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press contact • nathalie dran • • + 33 (0)
PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT INFORMATION PRACTICAL INFORMATIONS Circulation(s), festival of young european photography From january 24 to march 8 2015 at CENTQUATRE-PARIS. CENTQUATRE, 5 rue Curial 75019 Paris From Tuesday to Friday from 1a.m. to 7p.m. Weekend from 12a.m. to 7p.m. Closed on Mondays Free access Access for late performance : 5 rue Curial entry only ACCESS Metro : Riquet (line 7) Stalingrad (lines 2, 5 et 7) Marx Dormoy (line 12) OPENING PRESS OPENING : January, Friday 23 from 10a.m. PUBLIC OPENING : January, Saturday 24 from 3p.m. to 8p.m. AROUND THE FESTIVAL PORTFOLIO REVIEW February, Saturday 28 and march, Sunday 1st Each photographer can register for two lectures of 20 minutes each. JOURNÉES EUROPÉENNES DES ÉCOLES DE PHOTOGRAPHIE Samedi 28 février et dimanche 1er mars Deux journées exclusivement dédié aux jeunes diplômés des écoles de photographie européenne. Avec ce projet nous souhaitons mettre en relation ces jeunes diplômés et les professionnels au sein d’un espace d’échange privilégier. Une occasion unique pour eux de montrer leur books et pour les professionnels de découvrir les jeunes talents de demain. Un événement inédit pour favoriser l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes artistes. DIGIGRAPHIE WORKSHOP in partnership with Epson February, Saturday 28 and march, Sunday 1st Atelier pour découvrir la Digigraphie, procédé d’impression d’œuvre d’art labellisé qui permet de garantir authenticité, qualité et durabilité à vos œuvres numériques. Un atelier de démonstration se tiendra à l’occasion du festival Circulation(s) samedi 28 février. FETART ACADEMY : How to sell your photos March, Saturday 7 from 15 to 18pm WEBSITES Circulation(s) Festival : Fetart : CENTQUATRE-PARIS : PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • 1. INTRODUCTION Marqué par l’incroyable succès de l’édition 2014 au CENTQUATRE-Paris avec plus de 43000 visiteurs le festival Circulation(s) revient pour sa cinquième édition avec encore plus de force et d’envie de partager sa passion. Dédié à la jeune photographie européenne, le festival Circulation(s) propose pour la cinquième année un regard croisé sur l’Europe à travers la photographie. Il a pour vocation de faire émerger les talents de la jeune photographie européenne et de faire découvrir au public la création artistique contemporaine innovante. La programmation s’articule autour de la sélection d’un jury suite à un appel à candidatures international, d’invités (une galerie et une école) et de la carte blanche de la marraine de cette édition, Nathalie Herschdorfer, directrice du Musée des beaux-arts de la ville du Locle, en Suisse. Autour de cette exposition d’envergure réunissant 43 photographes européens, la grande nouveauté de l’édition 2015 est une exposition à hauteur d’enfants, qui sera accompagnée d’un programme pédagogique et d’un ensemble d’activités pour le jeune public. CIRCULATION(S), AN EUROPEAN FESTIVAL DEDICATED TO THE YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHY Considering the fact that there wasn’t any photographic event entirely dedicated to the young European photography anywhere in France, Fetart has decided to organize this festival in 2011 as an extension to its non-profit actions made since 2005 in order to promote young talents in photography throughout Europe. Circulation(s) other ambition is to network with other European structures dedicated to promote the young photography and communicate about initiatives made by European curators, gallery, festivals, collectives, schools of photography and editors. This festival stands out for its open mindedness and its pan-European as well as its prospective vision about contemporary innovation and creation. Beyond the setting up the exhibition itself, the festival wishes to relay European cultural initiatives and give them more visibility within the festival such as : - Giving an opportunity to the young artists to be represented in the cultural and artistic European scene. - Encourage the exchange of experiences by the mobility of European professionals from the world of photography and image. - Promote an intercultural dialogue. - Identify a common and shared cultural European ground. - Facilitate the circulation of cultural works and making accessible other European projects to the widest possible audience. En France, le festival Circulation(s) a tourné en 2014 au - Centre Culturel André Malraux d’Herblay, 4 avril au 23 juin 2014 - Voyage à Nantes, du 27 juin au 20 septembre 2014 - Nuit Blanche de l’ile de la réunion, octobre 2014 PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT Again this year, these festivals will be hosting the 2015 edition under the form of screenings within their own program. Our partners are : - Belfast Foto Festival (Irland) - BIP Biennale internationale de la Photographie et des Arts visuels de Liège (Belgium) - Encontros da Imagem de Braga (Portugal) - Format Festival (United Kingdom) - Fotografia Europea de Reggio Emilia (Italy) - Lódz Fotofestiwal (Poland) Nathalie HERSCHDORFER, 2015 SPONSOR’S EDITION Cette année, nous sommes très honorés d’avoir pour marraine du festival : Nathalie Herschdorfer, qui dirige actuellement le Musée des Beaux-Arts du Locle, en Suisse. En 2010, elle a été nommée directrice du festival de photographie Alt. +1000 en Suisse et y a programmé deux ans éditions. Elle travaille également en tant que commissaire d’exposition auprès de la Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography (FEP). Pendant douze ans, elle a été conservatrice au Musée de l’Elysée à Lausanne, où elle a organisé de nombreuses expositions, parmi lesquelles Faire Face : la mort du portrait et les rétrospectives de Edward Steichen, Leonard Freed, Ray K. Metzker et Valérie Belin. Elle est l’auteur de Jours d’après : Quand les photographes reviennent sur les lieux du drame (2011), directrice rédactionnelle de Construire l’image : Le Corbusier et la photographie (2012) et co-auteur, avec William A. Ewing, dereGeneration : photographes de demain, deux livres consacrés à la scène émergente de la photographie mondiale. Parmi ses derniers projets figurent un dictionnaire de la photographie (à paraître en 2015), Swiss Positions : 33 takes on sustainable approaches to building, une exposition qui circule à travers le monde produite par la Confédération, etPapier glacé : un siècle de photographie de mode chez Condé Nast, une exposition itinérante produite par FEP et accompagnée d’un ouvrage publié en 6 éditions. THE “CENTQUATRE” The « CENTQUATRE » is conceived as an artistic collaborative center mixing innovation, creation and experience. Located in the former municipal funeral home, this place can only be a welcoming and