Term 2 Issue 1 - Tangaroa College


Term 2 Issue 1 - Tangaroa College
Kia Ora Talofa lava Kia Orana Fakalofa lahi atu Malo e lelei Greetings
Welcome back to Term 2:
it has been a very productive start to the term and it is reassuring to see
both junior and senior students making a committed
and enthusiastic start by attending classes on time
and in full school uniform with books and other necessary equipment needed throughout the school
With this in mind all parents and caregivers will be
receiving a letter to confirm dates and times for the
‘Reporting to Parents’ days which are scheduled for
Thursday 4th July and Friday 5th July (Week 9, term
2). 8.30 am – 3.10pm
The letter outlines the day and time of your interview
and who you would be meeting with. It is very important that you and your child attend this meeting
with your child’s tutor teacher. We will be sending
out further letters reminding you of the time and day
you are expected to meet. It is very important that
you return the slip confirming your attendance, or
telephone the school, 09 274 5764, or email
Update on NCEA progress:
One of the benefits of the NCEA system of assessment for qualifications is that it allows students to
gain credits throughout the year. This can be tremendously motivating for students and gives them
immediate feedback as to whether they are “on
track” to achieve their NCEA certificate and their
University Entrance.
23rd May
31st May
3rd June
17—21 June
4th—5th July
NCEA Evening
Teachers Only Day
Queens Birthday
ERO visit to Tangaroa College
Reporting to Parents—3 way
School Choir:
The School Choir is putting in many hours of practice
for the Big Sing Competition; scheduled for the second part of term 2. The choir camp at Hunua Falls
was an opportunity for fine tuning and focused practice. The Choir Master, Mr Filimoehala, was pleased
with the progress that was made.
Junior Youth Development Course
- Pilot 2013:
Congratulations to the following students who graduated from the Junior Youth Development Course
piloted by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry
of Defence. We were fortunate to have 11 students
participate in this 3 week long course alongside students from The Manurewa High School.
In Term 1, all senior students in Years 11-13 were assessed against an NCEA standard in every subject.
In the first week of Term 2, every student received a
printout of their updated Record of Achievement,
showing the number of credits gained in Term 1.
Many students have over 20 credits already and the
majority of students have gained between 10 and 15
credits so far this year.
Former Student: MARY TUILAGI
Second Year BA International Studies.
Majoring in Chinese & English studies.
She has been accepted for an exchange to Korea’s leading university in
Seoul, September 2013 - February 2014.
She is active on campus supporting Korean students and the Chinese associations, her goal is to work in Asia. She became inspired after attending the 2012 Pasifika and Maori
Students Exchange workshop.
Tamati Simpson, Jayden Te Pana, Dylan Edmonds,
Lilia Muna, Anthony Harris, Caterina Kareroa,
Nelson Iu, Summer Wells, Anarei Pickering, Cortney
Samaeli and Montana Manu
• Tangaroa College, Haumia Way, Otara 2023, Auckland • Phone: 274 5764 • www.tangaroa.school.nz •
Tangaroa College Newsletter: 17th May, 2013
Heath Sciences Academy
Physical Education & Health Department
The Health Science Academy worked hard throughout the recent school holidays.
The Year 11 & 13 students received their certifications in First Aid & CPR provided by St. John’s
The Year 11’s attended the Science Sizzler at
AUT University on Wellesley St in central Auckland. A professor in Chemistry helped them
combine chemicals to make their own nylon
(and strung it along like a spider web over 2m
long), then they made their own coloured
glass, followed by homemade slime. During
the afternoon Marine Biology session they dissected some fish using a scalpel and figured
out the age of the fish by finding and cutting
out the earbones, or 'otoliths' and creating a
slide to view the age rings under the microscope.
The Year 12 and 13’s visited the North Shore
Campus of AUT to tour the Faculty of Health
Sciences (http://www.aut.ac.nz/study-at-aut/
study-areas/health-sciences) and experienced
first-hand careers such as Podiatry, Midwifery
and Occupational Therapy.
The Art of Learning seminars were hosted by
Tangaroa College and the Pasifika Medical
Association for all students in the 3 HSAs including Otahuhu College and James Cook High
School. Students focussed on topics such as
Success at NCEA and Metacognitive Awareness. Students learned practical study skills and
how to build confidence when completing
assessments (taolearn.com).
