~ §. u < >. "!!. ~ Property Acquisition Services, Inc. 19855 S. W. Freeway, Suite 320 Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 343-7171 Expense Summary Sheet Greenbush $ Amount ($) 21.11 Subtotal $ 21.11 Total Amount $ 21.11 IExpense Description Courthouse Specialist I Courthouse Invoice Specialists DATE INVOICE # 7/16/2004 97531 P. O. Box 70558 Houston, TX 77270 BILL TO Property Acquisition Services, Inc. Mark Heidaker 19855 SW Freeway, Ste. 200 Sugar Land, TX 77479 DESCRIPTION QUAN ... P.O. NUMBER TERMS REQUESTED BY: N/A Net 10 days Mark AMOUNT RATE Ref: Retrieve Ft. Bend Co. plat, 2001117892 State Sales Tax 1.61 8.25% piR'<ce."if'1"'1r --- .,\. , r;_/q-ctJ-J':. T ank 'flJl'r.e # 4.50T 15.00T 1.50 15.00 3 Courthouse Copies Retrieval Fee Total ~ $21.11 Property Acquisition Services, Inc. 19855 Southwest Freeway, Suite 200, Sugar Land, Texas 77479 July 30, 2004 Mr. D. Jesse Hegemier, P.E. Fort Bend County Engineering 1124-52 Blume Rd. Rosenberg, TX 77471-1149 Re: Monthly Invoicing Dear Mr. Hegemier: Enclosed you will find the following invoice that requires processing: • Invoice No. 914 - Greenbush Project Thank you and please contact me at (281) 343-7171 if any questions arise. Sincerely, 4'~~.Q Kimberly Sabin Assistant Enclosures (281) 343-7171 Office (281) 343·8181 Fax Property Acquisition Services, Inc. 19855 Southwest Freeway, Suite 200, Sugar Land, Texas 77479 July 30, 2004 Mr. D. Jesse Hegernier, P.E. Fort Bend County Engineering 1124-52 Blume Rd. Rosenberg, TX 77471-1149 Re: Monthly Invoicing Dear Mr. Hegemier: Enclosed you will find the following invoice that requires processing: • Invoice No. 914 - Greenbush Projec~ . Thank you and please contact me at (281) 343-7171 if any questions arise. Sincerely, 4')~ ~ Kimberly Sabin Assistant Enclosures 128113·B-71710Iliee (281) 343-8181 Fax j\ l ...... ;- :"Ir-~J\ FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUMMARY OF ITEM: - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE #/;;.c.. 8/10/04 APPROVE PAYlIEIlr OF IIIVOICE 110.6 IN THE AIDlIIT OF $162,981.00 TO BROlIN & GAY,INC. FOR DIAGRAl!llATIC AHD EIIVIROHIlEII'l ASSESSf'IEJIT STODY REGARDING FORT BEIlD pJlRKllAY (SB122), SEGIIEIlr 8, 1I08ILITY BOHD PIlOJD:'r #Il2,PCTS. 1&2. Yes ( ) RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS No() ATTACHED: FINANCIAL SUMMARY: ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes ( ) No () Fund N/A ( ) Funding Source: Agency Object OneTime () Recurring N/A () ( ) COMMENTS: Original Form Submitted with back up to County JUdge's Office: ( ) ( ./ when completed) If by E-Mail to ospindonlaJ, If by Fax to (281) 341-8609 Copies with back-up to: ( ) Auditor (281-341-3774) (281-342-0587) ( ) Comm. Pet. 1 ( ) Budget Officer (281-344-3954) ( ) Comm. Pet. 2 (281-403-8009) ( ) County Attorney (281-341-4557) ( ) Comm. Pet. 3 (281-242-9060) ( ) Purchasing Agent (281-341-8642) (281-980-9077) ( ) Comm. Pet. 4 ( ) County Clerk (281-341-8697) Instructions for submitting I. 2. 3. 3D ~. SUBMITTED BY:P.BArrS(AGENDA COORDINATOR) AGENDA DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING PHONE NO.: (281) 633-7507 8/3/04 COURT AGENDA DATE: I , COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORlYl RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR DATE SUBMITTED: : '''-.~ 1~I '" ~.,r"'\ Agenda Request: Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Agenda Request Forms may be submitted by ewmail,fax, or inter-office mail, and all information must be provided by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judge's Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: BROWN & GAY ENGINEERS, INC. July 23, 2004 Mr. D. Jesse Hegemier, P.E. County Engineer Fort Bend County P.O. Box 1449 Rosenberg, Texas 77471 Re: Fort Bend Parkway (SH 122) Segment B Diagrammatic and Environmental Assessment Study PC 04300002065 Invoice and Progress Report Attn: Ms. Paulette Batts Dear Mr. Hegemier: Attached herewith please find an invoice and progress report for the above referenced project: • • • • Invoice No.: BGE Invoice No.: Invoice Period: Invoice Amount: 6 FBCIO-IF 8/01103 through 06/30/04 $162,981.00 If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 281-558-8700. Sincerely, Chris Cotter, P.E. CDCljp Cc: Mr. David Balmos, P.E. - Carter & Burgess, Inc. T:\Projects\FBClO\Admin\Invoices\06 11490 Westheimer Invoice Jul 2003 IUD 2004\Invoice • Suite 700 • Houston, Texas 77077-6841 06 Cover Letter.doc • TEL: 281-558-8700 • FAX; 291-558-9701 • EMAIL: Fort Bend Parkway Segment B Progress Report No.6 Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc. - BGE Invoice No. FBCIO-IF Fort Bend County - Purchase Order Number PC 04300002065 - FBC Invoice No.6 Period: 8/0l/03 through 06/30/04 June 2003 Submitted DEIS (Version I) for review by TxDOT Houston District. Progress since 8/01/03 09/08/03 Met with TxDOT Houston District (Gabe Johnson, Pat Henry) to discuss DEIS approach relative to toll road and logical termini. Sept 2003 Addressed comments to DEIS (Version I). Oct 2003 Submitted DEIS (Version 2) for review by TxDOT Houston District and TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division. Nov 2003 Prepared ROW documents for Knight Ventures property along the west side of Knight Road. Fall 2003 Prepared diagrammatic schematics of the preferred alternative between SH 6 and SH 99. Prepared geometric schematics for an interim condition for the preferred alternative between SH 6 and Sienna Parkway. Prepared cost estimates for ultimate and interim conditions. Dec 2003 Addressed comments to DEIS (Version 2). Jan 2004 Submitted DEIS (Version 3) for review by TxDOT Houston District, TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division, and FHWA. 01127/04 Made presentation to Fort Bend County Mayor's Council in Booth 2/17/04 Met with Doug Goff at Sienna Plantation to discuss the progress of the NEPA study. 03/04/04 Met with TxDOT Houston District, TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division, and FHWA to discuss comments to DEIS (Version 3). 05/05/04 Met with representatives of the Grand Parkway Association to discuss methodology for full disclosure in the DEIS of a toll facility. May 2004 Addressed comments to DEIS (Version 3). 06/13/04 Met at Johnson Development Corporation to discuss the practicality of continuing with the NEPA process for the full 12-mile project. June 2004 Submitted DEIS (Version 4) to Fort Bend County. June 2004 Suspended all work. T:\Projec~\FBClO\Admin\Invoices\06 Invoice Jul 2003 IUD2004\Progress Report 06.doc Page I of I 712110 ~i~'i -1·1+· +'+ .!:j, S:'"ii i 0' oj+, ,:_1. 01 ««,+<ccH+(«<!cc<++<(.cj.ccc[ '~i~,~ _."1-". +-.:, "I'" ,r·· §:~ii I «<·+ .. «<1«««0«« .. ·+«««1««« ! 0' -1-". -1-" -1-:': ,jo,'"' 'i" "'i'..... 0 -." "' ...j"' ..... /"'I...... "'iCll:III"'''''''i'''''' .1.:0:0 "10:-. ... '''i'''''''''I''':''' ... '''i .. i'''I11''' -1-.". '1': '1°1'"' '1" _. "'' ' ' ' 1 1.."' !Ol ao , 'j-,'''"! . om 0 0" m *.I "' 'i-:'I'"j++u.T, : COMMISSIONERS FORT BEND COUNTY COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR DATE SUBMITTED: SUMMARY OF ITEM: IdJ) 8/10/04 APPROVEPAYIIEII'r OJ!'IHVOICE llll.30707 IN THE AIKlUIIT OJ!' $900 TO CONr.RACT LAND STAJ!'l' ,INC. I!'OR IiOIlK RELM'ID TO '1'IIE REST BELLPORT Ji'EASffiILIrY STODY,PCT.4. RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING OFFICE SUBMITTED BY:p.BA1'TS (AGENDA COORDINATOR) AGENDA DEPARTMENT: EllGINEERING # PHONE NO.: (2811 633-7507 8/5/04 COURT AGENDA DATE: - COUNTY JUDGE'S DOCUMENTS Yes () No ( ) ATTACHED: FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes ( ) No () Fund N/A ( ) Funding Source: Agency Object ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: One Time () Recurring N/A () ( ) COMMENTS: Original Form Submitted with back up to County JUdge's Office: ( ) ( -I' when completed) If by E-Mail to ospindonla:\ If by Fax to (281) 341·8609 Copies with back·up to: (281·342-0587) ( ) Comm. Pet. 1 (281·341-3774) ( ) Auditor (281-403-8009) ( ) Comm. Pet. 2 (281·344·3954) ( ) Budget Officer (281-242-9060) ( ) Comm. Pet. 3 (281-341-4557) ( ) County Attorney (281-980-9077) ( ) Comm. Pet. 4 (281-341-8642) ( ) Purchasing Agent (281-341-8697) ( ) County Clerk Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: I. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Agenda Request Forms may be submitted by e~maiJ, fax, or inter-office mail, and all information must be provided by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judge's Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: ~ 10701 Corporate CONTRACT LAND STAFF, Inc. July 31,2004 Invoice Number: Drive, Suite 215 Stafford, TX 77477 Questions? Please call Mark Suchma @281.240.3370 30707 Bill To: Remit To: Fort Bend County Contract Land Staff. Inc. P.O. Box 3358 Jesse Hegemier PO Box 1449 Rosenberg, TX 77471 Project 10: Fort Worth, TX 76113 Customer 10: WEST BELLFORT PAVING & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FRTBNO 1,316 Our Reference #: FUNDING: 010-043-0430-4010 Period: 7/1104 Unit (s) to 7131104 Rate Amount Rausch, Ana 12.00 Reg Project Manager $ 75.00 $900.00 To pay by wire, please remit to: BankOne Texas, N.A., ABA# 111000614, Acct # 1690007172. Please reference Contract Land Staff and Invoice Number. Total Payment Due: $900.00 Terms: Due Upon Receipt of Invoice Page 1 of 1 Q) c. Jj Q) E i= 1:: ,g Qj llJ u;., Q ~ u <: CO) "fi ~ ;::: Ul :s:: ., J!l ." "C 0., al 15 ~ UJ <: ..J :> 0 C- 12 '" "c:., ~....Q n: r--. r--. ~ '" .i r--. " X 0::>- ~(f)(f) ~ Ul ~ ::> :x: O 'C Q) al N~ .....~ <: OCDg ..... ~ct1 0 it ;::: 0 OlO~ "0 U ....... -0- () llJ ili E ro Z t5., '0 ~ D- CL Ol c: == in fJ O '" '"N 0 ": 0 0 '" 0 0 '" ~ ~ ~ e '"~ '"e '"~ e'"r--. e ~ r--. ~ ~ N 0 0 0 0 0 '"~~ 0 '" 0 ;::: ;::: O! 0 '" ~ "! N ~ N '" '" e~ ~ '" ~ '" ~ 0 ;g i:! i:! 0 0 0 0 0 iJj ~ '"~ .r:: 1;; ~ ~ 0 0> ::J '",:; '"e " ::;; Ul '" '" .i n: 0 Parcel Time Sheet Report Criteria: Relo Parcel Only: No Start Date: 71112004 to 713112004 Project Parcel Name Start Date Category Contact Item Time Sheet Item Contact Name Fl. Bend -West Bellfort Community Short Legal: Center Ana Rausch No 7/1/04 Left mess for Comm. Patterson Ana Rausch No 7/1/04 spoke with Al Lopez, he wants know when we will move fOlWard with the acquisition. Commissioner and than get back to him Ana Rausch I told him that I will touch base with the No 7/2104 Spoke with Comm. Patterson, he said to come over to meet with him in reference the Community Ana Rausch Center. No 7/2/04 Meet with Commissioner Patterson, he said it would be ok for us to make the offer to the Community the 3 tracts. I will talk to Al Lopez and let him know when we can all meet at our office. Ana Rausch 7/2/04 No 7/6/04 No Center now that we have 2 out of Left mess for Al Lopez Ana Rausch Spoke with Al Lopez, he said that he will talk to the Board and set something up for the end of the month. He will call me back once he has a date Ana Rausch No 717104 Returned Al Lopez's call Ana Rausch No 717104 Spoke with AI, he said that he can set up a meeting for next Friday, July 16th at 3:30 in the afternoon at my office. Commissioner Patterson to see if he can join us. Ana Rausch No 717104 Left mess for Jean to call me back to see if the Commissioner Ana Rausch I will call is available on the 16th No 717104 Spoke with Comm. Patterson, he will not be available on the 16th, he will call me back as soon as he can view his schedule. cancel the meeting for the 16th Ana Rausch I will No 717104 Spoke with AI Lopez, 'will have to cancel the meeting for the 16th, but will call him back as soon as 1 have the Comm. Schedule Ana Rausch No 7/13/04 Al Lopez Spoke with AI, we wilt schedule the meeting for 3:00 pm on the 27th at our office. Ana Rausch Spoke with the Commissioner, Ana Rausch No 7/13/04 he will be available on the 26th or the 27th 7/13/04 No Left mess for the Commissioner Ana Rausch 7/13/04 Spoke with AI. he said that 4:00 on the 23rd will work for him. Friday, Juiy 30, 2004 No I will call the Commissioner Al Lopez and get back to him Page 1 of 2 Project Parcel Name Start Date Ana Rausch 7/14/04 Time Sheet Item Category Contact Item Contact Name Yes AI Lopez Confirm with Mr. Lopez, we will be meeting on the 21 st at 4:00 pm at our office along with the Commissioner Ana Rausch No 7/14/04 Left mess with Comm. Patterson to confirm our meeting for the 21st Ana Rausch Yes 7/21/04 AI Lopez Spoke with Al Lopez to confirm our meeting for today at 4:00 at our office Ana Rausch Prepare spreadsheet Ana Rausch No 7/21/04 for our meeting with the Community No 7/21/04 Meet with Comm. Patterson to review the spreadsheet Ana Rausch and go over the map identifying the different parcels 7/21/04 Prepare offer letter for the Community Ana Rausch Center Center with the appraised Yes AI Lopez Yes Al Lopez amount 7/21/04 Meet with AI Lopez and six other board members and Comm. Patterson to discuss the offer to the Center. The appraised value is $218,228.00 and the two parcels are worth S58,609.50 the third parcel will be approximately $6,000. The payment will be $159,618.50 if they want the two parcels and $153,618.50 if they want all three parcels. They would like to close by the end of August. As soon as they make a decision, I can order the title. Ana Rausch 7/27/04 Send an origianl spreadsheet Ana Rausch Yes Al Lopez to AI Lopez for his records and email a copy to Comm. Patterson 7/27/04 No spoke with Comm. Patterson, he said the square footage for the third tract will be 13,820 SF at $.54 will be $7,463. $7,500 in escrow at the title company for this tract once the County acquires it. I will call AI Lopez to let him know Ana Rausch 7/27/04 Yes Spoke with AI, and gave him the revised numbers for Tract 3. I will put the original spreadsheet Board will have another meeting next week to discuss our proposal and than will let me know Ana Rausch 7/27/04 We will hold AI Lopez in the mail to him. He said that the No Revise spread sheet with the new numbers for Tract 3 Parcel Totals: 12 hour(s) Project Totals: 12 hour(s) Report Tolals: 12 hour(s) ~--~------------------~_.- Tolal Paroel(s): Friday, July 30, 2004 Page 2 of 2 REVIEW BY FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS On this ----kL.- day of Fort Bend Connty accompanying Commissioners notice of Job Location .J . 20· o~ Dated --'-''-''''-'''\'''11-''-.1--------, r ~Iurt Bond No. 0.oW\1nllAN!LC.4 m?>'d-v3l'\ , Permit to make use of certain Fort Bend County property subject Regulating the Laying, Construction, -11!::L.-, before the came on to be he~rd an.d reviewed the lldol-<;A fvy\ R~ ~t1bO 20 COURT Maintenance, lion! No. _ ~<6"«; 5' to, "A Revised Ordel" and Repair of Buried Cables, Conduits and Pole Lines, In, Under, Across or Along Roads, Streets, Highways and Drainage Ditches in Fort Bend County, Commissioners Texas, Under Court of Fort Bend County, Texas," the Jurisdiction of the as passed by the COlIJmissioners Court of Fort Bend County, Texas, dated the 3rd. day of AUl:ust, 1987, recorded in Volume of the Minutes of the Commissioners Court of Fort Beud County, Texas, to the extent that such order is not inconsistent wi I Article 1436a, Vel"llon's Texas Civil Statues. Upon Motion of Commissioner by Commissioner ADJUDGED \, 5\~\(\~Pt AND DECREED , ,seconded duly put and carried, it is ORDERED, that said notice of said above purpose acknowledged by the Commissioners is hereby Court of Fort Bend County, Texas, and that said notice be placcd on record according to the regnlation order thereof. Notes: I. Evidence of review by the Commissioners Court lIJust be kept on the job site and failure to do so constitutes grounds for job shutdown. 2. Written notices are required: a) 48 hours in advance of construction start up, and b) When construction is completed and ready for final inspection Mail notices to: 3. Permit Administrator Fort Bend County Engineering P.O. Box 1449 Rosenberg, Texas 77471-1449 281/342-3039 This permit expires one (1) year from date of permit if construction commenced. A4/A- By Presented to Commissiouers COIII"t and approved. Reeorded in Volume _ Minutes of Commissioners Court. Drainage District Engineer/Manager Clerk By _--.Y~~I!4-~~~~,.} Deputy Revised 12122/99 1:\WPDAT All ETTERSIPER!\ llT\CCl'lA RE V has not COUNTY OF FORT BEND Engineering Department Johnny Ortega Permit Administrator P.O. Box 1449 Rosenberg, TX 77471-1449 Phone: 1124 Blume Rd. (281 )342-3039 PERMIT APPLICA nON REVIEW FORM FOR CABLE, CONDUIT, AND POLE LINE ACTIVITY IN FORT BEND COUNTY PERMIT NO. !,)[32R85 _ The following "Notice of Proposed Cable, Conduit, and/or Pole Line activity in Fort Bend County" and accompanying attachments have been reviewed and the notice conforms to appropriate regulations set by Commissioners' Court of Fort Bend County, Texas. ___ /?-_ / (1) Complete Application Form. . __ -,,/'.,.-_a. Name of road, street, and/or drainage ditch affected. /' b. Vicinity map showing course of direction. 7 c. Plans and specifications. (2) Bond: / (3) Verbal permission given for emergencies, to start construction before approved in Commissioners' Court. Date Precinct Engineer Acknowledgement Precinct Commissioner Acknowledgement Date (4) Drainage District Approval when applicable. We have reviewed this project and agree it meets minimum requirements. 1\~\I)Y .. Date I.\WPDA T AIPItOCEDIPERMIl\REVIEWFORM. W!Xl NOTICE IN, UNDER, APPLICANT'S PERMIT OF PROPOSED ACROSS JOB OR ALONG CABLE, CONDUIT AND/OR AND DRAINAGE DITCHES 1501040123 NO: PCT. NO: NO. BOND POLE LINE ACTIVITY ROADS, STREETS, HIGHWAYS IN FORT BEND COUNTY ---"3=<- _ NO: Formal notice is hereby given that TXU Communications proposes to lay, construct. maintain andlor repair cable, conduit pole line, in, under, across, or along roads, streets, highways and drainage ditches in Fort Bend County, as follows: In, Under, or Across Road 700' North/East ot Meadowbrook Club Dr. FRY Road Length 100' Type of Construction: Bored J ac kdDI e rven C ase X Drainage 700' To the Northll:~ast Ot Meadow orook Farm Club Dr. S.FRY of Crossina: Ditches Distance & Direction From Nearest Intersection" or Name' Ditches Farms Along Roads and/or Ditch Drainage Distance & Direction From Nearest Intersection: or Ditch Name: SOUTH Roads and/or andlor Distance: To: 700' Stoping point General Description: CONSOLIDATED TRENCH COMMUNICATIONS IN THE SOUTH PROPOSES ROW OF SOUTH TO MAKE A ROAD BORE UNDER SOUTH FRY & ALSO TO FRY. The Location and description of the proposed installation and appurtenances is more fully shown on the attached detail drawings. The laying, construction, maintenance and/or repair of the proposed installation shall be subject to "A Revised Order Regulating the Laying, Construction, Maintenance andlor Repair of Cables, Ditches County, August, Conduits, andlor Pole Lines, In, Under, Across, or Along Roads, Streets, Highways and Drainage in Fort Bend County, Texas, Under the Jurisdiction of the Commissioners Court of Fort Bend Texas," as passed by Commissioners Court of Fort Bend County, Texas, dated the 3rd. day of 1987, recorded in Volume 639 of the Minutes of the Commissioners Court of Fort Bend County, Texas. Written notices are required: 1) 48 hours in advance complete and ready for final inspection. Mail to: Permit Administrator/Fort Bend County P.O. Box 1449, Rosenberg, TX 77471. Violation of reqUirements shall constitute of start of construction and 2) when construction is Engineering grounds for job shut down. COMPANY NAME: CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS (AGENT OWNER) Pad SIGNATURE: NAME & TITLE: DAVID AND/OR 1?t.;h.. MINKS OSP ENGINEERING (Please Print) 07/23/04 DATE: ADDRESS: 24403 (Street/P.O. CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE NO: ROESNER Box) KA TY TX 77494 (accessible 281-396-5380 24 hrs/day 7 days/week) ..J ..J C W W C C a: ~ Z tn W ;: S ° a: b 0 ~ ~::I: lD ~ 0 U- u-~ =» ::1:0 ~tn =»C) Oz tn_ ~ w ~ ~ :If:: 0 III ..lI: s:: :E 'C "'•" ':;: 0 111 C M N tn • ~ "'" z I I ~I ID I 1(1) I~ I~ :x:: Ii 1 00 I ~CD CD ::> I sd 1° o I~ 1:2: ---------.-:. S 00 120::: ID - ~ 0 ~ ------------- s °a: (I) M s:: s:: .c MellO N ::J o otnell (I) "'" o @tnIII -0-", ro U U Os::~ ro 10.20 "0-0 ID T'"11I'C g; O.c 0-olf:: ~ 0 0-_ N >.- .... a>t) '11:>111 «ell ~I i= :! , REVIEW BY FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS On this ---l.O- day of Fort Bend County. accompanying notice Of J-v{)'\ ,20 ~ \ Commissioners Job Location ~~YbW Dated.1' 3\).;\V\ $¢''6\ the Laying, Construction, -:~!fe.~ \ subject Maintenance, _ ~IJ,( ~ ,Permit to make use of certain Fort Bend County property Regulating , before the Court came on to be heard and reviewed the ~p~'f-''(''-+'~ZO~'''~ - b\),,(:\11Y~) Iv\.! LM-..(, /MII~ Bond No. COURT No. <fu*c:n-cn(Q to, "A Revised Order and Repair of Buried Cables, Conduits and Pole Lines, In, Under, Across or Along Roads, Streets, Highways and Drainage Ditches in Fort Bend County, Commissioners Texas, Under Court of FOI:tBend County, Texas," the Jurisdiction of the as passed by the Commissioners Conrt of Fort Bend Connty, Texas, dated the 3rd. day of Angust, 1987, recorded in Volume __ . of the Minutes of the Commissioners Court of Fort Bend County, Texas, to the extent that such order is not inconsistent ~~t Texas Civil Statues. Upon Motion of Commissioner ~.QCS by Commissioner'-.... ADJUDGED S~~\ ~ AND DECREED ,duly Article 1436a, Vernon's l put and carried, it is OHDERED, that said notice of said above purpose acknowledged by the Commissioners secondcd is herehy Court of Fort Bend Couuty, Texas, and that said notice be placed on record according to the regnlatiou order thereof. Notes: I, Evidence of review by the Commissioners Court mllst be kept on the job site and failure to do so constitntes grounds for job shutdown. 2. Written notices are required: a) 48 honrs in advance of construction start up, and b) When construction is completed and ready for final inspection Mail notices to: 3, Permit Administrator Fort Bend County Engineering P.O. Box 1449 Rosenberg, Texas 77471-1449 281/342-3039 This permit expires one (1) year from date of permit if construction Imenced. By A{(A Presented to Commissioners CO\11't and approved. Recorded in Volume _ Minutes of Commissioners Court. Drainage Dist iet Engineer/Manager Clerk Revised 12/22/99 1:\WI'D/o, T II I1.E1 TERSII'ER /'>, I ncePl A RE V has not COUNTY OF FORT BEND Engineering Department Johnny Ortega Permit Administrator P.O. Box 1449 Rosenberg, TX 77471-1449 Phone: 1124 Blume Rd. (281 )342-3039 PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW FORM FOR CABLE, CONDillT, AND POLE LINE ACTIVITY IN FORT BEND COUNTY PERMIT NO. l.132A86 _ The following "Notice of Proposed Cable, Conduit, and/or Pole Line activity in Fort Bend County" and accompanying attachments have been reviewed and the notice conforms to appropriate regulations set by Commissioners' Court of Fort Bend County, Texas. / (1) Complete Application Form. . a. Name of road, street, and/or drainage ditch affected. b. Vicinity map showing course of direction. c. Plans and specifications. /' C / /(2) Bond: • / (3) Verbal permission given for emergencies, to start construction before approved in Commissioners' Court. Date Precinct Engineer Acknowledgement Precinct Commissioner Acknowledgement Date (4) Drainage District Approval when applicable. We have reviewed this project and agree it meets minimum reqUirem~ it Administrator '.\WPDATA\PI\OCED\PERMmREVl'J:WFORM wpd Date NOTICE OF PROPOSED CABLE, CONDUIT AND/OR POLE LINE ACTIVITY IN, UNDER, ACROSS OR ALONG ROADS, STREETS, mGHW AYS AND DRAINAGE DITCHES IN FORT BEND COUNTY APPLICANT'S JOB NO. PERMIT NO. BOND NO. $d J '?I ~,(;Io I PCT.NO. Formal notice is hereby given that VERJZON proposes to lay, construct, maintain and/or repair cable, conduit and/or pole line, in, under, across, or along roads, streets, highways and drainage ditches in Fort Bend County, as follows: In, Under, or Across Roads and/or Drainage Ditches Distance & Direction From Nearest Intersection Road or Ditch Name RENFRO ..... BURFORD RD IVYLN CYPRESS AVE 200' EAST OF IVY LN (STA.O+OO) i Lengthof : Crossing : 30 , TypeofCorllitruction Jacked Driven ! Bored Y Cased ! : : : 30 : 30 AT RENFRO BURFORD RD ATIVYLN ! I ! Y Y I Along Roads and/or Drainage Ditches Road or Ditch Name RENFRO BURFORD RD IVYLN CYPRESS AVE i : Distance & Direction From ! Nearest Intersection To : i Distance ! :, 250' , , ! AT RENFRO BURFORD RD (STA.2+50) ! STA. 5+62 , STA. 9+38 ,, AT IVY LN (5+62) , i i i 312' ,376' , ! General Description BEGINNING AT STAO+OO LOCATED 200 FEET EAST OF IW LN ON RENFRO BURFORD RD. BURYING NORTH TO STAO+60, THENCE BURYING WEST 3 FOOT OFF OF THE NORTHERN MOST RIGHT OF WAY TO STA.2+50, THENCE BURYING NORTH 3 FOOT OFF OF THE WESTERN MOST RIGHT OF WAY ON IW LN. TO STA5+62, THENCE BURYING WEST 3 FOOT OFF OF THE NORTHERN MOST RIGHT OF WAY ON CYPRESS AVE.TO STA9+38. BORING ALL ROADS AND DRIVES. MAINTAINING A MINIMUM GROUND COVER OF 36 INCHES. The and description of the proposed installation and appurtnances is more fully shown on the attached detail drawings. The laying, construction, maintenance and/or repair of the proposed installation shall be subject to "A Revised Order Regulating the Laying, Construction, Maintenance and/or Repair of Cables, Conduits, and/or Pole Lines, In, Under, Across, or Along Roads, Streets, Highways and Drainage Ditches in Fort Bend County, Texas, Under the Jurisdiction of the Commissioners Court of Fort Bend County, Texas," as passed by Commissioners Court of Fort Bend County, Texas, dated the 3'" day of August, 1987, recorded in Volume 639 of the Minutes of the Commissioners Court of Fort Bend County, Texas. Written notices are required: I) 48 hours in advance of start of construction and 24 when construction is complete and ready for final inspection. Mail To: Pennit AdministratorlFort Bend County Engineering P. O. Box 1449, Rosenberg, Texas 77471 Violation of requirements shall constitute grounds for job shut down. .{ NAME & TITL: (Signa ~ ~M E TULEY SUPERVISOR-NETWORK ENGINEERING (please Print) DATE: JULY 29, 2004 ADDRESS: 1010 STAFFORDSmRE RD. (Street/P.O. Box) STAFFORD lX. 77477 City State Zip TELEPHONE NO: 281-499-3211 (a"';cc:::e:':ss"'ib~le'"-2~4;::hrs!C-=-c;da-y-, =7--;-da-y-s/.,...w-ee-ck"')------- w N LOCUST 5L.""=--1 PECA,,""'=!_-,H .~\ __ CED"'R ,~,,~': ,~."':),'.UCE ~;.> ELM MIMOSA M ..... u: HICKORY H POlITER o. p N c .X - - - u v y z - K.EY MAPS ,Ne ~--------------r-;----------,--r--r..,....,...,..- ,- ~i ~S !.!!s .-: " r~ f-'" ~" I~ Ii! iJ ~ • ~ 0 .. w P§~ W 0 "- z > >- §id '" z ~~i ;:: :::> 0 U <>:-;::>-o!i w ~ '"u~ ~1lI :H ~ i fO- M ~" W 0 ! , V> V> ~ " .~ >- '" ~~~~ ~ "• I~ .L:0: .. '".. , zed w > '"~ 0; re ~ ~~~, ~ '"+ M !i '"<i>- i i OJ> i t ~ ! ! i i ] I- OJ> ....__ N1 Ai\1 2£+1 '\;115 ~I ! L.. z 0\~~ i "",y ~_~l::I08 Jl0~Z'\;I_HL_ - I i >- ~---~ w B£+2°l:jlS .0£ 0 i I 91+2 '\;115 -~------------___________ 2b+0'\;115 ~ ii J; <i.! 1- 00+0'\;115 09+0'\;115 I -.-- - --J i~S--~_:::.:::.:::.:::.::::c;,;;:';:::~::::::_':"::::::::::::::l m ~ ~ i , .., AIl[ i i 8b+9 "1;115~; 82+9 "t;;IlS ~ vt+L°tllS ~ to !~ : ~ , M i 'I '(/) I ~ il Ii! ! l.t.. t : ~ j I II) I g,... i I tn : u! 1 Ii ! i ) ! ~ ! ~ i w I LL 0 I !I a:: ~ ; ZI+b .t;HS~ ; \ , I 8£+b'\;I15 I I \ 'I r I i i " ! v) i i ! Ul (") LL 0 u cr: w f- >W al a: 0 -' a: <I w > 2"i 0 l:J 0 0 OJ 0 0 i (") -' dllni. z L >- a: OJ CO >- cr: >- OJ L z <I 3 LL 0 >- L I l:J <J: a: CO <I Z U <I i ! Z >- W ~ u l:J 0 0 LL ~ : W I LL LL 0 , ~ 2b+8 '\;I15~.: tri 0 Z 0 x w u a: : ~ I l:J (fJ i i!i3 f- >- "i ii!~ 3 LL 0 l:J Z 1 ~!V) <I a: ~ • ~!~ ,.: W a: f- 0 Z f(J) <J: L W cr: I <I W 0: <I W >- 0 z ~ REVIEW BY FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS On this J 0 day of Fort Bend County accompanying Commissioners notice of ,20 ....D4' ,before the Court came on to be heard and reviewed the Sbw Cot1.~~-=~ ... Leo(. tl~ Bond No. ~13S _ the Laying, Construction, _ DOjf{,3 to make use of certain Fort Bend County property Regnlating oU B.lut1,gnn e., t_'D=-'y....i.LV-"''f<'--- Job Location Dated ~'; ~(,l,S+ COURT , l)ermit No. "tJ.<iJi1 sub,ieet to, "A Revised Order Maintenance, and Repair of Buried Cables, Conduits and Pole Lines, In, Under, Across or Along Roads, Streets, Highways and Drainage Ditches in Fort Commissioners Bend County, Texas, Under Courl of FOI'I Bcnd County, Texas," the Jurisdiction of Ihe as pllssed by the Commissioners Court of Fori Bend County, Texas, dated the 3rd. day of August, 1987, recorded iu Volume of the Miuutes of the Commissioners Court of Fort Bcnd County, Texas, to the exteut that such order is uot iucousistent ~1~Article Texas Civil Statues. Upon Motion of Commissioner by Commissioner ADJUDGED 5.,.:Yt ~~\ l\0)"ttr AND DECREED ,dnly 1436a, Vernon's ~.e.,¥!5 ,seconded put and carried, it is ORDERED, that said notice of said above purpose acknowledged by the Commissioners is hereby Court of Fort Bend County, Texas, and thai said notice be placed on record according to the regulation order thereof. Notes: I. Evidence of review by the Commissioners Court must be kept on the job site and failure to do so constitutes grounds for job shutdown. 2. Writte" notices are required: a) 48 hours in al}vance of construction start up, and b) When construction is completed and ready for final inspection Mail notices to: 3. By Permit Administrator Fort Bend County Engineering P.O. Box 1449 Rosenberg, Texas 77471-1449 281/342-3039 This permit expires one (1) year from date of permit if construction commenced. -----,,,,,LC/. _ Presented to Commissioners Cou'" and approved. Recorded in Volume _ Minutes of Commissioners Court. Drainage Cler Revised 12/22199 1:\WrDA T AILE"lTI:RSIPERMlTlCrrl A RE V has not COUNTY OF FORT BEND Engineering Department 1124 Blume Rd. Phone: (281 )342-3039 Johnny Ortega Permit Administrator P.O. Box 1449 Rosenberg, TX 77471-1449 PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW FORM FOR CABLE, CONDUIT, AND POLE LINE ACTIVITY IN FORT BEND COUNTY (;0288"1 PERMIT NO. _----'....:..::::cc::..::...:..=....:::.... _ The following "Notice of Proposed Cable, Conduit, and/or Pole Line activity in Fort Bend County" and accompanying attachments have been reviewed and the notice conforms to appropriate regulations set by Commissioners' Court of Fort Bend County, Texas. ___ ........-..::::::-(1) Complete App!!c~tion Form. . __ =-/ __ a. Name of road, street, and/or drainage ditch affected. /' < b. Vicinity map showing course of direction. ___ 7__ c. Plans and specifications. (3) Verbal permission given for emergencies, to start construction before approved in Commissioners' Court. Date Precinct Engineer Acknowledgement Precinct Commissioner Acknowledgement (4) Drainage District Approval when applicable. t Administrator [\WPDAT A\PR.OCED\PERMmllEVYEWFORM ""lId Date FORT BEND COUNTYENGUffiEmNG PERMIT DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION OF DRIVEWAYS AND CULVERTS ON COUNTY EASEMENTS AND RIGHT OF WAYS COMMERCIAL PIPE PERMIT APPLICATION P.O. BOX 1449 • 1124 BLUME ROAD ROSENBERG, TX 77471 (phone) 281-633-7502 or 7503· (Fax) 281-342-7366 Application No. 3;:r~'1>1 APPLICANT INFORMATION (County Us. Only) Lt:>AX Applicant Name Applicant Mailing Address Cb.-..I,v.......r.. .. ,.1 o~A"A. ,,,._v· • _L.:1~~::;,?JL._"',f!..-'.,---~~~~,-,,!:-=-- du.r6n< • Home Phone 71".1 - 29,.- /&>0/ State City Property Owner's Name •.l/t>4t City Daytime Phone , ~y &<-y ? 70 I #!f141kc.a41 .J.GoL Property Owner's Mailing Address Ir'"" _ State n· LOCATION OF PROPERTY Ilk? L2,,vJV£r Subdivision ¥::l Physical Address (ATIACH Gl ? A,... ___ Sec 1?4e;.,,, rew-~ A-. Lot 3<?' .14..........,., Blk .??' "'~ 8 72a.. C-I A SITE MAP) SITE USE Driveway Curb & Gutter Section o o Culvert Only DRIVEWAY REQUIREMENTS Length 20' minimum and 16' maximum Number of drives L (See· Fort Bend County Procedures to be followed for Commercial Driveway, and Median Openings or Modifications) Available on web site • By signing and submitting this permit application, Jam stating drat I am the owner of this property and I am QlM7re of and agree to abide by the Fort Bmd County RCJIlotiolU of Subdlviswns and I am aware of Section 2. Item F in the Permits for the Construction of Driveways & Culverts Olf County &lsmrmtr IIIUJ Right of Ways in Fort Bmd County: Permits shall provide that construction pursuant to the permit will be commenced within six monlJu and be ctmtpleted within nine months from the date 0/ the permit and that fees collected jor said permits shall not be nifundable or transferable. ]further understand the permit fee oft] 50.00, ill the/orm ojCASH or PERSONAL CHECK or COMPANY CHECK or 0 CASlHERS CHECK or MONEY ORDER payable 10 FORT BEND COUNTY, musl be altached • The undersigned applicant, agenl or anome)' construct the driveway and/or.. t in S any other tnen mater orate • Other permits may be requiredfor development. Please contact the Fort Bend County Road & Bridge Department/or pipe sizing or the Fort Bend County Health Department for information on On-Site Sewage Facility permits prior to plannil'lg construction. hereby certifIeS to Commissioners' Court to be strictly bound to Commissioners' Court to oriformity with the plans, specifications, tertns, provisions and conditions of the permit and rence in this application. C:\DOcuments and Settings\cel\LocaJ Settings\Temp\ENGRcommcrciaipipepermitl23_d02.doc page Received: FAX I'IJ. FRll'1 : 7/1 9/ Sep. "2 ~ : 3 = 0t:5SPM P3 _4~'~O~': 4=='A==M=;="'-~~~~~~f;;;:5t;:;;;;;;=====::::::::==~A~S1P~E~R ORIGINAL se:r 1/Z" IRON ROD 7'42'18" E S£T 1/'1: IRON ROD 02".1'44"' 100.00' 1J LOT 32 SLOCK 0.9183 ACRES 39,999 SQ. F 's 8742'18" z ...... IfMORE ' _._OR LES c:> ~ SErll2" ~ROO rJJ 0 ...."" lI:l ...,,;."" ,. LOT 38fBLocl< • B" 2.3875. ACRE? OR 103,997 SO, FT. MORt OR LESS """ till -L.."'J.if T -- _ - 1/. . ..., LOT J 13. F -- , ,- -~ " , . I ~ ~ , 180.00' 7-"'.::?cP? SET l/Z" IRON ROD v.'f~~ ..J SET 1/Z" IRON ROO .' ".. ,- :.... ~~.~,>~_._.-.~~' ~'....:~. ~: '~ ." ," , ... '. -':.' ...... ".". .. -", . .>', ..'~ ..."".;- . ~ - .,-' - .. ';. :::i .,:. 'J:l:. : --'~ .. , '-.~ . ... '- ;':-' .. ...•, . :.,~ .. .•.... ':. " .' ... '. .~... ~ . " . -" ., .... ,VNI91\:lO ~3d5\1 ."-. ,- Elm AS PER ORIGINAL W. !'tlLEY RO RIL~ '000 --, I &1 "~l -E- - ' I!: -- l-: -,i! ,'-- ------ FAYOUR C: 1M WOJO "C-- "':::!:g ~' ~!~ g,,- • '. .'", ,0 ~~ . 0' i~ : I "OUM" • "'''IN SUI/fins J: Pruitt Ranch PALME'l"T"O j i " C.R.89~ ""USTAHG ,toO CHESTNUT "'Allk ""z -, NOIIWiloLK ::01,.8.001( lie.A. $64A I I : II 1 ' .. .::-:-. ii -1:1 l // :~§ u:~ Ii - II:. ... ' 0 : I SMITH MII..1-ltR I"D c.~. 92 612 61Z RILEY '00 !"" I • " • o 1400 FRUGE RD 1100 "o~oo 1400 f!.. ", E t~ • Z o • ;; HUGHU L RAN!:'H RD i I I s~ ~I ", p <:..... 2 SMIT ~L.IER RD \ i!z :: • o . •:g • u " o F'AYDU" WOJO .. · g , j ~g ~I 1;1 u , I • :! CT j QUA ... CO""19AO "'ARYUN ~ 00 AI-LAS •" v 0 ~oo o0 "IRUNE-FT. BEND RO .. 0 .~ .. • . 0 '0 ~ 0 " • Elp4LM, C.Il.564'" - i 1-- ./02 UNITED TUB 08:28 PAX 713 369 3952 RENTALS-RWY _-'''''''~U'''' __ TECH .j .c, ;i ! I JIOII} _ .../ • ... _-211 ..... ., -OQO-IQ 4.1'"' lie .... UUCi$ • sa IGIE IJ \ CWl!-.G c.· S' .... •• )I: 2..... .... c- sr&lIGII: Il \ """'2lItSan.,1_ "'M~.t"I' _ ___ Is 0 ...,,_ 01 lr f • tftIo .......,.,.......,.,.1 .. .,.. i / ,/ • i :::1, " i a c'" • • \ ... \. CW%O-tO x d· A8· fruGS • sa -.01'1£ 11 CW2O~ 10 I"". ...... ~::'.~ i TCP (2-1 a) Area Near Shoulder '1 ..... 5£E IlOtl :) TCP (2-lb) Work Area on Shoulder r-----~--- ,09~ JNIl iJ.~JdO~d J~============~ ---I I l' ~ ,9~ ,09 --~ ~-'---II l---r ,6L (IJ z ;:;: W 0 '"'" w ~ 0 z w ::J :J -' 0 g] -, w 0 0 '"'" z ::J (.') 0 ~I wi li'! ~ 00 '" '" W c. ~ 0 CD Z 0 0- on ~I 10 0> ~ ;0 ell 00 a. '" - W z ~ 0 0- z >W I I (/) >Z -~ >-0. Ow \ 0::1- wc/) W '" N - ....l "' -,- .09~ JNI1 iJ.MJ-d-OM-d-- - J REVIEW BY FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS to make use of certain Fort Bend County property snbject Regulating the Laying, Constrnction, Maintenanee, COURT to, "A Revised Order and Repair of Buded Cables, Conduits and Pole Lines, In, Under, Across or Along Roads, Streets, Highways and Drainage Ditches Commissioners in Fot't Bend Connty, Texas, Under the Jnrisdiction of the Court ofFOI,t Bend County, Texas," as passed by the Commissionet's Court of Fort Bend County, Texas, dated the 3rd. day of August, 1987, recorded in Volume of the Minutes of the Commissioners Court of Fort Bend County, Texas, to the extent that such order is not inconsistent m:~~~le Texas Civil Statues. Upon Motion of Commissioner by Commissioner 6~'v~1\- ADJUDGED _ AND DECREED ,duly 1436a, Vernon's ~,) ,seconded put and carried, it is ORDEREn, that said notice of said above purpose acknowledged by the Commissioners is hereby Court of Fort Bend County, Texas, aud that said notice be placed on record according to the regulation order thereof. Notes: 1. Evidence of review by the COlUmissioners Court must be kept on the job site and failure to do so constitntes grounds for job shutdown. 2. Written notices are required: a) 48 hours in advance of construction start up, and b) When construction is completed and ready for final inspection Mail notices to: 3. Permit Administrator Fort Bend County Engineering P.O. Box 1449 Rosenberg, Texas 77471-1449 281/342-3039 This permit expires one (1) year from date of permit if construction tmenced. , By Drainage ~t Presented to Commissioners Conrt and approved. Recorded in Volnme _ Minutes of Commissioners Court. Engineer/Manager Clerk Revised 12/22/99 l\wrDATA\LETIERSIPERl\llT\Cr'I'I./o, REV has not 1"'l.4V COUNTY OF FORT BEND Engineering Department 1124 Blume Rd. Johnny Ortega Permit Administrator P.O. Box 1449 Rosenberg, TX 77471-1449 Phone: (281 )342-3039 PERMIT APPLICA nON REVIEW FORM FOR CABLE, CONDUIT, AND POLE LINE ACTIVITY IN FORT BEND COUNTY PERMIT NO. ( )c12R88 _ The following "Notice of Proposed Cable, Conduit, and/or Pole Line activity in Fort Bend County" and accompanying attachments have been reviewed and the notice conforms to appropriate regulations set by Commissioners' Court of Fort Bend County, Texas. / (1) Co~lete -~-;r- 7 / __ Application Form. . a. Name of road, street, and/or drainage ditch affected. b. Vicinity map showing course of direction. c. Plans and specifications. ----"'/'-.. (2) Bond: / ____ District Attorney, approval when applicable. Perpetual bond currently posted. No. ~ ....":> .... :S"",,-=5",-1.\:l..._ Am~~JOOIO. Performance bond submitted. No. _ Amount _ Cashier's Check. No. Amount _ _ (3) Verbal permission given for emergencies, to start construction before approved in Commissioners' Court. Date Precinct Engineer Acknowledgement Precinct Commissioner Acknowledgement (4) Drainage District Approval when applicable. t Administrator 1.\WPDATA\PROCED\PERMIl\REVIEWFORM wpd Date IN, UNDER. ACROSS OR ALONG!lOADS. STREETS, lIlGllli,\YS ANDD?JlINAGEDlTCIIES IN fORT BENDCOUNTY APPLICANT'S JOB NO. 535"1,1'7 PERJoIITNO. ~!!$"<£; PCT. NO. /lON0 NO. ~ '\",,?1:.:::5,,-,~=-1(..l- '! .:i_ Gee form"l. notie" is hereby given th"t propos en to lay, construct, maintain nnd/or line, in, under. across, or along roads, ditches in Fort B"nd County, as follows: In, Under, Distance Nearest Road or llit"ll N"m~ Eo or Across Direction Int~rsection Alone : Dis tance Road or lli tcll N.lme Nearest & Roads Ilirec tion Intersection ~_~_'--,,....., __ ...,..,. __ .....,._ repair cable,.tonduit streets, highways Roads and/or Drainage From Length of Crossing and/or Drainaee From To Gen~rnl and/or pole and drainage Ditches Type of ·Construction Bored:Jacked:Driven:C"sed Ditches Distance Description Em I'(t? The location and description of the proposed installAtion and appurtenances is Rlore fully shown On the attached detail. drawings. The la~'iIlB, construction, maintenanc~ and/or repair of the proposed instnllation shall be subject tn "A Revised Order Regulatine the tRying, Constructioo, Nai.nten".:lce and/or Repair of Cables, Conduits, and/or Pole Lines, In, linder, Across, or Along Roads, Streets, Highways and Drainage Pitches in fort Rend COuntr, Texas, Under the .lurisdiction oC the Commissioners COllrt of fort Rend Count:,', Texas," '''' passed by Commissioners Court of Fort Uend County. Texas, dater. th", 3rrl. day of A\I&1U1t. 1967, recoJ:ded in Vol\\me 639 of the tlin\ltes of the Commissioners COllrt of Fllrt Rp.nd County, Texlls. Written notices are re'luired: nnd 2) wh~n construction is Hail To: Violation 1) 48 hours in "dvance of stRrt of coostruct.i.nn complete and rendy for finAl inspection. Permit Administ.rator/Fort P. O. Box 1449, Rosenberg, of requirements shall nend County Engineering Texas 77471 constitute . grounds for DATE: fb&,ee g~..2.-oy ADDRESS: /I/O shut clown. S6c COMPANY NAHE: NAME& n:"'".F: jail ~"MS (Pl~nse P1rt" , ; (Street/P.O. &-""v"~ REV. 4/8/91 C:\WP5l\fO~~\PERHIT\CCPLA\PRNITAPP City TELEPIIONENO: (accessible -?:;r&l:.siY"/ Print) Box) Ty State 77<01 Zip ;2.J>(- 3211- 7'3/2._2~ hrs/day, 7 days/week) ""9i''" 0 ~ '" 0 '" Z ii'i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ '" 0 ~ ii" '-' CJ<J ~ z CJ ~ 'S Bo z gj 2CS ~ffi §? ~~ 2_ ~ '" a ~ "'", z ~ ~ z~ ~~ ~ '= ii"~ "" = ~ ~'-' ~ ~ '" f- z 0- '" f- ~ '" '" ::> u ~ Oil -;e ~ s= ~ 1-x '" >--' '-' "" U '" '" Q" 0- ,. '-' to ~ ~ m 0 1M = ~'" = ~o z '-' '-"'" f- '-" z ~ ;5 ~z '" z '" s='-"'""" ~ g 0- ---...'" .-:O:~ 8:z:w '" '" .0 x ~ R '"l';l tll WCD i"lffi (;j '=:::> f-z U -":::E ..J ~ 0 0 ;"'" W '-" §2~ 0- '" '" ~ ~ f- 0>:: Q' ~J 0- >fZ ::J o .: U <=l Z : W PO fLL •w 0 8 '" " '" <r ...J '" '"zz >0 '" "Z 0 Z <r I >...J '"> '" w w >: '"b 0 6.. 1 IHlJd !lNIlS!n REVIEW llY FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS -JO On this day of ~\l,rt- Fort Bend County accompanying Commissiouers E S$ t.? e.o{fOV~/I\ EVtMIL S Q"1/oY t'A.Cl..~" th •I 1JtmtINo.~$lP ..__ '1J~'l\$3 the Laying, Construction, ~ ,PermitNo.~~'1 to make use of certain FOI,t llend County property subject Regulating --Oi-- ' before the Court came on to be heard and revicwed the ~~Ir.e notice of Job Location Dated ,20 COUHT Maintenance, to, "A Revised Order and Hepnir of Buried Cables, Conduits aud Pole Lines, lu, Uuder, Across or Along Roads, Streets, Highways and Drainage Ditches in Fort Commissioners HelHl Connty, Texas, Under Court of Fort Bend County, Texas," the Jnrisdiction of the as passed by the ComJJlissiouers Court of Fort Bend County, Texas, dated the 3rd. day of August, 1987, reconled in Volume of the Minutes of the Commissioners Court of Fort Bend Connty, Texas, to the extent that snch order is not inconsistent wit 1 rtide 1436a, Vernon's :::> Texas Civil Statues. Upon Motion of Commissiouer by Commissionel' ADJUDGED <.. S\-~~'4\ I\~ AND DECREED ,duly ,seconded pnt and carried, it is ORDEHED, that said notice of said above purpose acknowledged by the Commissioners is hereby Court of Fort Bend Conuty, Texas, and that snid notice he placed ou record according to the regulation onler thereof. Notes: 1. Evidence of review by the Commissioners Court must be kept on the job site nnd failure to do so constitutes grounds for job shutdown. 2. Written notices are required: a) 48 hours in advance of construction start up, and b) When construction is completed and ready for final inspection Mail notices to: 3. Permit Administrator Fort Bend County Engineering P.O. Box 1449 Rosenberg, Texas 77471-1449 2811342-3039 This permit expires one (1) year from date of permit if construction commenced. gineer By ,v/A has uot Presented to Commissioners Court and approved. Recorded in Volume _ Minutes of Commissioners Court. Drainage District Engineer/Manager Clerk By "'",,'lc-ll -->-"-'<>"""'I..w.,..,.."""'-..L-L...LC.---i;/ Depnty Revised 12/22/99 IWd'IlA TAIl J', Tn:.R S\I'[' H "'-II'[ \fTPI.A,REV ~ Compass Bank ,::>0. Bex •• 3'::; HOUSler.. Cypress Texas CASHIER'S CHECK -~E ::t~;RCHASE OF .:oN .'mE~,1N;7', 3CND MAY 3E ::;E:JUjREL:; ~E=C;:;E .'.,LOST OR S~=L=~lGF"tC:,:",--::-:ECK C,;N ,~r.::;~~L"'CEC ~";'J...t ',"7210-<1444 E & P Corporation Date 4867127183 21369 08-03-2004 "'~5 000 ..00""", S'''' THE SUMOF 55,13 13ladols la I3cts PAY TO **Fort THE Bend County** VOID OVER $5,000.00 ORDER OF i L PAYABLE THROUGH ',;3 BANK. ST PAUL MN 7 10 27108:l 711" AS PER ORIGINAL TOTALrI""I ITIIISLL-J ,"tent ~ 0'"'tI" ...... c .lIIilll~r'OI'tOfl"OelT !\&IiCT 1'0 lMi II..clIlSDll& OF .-_ C.-uO· 0;;. _ .... ..- ............. au. CX11.!lmON oltIlIftIIil8'T· DEl'OlIITi U~tM. ~lllOr " AVA· ILIIIhlU.T'I! W1'H OM'~ 220 _ .. _-:.~--_. - --, .. , ~ " - .._- 7031:.11" 00'1 ._.~".,._.. ~,,-.,. -'-. ,/ \ "', r . ~.-.. .. ' '- - nos ~d68:Z tOOZ' II '~nv SO\lthern Natl°llt Member F.O.l.C. 'tit iH18 15 YOU'FI RECEIPT, B~l!as AS PER ORIGINAL SANti; SYMBOL TAANSACTlON NUMeEF'l, oAre:ANC) AMOUNT Of DEPoel" .liAS! SNOWN e.EtoW. NOTE: ALL ITEMS ~EC51VEtl sueJ6CT 1"0 COtftm!¢NS At-lO TER~ STArED ON SIGNATURE CMOS OURReN1'\V. U$Oil. Fl~ASe p.ET"AINTWf$ TAANS,&.QfiQN RECORD UUR IT IS vr:R1Frt:O ;Y YOllR MONTf.!l'l'l'QUM1iRLY $1'A;P'~' "'_.'-,.-- -_.- ~ ",.--_ ' "-'''.- -.,.' ,"'--"~' .. '- .. -- - ~ ,. ,.~. . \' \ . . '" '" 9d 6L8LON nos ~d6E:Z tooz' I I 'IOY Page I of I Account Information ~ LOGIC l)oVo·n]mu.l:r- Account Information Local Government Investment Cooperative Customer Account Transaction System 8/11/2004 ACH Deposit for Settlement Date: 8/12/2004 Please Print this Page for Your Records You have made an ACH Deposit for Trade Date: 8/11/2004 for $5,000.00 Account:01 - GENERALFUND effective 8/12/2004 Confirmation Number: 1081104145614 Transaction Menu ~*~ LOGIC 1201 Elm Suite 3500 Dallas TX 75270 1-800-TX-LOGIC (895-6442) E-Mail: HOME Rate Inform.?ltion I Enrollment Forms I Qperating Policies I !".<;<;ountInformation What jsLOGIC? I Links I Ouestions I B~gisJ~[ I Downloads Created by SWSIe~tlllologies © 1998-99 https://www.logic. org/newsecured/transactions/ executeTransaction.asp 8/11/2004 FORT BEND ~OlJNlY CLERK 301 Jackson St.. Richmond. TX 77469-3108 (231) 341-8685' Fax (281) 341-8697· Fax (281) 341--15:0 Fax 123t) 3<11-8681• Fax (281) 3<11·8669 QIANNE WILSON COUNTY CLERK LOGIC FAX COVER SHEET FOR DATE: August 11. 2004 TO: LOGIC FROM: FORT BEND COUNTY CLERK FAX NO.: --C.2Jil) 341 =4442 1 NUMBER OF PAGES: MESSAGE: PERHIT # Permit #82889 DEPOSITS (INCLUDING COVER SHEETI TIllS IS TO REOUEST THE ACH DEPOSIT(S) AS FOLLOWS: ACCOUNT Cypress E Letter dated AUg.3.2004 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE AMOUNT NAME & P Corporation Cypress E $5.000.00 & P Corporation $10.000.00 THE COMPLETE MESSAGE, PLEASE CALL: ALICIA.YEOMAIIS NAME.' _______________ PHONE NO.: (281) 341-8653 _ Permit #82889 Confirmation #1081104145614 Effective 08/12/2004 Letter dated AUg. 3. 2004 Confirmation #3081104145724 Effective 08/12/2004 CONFIRMATION NUMBER DATE _ ATTN: BUDDY. ALREADY DONE ON THE INTERNET RePtrY Dcpo.1o i:\C~lI'y\Iopdu.doe HP LaserJ et 3100 Prlnter/Fax/CoplerlScanner Job Start Tlme Usage SEND CONFIRMATION REPORT for COUNTY CLERK ACCOUNTING 281 341 4442 Aug -11 -04 2:40PM Phone Number or Type ID Pages MOde Status I 452 8/11 2:39PM 0'24" 1 ( 1 EC144 Completed 214 672 6775 Send i Total 0'24" Pages Sent: c& Pages Prlnted: 0 ?Ol J<><:icsOilSt" Rid""oad. ~ -~-169-:, iG~ ~~; '~l.~bS.l' F;u,"3 :', J~;-3697. i",... 1:3i" J~:--'j::C en:' -~L_g~.'I·F>x;:Sl"".I·J60~ ~ :;)"':"1"1:: \~TLSC" -:;~~vCL£!!.K . LOGIC FAX COVER SHEETFOR o"H. AII.IIst 11 DEPOSITS 200+ ,I) ~. FROM fOll.T !F~ncopnY - FoXNO: -C.Z.8..U~------ '<tr\lI/.r.R 01' ~"GES \o1ESS"CE, 1 C! __ fRK I~CLiJPING !H'S IS TOB¥.O!lt'!'!fTBI CO\'l:JI SHUT> \CHDtrosIDSlAS roLLQW~' -=-."__'''C'''C~QUNT~I1!i'!A~M~''CJ1'r«A6 'endt '82889 I I Le~ur datacl ....... 3.2004 Cypr••• Ill" YOU l.IO NOT UarYE AUCU. p; • TH[ P "MQU:-iT -",'''''''''::-_ Curpucat10D J. • no.DOO.DO P corporan_ COMl'LETE MESSAGr., 'lEOWIS J't.Lo.SE CALL PHONr.'10' UBt) 341--86~3 NAME: I renoU : lArue '112189 C<no.!l:noaU_ n081104I4~r.14 Iff~cth'e 08/12/2004 deeM MI_ ). 2004 C<>n!l.-Uon ,3Q81l0414S124 tfhcrht COI"F1RMAnOf'l NUMliER ATIN: DIrnDX ~ ;).~ TI: AI REApy DONE ON THE INTERNET 08/12/2004 _ DEPOSIT PERMIT # STYLE: 82889 Cypress E & P Corporation NAME PUT INTO LOGIC AS: DEPOSIT AMOUNT: DATE RECEIVED: Cypress E & P Corporation $5,000.00 8/10/2004 DATE TRANSFERRED TO LOGIC: 8/12/2004 I:Excel:Comm/Deposit Form COUNTY OF FORT BEND Engineering Department Johnny Ortega Permit Administrator P.O. Bo. 1449 Rosenberg, TX 77471-1449 Phone: 1124 Blume Rd. (281 )342-3039 PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW FORM FOR CABLE, CONDUIT, AND POLE LINE ACTIVITY IN FORT BEND COUNTY PERMIT NO. I )G~fl89 _ The following "Notice of Proposed Cable, Conduit, and/or Pole Line activity in Fort Bend County" and accompanying attachments have been reviewed and the notice conforms to appropriate regulations set by Commissioners' Court of Fort Bend County, Texas. 7 ___ / (1) Compl~ 1,-- (2) Bond: __ Application Form. . Name of road, street, and/or drainage ditch affected. b. Vicinity map showing course of direction. c. Plans and specifications. ~L=---_ a. / (3) Verbal permission given for emergencies, to start construction before approved in Commissioners' Court. Date Precinct Engineer Acknowledgement Precinct Commissioner Acknowledgement Date (4) Drainage District Approval when applicable. We have reviewed this project and agree it meets minimum requirements. _rhJ 6y Date 1.\WPDATA\PROCErnPERMJ1\REVIEWFORM wlld FORT BEND COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - PERMIT SECTION P. O.BOX 1149·1124 Blum. Road Rosonborg. Texas 77471 Phon. (281)34:?-3039' Fax (281) 342-7366 PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DRIVEWAYS AND CllL VERTS ON COUNTY EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY W1TI1IN FORT BEND COUNTY APPLlCATIONNO.~ DRIVEWAY AND/ORCULVERT APPLICATION FORM County Us. Only Q I. Le><aUon of DrivewayIlldiorcuJytn~1 JoHlJ S_<isionN SIDE ~ E.V~RPAD (StreCI Address) (HLotP Addrets if Ivailable) FosTe.R lE.A.<'oUESee-- BIJ\a'sTBAC.T E~P CQRP. :C.YPRESS 2. AppliclllIN BT H Phone 2>- STE. 3$ilY Mailiol_I2.777 JoNf;.S 2.8 \- e>SS -8 5 '=>5 77070 ~J'ON_Zip ) Agricultural ) Sin~e Family Dw,UinI 3. Site Use: ) Driveway· 2.0 ioal'of--_ Loc__ Curb A Gutttr Section ~ ) Culvcn Only Driveway with Culven • open ditch seclion 4. Proposed Constl'UctiOft: 5. INDICATE BELOW THE LOCA TlON OF ruE DRIVEW" Y AND/OR CUL VERT fROM THE NEAREST STIlJ!fT lNTfltSECTJON: ~. If the applic:anl is a corporation. permit be respoasiblc to Commissiollers' p;utncr5hip or oeMr legal emiry other man • nllurll Coon ~o see daaI..aD prtIvisions of the Drivewayand/or peJ.5QQ.)Ule the name: ofthc one Of mon persons who will Culvert Pamit wiU be in CQmpliance. K=AU ,. -'-'_·'''-uad to ConwissKtDcn' Court to tOIlSU'UCllhe nsof'thc ~1 aM any Olbcr wndtn material Thr. Wl4cn.ipe4 tpplieMt" aaem or aROmey drive")' and/or tuivUl UlSIriCl coDfomUcy wi irwoopa.-cl b~ re!ucDcc in this .pplicarion. ---------------~-------------------For COUIllYllequi=n<nlS u.. Only Driveway CuI_ R<qui .. _1S: I Code _ Lcnp______ 1 Bld~ T)'pt , Cc Diameoor '" Type, I Pel Kor Mop Loeo<ioft t, \W.~T),\lIWqu.1,)tlC1na\ Pl>one Si1.<d By I Dev PennR 1ft.p.<loon 0Uui<l J"lnal \drl veCtle_l1 Q .""PC 19 I Notes _ I 011<, _ Plancki' Pennkf« $, _ "'v. 1l/UJ2000 COUNTY OF FORT BEND Engineering Department P.O. Box 1449 Rosenberg, TX 77471 Johnny Ortega 1124BlumeRoad Phone: 281-342-3039 Permit Administrator RELEASE AUTHORIZATION THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT (S) CAN BE RELEASED UPON ORDER OF COMMISSIONER COURT: Check one or more documents per project PERPETUAL BOND #_-------------- $------------- Name: _ PERFORMANCE BOND :.!.~~t~1:..I. $ 5",tJOO. CASHIER'S CHECK #_--------------- $-------------- Name: _ RIDER TO BOND #_-------------- $------------ Name: _ PERMIT NUMBER (name or location: ~1'\\ RELEASE DOCUMENT (S) TO THE FOLLOWING: Name: =rqf.D Address: City/State/Zip: ~VINL. ?- D. \20,," 1\~f,r\iM..LP _ Q? 5 do \ _~v..'ok 'S"",. :J:7d=$;\ ~ IV\'\t.~ ~v"""'" AGREED: • COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT# -'- _ GINEER COURT APPROVED: DATE OF ~-\~-~\\ # RB,1~~: "--~:+-ri7""~"7A:--- BY: ---~~LU~~~~~9 DEPUTY COUNTY CL J:\WPDA T A\LETIERS\PERMIT\releaselulho \a-;:r FORT BEND COUNTY CLERK 301 Jackson 51., Richmond, TX 77469-3108 (Main) 303 Texas Parkway, \lissouri City. TX 77459 !Branchl \2Sl1 341-8685 W\vw. co. tort-bend. tx. us DL\NNE WILSON, Ph,D. COt'NTY CLERK Admm Fax 1281, 341-8697 Civll Fax ,2811341-4520 Cnnunal Fax 12811341-8681 Recordmg Fax 12811341-8669 August 16, 2004 NOTIFICATION OF RELEASE OF BOND A release order has been issued by the Fort Bend County Commissioners Court for the following: BOND# 104243 237 55,000.00 PRINCIPAL Teppco Crude Pipeline, L.P, SURETY Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America RELEASE TO Mike Brown Teppco Crude Pipeline, L.P, P,O, Box 2521 Houston, Texas 77252 Information on the issuance and release of this security are on file at the Fort Bend County Clerk's Office, Inquiries should be addressed to Dianne Wilson, Ph,D" Fort B'UEak. Alicia Yeomans County Clerk's cc: 301J~kw,. ° ""hm"'. T ti' 77469-31 08" "Il 281-341-8653. fiee Mary Jane Sowa, Fort Bend County Engineering FORT BEND COUNTY 1 •. 1 COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORlVI RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR DATE SUBMITTED: SUMMARY OF ITEM: OFFICE SUBMITTED BY:p .BATTS(AGENDA DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING PHONE NO.: (281) 633-7507 7/29/04 COURT AGENDA DATE: - COUNTY JUDGE'S enfet APPROVE FINAL PHASE 4,=100 IIISPECTIOO OF THE I'OLLOIIIIIG REI'ERmcID SUBDIVISION: # (ll Yes ( ) J • Fund N/A ( ) Funding Source: Agency Object ... \ UL 2 ,.J: : ;j 2004 ~U~ FINANCIAL SUMMARY: )No() GRAND LAKES ~'RfCErt'EiJ', " No ( ) LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Yes( J;A 1 RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: BUDGETED ITEM: AGENDA COORDINATOR) ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: OneTime ( ) Recurring N/A ( ) ( ) COMMENTS: Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: ( ) ( ../ when completed) If by E-Mail to If by Fax to (281) 341-8609 Copies with back-up to: ( ) Auditor (281-341-3774) ( ) Comm. Pet. 1 (281-342-0587) ( ) Budget Offieer (281-344-3954) ( ) Comm. Pet. 2 (281-403-8009) ( ) County Attorney (281-341-4557) ( ) Comm. Pet. 3 (281-242-9060) ( ) Purchasing Agent (281-341-8642) ( ) Comm. Pet. 4 (281-980-9077) ( ) County Clerk (281-341-8697) Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Agenda Request Forms may be submitted bye-mail, fax, or inter-office mail, and all information must be provided by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to tbe departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judge's Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: RELEASE AUTHORIZATION THE FOLLOWING COMMISSIONERS DOCUMENT(S) COURT: CAN BE RELEASED check one or more documents UPON ORDER OF per project BOND $ 655,600.00 # 6124025 PRINCIPAL: -o!oT£,Ml,lI ..... ,----'I"'n.,;c'-.'-SURETY: Safeco Insurance Company --,of America _ BOND RIDER #_------------ $------------ Name : _ LETTER OF CREDIT $----------- #_-----------Name : _ OTHER #_------------ $----------- Name: CONSTRUCTION PROJECT (Name or location) : GRAND LAKES PHASE 4, SECTION 1 RELEASE DOCUMENT(S) TO THE FOLLOWING: Mr. Robert Banford, III TMI, Inc. 16285 Park Ten Place, Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77084 AGREED: • COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT #~3 NGINEER COU ,~"."" DAT:El:~l.i:~~3J~TI~~~r::== BY: Deputy 1:\WPDAT A\PROCED\DEV\releasefrm .. uOI.wpd _ FORT BEND COUNTY ENGINEERING Fort Bend County, Texas D. Jesse Hegemier County Engineer July 28, 2004 Commissioner W. A. "Andy" Meyers Fort Bend County Precinct 3 1809 Eldridge Road Sugar Land, Texas 77478 RE: Grand Lakes Phase 4, Section 1 Dear Commissioner: A final inspection of the roads for the above referenced subdivision was made, and all of the deficiencies have been corrected. The streets, along with their footage lengths: are as follows: Grand Trace Lane South Lakebluff Circle North Lakebluff Circle Hollow Trace Lane Briar Summit Lane Cloverfalls Lane Bell Hollow Lane Arrowbrook Court Alder Springs Court Alder Springs Lane Riverrnoss Lane Trailstone Lane Shadowcliff Lane TOTAL: 1,122.78 613.34 856.93 45.56 515.42 253.46 1,438.86 184.63 103.05 826.97 683.97 722.65 221.51 7,589.13 LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF The current bond is # 6124025 in the amount of$ 655.600.00 Mr. Robert Banford, III TMI, Inc. 16285 Park Ten Place, Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77084 . Release bond to: If you should have any questions or need additional inforrnation please feel free to call. Sincerely, ~;r~ Steven L. Evans Assistant to County Engineer SLE/mjs cc: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. File Chris Jacobs, Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc. Scott Goerlich, TMI, Inc. Dan Marcheli, Durwood Greene Construction Co. Roby Tate, FBC Road & Bridge P.O. Box 1449 • I 124 Blume Road I:\WPDATA\LETTERS\DEV\02104074_dOl.wpd Rosenber~. Te.\<lS77471 • (281) 633-7500 • Fax (281) 342-7366 FORT BEND COUNTY CLERK DIANNE WILSON. Ph.D. ('oeNTY 301 Jackson St.. Richmond, TX 77469-3108 (Main) 303 Texas Parkway. Missouri Ciry. TX 77459 (Branch) (281) 341-8685 W\v\\! .co. fort-bend.tx. us CLERK Admin. Civil Criminal Recording Fax (281) 341-8697 Fax (281) 341-4520 Fax (281 ) 341-868 \ Fax (281) 341-8669 August 19, 2004 :,/OTIFICATION OF RELEASE OF BOND A release order has been issued by the Fort Bend County Commissioners the following: Court for $655,600.00 BOND# 6124025 SUBDIVISION Grand Lakes Phase Four, Section One PRINCIPAL TMI, Inc. SURETY Safeco Insurance Company of America RELEASE TO Mr. Robert Banford, III TMI, Inc. 16285 Park Ten Place, Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77084 ~,y c:"" Information on the issuance and release of this security are on file at the Fort Bend County Clerk's Office. Inquiries should be addressed to Dianne Wilson, Ph.D., Fort 301 J~loo., Ri'hmo.' T,= 7746;}.3108 ,,~Il 281-341-8653. County Cler ' s Office cc: Mary Jane Sowa, Fort Bend County Engineering CYPRESS Cypress E&P Corporation August 3, 2004 Permit Administrator Fort Bend County Engineering P.O. Box 1449 Rosenberg, Texas 77471-1449 Subject: Use of Fort Bend County Road During Planned Drilling Operations Gentlemen: Cypress E&P Corporation (Cypress) proposes to cause the drilling·ofa well, Foster Farms No.2, in search of oil or gas on lands located in the John Foster League, Abstract 26 in Fort Bend County, Texas. The drilling rig and materials necessary to drill Foster Farms No.2 would be transported to the planned location via approximately a 3500-foot portion of unpaved Evans Road, extending westerly from its intersection with Texas Highway 723. The permit for use of Evans Road is hereby respectfully requested effective August 10,2004. It is further proposed by Cypress that, in lieu of a surety bond to be held on behalf of Fort Bend County, that the attached Cashier's Check in the amount of $10,000.00 be accepted by the appropriate authority and held as a surety deposit. This deposit would be to ensure the repair of any damage caused by the operation of any vehicles traversing Evans Road in conjunction with the planned drilling project. Cypress understands that the 510,000.00 so deposited would not be returned until the Commissioners' Court of Fort Bend County is duly satisfied that any such damage resulting from the planned drilling has been repaired, or that none occurred. It is also understood and accepted hereby that the amount of deposit tendered does not limit liability in the event that this drilling activity causes damage exceeding said deposit. Your assistance in the handling of this proposal for consideration of approval is earnestly requested and would be greatly appreciated. Please advise if any further information is required. Vi ry ly yours, Donal~ J. Pfau Attachment _Q . f-r ~ Compass Bank :;::) Box ..1,1":'..:- :-i0USt0(1. '8xa;; Cypress & ~:: . -,~JOE"'1NlTv SOi'JD '.~AV BE ;':E,':";:.::;;:= ::E;::ORE :..c.'':S: ,:;p S-;-2:"=~j CF-=ICIAL C!1!:CK CAN ~E PE~I_..l,CE[) ::J._':;-::,-:.\~:: -:O-:'C)- .. ..1..1-: P Corporation Date 4867127188 I *~Fort Bend County** -~21369 .~~ --- 08-03-2004 s THE SUM OF ~ 113,13 0 radols 13racts PAY '0 E CASHIER'S CHECK -:-~ VOID OVER $10,000.00 DRGEA PAYABLE THROUGH US BANK, ST. PAUL. MN 71.271.88211· "'-kl0, 000 _00"'," AS PER ORIGINAL "...... 111 1TO"'L.i-J ~QM AN ~ _ "'110 GI'f(lR ITgu ~_IIItI"lltM' It.IU!!Cr ro 1""~ (IF T"r. Ulllfonr.l IlO""'III' e- _" ..... NN ~1IlK!1"C(l9W"l1'WliOM~. Ot:'Cll'l1li 1III'i" NO'f Ii ...... "' •. .lal! fOR /IlMfOlATIWlllf- '1ItMI'~1 "-."'IY ... ,.. lIIM1,Telllll 71..". 21141.T_ 220 1'0 :I'"" 'c, -- I~ \. ./ \. .'. \ " • ........... -.. 8 .d 6L8LON nos OOCJ .... AS PER ORIGINAL SO\lthern Membore Natl°flt B~P.X4S F.D.I.C. THIS IS YOUR A~CEIPT. BANK SVU80L, TRANSACTION NUMIiPIiiA. DATI!! AND AMOUNT OF DEPOSIT AAi. SHOWN TIlERN IlATlONAL BANK ff' TX 7909/11/04 TOOI,32PM ~ A ll6JlOSit Acct. 2207036 NOTE: 8£LQW. 110;000.00 useo. ALL ITEMS A,"CGlVED SU&JECT To OONDJ1'IONS AND T5Rf04S 5TAT'E:O ON 91~tuRE C....ROS CUI!tRENTI.Y "l~" AE:TAINTJ.lIST"""NSACTfON RECORD UNtiL IT JS V~JlIrFII!!DQV YOUR ...dNTHlViOUAAT;~I"Y STATEMEiNT. -.~ .. ~.. M""_'." --" ,........,.... . ... ~_ •. _.• -, ._.. . 1 __ " ••••.. .: (I~ .-"'. \, ./ .~ > •... " t 'd 6L9L'CN - nos Account Information -. LOGIC Page 1 of 1 \,"hllt i~LOGIC":, Account Information Local Government Investment Cooperative Customer Account Transaction System 8/11/2004 ACH Deposit for Settlement Date: 8/12/2004 Please Print this Page for Your Records You have made an ACH Deposit for Trade Date: 8/11/2004 for $10,000.00 Account:01 - GENERALFUND effective 8/12/2004 Confirmation Number: 3081104145724 Iran5ilctionMcl1Jd 4£*~ LOGIC 1201 Elm Suite 3500 Dallas TX 75270 1-800-TX-LOGIC (895-6442) E-Mail: inf!!@logic.!!1"9 HOME Rate Informlltion I £nrollment FClrms I Qperating !,olicies What is LOGIC? I Lin[<~ I Questions I Register I Account I Information Downloads Created by SWS TechnCllogies © 1998-99 https:!!www.1 0gic. org!newsecured/transacti ons! executeTransaction. asp 811112004 FORT BEND COUNTY CLERK 30\ JaCKson St.. Richmond, TX 77469-3\08 ':3 1) 34\-8685 • F:u (:31) 341-8697 • F:u (:31) 341--15:0 fox ,:81) 341-8681 • Fox ,:81) 341-8669 DI.-\NNE WILSON COC;'>iTY CLERK LOGIC FAX COnR D....TE: SHEET FOR Augnst 11, 2004 TO: LOGIC FROM: FORT BEND COUNTY CLERK F..u: NO.: -U8l-l NUMBER OF PAGES: MESSAGE: P.ERlfIT It DEPOSITS 341· 4442 1 (INCLUDING COVER SHEETI TIllS IS TO REOUEST THE ACH DEPOSITfS)AS FOLLOWS: AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME Permit #82889 Cypress E Letter dated Allg.3,2004 & P Corporation Cypress E $5,000.00 & P Corporation $10,000.00 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE THE COMPLETE MESSAGE,PLEASECALL: NAME: ALICIA. YEOMANS PHONE NO.: (281) 341-8653 Permit #82889 Confirmation #1081104145614 Effective 08/12/2004 Letter dated Aug. 3, 2004 Confirmation #3081104145724 Effective 08/12/2004 CONFIRMATION NUMBER DATE ATTN: BUDDY, ALREADY DONE ON THE INTERNET _ HP LaserJet 3100 Prlnter/Fax/Copler/Scanner Job 452 Start Hme 8/11 2:39PM Total Usage SEND CONFIRMATION REPORT for COUNTY CLERK ACCOUNTING 281 341 4442 Aug-11 -04 2:40PM Phone Number or IO 0'24" Type Pages Mode 214 672 6775 Send 0'24" Pages Sent: 8 . Pages Prlnted: 0 FOIIT "fj--·----' .. . .. ~. BEND COUNI'Y CLERK ,0\ ";~- ,~ 1/ 1 EC144 Completed J=""=~ S,_. Richm<><ld. TX 77.;(,9~310~ :~:' '~1.~~8~ • f'u i1S 11]~ ;.g1597. Fu \1S11 ;J.; ...l5:~ ,0,-< :;;1' ~J.l·8l>il1· Fu':Sl: .'41·.~ SI....:-;NE,Vn •.:';Q!·i :~lmTY CLERK LOGiC FAX COVER TO' FORT ~If;NP cm",n"l' F~X,'(O' .aALl ~ nus :o.ass"GE: l'DIlU...-' P~t: DEPOSITS LOGK FROM' '1U?oIBF.R OF ~"GE.S; ! SHEET FOR gslS _ 1 ! 11'19 UplNG ISmRi'.Q!!pfT'BJ ACCOUNI 'SU89 CJ COVER SK:u:n "CHDt;ro.<jm:n,o,s rou.QW~· AMQU;q ;:.l .... ME Cypreu It .. P $5.000.00 Corpult&t:i.oa I l.-n_ ... dau4 !Jl' YOU 00 NAIom: : ~t: IlAt".r ...... 3.2004 NOT eyprol•• ocrI'VE nK E .. P CGrporal:1 ..... COMPLETE Jo,UCI.L YEOMAIIS M:!SSAG£. I'Li:A.Sf. CALJ... PHONr.NQ, (UI) 341-36jJ '82889 C,.. Uraat1oa 110&1104145614 Effeeel ...., 08/U/2OCl4 dated AlaI. J. 2004 c....UraaU01O 1308\104145124 Ift."d ...., 081121~ COf"FfliMATtON NUMBi:.Il 1),0, TE _ ..--- AITN: BUDDY AI READv DONE ON THE INITBNET ;. Status i ; DEPOSIT PERMIT # Letter Dated August STYLE: Cypress 3,2004 E & P Corporation NAME PUT INTO LOGIC AS: DEPOSIT AMOUNT: DATE RECEIVED: Cypress E & P Corporation $10,000.00 8/10/2004 DATE TRANSFERRED TO LOGIC: 8/12/2004 I:Excet:Comm/Deposit Form • -. o,._~, • FORT BEND COUNTY"\ \J r: I COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORD.-COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE DATE SUBMITTED: SUBMITTED BY: Ann Werlein DEPARTMENT: County Judge PHONE NO: 8/3/04 COURT AGENDA DATE: 8/10/04 AGENDA /3 SUMMARY OF ITEM: FORT BEND COUNTY FRESH WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT #1: The Board of Directors of the Fon Bend County Fresh Water Supply District #1 reviewed the following at their regular meeting on June 15,2004: authorized payment oflnvoke No.5 in the amount of$26,328.26 to Carter· Burgess. (Fund: 010-042M03A·2000·4010) RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: Yes 0 LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATT ACHED: No (,,) FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes(") Fund NoO N/AO Funding Source: Agency Object ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: OneTime 0 Recurring N/A 0 COMMENTS: (" ) Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: Yes () CC with back up: yes (,( )Auditor yes ( ,()Budget Officer yes ( ,()County Attorney yes ( ,()purchasing Agent yes ('" )County Clerk (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) yes yes yes yes (,( )Comm. ( ,()Comm. ( ,()Comm. (,( )Comm. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. 1 2 3 4 (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: I. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up iuformation by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: The Financial Assistance Agreement between County and District became effective October 1, 2002. Expenses incurred after October I, 2002 will be brought forward to Commissioners Court for approval. July 31, 2004 Honorable Judge Robert E. Hebert c/o Ann Werlein 301 Jackson Richmond, Texas 77469 Re: Payments for the Fort Bend Co. FWSD #1 Project - Design Phase Dear Ann, The Board of Supervisors of the Fort Bend County Fresh Water Supply District No.1 reviewed Invoice #5 at their regular meeting held June 15, 2004, and recommend the approval and payment of said invoice to Commissioners Court Note that this invoice is for the Design Phase and is the fifth invoice for this phase. We request that the attached Invoice #5 be placed on the Commissioners agenda. Court Please contact me if you have any questions. My number is 281-369-3150. Sincerely, C:;P. U;~ Yh. . ~~-IlI-!,(', t!.-(A- -;;~-~. Smith Herbst, CPA Bookkeeper P. O. Box 858 Rosharon, Texas 77583 (281) 369-3150 FORT BEND COUNTY, TEXAS PURCHASE ORDER J,l P.o. NUMBER: SPECIAL PC 00100001665 01 PAGE .: INSTRUCTIONS: P.O. DATE: AS PER ORIGINAL BUYER: 01 DEBB!E BY 17 2003 12 17 2003 NO CiJl...,lNTY SHIP TO' VENDOR: CARfER-B1JRGESS, DELIVER 12 FOB: CONFIRMING: ~AMINS~r r-"- JUDGE 309 S 4TH STREET, F: rCHf10ND TX INC SUITE 719 77469 5S WI~UGH DR #801) COUNTY BILL TO: 7l;)07--S83:] T:J;. HOtJSTON 3G t RICHMOND ROY HEARNSBERGER oeSCRIPTION C'~)l t. 000 301 Cii D 042 FRESH JUDGE .JAC~.SGr\1 QUANTITY EP., TX 77469 ':£ MO:3f., WATEH #1 TOfAL DESIGN PH ... ';SE APf:f';;GV CGriM CCur-:;T 10/21/03 F'lJRCHASE ORDr:~ FDP ,.~CCDIJNTING Pur;;j-""'OSE CiNL.Y r:-EP ATT·;CHED INFORM,;r rO\',j. CONTR/;CT'.J!~: ·3i.:::._.ECTIC~\i PROCELlJHES A;",ID f\l'l"{ OTHEP FER,'!:'>lfNr DOClJi"iENTA'TIOr-J. SEE FORT BEND RDAD AUrHORITY. P~ID I~JVO!CE #16 rOR PHASE r CONTRACT (PC001-1370) O~I THrS M"[STAKF. I~CREAS~: OF $25,670.24 DUE TO "fHIS ERROR. PO BY .:2(,} 32t. .2~ PA.:;:E TOTAL.. 1> ' 2~ ':~~RAi',jD TClTAL.. BY MY SIGNATURE I ATTEST THE I11,MS ON THIS ORDl!R RECEIVED AND THAT AI.L ITEMS MEET sPECIFlCATlONS. JGNAnJAE 'Be'" FORM ---- OF PURCHASING AlJT1<)RIZEC AGE RECEIViNG 1074 (MAY 92) ---- -- - - - - -- - - --- SlGNATURE,tlATE HAVE BEE' g '7-D'o/ REPORT ------------ - -- - ----------------- -- FORT BEND COUNTY, TEXAS PURCHASE ORDER ·r~ .,.~ P.O. NUMBER: PC 00100001665 AS PER ORIGINAL SPECIAL PAGE": INSTRUCTIONS: P.O DATE: DELIVER BY: BUYER: 01 DEBBIE CONFIRMING: ~,AMINSKI 01 12 17 2003 12 17 2003 FOB: NO CiJtJNTY SHIP TO' VENDOR: ,JI."lDGE 309 S 4TH STREET, SUITE 719 RICHMOND TX 77469 CAR fER-BURGESS, 55 W/\UGH DR #GQI) COUNTY JUDGE 30 t .JACIA,SOi·,! RICHMOND TX 77469 BilL TO: HOUSTON ROY HEARNS8EPGER DESCRIPTlON 301 t. 000 QUANTITY EP~ >:£ 010 042 M03A 2000 4010 01 FR1::SH Wt-,TEn #-J. TOTAL DE'.:.:::IGN PH,.iSE PUF~CHASE ORDr:7. FDR CO~lTRACTSR Apr:;.-;;O\l CGriM ccu;;;r 10/21/0::. ,·\CCDIJNTING pUf·:eOSE DNLY PER ATT.;1':::HED rNT·~OR!"1ATrON. SEt_EC'Tr(;NPROCEDURES AND AN~' OT~~EP PER~'INfNT DOCU~!E~l-rATIOr-j. SEE FORT BEND ROAD AU fHOR 1TV. PAID I~JVOIC~ #16 fOR PHASE I CONTRACT ~PCOOl-1370) ON TH~S PO BY M·[STA~F. INCREAS1: OF $2S, 670_ 24 DllE TO -rHIS ERROR. ..:2-(" J PA·';;E '':;RAr·iD 32.K. .2 c;, TOTAi..- 1.· TC;T..=.L.. 1. 333.,":( ""3. 310 2-~ 2-':;' 1 (I BY MY SlGNATU~E I ATTEST THE I11:M5 ON THIS O~Ol!R HAVE BEE' ~ECEIV£D AND THAT All I11:MS MEET SPECIFICATIONS. IGNATlJRE 'BCA FORM OF PURCHASING AUTHO~IZED SlGNATU~Eft)A11: AGE 107" (MAY 92) -_._-- ---- - - - - - - -- -- RECEIVING REPORT -- ---- -- ~ --- - - - ------------- g'7-D~ ~- Carter:: Burgess FORT BEND COUNTY FRESHWATER SUPPLY DEPARTMENT No. 6/1712004 Invoice Date: P.O. BOX 858 ROSHARON, AnN: TEXAS 77583 PHYLLIS SMITH HERBST, CPA Invoice No.: 1955210 Project No.: 030828.020 INVOICE #5 REFERENCE: Design Phase for FWSD#l FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Water and Sewer System RENDERED FEE THIS PERIOD BUDGET TASK 5/28/2004 THROUGH: PREVIOUS INVOICES % COMPLETE Design Phase Engineering $1,307,640.00 $ 26,328.26 $ 215,723.05 TOTAL $1,307,640.00 $ 26,328.26 $ 215,723.05 LESS PREVIOUS 18.5% 18.5% INVOICES: II TOTAL TO DATE $ 242,051.31 $ 242,051.31 $ 215,723.05 INVOICE AMOUNT: CARTER Vernon Approval & BURGESS H. Webb, P.E., Project $26,328.26 APPROVAL: Date Mimager of Invoice: ~ Date Dale Remit To: Carier & Burgess, Inc., P.O. Box 99350, Fort Worth, TX 76199-0350 Wire Transfer: Bank One. Texas, ABA #111 000 614, Credit: Carter & Burgess, Account #1881137242 Corter & oo.;rgess 'ne Carter & Burgess Archire<:ls/Enginee-s. C&a Architects/Engineers. PC !ne Ccrter C&B ~evc::da. Int & Burgess Con,,,llcn'S. "C Nixon 3. Lcird Archirec~,,=ng ::::3.3,.o.r:hltec;,/t:1gineer; "leers;:>::: Int II FORT BEND COUNTY P,"'J_I COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORD.-COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE DATE SUBMITTED: SUBMITTED BY: Ann Werlein DEPARTMENT: County Judge PHONE NO: 8/3/04 COURT AGENDA DATE: 8/10/04 AGENDA It-/- SUMMARY OF ITEM: FORT BEND COUNTY FRESH WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT #2: The Board of Directors of the Fort Bend County Fresh Water Supply District #2 reviewed the following at their regular meeting on July 20, 2004: authorized payment of Invoice No. 75939 in the amount of$30,756.8 I to Pate Engineers. (Fund: 010-042M03C-2000-40 I0) RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: Yes 0 LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes("') Fund No ("') NoO N/AO Funding Source: Agency Object ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: OneTime 0 Recurring N/A 0 COMMENTS: ( '" ) Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: Yes () CC with back up: yes (,I' )Auditor yes ( ,I')Budget Officer yes ( ,I')County Attorney yes ( ,I')Purchasing Agent yes (....)County Clerk (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) yes yes yes yes (,I' )Comm. ( ,I')Comm. ( ,I')Comm. (,I' )Comm. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. 1 2 3 4 (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: I. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: The Financial Assistance Agreement between County and District became effective October 1, 2002. Expenses incurred after October 1, 2002 will be brought forward to Commissioners Court for approval. July 31, 2004 Honorable Judge Robert E. Hebert c/o Ann Werlein 301 Jackson Richmond, Texas 77469 Re: Payments for the Fort Bend Co. FWSD #2 Project Dear Ann, The Board of Supervisors for the Fort Bend County Fresh Water Supply District No.2 reviewed the following invoices at their District meeting held July 20, 2004: Pate Engineers Invoice #0075939 Dated 5/26/04 $ 30,756.81 The total for all invoices is $30,756.81. The Board recommends payment of said invoices to Commissioners Court. the approval and We request that the attached invoices be placed on the Commissioners Please contact me if you have any questions. Court agenda. My number is 281-369-3150. Sincerely, CJ) ID'S ~h~Smith Bookkeeper P. O. Box 858 fh- ~:~ ~b-b.d-j ~e~ Herbst, CPA Rosharon, Texas 77583 (281) 369-3150 FORT BEND COUNTY, TEXAS PURCHASE ORDER PO. NUMBER: SPECIAL PC 00100001517 01 06 16 2003 PAGE.: INSTRUCTIONS: P.O.OATE: DELIVER BUYER: 01 VAMINSKI c· NO COUNTY .JUDGE 309 S 4TH STREET, SHIP TO: VENDOR: 760091776 PATE ENGINEERS, 13333 NORTHWEST INC FWY, SUITE 300 RICHMOND HOUSTON JEFF ROSS ~*NOTE** THIS ORDER 77040-6071 RICHMOND WAS MODIfIED 1. 010 042 M03B 2000 4010 TX 000 EA @ 217.016,920000 EXTENDED COST 217.016.92 01 FOR FRESH WATER DISTRICT #2 APPRV COMM COURT 6/101 EXPENDITURES 2003 - AND APPROVED BY WATER BOAPD 7/16102 10/1/02. ON FINANCr.o,L ASSISTMlCE AGREEMEr.JT EFFECTIVE: ENGINEER. *** 002 77469 UNIT COST QUANTITY 301 SUITE 719 77469 ON 05/12/2004 DESCRIPTION 001 TX COUNTY JUDGE 301 .JACKSON BilL TO: TX 06 16 2003 FOB: CONFIRMING: DEBBIE BY: FOR ACCOUNTING PURPOSES @ 301 PAID BASED *** ONLY o O. 00 000000 010 042 M03B 2000 40iO 02 SAI'1E AS 003 ABOVE 301 1. 000 EA 168,683080000 168,683.08 1. 000 EA 37S.200.000000 375.200.00 000 EO, 6,000.000000 010 042 M03C 2000 4010 03 SAME AS ABOVE G04 301 010 042 M03C 2000 4010 03 ADDITIONAL 005 010 SERVICES 1. 301 042 M03C REIMBURSABLE 2000 4010 6,000 00 03 EXPENSE3 3D, 15{,.-S'{ 1593Ci PAGE TOTAL GR,~ND TOTAL 7<Sk.,900.0C 766~O BY MY SlGNATlJRE I ATTEST THE ITEMS ON THIS ORDER HA~ RECEIVED AND THAT ALl ITEMS MEET SPECIFlCATlONS. AUTHORIZED ""BeA FORM 107. (MA'!' 92) ----- RECEIViNG SlGNATURWATE ,-or C'-<> o REPORT ------------------------ -----------~-~ 00 BeE . • PATE ~ ENGINEERS Project: Invoice No. 0075939 May 26. 2004 Four Comers/Rio Brazos W&S 1166-001-00 Ft. Bend County FWSD No.2 Phyllis Herbst. CPA PO Box 858 Rosharon. TX 77583 Services thru May 25, 2004 I. To Date 95.00000% Engineering Design{ 329,000) 0% II. Construction Phase Services ( 56,700) III. Engineering During Construction( 36,160) 0% 0% IV. Construction Observation (204,904) TOTAL BASIC SERVICES ADDITIONAL 284.585.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuta: DUG This Invoice 27.965.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 312,550.00 284.585.00 27.965.00 11.000.00 53,472.00 0.00 28,000.00 74,728.65 92,702.60 15,457.77 275.361.02 11.00000 53,472.00 0.00 28,000.00 73.828.65 92,702.60 13.577.66 272.580.91 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 900.00 0.00 1,880.11 2,780.11 1,826.94 30.00 42.72 10.00 1.826.94 30.00 31.02 10.00 0.00 0.00 11.70 0.00 Gilit:d Comp;ettt To Date 312.550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pie ..:ous !!.!!!!.I! SERVICES 1. TPDES Waste Discharge Permit(11,OOO) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Soils (55.700) O&M Manuals (13.500) Control Survey (28.000) Property Survey (77.000) Route Survey (174.000) 7. Design Connections (16,000) TOTAL ADDITIONAL REIMBURSABLE SERVICES EXPENSE Reproductions Travel Delivery Permit Fee T"lRCC .A.,"r-Jicat!c~:::~e G5C.CC Public Notices TOTAL REIMBURSABLES TOTAL AMOUNT NOW DUE Approved this ~'j.;)o &aun 0' O,\)0 ~~,,J.OQ 2,719.46 5,179.12 2,719.46 5,167.42 0.00 11.70 593,090.14 562,333.33 30,756.81 c?<> 0 " PATE ENGINEERS, INC. -13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, SUITE 300, HOUSTON, TEXAS 71040·713/462-3178· FAX 713/462-1631 ;-:"GENDA ,rEM FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY J AGENDA REQUEST FOR COMMISSIONERS COURT - AUGUST 10,2004 54 - F August 3, 2004 Dear Judge and Commissioners: The Board of Directors of the Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority reviewed the following items at their regular meeting held on July 21, 2004 and makes the following recommendations to Commissioners Court: 1. Approval of utility relocation agreement with DOW Pipeline Company in an amount not to exceed $463,758.00 for the Westpark Corridor Project. 2. Approval of Change Order Number 2 for a 60-day time extension to contract A001 with W.W. Webber, Inc. for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. 3. Approval of Change Order Numbers 2, 3, 4 (for a 60-day time extension) and 5 to contract A023 with W.W. Webber, Inc. for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. 4. Approval of Change Order Number 3 for a 90-day time extension to contract A045 with W.W. Webber, Inc. for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. 5. Approval of Change Order Number 1 with Jerdon Enterprise, L.P. in the amount of$9,758.76 for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. 6. Approval of Change Order Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 to contract with SpawGlass Civil Construction, Inc. for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. Copies of the change orders and agreement will be forwarded for your review. Please place these items for consideration by Commissioners Court on the agenda for the meeting scheduled on August 10, 2004. As always, if you should have any questions regarding this matter, please don't hesitate to contact any member of the Board of Directors or the Authority's consultants. Very truly yours, Richard L. Muller, Jr. Allen Boone Humphries LLP Justine Cherne Cc: Subject: Justine Cherne; 'Ron Castillo'; 'Urbanek Linda (E-mail)'; 'Ann Werlein'; 'Bronsell Mandi (Email)'; 'Childers Bud (E-mail)'; 'D'Neal Brown'; 'Evans-Smith Felicia (E-mail)'; 'Hegemier Jesse (E-mail)'; 'Hurley Dave (E-mail)'; 'Johnson Laura (E-mail)'; 'Judge Hebert'; 'McCarver Jean (Email)'; 'Meyers Andy (E-mail)'; 'Ospina Donna (E-mail)'; 'Patterson James (E-mail)'; 'Prestage Grady (E-mail)'; 'Robin Vrana'; 'Stavinoha Tom (E-mail)'; 'Sue Brock'; 'edwarjam@co.fortbend.'; '' 'Bill Jameson ('; 'Mike Stone ('; 'Jim Spackman'; 'Joel Schramm'; 'Arroyave Bob ('; 'Gary Gehbauer ('; ''; 'Cliff Kavanaugh ('; Joe B. Allen; Rich Muller; Tina Tobias; 'Ordeneaux Greg (Email)'; 'Bobbie Tallas (E-mail)'; 'Charles Rencher (E-mail)'; 'Jim Condrey (E-mail)'; 'Norm Mason (E-mail)'; 'Sturdivant K (E-mail)'; 'Parr J (E-mail)'; ''; 'Cannatella, John (Turner Collie & Braden Inc).EML'; Munoz, Victor RE: Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority Dear Judge and Commissioners: The Board of Directors of the Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority reviewed the following items at their regular meeting held on July 21, 2004 and makes the following recommendations to Commissioners Court: 1. Approval of utility relocation agreement with DOW Pipeline Company in an amount not to exceed $463,758.00for the Westpark Corridor Project. 2. Approval of Change Order Number 2 for a 60-day time extension to contract A001 with W.W. Webber, Inc. for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. 3. Approval of Change Order Numbers 2, 3, 4 (for a 60-day time extension) and 5 to contract A023 with W.W. Webber, Inc. for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. 4. Approval of Change Order Number 3 for a 90-day time extension to contract A045 with W.W. Webber, Inc. for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. 5. Approval of Change Order Number 1 with Jerdon Enterprise, L.P. in the amount of $9,758.76 for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. 6. Approval of Change Order Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 to contract with SpawGlass Civil Construction, Inc. for the Fort Bend Parkway Corridor, Project A. Copies of the change orders and agreement will be forwarded for your review. Please place these items for consideration by Commissioners Court on the agenda for the meeting scheduled on August 10,2004. As always, if you should have any questions regarding this matter, please don't hesitate to contact any member of the Board of Directors or the Authority's consultants. Very truly yours, 1 Richard 1. Muller, Jr. Allen Boone Humphries LLP 713-860-6415 2 \SA CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT FOR RIGHT OF WAY UTILITY ADJUSTMENTS THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY: FORT BEND COUNTY OF FORT BEND § ROAD: FORTBENDWESTPARKTOLLWAY This agreement entered into this 21st day of July, 2004, by and between The Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority, a local government Corporation created pursuant to Chapter 431, Texas Transportation Code and operating pursuant to Chapters 284 and 431, Texas Transportation Code hereinafter called TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY, and DOW PIPELINE COMPANY acting by and through its duly authorized representative, L. A. Simper, hereinafter called the OWNER, witnesseth: WHEREAS, the OWNER, in an Affidavit dated July 21, 2004, has asserted an interest in certain lands and that this proposed road improvement will necessitate the adjustment, removal or relocation of certain facilities of the OWNER now located upon such lands as indicated in the following statement of work: Split Case 300 feet ofDow Pipeline Company's 30 inch Gas Pipeline on the North side ofFM - 1093. WHEREAS, the TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY desires to accomplish the adjustment, removal or relocation of the OWNER'S utility facilities by entering into an agreement with the OWNER. Upon execution of this agreement by the parties hereto, and upon approval by the TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY of the Plans, Estimate of Costs, Affidavit of Property Ownership, and other instruments attached hereto, the TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY will, by written notice, authorize the OWNER to proceed with the necessary adjustment, removal or relocation; and the OWNER agrees to prosecute such work diligently to completion in such manner as will not result in avoidable interference or delay in either the TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY'S construction or in said work, but in no event will such work extend past October I, 2004. The OWNER will carry out said adjustment, removal or relocation in accordance with the plans attached hereto and the amount paid by the TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY pursuant to this contract shall be full compensation to the OWNER for making such adjustment, removal, or relocation. Bills for work hereunder shaB be submitted to the TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY not later than ninety (90) days after completion of the work. The TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY agrees to pay the OWNER and the OWNER agrees to accept 100 percent of the total, actual, and related indirect costs, of the project reduced by salvage and betterment, if any, which may result from adjustment or relocation, said payment representing that portion of the project for which the TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY is legally required to pay and for which the OWNER is legally entitled to be reimbursed, provided, however, that the TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY shall in no event be liable under this agreement for more than $463,758.00 as full payment for that portion of the project in question for which the OWNER is legally entitled to be reimbursed, said reimbursement to be forthcoming only after receipt of a final billing itemized in accordance with the County Auditor's guidelines attached hereto, certified and accompanied by a certificate of the Toll Road Authority's General Engineering Consultant, Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc. to the effect that such work has been fully accomplished. OWNER'S interests in the land within the right of way shall be subject to the Joint Use Permit attached hereto and made a part hereof. The instruments attached to and made a part of this agreement are: Permit Affidavit Cost Estimate Engineer's Approval of Cost Estimate Company Sketch County Auditor's Guidelines for Utility Adjustment Claims It is expressly understood that this contract is subject to cancellation by the COUNTY at any time up to the date that work under this contract has been authorized and that such cancellation will not create any liability on the part of the COUNTY. Owner: By:Lt1~ L.A. Simper Right-of-Way Manager Date: I 7PI&4 Date:,_-.:-.L-_-'-~--'~ I _ PERMIT THE STATE OF TEXAS§ COUNTY: FORT BEND COUNTY OF FORT BEND § ROAD: FORT BEND WESTP ARK TOLLWAY WHEREAS, FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY, hereinafter called "TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY", proposes to make certain improvements on that section of the above indicated road generally located as follows: FM - 1093 East Side of SH - 99 WHEREAS, it is understood that the above referred to improvements will affect the facilities of DOW PIPELINE COMPANY hereinafter, whether one or more, called the "OWNER", acting by and through L.A. Simper, is in possession of, and will retain possession of, certain properties that the TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY must cross and encroach upon in the construction and maintenance of these improvements, such crossings or encroachments being as detailed and to the extent as shown and described on the sketch sheet or sheets which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, formal permission is hereby granted to the TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY to cross and encroach upon OWNER'S said properties for the purposes set forth herein and as detailed and to the extent as shown and described on the attached sketch sheet or sheets. It is hereby agreed that in the event of future construction, reconstruction, expansion, relocation, rehabilitation, maintenance or other work on facilities owned and operated by either the TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY or the OWNER in the area jointly occupied by this permit, where such work will, detrimentally affect or interfere with the facilities of either party, agreement will be reached in writing by the parties hereto before such work is undertaken. However, in the event of an emergency, it being evident that immediate action is necessary for protection of the public and to minimize property damage and loss of investment, either party hereto may, at its own responsibility and risk, make necessary emergency repairs, notifying the other party hereto of this action as soon as practical. The OWNER, by execution of this permit, does not waive any of the rights which OWNER may legally have within the limits of the laws ofthis State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have affixed their signatures. Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority By: BY'~ '~son~ 1130/0 </ I DOW xa~ PIPELINE -!C-~-=---.:=-=~~=-=L. A. Simper Right-of-Way Manager Chairman Date: OWNER: I 7/;u/~1 COMPANY _ Date: -L;..,~-t---:.:-L_--------- t AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEXAS§ COUNTY: FORT BEND COUNTY OF FORT BEND § ROAD: FORT BEND WESTPARK TOLLWAY WHEREAS, the FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY hereinafter called the "TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY" has deemed it necessary to make certain improvements to the Fort Bend WESTPARK TOLLWAY in Fort Bend County, and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the above referred to improvements will affect the facilities of DOW PIPELINE COMPANY hereinafter called the OWNER, at the following described locations: FM -1093 near SH - 99 WHEREAS, the TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY has requested that the OWNER furnish the TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY information relative to interests that OWNER holds in lands at each of the above indicated locations, NOW, THEREFORE, before me, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared L.A. Simper who, after being by me duly sworn did depose and say: That he is Manager of Right-of-Way for Dow Pipeline Company and, as such, has knowledge of the facts contained herein, and that to the best of his knowledge, said OWNER is the owner of the following described interests in the above indicated lands, copies of the instruments under which said OWNER claims said interests being attached hereto and made a part hereof: Title: Right-of-Way Manager Company: Dow Pipeline Company Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of July A.D., 2004. Jti:!fW>oI}.'727~ July 21, 2004 ESTIMATE FM -1093 Split Casing Installation for Dow Pipeline Company's 30" Gas Pipeline Cost $ 24,035.00 70,000.00 Itemization Dow Furnished Material Pipe and Misc. Material Trentin Wax Installation " " ',J ,J c,c',;," ""J, , 'J ,"c,"',,,, Bid Lump Sum Contract (Installation of Casing) Survey and EPA Plans Dow Project Management Mustang Engineerinll: Ri2ht-of-Wav Dow Internal Construction Management Construction Management Sub-Total Continll:encv 8% 'ci',"" , ';+2" FM 1093 S~ "';.,5,,, 150,000.00 15,000.00 16,000.00 50,000.00 20,000.00 19,000.00 20,000.00 384,035.00 30,723.00 ",;,;,2;",::., ,i"c,; Casinll: Total ,,; $ 414,758.00 ;" $ En.l!;ineerinll:for Ditch !;i, ," AO AAA AA :;';" ,,,,c,; GRAND TOTAL $ 463,758.00 , ;' FIELDS SURVEY ",-RACT - 59 , " rot<TilOl OATA n:us DEP.RTIlENT t:l' TRIII'IIPOllUIIIlN Ct»<TlllIl. 