lively stage for the artists and the audience. Opened to a vibrant contemporary artistic and cultural production as well as to the performing arts, the center have the ability to present all of those forms of arts within its walls, as its surface is vast and modular - it is divided in public spaces, research workshops, and performing stages. For the festival’s 5th edition, the “CENTQUATRE” becomes a special partner as it host for the first time the Circulation(s) festival which will spread with various options of scenography through the entire southern side of the center, from the “Château d’Eau” (entry on rue Curial) to the “Halle Aubervilliers”, going across the “Nef Curial” and the workshops rooms (1/3/5). Phrase -1 enfants PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • RESIDENCE José Manuel Gonçalvès, director of the “CENTQUATRE-PARIS” will give a chance for a chosen artist whom he has elected as his “coup de coeur” the opportunity to be in residence at the 104. phrase 2014 THE CATALOG A bilingual (French / English) color catalog will be edited and published by the “Éditions du Bec en l’Air”. It will introduce each artist and participant involved in the Circulation(s) 5th edition. The catalog should be on sale on site during the festival and in every specialized bookstore. THIS IS NOT A MAP SPÉCIAL CIRUCLATION(S) Poetry Wanted est une petite maison d’édition française spécialisée dans la photographie. “Texas” inaugure notre collection THIS IS NOT A MAP. Des cartes parfaitement inutiles qui célèbrent la rencontre d’un photographe et d’un lieu. Poetry Wanted a été fondée en 2013 par Rémi Noël. This is not a map spécial Circulation(s) vous fera partager les voyages ficitfs de l’artiste Ionneke Van Der Palen. PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT 2 . PROGRAMMING The festival programming will be articulated around a multi-faceted approach: - The jury’s selection - Our sponsor’s “carte blanche” - The invited gallery and school’s selection - The invited artists THE 2014 JURY’S SELECTION Following an international call for application disseminated to relevant structures involved in the visual domain (institutions, festivals, schools, galleries, medias), more than 600 photographers have sent a file. Based on the artistic quality, the relevance of the work and an expressed personal approach, the candidatures were examined and selected by a jury of professional from the visual and image sector gathered around José Manuel Gonçalvès, director of the “CENTQUATRE” and Nathalie Herschdorfer, director of the “Musée des BeauxArts du Locle”, in Switzerland, this year’s sponsor. The end of that process has found 21 European photographers eligible : - Kristoffer Axén (Sweden) - Christian Berthelot (France) - Aladin Borioli (Switzerland) - Petros Efstathiadis (Greece) - Juliette-Andrea Elie (France) - Fabrice Fouillet (France) - Anni Hanén (Finland) - Clément Huylenbroeck (Belgium) - Wawrzyniec Kolbusz (Poland) - Catherine Leutenegger (Switzerland) - Romain Mader (Switzerland) - Nikola Mihov (Bulgaria) - Tito Mouraz (Portugal) - Alexandra Polina (Uzbekistan) - Rita Puig-Serra Costa (Spain) - Laurence Rasti (Switzerland) - Torsten Schumann (Germany) - Ulysse & Darcoe (France) - Lonneke Van Der Palen (Netherlands) - Franky Verdickt (Belgium) PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • NATHALIE HERSCHDORFER’S “CARTE BLANCHE” Using his license to promote the artists of his choice for the festival, this year’s sponsor Nathalie Herschdorfer has invited four young photographers : - Salvi Danés (Spain) - Ola Lanko (Ukraine) - Cyril Porchet (Switzerland) - WassinkLundgren (Netherlands) THE INVITED GALLERY AND SCHOOL Each year, the festival offer a high visibility for two European structures dedicated to the visual arts. This year’s invited school is the Focus Athens School of Art & Photography (Greece) and the invited gallery is the Breadfield Gallery (Sweden). The school’s guests are : - Xenia Naselou (Greece) - Ioannis Stefanidis (Greece) The gallery’s guests are : - Erik Östensson (Sweden) - Jenny Rova (Sweden) THE INVITED ARTISTS “Coups de cœur”, discoveries, twinkling, ... Several invited artists and special projects are welcomed to exhibit, screen or install their work within the festival itself : - Hellena Burchard (France) - Nicoló Degiorgis (Italy) - Philippe Dollo (France) - David Fathi (France) - Dionisio Gonzalez (Spain) - Loznikow Grzegorz (Poland) - Audrey Laurans (France) - Jan Maschinski (Germany) - Dita Pepe (Czech Republic) - Camilla Pongiglione (Italy) - Jan Rosseel (Belgium) - Aldo Soligno (Italy) - The Cool Couple (Italy) - Catrine Val (Germany) PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT 3. PROGRAMMATION JEUNE PUBLIC EXPOSITION A HAUTEUR D’ENFANTS Les activités pédagogiques à destination du jeune public se concentreront autour d’une innovation majeure dans la programmation de Circulation(s) : la réalisation d’une exposition à hauteur d’enfants, dans un espace réservé (aux Écuries, niveau -1) fourni par le CENTQUATRE-PARIS. Bénéficiant d’une signalétique adaptée, elle présentera les mêmes séries que dans l’exposition principale, réorganisées de manière thématique afin d’en faciliter l’approche. Tout en demeurant entièrement libre d’accès et gratuit, le contenu de cette exposition servira de base aux différentes activités pédagogiques. Ces dernières sont élaborées parallèlement à la conception de l’exposition, de manière à faciliter l’exécution des activités et éviter la juxtaposition d’un discours sur une exposition préalablement construite. VISITES GUIDÉES ET ATELIERS En collaboration avec l’équipe de médiateurs du CENTQUATRE-PARIS, des visites guidées de l’exposition principale et de l’espace enfants seront organisées, avec des contenus adaptés aux publics visés. L’espace enfants pourra par ailleurs être exploité pour des visites thématiques, type « visites en famille », avec une prise en charge des enfants dans l’espace qui leur est dédié pendant que les parents visitent l’exposition principale, avec un échange des expériences en fin de visite, ou encore des parcours à effectuer en famille. Comme en 2014, des ateliers seront menés par les différentes structures du CENTQUATRE-PARIS en collaboration avec Fetart. Ils permettront aux enfants d’expérimenter la photographie. Ces activités peuvent se concevoir en collaboration avec les écoles, associations et centres de loisirs, pendant le temps scolaire ou périscolaire. Sur le long terme, notre objectif est de multiplier les ateliers centrés sur la création photographique, afin de limiter la passivité des visiteurs et de proposer des activités interactives. Chaque atelier aurait comme base un ou plusieurs travaux présentés dans l’exposition, et serait encadré par un médiateur et/ou un photographe. OUTILS PÉDAGOGIQUES Les visites