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FREE Volume 3 No. 27 • OWNED BY MILLER PRINTING & PUBLISHING • 4177 RT. 19, PERRY HWY. COCHRANTON, PA 16314 • JULY 6, 2013 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 5TH WHEELS TRAVEL TRAILERS 2009 Sportster ..... 33 ft. Toyhauler 2009 Sundance .... 29 ft. w/3 slides 2011 Riverside .......... 25 ft. w/slide Prairie Schooner ........36 ft. w/4 slides 2011 Cruise Lite 28 ft. w/slide/bunks 2008 Montana ...... 29 ft. w/3 slides 2010 Outback .. 21ft/ w/slide/bunks 2007 Laredo ... 26ft. w/slide/bunks 2009 Rockwood 26 ft. w/slide/bunks 2005 Laredo .............29 ft. w/slide 2008 Hornet ......... 27 ft. w/2 slides TENT CAMPERS 2009 Fleetwood ............. Bayside 2008 Spree ............... 26 ft. w/slide 2008 Fleetwood .......Williamsburg 2007 Spree ........... 29rls W/SLIDE PARK MODELS 2007 Colorado .... 31RL w/2 slides 2006 Cavalier .............30 ft. w/bunks 2000 Jayco ..............................38 ft. 2007 R-Vision .........21 ft. w/bunks 1986 Terry ...............................29 ft. Extended Hours! M-F 8am-5pm, Thurs. 8am-7pm, Sat. 8-noon 329 Mill Street Saegertown, PA (814) 763-5645 www.famerv.com USED UNITS SHOP 24/7 ON THE WEB AT www.famerv.com JULY 6, 2013 WANTED TO BUY Antique & Collec tibles Old Paper Goods Cleaning an attic or ba se me nt? Liquidating an estate or have items to sell? Good price s paid for ite ms prior to 1 96 0 : fur niture , glassware, pottery, lighting silver, clocks, advertising, linens , toys, fire man, railroad, photographs, marbles, m ilitar y, politic al, fraternal, sporting, c hildr e n’s ite ms , W or ld’s Fair and othe r s ouve nirs ; books , brochures, c ale nda r s , c a ta logs , m aga zines , ma ps , pos tca rds, pr ogram s, sc ra pbook s, sheet m usic. Ca ll 7 24-94 68617. TRUCK ACCESSORIES Be dco vers $ 19 5 , Traile r hi tche s, Bug shields $4 8, goosene ck h itch es , Be dliners $125, step bars $180, mud flaps, vent vi so rs , ru n ni n g boards, to nneau covers. Buy/Sell/Trade. VEHICLES WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE No lf’s Tru ck Acce ssories 814-382-0395 Profe s si o n al rol l b ack/re m o va l se rvices to p ick up and GARAGE DOORS properly recycle your AND REPAIR clunker. Buying cars, Do es your gara ge trucks, vans & more! d oo r ne e d re - Call 724-456-9906 pai red? Or do you n e ed a new PRICE CRUSHERS e n tra n ce d oo r, ARE BACK g a ra g e d o o r o r Lim ited tim e, 2 on o pe n e r? C al l display:family room, Ma rvi n a t M. C . 3 bed 2 baths and 4 Overh ead Door for big bedroom and 2 all your door needs. ba ths, lar ge k itch814 282 9242 or ens. RoMa r Homes, www.mcoverheaddoor.com 888-255 -8191. PA# 52610 w w w .romarhomes.com PAGE 2 WALLEYE/PERCH LAKE ERIE FISHING CHARTERS For Jum bo Perch & Tas ty Walle ye. Drifting or Trolling. Prime Dates available. Call Pa ci fi c Ti me Spo rt Fis h i ng 8 14 -7 63 4628. COOLEY’S OIL UNDERCOATING New undercoating oil for ca rs & p ickup s $50. Call for price on other vehicles. Let us h e lp s to p th e ru s t from ruining your veh icl e i n ves tm en t. 814-547 -1825. CIANCI TIRE Mon th ly ti re d e a ls . Ove rsto cks, cl o se outs. Cianci Brothers Tire Clearance Wareho use. Acros s from th e Gree n vil l e Wal m a rt 7 24 -5 88 6096 ciancitire.com POLE BUILDINGS H orse ba rn s, da iry buildings, riding arenas, agriculture building s, ga rage s, ro ofing, decks. Hostetler C on s tru ctio n . 8 14 4 25 -7 96 5 ta l k to Pete. PAYING TOP DOLLAR Bu yi ng cars-tru cksvans. Paying $250 & u p wi th title s , l ittl e less without. Call today 3 30-727-1185 7 days a week. DRIVEWAY LOOK A MESS? Well we have you covered! We carry limestone,2B gravel, slag and other material to fi x th at m es s of a driveway. Wholesale o r R eta il ! Ken n ed y L an d sca pe Su p pl y 814-425 -7903. OHIO AREA SHOPPER The Area 814-425-7272 Shopper JULY 6, 2013 PAGE 3 AUCTION GUIDE THE FOLLOWING AUCTIONEERS ARE MEMBERS OF THE STATE & NORTHWESTERN PA. AUCTIONEER’S ASSOCIATION JOHN HUEY SIMON BAK ER & BELLIS TAMMY LOUCKS NICOLLS & AUCTIONS Member of NAA, PAA MILLER AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEER 814-33 3-1988 KEVIN MILLER Slippery Rock, Pa. BILL BELLIS, JR. 814-68 3-5120 www.nicanda uctions.com 814-42 5-7276 PHONE 814-671-1978 www.theladyauctioneer.com fax 814-425-2386 or 814-425-7779 724-79 4-4737 www.bba 411.com TRACE AUCTIONSERVICE 814-382-2922 Full Service & Computerized 814-336-4160 w w w .csallenauctioneer.com www.traceauctions.com BETH C. HILLMAR AUCTIONEER MERCER, PA 724-662-4039 LICENSED IN PA & OHIO MOWRY AUCTION SERVICE REIMOLD BROTHERS CRESSWELL AUCTION Charles P. Mowry Auctioneer AUCTION SERVICE SERVICE 724-37 6-2122 Specializing in Real Estate Auctions BOB REIMOLD & ASSOC. or 724-699-0912 724-25 3-3493 724-64 6-1771 www.cr esswellauction.com Visit: auctionzip.com Code #15093 Licensed in PA and Ohio RT. 19 PRODUCE AUCTION AUCTIONS EVERY TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS AT 10 AM Rt. 19 Cochranton, Pa 16314 DIRECTIONS: From Meadville, PA take Route 19 south approx. 9 miles auction on right, fromMercer, PA take Rt. 19 north approx. 20 miles, auction on left. TOMATOES, STRAWBERRIES, ZUCHINNI, SQUASH. PRODUCE AS IT COMES IN SEASON Term s: Cash, check, credit card, 3% buyers premium w aived if paying cash. ROUTE 19 PRODUCE AUCTION KEVIN MILLER AU-005084-L ANDREW D. BAKER AA019366 724-456-3632 www.rt19produceauction.com MEADVILLE LIVESTOCK REPORT 6-26-13 Cows Good 70.00 to 85.00.Medium 55.00 To 69.00. Common 55.00 & down. Bulls 85.00 To 99.00.Calves BackTo Farm Bulls 90 To 130 lbs. 75.00 To 145.00.Little Pigs 30.00 to 82.50.StrHogs 71.00 To 73.00.Lites 72.00 to 97.00.Sows 50.00 to 55.00.Lambs 60.00 To 150.00. Sheep 5.00 To 65.00.Goats 25.00 To 160.00.Kids 20.00 to 80.00.Top Horse 610.00.Top Pony380.00.Square Hay 1.00 to 3.50 a Bale. Round Hay40.00 to 50.00 a Bale. Square Straw 3.75 a bale.Ear Corn 4.00 to 5.00 a Bag. ShelledCorn 7.00abag.Cracked Corn9.50a bag.Roasted Corn 9.50 a bag. Oats 8.50 a bag.Wheat 8.00 a bag. Barley7.00 abag.RoastedBeans 8.50abag. TotalHead: 332. FOR SALE 30ft. concrete drive on d i gi ta l s ca le s . 1 00 ,0 0 0l b ca p acity $10,000. 40ft. hay elevato r $1000. 4 row Danish tine cultivator w ith ro w sh i e ld s $ 10 00 . 10 ft. Airwa y ae rator wi th ge nti le tin e s $ 3 5 00 . 81 4 398-8807 FOR SALE 2003 Chevy Corvette Z06 silver w/black interior. 6 s peed adult o w n, very n ice , 33,000 miles, asking $ 23 ,5 0 0. Sta i nl es s s te e l co m me rcia l restaurant hood w/fire system, exhaust fan, co mp l e te $ 2 00 0 . 814-33 7-2585 814-425-3927 or 814-720-3870 RICHARDA. ROBERTS AUCTIONEER 724-679-1168 LICENSEDINPA EMLENTON, PA SUMMER CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SAT. AUGUST 10, 2013 AT 9:00 AM LOCATED AT THE AREA SHOPPER COMPLEX DIRECTIONS: 9 miles south of Meadville, PA on Rt. 19 and approx. 20 miles North of Mercer, PA on Rt. 19, Just off of Exit 141 of I-79. Watch for signs. WANTED CONSIGNMENTS (GOOD SELLABLE ITEMS ONLY) TRACTORS ~ EQUIPMENT TOOLS ~ ETC. ALREADY CONSIGNED: Concrete tools misc. Zurn drains (cast iron) floor drains, block scaffolding Aframe, gas or propane generator 5000 watt. Heavyduty temporarylights, 8’ vibrator, hydralic mixer, reg. mixer, lazer level, (2) power buggy, 3’ power trowel, 4’ power trowel, Rider power trowel, Quikee saw 14”, 18 sections b lo ck sca ffol d , b ul l flo at ha n dl es , b roo m & handles, commercial vac, cornerpoles for block, brick, cuture stone, compressor, (2) 42” fans, floor drains & grates, hammer drill, men working sign, mortor box, jumping jack tampers mortor boardstands, 3 propane torches, 6 boxes pipe fittings, water pump, rebar cutter & bender, power screet, pla te tampe r, radia l arm sa w, torpe do h eate r, screeds 8’ 1 0’ 12’ 14’ 16’ 18’, scaffold covers, re ba r ti es, reb ar ca ps , form sp re ade r, b lo ck expansio, 3 pth wood splitter. Expecting more consign ments by sale da y. Taking consignme nts Mon.-Fri. 8am-4 pm If you are bringing something that needs unloaded please call ahead to make sure someone is available to unload!! GET YOUR ITEMS CONSIGNED EARLY FOR FREE ADVERTISING!!!! TERMS: Cash or check with proper ID, Major credit cards accepted. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ITEMS THAT DON’T SHOW UP! PUBLIC AUCTION 30 ACRE FARM/ANTIQUES/FARM ITEMS JULY 13TH AT 10:00 AM 525 GOLF ROAD, VOLANT, PA 16156 FARM: Beautiful home with in ground pool, 4 bedrooms,2 bath, dining room, full basement,banked barn, horse barn, other outbuildings, fenced pastures, closed golf course. Contact Auctioneers for showing. Real Estate Terms: $25,000 down day of auction and balance is 45 days. Real Estate sold with owner confirmation and if bid is accep ted th e d o wn pa ym e nt wi l l b eco me no n reundable. A10% buyers fee to be added to final bid to determine final market price. Property sold “AS IS” day of closing. ANTIQUES:Spinning wheel, oak wash stand, corn cutter, old cash register, tea cart, oak buffet, hump back tru nk, Church pew, old Tappan ga s stove, iron kettle w/stand, woo den sled, milk can, hay wagon, old oak pay phone w/25, 10 & 5 cent slots, candy molds, old kids books, antique farm items, chopping block, ladders 40 & 24 ft., lumber, corn sheller, 2 horse stalls, 12 rubber horse mats, tool shop i s full of h and and powe r shop tool s that haven’t been inventoried as of this ad. Too many items to list all. Lots of smalls. Check internet for complete list. Lunch wil l be available. Come to spend the day for an old fashion farm auction. REMILD AUCTIONS - AU-000754-L 724-64 6-2100 AuctionZip #19888 or rjreimold.com FOR SALE 2001 Chevy 2500 HD D u ra m a x d i e se l , 1 7 0,0 0 0 m i le s , $4 500 . 200 1 C he vy 25 00 8ft. truck be d. $ 10 0 0 . 1 9 96 Jee p Gran d Ch e roke e $ 1 00 0 . 8 1 4 -65 7 5015 DAVIDAPHELPS AUCTIONEER FOR SALE 1 9 97 C he vrol e t Camaro Z28 30th ann i ve rs ary on l y 4 8 k miles, ex cond, LT 1, AT, white leather, TV/ DVD, give away price $ 65 0 0 , w o ma n o w ne r. 7 2 4 -97 7 7392, 724-813-8715 Marchinke Auction 1417 Hill City Road, Seneca, PA16346 Saturday, July 13, 2013 * 9:00 AM ANTIQUES * COLLECTIBLES * VINTAGE TOYS * ANTIQUE FURNITURE * 10 CENT COCA COLA MACHINE * GUNS * MUHAMMAD ALI PIN BALL MACHINE DIRECTIONS: From Franklin take Rt. 322 east 10 miles to Hill CityRoad, turn left. Go 3 miles.Auction w i ll b e o n l e ft. Watch fo r Ba ke r a n d Be ll i s Auctioneers signs. Antique Furniture, Pinball, 10 Cent Coke Machine: oak high back bed; large oak claw foot table; sq. top oak lamp stand w/ball and claw feet; oak chest of drawers; 4 T-back chairs w/ claw feet; drop front oak desk; chestnut log bench; school desk; cast iron table lamp; oak dresser w/ mirror; Zeni th fl oor mdl radio ; spi nning whe el; Victo rian tri fold dresse r mirror; oak mirror/coat rack; frames; oak platform rocker; Muhammad Ali pi nba ll ma chi ne , o rig in al; 10 cent Co ca Co la machine, original, works, chest type; rare USArmy and Navy 1779-1899 lithograph, illustrated book, verynice; Vintage Toys: BuddyL shovel and dump truck;Adams Grader; Baldwin King Pin tin bowling ga me ; Ives Trai n; Am eri ca n Flyer train ; m etal vehicle assortment including: Hubley, Tonka, Ertl To ots ie; lea d Pope ye; cap gu ns; wo od i ndo or cro q u et s et; ga m es a nd p uzzle s ; p u l l to ys ; porcelain Donald Duck; wind up cowboy w/lasso; min. cast iron cook set; 22 tin lunch boxes, some w/thermos; T Bros. sand pail, rare; spurs; tin elec. Vitrola; 1965 Chunk-o-Luck; USS Enterprise play set; Tin Friction duck; Howdy Doody w/TV box; lg. lot wooden toys; Mark Magic shot shooting gallery; celluloid animals; children’s plastic jewelry box; Ro y R oge rs com ic boo k; Ide al pho ne; pl astic horses; tin baby carriage; banks including metal, p la s tic, an d ch a lkw a re ; 3 tea s ets ; s e w in g m a ch i n e; Gre m l in s & Pe an u ts i tem s ; Pe z colle ction; A.M. German doll; Ho t Wheels case; Cast Iron: numerous pieces including Griswold and Wanger; Camer as: Cro wn, R olfix; Estman Kod a k; H e rco ; Bro wn i e -H a w ke ye ; Vinta ge Children’s Books: Big Littl e books; Tel l-a-Ta le; Benton; Wonder; Rand McNally; 40’s nursery and story books; Tools & Automotive: hand tools; S wrenches ; several planes ; nail keg; auto repair books, various years; hub caps; Glassware and China: depression glass; Shenango West Point p itche rs ; Fi es ta p cs ; McC o y; art d eco va se ; occupied Japan collection; Vintage Collectibles: cherry stoner; 1941 Sou th Bend catalog; 19411945 Life magazine; wash boards; Graniteware; whiskey bottles; Mongs thermometer; alarm cash box; flour, mash and sugar bags; souvenir tooth pick holders; pad locks; crocks & jugs; marbles; vin ta g e ho u se h a rd wa re ; tin s ; 19 5 6 Oi l C ity bu si nes s card tabl e; NYC RR lan te rn; pi pe s; lighters; tobacco tins; framed photo and artwork; local memorabilia; oil memorabilia; apple peeler; Girl Scout pins & patches; Camp C offman coin purse; sterling silver brush; Collections including: tin type photos; fountain pens; buttons; Civil War Items: Kepi hat; belt buckle; Clothing & Tapestry: Wo olri ch h unting jacket; Lin dbu rg “Spi rit of St. Lewis”; horse hair sleig h blanket w/St. Bernard; leather leg gings; Reddy Kilowatt apro n; Coins: wheat pennies, S mint; Indian heads; V nickels; Buffalo nickels; Guns: Colt .38 cal revolver; Colt .3 2 s e mi ; Am e rica n .3 8 ca l h e x b a rre l ; Auctioneer’s Note: Large auction. 