1IH!~~TUIOll. EsaBLISHW 81 COSTEllO. I~C. ~ SHOll! IlN I.(HJo(NT SJtTCH£S I)IlUIHO Mo, H-II. H-'l. IMl H-'O. OUEO' 2/21/:/000· r.ll. ,MlH-IO f .... 'e'll "-9 r .N. 1~~:l "-II X R 199flS~.JSOll X. 1'l!l~~10.82S1 I = 29'2155.01l1 T • 1l11~9S5.1211 I i llelR~!li.2ill • _0616290.16'11 rl-E~.' IOl.3ll;' ELH.- \Ol.~28· 'Lf~.'tOl.all' ~G 30" DT P/L 30' ~ ,...-;'(, y', 's~ _-;::.Jf .... _.~RARY .---_IACT SURVEY - 403 .!!nID 1) COORDINATES OEI'lIITlEMT 0" SUIIrAtE 11996 'OJ. I llETllIloll1lEO mllnr.N. HIIlIItllTIl ANIl H-l0, 21 oll-l (l£UTHlllS _ HE~ ANDl~ THIS DESIGN flU ARE REl.mlE TO TIlE TIlllOT F.H. Ie'll EXP.....SIIlN PllGJECT, CALLED TO BE IUI'O 18, (1~91 1.11,,1, 00 AIlE eaSED (fl Lot.Il. VEAIlc.L COlTall _HT5. H-ll. H-'l • .u«l 11-10. SET 8T 0Tli0lS. l' ,lLl D!ST.lIIC£S II(Illv:tllAi. SlN.'U ~, PIPEllNElOOTlttl lilt) DEl'tIflJ' COVER _.s l)[IElIlnHEO 8' Pil'tSJCoIlLT PRClBIHC ItIE PlPElllfE IJIO R£~11lG n's cOV£~. SHllllH I!ER£lII oISTAIIC£S. ARF. " IS TO lQC.l.f£ AElUIOH TO 61 PIPELlHf. ST'IIIllS lREREl.T11't10 lltE .S-llUILl .ll\OHllE1lT HII 1IIE DOlI PIPELINE 30' DT, oor D..:l. NlI~ 1l2-2S0-l~"'2 AIII.fIE 8.lSED III TII( EXISlING POINT (IF INTElm:CT!CIIIPI) .1 3D' DT PlPUI~E SUTION "D1tH. , MATERIALS @30·0.0. @36"0.0 UNE PIPE: API 5LX-S2: I.T . .o.625" 1I'.T.I FBE .. CASINCPIPE: APt GR. 6: W.T.- 0.500": .... ~. REVISED PIPE REVISED WORK CASIMG BARE THE RE~ISION TEXAS OPERATIONS DOW PIPELINE LOCATION PROPOSED SPACE now CHEMICAL COMPANY • 30" OT PIPELINE AOJUSTMENT - OPTION F.M. HWY. 1093, EAST OF BELTWAY 8 IN FORT BE NO COUNTY, TEXAS 4107-9202 , FREEPORT, TEXAS OUTSIOE ~ I ~. Turner Collie <9Braden Inc. ENGINEERS·PLANNERS·PROJECT PO Box 130089 Houston, Texas 77219 281-416-0260 Fax 281-416-2746 To: TRANSMITT AL MANAGERS Joseph Wick W.W. WebberInc., Texas 4408 Yz McHard Missouri, TX Date: Re: Job No.: Transmitted July 21,2004 Fort Bend Parkway - Contract ADOI, Proposed Change Order #2 052511074 By: Hand Delivery We are sending yon the following: Copies Description Proposed Change Order #2 for Contract ADOI Remarks: Change Order No.2 allows for time extension, adding 60 days to the original contract amount. The new Completion date for this contract is August 22,2004. Change Order No.2 does not change the contingency or the original contract amount. Please review, sign, and return the change order. Copies To: 12.3.2 Inspector BY:~ J~ Resident Engineer \58 'TurnerCollie@'BJaden Inc. ENGINEERS·PLANNERS·PROJECT TRANSMITTAL MANAGERS PO Box 130089 Houston, Texas 77219 281-416-0260 Fax 281-416-2746 To: Mr, Bill Jameson. W.J. Interests Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority Date: July 2 I, 2004 Re: Contract AOOI Job No.: FBCTRA Job Number 03/0003 Transmitted By: Hand Delivery We are sending you the following: Copies I Description Change Order No.2 for Contract AOOI Remarks: Attached is Change Order No.2 for Contract AOOI,FBCTRA Job No. 03/0003 for your further handling. Change Order No.2 allows for time extension, adding 60 days to the original contract amount. The new Completion date for this contract is August 22,2004. Change Order No.2 does not change the contingency or the original contract amount. Copies To: 12.3.2 Pamela Logsdon Inspector BY:~ John Cannatella, P.E. Resident Engineer , , FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY CHANGE ORDER NUMBERi.-L (Supporting 1. CONTRACTOR __ 2. Change Order Work Limits: Supplemental Agreement J!L!QW"""!Y!!!:JJlJ"'-J-""''''-W.W. Webber 'nc .. Texas No. N/A) _ FORT BEND PARKWAY Vicinity Stat 533+00 to 588+00 FBCTRA CONTRACT NUMBER'-!.A",O"'0l..1 __ 3. Type of Change Major 4. Describe the work being revised. Change Order No.2 provides for time extension with a new completion 8/22/04 (Major/Minor) FBCTRA JOB NUMBER 0310003 TIME EXTENSION NUMBER NlA 5. New or revised plan sheet(s) are attached and numbered None Each signatory hereby warrants that each has the authority to execute this Change Order. The Contractor must sign only when the Change Order contains extra work or price modification if the character of the work changes significantly. The Contractor further agrees that for the consideration in this change, FBCTRA will not pay for any additional charges for time, expense, overhead and profit or loss due to this change. Date' THE CONTRACTOR By' or 11I,'oIIcwi09 infotmelion must be ptlJ"Iided: Contract Infonnation (includes original contract time and cost and previously added time and cost): _ ContractDays,_365 _ Contract Cost $ 9,862193.02 Add (Typed/Printed Name) Add $ ~OMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: Date o APPROVED: Michael o.()() nays \0 the contract 10 the contract. Tolals: Time' __ 4"'2"'5 Cost $ 9 862 193.02 (Tille) o APPROVED: 60 _ o RECOMMENDED E. Stone PMP. FOR APPROVAL: Date APPROVED: FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY Date Days TurnerCollie10Braden ENGINEERS.PLANNERS.PROJECT Ine. TRANSMITTAL MANAGERS 4408 V, Mchard Rd. Missouri City. TX 77489 281-416-0260 Fax 281-419-2746 To: Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority clo Bill Jameson W.J. Interests 1600 HWY 6 Suitel:lO Sugarland, TX 77478 Date: July 12,2004 Re: Contract A023 Job No.: FBCTRA Job Number 03/0001 Transmitted By: Hand Delivery We are sending you the following: Copies 1 Description Change Order No.2 for Contract A023. Remarks: Attached are Change Orders No.2 for Contract A023, FBCTRA Job No. 03/0001 for your further handling. Change Order No.2 allows for reinstallation of the road for Tower Group. This includes all labor, equipment, and any other subsidiary item necessary to complete this work. The cost of the change orders appears to be fair and reasonable for the work to be performed. It will reduce the contingency bid item by $2,799.27. The contingency amount is 297,200.73. No additional time will be added to the contract as a result of this change. Copies To: By: 4.2, 12.3.2 77'~~~~:;;;::=:::>.....2- J n annatella, P.E. Resident Engineer FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY CHANGE ORDER NUMBERi.......l.. (Supporting W.W. Webber Inc 2. Change Dreier Work Limits: Vicinity 5t3. 3. Type of Change Major 4. Describe the work being revised. a. Supplemental Agreement No. N/A) Texas FORT BEND PARKWAY 649+25 FBCTRA CONTRACT NUMBER A023 (Major/Minor) FBCTRAJOB NUMBER 0310001 Reinstall Road to Tower Group TIME EXTENSION NUMBER NlA b. 5. Complete Change Order No.2 also revises the contingency bid item to reflect its new value. Table A or B on Page 2. Complete Table A if the work;s to be completed under force account; othelWise, complete table B. Use additional sheets if needed. 6. New or revised plan sheet(s) are attached and numbered N/A. Each signatory hereby warrants that each has the authority to execute this Change Order. The Contractor must sign only when the Change Order contains extra work or price modification or if the character of the work changes signmcantly. The Contractor further agrees that for the consideration in this change, FBCTRA will not pay for any additional charges for time, expense; overhead and profit or loss due to this change. ::E CONZ~_::_==o==-J....V" Date 7- ,'--0,1 _ e~·...( !he f~lowingiIIiMnaiion mu~be provided: Contract Infonnation (includes original contract time and cost and previously added time and cost): O:rlra:i 1:8y.;;'--'365=- _ O:rlra:i Ca;t $ 111717!ll.42 I'd:i 0 I'd:i $ 0.00 Totals: Tirre 365 Ca;t $ 11.171793.42 (Title) RECOMMENDED FOR,(~E~OClI'TION: ollie & Braden Inc. Page 1 of 2 Days FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY CHANGE ORDER NUMBER TABLE A: Paid by invoice (Y/N) 1 Amount _ $, 2 FBCTRA CONTRACT _ HOURLY RATE LABOR A023 HOURLY RATE EQUIPMENT . TABLE B: (1 OF 1) ORIGINAL + PREVlOUSL Y REVISED ITEM DESCRIPTION 9001 Reinstall Road for Tower Groun UNIT LS UNIT PRICE QUANTITY $0.00 0.00 SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY (AFTER C.O. #1) EA $300,000.00 1.00 TOTAL ITEM COST $0.00 NEW UNIT QUANTITY PRICE $2,799.27 1.00 $0.0 $300,000.0 .. . Page 2 of 2 $297,200.73 =<, " '< ':1\" 1.00 $2,799.2 OVERRUNI IUNDERRUNI $2,799.2 $2,799.2 $2,799.2 $297,200.7' ($2,799.27 ITEM COST ($0.00 TITLE: Reinstall Road for Tower Group EXTRA WORK ITEM # 1·R Fort Bend Parkway Segment 2&3 ADDITIONAL HRS CREW WWW LABOR ITEMS: 30.00 1.00 Labor 5 Labors @ 6 hrs = 30hrs LABOR COST LABOR UNIT $508.50 $0.00 $16.95 $508.50 $279.68 $788.18 SUBTOTAL WWW LABOR: BURDEN @ 55%: TOTAL WWW LABOR: ADDITIONAL WWW MATERIAL MATERIAL COST ITEMS: MATERIAL COST MATERIAL UNIT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0011 TOTAL WWW MATERIAL: II,=======~~~~~=========~~ ADDITIONAL WWW EQUIPMENT ITEMS: QUANTITY 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Track Hoe Off Road Truck Off Road Truck Roller Smooth Drum Loader EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT COST UNIT COST Day Day Day Day Day $ $ $ $ $ 1 500.00 600.00 600.00 400.00 450.00 1 1 1 1 $1,275.00 $318.75 $1,593.75 SUBTOTAL WWW EQUIPMENT: FUEL OIL & GREASE: TOTAL WWW EQUIP.: IADDITIONAL SUBCONTRACTORS ITEMS: $250.00 $300.00 $300.00 $200.00 $225.00 BID TOTALS 1 UNIT PRICE QUANTITIES $0.00 $0.00 $0.0011 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS ITEMS: 11,=====~~~~~~~=========~;;;;;a TOTAL WWW ITEMS: 10% OVERHEAD: 5% PROFIT: TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS ITEMS: 10% OVERHEAD ON SUB ITEMS: BOND 1.75% T()T~L -------------------------------------------------:>IL. $2,381.93 $238.19 $131.01 $0.00 $0.00 $48.14 ............ $2,799.27~ ~~~ JUL .J.t/\ n 6 2QO~ Turner Collie <9Braden Ine. ENGINEERS'PLANNERS'PROJECT TRANSMITTAL MANAGERS 4408 Y, Mchard Rd. Missouri City, TX 77489 281·416·0260 Fax 281-419-2746 To: Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority c/o Bill Jameson W.J. Interests 1600 HWY 6 SUite:t;O Sugarland, TX 77478 Date: July 12,2004 Re: Contract A023 Job No.: FBCTRA Job Number 03/0001 Transmitted By: Hand Delivery We are sending you the following: Copies 1 Description Change Order No.3 for Contract A023. Remarks: Attached are Change Orders No.3 for Contract A023, FBCTRA Job No. 03/000 I for your further handling. Change Order No.3 allows for installation of cattle guard. This includes all labor, equipment, and any other subsidiary item necessary to complete this work. The cost of the change orders appears to be fair and reasonable for the work to be performed. It will reduce the contingency bid item by $9,177.75. the new contingency amount is 288,022.98. No additional time will be added to the contract as a result of this change. Copies To: BY~ 4.2, 12.3.3 JO~ Resident Engineer \Sc.... FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY CHANGE ORDER NUMBERU (Supporting 1. CONTRACTOR __ 2. Change Order Work limits: Supplemental Agreement "-""'"'"'-'"""'''''''-'''''''--'''''''''W.W. Webber Inc., Texas No. J!.!A..1 _ FORT BEND PARKWAY Vtcinity Sta. 649+25 3. Typeof Change Major 4. Describe the work. being revised. a. b. Installation FBCTRA CONTRACT NUMBER A023 (MajorlMinor) FBCTRAJOB NUMBER of Cattle Guard Change Order No.2 also revises the contingency TIME EXTENSION NUMBER NIA bid item to reflect its new value. 5. Complete Table A or B on Page 2. Complete Table A if the work is to be completed under force additional sheets if needed. 6. New or revised plan sheet(s) are attached and numbered N/A Each signatory hereby warrants that each has the authority to execute this Change Order. account The Contractor must sign only when the Change Order contains extra work or price modifICation or if the character of the work changes significantly. The Contractor further agrees that for the consideration in this change, FBCTRA will not pay for any additional charges for time, expense,overhead and profit or loss due to this change. Date (Typed/Printed otherwise, complete table RUse The loIk>oing .ilImalioll must be pwided: Contract Information (includes original Contract time and cost and previously added time and cost): CorIrad: 0¥;'--'365""'CorIrad: Cl:6l $ 11.171793.42 !'<I:l 0 !'<I:l $ 0.00 Name) Prod ..... L (Tille) 7·/'J...-Ov( M..'-"->" ,'\ 0310001 !laYs to the ama:1 Totals: Time 365 Cost $ 11171 793.42 Page 1012 _ totheama:1 Days FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY CHANGE ORDER NUMBER Paid by invoice (Y/N) 1 TABLE A: 3 FBCTRA CONTRACT Amount $, _ _ HOURLY RATE LABOR A023 HOURLY RATE EQUIPMENT TABLE B: (1 OF 1) ORIGINAL + PREVIOUSLY REVISED 9002 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT PRICE ITEM Install Cattle LS ITEM COST UNIT PRICE QUANTITY ITEM COST OVERRUNI IUNDERRUNI $9,177.7 $0.0 $9,177.75 1.00 $9,177.7: $9,177.7 $9,177.75 $O~ $297,200.7 $288,022.98 1.00 $288,022.9 ($9,177.75 0.00 $0.00 NEW Guard SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY (AFTER C.O. #2) i i EA D $297,200.73 I 1.00 TOTAL_ Page 2 of 2 $009 TiTLE: Install Cattle Guard EXTRA WORK ITEM # 3 Fort Bend Parkway Segment 2&3 ADDITIONAL 1.00 Labor LABOR UNIT HRS CREW WWW LABOR ITEMS: 75.00 $16.95 MATERIAL COST WWW MATERIAL ITEMS: MATERIAL UNIT $2,464.00 Cattle Guard per 20' see 1.00 LS ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENTEQUIPMENl COST UNIT QUANTITY WWW EQUIPMENT ITEMS: 2 Track Hoe Roller Smooth Drum Loader 2 2 $500.00 $400.00 $450.00 Day Day Day SUBCONTRACTORS UNIT PRICE QUANTITIES ITEMS: $0.00 $2,464.00 $0.00 EQUIPMENT COST $1,000.00 $800.00 $900.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,700.00 $675.00 $3,375.00 SUBTOTAL WWW EQUIPMENT: FUEL OIL & GREASE: TOTAL WWW EQUIP.: !ADDITIONAL MATERIAL COST $2,464.00~ TOTAL WWWMATERIAL: II $1,271.25 $0.00 $1,271.25 $699.19 $1,970.44 SUBTOTAL WWW LABOR: BURDEN @ 55%: TOTAL WWWLABOR: ADDITIONAL LABOR COST BID TOTALS I $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS II TOTAL WWWITEMS: 10% OVERHEAD: 5% PROFIT: TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS ITEMS: 10% OVERHEAD ON SUB ITEMS: BOND 1.75% $00011 ITEMS: $7,809.44 $780.94 $429.52 $0.00 $0.00 $157.85 1 T()T~l-.. --------------·-·--·--------.. -··-----------:>I~ ........ ~~~~59,177.75 • , TurnerCollie©'Braden Inc. ENGINEERS.PLANNERS·PROJECT TRANSMITTAL MANAGERS PO Box 130089 Houston, Texas 77219 281-416-0260 Fax 281-416-2746 To: Joseph Wick W.W. Webber Inc., Texas 4408 Yz McHard Missouri, TX Date: Re: Job No.: Transmitted July 21,2004 Fort Bend Parkway - Contract A023, Proposed Change Order #4 052511074 By: Hand Delivery We are sending you the following: Copies 1 Description Proposed Change Order #4 for Contract A023 Remarks: Change Order No.4 allows for time extension, adding 60 days to the original contract amount. The new Completion date for this contract is August 22,2004. Change Order No.4 does not change the contingency or the original contract amount. Please review, sign, and return the change order. Copies To: 12.3.4 Inspector BY:~ John Cannatella, P.E. Resident Engineer • Turner Collie <9Braden Inc. TRANSMITTAL ENGINEERS'PLANNERS'PROJECT MANAGERS PO Box 130089 Houston. Texas 77219 281-416-0260 Fax 281-416-2746 To: Mr. Bill Jameson. W.J. Interests Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority Date: July 21, 2004 Re: Contract A023 Job No.: FBCTRA Job Number 03/0001 Transmitted By: Hand Delivery We are sending you the following: Copies I Description Change Order No.4 for Contract A023 Remarks: Attached is Change Order No.4 for Contract AOOI, FBCTRA Job No. 03/0001 for your further handling. Change Order No.4 allows for time extension, adding 60 days to the original contract amount. The new Completion date for this contract is August 22,2004. Change Order No.4 does not change the contingency or the original contract amount. Copies To: By: 12.3.4 Pamela Logsdon Inspector ~ John Cannatella, P.E. Resident Engineer ,• • FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY CHANGEORDERNUMBER~ (Supporting Supplemental =""'-="-"'''-''lS-'-'''''''l..w.w. Webber Inc. Texas 1. CONTRACTOR __ 2. Change Order Work Limits: Major Agreement No . .J:1lA..l _ FORT BEND PARKWAY Vicinity Sia 588+00 to 708+00 FBCTRA CONTRACT NUMBER A023 (Major/Minor) 3. Type of Change 4. Describe the work being revised. Change Order No.4 provides for time extension FBCTRAJOB NUMBER 03/0001 with a new completion 8122/04 TIME EXTENSION NUMBER NlA 5. New or revised plan sheet(s) are attached and numbered None Each signatory hereby warrants that each has the authority to execute this Change Order. The Contractor must sign only when the Change Order contains extra work or price modification or if the character of the work changes significantly. The Contractor further agrees that for the consideration in this change, FBCTRA will not pay for any additional charges for time, expense, overhead and profit or loss due to this change. Oalo, THECONTRACTOR _ By Contract Information (includes original Contract time and cost and previously added time and cost): Contract Oays'--"'36"'5 _ Contract _ (Typed/Printed 1he following infotmation must be provided: Cost $ 11 171 793.42 Add 60 Add $ 0.00 Name) days to the contract. to the contract. Totals: Time==4'!2"'5:(Title) Cost $ o APPROVED: [Q-RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: ~~ TumecomeiBraden o APPROVED: In: Date o RECOMMENDED Michael E. Stone PMP. FOR APPROVAL: Date APPROVED: FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY Date 11171793.42 0,ays ,.. Turner Collie <f)Braden Inc. ENGINEERS'PLANNERS'PROJECT 4408 Y, Mchard Rd. TRANSMITTAL MANAGERS Missouri City, TX 77489 281·416·0260 Fax 281·419·2746 To: Date: Re: Job No.: Transmitted Joseph Wick, W.W. Webber Inc., Texas 4408 1/2 McHard Rd Missouri City, TX 77489 July 21,2004 Fort Bend Parkway - Contract A023, Proposed Change Order No.5 052511074 By: Hand Delivery We are sending you the following: Copies Description Proposed Change Order No.5 for Contract A023 Remarks: Change Order No. 5 allows for cleaning of oil well #163. This includes all labor, equipment, and any other subsidiary item necessary to complete this work. Time and Material not to exceed $10,000.00 Please review, sign, and return the change order by Friday July 23, 2004 Copies To: 4.2. 12.3.5 By:."..-,------,,--_,---::John Cannatella, P.E. Resident Engineer _ \5<:- TurnerCollie@Braden Inc. ENGINEERS·PLANNERS·PROJECT TRANSMITTAL MANAGERS 4408 'h Mchard Rd. Missouri City, TX 77489 281·416·0260 Fax 281·419-2746 To: Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority c/o Bill Jameson W.J. Interests 1600 HWY 6 Suite 120 Sugarland, TX 77478 Date: July 21, 2004 Re: Contract A023 Job No.: FBCTRA Job Number 03/0001 Transmitted By: Hand Delivery We are sending you the following: Copies Description Change Order No.5 for Contract A023. Remarks: Attached are Change Orders No.5 for Contract A023, FBCTRA Job No. 03/0001 for your further handling. Change Order No.5 allows for cleaning of oil well #163. This includes all labor, equipment, and any other subsidiary item necessary to complete this work. Time and Material not to exceed $10,000.00 Copies To: 4.2, 12.3.5 By: ~Jo""h-n""'C"'an-n-at""'e-:;lI:-a"", P""."'E""'. --Resident Engineer FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY CHANGE ORDER NUMBER~ (Supporting CONTRACTOR __ 2. Change Order Work Limits: Vicinity Sts. 645+00 3. Type of Change 4. Describe the work being revised. b. Agreement ='-"-"""""""-""'"--'-"""" W.W. Webber Inc. Texas 1. a. Supplemental -,M""",aj"'0L.r __ No . .1!lA..1 _ FORT BEND PARKWAY FBCTRA CONTRACT NUMBER A023 (Major/Minor) FBCTRAJOB NUMBER 0310001 Clean up of oil well #163. Time and material not to exceed $10,000.00 Change Order NO.5 also revises the contingency TIME EXTENSION NUMBER NlA bid item to reflect its new value. 5. Complete Table A or B on Page 2. Complete Table A if the work is to be completed under force account: otherwise, complete table B. Use additional sheets if needed. 6. New or revised plan sheet(s) are attached and numbered N/A. Each signatory hereby warrants that each has the authority to execute this Change Order. The Contractor must sign only when the Change Order contains extra work or price modification if the character of the work changes significantly. The Contractor further agrees that for the consideration in this change, FBCTRA will not pay for any additional charges for time, expense, overhead and profit or loss due to this change. Oale THE CONTRACTOR By· _ The fcl/ infonnalion must be pIlJ'Iid<d: Contract Information (includes original contract time and cost and previously added time and cost): CcrIract ~,---":Ji5,,,,-CcrIract Coot $ 11171 793.'12 _ (Typed/Printed or P<tl 0 P<tl$ 0.00 Name) _ ~tothe_ tothe_ Totals: (Title) lirre 365 Coot $ 11171 793.'12 R~DED FOREXECUTION: <:::= Tu ner Collie & BradenInc. Date APPROVE~ FORTBEfqQQNTY"~D J AUTHORITY Page 1 of2 ~ Date Days TurnerCollie<f)Braden Inc. ENGINEERS·PLANNERS·PROJECT PO Box 130089 Houston, Texas 77219 281-416-0260 Fax 281-416-2746 To: TRANSMITTAL MANAGERS Joseph Wick W.W. Webber Inc., Texas 4408 y, McHard Missouri, TX Date: July 21, 2004 Re: Fort Bend Parkway - Contract A045, Proposed Change Order #3 Job No.: 052511074 Transmitted By: Hand Delivery We are sending you the following: Copies Description Proposed Change Order #3 for Contract A045 Remarks: Change Order No.3 allows for time extension, adding 90 days to the original contract amount. The new Completion date for this contract is September 22,2004. Change Order No.3 does not change the contingency or the original contract amount. Please review, sign, and return the change order. Copies To: 12.3.3 Inspector By: Jk;;5;; John Cannatella, P.E. Resident Engineer \50 • Turner Collie <9Braden Inc. ENGINEERS·PLANNERS·PROJECT PO Box 130089 Houston, Texas 77219 281·416·0260 Fax 281·416·2746 To: TRANSMITTAL MANAGERS Mr. Bill Jameson. W.J. Interests Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority Date: July 21,2004 Re: Contract A045 Job No.: FBCTRA Job Number 03/0002 Transmitted By: Hand Delivery We are sending you the following: Copies I Description Change Order No.3 for Contract A045 Remarks: Attached is Change Order No.3 for Contract A045, FBCTRA Job No. 03/0002 for your further handling. Change Order No.4 allows for time extension, adding 90 days to the original contract amount. The new Completion date for this contract is September 22,2004. Change Order No.3 does not change the contingency or the original contract amount. Copies To: 12.3.3 Pamela Logsdon Inspector By: ~---,'~_~~~ John nnatella, P.E. Resident Engineer _ • • FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY CHANGE ORDER NUMBER_' _3_ (Supporting Supplemental 1. CONTRACTOR 2. Change Order Work Limits: Vicinity Sta. 708+00 to 817+52.89 Agreement _~!J!.J!.lW'!!l!!l!2!!L-lJl',"--,-""""'W,W. Webber Inc. Texas Major No. N/A I _ FORT BEND PARKWAY FBCTRA CONTRACT NUMBER 3. Type of Change (Major/Minor) 4. Describe the work being revised. Change Order No.3 provides for time extension with a new completion A045 FBCTRAJOB NUMBER 0310002 9/22/04 TIME EXTENSION NUMBER NlA 5. New or revised plan sheet(s) are attached and numbered~ Each signatory hereby warrants that each has the authority to execute this Change Order. The Contractor must sign only when the Change Order contains extra work or price modification jf the character of the worl< changes significantly. The Contractor further agrees that for the consideration in this change, FBCTRA will not pay for any additional charges for time, expense, overhead and profit or loss dUfJ to this change. Oale' THE CONTRACTOR By' _ Add 90 Add $ 0.00 Name) Totals: Time 455 Cost $ 9925,986.54 (Title) o APPROVED: The foJlowing information must be provided: Contract Information (includes original contract time and cost and previously added time and cost): ContractDays;_3§=5 Conlracl Cost $ 9 925.986.54 _ (Typed/Printed or 6ECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: o RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: Turn~c. o APPROVED: Michael E. Stone PMP. Date APPROVED: FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY Date _ daysto the contract. to the contract. Days TurnerCollie©'Braden Inc. ENGINEERS'PLANNERS'PROJECT TRANSMITTAL MANAGERS PO Box 130089 Houston, Texas 77219 5757 Woodway 713-780-4100 Fax 713-780-0838 Date: June 24, 2004 To: Bill Jameson WJ Interests, LLC 1600 Highway 6, Suite 170 Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Re: Fort Bend Parkway - Contract AOGW, Proposed Change Order #1 052511074.0001 Mail Via: We are sending you the following: Copies Description 1 Copy of Transmittal from Resident Engineer, John Cannatella, P.E. 1 Copy of Proposed Change Order No.1 (2 pages) Remarks: Copies To: For your review. Pamela Logsdon Justine Cherne File w/o attachments . By: f/J\\A h i J ;~( 11 U.0 Spackman, P.E. LYu{AL1-LJ ~ Senior Project Manager TumerCoUie@'Bradenlnc. ENGJNEEBS'PLANNERIN'R03CT MANi\GERS POBox 130089 /iQuston. T<:UIS 7nl9 281-416-0260 Pax ~814t6-2746 To: David Kuebker. V.I'. Jerdon Enterprise, LoP. 13403 Redfish Dr. stafford, TX 17477 Date: June 11. 2004 R.e: Fort Bend Parkway - Contract AVOW, .Proposed Change Order # 1 Job No.: 0525))074.0001 Tr>lnsmitted By: Hand Delivery W .. are sending Copies yl1l1 the following: J)""erjption Proposed Change Order #1 for Contract AOOW Remarks: a. Change Order No. 1 allows for boring and ja<:king the 24·inch ReI' under Chasewood Drive. It also allows for removing and replacing approximately 70.0 linear reet of 16-inch well Ime that i. in conflict with the proposed 24 inch ReI' This includes all labor, equipment, materials and any other subsidiary item necessary to complete this work. b. Change Order No. I woo revises the original contract amount bid item to reflect its new value. please review. sign, and raum the change order. Copies To: 12-3.1 By: 1)If·. ( or i~ ~f;t J1 John CannateJla, P.E. Resident Engineer "_. -_.- ..~- Poat-lt" Fax Note To Sb 1/",' cl COJll&pt. F.. 7671 J' -r..y.d,n- ~ Pllone. OOSS 19C lBe .- ._. ,- - • 'ON 3N:JHd • --'-' - - - . 1(7r;t{I~~ Ftom V. 2.'1?.J'I N(/>" 14? .,.,. (j Co. ~ Phone • ."". .dl 3S I &l~ Nomsr I-KJHoJ FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY ctlANGE ORDERNUMBE~ (supporting 1. COmAACTOR 2, ,,""_ fORTSENDPAl/KWAY .1ardpn Enterprise L,P OrderWOlk Umit$: Vicinity 3. Type gf Change M'i9" •• A(jfMm .... No . ...wL1 SU1>p!am_1 st.. FBCTRA CONTRACT Nt./MSI!R AlJGW 0+33.00 (Nl~orltJlnor) FBCTRAJOB D .. criJe lhe 10011< being _. Ilon> ond JllCl< a 24 lnc!l flCP under C~.. _ Dr. Remove end "", .. os apptoldm .... 1y 70 rmear feel 01 16-inc!l ....." Ii"" that is In oon1l'.et wah llIo propoSod 2. inch ReI'. 5. Comp~ Table A or 8 on page 2. complete Table A if the work is to be compietad under force ~unt; IVlJMBER d«'W rtME EXTENSION Nl.JMBER NIA otherwise, complete ~b1e B. Use _iIiOnat "'eetr. K needod, 6. ......, or ~ pt.", ~eet(s) ~ aUitd1edl S11d nurnbe!8d~ Eacn signatory hereby warl'illnt5 lhat eac:h Me the authority to execute this Change Order. rm, eon_r /IllJ$l SIgn only ",hon the ChlInge 0t<J0r contoins B>trs WOI1< or pries modific<ltlon 0' If the ehsmr;"'" of the V/i'OIk CI'lMges signffk;antly. The COIltrsctor further sgr&es that forthe ~lQn in thi8 chw1(;e, FBCTRA 'Win/JOt pay fer tIfly Bdditrortolt;hs~s for titrnt, 8xp&nGB, overhead and profit or loss due to this change. THE CONTRACTOR B~ Oate lllo~_""'btptrNifII!JI,' Ccntract Information (;ndud .. origInal eontnlct dme and cost and prevIouSly added time arid COGt): (p-, 1-D4- L..JO»-t'6\ 0.. ~~ David A. Kuebler MS 0 I'd:lll.2ll!-1!ito1te <TYl"'dil'rillled Name) r_, Vice P~jdent 1lml CollI. $'Q4.943 Je~~ Enterprise. L.P. By: Jerdon Holding, L.L.C .. General Partner o APPROYED: ~COMMENDED _ 90 76 !la'J$eote_ Dajs FOR APPROVAL: kh~!bi Date O~APP YED: __~--=' ....- 0 RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: 6 /zz/or APPROVED: Date FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY P"9~ 1 of2 ld Wd££:10 V00e Ll 'unr OOSS 1ge l8e "ON 3NOHd "dl 3SI~d~31NBNOa~f WO~j .. FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY _~ AS PER ORIGINAL 0RIlER NUMBEII.i. FIICTRA CONTRACT~ HOURLY HOURLY l.AI'OR ~QUlPIIEHT RATE RATE lEE ATTACHED INVOICES r~8:(10F1) ORIGINAl.. PREV1QI.lli~y NEW REVISED ana 9001 80re 9C02. RCIrKM _ .I11CkIII 24 hCI'I Ref' t...lttCiIIIr~ UNlY PIlIC~ U O_RIPTlOll I1'I!M QUAIm'fY ... ,.,. Or. $0. f8FIA8C6 10 feet Of 18" wet ftM OIl. ... ....,.........' ITeIrl COST UNlT PRICE QUANTl'N 1. ,. $0. I1EMCOST QVERRUI'U _7. i -$7,<t51 SUBlOT NO CONTINGECY INClUDED LS so. o. S9.75&.7~~ TOT 00££ ,9<: ,ac 'ON 3NOHd •dl 35 I &/1:I3.LN3 NOO1:l3r W01:leJ Turner Collie (f1BIaden Inc. ENGINEERS'PLANNERS'PROJECT TRANSMITTAL MANAGERS PO Box 130089 Houston, Texas 77219 281-416..Q260 Fax 281-416-2746 To: Mr. Bill Jameson. W.J. Interests Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority Date: Re: Job No.: Transmitted May 18,2004 Fort Bend Parkway - Contract AOTC, Proposed Change Order #1 03/0004 By: Hand Delivery We are sending you the following: Copies I Description Change Order No. I for Contract AOTC Remarks: Attached is Change Order No. I for Contract AOTC, FBCTRA Job No. 03/0004 for your further handling. a. Change Order No. I allows for adding a 2" conduit for the COMM Boxes per ETC drawings. This includes all labor, equipment, materials and any other subsidiary item necessary to complete this work. b. Change Order No. I also revises the contingency bid item to reflect its new value. The cost of the change order appears to be fair and reasonable for the work to be performed. It will reduce the contingency bid item by $22,807.64. No additional time will be added to the contract as a result of this change. Copies To: 12.3.1 FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY CHANGE ORDER NUMBER_: _1_ (Supporting Supplemental Agreement No. SpawGLass 2. Change Order Work limits: Civil Construction Vicinity Sta. 303+91.22 loe 4. FORT BEND PARKWAY to 404+63.00 (Ramps J 10 I, Toll Plazas) Sla. 2+95.00 to 4+04.43 3. Type of Change N/A I FBCTRA CONTRACT NUMBER AOTC (Ramps E to F, Toll Plazas) (MajorlMinor) Major FBCTRAJOB NUMBER 0310006 Describethe work being revised. Connect the COMM boxes to one another on each side of the Tollway from Ramps F to E and Ramps J to J. Also install additional BO.O feet to connect the COMM box at F and J to the handhole as shown in new drawings. At Main Plaza install 80.00 feet to connect The COMM bax to the handhole. TIME EXrENSION NUMBER NlA 5. Complete Table A or B on Page 2. Complete Table A if the work is to be completed under force account; otherwise, complete table B. Use additional sheets rt needed. 6. or revised plan sheet(s) are attached and numbered Revised drawings . . Each signatory hereby warrants that each has the authority to execute this Change Order. New Ere The Contractor must sign only when the Change Order contains extra work or price modification if the character of the work changes significanJJy. The Contractor further agrees that fOr the consideration in this change, FBCTRA will not pay tor any additional charges for time, expense, overhead and profit or loss due to this change. Date 5{-;;.o lo't or lite I<J/kMing i1l,mllii", must lie ,...;led: Contract lnfonnation (includes original contract. time and cost and previously added lime and cost): Q:rtra:I [ily!;l.......Jl~!ilL- _ Q:rtra:I QJlII I<I:l (Typed/Printed 0 1<I:l$ 0.00 Name) \/'u- $2.154637·00 P"",..·, d~t Totals: Tnre 150 Cost $2 154.637.00 (Tdle) o APPROVED: ~ECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: tbdu~ Date o RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: Date APPROVED: FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY Page 1 of 2 Date Days FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY CHANGE ORDER NUMBER..L Paid by invoice (YIN) 1___ Amount $ FBCTRA CONTRACT AOTC _ HOURLY RATE LABOR HOURLY RATE EQUIPMENT TABLE B: (1 OF 1) ORIGINAL + PREVIOUSLY REViSED DESCRIPTION ITEM 9001 Added r conduit for COMM bOxes UN' EA UNJTPRICE $0. QUANTITY $0. SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY (AFTER c.o. # 1) LS $150,000. 1. TOTA Page 2 of 2 ITEM COST $0. NEW UNIT PRICE $22,807. QUANTITY 1. ITEM COST $22,807. MAY. 13.2004 4:41PM SpawGlass • Construction NO. 5705 Corp. P. 2 SpawGlass Civil Construction, Inc. Project: Fort Bend ParkWay Toll Plazas Proposal Request One Proposal Change Descrip1ion: Added 2" Conduit for COMM Bo= Proposal Date: 5/1212004 Subs SpawGlass Worle General Conditio'" Direct Cost ofWorle Equipment Material Totals !.abor+Buroen $ $ Subcontractor Worle LEC5 $ 20,073.00 Totals $ 20.0noo Tax on Equipment (B.25%) & Materials (0-00%) OH&P on SG Worle OH&P on Subcontractor Worle General Liability Insurance Builders Risk Insunll'lce Owner's Protective Insurance Payment & Performance Bond OH, P, 18<Bond on SG Worle OH, P, I 8< Bond on Subcontractor Worlc TOTAL CONTRACT VALUE CHANGE 17ME EXTeNSION REQUIRED (Cale~dar Days) ·. MAY. 13. 2004 SpawGlass 4:41PM Construction 1~1 NO. 5705 Corp. CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY SHEET (... "CO &tensigns Sheet" lib, bolow, for d""'lIsj 11224 JoltfllcL West Houston. tems 770" (281) B'Mm ph. (28') 897-BBIO"'" PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: Ft. Bend Tollway Add 2" conduit to connect COMM boxes from F to E and J to I Connect COMM box at each location to the handholes 04128104 Regular labor Overtime Labor Hours 79.7 0.0 Rate $23.64 $1.885.05 $35.46 0.00 $1,885.55 $207.36 $678.62 Totollobor PM/Supervision labor Burden Sub Total Lobor Overhead Profit 5% 5% Totol Labor $2.771.~ $138.~ $138.55 r $0.00 Quoted Material Misc. Material Sub Total Materials $14,187.25 5% $14,187.25 $1.170.45 $709.36 5% $709.36 8.25% SalesTax Overiheod Profit $3,048.~ I $16,776.4. otal Materials ~ub--C()nlfOctor $0.00 Sub--Controctor $O.ex: $0.00 Sub-Totol Overihead Profit 5% 5% Total Sub--Contractors I $0.00 $0:00 $0.00 $0.00 Rentals Insurance Permits $226.21 Totol Misc. $226.21 Overiheod Profit $0.00 5% 5% Toiol Jotallhls Change r $11.31 $11.31 $248.83 1 $20,073 P. 4 Turner Collie <9Braden Ine. ENGINEERS.PLANNERS.PROJECT TRANSMITTAL MANAGERS PO Box 130089 Houston, Texas 77219 281-416-0260 Fax 281-416-2746 To: Mr. Bill Jameson. W.J. Interests Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority Date: Re: Job No.: Transmitted May 18,2004 Fort Bend Parkway - Contract AOTC, Proposed Change Order #2 03/0004 By: Hand Delivery We are sending you the following: Copies I Description Change Order No.2 for Contract AOTC Remarks: Attached is Change Order No.2 for Contract AOTC, FBCTRA Job No. 03/0004 for your further handling. a. Change Order No.2 allows for installing underground conduit and wire from Ramps J to I for the incoming electrical service. This includes all labor, equipment, materials and any other subsidiary item necessary to complete this work. b. Change Order No.2 also revises the contingency bid item to reflect its new value. The cost of the change order appears to be fair and reasonable for the work to be performed. It will reduce the contingency bid item by $14,266.56. No additional time will be added to the contract as a result ofthis change. Copies To: BY:~ 12.3.2 "~,,"".4,-J-)1,," Resident Engineer \5F FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY CHANGEORDERNUMBER~ (Supporting SpawGLass 2. Change Order Work Limits: Civil Construction Supplemental Agreement No. N/A) Ine FORT BENDPARKWAY Vicinity Sta. 303+91.22 to 404"'63.00 (Ramps J to I. Toll Plazas) FBCTRA CONTRACT NUMBER AoTC (MajorlMinor) 3. Type of Change Major 4. Describe the work being revised. Install underground conduit and wire from Ramp J to I for the incoming electrical service. FBCTRAJOB NUMBER 03/0006 TIME EXTENSION NUMBER NlA 5. Complete Table A or B on Page 2. Complete Table A if the work is to be completed under force account; othelWise, complete table B.Use additional sheets if needed. 6. New or revised plan sheet(s) are attached and numbered None. Each signatory hereby warrants that each has the authority to execute this Change Order. The The Contractor must sign only when the Change Order contains extra work or price modification if the character of the work changes signmcant/y. The Contractor further agrees that for the consideraNon in this change, F8CTRA will not pay for any additional charges for time, expense, overhead and profit or Joss due to this change. S THE CONTRACTOR By Prvv. e-v- A I-N" II- k"-3 I'dj $ f ,r<'-S ; J e-v--:t 0'RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: t,h/ot , Turner Collie & Braden Inc. B'APPROVED: o RECOMMENDED /?hXV /1,k .... J"h>~ Dale FOR APPROVAL: Dale w.J. Interests. APPROVED: FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY Page 1 012 Date _ 0 0.00 Totals: T"'" 1&> Cost $2.154637..00 (Hie) o APPROVED: mest be provided: Contract Infonnation (includes original contract time and cost and previously added time and cost): I'dj Name) V .."-'- _ng~_ Ca1ra::t Da,s---'1"'&>'--Ca1ra::t O>st $2154637.00 Date @JZ. (TypedlPrinled or Days FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORlTY CHANGE TABLE A: Paidby invoice(YtN) 7___ Amount$, ORDER NUMBERJ... FBCTRA CONTRACT _ HOURLY RATE LABOR AOTC + PREVIOUSLY ORIGINAL NEW REVISED ITEM 9002 DESCRIPTION l.Jndef'gr1JUnd conduit and wife from Ramp J 10 I. CONTINGENCY (AFTER C.O .• 2) UNI EA LS UNrTPRICE $0. HOURLY RATE EQUIPMENT QUANTITY $0. $127,192. Page 2 of 2 ITEM COST $0. UNIT PRICE $14,266. QUAN11TY 1. ITEM COST $14.266. MAY. 13, 2004 SpawGlass 4:42PM Construct NO. 5705 ion Corp. P. 6 SpawGlass Civil Construction, lnc. - Project Fort Bend Parl<way Toll Plazas Proposal Request: Two Proposal Change Description' Power Ramp) to Ramp I Proposal Date: 511212O<H Subs Equipment Material Total> lJilior+6urden SpawG/m Work General CondJtions $ $ Direct Cost ofWorl< Subcortrrartor Work $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12556.00 $ LECS 12.556.00 $ TotJlJs $ 12,556.00 Tax on Cquipment (B.25%) & Materials (O.oo%) $ $ $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAl OH&P on SG Work OH&P on Sub<:ontnlctor Work General Builders Owner's Payment Liability Insurance Risk Insurance Protective /nsutance & Performance Bond OH, P, I & Bond on SG Work OH, P, I & Bond on SubcontnJctor Work VALUE CHANGE TIME EXTENSION REQIJIRED (Calendar Days) $ 12,556.00 15.00% 10.00% 1.00% 0.1096 0.14% 0,75% 16.99% 11.99% $ SUBTOTAl TOTAL CONTRACT $ 12,556.00 $ 1.710.56 $ 1,710.56 $ 14,26656 MAY. 13. 2004 4:42PM SpawGlass Construction NO. 5705 Corp. CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY SHEET PROJECT: DESCRIPTION; DATE: FL Bend Tollway Install conduit and wire from J to I for incoming electrical service 04128104 Hours Rate 67.1 0.0 $23.64 $35.46 Regular Labor Overtime Labor Total labor PM/Supervision Labor Burden Sub Total Labor Overhead Profit 5% 5% Total Labor ::Iuoted Moterial Misc. Material Sub Total Materials 8.25% SolesTox 5% Overhead 5% Prollt Total Materials lSub-Contractor SUb-Contractor SuO-Total Overhead Profit $1.586.72 0.00 r $0.00 $8,270.94 $8.270.94 $662.35 $413.55 $413M I $9,780.39 $0.00 $O.DC $0.00 I $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 I $0.00 $190.41 $0.00 $190.41 $9.52 $9.52 $209.45 5% 5% Total SUb-Contractors Rentals Insurance Permits Total Misc. Overheod Profit Total Total This Change $1,586.7. $174.5' $571.22 $2.332.4 $116.6< $116.6" $2,565.7:.1 5% 5% $12,5561 P. 8 Turner Collie <9Braden Inc. ENGINEERS.PLANNERS·PROJECT TRANSMITTAL MANAGERS PO Box 130089 Houston, Texas 77219 281-416-0260 Fax 281-416-2746 To: Mr. Bill Jameson. W.J. Interests Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority 1600 HWY 6 Suite 170 Sugarland, TX 77478 Date: Re: Job No.: Transmitted July 15, 2004 Fort Bend Parkway - Contract AOTC,Proposed Change Order #3 03/0004 By: Corrier We are sending you the following: Copies I Description Change Order No.3 for Contract AOTC Remarks: Attached is Change Order No.3 for Contract AOTC, FBCTRA Job No. 03/0004 for your further handling. a. Change Order No.3 allows for the installation of access doors 24" x 24" at the Main toll Plazas and Ramp Toll Plazas Canopies. This includes all labor, equipment, materials and any other subsidiary item necessary to complete this work. b. Change Order No.3 also revises the contingency bid item to reflect its new value. The cost ofthe change order appears to be fair and reasonable for the work to be performed. It will reduce the contingency bid item by $17,241.00. No additional time will be added to the contract as a result of this change. Copies To: 12.3.3 Cannatella, P.E. esident Engineer \Sf FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY CHANGE ORDER NUMBER_: _3_ (Supporting SpawGLass 2. Change Order Work limits: Supplemental No • ..l!!!A..1 Agreement Civil Construction,lnc Vicinity: Sta. 604+20.00 St •. 303+91.22 FORT BEND PARKWAY ,/2 to 605+20.00 (Main Toll Plazas) to 404+63.00 (Ramps J and I, Toll Plazas) Sta. 2+95.00 to 4+04.43 (Ramps E and F, Toll Plazas) FBCTRA CONTRACT NUMBER AOTC " b FBCTRAJOB NUMBER 0310006 (Major/Minor) Major TIME EXTENSION NUMBER NlA 3. Type of Change 4. Describe the work being revised. Install Access Doors 24" x 24" in the Main Plazas and Ramp Toll Plazas canopies 5. Complete Table A or B on Page 2. Complete Table A if the work is to be completed under force account; otherwise, complete table B. Use additional sheets if needed. 6. New or revised plan sheet(s) are attached and numbered None. Each signatory hereby warrants that each has the authority to execute this Change Order. The Contractor must sign only when the Change Order contains extra work or price modification if the character of the work changes significantly. The Contractor further agrees that for the consideration in this change, FBCTRA will not pay for any additional charges for time, expense, overhead and profit or loss due to this change. or '!lml"" The following must be (XOVided: Contract Information (includes original contract time and cost and previously added time and cost): Ga1ra::l~~1oo~ Ga1ra::l Date _ Cost $2.154637.00 (Typed/Printed Ml 0 Ml$ 0.00 Name) "iCe.. 'Prl.s ;J~ Totals: T '"'" 100 Cost $2154637.00 (Title) o APPROVED: ~ECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: o RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: ~_. O~ -- 7/12,)0'1 APPROVED: FORT BEND COUNTY TOll ROAD AUTHORITY Page 1 of 2 Date Days FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY CHANGE TABLE Paid A: by invoice (YIN) 1___ $, Amount ORDER NUMBER.2.. FBCTRA CONTRACT _ HOURLY LABOR B: (1 OF 1) ORIGINAL + PREVIOUSLY NEW REVISED ITEM 9003 HOURLY RATE EQUIPMENT RATE TABLE AOTC DESCRIPTION Acces Doors 24" x 24- UNIT EA UNIT PRICE $0. QUANTlJY $0. SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY (AFTER C.O. # 2) LS $112,925.8 1. Page 2 Of 2 ITEM COST $0. UNIT PRICE $17,241. QUANTITY 1. ITEM COST $17,241. OVERRUN! UNDERRUN $17.241. SpawGlass Civil Construction, fne. Project Fc>rt Bend Parkway Toll PI.... Proposal Request Three Proposal Change Description: Aco<ss Doo,", (26) Proposal Date: 6/112004 Equipment Subs 5pawGlass Worle General ConDitions Direct Coit ofWorle $ SubcontT;actDrWorle CompassBuilding System~Inc. Allowance for Paint $ $ 208 Material $ 1,819 labor+Burden $ 325 11,362 1.300 Totals $ $ $ $ $ 2,352 11,362 1,300 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TolJl/s 12,662 Tax on Equipment (8.25%) & Materials (0.00%) $ $ 208 17 $ 1,8/9 $ 325 $ SUBTOTAL OH&P on SG Worle OH&P on 5ubtontraetor Worle 15.00% 10.00% Gene,.1 Uabiflty Insurance Builder< Risk Insurant;e Owner's Pmtective InslJfll1lce Payment & Performance Bond 1.00% 0.10% 0.14% 0.75% 01-1, P, I & Bond on SG Worle OH, P, f & Bond on Subt;On!T;aetorWorle 16.99% 11.99% SUBTOTAL TOTAL CONTRAcrVALUE CHANGE TIME EXTEN510N REQUIRED (Calendar Days) G'd 9 l 1>9 'ON $ 15,014 $ 17 $ 15,031 $ $ 485 1.725 $ 2,210 $ 17,241 PROPOSAL SUMMARY WORKSHEET DIRECT COST Forl: Send Project: Parkway Toll Plazas Proposal Request Number Three Proposal Request Description Acc ..... Doors Proposal Date (26) 6/112004 MAN-HOUI\S I DIRECT LABOI\ !\ATE Field Engineor Rodman Corpenter Fo""",n TOTAL $25.00 $ $12.00 $ $10.00 $ - · · · $15.00 $ Labor Foreman S $15.00 $ 120 labor- S $12.00 $ 96 $16.00 $ Carfenter C""' ..... F;nlshor · · · $ $ SUbtotal Direct Labor Labor Burd"" Labor Total QUANTITY 2 MATEI\IALS 216 $ 325 PRICE 26 Ao:ess Doors $ $ $6150 109 TOTAL I,S99 $ · $ $ · $ I Delivery I Frelgh< Charps Storage I Promcdon of Material. Ma... ;.Il\otUm I Cancellation Total $220.00 BocI<hoe I DCIUII" - $ - $ 220 · · $ $ 1,819 $ Mat1ll'la/s 13 EQUIPMENT $ QUANllTY PRICE I $200.00 TOTAL $ · $ $ $ - $ $ S",.1I Tool. I~OTAl £'d 200 $ - · · · ~ Safety E'lIlipment $ $ 4 Total E'I"ipment $ 208 2.35211 DIRECT COST OF WORK 8l \>9 'ON ~VL0:6 \>OO~'~ 'Nnr Turner Collie (f)Braden Inc. ENGINEERS'PLANNERS'PROJECT TRANSMITTAL MANAGERS PO Box 130089 Houston, Texas 77219 281-416-0260 Fax 281-416-2746 To: Amer AI-Nahhas SpawGlass Civil Construction, Inc. 13800 West Road Houston, TX 7704 I Date: Re: Job No.: Transmitted July 17,2004 Fort Bend Parkway - Contract AOTC, Proposed Change Order #4 03/0004 By: Hand Delivery We are sending you the following: Copies I Description Proposed Change Order #4 for Contract AOTC Remarks: a. Change Order No.4 allows for the installation of resilient flooring at the Main toll Plazas and Ramp Toll Plazas Mini-buildings. This includes all labor, equipment, materials and any other subsidiary item necessary to complete this work. b. Change Order NO.4 also revises the contingency bid item to reflect its new value. Please review, sign, and return the change order. Copies To: 12.3.4 BY:-=-:-4~~---- Joh annatella, P.E. Resident Engineer FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY CHANGEORDERNUMBER~ (Supporting SpawGLass 2. Supplemental Agreement No • ..l!1A.J Civil Construction,lnc FORT BEND PARKWAY Change Order Work Limits: Vicinity: Sta. 6041-20.00 to 605+20.00 (Main Toll Plazas) Sta. 303+91.22 FBCTRA CONTRACT NUMBER AOTC to 404+63.00 (Ramps J and I, Toll Plazas) Sta. 2+95.00 to 4+04.43 (Ramps E and F. Toll Plazas) FBCTRAJOB NUMBER 0310006 TIME EXTENSION NUMBER NlA (MajorlMinor) 3. Type of Change Major 4. Describe the work being revised. Install resilient floor at all Mini-Buildings in order to set up equipment. Total amount for Change Order NO.4 is $2.904.00. 5. Complete Table A or B on Page 2. Complete Table A if the work is to be completed under force account; otherwise, complete table B. Use additional sheets if needed. 6. New or revised plan sheet(s) are attached and numbered None. Each signatory hereby warrants that each has the authority to execute this Change Order. The Contractor must sign only when the Change Order contains extra work or price modification if the character of the work changes significantly. The Contractor further agrees that for the consideration in this change, FBCTRA will not pay for any additional charges for time, expense, overhead and profit or Joss due to this change. or !'<tl 0 !'<tl $ 0.00 Name) \lio- Pc~; J~ Totals: Time DAPPNv_ o RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: o RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: 7 /z-=/oLj Michael E. Stone. APPROVED: FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY Page 1 of2 Date _ !J¥ to the a:rtra:1 100 Cost $2 154 637.00 (Hie) ~PPROVED: '_ng ,,"""'alien mu~be proYided: Contract Infonnation (includes original contract time and cost and previously added time and cost): CorIra:t [Bys--',"'oo'-CorIra:t Qx;t $2.154637.00 Date (TypedlPrinted !he to the a:rtra:1 Days FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY CHANGE ORDER NUMBER....!... FBCTRA TABLE A: Paid by invoice (Y/N) 1___ Amount $, CONTRACT ~ _ HOURLY HOURLY LABOR EQUIPMENT RATE RATE . TABLE B: (1 OF 1) ORIGINAL + PREVIOUSLY NEW REVISED ITEM 9004 DESCRIPnON Installation of resilient noor al the Mini_buildings UNIT EA UNIT PRICE '0. QUANTITY ITEM COST '0. SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY (AfTER C.O. if. 3) LS $95,684.8 I. Page 2 of 2 '0. UNIT PRICE $2,904.00 QUANTITY ITEM COST 1. $2.904. FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORD.-eOUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE DATE SUBMITTED: SUBMITTED BY: Sue Brock, I" Assistant DEPARTMENT: Treasurer PHONE NO.: ext 3765 08/02/04 COURT AGENDA DATE: 08/10/04 AGENDA ITEM # 11- SUMMARY OF ITEM: Authorize payment of invoices for work performed by consultants andlor contraeton listed on Board Report for Flood Control Water Supply Corporation Monthly Bills, Approved on 07128/04 at the Regular Board Meeting. Total amount approved by the Board is $61,105.38. (Fund 265-006-4010) Big Creek $61,105.38 (Fund 264-006-4010) Oyster Creek $ -0RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: Yes () No ( ) LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Yes (FBC Flood Control Bills approved 07/28/04) .,..,., '''''V. ,T BUDGETED ITEM: Yes 0 No () N/A (X) Funding Source: fund 264 agcy 006 Object (265 ~ ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: COMMENTS: One Time () Total for Fund 264: $__ -0-_ Recurring () Total for Fund 265: $ 61.105.38 GRAND TOTAL: $ 61,105.38 ~ 4010) N/A (X) Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: Yes (X) CC with back up: yes (X)Auditor yes (X)Budget Officer yes (X)County Attorney yes (X)Purchasing Agent yes (X)County Clerk (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) yes (X)Comm. yes (X)Comm. yes (X)Comm. yes (X)Comm. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. 1 2 3 4 (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fiU out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with aU back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. AU original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION 1 ACTION REQUESTED: FORT BEND FLOOD CONTROL WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION SUMMARY OF INVOICES FOR BOARD APPROVAL JULY 28, 2004 GRAND TOTALS ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS A J COLBERT [JULY 28] JIM CONDREY [JULY 28] PAUL COUNCIL [JULY 28] DON RUSSELL [JULY 28] MIKE STONE [JUNE _' JULY 28] ALLEN BOONE HUMPHRIES, LLP ANCO-WESSENDORFF INS SERV PAMELA M. LOGSDON, CPA SANDERSEN,KNOX & BELT SERVICE LLOYDS INSURANCE CO SOUTHERN NATIONAL BANK of TX TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS ENGINEERING and CONSTRUCTION COSTS DODSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. LJA ENGINEERING & SURVEYING,INC. TOTAL INVOICES FOR APPROVAL pROJECTED CASH JULY 28 2004 OYSTER CREEK BIG CREEK 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 3,875.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86.17 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 3,875.39 4,561.56 4,561.56 0.00 56,543.82 56,543.82 $61,105.38 $11,868,077 86.17 $61 ,105.38 $11,734,868 REPORT PREPARED Pamela M. Logsdon Certified Public Accountant 5635 Northwest Central Drive, Suite 104E, Houston, Texas 77092 713.934.9107 713.934.9105 Fax 713.934.9443 mlo 0.00 $0.00 $133,209 02:04PM FORT BEND FLOOD SUMMARY CONTROL WATER OF BIG CREEK SUPPLY PROJECT CORPORATION COSTS JULY 28, 2004 BUDGET CONSTRUCTION BUDGET REMAINING UNDER (OVER) ACTUAL and ENGINEERING Page 3 [2] DROP STRUCTURE & EROSION CONTROL [LJA] CONSTRUCTiON ENGINEERING and GEOTECHNICAL 3,809,468 527,659 0 213,325 3,809,468 314,334 [3] [3] 979,422 4,149,450 107,028 0 872,394 4,149,450 [3,4] [3,4] 2,407,164 2,028,262 Page 4 BIG CREEK REACH 2 and 3 [LJA] ENGINEERING and GEOTECHNICAL CONSTRUCTION BIG CREEK CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING REACH 4 [LAND TECHITCBj REACH 5 [J & Cj 2,407,164 2,028,262 277,660 263,072 14,588 BRIDGES and PHASE II DESIGN BRIDGES - PLEAK and TRINITY ROAD BIG CREEK OVERALL PROJECT· ENGINEERING PHASE II - DESIGN and EASEMENTS 927,875 517,202 274,511 927,875 517,202 274,511 o o o ADMINISTRATION DIRECTORS FEES LEGAL LEGAL ASSISTANT ACCOUNTING AUDIT,INSURANCE,BANK SERVICE CHARGES, ETC. CONTINGENCIES 61,000 205,000 9,237 52,000 40,000 69,000 20,900 127,539 9,237 28,519 36,185 4,849 40,100 77,461 0 23,481 3,815 64,151 16,334,910 2,530,242 13,804,668 [1] BIG CREEK WATERSHED STUDY· DODSON TOTALS Page 5 FINAL-Pg6 FINAL-Pg6 FINAL-Pg6 11,734,868 PROJECTED CASH, JULY 28,2004 ($2,069,800) [4] DEFICIT CASH [1] CONTRACT AWARDED AUGUST 28, 2002 [2] REVISED BUDGET APPROVED MAY 26, 2004 [3] BUDGET PER DODSON & ASSOC. STUDY, APRIL 2003 [4] WORK WILL NOT BE AUTHORIZED FOR BIG CREEK REACHES 4 AND 5 UNTIL FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE. REPORT 2 PREF'AAEC: PIAL FORT BEND FLOOD CONTROL WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION BIG CREEK DROP STRUCTURE & EROSION CONTROL [LJA] JULY 28, 2004 ACTUAL BUDGET CONSTRUCTION BUDGET REMAINING UNDER (OVER) and ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION BRAZOS RIVER DROP STRUCTURE -NBG CONST EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURE 2,479,018 1,330,450 0 0 2,479,018 1,330,450 ENGINEERING· WA BASE FEE BRAZOS RIVER DROP STRUCTURE EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURE 166,094 79,827 143,563 0 22,531 79,827 ADDITIONAL SERVICES BRAZOS RIVER DROP STRUCTURE EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURE 183,620 63,018 54,285 0 129,335 63,018 GEOTECHNICAL STUDY CONSTRUCTION 8,750 10,000 8,750 0 0 10,000 ENVIRONMENTAL 16,350 6,727 9,623 $4,337,127 $213,325 $4,123,802 [2] CONSULTANT [1] TOTAL DROP STRUCTURE & EROSION CONTROL ~ a DROP STRUCTURE & EROSION CONTROL [LJA] CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING and GEOTECHNICAL TOTAL DROP STRUCTURE & EROSION CONTROL 213,325 3,809,468 314,334 $4,337,127 $213,325 $4,123,802 [1] REVISED BUDGET APPROVED MAY 26,2004 [2] BID AWARDED TO NBG CONSTRUCTORS, INC. ON MAY 26, 2004 CONSTRUCTION TIME - 240/270 CALENDAR DAY NOTICE TO PROCEED _ R!PORTPREPAREO: 3 o 3,809,468 527,659 PML: 27.Jul-2~ 02:08PM FORT BEND FLOOD CONTROL WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION BIG CREEK REACH 2 and 3 JULY 28, 2004 BUDGET REMAINING ADJUSTED BUDGET CONSTRUCTION UNDER (OVER) ACTUAL and ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION REACH 2 [LJA] $1,908,747 $0 $1,908,747 REACH 3 [LJA] 2,240,703 0 2,240,703 217,846 371,150 38,195 68,833 179,651 302,317 RIGHT OF WAY 121,826 0 121,826 EXXON 36" PIPELINE ADJUSTMENT 250,000 0 250,000 8,600 0 0 0 8,600 0 10,000 0 10,000 $5,128,872 $107,028 $5,021,844 $4,149,450 $0 $4,149,450 979,422 107,028 872,394 $5,128,872 $107,028 $5,021,844 ENGINEERING - REACHES 2 BASE FEE ADDITIONAL SERVICES and 3 GEOTECHNICAL STUDY CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT [1] TOTAL REACHES 2 and 3 BIG CREEK REACHES 2 and 3 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING TOTAL REACHES 2 and 3 [1] BUDGET PER LJA CONTRACT APPENDIX D DATED OCTOBER 2003 REPORT 4 PREPAREO: PML 27.; ....2004 02:08 PM FORT BEND FLOOD CONTROL WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION BIG CREEK STUDY ANALYSIS OF DODSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. JULY 28,2004 BUDGET ---_.------ PRIOR BILLINGS CURRENT BILLINGS BILLED TO DATE 28·May·2004 PERCENT COMPLETE BUDGET REMAINING UNDER (OVER) ----------------============= DODSON & ASSOC. FEES EXPENSES 104,460.00 126,350.00 1,641.14 126,350.00 1,641.14 122.53% (23,531.14) FREESE & NICHOLS 31,200.00 21,677.80 21,677.80 69.48% 9,522.20 135,000.00 101,840.42 101,840.42 75.44% 33,159.58 7,000.00 11,563.00 11,563.00 165.19% $277,660.00 $263,072.36 $263,072.36 94.75% PLEDGER KALKOMAY WETLAND TECH TOTALS $0.00 5 (4,563.00) $14,587.64 FORT BEND FLOOD CONTROL WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION BIG CREEK BRIDGES JULY 28, 2004 BUDGET CONSTRUCTION ACTUAL BUDGET REMAINING UNDER (OVER) and ENGINEERING BRIDGES - PLEAK and TRINITY ROAD CONSTRUCTION PLEAK BRIDGE TRINITY ROAD BRIDGE ENGINEERING [Design, Construction, & General] 426,802 382,721 118,352 426,802 382,721 118,352 o BIG CREEK OVERALL PROJECT - ENGINEERING 517,202 517,202 o 12,100 13,475 58,973 12,100 13,475 58,973 0 0 0 38,763 62,736 88,464 38,763 62,736 88,464 0 0 0 $1 ,719,588 $1,719,588 $0 PHASE II - DESIGN CHANNELl CHANNEL II PHASE II - OTHER ENGINEERING EASEMENTS, LAND & PIPELINE RELOCATIONS Right-of-Way, Easements, Pipelines Relocation legal land Acquisitions TOTAL BIG CREEK BRIDGES & PHASE II DESIGN o o 0. BIG CREEK BRIDGES BRIDGES - PLEAK and TRINITY ROAD BIG CREEK OVERALL PROJECT - ENGINEERING PHASE II - DESIGN and EASEMENTS TOTAL BIG CREEK BRIDGES & PHASE II DESIGN 927,875 517,202 274,511 927,875 517,202 274,511 o o $1,719,588 $1,719,588 $0 o PROJECT CLOSED ~epORT PREPAReo~ PML: 6 11-JuHOO4 02:11 PM FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR. - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE DATE SUBMITTED: COURT AGENDA DATE: 08104104 08110104 SUBMITTED BY: Jean N. Galloway, MD DEPARTMENT: 089 Health & Human PHONE NUMBER: 1281\ 238-3233 AGENDA Services # 11 fl SUMMARY OF ITEM: Accept and sign the FY 2004 Citizen Corps Program Grant (CERT) through September 30, 2005. RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: YES () NO 0 LIST SUPPORT DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Cover letter notice of receipt FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes (X) No) N/A ( ) ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: ONETIME ( ) Fnnding Source: Texas State Citizen Corps Program Fnnd Ae:eney Object Recurring: N/A COMMENTS: 0 ( ) Original Fonn Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: (v) cc with back up: (v) Auditor (v) Budget Officer (v) County Attorney (v) Purchasing Agent (v) County Clerk (281) (281) (281) (281) (281) 341-3774 344-3954 344-4557 341-8642 341-8697 (v) (v) (v) (v) Comm. Comm. Comm. Comm. (v when completed) Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct 1 2 3 4 (281) (281) (281) (281) 342-0587 403-8009 242-9060 980-9077 Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: I. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All orie:\naI back-up must be received in the Countv Judl!e'. Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED 2004 CCP - 48157 July 12, 2004 Ms. Kaye Reynolds 4520 Reading Road Suite A Richmond, TX 77471 Dear Ms. Reynolds: You are receiving the enclosed Notice of Subrecipient Award for the FY 2004 Citizen Corps Program and Texas 2004 Citizen Corps Program Grant Instructions because you are registered as the Jurisdiction Point of Contact for Fort Bend County. If you are no longer serving in that capacity please immediately give this packet to the correct individual. The enclosed documents contain the necessary documentation and instructions for you to utilize your 2004 Citizen Corps Program sub-grant to focus on opportunities for people in your jurisdiction to participate in a range of volunteer measures to make families, homes, and communities safer from threats of terrorism, crime, and disasters of all kinds. The Notice of Subrecipient Award should be signed by the County Judge, City Mayor, City Manager, Mayor Pro- TEM, Executive Director for the Council of Government, or Chief Financial Officer for the jurisdiction. Subgrants to agencies should be signed by the agency director. Other signatures will reqnire an accompanying statement from the senior elected official authorizing the individual to sign for the jurisdiction. The Deadline to return the signed Notice of Subrecipient Award is September 13, 2004, or postmarked with the due date. Subrecipients that cannot meet the deadline should contact the Texas Engineering Extension Service to request an extension. A maximum extension may be granted tn allow for schedules of City Councils and Commissioners' either by fax immediately 30 day Courts. Address: Director of Domestic Preparedness John B. Connally Building 301 Tarrow-TEEX College Station, TX 77840-7896 Fax: (979) 458-6927 Email: If you have any questions, or require further information regarding this award, please do not hesitate to contact Charles Todd, TEEX Director of Domestic Preparedness, at (979) 458-6815. Sincerely, Charles Todd Director of Domestic Preparedness Texas Engineering Extension Service 2004 CCP - 48157 Page 2 TEXAS ENGINEERING SERVICE EXTENSION NOTICE OF SUBRECIPIENT FOR Fort Bend County AWARD FY 2004 CITIZEN CORPS PROGRAM I. RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESS Ms. Kaye Reynolds 4520 Reading Road Suite A Riclunond, TX 77471 2. GRANTEE IRSNENDOR NO. 17460019692 3. GRANT TITLE FY 2004 Citizen Corps PTOlzrarn 3A. Grant award number to TEEX: 2004-GE-T4-00IS 4. AWARD NUMBER:2004 CCP - 48157 S. PROJECT PERIOD: FROM June I. 2004 - Sep. 30, 2005 BUDGET PERIOD: FROM June I, 2004 - Sep. 30, 2005 6. AWARD DATE Julv 12,2004 8. CFDA NUMBER: 97.004 9. TOTAL SUBRECIPIENT 7. ACTION Initial Award AWARD: $25,000.00 10. SPECIAL CONDITIONS THE ABOVE GRANT IS SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR LlMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH IN THE NOTICE OF SUBRECIPIENT AWARD AND IN THE TEXAS FY 2004 CITIZEN CORPS PROGRAM GRANT INSTRUCTIONS II. STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR GRANT THIS PROJECT IS SUPPORTED UNDER PUBLIC LAW 108-90, THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2004. 12. METHOD OF PAYMENT REIMBURSEMENT: SEE DETAILS IN TEXAS FY 2004 aTIZEN AGENCY APPROVAL 13. SIGNATURE OF APPROVING TEEX OFFICIAL ~~.J Arturo Alonzo Deputy Director/CFO Texas Eoe:ineerine: Extension Service AGENCY USE ONLY CORPS PROGRAM GRANT INSTRUCTIONS 14.TYPE ,~~d. SUBRECIPIENT ACCEPTANCE E AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED ....... P.o~r6 Hebert; C.ovn ~ :fUDlfle.) FOrt- ~ 15. SlGNATIJRE OF AUTHORIZED SUBRECIPIENT OFFICIAL '0 • CounN lSA. DATE ~/to/~oo1 2004 CCP - 48157 Page 3 TEXAS ENGINEERING SERVICE EXTENSION NOTICE OF SUBRECIPIENT AWARD Fort Bend County STATE HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM AWARD NUMBER 2004 CCP - 48157 AWARD DATE July 12, 2004 SPECIAL CONDITIONS I) The Notice of Subrecipient Award is only an offer until the subrecipient returns the signed copy of the Notification of Subrecipient Award in accordance with the date provided in the transmitralletrer. 2) The subrecipient agrees to use funds in accordance with the instructions in the TEXAS FY 1004 CITIZEN CORPS PROGRAM GRANT INSTRUCTIONS 3) The subrecipinet agrees to perform all project activities outlined on page three of the Grant Application, as submitted to the Texas Association of Regional Councils (TARe). 4) The subrecipinet agrees to meet all Project Outputs and Outcomes listed on page six of the Grant Application, as submitted to TARe. 5) The subrecipient agrees to comply with the applicable financial and administrative requirements set forth in the current edition of Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. 6) The subrecipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements of OMB Circnlar A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations, as further described in the current edition of the OJP Financial Guide, Chapter 19. 7) Subrecipient agrees to make no request for reimbursement prior to return of this agreement approved by the subrecipient and signed by the authorized snbrecipient representative. 8) Subrecipient agrees to make no request for reimbursement for goods or services procured by subrecipient prior to the performance period start date of this agreement. 9) The subrecipient affirms that federal funds will be used to supplement existing funds, and will not replace (supplant) funds that have been appropriated for the same purpose. Subrecipient may be required to supply documentation certifying that a reduction in noo- federal resources occurred for reasons other than the receipt or expected receipt of federal funds. 2004 Texas State Citizen Corps Program (CCP) Grant Instructions TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ACCEPTING THE GRANT I. TIMELY USE OF GRANT FUNDS II. AUTHORIZED PROGRAM EXPENDITURES III. UNAUTHORIZED PROGRAM EXPENDITURES IV. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS V. CONSTRAINTS ON USE OF GRANT FUNDING VI. ACCOUNTABILITY REQillREMENTS VII. VIII. SUBRECIPIENT LEGAL COMPLIANCE CONFLICT OF INTEREST IX. LEGAL AUTHORITY X. GOVERNING LAW XI. 3 3 3 4 4 6 6 7 7 7 8 PROGRAM GUIDANCE A. B. C. D. INTRODUCTION FISCAL ADMINISTRATION REPORTING REQillREMENTSIMONITORING/ACCOUNTABILITY GRANT CLOSINGIRELEASE OF UNUSED FUNDS E. SUBRECIPIENT LEGAL COMPLIANCE F. AGREEMENT CHANGESI ADDITIONSI DELETIONS G. CONFLICTOFINTEREST H. GENERAL 9 9 10 12 12 13 16 17 ENCLOSURE 1: ODP GRANT INFORMATION FOR TEXAS STATE CCP SUBRECIPIENTS 19 2004 Texas State Citizen Corps Program (CCP) Grant Instructions EXECUTIVE I. ACCEPTING SUMMARY THE GRANT Sign both copies of the Notification ojSubrecipient Award, retain one copy for your records and return one to TEEX on or before September 13,2004. A. A request for extension of time to accept the grant must be made before the deadline shown in the transmittal letter. An extension of up to 30 days may be granted to allow the grant award to be reviewed by City Councilor Commissioners' Court. B. The offer of award will be withdrawn if the signed Notice of Subrecipient Award is not returned by the due date or extended date. II. TIMELY USE OF GRANT FUNDS The period of performance for this grant is from June I, 2004 through September 30, 2005. The sUbrecipient shall not incur costs or obligate funds for any purpose pertaining to the operation of the project, program, or activities beyond the expiration date of the period of performance. III. AUTHORIZED PROGRAM EXPENDITURES Citizen Corps grant funds [including Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) Programs, Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Programs, and Neighborhood Watch (NW) Programs 1 may be used to: • • • • • • • Bring together the appropriate leadership to form and sustain a Citizen Corps Council; Develop, implement, or sustain a plan for the community to engage all citizens in homeland security, community preparedness, and family safety Conduct public education and outreach in order to inform the public about their role in crime prevention, mitigation, emergency preparedness for all hazards, and public health measures; Develop, implement, or sustain Citizen Corps programs offering training and volunteer opportunities to support first responders, disaster relief groups, and community safety efforts, and include the four charter federal programs: CERT, NW, MRC, and VIPS; Coordinate Citizen Corps activities with other DHS funded programs and initiatives; Collect information on existing resources and volunteer activities within the community; Conduct meetings of the councilor sub-programs; 3 • • • • • • • Develop and/or maintain data on volunteers and resources (including personnel, training, activities, equipment, and supplies) within the service area; Pay for staff and/or volunteer travel expenses to attend meetings or training sessions; Prepare and distribute public outreach and marketing materials relating to community preparedness and family safety or to recruit volunteers for public service; Develop and/or maintain a program website; Hire staff or obtain contract support that direct! y supports the foregoing; Preference will be given to grant applications who indicate they plan to rely primarily on volunteers. Reproduce and distribute Citizen Corps, CERT, VIPS, MRC, NW training materials, including instructor guides, student manuals, certificates, handouts, and newsletters; and Preference isfor electronic newsletters with email addresses listed in the Citizen Corps database. Purchase basic tools, work aids, and supplies needed to establish and/or maintain a Citizen Corps councilor sub-program. IV. UNAUTHORIZIED PROGRAM EXPENDITURES Unauthorized program expenditures include: • expenditures foritems such as general use software (word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, etc) , • general-use computers (other than for allowable M & A activities, or otherwise associated preparedness or response functions) and related equipment, • general-use vehicles, licensing fees, weapons systems and ammunition; • activities unrelated. to the completion and implementation of the CCP; • construction or renovation of facilities V. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS: Disbursement of funds procedure is as follows: 1. Upon receipt ofthe signed sub- recipient agreement, TEEX will deposit approximately fifty (50) percent of the total award in the subrecipient's bank. 2. Documentation of expenditures of this initial 50% must be submitted to and approved by TARC. TARC will review and forward eligible requests to TEEX before any additional fund requests will be considered. 3. The remaining 50% of the funds will be disbursed on a reimbursement basis only. 4. All requests for these funds must be submitted on the TEEX required form, which can be located at! 5. Documentation of shipping and/or delivery receipts, purchase orders, and/or store receipts must accompany all requests for reimbursement for operating expenses and equipment. Documentation for travel, personnel, and any professional and contractual costs must be submitted in the same manner. 4 6. Reimbursement beyond the initial 50% will not be approved unless a minimum of thirty (30) percent of the initial fifty percent of the funds have been procured and request for reimbursement has been submitted and approved. 7. Payment will be made within three weeks of receipt of faxed receipts and invoices showing an obligation of the local jurisdiction to pay. 8. Delay in sending receipts, purchase orders, and/or invoices to TARC will result in delayed payment. VI. CONSTRAINTS ON USE OF GRANT FUNDING A. General: I. Grant funds shall be used for the formation and operations of Citizen Corps Programs to promote community preparedness and family safety and engage citizens in homeland security. 2. Subrecipient shall follow the grant guidelines to ensure the accurate and prompt purchase, receipt, payment and management oftheir grant procured items. B. Eqnipment: I. Equipment is tangible property with a service life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of$I,OOO or more per unit. Equipment purchases under this grant are limited'to items needed to support program activities. 2. Equipment list items acquired under this grant are the property of the Subrecipient,and'subjectto the inventory and property rules under OMB Circular A-102. 3. Subrecipient must maintain property records, in accordance with locally established procedures. Subrecipient must keep those. records readily available to ensure: accountability. 4. Theremustbe,a;physical inventory at least once a year of grant procured equipment items with market value in excess of $ 1,000, which includes the following information: .' A description of the item •. A seriaLnumber • Received date • Titleholder of the equipment • Value of the equipment • Owner & location of the equipment 5. SUbrecipient must have a control system in place to loCate and safeguard equipment. C. Travel: Reimbursement for lodging and per diem may not exceed the current State of Texas in-state rate. Reimbursement for use of a personal vehicle for official business may not exceed the current State of Texas governmental mileage rate. 5 D. Expenses for Meals, Food and Beverages: Grantees may not use grant funds to pay for meals, food, or beverages, except those that are allowable as travel expenses. E. Employee Lodging & Per Diem: I. Grantees who travel within this State shall be reimbursed for the actual cost of lodging and meals. However, the reimbursements may not exceed the $80 per day allocation for lodging and $30 per day for meals 2. Grantees who travel outside this state but within the continental United States shall be reimbursed for the grantee's actual expenses for lodging and meals. However, the reimbursement may not exceed the maximum out-of-state meals and lodging rate, issued the state Comptroller. F. Professional & Contractual: I. Grantees who contract out any services with grant funds must have a written contract with the organization or individual who is performing the service. 2. This contract or agreement must remain on file with the grantee agency for at least three years after the close of the grant. VII. ACCOUNTABILITY REOUIREMENTS A. Subrecipient agrees to provide to TEEX and to TARC, in accordance with procedures and time frames prescribed by TEEX, any technical or program. reports, data, and information on the 'operation and performance of this Agreement deemed necessary. B. Subrecipientshall maintain all records,.financial management records and supporting documentation: forall expendituresoffun<fs;made under this.Agreement, in compliance with all retention: and custodial requirements for records referenced in:this Agreement. Subrecipient shallretain all fiscal records and supporting documents for a minimum of three (3) years after finahAgreement: closeout. C. Subrecipient shall provide state or federal auditing agencies, TEEX, or any of their duly authorized representatives, access to and the right to examine, copy, or reproduce all reports and records pertaining to this Agreement. Such rights to access shall continue as long as the records are retained by the Subrecipient. D. TEEX shall have the right of timely and reasonable access to the Subrecipient and SUbrecipient premises. and personnel for the purpose of inspection, monitoring, auditing, evaluation, or in:terview, related to all records required to be retained under this Section. E. TEEX reserves the right to conduct or cause to be conducted an independent audit of all funds received under this Agreement, which may be performed by government audit staff, a certified public accounting firm, or other auditors as designated by TEEX. Subrecipient shall cooperate with all authorized auditors and shall make available all accounting and project records including supporting source documentation. Such audit will be conducted in accordance with applicable state and federal rules and regulations, Agreement guidelin:es, and established professional standards and practices. 6 F. TEEX, or its designee, retains the right to monitor, examine and audit all records, documents and activities related to projects funded by this Agreement, and to perform such project evaluation studies that TEEX deems necessary to determine the adequacy of the procedures used. G. TEEX will notify the Subrecipient in writing of any deficiencies noted during such review, and may withhold payments as appropriate based upon such review. TEEX will provide technical assistance to the Subrecipient to correct the deficiencies noted. TEEX may conduct follow-up visits to review the previous deficiencies and to assess the efforts made to correct them. If such deficiencies persist, TEEX may terminate this Agreement effective immediately and/or apply sanctions pursuant to Section I (Sanctions or Remedial Measures) , Page 14, or take such other action as it deems appropriate. VIII. SUBRECIPIENT LEGAL COMPLIANCE A. As a condition to award of monies under this Agreement, Subrecipient assures, with respect to the operation of a federally funded program or activity, that it will comply fully with the non-discrimination and equal opportunity provisions of the following laws to the extent applicable: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; (b) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; (c) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; (d) Title IX ofthe Education Amendments of 1972, as amended; (e) Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and (f) any other statutory provisions relating to non-discrimination. B. C. IX. In the performance of this Agreement, Subrecipient shall comply with the following Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars applicable to its organization, institution or agency: Administrative Requirements (A-102 and A-ll 0); Cost Principles (A-21, A-87 and 122); and Audit Guidance (A-l33). The parties agree to be bound by all terms of this Agreement and all applicable state and federal statutes and regulations, and all provisions contained therein, including the Office of Justice Programs "Financial Guide" located at: http://www.ojp.usdoj .govlFinGuide/ CONFLICT OF INTEREST No employee of the Subrecipient or a Subrecipient, no member of the Subrecipient's or a Subrecipient's governing body, and no person who exercises any function or responsibility in the review or approval of the undertaking or carrying out ofthis Agreement shall participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which affect his or her personal pecuniary interest. X. LEGAL AUTHORITY 7 A. The Subrecipient represents and guarantees that it possesses the legal authority to enter into this Agreement, receive funds authorized by this Agreement, and perform the functions and activities pertaining to this Agreement. B. The person signing this Agreement on behalf of Subrecipient hereby warrants that he/she has been fully authorized by Subrecipient to execute this Agreement on behalf of Subrecipient and to legally bind Subrecipient to all the terms, performances and provisions herein set forth. XI. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. 8 2004 Texas State Citizen Corps Program (CCP) Program Guidance A. INTRODUCTION THIS AGREEMENT, by and between Subrecipient, as identified in the Notice of Subrecipient Award, and the Texas Engineering Extension Service (hereinafter called "TEEX"), established under the laws of the State of Texas as a state agency component of the Texas A&M University System, located at 301 Tarrow, College Station, Texas, 77840-7896; WHEREAS, TEEX has been awarded a grant entitled "Homeland Security Grant Program" from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office for Domestic Preparedness, and TEEX desires that SUbrecipient receive benefit from this grant as a subgrantee, all as herein provided, involving the procurement and management of eqnipment and other activities involving preparedness planning, training and exercises; WHEREAS, Subrecipient has agreed to do so under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually covenant and agree as follows as evidenced by signatures on the Notice of Subrecipient Award: B. FISCAL ADMINISTRATION Availability of Funds Notwithstanding any other Agreement provisions, the parties hereto understand and agree that TEEX's obligations under this Agreement are contingent upon the availability of adequate funds to meet TEEX's liabilities hereunder. Limitation on Liability The Subrecipient understands and agrees that it shall be liable to repay to TEEX any funds not expended in accordance with this Agreement or determined to be expended in violation of the terms of this Agreement. TEEX will pay costs properly incurred by the Subrecipient under this Agreement in the amount specified in the Notice of Subrecipient Award or any mutual amendments hereto. TEEX shall not be liable to the Subrecipient for costs under this Agreement which exceed the amount specified in the Notice of Subrecipient Award. TEEX may deobligate awarded funds after consultation with the Subrecipient and upon determination by TEEX that funds will not be spent in accordance with the Agreement or will not be spent in a timely manner. 9 C. REPORTING REQUIREMENTSIMONITORING/ACCOUNTABILITY Reporting Subrecipient must submit quarterly progress reports and fmancial reports to TARC. Forms shall be posted on the Texas Citizen Corps Website at:! The reporting schedule for the above listed reports shall be as follows: First Quarterly Report: Due September 15,2004 This shall cover the months of June. July. & August. 2004 Second Quarterly Report: Due December 15, 2004 This shall cover the months of September. October & November, 2004 Third Quarterly Report: Due March 15, 2005 This shall cover the months of December, 2004, January & February 2005 Fourth Quarterly Report: Due June 15,2005 This shall cover March, April & May 2005 Final Report: Due October 15,2005 This shall cover June, July, August & September 2005 Retention Plan: Due March 15,2005 1. This outline shall outline how the subrecipient plans to recruit additional volunteers, keep current volunteers active, and how the subrecipient will maintain the program if the funds are decreased or eliminated. 2. This shall be submitted entitled "Citizen Corps Retention Plan" and shall be submitted with the Third Quarterly Progress & Financial Reports on March 15, 2005. Funds will not be released until all reports are received. Failure to submit any reports in a timely manner may result in delayed processing and receipt of funds. These reports will then be forwarded to the TEEX and Office for Domestic Preparedness as documentation for their records on the progress of the grant. 10 Reporting requirements Subrecipient agrees to provide to TEEX, in accordance with procedures and time frames prescribed by TEEX, any technical or program reports, data, and information on the operation and performance of this Agreement deemed necessary by TEEX. If SUbrecipient fails to submit to TEEX in a timely and satisfactory manner any report required by this Agreement, or otherwise fails to satisfactorily render performances hereunder, TEEX may withhold payments otherwise due and owing Subrecipient. IfTEEX withholds such payments, it shall notify SUbrecipient in writing of its decision and the reasons therefore. Payments withheld pursuant to this paragraph may be held by TEEX until such time as the delinquent obligations for which funds are withheld are fulfilled by SUbrecipient. Retention and Accessibility of Records Subrecipient shall maintain all records, financial management records and supporting documentation for all expenditures of funds made under this Agreement, in compliance with all retention and custodial requirements for records referenced in this Agreement. Subrecipient shall retain all fiscal records and supporting documents for a minimum of three (3) years after final Agreement closeout. In the event there is litigation or an unresolved audit discrepancy at the end of such retention period, the records will be retained until the litigation or discrepancy is resolved. Subrecipient shall provide state or federal auditing agencies, TEEX, or any of their duly authorized representatives, access to and the right to examine, copy, or reproduce all reports and records pertaining to this Agreement. Such rights, to access shall. continue as long as the records are retained by the Subrecipient. TEEX shall have the right of timely and reasonable access to.subrecipient and.subrecipient premises and personnel for the purpose of inspection, monitoring, auditing, evaluation, or interview, related to all records required to be retained under this Section. Audits or Evaluations TEEX reserves the right to conduct or cause to be conducted. an independent audit of all funds received under this Agreement, which may be performed by government audit staff, a certifieapublic accounting firm, or other auditors as TEEX. SUbrecipient shall cooperate with all authorized auditors and shall make available all accounting and project records including supporting source documentation. Such audit will be conducted in accordance with applicable state and federal rules and regulations, Agreement guidelines, and established professional standards and practices. Subrecipient shall be liable to TEEX for any costs disallowed as a result of an audit. Subrecipient shall further be responsible for any audit exception or other payment deficiency in the project covered by the Agreement, and all subcontracts hereunder, which are found to exist after monitoring, review, or auditing by any party as authorized or required by TEEX. 11 Subrecipient, or the auditors that monitor or audit the Subrecipient, shall immediately report to TEEX any incidents of fraud, abuse or potentially criminal activity in relation to the provisions of this Agreement. Monitoring, Onsite Visits and Technical Assistance Subrecipient is subject to these guidelines and procedures. TEEX will conduct onsite visits which will enable TEEX personnel to confirm the location, condition and use of the property and if it is being used for the intended purpose as stated in the Agreement. Site locations may be selected in a random manner. TEEX, or its designee, retains the right to monitor, examine and audit all records, documents and activities related to projects funded by this Agreement, and to perform such project evaluation studies that TEEX deems necessary to determine the adequacy of the services performed. TEEX will notify the Subrecipient in writing of any deficiencies noted during such review, and may withhold payments as appropriate based upon such review. TEEX will provide technical assistance to the Subrecipient to correct the deficiencies noted. TEEX may conduct follow-up visitsto review the-previous deficiencies and to assess the efforts made to correct them. If such deficiencies persist, TEEX may terminate this Agreement effective innnediatelyand/or apply sanctions pursuant to Section I (Sanctions or Remedial Measures) of this Agreement~or take such other action as it deems appropriate. D. GRANT CLOSINGIRELEASE OF UNUSEDFUNDS At the end of the grant period, Subrecipient shall return any remaining monies to TEEX for redistributionto'another SUbrecipient. The end of said performance period shall be September 30, 2005 E. SUBRECIPIENT LEGAL COMPLIANCE Compliance with Laws/Certifications As a condition to award of monies under this Agreement, Subrecipient assures, with respect to the operation of a federally funded program or activity, that it will comply fully with the non-discrimination and equal opportunity provisions of the following laws to the extent applicable: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; (b) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; (c) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; (d) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended; (e) Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and (f) any other statutory provisions relating to nondiscrimination. 12 Compliance with LawslRegulations Inthe performance of this Agreement, Subrecipient shall comply with the following Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars applicable to its organization, institution or agency: Administrative Requirements (A-102 and A-II 0); Cost Principles (A-21, A-87 and 122); and Audit Guidance (A-133). The parties agree to be bound by all terms of this Agreement and all applicable state and federal statutes and regulations, and all provisions contained therein, including the Office of Justice Programs "Financial Guide" located at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.govlFinGuide/ F. AGREEMENT CHANGES/ ADDITIONS/ DELETIONS Changes and Amendments Any alterations, additions, or deletions to the terms of this Agreement shall be by modification hereto in writing and executed by both parties to this Agreement before the changes to the Agreement are implemented. Severability If a provision contained in this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable for any reason, it shall not affect any pther provision of the Agreement. It is the intent of the partiell,that.ifanyp~ovision is be invalid, illegal or unenforc~able, there shall be added in lieu thereof a valid and enforceable provision as similar iILterms to such provision as is possible. Force Majeure In the event that performance by either party of any of its obligations under the terms of this Agreement shall be interrupted or delayed by an act of God, by acts of war, riot, or civil commotion, by any act of government, by strikes, fire, flood, or by the occurrence of any other event beyond the control of the parties hereto, that party shall be excused from such performance for such period of time as is reasonably necessary after such occlJI!l'llce abates for the effects thereof to have dissipated. Non-Assignment This Agreement is not assignable. Notwithstanding any attempt to assign the Agreement, the Subrecipient shall remain fully liable on this Agreement and shall not be released from performing any of the terms, covenants and conditions ofthis Agreement. The SUbrecipient shall be held responsible for all funds received under this Agreement. 