seront appuyées par des livrets pédagogiques : un livret-jeux pour les enfants, un livret d’exercices pour les adolescents et un dossier pédagogique plus étoffé, notamment à destination des enseignants. Conçus comme des outils d’accompagnement, ces derniers seront distribués librement sur le site de l’exposition et téléchargeables sur le site de Circulation(s). Nouveauté 2015 : des tablettes numériques seront également mises à disposition des visiteurs, offrant une approche interactive de l’exposition, à travers des contenus complémentaires, des jeux, etc. Ce nouveau support constitue également une autre manière d’envisager le temps de la visite, puisque l’application développée à cet effet pourra également être téléchargée par les utilisateurs depuis leur propre tablette, et consultable en dehors du lieu d’exposition. selection of the jury gallery guest guest artist school guest free hand PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • 3. ARTISTS EXPOSED Name Surname Serie Nation Selection Kristoffer AXÉN Events in Nature SWEDEN Selection of the jury 14 Christian BERTHELOT César FRANCE Selection of the jury 14 Aladin BORIOLI Apian SWITZERLAND Selection of the jury 15 Hellena BURCHARD SDF FRANCE Guest artist 24 Salvi DANÉS Black Ice, Moscow SPAIN Free hand 10 Nicoló DEGIORGIS Hidden Islam ITALY Guest artist 25 Philippe DOLLO Aître Sudète FRANCE Guest artist 25 Petros EFSTATHIADIS Prison GREECE Selection of the jury 15 Juliette-Andrea ELIE Fanding Landscapes FRANCE Selection of the jury 16 Corentin Fohlen et Jérôme von Zilw EPECTASE Le Philosophe FRANCE Selection of the jury 16 David FATHI Anecdotal FRANCE Guest artist 26 Fabrice FOUILLET Colosses FRANCE Selection of the jury 17 Dionisio GONZALEZ Visiones de perímetro SPAIN Guest artist 26 Loznikow GRZEGORZ Masters POLAND Guest artist 27 Anni HANÉN Just small hiccups FINLAND Selection of the jury 17 Clément HUYLENBROECK Communal Dream BELGIUM Selection of the jury 18 Wawrzyniec KOLBUSZ Sacred Defense POLAND Selection of the jury 18 Ola LANKO Kids NETHERLANDS Free hand 10 Audrey LAURANS Le distributeur d'ancêtres photographiques FRANCE Guest artist 27 Catherine LEUTENEGGER Kodak City SWITZERLAND Selection of the jury 19 Romain MADER Ekaterina SWITZERLAND Selection of the jury 19 Jan MASCHINSKI Choke ALLEMAGNE Artiste invité 28 Nikola MIHOV The Sea Inside BULGARIE Sélection Jury 20 Tito MOURAZ House of the Seven Ladies PORTUGAL Sélection Jury 20 Xenia NASELOU Random Summer Moments GRÈCE École Invitée 12 Eric ÖSTENSSON The Circle and the Line SUÈDE Galerie Invitée 13 Dita PEPE Selfportraits with men ALLEMAGNE Artiste invitée 28 Alexandra POLINA Generation 60 OUZBÉKISTAN Sélection Jury 21 Camilla PONGIGLIONE For Hearts Sake ITALIE Artiste invitée 29 Cyril PORCHET Crowd SUISSE Carte blanche 11 Rita PUIG-SERRA COSTA Where Mimosa Bloom ESPAGNE Sélection Jury 21 Laurence RASTI There are no homosexuals in SUISSE Iran Sélection Jury 22 Jan ROSSEEL Belgium Autumn BELGIQUE Artiste invité 29 Jenny ROVA I would also like to be SUÈDE Galerie Invitée 13 Torsten SCHUMANN For Tomorrow ALLEMAGNE Sélection Jury 22 Aldo SOLIGNO Let Them Show Their Faces ITALIE Artiste invité 30 Ioannis STEFANIDIS Mother GRÈCE École Invitée 12 Niccolò Benetton et Simone Santilli THE COOL COUPLE Approximation to the West ITALIE Artiste invités 30 Ulysse Payet et Isaora Le Jeannic ULYSSE & DARCOE Fleur Viande FRANCE Sélection Jury 23 Catrine VAL Philosophers ALLEMAGNE Artiste invitée 31 Ionneke VAN DER PALEN Souvenir PAYS-BAS Sélection Jury 23 Franky VERDICKT The south street village BELGIQUE Sélection Jury 24 Thijs groot Wassink et Ruben Lundgren WASSINKLUNDGREN Tokyo Tokyo ANGLETERRE Carte blanche 11 Au total, 43 photographes présenteront leurs travaux à travers des expositions, projections et installations. Les biographies complètes des artistes sont disponibles en ligne sur PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT ARTISTS INVITED BY NATHALIE HERSCHDORFER : 2015 SPONSOR’S EDITION Salvi DANÉS “Black Ice, Moscow” SPAIN Born in 1985 in Spain, lives and works in Barcelona (Spain). FREE HAND A thin and an invisible ice layer, which makes the free movement difficult. An invisible barrier which has a fearful influence on us when moving from one place to another. Leaning in a kind of imaginary wall which makes our path easier and which makes decisions for us. The city is an alien nucleus, full of companions, but empty of partners, transported by an intangible flow. Moscow is the Soviet paradigm, an enormous city. It looks like there is a dislocation in its inhabitants due to the impact of a complex reality, of the result of a convulsed history, which has gone from the tsarist feudalism to the dictatorship of the proletariat, and from communism to the recent economic liberalism. Nowadays, it is not completely different. Puttin is carrying out a kind of politics based on the accumulation of power and on the concentration of powers in the Russian Federation instead of a real democracy. Ola LANKO “Kids” UKRAINE Born in 1985 in Ukraine, lives and works in Amsterdam (Netherlands). These series consist of 25 portraits of teenagers taken on the roller coaster without them being aware of me observing and photographing. My project investigates the ability of photography to de-contextualize the subject from its environment. And by the means of this I explore the possible occurrence of a new meaning. “Kids” depicting an uncontrolled stream of emotions in a teenager. The visual language of these photographs refers to propaganda posters used extensively in 1920-30’s by the Soviet authorities and constructivists. FREE HAND PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • Cyril PORCHET “Crowd” SWITZERLAND Born in 1984 in Switzerland, lives and works in Lausanne (Switzerland). In an era where everything seems to move towards globalization, Cyril Porchet chose folkloric gatherings. In an era where everything seems to move towards globalization, a particular force comes out of them. Clan gatherings, color casts, this relationship with tradition, everything is part of the different tones and the mix of crowds. The technical obligations were important, it took the artist a lot of time to define an appropriate posture. But he now manages to anticipate the photogenic character of a gathering according to its population density, its colors and its movement. FREE HAND WASSINKLUNDGREN (Thijs groot Wassink et Ruben Lundgren) “Tokyo Tokyo” UNITED KINGDOM Thijs groot Wassink is born in 1981 and Ruben Lundgren in 1983 both in Netherlands. Ones lives and works in London (United Kingdom) and the other in Beijing (China). The same subjects, photographed at the same moment, but from a different angle. That is the simple recipe for this body of work. The diptychs are the outcome of a number of long walks through the many