100s of items notlisted or photographed. More items being found daily. Over 200 photos online. Plan to attend. Cash and PA check with valid proper identificationonly. Bill Bellis, Jr. 814-67 1-1978 PAA, CAGA~AU003805-L Any auctioneer can sell at auction, but doing it right is what we do best. www.BBA411.com Follow Us On Facebook LOT FOR SALE Conneaut Lake East s i de b ui l d in g lo t, 103 ’x100’ . Redu ced to $8 500 o bo. 81 4382-0555 MERCER OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT On the square, 1600 sq. ft with five smaller offices created inside an d co nferen ce a reas, w/w carpet, AC, kitche n , ba thro om , HARDY WOOD parking and u tilities STOVE R e ferOutdoor, 250,000 btu, i ncl u de d . can heat 2 buildings, e n ce s . 7 2 4 -66 2 $ 3 00 0 . 8 1 4 -33 3 - 1490 9473 after 5pm. HARDY OUTDOOR WOOD STOVES Sal es a nd Servi ce . Heatilator Indoor Pellet Stoves. Wood Pellets. Hot Water Heaters • In Floor Heating Systems • Forced Air & Electric Furnaces & Boi lers . License d & Insured. PA014648. www.gilesheat.com 814-42 5-2278 JUNK WANTED R e cycl in g cars , trucks , va ns , etc. Need not be towable, tilt bed service availa bl e . Pl e as e ca l l Moe. 724-376-3810. We wa nt yo ur jun k, thank you! HEATING COST TOO HIGH! Ca ll th e Alternative, yo ur l oca l C e n tra l Bo il e r d e a le r. Ch oo se from wo od b u rn e rs, d ue l fu e l stoves or corn & pelle t bu rnin g m odel s. Th erm ope x, in flo or h ea t su p p li e s a n d stove parts in stock. Located 1 mile north of the Courthouse Rt. 62 mercer. Call for an a pp o i ntm e nt 7 24 977-3 785. SCHIESTLE’S AUCTION CENTER AH00 1848 537 N PERRY HWY MERCER, PA. 724-30 1-0623 Weekly Friday night sales beg inning at 5:00. We buy entire estates or complete ho use hol ds. Co nsignments taken on Mondays from 11-4 b y a p p oi n tme n t on ly. Ha ul in g se rvice is available.Anti q u e /C o l l e ct i b l e Sales are the third Frid a y o f ea ch month. FOR SALE 2 min i Jenny’s bred for early n ext sp ring $ 35 0 ob o . 2 m in i jacks $250. 1 female L l am a ha s be e n sho wn $ 250 obo. 1 fem a l e L l am a w/3 month old baby $350 obo. 724-651-5294 1998 CHEVY 3500 Si ng l e w h e e l V8 a uto PA i ns p . Bumper gooseneck h itch $ 15 0 0 . 7 24 699-3871 LAWN EQUIPMENT PARTS L oa d s o f wh e e ls , tires, tubes, in stock n ow. Fo r pro fes s io n a l e q ui p m en t rep l a ce m e nt & ho me u se s pe ci al o rd e rs a vai l a bl e . Great savings & sel e cti o n. “Le t Sta r ke ep you & yo u r eq uip me nt ope ra ting” Star SupplyBarg a in Outl e t 8 7 5 Ma ho n i ng Ave ., Yo un g s to w n , OH 3 30 -7 46 -2 96 9 “An adventu re i n sh opping” NOTICE Ja cks o n C e nte r Schoo l Bene fit Au cti on is ta ki n g donation’s and cons ig nm en ts for Aug . 3rd. We need to have your ad by July 20th fo r free ad ve rti sin g. C on ta ct Mel vi n J. Byler 141 Small Rd. Fredon ia, PA 161 24 o r Bi l ly E Byl e r 8 3 Po ol e Rd . Ja ckso n Center, PA 16133 OHIO AREA SHOPPER Cresswell Auction Service 814-425-7272 REAL ESTATE AUCTION WED. JULY 17TH AT 6 P.M. 905 INDIANA AVE. FARRELL, PA. 16121 Dir ec tions: Fe aturin g : A mo ve in con d itio n 3 bedroom Cape style home, kitchen, living room, full bath, full basement, one car detached garage on a well manicured lot. Terms: $3,000.00 nonrefundable deposit day of auction balance in 45 days or at closing.A10% Buyers Fee applies.Home is in very good condition,ref, range, washer & dryer go with house. For information call:724-253-3493. Estate of Andrew Stefanak Jr. CRESSWELL AUCTION SERVICE We Specialize in Real Estate Sales at Auction AUCTIONEERS: DON CRESSWELL AU2938L MEMBER PAA 724-372-1066 www.cr esswellauction.com ABSOLUTE REAL ESTATE AUCTION THURSDAY JULY 25TH AT 6:00 P.M. 74 CLARKSVILLE ST., GREENVILLE, PA. 16125 Located on co rner of Clarksville St. (Rt. 18) and Homer St. Featuring: Nice Corne r lot with buildin g for your business on Clarksville St. (Rt.18). High visibility area. Off street parking, nat. gas, public water and sewer. Viewing day of auction 2 hours prior to sale time. Terms: 10% non-refundable deposit day of auction balance in 45 days or at closing. A 10% Buyers Fee applies. For Information call Auctioneer Larry Porter 814-382-0003 CRESSWELL AUCTION SERVICE We Specialize in Real Estate Sales at Auction DON CRESSWELL AU2938L DARLENE BULLOCK AU5406L LARRY PORTER AU2927L MEMBER PAA 814-382-0003 www.cr esswellauction.com Cresswell Auction Service Cresswell Auction Service PUBLIC AUCTION TUES., JULY 16TH AT 4 P.M. SHARP 3358 PERRY HWY. HADLEY, PA. 16130 Directions: From Mercer, Pa. Rt. 19 north approx. 15 miles, auction held atCresswell’s General Store justnorth ofSheakleyville, Pa. auction held indoors. ANTIQUES; COLLECTIBLES & HOUSEHOLD FROM 3 LOCAL ESTATES Furniture: Vi ctori an love sea t & s ide ch air; oak hig hboy; china cupbo ard; secretary d esk; b ook shelf; 9 pc. Walnut dining room suite; pine table; misc. chairs; oak file cabinet; oak desk & more. Collectibles & Mis c: Wash boa rds; corn sticker; Star Bird house; books; 1940’s to 1980’s BoyScout patches & pictures; reversed painted picture; egg basket; oil lamp; biscuit jar; sterling candle sticks; sil ver plate; crocks; l arge shi ppin g trunk; early toaster; misc. glassware;pictures & frames; misc. collectibles crafts & more. Household & Misc:Sofa; treadmill; bo ok shelf; lots of misc. pots & pans; ho us eh ol d ite ms ; R.C. trucks ; co lle ctor cars; linens &more. Lawn & Garden:B&S;Kohler;misc. parts; mowe r be lts; bla des; tra ns a xles ; sp ark plugs; just about anything you would need to repair m ow ers & m o re i te m s no t l is ted . Ter m s on Contents:Cash or Pa. check with photo ID, Master Card, Visa or Discover same as cash. CRESSWELL AUCTION SERVICE We Specialize in Real Estate Sales at Auction AUCTIONEERS: DON CRESSWELL AU2938L DARLENE BULLOCK AU5406L LARRY PORTER AU2927L MEMBER PAA 724-253-3493 www.cresswellauction.com ABSOLUTE ESTATE AUCTION The Larry & Ellen Peterson Estate SAT. JULY 13TH AT 10AM Located at 539 Euclid Ave., Saegertown, PA ANT. & COLL. – HOUSEHOLD – SNOWBLOWER – RIDING LAWN MOWER – HOLIDAY DECORATIONS & MUCH MORE Ant. & Coll. Oak hall tree w/mirror & hooks; dry sink; 1 drawer stand; Victorian chairs; washstand; benches; brass bells; spinning wheel; yarn winder; wood dasher churn; (3) ox yokes, 2 w/hoops; oil lam ps; horse col lar m irro r; (2 ) pi tcher pum ps; china case & walnut mantle clocks; several crocks; lots of primitive smalls;glassware & china; scales; ro cke r; d res ser w/mirror; je wel ry; ch ilds pu sh sleigh; other items. Household & Equip. (2) sofas; upholstered chair; oak cupbo ard w /lead ed gla ss & displ ay top ; 6 piece earlyAmer. bedroom suite;wicker patio table & chairs; modern patio set; firewood cart; prints; sofa table; yard & garden tools; Cub Cadet riding lawn mower; SnowKi ng 8.5h p, 26” swath e lec. start snowblower w/weather shield, like new; pots & pa ns; dish es, etc.; TV’s; beautiful Chris tmas decorations, etc.; other items. See website for photos. TERMS: Cash, local check or credit card, Visa, MC or Disc. with proper ID. 3% buyer’s premium waived for cash or approved local check. Executrix: Susan Peterson Butler. NICOLLS & AUCTIONS (814) 333-1988 Bruce Nicolls Au-1185-L Nathan Nicolls Au-5325-L www.nicanda uctions.com JULY 6, 2013 ESTATE AUCTION SAT. JULY 13, 2013 @ 9: a.m. Located: 22526 Lakeview Dr. Cambridge Springs, PA , From Cambridge Springs, take Rt. 86 south approx.1 mile, turn rt. on Hodges Ln. to Thornapple Dr. to Lakeview. From Saegertown - Rt. 198 to Rt. 86 N. approx. 6 miles . Left on Hodges Ln., follow signs. Hodges Ln. is across from Northwestern Rural Elec. Co. “Pleasant Hill”. WOODWORKING SHOP TOOLS - CRAFTSMAN: 10” radial arm saw, 10 ” table sa w, 12” ban d s aw-s and er, 17” - 16 speed 3/4 hp drill press, 6” belt & 9” wheel sander, Joiner, 12” wood lathe mounted on tool base cabinet, 1 hp router; All well kept, some like new. Dbl. grinder; 5’ x 2 1/2’ welding table; lg. & sm. anvils; lg. & sm. bench vises; 3/4 hp U. S. Port. air compressor; Craftsman 16 gal. shop vac; new 2 1/4 ton Trolleyjack; Implement jack; jug & screw jacks; Karcher port. pressure washer; B & D Bench Top workmate; Craftsman 10 drawer tool chest; Saw horses & handi helpe r roll er; l og cha ins; s hop trouble lights; ladders - Alum. 6’ fold/ 12’ straight, 8’ step, wooden - 28’ ext., 8’ & 6’ step; HAND POWER TOOLS: CRAFTSMAN- Commercial 1/2” Rev. drill, belt sander, 2 1/8” Skil saw, saw zall, detail & dual action & finishing sanders, 3/8” drill, glue gun, dove tail joint fixture, dremel; Bis kit system plate/ edge joinerkit, also selling - Craftsman high speed steel carving set; older wooden planers; CRAFTSMAN Pneumatic 1/2 drive impact wrench - new; 18vdrill; tap & die set; 4 in 1 Laser trac level; 9.6v 3/8” drill driver; nu merous Crafts man ha nd too ls - g reat variety; air grease gun; batterycharger; S -K socket set; lots of accessories & attach. that fit tools listed above; wood & C clamps; box lots o f hardware, organizers & shop smalls; LAWN & GARDEN:J. D. 47” front mo unt snow blower w/bracket; JD 38T lawn sweeper; pull type lime spreader; Dunham yard roller; Homelite 150 chain saw; sm. live animal trap; garden supplies; nice long handle tools; ha nd s prayers; De luxe BBQ gri ll; porch g lide r; MISC.: Craft wood; small amount of scrap; SPECIALTY TOOLS & EQUIP.: Soil sample aug ers tools & teste rs; COLLECTIBLES: Li brary 193 0 1990 books on Dairy, Farming, Land, Soil, Forest, Garden, Insects, Woodworking, etc.; Forschner’s milk scales Mod. 69; Holstein awards; other farm rel a te d Ad v.; w o od e n wh i ske y b arrel ; C h eck web site for p hoto’ s. NOTE: Ni ce cl ean Aucti on. Come prepared to remove all items Auction day. Please respect our neighbors property. NO viewing till day of sale. TERMS: Cash. Known or preapproved checks w/ current proper ID. ESTATE OF: JOSEPH BEARD. OWNER: MRS. BARBARA BEARD AUCTIONEER: TAMMY LOUCKS LADY AUCTIONEER LLC PA AU 3595-L 1-814-683-5120 www.the ladyauctione er.com EVENING AUCTION For Dave & Mary Slawson THURS., JULY 11th at 5:30PM Located at 180 S. Franklin St., Cochranton, PA HOUSEHOLD – APPLIANCES – ANT. & COLL. & MORE Beautiful oak clawfoot dining table from 6 ft to 11 ft w/leaves, 4 chairs, 2 pc. oak corner cupboard, 2 pc. oak cupboard. Note: Offered separately and together; single bed w/drawered