Even though all three year levels of Academy students participate in many school events, these exciting activities motivated them further to pursue their
dreams of careers in Health Science. If you would
like more information about the Health Science
(lynnesa@tangaroa.school.nz or 274 5764).
This term we have a lot going on in the Health and
PE department.
Level 2 Health Education class are beginning
their Health Promotion work. They are looking
at improving health in the Tangaroa school
community and will be creating initiatives for
this purpose.
Year 13 PE and Outdoor Education are gearing up for the huge challenge of conquering
the tough guy tough girl course at the end of
this term. Currently they are creating training
programmes to prepare themselves for this.
Level 2 PE have come up with an exciting
Krash World Cup Tournament which will be
kicking off in the next few weeks so we are
looking forward to some high intensity action
in those games.
Year 12 Outdoor Education are stepping out
of their comfort zones to embark on a High
Ropes camp out at Kokako Lodge this
term. Thanks need to go out to all the students who take our subject and the Health
and PE teachers that work tirelessly to make
all these awesome events happen.
Senior Social Studies & OXFAM
On Friday 17th May, forty students from the Year 12 &
13 Social Studies classes took part in the Oxfam Coffee and Chocolate Break morning tea. This is a nation-wide campaign to promote Fair Trade across
Aotearoa. This is part of their social action unit where
the students look at different social actions that can
be taken to assist communities in need especially
with regard to Fair Trade goods and services. A total
of $130.00 was raised by forty students who enjoyed
Fair Trade Anzac biscuits made by Mr van Beurden
from the University of Auckland, hot chocolate and
cupcakes in return for a small donation. Thanks to all
the staff who also supported the students in making
a donation as well.
Careers Department Update
Stephen Nikoia, Temarama Ahotaha, Lina, Jane
Elia, Fialogo Laupepa, Alexandra Mutu
Upcoming Events
University of Auckland Parents Info Evening
at Dream Centre Lakewood Court, Manukau
Monday 10th June
Term One has been an opportunity for the Careers
Department to provide a variety of staff and student professional development opportunities.
We bid farewell to our Careers Assistant and
past pupil Antoinette Tiatia.
We provided an overview of our services for
all Year 13 tutor classes as well as sending
Brian Shiels, Joe Vainepoto and Cedric Daniel on their C Me Mentoring Trades At Schools
Invitations to apply for scholarships and career events have been steadily streaming in
so there is a collective effort to ensure our
• Tangaroa College, Haumia Way, Otara 2023, Auckland • Phone: 274 5764 • www.tangaroa.school.nz •
Tangaroa College Newsletter: 17th May, 2013
students stay informed .
In March, Year 13 students experienced a collaborative careers programme. Interactive
workshops about expectations at University
and Institutes of Technology, understanding
the jargon, meeting new people.
Gateway Work Experience Placements began
over the holidays with Year 12 students working
at Pakuranga and Sylvia Park Warehouse
stores. On completion they will receive 27
Credits at Level 2 for the Customers Services
During the first week of Term Two we sent our
first group of building Construction students to
Fletchers Building site in the city.
NZQA Fees for 2013 are to be paid to the school office (CASH ONLY) by the 1st December 2013. Fees
paid after this date will incur a $50 late fee and will
need to be paid directly to NZQA.
NZQA Financial Assistance
Application forms for Financial Assistance are available for beneficiaries, community service card holders
and low income earners. Please note that International Fee Payers may not apply for Financial Assistance. If you think you are eligible for financial assistance, complete an application form (available
from the school office) and submit to the office before the 1st September, 2013.
$ 76.70
$ 20.00
$ 30.00
Individual without Financial Assistance.
Family without Financial Assistance
International Fee Payers
Individual with Financial Assistance
Family with Financial Assistance
Change of Details
Students in vests from left to right: Cedrick Daniel,
Manuele Faimasasa, Joshua Renata Huch, Peter
Manase - in front, Bruce Tapurau, John Manase
Premier XIII Rugby League
The Tangaroa College League team (known as the
So’O) are this year taking part in a new Secondary
Schools competition called The Warriors Cup. This
will take place over the next 14 weeks with the finals
played at Mt Smart Stadium. The So’O started the
season with a 6-0 win against Aorere College, followed by games against St Pauls, Mt Roskill, Papatoetoe and MAGS. Good luck to all the boys involved.