13 Termination of Agreement This Agreement may be terminated, in whole or in part, whenever TEEX determines that such termination is in the best interest of the project, such termination to be effective upon the Subrecipient's receipt of written notification of termination from TEEX. Inthe event of such termination, the Subrecipient shall be entitled to compensation under this Agreement for allowable expenditures up to the termination date. When justified, TEEX may terminate this Agreement for cause, whereupon all compensation to the Subrecipient shall cease pending completion of any final report and any closing audit required by TEEX. If the Subrecipient fails to perform in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, TEEX may terminate this Agreement after issuing written notice of default to the Subrecipient and allowing the SUbrecipient thirty (30) days following the issuance of such notice in which to correct the deficiency to the satisfaction of TEEX. Such termination shall not be an exclusive remedy but shall be in addition to any other rights, sanctions and remedies provided by law or under this Agreement. Notwithstanding TEEX's exercise of its right of early termination, be relieved of any liability for damages due to TEEX. TEEX may Subrecipient on this or any other Agreement until such time as the due to TEEX from the Subrecipient is agreed upon or is otherwise the Subrecipient shall not withhold payment to the exact amount of damages determined by TEEX. IfFederal-:fimds arenot available, orin the event that State laws orregulations should be amended or judicially interpreted brender continued fu1fillment of this Agreement by either party substantialfyunreasonable or impossible, or if the'parties are unable to agree on an amendment to enable the substantial continuation of performance under this Agreement, then the parties shall be discharged from any further obligations under this Agreement, except for the equitable settlement of the respective accrued interests or obligations incurred up to the effective date oftermination. The SUbrecipient shall cease to incur costs under this Agreement upon termination or receipt of written notice to-terminate, whichever occurs first. SanctionS' or Remedial Measures IfSubrecipient materially fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, TEEX shall notify the Subrecipient in writing describing performance that is not in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Subrecipient shall confer with TEEX to discuss the non-compliance and necessary corrective actions to ensure performance will be in compliance. If TEEX and SUbrecipient cannot agree on corrective actions, TEEX may take one or more of the following actions, as appropriate: 14 Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction of the deficiency by SUbrecipient; Disallow (that is, deny both use of funds and any applicable matching credit for) all or part of the cost ofthe activity or action not in compliance; Wholly or partially suspend or terminate the current award; Exercise any other available remedies. Dispute Resolution The dispute resolution process provided for in Chapter 2260 of the Texas Government Code shall be used, as further described herein, by TEEX and the Subrecipient to attempt to resolve any claim for breach of contract made by the Subrecipient: A Subrecipient's claim for breach of this Agreement that the parties cannot resolve in the ordinary course of business shall be submitted to the negotiation process provided in Chapter 2260, subchapter B, of the Government Code. To initiate the process, the Subrecipient shall submit written notice, as required by subchapter B, to Arturo Alonzo, TEEX Deputy Director. Said notice shall specifically state that the provisions of Chapter 2260, subchapter B, are being invoked. A copy of the notice shall also be given to all other representatives of TEEX and the Subrecipient otherwise entitled to notice under the parties' Agreement. Compliance by the Subrecipient with subchapter B is a condition precedent to the filing of a contested case proceeding under Chapter 2260, subchapter C, of the Government Code. The contested case process provided in Chapter 2260, subchapter C, of the Government Code is the Subrecipient's sole and exclusive process for seeking a remedy for any and all alleged breaches of the Agreement by TEEX if the parties are unable to resolve their disputes under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph. Compliance with the contested case process provided in subchapter C is a condition precedent to seeking consent to sue from the Legislature under Chapter 107 of the Civil Practices and Remedies Code. Neither the execution of this Agreement by TEEX nor any other conduct of any representative of TEE X relating to the Agreement shall be considered a waiver of sovereign immunity to suit. The submission, processing and resolution of the Subrecipient's claim is governed by the published rules adopted by the Office of Attorney General of Texas pursuant to Chapter 2260, as currently effective, hereafter enacted or subsequently amended. These rules are found at I T.A.C. Chapter 68. Neither the occurrence of an event nor the pendency of a claim constitutes grounds for the suspension of performance by the Subrecipient, in whole or in part. The designated individual responsible on behalf of TEE X for examining any claim or counterclaim and conducting any negotiations related thereto as required under §2260.052 of H.B. 826 of the 76th Texas Legislature shall be Arturo Alonzo, TEEX Deputy Director. 15 G. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Prevention of Conflicting Interests The Subrecipient, by signing this Agreement, covenants and affirms that: No employee of the Subrecipient or a Subrecipient, no member of the Subrecipient's or a Subrecipient's governing body, and no person who exercises any function or responsibility in the review or approval of the undertaking or carrying out of this Agreement shall participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which affect his or her personal pecuniary interest. The SUbrecipient shall take every reasonable course of action to maintain the integrity of this expenditure of public funds and to avoid favoritism and questionable or improper conduct. This Agreement shall be administered in an impartial manner, free from efforts to gain personal, financial or political benefit, tangible or intangible. The Subrecipient, its executive staff and employees, while administering this Agreement, shall avoid situations which could give the appearance that any decision was influenced by prejudice, bias, special interest or desire for personal gain. SUbrecipient shall immediately inform TEEX in writing of any potential conflict of interest which arises at any time during the term of this Agreement. IfSUbrecipient fails to abide by the foregoing covenants and affirmations regarding conflict of interest, the Subrecipient shall not be entitled to recover any costs or expenses incurred in relation to this Agreement and shall immediately refund to TEEX any fees or expenses that may have been paid under this Agreement, and shall further be liable for any other costs incurred or damages sustained by TEEX relating to this Agreement. Such failure may subject SUbrecipient to sanctions as provided in Section I (Sanctions andRemedial Measures) of this Agreement. Sectarian Activity None of the activities or performances rendered under this Agreement shall involve, and no portion of the funds received by Subrecipient shall be used for any sectarian or religious activity. Political Activity None of the activities or performances rendered hereunder by the Subrecipient shall involve and no portion of the funds received by the SUbrecipient shall be used for any political activity, including but not limited to any activity to further the election or defeat of any candidate for public office, or any activity undertaken to influence the passage, defeat, or final contents oflegislation. 16 H. GENERAL Parties to Agreement TEEX and SUbrecipient have severally and collectively made and entered into this Agreement which, together with the documents attached or incorporated by specific reference, constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties as evidenced by signatures on the Notice of Subrecipient Award. Legal Authority The Subrecipient represents and guarantees that it possesses the legal authority to enter into this Agreement, receive funds authorized by this Agreement, and to perform the required tasks. The person signing this Agreement on behalf of Subrecipient hereby warrants that he/she has been fully authorized by SUbrecipient to execute this Agreement on behalf of Subrecipient and to legally bind Subrecipient to all the terms, performances and provisions herein set forth. Relationship of the Parties The relationship of the parties is that of independent contractors, and not as agents of each other or as joint venturers or partners. Rights in Data. Copyrights and Publication TEEX will be free to publish the results of all work done under this Agreement. Ownership of all data produced under this Agreement will remain with TEEX. Title to and the right to determine the disposition of any copyrights, or copyrightable material, first produced or composed in the performance of this Agreement shall remain with TEEX, provided that TEEX shall grant to Subrecipient an irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to reproduce, modify, and use all such data and copyrightable material for its own use, but not for any commercial pwpose. Measure of Liability In consideration of Subrecipient's full and satisfactory performance of conditions in the agreement, TEEX shall be liable to the SUbrecipient in an amount equal to the actual allowable costs incurred by the SUbrecipient, subject to the following limitations: TEEX shall not be liable for expenditures made in violation of the legal authorities cited in Section I, Subrecipient Legal Compliance, of this Agreement, or any other law or regujation applicable to the specific project or service performed under this Agreement. 17 Except as otherwise provided by this Agreement, TEEX shall be liable to SUbrecipient in an amount equal to the actual allowable costs, not to exceed the Subrecipient grant award, incurred by SUbrecipient in rendering required performance. Except as otherwise specifically authorized by TEEX in writing, TEEX shall only be liable for expenditures made in compliance with the cost principles and administrative requirements set forth and referenced in this Agreement. TEEX shall not be liable to Subrecipient for costs incurred or performances rendered by Subrecipient before commencement of the Agreement or after completion of this Agreement. TEEX shall not be liable for any costs incurred by Subrecipient in the performance of this Agreement which have not been billed to TEEX within sixty (60) days following termination of this Agreement. Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws ofthe State of Texas. 18 Enclosure 1: ODP Grant Information for Texas State CCP Subrecipients 19 The Fiscal Year 2004 Citizen Corps Program A. Program (CCP) Overview FY 2004 funding for Citizen Corps is authorized by Public Law 108-90, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2004. The FY 2004 Citizen Corps funds will be used to support Citizen Corps Councils with planning, outreach, and management of Citizen Corps programs and activities. The FY 2004 Citizen Corps funds provide the resources necessary for States and local cornmwIities to: • bring together the appropriate leadership to form and sustain a Citizen Corps Council; • develop and implement a plan for the commwIity to engage all citizens in homeland security, cornmwIity preparedness, and family safety; • conduct public education and outreach in order to inform the public about their role in crime prevention, mitigation, emergency preparedness for all hazards, and public health measures, including bio-terrorism, and to encourage personal responsibility and action; • develop and implement Citizen Corps programs offering training and volunteer opportwIities to support first responders, disaster relief groups, and cornmwIity safety efforts, to include the four charter federal programs; CornmwIity Emergency Response Teams (CERT), Neighborhood Watch, Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS), and Medical Reserve Corps (MRC); and • coordinate Citizen Corps activities with other DHS funded programs and initiatives. Citizen Corps program guidance, supporting materials, and resources (to include links to preparedness/educational materials and information on all Citizen Corps programs) are available at B. Program Requirements Each State shall obligate not less than 80 percent of Citizen Corps funds to local wIits of government within 60 days after the grant award. If requested in writing by a local wIit of government, the State may retain some or all of the local wIit of government's allocation of grant funds for purchases made by the State on behalf of the local wIit of government. States holding grant funds on behalf of local units of government must enter into a memorandum of understanding with the local unit of government specifying the amount of funds to be retained by the State for purchases. This agreement must be kept on file with the SAA. These funds will be provided to local commwIities that have an approved Citizen Corps Councilor that will establish a Citizen Corps Council as a condition of receiving the assistance. 20 The authorized program expenditures apply to State funds and to direct funding provided to sub-grantees. Each local unit of government receiving funds should develop a plan for implementing the Citizen Corps mission - to have every American participate in homeland security through public education, training and volunteer service opportunities. Citizen Corps implementation plans are not required to be submitted to ODP, but rather are essential tools to guide new and existing Citizen Corps Councils in achieving their goals and objectives for the community. More specifically, the plan should include how local Citizen Corps Councils will: Implement the Citizen Corps programs at the communitylevel, which include CERT, Medical Reserve Corps, Neighborhood Watch, Volunteers in Police Service, and the affiliate programs; • conduct public education campaigns; • provide training; • cross-leverage Citizen Corps programs; • tap existing resources at the community level, to include private sector funding; • provide opportunities for special needs and interests; • develop targeted outreach for special needs groups; • organize special projects and community events; • encourage cooperation and collaboration among community leaders; • capture smart practices and report accomplishments Communities are also expected to register and update information regarding their Citizen Corps Councils and programs/activities on the Citizen Corps website and on other relevant programmatic websites. The SAA must coordinate Citizen Corps program activities with the State agencies currently responsible for the administration of Citizen Corps activities. A listing of current Stare Citizen Corps points of contact may be found by going to and clicking on "State Citizen Corps POC List" on the left hand side. State and local governments are encouraged to consider all sources of funding, to include private sector funding, to leverage existing materials, and to pursue economies of scale and economies of scope in pursuing this mission. States are also encouraged to help local governments form Citizen Corps Councils and to work with Citizen Corps Councils that have already formed even when the community does not receive a direct sub-grant. States will continue to provide program management via the administrative section of the Citizen Corps website, to include managing the approval process for local Citizen 21 Corps Councils, managing administrative section passwords for local users, and managing subscribers and e-mails to subscribers. C. Authorized Program Expenditures Allowable Planning Costs Costs associated with activities to develop and implement a State, regional or local Citizen Corps plan are allowable under this program. Applicable costs may include: • collecting information on existing resources and volunteer activities within the community • meetings of the Citizen Corps Council and other community stakeholders a system to track activities and participants (in compliance with applicable privacy laws); • website maintenance; travel expenses for staff and/or volunteers to attend meetings or training sessions; survey methodologies to assess citizen preparedness, training, and volunteerisrn; hiring of full or part-time staff or contractors/consultants to assist with any of the above activities ; conducting local or regional program implementation meetings. Allowable Public Educatiou / Outreach Costs To accomplish the mission to have all citizens participate in making America safer, Citizen Corps Councils may develop public education and outreach materials to educate and engage the public, to include materials tailored to special needs populations. Allowable expenditures include: • materials to support a public awareness campaign, media coverage, outreach activities, and public events, such as; • public safety announcements; • printed advertising; • billboards; • promotional flyers; • booth displays; • conference backdrops; • podium signs; • recognition pieces for Citizen Corps partners; • recognition for special commendation in support of the mission; • informational buttons, pins, key chains, and magnets; • publications, posters, buck slips; and • other materials that either encourage the public to participate, educate the public, or recognize and support our partners to build a strong, broad-based coalition of programs and organizations that make a commitment to further the Citizen Corps mission. 22 Allowable Training I Exercise I Equipment Costs Citizen Corps funds may be used for training, exercise, and equipment costs related to citizen education and participation in the Citizen Corps mission of safer communities. Training supported through the FY 2004 Citizen Corps Program may focus on the following areas: • emergency preparedness • basic first aid and life saving skills, • crime prevention, • public health issues, mitigation, safety in the home, or other training that promotes community safety. Specific consideration should be given to training all ages, ethnic groups, and special needs populations. Exercises specifically designed for citizens are allowable activities and may include: • testing public warning systems, • evacuation/shelter in place capabilities or testing familylbusiness preparedness. Examples of appropriate volunteer citizen support for emergency preparedness and response exercises include: • CERT participation • back filling non-professional tasks for first responders deployed on exercise, administrative andJogistical assistance with exercise implementation • providing simulated victims. press, and members of the public Allowable costs include: • instructor preparation and delivery time (to include overtime costs); • hiring of full or part-time. staff or contractors/consultants to assist with conducting the training and/or managing the administrative aspects of conducting the training; • creation and maintenance of a student database; • rental of training facilities; • printing course materials to include instructor guides, student manuals, brochures, certificates, handouts, newsletters. and postage (although preference is for an electronic newsletter with email addresses as part of the database unless the individuals or areas to be served have limited access to electronic communications); • course materials specific to the subject matter, such as bandages, gloves. fire extinguishers, mannequins; • outfitting CERT members with a hard hat, safety vest, goggles, and gloves; • personal protective equipment for volunteer responders; • equipment related to specific training or volunteer assignments; and 23 "b-II\ ~GL\ • RECORDED ON IN THECOMMISSI~E~ CMT MINUTES DE .. 0- costs associated with design, development, and conduct of exercises speciIicaily tor citizens or to support the citizen component of first responder exercises, to include preparing citizens for their role in the exercise. Allowable Volunteer Program Costs One of the goals for Citizen Corps Councils is to provide volunteer service opportunities across all emergency prevention, preparedness and response disciplines, for community safety efforts, and for disaster relief. Citizen Corps funding may be used to establish or enhance volunteer program and volunteer recruitment efforts for Neighborhood Watch, CERT, VIPS, and MRC; the Citizen Corps affiliate programs; other DHS funded programs and initiatives; outreach and training activities; and to support the Citizen Corps Council. To assist local communities with engaging volunteers, Citizen Corps funds may be used to pay for the costs of: • recruiting; • screening/assessing; • training; • retaining/motivating; • recognizing;and • evaluating volunteers who support law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services, public works, emergency management, disaster relief organizations, community safety efforts, and citizen preparedness in the horne, schools, the workplace, and throughout the community. Funds may also be used to evaluate volunteer programs, to include: • costlbenefit analysis, • how programs can share resources, • hiring of full or part-time staff or contractors/consultants to assist with evaluations. To the extent possible, expenditures should be made to benefit multiple programs. D. Unauthorized Program Expenditures Unauthorized program expenditures include: • expenditures for items such as general use software (word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, etc), • general-use computers (other than for allowable M & A activities, or otherwise associated preparedness or response functions) and related equipment, • general-use vehicles, licensing fees, weapons systems and anununition; • activities unrelated to the completion and implementation of the CCP; • other items not in accordance with the Authorized Equipment List or previously listed as allowable costs; and, • construction or renovation of facilities. 24 . AGENDA ITEM FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR. - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE DATE SUBMITTED: COURT AGENDA DATE: 08/04/04 08/10/04 SUBMITTED BY: Jean N. Galloway, MD DEPARTMENT: 089 Health & Human Services PHONE NUMBER: 12811 238-3233 AGENDA # /78 SUMMARY OF ITEM: Accept and sign the FY 2005 Triple 000 Grant Amendment from the Department of State Health Services. (Formerly Texas Department of Health) RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: YES () NO 0 LIST SUPPORT DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Triple 000 Grant Amendment FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes (X) No) N/A ( ) ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: ONETIME ( ) Funding Source: DSHS Recurring: Fund Al!encv N/A Obiect COMMENTS: 0 ( ) Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: (.,) cc with back (.,) (.,) (.,) (.,) (.,) up: Auditor Budget Officer County Attorney Purchasing Agent County Clerk (281) (281) (281) (281) (281) 341-3774 344-3954 344-4557 341-8642 341-8697 Comm. Comm. Comm. Comm. ( ., wben completed) Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct 1 2 3 4 (281) (281) (281) (281) 342-0587 403-8009 242-9060 980-9077 Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All ori2inal back-up must be received in the County Jud2e's Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED Protecrrexas M Texas Department Eduardo J. Sanchez, M.D., M.P.H. Corrrrnissioner ofHea1th of Health 1100 West 49'" Street Austin, Texas 78756-3199 http://\'V\ j-ll88-963-7111 Randy Fritz, M.P.A Chief Operating Officer Nick Curry, M.D., M.P.H. Executive Deputy Commissioner Jlllle 17, 2004 Dear TDH Contractor, This a time of great change for health and government. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with advance notice of changes you can expect in the upcoming contract process. Rest assured, there will not be any interruption in the delivery of client services or execution of client services contracts. The most significant event is that the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) will begin to officially operate on September 1, 2004. DSHS will be comprised of these state agencies: Texas Department of Health, Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, elements of the Texas Department of Mental Health & Mental Retardation and the Texas Healthcare Information COllllcil. The legacy agencies that make up DSHS will cease to operate onAugust 31, 2004. How this impacts your current and future contract(s) and payments will be discussed in this letter. For more infonnation on consolidation and transition issues, visit the followingHea1thandHuman Services Commission (HHSC) web site: home.html Existing contracts will continue as written Illltil they expire. The consolidation legislation was written to pass on TDH powers, authority and responstbilities to the succeeding agency DSHS. Contracts that begin on September 1, 2004, and later will be in the name ofDSHS. The accollllting system that TDH currently uses (HHSAS) is being modified to accommodate the new agency structure. There is no change in where to submit requests for reimbursements for existing or future contracts. As we transition to the upgraded software in August and September, we expect to continue to make payments during the 30-day period allowed by the Texas Prompt Payment law. OUT goal is to mail all contracts that are ready by July 15, 2004 or as soon thereafter as possible. Approximately 75% of the agency contracts will meet this time line. We are aware of specific program areas that will not be ready for mailing by that date. Fllllding issues are expected to delay Bioterrorism (including Lab related Bioterrorism) attachments and Educational Service Centers. OPHPlTriple 000 contracts will be ready to mail by early August. As we consolidate with other agencies, our business practices will change. One practice that will begin this summer is to change the order of who signs the contract first. The letter transmitting a contract will require your agency to sign the contract documents first and return both originals to DSHS to sign. We appreciate your efforts to return the signed original contracts by August 15,2004. We WIll then finalize the contract and mail a signed original to your agency. Page 2 The Governor's Office is in the process of adopting modifications to the Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS). We will incorporate these changes into the DSHS contracts effective on or after September 1,2004. Highlights of the changes are: • • • • Raise the equipment definition threshold to $5,000 (from $1,000). No change to .32(d)(3) regarding the requirement for subrecipients to continue to maintain an inventory for "exception" items. This means that the equipment and supplies article of the general provisions will continue to include "exception" items that are $500 or more and less than $5,000. The exception items are the controlled assets identified in the State Property Accounting Manual, Appendix C (which can be seen at the following Intemet address:!T!ptroVsanlspaicontrolclasscodes.htrnl). The current list has items such as: (fax machines, telecopiers, stereo systems, cameras, video recorders/laserdisc players (TVs, VCRs, Camcorders), desktop CPUs, portable laptop CPUs, and printers. Eliminate the option to recover up to 10% of salary and wages for indirect costs. Raise the single audit threshold to $500,000 (from $300,000). Our goal is to provide you with the information you need to get through this transition as smoothly as possible. There will be some bumps in the path, but the contracting and program staff are ready to work with you to address any problems as quickly as possible. If you have questions or need additional information please contact Bob Burnette or Tess Peterson at (512) 458-7470. Sincerely, Bob Burnette, Director Procurement and Contracting Division. Protectrexas" Texas Deportment of Health Eduardo J. Sanchez. M.D .. M.P.H. Commissioner of Health 1100 West 49th Street Austin. Texas 78756-3199 h!tp:/lwww.ldh.sf4te./ 1·888-963-7111 Randy Fritz. M.P.A. Chief Operating Officer Nick Curry. M.D .• M.P.H. Executive Deputy Commissioner July 27. 2004 JEANN. GALLOWAY M.D. DIRECTOR FORT BEND COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 4520 READING RD STE A ROSENBERG. TX 77471-2133 TDH Document: 7460019692 2005 Change No. 02 Dear DOCTOR GALLOW AY: Enclosed are two copies of the above referenced Department of State Health Services (DSHS) contract/Attachment(s). These contracts reflect the new agency name which will be effective September I. 2004. Please sign and return both copies to this division as soon as possible. Your contract will be signed by DSHS and returned to your agency. Changes made to any portion of the contract documents are considered a cOWlter-offer and are not valid without TDH written concurrence. The General Provisions contain information that is applicable to all DSHS contracts. If your contract is a new contract. a renewal of prior fiscal year activities, or if new Attachments are being added to a current contract, please review the General Provisions thoroughly as they may have changed. TDH will not pay requests for reimbursements submilled!postmarked more than 90 days after the end of the contract Attachment term. Additional information regarding this policy is available on the TDH website at PLEASE NOTE: Return both copies of the contract to the Texas Department of Health, Procurement and Contracting Services Division, IIOO W. 4tfh St., Austin, TX 78756-3199, Att£ntWn: Contract Development Section. Contracts returned to any oth8r addressee may result in contract delays. Please reference the document and attachment numbers in all future correspondence. Tess Peterson or 5121458-7470. Bob Burnelle, Director Procurement and Contracting Services Division BB:t1p Enclosures An Equal Employment Opportunity Employer If you have questions. please contact DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES 1100 WEST 49TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 78756-3199 STATE OF TEXAS DSHS Document No. 7460019692 2005 COUNTY OF TRAVIS Contract Change Notice No. 02 The Departmem of State Health Services, hereinafter referred to as RECEIVING AGENCY, did heretofore enter into a contract in writing with FORT BEND COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES hereinafter referred to as PERFORMING AGENCY. The arties thereto now desire to amend such contract attachment(s) as follows: SUMMARY OF TRANSACTION: ATT NO. 02 : OPHP - LOCAL PUBLIC HEALTH SYSTEM All terms and conditions not hereb EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE amended remain in full force and effect. ORIGINALS ON THE DATES SHOWN. FORT BEND COUNTY Authorized Contracting Entity (type above if different from PERFORMING AGENCy) for and in behalf of: PERFORMING AGENCY: RECEIVlNG DEPARTMENT By: --l,...A!! (Signature of person j)"krt do he r t) (2oun'J Date: OF srATE HEALTH SERVICES By: -::- __ --,--,-(Signature of person authorized to sign) au (Name and Title) AGENCY : Bob Burnette, Director Procurement and Contracting Services Division (Name and Title) I1e.-' aLB' n:;t 10, 9 end _ Date: _ RECOMMENDED: By: _ (PERFORMING AGENCY Director, if different from person authorized to sign contract CE Cover Page 1 PCSD - Rev. 6/04 DETAILS AttJ Amd No. DSHS Program ill/ DSHS Purchase Order Number Term Begin IMM/LOCALS 01/01104 0000001766 OPHP/LPHS 09/01104 02 C039222000 DSHS Document No.7460019692 2005 Change No. 02 OIA OF ATTACHMENTS Financial Assistance End 12/31/04 Source of Funds' State 93.268 08/31105 Totals Amount Direct Assistance Total Amount (DSHS Share) 65,909.00 0.00 65,909.00 37,998.00 0.00 37,998.00 0.00 $103,907.00 $103,907.00 $ 'Federal funds are indicated by a number from the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA), if applicable. BUDGET SECTION OF ANY ZERO AMOUNT ATTACHMENT FOR DETAILS. Cover Page 2 REFER TO DOCUMENT NO. 7460019692-2005 ATTACHMENT NO. 02 PURCHASE ORDER NO. C039222000 PERFORMING AGENCY: FORT BEND COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES RECEIVING AGENCY PROGRAM: OFFICE OF PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE TERM: September 01, 2004 THRU: August 31, 2005 SECTION 1. SCOPE OF WORK: PERFORMING AGENCY shall improve or strengthen local public health infrastructure within the State of Texas by: • • • • Developing objective(s) to address a public health issue; Utilizing resources provided through this contract attachment to conduct activities and services that provide or support the delivery of essential public health services; Assessing, monitoring, and evaluating the essential public health activities and services provided through this contract attachment; and Developing strategies to improve the delivery of essential public health service(s) to identified service area. These tasks shall be performed in accordance with PERFORMING AGENCY'S FY 05 Local Public Health System (LPHS) Service Delivery Plan, dated May 27,2004 and the FY 05 Texas Application for Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Funds, dated June 15, 2004. The assessment and/or evaluation activities must include a standard that is identified in PERFORMING AGENCY'S FY 05 LPHS Service Delivery Plan. Acceptable standards include the National Public Health Performance Standards approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Performance Standards developed by the Texas Association of Local Health Officials, Healthy People 2010, and any federal, state or local law or regulation governing the delivery of essential public health services. Other evaluation methods utilizing standards not listed in this contract Attachment must be pre-approved by RECEIVING AGENCY. PERFORMING AGENCY shall comply with all applicable federal and state laws, rules, regulations, standards including, but not limited to, the following: • • • • Chapter 23-11 of the Healthy People 2010; Section 121.002, Texas Health & Safety Code, definition of ten essential public health services; and Government Code, Section 403.1055, "Permanent Fund for Children and Public Health". Texas Administrative Code, Title 25, Chapter 83, Subchapter A "Permanent Fund for Children and Public Health". ATTACHMENT-Page 1 PERFORMING AGENCY shall comply with all applicable regulations, guidelines in effect on the beginning date of this contract Attachment. The following documents Attachment: • • are incorporated standards, and by reference and made a part of this contract PERFORMING AGENCY'S FY 05 LPHS Service Delivery Plan; and FY 05 Texas Application for Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Funds. PERFORMING AGENCY may not use funds from the Permanent Fund for Children and Public Health for lobbying expenses under the Government Code, Section 403.1067. RECEIVING AGENCY shall inform PERFORMING AGENCY in writing of any changes to applicable federal and state laws, rules, regulations, standards and guidelines. PERFORMING AGENCY shall comply with the amended law, rule regulation, standard or guideline except that PERFORMING AGENCY shall inform RECEIVING AGENCY Program in writing if it shall not continue performance under this Attachment within thirty (30) days of receipt of an amended standard(s) or guideline(s). RECEIVING AGENCY may terminate the Attachment immediately or within a reasonable period of time as determined by RECEIVING AGENCY. PERFORMANCE MEASURES PERFORMING AGENCY shall complete the PERFORMANCE MEASURES as stated in the FY 05 LPHS Service Delivery Plan, and as agreed upon by RECEIVING AGENCY, and hereby attached as Exhibit A. PERFORMING AGENCY shall provide activities and services as submitted by PERFORMING AGENCY and approved by RECEIVING AGENCY in the FY 05 LPHS Service Delivery Plan in the following county(ies)/area: Fort Bend. SECTION II. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: General Provisions, Reports Article, is revised to include the following paragraphs: PERFORMING AGENCY shall submit quarterly progress reports which describe progress toward completing the activities and services contained in PERFORMING AGENCY'S FY 05 LPHS Service Delivery Plan and any written revisions. PERFORMING AGENCY shall submit the first, second and third quarter's progress reports to RECEIVING AGENCY no later than thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter, and the final report and improvement plan to RECEIVING AGENCY sixty (60) days after the end of this contract Attachment term in a format specified by RECEIVING AGENCY. ATTACHMENT - Page 2 PERFORMING AGENCY shall submit an Annual Budget and Expenditures Report in a format specified by and to RECEIVING AGENCY by December 15, 2005. ATTACHMENT - Page 3 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE CURRENT NEW OR REVISED OBJECT CLASS CATEGORIES BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET REQUESTED a. PERSONNEL. ............................... 27,158.00 0.00 27,158.00 b. FRINGE BENEmS 10,840.00 0.00 10,840.00 c. TRAVEL ................................... 0.00 0.00 0.00 d. EQUIPMENT ................ ............... 0.00 e. SUPPLIES ................................. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37,998.00 0.00 37,998.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37,998.00 0.00 37,998.00 37,998.00 0.00 0.00 37,998.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00 [ CONTRACTUAL .......................... .............................. g. OUlER .................................... h. TOTAL DIRECf CHARGES ..................... i. INDIRECT CHARGES ......................... TOTAL .................................... k. RECEIYING AGENCY SHARE ................... I. PERFORMING m. PROGRAM AGENCY SHARE (Includes m. PI) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 m.3. Other Match ......................... CONTRACf 0.00 INCOME: m2. Program Inccme (projected) ......... TERM Begin Date .................................... 9/112004 813112005 End Date ...................................... DETAIL ON INDIRECf . APPROVED TYPE OF RATE COST: PROVISIONAL PREDETERMINED ................ ............. FINAL ...................... FIXED ...................... 0.00000 0.00 RATE ...................................... BASE ...................................... TOTAL INDIRECf CHARGES .......... ." ...... 0.00 0.00 0.00 Financial status reports are due the 30th of December, 30th of March, 30th of June, and the 30th of November. 0.00 Exhibit A PERFORMANCE MEASURES: PERFORMING AGENCY: Fort Bend County Health & Human Services Objective #1: PERFORMING AGENCY shall identify health care providers in the area who may be treating patients with SID's, including hospital ER's and private clinics. Performance Measure: Develop a list of providers who are treating significant numbers of patients with SID's by end of the first quarter. Objective #2: PERFORMING AGENCY shall identify treatment and other resources in the community for patients and their potentially infected partners. Performance Measure: List of treatment, counseling, partner elicitation/notification services with details of availability, cost etc. by end of first four months. Objective #3: PERFORMING AGENCY shall establish relationships with providers to increase knowledge of reporting and partner elicitation/referral options. Performance Measure: Educational flyer for providers created by end of first four months and dates of contract. Performance Measure: education and discussion. Record kept of dates of contract with providers for Objective #4: PERFORMING AGENCY shall develop protocols with providers for referrals and reporting. Performance third quarter. Measure: Protocols for referrals and reporting created by end of Objective #5: PERFORMING AGENCY shall use data collected to describe SID morbidity in Fort Bend County. Performance Measure: Analysis of reporting/referral morbidity in Fort Bend County. Exhibit A - Page I data to describe SID GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES SUBRECIPIENT DEPARTMENT GRANT CONTRACTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE 1 - PREAMBLE 2 3 4 - 5 - 6 - TERM FUNDING AMENDMENTS APPLICABLE LAWS AND STANDARDS DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSIONS 7 - ASSURANCES 8 9 • CHILD ABUSE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS INTELLECl'UALPROPERTY 16 - IDSTOBICALLY UNDERUTII.JZED BUSINESSES II . CONFLICTOFIN'I'EREST 12 - CERTIlR:ATlBlfOF SOJrlWAtRE,.BARDWARE, FIRMWARE, AND MlCR0'etlBE'PR0DUCl'S 13 • S11ANDMDSF6RFINANClALAND PROGRAMMATIC MANAGEMENT 14 • BONDI1I'fG 15 - ~p_'l'lCDAnON'llI!lQlJIRDfENT 16 • MLOW;'tIU,E C&SrSANDAfBl)ITBEQUIREMENTS 17 - ~C0NDITI0N80./l"AYMENT 18 .• ~~S 19' -~i;A;~.~, -EMl&iIr u ....c:l'S~SUBREQPIENTS 28' g~SA'IWN ~1 -EQI'lJaeki~PIJBS ~ - ~¥0lIftOcmmENT 24· ~~ ~9iP#ti!,.", 4"'$ Bl«X"JJlJIiBlJIldENnON ~OFPRlXrECI'EDBEALTHINFORMATION 21l - SA'NC1iifl)J!iS 2!l - &\NC1lI~vmw 30 •. BRBACII',~OON'IRACT CLAIM 31-~N vmDGOllURl\CT 33 • SEVERAiBIIlR'¥. 34 • LOCALJBA£mDEPARTMENT PERSONNEL 35 - SURVIVAl.. OF TERMS 36 - CONSTRUCTION OF AMBIGUITIES 37 - NOWAIVEROFSOVEREIGNIMMtJNITY J8 - CERTIFICATION 25 :zcI 7.7 - » - Paper Publications Number: 29-11834, Revised June 2004 (LGS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 6/2004 Any a1tentlon to this document con_tes a ClJII_tror and mnat be approved In writing by the Department of State Health ServIces. DEPARTMENT ARTICLE GENERAL PROV;ffiIONS FOR OF STATE IIEALTH SERVICES SUBRECIPIENT GRANT CONTRACTS 1. Preamble PERFORMING AGENCY and RECEIVING AGENCY (the parties) agree to make and enter into this grant contract (contract), to faithfully perform the duties prescribed by this contract, and to uphold and abide by its terms and provisions. This contract consists of: • • • • • RECENING and PERFORMING Details of Attachment( s), authorized signatures, General Provisions, and Attachment( s). AGENCY identifying data, Attachments may include the following elements as applicable: • • • • detailed Scope(s) of Work, Special Provisions, budget(s), and exlnbit(s). This contract represents the complete and entire W1derstanding and agreement of the parties. No prior agreement or W1derstanding, oral or otherwise, of the parties or their agents will be valid or enfon:eable unless embodied in this contract. The terms "sball" and "will" are used inten:bangeablyin this contract. The person orpersons signing and executing this contract onbebalf of PERFORMING AGENCY, or representing themselves as signing and executing this contract on bebalfofPERFORMING AGENCY, wmrant and guarantee that he, she, or they have been duly authorized by PERFORMING AGENCY to execute.this contract for PERFORMING AGENCY and to validly and 1ega1lybind PERFORMING AGENCY to all ofits tenns, perfonnances, and provisions. PERFORMING AGENCY assures compliance with this contract, including these GeneraI Provisions unless otherwise specified in any Special Provisions of the Attachment(s) to this document. Ifthese General Provisions are revised or replaced during the term of this contract and PERFORMING AGENCY does not consent to comply with the modified General Provisions, PERFORMING AGENCY may exercise its tenniuation options in accordance with the General Provisions, Termination Article. ARTICLE 2. Term The term (time period) of this contract sba1l be governed by the term(s) of the Attacbment(s). No commitment of contract funds is permitted prior to the first day or subsequent to the last day of the term. The term may be renewed, extended or shortened by amendment(s). (LOS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 612004 Pagel ARTICLE 3. Funding This contract is contingent upon the continued availability of funding. Iffunds become unavailable tIrrough lack of appropriations, budget cuts, transfer of funds between programs or agencies, amendment of the appropriations act, health and human services agency consolidations, or any other disruption of current appropriations, provisions of the Termination Article shall apply. ARTICLE 4. Amendments Amendments to this contract must be in writing and signed by individuals with authority to bind the parties. Unifonn Grants Management Standards and RECEIVING AGENCY procedures authorize limited changes to a contract attachment with prior written approval from RECEIVING AGENCY. PERFORMING AGENCY must submit request in fonnatprescribed by RECEIVING AGENCY Program. RECEIVING AGENCY will consider the request and document approval or disapproval in writing. PERFORMING AGENCY is responsible for ensuring that any modification to a contract Attachment becomes a part of the contract file. RECEIVING AGENCY may not waive any term, covenant, or condition of this contract unless by amendment executed in compliance with this Article. PERFORMING AGENCY shall not perform and RECEIVING AGENCY will not pay for the perfonnance of different or additional services, work, or products except pursuant to an amendment that is executed in compliance with this Article. PERFORMING AGENCY shall plan expenditures so that any necessary budget revisions or amendments are executed no later than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the Attachment term. PERFORMING AGENCY shall provide a written justification for any budget revisions and/or amendments. Ifa budget revision or amendment is requested during the last quarter of the Attachment term, the written justification shall include a reason for the delay. Revision or amendment requests may be granted at the discretion of RECEIVING AGENCY. ARTICLE S. ApplicabJ.eLawund Standards This contract shall be interpreted under and in accordance with the laws of the State ofTe:xas and enabling state rules. Wherecapplicable, fedc:ral statutes. and reguIations,including federal grant requirements applicable to funding sources, shall apply to this contract, PERFORMING AGENCY agrees to comply with the Uniform Grant Management Act (UGMA), Texas GovemmentCode, Chapter 783, as amended, and the Uniform Grant Management Standa:aIs (UGMS) as amended byrevised federal circulars and incorporated in UGMSby the Governor's Budget and Planning Office. UGMA is located on the Internet at http://www.eatritol.state.tx.uslstatutesistatutes.html; the UGMS are located on the Internet at http;//www.govemor.state.tx.uslstategrantsi. PERFORMING AGENCY shall not use funds .granted under this contract to pay any person for influencing or attempting to infliJence an officer oremployee of any agency, federal or state, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, oran employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any contract or grant orthe ext.eD\Iion,continuation,.rcnewal, amendment, or modification of any contractor grant (31 use §1352, as amended, and UGMS). Ifat any time this contract exceeds $100,000 of federal funds, PERFORMING AGENCY shall file with RECEIVING AGENCY a declaration containing the name of any registrant under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 who has made lobbying contacts on behalf of PERFORMING AGENCY in connection with that contract or grant, a certification that none of the funds provided by RECEIVING AGENCY have been or will be used for payment to lobbyists, and disclosure of the names of any and all registered lobbyists with whom PERFORMING AGENCY has an agreement. PERFORMING AGENCY shall require any person who requests or receives a subgrant or subcontract to file the same declaration, certification and disclosure with RECEIVING AGENCY. PERFORMING AGENCY shall file the declaration, certification, and disclosure at the time of application for the contract or grant; upon execution of a contract or grant unless PERFORMING AGENCY (LGS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 6/2004 Page 2 previously filed a declaration, certification or disclosure form in connection with the award; and at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially affects the accmacy of the information contained in any declllIation, certification or disclosure previously filed. RECEIVING AGENCY will supply the certification form to PERFORMING AGENCY upon request. ARTICLE 6. Debarment and Snspension PERFORMING AGENCY certifies by execution of this contract to the following: • • • • It is not ineligible for participation in federal or state assistance programs under Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, Feb. 18, 1986,51 Fed. Reg. 6370; Neither it nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligtble, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency; It has not knowingly failed to pay a single substantial debt or a number of outstanding debts to a federal or state agency; and, It is not subject to an outstandingjudgtnent in a suit against PERFORMING AGENCY for collection of the balance of a debt Where PERFORMING AGENCY is unable to certify to any of the statements in this Article, PERFORMING AGENCY shall attach an explanation. IfPERFORMING AGENCY'S status with respect to the items certified above changes dming the contract term, PERFORMING AGENCY shall notify RECEIVING AGENCY immediately. PERFORMING AGENCY shall not contract with a subrecipientnorprocure goods or services from a subcontractor, at any tier, which is debarred or suspended or is otherwise excluded from orineligtble forparticipation in federal aaaistance programs under Executive Order 12549. ARTICLE 7. Assgranees PERFORMING AGENCY shall establish safeguards to prohIbit employees fromusing thcirpositions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personal or organimtional conflict of interest or personal gain. To the extent such provisions are applicable to PERFORMING AGENCY, PERFORMINGAGENCY comply with the following: • • • • • • (LGS) agrees to fully Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of1964, 42USC §§2000detseq., as amended (p.L. 88-352), whichprohIbits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin, and includes the provision for effective connnunication and equal access to programs, services and activities to persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP); Title IX of the Education Amendments ofl972, 20 use §§1681-1683, and 1685-1686, as amended, which prohIbits discrimination on the basis of sex; Section 504 of the RebabilitationAct of 1973, 29 use §794(a), which prohIbits discriminationon thebasis of disabilities and the Americans with Disabilities Actofl990, 42 USC §§1210l etseq., inc1udirigthe provision for effective connnunication and equal access to programs, services and activities to persous with sensoryand speech impairments; The Age Discrimination Act ofl97 5, 42 USC §§610 1-6107, as amended, which prohIbits discrimination on the basis of age; The Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972, 21 USC §§1101 et seq., as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970, 42 USC §290dd (bXI), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuseoral~holism; GENERAL PROVISIONS 612004 Page 3 • • • Public Health Service Act of 1912, §§523 and 527, 42 USC §290dd-2, as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968,42 USC § §360 I et seq., as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; The requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s); and Collectively, such requirements obligate RECENING AGENCY to provide services without discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex or disability. PERFORMING AGENCY shall carry out the tenns of this contract in a mmmer which will assist RECENING AGENCY in complying with such obligations to the fullest extent of PERFORMING AGENCY'S ability. PERFORMING AGENCY agrees to comply with all or part of the following, as applicable: A. Texas Labor Code, Chapter 21, which requires that certain employers not discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, religion, sex, national origin, or age. B. Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, 8 USC §1324a, as amended, regarding employment verification and retention of verification forms for any individua1(s) hired on or after November 6, 1986, who will perform any labor or services under this contract. C. Pro-Cbildren Act of 1994, 20 USC §§6081-6084, regarding the provision of a smoke-free workplace and promoting the non-use of all tobacco products. D. The Nationa1 Research Service Award Act of1971, 42 USC §§289a-1 et seq., as amended, and 6601 (P.L. 93-348 andP.L 103-43), as amended, regarding the protection of human subjects involved in research, development;. and related activities supported by any applicable award of federal assistance, as implementedJby 45 CFKPart 46, Protection of Human; Subjects. E. The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988, 42 USC §263a, as amended, which establish federa1 requhements for-the regulation and certificatimrof c1inicallaboratories. F. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration Regulations on Blood Borne Pathogens, 29 CFR §1910.1030, which set safety standards for those worlcers ancHacilities in the private sector who may handle bloodbome pathogens, or Title 25 Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 96, which affects facilities in;thtpnblic sector. G. Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966,7 USC §§2131 et seq. (P.L. 89-544), as amended, pertaining to the care, handling, and treatment of warm-blooded animals held for research, teaching, or other activities supported by this award of assistance. H. Texas GoveuDDent Code, Chapter469, as amended, pertaining to standards which eliminate architectural barriers for persons with disabilities. I. Health and Safety Code, Chapter 165, relating to the rights of mothers to breast-feed and the promotion of breast-feeding, RECEIVING AGENCY will support PERFORMING AGENCY in complying by providing promotional material and information that encourages breast-feeding to program participants who are pregnant women or mothers with infants. Promotional material may be requested from RECEIVING AGENCY by calling (512) 458-7796. (LGS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 6/2004 Page 4 1. Environmental standards PllISUallt to the following: (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Institution of environmental quality control measures under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969,42 USC §§4321-4347 and Executive Order 11514 (35 Fed. Reg. 4247), ''Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality." Notification of violating facilities pursuant to Executive Order 11738 (40 CFR Part 32), "Providing for Administration of the Clean Air Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act with Respect to Federal Contracts, Grants, or Loans." Protection of wetlands pursuant to Executive Order 11990, 42 Fed. Reg. 26961. Evaluation offload hazards in floodplains in accordance with Executive Order 11988, 42 Fed. Reg. 26951. Assurance of project consistency with the approved State Management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972,16 USC §§145l et seq., as amended. Confonmty of federal actions to state clean air implementation plans under the Clean Air Act of 1955, as amended, 42 USC §§7401 et seq. Protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, 42 USC §§300f-300j, as amended. Protection of endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 USC §§1531 et seq., as amended. K. The Hatch Political Activity Act, 5 USC §§7321-26, which limits the political activity of employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with federal funds. L. The Fair Labor Standards Act, 29USC §§201 etseq., and the IntergovemmentalPersonnel USC §§4701 et seq., as applicable, concerning minimum wage and maxirnumhours. M. General Appropriations Act, Regular Session, 78th Legislature, 2003, Article §9-6.13, page IX-35, ''Limitation on Grants to Units of Local Government." For the purpose of §9-6.l3, "unit of local government" shallmean a council of governments, a regional planning connnission, or asimilar regional planning under Chapter 391, Loca1 Government Code; a local workforoe development board; or an MHMR community center. N. Texas GovernmentCode, O. Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, relating to open records and public.information. P. Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, relating to open meetings. Q. Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 170 I, as amended, and all rules adopted by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education pursuant to Chapter 170 I, as amended, relating to regulated law enforcement agencies. Act of 1970, 42 Chapter 573, relating to nepotism. PERFORMING AGENCY shall ensure that the facilities under its ownership, lease or supervision which will be utilized in the aceomplislnnent of the project are not listed on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EP A) list of Violating Facilities and shall notify the Federal grantor agency of the receipt of any connnunication from the Director of the EPA OffiCe of Federal Activities indicating that a facility to be used in the project is under consideration for listing by the EPA (Executive Order 11738). PERFORMING AGENCY shall comply with the flood insurance purchase requirements of 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 USC §§4001-4003, as amended. Section 102(a) requires the purchase offlood insurance in communities where the insurance is available as a condition for the receipt of any fedcraI financial (LGS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 612004 PageS assistance for construction or acquisition proposed for use in any area that has been identified by the Secretaly of the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as an area having special flood hazards. If PERFORMlNG AGENCY provides medical, dental, psychological or surgical treatment to a minor under this contract, either directly or through contracts with subrecipients, the treatment of a minor shall be provided only if consent to treatment is obtained pursuant to Chapter 32 of the Texas Family Code relating to consent to treatment of a child by a non-parent or child. Ifrequirements of federal law relating to consent directly conflict with Chapter 32 of the Family Code, federal law sha1l supersede state law. If PERFORMING AGENCY provides immunizations, PERFORMING AGENCY shall comply with all immunization reporting guidelines and requirements set forth inthe Health and Safety Code, Chapter 161, Subchapter A. 1bis requirement shall also apply to subrecipients or subcontractors of PERFORMING AGENCY, if any. PERFORMING AGENCY shall comply with the requirements of the Texas Workers' Compensation Act, Labor Code, Chapters 401-406, and rules promulgated thereunder found at 28 Texas Administrative Code (T AC), Part 2, which cover compensation for employees' injmies. When incorporated into an Attachment, standard assurances contained in the application package, if any, become of RECEIVING AGENCY funds. PERFORMING AGENCY and its subrecipients shall maintain an appIOptiate contract administration system to insure that all terms, conditions, and specifications are terms or conditions forreceipt met. PERFORMING AGENCY shall comply with all federal tax laws and is solely responsible for filing all required state and federal tax forms. PERFORMING AGENCY assures it sha1lnot transfer, assign or sell its interest in this contract, or in any equipment purchased.with funds from tJris;contraet; without the written:consentofRECEIVING AGENCY. ARTICLE 8. ChllilAbuseReportingReouirl'ments [PERFORMING AGENCY is required to comply with this article only as related to services provided under the following Attachments: Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (all direct client care services for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases..fimdedunder the Ryan White CARE Act Title II or general revenue), Title V Family Planning (ACFH/FEE-FP, Title X Family Planning (BWH/l1TLE X), Title XX Family Planning (BWlUITLXX); Primary Health Care (ACFHlPHC), Title V Maternal and Child Health (ACFH/FEE), Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Inftints, and Children (BNSIWlC-CARD, and the Services Delivery Integration project (SDUFFS).] PERFORMING AGENCY andeach of its subrecipients shall make a good faith effort to comply with child abuse reporting guidelines and requirements in Chapter 261 of the Texas Family Code relating to investigations of reports of child abuse and neglect PERFORMlNG AGENCY and each of its subrecipients shall develop-, implement and enforce a written policy that includelrat a mininnun the!lDH ChildAbuse Sc:reening,cDocumc:oting, and Reporting-Policy for ContractorslProvidemand train. all staff on reportingrequirements.PERFORMING AGENCY and its subrecipicnts shall usethe Checklist forIDR Monitoring as required by RECEIVING AGENCY. (The policy and checklist are available at each of the above-referenced programs' websites.) ARTICLE 9. Intellectual Property Texas Health and Safety Code §12.020, as amended, authorizes RECEIVING AGENCY to protect intellectual property developed as a result of this contract (LGS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 6/2004 Page 6 "Intellectual property" means created property that may be protected under copyright, patent, or trademark/service mark law. "Work made for hire" is a copyrightable work prepared for RECENING AGENCY use, or a work specially ordered or commissioned through a contract for RECEIVING AGENCY use. RECEIVING AGENCY owns works made for hire unless it agrees otherwise by contract. If federal or state fimds are used to finance activities supported by this Contract that result in the production of original material, the federal or state awarding agency reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use, for federal or state government purposes (1) the copyright in any work developed IUlder a grant, sub grant, or contract under a grant or subgrant; and (2) any rights of copyright to which a PERFORMING AGENCY or its subrecipient purchases ownership with grant support. PERFORMING AGENCY shall place an acknowledgment of federal or state awarding agency grant support and a disclaimer, as appropriate, on any publication written or published with such support and, if feasible, on any publication reporting the results of or describing a grant-supported activity. An acknowledgment shall be to the effect that '''This publication was made possible by grant number __ from (federal or state awarding agency)" or "The project described was supported by grant number from (federal or state awarding agency)" and "Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the (federal or state awarding agency)." In the event the terms of a federal or state grant award the copyright to PERFORMING AGENCY, RECEIVING AGENCY reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive, worldwide and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use, for RECEIVING AGENCY, public health, and state goven=tal nonconnnercial pU1'JlOSCS (I) the copyright, trademark, service mark, and/or patent on an invention, discovery, or improvement to any process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter; products; technology; scientific information; trade secrets; and computel'soi'tware. in any wodc: developed IUlder a grant, subgrant,or contract IUlder a grant or subgrant; and (2) any rights of copyright;.. service'or trademarks or patents to which a grantee, subgrantee or a PERFORMING AGENCY purchases ownership with grant support. Ifthe results of the contractperformance are subject to copyright law, the PERFORMING AGENCY cannotpublish th06C results-without prior review and approval of RECEIVING AGENCY. ARTICLE 10. Histollially Undemtlllze8Businesses If PERFORMING AGENCY subeontracts a portion of this contract, PERFORMING AGENCY agrees to make a good faith effilrt to subeontract withHUBsduring theperformance of its contract Attachment(s) with RECEIVING AGENCY and willreportHUB subeontractactivity on a quarterly basis to RECEIVING AGENCY. ARTICLE 11. Col1fllet of Interest PERFORMING AGENCY does not have nor will it acquire any interesttbat would conflietin any manner with the performance of its obligations IUlder this. contract. Potential conflicts of interest include!an existing business or personal relationship between PERFORMING AGENCY, its principal, or any affiliate or subrecipient with RECEIVING AGENCY, its board members, officers or employees, or any other entity or person involved in anyway in any project that is the subject of this contract. ARTICLE 12. Certification of Software, Hardware. Firmware and Micro Code Products PERFORMING AGENCY certifies that any supplied or supported software, hardware, firmware, and micro code products used individually or together as a system to comply with RECEIVING AGENCY contract requirements shall (£OS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 6/2004 Page 7 operate "accurately" in the manner in which they were intended when given a ''valid date" containing century, year, month, and day. For purposes of this Article, "supplied or supported software, hardware, firmware, and micro code products" does not include software supported by RECEIVING AGENCY or an agency of the federal government. PERFORMING AGENCY is responsible for installing and implementing any versions of any software provided by RECEIVING AGENCY or an agency of the federal government which is used in performance of this contract. For purposes of this Article, A) "accurately" is defined to include the following: I) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) calculations shal1 be correctly performed using four-digit year processing; fimctionality-on-line, batch including entry, inquiry, maintenance and updates shall support fourdigit year processing; interfaces and reports shall support four-iiigit year processing; processing with a four-digit year shall occur without human intervention; correct results in forward and backward date calculation spanning century boundaries shall be provided; correct leap year calculations shall be performed; and, processing correct results in forward and backward date calculation spanning century boundaries shall occur; B) "date integrity" shal1 mean all manipulations oftime-relateddata(dates, durations, days of week, etc.) shaI1 produce desiredresults for all valid date values within the application domain; C) "explicit century" shall mean date elements in interfaces and data storage permit specifying century to eliminate date ambiguity; "ex1raOIdinary Ildions" sha1l be defined to mean any action outside the normal documented processing steps, identified in,the product's reference documentation; D) E) "general integrity" shall mean no value for cmrent date will ca1lSC',interruptions in desired operation; F) "implicit centmy" shall mean for any data element without century" the correct centuryis unambiguous for all manipulations involving that docwnent; G) "product" or ''products'' shall be defined to include, but is not limited to, any supplied or supported hardware, software, firmware and/or micro code; H) ''vsliddate'' shall contain a two-digitmonth, a.two-digitday and a,four-iiigit year. PERFORMING AGENCY and its subrecipient(s) shall obtain a.warranty from any vendorllicensor from which it obtains product( s), that product( s) delivered and installed undcrthe contractllicense shall accuratelyprocess valid date data when used in accordance with the product documentation provided by the contraetorllicensor and require no ex1raOIdinary actions on the part ofPERFOR.MING AGENCY, its personnel, or its subR:Cipient(s). Productsunder the contractllicense shall possess general integrity, date integrity, explicit and implicit century capabilities. If the contractllicense requires that specific products shall perform as a system in accordance with the foregoing warranty, then the warranty shall apply to those listed products as a system. ,The duration of this WII1TlID,ty and the remedies available to PERFORMING AGENCY or its subrecipient(s) for breach of the warranty shal1 bedefin~jn,and subject to, the terms and conditions of the contractor's standard commercial.warrantyorwarrantiescontainc::¢in the (LGS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 612004 Page 8 contractllicensc; provided, that notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in such COtmnercial wamnty or warranties, the remedies available to PERFORMING AGENCY or its subrecipient(s) shall include repair or replacement of any supplied product ifits noncompliance is discovered and made known to the contraetorllicensor in writing within ninety (90) days after final acceptance. Nothing in the warranty shall be considered to limit any rights or remedies PERFORMING AGENCY or its subrecipient(s) may otherwise have under the contraetllicense. RECENlNG AGENCY will not hold PERFORMING AGENCY responsible if the information coming to PERFORMING AGENCY'S product/software from RECEIVING AGENCY is inaccurate or corrupt. ARTICLE 13. Standards for Flnancial and Programmatic Management PERFORMING AGENCY shall develop, implement, and maintain financial management and control systems that meet or exceed the requirements ofUGMS and adhere to procedures detailed in RECENING AGENCY'S Financial Administrative Procedures Manual (documents available at!Iform_doc.htm). Those requirements shall include at a minimum: A. Financial planning, including the development of budgets that adequately reflect all functions and resoun:es necessary to carry out authorized activities and the adequate determination of costs; B. Financial management systems including accurate, correct, and complete accounting records, that identify the source and application of funds provided under each Attachment, and that support the information contained'in required financial reports; cost source docmnentation; effective internal and budgetary controls; determination of reasonableness, allowableness, and allocability of costs; and timely and appropriate audits and resolution of any findings; and, C. Billing and collection policies, including a fee' schedule, a system for discounting or adjusting charges based on a person's income and family size, and a mechanism capable of billing and making reasonable efforts>to collect ftum patients and third parties. PERFORMlNG'AGENCYshall bill: all'third party payers for services provided under the Attachment(s) before submitting any request forreimbursement to RECEIVING'AGENCY. A third partypayeris anyperson orentitywho has the legal responstbility for paying all or part of the services provided, including c.onnnercial health or liability insurance carrierB'~.Medicaid>'1D" othCl'federal,sta1l; local and private funding sources. Third party billing functions shall be provided by PERFORMING AGENCY at no cost to the client. PERFORMING AGENCY or its subrecipientsha1l!become'aMedicaiaprovider ifperfonning approved Texas Medicaid services authorized by the Attachment(s). PERFORMING AGENCY and its governing body shall bear full responsibility for the integrity of the fiscal and programmatic management. Such responsibility shall include: accountability for all funds and materials n:ceived from RECEIVING AGENCY; compliance with RECENING AGENCY rules, policies, procedures, and applicable federal and state laws and· regulations; and correction of fiscal and program deficiencies identified through selfevaluation and RECEIVING AGENCY'S monitoring processes. Ignorance of any contract provisions or other requirements contained or tefeIen=l in this contract shall not constitute a defense or basis for waiving or appealing such provisions or requirements. ARTICLE 14. DoDding PERFORMING AGENCY is required to carry a fidelity bond, inSU1llJlcecoverage or self-insurance equal to the amount of funding provided under the con1ract Attachment(s) up to $100,000 that covers each employee of PERFORMING AGENCY handling funds under this contIact, including person(s) authorizing payment'of such funds. The fidelity bond, insurance, or self-insurance shall provide for indemnification oflosses occasionelWly:·.I) (LGS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 612004 Page 9 any fraudulent or dishonest act or acts conunitted by any of PERFORMING AGENCY'S employees, either individually or in concert with others, and/or 2) failure of PERFORMING AGENCY or any of its employees to perform faithfully hislher duties or to accOlmt properly for all monies and property received by virtue of his/her position or employment. ARTICLE 15. Funding Participation Requirement PERFORMING AGENCY agrees funds provided through this contract shall not be used for matching PUIJlOsesin securing other funding unless directed or approved by RECEIVING AGENCY. ARTICLE 16. Allowable Costs and Audit Requirements Only those costs allowable tmder UGMS and any revisions thereto plus any applicable federal cost principles are eligible for reimbursement tmder this contract. Applicable cost principles, audit requirements, and administrative requirements are as follows: Applicable Cost Prlnclples* Audit Requirements* Administrative OMB Circular A-87, State, Local and Tribal Governments OMB Circular A-133 and UGMS UGMS Requirements* The OMB circulars cited above shall be applied with the modifications prescribed by UGMS. PERFORMING AGENCY or the AUTIiORIZED CONTRACTING EN1ITY shall ammge for a financial and compliance audit (Single Audit) ifrequiredby OMB Circular A-133 and/or UGMS, Part N, "State of Texas Single Audit Circular." The audit shall be of PERFORMING AGENCY'S.or the AUTIiORIZED CONTRACTING ENTITY's fiscal year. The audit shall be conducted by an independentcertifiedpublic accountant and in accordance with applicable OMB Circulars, Govermnent Auditing S1lmdards; and UGMS. PERFORMING AGENCY shall procure audit services in compliance with state procurement procedures, as well as with the provisions ofUGMS. If PERFORMING AGENCY is not required to have a Single Audit, a limited scope audit may be required. RECENING AGENCY will provide PERFORMING AGENCY with written auditrequirements ifa lirnitedscope audit is required. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the audit'reports required by this section, PERFORMING AGENCY/ AUTIiORIZED CONTRACTING ENTITY shall submit a copy to Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), OIG Single Audit atthe following address: Health and Human Services Commission Attention: Single Audit OIG Mailcode H-954 11 00 West 47th Street Austin, Texas 78756-3199 ARTICLE 17. Terms and Conditions ofPavment For services satisfactorily performed pursuant to this contract, RECEIVING AGENCY will reimburse PERFORMING AGENCY for allowable costs. Reimbursements are contingent on a signed contract and will not exceed the total of each Attaclunent( s). PERFORMING AGENCY is entitled to payment only if the service, work, and/or product has been authorized and satisfactorily performed. Ifthose conditions are met, RECEIVING AGENCY will make payment in accordance with the Texas prompt payment law (Texas Govermnent Code, Chapter 2251). (LOS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 6/2004 Page 10 PERFORMING AGENCY is entitled to exercise remedies for nonpayment in accordance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 2251, Subchapter D. PERFORMING AGENCY shall have incurred a cost within the applicable Attachment term to be eligible for reimbursement under this contract and prior to claiming reimbursement. PERFORMING AGENCY shall submit requests for reimbursement on a State of Texas Purchase Voucher(1DH FormB-I3) or any other form designated by RECEIVING AGENCY monthly within thirty (30) days following the end of the month covered by the bill. PERFORMING AGENCY shall submit a reimbursement request as a final close-out bill not later than ninety (90) days following the end of the applicable Attachment term(s) for goods received and services rendered during the Attachment term. Reimbursement requests received in RECEIVING AGENCY'S offices more than ninety (90) days following the end of the applicable Attachment term will not be paid. If necessary to meet this deadline, PERFORMING AGENCY may submit reimbursement request by facsimile transmission. Consideration of requests for an exception will be made on a case-by-case basis and only for an extenuating circumstance such as a catastrophic event, natural disaster, or crimina1 activity that substantially interferes with normal business operations, or causes damage or destruction of the place of business and/or records. A written statement describing the extenuating circumstance and the last request for reimbursement must be submitted for review and approval to the RECEIVING AGENCY Program sponsoring the Attachment. PERFORMING AGENCY shall disburse program income, rebates, refunds, contract settlements, audit recoveries, and interest earned on such funds before requesting cash payments including advance payments from RECEIVING AGENCY. Funding from this contract may not be used to supplant [i.e., use in place of funds dedicated, appropriated or expended for activities funded through the Attachment(s)] slate or local funds, but PERFORMING AGENCY shall use the funds from this contract to increase state or local funds currently available for a particular activity. PERFORMING AGENCY shal1 make a good faith effort to maintain its current level of support. PERFORMING AGENCY may berequired to submit documentation substantiating thatil reduction in local funding, if any, resulted for reasons other.than receipt or expected receipt of funding under the Attachment( s). RECEIVING AGENCY sha1I determine whether costs submitted by PERFORMING AGENCY are allowable and reimbmsable. IfRECEIVING AGENCY has paid funds to PERFORMING AGENCY for una11owableor ineligible costs, PERFORMING AGENCY shall return thefundstoRECElVING AGENCY within thirty (30) days ofwritten notice. RECEIVING AGENCY may withhold all or part of any payments to PERFORMING AGENCY to offset reimbursement for any ineligible expenditures that PERFORMING AGENCY has not refunded to RECEIVING AGENCY, or if financial status reporl(s) required under the Reports Article are not submitted by the date(s) due. RECEIVING AGENCY may take repayment from funds available under any Attachment, active or expired, in amounts necessary to fulfill PERFORMING AGENCY repayment obligations. ARTICLE 18. AdyaDce Payments PERFORMING AGENCY may request a one-time advance for each Attachment only to meet immediate need for cash disbursement. PERFORMING AGENCY shall make the request on a State of Texas Purchase Voucher, accompanied by written justification and supporting documentation as specified in RECEIVING AGENCY'S Financial Administrative Procedures Manual. The advance shall be requested at the beginning of the applicable Attachmentperiod orata latertime in the applicable Attaclunentperiod ifcircumstances so warrant. Approval of the request for advance will be at the discretion ofRECEIV1NG AGENCY. Ifthe request is approved, the voucher will be processed; ifdisapproved, RECEIVING AGENCY will provide written notification to PERFORMING AGENCY. (LGS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 6/2004 Psg. 11 RECENlNG AGENCY will determine the amount of the advance, if any, by the amount and term of the applicable Attachment(s). For each Attachment, the amount of the advance shall not exceed the amount of the Attachment divided by the number of months covered by the Attachment multiplied by two (2). Advance funds shall be expended during the applicable Attachment term; any unexpended funds must be refunded to RECEIVING AGENCY. If the Attachment is amended to increase or decrease the total amount of funding, RECEIVING AGENCY may adjust the amount of allowable advance in accordance with the above formula. If PERFORMING AGENCY is requesting an upward adjustment, PERFORMING AGENCY shall submit a written justification and State ofTexas Purchase Voucher in the amount necessary to correct the ratio. If the adjustment is downward, RECEIVING AGENCY will determine the amount of adjustment to the advance and the method of repayment ARTICLE 19. Program PERFORMING schedule offces the Texas Board No patient may Income AGENCY may, but if a local health department shall, develop a fee-for-service system and a for personal health services in accordance with the provisions of Health and Safety Code §12.031; of Health rules covering Fees for Clinical Health Services, 25 TAC §1.91; and other applicable laws. be denied a service due to inability to pay. All revenues directly generated by an Attachment( s) supported activity or earned only as a result of the Attachment(s) during the term of the Attacbment(s) are considered program income. Program income will be used by PERFORMING AGENCY to fwther the program objectives of the state/federal statute under which the Attacbment(s) waslwere made, and it shall be spent on the sameproject in which it was generated. PERFORMING AGENCY shall identify and report this income utilizing the forms and time frames specified in the Reports Article of these provisions or the Special Provisions of the Attacbment. PERFORMING AGENCY shall utilize one of the following methods for applying program income: A. Additive method - add the program income to the funds already committed to the project by both parties. B. Deductive method - deduct the program income from the total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. PERFORMING AGENCY shall expend program income during.the Attachment term in which it is earned, and may not carry forward to thcrsucceeding term. Program income not expended in the term in which it iseamed shall be refunded to RECEIVING AGENCY. RECEIVING AGENCY may base future funding levels, in part, upon PERFORMING AGENCY'S proficiency in identifying, billing, collecting, and reporting program income, and in utilizing it for the purposes and conditions of the applicable Attachment(s). ARTICLE 10. Overtime Compensation PERFORMING AGENCY shall not use any of the funds provided by the Attachment(s) to pay the premium portion of overtime. PERFORMING AGENCY shall be responsible for any obligations of premium overtime pay due employees. Premium overtime pay is defined as any compensation paid to an individual in addition to the normal rate of pay for homs worked in excess of normal working hours. (LGS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 6/2004 Page 12 ARTICLE 21. Equipment and SoppUes In accordance with Health and Safety Code, § 12.053, title to all equipment and supplies purchased from funds from this contract shall be in the name of PERFORMING AGENCY throughout the Attachment(s) tenn(s) or until the Attachment is tenninated. Equipment is defined as tangible nonexpendable personal property with an acquisition cost of more than $5,000 and a useful life of more than one year, with the following exceptions: fax machines, stereo systems, cameras, video recorderlpJayers, microcomputers, software, printers, microscopes, oscilloscopes, centrifuges, balances, and incubators. If the unit cost of these exception items is more than $500, they will be considered equipment, shall be approved for purchase by RECEIVING AGENCY, and are considered capital assets for inventory pmposes. The acquisition cost is the net invoice unit price of an item of equipment, including the cost of any necessary modifications, attachments, accessories or auxiliary apparatus necessary to make the property usable for the pmpose for which it was acquired. Supplies are defined as consumable items necessary to carry out the Attaclnnent including medical supplies, drugs, janitorial supplies, office supplies, patient educational supplies, software, and any items of tangible perronal property other than those defined as equipment above. All items of equipment purchased with Attachment funds shal1 be itemized. in the budget. Any changes to the equipment list contained in the budget shall be approved in writing by RECEIVING AGENCY. PERFORMING AGENCY shall submit a written description including complete product specifications and need justification prior to purchasing any item of unapproved equipment. If approved, RECENING AGENCY will notify PERFORMING AGENCY by means of a written amendment or Attachment Change Notice. PERFORMING AGENCY shall maintain a nonexpendablepersonaJ property (equipment) inventory and submit an annual cumulative report (lDH Form GC-ll) to RECEIVING AGENCY no later than October 15th of each year. PERFORMING AGENCY shall administer a program of maintenance, repair, and protection of assets under this contraetso as to assure their full availability and usefulness. In the event PERFORMING AGENCY is indemnified, reimbursed,coootherwise compensated for any loss of, destruction of, or damage to the assets provided under this contract, it shall use the proceeds to repair or replace said assets. If any item of equipment longer needed to perform servicesunder.theAttachmeut(s) or becomes inoperable, PERFORMING AGENCY shall request disposition instmctions in:writing.from RECENING AGENCY. Upon tl::nnination or expiIation of applicable Attachment(s) that are not renewed, title to any remaining equipment and supplies pmchased from funds under this contract reverts to RECEIVINGAGENCY. Titlemaybetransferred to any otherpartydesignated-byRECEIVING AGENCY. RECEIVING AGENCY may, at its optioo and to the extent allowed by law, transfer the reversionary interest to such property to PERFORMING AGENCY. ARTICLE 22. Contraewwith Snbrecipients PERFORMING AGENCY may enter into contracts with subrecipients unless restricted or otherwise prohibited in specific Attachment(s). Prior to entering into an agleement equaling $25,000 or twenty-five percent (25%) of an Attacbtnen.t, whichever is greater, PERFORMING AGENCY shall obtain written approval,ftum RECEIVING AGENCY. Contracts with subrecipients shall be in writing and include the following: • • • • (LGS) Name and address of all parties; A detailed description of the services to be provided; Measurable method and rate of payment and total amount of the contract; Clearly defined and executable termination clause; GENERAL PROVISIONS 612004 Page 13 • • • • • Beginning and ending dates which coincide with the dates of the applicable contract Atlllclnnent(s) or cover a term within the beginning and ending dates of the applicable contract Attachment(s); Records retention requirements consistent with UGMS; Access to inspect the work and the premises on which any of the work is performed, in accordance with the Inspections Article contained in this contract; All clauses required by state/federal statutes, executive orders, and their implementing regulations; and Where applicable, federal statutes and regulations, including federal grant requirements applicable to ftmding sources, Uniform Grant Management Standards issued by the Governor's Office, applicable Office of Management and Budget Circulars, and applicable Code of Fedcral Regulations. PERFORMING AGENCY agrees that all contracts with other subrecipients containing a categorical budget shall include audit requirements referenced in the Allowable Costs and Audit Requirements Article of this contract, as appropriate. PERFORMING AGENCY is responsible to RECENING AGENCY for the performance of any subrecipient. PERFORMING AGENCY shall monitor both financial and programmatic performance and maintain pertinent records that shall be available for inspection by RECENING AGENCY. PERFORMING AGENCY shall ensure that: • • • • •. Subrecipients are fully aware of the requirements imposed upon them by statelfederal statutes and regulations including prompt payment of any subcontractors pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 2251, Subchapter D; Subrecipicnts:comply with all financial management requirements as defined by RECENING AGENCY, UGMS and the applicable OMB circulars; Subrecipients complete required audits; An adequate'tracking system is maintained to ensure timely receipt of any subrecipient's required audit reports and theresofution of any findings and questioned costs cited by these and, that RECEIVING AGENCY is immediately notified in writing of alleged or actual misuse or misappropriation of cont:ractfimds by subrecipients. reports; ARTICLE 23. Contracts for Procurement PERFORMING AGENCY may enter into contracts for procurement of goods and services lDlless restricted or otherwise prohtbited in-specific Attachment(s), PERFORMING AGENCY agrees that it shall be responstble to RECENING AGENCY fer the performance-of any subcontracted activity. Contracts for procurement of goods and services shall be in writing and contain the following provisions: • • • • • (LGS) Administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances where contractors violate or breach contractterms, and provide for such sanctions and penalties as may be applOpi iate (contracts other than small purchases). Remedies for prompt payment of any subcontractor pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 2251, Subchapter D. Termination for cause and for convenience by PERFORMING AGENCY including the manner by which it will be effected and the basis for settlement (all contracts in excess ofSI 0,000). Compliance with the Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act (18 USC §874) as supplemented in Department of Labor regulations (29 CPR Part 3) (all contracts and subgrants for construction or repair). Compliance with §§103 and 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 USC §§ 327-330) as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CPR Part 5) (construction GENERAL PROVISIONS 612004 Page 14 • • • • • • • contracts awarded by grantees and subgnmtees in excess of $2,000, and in excess of $2,500 for other contracts which involve the employment of mechanics or laborers). Notice of RECEIVING AGENCY requirements and regulations pertaining to reporting. Notice of RECEIVING AGENCY requirements and regulations pertaining to trademarks, service marks, copyrights, and patent rights with respect to any discovery or invention which arises or is developed in the course of or under such contract. RECENING AGENCY requirements and regulations pertaining to copyrights and rights in data. Access by RECEIVING AGENCY, the federal grantor agency, the Comptroller General of the United States, the State of Texas or any of their duly authorized representatives to any books, documents, papers, and records of the contractor which are directly pertinent to that specific contract forthe purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. Retention of all required records for the required retention period after RECEIVING AGENCY makes final payments and all other pending matters are closed. Compliance with all applicable standards, orders, or requirements issued under §306 of the Clean Air Act (42 USC § 7401), § 508 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1368), Executive Order 11738, and Environmental Protection Agency regulations (40 CFR Part 15) (contracts, subcontracts, and subgrants of amounts in excess of$IOO,OOO). Mandatory standards and policies relating to efficiency which are contained in the state energy plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (p. L. 94-163), 42 USC §§6201, et seq., as amended. ARTICLE 24. Reports Financial reports are-required as provided in UGMS, and PERFORMING AGENCY shall file them regardless of whether expenses have been incurred. For eachAttachment,.PERFORMING AGENCY shall submit a Financial Status Report, State of Texas Supplemental Form 269A (1DH Form GC-4a) within thirty (30) days, following the end of each of the first three (3) quarters. PERFORMING AGENCY shall submita final financial report on State of Texas Supplemental Form 269A (1DH Form GC-4a), not later than ninety (90) days following the end of the Attachment term(s). PERFORMING AGENCY shall submit a State of Texas Purchase Voucher (1DH Form B-13), or any other form designated by RECEIVING AGENCY, with the final financial report if all costs have not been recovered, or PERFORMING AGENCY shall refund excess monies if costs incurred were less than fimds received. PERFORMING AGENCY shall submitprogram.,and progress report!rrequired by RECEIVING AGENCY in the format agreed to by the parties. PERFORMING AGENCY shall provide RECEIVING AGENCY and/or HHSC other reports including financial report!r determined necessary to accomplish the objectives of this contract and to monitor compliance. If PERFORMING AGENCY is legally prohibited from providing such reports, it shall immediately notify RECEIVING AGENCY and/or HHSC. ARTICLE 25. '""'rt'9DS '. RECEIVING AGENCY, Heal1h and Hmnan Services Commission (HHSC), and, when federal fimds are involved, any authorized repmlCntative(s) of the federal government have the right, at all reasonable times, to inspect or otherwise evaluate the work (including reviews of client or patient records and discussions with staff) performed by PERFORMING AGENCY and its subrecipient(s), if any, and the premises on which the work is being performed. PERFORMING AGENCY and its subrecipient(s) shall participate in inspections and provide reasonable access, facilities, and assistance to the representatives. All inspections and evaluations will be conducted in such a manner as will not unduly interfere with the work. (LGS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 612004 Page 15 PERFORMING AGENCY and its subrecipient(s), if any, shall give RECEIVING AGENCY, HHSC, the federal government, and the Texas State Auditor, or any of their duly authorized representatives, access to any pertinent books, documents, papers, and client or patient records, if any, for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcripts of transactions related to this contract. RECEIVING AGENCY will have the right to audit billings both before and after payment. Payments will not foreclose the right of RECEIVING AGENCY to recover excessive or illegal payments. Any deficiencies identified by RECENING AGENCY and/or HHSC upon examination of PERFORMING AGENCY'S records will be conveyed in writing to PERFORMING AGENCY. PERFORMING AGENCY'S resolution of findings will be conveyed in writing within thirty (30) days of receipt of the report of the deficiencies. PERFORMING AGENCY'S resolution of findings will be sent to the agency(ies) referenced in the cover letter of the report. A RECEIVING AGENCY and/or HHSC determination of either an inadequate or inapplOptiate resolution of the findings may result in sanctions which will remain in effect tmtil RECEIVING AGENCY and HHSC determines the deficiencies are properly remedied. ARTICLE 26. Records Retention PERFORMING AGENCY and its subrecipients and subcontractors shall retain medical records in accordance with 22 Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Part 9, §165.l(b)(c) or other applicable statutes and regulations governing medical information. PERFORMING AGENCY shall retain and preserve all other records, including financial records, which are generated or collected by PERFORMING AGENCY or its subrecipients or subcontractors under the provisions of this contract, for a period of four (4) years after the termination of the Attachment(s). If an Attachment is funded through Medicaid, the federal retention period, if more than four (4) years shall apply. PERFORMING AGENCY and its subrecipients shall retain all records for an Attachment that is the subject of litigation or an audit until the litigation is ended or all questions pertaining to the audit are resolved. Legal requirements for PERFORMING AGENCY may extend beyond the retention schedules established herein. ARTICLE 27. Confidentiality ofProtecteckHealtlllnformadon PERFORMING AGENCY is required to comply with state and federal laws relating to the privacy and confidentiality of patient and client records that contain protected health information, or other information made confidential by law. PERFORMING AGENCY is required to disclose protected health information of patients or clients provided services funded through this contract to RECENING AGENCY upon request, or as otherwise required in other contract provisions. RECEIVING AGENCY is authorized to request, collect and receive protected health information under this contract, without the consent of the individual to whom the protected health information relates, for funding, payment and administration of the grant program. RECEIVING AGENCY is also authorized to request, collect and receive protected health information under this contract, without the consent of the individual to whom the protected health information relates, under exceptions to state confidentiality laws and federal privacy laws, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIP AA) and the Privacy Standards adopted to implement HIP AA at 45 CPR Parts 160 and 164, at §164.512, and Occupations Code, Chapter 159, at §§159.003 and 159.004. PERFORMING AGENCY must maintain patient and client records in compliance with state laws relating to the security and retention of medical or patient records. RECEIVING AGENCY may require PERFORMING AGENCY to transfer original or copies of patient and client records to another entity, without the consent or (LGS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 6/2004 Page 16 authorization of the patient or client, upon temrination of this contract, or if the care and trea1ment of the individual patient or client is transferred to another entity. If providing direct client care, services, or programs, PERFORMING AGENCY shall implement RECEIVING AGENCY'S policies based on the model HIV/AIDS (human immunodeficiency viruslacquired immunodeficiency syndrome) workplace guidelines, and PERFORMING AGENCY shall educate employees and clients concerning HIV and its related conditions, including AIDS, in accordance with the Health and Safety Code § 85.112-114. ARTICLE 28. Sanctions RECEIVING AGENCY may impose sanctions for any breach of this contract and will monitor PERFORMING AGENCY for both programmatic and financial compliance. HHSC may impose or recommend imposition of sanctions to RECENING AGENCY for any breach of this contract and will monitor PERFORMING AGENCY for financial compliance. RECENING AGENCY may, at its own discretion, impose one or more sanctions for each item of noncompliance and will determine sanctions on a case-by-case basis. A state or federal statute, rule, regulation, or federal guideline will prevail over the provisions of this Article unless the statute, rule, regulation, or guideline can be read together with the provision( s) of this Article to give effect to both. RECEIVING AGENCY may: A. Terminate all or a part of this contract. See the Termination Article in these provisions. B. Suspend all or part of this contract Suspension is, depending on the context, either (I) the temporary withdrawal of PERFORMING AGENCY'S authority to obligate funds pending corrective action by PERFORMING AGENCY or its subrecipient(s) or pending a decision to terminateor amend the contract, or (2) an action taken by a suspending official in accordance with agency regulations implementing Executive Order 12549- ~immediately exclude a person from participating in contract transactions for a period, pending completion of an investigation and such legal or debarment proceedings as may ensue. PERFORMING AGENCY costs resulting from obligations incurred by PERFORMING AGENCY during a suspension are not allowable unless expressly authorized by the notice of suspension; C. Disallow (deny both compliance; D. Temporarily withhold cash payments. Temporarilywithbolding cash payments means the temporary withholding of advancesorreimbursernents to PERFORMING AGENCY or its subrecipient(s) forproper charges or obligations incurred, pending resolution of iasues of noncompliance with contract conditions or indebtedness to the United States or to the State of Texas; E. Permanently withhold cash payments. Permanent withholding of cash payment means that RECEIVING AGENCY retains funds billed by PERFORMING AGENCY or its subrecipient(s) for a) unallowable, undocumented, disputed, inaccurate,implOper, or erroneous billings; b) failure to comply with contract provisions; orc) indebtedness to the United States or to the State of Texas; F. Deny contract renewal or future contract awards to a PERFORMING AGENCY; G. Delay contract execution with PERFORMING AGENCY while other imposed or proposed sanctions are pending resolution; (LGS) llSe' of funds and matching credit for) all or part of the activities or action not in GENERAL PROVISIONS6120(l4 Page 17 H. Place PERFORMING AGENCY on probation. Probation means that PERFORMING AGENCY will be placed on accelerated monitoring for a period not to exceed six (6) months at which time items of noncompliance shall be resolved or substantial improvement shown by PERFORMING AGENCY; I. Conduct accelerated monitoring of PERFORMING AGENCY. Accelerated monitoring means more frequent or more extensive monitoring will be performed by RECEIVING AGENCY than would routinely be accomplished; J. Require PERFORMING K. Disallow requests for reimbursement by disapproving reimbursement by PERFORMING AGENCY; L. Establish additional prior approvals for expenditure of funds by PERFORMING AGENCY; M. Require additional, more detailed, PERFORMING AGENCY; N. Demand repayment from PERFORMING AGENCY; O. Reduce the funding amount for failure to achieve or maintain the proposed level of service, to expend funds appropriately and at a rate which will make full use of the award, or to provide services as set out in the Attachment( s); and, P. Impose other remedies provided by law. AGENCY to obtain technical or managerial assistance; financial costs or fees submitted andlor programmatic reports for payment or to be submitted by RECEIVING AGENCY will formallynotify PERFORMING AGENCY in writing when a sanction is irnposed(with the exception of accelerated monitoring, which may be unannounced), stating the nature of the sanction(s), the reasonsfor imposing.them. the corrective actions whichsball betala:n before they will be removed and the time allowedforcornplcting the corrective actions, and the method. ifany, of requesting reconsideration of the sanctions imposed.. PERFORMING AGENCY is required to file, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice, a written RECEIVING AGENCY'S program/division that sentthe notice, acknowledging receipt of suchnotice and stating how PERFORMING AGENCY will correct the noncompliance or writing that the findings on which the sanctions are based are either invalid or do not warrant the sanction( s). If RECEIVING AGENCY determines that a sanction is warranted. and unless the sanction is subject to review (see. Sanction Review Article), RECEIVING AGENCY'S decision is final and PERFORMING AGENCY shall take corrective action. In an emergency, RECEIVING AGENCY may immediately terminate or suspend all or part of this contract, temporarily or permanently withhold cash payments, deny contract renewal or future contract awards, or delay contract execution by delivering written notice to PERFORMING AGENCY, by any verifiable method, stating the reason for the emergency action. An "emergency" is defined as the following: • PERFORMING AGENCY is noncompliant and the noncompliance has a direct adverse impact on the public or client health or safety. The direct adverse impact may beprogIannnatic or financial, impacting health or safety by failing to provide services, providing inadequate services, providing unnecessary services, or uti1izing resources so that the public or clients do not receive the benefits contemplated by the scope of work or performance measures; • PERFORMING AGENCY fails to achieve a performance measure; (LGS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 6/2004 Page 18 • • PERFORMING AGENCY is reimburned or requesting reimbursement for expenditures which are not in accordance with applicable federal or state laws and regulations or the provisions of this contract; or PERFORMING AGENCY is expending funds inappiOpIiately. Whether PERFORMING AGENCY'S conduct or inaction is an emergency will be determined by RECEIVING AGENCY on a case-by-case basis and will be based upon the egregious nature of the noncompliance or conduct. ARTICLE 29. Sanction Review PERFORMING AGENCY may request a review of the imposition of the following sanctions: termination of all or part of the contract, suspension of all or part of the contract, permanent withholding of cash payments, reduction of contract funding or other contract amendment resulting from noncompliance, and denial of contract renewal or future contract awards. PERFORMING AGENCY shall make the request forreview in writing to RECEIVING AGENCY within fifteen (15) days from the date of notification by providing written notice of the dispute to the person who signed the notification. PERFORMING AGENCY'S notice shall contain the following: (I) a copy of the letter from RECEIVING AGENCY notifying PERFORMING AGENCY of the sanction; (2) a specific description of each act that is the basis for the dispute; (3) the grounds upon which PERFORMING AGENCY bases the complaint; (4) an identification of the issue or issues to be resolved; (5) a precise statement of the relevant facts; (6) any docmnentation in support of PERFORMING AGENCY'S position; and (7) a statement and authorities in support of PERFORMING AGENCY'S position. Evidence that PERFORMING AGENCY properlynotifiedRECENING AGENCY consists ofanyofthe following documents: (I) signature on delivery card; (2) confinnation of a facsimile to the correct telephone number; or (3) signed acknowledgment of delivery. . RECEIVlNG AGENCY'S representative will schedule a meeting or a conference call to attempt to resolve the issues in dispute. If the dispute is resolved, anyresolutionwill be in writing and win resigned byall parties. If the dispute is not resolved, RECEIVJNG AGENCY'S representative will notify PERFORMING AGENCY in writing. RECEIVING AGENCY will' appoint a reviewer(s), who will review the infunnation, who may pennit or require additional information and who'may grailt, deny; ormodify all relief requested."inthe written notice of dispute; The reviewer(s)'s decision will he in writing and will contain a discussion of the reason for the decision andtheremedial action, ifany. The reviewer(s) will send copies of the decision to all parties by anyverifiable means. The decision of the reviewer(s) is final and is the final action of RECEIVING AGENCY for purposes offintherproceedings. A state statute or rule or a federal statute, regulation or guideline will prevail over the provisions of this Article unless the statute, rule, regulation or guideline can be read together with the provision or provisions of this Article to give effect to both. ARTICLE 30. Breach of Contract Claim Any remedies set out in this contract are in addition to rights and remedies for breach of contract provided by law. ARTICLE 31. Termination Each Attachment shall terminate upon its expiration date unless extended by written amendment in accordance with the Amendments Article. Prior to completion of the Attachment term, all or a part of this contract may be terminated with or without cause as set out below. (LGS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 6/2004 Page 19 A. Tennination is the pennanent withdrawal ofPERFORMlNG AGENCY'S authority to obligate previously awarded funds before that authority would otherwise expire or the voluntary relinquishment by PERFORMING AGENCY of the authority to obligate previously awarded funds. PERFORMING AGENCY costs resulting from obligations incurred by PERFORMING AGENCY after tennination of an award are not allowable unless expressly authorized by the notice of termination. Termination does not include: (I) withdrawal offimds awarded on the basis of the PERFORMING AGENCY'S underestimate of the unobligated balance in a prior period; (2) withdrawal of the unobligated balance as of the expiration of an Attachment; (3) refusal to extend an Attachment or award additional funds, to make a competing or noncompeting continuation, renewal, extension, or supplemental award; or (4) voiding of a contract upon detennination that the award was obtained fraudulently, or was otherwise illegal or invalid from inception. B. Termination without cause. (I) (2) (3) (4) C. Either party may terminate this contract with at least ninety (90) days prior written notice to the other party. The parties may terminate this contract by mutual agreement. Either party may terminate this contract with at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party in the event state and/or federal funding for this contract is terminated, limited, suspended, withdrawn, or discontinued. RECEIVING AGENCYmayterminatethisconlractwhen, in the sole determination of RECEIVING AGENCY, termination is in the best interest of the State of Texas. Tennination for cause. (l) (2) Either party may terminate for material bTei\Chof this contract with at least thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. RECEIVING AGENCY may terminate this contract, in whole orin part, forbreach of contract or for any other conductthat jeopardizes the contract objectives, by giving at leastthirty (30) days written notice to PERFORMING AGENCY. Such conduct may include one or more of the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) A comt of competent jurisdiction finds that PERFORMING AGENCY has failed to adhere to any laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public authority having jurisdiction; PERFORMING AGENCY fails to communicate with RECEIVING AGENCY or fails to allow its employees or those of its subrecipients to conununicate with RECEIVING AGENCY as necessary to the performance of this contract; PERFORMING AGENCY breaches a standard of confidentiality with respect to the services provided under this contract; RECEIVING AGENCY determines that PERFORMING AGENCY is without the personnel or resollICes to perform under this contract; RECEIVING AGENCY determines that PERFORMING AGENCY, its agent or another representative offered or gave a gratuity (e.g., an entertainment or gift) to an official or employee of RECEIVING AGENCY for the purpose of obtaining a contract or favorable treatment; PERFORMING AGENCY'S management system does not meet the UGMS management standards; or PERFORMING AGENCY appears to be financially unstable. Indicators of financial instability may include one ormore of the following: (i) (ii) (LGS) PERFORMING AGENCY fails to make payments; PERFORMING AGENCY makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors; GENERAL PROVISIONS 6/2004 Page 20 (iii) (iv) D. PERFORMING AGENCY admits in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due; or Ifjudgment for the payment of money in excess of $50,000 (which is not covered by insurance) is rendered by any court or governmental body against PERFORMING AGENCY, and PERFORMING AGENCY does not (a) discharge the judgment or (b) provide for its discharge in accordance with its terms, or (c) procure a stay of execution within thirty (30) days from the date of entry thereof, and within the thirty (30)-day period or a longer period during which execution of the judgment shall have been stayed, appeal therefrom and cause the execution thereof to be stayed during such appeal while providing such reserves therefore as may be required under generally accepted accounting principles. Emergency termination. In emergency circumstances, RECEIVING AGENCY may terminate this contract immediately upon notice to PERFORMING AGENCY by any verifiable means. "Emergency" is defined in the Sanctions Article. Either party may deliver written notice of intent to terminate by any verifiable method. If either party gives notice of its intent to terminate all or a part of this contract, RECENING AGENCY and PERFORMING AGENCY will attempt to resolve any issues related to the anticipated termination in good faith during the notice period. Upon termination of all or part of this contract, RECENING AGENCY and PERFORMING AGENCY will be discharged from any further obligation created under the applicable terms of this contract except for the equitable settlement of the respective accrued interests or obligations incurred prior to termination. Termination does not, however, constitute a waiver of any remedies for breach of this contract. In addition, the obligations of PERFORMING AGENCY to retain records and maintain confidentiality of information shal1 survive this contract. ARTICLE 32. Void Contract RECENING AGENCY may hold this contract void upon its determination that the contract award was obtained fraudulently or was otherwise illegal or invalid from its inception. ARTICLE 33. Severability If any provision of this contract is construed to be illegal or invalid, the illegal or invalid provision will be deemed stricken and deleted to the same extent and effect as if never incorporated, but all other provisions will continue. ARTICLE 34. Local Health DeoartDlentPersonnel All local health department personnel funded by Attachment(s) to this contract are employees of PERFORMING AGENCY which shall be responsible for their direction and control and liable for any of their acts or omissions. PERFORMING AGENCY sha1l have in place legally sufficient due process hearing procedures for all of its employees filling state-budgeted positions. PERFORMING AGENCY shall have full authority to employ, promote, suspend, demote, discharge, and transfer within its organization any and all state-budgeted personnel funded by Attachment(s) to this contract provided, however, that any demotion, suspension, or discharge of such state-budgeted employees shall be in accordance with the due process hearing procedures as set out above. The only distinction between state-budgeted and local paid employees is that employees on state budgeted positions receive state benefits and are subject to certain duties, obligations, and restrictions as state employees as contained in state law. One such restriction, as contained in the State Appropriations Act, is that no employee paid on a state-budgeted position may receive a sa1ary supplement from any source unless specifically authorized in the Appropriations Act or other state law. This prohtbition inchtdes the (LOS) GENERAL PROVISIONS 6/2004 Page 21 payment to such employee of a S<H:alled "flat rate" car allowance or travel allowance. Any travel or per diem allowance to these employees shall be on a reimbursement basis, supported by appropriate records, and shall not exceed the reimbursement for mileage and/or per diem allowed under the Appropriations Act and current state travel regulations. This restriction shall apply whether travel funds are provided in Attachment(s) under this contract or from any other source. PERFORMING AGENCY shall utilize RECEIVING AGENCY'S policies and procedures for hiring and promoting individuals into state-budgeted positions funded by this contract. Qualifications of any individuals filling these positions will be subject to approval of RECEIVING AGENCY'S Bureau of Human Resources. The purpose of the approval is to ensure that individuals occupying these positions meet minimum educational and experience requirements. PERFORMING AGENCY shall maintain required records and submit documents necessary to process personnel, payroll, leave and time records, and travel costs on state-budgeted positions. RECEIVING AGENCY will furnish documentation regarding salary compensation or travel reimbursement for employees on state-budgeted positions. An independent audit is not required as a condition of this contract if the contract Attachment provides assistance through assignment of state-budgeted positions and no funds are budgeted for local costs. PERFORMING AGENCY may be reimbursed for local personnel costs or other categories of expense used to fulfill the scope of work of applicable Attachment( s) in lieu of being furnished state payroll warrants after a state- budgeted position becomes vacant. Reimbursement will not exceed the balance of funds on the state-budgeted position after all benefits, obligations, and/or other entitlements are met. PERFORMING AGENCY'S Director, or other person(s) authorized elsewhere in this contract, may submit a request for conversion. RECEIVING AGENCY will transmit formal approval and a revised budget to PERFORMING AGENCY to complete the conversion if the request is granted. ARTICLE 35. Survival of Terms Termination or expiration of this contract for any reason shall not release either party from any liabilities or obligations set forth in this contract that (a) the parties have expressly agreed shall survive any such termination or expiration, or (b) remain to be performed or by their nature would be intended to be applicable following any such termination or expiration. ARTICLE 36. Construction of Ambiguities The parties expressly agree that they have each independently read and understood this contract. Any ambiguities in this contract shall not be construed against the drafters. ARTICLE 37. No Walver of Sovereign Immunity THE PARTIES EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT NO PROVISION OF THIS CONTRACf IS IN ANY WAY INTENDED TO CONSTITUTE A WAIVER OF ANY IMMUNITIES FROM SUIT ORFROMUABILITY THAT THE PARTIES OR THE STATE OF TEXAS MAY HAVE BY OPERATION OF LAW. ARTICLE 38. Certification The governing body of each party has authorized this contract. RECEIVING AGENCY is paying for the performance of governmental functions and services from current revenues available to RECEIVING AGENCY. The payment is in an amount that fairly compensates PERFORMING AGENCY for the services or functions performed under this contract. (LGS) GENERAL PROVISIONS RECORDEDON_,-\\\-(j~ 6jNOfHECOMMISSI~ER ~RT MINUTESOF: - \\.)- , . Page 22 FORT BEND COUNTY f'\l::d::.l COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE DATE SUBMITTED: SUBMITTED BY: Troy Scalco, Director DEPARTMENT: Environmental Health PHONE NO.: 281-238-3532 August 4, 2004 COURT AGENDA DATE: August 10,2004 AGEN~A # /g"t\ SUMMARY OF ITEM: Accept grant funding in the amount of $80,657.00 and approve Intergovernmental Agreement between Fort Bend County and Houston.{JaJveston Area Council for local enforcement of solid waste implementation program for the term of September 1,2004 through. July 31, 2005. Yes (X) RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: No( ) {2 Original Sets} LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: H-GAC FY05 Solid Waste Implementation Program Contract Packet (Will band deliver before Court on August 10, 2004.) FINANCIAL SUMMARY: Yes (.) Fond No ( ) COMMENTS: ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: BUDGETED ITEM: OneTime N/A( ) Recnrring N/A Fonding Source: Agency Object ( ( (X) ) ) Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: (x) ( ./ when ·Note: Original contraets will be delivered before Court on August 10, 2004. CC with back up: ( x ) Comm. Pet. 1 (x) Auditor (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) ( x) Comm. Pet. 2 ( x) Budget Officer (281-341-4557) ( x) Comm. Pet. 3 ( x ) County Attorney (281-341-8642) ( x) Comm. Pet. 4 ( x ) Purchasing Agent (281-341-8697) ( x ) County Clerk completed) (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fill ont agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-oftice copies of agenda form with all back up ioformation by Wednesday at 2:00 the departments listed above. All original back-Up must be received in the Coonty Judges Office by 2:00 p.1O.on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: Approve and authorize County Judge to sign the Contract awarded for the FY05 Solid Waste EnforcernentlEducation Grant from the Houston.{JaJveston Area Council in the amount $80,657.00 funding for salary, vehicle and equipment for one lnvestigator with no match required by Fort Bend County. This is a 100% reimbursement grant, which requires initial expenditures of county funds. Acceptance of grant should be accompanied by a designation of county funding source. ~-\\m '- . c£:2.~ ~ -to- \\~, May 4. 2004 C. Take aU appropriate aetion to on request for variance to the Fort Bend County Regulations of Snbdivisions, nnder Section 2.2 1, aUowiag a 10.O-acre tract of land, as recorded ill Deed Record No. 9779225, to be divided into two S.O acre tracts, in the H & TC RY Sarvey, Abstract 228 in Fort Bend Coanty, Texas. (Jody Darrell Teykl), Padon Rosd, Needville, Texas, P1:t. 1. Moved by Commissioner Patterson. Seconded by Commissioner Meyers, duly put and nnanimously carried (4-0), it is ordered to approve request for variance to the Fort Bend County Regulations of Subdivisions, under Section 2.2 1, allowing a 10.O-acre trnet of land, as recorded in Deed Record No. 9779125, to be divided into two 5.0 acre trnets, in the H & TC RY Survey, Abstract 228 in Fort Bend County, Texas. (Jady Danell Teykl), Padon Road, Needville, Texas, Pet. I. Judge Hebert Commissioner Commissioner 27. Commissioner Commissioner yes Stavinoha Prestage absent Meyers Patterson yes yes yes FORT BEND FLOOD CONTROL WATER SUPPLY Directors of tile Fort Bend Flood Control Water Snpply their reguJar meeting held April 28. 2004, aad made Commissioaen Court: Appruve collStnlcOoD plans CORPORATION: The Board of Corporation reviewed tbis item at the followiDg recommendation to for the Big Creek Bypass Drop Strvcture. Moved by Commissioner Patterson. Seconded by Commissioner Prestage. duly put and carried (3-1), it is M!emI to approve coustruction plans for the Big' Creek Bypass Drop Structure as recommended by the Fort Bend Flood Control WatJt:r Supply Corporation. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner.Prestago 28. Commissioner Commissioner yes absent yes Meyers Patterson no yes '" HUMAN SERVICES - ENVIRONMENTAL: Take all appropriate actioa on applicatiolttD Hou~ Area CouneD lOr FY 2005 SOU.. Waste EDforcemeet aDd Ed_tion Gnmt fuDdlag in theamoDBt of $93,6%3.10, with no match required by Fort BeIId Connty. REALm. cam Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Prestage, duly put and unanimously carried (4-0), it is ordered to approve appIiclItion to Houston-Galvestoo Area Council for FY 2005 Solid WasteEnforcemeDt and Education Grant fundiDg in theamountofS93,623'.10, with DO cash matr.h required by Fort Bend County. Judge Hebert Commissioner Commissioner Stavinoha Prestage Commissioner Commissioner yes absent yes 8 Meyers Patterson yes yes Houston-Galveston Area Council DATE: FY 2005 Solid Waste Grant Recipient Cheryl Mergo, Solid Waste Program Manager August 5, 2004 RE: Contract TO: FROM: CJ'r'IV Please find enclosed copies of your FY05 solid waste contract. Please review the General Contract Provisions, Special Contract Provisions, and the three (3) attachments. Attachments A and B address the Scope of ServiceslDeliverables and Contract Budget. Attachment C is a copy of your original application. Please note that the Contract Period of Performance is September I, 2004 to July 31,2005. Both copies of the contracts should be signed and returned to me. Once I receive the signed copies, I will obtain the required signatures from H-GAC. I will retain one copy for our files and I will return one copy of the executed contract to you for your files. Please call me at (713) 993-4520 or cmergo@h-gac.comifyou·have • Mailing Address PO Box 22777 Houston, Texas 77227·2777 Phone 713-627-3200 any questions . _L, Physical Address 3555 Timmons Lane, 5UI18 120 Houston, Texas 77027~ Phone 713--627-3200 HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL FY05 SOLID WASTE IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM CONTRACT Contractor Fort Bend County PO Box 1449 Rosenberg, Texas 77471 Contact: Telephone: Fax: Email: James R. Baker 1200 Blume Rd. Rosenberg, Texas 77471 (281) 633-7579 (281) 633-7577 bakerj H-GAC Community and Environmental Planning Department Houston-Galveston Area Council 3555 Timmons Lane, Suite 120 Post Office Box 22777 Houston, Texas 77227-2777 tel. (713) 627-3200 fax. (713) 993-4503 Staff Contacts:Cheryl Mergo Solid Waste Program Manager (713) 993-4520 TCE~BY·05~lid~W~1Inplilmentati()DLGrants!. Project Description: Local Enforcement Contract Number: 05-16-Gl6 Contract Amount: $80,657.00 Grant Period: 09/01/04 to 07/31/05 Amy Smith Environmental Planner (713) 993-2413 HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL FY 05 SOLID WASTE IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM CONTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS General Contract Provisions: Intergovernmental Agreement Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Legal Authority Applicable Laws Independent Contractor Whole Agreement Scope of Services Performance Period Reporting Requirements Payments Non Funding Clause Insurance Repayments Subcontracts Audit Examination of Records Retention of Records Changes and Amendments Termination Procedures Severability Copyrights Ownership of Materials Force Majeure Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Conflict of Interest Political Activity; Lobbying Sectarian Involvement Prohibited Criminal Provisions and Sanctions Titles Not Restrictive Acknow ledgment of Funding Source Disputes Governing Law; Venue Order of Priority Signatures I Special Contract Provisions Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Period of Performance Contract Documents Scope of Services Legal Authority H-GAC Obligations Summary and Results Reporting Requirements Financial Administration of Pass-Through Grants Standards for Contractor's Performance Standards Applicable to Pass-through Grant Projects Supplemental Funding Standards Title to and Management of Real Property and Equipment Insurance Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs) Energy Efficiency Standards Laws and Regulations Uniform Grant and Contract Management Act Data and Publicity Acknowledgement of Financial Support Design Review Permits and Approvals Requirement of Registration of Designers Municipal Solid Waste Disposal and Transportation Revenue Fee Safety and Protection Hazardous Substances, Waste Disposal and Manifests Intellectual Property Requirements Accounting Systems Survival of Obligations Contractual Costs Authorized Representatives I Attachments A. B. C. Scope of Service Contract Budget FYOS Grant Application ii HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL GENERAL PROVISIONS INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT This Intergovernmental Agreement is made and entered into this 5th day of August, 2004, by and between the Houston-Galveston Area Council, hereinafter referred to as H-GAC, having its principal place of business at 3555 Timmons Lane, Suite 120, Houston, Texas 77027 and Fort Bend County, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, having its principal place of business County Courthouse, Richmond, Texas, 77469. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, H-GAC hereby engages the Contractor to perform certain services in accordance with the specifications of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, Agreement; the Contractor has agreed to perform such services in accordance with the specifications of the NOW, THEREFORE, ARTICLE H-GAC and the Contractor do hereby agree as follows: I LEGAL AUTHORITY The Contractor warrants and assures H-GAC that it possesses adequate legal authority to enter into this Agreement. The Contractor's governing body, where applicable, has authorized the signatory official(s) to enter into this Agreement and bind the Contractor to the terms of this Agreement and any subsequent amendments hereto. ARTICLE 2 APPLICABLE LAWS The Contractor agrees to conduct all activities under this Agreement in accordance with all applicable rules, regulations, directives, standards, ordinances and laws in effect or promulgated during the term of this Agreement. Such standards and laws shall include, to the extent applicable, the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards ("UGMS") promulgated by the State of Texas and the state and federal statutes referenced therein. ARTICLE 3 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The execution of this Agreement and the rendering of services prescribed by this Agreement do not change the independent status of H-GAC or the Contractor, No provision of this Agreement or act of H-GAC in performance of the Agreement shall be construed as making the Contractor the agent, servant or employee of H-GAC, the State of Texas or the United States Government. Employees of the Contractor are subject to the exclusive control and supervision of the Contractor. The Contractor is solely responsible for employee payrolls and claims arising therefrom. The Contractor shall notify H-GAC of the threat of lawsuit or of any actual suit filed against the Contractor pertaining to this Agreement or which would adversely affect the contractor's ability to perform services under this Agreement. General Provisions Page I of 8 ARTICLE 4 WHOLE AGREEMENT The General Provisions, Special Provisions and Attachments, as provided herein, constitute the complete agreement between the parties hereto. and supersede any and all oral and written agreements between the parties relating to matters herein. Except as otherwise without written consent of the parties. provided herein. this Agreement cannot be modified ARTICLE 5 SCOPE OF SERVICES The services to be performed by the Contractor are outlined in the Special Provisions of this Agreement. ARTICLE 6 PERFORMANCE PERIOD This Agreement shall be performed during the period which begins September I, 2004 and ends July 31, 2OOS. ARTICLE 7 REPORTING REOUIREMENTS Reporting requirements are set forth in the Special Provisions of this Agreement. If the Contractor fails to submit to H-GAC in a timely and satisfactory manner any report required by this Agreement, or otherwise fails to satisfactorily render performances hereunder, H-GAC may withhold payments otherwise due and owing the Contractor hereunder. If H-GAC withholds such payments, it shall notify the Contractor of its decision and the reasons therefor. Payments withheld pursuant to this Article may be held by H-GAC until such time as the delinquent obligations for which funds are withheld are fulfilled by the Contractor. The Contractor's failure to timely submit any report may also be considered cause for termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE 8 PAYMENTS The Contractor agrees that payments are predicated upon properly documented and verified proof of performance delivered and costs incurred by the Contractor in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and shall be paid in accordance with the Compensation Schedule in the Special Provisions. ARTICLE 9 NON FUNDING CLAUSE Each payment obligation ofH-GAC created by this Agreement is conditioned upon the availability of state or federal funds appropriated or allocated for the payment of such obligations. H-GAC shall not be otherwise obligated or liable for any future payments due or for any damages as a result of interruption of payment or termination under this Article. ARTICLEIO INSURANCE The Contractor shall maintain insurance coverage for work performed or services rendered under this Agreement as specified General Provisions in the Special Provisions. Page 2 of8 ARTICLE 11 REPAYMENTS The Contractor understands and agrees that it shall be liable to repay and shall repay upon demand to H-GAC any amounts determined by H-GAC. its independent auditors, or any agency of state or federal government to have been paid in violation of the terms of this Agreement. ARTICLE 12 SUBCONTRACTS Except as may be set forth in the Special Provisions, the Contractor agrees not to subcontract, assign, transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of this Agreement or any right, title, obligation or interest it may have therein to any third party without prior written approval of H-GAC. The Contractor acknowledges that H-GAC is not liable to any subcontractor(s) of the Contractor. The Contractor shall ensure that the performance rendered under all subcontracts shall result in compliance with all the terms and provisions of this Agreement as if the performance rendered was rendered by the Contractor. ARTICLE 13 AUDIT As a recipient of state or federal assistance through this Agreement, the Contractor acknowledges that it is subject to the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996, P.L. 98-502, (hereinafter referred to as "Audit Act"), OMB Circular No. A-133, and the State of Texas Single Audit Circular incorporated in UGMS. The Contractor shall have an audit made in accordance with the Single Audit, requirements of the most recently adopted UGMS and OMB Circular A-133 for any of its fiscal years in which Contractor expends more than $500,000 in state or federal financial assistance. The Contractor will provide H-GAC a copy of the single audit, including management letter and reporting package required by federal and state rules within 30 days after receipt of the auditor's report, or nine months after the end of the audit period. H-GAC reserves the right to conduct or cause to be conducted an independent audit of all funds received under this Agreement which may be performed by the local government audit staff, a certified public accountant firm, or other auditors as designated by the H-GAC. Such audit will be conducted in accordance with State law, regulations, and policy, and generally accepted auditing standards and established procedures and guidelines of the reviewing or audit agency(ies). The Contractor understands and agrees that the Contractor shall be liable to the H-GAC for any costs disallowed or overpayment as a result of audit or inspection of records kept by the Contractor on work performed under this Agreement. ARTICLE 14 EXAMINATION OF RECORDS The Contractor shall maintain during the course of the work, complete and accurate records of all of the Contractor's costs and documentation of items which are chargeable to H-GAC under this Agreement. H-GAC, through its staff or designated public accounting firm, the State of Texas and the United State Government, shall have the right at any reasonable time to inspect, copy and audit those records on or off the premises by authorized representatives of its own or any public accounting ftrm selected by it. The right of access to records is not limited to the required retention period. but shall last as long as the records are retained. Failure to provide access to records may be cause for termination of the Agreement. The records to be thus maintained and retained by the Contractor shall include (without limitation): (1) personnel and payroll records. including social security numbers and labor classiftcations. accounting for total time distribution of General Provisions Page 3 or8 the Contractor's employees working full or part time on the work, as well as cancelled payroll checks, signed receipts for payroll payments in cash, or other evidence of disbursement of payroll payments; (2) invoices for purchases. receiving and issuing documents. and all other unit inventory records for the Contractor's stocks or capital items; and (3) paid invoices and cancelled checks for materials purcbased and for subcontractors' and any other third parties' charges. The Contractor further agrees to include in all its subcontracts permitted pursuant to Article 12 hereof, a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that H-GAC and its duly authorized representatives shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under the subcontract or until all audit findings have been resolved, have access to and the right to examine and copy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, invoices and records of such subcontractor involving transactions relating to the subcontract. ARTICLE 15 RETENTION OF RECORDS The Contractor shall maintain all records pertinent to this Agreement, including but not limited to those records enumerated in Article 14, and all other financial. statistical, property, participant records, and supporting documentation for a period of no less than three (3) calendar years from the later of the date of acceptance of the final contract closeout or the date of the final audit required under Article 13 of this Agreement. If any litigation. claim, negotiation, audit or other action involving the records has been started before the expiration of the retention period, the records shall be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the regular three (3) year period, whichever is later. ARTICLE 16 CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS Any alterations, additions, or deletions to the terms of this Agreement which are required by changes in federal law or regulations are automatically incorporated into this Agreement without written amendment hereto, and shall become effective on the date designated by such law or regulation; provided if the Contractor may not legally comply with such change, the contractor may terminate its participation herein as authorized by Article 17. H-GAC may, from time to time, require changes in the scope of the services of the Contractor to be performed hereunder. Such changes that are mutually agreed upon by and between H-GAC and the Contractor in writing shall be incorporated into this Agreement. ARTICLE 17 TERMINATION PROCEDURES The Contractor acknowledges that this Agreement may be terminated under the following circumstances: A. Convenience H-GAC may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part without cause at any time by written notice by certified mail to the Contractor whenever for any reason H-GAC determines that such termination is in the best interest of H-GAC. Upon receipt of notice of termination. all services hereunder of the Contractor and its employees and subcontractors shall cease to the extent specified in the notice of termination. In the event of tennination in whole. the Contractor shall prepare a final invoice within 30 days of such termination reflecting the services actually performed which have not appeared on any prior invoice, such invoice shall be satisfactory to the Executive Director or his designee. H-GAC agrees to pay the Contractor, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, for services actually performed and accruing to the benefit of H-GAC, less payment of any compensation previously paid. General Provisions Page 4 of 8 The Contractor may cancel or terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice by certified mail to H-GAC. The Contractor may not give notice of cancellation after it has received notice of default from H-GAC. In the event of such termination prior to completion of the Agreement provided for herein, H-GAC agrees to pay services herein specified on a prorated basis for work actually performed and invoiced in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, less payment of any compensation previously paid. B. Default H-GAC may, by written notice of default to the Contractor, terminate the whole or any part of the Agreement in anyone of the following circumstances: (I) If the Contractor fails to perform the services herein specified within the time specified herein or any extension thereof; or (2) If the Contractor fails to perform any of the other provisions of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever, or so fails to make progress or otherwise violates the Agreement that completion of the services herein specified within the agreement term is significantly endangered, and in either of these two instances does not cure such failure within a period of ten (10) days (or such longer period of time as may be authorized by H-GAC in writing) after receiving written notice by certified mail of default from H-GAC. In the event of such termination, all services of the Contractor and its employees and subcontractors shall cease and the Contractor shall prepare a final invoice reflecting the services actually performed pursuant to the Agreement which have not appeared on any prior invoice. Such invoice must be satisfactory to the Executive Director of H-GAC or his designee. H-GAC agrees to pay the Contractor, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, for services actuaIIy performed and accruing to the benefit of H-GAC as reflected on said invoice, less payment of any compensation previously paid and less any costs or damages incurred by H-GAC as a result of such default, including incremental costs that H-GAC will incur to have the Agreement completed by a person other than the contractor. ARTICLE 18 SEVERABILITY AIl parties agree that should any provision of this Agreement be determined to be invalid or unenforceable, such determination shall not affect any other term of this Agreement, which shall continue in full force and effect. ARTICLE 19 COPYRIGHTS The state or federal awarding agency and H-GAC reserve a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use, for state or federal government or HGAC purposes: (aJ The copyright of all maps, data, reports, research or other work developed under this Agreement; and (b) Any copyrights or rights of use to copyrighted material which the Contractor purchases with funding under this Agreement. AIl such data and material shall be furnished to H-GAC on request. General Provisions Page 5 of 8 ARTICLE 20 OWNERSffiP OF MATERIALS Except as may be specified in the Special Provisions. all data. reports. research, etc., developed by the Contractor as a part of its work under this Agreement shall become the property of the H-GAC upon completion of this Agreement, or in the event of termination or cancellation hereof, at the time of payment under ARTICLE 8 for work performed. All such data and material shall be furnished to H-GAC on request. ARTICLE 21 FORCE MAJEURE To the extent that either party to this Agreement shall be wholly or partially prevented from the performance within the term specified of any obligation or duty placed on such party by reason of or through strikes. stoppage of labor, rio~ fire, flood, acts of war, insurrection, accident, order of any court, act of God. or specific cause reasonably beyond the party's control and not attributable to its neglect or nonfeasance, in such event, the time for the performance of such obligation or duty shall be suspended until such disability to perform is removed. Determination of force majeure shall rest solely with the H-GAC. ARTICLE 22 NON-DISCRIMINATION AND EOVAL OPPORTUNITY The Contractor agrees to comply with all state and federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (p.L. 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; (b) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 V.S.C. §§ 1681-1683, and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 V.S.C. § 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; (d) the Age Discrimination Act of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.c. §§ 6101-6107), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; (e) the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (p.L. 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (I) the Compreherisive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (p.L. 91-616), as amended, relating to the nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (g) §§ 523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 V.S.c. 290 dd-3 and 290 ee-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; (h) Title vm of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. § 3601 et seq.), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; (1) any other nondiscrimination provisions in any specific statute(s) applicable to any Federal funding for this Agreement; and GJ the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s) which may apply to this Agreement. ARTICLE 23 CONFLICT OF INTEREST No officer, member or employee of the Contractor or subcontractors, no member of the governing body of the Contractor. and no other public officials of the Contractor who exercise any functions or responsibilities in the review or approval of this Agreement, shall participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which affects his or her personal interest, or shall have any personal or pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreemen~ ARTICLE 24 POLITICAL ACTIVITY; LOBBYING No funds provided under this Agreement may be used in any way to attempt to influence in any manner a member of Congress to favor or oppose any legislation or appropriation by Congress, or for lobbying with state or local legislators. The Contractor, if a recipient of federal assistance exceeding $100.000 through an H-GAC subcontract, will comply with section 319, Public Law 101-121 (31 U.S.c. 1352). General Provisions Page 6 of8 ARTICLE 2S SECTARIAN INVOLVEMENT PROHffiITED The Contractor shall ensure that no funds under this Agreement are used. either directly or indirectly. in the support of any religious or anti-religiolls activity, worship, or instruction. ARTICLE 26 CRIMINAL PROVISIONS AND SANCTIONS The Contractor agrees that it will perform the Agreement activities in conformance with safeguards against fraud and abuse as set forth by the H-GAC. the State of Texas, and the acts and regulations of the funding entity. The Contractor agrees to promptly notify H-GAC of suspected fraud, abuse or other criminal activity through the filing of a written report within twenty-four (24) hours of knowledge thereof and to notify H-GAC of any accident or incident requiring medical attention arising from its activities under this Agreement within twenty-four (24) hours of such occurrence. Theft or willful damage to property on loan to the Contractor from H-GAC, if any, shall be reported to local law enforcement agencies and H-GAC within two (2) hours of discovery of any such act. The Contractor further agrees to cooperate fully with H-GAC, local law enforcement agencies, the State of Texas, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and any other duly authorized investigative urtit in carrying out a full investigation of all such incidents. ARTICLE 27 TITLES NOT RESTRICTIVE The titles assigned to the various Articles of this Agreement are for convenience only. Titles shall not be considered restrictive of the subject matter of any Article, or part of this Agreement. ARTICLE 28 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF FUNDING SOURCE The Contractor shall give credit to H-GAC as the funding source for this Agreement in all oral presentations, written documents, publicity, and advertisements regarding any of the Contractor's activities which arise from this Agreement. ARTICLE 29 DISPUTES Any and all disputes concerning questions of fact or of law arising under this Agreement which are not disposed of by agreement shall be decided by the Executive Director of H-GAC or his designee, who shall reduce his decision to writing and provide notice thereof to the Contractor. The decision of the Executive Director or his designee shall be final and conclusive unless, within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of such copy, the Contractor requests a rehearing from the Executive Director of H-GAC. In connection with any rehearing under this Article, the Contractor shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and offer evidence in support of its position. The decision of the Executive Director after any such rehearing shall be final and conclusive. The Contractor may, if it elects to do so, appeal the final and conclusive decision of the Executive Director to a court of competent jurisdiction. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder, the Contractor shall proceed diligently with the performance of the Agreement and in accordance with H-GAC's final decision. General Provisions Page7of8 ARTICLE 30 GOVERNING LAW; VENUE This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Venue and jurisdiction of any suit or cause of action arising under or in connection with the Agreement shall lie exclusively in Harris County, Texas, unless the laws of the State of Texas specifically establish venue in some other county. ARTICLE 31 ORDER OF PRIORITY In the case of any conflict between the General Provision, the Special Provisions, and Attachments to this Agreement, the following order of priority shalJ be utilized: Special Provision, General Provisions, and Attachments. H-GAC and the Contractor have executed the Agreement as of the date first written above. ~ lack Steele, Executive Director Houston-Galveston fORT' 8eAJp CoIJIJT11 JuDi'=1t:3 Area Council Date General Provisions Page 8 of8 HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL FY05 SOLID WASTE IMPLEMENT ATION PROGRAM SPECIAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS ARTICLE 1 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance of this Agreement begins on September I, 2004 and ends on July 31, 2005. ARTICLE 2 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS I. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete project (or part thereof) tn be completed or constructed in accordance with the total Agreement. Any work, materials or equipment that may reasonably be inferred from the Contract Documents or from prevailing custom or trade usage as being required to produce the intended result will be furnished and performed whether or not specifically called for. When words or phases which have a well-known technical industry or trade meaning are used to describe work. materials or equipment, such words or phases shall be interpreted in accordance with that meaning. 2. The Contract Documents which comprise the entire Agreement between H·GAC and CONTRACTOR concerning the work. listed in the order of preference in the event of a conflict, consist of the fcHawing: the General Provisions, the Special Provisions, and Attachment A - C (Scope of Services, Budget, and CONTRACTOR'S Grant Application). 3. The following, which may be delivered or issued after the Effective Date of the Agreement and are not attached hereto: all Written Amendments and other documents amending, modifying or supplementing the Agreement pursuant to the General or Special Provisions. These documents will be attached to the Agreement following execution thereof. ARTICLE 3 SCOPE OF SERVICES All parties agree that the CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the compensation hereinafter described, shall provide the services with H-GAC approval and/or supervision as specifically described in Scope of Services, Attachment A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes. The CONTRACTOR agrees to implement the Project according to the agreed upon budget shown in Contract Budget, Attachment B. ARTICLE 4 LEGAL AUTHORITY The CONTRACTOR warrants and assures H-GAC that it has adequate legal authority to enter into this AgreemenL The CONTRACTOR's governing body where applicable has authorized the signatory official(s) to enter into this Agreement and bind the CONTRACTOR to the terms of this Agreement and any subsequent amendments hereto. The activities funded under this Agreement shall be in accordance with all provisions of this Agreement, all applicable state and local laws, rules, regulations, and guidelines. The main governing standards included. but may not be limited to the following: I. 2. §361.014 of the TEX. HEALTH & SAFETY CODE ANN. (as amended by H.B. 3072,74'" Texas Legislature); §330.569 of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Municipal Solid Waste Regulations (30 T AC Chapter 330); Special Contract Provisions Page I of 18 3. 4. The Uniform Grant and Contract Management Act. TEX GOV'T CODE ANN., §§783.001 et. Seq., and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards, 1 Texas Administrative Code (TAC), §§5.141 et. Seq. (collectively, "UGMS"); and The Interlccal Contract between the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and H-GAC. This Agreement is entered into by and between the CONTRACTOR and H-GAC. Neither Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) nor the State of Texas is a party to this Agreement. ARTICLES H-GAC OBLIGATIONS Measure of Liability A. In consideration of full and satisfactory performance hereunder, H-GAC will be liable to CONTRACTOR in an amount equal to the actual costs incurred by CONTRACTOR in rendering such performance, subject to the following limitations: I. H-GAC is not liable for expenditures made in violation of "Supplemental Funding Standards", Article 9 which outlines prohibited activities as defined by the TCEQ and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards Act. 2. H-GAC is not liable for any costs incurred by CONTRACTOR in the performance of this Agreement which have not been billed to H-GAC within thirty (30) days following termination of this Agreement. 3. H-GAC is not liable to CONTRACTOR for costs incurred or performance rendered by CONTRACTOR before commencement of this Agreement or after termination of this Agreement. 4. Except as specifically authorized by H-GAC in writing, H-GAC is liable only for expenditures made in compliance with the cost principles and administrative requirements set forth in Federal OMB Circular A87 as incorporated into Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards (UGMS). 5. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, it is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that H-GAC's obligation under this Agreement are contingent upon actual receipt of funds from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to meet H-GAC liabilities hereunder. B. Method and Schedule of Payment 1. Financial reporting. Except when submitting the Final Financial Report (see Section C), CONTRACTOR must submit to H-GAC a report detailing allowable expenditures incurred during the previous month no later than the tenth day following the end of each month of the period of performance for this Agreement. Allowable expenditures are set forth in Attachment B of this Agreement and are made on a reimbursement basis only. This report must be submitted on H-GAC Financial Report Form together with such reporting documentation as H-GAC may require. (A monthly financial report is due each month even if there are no expenses to report.) 2. Payments. Upon review and approval of each such H-GAC Financial Report Form, H-GAC will make payment to CONTRACTOR against H-GAC liabilities to be accrued hereunder. 3. Unless otherwise specified in writing. CONTRACTOR must expend funds available to it through this Agreement in the following manner. By the end of the first six months of the contract year (February 28, 2005), CONTRACTOR must have expended at least 25.0% of total funds available in the Agreement. If CONTRACTOR does not meet that expenditure level target, H-GAC may, at its discretion. de-obligate funds. with the maximum amount of the de-obligation being the difference between what the expenditures would have been at a 55.0% expenditure rate and the actual expenditure level. By the end of the eighth month of the contract year (August 31,2005), CONTRACTOR must have expended at least 40.0% of the Special Contract Provisions Page 2 of 18 total funds available in the Agreement. If CONTRACTOR does not meet that expenditure level target, H-GAC may at its discretion de-obligate funds, with the maximum amount of the de-obligation being the difference between what the expenditures would have been at a 73.0% expenditure rate and the actual expenditure level. 4. C. If CONTRACTOR fails to expend funds in accordance with Section 3 above, H-GAC may, through unilateral action, de-obligale funds from the Agreement. in amounl that would bring CONTRACTOR'S expenditures into line with the expenditure goals in Section 3. In addition to de-obligation of funds. H-GAC may at its discretion impose performance improvement plans upon CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR Final Financial Report No later than thirty (30) days following the termination of this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR must submit 10 H-GAC a Financial Report Form marked "Final". The final Financial Report shall notify H-GAC that no further reimbursement requests will be made against this Agreement post the final Financial Report. ARTICLE 6 SUMMARY AND RESULTS REPORTING REOUIREMENTS A. The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit to H-GAC, written summary and results reports concerning performance under this Agreement documenting accomplishments, units of work and program results performed/accomplished under Attachment A of this agreement. Summary and results reports are due on the following dates: December 10, 2004 (covering the months September - November); March 10, 2005 (covering the months of December - February); June 10,2005 (covering the months of March - May) and August 10, 2005 (covering Ihe months June -July). The August report will serve as Ihe End of Grant Term final report. The End of Grant Term final summary report shall be provided to H-GAC althe end of the Contract period of performance. The End of Grant Term final summary report shall certify that the satisfactory completion of all activities and deliverables required under this Agreement. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall submit a Follow Up Report due to H-GAC on or near September 1,2006. Payments (reimbursements) required under this Agreement may be withheld by H-GAC unlil such time as any past due summary and/or monitoring reports. not including Follow Up Report. are received. B. The CONTRACTOR's summary and results reports required under Part A of this Article contain descriptions of activities and results for H-GAC to ensure that the provisions of this Agreement are being complied with. In particular, any legal research and related legal activities shall be clearly detailed in the quarterly summary and results reports in order 10 assure H-GAC that the activities are not prohibited under Article 9 of this Agreement (relating to Supplemental Funding Standards). The CONTRACTOR shall comply with any reasonable request by H-GAC for additional information on activities conducted in order for H-GAC to adequately monitor the CONTRACTOR progress in completing the requirements of and adhering to the provisions of this Agreement. C. The CONTRACTOR agrees to document the results of the grant-funded project and to provide those results to H-GAC for use in evaluating program effectiveness and for providing regional results information to the TCEQ. D. The CONTRACTOR's Agreement. ARTICLE 7 failure to comply with the requirements of this Article shall constitute a breach of this FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION OF PASS-THROUGH GRANTS In administering a financial management system, the CONTRACTOR shall adhere to the specific standards and requirements set forth in this Section and in the UGMS. except that the requirements and processes may be more stringent than what is set forth in this Section. Special Contract Provisions Page 3 of 18 A. This Agreement accounts for expenses incurred and request reimbursement of outlays under either a cash or an accrual basis, as defined and authorized under the UGMS. To be eligible for reimbursement under this Agreement, a cost must have been incurred and either paid by the CONTRACTOR prior to claiming reimbursement from H-GAC or incurred by the last day of the time period indicated on a request for reimbursement form and liquidated no later than thirty (30) days after the end of that time period. B. Payments by H-GAC to CONTRACTOR shall be solely for reimbursement of actual allowable costs utilizing the same standards and requirements for cost reimbursement payments from the TCEQ to H-GAC. H-GAC shall reimburse the actual incurred costs of CONTRACTOR with no payments in advance. C. The CONTRACTOR shall utilize a standard reimbursement form supplied to the CONTRACTOR by H-GAC. The CONTRACTOR shall submit expense documentation records as deemed necessary by H-GAC, in accordance with H-GAC's financial monitoring plan and program, to ensure that the outlays by the CONTRACTOR are authorized and appropriate. D. H-GAC shall not reimburse or otherwise make payment to the CONTRACTOR for an expenditure that is not authorized under this Agreement. If it is determined, by either the CONTRACTOR, H-GAC, or the TCEQ that an expenditure that was reimbursed is not an authorized expense, H-GAC shall request return and reimbursement of those funds from the CONTRACTOR or, where appropriate, the application of those funds to other authorized expenses, and shall not provide any additional reimbursement to the CONTRACTOR until the funds are returned or are applied to other authorized expenses. E. In general, expenditure documentation to be submitted to H-GAC along with the H-GAC Financial Report Form should be whatever is necessary to show that the work was indeed performed and that the expense was, in fact. incurred. In addition, the documentation should also support the fact that the expenditure was reasonable and necessary to this Agreement. Documents that should be submitted to H-GAC, as appropriate for the expenses, include by category, the records listed below. 1. SalarylW ages. The CONTRACTOR shall either summarize the salary charges by listing them on the H-GAC Financial Form or submit signed and approved time sheets for each salary charge. 2. Travel. Travel expenses must be consistent with the CONTRACTOR's locally adopted travel polices. The expenses must be supported and documented receipts for all expenses such as meals, public transportation, hotel accommodations, and airline receipts. If the CONTRACTOR does not have an approved travel policy in place, the CONTRACTOR shall use the UGMS travel policy. 3. Equipment. Documentation should support confonnance with required procurement policies and procedures. Expenditures should be supported by purchase orders (if issued), invoices, and copies of checks. An H-GAC equipment inventory form must be completed for each equipment purchase and submitted with other supporting documentation. 4. Supplies. checks. 5. Contractual. Contractual costs should be supported by all the documentation described above, e.g. labor charges by time and attendance or similar records, travel charges supported by receipts. Copies of checks for contractual payments must be submitted. An executed contract or other agreement is also needed for initial payment. Documentation should demonstrate that costs were reasonable and necessary. 6. Other. Other expenses should be supported by purchase orders (if issued), invoices, and copies of checks. Supply expenses should be supported by purchase orders (if issued), invoices, and copies of Special Contract Provisions Page4of18 7. Indirect. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with OMB Circular A-87 and the Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS) relating to Indirect Cost Rates. In accordance with the UGMS, indirect charges are authorized if the CONTRACTOR has a negotiated indirect cost rate agreement signed within the past 24 months by a federal cognizant agency or state single audit coordinating agency_ Alternatively, the CONTRACTOR may be authorized to recover up to 10% of direct salary and wage costs (excluding overtime, shift premiums, and fringe benefits) as indirect costs, subject to adequate documentation. If the CONTRACTOR has an approved cost allocation plan, the CONTRACTOR must submit documentation of the approved indirect rate to H-GAC prior to the initial request for reimbursement. F. If requested by H-GAC, the CONTRACTOR agrees to provide to H-GAC, copies of the appropriate cancelled checks and the additional expense records and documentation materials, as listed in Section (E) of this Article and appropriate for the expense, for the time period requested by H-GAC, except that the CONTRACTOR will not be asked to submit records that have already been provided to H-GAC with a Financial Report Form. H-GAC will provide reasonable time for the CONTRACTOR to comply with a request for additional records. If H-GAC requests to review additional records to be provided by the CONTRACTOR under H-GAC's financial monitoring program, H-GAC will review those records and provide the CONTRACTOR a wrinen summary of the findings of that review. H-GAC will also allow the CONTRACTOR reasonable time to respond to any findings of noncompliance or other problems identified by the records review. G. The CONTRACTOR shall notify and obtain written approval by H-GAC of the specific details of an expense or purchase set forth in this Section, if those expenses were not already authorized under this Agreement. I. 2. 3. 4. ARTICLE 8 I. 2. Changes in personnel whose salaries will be funded under this Agreement. Out-of state travel to training events and conferences. Equipment. construction, or contractual expenses. Other category expenses not specifically authorized in this Agreement. STANDARDS FOR CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE In accordance with TCEQ guidance, H-GAC is required to monitor the CONTRACTOR's performance under this Agreement. Therefore, CONTRACTOR agrees that the following are appropriate standards for CONTRACTOR's performance during the Agreement as set forth in this Section. a. Timeliness of Work. Standard: Work is provided on schedule. b. Quality of Work. Standard: CONTRACTOR's technically accurate. c. Subcontract Activities. Standard: CONTRACTOR's subcontract and subgrant activities comply with all H-GAC Agreement requirements regarding subcontracts especially competitive procurement methods for goods and services. use of required subcontract provisions. and monitoring performance of subcontractors and SUBPERFORMING PARTY's. d. Administrative and Financial Operations. Standards: CONTRACTOR's administrative and financial operations comply with all obligations in law and in the contract especially record-keeping, reimbursement requests. audits. allowable costs. and restricted expenditures. Work conforms to the requirements of the contract and is Performance Measures. H-GAC will monitor CONTRACTOR's performance compliance with the standards utilizing the following perfonnance measures: • Satisfactory: CONTRACTOR generally complied with the standard deficiencies may have occurred which were corrected on a timely basis. Special Contract Provisions and evaluate the level of consistently; occasional PageS of 18 • 3. Unsatisfactory: Significant deficiencies have occurred. or CONTRACTOR frequently or substantially failed to comply with the standard. Schedule Of Remedies Available to H-GAC. The following Schedule of Remedies applies to this contract in the event of substandard performance or other failure to conform to the requirements of the contract or applicable law as set forth in this Section. a. Reject substandard performance and request corrections without charge to H-GAC. b. Issue notice of substandard performance or other non-conforming c. Request and receive return of any over payments or inappropriate payments. d. Reject reimbursement request and suspend payment pending accepted revision of substandard performance or non-conformity. e. Suspend all or part of the work andlor payments pending accepted revision of substandard performance or act or omission. non-conformity. f. Reject reimbursement requested and withhold all or partial payments. Funds may be retained by H-GAC for recovery of administrative costs or returned to funding source as authorized by agreements with the funding source and by state or federal law. g. Terminate the contract, demand and receive: return of all equipment purchased with contract funds. return of all unexpended funds. and repayment of expended funds. If H-GAC evaluation finds CONTRACTOR's performance to be substandard. H-GAC may provide its written evaluation report to other governmental entities at any time. H-GAC may also provide its written evaluation report to the public as authorized by law. 4. Cumulative Remedies_ H-GAC may avail itself of any remedy or sanction provided in this Agreement or in law to recover any losses rising from or caused by the CONTRACTOR's substandard performance or any nonconformity with the Agreement or the law. The remedies and sanctions available to H-GAC in this Agreement shall not limit the remedies available to H-GAC under law. The duties and obligations imposed by these General Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder to the parties bereto, and. in particular but without limitation. the Schedule of Remedies. obligations imposed upon CONTRACTOR by these General Conditions. and all other rights and remedies available to H-GAC thereunder? are in addition to. and are not to be in any way as a limitation of, any rights and remedies available to any or all of them which are otherwise imposed or available. by Laws or Regulations, by special warranty or guarantee or by other provisions of the Agreement. and the provisions of this paragraph will be as effective as if repeated specifically in the Agreement in connection with each particular duty, obligation. right and remedy to which they apply. ARTICLE 9 STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO PASS· THROUGH GRANT PROJECTS The standards and requirements set for in this Article shall apply to all pass-through grant projects selected for funding under this Agreement. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ensuring that the pass-through grant projects and activities under this Agreement comply with these standards. A. Eligible Pass-through Grant Recipients. 1. Only those local and regional political subdivisions located within the State of Texas as listed below are eligible to receive funding from H-GAC as a pass-through grant: Special Contract Provisions Page 6 of 18 • • • • B. Cities; Counties; Public school districts (does not include Universities or post secondary educational institutions); and Other general and special law districts created in accordance with state law, and with the authority and responsibility for water quality protection or municipal solid waste management, to include river authorities. Pass-through Grant Project Categories. The category specific funding limitations outlined for each category shall apply to all uses of funds under passthrough grant projects conducted for that category. 1. Local Enforcement. This category consists of projects which contribute to the prevention of illegal dumping of municipal solid waste, including liquid wastes. Under this category, grant recipients may investigate illegal dumping problems; enforce laws and regulations pertaining to the illegal dumping of municipal solid waste, including liquid waste; establish a program to monitor the collection and transport of municipal liquid wastes, through administration of a manifesting system; and educate the public on illegal dumping laws and regulations. 2. Litter and Illegal Dumping Cleanup. This category includes projects to support ongoing and periodic clean up litter and illegal dumping of municipal solid waste, excluding cleanup of scrap tire dumping sites. Projects may support for Lake and River Cleanup events, conducted in conjunction with the TCEQ's and Keep Texas Beautiful's Lake and River Cleanup Program. Projects included under this category may include waste removal; disposal or recycling of removed materials; fencing and barriers; and signage. Placement of trash collection receptacles in public areas with chronic littering problems may also be funded. Reuse or recycling options should be c,onsidered for managing the materials cleaned up under this program, to the extent feasible. 3. Source Reduction and Recycling. This category includes projects which provide a direct and measurable effect on reducing the amount of municipal solid waste going into landfills, by diverting various materials from the municipal solid waste stream for reuse or recycling, or by reducing waste generation at the source. This category does not include the collection, processing andlor recycling of scrap tires. Activities funded under this category may include: diversion from the waste stream and/or collection, processing for transport, and transportation of materials for reuse andlor recycling; implementation of efficiency improvements in order to increase source reduction and recycling. to include full-cost accounting systems and cost-based rate structures, establishment of a solid waste services enterprise fund. and mechanisms to track and assess the level of recycling activity in the community on a regular basis; and educational and promotional activities to increase source reduction and recycling. 4. Local Solid Waste Management Plans. This category includes projects to develop and have adopted by the TCEQ a local solid waste management plan, in accordance with Subchapter D, §363 of the Texas Health & Safety Code, as implemented by TCEQ rule, 30 TAC Chapter 330, Subchapter 0., or to amend an existing local solid waste management plan that has been adopted by H-GAC and TCEQ. 5. Citizens' Collection Stations, "Small" Registered Transfer Stations, and Community Collection Events. This category includes projects to construct and equip citizens' collection stations. as these facilities are defined under the TCEQ's Municipal Solid Waste regulations (30 TAC Chapter 330, §330.2). Municipal Solid Waste Transfer Stations that qualify for registration under §330.4(d)(I) - (3) or §330.4(r) of the TCEQ rules may also be funded. Projects funded under this category shall include consideration of an integrated approach to solid waste management. to include providing recycling services at the site, if appropriate to the management system in place. Funds may also be used for periodic community collection events, held no more frequently than four times per year. to provide for Special Contract Provisions Page? of 18 collection of residential waste materials for which there is not a readily-available collection alternative, such as large and bulky items that are not picked up under the regular collection system. 6. Household Hazardous Waste Management. This category includes projects which provide a means for the collection. recycling or reuse, andlor proper disposal of household hazardous waste, including household chemicals, used oil and oil filters, antifreeze, lead-acid batteries, and other materials. This category does not include programs and facilities for collecting, recycling. or disposing of scrap tires, except as may be an ancillary part of the overall program or facilities. Projects may include collection events; consolidation and transportationcosts associated with collection activities; recycling or reuse of material; proper disposal of materials; permanent collection facilities; and education and public awareness programs. Funds may also be used to support Texas County Cleanup events, conducted in conjunction with the TCEQ. 7. Technical Studies. This category includes projects which include the collection of pertinent data, analysis of issues and needs, evaluation of alternative solutions, public input, and recommended actions. to assist in making solid waste management decisions at the local level. Projects under this category may also include research and investigations to determine the location, boundaries. and contents of closed municipal solid waste landfills and sites, and to assess possible risks to human health or the environment associated with those landfills and sites. 8. Educational and Training Projects. Educational components are encouraged under the other categories in order to better ensure public participation in projects; those educational components should be funded as part of those projects and not separately under this category. This category may be used for "standalone" educational projects dealing with a variety of solid waste management topics. This category may include funding for information-exchange activities. subject to the other limitations on travel expenses. 