base; sofa; chair; entertain ment center; gla ss TV stand ; JVC 42” flatscreen TV & others; (2) ref/freezers, 1 s-by-s; apartment size gas range; elec. Amish heater; kit. cupbo ard; roas ter; air conditione r; microw aves; oak bench; bikes; pool equip.; push mower; radi al arm sa w; Kit. Aid m ixe r; gas grill ; Maytag wa sh er; Ke nm ore el ec. d ryer; ne w oak bi fo ld doors; lawn roller; (4) kit. chairs; smoker; metal shelving; prints; desk; sewing mach.; oak finish stands; lawn roller; lamps; dishes; desk chair. Ant. & Coll. Jelly cupboard; trunk; parlor stands; buffet; crad le; m ah. dropl eaf table ; gla sswa re; other items. TERMS: Cash, local check or credit card, Visa, MC or Disc. with proper ID. 3% buyer’s premium waived for cash or approved local check. NICOLLS & AUCTIONS (814) 333-1988 Bruce Nicolls Au-1185-L Nathan Nicolls Au-5325-L www.nicanda uctions.com SPECIAL ANTIQUE AUCTION THURSDAY, JULY 11 - 6:00 PM BOX LOTS 3:30 PM 234 W. WASHINGTON ST - CORRY, PA 2 d ra we r fa rm ta b le , orn a te o ak tal l ca s e grandfather clock w/ lead glass window, 7 stack oa k bo ok cas e, 3 stack oak boo kca se, chi na cabinets, Empire chest, bowside china cabinet, victrolia, post office box, great leaded glass church win dow, cupboa rds, o ther furniture i tems, oak peanut machine, advertising items, oak phones, se t of Art D eco bras s d og a nd iron s, clo cks, watches, Zippos, toys, butter churn, vintage parlor guitar, mesh bags,gold and costume jewelry, over 100 pieces of Griswold including: #7 dutch oven, #12 skillet w/ lid, scotch bowls, and more, crocks, ea rly app le g rind er, man y o ther antiqu es a nd collectibles! CHECK WEBSITE FOR PHOTOS! www.plossauction.com 814-664-7198 PLOSS AUCTION LARRY N. PLOSS AUCTIONEER CORRY, PA AU002859-L TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE INTERNET Visit: www.theareashopper.com PAGE 4 REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS GEORGE E. BROMLEY ESTATE WEDNESDAY JULY 24, 2013 5:00PM LOCATION: 1477 District Rd. Fredonia PA16124. From Mercer take Rt 19 north approx 8 miles and turn right onto District Rd. Auction is approx 1 ½ miles on left. Watch for Mowry Auction signs. REAL ESTATE AND CONTENTS TO SELL AS FOLLOWS: *PARCEL #1: Beautifu l split level brick home on 15.757 acres in Fairview Twp. Beautiful rural acreage has wooded area with paths in the back and well maintained, spacious lawns surrounding the house and along road frontage. Lakeview Schools. Open Dining Room/Kitchen area, appliances included, living room, four bedrms, two baths, hardwood floors, three stal l garage, and base ment. House has fuel oil furnace, well water plus extra wel l near hous e. Included in pu rchas e are the mineral rights and an existing, productive gas well that can be accessed for use in the house. Must see to appreciate! Call 724-699-6438 to view *PARCEL #2: There are 7.957 acres along side parcel #1. This building lot has wooded area with paths in the back with mowed yard and trees in front. Mineral Rights are included in this purchase. *PARCEL #3: Is the option to purchase Parcels #1 and #2 as one property--House and 23.714 acres. *All parcels subject to pending DEP Subdivision Approval; In process CONTENTS: Massey Ferguson tractor# 50 w turf tires; Int. 6’ brush hog; 3 John Deere riding mowers; #425 m ulching mower w 60” d eck, #265 w 45” deck, #110 for parts. Lots of tools & Household items. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: $10,000 nonrefundable deposit day of sale, balance in 30 days or at closing. No liens – free and clear. Real estate sells with seller’s confirmation. Come prepared to buy. TIME:Auction begins at 5:00 PMwith contents. Real Estate will sell at 7:00 PM. TERMS: Cash, che ck with ID, out of s tate check needs bank letter proof of funds. Food/drink available. Not responsible for accidents. Photos and complete listing at www.auctionzip.com ID#18762 CHARLES P. MOWRY AUCTIONEER LICENSE PA AU-005264 KARI L. MOWRY APP AUCTIONEER LICENSE PA AA-019232 PHONE: 724-376-2122 OR 724-699-0912 PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY JULY 20th 2013 at 9AM CHRIS NICKLIN LOCATION: 961 Kraft Hill Road, Utica, PA 16362. From Utica take Kraft Hill Road to auction on right. From New Lebanon take Carlton Road. At the Y keep right 3 miles to auction on left. Watch for Mowry Auction signs. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT: True freezer stainless stee l 2 doo rs, Esq uire wa rmer 22 0V 30 a mp,3 stainless steel Dean & Pitco deep fryers, Univex potato peele r, steamer, Du Bois lo w temp dishwasher, prep table needs compressor, stainless stee l sink, salad bar, and Nemco long wa rmer 220V HOUSEHOLD: Wei der w eig ht be nch , Cad en ce Weslo treadmill, Sunvision pro 30LFX tanning bed, GE side byside refrig,2 Premier gas stoves, Maytag washer, Whirlpool gas dryer, entertainment center, TV, Bedroom suite with q ueen bed, chest & dresserwith mirror,recliner, blue swivel rocker with footstool, Whirlpool 24,000btu air conditioner,1912 Warren cookbook, coffee grinder, misc chairs & tab le s, 5 ft a rm y tru nk, Gris w ol d ga s stove & damper, and more. TOOLS: Onan natural gas generator 12.5kw 277/ 480V with tra nsfer cas e, Winco HP9000E 16hp gen erator, Gua rdian turbo heate r, 20 hp Pou lan ri ding mow er (nee ds s tarter), ca r ramps , po ol jacks, handsaws, Century250amp batterycharger, Tecumseh 10hp 5000watt Powermate generator, Rockwell table saw with plainer & jointer, dolly, 3 weed eaters, wheel barrel, tire chains, and more. MISC ITEMS:Great Lakes hot tub, green hot tub for parts, nail keg, Fajita grill, Redi Set Go, old bottles, 2 metal wash tubs, 3 knives, coil of roofing nails, Golden Globe gas heater, squirrel cage fan, 6 long florescent light fixtures, four 4ft light fixtures, eleven 2x2ft drop ceiling lights, Stainless steel and metal scrap, and more. TERMS: Cash, che ck with ID, out of s tate check needs bank letter proof of funds. Not responsible for accidents. Lunch available. Photos and complete listening at www.auctionzip.com ID# 18762 CHARLES P. MOWRY AUCTIONEER LICENSE PA AU005264 KARI L. MOWRY APP AUCTIONEER LICENSE PA AA-019232 PHONE: 724-376-2122 OR 724-699-0912 OLDER COMICS WANTED Pre-1 980 , C oll ector lo okin g to b uy. To p Price s paid. No colle ctio n too la rg e or s ma l l . C a ll D ave , 814-881 -6963. FOR SALE 2 yr old quarter horse gelding, good ground manners, started und er s ad d l e, $ 42 5 obo. 13 yr. old AQHA mare, veryquiet great on trails, good for any rid in g l eve l, $2 10 0 ob o. 6 yr old AMHR b la ck g e l di n g 3 0 ” ri de s , d ri ves , ve ry quiet, $600. 724-6515294 DRIVING HORSE Drives the best. Not for young guy. 724699-3871 FOR SALE 2 00 2 Ch rysl e r Se bring co nvertib le Limited, fully loaded, disc changer, heated leather seats, AT, V6, ne w ti re s, ex con d, only 97k miles, give a wa y pri ce $ 3 80 0 . 724-81 3-8715 HOUSE FOR SALE Conneaut Lake area. Pri ce re d uce d . 3 b drm , 2 b ath , re c room with fireplace, 2 car g ara g e, l arg e d e ck, sh e d , 1 .6 a cre s , $ 1 37 ,0 00 . 814-38 2-0555 GREENVILLE HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE N ea r ho s pi tal , tw o fl oo rs , th re e be d rooms,living and dining rooms, attached garage, back yard,full b as e m en t, re ference s, cred it rep ort, no pets. $625/month + util iti es. 724 -66 21490 ALL BARGAIN PRICED “C om e on i n a n d e mb a rra s s us , catch u s wi th o u r p ri ces do w n ” Sta r Supply Bargain Outl et 8 75 Mah o n in g Ave ., You n gs to wn , OH 330-746-2969 “A million surplus bargains” FOR SALE Ford 60 0 w/l o ad e r $ 1 95 0 . Fo rd 9 N $1 000 . Joh n D ee re LT120 mower tractor $1000 . Farmal l Cub w /b e l ly m ow e r $1600. Meyers 125bu pto manure spreader $ 8 00 . Al l i ed 2 4ft. tran s p ort el e vato r $ 60 0 . 8 ft. p a cke r $350. 8ft. 3pt. harrow $ 35 0 . IH 13 0 0 3 p t sickle mower $1000. All ie d 5 ft. p ul l typ e bushhog $575. New H ol l a nd 6 6 b a le r $700. 814-450-7011 FOR SALE 6 mo. old Holm es County style mini surreyhorse drawn buggy $5 000 . C an del ive r. 814-425-1425 FOR SALE 3p th roto til ler $40 0. John Deere 6ft. pull d is k $3 0 0 . Si ng l e pl ow $ 17 5. D ou bl e plow $250. Post hole di gg er, tw o aug ers, $ 3 00 . Co m p o ste r $100. Maytag wringer wa sh er $ 22 5. 7 24 815-5903 MUST SEE Lab pups, AKC black m a le s , En g li s h b lo o d li n e s, very l arg e , s h ots , wo rm ed, d ewcla ws rem o ved , ta to oe d , parents on site. 724494-0578 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 AUCTION ANTIQUES—COLLECTIBLES—PRIMITIVES Located: 26 818 Spri ng Ro ad, Sp ri ngb oro , PA 16435. 1 Mile North of Springboro, Turn Left onto Shadeland, 1 Mile turn Right onto Spring, 2 Miles to Auction MONDAY JULY 15, 2013 9 AM Cullers are downsizing after 50 years of Collecting, all sorts of items. There are 1000’s & 1000’s of smalls !!! There are 150 Photos on web site. And sti ll there are man y bo xes stil l fu ll o f items to unpack. “2” Auction Rings at same time ! Some of the Day. PUMA 3 PTH, 48 in. Snow Blower; (3) Guns; Parts Washer; Fishing Lures; Sportman’s; Toys & Trains; Cast Iron; Boy & Girl Scout; Sleds; Cast & Copper Kettles; Ox Yoke; 1-Horse Plows; Steel Wheels; Crocks & Jugs; ButterChurns;5-10 gal. Mile Cans; Bottle s (all Sorts ); Glassware; China; Re cords; Keystone Viewer &Cards;Camera; Corn Sheller’s; Marbles; Collector Plates; Insulators; Cross Cut Saws; Old Tools; Long Handled Tools; Irons of All Types ; Pocket Kni ves ; Bras s L ocks & Others; Scale s (Variou s Styl es)’ Ca sh Reg ister; Le ad Ducks; Enamelware; Butter Molds; Old Adv. Items; Farm & Kitchen Pri mitives; Horsem an Doll s; & Others; Stuffed Animals; Books: Boxes of all Titles and Authors; Fenton Bedroom Lamp (NIB); Linen & Sewing Notions; Jesse James Bicycle; Wash Stand; Va rio us C hai rs; Vin tag e Cl oth es, Hats, Shoe s; Mil itary Items; N azi Be lt.TERMS: CASH, CHECKS. No Out of State Checks. Credit Cards: MC/Visa & Discover. 3% Buyers Premium Waived if Paying by CASH or Check. NOTE: NO Viewing U nti l Au cti o n D a y.R e fre s h me n ts b y: Wo od s Concessions. Comfort Station. Dress for Weather, Bring Chair, Boxes & Packing Material. Gravel Road Parking. www.csallenauctioneer.com (814) 382-2922. PA LIC. # AU1620-L. csallenauct ioneer.com 2ND SAT. IN JULY 23RD ANNUAL BENEFIT AUCTION AMISH SCHOOLS OF GUYS MILLS, PA SATURDAY JULY 13, 2013 - 9 AM Located: Hershberger Wood Products Facilities, 7809 Vincent Road, Cochranton, PA From Rt. 322 Go No rth on Rt. 17 3, 4 ¼ Mil es to McDa nie ls Church, Turn West (left) onto Lippert Rd., 1 Mile Turn North (right) on Vincent Rd. ½ Mile to Auction. SELLING: Dental Braces: 1/2 Off, Donated by Paul E. Shok and Staff; Tri Axle Load of Fire Wood Poles; Shindaiwa T242YWeed Eater; 26 in. Scooter;Corn Ho le g ame ; 8 ft. Win dmi ll ; 80 lb s. La mb C ut Wrap pe d & Fro ze; Grey Elm & Qu il ted Map le Benches; Husky Tool Chest; Misc. Tools; Shrubs & Flowers; Benches; Rocker/Glider Hickory; Oak & Hickory Rockers;Amish made Indoor & Outdoor Furniture: Rustic &Lawn; Pressure Washer; Buggy Harness & Tack; Generac 2000 Watt Generator; Housewares; Produce & Flowers; Farm Equip. and Related; QUILTS: Quilts and Wall Hangings! Some of the Best Qu ilters around w ith various Designs and Beautiful Vibrant Colors! Sold at 1 PM. More items being added daily. WANTED: Donations Call for i nfo: Le ster Byler 81 4-789-4 469; D avid Gi ng e rich 81 4 -42 5 -21 5 7 ; Ma rk Yo de r 81 4 7893447. Call now with your items s o we can properlyadvertise them if so warranted. Donation Auction Except for Quilts theyare on Consignment AMISH FOOD Veal & Hamburgers; Hot Sausage & Dogs; Ice Cream Made on Site; Fresh Pressed Le mo na de ; So da s; Ho me Mad e Do nu ts a nd Baked Goods ofAll Kinds! TERMS: CASH or Good Check. ! Multi Auctioneers Selling ! (814) 382-2922. PA LIC. # AU1620-L. csallenauct ioneer.com ALL AUCTIONEERS ARE WELCOME TO COME, CALL, BID OR CONSIGN. SIGN IN WHEN YOU GET THERE! EXIT 16 I-90 & RT. 98 FAIRVIEW, PA “Just off the Ramp” 2 GREAT PUBLIC CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS SAT., AUGUST 17TH GREATER ERIE’S “SUMMER SIZZLER” COLLECTOR CAR - RV-POWERSPORTS AMISH SHEDS - CONSIGN NOW!! CALL TODD AT 814-474-3900 TO RECEIVE “FREE” ADVERTISING! VIEW: GREATER-ERIE.COM OR AUCTIONZIP.COM (ID #20614) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SAT., SEPTEMBER 21 GREATER ERIE’S “FALL” HEAVY EQUIPMENT - TRUCKS TRAILERS - SPECIAL UNITS AUCTI ON!!! HELD INSIDE - RAIN OR SHINE SELLING LIVE AND ON-LINE! TURN YOUR IDLE EQUIPMENT INTO CA$H. FREE WORLD-WIDE EXPOSURE! CALL RON TO CONSIGN: 814-720-9297 VIEW: GREATER-ERIE.COM OR AUCTIONZIP.COM (ID #20614) AUCTIONEER: L. TODD BRIGGS (PA #000097-L) HAY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE This years 1st cutting. INTERNET Nice grass hay. $4 a Visit: bale. 814-282-6854 www.thearea shopper.com JUly 6, 2013 GLENN W. LEISE ESTATE AUCTION 123 OLD ASH ROAD, VOLANT, PA. 16156 SATURDAY, JULY 13th, 2013 @ 9:30 AM LOCATED: Approx 5 Miles West Of Slippery Rock, Pa. Or 4 Miles East of Harlansburg, Pa on RT 108, Turn North on Plaingrove Rd 3 ½ Miles To Old Ash Rd to Auction. Watch For Huey Auction Signs. 