Netball Season has begun. First’s games started
Wednesday 15th May , all games are played at
Bruce Pulman courts in Papakura every Wednesdays. Training days are Monday and Thursday till
5:00pm. We have six teams representing Tangaroa
College, 2 senior teams and 4 junior teams with the
biggest contingence of teams in South Auckland.
Thank you to our awesome coaches Robert Ferris,
Mata La’akulu, Alex Neera and Jury Tumai and managers Christine Pili, Soana Hau, Robert Lavei, Nicolla
Taumafai – Uili for their support.
If you would like to make amendments to any details
held at the school please contact the office as soon
as possible.
If it is a name change please provide a birth certificate or passport as all students are required to be
enrolled under their legal names. Address changes
must be accompanied by a proof of residence e.g
power bill.
You are invited to attend the Tangaroa College NCEA Information Evening. We encourage all senior students, parents and their families to come along and answer the main questions around NCEA: What is NCEA?, What is
needed to achieve NCEA? What is required to
gain University Entrance?
Thursday 23rd May, 2013
6.00pm - 7.00pm
Tangaroa College
School Hall
This is a wonderful opportunity for our families
and the school to work together to improve the
achievement of our students.
We look forward to seeing you there.
• Tangaroa College, Haumia Way, Otara 2023, Auckland • Phone: 274 5764 • www.tangaroa.school.nz •
Tangaroa College Newsletter: 17th May, 2013
Thank you Bayer NZ
Special thanks to Bayer NZ for your
donation of $750 towards the Tangaroa College Cook Islands Group
costumes. Your generosity has
demonstrated your deep commitment to supporting children and
the community.
Mega Schools Hip-Hop Dance Crew
Cook Islands Group
On Saturday 15th March, 40 students took to the
Cook Island Stage at annual ASB Polyfest. Supporters crowded over the horizon eagerly anticipating
another show stopping performance from Tangaroa
College. The stage was graced by two characters in
the Peu Tupuna (legend).
As a slight sun shower continued through the 30 minute stint, the drummers gave the audience a teaser
before the last item, the Ura Pau (Drum dance).
The group received 2nd place for Ura Pau, Best
Drummers and 3rd place for best costume, best
composition, Ute, Peu Tupuna and 3rd Place overall.
On Friday 26th April, a group of 31 students participated in the SDNZ Mega Schools Dance Competition at the Victory Convention Centre, Freemans
Bay. Students had the chance to experience Hip
Hop at an international level. They had less than 48
hours to perfect a 3.5 minute routine choreographed
mainly by an ex-student. Even with no official placing, the school community should be very proud of
these brilliant ambassadors of our school.
Thank you to Phoenix Puleanga, Dima Ivanouchkin,
Jivan Saimone for assisting with the choreography.
Thank you to the student leaders Terry Morrison, Jo
Va’a, Siosifa To'a, Nilianne Ualiu and Sabrina Smith
for your support. Thank you to staff members Soana
Hau and David Riley for your time. Most importantly
thank you to Tony Pati for sharing your passion for
dance with us.
First of all thank you to our student leaders John
Tagisia Manase & Fono Mcfarland-Seumanu for your
model attitudes and leadership. Thank you to the
parent support team for your encouragement, time
and talents - Mrs E & her tribe, Leanne Isaac, Mama
Tanitu Meti, Papa Putiani & Aunty Tionga and the
tutors Tua Meti, Taiau Nicholas & Maggie Anitele’a.
Mobile Phones and other confiscated items
Just a reminder - If students use mobile phones, mp3
players or other items which cause disruption during
class time they will be confiscated.
Confiscated items may be collected by parents
from the school office the following Friday afternoon
between 3.00 p.m. and 3.30 p.m.
Please note that the school will not take any responsibility for confiscated gear that is misplaced, damaged or stolen.
• Tangaroa College, Haumia Way, Otara 2023, Auckland • Phone: 274 5764 • www.tangaroa.school.nz •