neighbourhoods of Tokyo. A contemporary version of stereo photography. FREE HAND PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT THE SCHOOL’S GUESTS : FOCUS ATHENS SCHOOL OF ART & PHOTOGRAPHY Xenia NASELOU “Random summer moments” GREECE Born in 1989 in Greece, lives and works in Athens (Greece). SCHOOL GUEST These photos were taken last summer with my mobile phone. I started taking pictures to test my phone’s camera without having to carry my camera, lenses and tripod around. A device that you carry with you all the time, that helps you capture random moments of your life, instantly. Although I wasn’t amazed by the quality of the images, I soon realised the magic and significance of the content and duration that each picture was taken. A photographer is not an “expensive camera”. Every single photo is a story of thoughts, feelings and aesthetics that can surpass the means deemed necessary for an important picture. Ioannis STEFANIDIS “Mother” GREECE Born in 1973 in in Greece, lives and works in Athens (Greece). SCHOOL GUEST Mrs. Olga was born in Thessaloniki in 1938. She got married at the age of 34 and moved in with her husband in Elefsina. They had 3 children together. In 1990 her husband died. She then had to attend to her family’s needs on her own. Despite the health problems, the loneliness and the memories she’s still happy and thankful for what life and experience brought her throughout the years. Ioannis Stefanidis started taking pictures of her during his visits to her home, her “kingdom”, as if he were keeping a diary. He tried to become as invisible as possible in order to record her moves and feelings, all those details that count for him. He photographed her the same way he would have photographed his own mother. PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • THE GALLERY’S GUESTS : BREADFIELD Erik ÖSTENSSON “The Circle and the Line” SWEDEN Born in 1978 in Sweden, lives and works in Stockholm (Sweden). When looking at our surroundings, we fill it with our own notions. The objects or bodies are still there in front of us and are what they are no matter what we think about them. Without these simplifications, we would not be able to operate within the world’s complexity. But at the same it makes us see or experience only a very small part of our environment. Based on this, I want to create images where the viewer can see it all again. I do this by depicting objects from a new angle and by putting them in a new context. Past notions are replaced and the meanings of familiar objects expand. GALLERY GUEST Jenny ROVA “I would also like to be” SUÈDE Born in 1972 in Sweden, lives and works in Zurich (Switzerland) since 2001. GALLERY GUEST I’m following and spying on my ex boyfriend and his new girlfriend. I ‘m spying on them through Facebook, downloading all the pictures of themselves they have been uploading there. I’m placing myself in the “new girlfriend”’s position, imitating her poses, expressions and dressing myself in the same outfit as her. Then I’m photographing myself in the same light as in their pictures. I finally glue my figure on top of the original picture, covering the new girlfriend. By doing this, I compose a dream of my own on top of theirs. During the process of taking the new girlfriends poses, I’m once again, briefly, part of my ex lover’s life. I then imagine how it would be to be her. « I would also like to be, A work on jealousy » is a book with 47 photo collages. PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • THE JURY’S SELECTION CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT Kristoffer AXÉN “Events in Nature” SWEDEN Born in 1984 in Sweden, lives and works in Stockholm (Sweden). SELECTION OF THE JURY Kristoffer Axén’s pictures - both the staged and the document - are bring through a detailed post-production process where a tonality of thick shadows and selected highlights interweaves with an almost monochromatic color-palette leaning towards the blue. Furthermore certain objects and at times, complete backgrounds are removed or rearranged to create a space where figures (made anonymous) float in a world extracted from any specifics. Instead a mood of hushed apprehension is depicted and investigated, where the tension of the unknown becomes the main character. Christian BERTHELOT “César” FRANCE Born in 1976 in France, lives and works in Bretagne (France). The « CESAR » series started in 2013. It is the artistic followup to a photographic report about the obstetrician’s job in operating theaters. « CESAR » is about children portraits. They were all born through caesarean section and are all only a few seconds old. They all have survived. These pictures are for me the first representation of a new human being, unique and primitive. SELECTION OF THE JURY PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • Aladin BORIOLI “Apian” SWITZERLAND Born in 1988 in Switzerland, lives and works in Bevaix (Switzerland). SELECTION OF THE JURY « Apian » explores the link between bees, architecture and science-fiction. The artist’s interest in bees comes from his grand-father who was himself a beekeeper. Aladin Borioli also got his inspiration from 20h century dystopian novels that describe community and totalitarian futuristic societies. He also draws his inspiration from the essay The beehive metaphor by Juan A. Ramirez published in 1998, in which the influence of bees on our architecture is analyzed. « Apian » mixes hybrid constructions – between traditional beehive and concrete bricks – with architectures pictures reduced to the status of model, making us reflect about the notion of scale. Petros EFSTATHIADIS “Prison” GEECE Born in 1980 in Greece, lives and works in Argos (Greece). SELECTION OF THE JURY Petros Efstathiadis creates sculptures and decors from a varied array of materials he finds. Once documented and photographed, the sculptures are dismantled and its components are returned to their everyday use. The only thing that remains is the photograph : images which, once juxtaposed, recompose a fantastical and poetic memory of a place in turmoil. His sculptures are born from what the landscape contains, the entire landscape expresses destitution. This manner of recycling, of « making do » with what his immediate surroundings provide, is the foundation of his work. It’s an improvised prison which unfolds narratives of a place stricken by poverty and repression. PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT Juliette-Andrea ELIE “Fanding landscapes” FRANCE Born in 1985, lives and works in Paris (France). The aim of the series is to make visible the invasion of the feelings and fantasies of the traveler in landscapes. On pictures printed on parchment paper, an embossed form lets floats ghost-like shapes, which are abstract or figurative. Thus, in the