9. Other Types of Projects. Other types of projects, not specifically prohibited from funding under the more detailed funding standards and restrictions set forth in Article 9, may be funded on a case-by-case basis. The project or project category must be included in H-GAC's amended regional solid waste plan. ARTICLE 10 SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING STANDARDS Unless authorization is specifically provided in accordance with the special provisions of this Agreement or in accordance with Attachment B of this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR shall ensure that funds provided under this Agreement are not used for the following activities, programs. or projects: • The provision of the Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS) issued by the Office of the Governor apply to the use of these funds, as well as the supplement financial administration guidance established by TCEQ to be applied under all contracts, TCEQ Allowable Expenditures Guidelines. • Recipients of funds under this Agreement, including subcontractors shall comply will all applicable state and local laws and regulations pertaining to the use of state funds, including laws concerning the procurement of goods and services and competitive purchasing requirements. • Funds may not be provided through a subcontract to any public or private entity that is barred from participating in state contract by the Texas General Services Commission, under the provisions of §2155.077, Government Code, and I TAC §1I3.02, GSC Regulations. • Public and private entities subject to payment of state solid waste disposal fees and whose payments are in arrears, as determined by TCEQ. may not receive funds under this Agreement through a subcontract. • In accordance with §36I.OI4(b), Texas Health and Safety Code, and 30 TAC §330.569(d) TCEQ Rules, a project or service funded under this Agreement must promote cooperation between public and private Special Contract Provisions Page 8 of 18 entities and may not otherwise readily available or create a competitive advantage over a private industry that provides recycling or solid waste services. Under this definition, the term private industry included non-profit and not-for-profit non-governmental entities. • All equipment and facilities purchased or constructed with funds provided under this Agreement shall be used for the purposed intended in the funding agreement. • A project or service funded under this Agreement must be consistent with the H-GAC approved regional solid waste management plan. and must be intended to implement the goals, objectives, and priorities established in the regional plan. • Funds may not be used to acquire land or an interest in land. • Funds may not be used to supplant existing funds. In particular, staff positions where the assigned functions will remain the same and that were active at the time of the funding application or proposal. and were funded from a source other than a previous solid waste grant. may not be funded. • Funds may not be used for food or entertainment expenses, including refreshments at meetings and other functions. This provision does not apply to authorized employee per diem expenses for food cost incurred while on travel status. • Funds may not be used for payment of salaries to any employee who uses alcoholic beverages on active duty. Funds may not be used for the purchase of alcoholic beverages, including travel expenses reimbursed with these funds. • Funds may not be used for employment or otherwise contracts for services of a lobbyist or for dues to an organization which employs or otherwise contracts for the services of a lobbyist. • Funds may only be used for projects or programs for managing municipal solid waste. • Except as may be specifically authorized in this Article or elsewhere in this Agreement, funds may not be used for projects or facilities that require a permit from the TCEQ and/or that are located within the boundaries of a permitted facility, including landfills, wastewater treatment plants. or other facilities. This restriction may be waived by the TCEQ. at its discretion, for recycling and other eligible activities that will take place within the boundaries of a permitted facility. The CONTRACTOR must request a preliminary determination from the TCEQ as to the eligibility of the project prior to the project being considered for funding by H-GAC. • Projects or facilities requiring a registration from the TCEQ, and which are otherwise eligible for funding must have received the registration before the project funding is awarded. • Except as may be specifically authorized in this Article or elsewhere in this Agreement, funds may not be used for activities related to the collection or disposal of municipal solid waste. This restriction includes: solid waste collection and transportation to a disposal facility; waste combustion (incineration or waste-toenergy); processing for reducing the volume of solid waste which is to be disposed of; landfills and landfillrelated facilities. equipment, or actiVities. including closure or post-closure care of a permitted landfill unit; or other activities and facilities associated with the disposal of municipal solid waste. • Funds may not be used to assist an entity or individual to comply with an existing or pending federal, state, or local agreement or enforcement action. This restriction includes assistance to an entity to comply with an order to clean up and/or remediate problems at an illegal dumpsite. However, the TCEQ may waive this restriction, at its discretion and on a limited case-by-case basis. to address immediate threats to human health or the environment, and where it is demonstrated that the responsible party does not have the resources to comply with the order. Special Contract Provisions Page 9 of 18 • Funds may not be used to pay penalties imposed on an entity for violation of federal. state. or local laws and regulations. This restriction includes expenses for conducting a supplemental environmental project (SEP) under a federal or state order or penalty. Funds may be used in conjunction with SEP funds to support the same project. • Duplication of Effort. Activities. projects, programs, studies, etc. that overlap or provide duplicate funding for projects under other State funding programs are not authorized. If H-GAC believes that other program grant awards are inadequate to meet the needs of the region. H-GAC may request that the FUNDING AGENCY consider authorizing the project in accordance with the provisions of Attachment A of this Agreement. Local Enforcement • Funds may not be provided to any law enforcement agency regulated by Chapter 415 of the Texas Government Code. unless (a) the law enforcement agency is in compliance with all rules developed by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education pursuant to Chapter 415 of the Texas Government Code. or (b) the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education certifies that the requesting agency is in the process of achieving compliance with such rules. • When funding is provided for salaries of local enforcement officers, the fund recipient must certify that at least one of the officers has attended or will attend within the term of the funding the TCEQ's Criminal Environmental Law Enforcement Training or equivalent training. • Local enforcement vehicles and related enforcement equipment purchased entirely with funds provided under this Agreement may only be used for activities to enforce laws and regulations pertaining to littering and illegal dumping. and may not be used for other code enforcement or law enforcement activities. Vehicles and equipment that are only partially funded must be dedicated for use in local enforcement activities for a percentage of time equal to the proportion of the purchase expense funded. • Entities receiving funds for a local enforcement officer. enforcement vehicles and/or related equipment for use by an enforcement officer, must investigate major illegal dumping problems, on both public and private property. in addition to investigating general litter problems on public property. • Entities receiving funds to conduct a local enforcement program must cooperate with the TCEQ's regional investigative staff in identifying and investigating illegal dumping problems. Lack of cooperation with the TCEQ staff may constitute a reason to withhold future funding to that entity for local enforcement activities. • Funds may not be used for investigation and enforcement activities related to the illegal dumping of industrial andlor hazardous waste. Instances where industrial or hazardous waste is discovered at a site do not preclude the investigation of that site, so long as the intent and focus of the investigation and enforcement activities are on the illegal dumping of municipal solid waste. Litter and Illegal Dumping Cleanup • Lake and River Cleanup events must be coordinated with the TCEQ's cleanup program staff andlor the Keep Texas Beautiful organization, which is contracted by the TCEQ to administer the Lake and River Cleanup program. • Projects funded to clean up the litter or illegal dumping on private property must be conducted through a local government sponsor. Funds may not be provided directly to a private landowner or other private responsible party for cleanup expenses. The local government sponsor must either contract for and oversee the cleanup work, or conduct the work with its own employees and equipment. Special Contract Provisions Page 10 of 18 • The costs for cleanup of hazardous waste that may be found at a municipal solid waste site must be funded from other sources, unless a waiver from this restriction is granted by the TCEQ to deal with immediate threats to human health or the environment. • The costs of cleanup of Class 1 nonhazardous industrial waste that may be found at a municipal solid waste site must be funded from other sources. unless a waiver from this restriction is granted by the TCEQ to deal with immediate threats to human health or the environment. The cleanup of Class 2 and 3 nonhazardous industrial waste that may be found at a municipal solid waste site may be funded in conjunction with the cleanup of the municipal solid waste found at a site. • All notification, assessment. and cleanup requirements pertaining to the release of wastes or other chemicals of concern, as required under federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including 30 TAC Chapter 330, TCEQ's MSW Rules, and 30 TAC Chapter 350, TCEQ's Risk Reduction Rules, must be complied with as part of any activities funded under this Agreement. • All materials cleanup up using funds provided under this Agreement must be properly disposed of or otherwise properly managed in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. To the extent feasible, it is recommended that the materials removed from a site be reused or recycled. Source Reduction and Recycling • Any program or project funded under this Agreement with the intent of demonstrating the use of products made from recycled and/or reused materials shall have as its primary purpose the education and training of residents. governmental officials. private entities. and others to encourage a market for using these materials. Local Solid Waste Management Plans • All local solid waste management plans funded under this Agreement must be consistent with H·GAC's regional solid waste management plan, and prepared in accordance with Subchapter 0 of the TCEQ's Municipal Solid Waste regulations (30 TAC Chapter 330) and the Content and Format Guidelines provided by the TCEQ. • At least one year should be allowed for the completion and adoption of the local plan. Citizens' Collection Stations. "Small" Registered Transfer Stations. and Community Collection Events • The design and construction of citizens' collection stations, as those facilities are defined under 30 TAC Chapter 330, TCEQ Rules may be funded. The costs associated with operating a citizens' collection station once it is completed may not be funded. • The design and construction of a small municipal solid waste and liquid waste transfer stations that qualify for registration under §330.4(d) or §330.4(r). TCEQ Rules, may be funded. Other permitted or registered transfer stations may not be funded. A municipal solid waste facility may be eligible for a registration if it serves a municipality with a population of less than 50,000 or a county with a population of less than 85,000, or is used in the transfer of 125 tons or less of municipal solid waste per day. A liquid waste transfer station may quality for a registration if it will receive less than 32,000 gallons or less per day. The costs associated with operating a transfer station once it is completed may not be funded. • Periodic community collection events. to provide for collection and proper disposal of non-recyclable residential waste materials for which there is not a readily-available collection alternative, may be funded. This type of project may not include regular solid waste collection activities, such as weekly waste collection. Funded collection events may be held no more frequently than four times per year. and must only be intended to provide residents an opportunity to dispose of hard-to-collect materials. such as large and bulky items that are not picked up under the regular collection system, and might otherwise be illegally dumped by residents. Special Contract Provisions Page 11 of18 Household Hazardous Waste Management • All household hazardous waste collection, recycling, andlor disposal activities must be coordinated with the TCEQ's HHW program staff, and all applicable laws, regulations, guidelines, and reporting requirements must be followed. • All Texas Country Cleanup events must be coordinated with the TCEQ's Texas Country Cleanup program staff, and all applicable laws, regulations, guidelines, and reporting requirements must be followed. Technical Studies • All technical studies funded under this Agreement must be consistent with H-GAC's regional solid waste management plan, and prepared in accordance with Guidelines provided by the TCEQ. Educational and Training Projects • Educational and training programs and projects funded under this Agreement must be primarily related to the management of municipal solid waste, and funds applied to a broader education program may only be used for those portions of the program pertaining to municipal solid waste. ARTICLE II TITLE TO AND MANAGEMENT OF REAL PROPERTY AND EOUIPMENT Subject to the obligations and conditions set forth in this Agreement, title to real property and equipment (together hereafter referred to in this Article as "property") acquired under this Agreement will vest, upon acquisition or construction, throughout the term of this Agreement, in the name of the CONTRACTOR. I. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement and as otherwise provided by state statutes, property acquired or replaced under this Agreement or a pass-through grant contract shall be used for the duration of its normally expected useful life to support the purposes of this Agreement whether or not the original projects or programs continue to be supported by state funds. 2. The CONTRACTOR shall not grant or allow to a third party a security interest in any original or replacement property purchased or constructed with funds made available to the CONTRACTOR under this Agreement. 3. The use of property acquired under this Agreement, both during the term of this Agreement and for the useful life of the property or until compensation is provided to H-GACfTCEQ for the applicable percentage share of the fair market value of the property, shall be in compliance with §361.014(b) of the TEXAS HEALTH & SAFETY CODE ANN., which directs that a project or service funded under this program must promote cooperation between public and private entities and may not be otherwise readily available or create a competitive advantage over a private industry that provides recycling or solid waste services. 4. The CONTRACTOR may develop and use their own property management systems, which must conform with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations. If an adequate system for accounting for property owned by the CONTRACTOR is not in place or is not used properly, the Property Accounting System Manual issued by the State Comptroller of Public Accounts will be used as a guide for establishing such a system. The property management system used by the CONTRACTOR must meet the requirements set forth in this Section. • Property records must be maintained that include a description of the property, a serial number or other identification number, the source of the property, who holds title, the acquisition date, and the cost of the property, percentage of state participation in the cost of the property, the location, use and condition of the property, and any ultimate disposition data including the date of disposal and sale price of the property. Special Contract Provisions Page 120fl8 • A physical inventory of all equipment acquired or replaced under this Agreement shall be conducted no less frequently than once every two years and the results of such inventories reconciled with the appropriate property records. Property control procedures utilized by the CONTRACTOR shall include adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage, or theft of the acquired property. Any loss, damage, or theft shall be investigated. The CONTRACTOR shall develop and carry out a program of property maintenance as necessary to keep both originally acquired and any replaced property in good condition. and to utilize proper sales procedures to ensure the highest possible return, in the event such property is sold. • Certain types of equipment are classified as "controlled assets" and are subject to annual revision. In accordance with the UGMS, the CONTRACTOR should contact the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts' property accounting staff or review the Comptroller's state Property Accounting User Manual available on the Internet, for the most current listing. Firearms shall be maintained on the CONTRACTOR's inventory system irrespective of cost, and the following equipment with costs between $500 and $1,000 shall be maintained on the inventory system: (I) stereo systems, (2) still and video cameras, (3) facsimile machines, (4) VCRs and VCRffV combinations and (5) cellular and portable telephones. 5. The CONTRACTOR, respectively, may for the purpose of replacing property acquired under this Agreement, either trade in or sell the property and use the proceeds of such trade-in or sale to offset the cost of acquiring needed replacement property. 6. The CONTRACTOR agrees that if a determination is made that any property acquired with funds provided under this Agreement with a current per-unit fair market value of $1 ,000 or more is no longer needed for the originally authorized purpose, H-GACffCEQ has the right to require disposition of the property by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with the provisions of this Article. 7. When, during the useful life of property acquired with grant funds under this Agreement by the CONTRACTOR and with a current per-unit fair market value of $1,000 or more, the property is no longer needed for the originally authorized purpose, the CONTRACTOR agrees to request disposition instructions from H-GACffCEQ. The CONTRACTOR shall request authorization from H-GACffCEQ to provide disposition instructions to the pass-through grant recipient. Disposition instructions shall solicit. at a minimum, information on the source and amount of funds used in acquiring the property, the date acquired, the fair market value and how the value was determined (e.g., by appraisal, bids, etc.), and the proposed use of the proceeds. The assessment of whether to authorize the proposed disposition of the property must include a determination that the disposition plan will comply with the private industry provisions of §361.014(b) of the TEXAS HEALTH & SAFETY CODE ANN. In cases where the CONTRACTOR fails to take appropriate disposition actions, H-GACrrCEQ may direct the CONTRACTOR to take excess and disposition actions. The disposition instructions may provide for one of the alternatives as set forth in this Section. • Retain title, sell, or otherwise disposed of with no obligation to compensate H-GACrrCEQ. • Retain title after compensating H-GACffCEQ. The amount due will be computed by applying the percentage of state-funded participation in the cost of the original purchase to the fair market value of the property. • Sell the property and compensate H-GACffCEQ. The amount due will be calculated by applying H-GACrrCEQ's percentage of participation in the cost of the original purchase to the proceeds of the sale after deduction of any actual and reasonable selling and fixing-up expenses. If the grant is still active. the net proceeds CONTRACTOR competition Special Contract Provisions from sale may be offset against the original cost of the property_ When the is directed to sell property, sales procedures shall be followed that provide for to the extent practicable and result in the highest possible return. Page 13 of18 • 9. Transfer title to H-GACffCEQ, or to a third-party designated/approved by H-GACrrCEQ. If the CONTRACTOR participated financially in the original purchase of the property, the CONTRACTOR may be authorized payment from the receiving party of an amount calculated by applying the percentage of the participation in the original purchase of the property to the current fair market value of the property. Items of property with a current per-unit fair market value ofless than $1,000 may be retained, sold or otherwise disposed of by the CONTRACTOR with no further obligation to H-GACffCEQ. Methods used to determine per-unit fair market value must be documented, kept on file and made available to H-GACrrCEQ upon request. 10. Real property must be maintained on an Inventory and is subject to the requirements of UGMS, Part III, Subpart C,_.31. Subject to the obligations and conditions set forth in this Agreement, title to real property acquired under this Agreement by the CONTRACTOR will vest upon acquisition or construction in the CONTRACTOR respectively. ARTICLE 12 INSURANCE H-GAC understands that CONTRACTOR is governed by the Texas Tort Claims Act, Chapter IOI.OOl ~., Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code Ann., as amended, which sets forth certain limitations and restrictions on the types of liability and the types of insurance coverage that can be required of CONTRACTOR. H-GAC further understands that CONTRACTOR in effect has either adequate coverage to meet claims under the Act or is self-insured for all claims falling within the Texas Tort Claims Act. H-GAC further understands that CONTRACTOR is self-insured for workers compensation insurance as provided by Chapter 504, Texas Labor Code Ann., as amended. ARTICLE 13 mSTORICALL Y UNDER UTILIZED BUSINESSES (HUBS) The CONTRACTOR agrees that qualified Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs) shall have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the performance of this Agreement. ARTICLE 14 ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS The CONTRACTOR shall follow standards and policies on energy efficiency which are contained in the Texas State Energy Conservation Plan. ARTICLE 15 LAWS AND REGULATIONS The CONTRACTOR shall give all notices and comply with all Laws and Regulations applicable to furnishing and performance of the work. Except where otherwise expressly required by applicable Laws and Regulations, H-GAC shall not be responsible for monitoring Agreement's compliance with any Laws or Regulations. If the CONTRACTOR performs any work knowing or having reason to know that it is contrary to Laws or Regulations, the CONTRACTOR shall bear all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by, arising out of or resulting therefrom. ARTICLE 16 UNIFORM GRANT AND CONTRACT MANAGEMENT ACT The provisions of Uniform Grant and Contract Management Act, TEXAS GOVERNMENTCODE, Chapter 783 applies to this Agreement. all amendments thereto, and all subcontracts and subagreements. Compliance with the conditions Special Contract Provisions Page 14 of 18 and requirements contained therein is necessary for the satisfactory performance of the services and work required under this Agreement. ARTICLE 17 DATA AND PUBLICITY All data and other information developed under this Agreement shall be furnished to H-GAC and shall be public data and information except to the extent that it is exempted from public access by the Texas Public Infonnation Act, TEX. GoV'T CODEChapter 552 ("Act"). Upon termination of this Agreement, all copies of data and information shall be furnished, at no charge to H-GAC and TCEQ, upon request, to include data bases prepared using funds provided under this Agreement, and become the property ofH-GAC and TCEQ. Except as otherwise provided by the Agreement or the Act, the CONTRACTOR shall not provide data generated or otherwise obtained in the performance of its responsibilities under this Agreement to any party other than the State of Texas and its authorized agents. ARTICLE 18 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT The CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge the financial support of H-GAC and the TCEQ and the State of Texas whenever work funded, in whole or part, by this Agreement is publicized or reported in news media or publications. All reports aod other documents completed as a part of this Agreement, other than documents prepared exclusively for intemal use within the CONTRACTOR, shaH carry the foHowing notation on the front cover or title page. PREPARED IN COOPERATION WITH THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUAUTY. AREA COUNCIL AND TEXAS The preparation o/this report was financed through grants/rom the State o/Texas through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Houston-Galveston Area Council. ARTICLE 19 DESIGN REVIEW The CONTRACTOR shaH comply with and incorporate into the applicable design and related data all H-GAC review comments and subsequent design instructions. Compliance will be assumed, unless H-GAC is advised in writing over the signature of the CONTRACTOR to the contrary, giving detailed and complete justification for such proposed exception. . ARTICLE 20 PERMITS AND APPROVALS The CONTRACTOR shall obtain applicable drawing and specification approvals and permits from government authorities and governing bodies as may be required for the design of the Project. AH changes that may be required, to the drawings, specifications, or both of these that are necessary to obtain these approvals, are within the scope of services of the Agreement. Unless otherwise provided in the Agreement, the CONTRACTOR shaH obtain and pay for aH construction permits and licenses. The CONTRACTOR shaH pay all charges of utility owners for connections to the work, and the CONTRACTOR shall pay all charges of such utility owners for capital costs related thereto such as plant investment fees. Special Contract Provisions Page 15 of 18 ARTICLE 21 REOUIREMENT OF REGISTRATION OF DESIGNERS The design of architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, civil, or other engineering features of the work shall be accomplished or reviewed and approved by architects or engineers registered to practice in the particular profession field involved in the State of Texas. ARTICLE 22 MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL AND TRANSPORTATION REVENUE FEE It is the understanding of the parties that the source of the funds provided by H-GAC and TCEQ is the Municipal Solid Waste Disposal and Transportation Revenue Fee (MSWDTRF). Due to demands upon that source for funds necessary to protect the health and safety of the public, it is possible that the funds contained in the MSWDTRF will be depleted prior to completion of this Agreement. The parties agree that all funding arranged under this Agreement is subject to sufficient funds in the MSWDTRF. ARTICLE 23 SAFETY AND PROTECTION Where applicable, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for requiring subcontractors and subgrantees to maintain and supervise all necessary safety precautions and programs in connection with the work. The CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary safety precautions. ARTICLE 24 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, WASTE DISPOSAL AND MANIFESTS The CONTRACTOR, subcontractors and subgrantees must comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations, including but not limited. to those relating to hazardous substances. waste disposal and manifests. ARTICLE 25 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY REOUIREMENTS Intellectual Property requirements as set forth in this Section. 1. Royalties and Patent Fees. CONTRACTOR shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the use or possession in the performance of the work or the incorporation in the work of any Intellectual Property. 2. Disclosure of Intellectual Property Produced during the work. CONTRACTOR shall promptly notify H-GAC of all Intellectual Property which CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR's employees, subcontractors, or subcontractor's employees may produce, either solely or jointly with others, during the course of the work. In addition, CONTRACTOR shall promptly notify H-GAC of all Intellectual Property to which CONTRACTOR may acquire rights in connection with the performance of the work. Any notification under this paragraph shall contain sufficient technical detail to convey a clear understanding of the Intellectual Property, and shall identify any publication, sale, public use, or impending publication. Promptly upon request, CONTRACTOR shall supply such additional information as H-GAC may request. 3. Grant of License. With respect to such Intellectual Property as is (i) incorporated in the work (other than Intellectual Property for which H-GACffCEQ already possesses equal or greater Intellectual Property Rights by virtue of this Agreement or otherwise), (ii) produced by CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR's employees, subcontractors, or subcontractor's employees during the course of performing the work, or (iii) specifically identified in the Supplemental Conditions as Intellectual Property to which Intellectual Property Rights are granted pursuant to this paragraph, CONTRACTOR hereby grants to H-GAC and TCEQ (i) a nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable. enterprise-wide license to reproduce. publish, or otherwise use such Intellectual Property and associated use documentation, and (ii) a nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable. enterprise-wide license to Special Contract Provisions Page 16 of 18 authorize others to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use such Intellectual Property for H-GAC and TCEQ's purposes. 4. Modification; Derivative Works. H-GAC and/or TCEQ shall have the right, in its own discretion, to independently modify any Intellectual Property to which license is granted herein H-GAC and/or TCEQ's own purposes and use, through the services of its own employees or independent contractors. H-GAC and/or TCEQ shall own all Intellectual Property Rights to such modifications. CONTRACTOR shall not incorporate any such modifications into its Intellectual Property for distribution to third parties unless it first obtains a license from H-GAC and/or TCEQ. 5. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all Laws and Regulations relating to Intellectual Property. CONTRACTOR represents and warrants to H-GAC that CONTRACTOR will not infringe any Intellectual Property Right of any third party. CONTRACTOR further represents and warrants to H-GAC that in the course of performing the work it will not use or possess any Intellectual Property owned by a third party without paying any required royalty or patent fees. CONTRACTOR warrants that it has full title in and ownership of the Intellectual Property and any enhancements, updates or other modifications, or that it has full power and authority to grant all licenses granted herein, and that such license use by H-GAC will in no way constitute an infringement or other violation of any Intellectual Property right of any third party. The CONTRACTOR warrants that it shall have, throughout any applicable license term hereunder, free and clear title to, or the right to possess, use sell, transfer, assign, license, or sublicense, products that are licensed or provided hereunder to H-GAC by CONTRACTOR. Except as permitted in the Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall not create or permit the creation of any lien, encumbrance. or security interest in the work or any part thereof, or any product licensed or provided hereunder to H-GAC for which title has not yet passed to H-GAC, without the prior written consent of H-GAC. CONTRACTOR represents and warrants to H-GAC that neither it nor any other company or individual performing the work is under any obligation to assign or give to any third party any Intellectual Property rights granted or assigned to H-GAC, or reserved by H-GAC, pursuant to the Agreement. 6. CONTRACTOR expressly acknowledges that state funds may not be expended in connection with the purchase of an automated information system unless that system meets certain statutory requirements under section 2157.005 of the Goverrunent Code, relating to accessibility by persons with visual impairments. Accordingly, the CONTRACTOR represents and warrants to H-GAC that the technology provided to H-GAC for purchase is capable, either by virtue of features included within the technology or because it is readily adaptable by use with other technology, of (1) providing equivalent access for effective use by both visual and nonvisual means; (2) presenting information. including prompts used for interactive conununications. in formats intended for nonvisual use; and (3) being integrated into networks for obtaining. retrieving. and disseminating infonnation used by individuals who are not blind or visually impaired. For purposes of this paragraph, the phrase "equivalent access" means a substantially similar ability to communicate with or make use of the technology, either directly by features incorporated within the technology or by other reasonable means such as assistive devices or services which would constitute reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or similar state or federal laws. Examples of methods by which equivalent access may be provided include, but are not limited to, keyboard alternatives to mouse commands and other means of navigating graphical displays, and customizable display appearance. 8. The CONTRACTOR shall include provisions adequate to effectuate the purposes of this paragraph in all subcontracts and sub grants under this Agreement in the course of which Intellectual Property may be produced or acquired. 4 ARTICLE 26 ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS The CONTRACTOR shall have an accounting system which accounts for costs in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards or principles and complies with applicable State law, regulations. and policies relating to accounting standards or principles. The CONTRACTOR must account for costs in a manner consistent with such standards or principles. Special Contracl Provisions Page 170fl8 ARTICLE 27 SURVIVAL OF OBLIGATIONS All representations. indemnifications, warranties and guarantees made in. required by or given in accordance with the Agreement, as well as all continuing obligations indicated in the Agreement, will survive final payment, completion and acceptance of the work and termination or completion of the Agreement. ARTICLE 28 CONTRACTUAL COSTS CONTRACTOR's contractual costs must comply with allowable cost requirements. CONTRACTORS which are governmental entities must engage in contractor selection on a competitive basis in accordance with their established policies. If CONTRACTOR has no competitive procurement policy or is a private entity, CONTRACTOR must generally select contractors by evaluation and comparison of price. quality of goods or services and past performance. All subgrants awarded by the CONTRACTOR under this Agreement shall be in accordance with Subpart C, Sec._.37, Subsection (b) of the State Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements as set forth in Part III of the Uniform Grant Management Standards adopted by the Governor's Office of Budget and Planning. ARTICLE 29 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES A. H-GAC hereby designates the person in Exhibit I, Project Representative, as the individual authorized to give direction to the CONTRACTOR for the purposes of this Agreement. The H-GAC Project Representative shall not be deemed to have authority to bind H-GAC in Agreement unless the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of H-GAC has delegated such authority. B. Immediately upon receiving the Purchase Order or Notice of Award, the CONTRACTOR shall identify, as its Project Representative. the person authorized to receive direction from H-GAC, to manage the work being performed, and to act on behalf on the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR Project Representative shall be deemed to have authority to bind the CONTRACTOR in Agreement unless the CONTRACTOR, in writing, specifically limits or denies such authority to the CONTRACTOR Project Representative. C. Either party may change its Project Representative. In addition, the Project Representative of either party may further delegate his or her authority as necessary, including any delegation of authority to a new Project Representative. The party making the change in Project Representative shall provide written notice of the ,change to the other party. D. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that its Project Representative, or his or her delegate, is available at all times for consultation with H-GAC. Exhibit I H-GAC hereby designates the individual narned below as the person authorized to receive direction from the TCEQ, to manage the work being performed, and to act on behalf of H-GAC as a Project Representative: Cheryl Mergo, Solid Waste Program Manager Community and Environmental Planning Houston-Gal vestan Area Council P.O. Box 22777 Houston, Texas 77227-2777 TEL (713) 993-4520; Email Special Contract Provisions FAX (713) 993-4503 Page 18 of 18 ATTACHMENT A Fort Bend County Project Description: The County will use funds to expand the existing local enforcement program by funding salary for a new peace officer and purchasing new equipment. Task I: Attend Mandatory Grants Administration Workshop Activity and/or Deliverable - A Mandatory Grants Administration Workshop will be hosted by H-GAC on September 9,2004 for all FY05 Solid Waste Implementation Grant program and financial staff. Both program and financial representatives are required to attend. Schedule of Activity and/or Deliverable (in weeks or months) - I week. Task II: Hire Investigators Activity and/or Deliverable - Post position, accept applications, interview candidates, and select successful candidate. Job description will be forwarded to H-GAC for review. Schedule of Activity and/or Deliverable (in weeks or months) - 2-3 months. Task III: Select and purchase appropriate equipment Activity and/or Deliverable - Equipment will be reviewed that meet the specifications and needs of the Program. Fort Bend County staff will review equipment that meets the requirements and budget limitations. Fort Bend County Staff will purchase the equipment following established bid procedures. Truck purchases shall be made through the H-GAC Cooperative Purchasing Program. Schedule of Activity and/or Deliverable (in weeks or months) - 3-4 months. Task IV: Place the equipment into use Activity and/or Deliverable - Appropriate training will be obtained and the equipment will be put into use. Equipment will be used to enhance and expand the Fort Bend County Environmental Enforcement program. Schedule of Activity and/or Deliverable (in weeks or months) - On-going upon delivery. Task V: Equipment Inventory Activity and/or Deliverable - Upon purchase of equipment, an equipment inventory form will be submitted to H-GAC with corresponding financial report. Equipment will also be added to grantee entity's real property inventory in accordance with all federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations. Schedule of Activity and/or Deliverable (in weeks or months) - As needed. Special Contract Provisions Task VI: Enter illegal dumping data into H-GAC Environmental Enforcement Database and Application (EEDA) Activity and/or Deliverable - The environmental officer will enter illegal dumping data into the EEDA. Schedule of Activity and/or Deliverable (in weeks or months) - On-going Task VII: Summary and Results Reporting Activity and/or Deliverable - Summary and Results Reports will be submitted to H-GAC. H-GAC will provide the appropriate reporting forms. Forms must be submitted even if there is no activity to report. One year follow-up report will be submitted. • Due dates for written Summary and Results Reports December 10,2004 (reports for September. November) March 10,2005 (December. February) June 10,2005 (March - May) August 10,2005 (June· July) Schedule of Activity and/or Deliverable (in weeks or months) - As scheduled above. Task VIII: Financial Reporting Activity and/or Deliverable - Financial reporting with appropriate documentation will be submitted monthly to H-GAC for reimbursement. H-GAC will provide the appropriate financial forms. Forms must be submitted even if no reimbursement is requested. Schedule of Activity and/or Deliverable (in weeks or months) - Monthly. Final reimbursement request is due 30 days after grant termination. Special Contract Provisions ATTACHMENTB CONTRACT BUDGET Fort Bend Local Enforcement GRANT BUDGET SUMMARY ,.'i\l:'~ . '>. ' ..,.'+ .. i.. 'i' .. ...... m ~ -_.- - .:...'- -~~ --_. .... ._-_.~-"-'-~~, .,,~ Truck mounted radio Portable handheld radio Enforcement Solid Waste Enforceme atar vehicle . _. "'. '. .. , '>/, ""''c :.',Granil 38%1 0%1 $3,030 $0,00 $0,00 ,$0,00 $0,00 FT/Perm 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% $33,335,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 ~.,.,.,..,...,- .~~"""" ~-.,.-~ -",_. . ,·,·'."'.v" $33,335,00 $12,701.00 $0,00 $0,00 $32,976,00 $0,00 $0,00 $1,645,00 $0,00 $80,657,00 I. Personnel (Salarv) 2, Fringe Benefits 3, Travel 4, Supplies (unit cost of less than $1,000) 5, Eouipment (unit cost of $1000 or more) 6, Construction 7, Contractual (other than for construction) 8, Other 9, Indirect charges TOTAL 110, Fringe Benefit Rate:! II L Indirect Cost Rate: I Peace OfficerJInvesti ,... " ..Budge~~ategories<'~"., .'.j'. ,:\;f~,,''.: , -7~ -~ Motorola XTL-5000 Motorola XTS·5000 Ford 3/4 ton 4x4 pickup ~;":7-- ,,~, $3,670.70 $3,796.75 $25,508.25 $0.00 $0,00 .-~ ~ . _. .Jr..:::, .~ 1 1 I o o _,-v ._~ "iWL~l ~ZiJ . '11I]'! $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $3,670,70 $3,796,75 $25,508,25 $0,00 $0.00 r. ""c<.: .. ' . Tvue ofcConstmctioBl!'. '··SlIb-C'ontriiCledl(¥1N)' lConstmctiomli'iJDifed' $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 .~~ . . *~mactJlWlclQ!t~ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 OffieelNextel $0.00 $695.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 hone Vehicle Markin s Di 'tal still camera Son Maviea CD- $550.00 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $550.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 The Houston-Galveston Area Council In Cooperation with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality FY 05 SOLID WASTE GRANT .U>PLICA nON FORM PI"""e type or legibly print the application. Typing is preferred. Use no smaUer than a Io-point font. I Auulicant Information I Applicant/Receiving Party . FORT BEND COUNTY Authorized Project Representative James R. Bakerl Troy SC2Ico StreetlPO Box 4520 Readi02 Rd. Suite A Zip Code City State 77471 TeXJlS Roseobel'll. Authorized Financial Representative Ed Sturdivant StreetlPO Box 309 S. 4'" St.. Suite 533 Zip Code City State Richmond. TeXJlS77469 Telephone Number 281-342-7469 Project Representative's Direct Telephone ! I I 281-633-7579/281-238-3532 Fax Number 281-633-7577/281-342-5572 Email Address bakeriamlalco.fort-beod.tLus Authorized Financial Representative's 281-341-3760 Fax Number 281-341-3774 Email Address Direct T e!ephone i I Other Participating Entities GrantlProieet Information xx LocaJ Enforcement _Source Reduction and Recycling _Citizens' Collection Stations, "Smalf' Registered Transfer Stations and Community Collection Events _Local Solid Waste Management Plans I Proposed Fundlng: I Grant Request: I Applicant's Share: i Tota! Proiect Amount: I For _Household _Litter and Events _Technical 1QlEducatioo _Other Hazardous Waste Management illegal Dumping Cleanup Studies and Training Estimated Project Timeframe: $93,623.80 S27,783.77 $121,407.57 September 2004- July 2005 and beyond H-GAC use only H_GAr FY ?OO" <::-olinW~dp rTf"~nt Annlir_::ltinn P~ap 1 nfl1 I I Si By the following sign3!J!re. the Applicant certifies that it bas reviewed the certifications. assurances and deliverables included in this application. ertificatio are true and correct that assurnnces have been reviewed and understood, and that all deliv I are incl this .on submittal. Signature: Title: Fort Bend County Iud e Date Signed: 5-4-04 Certification. In order to receive grant funds under this program. the proposed project must conform to the provisions set forth in the Request for Applications (RFA). The following certifications are intended to help H-GAC ensure that these provisions are met. By signing this Application, the person acting on behalf of the Applicant makes the certifications listed below. 1. Authority to Sign Application The person signing this Application hereby certifies that helshe is the official contact regarding this Application and bas authority from the Applicant to sign the Application and that such authority will bind the Applicant in subsequent agreements. 2. Application Contain. No False Statements Applicant certifies that this Application bas no false statements and that the Applicant understands that signing this Application with a false statemellt is a material breach of contract and shall void the submitted Application and any resulting contracts. The Applicant understauds that H-GAC will not accept any amendment, revision, addition or alteration to this Application after the final date and time fur submission. 3. Governmental Status Applicant certifies that it is located in the State of Texas and fits Within one of the governmental classifications listed below. as determined under state law: a. City b. County c. Public school district (not including Universities or post secondary educational institmions) d. Other general and special law district with the antbority and responsihility for water quality protection or municipal solid waste management, including river anthority e. Council of Government 4. Confonnancetu Standards The Applicant certifies to the best of their knowledge and ability that the proposed project, including all activities in the application, conforms to the eligible category standards and allowable expense and funding standards as set forth in the Request for Applications. 5. Solid Waste Fee Payments Applicant certifies that it is not de\inqnent in payment of solid waste disposal fees owed the State of Texas. 6. Consideration of Private Industry The fullowing certification only applies if the project is under one of the following grant categories: a. Source Reduction and Recycling b. Citizens' Collection Stations, "Small" Registered Transfer Stations and Community Collection Events c. A demonstration project under the Educational and Training Projects category Applicant certifies that it has notified private service pro,iders in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Request for Applications and the insttuctions provided with this application form. Applicant further certifies to the best of their knowledge and ability that the proposed project will promote cooperntion between public and private entities, is not otherwise readily available, and will not create a competitive advantage over a private industry that provides recycling or solid waste services. H-GAC FY 2005 Solid Waste Grant Application Page 2 of 14 7. Consistency with Regional Solid Waste Management Plan Amendment Applicant certifies to the best of their knowledge and ability that the proposed project is consistent with applicable goals, objectives. and recommendations of the adopted regional solid waste management plan amendment ofHGAC. 8. Tecbnical Feasibility Applicant certifies that is has carefully reviewed its Application and that to the best of their knowledge and ability all activities are technically feasible and can be satisfactorily completed within the grant period as set forth in the Request for Applications. 9. Costs Reasonable and Necessary Applicant certifies to the best of their knowledge and ability that the proposed project activities in the Application and the expenses outline in the Budget are reasonable and necessary to accomplish the project objectives, and that the proposed expenses are consistent with the coSls of comparable goods and services. 10. Certification by Law Enforeement Programs If the Applicant is a law enforcement entity regulated by Chapter 415 of the Government Code, the Applicant certifies that it is in compliance with all rules developed by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (TCLEOSE) pursuant to Chapter 415. Government Code; or that it is in the process of achieving compliance with such rules. If compliance is pending, a certification from reLEOSE must be attached to indicate that the Applicant is in the process of achieving compliance with the rules. H_CTAr FV ?(){).c; "olin W~dp rTl"~nt Annlir:~tinn p~op 1 of 11 Assurances If the application is approved for funding, the grant funds will be awarded through a contract between the Applicant and H-GAC. The grant contract will contain a number of standards, requirements, and processes that must be complied with as a condition of receiving the grant funds. In order to ensure an understanding by the Applicant of some of the main conditions that will be included in the contract, the Applicant is asked to review the following assurances. By signing this Application, the person acting on behalf of the Applicant indicates their understanding of these conditions and provides assurances that these and other conditions set forth in the grant contract will be adhered to if funding is awarded. I. Compliance with Standard Pertaining to Real Property and Eqnipment Applicant provides assurances that, if funded, the Applicant will comply with the contract provisions pertaining to title to and management of real property and equipment. The contract will comain obligations and conditions regarding the use of the equipment andlor flu:ilities (the "propertY") acquired under the agreement. Included in the provisions are obligations to provide adequate maintenance and conduct physical property inventories; restrictions and conditions on the use, replacement, sale, or transfer of the property; and obligations to continue to adhere to the provisions that grant funds not be used to create a competitive advantage over private industry, in the use or transfer of the property. 2. Participation in H-GAC I TCEQ Surveys and Reporting Applicant provides assurances that, if funded, the Applicant will respond to surveys andlor other requests from HGAC or the TCEQ for infonnation on municipal solid waste management activities. 3. Compliance with Progress and Results Reporting Requirements Applicant provides assurances that, if funded, the Applicant will comply with requirements for: reporting on the progress of the project tasks and deliverable.; docwnenting the results of the project and providing those results to HGAC on a schedule established by H-GAC, and additionally, to continue to document the results of the project activities for the life of the project; and to provide H-GAC with a follow-up results repon approximately two years after the end of the grant term. 4. Financial Management Applicant provides assurances that, if funded, the Applicant will comply with contract provisions and requirements necessary to ensure that expenses are reasonable and necessary, and to adhere to financial administration and reimbursement procedures and provide financial repons on a schedule established by H-GAC. 5. Compliance with Americans with Disahilities Act Applicant provides assurances that, if funded, the Applicant will comply with all the applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabi1ities Act of 1990,42 U.S.C. §§ 12101-12213 (Pamph.1995). 6. Compliance with the Single Audit Act Applicant provides assurances that, if funded, the Applicant will comply with the Single Audit Act as defined by the Unifonn Grant Management Standards (UGMS), January 1998. 7. Compliance with Program and Fiscal Monitoring Applicant provides assurances that, if funded, the Applicant will comply with program and fiscal monitoring provisions of the contract, including: providing additional repons or infonnation as may be requested to adequately track the progress of the project; and allowing site visits to evaluate the progress of the project and to view any grantfunded equipment or filcility. Project Merits and Need. PLEASE LlMlT YOUR PROJECT MERIT NARRATJVE TV 2 PAGES. Exceeding page limitation may result in a lower score on this section. Project Title: Fort Bend County Environmental Enforcement Unit Program Enhancement Program Objective and Summary: • • Objective: To increase the current strength of this program from 2 full-time Investigarors to 3. This will increase enforcement, prosecution and eduClUion of the State's environmental laws. Summary: This project is focused on addressing the increased problem of commercial illegal dumping, unregistered salvage yards, junkyards and other related solid waste issues. The continued popu1ation growth in Fort Bend County reflects a paralleled increase in illegal dumping of municipal solid waste. Additionally, Fort Bend County has seen an increase in salvage and junkyards and an ongoing problem with illegal tire dumping. Currently, Fort Bend County does not have a local ordinance concerning salvage and junkyards. In order to address issues of these yards becoming dumping grounds for solid waste and to control these violations, the unit enforces statutes in the Transportation Code., Health & Safety Code and the Water Code. The statistics for this unit are highlighted below and will show rhe need for an additional Investigator to combat this problem. Project Service Area: Indicate the area/geography (city, county, or other jurisdictions) covered by the project. Please attach map if applicable: This project services primarily the unincorpontted areas of Fort Bend County. Additionally, through inter-local agreements. this program serves smaller incorporated cities, such as the Cities of Kendleton, Beasley, Orchatd, Thompsons, Fulshear, Simonton, Fairchilds and the Village ofPleak, within Fort Bend County. Severity of Problem: The following points highlight the population growth and the paralleling severity of illegal dumping of municipal solid waste in Fort Bend County: The population of Fort Bend County in 1990 was 225,421'. The population of Fort Bend County in 2000 was 354,452'. This is an estimated growth ntte of57.2%', The 2001 estimaJ:ed population is 381,200, an increase of7.5% from 2000'. The 2003 estimlUed population as ofJuly 1",2003 is 419,772'. Using an average growtlrntte of 6% per year, a population estimate for 2005 is 471,453. As Fort Bend County continues to grow in population, the illegal dumping of municipal solid parallels the growth. lE> Fort Bend County is the 22'" (Out of 100) fastest growing county in the United States and the 3'" fastest in the State ofTexas, an 18.4% growth in population from 2000 to 2003'. lE> lE> lE> lE> lE> lE> lE> lE> The 2002 Environmental Enforcement Unit statistics show": o o o 160 illegal dumping complaints investigated and 82 violators identified. . II charges files resulting in 10 convictions and $3930.00 in fines. An estimated total 0019,528 pounds of solid waste was removed due to enforcement. lE> The 2003 Environmental Enforcement Unit statistics show": • • • 417 illegal dumping complaints investigated and 221 violators identified. 60 chatges filed resulting in 49 convictions and $12,847.00 in fines. An estimated total of 1,202,987,526 pounds of solid waste was removed due to enforcement. P~af"';;ofl1 As we focus more on eniorcement, both proactive and reactive, our caseload will continue to increase. The Unit's caseload has more than doubled, from an average of 15.16 cases per month in 1997 to 32.75 cases per month in 2003. The 2003 caseload traoslates to 16.3 cases per Investigator per month. It is anticipated tbat this caseload will dramatically increase with implementation and use of remote surveillance systems in the latter pan of this year . • Statistics <krived from the Us. Census Bureau . •• Stal/stlcs derived from FBCECU data. Feasibility of Project: The current and future caseload of this Unit, along with funding through a solid waste grant, makes an additional investigator feasib Ie. The program will be sustained beyond gram funding in future years. Public Information: The addition of an Investigator to this Unit will supplement an ongoing process to educate the public on environmental issues and enforcement of environmental laws. Regional versus Local Impact: The ultimate goal of this Unit is to educate the public about crimes against the environment and as a result, this education will impact the area locally. Additionally, this education can extend beyond this local region to surrounding regions in this area For example, our past involvement in the Earth Day Celebration at Brazos Bend State Park has revealed that many citizens from outside of Fort Bend County attend this funetiolL Upon visiting our booth, these citizens inquire about what they can do to prevent illegal dumping in their county or city. Project Status: This project will supplement or enhance an existing project. As mentioned above, this additional position will benefit Fort Bend County citizens and government. The existing program has received funding from HGAC in the past and intends to maintain a working relationship with HGAC in the future. H_(;Ar J=l'V?()()'\ S.olirl W~dp rT1""~nt AnnliC';\flnn P20P n of 11. Loeal Resources llIId Commitment. PLEASE LIMIT YOUR LOCAL RESOURCE NARRATIVE TO I PAGE. score on this section. Palle limitation does not 41lDlvto Attachments. Exceeding page limitation may result in a lower Project StaffOualification and Experience (Resumes may be in Attachmentsj: The minimum requirements for this position are as follows: High School Diploma or GED equivalent and a valid Texas driver's license. Intermediate or higher Peace Officer Certification through the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Education or a Basic Certification with four (4) years of investigative experience. Knowledge of the Texas Health and Safety Code, Texas Water Code and other environmentailaws are encouraged. These are minimum requirements and the person selected for the position may exceed the requirements. (See attached Fort Bend County job description) Intention to Sustain the Project: The Fort Bend County Commissioner's Court has decreed support for and intends to sustain this program. The county is committing ongoing administrative, supervisory and professional personnel and hours to this effort. Citizen's awareness and local support mandate the continuation of this program. Environmental Risk <Explain how the project will reduce risk to the environment): The risk to the environment by illegal dumping is serious. Every dumpsite identified brings newfound risks to the ground water and soil. Increased investigations of these crimes will be required to prevent an umecoverable sluntp. Matching Funds or In-kind Services <Explain in detail the application of any matching funds or in-kind services to be provided by the applicant, as directly related to the proposed project): As noted on page 12, Fort Bend County is continuing to fund this program beyond previous and future grant cycles. TIlls percentage includes indirect costs to operate this program such as vehicle maintenance and operation, additional supplies and other expenses. If this grant is funded, future costs will be assumed by Fort Bend County. The county additionally funds 100"10of salaries for two other full time investigators. Supporting Documentation (Please place copies of letters, resolutions, etc in Attachments)' The Fort Bend County Commissioner's Court has signed Inter-Local Agreements with the following cities and villages within Fort Bend County for environmental issues: Cities of Meadows Place, Thompsons, Orchard, Simonton, Beasley, Fulshear, Kendleton and the Villages ofPleak and Fairchilds. Attached is other supporting documentation for this program. H_(;AC' FY ?OO" ."nlirl W~Up. C'TT::tnt Annlir:::-tlnn 'P$lOf'! 7 nf 11 Project Cost Evaluatioa. PLEA.SE LIMIT YOUR PROJECT COST EVALUA110N NARRA11VE TO 2 PAGES. Exceeding page limitation may result in a lower score on this section. Some of the information ma not be Target Population to be served by Project: 471 665 (est. 2005 population) Please name ail participating communities that will be served or benefit from proposed project. This is a population estimated using a 6% growth rate from the estimated population of 419,772 as of July \", 2003. This target population includes all of Fort Bend County. Cost Per Impacted Capita: 0.198 Please erplain calculations. ¢ This cost is calculated by dividing the population by the total cost of the project for one year. Amount to he processed and volume displaced from landfil~ if applicable: Please explain calculations. _ NOT APPLICABLE Cost Per Ton Processed, if applicable: Please explain calculations. _ NOT APPLICABLE Otber Cost Savin .... if anolicahle: Landfill Costs Saved: -,Please erplain calculations. _ NOT APPLICABLE Clean-up Costs Saved: Please explain calculations. _ Through prosecution and remediation requiring the violator(s) to abate the locations they have dumped at may reduce the clean up cost. This would reduce the cost to the county and taxpayer for clean up. Cost Compared to Established Rates: Contact H-GAC staff/or assistance, ifneeded NOT APPLICABLE Salary/Operational Expenses: If approved, this grant will cover 100"10of the salary and most of the operational expenses for this position. Benefits Consistent and Reasonable to Cost: NOT APPLICABLE H_n-Af' FV ?OO-<iS,n!ir! (Tr::.nt Annli~::ltinn Pj:lap.Rnfl1 Evaluation of ConoisteDcy with Regional Solid W ute MllIIlIllement l'Ian Amendment lliIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETE IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED FOR GRANT FUNDING. Is proposed project consistent with H-GAC's regional plan amendment? In the space below, briefly describe how the proposed project will support the regional plan amendment (available at http://www.h-gac.comIHGAClPrograrnsiSolid+WastelWhats_New.htm#). Fort Bend County is in Sub Region 7 of the SWMP 2002-2020. As indicated on page 23, Fort Bend Counry is continuing is effort to enforce Texas environmental laws. Other objectives are noted on page 36. List of Other Entities Which Provide a Similar or Related Serviee lliIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETE IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED FOR GRANT FUNDING. This section a. b. c. is applicable only to the following grant categories: Source Reduction and Recycling Citizens' Collection Stations, "Small" Registered Transfer Stations and Community Collection Events A demonstration project under the Educational and Training Projects category According to state law, a project or service funded under this program must promote cooperation between public and private entities (by definition includes non-profit organizations), and may not be otherwise readily available or create a competitive advantage over a private industry (by definition includes non-profit organizations) that provides recycling or solid waste services. If lhe proposed project provides a service, in the space below, list all entities, private and public, in the affected geographic area known to provide a similar or related service. Please attach additional pages if needed. Private Service Providers NOT APPLICABLE Contacted Telenbone Number i Date Notified i Summarv I I: i : ! i I I I, I I I I County in wbicb your entity is located: _ County and Neigbboring Jurisdictions: Have vou contacled 1M county and su"oundin!! mrisdictions Contact Name Date of Coutact H_G-Ar F'V ?O()~ ~('\Ilrt W~c:tp rT1'"::lntAnnlir-:ttlon I see if Ihev /1rovide a similar service? Enti,.,; 10 P::lO"P. Q nf 11 GRANT BUDGET SUMMARY INSTRUCTIONS Minimum Grant Award S10,000. 'Exception: Events. There i. no minimum * for Community Clean-up Events and Litter and IDegal Dumping Clean-up Please provide the following brealaJown of the total amount of grant funding being requested Instructions (or personnel/salaries on Line I o(VOUrGrant Budget Summary: Complete the table, including each employee to be funded wholly or in parr by this grant. Refer to the tallowing Position Gob title) Function (only those responsibilities directly related to solid waste management) Status (full-time or part-time, permanent or temporary) Salary (regular monthly salary) Time (percentage of mouthly time dedicated to the function) Salary Funded (total amount of salary funded through this grant) definitions: Instmctions (or fringe benefits on Line] o(your Grant Budget Summary: Fringe benefits should be calculated based on the fringe benefit identified on Line 10 of your grant budget summary. Instructions (or travel on Line 3 o(vour Grant Budget Summary: Travel expenses directly related to the grant-funded program may be authorized. expenses requested. Identify the parties and purposes involved. Please describe the types of travel Instructions (or supplies on Line ~ o(VOUrGrant Budge, Summary: Supplies are consumable. items that generally have a useful life a(1ess than ane year, and have a !!!!it cost ofless than $1,000. (Expenses for food and beverages are not allowable. Items with a useful life over one year should be listed under the "other" budget category.) Please list the general types of supplies you intend to purchase with grant funding. Instructions (or equipment on Line 5 af YOur Grant Budget Summary: Expenses included under the Equipment category should be for non-eonstruction related, tangible, personal property having a unit acquisition cost of 51,000 or more (inclnding freight and set up costs) with an estimated useful life of over one year. Any equipment that will be used for other projects or activities, in addition to the funded project, may only be funded at an amount reflecting the appropriate percentage of time that the equipment will be directly used for the funded project. All equipment pun:bases must be approved in advance by H-GAC. Please list each piece of equipment you intend to purchase with grant funding, providing as many specifications as possible at this time. Instructions (or constructitJn on Line 6 o(vour Grant ButiIwt Summary: Expenses budgeted under this category should be for costs related to the enhancement or building of permanent facilities. A p ..... throngh grant recipient sball incur uo constructiou costs unless the coustruetiou details are approved iu advance by H-GAC. All applicable laws and regulatious for biddiug and coutraeting for services must be followed. Describe the construction expenses associated with the proposed project, providing as many specifications as possible at this time and identifY any services to be subcontracted. InstnlCtiOns for contractual on Line 7 oevour Grant Budget Summary: Expenses iucluded under this category should be for costs for professioual services or tasks provided by a firm or individual who is not employed by the graut recipient. A pass-tbrough graut recipient may iucuruo contractual unless the subcontract is approved in advance by H-GAC. H_~Ar FY 7(\0'\ ~nlicl W::to;:tp. rTf"~nt Annlir~tinn P~ap.l0nfl1 costs Instructlons tor ""ther" on Line 8 o(your Grant Budr:el Summary,' "Other" expenses are tor items or services that do not readily fit into any of the other budget categories in this application, If any of the other expenses are included in the calculation of your rate for indirect charges, do IUJt itemize them on the grant budget summary, Complete the breakdown of total "other" expenses, Instructlons for fringe benefit rate on Line I 0 o(yow Identify your fringe benefit Grant BucJr:etSummary: rate, Instructlons (or versonne/lsaiartes on Line II ofyow Grant Budr:et Summgrv: Identify your indirect rate, Also identify in detail each budget category to which your indirect rate applies and explain any special conditions under which the rate will be applied below: GRAt'iT BUDGET SUMMARY , 'GRANT BUDGET SUMMARY $36.365.391 $14,590.61. 1. Personnel Sal 2. Frin e Benefits $o.ooi 3. Travel 4. Su lies unit cost ofless than $1,000 $0.001 $41,227.80 5. E ui ment (unit cost ofS1,000 or more) $0.00 6. Construction 7. Contraetual other than for construction $0.001 SI44000 $27.78377! 8. Other 19. Indirect char es $122,966.57 TOTAL Peace Officer I Investi".tor H~~Ar FY Solid Waste EnforcementFTlPerm 'O()~ S:.nllri W;l~tf"('f'1"$IntAnnlir;ltinn 100% $50,956001 SO.OO $0.00 0"10 0"10 $0.00 0% SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO $0.001 0%1 SO.OOI $2,786.61 p~op 11 nf n $0001 $0001 it.~~ I 1 , I I Truck mounted tadio Portable handheld radio Digital still camera Laoton comnuter lMotorola XTL·5000 !Motorola XTS-5000 $3670.70 $3796.75 1 1 I Sonv Mavica CD-500 Motorola ML-900 MDT $550.00 $7307.10 1 1 i $25,508.251 1 $120.001 1 1 Ford '-4 ton 4x4 oickun Enforcement vehicle Gear baa vehicle organizer, ticket boo~ N/A Streamlillht Ultra Stinger Recbarlleable flashlillht Vehicle DOwerinverter Measuring Wheel $100.001 $75.001 IN/A Rolatalle H_(;AC' PY ?oo.; ~('\Iicl W~<iI,tf' (;.n:mt Annlir:~tir'lO 1 $100.001 p~O'p $0001 $0.001 $3670.701 S3796.75i $550.001 $7307.101 $25,508.25; $120.001 $100.001 $75.001 1 I $0001 $0001 1 1? nf 11 $100.001 SO 001 IPostage ! DelIverv ~===.o..:..,,-,- I~O~ffi~C~eIN=e~xt~e~lclp~h~on~e,,----------- !Telephone! FAX ,DtU·flies __ -'I IPrintinl1 ! Renroduction iAdvenisin" ! Public Notices ISignage ITrainina / Re2isttation Fees i I I Vehicle markings ! I I !Dues / Membershie Fees i iRecord Stonuze S695 001 ~~~ $0 001 SO 001 $0001 $400001 so.ool so.ool SO.OOI IOffice Space Basic Office Furnishin s SO 001 E ui mem Rentals Books / Subscri tions SO.ool SO 00 eoair / Maintenance SO 001 SO.OOI so.oo so.ool al Services Tem or Services lit" so.ool SO 001 so.ool so.ool SO.oo SO.oo S345.001 $0.00 MS Office 2000 SO.OO so.OO SO 00 SO.oo so.oo so 00 so.OO H_n.~r FY ?O{).:; S.nlin W~~tp rTT"~nt Annlir ..l4ticln P.l4(JP llnfl1 .II"-,, ~. cOrN 'lINL'TES BE IT RE:VIE:'IBERED. That un this .. '" DAY of MAY. 200 ... Commissioners County. T ~xa$. met Jt J scheduled meeting: \vith the fol1o\ving present: ROBERT COUNTY E HEBERT JUDGE COMMISSIONER PRECINCT 2 ANDY MEYERS COMMISSlONER PRECf:\iCT 3 JAJvlES PATTERSON COMMISSIONER PRECINCT .. DL"u'iNE WILSON COUNTY GRADY Commissioner PRESTAGE Stavinoha CLERK absent. When the followmg were heard and the following l. Cuurt of Fort Bend orders were passed: Call to Order. Call to Order by Judge Hebert at I :00 p.m. 2. Invocation Invocation 3. Approve and Pledge of AJlegiance and Pledge of Allegiance minutes Moved by unanimously of meetings by Commissioner by Commissioner Meyers. Meyers. held April 27 and April 28, 2004. Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Patterson. duly put and carried (4-0), it is ordered to approve minutes of meetings held April 27 and April 28. 2004. Judge Hebert Commissioner Commissioner 4. yes Stavinoha Prestage Announcements Meyers Patterson yes yes and Public Comments. VariOllS elected officials, Mass Destruction absent yes Commissioner Commissioner department Terrorism Exercise. heads and statT attending a three day required Weapons of .\fav 4. 2(1).J Item 16 continued - Engineering: C. Take all appropriate Regulations action to on request of Subdivisions, under Section for variance to the Fort Bend County 2.2 I, allowing a lO.O-acre tract of land, as in Deed Record No. 9779225. to be divided into two 5.0 acre tracts, in the H & recorded TC RY Survey, Abstract 228 in Fort Bend County, Texas. (Jody Darrell Teykl), Padon Road, Needville, Texas, Pet. 1. Moved by Commissioner Panerson. Seconded by Commissioner Meyers. duly put and unanimously catried (4-0), it is ordered to approve request for variance to the Fort Bend County Regulations of Subdivisions. under Section 2.2 L allowing a 10.0-acre tract of land. as recorded in Deed Record 'Jo. 97"9225. to be divided into two 5.0 acre tractS. in the H & TC RY Survey. Abstract 22810 Fort Bend County. Texas. (lody Darrell Teykl). Padon Road. NeedvIlle. Texas. Pct. 1. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage 27. yes absent Commissioner Commissioner 0,.leyers P::l.tterson yes yes yes FORT BEND FLOOD CONTROL WATER SUPPLY Directors of the Fort Bend Flood Control Water Supply their regular meeting held April 28, 2004, and made Commissioners Court: Approve construction plans Structure. CORPORATION: The Board of Corporation reviewed this item at the following recommendation to for the Big Creek Bypass Drop Moved by Commissioner Patterson. Seconded by CommIssioner Prestage. duly put and catried (3-1). it Is ordered to approve construction plans for the Big Creek Bypass Drop Structure as recommended by the Fort Bend Flood Control \Vater Supply Corporation. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage 28. yes absent yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Panerson no yes HEALTH & HUMA.N· SERVICES - ENVIRONMENTAL: Take all appropriate action on application to Houston-Galveston Area Council for FY 2005 Solid Waste Enforcement and Education Grant funding in the amount of $93,623.10, with no cash match required by Fort Bend County. Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Prestage, duly put and unanimously catried (4-0), it is ordered to approve application to Houston-Galveston Area Council for FY 2005 Solid Waste Enforcement and Education Grant funding in the amount of 593,623. 10, with no cash match required by Fort Bend County. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes absent yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes AGENDA ITEM FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FOR,\1 RETURN TO: AGENDA COORD.-COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE DATE SUBMITTED: SUBMITTED BY: Troy Scalco DEPARTMENT: Enviromnental Health 0312 -1128/04 "~ d PHONE NO.: 281-ZJ8-3532 COURT AGEmlA DATE: 5/4104 I AGENDA SUMMARY OF ITEM: Take all appropriate action on request regarding appiication by Fort Bend County to Houston-Galveston Area Council. for FY 2005 for Solid Waste Enforcement and Education Grant as recommended by the Fort Bend County Solid Waste Advisory Committee for the amount of $93.623.10, with no cash match required by the County. RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: Yes () No (X) LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Cover memo. H-GAC Application and deliverable sheets for the proposed project. FINA.t~CIA.LSIDIMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes ( ) ~o ( X ) Fund ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: ~/A ( ) Funding Source: Agency Object One Time Recurring () N/A (X) COMMENTS: () 100% :nntfuodincfortlntyearand. op to 100-1. for the following year. Original "FQrm Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: Yes (X) CC with back up: \ yes (*) Auditor yes yes yes yes (281-341-3774) (*) Budget Officer (281-344-3954) (*) County Attorney (281-341-4557) (*) PUfchasingAgent (281-341-8642) (0) County Clerk (2S1-341-8697) yes yes yes yes (*) Comm. Pet. 1 (281-342-1)587) (*) Comm. Pct. 2 (281-403-8009) (*) Comm. Pet. 3 (281-242-9060) (*) Comm. Pet. 4 (281-980-9077) IDstnlctiODSfor submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form. incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax, or inter-oftice copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All OIil!inai back-up must be received in tbe County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. ou Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the FY 2005 Solid Waste Environmental Enforcement grant request application to Houston-Galveston I Area Council. I I ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Fort Bend County, Texas Memorandum To: Distribution cc: Kaye Reynolds From: Troy Dale: 04/28/04 Re: PROPOSED FY 2005 H-GAC SOLID WASTE ENFORCEMENT AND EDUCATION scam. Director i/ GRANT APPUCATION This approval request is to apply to the Houston Galveston Council of Governments (HGAC) for the FY 2005 Solid Waste Enforcement and Education grant. If awarded by HGAC, it would award Fort Bend County funding for salary, vehicle and equipment for one Investigator with no match required by Fort Bend County. Funding 100% for the first year, up to 100% for the second year with a re-submitta1 required. This will bring the Environmental Enforcement programs strength up to 3 full time Investigators to combat illegal dumping. On April 21 st, 2004, the Fort Bend County Solid Waste Advisory Committed approved and recommended an application by Fort Bend County to HGAC for a FY 2005 grant for enhancing and expanding the Environmental Enforcement Unit. As instructed by the Budget office, a proposed supplemental will be included in this Departments 2005 proposed budget. This supplemental will be contingent on receiving the H-GAC grant, which will include other expenditures that are not covered in the grant. FORT BEND COUNTY AIIocodoa Analysis For the flKal year ""ded 12131/01 EagiMeriDg -Indirect Coo hod 010 010 010 010 0\0 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 911 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 230 230 230 230 230 o,,'-Onr; Dept. ~ O~ DescripdOD 043")430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<)430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<J430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<J430 ENGINEERJNG 043-<J430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<J430 ENG!NEERJNG 043.<J430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<J430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<)430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<J430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<J430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<J430 ENGINEERlNG 043.<J430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<)430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<J430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<)430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<J430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<J430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<J430 ENGINEERJNG 043-<J430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<J430 ENGINEERJNG 0~3-<J430 ENGINEERJNG 043.<J432 LANDFILL Acct. Account Deu:ripdon 0200 SALARJESAND LABOR 0201 TEMPORARY OR PART-TIME 0202 OVERTIME 0250 LONGEVITY 0300 SOCIAL SECURITY 0400 RlITIREMENT 0500 lNSURANCElGROUP) 0600 WORKERS COMPJUNEMPLOYMENT 0701 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 1010 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 1011 CAPITAL ASSETS 1012 INFORM. TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE 1020 REPAIRS TO EQUIPMENT 1062 OFFICE SUPPLlESIPOSTAGE 1070 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT 2000 UT1LlT1ES 2001 ENGINEERJNG SUPPLIES 3020 OTIlER RENTALS 3040 SOFlWARE PURCHASES ~010 FEES AND SERVICES ~Oll UNIFORM EXPENSE 6025 AUTOMOBILES 0201 TEMPORARY OR PART-TIME 0300 SOCIAL SECURITY 043-0432 LANDFILL 0600 WORKERS COMPJUNEMPLOYMENT 043.<J432 LANDFILL 1011 CAPITAL ASSETS 043.<J432 LANDFILL 1020 REPAIRS TO EQUIPMENT 043.<J432 LANDFILL UT1LlT1ES 2000 043.<J432 LANDFILL 3000 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 043.<J432 LANDFILL FEES AND SERVICES ~10 043.<J432 LANDFILL PAYMENT ON PRINCIPAL 7016 043-0432 LANDFILL 7017 PAYMENT ON INJ'EREST 043.<J432 LANDFILL 0200 8ALARJES AND LABOR 043-0433 RECYCLING CENTER 0201 TEMPORARY OR PART-TIME 043.<J433 RECYCLING CENTER 0250 LONGEVITY 043.<J433 RECYCLINGCENTER 0300 SOCIAL SECURITY 043.<J433 RECYCLING CENTER 0400 RlITIREMENT 043.<J433 RECYCLING CENTER 0500 lNSURANCE(GROUP) 043.<J433 RECYCLING CENTER 0600 WORKERS COMPJUNEMPLOYMENT 043-0433 RECYCLING CENTER 1011 CAPITAL ASSETS 043.<J433 RECYCLING CENTER 1020 REPAIRS TO EQUIPMENT 043-0433 RECYCLING CENTER 1070 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT 043-<J433 RECYCLING CENTER lITILITlES 2000 043-<J433 RECYCLINGCENTER 4010 FEES AND SERVICES 043-<J~33 RECYCLING CENTER 3000 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 043-0435 HOUSEHOLD/AG WASTE COLL GRAN 0201 TEMPORARY OR PART-TIME 0~3-0436 HOUSEHOLD/AG WASTE PROGRAM 0300 SOCIAL SECURITY 043.<J436 HOUSEHOLD/AG WASTE PROGRAM 0600 WORKERS COMPJUNEMPLOYMENT 043.<J436 HOUSEHOLD/AG WASTE PROGRAM 0701 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 043-O~36 HOUSEHOLD/AG WASTE PROGRAM 1010 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 043-0436 HOUSEHOLD/AG WASTE PROGRAM 1011 CAPITAL ASSETS 043-Q436 HOUSEHOLDIAG WASTE PROGRAM \062 OFFICE SUPPL1ESIPOSTAGE 0~3.<J436 HOUSEHOLDIAG WASTE PROGRAM 1070 PER.'lANENT IMPROVEMENT 04.3-0-1.36 HOUSEHOLDJAG WASTE PRcx:JRAM 3000 MA TERlAlS AND SUPPLIES 043-0436 HOUSEHOLDIAG WASTE PROGRAM sonw ARE PURCHASES 30~ 043-0436 HOUSEHOLDIAG WASTE PROGRAM 4010 FEES AND SERVICES 043-0436 HOUSEHOLDIAG WASTE PROGRAM ~IO FEES AND SERVICES 043-1301 MOBn.rrYPROJECTS 7805 SETTEGAST RD. 043-1301 MOBn.rrYPROJECTS 7808 W AlRPORT(SH6 TO FM 1464) 043-1301 MOBn.rrY PROJECTS 7816 w. BELLFORT (ELD TO SH 6) 043-1301 MOBn.rrYPROJECTS 7817 VOSS RD. CBUlfNEYRD. TO SH 6) 043-1301 MOBn.rrYPROJECTS Tow Expeadltures Salaries 593,924.03 593,924.03 15.082.90 15,082.90 6,460.39 5.802.71 6.460.39 5.802.71 46,363.92 46,363.92 63,548.03 63.000.00 63,548.03 63,000.00 5.520.00 5,520.00 Other Cosu ll,169.93 ll,169.93 19,878.45 :9.901.00 19.878A5 29,901.00 IU52.56 Un.IS 11.352.56 9,694.65 150,622.21 9,694.65 150,622.21 21,661.54 21,661.54 1,577.15 1.670.06 1.670.06 2.228.06 2,228.06 14,376.80 14,376.80 36,325.25 2.866.48 36,325.25 18.812.00 18,81':.00 19,926.35 1,524.43 :13.00 2,866.48 19,926.35 1,524.43 213.00 28,370.62 3,088.18 32.611.49 28,370.62 110,346.45 46,.286.38 1l0,346.45 46.286.38 3,124.77 26,530.11 1l.966.40 227.05 2.942.65 3,656.58 4,500.00 442.00 17,909.27 1,000.08 1,265.80 3,488.34 5,021.99 96.80 13,205.00 1,010.20 526.00 3,088.18 32,611.49 3,124.77 26,530.11 1l,966.~ 227.05 2,942.65 3,656.58 4,500.00 442.00 17,909.27 1,000.08 1.265.80 3,488.34 5,021.99 96.80 13,205.00 1,010.20 526.00 550.00 550.00 32,010.25 32.010.25 15,000.00 15,000.00 344.27 344.17 94,539.05 94,539.05 8,128.04 55.94 19,604.50 8.12S.~ 55.94 19,604.50 193,036.99 57,059.64 193.036.99 152.115.05 1~15.0S 1l0,904.43 100,320.88 110,904.43 100,320.88 S7~OS9.64 FlIIld Dp<-OrI Dept..Org_ 230 0434301 0434301 0434301 0434301 0434301 0434301 MOBILITY PROJECTS MOBILITY PROJECTS MOBILITY PROJECTS MOBILITY PROJECTS MOBILITY PROJECTS MOBILITY PROJECTS TOTALS 230 230 230 230 ~30 ~Y2001 Indirect Cost. Allocation Amount :"Y2004 Indirect Cost Allocation Rate ...... A<et. 7827 7828 7831 7834 7835 7841 Aaau1It DoocrIJIIloD FIFTIl STREET SH 122 (PHASE 2) FM 1464 FM359 MASON RD. HARLEM RD. T.... z.pea-..s Salaries 29,511.00 8.929.00 4.345.00 4.811.00 8.929.00 4.345.00 265.335.47 265,335.47 2.567,718.57 ~.81LOO 886.371.75 504.452.00 56.91% 2 OtherCOIU 29.511.00 1.681346.82 ~g~:~I: "".-oN.'" CO') ...-ca_l"'i N~="" N N l- e.> o ..J .., :> w z .., :> c a .. ffi " z ~ O= Iew ...~t")::=NIDIlOMC")OC")~ .. ~ II: .... OJ W ... oo~=§e~ N ~~2; N ~I IZ w :I w ~I II: :> ~ :I N .. .. ....... .. ... g g ~I ~ ~I ...g ... .... CD 10 CD 10 ,., C"I f') N ..... .. ili .. .. ... g .. .. 0 c:i t:;_::! ~I .... OCOCDIO g .......... o 0 : ~ ~ ~ ':G..;~ OCOCOtDoca .... ., __ .... N ..... a:> .... o .... g g ... 51 .. '" ~~ CD ~ ~ ~ .. "C "C .. ... 0' CO GO CD ..... ,., .... ("of "'It 0 .... 0 CO N CO .... CO) 10 ..... N N .. CD ~ ......... Z ::l .., o ::: ~ ;; ~ ~ ~ .....CD o " a: g .. ..c:i CD N ~ Cl Z .. ~ CO ~ ... :: .... IONlOg_ 000(")0(")10 -:;:g:;~ = ..,. =~ " ~ ~ ~ .. ~ 0W II: .. .. ... g g II: : i N III w II. ... N .... _ ~ .. 0.- .. ~ ~ .... .. '" ft~ . ... Z w ~I :e w II: ::l ~ Page I of I Printable Version Fort Bend growth rate ranks 22nd fastest in nation By STEPHEN PALKOT Fort Bend County's population exceeded all growth forecasts, said Fort Bend Economic Development Council President Herb Appel, as figures released by the U.S. Census this week place the county's population at 419,772 as of July 1, 2003. "We are already ahead for growth projections this time next year," he said. "No demographer has accurately predicted the growth that Fort Bend County achieved." Previous data estimated the county's 2003 population to be 412,570, up from 354,452 in 2000. In the nation, Fort Bend County ranks 22nd for growth, having seen an 18.4 percent growth in population between 2000 and 2003. Additionally, the new Census data ranks Fort Bend County the third fastest growing county in Texas, behind Williamson and Collin Counties. Within the greater Houston area, Montgomery County is ranked the fifth fastest-growing county in Texas and Brazoria County is ranked the eighth fastestgrowing county. les/2004/04/0 8/news/top _story /topstory. prt 04/26/04 • FBC ECU Statistics 2002 vs. 2003 Cases & Citations 450 400 I i 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 o 2002cases 2002Cnatlons 2003Cases 2003Cnatlons ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT 4520 Reading Rd., Suite "A", Rosenberg, Texas (281) 341-5572 Fax (281) 342-7469 Office ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM Effective October 1, 2002. The mission of this program is to serve and address environmental issues by combating illegal dumping of Municipal Solid Waste. Trained Peace Officers! Investigators will conduct patrol, surveillance, prosecution and public education of the following environmental and Municipal Solid Waste related complaints. With involvement from Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC) and the Fort Bend County Recycle Center, the Enforcement Program goals address the following: • • • • • Illegal dumping (including municipal solid waste) Permitting of Solid Waste Haulers Violations to Texas Water Code Proactive Investigations / Surveillimce / Patrol Other Environmental investigations upon request from Elected Officials and other County Departments PROGRAM GOALS Long-term goals for this program are the baselines established through H-GAC for over the next 20 years. Framework is based off the Action Plan criteria identified in the H-GAC Management Plan (1992-2012) manual. This program has grant obligations with H-GAC through the next 6 years and are the basis goals /objectives set forth by H-GAC progranl requirements. Goal 1 To protect public health and the integrity of the environment by aggressively investigating, and enforcing the State laws and statutes of illegal dumping for critninal prosecution. Reducing the amount of identified dumping sites and assuring waste is removed and disposed in approved landfill operations. Objective 1: solid waste. Objective 2: Objective 3: Objective 4: Objective 5: Proactively work to reduce and prevent the illegal transporting and dumping of To bring violators into compliance or justice. To enforce the State laws pertaining to illegal disposal of solid waste. To identifY and categorize chronic and active illegal dumps sites. To investigate received and referred complaints Goal 2 Establish education programs to achieve increased awareness for the public, enforcement agencies, institutional, schools and industries with regards to illegal dumping. Educating the impact to the environment upon rural and urban areas of Fort Bend County. Objective 1: To educate how to report illegal dumping. Objective 2 : To educate the fines, penalties of offenders of illegal dumping. Objective 3: To educate the resources available for recycling to divert 30% of solid waste to recycling. Goal 3 Proactively assist in removing litter and other waste from County roads. Objective 1: To identify and catalog areas of County roads which are chronic areas for littering and are in need regular maintenance. Objective 2: Develop, coordinate and manage programs such as the Adopt-A County Road sources of volunteer, community and offender Gail, prison) labor to conduct actual clean up methods. FIVE YEAR PROJECTIONS The following points highlight the population growth and the paralleling severity of illegal dumping of municipal solid waste in Fort Bend County: ® The population of Fort Bend County in 1990 was 225,421 *. ® The population of Fort Bend County in 2000 was 354,452*' This is an estimated growth ® ® ® ® rate of 57.2%*. The 2001 estimated population is 381,200, an increase of7.5% from 2000*' The 2003 estimated population as ofJuly 1st, 2003 is 419,772*. Using an average growth rate of6% per year, a population estimate for 2005 is 471,655. Fort Bend County is the 2200 (Out of 100) fastest growing county in the United States and the 3rdfastest in the State of Texas. an 18.4% growth in population from 2000 to 2003*' ® The 2002 Environmental Enforcement Unit statistics show**: o o o 160 illegal dumping complaints investigated and 82 violators identified. 11 citations issued resulting in 10 convictions and $3930.00 in fines. An estimated total of719,528 pounds of solid waste was removed due to enforcement. ® The 2003 Environmental Enforcement Unit statistics show**: • 417 illegal dumping complaints investigated and 221 violators identified. • 60 citations issued resulting in 49 convictions and $12,847.00 in fines. • An estimated total of 1,202,987,526 pounds of solid waste was removed due to enforcement. u.s. • Statistics derived fram the Census Bureau. ··Statis!ics derived from FBCECU data. The need for this program exists. The growth and associated demands to Fort Bend County over the next five (5) years will warrant the requirement for an expanded and a developed . Environmental Enforcement program. As surrounding counties tighten their enforcement, illegal transporters and dumpers will proceed out to Fort Bend County. Illegal dumping.will increase in Fort Bend County. Sources of contamination will multiply from household waste to industrial and toxic waste. There will be an projected 50% population growth for Fort Bend County by 2010 and a County wide provided contracted solid waste Itrash services must be provided. Current surrounding landfill capacities will allow for only seven (7) more years. Both short and long term plans for this program will be affected by the following: • Political support and backing. • Sufficient funding for operation ~ Local Funds ~ State and Grant Funds (TECQ I H-GAC) Funds. • Legal prosecutors • Funding for abatement of non-compliance sites. • Sufficient personnel to effectively implement • Adequate equipment to conduct surveillance, increase enforcement and provide efficiency. • Funding for sampling and further evidence analysis • Amount of education materials, publications, videos provide and workshops conducted Personnel To operate such a program effectively and efficiently, five to ten year projections will require the mInImum: • One (1) supervisor lmanager • Three (3) investigators • One (1) administrative I receptionist lsupport services • One (1) environmental prosecutor through the Fort Bend County District and County Attorneys offices. Services • Laboratory services for sampling and further evidence analysis. • Available funds and services to clean up illegal dump sites that cannot be abated (due to non property ownership, back taxes) or otherwise where by Fort Bend County would assumes all responsibility for remediation. Equipment • Laptop computers, printers and advanced technology software. Modem technology exist and will be advanced where-by employees will be able to operate office from vehicles, inspection forms citations and dispatching will be performed electronically. • GPS hard/soft ware and programs to map and track as well as monitor sites, violators and employees. • Surveillance cameras and related investigative surveillance tools. • Hazmat related equipment. Facilities Over the next 5 years the offices at the recycle center will serve as many usages to the Department which include: • Facilities to conduct a rounded solid waste and related recycling practices for public education courses. • Evidence processing, storage and proper disposal. • Additional offices for additional Enforcement Officers. CUSTOMIZED PRODUCT PRICrNG SL~IMARY BASED ON CONTRACT Can and Ughl Trucks a-CAC ?ORT 3erD COl'NT'! Contact: .7,\':'-[fS1. 