2004 TOYOTA TRUCK *1984 DODGE FARM PICK UP TRUCK * TRACTORS * FARM MACHINERY * HONDA RANCHER 4 WHEELER * ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLDS * GUNS & MORE. LOG ONTO AUCTIONZIP.COM TO VIEW PHOTOS USE AU ID # 1361 TRUCKS: 2 00 4 Toyota Ta co m a , 2 d oo r (R e g C ab ) 4 x 4 w/ 1 2 4,00 0 Miles Nice; 1984 Dodge 25 0 C us tom - 2 WD w/ only 38,982 Miles (rough) n ee d s cl u tch . TRACTORS: JD 53 0, 3 pth-NF – ft Weights; Ford Golden Jubilee w/ loader –bal e spear & bucke t. 4 W HEELER: H on d a R an ch er 4 WD . FARM MACHINERY: Oliver 3 pt 2 x 14 plow; JD 290 2 row corn planter; 3 pt spin spreader; Century 125 g al 3 p t s praye r; NH 47 2 7 ’ Haybine; NH 157 3pt 2 spinner Tedder; NH 256 Rollabar Rake; Dump rake; JD 14T sq Baler w/ Pan Throw e r; 1 2’ Db l Ch ai n Elevator on Steel; 16’ wo oden bale elevator; 50’ Hat & Grain El eva tor; N I 3 23 1 Row Co rn Picker; (2 ) Kilb ros 15 0 Gravity Wagons; Ford 800 Back hoe (Rough in pcs); 3 pt back blade. MISC FARM RELATEDITEMS:Assorted ch ai ns ; Sl ed ge s; Tro yb il t Re arti ne R ototil le r; assorted hand tools; Ext Ladders; LOT SCRAP; Stihl 024 Chainsaw; Hide Stretchers; Blacksmith Vi se ; Mini Bucket; Wood en Fe ed Bo x; scyth e; chi cken waters; TOOLS: Crafts man 36 ” Wo od Lathe; Rockwell 10” Table saw; 6” Jointer & more. ANTIQUES: Early Plantation desk; Rd Spoon Leg table w/ 6 Matching chairs; Victorian Night stand; Oval Dbl Pedes tal libra ry table; Brass Ha nging Scale ; draw Knife; Bla ck Smith Tongs; w ooden cloth rack; Hand painted cross cut saw; Tin Farm Bureau Adv Pc; Super Fry Veg Oil Adv Tin; Boy & Lamb Lamp Base only; old Books; smoke Bell; Oa k C up boa rd To p; Sma ll Fa rm Hou se Wo rk Table ; shavin g mug; wo oden che ese box; Oval Framed Fruit Still Life; oil l amps; sewing spool shel f; ste er horns; HH’ S: Wh irlpoo l Wash er & Dryer; WH El ec Roaster on Stand; crock jugs & few o ther crocks; Fridida ire Side by side re frig; Hickory Rocker; Maple Desk; Metal bed; Waterfall bedroom suit; Chiffarobe;Vanity; Chest of drawers; file cabinet; mirrors; plates & dishes; Lift Chair ( nice); cookie Jar & more. GUNS: savage 22 Mag Over 20 ga; Marlin 22 SS; 20 Ga Single Shot; 20 ga Dbl barrel. EXECUTRIX: REBECCA RICHARDS TERMS: CASH OR CHECK W/ CURRENT PHOTO ID. AL L OUT OF STATE CHECKS NEED BANK LETTER PROOF OF FUNDS. LUNCH AVAILABLE. REST ROOM PROVIDED. AUCTION SCHEDULE: 9:30 AM ANTIQUES & H OUSEHOL DS & FARM RELATED ITEMS 11:00 AMTRUCKS - TRACTORS - 4 WHEELER - GUNS - FARM MACHINERY JOHN R HUEY II AU-001588-L SUE ANN WEIDNER AU-00178-L SLIPPERY ROCK, PA (724) 794-4737 PUBLIC AUCTION Mr. Southwick is 96 years old and selling tractors and tools. Located at 40830 Buells Corners Rd. Centerville, PA (3 miles west of Buells Corners or 1 mile east of Centerville – off Route 8). THURSDAY JULY 11TH 5:00 PM Farmall BN with 1X plow / cultivators, Farmall cub / 1xplow /sickle mower, 24” tractor chains, Troybilt Horse tiller, gas log splitter, gas corn sheller, power mower, lawn aerator, ATV sprayer, 2-wheel trailer, lawn seeder & roller, Ashly wood stove, Lawson gas heater, Evinrude 5hp boat motor, chain saws, floor jack, Craftsman 10” band saw, 10” radial arm saw, table saw, jointer, router, 4’ lathe, Rockwell 12” planer, belt/disc sander, drill press, leaf blower, la dd ers, ten t/ca mp in g su pp li es , sn ow sh oe s, traps, Kraut cutter, ani mal cages, grinder, large vise, log cha ins, battery charger, 3 square scaffol ding, large grin d sto ne, cant h ook, firewo od, rope, lumber, pitcher pump, old saws, milk can, treadle sewing machine, upright freezer, Crosley refrigerator, golf clubs, gas grill, picnic table, several nice hand/power tools, lanterns, many other items . Terms: full pa ym ent of cash , a pp roved check, credit cards. Alton Southwick, owner CHESLEY AUCTIONEERING DOUG CHESLEY AUCTIONEER, AU-000146-L JEFF BENNETT AUCTIONEER, AU-003059-L PH. 814-725-8238 www.che sleyauctioneer ing.com FOR SALE Molly Mule, black and white stud, two geldin gs $1 50 to $ 35 0. Mus covy ducks w ith ba bies and ra bbits. parakee t with sm all cage $40. 2 year old Jerse y s te er $4 00 . 814-58 9-7069 FOR SALE ½ ton e lectri c hoi st $275. Sciss or lift for 1 ton or dump trailer $3 75 . 74 C he vrol et short box 4x4 project truckmostly southern o r n e w GM p arts $ 1 50 0 . 8 1 4 -69 4 3029 Large Farm Equipment Consignment Auction JULY 13, 2013 9:00AM Held at: Country Side Equipment Sales 5064 Kensington Rd NE, Carrollton, OH 44615 (330) 627-5100 TRACTORS-SKID STEER-LAWN &GARDEN:N H TC35N 4WD w/ 16LALoader 1240 Hrs., Ford 3910 4WD All New Tires, Nice Shape, New Paint, Ford 3000 Gas, Ford 9N, JD 2510, JD 5020 w/ Cab, JD 2010 Utility, JD 60 PS & 3pt., IH 5088 CHA 8400 Hrs.,’52 , Farmall 300 NF FH Bad TA, Farmall Super M Louisville Ed., New Brakes, Oil and Service, MF 85 Tractor Nice, AC 5040, Bobcat 863 Turbo Skid Steer, Cat 242B Skid Loader Full Cab w/ AC, New Lowe Skid Steer Hyd. PHD,Hyd Skid Steer PHD, 84” Skid Steer Brush Grapple, 6’ Skid Steer Bucket, Stout 7’ Skid Steer Bucket, Bob cat Skid Steer Backhoe Attachment, Kubota Diesel ZD28 Zero Turn Mower 400 Hrs., JD 425 Garden Tractor w/ 60” Belly Mower. TRUCKS & TRAILERS: ’04 GMC 2500 4WD Allison Auto Loaded Gooseneck & Re es e H itch 12 4K Mi ., ’ 07 Ke nw orth T6 00 10Spe ed Eaton Fuller, C -15 Cat Accert, 6 25HP, 715,994MI., Tri Pak APU with AC and Aux. Heat. Truck is road ready. 18’ Utility Trailer w/ Dovetail & Tail Gate, 16’ UtilityTrailer w/ Slide in Ramps, 6X12 Tilt Trailer, 6X12 UtilityTrailer w/ Tail Gate, 12’ RTV Trail er, 16 ’ Til t Equi p. Tra ile r w/ Ram ps. HAY EQUIPMENT: New Gal fre 2X Hay Tedde r, Vicon 463 Ro tary Rake, JD 820 MOCO Haybine , NH 47 2 7 ’ H ayb in e, IH Sem i Moun t D yn aba lan ce Mower, NH 273 Square Baler, King Kutter Bale Carrier, Howse Front Loader Bale Spear, Howse 3pt. Bale Spear, Flatbed Hay Wagon. TILLAGE:Tye 15’ No-Til Grain Drill, JD 7000 6X Corn Planter, IH 800 6X Liq uid Pl anter, IH 65 00 11 Shank Disc Chisel, IH 11 Shank Pull Chisel, IH 10’ Trans.Disc, 7’ S Tine Harrow, JD 400 Rotary Hoe, Ferguson 2X Plow, AC 3X Plow, Vicon Sprayer 45’ Booms Foam Markers, 4X 3pt. Liquid Applicator w Tanks, 6X24’ Auger, 6”X40’ Grain Auger, Saddle Tanks, Shultz 2X Stalk Cho pper, MISC: How se 7’ 3pt. Brush Hog, 6’ Farm Force Brush Hog, 5’ 3ptBrush Hog , Woo ds 318 0 Batw ing, Woods 3 pt. Di tch Bank Mower, Landpride 6’ Finish Mower,Mahindra 5’ Finish Mower, 4’ Finish Mower, IH 2350 Loader, IH 56 Blower, Grain-o-vator Tan dem Axle Auger Wagon, 7’ 3pt. Blade, 8’ 3pt. Blade, Landpride 10’ 3pt. Blade, Hog Feeder, Apache Steer Stuffer, MF Suitcase Weights, 5 Shank Pasture Renovator, 7 Shank Pasture Renovator, Work Saver Post Driver, Lowrey 7’ Rock Rake, 6’ 3pt. Rototiller-Demo, FH Carry All, NH Tandem Axle Spreader, 18.4X38 TRail Duals, 18.4X38 Duals & Hubs, 500 Gallon Fuel Tank, Killbros 375 Box on Killbro 12T Gear, J&M 250 Gravity Box on 10T Gear, Small Gravity Wagon. SELLING ABSOLUTE Ford 860 Live PTO, Pie Weights, Oliver 550, Allis G Bell y Mower, C ase 310 Crawler Loade r, For 101 2X Plow, 1X 3pt. Plow, MF 2X Plow, Dearborn 3pt.disc, 1X3pt. Cultivator, JD 290 2X Corn Planter, 5’ 3pt. Blade, 8’ 3pt. Blade, NI 270 Cutditioner, Long 10’ 3pt. Backhoe, Drag Elevator, IMC 5’ Brush Hog, Ford 5’ Brush Hog, Howse 6’ 3pt. Brush Hog, Work Saver 3pt. Bale Carrier, Ford 532 Baler, NH 850 Round Baler, NH 56 Hay Rake, (2) Flatbed Ha y Wa gons , 3p t. C arry All , Le inba ch 7 ’ Ro ck Rake, DIRECTIONS: Located 6 miles North of Carrollton on SR 9. TERMS: Cash/Check or MC-Visa with a 4% Conveyance Fee. Financing is available thru Ag Nition or US Bank. Preapproval is necessary. Please contact Rona no later than July 9. Photo ID required to register. This is a partial listing and much more is expected before sale day. Consignments are being takenuntil July 11 @ 4PM. Low Commission rates. Call ahead to take advantage of free advertising. Last ad date will be July 8 @ 9AM. Auctioneers not responsible for no shows or m isrepre sentati on of eq uipment. Annou nceme nts ma de s ale d ay take pre ce de nce over printed material. Much more is expected. Follow the s al e on w ww.a ucti on zi p.co m o r www.countrysideequipmentcarrollton.com for updates and photos. MICHAEL A. LOZIER, AUCTIONEER JASON MIRANDA, AUCTIONEER JAMES FALCONER, AUCTIONEER SHAWN HALL, APPRENTICE AUCTIONEER LICENSED & BONDED IN THE STATE OF OHIO ABSOLUTE AUCTION REAL ESTATE THURSDAY JULY 11TH - 5:30 PM 16912 JERUSALEM CORNERS RD PLEASANTVILLE, PA 16341 We are selling to the highest bidder:Asingle story 1300 square foot house with attached garage and a 26x36 building next to it. Situated on 1 ½ acres in Venango Co., Oil Creek Twp. 1 mile off Rt# 27 at Pleas antville, Pa. With 200 ft of frontage and a wooded back yard. (Some harvestable ti mber). This house has 3 bedrooms and 1 bath, hardwood floors, central air, back deck, propane forced air furnace. Has a large living room, a spacious eat in kitchen, an enclosed front porch. Good well and septic. The attached garage measures 24x38. The out building is structurally sound and could be used for manythings. Venango CO. Deed Book #724, Page #88, all OMG rights will be sold with. THE ESTATE OF REV. ROBERT ROSSMAN TERMS of Real Es tate: 10% down a uction day balance at closing within 45 days COX FAMILY AUCTION CO. Professional Service-Your Place or Ours 18551 Elgin Road - Corry, PA 16407 (814) 664-7526 / (814) 664-7073 www.cox familyauctions.com Jeff Cox (AU-002010-L) Al Cox (AU-001715-L) PAGE 5 TARPAULIN BARGAINS Area’s largest stock heavyduty reinforced tarp ti e s , b u ng i cords, miles of rope. Star Supply Bargain Outlet 875 Mahoning Ave ., You n gs to wn , OH 330-746-2969 HAM LOAF DINNER Vin ce nt Meth o di s t C hu rch fu nd rai s er, Wa lnut St., Jacks on Cen ter. Sund ay July 7, 1 2:3 0p m-? Sca lloped potatoes, vege ta b l e, col e s la w, applesauce, dessert, beverages.Adults $8, child ren 10 & under $4. ATV’S FOR SALE 2 00 2 Su zu ki Eig e r 400cc 2 or 4 WD runs & looks good $1900. 2003 Honda Rancher 4x4, g oo d co nd , w/ plow & winch, $2500. 814-28 2-9358 FOOD CONCESSION TRAILER 8x20 $18,000 negotiable . Hot/fres h wate r tanks, 3 se rvi ng w i nd o w s. 1 )ha n d w as h si n k, 3 )di s h sinks . Call for more de tai ls. Ni ce tra ile r, mus t see. 724-7 307768 MOPARS FOR SALE 72 Du ster sho w car 340 engine $19,500. 67 Do dge Dart convertible show car, 273 engine, $19,500. No tire kickers or dreamers . Se rious buyers only. 814-437-0970 FOR SALE 1989 F-450 diesel flat b e d d u mp truck, 8’x12’ steel bed with s te e l h e a db o a rd , 9 0 00 # w in ch m o un te d o n be d . H ea vy d uty cus to m b ui l t tra il e r h i tch . $ 3 20 0 . 