intimate picture of an unmade bed appears an unfinished sentence borrowed from G. Casanova : « You will forget too. ». These pictures, where several journeys can be placed on top of each other, question the boundaries of photography to make the « portrayal » a troubled , masked and clouded space … Somewhere between desire and regret, hope and memory. SELECTION OF THE JURY EPECTASE (Corentin FOHLEN & Jérôme von ZILW) “Le Philosophe” FRANCE Corentin Fohlen is born in 1981 and Jérôme von Zilw in 19874. Epectase duo was founded in 2012, they live and work in France. SELECTION OF THE JURY As an expression of absurdity in an absurd world, an outburst of freedom in narrow landscape, the pictures of The Philosopher are the result of improvised events, born out of the search – at the whim of improvised journeys – of places favorable to disruption, to reinvention. The settings are those of the institutional planning. Confined in their useful role, they become inhuman. Epectase brings back the body to it, fitted with a bizarre sensuality, both Old France style and futuristic. Between dada poetry and punk controversy, the body which is staged here wants to wake up life. PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • Fabrice FOUILLET “Colosses” FRANCE Born in 1974 in France, lives and works in Paris (France). SELECTION OF THE JURY As a work of art which is often idealized, an ideological political or religious representation, the statue gives strength and eternity to the depicted subject. Erected so as to maintain the memory of a person or an action within a given culture, it spans centuries. The « Colossus » series is a study of the landscapes in which the monumental commemorative statues fall within. If excessiveness seduces and fascinates, the artist has first been intrigued by this human need of giant declarations. Then he questioned the relationship with space that such « works » could have. He chose to take pictures of these giants outside their formal layouts, thus emphasizing a more distanced look which enables to focus on the landscape while placing the monument again in a more contemporary temporality. Anni HANÉN “Just small hiccups” FINLAND Born in 1981 in Finland, lives and works in Helsinki (Finland). This series is a way of telling her child about our heritage, things that can only be felt, meaningful things. The series is based on feelings that arose when Anni Hanén moved back to her childhood home with her family. Her memories are colored by how we feel and imagine Life, its colors, flavors, fears and tragedies, not forgetting the good, the bad and the authority in life . Such « photo-theatrical » moments, built with her child, join the experiences of both - her own past and her son’s childhood - through a visual dialogue between mother and son, past and present. SELECTION OF THE JURY PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT Clément HUYLENBROECK “Communal Dream” BELGIUM Born in 1988 in Belgium, lives and works in Brussels (Belgium). SELECTION OF THE JURY The misses live an affordable dream ; with a feverish performance and a few descaled smile, they already think they’re there. In front of many excited eyes, they bend their bodies according to an improvised choreographer. They give their hair, their flesh, their nails, their naivety to a poorly overdressed and tipsy crowd. Their attempt is beautiful; during a poor performance copied on the parade of the national misses, they dream, they think of themselves as the epitome of elegance. Carried away by this communal dream they shape their figures and turn men on. At the end of the night, the communal dream turns into a heart-breaking dream, a hurtful disillusion: the bulging eyes turn away, the mouths are now salivating for another one. Wawrzyniec KOLBUSZ “Sacred Defense” POLAND Born in 1977 in Poland, lives and works in Varsovia (Poland). SELECTION OF THE JURY This series documents construction of fake war images in Iran and creates new war-related simulacra in digitally amended satellite images of Iranian nuclear sites. We believe what we see is war, but we’re only looking at illusions. Cinema sets city, built only to shoot war films. Or Museums where some rooms mimic the war reality. Or plastic replicas of land mines - souvenirs. Or people, whole nations, curing trauma by trying to fix their physical appearance– using aesthetic nose surgery. Even amended images of nuclear sites - exclusive versions of damages, that could have been done by Western strike. Some buildings damaged in images stand intact in others; while shown on one single sat map. PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • Catherine LEUTENEGGER “Kodak City” SWITZERLAND Born in 1983 in Switzerland, lives and works in Lausanne (Suisse). SELECTION OF THE JURY Kodak city is a company-city, a city marked by its industrial history. Indeed, it’s in Rochester that George Eastman created Kodak in 1892, the company that was to revolutionize photography in the 20th century. 120 years later, Kodak has filed for bankruptcy because it missed the numerical revolution. With this photographical investigation, Catherine Leutenegger leads to these places full of history which are about to disappear. She looks at the discolored face of the city and at people who lost their illusions. Bright and polished, with an aesthetics close to the advertising photography of the 70’s, everything seems to have survived inside the production places of Kodak ; everything seems unchanged, intact in spite of the passing time. Romain MADER “Ekaterina” SWITZERLAND Born in Switzerland in 1988, lives and works in Lausanne (Suisse). SELECTION OF THE JURY This work was made in a Ukrainian town created in 2007 by group of German investors eager to speculate on the sexual tourism industry. It’s a booming sector in this former soviet republic, world widely renowned for the beauty of its women. In this microcosm reserved to these and rich European bachelors searching for sensuality and marital stability, Romain Mader stages his own character searching for his future wife. Through humor and irony, beyond naive words and an oldfashioned aesthetics, Romain Mader here addresses solitude, a certain social discrepancy and the maladjustment to the sometimes absurd codes of modernity. PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT Nikola MIHOV “The Sea Inside” BULGARIA Born in 1982 in Bulgaria, lives and works in Sofia (Bulgaria). SELECTION OF THE JURY In June 2014, the Black Sea town of Varna, Bulgaria, was hit by heavy rains. The suburb of Asparuhovo was swamped by a three meters high flood destroying everything in its path and killing 13 people. According to the authorities, the disaster was due to an illegal waste site and unmaintained drains which allowed a large amount of water to collect and subsequently sweep