3..\KE?. ':::231 ')33--S~ Description: A_ Bid Series: B. PubHshed Date: ~~-:-() LS~-Aor...).4 GBO A.. Base Price:! -"-'_...::=c:.:.:::::J L GonoDs IItem.ize each ~Iowl Bid Price Options Code $ 57: AlC LTO iSPEC:AL 7RA.\iS GROUP lREQllRED 5 535 TRAILER TOW PACKAGE XIS.".LL TERRAIN '-'<'GRADE DonaDs Bid Price 54L V8 GAS 3800 GVWR !NCL H9.00 VINYL SEAT !NCL RUBBER FLOOR !NCL AM:-FM RADIO INCL ABSBRAKES INCL FULL SPARE TIRE INCL :REAR BliMPER INCL 398.00 INCL 5 4.39\.00 INCL 4X4 ·wTld SKill ?LA TES I 697.00 $ 14-SPEED AUTOMATIC Code INCL \VITH AlJTOMA TIC .\4E Sill Rep: .-\L-\N WILEY Pbilpott End User. Product BID VE 111-<13 TIG:CRl1SE 5 316.00 EXTENDED CAB LONG BED IN"Ci.. XCI LD<lITED SLIP AXLE $ 289.00 57 REDIBLUE GRILL STROBES $ 160.00 903 PO\\<tR WINDOWS-LOCKS $ 660.00 55 FRONT HIDDEN STROBES $ 99.00 EZI FULL TINTED W1NDOWS 5 195.00 $ 99.00 SB .\42.00 I 55 58 IREAR HIDDEN STROBES SPRA Y IN BEDLINER STROBE POWER SUPPLY $ 299.00 RH RECENER I 54 REDIBLUE D01IDLE DASH STROBE $ 255.00 52::.T I5 I5 HITCH 175.00 Total of B. Published C. Unnublisbed Ooooos fItemize each below, not to exceed 25%1 VINYL 40120/40 SPT IT BENCH SEAT $ 323.00 142 SHORT BED OPTION 5 ([95.00) XL DECOR GROUP $ 1.\400 WESTIN FULL SIZE BRUSH GUARD $ 425.00 Is 235.00 DRIVER ."'-''lD PASSENGER SIDE STEPS $ 216.00 WHELEN S1REN\\<lTIl SPEAKER $ 483.00 COMMlEQUlPMENT $ 115.00 $ 175.00 $ 325.00 HEADACHE RACK RACK INSTALLA TIONIINTERFACE PKG HEADACHE RACK STROBE UGHTS I..:s:...' _....:.:~::.:::::..9.90-1.00 I 9.0 0/0 $= Bid Price Options Oplions: Options Bid Price I I I I DELIVERY IN 60-90 DAYS TUE:li of C. Unpublished D. Contract E. Delh·ery Charge,: F. Tot:d of A + B + C + D + E = F G. Quantity H. H-GAC Administr.llivc L ~on-Equip J. TOTAL Price Adjustment: J: miles ,q' l:::s::::===~I 116.25 S.93/m.ile F= Fee [from Fee Scbedule, Table AI PRICE INCLUDING 2,251.00 , Is IS 5600.00 PER PURCHASE ORDER 24.908.251 24,908.251 I:::s::::===~I 600.00 I Ch:lrges & Credits PURCHASE 1:::5::::=::=::: 1~5===== (2.578.00)\ 4X4 DISCOUNT !.., " Ordered Options: H-GAC FEE I S I 1 25.508.15 , o '0 '" I '" ~\ ~ ,i,mC! '" .~ CIQ CO ') r\ ~ \"('\ .I" I- :E ~ l,(}l,[) 8~a§£5S§ <'..;~::::::>::::>:---c: v···:,n,r,,..., ~a~~~~~ ,,""'~,,",_N""1.0 , ~;c_~~''':;'->.lN .~ ",," II 1:5c: .. "- 'c :J~""'~"'~~- E c: o ~ "> oj Iii 'in .0 ,~ 0 l;- t':' E 0 c: ::l '0 "'< C l~~ ,C .... Q -;; => .. 0 In ..... "t:"a. o .. u..O ...~ <::-,: N V -'" .<l t .;=: 0 ~ 0 O ~0 'I: ~ c. N "- "e~ :: " ... ; :; §i - c. :! 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FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE DATE SUBMlTfED: August 4, 2004 COURT AGENDA DATE: August 10,2004 SUBMITTED BY: Troy Scalco, Director AGENDA DEPARTMENT: Environmental Health # I (1() PHONE NO.: 281-238-3532 \ 'XI) SUMMARY OF ITEM: Transfer funds in the amount of $6,800.00 from Line Item 1012 IT Hardware Purchases to Line Item 1011 Capitalized Property & Equipment within the 2004 Environmental Health Department Budget. This transfer is being made to allocate funds into the appropriate line item for equipment exceeding the allotted amount for Line Item 1612 IT Hardware Purchases. Yes ( ) RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: No(x) LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Transfer form attached. FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes (x ) No () COMMENTS: ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: OneTime N/A ( ) Funding Soorce:016-031..o312-1400 Fund 010 Agency 0312 Object 1011 N/A (x) Recurring ( ) Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: (x) CC with back up: (x) Auditor ( x) Budget Officer ( x ) County Attorney ( x ) Purchasing Agent ( x ) County Clerk (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) () ( ,/ when completed) ( x ) Comm. Pct. 1 ( x) Comm. Pct. 2 ( x) Comm. Pet. 3 ( x) Comm. Pet. 4 (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) InstnJctions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fm out agenda form, incomplete forms win not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 P.OL on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION I ACTION REQUESTED: Approve transfer of funds in the amount of $6,800.00 from Line Item 1012 IT Hardware Purchases to Line Item 1011 Capitalized Property & Equipment within the 2004 Environmental Health Department Budget. FORMB01 IN THE MATTER OF TRANSFERRING OF BUDGET SURPLUS OF FORT BEND COUNTY FOR THE YEAR 2004 On \his the day of '-- __ ' the Commissioners' Court, wlIh the following members being present: County Judge Commisaioner Precinct #1 Robert E. Hebert Tom Stavinoha Grady prestage Meyers Commisaioner Precinct #2 Commisaloner Precinct #3 Patterson Commissioner Precinct #4 Anrtf James The following proceedings were had, to-writ, THAT WHEREAS, theretofore, on september 9, 2003, the Court heard and approved the budget for the yesr 2004 for Fort Bend County; and WHEREAS, on proper application, the Commissioners' Court has _ an existing budget surplus to a budge! of a similar kind and fUnd. The transfer does not increase the total of the budget. The following transfers tQ said budget are hereby authorized: Department Name: Environmental Health Dept. 0312 Department #: TRANSFER TO: AMOUNT NUMBER L1NE~TEM NAME $6,800 01CJ..031-0312-140CJ..1011 Capitalized Property & Equipment $6,800 ~~=- TOTALTRANSFERREDTO:~$ TRANSFER FROM: IT Hardware Purchases $6,800 01 CJ..031-0312-140CJ..1 012 $6,800 -..:::=::.;:..., TOTAL TRANSFERRED FROM: ..::$:-- EXPLANATION: This transfer is being made to allocate funds into appropriate line item. This item exceeded the amount allotted for purchase under Line Item 1012. :,,~u., Department Head: Robert E. Hebert, County Judge Date: WHO" ""liARS r/4/ot ONLY _ "1: FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR DATE SUBMTITED: COURT OFFICE SUBMTITED BY: Troy Scalco, Director DEPARTMENT: Environmental PHONE NO.: 281-238-3532 August 4, 2004 AGENDA DATE: - COUNTY JUDGE'S August 10,2004 Health AGENDA # \~C- SUMMARY OF ITEM: Transfer funds in the amount of $16.300.00 from Line Item 1010 Property & Equipment to Line Item 1011 Capitalized Property & Equipment within the FY2004 H-GAC Grant Budget. This transfer is being made to allocate funds into the appropriate line item for equipment exceeding the allotted amount for Line Item 1010 Property & Equipment. RENEWAL LIST SUPPORTING FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS A'IT ACHED: (Xj Transfer No (~) form attached. SlJMJ.'\1ARY: BUDGETED ANNUALIZED ITEM: Yes (x ) No () Fund Yes CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: One Time N/A ( ) COM,'\1ENTS: DOLLARS: Funding Source:01lJ.")31-G04A-1400 010 Agency 0312 Object 1011 N/A (I) Recurring ( ) Original Fonn Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: (I) CC with hack up: ( :I) Auditor ( :I) Budget Officer ( :I ) County Attorney ( :I ) Purchasing Agent ( x) County Clerk Instructions 1. 2. 3. for submitting (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) () (.,' when completed) Comm. Pet. 1 ( x) Comm. Pet. 2 ( .1) Camm. Pet. 3 ( x) Comm. Pet. 4 ( :I ) (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) an Agenda Request: Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be proce~ Fa:< or inter-office copies of agenda form with ail back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION I ACTION REQUESTED: Approve tran.-rer of funds in the amount of S16,JOt1.00 from Line Item 1010 Property & Equipment Capitalized Property & Equipment within lbe FY2004 H-GAC Gr.lJlt Budget. to Line Item 1011 FORMB01 IN THE MATIER OF TRANSFERRING OF BUDGET SURPLUS OF FORT BEND COUNTY FOR THE YEAR 2004 On this the day of "'- __ ' the Commissioners' Court, with the following members being pneeent: Robert E. Hebert County JUdge Commissioner Precinct #1 Tom Stavinoha Grady Prestage The following proceedings AndyMeyeB Commissioner Precinct #2 Commissioner Precinct #3 James Patterson Commissioner Precinct #4 were had, to-writ, THAT WHEREAS, theretofore, on September g, 2003, the Court heard and approved the bOOget for the year 2004 for Fort Bend County; and WHEREAS, on proper appllcetion, the Commissioners' Court has transferred an existing budget surplus to a budget of a similar kind and fund. The transfer does not Increase thetotsl of the bUdget. The following transfers to said budget are hereby authorized: Department Name: Environmental Health Dept. Department #; 0312 {FY2004 H-GAC Grant} TRANSFER TO: UNE~TEM NAME NUMBER Capnalized Property & EqUipment AMOUNT TOTAL TRANSFERRED TO: TRANSFER FROM: Property & Equipment $16,300 01 0-031-G04A-1400-1 011 ~.:.:.:..:.:.... $16,300 ...::$ $16,300 010~31_G04A-140o-1010 TOTAL TRANSFERRED FROM: ~.:.:.:..:.:.... $16,300 ...::$ EXPLANATION: This transfer is being made to allocate funds into appropriate line item. This item exceeded the amount allotted for purchase under Line Item 1010. Department Head: Date: USE WHOLE DOLLARS ONLY Robert E. Hebert, County Judge V ,,<;;) r \ ()~ Sent By: FBC LIBRARIES BUSINESS OFFICE; 261 341 2660;.. AU9·5i~4~~;' ,_.. Oo~. ~/ .. FORT BEND COUNTY ,....1 \l 'J~ 'Tt.l'1f COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM j . RETURN TO: AGENDA COORD.-coumv ~OF ITEM: UPPORTING <?Z:O.22 \:'co () DOCVMENTS ATI'ACHlD: - . No (l .y ANNUALIUD NIA() SoutCiC, 030 I Fftrlll I yes l-f ;"01 for .mbmirriag I. 2. 3. No~ Transmittal and Invoice COMMENTS: DOLLARS: 08eT'UIIe () RmmiBg () NIII. (~ (21I1-341-3774) (281-344-39!!4 ) (281-341 ....557) (281-341-8642) (281.341.1'97) County Attorney ~uri:hllllling Agent County Clerk ~_.y~ \ Submitted witb back up to County Judge's OOice: Yes t:/) yell ~ 8adget Officer yes b!l ;;I" '.{ Objeot 2000 CCwi b. back up: yes~ <\uditor yes~ . ,'~' ( ().') :: BUDGETED JTl.M: l'uad 0 0 ~ .J Approve payment of $$,720.58 ~Q R~ltant ~ne~gy for services frQIl 7/2/04 through 7/27/04 for ehe Cinco Ranch Branch Lihrary. FINAJ'{CIAL SUMMARY: ,100 /I ~ Fin09- AI. CONTRACTfAGUEME1'IT; LI5Y AGJ:NDA ITEM DUAK'l'MENT: Library PHONE NO.: 281 .. 341-2653 8/10/04 COmJT AGENDA DATE: S 'CJ SUBMJTI'ED BY: C~rol lJrow $/5/Q4 DAn SUBMlTI'ED! JUDGE'S OPPICE yes 0<) yes ()9 yes ~ yes ~ Co_. Pet. Comm. Pet. COlllm.Pet. Comm. Pet. 1 2 3 4 (281-34.2-0587) (281-403-800') (281-242-9060) (111-910-9077) · . aD A~da Requeot, I-.... p1eteJy fill 0_ .gada fOi1ll. iJow.pIctc rOnDa will DOtbe processed. "" or ialCt'-Ollk:c: cop. of qeoda fona tritb d b...... lIp illfOl'1llldiOD lIy WcdDaday at 1:00 p.1L to ihc departlllarta stIld aboye. I lJriplai b......... p OIuSfbe reeen-tel ill ll!c C.......,. JudltCl ~ by 2:00 p.m. 08 Wednesday. · · RECOMMENDAnON I ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Reliant En&rgy payment for the Ciq~Q Ran~h Br~nch Library. Sent By: FBC LIBRARIES BUSINESS OFFICE; FORT IlENQ COUNT'!' ACCO 12 !'In INVOICE TRANSM ITTAl AUDITOR PAYABLE f 1\0--0 :\()-rr~\:Y)-....l1I A )\J li 01 i\0(ir(:; rn'l4 Y IS- Page 3/4 Aug-5-04 14:59; 261 341 2660; County Audilor Fo<m 1016 IRev OS/871 Vendor Na Address Vend r Numbe( Purch se Order Numbed,) Cily St.I9 l.iSt I volee Numa.,. J,lo>L/- C1cX) J J 1../ ""}~.., eOL ir'Ity Auditor'S use Only Total IAN Flecelved: -- ChECk Type: COI t>m,SSion.($ Aul ired By: CQurt Dale: ~~ Authorized Department Approval Po: ed By: Ch eked By: Rec elved: Treas urer's Register Stamp anti NLimber Pal : Sent By: FBC LIBRARIES \XrEiieiil. QUMtiona Energy "'c' E. J INV.... .... • II'1ML. r. Riliiril £n.ii9 AecOiliil: 3 442 042 • 2 BAOOICSTClNe lP Cllrtlllll dlle dele """ P.O, SOX 3765 Io1OUSTQN TX 77253.3755 Vi$# Our n-. al 'i&IWIrI."'Ivn.comJbusinese lledioal-.l S........ CUlIlo",., -, - Friday 111."., - 7 P,M. nl4a "" l<>Y-free, .l[~" ..,..,. pr~._nl~..AS not 0.,,,, Du. Amounl Coo,. DO Do.... for Hearing I npoJ,.,(!; 1.asa.487~S~ mail 4.1. at: .~relilil:nt.oam lion. Enet\ly ~ 8orvi... /lIIiOll'.: 10007 Page 4/4 15:00; ell.tom .. N"",.: Or Comments? .... _·tlD6· Aug-5-04 281 341 2680; BUS.INESS OFFICE; Du. .-mGUnt DUll .- D... DeIIt : ""'13_78 "8,127.13 Account Silmmary eilllng DIne: Aug Prevloua Amount OlHl PER ORIGINAL· . .... ! 2, 2004 PaYlnelJl - $10,007J15 OJl(l 10.0117.15 . 8,720:il8 ~ vice~ COOMEFllCAl CENTER al VD KA Y TX n-4&l . 26 Cumtnt. Electric: as CJooyBilling .... ...... $l8,m.~ Cm.roes _i/ Period F"'1li 07.02/200. To 071i!712OQ4 "'., rvlc.·MG9 :', e- M_ly ChorgG Oe"""nd CI,a'1l<l Energy.,,-,go: Fiiot 29250 kVVh 29250-69030 kWh All Addltion.i I<\IIh Fuel Cl1fit Sta .. $0,." T.. Ie Usage lJeUIi' TOllI' 2548 2ffij .. 17,1/lol UQ.S4! 29,250 K_ 0 $O,0411ll271i<WH 39,7llO KWI1/1IO,021180li1i<WH 4,3'. 6.20% KWWO 1O,005148IKWH 73,3« KiII>j@ $o.oSSII48/l(Mt eur,.m ClIo .... The .""rag. ",100 1'0" POid fur ,'oetrie "'''''''0 rllOOl1k>nlh(por kWh) 192 73,3." 23. f(VA UCElVJl:D AU& 03 2D04 -'" "-"'- .. "1eI•• ~!I CAI/.E, 17,IS, M'lf) DotIeticn· this POrtion WIth your pay_nt. Make PO)'abie ro, Reljonl <norgy $ RtlItlnt En"'Uy Da~ Dw 0811812004 11... 11, 111... 1.1.... 1,11.. ,.,.1 .. 11... ".1 ...• 11'/'/.' ... 11 IIflOOK TONE LP 3715 HOII$T 8T TX 71OlI:l-4l805 AQcount: 3 442 IN:! • 2 AmOUnt Due $ 18,727.73 After bWl UtIle "8,103.7' AMOUNrPAID$. .__ • _ Mail PB}lmGnf to: IH:llANT E'JlERQy PO BOX 4832 HoUsTON TlC 77;11 0._ "".II••,',,1.1 ... 'III .... 1••11,, .... II...,./••1,•••/. 1/1... / 1,431.11 : 1,18$,8-4: :lUt, 4, : .M . " ,.-_" COMMISSIONERS FORT BEND COUNTY /.6,\.:J C . COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORJ."\1 RETUR'l TO: AGENDACOORD.-COUNTY Jl.JDGE'S OFFICE DATE SUBMITTED: SUBMITTED BY: Kathleen Barnes DEPARTMENT: Sheriff's Office PHONE NO.: 281341-4703 July 30, 2004 COURT AGENDA DATE: August 10,2004 AGENDA #~M SUMMARY OF ITEM: Replacement keys made without a Purchase Order RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: Yes () No (X) LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Invoice transmittal and Invoice from Corporate Exchange Limited FINANCIAL SUMMARY: Yes(X) No() OneTime N/A( ) Funding Source: Fund 151 Agency 027 Org 2703 Object 3000 Original Form Submitted CC with yes ( x) yes ( x) yes ( x) yes ( x) yes ( x) COM:\;IENTS: ANNUALIZEDDOLLARS: BUDGETED ITEM: ( ) Recurring ( ) N/A (X) with back up to County Judge's Office: back up: Auditor Budget Officer County Attorney Purchasing Agent County Clerk (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) yes yes yes yes ( x ) Comm. ( x ) Comm. ( x ) Comm. ( x ) Comm. Yes ( x ) Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. 1 2 3 4 (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: L 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not he processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQITESTED: FORT BEND COUNTY AUDITOR ACCOUNTS PAYABLE County Auditor Form 1016 ( Rev. 03/97 ) INVOICE TRANSMITTAL 14 Digit Distribution 151 02727033000 Vendor Name X Corporate Exchange Limited Vendor Number 880321924 Purchase Order Number (s) City State Zip Code Date 7/30/04 Description !Invoice Amount Numbers Replacement keys Total $ 18.78 $ 18.78 County Auditor's Use Only -1 Check Type Authorized Audited By -----------------1 Treasure~s Department Approval Register Stamp and Number Received Paid INVOICE TRANSMITIAL FORM FORM B01 IN THE MATTER On this 10th the OF TRANSFERRING OF BUDGET SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR 2004 day August, of 2004, the Commissioners' Court, with the following members being present: County Judge Robert E. Hebert The following proceedings THAT WHEREAS, Fort Bend County; WHEREAS, of a similar Tom Stavinoha Commissioner Precinct #1 Grady Prestage Commissioner Precinct #2 Andy Meyers Commissioner Precinct #3 James Patterson Commissioner Precinct #4 were had, to-writ, theretofore, on September on proper application, transfers Department Name: TRANSFER TO: 9,2003, the Court heard and approved the Commissioners' The transfer Court has transferred does not increase an existing budget surplus to a budget the total of the budget. to said budget are hereby authorized: 0100270271 Sheriff - Detention LINE-ITEM NAME AMOUNT NUMBER $3,000 $250 1012 3040 I T Hardware Software TOTAL TRANSFERRED TRANSFER the budget for the year 2004 for and kind and fund. The following OF FORT BEND COUNTY $3,250 2.:2:=::::::" TO: .::$~ FROM: TOTAL TRANSFERRED EXPLANATION: $3,250 6026 Communications Equip $3,250 -"==:.. FROM: .:;$ Hardware and software to attach to the new T-1 line in the jail. Date: SE WHOLE THE BY: Robert E. Hebert, County Judge Original to Budget Officer cc: Commissioners Court DOLLARS August 4, 2004 ONLY IN THE MATTER OF TRANSFERRING OF BUDGET SURPLUS OF FORT BEND COUNTY FOR THE YEAR 2004 On this the 10th day of -!.!!!ll!!!!. August __ ' 2004, the Commissioners' Court, with the following members being present: COUhty Judge Robert E. Hebert The following proceedings THAT WHEREAS, Tom Stavinoha Commissioner Precinct #1 Grady Prestage Commissioner Precinct #2 Andy Meyers Commissioner Precinct #3 James Patterson Commissioner Precinct #4 were had, to-writ, theretofore, on September 9, 2003, the Court heard and approved the budget for the year 2004 for Fort Bend County; and WHEREAS, on proper application, of a similar kind and fund. The following transfers Department Name: LINE-ITEM TRANSFER the Commissioners' Court has transferred an existing budget surplus to a budget The transfer does not increase the total of the budget. to said bUdget are hereby authorized: Department Sheriff NAME TO: Overtime Social Security Retirement AMOUNT NUMBER Multi-Year 010-027 -G04C-1600-0202 010-027-G04C-1600-0300 010-027 -G04C-1600-0400 TOTAL TRANSFERRED TO: TRANSFER FROM: State Reimb. (Increase) 010-027 -G04C #: $ 1,786 136 190 $ 2,112 $ 2,112 $ 2,112 Multi-Year 010-027 -G04C-STA T TOTAL TRANSFERRED FROM: Date: August 4, 2004 cc: Budget Office (original), Commissioners, County Judge, County Auditor FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORD.·COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE SUBMITTED BY: Marsha P. Gaines DEPARTMENT: Tax Assessor /Collector PHONE NO.: 281·341·3730 DATE SUBMITTED: August 04, 2004 AGENDA DATE: August 10, 2004 SUMMARY OF ITEM: Overpayments of $500.00·· $1,686.02 Yes ( ) RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: No() LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes ( ) No() Fund N/A() Funding Source: Agency Object ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: One Time () Recurring N/A () ( ) COMMENTS: Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: Yes ( X) CC with back up: yes ( x) Auditor yes ( ) Budget Officer yes ( x ) County Attorney yes ( ) Purchasing Agent yes ( x ) County Clerk (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) yes (x yes ( x yes ( x yes ( x ) Comm. Pet. 1 ) Comm. Pet. 2 ) Comm. Pet. 3 ) Comm. Pet. 4 (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or iuter·office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: Please approve & record the amount of $1,686.02 for over-$500.00 refunds from the office of Tax Assessor Collector Marsha P Gaines AGENDA #~11l .. "' .... .. "'''' '*CJ" C ·U a:> 0 00 G) Do II: § w :::J C o 0 <..l III l'll II: G) O en wen Zen _w «en 0: '" CJen .« c..x «« IIen> II: I- «Z :;:J o - .. ""~ "C "C al al OS (J ~"C (J OS al al "CO; al al ::J E c;; 0 >.r:; va:> lllv 'tl C r...:aj C :I "'v :I 0 <DO <..l o G) Z E ", 0:<1: w CD - ~ ", li: 5:' § <5 ~ ]j Cl ::J .. G) '" 0; ...JI- c.. ~ cn'?ft. c 3:« oen ;: 1il:J 0 « al C. ~ :; 0 "'<..l al Cl ~ o >Jl:; OS "C c..CD zen ZI 15 :i t::J"C'" o '" <..l2 ~~ alO "'0 .2 ci "'0 .!G LO E'" E :;; o > <..l0 .<..l .. .. .. ~'" g~ vO G) ~~ 0l0l .c "'0 E ::g~ :I Z 00 •• 00 C 00 :I 0 CJ ":"cb CJ 0'" <I: '"0 .... '" FORM B01 IN THE MATTER OF TRANSFERRING OF BUDGET SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR 2003 On this the 26th day of August , 2003, the Commissioners' ~\13 OF FORT BEND COUNTY Court, with the following members being present: County Judge Robert E. Hebert Tom Stavinoha Commissioner Precinct #1 Grady Prestage Commissioner Andy Meyers Precinct #2 Commissioner Precinct #3 James Patterson Commissioner Precinct #4 The follovving proceedings were had, to·writ. THAT WHEREAS, theretofore, on September 24, 2002, the Court heard and approved the bUdget for the year 2003 for Fort Bend County; and WHEREAS, on proper application, the Commissioners' Court has transferred an existing budget surplus to a bUdget of a similar kind and fund. The transfer does not increase the total of the bUdget. The following transfers to said budget are hereby authorized: Department Name: TRANSFER ..:T"'AX=..:O:.:F..:F..:I..:C..:E=- -Department #:..: __ -=.c= 003 TO: LINE-ITEM NAME AMOUNT NUMBER I T HARDWARE $ 1,465.00 010-003-0030-1 012 010-003-0030-3040 IT SOFTWARE 232.00 $ 1,697.00 --='--=:c.:..:..:...:..=.._ TOTAL TRANSFERRED TO: .:$ TRANSFER OFFICE _ FROM: 010-003-0030-1062 $ 1,697.00 TOTAL TRANSFERRED FROM:.::$~ $ 1,697.00 --.::~==..:..::.=- SUPPLIES EXPLANATION: The personal computer requested is for the Automobile Dep!. in the Richmond office. The Director & Div. Supervisor each have a PC but the other 10 employees in the department have to share an outdated PC manufactured in Feb.'99 wlWindows 95 that per MIS can not be upgraded to 2000. Another computer is essential to anable the de artment to function re efficientl . Date: E DOLLARS Robert E. Hebert, County Judge Original to Budget Officer cc: Commissioners Court 4-Aug-04 ONLY FORT BEND COUNTY ,,,",'3 COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR DATE SUBMITTED: August SUBMITTED BY: O'Neal Krisch DEPARTMENT: County Judge PHONE NO: 281-341-8606 4,2004 COURT AGENDA DATE: August - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE 10, 2004 SUMMARY OF ITEM: TAKE ALL APPROPRIATE ACTION TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR REGIONAL EMERGENCY/TRAUMA CARE PLANNING AND COORDINATING PROGRAM, AND AUTHORIZE THE PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,000, FUNDING SOURCE RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: Yes () LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: 0 No ( ) FINANCIAL SUMMARY: ANNUALIZED BUDGETED ITEM: Yes (X Fund Form CC with ( ( ( ( ( Submitted with back up: ) Auditor ) Budget Officer ) County Attorney ) Purchasing Agent ) County Clerk Instructions 3. N/A ( ) Funding Source: Agency Object Original 1. 2. ) No () for submitting back COMMENTS: DOLLARS: One Time () Recurring N/A () ( ) up to County Judge's (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) Office: ( ( ( ( ( ) Comm. ) Comm. ) Comm. ) Comm. ( " when Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. 1 2 3 4 completed) (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) an Agenda Request: Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: The County has been asked to financially support the Emergency Trauma Care Policy Council in the amount of $3,000. The council was formed in 2003 due to serious regional problems of overcrowded emergency rooms, increasing hospital diversion of amhulances, and delays in making needed patient tr sfers. ,-\ ~$0,\ 0 " £2.' ~ A.AAII Houston-Galveston Officeof the ExecutiveDirector Area Council July 21,2004 The Honorable Bob Hebert County Judge, Fort Bend County County Courthouse 301 Jackson Riclunond, Texas 77469 Deadndge.Hebert: Ea~~ljling to,.:requ~.the County's financial support forl,continuiitgcH"GAC~s ,=~,"'~:!~~i~ .C~~olicy;Councik (Coun~~X.:yTlietC~unci~is:,~ '??pcy-oriented :t:;co "Il 'f .s~~f*;~hqSPIta1 i~mIs~,i E~&, .,~\:;;pro~, CltiZ~;', j'.", ..', .Jii%; ,"" .hi .,,'i: ,,' '.••..'.,.. ..', ,,~cil'wltormedtin'Apt;ll{0f2003lt~e1ttlf;eriouS;i~li,,''Problemiliof ;; overmUiWd ,.",'."enQ,~ToomsPrcreasiiiifh()spifafdiv;emom:of airiIi'iilii:riaancLdelays : iU'iri~(I;&Ji~"l~'·'"'afi.Millinsf~sii,Tlie,@'otmcilif~iti~Vision--.::".' , ',:;f",'-~}~~%\·~~>;· ;•.~:a, ,:?,~L};~ ::r:~".' _ :1', -. : ',' ,.,.ate~ift~trf1Politan ;!f~a, ,I, provitfffilac' :i~.:;_i,:."., '." "_~,__; _.' 'a1UJf!:~ergency,,~nsei'E:system~ .''Cl11'!:4~!,'opriatl1!ifacilitji.ifor,eve~som,withinfln,Ji$houJofta,critiCal hd\li:(,ofailll&j()r"traUll1ltincid~Irt!,~incr~ I'.;'fCharill, ... ·.~f~s"., •. ")I...·,.•.• ,'.•."l:a,'.···.t. 'me~t'lfOrmajO~traum,.~.US.' • uall~occurs;i~~llie',re.1iJ.ilinlstmee' f Eeveli",tfi~iliti~, Ben''tTaub,MemoriaLHermanmand' B'l::MB-cwhlire:care;is provic$.\toti;ij~ls thrcI11ghoutthe:regiom','" . incid~i:; .,".'.'".ilingq~withimone 'm.;".,.' .. ·,,'~:,:~k\\,':'::'f~,,:'i~J~; ,':'\\:\:" ",;: ),)'~;r, ,,' ,-_,:;:; ",~':;j_~,:';::~ 'tivith4i'4' '~,'~fuiIdiilthe~ciliha-ji:onveD.ed1~lt~' ',; '''''''',;1.,'\1.,''''--', , g;, .., '," >, ""':',~';;i~~;;: ','. "~ /;i ita1~'. promOte vol~Y'!'filll~()I1S. m:tlioSpit1Utdiversio~l1lIs de'l~oped)J~plan."foJm~o~"needed to bettlmcoord:iiiate the"system;c'andhas"encourageI:IzEevehIII trauma faCIlItiesto take more'patienlS,with less' severe injuries, freeing capacity at Level I trauma facilities. The Councilj\isaiso monitoring legislative issues impactingemergencyand\tranma care operationsand'has soughtfunding. to longcterm needs for theregion~s EMS.and traUffilllhospitals.While the Council has made good,initial progress,',mnchmore needsto be done;' :,.,.",.~c",~,,:/ .'-<';:-"":~:;'. MaIling Address PO Box 22777 Houston, Texas n227-2777 Phone 713-627-3200 o Recycled :"" ..",' PhySi lane, Sulta120 Houston, Texas 77027::6466 Phone 713-_62~-3200 3555 T1mfflons The Honorable Bob Hebert July 21, 2004 Page Two of Two H-GAC's Board of Directors has reviewed the Council's work to date and proposecrwork for next year, and agrees that the region should share m supporting the Council's work. A financial plan has been developed providing enhanced staff support. The plan relies primarily on financial assistance from the region's hospital systems and trauma care hospitals. Because emergency/trauma care is a public health issue, the plan also involves support from counties through interlocal agreements. Information on the Council, its funding plan and the interlocal agreement are enclosed. The ability of our trauma care system to respond to major trauma incidents is an important regional issue. We hope you will agree to participate in supporting this program, indicating your support by returning a signed copy of the interlocal agreement by October 15, 2004. If you have any. questions aboutthe..Emergencylfrauma.Care this requestipleas~contactme or Steve;Howard at (713) 627-3200. Sincerely,. . ,~ Jack Steele JSiSh . .Ei:lclosuti:S" cc:' ComIirissiom:Il'Andy Meyers, Fort Bend County. (w/enclosures) Policy Council and INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR REGIONAL EMERGENcyrrRAUMA CARE PLANNING AND COORDINATION PROGRAM This Agreement is entered into between Fort Bend County, sometimes called the "County", a body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of Texas and the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC), a commission operating under the Texas Local Government Code, chapter 391. WHEREAS, the health and safety of its citizens is of utmost concern to the County; and WHEREAS, the Houston-Galveston area has experienced severe problems with its emergency and trauma care health system including overcrowded hospital emergency departments, emergency department diversion of ambulances, inadequate intensive care capacity and delays in transferring patients; and WHEREAS, H-GAC has formed an Emergency/Trauma (Council) to address these and related public health concerns; and Care Policy Council WHEREAS, the Council includes representatives from the County and the remaining twelve counties in the H-GAC region and provides a formal structure for a coordinated regional emergency health care response system; and WHEREAS, H-GAC is requesting all counties in the H-GAC region to enter into interlocal agreements to support the work of the Council, and is also requesting major financial support from hospitals; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791, Texas Government Code, H-GAC and the County are authorized to enter into agreements to perform governmental functions and services, and under Texas Local Government Code § 391.005, H-GAC and the County are authorized to contract together for H-GAC to perform certain services for the County. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants herein contained, H-GAC and Fort Bend County agree as follows: I Fort Bend County agrees to contract with H-GAC to conduct a regional emergency/trauma care system planning and coordination program (Program) as defined in the scope of services attached hereto as Attachment A. 1 II H-GAC agrees to conduct the scope of services in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. It is understood and agreed that H-GAC shall not be authorized to bind the County in any way and that H-GAC shall operate as an independent contractor. Nothing herein shall be construed to make the H-GAC or any of its agents or employees an agent or employee of the County. III The County agrees to compensate H-GAC THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,000) for the period of the Agreement. H-GAC will invoice the County for the entire amount of the Agreement no later than March 31, 2005 and the County agrees to pay HGAC within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. IV H-GAC shall maintain records adequate to verify the costs incurred in conducting the Program and shall afford Fort Bend County and its authorized representatives the opportunity to inspect and audit such records upon reasonable notice. Records relating to the Program shall be maintained for three (3) years after the expiration of the Agreement or until all claims or disputes relating to the Agreement are resolved, whichever is later. H-GAC shall promptly reimburse the County any amounts determined not expended in furtherance of this Agreement. V Either party may terminate this Agreement for any reason without further obligation by providing thirty (30) days advance notice. Within sixty (60) days after termination, either under this provision or any other, H-GAC shall provide the County a final statement of expenses and payments due, if any. VI H-GAC is responsible for administering the Program. H-GAC's project manager for this Agreement is Steve Howard. VII H-GAC shall notify Fort Bend County of any public meetings conducted in association with the scope of services. H-GAC shall also provide the County an annual report of Program activities and expenditures authorized by the Agreement. VIII Subject to earlier termination as set forth above, the term of this Agreement shall commence on January 1,2005 and continue through September 30, 2005. 2 IX All notices required by this Agreement shall be in wntmg and delivered personally or sent by certified U. S. mail, postage prepaid addressed to each party as follows: ToH-GAC: Mr. Jack Steele Executive Director Houston-Galveston Area Council P. O. Box 22777 Houston, Texas 77227-2777 To Fort Bend County County: Bob Hebert County Judge County Courthouse 301 Jackson Richmond, Texas 77469 Notice shall be deemed given on the date so delivered or so deposited in the mail, unless otherwise provided herein. The parties may change the above address by sending written notice of such change to the other in the manner provided for above. X The entire Agreement between the parties is contained herein and no change or modification of this Agreement shall be valid or enforceable unless it is in writing and signed by all parties. EXECUTED for and on behalf of the parties as follows: ATTEST: By Title _ ---------- Date_,.",- _ Date _ :R7Il!Jw Bob Hebert, County Judge Date 3 f/uqu S"t 10) :;oo! Attachment A Scope of Services Regional EmergencylTrauma Care Planning and Coordination The tasks enumerated in this attachment will be undertaken in support of a program of regional emergency/trauma care planning and coordination. The tasks support the vision of the Council for "a coordinated metropolitan trauma and emergency response system that provides access to an appropriate facility for every person within one hour of a critical incident." The work of the Council will focus on objectives that improve the system including efforts to--l) reduce hospital diversion of ambulances, 2) reduce delays in transfer of patients to appropriate trauma facilities, 3) improve utilization of existing resources and 4) support capacity increases as needed. Task I-8upport the EmergencylTrauma Care Policy Council . H-GAC will provide staff support to the Council and its committees. The staff support includes maintaining Council membership information, producing minutes, and arranging meetings and providing meeting notices. In addition, H-GAC will provide short-term research needed by the Council to perform its work. Task II-Legislative and Regulatory Information H-GAC will provide research and information needed by the Council to monitor legislation and regulations that affect the emergency/trauma care system. The Council will continue to monitor state implementation of lIB 3588, which provides funding for uncompensated trauma care and for EMS improvements. H-GAC and the Council will also monitor other opportunities for funding of trauma facilities and EMS enhancements. Task m-Coordination of Services H-GAC and the Council will undertake short-term initiatives to better coordinate the emergency/trauma care system to maximize use of the current system. These activities may include but are not limited to efforts to a) increase the number of trauma patients cared for by Level III hospitals, b) improve communications between EMS and hospitals, and c) support initiatives that reduce use of emergency departments for primary care. Task IV-Long-range planning Subject to available funding, the Council and H-GAC will conduct long-term studies on the need for future trauma facilities in the region and address the long-term capacity and needs for EMS services. Task V-Data development for monitoring the emergency/trauma care system H-GAC and the Council will develop and implement a system for monitoring the operation of the emergency/trauma care system. The data developed and analyzed will used to identify challenges and opportunities to improve care, system performance and support requests for state and federal funding for improvements. 5 Emergencyrrrauma Proposed annual program budget: Care Policy Council Funding Plan $300,000 Funding Sources: The Council funding plan includes support from area hospitals and from County governments. Hospital funding is requested from the region's largest hospital systems, designated trauma hospitals and hospitals actively seeking trauma designation. Hospital ftmding is calculated on a ftmding share per bed multiplied by the number of staffed beds. County ftmding is based upon share of regional population with a minimum $500 amount. Hospital Funding: Hospital/System Bellville General Hospital Brazosport Memorial Hospital Sweeney Community Hospital Bayside Hospital Rice Medical Center Columbus Community Hospital Polly Ryon Community Hospital Memorial Hermann System The Methodist Hospital System UT Medical Branch Hospital Bellaire Medical Center Riverside General Hospital Houston Community Hospital HCA System Christus System St. Luke's Hospital System Texas Children's Hospital Harris County Hospital District The Tenet System Doctor's Hospital-Tidwell Cleveland Regional Medical Center Matagorda General Hospital Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center Totals Total staffed beds 26 156 20 14 25 36 92 2324 1288 758 194 64 39 1825 626 664 431 1056 858 200 107 67 128 10,998 Funding formula amount $ 602.84 3,617.02 463.72 324.60 579.65 834.70 2,133.12 53,884.34 29,863.61 17,575.01 4,498.09 1,483.91 904.26 42,314.51 14,514.46 15,395.53 9,993.18 24,484.45 19,893.62 4,637.21 2,480.91 1,553.46 2.967.81 $255,000.00 CountylH-GAC Fnnding County 2002 population Austin Brazoria Chambers Colorado 24,596 257,256 27,244 20,384 Funding amount $ 500 2,000 500 500 (over) Q Everyone Rowena Trauma 2004 Folder 04 Program Budget 7121/200411:30 AM Emergencyffrauma Page 2 Care Policy Council Funding Plan 2002 population 399,537 261,219 3,557,055 73,739 37,954 328,449 62,388 34,057 41.329 5,125,207 County Fort Bend Galveston Harris Liberty Matagorda Montgomery Walker Waller Wharton Totals Funding Amount $ 3,000 2,000 26,700 600 500 2,500 500 500 500 $40,300 $ 4,700 H-GAC CountylH-GAC total Total All Funding Sources $45,000 $300,000 Q Everyone Rowena Trauma 2004 Folder 04 Program Budget 7121/200411:30 AM c ~ €~ § oj (Jo E ~ 8 gg ~ 8 un_~~g~un~ ... .." 8.... 0 '" '" m .. '" "''''''''" W6l't * .. .... ......... 18"¢""""OHtJOJ .. 0 io't "' '" ~!i~~~ "':lZicJ";~l,(j ~~~i~~~ iN to)..q, M~(cC')""~ '" '" 0 0 "' '" It:~t1.E .l!o'gli 'C 11 ... oe! ~~ c ,q .!..If:'I8IJla; ~ !''E~~t:c 0 .... ii! 0'ii.:6 8.i m(Jutl.CJ~::i:E:E:t.;:~ ~l~'t:'iI .. u <;> '" '" '" '" '" '" '""" ' .. I- I '" ;~!J:-t~r· i·~!-·i~!8 ~itl~J::: ~lm:~;-1 ~ E ~ 8 I l!~ '~ , I! i, ! I to) - Nt""l_i .. .. '" 8 ~ N '" '" '" '" '" '" Jr-.i i~1 i~, !'" ,, '~I I : ,i ! , i: 'i : I !ff1 : 1:1 I() ~~::l C'>< ~i~ I i : i I ' ; cj i~!~! I I:I:l:I: , , ! i I ! I i I I i '" illo '" '" '" Emergencyrrrauma Care Policy Council Background In early 2003, the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) Board of Directors created the Emergency/Trauma Care Policy Council to address serious issues facing the region's emergency/trauma care system. Those issues include overcrowded emergency departments, full intensive care units, high numbers of uninsured patients, nursing shortages, difficulties in transferring patients, and increased diversion by major trauma facilities. Several studies recommended problems. a coordinated, regional system approach to addressing these Purpose The EmergencylTrauma Care Policy Council provides a formal structure for regional planning, coordination and accountability for the metropolitan trauma and emergency medical response system. Functions The Council is authorized to conduct the following activities: • Develop regional emergency/trauma care plans; • Recommend policies and standards and promote their adoption; • Collect data and monitor the emergency/trauma care system; • Monitor legislative and regulatory issues and recommend legislative policies; • When appropriate recommend distribution of funds for system enhancements; and • Provide oversight and guidance in implementing emergency/trauma care planning and policy-making activities. Relationship to H-GAC The Council is a committee of the Houston-Galveston Area Council. H-GAC-• serves as staff to the Council; • provides fiscal administration; • approves plans and contracts; and • appoints the Policy Council. Council Membership The Council is representative of the emergency/trauma care system in the thirteen county region. Its members include EMS providers, hospitals, health care professionals, chairs of the region's two trauma system Regional Advisory Councils (RAC) and others. The H-GAC Board of Directors approves all appointments. Council members are listed on the attached pages. Council Meetings The Council meets the first Friday of every other month, beginning in February each year, at I p.m. Meetings last no more than one and one-half hours and are held in H-GAC's Conference Room A, second floor, 3555 Timmons Lane in Houston. Q Rowena EIT trauma 2004 7/21/2004 11 :27 AM EmergencyfTraurnaCare Policy Council Page 2 of3 Emergencyrrrauma Care Policy Council Members JOE ANZALDUA, M.D. KING HILLIER Medical Director, EMS Sugar Land Director, Legislative Relations Harris County RALPH BEATY ALLEN JOHNSON, Secretary Administrator & CEO Huntsville Memorial Hospital EMS Director Montgomery County EMS DAVID BLEAKNEY MIKE KOEN Administrator Angleton-Danbury President Liberty County Emergency Medical Services, Inc. Hospital CARL S. BOWLES CPA, Member, Save Our ER's GREG KUNKEL Galveston EMS GUY CLIFTON, M.D., Chair Professor and Chairman Department of Neurosurgery UT Medical School at Houston DAVID LOPEZ KIMBERLY CONNELL MIKE LESTER Vice-President Operations The Methodist Hospital Director of Health and Emergency Services Baytown Health Department Interim CEO Harris County Hospital District RONALD COOKSTON, Ed.D. KENNETH MATTOX, M.D. Director Harris County Gateway to Care Professor and Vice Chairman Michael E, DeBakey Department of Surgery Baylor College of Medicine JAMES "RED" DUKE, M.D. University of Texas Medical School BILL MILESKI, M.D. TOM FLANAGAN Chief of Trauma Service UTMB Administrative Director Emergency Service and Life Flight Memorial Hermann Hospital MATT MINSON, M.D., Vice-Chair Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services SHELLEY SEKULA-GIBBS, M. D. Council Member City of Houston MICHAEL MORRIS CEO and Administrator Bellville General Hospital RENEE' GRIFFITH Trauma Coordinator Matagorda General Hospital MICHAEL MURPHY CEO, Gulf Coast Medical Center Wharton, Texas DAVE HELFER Senior Vice President & Executive Director Health Network St Luke's Episcopal Hospital Q Everyone Rowena Err trauma 2004 7/21/2004 RAY NOLAN EMS Chief City of La Porte 11:27 AM Emergencyrrrauma Page 3 of3 Care Policy Council HERMINIA PALACIO, M.D. Executive Director Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services Department BOB PASCASIO CEO Bayside Hospital MAXINE PATE BrookshirelPattison EMS DAVID E. PERSSE, M.D. Physician Director of EMS City of Houston DAVID ROWE CEO Polly Ryon Memorial Hospital TIM SEAY, M.D. Regional Medical Director Greater Houston Emergency Physicians KAREN SEXTON Chief Operating Officer University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston JOAN E. SHOOK, M.D. Chief, Emergency Medical Department . Texas Children's Hospital JEFF SUNDSETH EMS Director City of Pearland R. RUSSELL THOMAS, JR., D.O, M.P.H. Eagle Lake, Texas JEFF WEBSTER Administrator Christus St. Joseph's Hospital JANICE ZIMMERMAN, M.D. Harris County Medical Society Q Everyone Rowena Err trauma 2004 7121/200411:27 AM RECORDED ON \ - \f) .\>li IN THE COMMISSI~?>~n MINUTESOF. . COMMISSIONERS FORT BEND COUNTY COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR DATE SUBMITTED: SUBMITTED BY: DEPARTMENT: County Judge PHONE NO.: 281-341-8608 8/4/2004 COURT AGENDA DATE: - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE 8/10/2004 SUMMARY OF ITEM: Take all appropriate action on Resolution in support of Fort Bend County's project submittal to the 2006-2008 Transportation Improvement Program for the Houston-Galveston Area Council, and authorize application by the County for grant funds for the 5307 Program. Yes ( ) RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: FINANCIAL Fund Proposed Resolution SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes( No() )No() N/A() Funding Source: Agency Object ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: One Time () Recurring NIA () ( ) COMMENTS: Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: ( ) ( '" when completed) If by E-Mail to If by Fax to (281) 341-8609 Copies with back-up to: (281-342-0587) ( ) Comm. Pct. 1 (281-341-3774) ( ) Auditor (281-403-8009) ( ) Comm. Pct. 2 (281-344-3954) ( ) Budget Officer (281-242-9060) ( ) Comm. Pct. 3 (281-341-4557) ( ) County Attorney (281-980-9077) ( ) Comm. Pct. 4 (281-341-8642) ( ) Purchasing Agent (281-341-8697) ( ) County Clerk Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Agenda Request Forms may be submitted bye-mail, fax, or inter-office mail, and all information must be provided by Wednesday at 2:00 p.rn. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judge's Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION 1 ACTION REQUESTED: THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF FORT BEND § RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF FORT BEND COUNTY'S PROJECT SUBMITIAL TO THE 20062008 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE HOUSTONGALVESTON AREA COUNCIL AND A COMMITMENT TO A MINIMUM 20% LOCAL SHARE MATCHING FUNDS. WHEREAS, Fort Bend County, Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) are currently completing a comprehensive Fort Bend County Transit Plan ("Transit Plan"); and WHEREAS, the Fort Bend County Transit Plan identifies the priority transit projects and services for the next 20 years; and WHEREAS, the draft Transit Plan includes the following projects that have been identified as candidates for the region's 2006-2008 Transportation Improvement Program: Westpark Park & Ride Sienna Plantation Park and Ride Demand Response Vehicle Acquisition CMAQ (Congestion Mitigation Air Quality) Park and Ride New Service Funding FTA (Federal Transit Act) Section 5307 Formula Funding Planning and Capital WHEREAS, Fort Bend County has also identified $600,000 (federal) planning and capital projects for FY 2004; and in FTA Section 5307 WHEREAS, the projects contained within the draft Transit Plan have undergone public outreach, including 10 separate meetings throughout Fort Bend County; and WHEREAS, the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC), as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), is responsible for the programming of transportation, transit and air quality projects for the eight-county Houston-Galveston Transportation Management Area (TMA). WHEREAS, the projects identified above are included in the 2025 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) , and its extensive associated public outreach process and separate public meetings. WHEREAS, Fort Bend County commits to a minimum of 20% local share funding support of these projects from one or more of the following resources: General Fund Bonds State of Texas Toll Road Credits In-Kind contributions from the Fort Bend County and/or other local entities and partners NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF FORT BEND THAT THIS RESOLUTION IS HEREBY ADOPTED. PASSED AND APPROVED this kLth day of August, 2004 at a regularly scheduled m!:liNingofthe Fort Bend County Commissioner's Court. , _:>-._ i- " ,," ~" .~. !., ' , '" .-/ .... ,,-">? .. By: Robert E. Hebert, County Judge Dianne Wilson, Ph.D, County Clerk Ilj: transit resolution.5307 funds.2004.doc:3526:0B0404 v\ .()l\ RECORDED ON ~ IN THE COMMISSI~E~C~RT MINUTES OF: - D' . • FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FOJ ~d.c..... RETURN TO AGENDA COORDINATOR - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE I DATE SUBMITTED: I COMMISSIONERS August 2, 2004 DEPT. SUBMITTED BY: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES COURT AGENDA FOR: August 10, 2004 DEPT. PHONE NO.: 281·344·3950 SUMMARY OF ITEM: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Take all necessary action to adopt a resolution in support of Community Centers to provide services to people with mental retardation. This resolution is submitted by Texana MHMR Center as a result of action proposed at the State level under HB2292 to only allow Community Centers to be the "provider of last resort". RENEWAL CONTRACT I AGREEMENT: Yes () No (X) LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Memorandnm Resolution. (Back-up documentation of explanation and proposed must be attached for consideration) FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: COMM~'- ~Nl.. ~*. . j'«.V REGElVED ,-. ::\ ~.~, Yes () No () N/A 0 Funding Source: Fund Agcy. Object One Time () Recurring () I" (281·341·3774) (281-344-3954) (281·341·4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341·8697) \.(,~ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) Comm. Pet. 1 Comm.Pct.2 Comm.Pct.3 Comm.Pct.4 AdminServices ~ (281·342·0587) (281-403-8009) (281·242·9060) (281·980-9077) (281-238-3322) Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. Completely fill out agenda form. Incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday, 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. 3. All original back·up must be received in the County Judge's Office by 2:00 p.m., Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION 4 / ill (X) N/A Original Form Submitted witb back up to County Judge's Office: Yes (X) CC with back up: Auditor Budget Officer County Attorney Purchasing Agent County Clerk a " I ACTION Please approve. REQUESTED: .d ~. ~~ Yes (X) Yes (X) Yes (X) Yes (X) Yes (X) , Fort Bend County Administrative Services J.e. Whitten Director August 2, 2004 To the Honorable Commissioners Fort Bend County Travis Building, 7th Floor Richmond, Texas 77469 Re: Court Resolution in support of Community Centers Dear Commissioners Court: Attached you will find an important Resolution that supports the ability for Community Centers to provide services to people with mental retardation. Currently there are negotiations being conducted with the Private Providers Association of Texas (PPA and members of the Texas Council in regards to provisions found in HB 2292. Recently all MHMR Centers participated in a state-wide 'RFI' to determine if there were other providers that wanted to provide similar services to the market in Texas. The results showed that there were 41 other providers that indicated they would provide services in the Texana market area. n Within the negotiations, there are provisions that give the consumer the freedom of choice to select a provider of services. Although this has always been available to the consumer, the negotiations have been interpreted to require all current consumers of ICFIMR and HCS programs. to make a new choice without consideration of their currerlt provider. This would mean that Texana MHMR Center's currerlt 56 consumers would have to choose another provider. We see this action if approved by the Texas Council to be detrimental to our consumers and restricts their 'freedom of choice'. Your support with the Resolution will be taken to the Texas Council meeting on August 12th & 13th, by Stephen McDowell, Texana's representative to the Texas Council. Respectfully submitted, 4520 Reading. Rosenberg, Texas 77471 (281) 344·3950 • (281) 450-3693 (Cell) Fax (281) 238-3322 RESOLUTION A Resolution concerning legislation and administrative rulings that limit the ability of Community MHMR Centers in the State of Texas to provide services to peopie with mental retardation and developmental disabilities; FOR the purpose of ensuring (1) the availability of an array of quality service providers and (2) freedom of choice in the selection of a provider to people with mental retardation and developmental disabilities. WHEREAS, the State of Texas has established that the welfare of individuals receiving care shall be the underlying objective of its system of mental retardation services and WHEREAS, the individual's freedom to choose a care provider is essential to quality when exercised in the presence of an array of competing providers and WHEREAS, care services in the State of Texas are presently available from a vibrant mix of forprofit providers, not-for-profit providers and Community MHMR Centers and, WHEREAS, State and Federal reimbursement all providers and rates for HCS and ICFMR services are uniform for WHEREAS, the present competitive system of access and choice results in a majority of people with mental retardation and developmental disabilities being served by an array of for-profit and not-forprofit providers and WHEREAS, Texana Community MHMR Center is a community based organization controlled by and responsive to local county government for the welfare of its citizens and WHEREAS, Texana is trusted and respected by local government and its citizens as a point of access to community based health care services and WHEREAS, the local authority system has been abolished by Legislative mandate with ultimate authority residing in the Department of Health and Human Services eliminating any potential authority/provider conflict of interest and WHEREAS, Texana is a cost effective provider of quality services to people with mental retardation and developmental disabilities and WHEREAS, HB2292 requires that: (1) a local Community MHMR Center, under present circumstances, may be a provider of services only as a "provider of last resort" when there is no willing private provider of the relevant services in the area or in the county where the provision of services is needed; and (2) that a plan be developed by each local MHMR center to privatize the provision of all ICF/MR and related waiver services; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we hereby state our strong support for the repeal and amendment of (1) these restrictive provisions of HB2292, and (2) the present administrative rulings of TDMHMR which would, under present circumstances, prevent Texana from serving as the point of access to community based services while also providing services to people who, individually or with their families, freely choose to receive mental retardation services from Texana Community MHMR Center and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Fort Bend County Commissioners Court strongly opposes any system that would limit competition and the free choice of people receiving mental retardation services by imposing quotas, capacity limits or prohibitions on the provision of services by any of the present array of for-profit and not-for-profit providers and Community MHMR Centers. UPON MOTION DULY MADE AND SECONDED, the above Resolution was unanimously adopted on this the __ day of August, 2004. WHEREAS, HB2292 requires that: (1) a local Community MHMR Center, under present circumstances, may be a provider of services only as a "provider of last resort" when there is no willing private provider of the relevant services in the area or in the county where the provision of services is needed; and (2) that a plan be developed by each local MHMR center to privatize the provision of all ICF/MR and related waiver services; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we hereby state our strong support for the repeal and amendment of (1) these restrictive provisions of HB2292, and (2) the present administrative rulings of TDMHMR which would, under present circumstances, prevent Texana from serving as the point of access to community based services while also providing services to people who, individually or with their families, freely choose to receive mental retardation services from Texana Community MHMR Center and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Fort Bend County Commissioner's Court strongly opposes any system that would limit competition and the free choice of people receiving mental retardation services by imposing quotas, capacity limits or prohibitions on the provision of services by any of the present array of for-profit and not-for-profit providers and Community MHMR Centers. Adopted on this the /0 day of August, 2004. FORT BEND COUNTY By: CkJI~ Robert E. Hebert, County Judge ATTES~ Dianne Wilson, Ph.D, County Clerk,,' l V\-{)~ RECORDED ON IN THE COMMISS.lONER MINUTES OF. . 'He OF2 CO~e -\) . 2 t: FORT BEND COUNTY;~\\.J I ) COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETUR."I TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR DATE SUBMITTED: ?1i!1I2884 COURT AGENDA DATE: SUMMARY OF ITEM: Committee. i-I{ -0 7"]q,.~901 '1 FINANCIAL Fund #~~lJ Yes ( ) No() DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes( AGENDA action to appoint members to the Fort Bend County Mobility Planning RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING SUBMITTED BY: DEPARTMENT: County Judge PHONE NO.: 281-341-8608 '-10-0'1 Take all appropriate - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE ) No() N/A() Funding Source: Agency Object ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: One Time () Recurring N/A () ( ) COMMENTS: Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: ( ) ( ,/ when completed) If by E-Mail to If by Fax to (281) 341-8609 Copies with back-up to: (281-341-3774) ( ..., Comm. Pet. 1 (281-342-0587) ( '1 Auditor (281-344-3954) ( v ) Comm. Pet. 2 (281-403-8009) ( V) Budget Officer (281-341-4557) ( ) Comm. Pet. 3 (281-242-9060) ( '1 County Attorney ( ) Comm. Pet. 4 Purchasing Agent (281-341-8642) (281-980-9077) (281-341-8697) County Clerk ( -1 (l' Instructions 1. 2. 3. for submitting an Agenda Request: Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Agenda Request Forms may be suhmitted bye-mail, fax, or inter-office mail, and all information must be provided by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judge's Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION ~~(pG S D: • CITY OF SUGAR LAND OFFICE OF MAYOR DAVID G. WALLACE July 28,2004 The Honorable Robert E. Hebert County Judge County of Fort Bend 301 Jackson, Suite 719 Richmond, Texas 77469 RE: Fort Bend County Mobility Planning Committee Appointment Dear Judge Hebert: Please let this letter serve as notification that the Sugar Land City Council on Tuesday, July 27, 2004, unanimously approved the recommended appointment of Council Member Dennis Parmer as the City of Sugar Land representative to the Fort Bend County Mobility Planning Committee as a voting member. Please provide confirmation of your appointment of Council Member Parmer to this committeeat your earliest convenience. All correspondence to him should be mailed to Post Office Box 110, Sugar Land, Texas 77487-0110. Thank you in advance for your consideration to this appointment. Should you have questions or require additional information, please contact me at the below referenced telephone number. Sincerely, David G. Wallace Mayor, City of Sugar Land, Texas Letters/FBC Mobility Planning 2004.doc 10405 CORPORATE DRIVE P.O. Box 110 SUGARLAND, TEXAS77487-0110 (281) 275-2714 FAX: (281) 275-2721 April 22, 2003 26. TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR: A. Approve resale of property taken under Cause No. 57,449; Lamar Consolidated Independent School District vs. Lunavaya Corporation. B. Approve refunds over $500 as detailed in Tax Assessor's Report dated April 1, 2003, for an amount totaling 536,650.87. Moved by Commissioner Prestage, Seconded by Commissioner Meyers, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to approve consent agenda items 6-26, delete 16B, delete 19G, and item 23F date of accident should be May 24,2002. 27. Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes yes Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes COUNTY JUDGE: A. Take all appropriate action to approve an fnterlocal Agreement between Fort Bend County and Texas Commission of Environmental Quality for participation in the low income vehicle repair assistance, retrofit and vehicle replacement program (LIPRA) within the County as part of the State's inspection and maintenance program called AirCheck Texas. Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Patterson, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered to approve an Interlocal Agreement between Fort Bend County and Texas Commission of Environmental Quality for participation in the low income vehicle repair assistance, retrofit and vehicle replacement program (LIPRA) within the County as part of the State's inspection and maintenance program called AirCheck Texas. Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes yes Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes yes B. Take all appropriate action to appoint members to the Fort Bend County Mobility Planning Committee. Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Prestage, duly put and unanimously carried (5-0), it is ordered that each member of the court appoint three members to the committee each and Judge Hebert and Commissioner Patterson will be non-voting members of the committee. Commissioner Pet. 3: Commissioner Pet. 1: Commissioner Pet. 2: Don Smithers Sugar Land, Texas Len Goff Missouri City, Texas Holly Zarate Richmond, Texas Mary Ross Missouri City, Texas John Pape Friendswood, Texas Lawrence Vacarro Stafford, Texas County Judge: Jim Bell Houston, Texas Kevin Matocha Richmond, Texas MarkZgabay Needville, Texas Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage Bill Jameson Sugar Land, Texas Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes yes 8 yes yes FORT BEND COUNTY p~ \.::'l _I COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETliRl"l'TO: DATE SUBMITTED: AGENDA COORDINATOR SUBMITTED BY: DEPARTMENT: County Judge PHONE NO.: 281-341-8608 8/4/2004 COURT AGENDA DATE: 8/1012004 SUMMARY OF ITEM: Take all appropriate toll rate schedule for the Fort Bend Parkway. FINANCIAL Fund #;<ar: No() Order adopted by Commissioners Court on July 27, 2004. SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes( Yes ( ) DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: AGENDA action on Order to Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority establishing the RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE ) No() N/A() Funding Source: Agency Object ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: One Time () Recurring N/A () ( ) COMMENTS: Original Form Submitted with back up to County JUdge's Office: ( ) ( ,/ when completed) If by E-Mail to If by Fax to (281) 341-8609 Copies with back-up to: (281-341-3774) (281-342-0587) ( ) Comm. Pet. 1 ( ) Auditor ( ) Budget Officer (281-344-3954) (281-403-8009) ( ) Comm. Pet. 2 (281-341-4557) ( ) County Attorney (281-242-9060) ( ) Comm. Pet. 3 ( ) Purchasing Agent (281-341-8642) (281-980-9077) ( ) Comm. Pet. 4 ( ) County Clerk (281-341-8697) Instructions 1. 2. 3. for submitting an Agenda Request: Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Ageuda Request Forms may be submitted bye-mail, fax, or iuter-office mail, and all information Wednesday at 2:00 p.rn. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judge's Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: must be provided by July 27, 2004 33. FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY: The Board of Directon of tile Fort Bend Canty Toll Road ADt1lority reviewed this item at tlleir regaIlU" meetillg on JDly 21, 2004, aad made the followiDg recommendation to Commissioaen Conrt: A. Approve Order establishing a toU rate schedule aDd speed limit for the Fort Bend Parkway Toll Road; prohibiting the operation of a motor vehicle on a county toll causeway, bridge, twlDeI, tDrnpike, highway, or c:ombiDation of those facilities after fail8re to pay reqnind toll or charge; esubJWoillg lUI "" .. inistrative ""jndication he:ariDg procednre for violation of order prohibitiBg operation of a motor vehicle 08 a COll8ty toll canseway, bridge, tnn.nel, turnpike, highway, or c:ombiDation of those facilities after failure to pay required toll or charge, establishing poticy relating to use of toU rosd system by the militaJoy; contaWng other provisions reJatiDg to the subject. Moved by Commissioner Patterson. Seconded by Commissioner Meyers, duly put and carried (3-1), it is ordered to approve the order as presented by Toll Road Authority with one modification: Seventy-two passenger school buses be exempt from toll charges. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson no yes absent yes Joe B. Allen discussed the exemption issues between Harris County Toll Road Authority and Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority. Appoinbnent of hearing attorneys to be named at a later date. County Attorney Bud Childers raised legal issues and liability with the modification to exempt 72 passenger school buses from toll charges on the Fort Bend Parkway. Moved by Commissioner Patterson, Seconded by Commissioner unanimously carried (~), it is ordered to rescind previous motion. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage Meyers, Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Patterson yes yes absent duly put and yes yes Moved by Commissioner Meyers, Seconded by Commissioner Stavinoha. duly put and carried (3-0-1), it is ordered to approve and adopt the order' as presented by the Fort Bend COImty Toll Road Authority and approved by the County Attorney with direction to the County Judge to present a recommendation to the court by August 10 to resolve the school bus exemption issue. Judge Hebert Commissioner Stavinoha Commissioner Prestage yes Commissioner Meyers Commissioner Pattersoo yes absent 13 yes abstain County Commissioners Court, Fort Bend County, Texas, Order No. THE STATE OF TEXAS _ § § COUNTY OF FORT BEND§ The Commissioners Court of Fort Bend County, Texas, acting as the governing body of Fort Bend County, convened in regular session of the Court in Fort Bend County Commissioners Courtroom, 7th Floor, Fort Bend County Administration Building, Richmond, Texas, at 1:00 p.m. on , with the following members present: o o o o o County Judge Commissioner, Commissioner, Commissioner, Commissioner, Robert E. Hebert Tom Stavinoha Grady Prestage Andy Meyers James Patterson Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 constituting a quorum, when among other business, the following was transacted: Order establishing a toll rate schedule and speed limit for the Fort Bend Parkway Toll Road; prohibiting the operation of a motor vehicle on a county toll causeway, bridge, tunnel, turnpike, highway, or combination of those facilities after failure to pay required toll or charge; establishing an administrative adjudication hearing procedure for violation of order prohibiting operation of a motor vehicle on a county toll causeway, bridge, tunnel, turnpike, highway, or combination of those facilities after failure to pay required toll or charge, establishing policy relating to use of toll road system by the military; containing other provisions relating to the subject. COmmissione~DJ introduc~d an Order and made a Motion that Commissioner ~o the same be adopted. adoption of the Order. 3 NOES: 0 ABSTENTIONS: 331703 (FBCAO) (2) the Motion for The Motion, carrying with it the adoption of the Order, prevailed by the following vote: AYES: D1roeh.a.seconded The County Judge announced that the Order had been duly and lawfully adopted. The Order adopted reads as follows: ORDER ESTABLISHING A TOLL RATE SCHEDULE AND SPEED LIMIT FOR THE FORT BEND PARKWAY TOLL ROAD; PROHIBITING THE OPERATION OF A MOTOR VEHICLE ON A COUNTY TOLL CAUSEWAY, BRIDGE, TUNNEL, TURNPIKE, HIGHWAY, OR COMBINATION OF THOSE FACILITIES AFTER FAILURE TO PAY REQUIRED TOLL OR CHARGE; ESTABLISHING AN ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUDICATION HEARING PROCEDURE FOR VIOLATION OF ORDER PROHIBITING OPERATION OF A MOTOR VEHICLE ON A COUNTY TOLL CAUSEWAY, BRIDGE, TUNNEL, TURNPIKE, HIGHWAY, OR COMBINATION OF THOSE FACILITIES AFTER FAlLURE TO PAY REQUIRED TOLL OR CHARGE; ESTABLISHING POLICY RELATING TO USE OF TOLL ROAD SYSTEM BY THE MILITARY; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT RECITALS WHEREAS, the Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority is constructing the Fort Bend Parkway Toll Road and Westpark Tollway on behalf of Fort Bend County; and WHEREAS, the Commissioners Court of Fort Bend County desires to adopt a toll rate schedule, establish a speed limit and prOVide for certain policies and procedures relating to the operation and toll enforcement on the County's toll roads; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF FORT BEND COUNTY THAT: Section 1. Scope and Purpose Pursuant to TEX. TRANSP. CODE ANN. Chapter 284, the Commissioners Court of Fort Bend County adopts the following procedures for the safe and efficient use and payment of tolls on the County's toll roads and an administrative adjudication procedure for persons suspected of the violation of this order. The administrative adjudication hearing procedures are adopted in an effort to enforce the payment of tolls and charges imposed for the use of County toll roads, including the Fort Bend Parkway Toll Road and the Westpark Tollway, and to deter owners and operators of motor vehicles from failing to pay tolls and charges as required. JJ 170 J (FBCAD) (2) Section 2. Definitions The words and terms defined in this procedure shall have the meanings ascribed unless the context clearly indicates another meaning. Department means the Texas Department of Transportation. County Project means a toll causeway, bridge, tunnel, turnpike, highway, or any combination of those facilities and includes the Fort Bend Parkway Toll Road and the Westpark Tollway. EZ TAG Lanes means those specially marked lanes for non-stop passage for patrons who have prepaid tolls through the EZ TAG System. EZ TAG System means a method of prepayment of tolls using an electronic device containing a unique identification number assigned to a specific vehicle, which is read as the vehicle approaches the toll plaza, then verifies the vehicle's identification number, and automatically deducts the appropriate toll from a prepaid account established for the vehicle. Motor Vehicle means a self-propelled vehicle and includes a bus, light truck, motorcycle, passenger car, school bus, truck, or truck tractor for which a toll is required for the operation of the vehicle on a County Project. Order means this Order. Registered Owner means the person designated as the owner on the certificate of title issued by the Texas Department of Transportation for the motor vehicle. Section 3. Toll Payment Required Unless otherwise exempt, all persons operating motor vehicles on a County Project are required to pay tolls at designated toll plazas. The required toll at each toll plaza is established as those tolls and charges shown on Exhibit A. Section 4. Failure to Pay Toll Unless otherwise exempt, no person may operate a motor vehicle, or cause or allow the operation of a motor vehicle through the EZ Tag Lanes unless the motor vehicle is equipped with an EZ Tag assigned to the vehicle and a funded prepaid account exists to pay the tolls, charges, and fees applicable to the vehicle. 33170 J (FBCAO) (2) Section 5. Notice and Opportunity to Pay Required Toll, Charge and Fee No motor vehicle may be operated on a County Project for which a toll or charge has been legally imposed, if: (A) (B) (C) An operator of a motor vehicle has failed to pay a required toll or charge; The County, by and through the Chairman of the Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority or his designee, provides notice of the unpaid toll or charge to the registered owner of the vehicle; and, The registered owner has not paid the unpaid toll or charge within ten (10) days of the date of the notice. U the unpaid toll, charge or fee is not paid within ten (10) days of the date of the notice, the operation of the motor vehicle on any County Project is prohibited effective on the date specified in the notice and the prohibition shall continue until the unpaid toll, charge, and fee is paid in full. Section 6. Administrative Adjudication Procedure Appointment of Hearing Officers. The Commissioners Court shall appoint one or more licensed attorneys to serve as hearing officers. A hearing officer appointed by Commissioners Court shall serve at the pleasure of the Commissioners Court and shall implement this administrative adjudication procedure. A hearing officer shall be paid five-hundred dollars for each day of hearing proceedings adjudicated. A hearing officer shall have the authority to administer oaths and to issue orders compelling the attendance of witnesses and production of documents. An order issued by a hearing officer compelling the attendance of witnesses or production of documents may be enforced by a Justice of the Peace. County Attorney. The County Attorney shall represent Fort Bend County in all hearings and proceedings conducted under this administrative adjudication procedure and shall collect unpaid tolls, charges, fees, fines, and costs, unless the County has contracted with a private law firm to perform these services. The County Attorney shall administer and supervise any such contract pursuant to its terms. Initiation of Administrative Adjudication Process. The administrative adjudication procedure for enforcement of payment of tolls, charges, and fees shall be initiated by the issuance of a citation to the registered owner of the vehicle who is suspected of violating the Order by operating, or causing or allowing the operation of a motor vehicle on a County Project when prohibited, on at least two separate occasions within a 12-month period in connection with a toll to be paid by electronic means. 33\70 3 (FBCAO) (2) The citation will inform the registered owner of the right to a hearing to determine whether the registered owner is liable for a violation of the Order, and will state the date, time, and place of the hearing. The citation may be served by a person authorized by the hearing officer, by delivering a copy of the citation to the person to be served, or the person's duly authorized agent, either in person, or by agent, or by courier receipted delivery, or by certified mail, to the party's last known address, or by telephonic document transfer to the person's current telecopier number with acknowledgment of receipt, or by such other manner as the hearing officer, in the hearing officer's discretion, may direct. Service by certified mail shall be complete upon deposit of the citation in a post office or official depository under the care and custody of the United States Postal Service, provided that if the citation is returned marked" unclaimed," the citation shall be mailed, by regular mail, to the person's last known address. The last known address of the registered owner of a motor vehicle is the address maintained by the Department. A copy of the record of the amount of the unpaid tolls, charges, and fees owed to Fort Bend County, applicable to the motor vehicle, shall be attached to and made a part of the citation. Notice. hearing. A person shall be entitled to at least ten (10) days notice prior to a The right to a hearing shall be exercised by the personal appearance of the person on the date and at the time and place specified for the hearing. A person may appear with counsel. A person may request the hearing officer to issue an order compelling the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents. The person must make the request in writing, on or before the 7th day before the date of the scheduled hearing. Continuance. A request for the continuance of a scheduled hearing must be made on or before the 7th day before the date of the scheduled hearing. To obtain a continuance, a person must post a cash bond in the amount of the unpaid tolls, charges and fees claimed by Fort Bend County. The conditions of the bond shall be that the person (i) will appear to answer the citation as required, and (ii) will pay the amount of any civil fine and costs assessed by 331703 (FBCAO) (2) the hearing officer, and (iii) in the event of the person's failure to appear at the hearing, consents to the forfeiture of the bond and application of the proceeds of the bond to the amount of unpaid tolls, charges and fees. A person may assign the proceeds of a cash bond to satisfy any fine and costs assessed. Upon acceptance of the cash bond, the hearing will be rescheduled to a date not later than thirty (30) days from the date of the original hearing. Only one continuance may be granted. Presumptions presumed that: and Evidence. In an administrative adjudication hearing it is (1) the registered owner of the motor vehicle that is the subject of the hearing is the person who operated or allowed another person to operate the motor vehicle in violation of the Order; and, (2) a computer record of the Department of the registered owner of the motor vehicle is prima facie evidence of its contents. A copy of the citation including the record of Fort Bend County showing the amount of the unpaid tolls, charges and fees applicable to the motor vehicle, is a record kept in the ordinary course of business of Fort Bend County and is rebuttable proof of the facts it contains. Attendance at Hearing. At the hearing, the person may admit, admit with explanation, or deny, the failure to pay. The failure of a person to appear at the hearing is considered an admission of liability for the failure to pay, and of the amount of the tolls, charges and fees owed, and the hearing officer may issue an order assessing a fine and costs on that basis. An authorized representative of Fort Bend County shall appear at the hearing. Hearing. The citation with the record of Fort Bend County showing the amount of the unpaid tolls, charges and fees applicable to the motor vehicle shall serve as the complaint, and no further pleading shall be necessary. The hearing officer shall examine the contents of the citation and the record of Fort Bend County showing the amount of the unpaid tolls, charges and fees applicable to the motor vehicle, and shall hear and review testimony and evidence. JJt70 J (FBCAOJ(2) The hearing officer shall issue a decision stating: (1) whether or not the person is liable for a violation of this Order; and (2) if liable, the amount of the fine and costs to be assessed against the person. In determining the amount of the fine, the hearing officer shall include the amount of the unpaid tolls, charges and fees, and in addition, an amount not less than $1.00nor more than $500.00. The costs of the proceeding shall be $60.00. A decision of the hearing officer finding liability shall be filed with the Fort Bend County Clerk, who shall keep the decision in a separate index and file. A copy of the decision of the hearing officer, together with the date the decision was filed with the Fort Bend County Clerk, shall be mailed by regular mail to the person's address as shown on the citation, or to the person's last known address as maintained by Fort Bend County. After the expiration of thirty-one (31) days from the date the decision of the hearing officer was filed with the County Clerk and failure to pay the unpaid tolls, charges, fees, fines or costs, notification will be given to the Department to refuse to register the motor vehicle. Appeal. A decision of the hearing officer finding that a person is liable for a violation of the Order may be appealed to the Fort Bend County Courts at Law. To appeal, the person must file a petition with the Clerk of the County Courts at Law not later than the 30th day after the date the hearing officer's decision is filed with the Fort Bend County Clerk. The petition must be accompanied by payment of the costs required by law for filing petitions with the County Courts at Law. The person shall deliver a copy of the petition to Fort Bend County no later than the 3rd business day after the filing of the appeal. The Clerk of the reviewing court shall schedule a hearing and notify all parties of the date, time, and place of the hearing. The person may request the hearing officer to prepare a transcript of the administrative adjudication hearing. A transcript must be requested no later than the 3rd business day after the filing of the petition initiating the appeal. At the time of 331703 (FBCAO) (2) making the request, the person shall pay the sum of $125.00 for preparation of the transcript. The record of the administrative adjudication hearing, including the transcript, if requested, shall be delivered to the Clerk of the reviewing court in which the appeal is filed ("reviewing court") no later than the 30th day after the date the petition initiating the appeal was filed. The reviewing court may not substitute its judgment for the judgment of the hearing officer on the weight of the evidence on questions committed to the hearing officer's discretion, but: (i) (ii) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) may affirm the decision of the hearing officer in whole or in part; and, shall reverse, or remand for further proceedings if substantial rights of the person have been prejudiced because the decision of the hearing officer is: in violation of a constitutional or statutory provision; in excess of the hearing officer's statutory authority; made through unlawful procedure; affected by other error of law; not reasonably supported by substantial evidence considering the reliable and probative evidence in the record as a whole; or arbitrary or capriciOUS or characterized by abuse of discretion or clearly unwarranted exercise of discretion. The person may apply to the reviewing court to present additional evidence. The person shall offer, and the reviewing court shall admit, the record into evidence as an exhibit. The reviewing court shall conduct the review sitting without a jury and is confined to the record of the administrative adjudication hearing. The filing of an appeal does not stay the enforcement and collection of the decision of the hearing officer. In order to stay enforcement and collection of the decision of the hearing officer, the person appealing must post a cash bond, in the amount of the fine and costs assessed, conditioned that the person appealing will appear and prosecute the appeal as required, and will pay the fine and costs, if any, for which the person appealing may be 331703 (FBCAO) (2) liable, and that in the event the decision of the hearing officer is affinned, the proceeds of the cash bond may be applied to satisfy the fine and costs. Enforcement of Decision. A decision of the hearing officer shall be enforced by any or all of the following: (1) the placement of a device that prohibits movement of a motor vehicle on the vehicle that is the subject of the decision; (2) the imposition of an additional fine, if the fine and costs assessed are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date of the decision of the hearing officer or of the affirmance of the decision of the hearing officer; or (3) the refusal of the Department or Tax Assessor-Collector to allow the registration of the motor vehicle that is the subject of the decision. Payment. Fort Bend County and its designees to perform these services may accept payment of tolls, charges, fees, and fines and costs. A person may pay the amount of unpaid tolls, charges and fees applicable to the motor vehicle made the basis of the Order, as shown by the records of Fort Bend COWlty, at any time prior to the scheduled hearing, without additional penalty. When the unpaid tolls, charges, fees, fines and costs have been paid in full, the prohibition of the operation on a COWlty Project of the motor vehicle made the basis of the Order will be removed and the Department will be notified of the payment, if applicable. The fine and costs must be paid in full within thirty (30) days of the decision of the hearing officer, or in accordance with payment terms authorized by the hearing officer, or within thirty (30) days of the affirmance of the decision of the hearing officer. The hearing officer may impose an additional fine, for willful failure to pay fine and costs as reqUired. The appointed hearing officers are as follows: {INSERT NAMES OF UCENSED ATTORNEYS} Section 7. Imposition of Costs The Commissioners Court imposes the following costs for the collection of the unpaid tolls and charges: 331703 (FBCAO) (2) .. (A) fifty dollars ($50.00) on each account of an unpaid toll or charge that is referred to a private law firm for collection services; such costs to be paid to the law firm upon collection; (B) An additional twenty-five dollars ($25.00) on each account of an unpaid toll or charge on which a citation has been issued by a private law firm initiating the administrative adjudication hearing process; such cost to be paid to the law firm upon collection; (C) An additional fifty dollars ($50.00) on each account of. an unpaid toll or charge which is presented at an administrative adjudication hearing process by a private law firm; such cost to be paid to the law firm upon collection; (D)Sixty dollars ($60.00)as a cost of the proceeding; such costs to be paid to Fort Bend County upon collection; and (E)The cost authorized by TEX. TRANsP. CODE § 284.208(d), as may be amended; such costs to be deposited in the County treasury in a special fund to be administered by the county attorney. Section 8. Establishment of Speed Limit The maximum speed limit on the Fort Bend Parkway Toll Road is 65 m.p.h. for passenger vehicles and light trucks, commercial vehicles and heavy trucks on the Parkway main lanes. Although these are the maximum permissible speeds based on time of day, reduced speed limits are created and posted due to sight distance, curves and physical conditions of the road surfaces and toll collection operations of the Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority. In anticipation of speed limit changes, a presumption of validity and legal enforceability will be placed on the existing signed and posted speed. The posted speed limit has the force and effect of law as set forth and intended in Section 18.032of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code. All definitions relating to this Section 8 are located in the Texas Transportation Code. Section 9. Use of County Project by Military A military convoy of two or more vehicles owned or operated by the military and any member of the military of the United States, including the active and reserve armed forces of the federal goverrunent and the national guard or militia of Texas and any other state of the United States, going or coming from a military assignment and the member's conveyance shall be allowed to pass through a County Project without payment of a toll or fare. 331703 (FBCAO)(2) A military convoy consisting of two or more vehicles owned or operated by the military shall be allowed to pass through a fully electronic toll facility without payment of a toll or fare if such vehicles are readily recognizable as military vehicles. Section 10. Miscellaneous Prauisions If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Order, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Order and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Order to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this Order was adopted was open to the public, and public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given, all as required by Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of ~ County Judge AIIESlED.:::?" .,. ' JJJ 70 J (FBCAO) (2) ", - -:", ,2004. Exhibit A Toll Rate Schedule Fort Bend Parkway Toll Road ACM Mainline EZTAG Plaza 2 axle Class 2 $1.00 $1,00 3 axle Class 3 2,25 2,25 4 axle Class 4 3,00 3,00 5 axle Class 5 3.75 3.75 6 axle Class 6 4.50 4.50 All Classes N/A ($0,35)* Ramp Tolls McHard Rd *North Ramps *South Ramps 2 axle Class 2 $0.50 $0.50 3 axle Class 3 1.05 1,05 4 axle Class 4 1,40 1,40 5 axle Class 5 1.75 1.75 6 axle Class 6 2,10 2,10 Lake Olympia *North Ramps N/A N/A *South Ramps 2 axle Class 2 $0.25 $0.25 3 axle Class 3 .60 ,60 4 axle Class 4 .80 ,80 5 axle Class 5 1,00 1,00 6 axle Class 6 1.20 1.20 * Denotes $0,35 credit for EzT AG users. Results in $0,65 net toll from Beltway 8 to McHard Rd for Class 2 EzTAG users and similarly results in a lower net toll for Class 36 users, 331703 (FBCAO) (2) : 7-27-200.1 9, 13AM FRO~.1FORT SEND COUNTY 265 P.2 .1671 COlVrMISSIONER PRECINCT 4 Fort Bend County. Te ... lames Pancrson Commission~r Memorandum To: Commissioners Court From: Commissioner Patterson Date: 07/27/04 Re: er D , ' SeMol Bus Charges on New Toll Road 1 would like to propose that we exempt 72 passenger school buses from paying a tell on the new toll road. Fort Bend Independent S<:hool District's new football stadium and athletic complex is in very close proximity to this toll road. It is almost a certainty that school buses will be taking advantage of this access when teams are playin~ at the stadiunl atll:llor CA:lmplex. There are often as many as 15 to 20 buses from one school transporting band, drill team, ROTC and team members to events. Such a la,ge numbe< of'buses stopping to pay tolls d<astically slows the other traffic 8"i.!l8 through those lines and Creates a safety concern for passengers on the buses. I believe an exemption to other motorists 3.1i for full size (72 passenger) 3.1i school districts. school buses would be a 5ervice' well 1 FORT BEND COUNTY l~\,:lr:'" .1" MMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM \I · RETURN TO: AGENDA COORD.-COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE DATE SUBMITTEl" SUBMITTED BY: Ann Werle in DEPARTMENT: County Judge PHONE NO.: 7/2 04 COURT AGENDA D\TE"";a./ttot- <;>-10' v'/ AGENDA # :nc, SUMMARY OF ITEM: Take all appropriate action to approve the Resolution, Certification of Resolution, and General Certificate of Governing Body Approving Fort Bend County Housing Finance Corporation Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2004. FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes(oI) NoO Fund N/AO Funding Source: Agency Object ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: OneTime 0 Recurring ( 01 N/A 0 COMMENTS: ) Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: Yes () CC with back up: yes (,f )Auditor yes ( ,f)Budget Officer yes ( ,f)County Attorney yes ( ,f)Purchasing Agent yes V )County Clerk (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) yes yes yes yes (,f )Comm. Pet. 1 ( ,f)Comm. Pet. 2 ( ,f)Comm. Pet. 3 (,f )Comm. Pet. 4 (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: I. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION 1 ACTION REQUESTED: O~Q~~ ~~Cv~~Q\tr' CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S APPROVAL OF THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS BY FORT BEND COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION AND THE PLAN OF FINANCING THEREOF WHEREAS, Fort Bend COWlty, Texas (the "County") has approved and authorized the creation of Fort Bend Housing Finance Corporation (the "Corporation") as a joint housing finance corporation, pursuant to the Texas Housing Finance Corporations Act, Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 394, as amended (the "Act"), to act on behalf of the COWlty, in carrying out the public purposes of the Act; WHEREAS, the Corporation is authorized by the Act to issue its bonds on behalf of the County for the purpose of obtaining funds to finance home mortgage loans to persons of low and moderate income for homes located within the jurisdiction of the Corporation (the "Mortgage Loans "); WHEREAS, the Corporation proposes to issue its Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A, in an aggregate principal amoWlt not to exceed $25,000,000, and its Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds (GNMA and Fannie Mae Mortgage-Backed Securities Program) Series 2004B, in an aggregate principal amoWlt not to exceed $25,000,000 (collectively, the "Bonds") and the proceeds of the Bonds will be used to provide funds for Mortgage Loans and to refund certain bonds previously issued to finance Mortgage Loans; WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code "), requires the chief elected executive officer of the COWlty, as "applicable elected representative" thereof, to approve the issuance of the Bonds and the plan of financing thereof after a public hearing following reasonable public notice; WHEREAS, an authorized representative of the Corporation and the COWlty conducted a public hearing at 10:00 am. on JWle 15, 2004, in the New First National Bank, 2214 Avenue H, Rosenburg, Texas, following publication of notice thereof in Houston Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation in the COWlty, at least 14 days prior to the date of the public hearings. (A copy of such notice is attached hereto as Exhibit A); WHEREAS, I am the chief elected executive officer of the COWlty and, as such, I am authorized to approve the issuance of the Bonds and the plan of financing thereof; and WHEREAS, I am familiar with the facts and circumstances regarding the issuance of the Bonds and the plan of financing thereof; I..j.7Certificate 1592013/JAD I Now, THEREFORE,HEREBYApPROVE the issuance of the Bonds in the amount and for the purposes referred to or described in the recitals hereof and Exhibit A hereto and the plan of financing with respect thereto, as required by and for purposes of Section 147(f) of the Code. This approval shall take effect immediately. County Judge, Fort Bend County, Texas -2- I I GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF GOVERNING BODY We, the undersigned, County Judge and County Clerk of Fort Bend County, Texas (the "County "), make this certification for the benefit of all persons interested in the issuance by the Fort Bend County Housing Finance Corporation (the "Corporation ") of its Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2004 (the "Bonds"). We hereby certify on behalf of the Commissioners Court (the "Governing Body") of the County that: I. (a) On June 15,2004, and at all times since such date, the following persons, each of whom resides within the County, have been duly appointed by the Governing Body of the County as members of the Board of Directors of the Corporation: Tom Shirley Shad Bogany George Johnson Manuel Zamora Charles Marietta Mary Alice Gonzalez Holly Zarate (b) On June 15, 2004, and at all times since such date, Marilynn Kindell, Guadalupe Uresti and Jim Gonzalez have served as ex officio and non-voting members of the Board of Directors ofthe Corporation. 2. The Governing Body of the County has not created a "joint housing [mance corporation" within the meaning of the Texas Housing Finance Corporations Act, as amended (the "Act"). 3. The Governing Body has approved the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation by resolution adopted on June 9, 1980, and has approved Articles of Amendment to the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation by resolutions adopted on September 30, 1991, December 6, 1994, December 10, 1996 and January29, 2002. The Governing Body has not approved any other amendments to the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation. 4. The Governing Body has not amended the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation to change the structure, organization, programs or activities of the Corporation, nor has the Governing Body terminated the Corporation as set forth in Section 394.016(c) of the Act or otherwise, nor has the Governing Body taken any action to limit the effectiveness of the resolution adopted by the Corporation authorizing the Bonds or to otherwise affect the Bond transaction. 5. The Attorney General of the State of Texas is hereby authorized to date this Certificate on and as of the date of his approval of the Bonds, and this Certificate and the matters herein certified shall be deemed for all purposes to be true, accurate and correct on and as of that 1729417_01_01B_1 1592013 date and on and as of the date of delivery of the Bonds, unless the County through an authorized officer shall notify the Attorney General and the Corporation in writing to the contrary prior to either of such dates. WITNESSOUR HANDSANDTHEOFFICIALSEALOFTHEGOVERNINGBODYthis /0 day of ~,2004. ~ -2- County Judge EXHIBIT A FORT BEND HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING -----~----- ----_ .... __ .. In accordance with Section I47(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, noticc is hereby given that the Fort Bend County Housing Finance Corporation (the "Corporation ") will hold a public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on June 15, 2004, at the New First National Bank, 2214 Avenue H, Rosenberg, Texas. The Corporation's designated hearing officer will conduct the hearing on behalf of the Texas County of Fort Bend (but excluding that portion of the City of Houston located in Fort Bend County, Texas) (the "Sponsoring Political Subdivision"). The purpose of the hearing is to provide residents of the Sponsoring Political Subdivision an opportunity to comment on the proposed issuance by the Corporation of one or more series of qualified mortgage revenue bonds (the "Bonds "), in a total amount not exceeding $50,000,000. The Bonds are being issued for the purpose of providing funds for mortgage loans to eligible low and moderate income first-time home buyers to finance the purchase of qualified one- to fourfamily owner-occupied residences located within the Sponsoring Political Subdivision or to refund bonds previously issued for such purpose. The first-time homebuyer requirement is waived for mortgage loans in certain federally designated "targeted" areas in the Sponsoring Political Subdivision, Homebuyers' income and the purchase·price of all residences financed are subject to certain limitations established under federal and state guidelines. The Bonds will be limited obligations of the Corporation, revenues, receipts and resources of the Corporation pledged to their not constitute an indebtedness or obligation of the Corporation, any Subdivision (or any other city, county, or other municipal or political of the State of Texas) or of the State of Texas, or a loan of credit meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision. payable solely from the payment. The Bonds will of the Sponsoring Political corporation or subdivision of any of them, within the All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments on the proposed issuance of the Bonds. Questions or written comments prior to the date of the hearing may be directed to the Corporation's Bond Counsel, Chapman and Cutler LLP, III West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603, Attention: John Trofa. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC HEARING L the undersigned, acting as hearing officer (the "Hearing Officer "), do hereby make and <,"<tcutethis certificate for the benefit of all persons interested in the proposed issuance by the Fort Bend County Housing Finance Corporation of its Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $25,000,000, and its Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds (GNMA and Fannie Mae Mortgage-Backed Securities Program) Series 2004B, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $25,000,000 (collectively. the "Bonds"). I hereby certify as follows: I, That I am the duly appointed Hearing Officer for the public hearing that was held at 10:00 a.m. on June 15, 2004. at the New First National Bank, 2214 Avenue H, Rosenberg, Texas, in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. 2. That notice of the public hearing was published no less than 14 days before the date of the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation available to residents of the Texas County of Fort Bend. 3. The notice of the public hearing included the date, time and place of the public hearing, the purpose for which the Bonds are to be issued and the maxirmun aggregate principal amount of the Bonds. 4. That all interested persons appearing at the public hearing were given an opportunity to comment on the proposed issuance of the Bonds. The names and comments of all interested persons appearing at the public hearing, if any, are set forth in the Minutes of Public Hearing attached hereto as Exhibit A. 5, That after giving all interested persons an opportunity to appear and comment, the public hearing was declared closed. 6. That a copy of the Affidavit of Publication of the Notice of Public Hearing is attached hereto as Exhibit B. [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank] TEFRAcert:l 1592013· JAD· 7/30/04 WITNESSMy HAND this __ day of • 2004. By • cr/~/k""-!---, _ Name:7T~7 -2- EXHIBIT A MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING Present at the Hearing on June 15,2004, were the Hearing Officer, _ The Hearing Officer opened the hearing at 10:00 a.m. and invited comments from anyone in attendance. The Hearing Officer explained the program and the fmancing mechanism. No comments or questions were received. The Hearing Officer thereafter closed the public hearing EXHlBlTB AFFIDAVlT OF PuBLICA nON OF NonCE OF PUBLIC HEARING 18498473 CHAPMAN AND CUTLER Pagel May 30 2004 >. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF HARRIS: Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on the day personally appeared: GAIL FEAGINS, who after being duly sworn, says that she is the SUPERVISOR-ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE at the HOUSTON CHRONICLE, a daily newspaper published in Harris County, Texas, and that the publication, of which the annexed herein. or attached to, is a true and correct copy, was published to-wit: CHAPMAN AND CUTLER RAN A LEGAL NOTICE SIZE BEING, 1 X 103 product he kJ,~ 18498473 15807816 L date class May 30 2004 1245.0 ---=-0 2 .. - GAIL FEAGINS SUPERVISOR - ACCOUNTS Sworn and subscribed RECEIVABLE to before me, this the 30th Day of May A.D. 2004 "€'~~'''''''PENNY';;OW'''''I' " ~ NOTARYPUBUC t . ~ ~.".1 STATEOF TEXAS CoimIl5iJn Feb. 4, ZXI6 .lU.UU~&.,.u.~t r the State of Texas , •• 18498473 CHAPMAN AND CUTLER fORT BEND COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION NOTiCe of PUBLIC HEARING In accordence vnth sectfon 1.047(1) of the IntemIll Revenue Code of 1986. as amenOed. notk:e 1:1; herebY given that the Fort Bend CountY Housing Finance Corporation (the "Con»ratlon'1 wit hOkI a pUblic: hearinli lit 10:00 a.m. on June 15. 2004 .t the New First Nlltklnal Bank. 221-" Avenue H. Rosenberg. Texas. The CorPOnllt1on's designated hearing officer will condUct the hearing on beheIf of the Texlls CountY of Fort Bend (but excludil'l9 that portion of the CitY of Houston 10catecI in Fort Bend CauntY, Texas) (the ~PCJtISIl'ri'w PoliffoJJ Subdivision.,. T~ PUr'POR of the helIring 15 kI lH"ClYide residents Of the SI:JOnSOrinD' Politkal Subdivision an oPDOrtu- nitv to comment on the proPOSed issuance bY the Corporation of one or more senes of qualtfled rnorfAge revenue bonds (the "Bands"), In II total amount not exceedin5l' SSOAOO.OOO. The Bonds are belne issued fOr the PUrPOSe of providing funds for mortg~ loons to e1isltie low and modet"- ate ineome horneDuyer3 1he PUrChase first-time to finance qualified oneto four-famitv owner-occupied ~idences located within the SOOI"ISDrinIII Political SUbcllvisian or 10 reMId bonds ~isSuedforsuch PUrPOSe. The first-time homebUY'er requirement is ~iWd fOr ll'tOI18asle 1000ns in c:erteln fedenllv desilmated "tzuvetect" .r~ of ~In:'-==~: buvers' Income Of" BfId the PtJrd'lUe Price residences firwlced ..... SUb· ied to certain limitIIIIons eshltllbbed under federal and state gulder.nes. The Bands wiD be IIrntted obIlPtians of the Corporation. PIIYllbte sofefy from the revenues. receiPts and resources of the Corporation pledged ~.r~~ an Indebtedness or obIge. tion of the CCW'POIdo .. , of the SPOI'*ri1I Pol- any itical other SUbdIvISIon (or efty, county. any or munidpal or peli· tical COI'DOr'ationor subdivision Of the Shlte of Texas) or Of the State of Texas. or a loBO of creelit of anY of them. within the meanil\Sll of any constitu· tionlli or statutory provi· ,ion. All interested pel"$Clf'lS are invited to the heII,.ing and Pl"eSent written or oral comments eft ~ Pf"ClPOIed ISSUBnce of the BondS. Questions or writ· lencornments Pl"iorto the date Of the hearh'IIJ IJMIV be directed to the COrPOration's Bond Counsel" ChaPfTlU' and Cutlet" LLP. 111 West Monrve Street, Chic.. Illinois 60603. Attenhon: JafIn other _"end TcofB. May 30 2004 Page 2 RECORDED ON ~ -\f\~~ IN THE COMMISS~ CO~T MINUTES OF: - /\) FORT BEND COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING In accordance with Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, notice is hereby given that the Fort Bend County Housing Finance Corporation (the "Corporation") will hold a public hearing at 10:00 a,m, on June 15, 2004, at the New First National Bank, 2214 Avenue H, Rosenberg, Texas. The Corporation's designated hearing officer will conduct the hearing on behalf of the Texas County of Fort Bend (but excluding that portion of the City of Houston located in Fort Bend County, Texas) (the "Sponsoring Political Subdivision"). The purpose of the hearing is to provide residents of the Sponsoring Political Subdivision an opportunity to comment on the proposed issuance by the Corporation of one or more series of qualified mortgage revenue bonds (the "Bonds"), in a total amount not exceeding $50,000,000. The Bonds are being issued for the purpose of providing funds for mortgage loans to eligible low and moderate income first-time homebuyers to finance the purchase of qualified one- to fourfamily owner-occupied residences located within the Sponsoring Political Subdivision or to refund bonds previously issued for such purpose. The first-time homebuyer requirement is waived for mortgage loans in certain federally designated "targeted" areas in the Sponsoring Political Subdivision. Homebuyers' income and the purchase price of all residences financed are subject to certain limitations established under federal and state guidelines. The Bonds will be limited obligations of the Corporation, payable solely from the revenues, receipts and resources of the Corporation pledged to their payment. The Bonds will not constitute an indebtedness or obligation of the Corporation, any of the Sponsoring Political Subdivision (or any other city, county, or other municipal or political corporation or subdivision of the State of Texas) or of the State of Texas, or a loan of credit of any of them, within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments on the proposed issuance of the Bonds. Questions or written comments prior to the date of the hearing may be directed to the Corporation's Bond Counsel, Chapman and Cutler LLP, I I I West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603, Attention: John Trofa. [687507 .03.00.8 15920l3/JAD , /l, FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORD.-COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE DATE SUBMITTED: July 28, 2004 AGENDA DATE: A.. ~"st OJ, J004 A ..., ...,t 10,1001( SUBMITTED BY: Marsha P. Gaines DEPARTMENT: Tax Assessor /Collector PHONE NO.: 281-341-3730 COMMI'C.1. AGENDA # 2 ~ I::) f"')3 () SUMMARY OF ITEM: Waiver of Penalty & Interest; Account #2775-00-002-0260-910, Schulman, Marvin & Cynthia Kline-Schulman; 2003 Tax Year Pct.#2 Yes() RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: No() 1. Request for Waiver 2. Recommendation from the Tax Collector 3. Tax Receipt LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes ( ) No () Fund N/A ( ) Funding Source: Agency Object ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: One Time () Recurring N/A () ( ) COMMENTS: Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: Yes ( X) CC with back up: yes ( x) Auditor yes ( ) Budget Officer yes ( x ) County Attorney yes ( ) Purchasing Agent yes ( x) County Clerk (281·341·3774) (281·344-3954) (281-341·4557) (281-341·8642) (281-341-8697) yes (x yes ( x yes ( x yes ( x ) Comm. Pet. 1 ) Comm. Pet. 2 ) Comm. Pet. 3 ) Comm. Pet. 4 (281·342·0587) (281·403-8009) (281·242-9060) (281-980-9077) Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 p.rn. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: Tax Assessor Collector Marsha P Gaines does recommend waiver COUNTY JUDGE Fort Bend County, Texas (281) 341-8608 Fax (28\) 341-8609 Robert E. Hebert County Judge August 2, 2004 Mr. Marvin Schulman 3027 Reindeer Run Missouri City, Texas 77459 Reference: Account No. 2775-00-002-0260-910 Tax Year 2003, Precinct 2 Dear Mr. Schulman: The County has received your request to waive penalty and interest in the amount of $79.69 on property taxes for the referenced account for tax year 2003. I am also in receipt of a letter from the Tax Assessor/Collector for Fort Bend County, and Commissioners Court is scheduled to consider your request on August 10, 2004, at 1:00 p.m., during regular session. Please contact your Commissioner, Grady Prestage, at 281-403-8000 if you wish to discuss your request in further detail. Your presence is not mandatory for the Court to act upon your request. Section 33.011 (a) of the Texas Tax Code provides Commissioners Court with authority to consider a waiver of penalty and interest on property taxes in situations where an error can be proved on the part of either the County Tax Office or the Central Appraisal District. Copy: Commissioner, Precinct 2, Grady Prestage 30 I Jackson St .. Suite 719 • Richmond. Texas 77469 MARSHA P. GAINES Fort Bend County Tax Assessor/Collector P.O. Box 399 Richmond, Texas 77406-0399 281-341-3710 Fax 281-341-9267 E.Mail: gainemar..g} DATE: July 21, 2004 TO: County Judge Robert E. Hebert Commissioner Tom D. Stavinoha Commissioner Grady Prestage Commissioner Andy Meyers Commissioner James Patterson Ben W. "Bud" Childers, County Attorney FROM: Marsha P. Gaines Tax Assessor/Collector RE: Waiver of Penalty and Interest - Acct#: 2775-00-002-0260-910; 2003 Tax Year; Precinct 2 Schulman, Marvin & Cynthia Kline-Schulman; Legal Description: RIP Dove Country, Block 2, Lot 26 Mr. Marvin Schulman is requesting waiver of penalty and interest on the above referenced account for the 2003 tax year. Tax Office records indicate: • 2003 original tax roll has the above referenced account number listed as Kline-Schulman, Cyntbia Ann, 627 Fair Oak Dr, Stafford, TX 77477-6131 • Original 2003 tax statement mailed to Kline-Schulman, Cynthia Ann, 627 Fair Oak Dr, Stafford, TX 77477• • • • • 6131 Mr. Schulman applied for a disability exemption for 2003 which was approved by the Fort Bend Central Appraisal District in November 2003. However, Mr. Schulman was instructed "not to pay his taxes" until the exemption was applied to his tax record and a corrected bill was mailed. March 2004, a delinquent notice was mailed to Kline-Schulman, Cynthia Ann, 627 Fair Oak Dr, Stafford, TX 77477-6131. March 17, 2004, Mr. Schulman brought documentation to our office which he obtained from the Appraisal District which reflected tbe disability exemption. At this time, an estimated tax bill was calculated for the taxpayer to pay the corrected levy with his disability exemption, including penalty and interest for March 2004. Our office received the change from the Appraisal District and updated the tax system April 1,2004. Payment for the 2003 taxes was made by the taxpayer on March 17,2004, for Stafford MSD and Fort Bend WCID#2 property taxes which includes March 2004 penalty and interest Breakdown of Taxes Paid: Base Tax Penalty and Interest Attorney Fees Total Paid $885.44 $ 79.69 $ 0.00 $965.13 I do recommend waiver of penalty and interest due to an error by the Central Appraisal District per Section 33.01 1 (a)( 1) which states, "Tbe governing body of a taxing unit: shall waive penalties and interest on a delinquent tax if an act or omission of an officer. employee, or agent of the taxing unit or the appraisal district in which the taxing unit participates caused or resulted in G?1;;iIU:;Z; before delinq~.~~ STAEMENT FORT BErm COUNTY DOES NO' JISCRIMINAE :::Q\.JAL EMPI_CV~'" ON THE BASiS DF RACE, COLOR. NAT!ONAL rJT 'JF'PORTUNITY ORIGIN ~ STATEMENT SEX RELIGION, AGE O~ DISA81L1TY ;N EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SE.QYICES Marvin Schulman Cynthia Kline-Schulman 3027 Reindeer Run Missouri City, TX 77459 (281) 778-7336 .:" County Judge Robert E. Hebert 301 Jackson, Suite 719 Richmond, TX 77469 1 1;]04 Re: Waiver of Penalty Account # 2775-00-002-0260-910 Sir, On November 13, 2003 I applied for a "Disability Exemption" for my former home located at 627 Fair Oak Dr., Stafford, TX 77477. I was advised that the Batch 4 process would take approximately 6 weeks and I would receive a new tax bill. I called in December and was advised this was still in process. On or about March 5, 2004 I received a tax bill which did not reflect the exemption. I returned to the Ft. Bend Central Appraisal District office and spoke to Mr. Ted Mikiersa and then went to the tax office to clear this matter. I have never been late on my taxes and this was a concern. I paid the taxes current on March 17, 2004, but was charged penalties totaling $79.69. I am requesting a refimd of the penalties as this was a case of misinformation I received. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, ~schuI:an Enc!. TAX RECEIPT MARSHA P. GAINES FORT BEND COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR! COLLECTOR POBOX 399, 500 LmERTY ST" SUITE 101 RICHMOND, TEXAS 77406-0399 (281)341-3710,(281) 341-3741 Certified Owner: Legal Description: KLINE-SCHULMAN CYNTHIA ANN 627 FAIR OAK DR STAFFORD, TX 77477-6131 RIP DovE COUNTRY. BLOCK 2. LOT 26 Parcel Address: Legal Acres: 627 FAIR OAK DR 0.0000 --< >-Deposi.t No: Validation No: Account No: Operator Code: 04031101 900000001059761 2775-00·002-0260-910 BONNIEW Year Tax Onit Name 2003 STAFFORD MSD Receipt Date: Deposit Date: Print Date: Tax Value Tax Rate Levy Paid P&l AUy Paid 56.880 1.715500 804.23 72.38 0.00 $804.23 572.38 50.00 03/17/2004 03/1712004 03/17/2004 Total 876.61 -_.~-$876.61 --< >-CHECK ~UMBER(S): PAYMENTTYPE: PARTIAL PAYMENT 4850 Checks: $876,61 $0.00 Cash: Credit Cards: SO.Oo E-Fund Trans: $0.00 Othen: SO.OO S876.61 Total Applied: Total Tendered: (All Accounts) Change Paid: 5876.61 $000 (All Accounts) REMAINING BALANCE PAYER: KLINE-SCHULMAN CYNTHIA ANN 627 FAIR OAK DR STAFFORD, TX 77477-6131 (281) 341-3710, (281) 341-3741 Page I or t TAX RECEIPT MARSHA 1'. GAINES FORT BEND COUNTYTAX ASSESSOR!COLLECTOR POBOX 3'19,500 LffiERTY ST., SUITE 101 RICHMOND, TEXAS 77406-6399 (281)341-3710,(281) 341-3741 Certified Owner: Legal Description: KLINE-SCHULMAN CYNTHIA ANN 627 FAIR OAK DR STAFFORD, TX 77477-6131 RIP DOVE COUNTRY. BLOCK 2. LOT 26 Parcel Address: Legal Acres: 627 FAIR OAK DR 0.0000 --< >-Deposit No: Validation No: Account No: Operator Code: 040317Dl 900000001059764 2775·00-002·0260·910 BONNIEW Year Tax Unit Name 2003 FORT BEND WCID#2 Receipt Date: Deposit Date: Prillr Date: Tax Value Tax Rate Levy Paid 1'&1 89,850 0.162900 81.21 7.31 88.52 0.00 - -.~--_._-.-- S88.52 $0.00 $7.31 S81.21 031l7/2004 Total Atty Paid ------- 03/17/2004 03/1712004 --< >-CHECK NVMBER(S): PAYME:-rrTVPE, 4850 Checks: PARTlALPAYMENT 588.52 50.00 Cash: Credit Cards: 50.00 E-Fund Trans: $0.00 Others: $0.00 $88.52 Total Applied: TotaJ Tendered: (All Accounts) Change Paid: $88.52 50.00 (AU Al:counts) REMAINING BALANCE PAYER, KLINE-SCHULMAN CYNTHIA ANN 627 FAIR OAK DR STAFFORD, TX 77477-6131 (281) 341-3710, (281) 34t~J741 Page I of I FORTBENDCOUNTy~(~~~f)A COMMISSIONERS COURTAGENDARE~b1tM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE DATE SUBMITTED: SUBMITTED BY: Ed Sturdivant DEPARTMENT: Auditors Office PHONE NO.: 281-341-3769 08-05-04 COURT AGENDA DATE: 08-10-04 AGENDA #~'\t SUMMARY OF ITEM: Approve financial engagement statements. letter with Sandersen, Knox & Belt to perform Yes () RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: the audit of the County's (X) No LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Engagement letter from Sandersen, Knox & Belt FINANCIAL SUMMARY: N/A ( ) OneTime ( ) Funding Source: Fund 010 Agency 045 Object ..... Recurring ( ) Yes (X) Original Form No() Submitted COMMENTS: ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: BUDGETED ITEM: N/A with back up to County CC with back up: IZIAuditor IZIBudget Officer IZICounty Attorney DPurchasing Agent IZICounty Clerk (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) Judge's ( Office: ) IZI ( ~ when completed) IZIComm. IZIComm. IZIComm. IZIComm. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. 1 2 3 4 (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: I. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form witb all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to tbe departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in tbe County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. 2004 Sandersen K&R~!~~b:~~ 13401 Southwest Freeway, Suite 101. Sugar Land, Texas 77478·281/242-3232· Fax 281,/242-3252· \V\v\V.skbtex,,~,co~" Engagement Letter July 27, 2004 Honorable County Judge and Members of Commissioners Court Fort Bend County, Texas We are pleased to confirm our understanding of the services we are to provide for Fort Bend County, Texas (the County). We will audit the financial statements of the County and related component units as listed below ... As of and for the year ended Entity 09/30/2004 09/30/2004 Fort Bend County (All other funds) Fort Bend County Drainage District ... and for the subsequent year. Also, the documents we submit to you will include the following information to the extent applicable that will be sUbjected to the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the financial statements: • Management's discussion and analysis. • Budgetary comparison schedules. • Infrastructure • Schedule of expenditures of federal/state Information under modified reporting. awards. The documents will also include statistical information that will not be subject to the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the financial statements (however, such information will be reviewed). In addition to these servicesWe will review the CAFR for conformity with the GFOA's Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting criteria and offer our suggestions for improvement. We will also provide routine adVisory services through phone calls, conferences or otherwise in connection with incidental matters arising during the year. These costs would be absorbed in our Members: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Fort Bend County, Texas July 27, 2004 estimated annual fee. We encourage open lines of communication throughout the year as part of our services. Audit Objectives The objective of our audit is the expression of an opinion as to whether the financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and to report on the fairness of the additional information referred to in the first paragraph when considered in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. The objective also includes reporting on• Internal control related to the financial statements and compliance with laws, regulations, and the proVisionsof contract or grant agreements, noncompliancewith which could have a material effect on the financial statements in accordancewith Government Auditing Standards. • Internal control related to major programs and an opinion (or disclaimer of opinion) on compliance with laws, regulations, and the provisions of contracts or grant agreements that could have a direct and material effect on each major program in accordance with the Single Audit Amendments of 1996 and OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and NonProfit Organizations. The reports on internal control and compliance will each include a statement that the report is intended for the information and use of the audit committee, management, specific legislative or regulatory bodies, federal awarding agencies, and pass-through entities. Our audit will be conducted in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America; the standards for financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996; and the proVisions of OMB Circular A-133, and will include tests of the accounting records, a determination of major programs in accordance with Circular A-133, and other procedures we consider necessaryto enable us to express such an opinion and to render the required reports. If our opinion on the general purpose financial statements or the Single Audit compliance opinion is other than unqualified, we will fully discuss the reasons with you in advance. If, for any reason, we are unable to complete the audit or are unable to form or have not fonned an opinion, we may decline to express an opinion or to issue a report as a result of this engagement. Management Responsibilities Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining internal control and for compliance with the provisions of contracts, agreements and grants. In fulfilling this responsibility, estimates and judgments by management are reqUired to assess the expected benefits and related costs of the controls. The objectives of internal control are to provide management with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition; that transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorizations and recorded properly to permit the preparation of general purpose financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; and that federal and state award programs are managed in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of contract and grant agreements. Management is responsible for making all financial and related information available to us. We understand that you will proVide us with the basic information required for our audit and that you are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of that information. We will advise you about appropriate accounting principles and their application and will assist in the preparation of your financial statements, but the responsibility for the financial statements remains with you. That responsibility includes the Fort Bend County, Texas July 27, 2004 establishment and maintenance of adequate records and effective internal control over financial reporting, the selection and application of accounting principles, and the safeguarding of assets. Management is responsible for adjusting the financial statements to correct material misstatements and for confirming to us in the representation letter that the effects of any uncorrected misstatements aggregated by us during the current engagement and pertaining to the latest period presented are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. Additionally, as required by OMB Circuiar A-133, it is management's responsibility to follow up and take corrective action on reported audit findings and to prepare a summary schedule of prior audit findings (if any) and a corrective action plan. The summary schedule of prior audit findings should be available for our review by the conclusion of audit fieldwork. Audit Procedures-General An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; therefore, our audit will involve judgment about the number of transactions to be examined and the areas to be tested. We will plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable rather than absolute assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether from errors, fraudulent reporting, misappropriation of assetsor violations of laws r governmental regulations that are attributable to the entity or to acts by management or employees acting on behalf of the entity. As required by the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMB Circular A-133, our audit will include tests of transactions related to federal award programs for compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of contract and grant agreements. Becausean audit is designed to provide reasonable assurance, but not absolute assurance and because we will not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that material misstatements may exist and not be detected by us. In addition, an audit is not designed to detect immaterial misstatements or violations of laws or governmental regulations that do not have a direct and material effect on the financial statements or major programs. However, we will inform you of any material errors and any fraudulent financial reporting or misappropriation of assets that comes to our attention. We will also inform you of any violations of laws or governmental regulations that come to our attention, unless clearly inconsequential. We will include such matters in the reports required for a Single Audit. Our responsibility as auditors is limited to the period covered by our audit and does not extend to matters that might arise during any later periods for which we are not engaged as auditors. Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in the accounts, and may include tests of the physical existence of inventories and direct confirmation of receivables and certain other assets and liabilities by correspondencewith selected individuals, creditors, and financial institutions. We will request written representations from your attorneys as part of the engagement, and they may bill you for responding to this inqUiry. At the conclusion of our audit, we will also request certain written representations from you about the financial statements and related matters. Audit Procedures-Internal Controls In planning and performing our audit we will consider the internal control sufficient to plan the audit in order to determine the nature, timing, and extent of our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the COunty's financial statements and on its compliance with requirements applicable to major programs. We will obtain an understanding of the design of the relevant controls and whether they have been placed in operation, and we will assess control risk. Tests of controls may be performed to test the effectiveness of certain controls that we consider relevant to preventing and detecting errors and fraud that are material to the financial statements and to preventing and detecting misstatements resulting from illegal acts and other noncompliance matters that have a direct and material effect on the financial statements. Tests of controls are reqUiredonly if control risk is assessedbelow the maximum level. Our Fort Bend County, Texas July 27, 2004 tests, if performed, will be less in scope than would be necessaryto render an opinion on internal control and, accordingly, no opinion will be expressed in our report on internal control pursuant to Government Auditing Standards. As required by OMB Circular A-133, we will perform tests of controls, to evaluate the effectiveness of the design and operation of controls that we consider relevant to preventing or detecting material noncompliance with compliance reqUirements that are applicable to each of your major federal award programs. Our tests will be less in scope than would be necessary to render an opinion on internal control and, accordingly, no opinion will be expressed in our report on internal control issued pursuant to OMB Circular A-133. An audit is not designed to proVide assurance on internal control or to identify reportable conditions. However, we will inform you of any matters involving internal control and its operation that we consider to be reportable conditions under standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Reportable conditions involve matters coming to our attention relating to significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the internal control that, in our judgment, could adversely affect the entity's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data consistent with the assertions of management in the financial statements. We will also inform you of any nonreportable conditions or other matters involving internal control, if any, as required by OMBCircular A-133. Audit Procedures-Compliance Our Audit will be conducted in accordance with the standards referred to in the section titled Audit Objectives. As part of obtaining reasonable assuranceabout whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, we will perform tests of the County's compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of contracts and agreements, including grant agreements. However, the objective of those procedures will not be to prOVidean opinion.on overall compliance and we will not express such an opinion in our report on compliance issued pursuant to Government Auditing Standards. OMB Circular A-133 requires that we also plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the auditee has complied with applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of contracts and grant agreements applicable to major programs. Our procedures will consist of the applicable procedures described in the OMB Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement for the types of compliance requirements that could have a direct and material effect of each of the County's major programs. The purpose of those procedures will be to express an opinion on the County's compliance with requirements applicable to major programs in our report on compliance issued pursuant to OMB Circular A-133. Audit Administration, Fees, and Other We understand that your employees will prepare all cash, accounts receivable, or other confirmations we request and will locate any invoices selected by us for testing. At the conclusion of the engagement, we will complete the appropriate sections of and sign the Data Collection Form that summarizes our audit findings. We will provide copies of our reports to the County; however, it is management's responsibility to submit the reporting package (including financial statements, schedule of expenditures of federal awards, summary schedule of prior audit findings, auditors' reports, and a corrective action plan) along with the Data Collection Form to the designated federal clearinghouse and, if appropriate, to pass-through entities. The Data Collection Form and the reporting package must be submitted within the earlier of 30 days after receipt of the auditors' reports or nine months after the end of the audit period, unless a longer period is agreed to in advance by the cognizant or oversight agency for audits. At the conclusion of the engagement, we will provide Fort Bend County, Texas July 27, 2004 information to management as to where the reporting packagesshould be submitted and the number to submit. The workpapers for this engagement are the property of Sandersen Knox & Belt, L.L.P. and constitute confidential information. However, we may be requested to make certain workpapers availabie to your cognizant or grantor agency pursuant to authority given to it by law or regulation. If requested, access to such workpapers wili be proVided under the supervision of sandersen Knox & Belt, L.L.P personnel. Furthermore, upon request, we may prOVidephotocopies of selected workpapers to your cognizant or grantor agency. Your cognizant or grantor agency may intend, or decide, to distribute the photocopies or information contained therein to others, including other governmental agencies. The workpapers for this engagement will be retained for a minimum of three years after the date the auditors' report is issued or for any additional period requested by your Cognizant Agency, Oversight Agency for Audit, or Pass-through Entity. If we are aware that a federal awarding agency, pass-through entity, or auditee is contesting an audit finding, we will contact the party(ies) contesting the audit finding for gUidanceprior to destroying the workpapers. Government Auditing Standards require that we prOVideyou with a copy of our most recent quality control review report. Our 2001 peer review report accompaniesthis letter. Fees for our services are based on the actual time spent at our standard hourly rates, plus travel and other out-of-pocket costs such as report production, typing, postage, etc. Our standard hourly rates vary according to the degree of responsibility involved and the experience level of the personnel assigned to your audit. The time estimates used to estimate our fees is based on anticipated cooperation from your personnel and the County's preparation of reasonably accurate financial information and closing schedules. Our time budget for this engagement does not include an allowance for substantial modifications to the County's financial information and reporting considerations and additional procedures related to alleged noncompliance with laws and regulations and similar improprieties. We will immediately notify the appropriate party when such conditions are encountered. To the extent possible we will estimate the cost to handle such matters and obtain approval prior to performing any additional work. Due to the nature of our work such approval may not always be possible. In addition, we may be legally compelled by subpoena or similar request to expend additional time and incur other expenses to handle matters arising from this engagement. Such costs have not been included in the above estimate and would be billed at our standard hourly rates and actual costs incurred, including legal consultations. As customary in the industry the price quoted is an estimate. In accordancewith rules of the State Board of Public Accountancy we cannot be bound to proVidethe audit for the amount estimated. However, in practice we honor our fee estimates unless adverse conditions such as those described above are incurred. Our fee estimate for the audits as listed above are $61,500 for Fort Bend County and $8,500 for the Fort Bend County Drainage District. Subsequentyear fee estimates will be submitted for each annual renewal. This agreement is subject to cancellation by either party upon thirty days written notice via certified mail. Our invoices for these fees will be rendered each month as work progresses and are payable within 30 days. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to the County and believe this letter accurately summarizes the significant terms of our engagement. If you have any questions, please let us know. If you agree with the terms of our engagement as described in this letter, please sign the enclosed copy and return it to us. Fort Bend County, Texas July 27, 2004 Sincerely, Alan K Sandersen, CPA For the Firm RESPONSE: This letter correctly sets forth the understanding of Fort Bend County, Texas. "3-\b -!() ~ ATTEST; ., :.Piarii]~ ,. Wilson, County Clerk - . Date BUFFINGTON & COMPANY, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 770 SOUTH POST OAK LANE. SUITE 600 HOUSTON. TEXAS 77056 (713) 961-3939 FAX(713) 622-6158 €}-\f\~O~ RECORDED ON _J.1-..l.1...:.~--= ER CQURT IN THE COMMISSI~\>~,,\ MINUTES OF. . November 20,2001 To the Partners Sandersen, Knox & Belt, L.L.P. Sugar Land, Texas We have reviewed the system of quality control for the accounting and auditing practice of Sanders en, Knox & Belt, L.L.P. (the firm) in effect for the year ended May 31,2001. A system of quality control encompasses the firm's organizational structure and the policies adopted and procedures established to provide it with reasonable assurance of conforming with professional standards. The elements of quality control are described in the Statements on Quality Control Standards issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICP A). The design of the system and compliance with it are the responsibility of the firm. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the design of the system, and the firm's compliance with the system based on our review Our review was conducted in accordance with standards established by the Peer Review Board of the AICPA. In performing our review, we obtained an understanding of the system of quality control for the firm's accounting and auditing practice. In addition, we tested compliance with the firm's quality control policies and procedures to the extent we considered appropriate. These tests covered the application of the firm's policies and procedures on selected engagements. Because our review was based on selective tests, it would not necessarily disclose all weaknesses in the system of quality control or all instances oflack of compliance with it. Because there are inherent limitations in the effectiveness of any system of quality control, departures from the system may occur and not be detected. Also, projection of any evaluation of a system of quality control to future periods is subject to the risk that the system of quality control may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or because the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate. In our opinion, the system of quality control for the accounting and auditing practice of Sanders en, Knox & Belt, L.L.P. in effect for the year ended May 31, 2001, has been designed to meet the requirements of the quality control standards for an accounting and auditing practice established by the AICPA, and was complied with during the year then ended to provide the firm with reasonable assurance of complying with professional standards. MEMBER PRIVATE COMPANIES PRACTICE SECTION OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CPA's FORM 801 IN THE MATTER OF TRANSFERRING OF BUDGET SURPLUS OF FORT BEND COUNTY FOR THE YEAR 2004 On this the I(} d day of ~ , the Commissioners' ~ Court, with the following members being present Robert E. Hebert County Judge Tom Stavinoha Commissioner Precinct #1 Grady Prestage Commissioner Precinct #2 Andy Meyers Commissioner Precinct #3 James Patterson Commissioner Precinct #4 /~,GENDAITE~A '2-S' The fallowing proceedings were had, to-wr~, THAT WHEREAS, theretofore, on September 9,2003, the Court heard and approved the budget for the year 2004 for Fort Bend County; and WHEREAS, on proper application, the Commissioners' Court has transferred an existing budget surplus to a budget of a similar kind and fund. The transfer does not increase the total oftha budget. The following transfers to said budget are hereby authorized: Department Name: Department #: ~ ~ 6 \ TRANSFERTO: AMOUNT NUMBER L1NE~TEMNAME '6/ TOTAL TRANSFERRED TO: $ TRANSFER FROM: ~o-k>C' o tI~-- t./ tJ C/~ <I' TOTAL TRANSFERRED FROM: $ Department Head: '--i$.J UJ k lz, 'i'I, ~ I ,J. :;-q gl 31 J. s-q • 'i1.3/:J > Date: _--<~-""-'.-=-l. USE WHOLE DOLLARS ONLY BY: Robert E. Hebert, County Judge or"! $0 $0 _ FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR OFFICE r· /I - 0 j' DATE SUBMITTED: COURT AGENDA DATE: AGENDA # 1'./0-01 SUMMARY OF ITEM: RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING - COUNTY JUDGE'S DOCUMENTS 'd,{p Yes () ATTACHED: No <X) ~ FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes(40() Fund Dru ANNUALIZED N/A() Funding Source: Agency .,Object 00 T O;ZD~ O;}.O,,", COMMENTS: DOLLARS: OneTime ('1' Recurring N/A () ( ) Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: ( ) CC with bJ)ck up: ( \I) p.uditor ( vJ Budget Officer ( ) County Attorney ( ) Purchasing Agent ( ) County Clerk Instructions 1. 2. 3. for submitting (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) ( '" when completed) (v) Comm. Pet. 1 ( v1 Comm. Pet. 2 ( v1' Comm. Pet. 3 (0Comm. Pet. 4 (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) an Agenda Request: Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: f\UG 3'1 FORM 801 IN THE MATTER OF TRANSFERRING OF BUDGET SURPLUS OF FORT BEND COUNTY FOR THE YEAR 2004 On this the day of ---'- ' the Commissioners' Court, with the following members being present: Robert E. Hebert County JUdge Tom Stavinoha Commissioner Grady Prestage Commissioner Precinct #2 Andy Meyers Commissioner Precinct #3 James Patterson Commissioner Precinct #4 Precinct #1 The following proceedings were had, to-wr~, THAT WHEREAS, theretofore, on September 9, 2003, the Court heard and approved the budget for the year 2004 for Fort Bend County; and WHEREAS, on proper application, the Commissioners' Court has transferred an existing budget surplus to a budget of a similar kind and fund. The transfer does not increase the total of the budget. The following transfers to said budget are hereby authorized: 004 District Clerk Department Name: TRANSFER TO: LINE-ITEM AMOUNT NUMBER NAME 004-0202 004-0201 004-0201 004-0201 TOTAL TRANSFERRED TO: ..:$'-- Overtime Part-Time Part-Time Part-Time $305 $11,000 $7,600 $9,155 $28,060 -==::.::..- TRANSFER FROM: il>! (~ Ii - ~..:... Hardware Software EXPLANATION: Y'" 004-0206 ~J';30S t lieO ~.j.-itlY" :j --------'7$7=','!!!!60:::0~ 004-1012 $9,155 004-3040 $28,060 TOTAL TRANSFERRED FROM: ....:.$ ~=.;::..:.... ~:tt:, ae u::/f1--e- L c~ . Date t' -1"-0 y USE WHOLE DOLLARS ONLY Robert E. Hebert, County Judge GLORY HOPKINS DISTRICT CLERK Fort Bend County, Texas August 4, 2004 To: Commissioners Court From: District Clerk Glory Hopkins Re: Funding for Part-time Employees I am requesting the transfer of $28,060 to fund the salaries of part-time employees for the remaining of budget year 2004. The funds are available from the following line items in the District Clerk's 2004 budget: * * 004-0200 004-1012 * 004-3040 * 004-0200 Total transfer Salary Hardware Software Salary $11,000 7,600 9,155 305 $28,060 The justifications for the transfer of funds include: 1. The added work coming from Associate Judge Ruiz. Judge Ruiz is not disposing of many more cases than the district judges did before his employment. The added work in handling his caseload comes from the disorganized way that he operates. The following are examples: • . Returning up to 300 files at a time; • Keeping large numbers of files longer than 1 month; • Errors in paperwork that have to be sent back to him to correct; • More than 40% of the files have to be routed to a district judge for his signature; • Returning several hundred files as late as 5:00 P.M; • Increase in number of phone calls from the jail because they do not know the status of inmates; • Volume of mail that we cannot put in files because he keeps them for long periods of time; and • Number of repeat inquiries due to the fact that we don't have the files to answer questions. This problem could be alleviated if the criminal cases were on ACS because ACS will have a complete history of case activity that we cannot record on the mainframe application. I requested a business plan from both Judge Elliott and Associate Judge Ruiz last December. I repeated the request to both of them. I have received nothing in response. 30 I Jackson Street Richmond, TX 77469 Phone (281) 341-4514 FAX (281) 341-4561 Therefore, the Clerk's office handles the messy business as it comes to us, and we spend many hours sorting through the files and putting them in order before we can begin our work. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. There are as many as 7 courts convening some mornings; Addition of the STAR and Sanctions Courts; More dockets for CPS and AG courts; More trips to the warehouse to get files as a result of increased activity; and The Clerk's office has received no information regarding the business operation of the Sanctions Court. But, we did receive a stack of paper work from that court this morning with no prior notice. We have no idea how often to expect the work or how much to expect at one time. A lot of the files that we win need to process the work win have to be picked up from the warehouse in Rosenberg. Thank you for your consideration. Please can me at extension 4514 if you have any questions. ci&HO~rl:Pr;pl~~ District erk Cc; Budget Officer Jim Edwards County Auditor Ed Sturdivant 13:21 Aug 4 '04 Fax:281-341-4418 FEC ELECTIONS ADMIN. P.03 AGENDA ITF=~ri FORTBENDCOUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR DATE SUBMITTED: SUBMI'ITED BY: DEPARTMENT: PHONE NO.: 08/0412004 COURT AGENDA DATE: - COUNTY JUDGE'S 08nO/2004 OFFICE Steve Raborn Elections Administration 281-341-8670 AGENDA # c:l1A SUMMARY OF ITEM: Approve pay rates for varions classes of election workers effective 10/0112004 as shown On schedule provided by Elections Administrator. Yes ( ) RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS No(x) Proposed pay schedule for election workers ATTACHED: FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes(X) No() NfA() ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: OneTime Fnndlng Source: Fund 010 Agency 069 Object 0201 () RecurriDg N/A COMMENTS: Increase of approlimately 520,000 for major county-wide election. Funding for iDcrease ineladed iD Elections AdmiDistration FY 2005 budget request. (X) ( ) Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: (X) CC with back up: (X) Auditor ( x) Budget Officer ( x ) County Attorney (x) Purchasing Agent (x ) County Clerk Iustructlons 1. 2. 3. (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) ( 0/ when completed) ( x ) Comm. Pet. 1 ( x ) Comm. Pet. 2 ( x ) Comm. Pet. 3 ( x ) Comm. Pet. 4 for submitting au Agenda Request: Completely fill out agenda form, Incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received iD tbe Couaty Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: Fnndinll for increases in pay for election workers has been included in the Elections Administration budg.t (281-342-6587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-986-9077) r.q,UQ!lt. Addi.tional duties 1ll1posed on. cdeetioD judScs as vn~1I." ;U.1;~Kd Deparlment FY 2005 dlMculty in flndlng qualified elc:l;tioDworkers warrant an increase In pay. A comparison with 7 other countles shows that tbisincrease above the average pay for election worken. would brine Fort Bend County Just FEC ELECTIONS ADMIN. AU9.4 '04 Fax:281-341-4418 13:21 P.04 Proposed Pay Rates for Fort Bend County Election Workers Effective 10101/2004 (to be considered by Commissioners Court on 08/10/2004) Proposed Hourly Pay Current Hourly Pay Position Early Voting Judge Early Voting clerk $7.00 $7.00 $9.00 $8.00 Election Election Election Election Election $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $25.00 (flat rate) $6.00 plus mileage $8.00 $7.00 $7.00 $25.00 (flat rate) $8.00 plus mileage Early Voting Ballot Board $6.00 $8.00 Election Central clerks Election Central machine operators $6.00 $7.00 $8.00 $8.00 Phone bank clerks $6.00 $8.00 Day Presiding Judge Day Alternate Judge Day Clerks Day return of supplies Day runners Other County Comparison: County Brazoria Collin Denton Harris McLennan Montnomerv Williamson A.verane Early Voline Judee Early Vollne Clerk Election Day Election Dav Clerk Judae $8.0n $10.0 $8.0C $9.40 $7.Oc $9.00 $8.0n $7.00 $8.0 $7.0( $7.9~ $6.00 $7.00 $7.00 $8.00 $10.00 $9.00 $7.50 $7.00 $6.00 $7.0C $7.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.0C $7.0C $8.49 $7.13 $7.79 $6.71 __ 8iJ9 Fax:281-341-4418 FEC ELECTIONS ADMIN. COMMISSIONERS SUMMARY OF ITEM: 08/10/2004 OFFICE Steve RAborn Elections Administration 281-341-8670 AGENDA #c116 Consider relocation of county early voting site from Arcola City Hall to Hightower Higb School Yes ( ) RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING - COUNTY JUDGE'S SUBMITTED BY: DEPARTMENT: PHONE NO.: 08/04/2004 COURT AGENDA DATE: P.OS FORT BEND COUNTY /.1.(j t: I COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR DATE SUBMITTED: 13:21 4 '04 DOCUMENTS No(x) Memo from Steve Raborn ATTACHED: FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes ( ) No () Fund N/A (X) Funding Source: Agency Object ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: One Time COMME1"ITS: ( ) Recurring N/A () ( x ) Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: (X) CC with back up: (x) Auditor ( x) Budget Officer (x) County Attorney ( x ) Purchasing Agent (x ) County Clerk Instructions 1. 2. 3. (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) ( x ) Comm. ( x ) Comm. ( x ) Comm. ( x) Comm. ( '" when completed) Pet. 1 Pet. 2 Pet. 3 Pet. 4 (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) for submitting an Agenda Request: Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. FIII or Inter-ofr .. e copies of agenda form with all back up Information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original bock-up must be received In the County Jndges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: See memo from Steve RohDrn. Recommend approval based on regional early voting turnoot statistics. Fax:281-341-4418 FBC ELECTIONS ADMIN. Aug 4 '04 13:22 P.06 Office of Elections Administration Fort Bend County, Texas (281) 341-8670 Fax (281) 341-4418 Steve Raborn Elections Adrninistra/o,. MEMORANDUM TO: Members of Commissioners Court FROM: Steve Raborn, Elections Administrator SUBJECT: Proposed change in Early Voting location DATE: August 4, 2004 I am writing to propose that Commissioners Court approve a change in early voting location from Arcola City Hall to Hightower High School. Early voting is conducted on a "regional" basis, as there are only 10 early voting locations within the county. The Arcola City Hall location is almost always the early voting site with the least turnout (see data on following page). Anecdotal comments and an analysis of early voting turnout from precincts along the Highway 6 corridor (south of and including the Lake Olympia neighborhood) indicate that many residents in this area are unaware of the Arcola early voting site. Early voting turnout from the 2000 and 2002 general eJections show that residents of voting precincts 1118 (Sienna Plantation) and 2061 (Vicksburg) were more likely to travel to the First Colony or Missouri City early voting sites even though the Arcola City Hall site is closer to their neighborhoods. Moving the Early Voting site to Hightower High School would make the early voting site more centrally located to all of the residents of Fresno, Arcola, Teal Run, Sienna Plantation, Vicksburg, Lake Olympia, and surrounding neighborhoods (voting precincts 1003, 1058, 1114, 1118, 1134,2034,2061, and 4062). Hightower High School is a well-known landmark in this area, and is visible from Highway 6. It is also adjacent to the new Fort Bend Parkway 1011 road. (For the record, Hightower High School is slightly less than 3 miles from Arcola City Hall). Moving the Early Voting site to Hightower High School should also relieve some of the overwhelming turnout at First Colony Confetence Center and Missouri City City Hall, two of our busiest early voting locations. Officials of the City of Arcola have heen very generous in allowing us to use their facility for early voting for many years, and in no way are we dissatisfied with their facility Or services. In fact we appreciate their assistance and cooperation through many elections. It is just that, unfortunately, many residents outside the Fresno and Arcola communities are apparently unaware of the Arcola City Hall and its designation as an early voting site; and we believe that Hightower High School would altnlct more early voters from this region of Fort Bend County Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this request. cc: Elaine Bishop, FBC Democratic Chair Eric Thode, FBC Repuhlican Chair Mt:lyor Alvin Ofpson, Clty of Arcola Fort Bend County Rosenberg Annex Physical: 4520 Reading Road, Sui'. A· Rosenberg, Texas 77471 Mailing: 301 Jackson Street· Richmond. Texas 17469 e-mail FEC ELECTIONS ADMIN. _AU9.4 '04 Fax:281-341-4418 P.07 13:22 Early Voting turnout from selected precincts 2000 and 2002 General Elections 2002 General Election 2000 General Election Precinct FColonv MoCltv Arcola FColonv MoCltv Arcola 100 57 152 1003 1058 1114 1118 1134 2034 2061 4062 122 61 204 110 19 7 2 27 143 3 0 3 5 118 0 1 123 10 298 354 0 112 82 71 4 TOTALS 649 835 320 474 P 17 C 0 E 0 21 97 ~ 1 222 280 6 48 0 0 53 40 629 148 1 Early Voting turnout 1rom all sites in Primary & General Elections 1998 ·2004 Early Voting Site 1998 1998 PrimarY General General 7~ 1,076 277 49~ 777 494 1,593 2,639 4,926 610 2,230 2,779 7t 616 667 82C 26E 46E 655 7046 l,34C 4,726 !l19 362 796 nla nla 434 1.695 488 3,925 237 1,003 7292 nla nla n/e 38,61~ 7,483 1 143 213 nla 850 2,500 1.993 2,865 11,1ge 7,12!i First Colon v Fulshear 299 111 119 375 645 79 nla 'OTALS PrimarY 238" nla Needville RosenberQ Annex Travis Buildina 2004 Primary 2,248 633 605 1.81' Cinco Ranch nla Meadows Place Missouri City 2002 General 26 401 1,191 17' 50E 1.010 121 613 Garcia Middle Sch 2002 Primary 732 2.042 3,790 7875 854 3302 4882 51 33E Arcola Chasewood 2000 2000 91 681 620 24410 5686 FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR· COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE DATE SUBMITTED: SUBMITTED BY: Steve Raborn DEPARTMENT: Elections Administration 281-341-8670 PHOIlo"ENO.: 08/04/2004 COURT AGENDA DATE: 08/1012004 AGENDA #~1( SUMMARY OF ITEM: Consider early voting locadons and schednle for November 2,2004 general election Yes () RENEWAL CONTRACf/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: No (x) Proposed early voting schedule FINA.1'~CIALSUMMARY: Fund BUDGETED ITEM: ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: Yes ( ) No() OneTime N/A(X) Funding Source: Agency Object COMMENTS: () Recurring N/A () ( x ) Original Fonn Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: (X) CC with back up: (x) Auditor ( x) Budget Officer ( x ) County Attorney ( x ) Purchasing Agent (x ) County Clerk (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) ( x ) Comm. ( x ) Comm. ( x ) Comm. ( x ) Comm. ( ., when completed) Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. 1 2 3 4 (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) . I Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, Incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-omce copies of agenda form with all back up Informadon by Wednesday at 2:00 p.D!.to the departments lIsted above. All original back-Up must be received in tbe County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. ou Wednesday. RECOMME-"lDATION 1 ACTION REQUESTED: Reqnest approval as presented. FBC ELECTIONS ,ADMIN. Aug Fax:281-341-4418 4 '04 13:23 P.Og Fort Bend County Early Voting Schedule (PROPOSED) November 2,2004 General Election (to be considered by Commiisionen Court 00 OS/1012004) Schedule for: Rosenberg Annex - 4520 Reading Road, Rosenberg, TX Missouri City City Hall - 1522 Texas Parkway, Missouri City, TX Garcia Middle School - 18550 Old Richmond Road, Sugar Land, TX Fulshear Precinct 3 Office Building - 8100 FM 359, Fulshear, TX Hightower High School- 3333 Hurricane Lane, Missouri City, TX Day Hours Date Monday - Friday October 18 • 22, 2004 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday October 23,2004 7:00 a.rn. to 7:00 p.m. Sunday October 24, 2004 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday October 25 - 29, 2004 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Schedule for: Chasewood Clubhouse -7622 Chasewood Drive, Missouri City, TX Meadows Place City Hall - One Troyan Drive, Meadows Place, TX First Colony Conference Center - 3232 Austin Parkway, Sugar Land, TX Old Needville Fire House· 3115 Richmond Street, Needville, TX Day Hours Date Monday· Friday October \8 - 22, 2004 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.rn. Saturday October 23, 2004 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sunday October 24, 2004 \2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.rn. Monday - Friday October 25 - 29, 2004 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.rn. Schedule for: University of Houston at Cinco Ranch - 4242 South Mason Road, Katy, TX Day Hours Date Monday· Friday October 18 • 22, 2004 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.rn. Saturday October 23, 2004 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sunday October 24. 2004 CLOSED Monday· Friday October 25 ·29,2004 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.rn. FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR DATE SUBMITTED: OFFICE SUBMITTED BY:p.BAT'1'SlAGENDA COORDINATOR) DEPARTMENT: EIlGIIIEERIIlG PHONE NO.: (281) 633-7507 8/2/04 COURT AGENDA DATE: - COUNTY JUDGE'S 8/10/04 AGENDA # ~~t\ TJlKE ALL APPROPRIATE ACrIlllf ro APPROVE EllSEIIEIIT ~ CDICO RANCII llESIDlIIl'rIAL PROPERn ASSOCIATIlllf,IIlC. (TIll! "ASSOCIATIOIl") ro FOR'l' BEIID COOIl'l'f, TEXAS FOR TIll! COIlSTRIICTIlllf OF A IIOISE IIALL BY TIll! TEXAS DEPAR'IIIEIlT OF TRAIlSPORTATIlllf ALONG TEXAS PIIl093 AT 110 EXPEIISE ro TIll! COOIl'l'f ,PCT.3. SUMMARY OF ITEM: Yes() RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS No() ATTACHED: . FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes ( ) No () Fund N/A ( ) Funding Source: Agency Object ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: One Time () Recurring N/A () ( ) COMMENTS: Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: ( ) ( ,/ when completed) If by E-Mail to If by Fax to (281) 341-8609 Copies with back-up to: ( ) Auditor (281-341-3774) ( ) Comm. Pet. 1 (281-342-0587) ( ) Budget Officer (281-344-3954) ( ) Comm. Pet. 2 (281-403-8009) ( ) County Attorney (281-341-4557) ( ) Comm. Pet. 3 (281-242-9060) ( ) Purchasing Agent (281-341-8642) ( ) Comm. Pet. 4 (281-980-9077) ( ) County Clerk (281-341-8697) Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: I. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Agenda Request Forms may be submitted bye-mail, fax, or inter-office mail, and all information must be provided by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judge's Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: O~~& ~~~fKMw.~).: ~ '?~J~ ~ - . ~(\\> <t& ~- RE: _ HOOVERSLOVACEKLLP A MARKK. IlOAAD BOARD CFRTlFlIDn,,,,MERCIAL CDlTlI1ED./I£SIDFNlIAl. lTXAS BOARD of LEuAL REGISTERED REAL Rl'.AL LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP ATIORNEYS KNOP EST "TF CST A IE '~fnAUZA REPLY TO' P.O. BOX 4547 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77210-4547 AT LAW SAN FELIPE PLAZA 5847 SAN FELIPE, SUITE 2200 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77057-3918 LAW LAW TlUN (713) 977-8686 FAX (713) 977-5395 June 25, 2004 Mr. James Stavinoha First Assistant County Attorney 301 Jackson, Suite 728 Richmond, Texas 77469 Ms. Carol Letz Texas Department of Transportation P.O. Box 1386 Houston, Texas 77251-1386 Re: Easement from Cinco Residential Property Association, Inc. (the "Association") to Fort Bend County, Texas for the construction of a noise wall by the Texas Department of Transportation along Texas FM 1093 Dear Mr. Stavinoha and Ms, Letz: As you know, I represent the Association. Enclosed is the revised Easement in connection with the referenced matter. The changes that both of you requested have been incorporated into the Easement and have been approved by the Association. Therefore, I believe the Easement is now ready so that we can complete the blanks set forth therein and sign it. In fact, I have original copies of the Easement that have already been signed by the Association. Please review the Easement and call me to discuss completion of this document and how to facilitate its execution by Fort Bend County, Texas. If you have any questions, please call me. Sincerely, ~~O~~SL~ ACEK LLP -'rt::r I I~ !V1arK K. Knop MKKlcmm 439014/122094-17 Enclosures • ----_ .... COUNTY ATRlRNEY ..... --J.---- June 25,2004 Page 2 cc: Tammy Murphy (w/o encl.) The Cinco Associations Via tete/ax no. (281) 599-0478 07/30/2004 1630 ~ 002/008 FAX EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF FORT BEND § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT CINCO RJi:SIDE1'ITlAL PROPERTY ASSOCIATION INC., a Texas non-profit corporation, of the County of Fort Bend, Stale of Texas, hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE AND NOilOO DOLLARS ($1.00) to Grantor in hand paid, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and for which no lien is retained, either expressed or implied, has this day DONATED and does by these prese.llts GRANT, GIVE and CONVEY unto the County of Fort Bend, a body corporate and politic under the laws of rhe State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as Grantee, an easement for the purpose of the installation of a noise wall (the "Noise Wall") in, along, upon and across the following-described property (the "Property") in the County of Fort Bend, State of Texas, more particularly described by melCS and bounds on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes and as shown on the survey attached hereto as Exhibit Band incorporated herein for all purposes. It is hereby understood and by the acceptance of this instrument it is recognized rhat Grantor retains title to all of the oil, gas and sulphur and orher mineral interests in and under said land, but waives any and all rights of mgress and egress to the surface thereof for the purpose of exploring, developing, mining or drilling for same; provided, however, that operations for exploration or recovery of any such minerals shall be permissible so long as all surface operations in connection therewirh are located at a point outside of the Property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said easement unto the County of Fort Bend to be used for said purpose, forever; and Grantor does hereby bind itself and its successors and assigns TO WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND all and singular the said premises unto the said For! Bend County, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof by, through or under Grantor but not otherwise. This conveyance is subject to all easements, restrictions, reservations, covenants, conditions and mineral and royalty interests of record in the County Clerk's Official Public Records of Real Property of Fort Bend County, which affect rhe property herein conveyed, to the extent they are valid and subsisting and are enforceable against a political subdivision of the State of Texas. Grantor reserves the righllO use the Property subject to this Easement for any purpose so long as such use does not unreasonably interfere WIth the use ofthe Easement herein granted for the purposes set forth therein. Grantee agrees that at no cost and expense to Grantor, Grantee will cause the Noise Wall to be constructed on the Property according to the Plans and Specifications (the "Plans") dated July 15, 2004, prepared by the Texas Department of Transportation under Job No. 1258-03-027. No significant revisions will be made to said Plans without the prior written consent of the Grantor, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld, condilioned or delayed. It is contemplated that Grantee will enter into an authorization agreement With the Texas Department of Transportation and that the Texas Department of 4417S4wMKK 122094 00017 7129/04 Q..Q.\1\'. ~ - \Q ~~\'I\ -o~~~~f\ -\:~'. JUL 30 \C~~ ' 4 16:40 PRGE.002 07/30/2004 IdI 003/008 16-31 FAX Transportation will construct the Noise Wall at its cost and e;"pense in conneetion with the construction of the highway known as FM 1093_ Chantor hereby grants to Grantee a temporary construction easement over and across so much of the remainder of the Grantor's property adjacent to the Properly which is reasonably necessary for the construction of the Noise Wall. Such temporary construction easement shall commence at the time of commencement of construchon of the Noise Wall and shall continue until completion of construction of the Noise Wall provided that once the construction of the Noise Wall is commenced, construction will be diligently pursued to completion_ Grantee anticipates to cause cOllStructionof the Noise Wall to be commenced by April!, 2005, and anticipates completion of the Noise Wall construction to take 180 days. The Noise Wall shall be constructed in a good and worlananlike manner in accordance with the Plans. Upon complel1On of the Noise Wall in accordance with the Plans, Grantor shall be required to mamtam and repair and ifnecessary, replace the Noise Wall at Grantor's cost and expense. To the extent permitted by law, Grantee agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Grantor from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees and court COStS for injury to person or damage to property to the extent caused by the negligence of willful lJI)sconduct of Grantee, its agents, employees or contractors in any way related to the rights granted under this Easement. Grantor agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Chantee from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees and court costs for injury to person or damage to property to the extent caused by the negligence of willful misconduct of Grantor, its agents, employees and contractors in any way related to the rights granted under this Easement. The indemnified parties shall notify the indelJlllifying party of any claim covered by the foregoing indemnity within thirty (30) days after the indemnified party has actual notice of such claim, but failure to notify the indemnifying party timely shall not prejudice the rights of the indenmified party under this agreement unless the indemnifying party shall be prejUdiced by such failure and then only to the extent the indClJlllifying party shall be prejudiced by such failure. The indemnifying party may employ legal counsel to defend any such claim, subject, however, to the indemnitied party's ri!:ht to approve counsel so employed, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. 441754w MKK 12209400017 7r29/04 JUL 30 '04 16:40 2 PRGE.003 0/130/2004 16 31 @004/UOS FAX EXECUTED this the ~ day of )uL"1 30 ,2004. GRANTOR: CINCO RESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION, PROPERTY By: Prin-:-te-d:-:N:-:aLm-e:>': =:...!....~s,,.....,,....--;:9.-;-;::;:;c-- f5126~ Title: GRANTEE: By: Prin Title: STATE OF TEXAS r:,ame: :;~~ UN { uij~ § § § COUNTYOFFORTBEND This instrument as acknowledged before me on theW" by /00 C. HeberlL tent:-S ,fLrk+-+- as Pre5de,,-O.L>+~' __ PROPERTY AS:~~M:lililMiolllli! day o~ 2004. of CINCO RESIDENTIAL _ '~rporation, on behalf of said corporation. .... ~,-r- NotarySlate of TexaI ~ )i- t. .. '! •.. My~~ May 6. 2007 COUNTY OF FORT BEND § § This Instrument as acknowledged before me on the as / () CnW1& judy< body corporate and politic under the laws of the State day of Guga"'};,2004, of COUNTY OF FORT BEND, a OfT:;O;'i::lf E~tity-Kwc.i NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Texas 441754'" MKK 122094000177/29/04 3 D'Neal Krisch Notary PuIJic, My~~", a1~ April 2, 2007' ' PAGE.004 01/30/2004 16 31 FAX PREPARED IN THE LAW OFFICES OF: WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: MarkK.Knop Hoover Slovacek LLP P. O. Box 4547 Houston, Texas 77210-4547 441754wMKK 122094000177/29/04 JUL 30 '04 16:40 HOOVER SLOVACEK liP 5847 San Felipe, Suite 2200 Houston, Texas 77057 (113) 977-8686/fax: 977-9395 File No. 12 2094-17 4 PAGE.DDS 07/30/2004 l'!1 16 31 FAX EXHIBIT 006 002 "A.1l Metes and Bounds Description 0.4125 Acre (17,970 Square Feet) Brooks & Burleson Survey, A-145 Fort Bend County, Texas Being 04125 of an acre (17,970 square feet) of land situated in the Brooks & Burleson Survcy, A-145, Fort Bend County. Texas; said 0.4125 of an acre being more particularly desclibed by metes and bounds in two (2) tracts as follows with all bearings referenced to the Texas Coordinate System of 1927, South Central Zone: TRACT 1: Being 0.3135 of an acre (13,657 square feet) of land situated in the Brooks & Burleson Survey, A-145, Fort Bend County, Texas, and being a portion of Restricted Reserve "A", CINCO RANCH F.M. 1093 TRACT, a subdivision in Fon Bend County, recorded in Slide Nwnber 2087A of the Fort Bend County Plat Records (F.B.C.P,R.); BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch iron rod with cap stamped "SURVCON INC" found marking the westerly corner of Lot 27, Block 1 of said CINCO RANCH F.M. 1093 TRACT, same being on the southeasterly line of a 3D-foot wide Storm Sewer Easement and Access Easement, recorded under File Number 8656627 of the Fort Bend County Official RecordS (F.B.C.O.R.) and the most westerly north comer of said Restricted Reserve "A" and the herein described tract; THENCE, South 47°35'09" East, along the southwesterly line of said Lot 27, Block 1 and along a northeasterly line of said Restricted Reserve "A" a distance of 10.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE, South 42°24'52" West, departing said southwesterly line of Lot 27, Block I and said northeasterly line of Restricted Reserve "A", a distance of25.00 feet to a point for an illterior comer of the herein described tract; THENCE, South 47°35'08" East, a distance of 113.48 feet to an angle point, same being on the northerly line of a 10-foot wide Utility Easement and Aerial Easement recorded in Slide Number 2087A of said F.B.C.P.R.; THENCE, North 83°03 '55" East, along the northerly line of said 10-foot wide Utility Easement and Aerial Easement, a distance of 1,212.72 feet to a point for the n0l1heasterly comer of the herein described tract, being on the westerly right-of-way line of Southchase Trail Laue (90-feet wide) as recorded in Slide Number 2087A of said F.B.C.P.R.; THENCE, South 06°56'16" East, along said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8inch iron rod with cap stamped "SURvCON INC" found for the beginning of a tangent curve to the right; THENCE, Southcastcrly 5.03 feet along said westerly light-of-way line, and along the arc of said curve to the right (Central Angle = 11 °32']2", Radius ~ 25.00 feet, Chord Bearing and Distance ~ South 01°09'45" East, 5.03 feet) to a point for the southeasterly comer of the herein described n·.ct, same being in the southerly line of said 10-foot wide Utility Easement and Aerial Easement and the northerly line of a 10-foot wide Storm Sewer Easement recorded under File Number 8656627 of said F.B.C.O.R.; Page 1 of3 JUL 30 '04 15:41 PRGE.005 07/30/2004 16 32 FAX THENCE, South 83°03'55" West, departing saJd westerly right-of-way line and along the Ime common to said 10-foot wide Utility Easement alld Aerial Easement alld said 10-foot wide Stonn Sewer Easement, a distance of 1,216.81 feet to an angle point; THENCE, North 4]035'08" West, departing said common line, a distance of 128.07 feet to an angle point, same being on the southeasterly line of said 30-foot wide Storm Sewer Easement and Access Easement and the northwesterly line of said Restricted Reserve "A"; THENCE, North 42°24'55" East, along the southeasterly line of said 30-foot Stonn Sewer Easement and Access Easement and the northwesterly line of said Restricted Reserve "A", a distance of 35,00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing within its bOlmds a computed area of 0.3135 of an acre (13,657 square feet) ofland within Tract I. TRACT 2: Being 0.0990 of an acre (4,313 square feet) ofland situated in the Brooks & Burleson Survey, A-145, Fort Bend County, Texas, and being a portion of Restricted Reserve "D", RANCH F.M, 1093 TRACT, a subdivision in Fort Bend County, recorded in Slide Number 2087A of the Fort Bend County Plat Records (F,B.C.P,R.); cmco BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch iron rod with cap stamped "SURVCON INC" found marking the south southeasterly comer of Lot 71, Block 1 of said RANCH F.M. 1093 TRACT, same being on the westerly line of Unrestricted Reserve "A" as recorded in Slide Numbers 875A and 875B of said F.B.C.P.R. and the north comer of said Restricted Reserve "D" and the herein described tract; cmco THENCE, South 06°56'03" East, departing said Lot 71, Block I and along the line common to said Unrestricted Reserve "A" and said Restricted Reserve ''0'' a distance of 44.07 feet to an angle point; THENCE, South 45°38'20" West, departing said common line, a distance of 56.24 feet to an angle point, same being in the southerly line of a 10-foot wide Utility Easement and Aerial Easement per Slide Number 2087 A of said F.B.C.P .R. and the northerly line of a 10-foot wide Stom1 Sewer Easement recorded under File Number 8656627 ofsaid F.B.C.O.R.; THENCE, South 83°03'55" West, along the line common to said 10-foot wide Utility Easement and Aerial Easement and said 10-foot wide Storm Sewer Easement, a distance of 342.66 fcet to a point [or the southwesterly comer of the herein dcscribed tract being on the easterly right-of-way line of Southchase Trail Lane (90-feet wide) as recorded in Slide Number 2087A of said F.B.C.P.R.; THENCE, Northwesterly 5.03 feet along said easterly right-of-way line and along the arc of a nontangent curve to the right (Central Angle = 11°32'18", Radius = 25.00 feet, Chord Bearing and Distance = North ]2°42'20" West, 5.03 feet) to a point of tangency; TIiENCE, North 06°55'54" West, continuing along said easterly right-of-way line, a distance of 5,00 feet to a point for the most westerly nOl1hwestcorner of the herein described tract, same being in the northerly line of said 10-foot wide Utility Easement and Aerial Easement; THENCE, North 83°03'55" East, departing said easterly right-of-way line and along the northerly line of said IO-foot wide Utility Easement and Aerial Easement, a distance of339.78 feet to an angle point; Page 2 of3 JUL 30 '04 16:41 PAGE.OO? ~1!30/2004 16 32 FAX THENCE, North 45°]8'20" East, departing the northerly line of said 10-foot wide Utllity Easement and Aerial Easement, a distance of 47.92 feet to an angle point; THENCE, North 06°56'05" West, a distance of 31.48 feet to a point for the most northerly northwest comer of the herein described tract on the southeasterly line of said Lot 71, Block I; THENCE, North 45°38'21" East, along said southeasterly line, a distance of 12.59 feet to rhe POINT OF BEGINNING and containing within its bounds a computed area of 0.0990 of an acre (4,313 square feet) of land within Tract 2. Tracts J and 2 have a combined total computed area of 0.4125 of all acre (17 ,970 square feet) ofland Prepared by: SURVCON INe. 5757 Woodway Houston, Texas 77057 (713) 780-4123 Job No. 610523.0698 April 5, 2004 J :\TCDSubdivisions\Cinco\SOUND WALL\O _4125 A C.doc Page 300 JUL 30 '04 16:41 PAGE.00S FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR DATE SUBMITTED: OFFICE SUBMITTED BY:p .BATTS(AGENDA aJORDIBATOR) AGENDA DEPARTMENT: EllGINEERII¥i # .;(~ PHONE NO.: (2811 633-7507 8/3/04 COURT AGENDA DATE: - COUNTY JUDGE'S 6 8/10/04 TAKE ALL JlPPRlll'RIJ\TE ACrI(Jl ro APPROVE TIlE ADVAIlCIID FOIlDIIIG AGREIIIIEIIT Ilt:IIiEJllj FOR'l BEIID llIlD TXIlOT TO PERl'OIlII PRELIIIIIlARY EllGINEERIl¥i/EIIVIlllHIEII'r AIIllLYSIS REGARDIIIG F11723: IIORTB OF BRAZOS RIVER TO FIIl093, AIDJII'r !lOT ro EXCEED $15O,OOO.OO,IDlILITY IlOIlD PROJECT 154,PC'l'S. ,1&3 SUMMARY OF ITEM: RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Yes () No ( ) ATTACHED: FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes ( ) No () Fund N/A ( ) Funding Source: Agency Object ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: One Time ( ) Recurring N/A () ( ) COMMENTS: Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: ( ) ( ./ when completed) If by E-Mail to If by Fax to (281) 341-8609 Copies with back-up to: ( ) Auditor (281-341-3774) ( ) Comm. Pet. 1 (281-342-0587) ( ) Budget Officer (281-344-3954) ( ) Comm. Pet. 2 (281-403-8009) ( ) County Attorney (281-341-4557) ( ) Comm. Pet. 3 (281-242-9060) ( ) Purchasing Agent (281-341-8642) ( ) Comm. Pet. 4 (281-980-9077) ( ) County Clerk (281-341-8697) Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: I. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Agenda Request Forms may be submitted bye-mail, fax, or inter-office mail, and all information Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judge's Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. TION / ACTION REQUESTED: ~~ must be provided by -* I Texas Department of Transportation P.O. BOX 1386' HOUSTON, TEXAS n251·1386' (713) 802·5000 July 22, 2004 CONT ACT, PLAN REVIEW BY CERTIFIED MAIL P 7003 1680000049303516 Fort Bend County CSJ 0188-09-040 FM 723: North of Brazos River to FM 1093 Mr. D_ Jesse Hegemier, P.E County Engineer Fort Bend County Engineering Department 1124 Blume Road Rosenberg, Texas 77471-1449 Dear Mr. Hegemier: Attached for your review and approval are two unexecuted counterparts of an Advance Funding Agreement for Fort Bend County (County) to perform the preliminary engineering/environmental analysis for the subject project. We request that you review the agreement and inform us immediately if you have any comments_ Should you have no comments, we request that you have the agreement executed on behalf of the County and return the two original counterparts properly executed to this office for further handling. We need a copy of a resolution or motion of your government body that commits funds to this project. This resolution is needed as Attachment C to the agreement. Please provide this funding commitment when you send us the agreement for further handling. We look forward to working with you on this important project and request your timely response to this letter. If you should have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Ms. Darlene D. Taylor of this office at (713) 802-5864. Sincerely, R.,.jk.S'~ Raj K. Syal, P.E. Director of Plan Review Houston District DDT Attachments cc: Mr. Gabriel Y_Johnson, P.E. Mr_ James W_ Koch, P.E. Mr. Mark D. Patterson, P.E. Ms_ Darlene D. Taylor An Equal Opportunity Employer Fort Bend County CSJ: 0188-09-040 FM 723: North of Brazos River to FM 1093 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § LOCAL TRANSPORTATION PROJECT ADVANCE FUNDING AGREEMENT ForA SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM METROPOLITAN MOBILITY REHABILITATION THIS AGREEMENT (the Agreement) is made by and between the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation hereinafter called the "State", and the County of Fort Bend, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized officials, hereinafter called the "Local Government." WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Intermodal Surface Transportation and Efficiency Act of 1991 (lSTEA) st and the Transportation Equity Act for the 21 Century (TEA-21) codified under Title 23 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq., authorize transportation programs to meet the challenges of protecting and enhancing communities and the natural environment and advancing the nation's economic growth and competitiveness; and WHEREAS, ISTEA and TEA-21 establish federally funded programs for transportation improvements to implement its public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Texas Transportation Code, Sections 201.103 and 222.052 establish that the State shall design, construct and operate a system of highways in cooperation with local governments; and WHEREAS, federal and state laws require local governments to meet certain contract standards relating to the management and administration of State and federal funds; and WHEREAS, the State and the Local Government desire improvements to FM 723 at the location shown on the Map in Attachment A; and, WHEREAS, the section of FM 723 from North of Brazos River to FM 1093 has been selected as a Long Range Priority Project in the 2022 Metropolitan Transportation Plan of the MPO, as shown in Attachment B; and AFA Long Generic Page 1 of 11 WHEREAS, the Local Government has requested that the State allow the Local Government to participate in said improvement by funding that portion of the improvement described as the development of the preliminary engineering, which includes but is not limited to, preparing or having prepared by a consultant the preliminary engineering, which includes, but is not limited to, right of way maps, property descriptions and diagrammatic layout; perform field surveys; prepare a drainage study, complete acquisition of right of way; and providing other necessary items required by the State at the County's sole expense, in order to make the project a more viable candidate for future Federal funding; and, WHEREAS, the State shall provide the environmental assessment, environmental documentation and clearances, permits, public involvement, conduct public meetings/hearings, review the preliminary engineering performed by the Local Government, and provide other items as required; and, WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the Local Government has approved entering into this Agreement by resolution or ordinance dated which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Attachment C for the participation in the development of the Project at the location shown on the map in Attachment A; and, WHEREAS, the State and the Local Government. agree that completion of the preliminary engineering for this Project does not guarantee selection of the Project for Federal construction funding in the future. WHEREAS, the State has determined that such participation is in the best interest of the citizens of the State; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties hereto, to be by them respectively kept and performed as hereinafter set forth, the State and the Local Government do agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. Period of the Agreement This Agreement becomes effective when signed by the last party whose signing makes the Agreement fully executed. This Agreement shall remain in effect until the Project is completed or unless terminated as provided below. AFA Long Generic Page 2 of 11 2. Scope of Work The State and the Local Government agree that the scope of the Project is to prepare the environmental assessment, right of way maps, property descriptions, schematic layout; perform field surveys; prepare a drainage study; conduct public meetings/hearings; prepare a drainage study, complete acquisition of right of way; and any other work necessary to perform preliminary engineering. 