8 1 4 -88 1 0500 TRUCK AND TRACTOR PULL It’s the 10th annual T H U N D ER P U L L ! Saturday July 20th at the Gr ea t Stone bor o Fair gr ounds. Gate s open at 3:00 Action be gins a t 5 :3 0 . Food, t-shirts, tons of fun for the entire fa mily. Dra gon Fly Balloons for the kids. Sponsored by JACKSON CENTER VOLUNTEER FIRE CO AND IMPERIAL SYSTEMS INC. Chec k us out a t www.thunderpull.com FOR SALE 2 00 4 Ch e vy Trai l b l aze r LT/Z 4 w d l oa d e d, s un ro of, l ea th er, au to s ta rt, garage kept, 111,422 m i, $ 85 0 0 . C h evy bedliner 6ft. bed $20. Tonneau cover used 6ft. $ 10 0. 72 4-65 29010 AKC LAB PUPS 2 big s tock y bla ck males left. ReadyJuly 5 th. Vet chec k ed, dewclaws removed, w or me d a nd 1s t s hots. Cham pion bloodlines. $400. Call 724-376-3703 ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPPIES FOR SALE AKC registered. Tails docked, d ewclawed, first shots. Champion sporting blood lines an d exce ll en t pe ts . Liver/white or tri. Call 8 1 4-3 3 3-9 2 1 6 o r e m ai l Sw e e te s t Sp o r t i n g D o g s @ gmail .com OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 COMPLETE LIQUIDATION AUCTION FIRST GENERAL SERVICES TRUCKS, TOOLS & EQUIPMENT SATURDAY JULY 13TH @ 10 AM 8875 WINDSWEPT DR. MCKEAN , PA. From I-79 Exit at Mckean turn east 1/2 mile to Windswept Dr. turn north to auction Retiring will offer for auction the following TRUCKS: 200 7 Chevy 350 0 Box Van 1 5ft. 7 1 K miles, 2002 Dodge Ram 1500 Pick up ( 2 WD, Auto, V-8,Loaded, 65K miles ), 2001 Astor Cargo Van ( V-6 , Auto, ladder rack, 119K miles) EQUIPMENT: CAT TC-30 Forklift ( 300 0#, Triple mast, propane ), Quincy 10 hp, 2 stage, 120 gal. air compressor w/ Pneumatech AD-50 dryer, 1988 Pace 10 ft single axle enclosed trailer, Tapco Pro 19 ft alum. Brake, Two 24 ft. pics, 40 ft., 28 ft., 24 ft. fiberglass ext. ladders, 6 sections of scaffolding, wheels, levelers,12 inch Dewalt compound miter saw, Craftsm an jo inte r, ro uter and table , De lta Radial arm saw, Delta table saw, bench grinder, dril l press , coil roofin g guns, cap g un, fra ming nailer, paslode impulse nailer, 16 & 18 nail guns, a irle ss s prayer, vi se , stee l wo rk b en ch , sa w hors es, battery cha rger, pressure washer, pole jacks, roof jacks, ladder jacks, appliance dolly, gas engine air compressor, sawzall, computers, 8 ft x 10 ft wood shed, truck tool boxes, double sided gas fire place, refrigera tor, micro wave, Kitchen cabinets, office furniture, racking, hardware, nails, s cre w s, a nd m uch mi s c. NOTE: Pho to s a t www.roccoauctions.com, food and facilities. TERMS: Payable in full day of auction. Cash, Check & Major credit cards accepted. AU CTIO N S & APPRAISALS www.roccoauctions.com AU-2352-L / AU-5037-L PH. 814-476-1217 CELL 814-449-3162 FOR SALE FOR SALE SandyLake Borough, #70 bale thrower off two story, three bedof a 311 New Holland room, one bath, utility baler in excellentconroom, on ½ acre lot. dition, $2000 or best 24x28 cement block offer. Cal l 8 14 -75 8garage with heat and 6595 water, 16x28 lean to atta ch ed to the g aFOR SALE rag e . Ph o ne 7 24 2001 Dodge truck, ext. 977-0186 cab, very nice shape, 8ft. bed, 4WD, 75,000 FOR SALE mi le s, $ 96 00 . 81 42 yr. old black Angus 720-1331 bull. 724-815-3261 JULY 6, 2013 REAL ESTATE & LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT AUCTION SATURDAY, JULY 13TH AT 10:00 A.M. 1470 Thompson Rd., Franklin, PA 16323 Beautiful 4 bedroom split level house with 2 car attached garage, sitting on 2.2 acres. Large water garden w/ponds, fish, waterfalls & streams. 3 stall horse barn; 4 baygarage; 30x40 pole barn; Check www.auctionzip.com #19560 to view pictures and get more detailed information. To view propertycall Auctioneer 724-967-3534. Terms: $20,000 down day of auction. Balance in 45 days or delivery of deed. No buyers premium. Trucks, Tractor, Landscape Equipment: New Holland 1630 w/high lift; New Holland 3 pt. backhoe; 2001 Dodge 4wd ½ ton; 1995 D odge 35 00, 1 to n dump truck, 4wd; 1993 GMC pickup, 4wd; 1990 Chevy ½ ton, 4wd, 1988 Dodge 1 ton dump truck 4wd; 1987 Dodge 1 ton stake body 2wd; Hudson tandem axle trailer; 7x12 single axle trailer; 7x10 trailer; Exmark Lazer Z 60” zero turn mower 533 hrs.; Bu sh hog 3 pt. rototiller; 3 pt. York rake; 5’ Woods brush hog; creative curb concrete extruding machine; Turfco sod cutter; Cush man Rya n over seeder; Turfco turn aerator; Rya n turn aerator; (2) Benford tampers; Dyna Digger power shovel; Airco dipstick 160 wire feed welder; Push mowers; weed eaters; Pole trimmers; lots of other power and hand tools. Landscape stones, Blue stone (slate), very small listing. Go to auctionzip.com for complete listing and pictures. Real Estate will be offered at 12 noon w/ owners confirmation. Terms: Cash or good check w/bank letter of credit. Owners: Dick & Trish Way BRAHAM AUCTIONS DON BRAHAM, AUCTIONEER AU2274 Cell: 724-967-3534 - Home: 814-786-7867 TWO TIMBER AUCTIONS WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2013 3:30PM. 3505 RIDGE AVE. S.E. WARREN,OH 44484 (HOWLAND TWP 3Ac - Clear-Cut - Truckable From Rt.82&46, S on 46 to 422, W. to Ridge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4:30PM. 2723 CADWALLADER SONK CORTLAND, OH. 44410 (BAZETTA TWP.) 50Ac. - Clear-Cut - Sawmill Timber From Rt.82&46, N on 46 to Cadwallader AUCTIONEER/LUMBER INSPECTOR DARRYL MCGUIRE 330-348-1191 www.gmcauc tions.com Speciality in Timber Marketing "YOU OWN IT-WE SELL IT" HAY FOR SALE Squ are ba les $3 .75 picked up or delivery avai lab le. 7 24-37 25795 FOR SALE 17 ft. C ol ema n C anoe , li ke ne w, $ 400 obo . David D . Mil ler 10 20 8 Co un ty L in e R d . Gree n vil l e , PA 16125 VERY FINE MOVING AUCTION ANTIQUES ~ ART ~ GUNS ~ FURNITURE ~ TOOLS ~ HOUSEHOLD ~ APPLIANCES ETC. Wednesday, July 10th, 2013, 4:00 PM 141 Humphrey Rd., Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Cl as si c 7 3 Me rcede s Be nz 28 0 48 km i, Fis hi ng Boa t – Sea Nymph 15 ½’ w/ Evinrude 8hp and trlr w/ titles, flat bed trlr, single axle 2990 gvw, 14’ alum Jon-b oat, Phantom 14’ sailboat, boat trlr w/ title plus bolt on flat bed, Mariner 5hp 2 cy b o at m oto r & g as tan k, Craftsman 12.5 hp lawn tractor 38” deck, Craftsman LT 1000 16.5hp 42” cut, Craftsman LT 30 00 20h p 4 2” cut, Pu lan & H o me l i te cha i n s aw s , N e w Idea sickle bar7’, ½” OSB (10), Brush Hog 5’, weedwackers, Da yton 2 ma n ga s pw r po st hole digger, new wheel barrel, yard dump cart, 3x3 porcelain an gle iro n 1 2-14 ’ l ong ,Pai nt sh aker, 2 an ti qu e step ba ck cup b oa rds , 2 si n gl e s p oo l bed s, H oosi er, s pind le b ack rocker, end table, night stands, enamel top table, piano bench, d es k, Ea s t L a ke d re s s er, 1940’s Shearman sofa & chair, LEE striped sofa & loves eat, Broyh ill entertainment ce nter, De pres si on dres se r/b ed /n ig ht stand, blonde ch est of drawers, office desks, wicker chair & table, o ak h al l tre e ,…“D rin k Mi l k Studebaker” 2 sided metal sign, Gri s w ol d #4 fru i t/l a rd p res s , Min e s so ta s e w in g ma ch in e , Studebaker wedding dress, Cast a l um p ati o ta b le & ch a irs & umbrella, lawn chairs/loveseat w/ cushions, porch swing, fireplace set, wooden lawn/patio chairs, 2 swivel metal patio chairs, weather vei n co p p er w in g e d a n ge l , ce men t l awn fou nta in, Ki tch en cabinets, older doors, pre hung Fren ch d o o rs , le a d ed g la s s wi ndow, ol d wo ode n wi ndow s, copper top outdoor ligh ts, alum storm windows w/ frames, barn b ea m, 2 n ew el po st o ak, oa k staircase rai ling , s late ro ofin g, Oval g old frame beveled mi rror, mirror w/ stained glass frame, 6 pc Nettriano signed dancing pics & ma ny o th ers, Ori en ta l ru gs / lamps/vases & p ictures, signed Wright picture, ornate frames,wall mirror, stained glass wall plaque, l a mp w / s tai n gl a s s s h ad e , Juliette Low hom e picture, floor la mp , oi l la mp s, TV trays, fil e cabinets, Pitcher & bowl w/stand, Easel, Old books, Holiday décor, Be ddi ng & drape rie s, pot bel ly stove doorstop, Foosball game, Gol f cl u b s, g ol f ne t, w o o de n maso nic log o, Skyway Eng lish racer bicycle, stripe line painter, several live animal traps, Wheel chair, Ornate Pot belly stove “RD Beckwith” D owagiac Mich., Ben Franklin stove, Domestic 6 burner ga s stove, 16 5 Th eater chairs, fender amp, Washburn elect base guitar, Peavey DJ mixer 5 channel, Peavey CS 800 power amp, MTX 300 watt digital loud speakers, Pioneer lazer disc player w/ 100+discs, Yamaha MC 1202 mixer 12 channel, music stands, speakers, approx. 50 sq ua re b al es b ed di ng ha y, s om e scra p, few ba tterie s, co pp er cab le, p ip e, a lum fla sh in g, dow nspout. GUNS: Re ming ton 30.0 6 ca rbin e, Savage 110e .270, Savage 12ga single,Mossberg 835 pump camp 3 ½” Turkey, Marlin .22 semi auto. Farmette is sold , everyth ing must go! Sold on location, rain or shine! All FFL laws apply, guns handled by estate rep. Go to www.auctionzip.com #8930 for more! PAGE 6 VINYL WINDOW CLOSEOUT Se le cted w in do ws o nl y $ 39 .00 e a ch . Valu e to $ 165. Star Supply Bargain Outl et 8 75 Mah o n in g Ave ., You n gs to wn , OH 330-746-2969 “A million surplus bargains” MERCER APARTMENT FOR RENT In town, second floor, lots of space, ha rdwood floors, two bedroo m s , AC , $ 4 25 / month + utilities. Refe re n ce s , cre d it re p ort, n o p ets. 7 24 662-1490 LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP $ 25 00 Pyma tun in g Adventure Resort inclu d e s ca bi n an d boat rentals,tent &RV cam ping also ava ilable. There are several other resorts that are availab le for usage with th is m embe rsh ip. We d o n ot use it anymore. Call us before 2:00PM, if w e d o n o t a n s we r p le as e le a ve m es s a ge a nd p ho n e numbers. We will call yo u back. 8 14-78 67093 MONTANA MULE DEER 4x 4 pr ofes sionally mounted for sale for less than taxidermy cost. Call Dave 8146 7 0-9 6 22 a s king $400. MAGNUM WHITETAIL TROPHY HUNTS LLC Coope r stow n PA. Book your hunts in July for a 151 Gross Score or bigger buck and receive 10% off your hunt. Contactus at 814-374-4128 or at magnumwhitetail. com TOW TRUCKS FOR SALE 2 00 9 Che vy 2 1 ft. s tee l be d. 20 0 3 Chevy5500 twinline. 1 99 5 Inter na tiona l 19ft. alum. bed. Ph. 7 2 4-3 7 6-2 2 8 0 or 724-30 1-6010 JUNK!? We call itAWESOME!! Find un-find-ables at Mi c h a e l a n g e l o ’ s Sunday Fle a Market! Sta r Wa rs m emorabilia, NAZI relics, Nati ve Ame ri can a rti facts! Pre-loved cowboy boots, groceries, a nti q ue h ea d l ig h t a im e r!!! 72 4 -65 2 6244 FOR SALE 5 ye a r o l d tro tti n g gelding sire: Vaporize Dam by Valley Victory n ice d ri vi n g h orse , good boys or fam ily horse, looks at odd AUCTI ONEER thi n g s b e si d e th e Complete Auction Service ro ad. Matt 81 4-90 8305 EASY ST., NEW W ILMINGTON, PA 16142 0118. Traffic safe and (724) 301-0319 s ou n d , g i rl s ha ve PENNA. LICENSE AU-033437-L OH. LICENSE 57-96-7020 drove him, stands to www.whitingweber.com and www.auctionzip.com #8930 hitch, corners. WANTED CLIP & SAVE -- CLIP & SAVE -- CLIP & SAVE Five foot pull behind MOOK’S WEST ROAD AUCTION tracto r bru sh h og s. DIRECTIONS:¼ mile east on West Rd. off Rt. 98 at For Sal e Ol ive r 7 7 Thomas Corner across from Meadville Livestock tractor narrow front in Auction Barn. a ve ra ge co n di ti on . EVERY WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM Ne w rub ber. Pho ne OPEN FOR WALK THROUGH & CONSIGNMENT Corry814-664-4311 if CALL 814-547-1009 ans wering mach ine WILL TAKE GOOD CONSIGNMENTS ON leave message and WEDNESDAY BUT MUST CALL FIRST. phone. #AH00 1870 FOR SALE WE HAVE OUR WEEKLY SALES ON FRIDAY 1 9 78 H on d a NIGHTS BEGINNING AT 6:00. ful l y New & used items, cheese, meats, households, Go ld w i ng , tools & misc. The last Friday of the month seller d re ss ed , lo w mi le with frozen foods, new & different items. Hope to a g e, n ew ti re s , b rake s a n d s ta te r, see you. $ 20 0 0 o bo . Ph on e CLIP & SAVE -- CLIP & SAVE -- CLIP & SAVE 814-37 4-4157 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 JULY 6, 2013 SPORTSMEN FLEA MARKET & 3D ARCHERY SHOOT Sa tur day, July 1 3 th, 2 01 3 . Munnell Run Farm, Route 58, Mer cer, PA. Look ing for buye r s, s elle rs , and a rche rs! Ca ll 72 4-6 62-224 2 for m or e info. * Pre r egis tr a tion re quired for flea market vendors. FOR SALE 1 97 3 Pl ym ou th D u ste r, 3 1 8 a u to ., $ 3 00 0 OBO. 19 9 3 Ford Rang er 4x4 V6 5spd. new tires and bra kes $2 000 OBO. 1993 Dodg e Dakota 4x4, good work truck $ 1 30 0 . 