away the illegally built houses. However, the residents believe that the wave was not caused by the torrential rain but by a breakage of the nearby military base’s reservoir. Rumors of divine retribution, UFO interference and even a HAARP (American military program) attack have also spread. Right after the flood Nikola Mihov spent three days in Asparuhovo documenting the interiors of some of the most damaged houses in the Roma neighborhood, as well as the stories of their inhabitants. Tito MOURAZ “Casa das Sete Senhoras” PORTUGAL Born in 1977 in Portugal, lives and works in Porto (Portugal). SELECTION OF THE JURY It is still said around here that the house is haunted. In this house lived seven ladies, all maiden sisters. One of them was a witch. I spent a lot of time around the house of the seven ladies, chatting, trying to imagine what it was like before me, listening. I started by doing some portraits of people. I found them fascinating because, having always lived there, they are rooted to this land just like trees. I decided to document the evolution of this land. This series gives an account of a persistent return to the same place, so as to scrutinize its evolution (deactivation of agricultural practices, gradual transformation of the land, aging of the population...). Just like in legends, maybe because of this place’s magical and appalling features, this cyclical experience turned up into becoming my greatest wound. This place was a place of affections. After all, I was also born there too ! PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • Alexandra POLINA “Generation 60” UZBEKISTAN Born in 1984 in Uzbekistan, lives and works in Bielefeld (Germany). The impact of relocating to a new country is directly proportional to the immigrant’s age : the older he/she is the bigger is the struggle to intake the amount of new impressions and to alter the familiar ways of living. The protagonists of these pictures are very aware of this - every single one came to Germany when they were already in their sixties. This series tries to demonstrate the inner world of the characters and the way they face the challenge of being trapped between the past and the present. SELECTION OF THE JURY Rita PUIG-SERRA COSTA “Where Mimosa Bloom” SPAIN Born in 1985 in Spain, lives and works in à Barcelona (Spain). This series traces a walk across the memory. It tries to remember a mother who is no longer here through objects, persons and moments, which take us directly to her person. That’s an homage of Rita to her mother Yolanda. An attempt to assemble in a book her familiar universe. SELECTION OF THE JURY PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT Laurence RASTI “There are no homosexuals in Iran” SWITZERLAND Born in 1990 in Switzerland, lives and works in Geneva (Switzerland). An individual is defined by his identity. In some countries, however, one’s freedom of choosing its own identity is withdrawn by local authorities. In these cases, there are no other choices than fleeing. In Denizli, a small town in Turkey, hundreds of Iranian gay refugees are in transit: they put their lives on hold, hoping to reach one day, a host country where they can freely live their sexualities. This work questions the fragile identity and gender concepts. In this context of uncertainty, this work gives back to these people the identity their country has temporarily stolen. SELECTION OF THE JURY Torsten SCHUMANN “For Tomorrow” GERMANY Born in 1975 in Germany, lives and works in Berlin (Germany). Once, when taking photographs in a large, hectic city, I was stopped by a woman who, in a somewhat perplexed manner, asked me what it was I was photographing. “A squirrel”, I replied. The woman, surprised, couldn’t see a squirrel anywhere. Nevertheless, she nodded in satisfaction and went on her way. SELECTION OF THE JURY PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • ULYSSE & DARCOE (Ulysse PAYET et Isaora LE JEANNIC) “Fleur Viande” FRANCE Ulysse Payet is born in 1979 and Isaora Le Jeannic in 1987 in France. The duo was founded in 2013, they live and work in Paris (France). SELECTION OF THE JURY This series mostly tries to master an absurd subject. Meat Flower is the meeting of an antinomy by shape and inspiration that tends to create a coherent and aesthetically pleasing whole, a new entity. It’s not about a flower or meat anymore but meat flower; a whole carried by a meticulous work of post-production that gives the pictures the feel of a drawing or a painting. The Ulysse and Darcoe duo also give the subject they chose a universal reach that allows a wider reading of the picture: a portrayal of nature or the symbolism of organs and flowers, it’s up to the viewer to choose. Lonneke VAN DER PALEN “Souvenir” NETHERLANDS Born in 1985 in Netherlands, lives and works in La Haye (Netherlands). The series “Souvenir: Memories of a journey never made” is the result of a staged journey inspired by the ultimate clichés among travel photography. The posing in stunning landscapes, sunsets, wild animals, exotic food, the indigenous population: they almost become icons. By recreating these images, photography enables me to visit distant worlds and gather souvenirs of a journey that has never been made. Why buy expensive flight tickets, when I can accomplish the same with my imagination ? Using a camera, I don’t have to leave my house to experiences life’s visual marvels. SELECTION OF THE JURY PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT Franky VERDICKT “The South Street Village” BELGIUM Born in 1971 in Belgium, lives and works à Brussels (Belgium). « Cities, as in dreams, are built out of desires and fears », writes Italo Calvino in The invisible Cities. Nanjiecun (« The South Street Village ») continues to be run on Maoist egalitarian lines. The project shows the only Maoist village in China where the people are mere background actors in a giant epic story. A place where the community is the producer of their own happiness, where people receive free housing, electricity and receive free healthcare. The Nanjiecun village promotes itself as a brand for real communist ideology in the land of Mao Zedong. The project was created in cooperation with the inhabitants of this village. SELECTION OF THE JURY PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • THE INVITED ARTIST Hellena BURCHARD “SDF” FRANCE Born in 1989 in France, lives and works in Paris (France). GUEST ARTIST This work is a series of six pictures. Its starting point is a daily reality, an exposed sleep, that of the homeless. This question of rest in a hostile environment affected me deeply as soon as I arrived in Paris. It is both an intimate and public work, which results from a reflection, that of the photographic action as a recorder of common realities. By creating a shifting from