3. Local Project Sources and Uses of Funds a. The total estimated cost of the Project is shown in the Project Budget Attachment D which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The expected cash contributions from the federal or State government, the Local Governments, or other parties is shown in Attachment D. The State will pay for . only those project costs that have been approved by the Texas Transportation Commission. b. This project cost estimate shows how necessary resources for completing the project will be provided by major cost categories. These categories may include but are not limited to: (1) costs of real property; (2) costs of utility work; (3) costs of environmental assessment and remediation; (4) cost of preliminary engineering and design; (5) cost of construction and construction management; and (6) any other local project costs. c. The State will be responsible for securing the Federal and State share of the funding required for the development and construction of the local project. If the Local Government is due funds for expenses incurred, these funds will be reimbursed to the Local Government on a cost basis. d. The Local Government will be responsible for all non-federal or non-State participation costs associated with the Project, including any overruns in excess of the approved local project budget unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement or approved otherwise in an amendment to this Agreement. e. Prior to the performance of any engineering review work by the State, the Local Government will remit a check or warrant made payable to the "Texas Department of Transportation" in the amount specified in Attachment D. The Local Government will pay at a minimum its funding share for the estimated cost of preliminary engineering for the project. f. At least sixty (60) days prior to the date set for receipt of the construction bids, the Local Government shall remit its remaining financial share for the State's estimated construction oversight and construction costs. g. In the event the State determines that additional funding is required by the Local Government at any time during the Project, the State will notify the Local Government in writing. The Local Government will make payment to the State within thirty (30) days from receipt of the State's written notification. h. Upon completion of the Project, the State will perform an audit of the Project costs. Any funds due to the Local Government, the State, or the Federal government will be promptly paid by the owing party. AFA Long Generic Page 3 of 11 i. The State will not pay interest on any funds provided by the Local Government. j. If a waiver has been granted, the State will not charge the Local Government for the indirect costs the State incurs on the local project, unless this Agreement is terminated at the request of the Local Government prior to completion of the project. k. If the project has been approved for a "fixed price" or an "incremental payment" non-standard funding or payment arrangement under 43 TAC §15.52, the budget in Attachment D will clearly state the amount of the fixed price or the incremental payment schedule. I. The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts has determined that certain counties qualify as Economically Disadvantaged Counties in comparison to other counties in the state as below average per capita property value, and below average per capita income, and above average unemployment, for certain years. This Agreement reflects adjustments to the standard financing arrangement based on this designation. m. The state auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the state directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the contract. Acceptance of funds directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the state auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. 4. Termination of this Agreement This Agreement shall remain in effect until the project is completed and accepted by all parties, unless: a. the Agreement is terminated in writing with the mutual consent of the parties, or; b. because of a breach of this Agreement. Any cost incurred due to a breach of contract shall be paid by the breaching party. 5. Amendments Amendments to this Agreement due to changes in the character of the work or terms of the Agreement, or responsibilities of the parties relating to the Project may be enacted through a mutually agreed upon, written amendment. 6. Remedies This Agreement shall not be considered as specifying the exclusive remedy for any agreement default, but all remedies existing at law and in equity may be availed of by either party to this Agreement and shall be cumulative. AFA Long Generic Page 4 of 11 7. Utilities Not Applicable. 8. Environmental Assessment and Mitigation Development of a transportation project must comply with the National Environmental Policy Act and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, which require environmental clearance of federal-aid projects. a. The State is responsible for the identification and assessment of any environmental problems associated with the development of the project governed by this Agreement. b. The State is responsible for the cost of any environmental problem's mitigation and remediation. c. The State is responsible for providing any public meetings or public hearings required for development of the environmental assessment. d. The State will obtain written certification from appropriate regulatory agency(ies) that identified environmental problems have been remediated. 9. Compliance with Texas Accessibility Standards and ADA All parties to this Agreement shall ensure that the plans for and the construction of all projects subject to this Agreement are in compliance with the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) issued by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, under the Architectural Barriers Act, Article 9102, Texas Civil Statutes. The TAS establishes minimum accessibility requirements to be consistent with minimum accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (P.L. 101-336) (ADA). 10. Architectural and Engineering Services The Local Government shall provide the architectural and engineering services. The architectural and engineering services shall include, but not be limited to, preparing the right of way mapping, property descriptions, and schematic layout; performing field surveys; and preparing a drainage study. The engineering study shall be developed in accordance with the applicable State's Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets and Bridges, and the latest edition and revisions of the State's Highway Design Division Operations and Procedures Manual or the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, Federal regulations for conformity with the Clean Air Act air quality requirements, the EPA-National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System requirements, the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Guide For The Development of Bicycle Facilities. In addition, all engineering work shall be prepared using the English AFA Long Generic Page 5 of 11 system of measurements. Documents prepared involvement shall be in the English unit system. for the purpose of public The Local Government must comply with applicable State and Federal rules and procedures in selection of the consultant to provide engineering services for the Project and the consultant selection procedure must have prior approval by the Texas Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. The State will monitor the Local Government's selection process for adherence to Federal rules and procedures. The consultant selected by the Local Government shall be subject to the approval of the State. The Local Government must submit a copy of the consultant's contract to the State for approval prior to the consultant starting work. The Local Government shall forward to the State a copy of the completed engineering and design plans of the Project for review. The State shall reimburse the Local Government funds which have been incurred and are applicable to the federal cost sharing arrangement established herein. The Payments to the Local Government for services rendered will be made monthly based upon the Local Government's approved monthly progress report and itemized and certified statements (Texas Department of Transportation Form 132, or an invoice that is acceptable to the State) detailed to show the names of employees, time worked, actual work performed and actual rates. Monthly statements should include authorized non-salary expenses with supporting itemized invoices. The Local Government shall comply with the cost principles established in OMS Circular A-8?, "Cost Principles for State and Local Governments." The itemized and certified statements shall show the total amount earned to the date of submission and the amount due and payable as of the date of the current statement. Final payment of any money due should be made to the Local Government after satisfactory completion of all services and obligations covered in this contract, including acceptance of work by the State and completion of final audit. Final payment does not relieve the Local Government of the responsibility of correcting any errors and/or omissions resulting from negligence. The original Form 132, or an invoice that is acceptable to the State, and (4) copies should be submitted directly to the District Office to expedite processing. Upon receipt and approval of each statement, the Department shall pay the amount which is due and payable within thirty (30) days time. The State will perform a 30 percent, 60 percent, 90 percent and final review of the engineering plans, specifications and estimate work being developed by the Local Government's consultant. The State will also review all geotechnical, surveying, design, environmental, hydraulic reports and data submitted by the Local Government, process environmental documents and oversee any necessary public involvement. AFA Long Generic Page 6 of 11 If the Local Government has submitted work in accordance with the terms of this contract but the State requests changes to the completed work or parts thereof which involve changes to the original scope of services or character of work under the contract, the Local Government shall make such revisions as requested and as directed by the State. The Local Government shall be responsible for the accuracy of work and shall promptly make necessary revisions or corrections resulting from its errors, omissions, or negligent acts. The Local Government's responsibility for all questions arising from design errors and/or omissions will be determined by the State. The Local Government will not be relieved of the responsibility for subsequent correction of any such errors or omissions. The responsible Engineer shall sign, seal and date all appropriate engineering submissions to the State in accordance with the Texas Engineering Practice Act and the rules of the Texas Board of Professional Engineers. In procuring professional services, the parties to this Agreement must comply with federal requirements cited in 23 CFR Part 172 if the project is federally funded and with Texas Government Code 2254, Subchapter A, in all cases. Professional services contracts for federally funded projects must conform to federal requirements, specifically including the provision for participation by disadvantaged business enterprises (DBEs), ADA, and environmental matters. 11. Construction Responsibilities Not applicable. 12. Project Maintenance Not applicable. 13. Right of Way and Real Property The scope of work of the Project may include preparation of right of way maps. Should right of way map preparation be performed as part of the Project, the Local Government shall prepare real property maps, right of way plat(s), property descriptions and other data as needed to properly describe the real property and submit them to the State for approval prior to the Local Government acquiring the real property. Tracings of the maps shall be retained by the Local Government for its permanent record. AFA Long Generic Page 7 of 11 14. Notices All notices to either party by the other required under this Agreement shall be delivered personally or sent by certified or U.S. mail, postage prepaid, addressed to such party at the following addresses: Local Government: Mr. D. Jesse Hegemeir, P.E. County Engineer Fort Bend County Engineering Dept. 1124 Blume Road Rosenberg, Texas 77471-1449 State: Mr. Gary K. Trietsch, P.E. District Engineer Texas Department of Transportation P. O. Box 1386 Houston, Texas 77251 All notices shall be deemed given on the date so delivered or so deposited in the mail, unless otherwise provided herein. Either party may change the above address by sending written notice of the change to the other party. Either party may request in writing that such notices shall be delivered personally or by certified U.S. mail and such request shall be honored and carried out by the other party. 15. Legal Construction In case one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions and this Agreement shall be construed as if it did not contain the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision. 16. Responsibilities of the Parties The State and the Local Government agree that neither party is an agent, servant, or employee of the other party and each party agrees it is responsible for its individual acts and deeds as well as the acts and deeds of its contractors, employees, representatives, and agents. 17. Ownership of Documents Upon completion or termination of this Agreement, all documents prepared by the State shall remain the property of the State. All data prepared under this Agreement shall be made available to the State without restriction or limitation on their further use. All documents produced or approved or otherwise created by the Local Government shall be transmitted to the State in the form of photocopy reproduction on a monthly basis as required by the State. The originals shall remain the property of the Local Government. AFA Long Generic Page 8 of 11 18. Compliance with Laws The parties shall comply with all Federal, State, and Local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations, and the orders and decrees of any courts or administrative bodies or tribunals in any manner affecting the performance of this Agreement. When required, the Local Government shall furnish the State with satisfactory proof of this compliance. 19. Sole Agreement This Agreement constitutes the sole and only agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior understandings or written or oral agreements respecting the Agreement's subject matter. 20. Cost Principles In order to be reimbursed with federal funds, the parties shall comply with the Cost Principles established in OMS Circular A-8? that specify that all reimbursed costs are allowable, reasonable and allocable to the Project. 21. Procurement and Property Management Standards The parties shall adhere to the procurement standards established in Title 49 CFR §18.36 and with the property management standard established in Title 49 CFR §18.32. 22. Inspection of Books and Records The parties to this Agreement shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records and other documentation relating to costs incurred under this Agreement and shall make such materials available to the State, the Local Government, and, if federally funded, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the U.S. Office of the Inspector General, or their duly authorized representatives for review and inspection at its office during the contract period and for four (4) years from the date of completion of work defined under this contract or until any impending litigation, or claims are resolved. Additionally, the State, the Local Government, and the FHWA and their duly authorized representatives shall have access to all the governmental records that are directly applicable to this Agreement for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions. 23. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Audit Requirements The parties shall comply with the requirements of the Single Audit Act of 1984, P.L. 98-502, ensuring that the single audit report includes the coverage stipulated in OMS Circular A-133. 24. Civil Rights Compliance The Local Government shall comply with the regulations of the Department of Transportation as they relate to nondiscrimination (49 CFR Chapter 21 and 23 CFR AFA Long Generic Page 9 of 11 §71 0.405(8)), and Executive Order 11246 titled "Equal Employment Opportunity," as amended by Executive Order 11375 and supplemented in the Department of Labor Regulations (41 CFR Part 60). 25. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Requirements The parties shall comply with the Disadvantaged/Minority Business Enterprise Program requirements established in 49 CFR Part 26. 26. Debarment Certifications The parties are prohibited from making any award at any tier to any party that is debarred or suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in Federal Assistance Programs under Executive Order 12549. "Debarment and Suspension." The parties to this contract shall require any party to a subcontract or purchase order awarded under this contract to certify its eligibility to receive Federal funds and, when requested by the State, to furnish a copy of the certification in accordance with Title 49 CFR Part 29 (Debarment and Suspension). 27. Lobbying Certification In executing this Agreement, the signatories certify to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: a. No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid by or on behalf of the parties to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. b. If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with federal contracts, grants, loans, or cooperative agreements, the signatory for the Local Government shall complete and submit the federal Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. c. The parties shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. By executing this Agreement, the parties affirm this lobbying certification with respect to the individual projects and affirm this certification of the material representation of facts upon which reliance will be made. Submission of this AF A Long Generic Page 10 of 11 certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Title 31 U.S.C. §1352. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. 28. Signatory Warranty The signatories to this Agreement warrant that each has the authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the party represented. IN TESTIMONY HEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed i plicate counterparts. Name ko beet. c. He.bert Printed Name and Title' lc."cJnfJJ~~ -~J 014i' fAt 10; ~ooi Dat THE STATE OF TEXAS Executed for the Executive Director and approved for the Texas Transportation Commission for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies or work programs heretofore approved and authorized by the Texas Transportation Commission. Janice Mullenix Director of Contract Services Section Office of General Counsel Texas Department of Transportation Date AFA Long Generic Page 11 of 11 (Sorted by slr8et, county) PROJ to PROJ NUMBER 19601995-0390-- TO FROM LOCATION CSJ co NUUBER 0111-01-072 HAR FM521 UNK HAR FM521 1003-G1..Q61 BRA LOCATION DRILL SHAFTS VERTICAL HEADWALL @SIMSBAYOU XX 2332 199&0259-· TOTAL COST PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJ STATUS FUNDING SOURCE $444.000 S 3C lH610 CLEAR CREEK IMPROVE DRAINGE $5.000.000 S TIlD SH 332 0.2 MI S OF FM WIDEN TO 4 LN DIV RUR $5.310.000 S 4D SH 35 CONST'REFINERY $2,150,000 L 11 xx 512 BROOO3 FM 523 1495 1004-01-040 9648 1996-0852-- BRA FM 524 S SIDE OF BYPASS PHIWPS 98 REFINERY HAR UNK 72 HROO88 1006-01.g00 HAR 937 1998-0104-· XX FM 526(CE KING PKWY) BW8(E) US 90 WIDEN TO 4 LN UNDIV $11,700,000 L 4C FM 529 BARKER SH99 WIDEN TO 4 LN DIV $15,800,000 L 4C 14 CYPRESSRD 1024-01-042 CHA FM 565 FM 2354 FM 1405 RECONSTRUCT BASE & RESURFACE ROADWAY $2.200,000 S 4052 GLOOO8 0978-02-034 GAL FM 646 1.0 MI E OF SH 146(N) SH 146 IN) WIDEN TO 4 LN ON $3,062,000 L 4D 515 GLOQ10 0978-01-024 GAL FM 646 FM517 SH6 WIDEN TO 4 LN OIV $14.000,000 S 40 9708 GLOOO9B 0349-01-013 GAL FM 646 FM517 IH 45 WIDEN TO 4 LN DIV $7,997,000 S 40 $4.000.000 S 40 S 4E 9888 1998-0839-98 514 GlOOO9A 981 1998-0105- - UNK GAL FM646 IH45 FM 1266 WIDEN TO 4 LN OW 0188-09-901 FOR FM 723 BRAZOS RNER FM 1093 WIDEN TO 4 LN OW RUR $33,250.000 XX T=TIP (yrs. 0O..Q2) S=Short-Range t\plan\mtp2022r\proj lists\proj dbf\2022 ATTACHMENT B (yrs. 03-07) mtp.mdb L=Long-Range (yrs. 08-22) TLOC=LocaIly Page 31 of 83 Page 1 of 1 funded proj (cip, bond prog) Revised 212000 ATTACHMENT C ST.-\TE OF TEXAS ~ COL"NTY OF FORT BE:"<1) ~ ORDER WHEREAS. the section of FM 723 from North of Brazos River to FM 1093 in Fort Bend County has been selected as a Long Range Priority Project in the 2022 Metropolitan Transportation Plan of the 'vIPO; and. WHEREAS. the County and the State desire improvements to this section of FM -23 as part of the Metropolitan Mobility Rehabilitation Program; and. NOW. THEREFORE. on this the 10'h dav of August. 2004. the Commissioners Court of Fort Bend County. Texas. upon motion of'Commi:sioner by Commissioner \. )XPnl\'~f\ seconded '\J\e,.~Q[:'),duly put and carried: IT IS ORDERED tha~ th~rt Bend County Judge is authorized to execute the Advanced with Funding Agreement Texas Department of Transportation for improvements to FM 723: North of Brazos River to FM 1093 and to commit funds in the amount of S 150,000.00 for a Preliminary Engineering/Environmental i\nalysis the By: Robert E. Hebert. County Judge Dianne Wilson. Ph.D. County Clerk Ij;(1rd..:r F.\I -:-::.,:; or01ec:::O~W9fI4:J6: 2-:''': Page 1 of 1 Attachment C -\1'\ RECORDED ON ~ -O~ IN THE COMMISSI9f~RCR~RT MINUTES OF-;Q-v, Fort Bend County CSJ: 0188-09-040 FM 723: North of Brazos River to FM 1093 ATTACHMENT D Project Budget and Description The Local Government shall provide the right of way maps, property descriptions, a diagrammatic layout; perform field surveys; a drainage study; complete acquisition of right of way and any other work necessary to perform preliminary engineering. The State shall provide the environmental assessment, environmental documentation and clearances, permits, public involvement, conduct public meetings/hearings, review the preliminary engineering performed by the Local Government, and provide other items as required; and, Project Description Preliminary Engineering For: 0188-09-901 FM 723: North of Brazos River to FM 1093 Total Estimate Cost $150,000.00 State Participation Federal Partici ation % Cost Cost Local Participation % Cost 0% $0.000% $0.00 100% $150,000.00 $0.000% $150,000.00 0% $0.000% $0.000% $0.00 $0.00 100% 100% $0.00 $150,000.00 TOTAL Local Government's Participation (100%) = $150,000. For the purposes of this Project the Local Government and their consultant will be considered an extension of State staff and no review costs will be charged to the Local Government for this mutually beneficial Project. This is a construction estimate only; final participation amounts will be based on actual charges to the Project. ATTACHMENT D Page 1 of 1 FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR DATE SUBMITTED: SUBMITTED BY:P_BATTS(AGEIlDA COORDINATOR) DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERIIlG PHONE NO.: (281) 633-7507 8/9/04 8/10/04 COURT AGENDA DATE: SUMMARY OF ITEM: - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE AGENDA # 28(C) TAKE ALL APPROPRIATE ACTIlJ!I lJ!I 'l'JIE PROPOSAL TO FORT m2lD COlJIl'rY BY TRAYYIC J:2IGINEERS FOR TRAYYIC STUDY fOR STATE BIGllllAY 36 PROl'OSED PAIRGROONIlS BOOLEVARD, AS REQUIRED BY TEXAS DEPAR'nIEIIT OF TllAllSPORTATIlJ!I,PCT.1, Yes() RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: AND DETERIlIHE FlJNl)IIIG. (FIJNI): 01O-045-0456-12llO-4OU) No() LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: FINANCIAL SUMMARY: ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: BUDGETED ITEM: Yes( )No() N/A() Funding Source: Fund Agency Object One Time ( ) Recurring N/A () ( ) COMMENTS: Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: ( ) ( y" when completed) If by E-Mail to ospindon(ti), If by Fax to (281) 341-8609 Copies with back-up to: (281-342-0587) ( ) Comm. Pet. 1 (281-341-3774) ( ) Auditor (281-403-8009) ( ) Comm. Pet. 2 ( ) Budget Officer (281-344-3954) (281-242-9060) ( ) Comm. Pet. 3 ( ) County Attorney (281-341-4557) (281-980-9077) (281-341-8642) ( ) Comm. Pet. 4 ( ) Purchasing Agent (281-341-8697) ( ) County Clerk Instructions 1. for submitting an Agenda Request: 2. Completely fiU out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Agenda Request Forms may be submitted bye-mail, fax, or inter-office mail, and all information 3. Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judge's Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: must be provided by TraFfic AU~ 09 04 08:27a Enl~ineers, Inc. (7131270-8148 p. 1 TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. THE. TEAM You CAN DEPEND ON 8323 Soufhwes1 Freeway Houston, TX 77074 Voice (713,1270-8145 fa.' (713) 270·8148 WWN .1rai(ic.englrleers\l\ August 9, 2004 Ron Drachenberg, P.E. Fort Bend County Engineering P.O. Box 1449 Rosenbcrg, Tcxas 77471 Phone: (281) 342-3039 Fax: (281) 342-7366 Rc: Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis for the Fairgounds/Park & Ride lot Road Dear Mr. Drachcnberg: This letter serves as our proposal to prepare a Traffic Sib'l1al Warrant Analysis for a new roadway (N. Fairgrounds Road) that will serve the FOlt Bend County Fairgrounds and a future 250 spacc Park & Ride Lot. N. Fairgrounds Road will access SH 36 (at a right angle) south of Scaboume Creek and will replace Fairgrounds Road that currently intersects SH 36 at a skew. Task I - Data Collection Twelve-hollr Turning Movement Counts (TMC) will be conducted at the existing intersection of SH 36 and Fairgrounds Road. A site plan for tl1e Park & Ride lot will be provided by the client Task 11- Traflie Signal Warrant Analysis A Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis (TSW A) will be conducted for the intersection of SH 36 at N. Fairgrounds Road based on existing tmffie volmnes at the intersection ofSH 36 at Fairgrounds Road and the future geometry/lane assif,'11mentsat the prcoposed intersection. A TSWA will also be conducted at thc intersection of SH 36 at N. Fairgrounds Road for 2005. when the Park & Ride lot is constructed. The projected traffic volumes used in conducting the TSW A will include a three percent growth rate for existing traffic volumes on SH 36, as well as projected traffic volumes for the Park & Ridc lot. Task III - Traffic Impacts The number oflanes, lane assignments, and traffic control will be recommended at the intersection ofSH 36 at future N. Fairgrounds Road, which could include light-turn and/or left-tum lanes and the installation of a traffic control dcvicc. Additionally, analysis ofthc Icngth ofwm bays at the interscction will be provided. F:\P;l\;;\I':.II'k &: Ride Rlxkj\Prop0:>::LLdoc l;lrinted on Recycled Paper Rug OS 04 08:28a TraFFic Eni~ineers, Inc. (7131270-8148 p.2 TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. Task IV - Study Documentation A report will be prepared presenting the study findings, induding the results of the Traffic Signal Warrant Analyses. The report will also include a description of recommended intersection improvements. Compensation Based on our estimate of hours required to complete this project. it is proposed that wc be cnmpensated for services rendered on a lump sum basis of$6,000. This cost includes one meeting. TEl will be compensated on an hourly basis for attendance at additional meetings. Expenses such as mileage and deliveries will be invoiced at a cost not cxpected to exceed $\ 00.00. Notc: This scope was prepared without coordination with the TxDOr Fort Bend County District Engineer, who is Ill,available until August 9th If additional analysis is required by TxDOT, this scope will be modified. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please call me at 713-27()"8145. Sincerely, Susan H. Alleman Vice President P::.ge2 The Team You Call Depelld 011 PRINT"D ON Rl"VCI.El\ !'''Pr.R FORT BEND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR. - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE SUBMITTED 08/04/04 DATE SUBMITTED: COURT AGENDA DATE: Au •. 10 2004 Jean N. Galloway, BY: AGENDA MO DEPARTMENT: 089 Health & Human Services PHONE NUMBER: 1281\ 238-3233 SUMMARY OF ITEM: Ratify Preliminary Application for FY 2005 Bioterrorism Preparedness Grant RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: NO YES() (X) LIST SUPPORT DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Explanation of request to ratify / Preliminary Applk.tion FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED ITEM: ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: Yes () ONETIME ( ) Funding Source: DSHS (TDH) Recurring: 0 Fund Al!encv N/A No(X) N/A ( ) Obiect COMMENTS: ( ) Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: (,,) cc with back (,,) (,,) (,,) (,,) (,,) up: Auditor Budget Officer County Attorney Purchasing Agent County Clerk (281) (281) (281) (281) (281) 341-3774 344-3954 344-4557 341-8642 341-8697 (,,) (,,) (,,) (,,) Comm. Comm. Comm. Comm. ( " when completed) Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct 1 2 3 4 (281) (281) (281) (281) 342-0587 403-8009 242-9060 980-9077 Instructions for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All oril!inal back-up must be received in the County JnMe's Office bv 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES FCllT BEND COUNTY, TEXAS (281) 238-3233 OffICe (281) 238-3355 Fax Website: WW'W.c aiort· bend Ermil: Jean N. Galloway, MD Director Ka)" M. Reynolds, MPH Deputy Director MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Judge Robert Hebert, County Judge Torn Stavinoha, Pet. I Grady Prestage, Pet. 2 Andy Meyers, Pet. 3 James Patterson, Pet. 4 From: Kaye Reynolds, MPH Deputy Direetor, Health & Human Services Re: Preliminary Date: August 4, 2004 FY 2005 Bioterrorism Preparedness Grant Application Two weeks ago we were notified that there would be a conference call on Friday July 23, 2004, to discuss the procedure for applying for the FY 2005 Bioterrorism Preparedness Grants. On the conference call we were notified that we had one week to submit a preliminary application. (Due Date to TDH 7/30/04). The reason for the rush deadline is that the state received the CDC guidelines extremely late and had no way to go through the normal application procedure and still be able to get funding out by September 1,2004. (For example, our grant deadline last year was June 20th). This preliminary application is a stop-gap measure to allow us to continue operating while working on the full application that will be due on September 15, 2004. This preliminary application provides for salary continuation, approved contract continuation and enough funds for initial supplies and travel costs. No equipment purchases will be approved in this preliminary application; also no new contracts will be approved. The full application will be reviewed and negotiated prior to December 1, 2004. For the first quarter ofFY 2005 we are expected to continue working on deliverables outlined in the FY 2004 grants. If you have further questions about this process, please contact me at 281-238-3519. 4520 READING ROAD • SuITE A • ROSENBERG, TX 77471 FY 05 Local Public Health Preparedness PRELIMINARY APPLICATION 1. APPLICANT AGREEMENT To ensure that FY2005 Public Health Preparedness (pHP) contracts are mailed to contractors by September 1, 2004, ' TDH will award funds to FY2004 contractors on a preliminary basis. By signing and submitting this document to the Texas Department of Health (TDH): • Contractor agrees to expend funds only for activities that continue the contractors' approved FY2004 work plan and any approved modifications to the work plan. • Contractor agrees to expend funds only in the Personnel, Fringe Benefits, Travel, Supplies, Contractual and Other categories that are necessary to support current activities regarding the critical benchmarks and required critical activities outlined in the FY 2004 local guidance document. • Contractor agrees that it may not implement any new services, create and fill new positions, purchase equipment, or execute new contracts for purchased services until the detailed work plan and budget describing these activities and expenditures has been approved by TDHJDSHS. • Contractor agrees that it may fill existing vacant positions that have been approved by TDH. • Contractor agrees that no Equipment funds will be approved and awarded during this preliminary application process. • Contractor agrees that only expenses for existing, approved sub-contracts and maintenance agreements that further the objectives of the FY2004 work plan will be billed during this preliminary application process. • Contractor agrees to submit, in Section VI of this application, a list of approved sub-contracts and maintenance agreements that are necessary to support current preparedness activities approved in the FY 2004 work plans and for which it will bill expenditures during this preliminary application process. • Contractor agrees to make payments on only those sub-contracts and maintenance agreements approved for payment, as notified by TDH, during the preliminary application process. • Contractor agrees that any sub-contracts and maintenance agreements not approved during the preliminary application process may be included for consideration in the FY2005 application. • Contractor agrees to submit a FY2005 application and to fully participate in the work plan negotiation process. Failure to participate in this process may result in termination of the contract and a requirement to refund any amounts received during the preliminary application process. • Contractor agrees that its FY2005 contract will be amended to incorporate the negotiated FY2005 workplan and budget by December 1,2004. Any contracts which cannot be amended by this date due to lack of contractor participation and cooperation will be terminated. • Contractor agrees that any contract resulting from this application is a new contractual agreement and is not an extension of the FY2004 contract. The FY 2004 Local PHP contracts terminate at 11:59 p.m. on August 31, 2004, and development and execution of an FY 2005 contract is dependent on receiving the required information requested in this document by the specified due date. FY2005 PHP Preliminary Application Page 1 of4 II. DELIVERABLES Contractor will provide the following: • • • Continued staffing, sub-contractual support and maintenance of systems and equipment necessary to maintain and enhance the FY2004 workplan and to address critical benchmarks that will be included in the final, comprehensive FY2005 workplan. A comprehensive FY2005 application as specified in Section I above within the timeframe specified by TDHlDSHS. Cooperation in negotiation of a final FY2005 workplan as specified in Section I above. III. APPLICANT INFORMATION Legal Name: Fort Bend County Health & Human Services Address (include street and mailing address. City. County. State and Zip Code: 4520 ReadinlZRoad, Suite A, RosenberlZ,TX 77471 Payee Name and Mailing Address (if differentfrom Applicant): Fort Bend County, 301 Jackson Street, Suite 533, Richmond, TX, 77469 I Email Address: Telephone No. Agency Contact Name: lZalloiea{@, 281-238-3233 Jean N. Gal10wav,MD Type of Entity: (check the appropriate designation) Federal Tax Identification # or State of Texas _Other Political _X_County _City Comptroller Vendor Identification # (14 digit #): Subdivision 74-6001969 Counties Served: Fort Bend County 9-1-04 through 8-31-05 Project Period: Amount of Funding Awarded: $ 576 731 Assurances: The facts affirmed by me in this application are truthful and I warrant that the applicant is in compliance with the assurances and certifications contained in this RFP. I understand that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed herein and the continuing compliance with these requirements are conditions precedent to the award of a contract. This document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant and I (the person signing below) am authorized to represent the atmlicant. Telephone Number of Authorized Representative: Typed NZ:le of Authorized Representative: I b Signa7/1&a:f:: E. Heberl-Q?o'untyJudge/"' f;;{e: (281) 341-8608 Date: I fJl1au.s6 /0) ';J~ <J FY2005 PHP Preliminary Application Page 2 of4 REQUESTED IV. PRELIMINARY BUDGET I PERSONNEL $207,662 FRINGE BENEFITS $78,100 TRAVEL $47,000 N/ A (Please see Section 1) EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES $15,000 CONTRACTUAL $118,500 , I • INDIRECT OTHER $110,469 TOTAL DIRECT $576,731 , I (n/a at this date) (MUST HAVE AN APPROVED PLAN) $576,731 TOTAL ! , V. PERSONNEL/FRINGE BENEFITS DETAILS Personnel: List all positions, filled and vacant, that have been approved by TDH as of the date of this application. Aoolicant mav add or delete lines as necessarv to identifv all aooroved oositions. Position Classification (Use "Vacant" Name oflncumbent if position is aooroved Bioterrorism Coordinator Alan Chiasson Bioterrorism Public Health Nurse Kimberly Campbell Bioterrorism Epidemiologist Judy Hung Public Health Information Specialist Vacant Part-time Clerical Assistant ( Clerk II ) Marian Rocha but not filled) ! I i I i i I I I ! Fringe: Specify the fringe rate applied by the applicant agency Fringe Rate is approximately 40% for full time staff. It is approximate because health insurance costs are a flat rate per employee and therefore the percentage varies based on base salary. FY2005 PHP Preliminary Application Page 3 of4 ~ ~-= ~ ~ -='" ... ~= '" ~ ...... ..'" .. - - - 0 Q Q Q Q Q Q Z Z Z Z Z Z ... .. -0 .-= '"........ 'Q." ~ - .... 0 ,l! "tl ~ ~ ... "8 ~~ ..= ... = ~ ~ ~ .. Q ~U .:::Q .. .a.. ..; .. ",,s.. ~ .S " ~ 8 ... .." :t: ::: o~ S ~ ] l! ~or----+----+-------+---+-+-+---+---j t:r~ = ·s - ;;;. ~ °a "'z ... 9 ..... o o q ;:l .... ; ...0 .... ~::; '" ~ ~< tl .. "'il------t----+--------!---+--+--+----t--j o~ ~ '" ~ ...~~ " .. 0- .... "I:l: l:';:0 ~I;'" ""'~U ~1:l< ", .. I:l: tj::~ g ; Zo """U .5'" --.~ .. ....... tJ 1:i~ ~ ~ -'".". = -.. -=OJ ..=... .. ==... U ..'"= ..'" .... '" - = .; = ~ '" ~ '" '" ~ ~ = .. Q .!::l ;;;. 9.-V\ RECORO 0 nN C>'\ IN THE COMMISSlONERmURT MINUTESOF: ~b-~ . COUNTY PURCHASING AGENT Fort Bend County, Texas (281) 341-8640 Fa' (281) 341-8645 Gilbert D. Jalomo, Jr.. CPPB County Purchasing Agent TO: Office of the County Judge FROM: Gilbert Jalomo DATE: August 4, 2004 SUBJECT: Agenda Items - Commissioners Court 8-10-04 Consider taking action to grant an exemption to the competitive bid process as authorized by Section 262.024 (a)(7) Texas Local Government Code for purchase of an item(s) available from a single source: Software maintenance and support agreement with VOTEC Corporation not to exceed $33,949 (funding Elections 4010). Ambulance module remount from Frazer, LID not to exceed $32,410 (funding EMS 1010 - $10,895; 4010 -$21,515). Sublicense agreement with EMSYSTEM not to exceed $26,179 (funding Health and Human Services G04A-4010) 4520 Reading Rd., Suite A • Rosenberg, TX 77471 30A ~ 0 0 .,. ,, '".,. 0 ~ ,0 ~ 0 , ~ ,, '" 0 ~ !;j H E- .,. 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ '" 0 ., ~ f;; !:l '"~" 6 H EH OJ H ~ '" '" a. f;j H Z H ~ ,0 , '" ,• , j " ,", .,a. •,,, , E'"0 ,,, ., " '" •,, ~ '" , .,.'" ", ~ •, M , , M , ,, ,, ,• ,• , • ~, E- • OJ , " ,• '" ,, -- ,, " ,, H , ..,~ H a. E- o OJ '" a. "a. " ", ~;!: sd,'" O~ ~OH 'o'" "'M'" .,;;~ "'., "" " .... (J 0 8 "'8 ., r;;'i OJ" E- ~g "'0 ~ .," OJ ~ 0 0 0 H tJ •, ," " '" • •,• ~ .... •,"• 0 '" ,• 0 • ~• Z" o ' HZ ~fl '"" ,•, , I ~~ ~"''''g ~8~" '" H "'''''' "f-<~~ .,.0'" ,...;tJO~ O'l>.-lCl] >if;; 8 " OJ [;j ""'~" n ,, , , 6 H • '" &l f-< , H , " f-< " ,,• " "OJ 0 , g ,, "''" § "'~~ 0 "'" ~Cl~ HZ tJ H ' .., " tJJ~~ .. '" "'''' "' 0 f-< a. H OJ '" H '" '" " C)iv~~ (}~ o~ '" 0" , 0" .,. 0 "" ~ ..," gj "'E- 0 ~ h '"", "" '" rJi g) " .., "'~ H .. z'" H OJ ~ '"" .. " -- "'" H"' 0 >~ -- 0 '"'" rl 0 IIla. "'"' "'" ~ ~ ~~ ~ " " 82 " ~~ OJ "f-< " H 8 " " "' ::l" ~t; ., 8 o~ ~ "t1 ~~~ ~ HEIIlH &l~ 0" 00 "" ~.u ~H 0 - 0'" 0 • rl >'0 PO. "'E"OJ ~" " ~ -- :2i 0 0 "'0 r>:I H --~ II;: ~H '" 0 ~~ -,.; o Z~ . >. 0 ~t;.,.'"'" ~ .u H " ." ;:jg ,",0 :>:0" ~ oo.u .. • ." ~~ ;; § m H " "'o H ..,'o= , '" rJi =0 .... 'O::&:~ m".... • ~ .. m ~~ ::J~ "OJ1) l< "Oil"' E"' "'0 " , ~ S~ o00" ~ " '"'" '" '" '" .- " ::! ~~ "'~• ....• °" £ H •• Z H 00 (Jo \D): H .,.~ ~ .,,= ~O 0 ~ !@ H __ '".,.- "0.,. ~:;; m:;;." f-< fa • 0• ~• m ~ , ~;::: ....OM H 0 '" ~0'" t1 "'~ ~;;: '" o."~ " ~ H \D $:>: '" a. a. 0 III . Ql ~ " .,." o " ""li " ~~ HE" 0 • 0 • ~~ - ...."" ".,; -a. 0 "" ~" III 0 OJ 0 00. 0'" III 0 :2i 0 ~:~ ~"'O "M ~H " il ,.,. " .u ~~ E- HO ZOJ~ H a.-0 .0 "0 .,HE- ~ ~" E-f-< OJH .,..,.'" '" -,.; "rl ~.·'"..· .. 00 §~ 8 g) ~ Z H E-'" 0 0 -,.; "0 '"" 'o 0 '" Z 0 0 "'., ~E0" H ", g OE- ~ ~ '" .. 0 " j 0", 0 0 0 0 0 .," OEO" 0" OE- H ;> ~ '"~ ~cJ t;EE- .,"'" "j 0 0 r;;'i E- ~ (J 0 " " '"~ "'8 OJ" ~ E- ..,.., H ~g: NE"OJ 0" 0 0 0 ,• '"0 , ,,• "6-\'\.(}\ "j .,., .. E-E- 0 0 0 "' .<:;" ~t1@ NE"OJ "'''' 00 0 0 '" ~~ c123 HZ" tJgE- "'0 0 '".,. " " 0 tJ~ 0 M 00 ~ '"OJZ "M 00 ~~ ~M fl ..cJ:g'" 0 ~ .,..,. ~ OJ O &l ~ H .,.'".,. ~ ~ Z H E- 0 '"0 ,, ,, '" ~ '" 0 0 " ;'i 0 E- .,.~ ~ "'= ~O ~ ., ~ ~ " """ 82 '"" ~~ 8 ~ H ::! " 0 -- Z 0 "'0 --~ II;: .. fzll-l ~H H ::J~ 1) """ "O~"' "'0 , ~Q ~~ To: Fort Bend Elections Administrator Attn: Steve Raborn 4520 Reading Road, Suite A Rosenberg, Texas 77471 For: Annual Warranty Agreement based upon 224,136 voters for the 2003 General Election. Item 1 2 Description Warranty and Maintenance Agreement (04/00) for the period June 1, 2004 through May 31, 2005. Oracle Support $ 3,500.00 Warranty and Maintenance Agreement (04/00) for the period June 1, 2004 through May 31, 2005. Warranty, State and Federal Mandates, Standard Updates, and Future Technology. $30,448.16 Total' $33,948.16 Thank You for your business! Unit Cost STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF FORT BEND ADDENDUM TO VOTEC CORPORATION AGREEMENT THIS ADDENDUM, entered into by and between Fort Bend County, a body corporate and politic, acting herein by and through its Purchasing Agent, according to V.T.C.A. Local Government Code 262.024(a) and VOTEC CORPORATION .. THAT WHEREAS, the parties have previously executed that certain Agreement for services and any and all Addendum(s) for subsequent years to attached hereto; AND WHEREAS, the parties desire to renew that certain agreement for services and any and all Addendum( s) for one year from the date hereof; and, WHEREAS, the following changes are incorporated into the Agreement as if a part of the original Agreement: TERM IS JUNE 1. 2004 THROUGH MAY 31. 2005. Robert Hebert AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE jg] I hereby certifY that funds are available in the amount of$33,948.16 to pay the obligation of Fort Bend County under and within the foregoing contract. ~ 'Robert Ed Sturdivant, County Auditor SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT entered into this 6th day oi June, 2000, between Fort Bend County, a body politic and corporate of the State of Texas, hereinafter called COUNTY, and VOTEC Corporation of San Diego, California, hereinafter called CONTRACTOR or VOTEC. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, COUNTY requires the services of a CONTR.<\CTOR qualiiied to provide modifications to VEMACS software for County Elections Department; and WHEREAS, CONTR.<\CTOR is qualified and willing to provide' such services; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: DEFINITIONS LICENSED SUB-SYSTEM. A "LICENSED SUB-SYSTEM" is a set of computer code, validation tables, and associated documentation designed to manage the input, output, and storage of a major class of election data. The current sub-systems licensed separately by CONTRACTOR are: Voter Registration, Street Index, Mail Ballots, Early Voting, Election Initiation, Candidate Filing, Poll Workers, Polling Locations, Petition Tracking Campaign Finance, Ballot Preparation, Elections Imaging, TotalVote™ Ballot Counting, and QuickSig™ Signature Digitizing. ARTICLE I - TERM This Agreement shall commence on June I, 2000, and shall terminate on May 31,200 1, unless sooner terminated or further extended pursuant to Articles TV and V. ARTICLE II - SCOPE Services provided pursuant to this Agreement call for the maintenance and support of LICENSED SUB-SYSTEMS written by CONTRACTOR and the Oracle software sub-licensed through CONTRACTOR. The COUNTY's LICENSED SUB-SYSTEMS are: Voter Registration, Street Index, Mail Ballots, Early Voting, Election Initiation, Polling Locations, and Elections Imaging. CONTRACTOR'S de/iverables under this Agreement are as follows: 1) Provide upgrades of the Oracle database products that are mutually agreed as beneficial to the COUNTY's licensed VOTEC system performance. 2) Provide warranty support as follows: Fort Bend County 4/14/00 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT .~GREEMENT a) Correct any existing function thaI does not perform correctly. b) Improve any existing or added function that performs uncharacteristically siowly and delays delivery of Board of Elections services. c) Provide updates to the instructions for functions whose operation changes due to corrections or performance Improvements. d) Provide telephone, and when requested, written answers to questions from designated Elections and Information Services staff regarding the operation of the LICENSED SUBSYSTEMS. e) Provide support during COUNTY's scheduled work hours which include extended voting hours during elections. . f) Provide accelerated response time during elections. Return phone calls within one hour with same day resolution. g) Provide an annual visit for validation of proper execution and processing. h) Provide beta testing prior to new releases. i) Provide written responses to written requests submitted on VOTEC Action Request forms. 3) Provide upgrades to the LICENSED SUB-SYSTEMS to keep the COUNTY's LICENSED SUB-SYSTEMS in compliance with State and Federal mandates: All State and Federal mandates to be addressed within 14 days of notification by COUNTY of intent to comply. a) Provide new or enhanced forms, batch processes, and/or reports required to keep the LICENSED SUB-SYSTEMS in compliance with State and Federal Elections Codes. b) Provide documentation for the changes and additions installed. 4) Provide upgrades to the LICENSED SUB-SYSTEMS produced without a direct request of COUNTY. These are upgrades produced as a result of a request of another customer or as a result of the desire by CONTRACTOR to improve the product. a) Provide improvements made to the LICENSED SUB-SYSTEMS for other customers as they are mutually agreed to be beneficial to the performance of COUNTY's system performance. b) Provide improvements made to the LICENSED SUB-SYSTEMS by CONTRACTOR as part of the standard LICENSED SUB-SYSTEMS as they are mutually agreed to be beneficial to the performance of COUNTY's system performance. c) Provide documentation for the changes and additions installed. 5) Provide technology upgrades to the LICENSED SUB-SYSTEMS as developed by CONTRACTOR and deemed beneficial by the COUNTY. These include but are not limited to: a) Internet access to COUNTY specified data and forms. Page 2 of6 Fort Bend County 4/14/00 SOFTWARE iVl41NTENANCE AND SUPPORT AGREEME:'-IT b) Workflow management for document images. c) Automated telephone inquiry of COl..JNTY specified data. Technology upgrades are not provided under Sections 4 of this Article. 6) Provide upgrades to the LICENSED SUB-SYSTEMS resulting from a direct request of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR's hours to provide these upgrades shall be charged against the Agreement's pre-paid hours (see Article III - PAYMENT) or shall be bil]ed separately as mutually agreed. a) Provide new or enhanced fom1s, batch processes, andlor reports as requested by COl..JNTY and agreed by CONTRACTOR. b) Provide documentation for the changes and additions installed. COUNTY shall be notified in advance of any CONTRACTOR technical services which CONTRACTOR considers to be outside the scope of Sections ]-5 of this Article. Work which is to be charged to the pre-paid hours or billed separately shall only be undertaken after written authorization by the COUNTY. Hours may be banked from month to month. Up to 25% of the hours may be credited to an extension of this Agreement if hours remain unused on the Anniversary date of the Agreement. COUNTY's responsibilities under this Agreement (exclusive of payment) I) Written authorization prior to the use of pre-paid hours or authorization for extra charges from the Director or Deputy Director. 2) The Voter Registration Coordinator and one Information Services staff member to serve as liaison under this Agreement for the exchange of technical information. Management to management liaison created for the exchange of administrative information. 3) Maintain phone lines, modems, and computer hardware and software for connection to the server directly and to at least one PC workstation. 4) All requests for technical service including requests for documented answers must be submitted on VOTEC Action Request forms (V AR). 5) Provide problem diagnosis using Elections and Information Services staff to discriminate CONTRACTOR issues from hardware and system software issues prior to forwarding problems to CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR staff time to diagnosis problems originating solely from COUNTY purchased hardware and system software shall be billed at the then current rate. Page 3 of6 Fort Bend County 4/14/00 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT ARTICLE III - PAYMENT I) [n consideration of services specified in this Agreement, the COUNTY agrees to pay CO"TRACTOR a total of $30,590.29 for all services covered under this Agreement. S3,500 of the above fee is for Oracle support. $27,090.29 is for Warranry, State and Federal Mandates, Standard Updates, and Future Technology Support. The Warranty, Mandates, Standard Updates, and Technology Upgrade Involvement portion of the fee is based on the fee structure provided to the COUNTY in "VOTEC System Warranty, Support, and Involvement Contract Fees (4/00)" using a voter count of 178,78 I in the November 1999 election. 2) The hourly rate for additional programmer services for the first year of this contract shall be $180.00 per hour during the months of August, September, October, and November of every year and the months of January, February, March, and April of each Presidential election year. The hourly rate for additional services during other months shall be $135.00 per hour. Programmer services scheduled prior to January in a Presidential election year or prior to August in other years but delayed by VOTEC shall be charged at the $135.00 per hour rate. 3) The fee stated in the first paragraph of this Article includes CONTRACTOR travel expenses for any trip required for CONTRACTOR to provide timely and comprehensive response 10 Warranty or Mandated update needs. Shipping charges and phone charges for calls originated by CONTRACTOR shall be borne by CONTRACTOR. 4) The costs for hardware and non-CONTRACTOR software arising from CONTRACTOR fulfillment of State or Federal mandates shall be borne by the COUNTY. The costs for hardware and non-CONTRACTOR software arising from installation of new technology as mutually agreed by COUNTY and CONTRACTOR shall be borne by the COUNTY. 5) Payment is due within 30 days of the first date services are due under this Agreement. ARTICLE IV - TERMINATION 1) This Agreement may be terminated by the COUNTY for the COUNTY's convenience by giving written notice of termination to CONTRACTOR via certified mail or delivery service. COUNTY shall be entitled to reimbursement for any pre-paid hours not already utilized for the current year. 2) This Agreement may be terminated by CONTRACTOR if payment is not made when payment is due by giving written notice oftermination via certified mail or delivery service. Page 4 of6 Fort Bend County 4/14/00 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT ARTICLE V - CONTRACT EXTENSION 1) The COUNTY shall have the option to extend this Agreement. Any modification, or extension shall be by formal wrinen amendment and executed by the panies hereto. 2) Fees for periods covered by contract extensions shall be governed by the document "VOTEC System Warranty, Support, and Involvement Contract Fees (4/00)" or revisions thereto. The COUNTY's fees for extension of this contract will increase or decrease as the COUNTY's voter rolls increase or decrease. Fees for extending this Agreement shall be based on the active voter count at the preceding November election. The fees per voter shall not increase more than 8% (eight percent) in anyone-year as long as this Agreement is in effect. 4) COUNTY needed. may extend this Agreement for more or fewer CONTRACTOR services as 5) The Warranty, Mandates, Standard Updates, and Technology Upgrade Involvement portion of the fee must be paid without interruption for COUNTY to receive technology upgrades without additional charges for the New Technology software. Interruption of payment for this service during any extension of this Agreement makes further technology upgrades subject to the then current charges for these features. ARTICLE VI - GENERAL Performance hereunder shall be construed and regulated in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. COUNTY notices required by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered via registered or certified mail or delivery service addressed as follows: COUNTY: Elections Administrator FortBend County Elections Department 309 South Fourth Street, Suite 624 Richmond, Texas 77469 VOTEC; President VOTEC Corporation 16980 Via Tazon, Suite 120 San Diego, California 92127-1646 This document constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties and shall not be modified, amended, altered or changed except through a written amendment and signed by the parties. These terms and conditions are severable and should any be deemed invalid, then only that provision shall fail and the remainder ofthe terms and conditions shall be of full force and effect. All rights and remedies of the parties hereto, whether evidence hereby or by any other agreement, instrument, or paper, shall be cumulative and may be exercised singularly or concurrently. Page 5 of 6 Fort Bend County 4114100SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AND 'Urtv." ,.-- In the event either parry shall on any occasion fail to perform any lerm of this Agreement arId the olher parry shall not enforce that term, failure to enforce on thaI occasion shall not prevent enforcement on any other occasion. AS PER ORIGINAL IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parries have affixed their signatures 10 this Agreement. FORT BEND COUNTY: ~- c. r;t;k _ NtJHitle Date CONTRACTOR - VOTEC Corporation: 'So,\\ CS'."'-t:-----=--.:.-'--~~----- Name and Title Date Page 6 of6 RECORDED ON ~ .\~.\?II INTHECOMM "'1 MINUTES OF. 'S~~t\e~ 3Do '~ ----'" '" '" H H N '" >: H ... ,0'" " , " N 0 ...'" '" 0 , '"~ ,,, , , ,, ~ ,, ,, , !;; , , '"'" ,,"" ... , " ,,, :! , ,, '"'" ••, >< "Ii! ,, , '" ,,, ,, '"a>'" ," o' , ," ,• •,, ,", '" U 0 [;: .,'"" 0 '""' "'" '"!i °..." H >< 0 !;; '" H '" o. 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GkJr Ow LaDe Suite 104 Mequon, WI 53092 Date Estimate # 6/15/04 Name / AddIess .' ~:,,~,:::"' ..~.~~.. Kaye Reynolds, Deputy Dinxtar Ft. Bend Health and Human services 4520 Reading Road, Suite A Rosenberg. TX 77471 Project RM and Mesuging for Fort Bend County, EMSystemRM EMSystem Regional Custom Configuration Onsite Training / Consulting Day System Fnb!!1leement Support Setup Other Other 354,452 TIC. Annual service Fcc 1 2 2 I Total IS valid for 60 days from the date above. Questions regarding this quote should be directed to Palrick Greiscbar at414-2~770 This quote Total Rate Qty Description Item 0.04 14,178.08 56,500 51,500 51,250 56,500 53,000 $2,500 $26,178.08 INFINITY HEALTH CARE, INe. EMSYSTEM® (Form of Sublicense Agreemeut) Effective Date: The Tenns and Conditions are a part of this Agreement. Capitalized tenns have the meanings set forth in the Terms and Conditions. This sublicense with respect to the EMSystem is granted by the entity that provided you the User ill and Password ("Sublicensor") pursuant to a Master License Agreement between Infinity HeaIthCare, Inc .. an IllinOIS corporation ("IHI") and Sublicensor as the Master Licensee thereunder (the "Master License Agreement"). 1. Sublicense Grant Sublicensor hereby grants to Sublicensee, subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, a nontransferable, nonexclusive sublicense to participate in the EMSystem® by viewing, inputting, and/or editing information and data contained therein for the purpose of~supporting emergency medical services at Sublicensee's facility and within Sublicensor's network of other sublicenses of the EMSystem® as specified in the Master License Agreement Sublicensee acknowledges that Sublicensor's rights with respect to the EMSystem® arise solely under the Master License Agreement and that Sublicensee's rights are in all respects subject thereto. 2. Term of License. This sublicense shall become effective on the Effective Date and continue for successive one-year renewal terms until terminated by either party as provided herein. Licensee or IHI may terminate this sublicense as of any anniversary of the Effective Date by delivering written notice of same to the nonterminating party not less than furty~five (45) days prior to such anniversary date. Additionally, Sublicensor may terntinate this agreement upon delivering written notice of same to Sublicensee upon any material breach of this agreement by Sublicensor which breach is not cured within fifteen (15) days after written notice from Sublicensor to Sublicensee of such breach. IHI may terminate this sublicense upon delivering written notice of same to Sublicensor and Sublicensee in the event of any material breach of this Agreement by Sublicensor, Snblicensee or of any other sublicense agreement.between Sublicensor and any other sublicensee of the EMSystem® which breach is not cured within fifteen (15) days after written notice from IHI to Sublicensor and Sublicensee of such breach. Master and Sublicense agreements are coterminous. 3. Consideration for Sublicense. This sublicense is being granted to Sublicensee in consideration of Sublicensee's agreement to participate in the EMSystem® as part of a group of sublicensees of the EMSystem® specified by Sublicensor and to input and edit information or data therein in accordance with System Documentation and otherwise at such intervals as to optimize the utility of the EMSystem® to Sublicensor's sublicensees. Sublicensee agrees that such consideration is sufficient to support its obligations under this Agreement 4. Manner of Acceotance. Sublicensee agrees and acknowledges that its manual execution of this Agreement shal1 not be necessary to bind it hereto and that its acceptance of the terms of this agreement on the EMSystem® Internet web site and its accessing and use of the EMSystem® shall be deemed such acceptance and its intention to be bound by the provisions hereof: Sublicensee agrees to execute such documents and take such other actions as IHI or Sublicensor may reasonably request in order to confirm Sublicensee's acceptance of this Agreement and its obligationshereuuder. 1. TERMS AND CONDmONS (SUBLICENSE) Definitions. For ptrrpOses of the attached agreement: (a) "EMSvstem®" means !HI's resource management data aggregation and messaging communication tool. which 'has been developed by IHI for use by subscriber medical facilities, and public health. emergency management and law enforcement organizations and personnel using !HI's Internet web site. (b) "System Documentation" means the terms, conditions and provisions relating to the use and operation of the EMSystem®, which are part of the content of the EMSystem® and accessible through the EMSystem® Internet web site. 2. Access to the EMSvstem ™ (a) Participant shall receive from !HI or Sublicensor a confidential password or other similar securiry device for accessing the EMSystem® Internet web site and utilizing the EMSystem®. Neither Sublicensor nor !HI shall be responsible for providing any other equipment or item in order to access or use sarne, it being Sublicensee's sole responsibiliry to procure and maintain computer hardware or software (including, without limitation, appropriate web browser software and a connection to the Internet) and other equipment and items necessary or helpful in order to access or use of the EMSystem® and the EMSystem® Internet web site. (b) Sublicensor shall provide Sublicensee access to the EMSystem® in accordance described in System Documentation, such access level to be assigned by Sublicensor. with access levels 3. Additional Covenants. Sublicensee hereby agrees and acknowledges as follows: (a) Sublicensee shall use the EMSystem® and input and edit information and data therein only in accordance with (i) System Documentation at such intervals as are necessary in order to keep such information current and complete and otherwise to optimize the usabiliry of the EMSystem®; (ii) applicable policies of Sublicensor; and (iii) with such reasonable directives or requests as Sublicensor or !HI may commuuicate from time to time. (b) The terms and conditions of use of the EMSystem® set forth in System Documentation shall be subject to change from time to time in !HI's sale discretion. (c) !HI or Sublicensor may implement and require compliance with such additional or different securiry procedures as !HI or Snblicensor may from time to time require with respect to the EMSystem® and the EMSystem® Internet web site. (d) Sublicensee shall not directly or indirectly (and it shall not allow or facilitate others to): (i) republish, duplicate, resell, reverse engineer or otherwise alter; or (il) access or use (or allow to be accessed or used) the EMSystem®, the EMSystem® Internet web site or information or data contained therein except with the prior written consent of!HI or Sublicensor otherwise to the extent specifically authorized hereunder. 4. !HI Ownership Rights. !HI is the sole owner of all right, title and interest in and to the EMSystem® and the EMSystem® Internet web site and any and all parts or components, including, without limitation, any and all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and oth'" intellectual properry or other proprietary rights thereto. Participant shall own such infurmation or data as they may enter into the EMSystem®; provided, however, that IHI and Sublicensor shall have the perpetual, royalty-free right to use and disclose to others such informatiou and data inputted by Sublicensee which (a) identifies Sublicensee if Sublicensee's approval is obtained, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld; and (b) does not identify Sublicensee. 5. Disclaimer. The parties acknowledge that (a) the EMSystem® merely accumnlates and disseminates information and data gathered from other parties in the EMSystem®; (b) neither !HI nor Sublicensor shall be responsible or have any liability in any respect for sarne or for the accuracy thereof or otherwise to verify the accuracy thereof; and (e) the EMSystem® and the EMSystem® Internet web site are accepted "as is" without any warranry of any kind. !HI AND SUBUCENSOR EACH EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPUED, RESPECTING THE EMSYSTEM@, THE EMSYSTEM® INTERNET WEB SITE (OR ANY PART OR COMPONENT THEREOF) AND THE INFORMATION AND DATA INCORPORATED THEREIN, INCLUDING, WITHOUT UMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABiliTY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The parties further acknowledge that the sole remedy (to the exclusion of all other remedies) against !HI and Sublicensor and the total liability ofIHI andlor Sublicensor for any damage proven to have been caused to Sublicensee due to the fault ofIHI or Sublicensor (whether io tort, contract or otherwise) arisiog out of Sublicensee's use of the EMSystem® shall be limited to the amount of the initial annual license fee paid to !HI attributable to Sublicensee. Neither lHI nor Sublicensor shall be responsible io any other respect for damages or loss of any kind (iocludiog, without limitation, lost profits or other iodirect. iocidental. special or consequential damages) arising under this agreement or otherwise on account of Sublicensee's use of EMSystem® or the EMSystem® Internet web site. In uo event shall !HI or Sublicensor be responsible for any damage or loss caused by any fuilure or delay io accessing the EMSystem® or the EMSystem® Internet web site. Sublicensee shall iodemrtify and hold harmless lHI and Sublicensor, and their respective shareholders, directors. officers and agents. from and against any liability, loss, cost or damage (iocludiog reasonable attorneys fees and costs) arising out of Sublicensee's use of the EMSystem®. 6. Assignment Sublicensee shall not assign any of its rights, obligations or other ioterest under this agreement without the prior written consent ofIHI and Sublicensor. Sublicensor shall not assign any of its rights, obligations or other ioterest under this agreement without the prior written consent oOHI. !HI may assign all or any part of its rights, obligations or ioterest under this agreement upon delivering notice of same to Sub licensor and Sublicensee, io which event this agreement shall continue io effect. 7. Governing Law. This agreement shall be governed by and construed io accordance with the laws of the state of Wisconsin. All actions arising out of or relating to this agreement shall be co=enced and prosecuted io the federal or state courts located io the subdivision of the State of Wisconsin in which !HI's principal place of business is located. 8. Further Assurance. Sublicensee shall execute such documents and take such other actions as !HI or Sublicensee may reasonably require from time to time confirmiog or carryiog out any provision of this agreement 9. Intended Beneficiary. !HI is an intended beneficiary of this agreement Sublicensee's obligations hereunder. and may enforce its rights and FORT BEND COUNTY ;"~ COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM RETURN TO: AGENDA COORD.-COUNTY DATE SUBMITTED: OFFICE SUBMITTED BY: Jeanne Parr DEPARTMENT: Treasurer-.,.,..- __ PHONE_28I-341-3750 # _08/0412004 __ _08/10/2004 COURT AGENDA DATE: JUDGE'S _ AGENDA 3\ ITEM SUMMARY OF ITEM: Please place on the commissioners court agenda the following request: a transfer from contingency into 006-4010 fees and services to cover the purchase order # 00600001143 for Southern National Bank FY2004. RENEWAL LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS No (X Yes () CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: ATTACHED: See memo attached form FINANCIAL SUMMARY: BUDGETED Yes () fund No () ANNUALIZED ITEM: N/A() Funding Source: agcy COMMENTS: DOLLARS: One Time () Recurring () N/A () Object Original Form Submitted with back up to County Judge's Office: Yes () CC with back up: yes ( ) Auditor yes ( ) Budget Office r yes ( ) County Attorney yes ( ) Purchasing Agent yes ( )County Clerk Instructions I. 2. 3. for submitting (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) yes yes yes yes () () () () Comm. Comm. Comm. Comm. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. 1 2 3 4 (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) an Agenda Request: Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: FORMB01 IN THE MATTER OF TRANSFERRING OF BUDGET SURPLUS OF FORT BEND COUNTY FOR THE YEAR 2004 Onlhisthe jD dayof ~ , the Commissioners' Court, with the following members being present: , County Judge Robert E. Hebert The following proceedings Tom stavinoha Commissioner Precinct #1 Grady prestage Commissioner Precinct #2 Arrdy Meyel& Commissioner Prec:inct #3 James_ Commissioner Prec:inct tJ4 were had, to-writ, THAT WHEREAS, theAllofore, on september 9, ~ the Court heerd and approved the budget for the year 2004 for Fort Bend County; and WHEREAS, on proper application, the Commissioners' Court has transferred an ellisting budget surplus to a budget of a similar kind and fund. The transfer doee not incRIIIse the total of the budget. The following transfers to said budget Department Name: lIt8 heNly authorized: '77!!&'/)5?<..R.C 12.. Department #: DOC&, TRANSFERTO: UNE-ITEM AMOUNT NUMBER NAME /,£0/0 1/ -Z..~, 0 DO. 00 SO TOTAL TRANSFERRED TO: ..::;$--=-=l.Y-~~:"::-_-=";:"" TRANSFER FROM: .;2.Q" /) /) 0 6;?N-h«geOC,!= . IJ 0 ~, Ot)Q~ 0 l:l SO TOTAL TRANSFERRED FROM: ..::;$---,o:::..:::l4-~~:""'::'-=--=";:'" SE WHOLE DOLLARS ONLY BY: _=- __ -..:.-L.=---=--=....:~__ RoI>ort E. Hebert, County Judge 'l,'/r COUNTY TREASURER Fort Bend County, Texas (281) 341-3750 Fax (281 ) 341-3757 JEANNE PARR County Treasurer Date: August 4, 2004 To: County Judge Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Pet. 1 Pet. 2 Pet. 3 Pet. 4 Robert Hebert Tom Stavinoha Grady Prestage Andy Meyers James Patterson CC: Gilbert Jalomo, Dianne Wilson, James Edwards, Bud Childers, Ed Sturdivant From: Jeanne Parr Subject: Southern National Bank Due to the changes that were made this year with closing accounts at Logic, opening up accounts with Southern National Bank we are requesting a transfer from contingency into fund 006-4010 fees and services in the amount of $28,000.00 to cover the balance of the purchase order through September 30, 2004. With the inability of our software to specifically identify multiple funds and daily balances, this could not be avoided. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you, Jeanne Parr 309 S. 4th Street· Suite 514· P.O. Box 1202· Richmond, Texas 77406-1202 IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING BILLS FOR FORT BEND COUNTY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2004 On this the \ Commissioners' \J~ day of __ =-__ -'--- "2004 at a regular session of Court with the following present: County Judge Commissioner, Precinct I Commissioner, Precinct 2 Commissioner, Precinct 3 Commissioner, Precinct 4 Now, therefore, be it resolved upo and seconded by Commissioner _L~~l.!~~::::::"" that the bills be approved in the amount up to $ duly put and carried, it is ordered \.\>5,\o£\"'a- • I)\) I } Robert Ed Sturdivant, County Auditor, ******* APPROVED******* Date: Time Reconvened: Time Adjourned or Recessed: _ as presented by FORT BEND COUNTY l'\;~ t: l\l U COURT AGENDA REQUEST FORM COMMISSIONERS RETURN TO: AGENDA COORDINATOR - COUNTY JUDGE'S OFFICE SUBMITTED BY: Ed Sturdivant DEPARTMENT: Auditors Office PHONE NO.: 281-341-3769 08-04-04 DATE SUBMITTED: COURT AGENDA DATE: 08-10-04 SUMMARY OF ITEM: Authorize County Auditor to pay and release time-sensitive Commissioner's Court on August 24, 2004. bills on August 19,2004 to be ratified by YesD No ~ RENEWAL CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: LIST SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: FINANCIAL SUMMARY: YesD NoD N/A~ Funding Source: Fund Agency Object Original Form Submitted COMMENTS: ANNUALIZED DOLLARS: BUDGETED ITEM: OneTime D Recurring D N/A ~ with back up to County CC with back up: [g]Auditor [g]Budget Officer OCounty Attorney OPurchasing Agent [g]County Clerk (281-341-3774) (281-344-3954) (281-341-4557) (281-341-8642) (281-341-8697) Judge's Office: [g] ( [g]Comm. [g]Comm. [g]Comm. [g]Comm. ,f when completed) Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. 1 2 3 4 (281-342-0587) (281-403-8009) (281-242-9060) (281-980-9077) Instructious for submitting an Agenda Request: 1. 2. 3. Completely fill out agenda form, incomplete forms will not be processed. Fax or inter-office copies of agenda form with all back up information by Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. to the departments listed above. All original back-up must be received in the County Judges Office by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED: AGENDA #33 COUNTY OF FORT BEND Drainage District P. O. Box 1028 1004 Blume Rd. Rosenberg, Texas 77471 Phone: 281/342-2863 Fax: 281/342-9130 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: August 5, 2003 Attention: Judge Hebert Re: Drainage Board Agenda .DD~ TO: County Judge Bob Hebert WE ARE SENDING YOU: COPIES: DATE: Monthly Report for June 2004 1 * DESCRIPTION: FOR APPROVAL FOR YOUR USE AS REQUESTED FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT REMARKS: The attached items will be placed on the August 10, 2004 Drainage Board Agenda for discussion and possible acceptance. COpy TO: County Clerk County County County County Commissioners Auditor Budget Officer Attorney SIGNED: DRAINAGE DISTRICT Fort Bend County. Texas MONTHLY REPORT JUNE 2004 The removal of vegetation from channels during June 2004 was accomplished by shredding and by herbicide applications. Shredding was done on forty-six (46) channels that included Brookshire Creek II-F-l, Dry Creek II-B-2, Oyster Creek II-I<, and Sims Bayou Vill-B-l-e. Herbicides were applied to twenty-nine (29) channels that included Brays Bayou IX, Lower Oyster Creek IIL and Sims Bayou Vill-B-l. The bridge crew worked on a variety of projects that included repairing bridges across Brookshire Creek II-F-l and II-F-l-d and replacing low water crossings across Cedar Creek l-B. The crew also assisted with replacing drop inlet pipes into Cow Creek II-A and Fairchilds Creek II-B-IO. The excavation of Big Creek II-B continued with various equipment, but was hampered by high water elevations most of the month. Work also continued on the Brazos River II-H project with the LinkBelt LS308, which dug approximately eight thousand (8,000) cubic yards of spoil material. The following charts indicate which projects received work and which equipment was assigned to each during June 2004. Engineering/Administration: P.O.Box 1028' 1004 Blume Road· Rosenberg. Texas 77471 • (713) 342-2863 ConstructionlMaintenance: 1022 Blume Road' Rosenberg. Texas 77471 • (713) 342-0141 FT. BEND COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPORT 1. BIG CREEK II-B D556-LINKBELT L598C DRAGLINE D661-LINKBELT LS98A D699-KOMATSU D65 D715-CAT D8R D716-CAT D8R D736-CAT 12H MOTORGRADER D753-2001 CAT D6M TRCTR W/DOZR D781-2003 KOMATSU D61PX DOZER E133-NORTHWEST 41AIR DRAGLINE E135-NORTHWEST 9570 DRAGLINE 6/1-6/4, 6/7 6/1, 6/3-6/4, 6/7, 6/26 6/1-6/4, 6/7, 6/10, 6/25-6/26 6/1-6/4, 6/7-6/9, 6/11, 6/25 6/1-6/4, 6/7, 6/26 6/1-6/2 6/7 6/1-6/4, 6/2-6/4, 6/1-6/4, 6/7-6/10, 6/14-6/15 6/7 6/7, 6/11, 6/26 2. BIG CREEK BYPASS II-B ALT D699-KOMATSU D65 D759-2002 LINK-BELT 290LX XVTR 6/11 6/26, 6/28-6/30 3. BRAZOS RIVER II-H D624-CATERPILLAR D5H LGP DOZER D663-D5H WIDE TRACK D681-CASE 590 LOADER D700-KOBELCO SK220 D755-2002 CAT 246 SKID STR LDR D766-2002 CAT D3GLGP D781-2003 KOMATSU D61PX DOZER D789-2004 DRAGLINE D790-2004 VOLVO EC240BLC EXC 6/1-6/2 6/3, 6/7, 6/10 6/25 6/4 6/10, 6/14-6/15 6/9 6/18, 6/25-6/26, 6/28, 6/30 6/1-6/3, 6/7, 6/25-6/26, 6/28-6/29 6/14-6/15, 6/18, 6/25, 6/29 4. BROOKS LAKE II-H-1 D700-KOBELCO SK220 D753-2001 CAT D6M TRCTR W/DOZR 6/14-6/15, 6/14-6/15, 5. BROOKSHIRE CREEK II-F-1 D556-LINKBELT L598C DRAGLINE D681-CASE 590 LOADER 6/28-6/30 6/25, 6/29-6/30 6. BROOKSHIRE CREEK II-F-1-d D681-CASE 590 LOADER D766-2002 CAT D3GLGP 6/25 6/26 7. CEDAR CREEK I-B D700-KOBELCO SK220 6/2-6/4, 8. COW CREEK II-A D700-KOBELCO SK220 6/7-6/10 9. DEER CREEK II-B-5 D700-KOBELCO SK220 6/11 6/18, 6/25 6/18 6/7 FT. BEND COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPORT 10. DRY BRANCH I-E-1 D755-2002 CAT 246 SKID STR LOR 6/10 11. DRY CREEK II-B-2 D755-2002 CAT 246 SKID STR LOR D759-2002 LINK-BELT 290LX XVTR 6/15 6/8-6/10, 12. FAIRCHILDS CREEK II-B-10 D700-KOBELCO SK220 D759-2002 LINK-BELT 290LX XVTR 6/1 6/3, 6/7 13. MOUND CREEK I-A D766-2002 CAT D3GLGP 6/28 14. SEABOURNE CREEK II-B-4 D700-KOBELCO SK220 6/28-6/29 15. TURKEY CREEK I-D D755-2002 CAT 246 SKID STR LOR 6/2 16. WILLOW FORK OF BUFFALO BAYOU V-A D753-2001 CAT D6M TRCTR W/DOZR D759-2002 LINK-BELT 290LX XVTR 6/1-6/3 6/1-6/3 6/14-6/16, 6/18, 6/25 FT. BEND COUNTY DRAINAGE SHREDDER REPORT 1. LANDFILL D680-6200 MFD D703-JD 6110 DISTRICT 6/10 6/9, 6/14, 6/21 2. AYLOR DITCH II-NN D626-6200JD MFWD TRACTOR D680-6200 MFD D732 - JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR D770-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/28 6/28 6/28 6/28 3. BIG CREEK II-B D617-1993 JD 4WD 6200 SLPMOWER D625-6200JD MFWD TRACTOR D710 - NH TS100 D711-JD 6110 D747-2001 JD 6210 TRACTOR D763-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/1-6/4 6/3, 6/7-6/8, 6/11, 6/14-6/16, 6/25-6/26 6/4 6/3, 6/7-6/8, 6/11, 6/14-6/16, 6/25-6/26 6/1-6/2, 6/7-6/9, 6/11, 6/14-6/16, 6/25, 6/1-6/4 4. BIG CREEK II-B-6 D617-1993 JD 4WD 6200 SLPMOWER D763-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/7-6/8, 6/11, 6/14-6/15 6/7-6/8, 6/11, 6/14-6/15 5. BIG CREEK II-B-7 D711-JD 6110 6/1 6. BIG CREEK II-B-9 D625-6200JD MFWD TRACTOR D711-JD 6110 6/2 6/1-6/2 7. BRAZOS RIVER II-GG-1 D626-6200JD MFWD TRACTOR D732 - JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR 6/1 6/1 8. BRAZOS RIVER II-H D679-JD 4WD SLOPEMOWER D712-JD 4WD TRACTOR D733-JD 4WD TRACTOR D749-2001 JD 6210 TRACTOR D765-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR D772-2003 JD 6220 TRACTOR E523-HESSTON 7066 SLOPEMOWER 6/1-6/2 6/1-6/3 6/1-6/3 6/1-6/2 6/1-6/3 6/1-6/3 6/9 9. BROOKS LAKE II-H-1 D627-JD 4WD SLOPEMOWER 6/14-6/15 10. BROOKSHIRE CREEK II-F-1 D626-6200JD MFWD TRACTOR D732 - JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR D770-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/18, 6/21 6/18, 6/21 6/18 FT. BEND COUNTY DRAINAGE SHREDDER REPORT DISTRICT 11. BROOKSHIRE CREEK II-F-1-d D626-6200JD MFWD TRACTOR D680-6200 MFD D732 - JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR 6/21 6/18 6/21 12. CEDAR CREEK I-B D701-JD 6110 D731-2001 JD4WD 6210 15' SHRDR D771-2003 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/1 6/1 6/1 13. CLODINE DITCH V-b D703-JD 6110 D748-JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR D764-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/23, 6/27-6/29 6/15, 6/18, 6/21-6/22, 6/15, 6/18, 6/21-6/22, 14. DEER CREEK II-B-5 D625-6200JD MFWD TRACTOR D711-JD 6110 6/28 6/28 15. DRY CREEK II-B-2 D679-JD 4WD SLOPEMOWER D733-JD 4WD TRACTOR D765-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR E515-HESSTON 7066 TRACTOR 6/3-6/4, 6/7, 6/16, 6/18, 6/21-6/22 6/3-6/4, 6/7, 6/16, 6/18 6/3-6/4, 6/7-6/8, 6/16, 6/18 6/15 16. DUTCH JOHN CREEK II-B-1 D679-JD 4WD SLOPEMOWER D733-JD 4WD TRACTOR D765-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/18 6/18, 6/21 6/18, 6/21 17. DUTCH JOHN CREEK II-B-1-e D679-JD 4WD SLOPEMOWER D733-JD 4WD TRACTOR D765-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/18 6/18 6/18 18. FAIRCHILDS CREEK II-B-10 D617-1993 JD 4WD 6200 SLPMOWER D763-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/28-6/29 6/28-6/30 19. FAIRCHILDS CREEK II-B-10-b D617-1993 JD 4WD 6200 SLPMOWER D763-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/16, 6/18, 6/25-6/26 6/16, 6/18, 6/25-6/26 20. FLEWELLEN DITCH II-E-10 D626-6200JD MFWD TRACTOR D732 - JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR D770-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/7-6/8, 6/10 6/7-6/8, 6/10 6/7-6/8, 6/10 6/27 6/28-6/29 FT. BEND COUNTY DRAINAGE SHREDDER REPORT DISTRICT DITCH II-E-10-a MFD 6/16 22. FLEWELLEN DITCH II-E-10-b D626-6200JD MFWD TRACTOR D732 - JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR D770-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/16 6/16 6/16 23. FULSHEAR CREEK II-F D626-6200JD MFWD TRACTOR D680-6200 MFD D732 - JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR D770-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/14-6/16, 6/18 6/14-6/18 6/n, 6/17-6/18 6/n, 6/14-6/16, 24. FULSHEAR FARMS II-N D680-6200 MFD D732 - JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR D770-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/14 6/14 6/14, 6/21 25. GAPPS SLOUGH II-B-2-a D679-JD 4WD SLOPEMOWER D733-JD 4WD TRACTOR D765-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/29 6/22 6/22 26. GUY CREEK I-A-1 D701-JD 6110 D703-JD 6110 D731-2001 JD4WD 6210 15' SHRDR D771-2003 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/2-6/4, 6/7 6/9 6/7 6/2-6/4, 6/7 27. GUYLER DITCH II-BB D626-6200JD MFWD TRACTOR D680-6200 MFD D732 - JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR D770-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/28 6/18, 6/28 6/18, 6/28 6/28 28. HADY CREEK II-F-2 D626-6200JD MFWD TRACTOR 6/18 29. JONES CREEK II-E-1 D626-6200JD MFWD TRACTOR D732 - JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR D770-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/1, 6/3, 6/7 6/1, 6/3 6/3 30. JONES CREEK II-E-7-a D732 - JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR D770-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/4 6/4 21.. FLEWELLEN D680-6200 6/21 FT. BEND COUNTY DRAINAGE SHREDDER REPORT 31. JONES CREEK (ANDRUS CREEK) D732 - JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR D770-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR DISTRICT II-E-5 6/3-6/4, 6/3-6/4, 6/7 6/7 32. LONGPOINT SLOUGH V-B D748-JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR D764-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/7-6/8, 6/7-6/8, 6/10-6/11 6/10-6/11, 33. LONGPOINT SLOUGH V-B-1 D748-JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR 6/14 34. LOWER OYSTER CREEK III D712-JD 4WD TRACTOR D772-2003 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/18 6/18 35. LOWER OYSTER CREEK III-D D642 1995 JD 6200 TRACTOR D712-JD 4WD TRACTOR D7l3 -JD 6110 D749-2001 JD 6210 TRACTOR D772-2003 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/16, 6/18 6/16, 6/18 6/18 6/16-6/17 6/16, 6/18 36. LOWER OYSTER CREEK III-E D642 1995 JD 6200 TRACTOR D7l3-JD 6110 6/18 6/18 37. MOUND CREEK I-A D701-JD 6110 D731-2001 JD4WD 6210 15' SHRDR D771-2003 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/11, 6/14-6/15, 6/18, 6/25 6/7-6/8, 6/11, 6/14-6/15, 6/18, 6/25 6/7, 6/11, 6/14-6/15, 6/18, 6/25 38. MOUND CREEK I-A-2 D771-2003 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/25 39. MUSTANG D7l3-JD 6/18 CREEK IV-A 6110 40. OYSTER CREEK II-K D627-JD 4WD SLOPEMOWER D642 1995 JD 6200 TRACTOR D712-JD 4WD TRACTOR D7l3-JD 6110 D749-2001 JD 6210 TRACTOR D772-2003 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/26 6/3-6/4, 6/3-6/4, 6/7-6/8 6/3-6/4, 6/3-6/4, 41. RABBS BAYOU II-D-5 D626-6200JD MFWD TRACTOR 6/15-6/16 6/7-6/8 6/7-6/8 6/8 6/7-6/8 6/14-6/15 FT. BEND COUNTY DRAINAGE SHREDDER REPORT 42. SIMS BAYOU VIII-B-l-c D712-JD 4WD TRACTOR E512-HESSTON 7066 TRACTOR 6/28 6/29 43. STAFFORD RUN CREEK II-K-1 D749-2001 JD 6210 TRACTOR 6/7 44. STEEPBANK CREEK II-G D712-JD 4WD TRACTOR D713 -JD 6110 D749-2001 JD 6210 TRACTOR D772-2003 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/21-6/22 6/29 6/21-6/22, 6/21-6/22 45. STEEPBANK CREEK II-G-2 D627-JD 4WD SLOPEMOWER D749-2001 JD 6210 TRACTOR D772-2003 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/29 6/29 6/29 46. VICKISBURG MUD MUD 47-48 D772-2003 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/21 47. WEST SIMONTON DITCH II-YY D626-6200JD MFWD TRACTOR D680-6200 MFD D732 - JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR D770-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/22, 6/25 6/28 6/22 6/22 48. WILLOW FORK OF BUFFALO BAYOU V-A D7l0 - NH TS100 D748-JD 4WD TOP TRACTOR D764-2002 JD 6220 TRACTOR 6/2 6/1-6/2 6/1, 6/4 DISTRICT 6/29 FT. BEND COUNTY DRAINAGE SPRAYER REPORT 1- PRECINCT 1 D719-4WD FORD SPRAY TRUCK 6/15 2. AYLOR DITCH II-NN D719-4WD FORD SPRAY TRUCK 6/4 3. BRAYS BAYOU IX D782-2004 FORD CAB & CHASSIS 6/22 4. BRAZOS RIVER II-AA D719-4WD FORD SPRAY TRUCK 6/4 5. COUNTY LINE DITCH II-VV D719-4WD FORD SPRAY TRUCK 6/4 6. DRY BRANCH I-E-1 D719-4WD FORD SPRAY TRUCK 6/8 7. DRY CREEK II-B-2 D569-CASE IH 695 2 WD E514-HESSTON SPRAYER 6/21 6/21 8 . DRY CREEK II-B-2-i E514-HESSTON SPRAYER 6/21 9. DUVAL DITCH II-J-1 D719-4WD FORD SPRAY TRUCK 6/4 10. EAST BERNARD DITCH I-G D719-4WD FORD SPRAY TRUCK 6/7 11. FLATBANK/STEEPBANK CREEK II-K-A D782-2004 FORD CAB & CHASSIS E514-HESSTON SPRAYER 6/21-6/22 6/4 12. LONGPOINT SLOUGH V-B D719-4WD FORD SPRAY TRUCK 6/14 13. LOWER OYSTER CREEK III D569-CASE IH 695 2 WD D782-2004 FORD CAB & CHASSIS E514-HESSTON SPRAYER 6/15 6/14-6/15 6/15 14. LOWER OYSTER CREEK III-E D782-2004 FORD CAB & CHASSIS 6/14 DISTRICT FT. BEND COUNTY DRAINAGE SPRAYER REPORT 15. MEANS DITCH I-F D719-4WD FORD SPRAY TRUCK 6/14 16. MUSTANG CREEK IV D782-2004 FORD CAB & CHASSIS E514-HESSTON SPRAYER 6/4 6/1 17. OYSTER CREEK II-K-14 E514-HESSTON SPRAYER 6/15 18. RABBS BAYOU II-D D719-4WD FORD SPRAY TRUCK 6/28 19. RED GULLY II-K-9 D644-FORD 5640 MFD 6/10-6/11 20. SIMS BAYOU VIII-B D569-CASE IH 695 2 WD D782-2004 FORD CAB & CHASSIS E514-HESSTON SPRAYER 6/1, 6/3-6/4 6/1, 6/3 6/4 21- SIMS BAYOU VIII-B-1 D569-CASE IH 695 2 WD D782-2004 FORD CAB & CHASSIS E514-HESSTON SPRAYER 6/2-6/3 6/2-6/4 6/2-6/3 22. SIMS BAYOU VIII-B-1-c D782-2004 FORD CAB & CHASSIS 6/1-6/2 23. SIMS BAYOU VIII-B-1-d D782-2004 FORD CAB & CHASSIS 6/2 24. SIMS BAYOU VIII-B-4 E514-HESSTON SPRAYER 6/4 25. SIMS BAYOU VIII-D D569-CASE IH 695 2 WD E514-HESSTON SPRAYER 6/4 6/4 26. SIMS BAYOU VIII-F D569-CASE IH 695 2 WD E514-HESSTON SPRAYER 6/7, 6/14 6/7, 6/14 27. THEATRE DITCH II-B-2-e E514-HESSTON SPRAYER 6/22 DISTRICT FT. BEND COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT SPRAYER REPORT 28. TURKEY CREEK I-D-2 D719-4WD FORD SPRAY TRUCK 6/22 29. TURKEY CREEK I-D-8 D719-4WD FORD SPRAY TRUCK 6/7 30. WILLOW FORK OF BUFFALO BAYOU V-A D719-4WD FORD SPRAY TRUCK 6/1-6/3