7 2 4 -73 0 1050. FOR SALE BY OWNER 572 West Erie St., Line s ville , PA. $60,0 00. Ready to move in. New centra l a ir (1 yr.old) Ne w furna c e (2 yrs. old). New dishw a she r a nd ga s stove to stay with home . 2.5 be droom, 1 bath, Lots s ize 80 ’x 25 5 ’. In tow n, c ity w ater / s ew e r. Ca ll 8 14 7 2 0-6 9 99 . Le s s than one m inute from Linesville Mar ina /Pym a tuning Lake. BUYING Stand ing Timbe r. 10 acres and up. Paying top dollar in advance. C al l C TC Lo gg i ng , LL C an d s et u p an appointment with our OLD ADVERTISING buyer today. You’ll be ITEMS WANTED happ y you did! 7 24Sig n s , l i gh ts , ti ns , 376-7315 p os te rs , etc fo r p etro le u m , b e er/ 40 DIFFERENT SIZES alcoh ol, Coke/Pepsi a nd 3 diffe re nt & other soda, coffee, gr ades of ta rps on a irl i ne , to b a cco , stock at Gr eenville railroad, dairy, sports, Tire and Rubber Suprock & rol l , a u to & ply - She lte rs and m oto rcycl es . Ca l l canopy’s also availMacKi nnon & Strella able. 33 S. Race St., at 724-946-8617 Greenville, PA 16125 OAKES & MCCLELLAND CO in Gre enville is sti ll b ui l d in g qu a l ity tru sses -Talk to Reg at 1-800-222-8736 FOR SALE 20 00 custom fab 3 h ors e s l a nt l oa d weekender all aluminum, new tires, new can opy, show er, toilet, stove, sink 60/40 rear door with sliding w in d o w a s ki n g $ 16 ,50 0 . 7 2 4-9 44 8988 FOR RENT One bedroom apartment, corn er of 285 a n d Ma in Stre e t Geneva, PA $400 per month includes heat Octo b e r th rou g h Ma rch. Pho ne 8 14 382-2002 CHECK US OUT! 3642 St. Rt. 7 North Andover, OH 3 Miles North of Andover We build quality sheds for your back yard storage at an affordable price! RENT TO OWN OPTION AVAILABLE FOR SALE Rifle reloader w/table d ie s, prim e rs , b ul lets, ect., Marlin mod. 925M 22 mag., set of rub b e r w h ee l s fo r N e w Id ea m a nu re s pre ad e r, 3 p h as e 7.5 hp electric motor 2 2 0/4 4 0 vo lt, ne w. ESTATE SALE All e n Mi l le r 12 5 1 64 Fra nk lin St., Burns Rd., Fredonia, Stoneboro, PA. Sat. PA 16124. J uly 6: 8 -3 (num be rs given out a t 7:30 ) Sun. July 7: 11 -4 . Gla s s wa r e (Fenton, Flow Blue, Fostoria , Colore d, Crystal, Iron Stone), vinta ge c lothing, r a re old book s , caned chairs, music cabinet, sheet m us ic , porc e lain table and c ha irs , treadle sewing mac hine , a lum inum ware, pictures, old linens, advertising m em or abilia , old postc a rds , oil la mps , vinta ge lights, side chairs, violin, old tools, gun c as e , bra s s bed, m a ple tw in be d, pitcher/bowl, mirr or s , a ntique b o t t l e s , W e s tin ghou s e items, old cashregister, vintage Capital bingo m achine and MUCH, MUCH MORE!! FOR SALE Standardb red Buggy h ors e s, a lw a ys a g oo d se l e cti o n o f fa mil y o r bo ys typ e. Free de livery w ith in 5 0 m i le s . 2 w ee k guarantee. 814-3166637 SPRING IS HERE! C o me to Ke n ne d y L an d sca pe Su p pl y for your landscaping n ee d s . Si ng l e g rou n d , d o ub l e g ro u n d, a nd d ye d m u lch . Al s o R e d R ive r R o ck, L ucky Ston e s , and Scre e ne d To p s oi l avai lab le. 8 14-42 57903 PAGE 7 MILLER’S METAL ROOFING & SIDING Stacking semi loads of baked on enamel pa inte d me tal, 8’ to 16’ R ainbow $ 1 per li neal fe et, 8’ to 2 6’ galvalume $1.50 per lineal foot, 15 colors 8’ to 20’ painted metal $1.80 lineal feet.Also a va i l ab l e p a i nte d galvalume 40 yr. warranty $1.95 per lineal feet, G-100 40 yr. warranty $2.25 per lineal fe et, ma de to ord er hu nter g ree n, b lu e, red or gray $1.50 per LF. 1½”x19½” standing s eam $2.8 7 per li neal fee t, w e ha ve everything for a metal roof!! Stainless steel painted snowguards $ 2 e a ., C up o l a’ s , w e at h e r van e s , coilstock $65 per roll, 3 ’ x8 ’ to 1 6’ cle a r skilite $3.50 per LF. A full line of Cannonball track $2.50 per ft. and qu ick do or fra min g. Used 9x11 overhead door $100. Open 8 to 4:30 M, Tue ., Wed ., Fri . 8 to 1 Sat., ClosedThurs. & Sundays. 1 mile north of Atla ntic, PA on 9730 Laird Rd., Hartstown PA or 3780 Miller Dr. No cards accepted. FINANCING AVAILABLE Mob i l e h o me s fo r sale, owner or Realto r, p arks o r priva te l a nd : fi n a n ci n g fo r qualified buyers. Super Loan Originators a t Ro Mar Ho m es . 724-927-6341 NMLS #323651 WANTED Ma ck Tru cks 19 70 19 96. Tractors , ta nd em s, tri a xl es , su perliners, R models, DM models, U models, CH models, 724866-2 077. jmpco444@yahoo.com. MIKES HYDRAULIC SERVICE Can repair hydraulic cylinders, pallet jacks, aircylinders, log splitter cyl in de rs , Po rta p o we r pu m p s a n d rams, battery chargers. 4623 PerryHighwa y (Rt. 19) Vo lan t, PA. 724-530-7396 LUMBER L a rch , h e m l ock, pine, will cut to your specifications. 8143 8 2-5 6 70 l ea ve mess age. LAKE EDINBORO SPORTSMEN 100 GUN TICKET With $20,000 in cash p ri zes are o n s al e no w. Go to w eb for details: www.edinborosportsmen.org or call 814-734-4927. FOR SALE 1998 Chevy Corvette, co nve rti b l e, a uto matic, w hite tan top with tan interio r, low m il e s n o is s u es , C l ea n Ca r Fa x. $ 17 ,8 5 0. C al l 8 14 336-8 509. WATSON’S INC. 7130 E. STATE ST.- RT. 62 SHARON-MERCER RD., HERMITAGE, PA 16148 (724) 346-6514 or (800) 466-6515 www.watsonsinc.com OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 JULY 6, 2013 STEEL SHINGLES Stone Coated Steel Shingles Giving You The Look of Architectural Shingles With the Durability of Steel. IN STOCK MAYSV ILLE FENCE High Tensile Woven Wire Horse Cote Horse Rail Game Fence Free Estim ates 724-5882299 Customer Satisfaction is Our Goal! PORT A POTTIES Lawrence and Merce r Cou ntie s. Di sco un t fo r Ve te ra ns Firemen and Policemen. Call JW Whiting 724-699-8935 WANTED Standardbred trotting m are . Al s o p a dd l e bo at. Ca ll 814 -35 82237 between 8:309:00 am. Your Garage Door Pro 814-282-9242 724-856-6019 mcoverheaddoor.com A.R.E.truck caps, running boar ds, bug shields, rain guards, bedliner s, mud flaps, hitches, nerf steps, floor mats. www.fabins.com Erie, PA, I-90 Exit 32 1-800-957-0000 SILO’S - SMOKE STACKS DEMOLISHED 38 years experience. Don’t get hurt, let me do it for you. 814-7256459. RE READY for the fam ily picn ic with a new picnictable fro m Oa ke s & McC l e ll a n d C o . i n Greenville, PA 1-800222-8736 • Garage Doors • Openers • Springs and Repair Parts • Entrance Doors CALL MARVIN FOR YOUR GARAGE DOOR NEEDS Free Estimates - Fully Insured • PA #52610 BUY CARS AT PUBLIC AUCTION 422 Public Auto Auction. 1-800-422-8884 www.422s ales.com Lic. #AU005042 WANTED STANDING TIMBER 5 acres or more, skidd in g wi th h o rse s . Landowner satisfaction is No. 1 Priority. Dan s Sa wmil l, contact No . 72 4 -58 8 4392. AVAILABLE NOW EASTERN STATES METAL ROOFING Your Premier Metal Roofing Supplier. 716-355-4374 HAULING We have the trucks for a ll you r pro j ect n ee ds ! All typ es o f g ra ve l , to p so i l an d g oo d fi ll m ateria ls . One Call Does It All. 724-932 -5068. Raised on our Farm Sides of Beef $2.40/lb. Hogs by the ½ or whole $1.95/lb. Custom Slaughtering CUSTOM CUT THE WAY YOU WANT. DOUBLE WRAPPED FOR BEST FREEZER LIFE. WE CAN VACUUM PACK. 4908 Fisher Road, Conneautville, PA 16406 814-587-2193 TRACTOR REPAIR At the Lowest Rates in the Area. Spe c i al i z in g in e ng i n e o verh a ul s, clutches, hydraulics, or any other repairs your tractor may need. Hauling available. 20th Anniversary Sale Come Celebrate With Us! 13,695 11,395 PRICE PRICE 4WD, Z71 pkg., Ext. Cab, 4 drs., 5.3L V8 two tone, Only 41,530 miles, 4x4, 3rd row seat, extra clean. leather, AT, loaded. WE ACCEPT SNAP FOOD STAMPS VISA - MASTERCARD HOUSE FOR SALE 3 bedroom 1 bath locate d o n 2 + a cre s close to Jamestown & Pym atu ni ng lake. Newer windows and e le ctri c se rvice . Ne ed s so me w ork. $5 8,5 00 OBO. 72 49 62 -5 22 9 or 7 24 588-8410 no answer leave message. RENT 814-43 8-9446 the R ug D octo r a t WE BUY TRACTORS! Oakes & McClellad in Gre e n vi l le an d ge t HERSHBERGER 10% off the cleaning ARMY & NAVY FENCING supplies. 1-800-222STORE Qu al i ty l i ve s tock/ 8736 J.Amato & Son resi dentia l fences. 814-33 3-8299 Wi ll re move fen ce PREMIUM HORSE and clear. 10 years L o ca te d i n th e HAY e xp e rie n ce. C us - Me ad vi ll e D ow n $5/bale (delivery ex- to mer sa ti sfa cti on tow n Ma l l a cros s tra) Mas s e y H a y g u ara n te e d . 4 ½ from Dollar General. farm in Stone boro. miles east of Kins- We h a ve vi n ta g e Call 724-376-7352 m a n Oh io . Ca l l L evi ’ s, L ee ’ s a n d (leave message). John 724-588-2550 Wrangler jeans size 3 1 to 7 2 wa i s t VERY CHEAP! Also h ave Bi b ove ral l s SINCE 1993 a nd coa ts -g rea t sizes. See our large se lection of shou ld er b ag s , d u ffl e 62 HADLEY ROAD, GREENVILLE, PA b ag s an d ba ck packs. We print miliMon. & Thurs. 9-7; Tues., Wed., Fri 9-5:30; Sat. 9-1 tary d og ta gs . We 724-58 8-6443 have a large selection of 550 paracord; ma ny different co lors. Military surplus a nd col l e cti b le s . New and used:Adult a nd you th , l a te s t s tyl e s o f s tree t ca mo, shorts, fie ld 12 DODGE 11 FORD 11 CHEVY ja ckets, s we aters, AVENGER ESCAPE AVEO LT a n d EMT p a nts . SALE $ SALE $ SALE $ Combat an d jungle PRICE 12,995 PRICE 16,995 PRICE 14,695 boots . Huntin g and 4 cy l., auto., air, PL, PW, 4 WD , XLT, 6 c y l . , Ba la nc e of f a ct . wa rmilitary knives, cots, tilt, cruise, 32K, balance sunroof , Sync and more, ranty, auto., air, cruise, of f actory warranty. blue. tilt, PL, PW. s l ee p i ng b ag s , socks, gloves, caps, Open 24/7 at www.gordonsautosales.com h el me ts , b la nkets 07 CHEVY 07 FORD F150 04 FORD and more. MRE’s by SUPERCAB RANGER 1500 CREW the case of package. SALE $ SALE $ SALE $ Gas masks and filPRICE 18,995 PRICE 16,995 PRICE 10,995 ters. We alsobuymiliSupercab, 4x4, 4.0L V6, 4x4 Crew Cab, 4 doors, 4x4, 4 doors, STX pkg., tary items from indileather, LT pkg., auto. auto., air, cruise, tilt, PL, 4 doo rs, auto ., air, tilt, PW. cruise. viduals and estates. 03 FORD EXPLORER SALE $ AIR CONDITIONERS We h ave ai r co nd itioners in stock, 5,000 BTU u p to 1 8 ,00 0 BTU. Fry’s TV &Applian ce , 2 17 Ma in St., Gree nvil le , PA 7 24 588-6 270. HILLTOP PROCESSING and SMOKE HOUSE HERSHBERGER FENCING Qu al i ty l i ve s tock/ resi dentia l fences. Wi ll re move fen ce a n d cl ea r. Cu s to mer sa ti sfa cti on g u ara n te e d . 4 ½ miles east of Kinsma n Oh io. John L He rs hbe rg er 72 4588-2550 563 Kinsman Rd. Greenville, PA 16125 04 CHEVY SILVERADO K1500 SALE $ PAGE 8 10TH SHAMROCK GOLF SCRAMBLE Friday, July 26, 2013 Aval on At Buh l Go lf Course, 1030 Forker Bl vd ., Sh a ro n , PA. Sh ot-Gun Start 1:00 p m, Fou rs om e , $ 34 0 .00 , Lu n ch, & Bevera ge s ; Di n ne r after 18 holes, Raffle, C hi n e se Aucti on . Prizes & m ore . 1s t$400, 2nd-$300, 3rd$ 2 00 . Be n e fits : Michael Murphy Memo ri al Sch ol arsh ip Fund at Penn State & Michael Murphy Foundation (Helping Special Needs Children) 7 24 -3 42 -2 89 2 . Boggs/D affins 00 JEEP CHER OKEE SALE $ 6,995 PRICE 4x4, 4 dr., auto., AC, PL, PW, tilt, cruise. FOR SALE 2 registered Morgan mares, broke to ride, greenbroke to drive, 1 b l ack, 1 che s tnu t, sharp, $2500 a piece. 