the street to the gallery, my wish was to create a friction zone between the crossed realities that are these two exhibition spaces. To question the viewer about what he sees on a daily basis but as well to commit one’s body, bound to slowly decay in the current pieces. That’s how I like to position my work, like a dialogue about the status of the image and of the photographic action, by playing with notions of scale and layout. Nicolò DEGIORGIS “Hidden Islam” ITALY Born in 1985 in Italy, lives and works in Bolzano (Italy). GUEST ARTIST In Italy, it’s utterly difficult for Muslim to exercise their collective Islamic religious rights, even more in the northeast of the country, stronghold of the Northern League, a political movement that has gained mainstream political popularity through its campaign against immigration. This project investigates the realities of Islamic life in a hostile country that counts only two official mosques for more than one million Muslims. The aim of this work was to discover and document the makeshift places of worship, often based in improvised hangars, basements, garages and old supermarkets in the industrial areas of the north-east of Italy. PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT Philippe DOLLO “Aître Sudète” FRANCE Born in 1965 in France, lives and works in London (United Kingdom). « Phillipe Dollo offers us a search for this civilization swallowed by collective amnesia, mistreated by History’s bumps, and he is patient enough to let us discover step by step, almost by transparence, the outline of this presence torn down from the heart of a contemporary Europe struggling with itself and with the ghosts of the past which are ready to reappear.» Sébastien Durrmeyer GUEST ARTIST David FATHI “Anecdotal” FRANCE Born in 1985 in France, lives and works in Paris (France). GUEST ARTIST In our collective psyche, the nuclear age corresponds to the explosion of two atomic bombs: Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, since 1945, there have been more than 2000 nuclear explosions in the world. Since the end of World War Two, the nuclear powers have methodically bombed their own territories. Self-mutilation in the name of self-defense. This body of work has as a starting point some little known anecdotes about nuclear testing programs. By mixing archive pictures, satellite images, pack shots and photographical road trips, the photographer contextualizes a story, between the hair-rising investigation and the absurd farce. All that is documented here is true but seems to be a poor fiction. Through this work, David Fathi enlightens us about the world in which we think we are living and the one we have actually built. PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • Dionisio GONZALEZ “Visiones de perímetro” SPAIN Born in 1965 in Spain, lives and works in Seville (Spain). The photographs taken of Venice are the result of prior research and investigation work which determined the exact locations of the absent architectural works (Wright, Le Corbusier, Kahn, Rossi). As a result they are initially photos of routing, of performance and positional precision; their visual writing is the basis for their georeferencing. Afterwards the buildings were raised three-dimensionally using the existing drawings and plans. It’s a work of integration, of replacement, that constitutes a possible Venice or a Venice that could have been. This series of images contains the spirit of redress, of restitution and may be an archive of a possible reality. GUEST ARTIST Loznikow GRZEGORZ “Masters” POLAND Born in 1987 in Poland, lives and works in Poland. « Masters » are collages made from a German album of the Olympic Games album of 1936, that I found in my family home. It was owned by a german family who lived in the house after the Second World War. My interest is to recreate the memory of the inhabitants of the old Germany, so that these personal and collective stories do not fall into oblivion ... GUEST ARTIST PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT Audrey LAURANS “Le distributeur d’ancêtres photographiques” FRANCE Born in 1990 in France, works and lives in Paris (France). GUEST ARTIST Family pictures are on sale in second-hand stores, car boot sales and even on the internet. We can then wonder why the owner of these pictures wants to get rid of them and on the other end what motivates a buyer to acquire pictures of strangers. Desecrated, the pictures of the ancestors are exposed to all, in this window, far from the private albums and from the intimacy of the family circle. As they have become a consumer good as much as a cereal bar, these pictures reveal the universal potential of family pictures. They are aimed at everybody. It is thus possible to make one’s own family of potential ancestors from a selection of great grand-mothers, greatuncles or imaginary cousins. Jan MASCHINSKI “Choke” GERMANY Born in 1983 in Germany, lives and works in Bielefeld (Germany). The series is playing with the thin line separating good taste from bad taste. It shows us familiar things put under a new light. Every picture consists of a quick intuitive idea inspired by the flood of digital images we are recieving daily from the internet and other mass-medias. « Choke » uncovers the concept of playful photography as an important area of creative process. GUEST ARTIST PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • Dita PEPE “Self-portraits with men” CZECH REPUBLIC Born in 1973 in Czech Republic, works and lives in Frydlant (Czech Republic). GUEST ARTIST « What would it be like if I had been born in another place, differently, to different people? What would I be like today ? What would my life be like ? For me, photography is a means of communication not only with myself but also a means by which I talk to people, ask questions, offer answers, respond, feel, experience, and am active. For me, photography is a way of searching. The first photographs from the Self-portraits series were made with people from my surroundings, with women who attracted me in some way, by their appearances, their lives, their behaviour, or their views. Later, I made self-portraits with men and families. I am interested in their ways of life, their values. » Camilla PONGIGLIONE “For Heart’s Sake” ITALY Italian born in Canada, works and lives in Paris (France). Since her childhood, Camila Pongiglione associates the heart with her father, a cardiologist. When he has a heart attack in November 2012, Camila becomes aware of the fact that the heart is a complicated machine that moves passions. She starts drawing it under the shape of anatomies, to show its malformations and associates pictures with a metaphorical aim to it. Through this book’s design, she tries to materialize what happened to her father and what happened