Superfast Lenses - Digital Photo Pro
Superfast Lenses - Digital Photo Pro
A Bit About Depth of Field Is F/1.4 Fast Enough For You? While we’ve confined this article to the superfast lenses—those faster than ƒ/1.4—there are lots of ƒ/1.4 lenses out there, and ƒ/1.4 is still pretty fast. The ƒ/1.4 lenses are generally better all-around tools than the superfast lenses if you don’t need superfast apertures. And the best of the ƒ/1.4 lenses are amazing. The Zeiss Otus 55mm ƒ/1.4 and 85mm ƒ/1.4 are generally considered the best normal and short tele available, and the far less costly Sigma 35mm ƒ/1.4, 50mm ƒ/1.4 and 85mm ƒ/1.4 Art lenses rank right up there. One reason to use a superfast lens is to limit depth of field in the extreme. There are several ƒ/0.95 lenses available for Micro Four Thirds cameras, and these are much faster than any available from the camera manufacturers. But remember that the Micro Four Thirds “2X” lens factor applies to depth of field, as well as focal length: A 25mm ƒ/0.95 lens on an MFT camera is equivalent to a 50mm ƒ/1.8 lens on a full-frame DSLR or 35mm film camera in terms of depth of field. Exposure-wise, ƒ/0.95 = ƒ/0.95: If you shoot at 1/250, ƒ/0.95, ISO 100 with a 25mm ƒ/0.95 lens on an MFT camera, and 1/250 at ƒ/0.95, ISO 100 with a 50mm ƒ/0.95 lens on a full-frame camera, both images will have the same brightness, but the full-frame image will have less depth of field. The fastest lens available for MFT is the HandeVision IBELUX 40mm ƒ/0.85, which delivers depth of field equivalent to an 80mm ƒ/1.7 lens on a full-frame camera. That’s about as narrow a depth of field as you’re going to get with Micro Four Thirds. pronounced at the widest apertures. You can expect Leica’s $10,000 50mm ƒ/0.95 Noctilux-M to be sharper wide open than the much lower-priced ƒ/0.95 lenses, but it’s something you should keep in mind if you intend to shoot wide open. However, while most lenses are sharpest a stop or two down from maximum, an ƒ/0.95 lens stopped down two stops is faster than an ƒ/1.4 lens wide open! Also, note that few of the superfast lenses are AF. Conventional DSLR phase-detection AF may not be repeatedly accurate enough to nail focus when using lenses with such limited depth of field, and when doing selec- tive-focus work, you really want to control exact focus placement yourself. Rent To Own? If you’re interested in superfast lenses, consider renting those that interest you before buying to see how you like the effects with your camera and shooting style. That way, you can see how sharp the lens is wide open, how its bokeh is and how well your camera’s AF system works with it (and how easily you can nail focus with it manually) before committing a large sum to purchase. If you can’t find superfast lenses for rent locally, rents most of those in the chart below. DPP Superfast Lenses Focus Elements/ Groups MFD Max. Magnif. Aperture Blades Filter Diam. Diam. x Length Weight Street Price Mounts For DSLRs Canon EF 50mm ƒ/1.2L USM Canon EF 85mm ƒ/1.2L II USM Nikon 50mm ƒ/1.2 AIS AF AF MF 8/6 8/7 7/6 1.5 ft. 3.2 ft. 1.7 ft. 0.14X 0.11X N/S 8 8 N/S 72mm 72mm 52mm 3.4x2.6 in. 3.6x3.3 in. 2.7x1.9 in. 19.2 oz. 36.2 oz. 12.7 oz. $1,549 $2,099 $724 EF EF F For Mirrorless Fujinon XF 56mm ƒ/1.2 R Fujinon XF 56mm ƒ/1.2 R APD HandeVision IBELUX 40mm ƒ/0.85 Mitakon 35mm ƒ/0.95 Mitakon 50mm ƒ/0.95 Panasonic/Leica DG Nocticron 42.5mm ƒ/1.2 SLR Magic 50mm ƒ/0.95 HyperPrime Voigtländer 10.5mm ƒ/0.95 Nokton Voigtländer 17.5mm ƒ/0.95 Nokton Voigtländer 25mm ƒ/0.95 Nokton Voigtländer 42.5mm ƒ/0.95 Nokton AF AF MF MF MF AF MF MF MF MF MF 11/8 11/8 N/S 10/7 10/7 14/11 8/7 13/10 13/9 11/8 11/8 27.3 in. 27.3 in. 2.5 ft. 11.8 in. 19.7 in. 1.6 ft. 23.6 in. 6.7 in. 5.9 in. 6.7 in. 9.1 in. 0.09X 0.09X 0.05X N/S N/S 0.20X N/S 0.03X 0.25X 0.26X 0.25X 7 7 10 10 9 9 8 10 10 10 10 62mm 62mm 67mm 58mm 58mm 67mm 62mm 72mm 58mm 52mm 58mm 2.9x2.7 in. 2.9x2.7 in. 2.9x5.0 in. 2.6x3.2 in. 2.7x3.4 in. 2.9x3.0 in. 2.5x3.5 in. 3.0x3.2 in. 2.5x3.2 in. 2.4x2.8 in. 2.5x2.9 in. 14.3 oz. 14.3 oz. 42.4 oz. 24.0 oz. 25.4 oz. 15.0 oz. 17.3 oz. 20.7 oz. 19.0 oz. 15.3 oz. 20.1 oz. $849 $1,499 $1,899 $680 $899 $1,499 $1,199 TBA $1,149 $999 $999 XF XF EF-M, E, XF, MFT E, MFT, XF FE MFT E, MFT, XF MFT MFT MFT MFT For Rangefinder (Leica M) Leica Noctilux-M 50mm ƒ/0.95 ASPH Voigtländer 35mm ƒ/1.2 Nokton II Voigtländer 50mm ƒ/1.1 Nokton MF MF MF 8/5 10/7 7/6 3.3 ft. 1.64 ft. 3.3 ft. 0.06X N/S N/S N/S 12 10 60mm 52mm 58mm 2.9x3.0 in. 2.4x2.4 in. 2.7x2.3 in. 24.7 oz. 16.6 oz. 15.1 oz. $10,995 $1,199 $999 M VM VM Mount Code: EF = Canon EF; EF-M = Canon EF-M; E = Sony E; F = Nikon F; FE = Sony FE; M = Leica M; MFT = Micro Four Thirds; VM = Voigtländer VM (compatible with Leica M); XF = Fujifilm XF 82 | Digital Photo Pro DPPAB14_FstGlass.indd 82 12/4/14 3:59 PM
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