724-588 -2299. SELL, MOVE AND INSTALL HOMES W e don’t just s ell home s , w e move a nd ins ta ll pur cha sed else wher e. W e insta ll w her e others fear to tread. Know how , e quipment, licensed and insured to haul and install in Ohio andPA. RoMar Homes, 888255-8 191. LOG TRUCK WANTED I am l oo ki ng for a Tria xle Lo g Truck in excellent condition. A truck that needs little to no work. Inspected in PAis a plus. I could also use a good tande m axle truck wi th loader. Please let me know what you have fo r s a le . 81 4 -75 6 3250 Dale. FOR SALE C a pe C od , 3 06 6 6 Stan ford Rd ., Ca mbridge Springs, PA. 5 BR, 3 BA, o a k ki tch en , o ak trim, 3 acres, full basement, 2 car g ara ge , fron t p o rch , l a rge d eck, appliances included, approx. 2800 Sq. ft. 2 s he d s , Pe nn cres t School District. 814398-2 799. FOR SALE 2010 Travel lite short b ed tru ck ca m pe r, self contai ned, electri c j ack, ma n y op tio n s , l i ke n ew, $ 12 ,00 0 . 8 1 4-7 20 3 50 5 or 8 14 -7 20 5174 GOATS Min i Al pine bucks & d oe s . $ 1 0 0-$ 1 50 . Can be registered out of p roven milk l ines o n b o th s i de s . Ma pl ewo od H ill top goats. 814-333-8255 FOR SALE Ag ri -fab m od e l 5 0 1 8 8 5 a/5 0 2 4 9 2 a leaf sucker and wood chi p p er for p ul l around for a garden tracto r gre at s ha pe $875. 724-372-5595 TIRE SALE 175 65 14 $39.99 BFG Slalom 195 70 14 $55.00 Michelin ST205 75 14 $79.99 Radial Trailer 235 75 15 $69.99 All Season ST225 75 15 $84.00 8 Ply Radial Trailer LT235 80 16 $129.99 10 Ply Continental 235 70 16 $99.99 Starfire USA LT265 70 17 $115.00 10 Ply Continental 275 60 20 $149.99 Goodyear Wrangler SRA 245 70 17 $99.99 Continental CASH & DEBIT INSTALL EXTRA CHECKS +3% CREDIT +3% Limited Offer CIANCI TIRE Greenville, PA Across from Walmart ciancitire.com 724-588-6096 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 JULY 6, 2013 PAGE 9 #1 in Value #1 in Volume #1 in Satisfaction 10 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED 4x4 JUST 5 MINUTES SOUTH OF I-90 ON ROUTE 8 11 HONDA PILOT EX AWD 13 VOLVO C30 PREMIUM Only 500 miles! 24,995 24,995 24,995 02 MERCURY SABLE .......................... 04 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN ........... 05 HYUNDAI ELAN TRA ...................... 08 CHEVY IMPALA LT ..................... 05 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER 4x4 ......... 05 GMC SIERRA 4x4 ................... 06 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4x4 ......................... 06 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER 4x4 ......... 09 SUZUKI SX4 CROSSOVER AWD ...... 06 LINCOLN LS, only 55K miles ..... 09 TOYOTA CAMRY SE ................. 10 KIA SEDONA VAN ............. $2,995 $3,995 $5,995 $7,995 $8,995 $9,995 $9,995 $9,995 $10,995 $11,995 $11,995 $11,995 10 NISSAN MAXIMA SV 3.5 Moonroof, leather 08 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 2x4 ........... 11 NISSAN SENTRA ...................... 11 MAZDA 6 SPORT ........................ 12 MAZDA 2 TOUR ING .................... 08 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN ................... 11 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA ......................... 12 TOYOTA YARIS great mpg .................. 10 JEEP PATRIOT 4x4 ............... 10 FORD ESCAPE XLT 4x4 ....................... 10 CHEVY MALIBU LT ................. 11 FORD FUSION SE ................. 11 CHEVY CRUZE LT ................... 06 Dodge Ram Quad Cab 4x4 $13,995 $13,995 Joe’s Buy $13,995 Power $ 8,995 $13,995 $14,995 03 Chevy Suburban 4x4 $14,995 Joe’s Power Buy $14,995 $ $15,995 3,995 04 Chevy Cavalier $15,995 Only 32K miles $15,995 Joe’sBuy Power $15,995 $ $15,995 4,995 22,995 O N TH WE B $15,995 $15,995 $15,995 $15,995 $15,995 $17,995 $17,995 $18,995 $18,995 $19,995 $19,995 $19,995 16,995 26,995 12 SCION TC .................................. 08 HUMMER H3 4x4 ........................ 12 KIA SORRENTO V6 AWD ...................... 12 CHRYSLER TOWN/ COUNTRY TOUR ......... 10 NISSAN MURANO SL AWD, leather ......... 12 NISSAN MAX IMA ..................... 09 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB HEMI 4x4 .. 10 CHEVY SILVERADO EXT. CAB Z71 4x4 ....... 12 CHEVY EQUINOX LT AWD, 14K miles ..... 11 GMC SIERRA 4x4 CREW ................... 12 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT AWD ...................... 13 CHEVY SILVERADO EXT. CAB Z71 4x4 ....... $19,995 $21,995 $21,995 $22,995 $23,995 $23,995 $24,995 $24,995 $24,995 $25,995 $27,995 $31,495 10 BMW X3 AWD Leather, Panoramic roof! 28,995 $ $ OP EN 2 4/7 $ 12 DODGE AVENGER SE .......... 12 MAZDA 6 I SP .......................... 12 CHEVY IMPALA #J8570A ...................... 12 CHEVY MALIBU LT ................. 12 TOYOTA COROLLA Econo mical ................ 11 TOYOTA CAMRY LE ................. 12 CHEVY MALIBU LTZ ................ 09 HONDA CRV EX AWD ..................... 12 FORD ESCAPE 4x4 ............... 11 SUZUKI EQUATOR EXT. CAB 4x4 ............. 12 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SXT ............ 12 HYUNDAI SANTA FE GLS ........... 06 TOYOTA TACOMA TRD 4x4 CREW 12 NISSAN TITAN SV CREW 4x4 $ 28,995 $ $ $ 11 CHEVY 1500 Z71 CREW 4x4 $ 10320 Wattsburg Rd., Erie, PA 16509 814-825-4747 E autoexpress superstore.com AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . TREE PROBLEMS? We can help. Specializing in trimming, rem oval s a nd stum p grinding. Nicols Tree Servi ce h as b ee n b ui lt o n s afety an d expe rie nce. Pl ea se call today, we would like to add you to our list of satisfied custom e rs. 8 14 -7 20 2666. FOR SALE 1 9 94 H a rl e y D a vi d s on Softtai l , 17,000 miles, $9000 obo. 814-720-8060 BOAT REPAIR Certified mecha nic doing boat & motor rep a ir on Mercury Johnson Evinrude & Yamaha Outboards & Mercruiser I/O’s in the Conne aut Lake area.Call Dave 724456-1527 CHECK OUT the ne w farm , o utdoo r & home decor catalogs at Oakes & McC l e ll a n d in Gre e n vi l l e. Ove r 70 ,0 00 ite ms avai lable to order. 1-800222-8736 WANTED STANDING TIMBER goo d saw timber or lo w grad e bl ocki ng ti mber con ven tion al logging or on site milling. 814-694-6446 LIBERTY STREET ANTIQUES 12 39 Li berty Stree t, Frankl in, PA. Pho ne 8 1 4-4 3 7-6 5 5 0. A m ul ti -ve nd or co -o p with antiques and collectibles. Bring in this a d fo r a 10 % di s cou n t. L IKE u s o n Faceb ook. HAY FOR SALE OLD FARM 1st cutting 4x4 round EQUIPMENT bale s of h ay, $6 0 in FOR SALE Edi n b oro , U -h au l H orse d ra w n grai n 8 1 4-6 0 2-5 5 4 5 o r drill,hand crankgrain 814-69 4-3386 cle aner, han d crank corn sh el l er, me ta l LARGE SELECTION wagon wheels, gravof tires/tubes forcars, i ty w a go n , wo o de n trucks, lawnmowers, wag on w heel s, 5 00 tractors, skid steers, g al g al va n ized tub . fork lifts in stock. Ma- Make offer. 724-992jor brands avail able 2443 between 3pm & (Goodyear, Firestone, 9pm. Mich e li n , U n iro yal , 2004 MINI C o nti n en ta l, e tc.) COOPER S m an y oth e rs a ls o Adult ow ned & a va il ab le in cl ud in g p ri va te l ab e l ti res . dr ive n, r e d, w hite r oof with fa c tor y Plus we sti ll service what we sell and re- gra phics , 6 s pee d pair competitiors tires m anua l tr ans m is a ls o . Fo u r w h ee l s ion, 1 7 ” w he els , alignments available. new tires, PA inspec40 yea rs o f expe ri - tion, 2 3 ,37 9 mi. ence. Stop in or call $ 14 ,00 0 . 8 1 4-7 74 today Greenville Tire 0467 & Rubber Supply FOR SALE 724-588 -3336. 1991 Dodge Dakota, reg u l ar cab , tw o TWO ADS RayCopeland Stump whe el drive, 8’ b ed, 72,000 miles, strong Gri n di n g: 3 1 ye ars experien ce, full y i n- 5.2 V8 motor, body is i n g o o d co nd i tio n , sured, no job too big or small, no waiting. needs tra nsmission For Sal e : Po rte r a n d b rake w ork, Ca ble bi scui t cutter $750. 724-866-5164 wi th b is cu its $1 50 . 2 ITEMS Call 814-587-2913 ‘67 Ford Galaxie 500. 39 0, AT, PS, 2 do or FOR SALE 1971 17 foot tandem hardtop, $12,500. 68 a xl e fa n ca m p er. C he vy 4 x4 p arts o r Sleeps 6, bath, stove, p ro j ect tru ck. Extra fri dge, hea ter, level- p arts $ 1 2 00 . Bo th ing hitch. Pulls nice obo. These must go!! $ 1 80 0 . 7 2 4 -58 8 - Phone 814-282-3145 3 83 3 or 7 24 -8 13 - or text for pics. 1981 FOR SALE 20 06 p ontoon boa t, FOR SALE 2 0h p Me rc m o tor, Qua rter h orse m are trailer, ex cond, many 1 2 ye ars ol d an d extras , $95 00 . Ou tpaint gelding 7 years d oo r m e at sm o ke r old. Trail ridden. Tack com p e ti ti on s tyl e included. Would like $4000 . 2008 H onda to sell together. Also Goldwing 1800 trike, for sale fuel oil tank. 1600 miles, $29,500. 814-96 7-3324 814-43 7-3377 FOR SALE 4 Tra il Mark A/P 30x9.50 15 4/32 tread $150. 4 BF Goodrich All Terrain T/A285x75 16 8 /32 10 /32 tread $ 70 0 w i th o r $ 50 0 wi tho ut 6 l ug pacer rim s 4 D u nl o p 2 4 5x7 5 1 6 1 0/3 2 tread $350. 724-3723385 FOR SALE N is s an Pa th fin d er, 1992, high mil eage, just ran out of inspection. I bought it as a w i nte r ve h icl e a n d just don’t want to inspect it cause I’m driving my truck has 4x4 and is an automatic, $1200 obo. 814-7202680 RV STUFF Coleman gas grill w/ fol ding whee ls, red, l i ke n ew, $ 10 0 . R ee s e Pro Se rie s 15,000 lb. 5th wheel slide hitch $375. Trip o d a d ju s tab l e ti n stand $75. 814-7209116 FOR SALE 1984 ChevySilverado 4x4 , bla ck frame off restoration, new moto r, n ew tra n s mi s sion, all new interior, asking $16,000. 814336-1641 IRISH SETTER PUPS Available now, males & fe m a le s , ve t ch ecke d, 1 st shots, g re a t p u p s, $ 30 0 . 724-94 4-8648 FOR RENT Ja me s tow n are a mobile home for rent, includes w ater, septi c a n d g a rba g e pickup. Call 412-8601997 for info. FOR SALE 30 ’ Sunn yb roo k 5 th w he e l cam p e r, 13 ’ sl ide out, sle eps 8, $14,000 obo. Also 20” disk blades with little wear $10 each. 330638-8734 FOR SALE 4 yr. old gelding striki ng Sab h ra R o ya l Bal a d s h a rp b oys horse sound 4 yr. old g el d i ng b la ck w /2 wh ites go od road er TSS 1 8 H’s te am of b el gi an g el di ng s 5 an d 6 yrs. ol d sa fe w el l broke te am . 2 Western saddles $75 o ld er fi ne s h ow in g harness good condition. Make offer home e ve n i ng s 86 9 7 Ad am s vil l e Rd. Hartstown PA 16131 MANY ITEMS FOR SALE Quarter pony broke to ri de . pe t go at. Li ke new English saddle. Li ke n ew b areb ack p ad w /g i rth . Ja ck Paluh art prints. Free kittens and cats. 814392-0624 COCHRANTON BUSINESS Looking for part time contrac tors . Truck and auto mechanic, cabinet maker, building tra des , fac ility a nd w ar e hous e m ainte nanc e . Call 814-42 5-1136 FOR SALE 2 00 6 Ch rysl e r Sebring To uring, 2.7 V6 , A/C re mo te s ta rter, ne w re a r b ra ke s, a lu m i nu m wh ee ls , AM/FM/CD , nice shape, priced to sell $3500 obo. 814724-5602 HUGE SALE Sa tu rda y Jul y 6 , 90 R a ce Stre e t Me ad vi ll e , PA (BEHIND BUILDING) 7-4. An ti q u es , co l lectibles, household & farm machinery including: Massey 65 & All i s C ha l m ers C A tracto rs , 2 b o tto m plow, woods wagon, C u b C a de t m ow e r (n ee ds wo rk), ba ck blade, 1968 Yamaha 25 0 End uro pro je ct bi ke, 1 979 Ca ma ro p ro je ct ca r, Bu ffal o h ea d ta xi de rm y & skull, Nishiki 10 spd, o ld d re s s ers , o a k m irro r, b arn wo o d cupboards, 1910’s & 2 0 ’s PA l i cen s e p l ate s , m i lk can s , books , crafters supplies & goods, flower s h op i te m s , to ol s , o a k e a se l , wa l l shelves, floure scent ligh ts (new ), rad ios, twoman saw, crocks a nd j u gs , m od e l T ho od & h ea dl ig hts, ol d dis pla y cas e, 2 w ro u g ht i ro n ba r stoo ls, stands, buzz saw blade, Ford flathead motors, old telephones, demo derby bumpers, good tires, a n d m u ch m ore . R a in /Shi n e cre di t/ de bit acce pte d over $ 10 cph i l li p s bradley@live.com FOR SALE 2000 Chevrolet 1500 4 x2 $ 3 99 5 . 19 9 9 Dodge Dakota 4x4 5 s p d $ 2 29 5 . 19 9 7 Ford ext cab F250 4x4 $ 2 49 5 . 20 0 2 Ch evrole t 150 0 4 x4 ext cab $4500. 2001 Chevy1500 4x4 short $ 39 9 5 . McIn tyre s 724-81 5-5218 FOR SALE Kenm ore dis hw as he r, e le c tric range w/ceramic top & m ic row a ve . Mayta g s ide /s ide fr idge fr e e ze r, a ll 30”, allblack, 4 years old, $1 0 0 0. Four P2 15 60 R16 M& S, tire s on 1 6” a lloy wheels fits most 5 bolt patter ns . 