in her at this moment. GUEST ARTIST PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT Jan ROSSEEL “Belgium Autumn” BELGIUM Born in 1979 in Belgium, lives and works in La Haye (Netherlands). GUEST ARTIST In the beginning of the 1980’s, Belgium was shaken by a series of violent robberies, committed by a group of unknown criminals referred to as “The Brabant Killers”. Overall, twenty-eight people lost their lives. My father was one of them. This period of terror and violence will remain one of the darkest pages in Belgian history. The case will be closed in 2015. The serie is largely based on an interpretation of witness accounts, police reports and interviews linked to this period. It questions the reliability of our personal and collective memory. Composed of photography, video and objects, the project is based on long-term research, investigations and interviews, always referring to the notion of memory and the complexity of witness. Aldo SOLIGNO “Let them show their faces” ITALY Born in 1983 in Italy, lives and works in Milan (Italy). GUEST ARTIST Everything has changed In Uganda on the 24th of February 2014, when the anti-gay law had been approved. Stays S., 30 years: “Now I live in constant fear that someone will knock on my door and arrest me, or worse, make me disappear”. This law entitles authorities to sentence anyone accused of homosexuality oto penalties that can go up to life imprisonment. After approval of the law, all major tabloids in the country published hundreds of photographs of suspected homosexuals and gay activists under the title “Hang them.” For this project, the photographer asked the Ugandan LGBT activists to pose from behind and up against the light, creating what could be a hypothetical negative of the images published as defamatory by the tabloid press in the country. PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • THE COOL COUPLE (Niccolò BENETTON et Simone SANTILLI) “Approximation to the West” ITALY Niccola Benetton is born in 1986 and Simone Santilli in 1987 in Italy. The duo was founded in 2012, they live and work in Milan (Italy). GUEST ARTIST The project seeks to reveal instances of forgotten pasts through collection and redissemination of historical information and the use of photography, drawing, installation and archiving tactics. In “Approximation To The West”, the artist’s address a series of events from the end of WWII, when Cossacks from Caucasus, allied with the III Reich, invaded the Carnia region in Northern Italy. The occupation lasted until April 1945. The occupiers were then traded by the Allied forces in exchange of hundreds of thousands of British prisoners of war held by the Soviets. The photographs are presented alongside documents and supporting material contextualizing the incident. Catrine VAL “Philosophers” GERMANY Born in 1970 in Germany, lives and works in Cassel (Germany). In “Philosophers”, I examine the loss of connection to nature in our modern, technically driven world. A longing for nature, as a fixed reference point and an intact romantic worldview in which man and nature are in harmony, is facing an accelerating demise in our fully digitized age. By referring to the external visual similarities of philosophers, a reference to the historical philosopher, which incorporates his life and work, is made. The concept of “philosophers” is a quest for a new terminology and a new grammar of thinking about contemporary art and focus on a new meaning of vision and gender. GUEST ARTIST PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT 5. ORGANIZATION Association under the Act of 1901, recognized as being of public benefit, Fetart aims to promote emerging photographers by giving them a first opportunity to exhibit their work, by organizing cultural events. Springboard for launching the careers of photographers, the association has revealed many talents and has provided them a first foothold in the art market. Since its creation in 2005, Fetart’s team, which includes a dozen of enthusiasts of art photography, has organized more than 30 exhibitions with over a hundred of French and European artists. The network of contacts established by Fetart with schools, magazines or galleries of photographs will be strengthened in order to create a real impulse around European photography. This desire to open up on Europe has led Fetart to create in 2009 the “Entrevues”, a fresh online perspective on the work of two European photographers and to launch in 2011 edition of Circulation (s) festival of young European photography which take place in Paris since its opening. PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • 6. FESTIVAL’S PARTNERS PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • CIRCULATION(S) 2015 PRESS KIT 6. PARTNERS Partners who support us : DI MEZZO E LY S I A N F I E L D S PRODUCTION GESTION DE LIEUX ATYPIQUES ET RARES SOUTIEN DE PROJETS ARTISTIQUES encart pub mars PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 • INFORMATION PRACTICAL INFORMATIONS Circulation(s), festival of young european photography From january 24 to march 8 2015 at CENTQUATRE-PARIS. CENTQUATRE, 5 rue Curial 75019 Paris From Tuesday to Friday from 1a.m. to 7p.m. Weekend from 12a.m. to 7p.m. Closed on Mondays Free access Access for late performance : 5 rue Curial entry only ACCESS Metro : Riquet (line 7) Stalingrad (lines 2, 5 et 7) Marx Dormoy (line 12) OPENING PRESS OPENING : January, Friday 23 from 10a.m. PUBLIC OPENING : January, Saturday 24 from 3p.m. to 8p.m. AROUND THE FESTIVAL PORTFOLIO REVIEW February, Saturday 28 and march, Sunday 1st Each photographer can register for two lectures of 20 minutes each. JOURNÉES EUROPÉENNES DES ÉCOLES DE PHOTOGRAPHIE Samedi 28 février et dimanche 1er mars Deux journées exclusivement dédié aux jeunes diplômés des écoles de photographie européenne. Avec ce projet nous souhaitons mettre en relation ces jeunes diplômés et les professionnels au sein d’un espace d’échange privilégier. Une occasion unique pour eux de montrer leur books et pour les professionnels de découvrir les jeunes talents de demain. Un événement inédit pour favoriser l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes artistes. DIGIGRAPHIE WORKSHOP in partnership with Epson February, Saturday 28 and march, Sunday 1st Atelier pour découvrir la Digigraphie, procédé d’impression d’œuvre d’art labellisé qui permet de garantir authenticité, qualité et durabilité à vos œuvres numériques. Un atelier de démonstration se tiendra à l’occasion du festival Circulation(s) samedi 28 février. FETART ACADEMY : How to sell your photos March, Saturday 7 from 15 to 18pm WEBSITES Circulation(s) Festival : Fetart : CENTQUATRE-PARIS : PRESS CONTACT • NATHALIE DRAN • NATHALIE.DRAN@WANADOO.FR • + 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 • +33 (0)6 99 41 52 49 •