81 4337-5179 YARD SALE 07/12/13 (8AM-3PM), 0 7/1 3 (8 AM-1 2 PM) Ma ny h ou s e ho l d i tem s in cl u di n g kitche n wa re , p res sure cooker, canning jars, baby items, curtains, bedding, some an tiq ues and mu ch m o re . 12 8 L yo n s Sch o o l R o ad , Adamsville, PA16110 Watch for sign s. No early sales. NEW PART TIME BUSINESS L a mi n a te d 5 ’x8 ’ sheeting, inside use, ceilings, walls, floors and more. $7.50 plus tax. Monday Tuesday Wed ne sd a y 10 am 6p m. 5 87 0 Mo rrel lRay Mecca Twp. 330637-9947 FOR RENT 3 bd rm h o u s e, 1 story, n ewl y remo deled w/appliances & washer & dryer, stora ge s he d , w a ter, se wa ge & g arba ge included. Security depo sit & b ackgrou nd check. 814-827-0679 FOR SALE Toyo ta fork lift, s olid ti re , 2 900 # lift, propane $2200. Call after 5:00 o r weekend 724-37 2-0165 THE YELLOW DOOR MUSIC STORE 2 0 47 6 Alde n St. Mea dville , PA 8 14724-1427. New and use d guitar s , PA system s and miscellaneous musical accessories. Come c he c k us out. Hour s : Tue sda y thru Satur da y, 10am to 5pm. AKC LAB PUPPIES Bla ck a n d ye l lo w, fi el d ch a m pi o n b l oo d l in e s . U TD s h ots , w o rm in g , d ew cl aw s , ve t checked, raised with chi l d re n . Excep tional hunting and/or family pet. Ready 7/ 19. 814-398-8719 PYMATUNING LAKE HOUSE Firs t s u b di vi si o n s ou th o f cau se wa y Pennsylvania side all new inside , kitchen, bath, tile, carpet, oak trim throughout, only fou r ho u s es fro m Lake,stick built1989, $ 99 ,50 0 . 8 1 4-3 92 2714 LAND AND HOUSE FOR SALE 62 acres w/gas & oil rights timber & tillable fields 3 bdrm ranch 2 bath oak kitchen 4 car ga ra ge l arge w orks h op . Cra w fo rd C o un ty 8 1 4 -76 3 2080 FOR SALE C ou ch & l ove s ea t, d ark gre e n p l ai d , $ 15 0 . Sn a re d ru m $50. 1 end table, $25. WII g am e w/1 8 g am e s $ 10 0 . 7 24 406-0230 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 JULY 6, 2013 HOSTETLER CONSTRUCTION 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE • Commercial Buildings • Garages • Horse Barns • Farm Buildings • Residential • Churches • Post Frame Buildings FLE XI BLE T O FI T YOUR DE S I RE S Be tte r Bu ild in g s a re b y... Borkh older SELL YOUR CAR FAST AND EASY 422 Public Auto Auction. 1-800-422-8884 www.422s ales.com Lic. #AU005042 SAWDUST AND FIREWOOD DELIVERED Sawdust $160 - 13 cu. yd.dump truck load delivered.Hardwood Firewood:Blockwood $250 for dump truck load. Approx. 2 full cord load. (814) 450-8491 MOBILE HOMES Financing for owners or realtors, parks or private land:for qualified buyer s. Super Loan Originators at Romar Homes. 7249 27 -6 3 41 . NMLS #323651. 10 FAMILIES ROADS SALE Fri da y & Sa tu rd a y Jul y 5 & 6 , 8 am to 4pm . Carp enter Rd. o ff L i n e s vi l l e Conn eautvi lle Rd . & 1 9 8/C o l e R d . PA. Freezer, go lf ca rt, 2 d e s ks, ti re s , to ys , wolves collectibles, 2 kitche n ta bl e s e ts , do g ho use , ca no py bed, Coca Col a mach in e, s tro ll ers, recli n e r/cou ch , Bi lco NEW PART TIME d o o rs , l a m p s, a n BUSINESS b u l l eti n L a mi n a te d 5 ’x8 ’ ti qu e s , sheeting insid e use board , much m ore. cei l i ng s , w a l ls , flo o rs, a nd m ore . HOWICK’S $7.50 plus tax. MonAUTO BODY d ay, Tu e s da y, Auto, truck, body & We dn esd ay. 1 0a m- fr ame rus t r epair. 6p m. 5 87 0 Mo rrel l- Collisionrepair. We RayMercer Twp. 330- buy salvage cars & 637-9947 tr uc k s . W a lte r Howick . 81 4-38 2WANTED-GLASS 2 71 3 Connea ut INSULATORS fro m ra i lroa d , te le - Lake, PA phone, and telegraph FOR SALE lin es. Cash paid by Farmall M, runs good, col le cto r. 72 4 -4 22 - tires fair,needs a bat9490 leave message. tery. 440-813-5592. CUSTOM LAMINATE co un te rto p s a re m ad e to o rd e r a t Oakes & McClelland Co. in Greenville, PA 1-800-2 22-8736 MANY 1 AND 2 STORY CHALET DESIGNS RAIN OR SHINE - UNDER COVER AT 11061 WILLEY RD., TITUSVILLE, PA JULY 13 & 14, 9 AM TO ? NO EARLY SALES JD Model 790 tractor,approx. 10 yrs. old, low hrs., 30 hp diesel, 4WD w/front end loader and c hains. Tools, tool che sts, woodwork ing, m echanic , ma chinis t, grinders, vises, hand tools too numerous to lis t. Gun ca binets, r e loading equip. and shells, antiques, wheelchair circa 1900, woodenhigh c hair/stroller, many pieces antique glassware, household items. Call: 814-425-7965 - Pete Wagler #PA040598 PAGE 10 ESTATE SALE FABIN’S TRAILER SALES Featherlite Valley Cam Aluma Continental Cargo Erie I-90 Rt. 430 Exit 32 814-899-6636 www.fabins.com CASH FOR CARS Trucks, Va ns, SUV’s & ATV’s. Any year, any co ndi tio n. 724 -33 30320. DELAGRANGE STOVE ‘N’ COAL Hitzer stoves at low p rice s ! An th ra ci te coa l ba g g ed b ul k $2 50 for 5 0 ba gs , size stove nut-n-rice a ls o by the s ki d . 1 75 8 4 Ti g he R d., Linesville, PA16424. FOR SALE 1975 Ford 9600 tractor in good condition; $8500 obo. Also for sa le Woods m odel 121 -2 brush hog in good c ondition; $3200 obo. Call Dave at 814-392-8155 MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE 540 State Route 168 N e w Ga li l e e , PA 16141. 3 miles north of New Gal ile e Fi re H al l 4 mi le s so uth from Rte 8. July 5th, 6 th & 7 th , 9 a m to 5 pm . Po w e r to ol s , h an d to o l s, l aw n mowers,pull type gas roto til l e r, o ld s em i tire s , g a s g ril l , slabwood;rotophase converter; golf clubs; to ol b o xe s ; collectables Toro utili ty ve hi cl e ; p a ll e t j acks , fi xtu re tab le , h a rd w a re i tem s , s ho p va cs , kni ves , toys , o ld s no w mo biles, bicycles welders & acce ss orie s; m i sc h ou s e ho l d items. Spawn Series Figurines. FOR SALE 3 year old crossbred gelding, nice and big, green broke, sorrel & wh ite pa int, $1 50 0. C al l 81 4-3 58 -2 23 7 b etwe e n 8 :3 0-9 :0 0 a.m. WARNER’S Reg. # PA001873 HOMES and IMPROVEMENTS “The Area’s Largest Custom Modular Home Builder” 407 S. Erie Street • Route 19 South • Mercer, PA 724-662-4600 • 1-888-412-9209 www.warnerconstruction.com Mon.-Fri. 9-5, Saturday 10-3 & Evenings by Appt. FOR SALE 2 00 4 N is s an Ti ta n crew cab 4x4 truck, he avy du ty with tow package, fully loaded, leather, C D charger, au to matic, ton ne au cove r, a l mo s t n e w tire, etc. Nice conditio n , $ 9 5 00 . 20 0 1 GMC 3500 Savannah van, 15 pass., good for chu rch va n o r Amish hauling, ready to ro l l, $ 57 9 5 . N o Sunday calls please. 724-81 3-8942 AI AWESOME AMISH TAXI SERVICE N e ar Pym a tu ni n g Lake area, 2010 dep en d a bl e To yo ta , only63 cents permile g o in g wi th m i l li o n mi les glo bal warmi ng exp eri en ce! AfTRUCK BEDS fordable trips to work, Al umi num or ste el a uctio n , sh o pp i ng , tra i l ers , s to ck, fis hing/hunti ng trips dump, flat. 724-699- etc. C all Keith an y8935 time 814-547-9792 AC 2ND HAND STORE Lots offurniture at disco un t pri ce s, to ol s, a pp li a nces , g la ss w are , l i n en s , n e w items weekly. We buy estates. 40 Kitch Rd. Greenville , PA. 72 4588-3 344. EXCAVATIONCARPENTRYCONCRETE Free Esti m a te s . Ponds, land clearing, fou nd a ti on s , d ri ve wa ys , d ecks, ro ofs, a dd i tio n s , s h ed s , barns and garag es. One Call Does It All. 724-932 -5068. GUARANTEED HIGHEST PRICE PAID MAXX FORESTRY SERVICE Free Timber Evaluation 30 years experience 724-813-4538 - DAN NOW OPEN AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS WIN $100 A DAY THRU JULY!! AUTO EXPRESS SUPERSTORE ON PEACH ST. CALL 814-464-0220 • VISIT 9070 PEACH STREET WEB: autoexpresspeach.com 2013 HYUNDAI VELOSTER 2011 SUBARU WRX Turbo Must See! Low miles, Turbo, AWD. Rare! 24,995 or $ 319/mo. $ 2013 KIA OPTIMA LX Like new, 3D Bluetooth, alloy wheels 18,995 or $ 239/mo. $ 2013 FORD ESCAPE 4x4 SEL EcoBoost, leather, frosted glass 25,995 or $ 335/mo. $ 22,995 or $ 295/mo. $ 2012 FORD MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE Grabber Blue, Only 18,000 miles 21,995 or $ 279/mo. $ 1998 FORD TAURUS. .......................................................... $995 2012 TOYOTA COROLLA LE ................. $14,995 or $215/mo. 2005 HYUNDAI SONATA .................................................. $1,495 2012 MAZDA 6 TOURING alloy whls, bluetooth $14,995 or $215/mo. 2006 CHEVY COBALT automatic. ....................................... $3,995 2012 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5S. ................... $15,495 or $219/mo. 2005 FORD ESCAPE 4x4 sunroof ....................................... $5,995 2011 DODGE GR CARAVAN MAIN STREET. . $15,995 or $229/mo. 2011 NISSAN SENTRA 2.0S ................... $12,995 or $185/mo. 2012 HYUNDAI SONATA GLS. ............... $15,995 or $229/mo. 2010 HONDA CIVIC LX Low miles ........... $13,995 or $199/mo. 2011 CHEVY CRUZE LT leather, only 14,000 mi $16,995 or $246/mo. 2010 TOYOTA COROLLA “S” Sport pkg. $13,995 or $199/mo. 2012 TOYOTA CAMRY LE Stk #AW025 ... $17,995 or $259/mo. 2012 MAZDA 3 TOURING ....................... $13,995 or $199/mo. 2010 SUBARU LEGACY sunroof, htd seats . $17,995 or $259/mo. 2011 MAZDA “6” . ................................... $14,595 or $209/mo. 2011 FORD ESCAPE 4x4 XLT loaded, only 20,000mi ... $18,995 or $277/mo 2012 NISSAN SENTRA, low miles ........... $14,995 or $215/mo. 2013 VW BEETLE alloy whls, new body style .. $18,995 or $277/mo. 2011 CHEVY MALIBU LT SHARP! .......... $14,995 or $215/mo. 2011 TOYOTA RAV 4 4x4 ........................ $18,995 or $277/mo. 2010 SUZUKI GR VITARA 4x4, only 10,000 mi . $14,995 or $215/mo. 2012 DODGE GR CARAVAN 2 to choose from. $18,995 or $277/mo. 2012 CHRYSLER 200 TOURING . ........... $14,995 or $215/mo. 2010 VOLKSWAGEN TIGUAN AWD low mi$18,995 or $277/mo. 2010 HONDA ACCORD LX, only 26,000 mi $14,995 or $215/mo. 2012 HYUNDAI SANTA FE AWD ............. $19,995 or $289/mo. 2012 FORD FUSION SE Stk. #AW027 ..... $14,995 or $215/mo. 2012 HYUNDAI TUCSON AWD bluetooth, htd seats$21,995 or $279/mo. 2008 BMW X-3 4x4 Leather, moonroof, Nav., low miles! 19,995 or $ 289/mo. $ 2011 CHEV SILVERADO 1500 EX CAB stk. #AW060 $21,995 or $279/mo. 2010 INFINITI G37X AWD Leather, moonroof $22,495 or $288/mo. 2010 NISSAN MAXIMA SL Nav, m.roof, leather ... $22,995 or $295/mo. 2010 LEXUS IS250 AWD Nav., leather, m.roof$23,995 or $308/mo. 2013 DODGE JOURNEY SXT AWD 3rd row seating$23,495 or $299/mo. 2012 CHEVY EQUINOX AWD LTZ . ......... $23,995 or $308/mo. 2011 CHEVY 1500 Z-71 Shortbed 4x4, only 2000 mi $24,995 or $319/mo. 2010 ACURA T.L Loaded! ........................ $24,995 or $319/mo. 2011 TOYOTA TUNDRA DOUBLE CAB 4x4 only 20,000 miles ................................. $27,995 or $359/mo. 2011 FORD F150 CREW CAB 4x4 . .......... $27,995 or $359/mo. 2013 CHEVY SILVERADO CREW CAB 4x4. .. $28,995 or $375/mo. 2011 HONDA PILOT EX-L Leather, mroof, low mi$28,995 or $375/mo. 2013 FORD EXPLORER XLT Loaded ....... $28,995 or $375/mo. 2012 CHEV CORVETTE,6 spd,, only 2000 mi. $37,995 or $495/mo. 9070 Peach Street, Waterford, PA 16441 autoexpressssuperstore.com 814-464-0220 AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS WIN $100 A DAY THRU JULY!! AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 JULY 6, 2013 PAGE 11 FOR SALE Fe ed er pi gs , ha mp duroccross, straw for sale at harvest time. Ph. 724-372-0062 FOR SALE Pi t b ul l p upp ie s for sale, $325. 724-3725707 FOR SALE NH 316 baler w/#70 kicke r. N I 4 b as ke t ted d e r. 7 24 -5 88 8391 Greenville, PA KITCHEN CABINETS So li d ha rd wo o d fron ts with plywo od s i de s . N o pa rticl e b oa rd ! Over 1 00 0 cabinets in stock, all a t g rea t pri ces . Check us out before you buy. We can save you money! VCM Salva ge Prod ucts 72 4376-4093 FLAT ROOF SPECIALISTS RV’s,motor homes, tr aile rs, ca mper s. Sche dule your motorhome for roof restoration in January or February, indoor fac ility. 7 24 301-8470 I’VE GOT A BRIGHT IDEA! ADVERTISE IN THE AREA SHOPPER!! OHIOAREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 JULY 6, 2013 PAGE 12